hello and welcome everyone uh I'm Patricia Kingston and I'm the corporate events officer at tourism ni um and I'm so delighted to have you all with us this morning um for today's webinar this is the first session in our AI for tourism webinar series um and we've got lots of exciting things to cover over the next couple of months in the world of AI and today we're kicking off um with an introduction to Ai and tourism we're absolutely delighted to be joined this morning by our expert speaker Kieran family from profile tree um anyone that was at our tourism conference back in April last year will have seen kieren in action them complete with an AI generated song to introduce one of our speakers on the day um so following the conference um so many of you told us you really wanted to hear more um so that's why we've developed this series um along with uh Kieran um I say along with Kieran kieran's developed the series because I don't know anything so I can't wait to hear it all as well um over the next over the next couple of months K so here we are over the next 45 minutes or so um Karen's going to be explaining uh what applications AI can have within tourism and Hospitality how you can potentially use that to improve customer service and personalization and um efficiencies within your operations um and then after the main presentation I'm going to pick up as many of your questions as I can because I imagine there might be quite a few um so if you do have any questions just pop those into the question box I think there's a box with a little question mark um on it there and pop any questions in there H during the presentation and I will pick up as many of those as I can at the end so I don't want to take up any more time and because I know Karen's ready to go so it's my absolute pleasure to introduce and hand over to kieren Connelly for today's session morning Karen and over to you good morning thank you very much brilliant now and thank you everyone for joining so we're going to start with a very quick poll if you don't mind and we're going to share the results in 60 seconds um and while you're completing that poll it'll pop up and just uh take one of your uh boxes when it does um we want to talk about how we're going to run today's session and what's coming up next So today we're going to focus on AI is an overall topic and share where the industry is and share some ideas and uh to get you thinking about how you can introduce AI into maybe some of your business or all of your business we have these four other webinars and and they are in detail webinars on specific topics within AI in tourism so we shared a link for these at the end of uh today's session and but if there's anything that you'd like us to cover do let us know in the in the chat today we'll also have a a set of uh handout for keyn notes from today's talk and Patricia will explain how to get uh access to that at the end of the webinar so there will be some action points for you to work on um before the next webinar and basically over the last year and a half we've been helping companies introduce AI into their business and we've seen local Hospitality ands and businesses transform Key Parts their operation using AI the biggest and easiest area is for improvement is probably the marketing department and and how you Market your business from helping with content creation analyzing data and decision makings around your marketing but then there's other areas of the business that you can definitely rule uh ai ai into and we we look at some of them today so the operations itself helping with strategies Financial forecasting and even spotting weaknesses in your business plan or or maybe some Concepts and the ideas that you have so going to see if the the poll now we've got the results so what we have is um so 40 about 40% of people attending today haven't really used AI so that's interesting to know good to know where we are against up peers um 57% have used AI a few times and then we've got 4% who are ninjas H so well done to those those um four 4% so very impressed so that's good to know so that's going to help us as we go through today and and you can bench mark uh against your your peers as well so of course what is AI so two seconds on this but basically AI is a program or computer a computer system that's capable of Performing tasks that should require human intelligence it's basically smart software that can automate repetitive tasks and that is incredible and we will look at that in some of the future webinars it can analyze large amounts of data quickly it can make predictions and recommendations and it can understand and respond to human language which is really interesting and we look at some of that um today and and these webinars going to introduce you to all of that um over the next couple of weeks so again to highlight AI is all around us and we shouldn't really see it if that makes sense so if you see a post on social media and you're saying to yourself that is clearly AI written then we've failed in our use of AI so just again to highlight AI is all around us so examples would be in our smartphones H the voice commands on our speakers uh TV controles uh Banks use it to identify unusual patterns in your spending and hence you get those slightly annoying text messages to check um that a payment of processing is real the spam filters on your email all of these are operated um by Ai and we think of Google search even or search engines the results we get there they're run by an algorithm or AI our social media feeds what these social platforms decide what we or our customers see when they open their social platforms it's all run by AI so AI is all around us and has been for many years and we shouldn't really see big blue robots um in in uh what we're doing H or when we're doing AI so what we're what we're um what we're doing now is we going to have a little video and I'm just going to play a minute of this if that's okay I'm here on vacation in Hawaii and I use AI to help plan my trip AI is playing the role of travel agent with a range of new tools using The Cutting Edge technology to offer customized recommendations before I left I logged into mind trip AI which uses AI to suggest itineraries and activities based on your profile and preferences aggregating ratings and reviews from Google along with Trip Advisor and price line which users can book through you can ask for recommendations add plans to your trip read reviews and share your bookings with friends and family and when I was there it was helpful to pull up addresses and find restaurants nearby if you use chat GPC today you still probably have to go and Google everything you still have to go and um you look at all the different uh places that it recommends and actually do all the work you had to do before what we're trying to do is make that so that that all happens like a travel agent would have done you know 20 years ago do all that work for you and use the AI to actually uh take all the effort out of uh out of that it's not just startups we're seeing the travel Giants invest in generative AI tools as well the two biggest booking platforms both introduced AI powered chatbot assistance Expedia is called Ramy and price lines is named Penny Airbnb bought an AI startup back in November called game planner CEO Brian chesky says generative AI will radically change the platform and that he wants to to use it as a travel concierge that learns about users over time and enhances their experiences Google is also moving into this space the end result is a personalized vacation plan presented in Gemini's new Dynamic UI recently announcing that its Gemini chatbot can research flight times and offer hotel booking options to create a custom multi-day vacation itinerary in a matter of seconds so I'm just going to share my screen screen again um we go one sec so again very interesting to see so that was shared and on the American TV channel CNBC in the summer of 24 so and even some of the information that the gentleman was talking about around chat gbt has actually changed a couple of months after that where he said you had to go to search engines to search Chat gbt introduced search within its platform you don't have to do that anymore so it's incredible how ly these things are changing but just to make that make us all aware that this is the content that's been shared by maybe our Target customers in in the US and we we we'll talk about that um as we go through the webinar today um and and we seen it was interesting in the poll today that 4% of our our attendees today are power users uh just to highlight we in the UK Ireland have some of maybe the most protective AI laws in the world at the moment with the EU uh act and uh what what the UK is do uh doing as well and there's a which is brilliant to see but also there's a slight negative in that we seem to be getting access to some of these AI tools a little bit later than the rest of the world hence our International customers have access to more powerful and better tools across more platforms than than we do today an example for for this month is meta AI which is Facebook Instagram WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger has over 600 million monthly active users so people 600 million people are actively using the AI elements on those platforms every single month and meta me mentioned there um in the last couple of weeks they expect AI generated users so AI users to become widespread on its platform in the coming years so what does that mean um but we we'll have to have definitely some more webinars to dive into that in in the near future but the key then for this is that more than half of the US population are using AI um in their daily lives so again if you're targeting us customers for example or someone outside of the EU or UK then they may be more ingrained in Ai and using it to make decisions around um how they use your your business um when it comes to booking their their experience or or holidays so very important to to realize that and to understand uh the impact with our customers so we're thinking of the importance of AI and tourism we we have detailed notes on each of these in the handout that you'll get access to at the end of the webinars um but we have we can improve our cost um so we can really reduce cost by using AI we can improve our data experience H and understanding of what our customers are so for example here and all of these images are created using AI today h and in the top right corner we have an image of the dester um hotel and what they did they used they looked at um Ai and implementing some some AI around the data that they have we all have incredible data in our business and they looked at H big data and analytics these are terms that US tech companies use to scare people when when we describe what we do but uh don't definitely don't be telling anyone about that um but basically what they did is they used AI they went and um pulled 7,000 reviews for the hotel and fed that into an AI tool and asked it to identify Trends ways to improve their operation um asked them about the sentiment and if there was recurring problems or opportunities and what the data that they got back will enable them to update their menus and and add new products and remove things from the menu that were causing constant issues but over a period of time they missed it like 7,000 reviews over a number number of years it's just an incredible amount of data for anyone to go through so again they used AI to do that so that's a very simple way that all of us here today could go and H copy the data from our reviews on all of our platforms put them into an AI tool and ask it to analyze it and have a little bit of a a conversation with it h to understand what maybe there's opportunities or maybe where where do you Excel it the good thing with AI of course it can analyze this data but it can't fix or understand problem and that's where you and your teams come in and add the incredible value that you do in the hospitality sector you you're looking at this data and making strategic decisions on how to improve your business and then when you've made those changes give it a little bit of time and then do the measurement again and see the impact see if things changed H what is the trend uh in that we also have another image there of live translations on an image um of a computer a reception I'm sure most of you have seen how AI can use and talk in multiple languages and we have a little video that we show in in a minute that shows that again but we can all use that and it's on our phone today and it's $20 uh a month and as I said we look at that in more detail in a future webinar then we have voice enabled room so again there in the the bottom um over again back to the stats so over half the US population use AI enabled devices um in their daily Liv so again should you do you if you're targeting that that demographic are you enabling them to um enjoy your your facilities um with voice enabled H devices and uh a voice enabled environment is that something that you should have a look at again and then finally and big one for me and has been a big game changer for our business is looking at finances and financial planning so again predicting occupancy for example helping plan out a new service a new offering or building out business plans and so much more this is where I can help you so it's not just a standard write an article or a post uh for social media when we look at the state of AI in um tourism we can see again just some stats and it's really interesting thank you for doing the poll at the start it give us a really good measure where the industry is where everyone is today um but we have a start here 11% of travel agents are using um a little bit of AI in their business you can see in food and accommodation it's actually quite low um in in the stats that we were finding but 83% and again I guess the number of people here today believe that AI is essential moving forward so we see that as well but there is challenges we need to talk about and we will today data privacy and security um again we we need to upscale our Workforce to understand how to use Ai and again um you're all doing this today by investing your time on this webinar we need to get the balance between Ai and the human expertise so again that example of analyzing the reviews and taking action from it AI can help us a wee bit but it's the action that we take from the from from that data which is the key and we want to talk about ethics around AI we're going to cover all that um today but let's have a quick look at this video first all right we've got a pixel phone loaded with the latest test build of project Astra and we're going to leave the office to test it around [Music] London I've got this email with apartment info can you tell me the door code and remember it I'll remember the door code for you it is 1170 to unlock it enter the code and then press the unlock button based on these symbols how should I wash this the tag shows to machine wash at 30° C avoid bleach and Tumble drying ironon low and dry cleanable then what setting should I use on this machine based on the laundry instructions of 30° C select the 30 setting under easy Care on the dial I've got this list of recommendations can you tell me a bit about some of them I can search for these places for you cold drops yard is a shopping destination with unique industrial design luminary Bakery is a social Enterprise Bakery and Tate modern is a modern and Contemporary Art Museum now we're going to try project Astra out on the street let's see what it can do I've always said scone but now I'm hearing people say scone can you help me with the pronunciation it's a fascinating topic the pronunciation of scone both scone rhyming with gone and scone rhyming with bone are accepted pronunciations though Regional variations exist what can you tell me about the sculpture the sculpture you're seeing is called my world and your world by Eva Rothschild located in Lewis Cubit Park in what kind of themes does her work explore she creates abstract sculptures that invite viewers to interact with and interpret their surroundings in new ways uh would these do well if I planted them back home Mountain fleece can grow well in New York they prefer full sun to partial shade and moist well drained soil so your garden in New York should be a good fit for these flowers I'm trying to get a gift from my friend and this is everything she's been reading how would you describe her taste in books based on these titles your friend seems to enjoy a mixx of History biography and perhaps a touch of political or social commentary I picked some of these out any idea which one she'd like the most consider half of a yellow sun for its exploration of complex social and political issues within a historical setting aligning with her interest in narratives that offer insight into significant periods will that bus take me anywhere near Chinatown yes it does the 24 bus route goes through Lester Square which is very close to Chinatown are there any landmarks on the way riding the number 24 bus notable landmarks you will likely encounter are Westminster ABY Big Ben and traler square I also met up with some friends to test out the multilingual capabilities now I'm using this prototype glasses to test project Astra handsfree can you check if it's going to rain anytime soon it looks like it is currently mostly sunny in London rain is expected tonight from around 10 p.m. until tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. hey what's that parkk next to me the park looks to be Primrose Hill known for its panoramic city views and the notable Shakespeare's tree can you check if I can bike in there it appears that cycling is actually banned within Primrose Hill itself although it is permitted in nearby areas and the rest of Region's Park I'm biking back to Camden can you check if there's any supermarkets along the way there's a Saints spes on Camden Road a Morrison's on Chalk Farm Road and an M ands simply food on Camden High Street what was the door code again the door code you saved previously is 1170 oh thanks that [Music] works you I just jump back to share again so one sec so again with that very interesting if you're watching the playback back in the top left corner of the video it tells you what elements of AI are being used and demonstrated while it's going through the demo and you can see obviously it's through the mobile phone but then it's moving then to Google Glasses and you can buy Google glasses that already record um so it's only a minor step now to get this uh reduced or released with the basically our own personal AI system very interesting again also it asked about he asked about um the flowers would it grow in my home and it new his home was New York not in London while he's touring around London so will people bring their own personal AI with them and because again it's already in our phones and in our devices H is that and what what impact could this technology have in your business and how can you use it to Market and deliver better service um to your customers as well so very interesting to see so that technology has been released to developers and developers are already working on apps and going to bring that to our mobile phones in the very near future and to the the glasses again even looking at Google Maps I know Google Maps is massive for hospitality and tourism businesses and again you can actually see it um in in you can see how the mix between virtual reality and real real reality is is in real life is is merging as we go but really interesting so how do we get started so with with all this technology and exciting um AI what where do we start in introducing this into our business so first thing we really should do is evaluate what our business goals are and again all of this information is in the handout that we talk about at the end um but it's just to get you to think about opportunities in your business where you would love to get some help and maybe you've got a you feel that you're not performing at Max or maybe you want to reduce some cost or you want to move people around so again is it in customer service or uh marketing um again marketing is the easiest one and and probably the most commonly one but don't neglect the other areas because that's where you can be uh as we mentioned on this night super Innovative and differentiate your business we do need to think of the ethical and practical considerations around AI tools as we mentioned um and another big one I think people really do miss is the data analytics um so sorry that's a phone in the background there um so one um so when we when we think so yeah so do go through this on the on the handout and um see what you know how how you can apply it to your own business the point of this this the robots here is just just do be realistic obviously introducing anything new into the business does require a cost so there's going to be a cost of your time where you're learning and investing like you are today or money but um it is definitely well wored uh doing you you will transform part of your business by introducing some elements of AI into it so i' I'd recommend take two hours and work through the handout before the next webinar and you that will help you really think of key business improvements that you can um focus on so you can really make an impact with AI uh for example don't spend your time trying to learn how to create AI videos if your time will be better spent working through your financial plans um analyzing your reviews or your your general strategy um for example just again to highlight AI is everywhere and I know you know that already even the new a the Apple iPhones that have released have ai buil into them it's not that great yet but it's coming it's really interesting AI doesn't work on on on older models um but we'll see and we've seen the Google technology there as well so Google's really um uping its game and if you're online or maybe on smart TV you might see some of the Google ads where it's advertising its AI assistant where people are very famous people are talking um to that AI but just to highlight AI is everywhere already um and it's just to reinforce that point so there's loads of new exciting AI tools coming out but just to highlight as well that the software that you currently use within your business will have ai already added to it or be in the process of having it added and this will be enhanced constantly in the months and years ahead because that's where all of the software companies are going so a quick win for you today is to review all of your current software in your business so think of and again this is on the slides but on the notes but go through and and have a look and see if you can identify or or Google where the AI is on these platforms if you're paying subscription to um a web platform reach out to them and ask them um what's the plan with AI what AI elements have you um implemented examples could be for again back to it is um social media management So Meta AI has nearly rolled out the full Suite to all companies people in the UK and Europe in October last year and we still find a lot of people haven't dove in and started using it so just Google meta AI if you're using Facebook Instagram WhatsApp and see what is available there and that is going to continue to be um released we don't have the full tun yet but it's coming and think about your website for example does your web platform offer AI SEO so that's coming so back we had to always manually update tags and look at our keywords AI is going to take that in the next year or two and we can already see some of that been added to web platforms that we're working on really insightful and interesting to see what's happening there what about the booking platforms that you use in terms of the AI That's available to you as a business but also how your customers using AI one thing that we find very interesting is is maybe you go to booking.com and ask it you know for example um ask the AI uh around your industry or Niche and is it recommending you is it talking about you and um how do you then we have to work out how do we make sure that your business is featured in those AI tools and I it actually does come back to digital marketing standard digital marketing have you a full platform or or profile have you loads of reviews all of this feeds into the the data that the AIS are consuming another thing you want to do then as well once you've looked at your software is do talk to your team it's another two do to do um do talk to your team about AI you may have an AI Wiz on your team and you don't know about them um and there could be some concerns around the impact of AI within the business and maybe some apartments and and um maybe even the the idea of all these new things we need to learn so sometimes it can be a little bit of resistance so have those conversations now um and and you know have have that chat and again we've got some some notes on the on the handout that you can go through when we're trying to integrate AI into our business um well yeah make sure so we we're trying to integrate AI into our business um explain AI to your team in simple terms it's already part of the daily lives as you know now um your mobile phone your social media algorithms you want to discuss how AI could maybe make their jobs easier removing some of them boring admin tasks that drive people crazy um it can help providing quick answers to Common customer questions um you want to address concerns around job security if if some and departments might be impacted that and emphasize how AI can enhance and their day-to-day job rather than replace and we've got loads of examples um of that as well um you can explore with them how AI might improve customer experiences in different departments or areas of your of your business see if you can pull in some ideas on how AI could could help solve some problems that they're facing in their day-to-day uh tasks and discuss the importance of maintaining personal touches alongside the AI powered services so again um is it everything being posted on social media on your website now 100% AI are you Los using that um Personal Touch it's it's probably what we're going to start to Value even more than we already do and you definitely want to talk about basic data privacy um and why it's important because again if if someone's putting data into these AI tools do to know where it's going and what's happening to it so we need to talk about that and highlight to them that there's an opportunity for them to develop their skills um and and to grow but one definitely thing the last point there is is we def def itely recommend everyone um create an AI policy for your company and you can even have a basic one and build it out as you go because for example you do not want um team members using free AI that is giving you content that is not not commercially assigned to your business for example so we just need to protect the business that way and part of that is back to this free accounts versus paid accounts which we have up here we've got the the pros and cons of each so it's great to go in and use these accounts for free and definitely recommend it all the time just go in and try them um but there is a a slight downside so we would recommend for each platform that you're using if you're going to use it for your business that you would check in the t's and C's and just see where the commercial rights do they give you commercial rights so what we would see on these platforms is they will allow you to use them for free for personal data or for personal um creation or for fun but they don't give you commercial rights I the copyright of those or the ownership of those um assets that you're creating so just to be careful there so that's the the difference between free and paid also we find in most platforms where you're using the free account that they would take your data and use that potentially for training so again you don't want necessarily loads of private or confidential data going into um these tools randomly around your business um without you having a final decision on that you need making a business decision on that so that's another reason why you want that AI policy because people might be using AI um there's no I guess there's no might our team members are going to be using AI uh in their daily job whether we give them the tools or not so hence have that conversation with them and um discover and and go through a bit of a journey and with them basically with the paid tools normally you're getting all the the commercial rights but definitely work or have a look through the the teas Andes and when we look at tools in the next webinars we'll actually mention for each tool that we go through another thing to consider is obviously AI ethics so um the we see a lot of queries around this as well so um do we need to highlight that this is AI content um but we would recommend for example is if you are using AI in your business that maybe you update your terms and conditions on your website for example you put in a little paragraph that um you are using AI to assist in certain areas of the business again just to be transparent and what we see sometimes is companies are using Ai and aren't being very clear with it but it's obvious that AI has been used and there's not a problem with that of course everything's going to have ai very soon um but it's just to be super transparent sometimes again there's bias in AI for sure because it's only it its knowledge is based on what it's been trained so don't always take what an AI tool tells you as for adom do check it h since check it um and and again back to the key point the dorer is a great example think of AI efficiency but human creativity so the two together are unstoppable like really but again a person having to go through 7,000 reviews over maybe three years they'll never pick out um some key points or Trends and miss some things and that could be done in 10 minutes uh using an AI tool um again copyright and intellectual property so again that's that's taking people's content and repurposing it using AI um again just just you just want to be careful and see if you can recreate content using Ai and as I say we look at that in in further uh webinars and there is of course a sustainability impact here we're all the whole industry the whole world and we know what's happening in in the environment around us so sustainability is massive at the moment um the these tools do have a large data usage we heard um the the new government's plans for the UK being an AI center for the world which is brilliant and they're talking about data centers and more power and they do consume a lot of uh water as well um to keep the machines cool so there is a negativity around that so for example Google and Microsoft's water usage increased 20 to 30% um between 21 and 22 and that's probably continuing but these companies are um working have made commitments to be water positive by 2030 and Google aims to replenish 120% of the water it consumes by by 20 um 30 as well and all of these companies are working on developing more energy and water efficient AI models um because obviously it's it's costing them a lot of money to run these and obviously it's consuming a lot of resources so there is a wee bit of stigma around that at the moment but we expect that to um improve as uh time goes on so just to be aware of that especially if you're really focused on um sustainability now there is an example of that again going back to it being creative then mango for example the the shopping brand um they have stopped using in-person models and they now use AI for all of their adverts and to show their their clothing so it's all AI models and they have explained that that's saving back to sustainability it's saving them taking a group of models and flying to different destinations around the world and consuming resources over a couple of weeks where a full team are there taking um photos and then bringing them back and editing but it's also saving saving them a lot of money and and they can be very reactive and get products out to the market quicker so um there's a there's um they're using Ai and of course it's costing resources but it's actually overall having a positive impact in the business so again how can you um use that and and roll that into your business as well um so again just couple of best practices review the terms and conditions of the AI tools that you're you're using and build out your policy as we mentioned check the the quality of the the content that's been produced we would say never take uh let AI content publish uh online always humaniz it for sure um and definitely invest in the in the paid versions of the software so just to to wrap up we go to questions now is is um if I asked AI to create some images which I did here for a an amazing Willy Wonka experience that we wanted to run in our Hospitality business these are some of the the great images that It produced and if I was going to use this to try and promote my event um if I posted these on social media people no doubt would be going crazy to B book tickets and come and see this experience and again these as I say simple prompt into an AI tool and um I was able to get these images but the problem is and this a very good example of maybe what not to do is um this this was what a a company did do and um sadly what happened was that the AI images went online and of course customers believe that that was the experience that they were going to um you know fail or or or be part of when they bought the tickets and that wasn't the case so when they went they paid the3 35s and they went to the um facilities it was nothing like any of the AI generated images and obviously it turned into a disaster because everyone was very upset and looking for um refunds and and um it it actually went viral and there's sadly there's we see this happening maybe once a quarter now H globally in different sectors that there is examples of this happening so again going back to it AI is very powerful but you do need to be very careful and and um think about what you're posting online so the problems with this these images were definitely misleading marketing um we didn't have maybe human oversite or thinking about what would happen um obviously there was legal and ethical concerns and then the the damage to the reputation actually think the business actually closed after that um so again yeah just be very careful what you're posting you can see how easy is to get carried away and create some incredible images and post them but then back to the the negativity that might fall out from that so again just to highlight so we've got these four webinars um coming up and we're going to Deep dive into each of these topics and but of course if there's anything else you'd like us to cover in these webinars or future H do let us know in chat so I'm going to to stop talking for two seconds and um we we run through some questions and I think we've set the pace for what we're going to cover in detail in the next uh webinars thank you so much Karen um lots to think about there and and what a great overview and introduction to everything um I think even people that are already using it there still been lots of things they can pick out of there as well as you can imagine um it's been a busy um a busy chat box and question box as we've been chatting so um we will pick up as many questions as we can shortly um uh but um uh just to let everyone know at this stage we're going to be sharing a recording of today's live presentation along with a link to the slides so you can review those again at your leisure um uh I'll be kicking off the Q&A session really shortly so if You' have any questions and you haven't popped them into the chat yet um H You' still got time pop them in now I can't promise I'll get through all of them but we will get through as many as we can and if any that we don't manage to pick up and we'll try and pick up offline afterwards um so just before we get stuck into your questions anyone that's been in our webinars before um will be familiar with this we're going to do a couple of very quick plls just to get a fail at this stage for how you find today's session so far so first of all how would you rate today session um that's just in terms of overall satisfaction on a scale of 1 to Five I'll give you guys a moment just to complete that okay thank you so much and uh then we're going to do just a second poll to wrate today's session in terms of content and relevance to your business so again that's on a scale of 1 to five super thank you so much um and finally we're going to um just a quick yes and no question and do you plan to take any action as a result of what you've heard from Karen today okay fabulous thank you so much thanks for taking the time to do that it just helps um us uh with uh knowing that we're right on the right track with things but um also uh in a follow-up email um after this we will be sharing um the recording for today's session but we will also will include an evaluation uh link and that is your option be to tell us what else you'd like to hear also how you find today's session but what else within AI but also in general in the Ted program you'd like to see from us in the coming year or Beyond so so if you can take a few minutes just to fill that in once you receive it um we'd really really appreciate it okay so thank you so much so lots of questions to get through um here and we're going to keep you busy you're not off the hook H just yet even though you finished the main presentation so um we'll get stuck straight in um I think I think you sort of touched on this but um are there any liability issues um in relation to using AI care and that people need to take H keep uh keep in mind and take on board yeah it again just I think that the last example is a great example of what not to do I um just we need to be very careful not we just shouldn't do anything that we wouldn't normally do um it's very easy to get carried away with how good the AI content creation for example if we're talking about that is um so just we definitely need need to be smart in what we're posting I'd be worried sometimes someone in a team gets excited and posts something and it it doesn't um reflect um what the reality is the other thing is again then just back to private data so if you're putting in your finances or you're asking some H or questions I would be recommending that you be using paid accounts um again historically the has been examples of say Amazon financial data being being laked into CH was and it became publicly available obviously things have got a lot better since um that that happened a year and a half ago it so it is much better but definitely your paid account tend the data tends to keep it in your account it doesn't go anywhere so that's the the best um approach for that brilliant thanks Karen um we've got someone who's wondering here um uh how you think the recent and future change at meta and X for example are likely to impact um how businesses and the public in general begin to use Ai and social media um I suppose they they're very influential yeah B massive question so Mark zuberg did the interview with Joel Rogan last week and one of his statements that I took and shared with our developers was it was a minute clip and he said that in 2025 companies like Facebook meta and other companies of that size are going to use AI to replace Midland developers software developers so again AI is not even Juniors but midlevel so it's going to have a massive impact um in what they're doing but what we're seeing in those space and then you've got um the you know the back to the free speech and um they're removing some guard rails which is definitely a we bit sad to see because obviously we want to see safe online browsing as well so it's going to be plenty of change there they're going to drive it's what we have is we've got really good tight EU UK AI controls the rest of the world are way bit looser and and running faster so it's interesting to see you know there a there's um opportunity and cost to that obviously you you'll develop a ie bit slower so again there's going to be plenty of changes so we need to see how they're going to change everything so for example will people leave Facebook and go to Google to to find out about a h a holiday opportunity I they might actually just ask the AI and we've seen that so underneath a video or post that you've made you've got your meta Ai and you can ask follow-up questions about that business or about that experience and the whole idea of what they want to do is keep people on the platform so definitely you want to be aware of how that's happening another thing we've seen as massive in the last year is AI influencers um and again I don't know if I if I I've shared a link there in chat I don't know if that works or not but H you can actually just Google AI influencers and that that person will come up but there is a lot of them out there and they're doing deals with clothing brands and car Manu facturers and uh so yeah so we're going to see AI everywhere the the last thing and we haven't explored a lot is even Mark zuberg is explaining that he expects to see AI users on those platforms so would we have an AI assistant of ours going to Facebook and doing searches for us well that's what they're gearing up um so it's going to get very interesting in in the years ahead yes uh it's and it's moving so quickly as well so it's just keep trying to keep on top of it um we've had a CP couple of people that have been asking about what AI platforms you might recommend for doing data analysis on reviews I know we are going to have a whole session on data analytics so we'll not we'll not spend too much time on that today but I don't know if you any even a one line on that totally I I i' be honest chbt is probably the one that most people use CHT is amazing at at analyzing data um so I would I would use that as a starting point and I just a tip on that one so if you're putting in your data that's brilliant ask ch then what would be the best questions to ask around your review data so it'll come back and give you a little and then you just ask the question so you don't even have to think of the questions to ask ask it what questions would be the best ones to ask and can you get AI to analyze your whole website is that something you can do Ken totally yeah and there's tools that do that uh one that we use is uh Harper AI H RP a Ai and again it's free and has a paid plan but it will analyze any website you it's we plug in you on to your Chrome browser or Firefox and when you open the website you just click and it will analyze it it'll audit it it'll tell you the keywords it's targeting uh how good the content is it will also do it for your competitors as well um it will price match Pages as well automatically so say you want to keep an eye on a competitor if their price you can actually have a a little bit of tracking it'll send you an email if if anything changes on that page so and there's loads more tools going to be doing that going forward brilliant and with someone who's wondering is there a platform that can support with occupancy prediction um within I presume that's an accommodation um provider is that something you would have any thoughts on H again yeah I what I would be doing there is I haven't seen one specifically for that but what I would be doing is I would be putting in your your data your historical data into um chat gbt for example so maybe you have a couple of years of thata already gathered and then if you do know of anything coming up or anything you new that you're doing this year feed that in as well and ask it to um make predictions based on that and then what you can do as well it give you lovely charts and um uh you know spreadsheets that you can actually use but you can actually then ask it to what happens if x happens or Y happens and again the cheat is ask it what questions should I ask about this so again what happens if I'm out 10% up 10% or down 10% um and then you can ask start asking the questions how do I actually achieve that so um I think any of the AI tools are brilliant analyzing data that's one thing we we don't do enough of with them yeah um I mean uh the the video of the guy in London was amazing and I I it just sort of I suppose it really brings it to life and and someone had was saying here you know obviously that they agree that was amazing but how how can we then ensure we don't lose that human interaction and human personality I mean I suppose that's what we in Northern Ireland one of our big selling points is our people so we don't want people to just be walking around just on their phone and not interacting so it's getting that balance really isn't it Ken totally and I I think what's going to happen people are going to like hopefully our guests are going to be yearning for that even more because they going to be so surrounded by Ai and and these robots everywhere they're just going to enjoy actually talking to a person so back to our our key selling point that's where we need to be really good and strong with our with our people get rid of all the admin and automation tasks we can and get our people out out the front yeah absolutely front and center um someone's wondering here Karen if they use AI for their blood LS is there a chance that could have a negative um effect on their SEO it's very interesting so we have a couple of AI websites 100% AI created and um we get leads and sales from those websites so everything never been touched or looked at by a person so we're testing this a lot we would have a mix of uh AI content and and edited content I would say the best way to approach this is have ai write some content but definitely add your 20% or your your flare and knowledge to what's happening is AI are rewriting basically all the knowledge that is gathered so if you put in the things to do in Bast it's going to rate a thousand articles on things to do in Bast and basically regurgitate all of that but if you can add your little bits your little tips of things to do at night or or uh you know your little secrets that's going to make that article stand out especially if everyone else is just doing the AI content and you will win um there's no negativity Google doesn't really care um who or how the articles are made it just wants good cont content so if it's vanilla just repeated you're going to lose that and that we're going to go really into detail on that in the content um the marketing uh webinar okay fantastic um and uh someone's wondering here if AI is likely to make us more dependent then on third party sites such as booking.com and Expedia Etc um I suppose if they are using AI what um what do you think it's a great it's a great question there might be new players in the market they definitely going to be a um a bit of a fight um I I definitely do not use Google search as much as I do I use the AI tools to do all my searches on this I'm looking for a brand so um my my online behavior is definitely changed um I see maybe maybe again back to Facebook and meta people are going to be booking and finding out all Within These platforms so uh there's definitely going to be a lot of change I would what I'd recommend is just keep doing really good digital processes marketing build your brand and make but get those reviews and just make sure that when AI is searching that you're standing out and your data is being pulled into H those recommendations because it is it's still searching and um learning what's What's um online but it there is a risk but double down in your your brand and your reputation marketing and hopefully then You' be pulled out all the time so for example you go to chat GPT and ask what's the top X of Y in Belfast top hotels top restaurants um are you in that list yeah very good um we've got someone here this might be something that you'll be picking up again in the in the data analytic session but if um someone who's a startup so they don't have their own data yet um is there a way they can use existing sources um to sort of help them to build marketing plans for overseas customers for example so is there some way that you can use data without having your own data yet I suppose yeah oh no brilliant yeah of course so again you find that these tools because they have such a reach so they they have such a a deep knowledge of um data online I would use chbt but I probably go to the page and I would have switch on the search feature which is the the the Earth in the in the box and ask it for the latest statistics you could also go to Google Gemini which is great for like incredible for statistics also perplex the AI and again they all have free plans and just ask for loads of Statistics they'll all give you different data put them into one and then build out your plans that way that'll be a great start you'll have good research then um to help build out your plan going forward yeah super I don't think there'll be a simple answer to this someone's wondering what's the subscription cost for paid AI I assume that varies from platform to platform um so is there sort of a starting point or um yeah no no they all seem to be at the moment in around $20 and so it's about 156 pounds a month um which again for what you get is incredible like it's if you actually use it it's a game changer um and you you can sign up for an annual plan and get it slightly cheaper that seems to be the the cost of the moment all the plans have a all the platforms have a free plan as well so again you can use it to a a point and but at 16 pounds it's if you set on one say if it's ch GPT it's it is incredible value brilliant that's great um and then this is quite an interesting one someone's wondering if um you know if they're brand new to to to use an AI they be best to start out by using a personal account and and and practice and get an idea of of what the options are before they apply it to their business um and is there any recommendations on if you're readjust starting out what's the best to kick off with I I would probably start just in chbt it is probably still the best in the market um for nearly everything you can create images in it it will analyze data you can use if you get a we bit more advanced you can use gpts and start creating videos in it um it will right content and you can educate it in what you do if you do go for the paid version and you download it uh onto your phone you can have it with you and you can talk to it on your desktop and on your mobile phone and it will talk back to you and so that's probably the easiest way just focus on one there there definitely are more but I would if you stick with chbt I think that's the the best place to start brilliant that's great um uh and uh let's see we've got a few similar questions to that so where to start or what's a good starting point and in terms of AI if you were if you were going for a paid one would if you would chat GPT be still the sort of initial paid one you might you might want to recommend yeah totally and I I wouldn't I wouldn't necessarily jump to a paid I think the person who recommend or suggested that go start with free I think that's a brilliant way to go and when you have hit the limit on that then definitely go to the paid if you're you're not happy with the answers you will find a difference subscribe for one month and you can cancel it you can use it a lot and then just cancel it and and see how you get on but if you do go and use it um even just even the voice element of it where you can talk to it is is yeah once you start using it I don't think you'll go back yeah very good um H someone's wondering here and I know it was um in the the video that we watched um a good AI tool for translating in real time which T guides could use maybe in the midst of of providing a a visitor experience for example um sign language sorry kieren just if there's anything in relation to sign language from an accessibility point of view brilliant no again with the um when I do if I was doing live transations with a customer I would have my phone out and uh I'd be using chat gbt and or or whatever uh if if I had another AI like Google gini I'd be using it but I think chbt is brilliant for that um it's probably the best one to go and sign that's it that's a that is a great one I haven't seen anything for that one so maybe that's one that we can update on the the web page page um I did a little bit of research and come back and that was also really good question absolutely super um and um yes here's an interesting one so AI is great at producing I suppose fictional images a bit like the the the Willy Wonka one that you um mentioned but um images of actual historic places and events are sometimes inaccurate or or or not quite right is there a way that can be corrected or I I think it is something that's hopefully improving Karen but is there any recommendations on how to make sure they are accurate or yeah um so again with that brilliant question so there is tools and we C we will actually go into that in detail there is tools you can upload say you've got a building or premises you can upload 40 images of say a room and then you train that model on that room so it becomes a model that your AI knows and then you can ask it to H make it ready for a wedding in white or blue or make it ready for Christmas so you can do that you can actually upload an image as a guide say you went outside a building and took a photo you can upload that as a guide and ask it to use that and you've got a a percentage how how close you want it to be to that so it could be 50% or 80% or 90% And say add Santa Claus so again there's ways to do that um and uh we we will we will cover that in detail yeah and we're we're having a whole section on visual visual design so absolutely super um now here's an interesting from the other side of the coin is there a way of blocking this Tech from your website um if you if you don't want to yeah you you can you can add um a do not crawl um P code into your website and stop the AIS coming and lifting your data and we did look at that and consider it as well uh and we then decided against doing that the reason being is that we thought we're worried about the impact on the AI um recommendations and Google it's whatever is happening in the industry is happening to everyone we've got loads of websites that had a lot of traffic to them and they have been hit by AI in um taking some of the answers and but in seeing that the flip of that we have over a thousand people visit our own business website a month from chbt and we see that in our Google analytics so go to your Google analytics and have a look and go through your referal and see where chat GPT is and these other tools and you might be surprised yeah absolutely now here's a good one and again I think the data one um everyone better come along on the 12th of March but in terms of data privacy um are we best to use AI tools from companies in Europe or UK in in terms of Asos data protection or different laws um instead of the US or or does that not really matter um yeah again know brilliant question um thankfully the EU is protecting us to a point that they've got a a fine for misuse of AI of 7% of global turnover that's why the companies are a way bit slow to add out or roll out these new um AI tools to us and obviously meta for example is is definitely concerned and and there is concerns around how say meta at least platforms might use our data and but any tool that you can use and pay for here um you'll be you'll be fine they'll be using the right data centers um but if you are very cautious of it I would definitely look at their T's and C's and just just verify are they using us data centers or UK data centers so at the moment we're comfortable in um in in the a iTunes we use chat jbt because it's owned by 50% by Microsoft and and it's again a massive uh organization so we're trusting that the the laws put in place are are protecting us there absolutely that's great someone is wondering here um you had mentioned um perplexity um as as a platform uh previously and they're wondering is are there is is chat gbt better or um is there
2025-01-23 01:51