Jared James Nichols '23 European Tour Guitar Rig Rundown!

Jared James Nichols '23 European Tour Guitar Rig Rundown!

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] there can be only one so there's only one only  one ladies and gentlemen G James Nichols what's   up everybody glad to be here it's a pleasure to  have you one of the hardest working guys in rock   and roll and modern day Legend in your own right  it's great to have you back in the UK going man   everything's great we we have been playing like  every single day for the past 31 days yeah and   this is like your first headline tour of the  year a few times in the UK and Europe stuff   yeah as you know you know we've hung out many  times I've done a lot of oneoff Headliners this   is the first proper one where it's like we're  going you know in the UK it's nine shows we did   Spain we did France Switzerland going to Germany  Sweden have you had much of a break in between   shows none like we've had 3 days off hey kids if  you getting into guitar and touring and you want   to tour just make sure it's like it's almost like  camping it's like you're you're uh urban camping   yeah I can imagine man but it's been so great man  the shows have been great I'm I'm just so happy   to be out here and even though it's only 40 days  in the energy is still maxed out as always jjn   shows I saw videos of you last night You're Still  rocking just as hard as you were 40 days ago yeah   man it's funny because it's almost like as the  tour you get into it it just starts to go it's   like every day you just get a little bit more  and then you don't want to get comfortable so   you keep pushing yourself yeah you don't want to  hit the ceiling but you keep pushing the ceiling   higher and higher that kind of thing it's uh it is  funny though because it's almost like you got to   be able to flip a switch to cuz you'll be tired  you know it'll be a long drive day whatever and   it's like when you get here when you're ready  you just got to go man yeah just just got to   do it for sure man speaking of doing it this  wasn't here last time we spoke we're doing it   dude this is something special to you and it's  more than just a fancy liqu of paint isn't it   it is there's there's a few upgrades to this that  I'm so happy this is the blues power JJ signature   Les Paul Custom this comes out on November 14th  I'm really excited about this one i' I've set it   for every single one and I'm not trying to be like  a a shoe salesman but the reality is every single   for Old Glory incredible for gold Glory what can  we do to refine it cool color what else can we   change on it but this one I had more input to say  hey I want to design a P90 so I got with Seymour   Duncan yeah noiseless P90 which is like I know  a lot of people would say oh man you can't have   a noisess P90 it's not the true thing I get what  you're saying you can get L this P9 but it doesn't   really sound like the real thing that sounds like  the real thing this thing is awesome they sent me   I remember Seymour Duncan they were so on it man  they sent it to me and the first thing I did is   I plugged it in compared to Gold glory and I was  like if anything it's just got higher output and   I was like I'm not mad at that so then I started  to play it and I remember when I played it just   a simple fact I'm so fast um I saw a thing with  bamasa the other day he said he uses his tone knob   and volume knob like 100 times a show I'm at least  a thousand cuz with a P90 it's like I'll play   something yeah all the time straight but with this  one we have a little bit of oh let me turn this off the cable's a little  microphonic but to have nothing to Super Barky and it has a ton of overtones  which for me is the best part because I don't   have to sacrifice how I'm going to play  and say well I'm gonna like lose out   on this but hey it's noiseless it's more  like I can still get all the sounds like a roll it roll it down roll it down still has all that sensitivity and   then when you roll the the tone  [Music] off roll it up a little bit it's got everything man so the Dynamics  that is there though and that's what that's   what gets lost in P90s when they get kind of  hucked up almost and the reason you love P90   so much and everyone loves P90s is the Dynamics  and the overtones and stuff so the fact that you   managed to marry them and cross pollinate them so  nicely together is just it's awesome but what's   cool even if you're watching this and you're let's  say you're like I don't care about that how that   guy plays whatever that's cool but the reality is  give this a shot in a P90 guitar because I think   uh across genres this is going to be a really cool  thing that you could put in it's like non-invasive   you don't have to mod your guitar you can pop this  thing in and you don't have to worry about that   60 Cycle especially in the states man it's like  I turn it up you know even at the lowest volume   so that's a game Cher for this guitar you can buy  that off the shelf as well BEC comes stock in Old   Glory exactly and besides the P90 we have USA  Electronics nice which are great because you're   you're essentially getting the same thing you'd  get in a Gibson USA then going to the back mhm   we have how do I flip it there we go flip it  like that locking tuners locking tuners this   was surpris it's taking you so long to do on your  guitar absolutely Hammer the strings when you're   making a pitch Bend and all this crazy [ __ ]  what's funny man is is playing I always would   just oh stretch it more stretch it more and then  my friend at uh aljn at epone goes hey man uh you   ever mess with locking tuners and I was like I  was kind of like no it's too modern you know but   then he's like you should try them so they sent  me a set I tried them out and wouldn't you know   it the guitar was it was killing so the reality  is to have just these little upgrades locking   tuners the tuning stability so much better  having this pickup the USA electronics and   then this cool pelum blue finish I just love it  one thing I'm curious about gold Glory was like   a multi-layered gold yes is that a mul cuz it  looks more pel and blue than any other pel and   blue is that like a fancy multi-layer blue or is  just cuz the stage lights right now I think it   might be the stage lights cuz sometimes it comes  off like in a weird silver and stuff but um you   can really tell the dish on the top as well with  oh yeah yeah it's really cool the one thing I do   know is it's like a matte pel and blue yeah and  I have another one at home this is my Europe one   but I've been playing it a lot and it's cool yeah  get shiny in Parts it just what I love about the   epon now especially these uh gold glories they're  not trying to be anything than what they are and   they just rock and the finishes are cool and  they properly speced as well so it's mahogany   mahogany proper iony and stuff like that and I  will say this is the third ation of the guitar   um everyone's getting better like it's almost  like it's getting more streamlined well I've got   the original Old Glory and I think it's kickass  just yeah yeah for sure so that is the new guitar   that's ity let's talk about something a lot older  and switch it up to the world famous Dorothy yeah   man all right cool so as you know you've you've  spent some time with this one I have indeed and   uh like I said in the last video we shot earlier  in the year that's all Linked In the description   box down below so you can check out the history of  Dorothy cuz the history is crazy it's crazy this   is more of a wellness check because it's been a  few months and it looks so much better SL worse   than the last time I saw it yeah I had a friend  the other day say hey man you should think about   putting some clear coat on it because it's getting  bad and I said no never so as you can see this   right here the arm is is just really starting for  the people that don't know would you mind quickly   explaining about about dthy in a brief term so  this guitar uh long story short uh a a friend   now friend on Instagram messaged me he said hey  man I found this guitar it was in a tornado it I   found it in my yard and he sends a picture and I  remember I had to tap to view the picture I tap   it the neck completely snapped off but the body  was there intact all of the knobs was was there   a bit of a neck or was it Justus yeah you can  see right here like where the okay the heel was   there but the neck was gone on and I I knew right  away you know like all of us we we nerd out about   this stuff this P90 with the two side screws gave  it recognition to be one of the earliest Les Paul   so when I saw it I went whoa that's something  special this guitar was in a tornado and then   this guy found it and the owner it was her her  dad's when it took him like a year to find her   and they found her and she said oh just hang it on  your wall I claimed it on my insurance so anyways   he asked me if I know where um I could help get  this guitar restored I said absolutely and then   of course I threw in a little cheeky I was like  hey man if you uh ever just want to get rid of   it I'd love to make you an off mhm so 2 days later  he calls and he goes hey man I've been talking to   my wife and I just want to give it to you yeah  that's insane I'm like you want to give it to   me dude I said you can I said it's worth a lot of  money even in the state it's in now it's like one   of the first yeah it would be one of the first 50  or 100 that's insane so the pots date to May 1951   so it predates the or original po as well yeah  all original all original electronics and so this   guitar I sent it to a friend at JW restoration  he's a legend who's a legend and he literally   handbuilt this neck using inlays from 1952 he had  this hunk of Brazilian rosewood that was so old   he said he' had it since he was like 14 years old  oh wow built the neck and the original first Les   poles didn't have binding either so that's why  I expect like that as well yeah he even asked me   he's like dude you want me to put binding on it I  said no man leave it how it would have been we're   not trying to disguise the fact that the neck had  been ripped off but leave it how it would have   been and what's cool is I love it how it doesn't  have binding it gives it a different feel besides   that Joel kept the heel intact look at this  thing in the back I see in the background to   look at that yeah man so you can see that is all  from me but you can see some chunks out of here   and chunks out of the bottom that's all from the  tornado and this body is a little thicker than a   normal Les Paul um just a prototype thing uh this  cavity looks like it was carved out by hand with   a chisel which is crazy and then the other thing  is it has a center seam flame Maple top as a burst   wood so they were still incredible yeah and you  can see I mean it's starting to pop a little bit   but I think we got a little bit of give it a  couple years and you will be totally be able   to see the center SC flame this has be one of the  most played 50s as poles on the entire 100% hands   overall like the bur and as well like it has to  be so like this like we were talking about the   checkup like this now right here I play with my  fingers so this is coming in naturally from just   pulling up on the strings and that's cuz I lay my  pinky there yeah I've got a couple of guitars like   that as well you see the little pinky marks and  stuff I'm exactly the same so this thing is just   an ultimate Road dog it's a beast I'll play this  guitar for I play the uh the blues power but then   this is 90% of my set yeah and it's just such  a great guitar besides the fact of it being a   kind of a holy Relic in Gibson culture it's just  a great guitar with that was there any inspiration   with the toneal to pickups to absolutely like this  absolutely because the one thing I find which is   so funny because it's a noisess P90 and this very  much isn't yeah it's so microphonic I can sing in   it but the reality is it's like how do we get some  of that overtone just to it's almost like it just   you hit a chord and it just you hear everything  around it yeah and uh the aggressiveness this   guitar I did a session with Joe bamasa and  even Joe was saying dude that's one of the   best sounding P90 Les poles you want to hear it  should we hear if she stillar that's serious let's [Music] [Music] [Music] see Jesus we have jar  back to [Applause] the we put a   little bit more on there my friend put some Sizzle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on if you got to declare that tone of Customs when  you come across the border cuz like you need a   license for that that's crazy also it's you know I  I obviously play with a lot of uh gain or whatever   but even when you roll it back man [Music]  [Laughter] the it just has the tone [Music] it's like syrup man it's just so sweet I know  it's wonderful it's funny cuz with uh with   this one and with with the Blu bar what I'm  noticing now is the more you let your guitar   breathe I know the sounds so funny but I can  play something harus will get it though like   kind know what you mean and it's like if I play  like a simple lick like I I literally I'm an e right just let the guitar do its thing sometimes  and it's like damn let it sing for it'll that like   it'll Dix toate the next nose to you know where  it wants to FL right I I could talk about the   guitars all day the stories of the guitars let's  get into the rest of the rig what strings do you   rock these days Dr cuz obviously playing with your  fingers it's got to be quite a a personal thing   about choosing strings and stuff oh yeah so I've  been working with Dr for a few years now and to   be honest I love them I use the 10 to 40 49 set of  veritas and to be honest dude these strings have   been on this guitar for like the past six shows  oh really and I've been like crazy these strings   are the toughest strings I've ever played and I  truly love them them and I feel like they stay in   tune great they just they just really rock and um  Dr veritos yeah are you the kind of guy that goes   up a string gauge you're in a two cuz your fingers  get stronger or uh I haven't yet but I did bring   some 11s okay cool I'll probably stay here but I  I I do do that sometimes because you just then you   start overplaying you know but yeah Dr verit man  aome usually AC what pics you use but obviously   you don't use Pi so let's your cool straps and  stuff why' you get your cool straps oh this is   a red monkey strap they hook me up with that nice  one red monkey great company yeah they're cool so   people watch and check out red monkey they make  awesome guitar straps and stuff absolutely well   I think that's all to do with the magic that  is you let's go down the cables and talk about   next to pedal board let's do it okay so let's  start out uh I have a very simple pedal board   this is what I've been using for probably the  past 6 months um CLA mhm yes everyone knows   about the CL it's a expensive staple then I'm I'm  literally having that and then I'll stack it with   this vram tube screamer my friend Tyler at iban  has hooked me up with that they're unbelievable   things they're like a secret ref is all the  people that know like if the know good shoes   humors will know all about these and if you don't  you need to know I knew he hooked it up with me   and I looked up the price and I went whoo that's  really expensive cuz I regularly use just an 808   or ts9 I put it on the board and I remember I  was playing and I was playing and I was playing   Rhythm and we were playing like a pretty big kind  of haul and I clicked it in and not only did it   obviously give me all of what I was looking  for that tube screamer punch my the volume   literally popped up and I was like oh dude this  is the one so those two are a great combo yeah   there's funky little special dip switches inside  they get two game stages and stuff I didn't even   touch that yet you haven't got it to I mean if you  touch it yeah that might blow people's minds but   it's already you're already this close to blowing  people's minds exactly and then the polytune yeah   standard tuner sorry for your clone one thing  you're actually rocking like a lot of gain on   that a lot people use the CL these days use it as  either the mythical just a little clean boost you   don't engage any diod and all the rest of the  [ __ ] so yeah that's it's nice to see someone   actually crank the game on a yeah I turn that  up because the TR the true reality of that is   the the there's something really great in the  clip of a CLA and for the way I play with my   fingers I love Leslie West and when I play like  a um let me see if I go like this and I [Music] [Music] do I use that gain all  the time sometimes sometimes I   turn that gain all the way up you [Music] know [Music] so yeah I'm not scared of the gain on  it yeah awesome man yeah I think right at the   start You' got a very unique special War as  well oh yeah so this is new to me a 1967 uh   script original yeah which is insane to have on  a stage and not in a glass case it's insane yeah   so my friend Charlie doy um I helped him do some  stuff and he hooked me up with that WWA and when   I mean helped him do some stuff he got rid of a  really cool guitar and and uh I said hey Charlie   got some really cool wwas man and he's like yeah  I'll hook you up so cool gu I'm guessing it was a   really cool 50s something 50s why I help a friend  do something I like help move a s and stuff like I   don't help them yeah I got some good friends hell  yeah so we tried out 12 of them yeah 12 uh script   walls and uh picture walls so we didn't look  at the bottoms because I didn't want my eyes to   dictate what the sound was supposed to be and we  we did a shootout for about an hour and that was   the winner it's got all the sweep is great the the  thing I never knew because I've only played Modern   Day WS there's something so Musical and nuts about  these waas dude I just love it is that the way   they're made do you think or is it just because  of the age of them like the components age and I   think probably the components in the age the old  lead solar and stuff and also I think like with   anything you know it's like old cars and stuff  it's like you know there's a certain charm like   when you start up an old car and old stuff but now  nowadays sometimes it's like there's things like   a WWA it's like wah wa make that sound this thing  you can make a ton of different sounds yeah would   you mind showing us some of those sounds let's  do it man let's do it so check it out here's the [Music] Wawa it's got a really glassy sound it's  really touch sensitive too so as I roll up my volume I get that [Applause] handrick [Music] I  really the why I liked it was [Music] the it's got   that it's got a punch to but it's not brittle  it's not too bright so here's it all the way [Music] off and then as you keep adding to  it yeah then you can [Music] start and then of course if you  get really low on it you can [Music] start and I just love the the [Applause] [Music] vocal it's a great example  of how many different ways you can use a war as   well you haven't just got a do the hendri and you  can utilize it in so many awesome ways and I feel   like sometimes man I put I use it all the time  and people are proba like dude shut the W but   I just love like it's like singing like VOC quity  yeah it really is so I'm super lucky to have this   gear man Super Lucky yeah so what's birthing all  this amazing so the Black Star yes here we are   so check these out these are the uh I don't know  how you'd say they're they're oversized not many   people Eclipse me but I'm going to like stand  over here cuz you're just eclipsing me Jared   I'm sorry these are the oversized cabs uh these  have uh uh the GT 175 speakers in them okay and   the deti the same as your signature signature what  was happening is as I started to play a little bit   bigger rooms I was noticing that the JJ and20 as  much as I love it I need more headro so I opted   we had these great uh black star made me these  which I love that's not just a testament how your   career is going though isn't it bigger and bigger  and bigger good problem to have oh yeah then this   guy right here 50 wat St James and yet again it's  all about the headro so for me I'm running it on   the second Channel literally the gain all the way  up volume all the way up diam everything's kind of   at noon and then I just rock that Master wherever  I need to go yeah so it's pretty simple man it's a   super simple setup but the the range of tones you  get and the Dynamics within each of those tones is   just second and on there's literally no one and  I'm kind of praising you right now but there's   no one on the planet right now which gets this  kind of stuff from this minimal amount of gear   it's insane Jared it's it's really important  for me though um cuz it really does come from   the player right it's about you and it's it comes  out of you and it goes in but all of these things   I I just wanted to try and find the best tools  to make my sound and a lot of this stuff is way   above my pay grade to even have as far as like  out on the road but the fact that I have it I   think it's really important that um you know some  people are coming to the shows now to hear this   guitar they're like I want to see that guitar  the guitar is just as famous as you and so yeah   man and like the WWA it's like sure we could put  it in a Cupboard and never use it or I could just   take it everywhere around the world and you know  so I try I'm trying to be more minimalist with   what I have and just keep it a really efficient  rig and just simple man unbelievable well thank   you so much for your time Jared I can't wait  to see you again tonight it's going to be kick   ass tear it up thank you PMT thank you guys for  watching thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] cheers

2023-10-25 23:04

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