Lakeside Construction Tour 5-14-19

Lakeside Construction Tour 5-14-19

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Hi. I'm bob myers director communication. And we're gonna take another tour today and with me is sarah johnson principal, of lakeside elementary, sarah's, in charge of the building project behind us brand, new elementary, and i'm gonna have her talk about what. They're doing so. We're currently standing in front of what will be the students entrance, to the school when they arrive on buses every day next, year lakeside will be welcoming almost 800 students grades two through five, to our new elementary, school should. We go through yeah i'll take a ruler let's go. Okay. So we're currently entering, off the bus lane to, the right over here is the gym and this. Part, of the building right here is our kids club entrance, we, spent quite a bit of time working with our kids club staff to make sure that we had a secure entrance that. Allowed our parents and students to drop off to a specific, part of the building. So. You'll notice here in the kids club entrance they have a separate, entrance into, the club, room. There's. Also a window for staff to be able to monitor parents. Coming and going and then they'll on this other side of the window will be locked doors so. Parents can enter for the building drop their kids off and yeah we just will keep the rest of the building secure just one of the great security enhancements, that are going on in the building great, and, as we look now down the hallway, so. When you into the hallway the. Main hallway on the right actually, goes out to the recess area this, is the gym on our right-hand side, the cafeteria, is where those boxes, are and. You'll notice it's a two-story vaulted cafeteria. Yeah, they've, done a great job with some acoustical, pieces to make it work for our about, 200 and some students that have lunch in there on a rotating basis let's, take a peek. So. This this, is a 2-quart Jim there. Is a dividing, wall between the two gyms that we will be able to use because we will be offering two fired classes, today. And this will have a synthetic floor, yep. Area. Down deep there it's for a portable stage system, okay, so still be able to do some plays, and musicals and things like that community, add also would. Want to have access to that as well yeah, and, then the other area darn in the right, left side there that is a Jim office okay so. The students actually would enter from over here yep. So. The. Dividing wall is, this open space right here okay. And. So, we will have the ability to have, a dividing, wall that. Then goes across the. Gym to, be able to divide on up into two separate spaces so, you're expecting to gym classes in the morning yes okay but then there's a lot of other things there's adaptive Fayyad that happens during the day we, also at our current building haven't had any options for indoor recess that happens to us a lot right so, this would be a great option for us to able to get that large motor option, for our kids during indoor recess and I know at Lakeside, you had seating.

Yeah, Will they be seating in here there is no seating, there's no stadium seating in this facility but, there are two like, basketball, courts to be able to use for the youth right, and obviously Jim, and Fayed will happen in here everything. From our badminton to our volleyball units. And. How do you see the stage area. Working. With our meat, staff about. Like what would maybe made some options that they were looking at the. Idea, behind the stages that'll be a portable module system, so there. Are times that it could be set up yes other times that it would be taken down absolutely, and. Really working obviously with community out on some options of what would they like to use that space as well because, I know Iran, we talked about a possible. Stage, area the cafeteria, yep so there is no kapa Tory that's called the cafetorium that is not included. In this project all right so, one of the things that you'll notice in the building are some extra wide hallways. So. If you want to get a glimpse, down this this is where the students will go out to recess every day we. Did a site visit, but, about five different schools and one of the things that our staff was really conscientious. About was making sure that our hallways for our large traffic areas were nice and wide right we're gonna be trying to move eight hundred kids around this building on a daily basis and that was a huge. Request. There's. Lots. Of natural light in this facility. Why. Don't we go into the music. So. This is our music room. It's. A nice large facility, lots of windows. Are. What, we call specialist, classes also have an office space and, then a storage, space so for, the drums and ukuleles, and xylophones, that we use in our music music program they have a nice storage facility, for them now right nice yeah it's, a nice big space. So. This will be the cafeteria, a lot. Of windows lots, of windows there's, some acoustical, paneling that also goes in here to help damper the sound because it is a two-story voltage features rode our. Architects, are amazing. And they actually brought up quite a few features from our current building so if you look at the ceiling it, looks like it's a wood ceiling it. Helps with the acoustics so if you've been at the current lakeside you'll notice that a lot of the ceilings are wood right they've tried to bring that feature into, this building yep the. Other piece that they've been done is there's a strong Scandinavian. Architectural. Feature here so from. The top all the way down where this pole is there will be a large three, pillar feature, that you'll see in a lot of Scandinavian, designs it's also repeated, in our media center so. Is there uh is, it just standard. Tables. And chairs gift area okay yep so we will, be able to serve eight classrooms at. Once and so we have a rotating schedule figured, out it's actually a double serve line and, just, the serving so, the serving they're actually right, over there kind of underneath those two blue. Sole. For example with your second and third graders that take a little bit more time to eat you can take a glass and split them into. That line and with your fourth and fifth graders you can have one class go into each line so, make, sure you're able to maintain your continual, feed option. For how you serve lunch at school then. The other door straight ahead leads, that, leads in the dry storage. Storage. Area um this is also right here a storage area and then the dish drop obviously, is. Part. Of the wall okay all right. So. Because the building is two stories we have a elevator, that will be put in. So. This is the elevator and. Then. There would be a Lawson phone that. Goes over here. The, building is two stories so this, access, point would, go up to four three and then, I'll take you into second grade right now all right one. Thing I will point out is every grade level has like a color to it. Part. Of the design of this building was also to ensure when, our youngest students. Came in off the bus they had the shortest amount to space certainly Segel, so, it's an easy swing, by the cafeteria get, breakfast if you wanted and then come into the grade levels. They're.

Hard Okay, so, the building had specific lockdown points, all right when we were designing, the building and making sure that our safety features were obviously, as uptick olden right it could be the. Building has a couple lockdown points every single grade level have doors in, this entranceway, so look we do go into a lockdown it automatically. Locks these doors the, other feature that we chose. To use as we have bathrooms, inside the doors so. For. Example. If the student is in the restroom and we have to go into a lockdown that, student is contained, in their grade level area, good so, a boy in a girl side bathroom. She. Commutes yeah. There's not much you'll, see that the color theme has been continued, through here as well yeah so this the second grade they have like an aqua color. There's. Three, stalls per. Grade. Level okay. So roughly. About 200 kids per grade. We. On schedule, here we are okay, we are hopeful, we're. In what they call area B right now so I'll take you to area a which, is part of third grade and they're the furthest along yep, this. Area over here to the right will be where all of our lockers are, so. We will continue to the use of lockers at. Lakeside there's, also a staff bathroom, and then the room back there with the windows is actually staff storage so curriculum, storage, every. Grade level has the exact same layout, so, there is a, small, classroom, over here or a conference, room it's like a flexible space. Here. So every grade level has one of these and. Then. You'll notice that there are nine classrooms, per grades, so. We'll have a total of thirty sixth grade level classrooms, next year, they. All have similar designs, with, Windows Promethean. Boards casework. And. Then. We'll, go to the end of the hallway I'll, take you to third grade that's a little further along so you can go do more of it, at. The end of each hallway, our, Florida ceiling glass, windows.

So There's a lot of natural light they. Have doors at them to know I'm very well. There. The, other part that we're really excited about is this area and here's a flexible, learning space. So for our students to be able to have, smaller instructions. Special ed services. Just. Different groups and options for teachers to use and, then. These. Stairwells, will mainly be for emergency, exits they won't, be used during the day by students because it goes straight up to fourth grade okay. So. This is sick that's, a second-rate, birth crew to stay right on top yeah, so. I kept the second and third in the main level. Why don't we go into third grade it's the furthest along so you can just see the difference two, thirds of the classrooms, are carpet and then the other third is, like. A hard surface oh. Did. You find third grade okay. Awesome look over 2a. So. This area in here is part of our special education services. Or School Psychologists, EBD teacher autism. Services are, all on this level okay, and then, over here we. Have a computer, lab this. Is a part of our media center so. You're retaining, computer, labs so. We have one computer lab and then every grade level has two. Chromebook carts okay. And then, each classroom has ten Chromebooks so we are now entering third grade you'll notice that it's green. This. Is third so your bathrooms are here. Like. Storage, and then small, classroom, locker. Rooms yep, and then you'll get a sense for the classrooms, in here. So. Every classroom is right around 900, square feet and. You'll, notice that there's a lot of natural light in pretty much every room right the. Other feature that we loved when we were looking at some of the new schools is just the lighting feature the lights are very different than what we currently have in our building there's. A dimmable feature to help with some energy conservation and, just you know the kind of that overall tone and feeling and learning. Romanian. Board is over on the every teaching wall has, a Promethean, border than on each side is a four foot marker board. Yep. There's a an, audio enhancement, system for, teachers that I will wear around their neck and we've. Been piloting one, actually, three systems over at school right now and they teachers love them yeah, the the idea what the window is going into the resource area is just to allow teachers more of that flexible learning space so if, we're, working on some group work and four or five kids need to go out in the hallway and work on something the teachers can still keep an eye on them so. This is basically, the design for every class if it mirrors that everywhere other, just. Things that the teachers and the user groups were really just, intent on is you, will see pops of bold color through the whole building but there's real just a really sense of classic colors through it so let's. Say in 10 years we don't like this green it's not like it's a lime green by a wall right there's, just some green that we would need to paint, and. There's a lot of carpet in the building, very. Nice what. You will notice when you come into each grade level is that the carpet squares have more of that color that matches, that's assignment so there'll be more green in this area and then it fades as it, gets to the end of the hallway so. Again the idea is like in 10 years we don't like the color you pop up some carpet tiles and it's not a complete replacement. So. Currently. Right now we are entering the media center, okay. Another. Feature of this building is that your media center is the hub of your building, and it's a very dramatic two-story. Vaulted feature, you'll. Notice a similar ceiling, as in the media is in the cafeteria. So. In this space we have a small, conference, room right over here and, then. There. Is casework, around the entire. Media. Space. Included. In the design is like a media productions, room so we'll be able to do some video. And production, with our students, okay and then we have an office and a storage room for our, tech integration and our Media Center staff so, how about furnishings. In bookcases, is it you're like, lakeside, hold or nope, I the, casework that's attached to the wall is. Being. Designed by CTV. And it. Is attached to the wall and not moveable but everything else in this space is mobile, the circus is mobile. The. Bookshelves. Are mobile they're all on casters there's.

Multiple Electrical outlets so if we wanted to move the circ desk to a certain area yeah that would be an option okay. Well. Can you fits a balcony up to that's. Fifth-grade up there in the blue so. Obviously there'll be a railing. Good. Yeah Raley's will be good um, but. Yeah that's a very open feel it's a dramatic feel when you walk into the building. To, recall you have science, and, art works we. Do we do we, have art we will not have science next year but. Spaces. We do a space off we'll go upstairs and show you all right. So this entrance is the main entrance that families, will come into on. The right hand side here is the district office and. On the left here is. My. Left this is the office, space for the elementary okay, so. Again safety features when parents come in there's a vestibule that it's a box so parents have to enter through the office there's a lock to door they have to be buzzed to be able to get in for the building we'll. Continue with our Hall Pass feature, parents. Are gonna have to have ID obviously, to get in. Because. In mr. so, this. Over here is our help room. This. Is a good sense know the health room yep. Nice. Yep so, again. Parents, that come in that need to pick up the child up can enter into here if, they need to enter the building they have to go through the lock door but, there's obviously. Entrance, off the hallway for the kids and. Staff when they come in. Okay. And. Then. This. Space in here will obviously be like a reception desk so. Office, secretary and then we have. Obviously. Some support staff that will help with reception. Duties so, they will be housed here a cool. Feature in this building is on. This wall over here we're going to be taking some of the chairs that are currently in the stadium seating there lakeside and put them right here so when parents come to sit in the wait in the office they'll be sitting in lakeside seating from 1939, okay. But. Again lots of natural light. This would be my office was the principal office. And. Then obviously. A whole room or a closet. Our. Behavior, support. Over, here that's a nice. Here again. Jettison, in her office okay. This is our we call, block storage. This. Is a staff bathroom. Stamp work or this is a SAP lounge this. Is the staff lounge of the lounge yep okay. So. Again light everywhere. That's, nice. Yeah it'll. Be one. Of the things that we did ask for was, a staff. Lounge where we could have a fair amount of people sit and have lunch together just, to make sure that we maintain that sense of community with our staff we're. Gonna be about a hundred adults in the building about, eight hundred kids so we just want to make sure that we stay connected we're, currently in what's called a staff workroom copier. Mail box storage, yep. And. Again this staff workroom was modeled, after one that we saw at, Wildwood. And Madhumita, okay it's. A lot of similar features, yep. And. Then. Second, enter this brings you back to the hallway. So. The cool thing about what's gonna be on this wall over here is there, we are taking part, of the gym floor and, it's gonna be a feature wall on in, the new building so, over this summer after we shut down the current lake side we'll, have somebody come in rip. Up part of the floor and then make it a feature wall along. These this, wall over here so this is what parents will see that's, a June project, the June do nurdle I project yep but. Again trying to keep that history of lakeside alive in the new building. You're. Doing a great job do, you want to go upstairs. The. Public. So. This space. Will. Be used for our science room okay, when we're able to bring that program back oh. Yeah. That's a nice roll yeah. A. Lot. Of natural light feeling. And. Then I'll take you over to the fifth-grade way. So, the main stairwells, are the kids that will use our blue so, that's another color feature that's in the building so kids will know that you've up and down the blue stairs you, don't go down like the whites they're about the other end right so. This is straight. Exact. Same layout of the other two braids of the service but Bama blue. Accent. Color so. Really tight still targeting, open house for people. That come in and take a look we'll, have a grand opening for the public sometime, in the fall right after school after, school has started we, should hopefully have teachers, in at the very beginning of August okay and we should be all ready to go for open house at the end of August all right great.

I'll. Take you over to 4th. Grade and then I'll show you the art. Room. So. This is looking down on the media center right here yep. And. No those. Conference, rooms, the, media room an office and a storage space the conference, room is very, left here yep yep. So. The other part that's on this floor are our special education services. And our interventions, for reading in math. So. This innervate intervention, sorry intervention, spaces yep so, like, our LD. Teachers our intervention, reading and math they're paraprofessionals, at the fried X to support two kids would be up here. So. There's multiple small, small, classroom spaces yeah and again lots of natural light when you come in. This. Is fourth grade there the leaf, furthest along right now okay. Pour. In what they call area B of the building so area, a is third. Grade and fifth grade so though the furthest. Third, grades the furthest along on the main floor, this. Is area B on the upper level. So. Currently, we're in fourth grade right now we're, just in fifth grade to keep in mind our fifth grade at Lakeside right now there are seven teachers and four of them are out in the portables right and the other three are spread all around the building so they they haven't had the opportunity, to like teach as a team right. So. I think that's one of the features the teachers are really looking for is the space to be able to do some of the types of learning that they wanted to do but, in a hallway format, of a building that's. Old right it, doesn't lend itself real well to that. So. We're. Walking into the space now over, to the right is the cafeteria yep. Which. You can look down to even look down into yep and. Again this part of the building that we're standing in right now or is only going to be visited with. Teachers when they bring their kids to our class, this. Is the art room right behind us. Nice. Big girl yep um we're gonna put, a kill them in this room right to your left, there you. Have near to kill them we've not had to kill our art teacher when we do both projects, it has to bring all the student, work over to the high school okay. So we're, really looking forward to having that here right. It. Mirrors that the music room that's right below us and. Then. Back. Here is your playground, area. Also, be a ball field yep, so, there's a baseball field like. Field space and then, the playground will be back there and then there's a hard surface area or blacktop, area, yeah but basketball. Hoops. I should say. So. They broke ground a, year ago tomorrow also. The social one year progress. So. Again when the kids come down on the. Media. Center right in front of us mm-hmm, second grades right here and then to the cafeteria. Gym and out to recess the center, yeah we're the bus centers yep yep, very nice, well. Thank you for the tour so. This is a tremendous building. And I know it's just part of our larger, projects, that are occurring, within the district we have the Wildcat. Center yep that a will hopefully opening, up here in July yeah we, have the Taylors Falls project, the. Media center the remodel of the key rooms preschool. Rooms there, the. Middle school. Projects. There the. Tennis courts are up and running so, yeah this is a, vast. Project. And, its really thinks. That our community, and their support we thought without the community support we wouldn't have any of us know and if you really think about it there's been a school at currently excited, for almost 100 years so think about like a hundred years from now what with us building be in our community support of this right pretty fortunate yeah.

2019-05-22 06:43

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