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Welcome to Sri lanka! Srii Lankan hospitality is simply one of a kind eew! hello guys good morning from hunas gyria  and right now we are here in hunas falls   so right now we are here in Kandy the highlands of  Kandy one of our favorite spots here in sri lanka   and right now we're going to explore this  beautiful area starting with this waterfalls we're so lucky because there's no one here it's as  if they rented the entire place the only thing is   though it's raining um and there's some leeches  so better be careful with that look at martin martin he's busy living his life but this is what the waterfalls look like  it's so beautiful and majestic actually   i like that it's raining it gives that extra  vibe to it right the entrance fee for hunas  waterfalls is 300 rupees for foreigners  and for local citizens it's around 50   rupees martin's living his best life over there  i forgot my swimsuit i was such in a hurry martin i'm so wet now because i forgot my swimsuit  so when you go here make sure to bring your   swimsuit or swimwear but what's nice  is that we're still the only ones here   and now we are going to the  upper part of the waterfalls even if it's my third time here in  sri lanka i still get surprised by   the amount of beautiful places  that you can go to it's it's   hey so you gotta be careful where you take  your step because there are leeches here and   it's quite slippery since it's been raining uh  we came here during a monsoon season that's why okay going up so peaceful here there are no other tourists but us whoa are we in sri lanka it's  like we're in jurassic park what's nice is that the trek is really  not that bad you know and they're concrete okay we made it at the second floor i would say  of the waterfalls it wasn't a bad trek i would say   it only took us five eight minutes to get here  so it's not that bad the only thing is that   make sure when you go here is to  wear proper footwear unlike me   i wore a sandal so it's very slippery so  that's where we came from but martin be careful wow welcome to sri lanka all right guys we've stopped at this  local store and ave is buying bananas what's nice is that they grow it here it's a  local product wow look at the quality of this   i was just looking at the lady the okras look  how huge this is i haven't seen an okra this   really cool guys this is just in the middle  of a mountainside that we drove through now   there's waterfalls right on the left they have the  family tuk tuk and then their grocery store cute wow Ave is going to cut bananas okay like this yeah people our driver marcus  is instructing ava on how to cut the bananas yeah good job okay guys we bought some kessel  or bananas and in sri lanka   there's a lot of varieties of bananas and this  one is the sweet one all right let's try it out wow it's sweet sweet banana sweet as you well oh it's the best it's really good good you feel  the difference yeah yeah oh let's bring all of   them it's called sini kessel means sugar banana now  this is the process you know when you buy banana   they go by now see matrix system  they are into metric system i'm just looking at the eggplant here it's very  organic you see yeah it doesn't look like it has   beautiful insides i i noticed really good  if only i have a kitchen i can cook yeah hello you guys we have been invited in this  local sri lankan house and learned how to   make a lacquer jewelry box from scratch  i also heard that this type of process   has been passed from one generation to  another so it's a family thing everyone   helps each other they have their  own um things to do so let's go so that's how they make the color wow everything's from scratch here they invited us for tea oh here in  sri lanka drinking tea is very big   oh what's this i i know this coconut  right Sri Lankan hospitality is simply one of a kind   we just met them and now they invited us  over for a cup of tea and sri lankan local snacks you want to sit with me amazing thank you cheers that's hot i like it natural like that we've  tried this before it was really tasty it's   called undue well and it's made  out of rice flour glazed with honey that looks really good wow it's sweet i really like this local experience you know  hello we are back in our hotel room just finished   swimming took some really nice photos  had a late lunch today uh jet wing Kandy   here in our hotel and i don't think i've already  shown you a glimpse of what our room looks like   i think we have a junior suite so right over  here is a living room it's a nice space to   just chill relax and watch some Marve vlogs no  shame about that and this is our walk-in closet   as you can see all of our stuff are everywhere  it's a mess you guys i've been living in this   suitcase for 10 months now and i'm so sorry by  the way we got some stuff from the local house   we always make sure to buy some local products  whenever we go to different countries so that   by the time we have our house we'll have you  know unique pieces from all around the world   and right over here is our king-sized  bed martin's working area thank you dinner time it looks good thank you this is  my when i want to make an impression shirt you will for sure you will i kinda blend in noh?  yeah you're like one with nature sri lankan beer   lion and you become a lion  as well after drinking it you know lion beer is pretty good it's just that   i can't have too many or else i won't  remember what i did the next day and then if you mix it with arrak you become a marvel superhero so we're having  a set menu for tonight for the first course chili shrimp yes wish when we started dating that it could  be as easy as now yeah because now i know it   is yeah i was so shy you know in sri lanka the  first time you were shy to me a little bit it's   natural in every beginning if you're looking for  a sign go to sri lanka you might find true love   standing like a kind of a social uh friendship  so he recommended as tourist board sri lanka good morning i ordered in-room  breakfast i'm just gonna relax   so the entire day today i didn't join the  trip today because i wasn't feeling well guys i'm out and this is what the  swimming pool here in jet wing Kandy looks like   so beautiful and peaceful i'm the only one here   surprisingly so that's really nice i  get to enjoy this pool all to myself so it started raining i'm still gonna swim so um i have the chicken leg lunch is sir  seafood soup salad wow i also requested for   ice because the water is not  cold and some fresh bread so good i love the spiciness of the seafood  soup it's a little bit similar to cine gown but it needs more sourness um foreign foreign um and then salad green salad  okay guys we have been invited   and today we're going to try their tradition they gave us some plates actually it's banana  leaves they use candle leaves as a plate yes that's more you can keep on top thank you very much  please keep here yeah how about the pork curry   the pork is very tasty let's find the bible huh um it's time to go guys the  rain is intense look at that maybe take off your shoes over there jesus christ wow that's your way home you know imagine that he  has to cross that river every time he's going home   wow i'm impressed by this man so this is crazy the day was crazy we traveled for  eight hours we had lunch at 5 30 p.m   it rained on us across the small river wow grab it

2021-11-23 22:40

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