INSIDE COURTROOM DETAILS | Day 4 | Megan Thee Stallion & Tory Lanez Trial | Dj Akademiks & MobRadio

INSIDE COURTROOM DETAILS | Day 4 | Megan Thee Stallion & Tory Lanez Trial | Dj Akademiks & MobRadio

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but I was just telling them that they're  going to allow the jury it was said you   know when everything was over with  they're going to allow the jury to   listen to Kelsey's interview from September  with the um with the prosecutors they're   gonna let them listen to it in full  I think it's probably like 80 minutes why didn't Tori um why didn't Tori's legal team  like put some objection to that or is it possible   that maybe I like before before trial starts like  tomorrow they might just be like hey listen judge   come on now like playing 80 minutes of this  [ __ ] remember some some some jurors are dick   riders but you know what um once again if they do  what they came to do which is you know identify   if they feel like he committed a crime Kelsey  gave that testimony and she has repeatedly said   that she lied she has repeatedly said that she  felt pressured she absolutely has made herself   unreliable so what can we do with that at this  point so anybody that wants Justice to be served   at this point I think that is fair regardless  of who you considered yourself believing to   understand that if you say that you believe  a hundred percent that Tori did it you have   to acknowledge that that's a lie like come on now  after all of this [ __ ] who can honestly say yeah   I 100 believe that his life is on the line This  is 22 years so after everything that's happened   with this [ __ ] show do y'all really think that  he deserves to do this or go to prison for this   [ __ ] when it's this [ __ ] messy and we finding  out all of this [ __ ] because when I say [ __ ]   got trumped up today it got chunked up today and  I know why they want to push that audio is because   Kelsey got up there and blew that whole [ __ ]  up that's how they [ __ ] they got left the judge   said we could be done with this Friday or Monday  and the defense had a huge lead today in terms of   speaking to Witnesses and chopping they ass up and  breaking them down the defense today once again   like in day one when we went through the five  witnesses and the police officers who were using   pieces of paper as placards to mark this you know  um Phantom ass Blood Trail they proved again today   that the LAPD is incompetent the LAPD then we'll  get into a chronological order but the LAPD got   the robbery detective two days ago told him two  days ago look at this Instagram post little Jew   made to be who posted this back in September of 20  [ __ ] 20. said y'all y'all don't think that goofy   [ __ ] shot her yes he did somebody commented  and said Kelsey uh shot Megan and Tori Lane's   account said Kelsey didn't shoot Megan okay they  said did you even try to look up the IP address   or whatever it was posted from because you know  celebrities have other people that post from their   um social media pages right he say no I didn't  think it was relevant they say you don't think   it's relevant in terms of trying to identify who  may have posted that to look further he said was   your duty to come up here and just basically  say that Tory Lanez posted that no that's not   why I'm here but you know I didn't think it was  relevant to look that you know I looked at that   post I went to his page it was verified and so  that was it what kind of [ __ ] investigation   is that and they gave it to you two days ago  two damn days ago they gave that [ __ ] to you   floppy floppy yeah sloppy well okay so we come  back from lunch Kelsey is still on the damn stand   they said before we broke we spoke about the  D.A in 2022. they said you found out about the   defense Theory and The Gunshot residue sample  that they took that night they said um did the   detective tell you that they had that and all of  that she said yeah I found out that I had gunshot   residue on me but I don't know when I found it out  but yeah they said do you remember going to the   station and being swapped and your hands getting  swapped in there she said I don't remember that   um they said did you find out what the evidence  showed when um you met with them and she said I   mean yeah okay they said were you told that you  would be done if you gave them that interview   in September that you would be done with this  case you wouldn't have to deal with it no more   and all of that she said yes they said what was  the interview done she said in a room I don't   know they said did you tell the prosecution  things to be done with this case she said   um I thought I would be done with it they said  then you say that you wanted to free yourself in   that interview she said yes I wanted to free  myself you know and tell my truth they said   this is defense speaking with her they said  you wanted to free yourself from this case   and free yourself from your connections with Tori  right she said I wanted nothing to do with this   case then they bring up Roc Nation okay okay  they said making this with Rock Nation right   and they say she said yeah they say do you know  Taurus labor she say no they said but she was with   Roc Nation by way of working with Megan right  she said yeah they said did you know about Roc   Nation trying to sign sorry and the fact that they  sell out foreign objection immediately and that   was sustained so that they could not get into  that so we didn't get an answer but absolutely hey a lot of people the industry heard  about that that it was interesting   when when people thought thought that that  rock [ __ ] was going against Tori because there were many people that wanted to sign him you  know to the label Roc Nation was one of the one of   the places interested so you know so then we go  to the party now we switch gears and so it was   like who um went to the party with you they said  EJ and they use the word party but once again the   Gathering whatever you want to call it uh Kelsey  EJ and Megan rolled together and they said and you   didn't see Torah come in she said no I did not see  Tori come in they said because you were drunk and   you had gone to sleep correct yes they said that  Megan look drunk she said yeah but all of us were   drunk and um they just specified again that she  was laughing obnoxiously they said did you see   Tori flirting with Kylie they say yes Kelsey  say yes they said did you see Megan while he   was flirting with Kylie she said uh yeah they  said how did Megan look while he was from the   college they said Megan looked irritated okay  they said um did EJ say it was time to go and   she said yeah they said did you see EJ tell Megan  that it was time to go she said I didn't see EJ   tell her that but I know I told her that and  she didn't want to leave but I don't know why   she didn't want to leave but she didn't they  said was EJ there when she agreed to leave   they say yeah they say was EJ still there before  you left she said yeah they said did y'all have   y'all Luggage in a room that Kylie provided for  y'all and Kylie's home she said yes they said   you have multiple bags in that room they say yeah  we had custody say yo we had multiple bags in the   room they said who packed y'all bags in Kylie's  house EJ pack the bags in college home they said   who put the um the who put the bags in the car  Kelsey said me and EJ put the bags in EJ's car   they said did Megan agree to leave at that point  she said no at some point she said Megan told us   that we was going with Tori so they had to move  the bags from EJ's car at that point to Taurus   call okay she says when we got in the vehicle to  leave the very first time which means Tori did   not go with them that they left with the driver  and EJ left as they left and though so she said   there is absolutely no doubt that Tori stayed at  the home with Kylie and that everybody left at   the same time in the vehicles they said so anyone  and this would be Megan because that's who said   it they said so anyone saying that EJ was gone  already so that they basically needed to ride with   Tori anybody that said that DJ was gone already  they lied Kelsey said yes they said anyone saying   that y'all only left once lied she said yes okay  we go to Atari in the pool touring the swimming   pool they say how long was it before once y'all  left did y'all come back to Kylie's house she said   I don't know how long it was but it was a short  amount of time they said whose idea was it to go   back to Kylie's house Megan's idea they said why  they said because Megan said that she had left a   slipper they said um were there any comments about  Kylie and Tori in the house did Megan make any   comments about them when she got a call she said  make was in the front seat so she didn't see her   expression to know you know maybe the look on her  face and her reaction and it was dark and late but   um all she did say was something she said  was he want to stay there with kindly   that's what she said so they go back to Kylie's  home she said um making the only one you know that   came that wanted to go back then they said did she  have a slipper Widow when she came back and got   in the car she said I don't know they said did she  come out with Tori she said not necessarily at the   exact same time but back to back so if Megan came  out first then sorry came out shortly after and so   uh and let me ask you a question is she answering  quickly is she sure we're finally getting no yes   okay you know okay yes at this point because it  did start happening again which I don't remember   [ __ ] but we just ain't got there yet so um they  said okay let's go to the statements they said the   time to go statement you know Kylie kicked y'all  kicked him out and she said yeah and so they   said let's go to the seat Arrangement and then she  outlined what everybody said which we already know   taurine Kelsey said in the back Megan said in the  front passenger Kelsey was right behind her Quan   was in the driver's seat all right they go to when  they met uh go over that again met sorry early   2022 and they became more than friends Kelsey  said she had never seen Quan before that night   and they established that um you know that Quan  isn't even his primary security and so they said   um is it true basically that Megan wanted you to  be nice to Tori and that she set y'all up and she   said yes you know and um it grew to something  sexual basically they had a sexual relationship   they said was the argument in the car about Tori  not leaving the party Kelsey said yes they said   in uh-huh they said and then at some point did  you jump into that argument to defend Megan she   said yes I did because she was my friend at the  time okay they said then Tori into Jackson said   well tell her the truth then okay and then they  said well how did he say it they said basically   um he said that they were having a relationship  and they said how did you feel about that she   said I was confused and I was upset they said  did you get mad and argue with Megan she said   yes they said is this why Megan wanted to be let  out of the car she said yes they said did you see   her sit at a bus stop she said yeah I did um and  that she was in her bikini they said who went to   her and convinced her to get into the car she  said Tori went over there to her and spoke to   her and then they got back in the vehicle after  that talk and they got in the same seats when   they got back in they said did y'all continue  arguing she said yeah we picked right back up and   um I told Megan that she back doored me and they  said how did you feel at that time she said I was   still upset you know when she got back into the  vehicle she had backstabbed me multiple times at   that point and I was angry and then they said and  the argument you know continued after that they   said the argument leaving was about when y'all  left that bus stop so after this first stop that   y'all make they said was that argument when y'all  got back in about Megan sleeping with Tori she   said yes they said was the primary argument about  her backstabbing you is that what this argument   was about in the vehicle Kelsey said yes they said  were you hurt she said yes and they said and you   you gave a couple of names of other instances  of her backstabbing you they said she said yes   they said but we're not gonna say their names you  know before they said Ben Simmons and uh the baby   they said we're not gonna say no names but isn't  it true that you know you were hurt and that you   said yeah you back door me with such and such she  said yes and I said one name of a person that she   had back doored me with I'm going to use you know  my brain to take an educated guess and say that   maybe the baby is the person in question okay I'm  inferring but that's what I think um she said I   did say one name when I told her this ain't the  first time you didn't they said after the first   betrayal from Megan did y'all remain friends and  did you remain her assistant Kelsey said yes I did   okay they said the call stops and you and Megan  get out she said yes they said Kelsey this defense   was that a physical fight with Megan tell the  truth she said there was an alcohol I don't know   they said I understand that you know there were  drinks and y'all were under the influence but did   you two fight was there a physical altercation  Kelsey said we probably bumped each other that's what the girl said she said probably bumped  each other and so they said what do you mean y'all   probably bumped each other she said you know I  was under the influence I don't know they said it   was more than bumping correct y'all were yelling  and screaming outside of the car correct she said   correct so they said you and Megan were yelling  outside of the car she said I don't remember   they said well y'all still arguing when y'all got  out the car she said I got out you know um at the   same time as her and I was still confused they  said you were upset and angry she said yes they   said was there anything more than y'all bumping  each other she said I don't know I don't remember   they said you understand that you have immunity  she said yes she said was there more he said was   there more than arguing that took place there was  an objection for asking you know the same question   they moved on they said how close uh were you  with Megan before that night she said we're   close always together like sisters I've been  out there for two weeks before the incident   and we were living together you know before  all of this they said you know whenever we   would travel we didn't make Hotel arrangements or  we were getting Airbnb we always stayed together   we were really close they said how did you feel  about being betrayed she said um you know I would   feel how anybody felt you know I felt bad I  felt betrayed they said when you got out of   the car did you hear anybody say dance [ __ ]  she said I don't know where that came from no   they said did you see Megan when you  got out the car she said I don't know   they said did you walk to the front or the back  of the car she said I don't recall he said when   y'all got out and y'all bumped each other was  that at the front or the back of vehicle she   said I don't know if me or Hub were walking to the  back she said I just remember the bump they said   do you remember you or her walking to the back  of the car Kelsey said yes so if we stop even   right here how in the [ __ ] did Tori did Kelsey  and Megan or even Megan let's go to make a story   how in the [ __ ] did Megan get out the passenger  seat he'll dance [ __ ] walk around to the front   and get shot but now we're acknowledging that  child last got out the vehicle and you know why   they walk to the back to get their [ __ ] luggage  y'all was walking towards the back of that [ __ ]   but y'all was arguing y'all got out there if y'all  ain't walking on them back because y'all got out   that [ __ ] car and line that [ __ ] up that's  what the [ __ ] y'all did talk about it ain't   nobody [ __ ] done but anyway they said do you  remember um you want her walking back of the car by the way um Meg also said that she never  saw a bump until she sees Tori and Kelsey   everything never acknowledge yourself now this is  changing they said um did the bump happen at the   back of the car Kelsey said at first yeah they  said did Megan turn around and go towards the   front of the car she said yes they said Kelsey was  there a fight this is when Kelsey hesitates and   she said hmm I don't I don't remember they said  since the incident and when it happened Jilly   Mega's manager picked you up right she said your  agility was going to see Megan and I hadn't seen   Megan um since then and then she corrected herself  and said well the last time I saw Megan was when   she helped me um with my living arrangements but  we still never got a date for when the [ __ ] that   happened so then they go to September 2022 they  said were you being truthful and um September   2022 oh oh no they said Is it true that you  weren't being truthful in September and she   said yes true I wasn't ventrix full they said did  you tell the prosecution what they wanted to hear   to be done with this she said I told them what I  wanted I wanted to be out of this and then they   said you lied about a lot in those transcripts and  she said yes they said did you lie about who the   shooter was she said I didn't see the shooter all  right now we do a redirect and Kathy Todd is back   up there Kathy shows the message that Kelsey sent  to Justin they said did you send this in the car   she said yes and they said why they said because  she said because I was in a panic they said when   you uh were panicked why did you blame Tori she  said because I assumed after I heard some shots   and um she said there were only four people in  the car right she said yeah and then they said   so you knew she had got shot right she said Megan  teen told me she stepped on glass they said Megan   didn't shoot herself right they said I don't think  so so I guess I don't think so they said um Jaquan   wasn't in a fight right just said no they said you  didn't shoot Megan correct she said no they said   um so is that why you assumed that Torah did  it she said yes they say were you panicked when   you sent Megan pictures of this bruise and  they pull up these different photos so all all of those photos that we saw of  Kelsey with injuries on her and the   ball patching her head Megan sent that to the  prosecution because Kelsey text this to Megan   so they said um were you panicked when you  sent Megan these pictures she said no but I   was confused they said you sent all these photos  to Megan right she said yes they said were you   panicked she said no I was confused so they pull  up some text messages that allegedly were between   her and Megan they said do you remember these  text messages to Megan she said I don't remember   it but I see it and they said you don't remember  sending this to her she said you're showing me but   I don't recall they said did you send any of  these to Megan she said I do not believe that   I sent that to Megan she said she said maybe  I had that conversation she said but I do not   remember sending that to Megan she said Megan  didn't she wasn't talking to me so she said I I   don't remember texting Megan after that so they  said um these texts messages where you say that   you wanted to go to the Urgent Care because your  hair was hurting and all this other [ __ ] because   that's what the message said the messages said  that uh she was asking the person should I go to   urgent care you know my neck hurt my chest hurt  my head hurt you know all of a sudden should I go   and then she said it brings back thoughts about me  wanting to go to urgent care but I do not remember   sending that to Megan I do not remember having  that conversation with Megan that you're showing   me I don't think that these messages are between  me and Megan they said you said that you had neck   and chest pain right she said yeah all right they  said in your back and everything was hurt right   Kelsey said you're trying to make me  remember something I don't remember   okay so they move up they said detective stalkner  didn't he leave your voicemail in 2020 in August   which was the same month that Megan went live  and confirmed Torah was the shooter she said no   I don't remember that they said do you remember  answering the phone for him he said who he was   and you hung up in his face she said no they said  you had a lawyer and they named the lawyer and she   said yeah but then she said no the man whose name  was Dominic she said um he wasn't ever my lawyer   he was just somebody I basically consulted with  and so Kelsey said when you reached out to me I   would forward it to him and so they said you  weren't ready to speak back then she said no   they said when we met in September before you got  subpoenaed you knew that our interest um you knew   that we were interested that wasn't the only time  that we're interested in talking to you you knew   like we want to speak to you then and did we uh  threaten you she said you guys didn't threaten me   um they said before you spoke to us were you  ordered to come back to court Kelsey said yes they   said so you knew that even if you came in to speak  to us that this wouldn't be over like you knew you   still would have to deal with this and she said  yes they said Kelsey why did you say that you felt   pressured she said I felt pressured because of all  of the calls from you guys she said the knock on   my door when I got subpoenaed she said me getting  impression on social media and all of that she   said y'all didn't threaten me but I absolutely  felt pressure to come in and talk to you guys   they said you said you only uh came to talk  after learning about our defense and the finger   quite possibly being pointed at you she said are  you talking about The Gunshot residue they said   when did you learn about The Gunshot residue she  said I don't know they said weren't you accused   and this is the defense though the defenseman  came back to talk to her now the defense said   weren't you accused to shoot notice my prosecution  yeah that's not the Rick Ross I'm so sorry   prosecution said weren't you accused of shooting  Megan and you said that you felt like that was a   ridiculous accusation in September she said yeah  it was ridiculous they said there were rumors that   Megan stepped on glass right she said her team  told me that she stepped on glass and I believed   them they said you do remain consistent that you  didn't shoot Megan she said yes they said did you   shoot Megan she said no they said you know you  have a community right she said yeah okay now   the defense comes up to do another recross they  said you know that you have youth immunity and   you're aware that you can still commit perjury  and be prosecuted for perjury she said yes they   said are you aware um that a witness named you as  the shooter objection immediately it was sustained   I don't know why the [ __ ] we can't hear about  it but what damn witness and there was someone   who looked too sorry they said he even looked  surprised by that I don't know if it truly was   or what the hell was going on but I've never heard  that a witness said that Kelsey is the person that   shot so I don't know what's up with that but I  would have loved two of him more I've heard more   so they moved on because he said sustained they  said when did you find out about the gunshot   residue and she said it was way after July 2022  they said um didn't you hear about a witness she   said yeah they said did my client ask you to leave  or were you pulled out of the car by your hair or   what happened how do you get out the car she said  me and Megan just got out they said do you recall   these words I'm taking shots at you [ __ ] I'm  busting you she said what they say do you remember   these lines I'm taking shots at you [ __ ] I'm  busting you they had to pull up the lyrics on Rap   Genius so read them again so that they could  you know what I'm saying make it make sense   and so she said yeah I said that um they excuse  her at this time they they were done with Kelsey   in the line of questioning they said the judge  told Kelsey there's a very remote chance that   we will call you back but it is a possibility  yeah this is ridiculous oh that's some light   look at Casa whatever it is yeah that time of  day costumes you know we're done at a Celtic uh Kelsey couldn't get her ass up out of the fast  enough she was shuffling and getting up out of   there so um that was it with her that was done  with her then they called up the next witness this   is the detective from Hollywood LAPD who um is in  the he's a detective he's a detective they pull   him up and they say do you look at social media in  cases he said yes they said did you look at social   media in this case he said yes they pull up a post  from the save room the save room what they miss it   look at y'all list they didn't um repost it what  little Drew made to beat Megan Megan producer   on December 13th um he got this message this  was two damn days ago so the mess the post   is from September 2020. they didn't  actually so what was made was from on December 13th that was the two days ago more  sloppy ass [ __ ] work more desperation yeah   literally and this was the post that said this  little goofy ass [ __ ] said that he ain't shoot   Megan you know they said um so they look we're  looking at the message now we're looking at the   post and so you got little Drew make the beat  at the top and a user comes in and says people   say that Kelsey shot him and Tori said that's  not true prosecution said who owned that page   he said Tory Lanez they said can you explain the  blue check to us they said that's a verification   badge which is supposed to mean if the page is  authentic that he went over the types of people   that could get a verification badge and all that  [ __ ] they said um how many followers the story   have he said 11.8 million and Counting they said  so Taurus said Kelsey didn't do it he said yes   that's when the prosecution said okay we're  done defense comes up that when I tell you   defense told his ass up I said you not they said  um I noticed that you you said you got this on   December 13th that was just two days ago did he  say have you been on this case he said I assisted   the primary officer who was detective stalkner  he said um but I wasn't you know just a part of   it like that all the way through but I assisted  him in the beginning and other than that they   brought this to me on December 13th they said  you look at celebrity and athletes accounts all   the time he said yes he said do public figures  have people who run their accounts he say yeah   you could say that he said are you trying to say  that my client posted that on Instagram he said   no that's not what I'm trying to say he said is  this the only post that you looked at he said yes   they said do you know anything about Tori posting  that he doesn't run his social media he said no   so they pulled up a screenshot from Instagram and  I don't know if you guys feel familiar with me at   Jordan but me Jordan is a photographer uh for Tory  I don't know all of what he does but I do know   that he does that he takes dope ass pictures mid  actually went on social media and said verbatim   I'm the only person with access to Tori's account  y'all want to believe all kind of [ __ ] so bad   I'm the only one with access they said do you see  what me and Jordan said he said yes and they said   do you see that Tory Lanez like the post yes they  said did you look into any other post by Tory he   said no they said do you know who controls Torres  accounts no they said did you try to find out no   they said why not they said because I didn't think  it was relevant they say ain't it your job to look   into things and investigate he said yes he said  so couldn't you have checked the IP address he   said you know what an idea an IP is right the  man said yeah I do know what it is he said so   couldn't you have seen who posted that by trying  to trace the location or anything like did you   see who posted it yeah cheers he say no they said  why didn't you feel that it was relevant per the I don't know what Armenians like to eat  but that [ __ ] was feasting on that ass   he was and it was going back and forth just like  that and he was giving him that energy he wasn't   even though didn't the way I'm saying it he  ain't said like that he was saying why didn't   you feel the need to investigate isn't it your  job to invest like he was being short with that   [ __ ] so he said why didn't you feel like it  was irrelevant per the task giving no no no no   I'm sorry they said did you see who posted this  he said no and he said why the man answered and   said I didn't feel that it was relevant per the  task given they said oh what tasks were you giving   he said to see who said it he said no you're  supposed to tell us that he did they said are   you neutral he say yeah they said are you trying  to help detect uh police officer stalkner he said   no he said you got this two days ago and you  were sent here to tell us who wrote this but   you don't know who wrote it he say yeah okay he  said I'm done they do a redirect they said were   you here to say that Tori wrote that and he  said that's not why I'm here he said um did   you ask for any other messages or posts he said no  they said we done with the chance get the [ __ ]   up off the stand that was the damn detective's  testimony about his lackluster ass performance   when it came to researching what the [ __ ] the  prosecution thought was going to be another nail   in the coffin so then we pulled up Stacy Vander  shaft Stacy Vander shaft is a criminalist who   um focuses on Trace analysis so this is the woman  they brought in as The Gunshot residue expert she   stated that somebody could get gunshot residue on  them if they're within at least 18 feet of the gun   going off 18 feet or being touched and all that  kind of [ __ ] like that and then she went over   in great detail gunshot residue how it works what  she does when she's breaking it down and and the   software that they have and are very knowledgeable  woman about that and so she went over all of that   they said what's the furthest that you've seen  particles travel she says Studies have been done   and um the max that I've read per my knowledge  is 18 feet they said um your work here what did   you do she said I examined three gunshot residue  kits for Kelsey only three Megan was never tested   Kelsey yeah Kelsey Tori and Jaquan they said was  Daystar Peterson sample positive she said yes   they said was Kelsey's gunshot residue report  was it uh positive yes yes it was on her hands   they confirmed that Kelsey had gunshot residue on  her hands I want to tell you something hold on huh yeah yeah what I want to tell you  is the defense and their cross   I don't know what happened but they had a moment  to do something that just would have really really   really set the [ __ ] off and then I I don't know  if they can bring her back I don't know when that   man that is representing Corey got up the he  asked a really good question he said are you   aware that people in your profession can count the  particles and we can basically quantify who would   essentially have more gunshot rigid on them than  someone else she said yes I'm aware of that they   said does the person who shoots the gun have more  residue on them she said basically yes they said   this man said who had more gunshot residue on them  she said I need to refer to my notes can I do that   for whatever [ __ ] reason he went to something  else and she never answered the question we do   not know who in the [ __ ] had more that was the  opportunity to get get a [ __ ] answer that was   like the best [ __ ] question in the world I  don't I don't understand why he deviated from   that I don't know you know I'm sure that the  a rhyme and a reason but I would have let that   girl look in that that damn notebook like she  was doing she said let me look let her look and   let her tell you who had more the [ __ ] but  we didn't we never got a [ __ ] answer never   so they said you took a sample from her hand is it  possible that Kelsey could have shot that gun and   that Tori ran over to try to stop her and that  he could have gotten gunshot residue on him she   said yes that is possible absolutely they said was  there any gunshot residue on Jaquan she said no no   all right they said in most cases you know do you  get a property report that just outlines certain   things and she said um I do sometimes for the  most part get these property reports but I do   not get to look at investigative reports  and all that kind of stuff she said my   job is to find out about this residue then the  science behind it it's not my job to look over   reports and do all of this [ __ ] and so they  said did you get one in this case she said no   then we're going to the cross they said um did  y'all did you talk about and go up they talked to   her about going over the reports and Analysis they  said do you have any knowledge of blood trails and   they try to object but they said no let an answer  she said actually that's one of the things I was   doing before I got into this she said I did have  to do work about blood trails and stuff like that   not extensively but she did and so they said um  the placards would show when they place them when   police place them it would be able to outline the  trail it's supposed to show you like the path and   she said you know but yeah essentially that's  what it's going to show you which he left it   there but if we go back we never got a blood trail  those police officers put interview cards right   there on the ground and showed us one picture of  blood and they outlined the first day that they   could not confirm a blood trail at all they did  not label it properly they have no evidence of   that or anything more sloppy detective work from  the LAPD so um they said did you get a property   report in this case and she said maybe but for  whatever reason I did not make a copy I didn't   find it relevant or valuable to me to make a copy  of it so I don't have a copy if I got one then   it was with the information and I you know sent  it back the way I would do it regardless and so   um they say okay after that they were done  asking questions from her and uh he said we okay he said we done with this for the  day he said we are more or less on   track and we may be done with this  um concluding this Friday or Monday wow why so quick I I thought Tori was possibly  trying to call Kylie it was trying to call Corey   Gamble was trying to call Sean Kelly and maybe  even in a weird you know and maybe he would   testify himself the longest person like um Kelsey  because of the way that that went on day one we   got through five [ __ ] people so I and today we  got through three we got no four maybe four Kelsey   the detective of the lady so maybe three so if  they keep on Pace at this point without the kind   of quote unquote hostility and the not remembering  [ __ ] and all that then we could actually get   through quite a bit we start on time finish it get  those people in and I feel like we could be done   but I mean they do that closer what else we got to  talk about they don't have no more evidence I mean and now we gotta like I I  saw that detective stogner   could he could be testified yeah but he could the detective stalked her possibly um Corey  Gamble possibly Sean Kelly possibly and then   here's the thing you know I was talking to lawyers  for workers he said he I don't know I got to talk   to him again maybe he's mind changed but after  yesterday he thought that Tori should testify he   just really nailed his home but I think not but  maybe he does if he does I can't see him he he's   probably gonna be up there a while I don't know  if it's a good idea for him to get up there but   if he would be balanced and if he would speak  to certain things and tell the truth about it   and just be clear and concise it could work in  his favor it could if he got up there and said   you know I was wrong for sleeping with those two  women and then doing that and bringing that up   and if he maybe you know went maybe that way  maybe but I don't know if that's the best idea describe the narrative back to what the defense  opening was that hey basically something that   my my clients only guilt is that you know he  was probably not the best of man in terms of   dealing with two women and being truthful  and maybe he was playing them against each   other but when it comes to violence my client  was was not a violent individual that night   um if if Corey gets up there and delivers  a testimony like that which would obviously   have to hinge on what happened when he showed  up at the party what'd you see what happened   in the car what escalated the argument why  did you if you ever did get out the car why   did you get out of the car why did the women  get out of the car where there's a fight did   you try to break up a fight were you excited  to fight were you part of the fight I think   all these things are really important and um  honestly I'm gonna be honest with you right now   if I'm scoring this again I I keep saying like  a boxing match I think up too much it's too   much doubt to do it believe what you don't want to  play it's too much doubt it wouldn't be reasonable it it is too much doubt again I yo I went into all  of this by saying this do people care about who   really pulled the trigger or do people care  about if this is a good case those are two   different things we might never know who pulled  the trigger but this Chase transfer this is one of   the sloppiest things I've ever seen in my [ __ ]  life for people to supposedly have so much money   and they have so much backing and to have so like  just supposed to be these bomb ass lawyers and   all that this was sloppy as [ __ ] hey hey put  it like this and screw to Tori's lawyer uh I'm   probably [ __ ] up his last name with that [ __ ]  or whatever his name is but hey put it like this   if you're gonna bring up somebody's social media  posts especially this last minute and by the way   it was probably not in Discovery or whatever the  case where you're bringing it up now you know what   you know what me as a defense attorney is gonna  know you didn't you haven't hit Instagram with   a subpoena to actually get records of okay when  was this posted what's the IP on it and that's   why they just shredded that yeah that detective  or whoever it was hey you're basically acting   like somebody who's a commenter on the shade room  or academics page and you're acting like whatever   you see they're going on face value that don't  work in a court and they [ __ ] it does not work y'all just gave him this two days ago that's  the last minute that's a [ __ ] and he didn't   even seek out any other information and he  literally said that wasn't the task I was given hey desperation but also I'm telling you put it  like this I guarantee when talking about the the   you know anything that was contradictory when it  came to the Gayle King interview or maybe the live   that Meg did or or even the life that Kelsey  did I'm guaranteeing they didn't play that in   full if I'm Tori's lawyer I would say listen  why do we have to play the entire 80s clip of   her get uh talking to the prosecutors we should  find the relevance in it and then we should play   that because y'all didn't play the whole thing  where you know everybody's being performative   before we get in court and also so and also for  everybody like you know again you are talking to   law enforcement or you know you're talking to  the prosecutor or maybe a detection but you're   not under oh so again you know you're going off  your memory again as long as you're not like as   long as you're not um you know um planning and and  and and making an effort to lie to the detectives   if you didn't remember they're not gonna be be  charged for your statements it's not the same   thing as what could happen in the court of law  when it comes to perjury where it's like yo hey   hey if you're right memory is hazy don't make  it up you know what I mean so I'm now wondering   Hey listen the prosecutor is desperate they're  trying to get 80 minutes 80 minutes of audio so   think about tomorrow when you go in 80 minutes  okay we got to listen to this [ __ ] right nah   Tory's lawyers got this up a little bit but I  don't think I don't wear it takes the stamp at all if anything that prosecutors should be  thinking like this we lost this [ __ ]   but we tight so if anything we will try to get  everybody on some perjury charges cause something   [ __ ] up yeah they sent us on a dummy Mission we  look stupid as the District Attorney's office for   L.A County what the [ __ ] did you go in court  where Megan said he's selective she's not really  

doing she needs I mean she did do enough but  again she didn't see [ __ ] or really it's not   even what makes it in court is what Meg said out  of court may get so much so much caveats on social   media you couldn't use her as the strongest  witness she's not an eyewitness she's just   a she's a material witness and also the victim  now you got Kelsey Kelsey's supposed to be the   eyewitness she's supposed to be the star oh I've  seen Tori pull a gun I was telling him yo chill   listen after he shot her and he was walking  up I jumped in between him he punched me in   my face Kelsey cap that never happened and if  I told y'all that y'all is because y'all were   pressuring me because really y'all want to get  Tori yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about you yeah   who could actually vote once this goes  to the jury who could vote that this is   like 12 people right that's gonna say  guilty what the [ __ ] I'll tell you   I guarantee the D.A at this point is only looking  for hey who's gonna who's gonna um purging himself   it's over it's just so over and by the way at  this point do you even need Kylie but wait I'll   do is is I guess go into overtime as hard gets  more points because I mean they gonna reiterate   and speak to EJ gonna come and speak to Megan's  attitude Corey can come and speak to why in the   hell you know people got put out so this is just  that's the nail in the coffin with these Witnesses this [ __ ] is sad this [ __ ] is sad  and unfortunately I think the prosecutor   is going to be mad at the fact that they're gonna  be mad at Kelsey and Tori no not Kelsey and tour   Kelsey and Meg they're gonna look at me and said  Mac why you ain't tell us yeah there's this much   holes wow why did you basically act like we could  have probably won this [ __ ] right and I'm pretty   sure I think you know a lot of people think like  you know he says that Meg's gonna be charged no   way you look too crazy you can't talk now what  happened uh charged but when sword walks away from   this because that's when I'm manifesting let's  talk about the lawsuit that should come after that   let's talk about defamation let's  talk about all these outlets and   what they said about him let's talk  about the bias and the prejudice   hey unfortunately I think because at the end  of the day the judge is going to still rule   that no matter what happened even if Tory is  throwing his juice Meg is still a victim and   because Meg is still a victim I don't think that  there will be nothing punitive happened to her   the only thing that will happen to her is that  people will believe her less because she got up   on Instagram and said Tory shot me and I want  to see that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] beneath the jail   so you have you have the court um the court of  social or the court of public opinion those people   will you know they'll vote with their you know  lack of support or their voice to say hey we're   not [ __ ] with Meg but I'm just thinking about  Meg being a victim the DEA looks crazy already   the DA's not gonna [ __ ] with that and by the  way if Tory brought I'ma be honest with you   I don't think Tori's bringing any civil suits I  think if Tory brings a civil suit it will almost   look it will look a little bit away unfortunately  we live in a country where a man could be accused   of whatever for two years and you could have  your career threatened you could have your   livelihood taken away from you and if you end  up being found not guilty you better be just   happy that you're not in jail there's no punitive  action if you sue Meg they're gonna look at you   and be like well she's still a victim you're  still a piece of [ __ ] you didn't do enough perspective okay I feel like he should still the  [ __ ] out of all of them I won't give a [ __ ]   what they said run me my [ __ ] money for two  almost three years of playing with my [ __ ] name they had cut out a little bit no I was just  saying that's an interesting perspective but   um I would come after all the answers after almost  three years of playing on my [ __ ] name y'all   gonna give me at least a dollar pail now be right  on her ass yeah I agree but I can I can actually   see the benefit and wanting to be all done with  this [ __ ] and just bye [ __ ] I'm over bye I   don't want to be comfortable hey I agree listen  I think Tori has the amazing case for lost wages   it's just that put it like this how does it play  whether in court or how does it play in actual   you know Society again if this was Meg doing  something with Tori makes career wouldn't have   got canceled Tories did so if we're thinking that  if he sues Meg or he sues Roc Nation people are   going to be rooting for him it won't be as much  people as I think that people were you know again   people thought this was the issue they could  hang their hat on to say hey we don't support   black women being you know hurt and nobody right  but people thought this was the quintessential   this was a quintessential case to say yo a black  woman got hurt and we're going to make sure   Justice is served now that everybody's saying oh  maybe it's not as simple as I thought everybody's   backing up you know what I mean and unfortunately  I think if if Tori does want some type of you know   um you know action where he could probably hit you  know compensated for what he's lost they're still   going to look at him and be like well she was  hurt and yeah that's just a reality Society you   know how she goes I just um yeah I I think that if  Kelsey would have gotten up there and and said he   did this to me he did that then I think that would  have been it if Kelsey would have said I sent   these pictures to Megan because Tori abused me and  if she would have testified the way they thought   she was I could see that [ __ ] jury trying to  convict my boy but at this point this police yeah   100 and by the way and by  the way I do believe that I thought Tori was gonna take the stand but  just because Kelsey was gonna say some [ __ ]   I'm like yo you can't find a driver and you  got the only two people that they can find   saying you did something or they believe you did  something bro yeah you gotta be fighting right now   shut up and uh one of the biggest fumbles in  history after all of the money that has gone   into the Press up like oh yeah protect black  women with Malcolm X playing in the back and   all this other [ __ ] y'all did all of this  [ __ ] to get here all this time later and not   be prepared this is some of the most ridiculous  [ __ ] I've ever seen in my [ __ ] life and I   heard that you know Kathy Todd of course this  is a room of speculation but I heard that she   was given this case and did not even want it that  that everybody is Whispering about how this case   was a setup from the jump end up it was never  solid they said that nobody want this [ __ ] case I could never you know confirm that but you know  I feel like that's [ __ ] interesting I'm foreign okay so we're looking at tomorrow   after tomorrow we are looking at um what  is it so so after tomorrow we're looking at   possibly Monday and maybe Tuesday we could  probably be at the immigration said we are   more or less on track with this and we could  quite possibly be concluding Friday or Monday and I'm saying something else I think  that the general tone for Kelsey they   want to play this this interview of Kelsey  I feel very you know uh confident in the   fact that they tired of her ass I don't think  anybody want to see Kelsey no demo after two   days of dealing with that circus done about I  don't want something to listen to that [ __ ] let me ask you a question is Kelsey returning  tomorrow there is a remote chance that we'll call   you back you you might have to he said but it's  a very remote chance you are done here thank you   and she was dismissed and got the [ __ ] about  a cancer can I get up out of that fast enough   so I highly that's why she'll  come back on the stand bye wow okay okay this is interesting I like this song winning team hey you know some people are gonna um look at  it and be like well you know there are people   who are biased right and um I know I can speak  to myself if anyone who's ever thought I was   biased or people think I'm bias now I don't ever  believe I was never biased I was always trying to   objectively point out some facts that may not  be for a slam dunk case or may not be for slam   dunk narrative and I wouldn't say these things  everybody said the only reason why you're pointing   this out is because you're writing towards yeah  she's Decor or whatever the case is and I'm like   how come y'all see this case and you're seen it in  court don't like like we all like I get this whole   belief woman and whatever whatever and it should  just be one-sided but if you just seen a case   where you guys hated anybody who dissented with  anything that was opposed to whatever y'all want   to believe now this case looks so crazy ain't it  probably a little cause for y'all that in in other   situations in the future chill the [ __ ] out and  wait absolutely give it a second if they ain't   learned nothing else from 2022 do not be making a  style you know Amber Heard don't do it don't do it do you think she's coming across like Amber Heard  I know there's no video ever heard in a school   video we watching all the sniffles the fake cries  like you know I mean the orchestra the [ __ ] you   know I'm in the hallway you know with the people  there and she was referenced she was compared to   Amber Heard multiple times people people compared  it multiple times and said you know with the sound   and the crying and the you know animations and the  back and forth and then comparing the fact that   damn but I thought this was so solid you know like  [ __ ] came in confident and it's been missing   it's been that only to get in there and you know  have a [ __ ] looking like Johnny Depp this [ __ ]   a [ __ ] [ __ ] phone and the next black woman is  gonna have a harder time the next black woman that   needs does this may not get it and that is the  most unfortunate thing and what black people need   to do is stop uh and I understand what you mean  when you say a black woman says something and then   we should stand for that when a black woman and a  black man get into something these are two people   from our community but we need to stop doing is  feeling like we have to choose between our own   we need to wait and see that's what we need to  do we don't need to immediately believe a black   woman just because she's black and we don't need  to immediately believe the black man just because   he's black and then a woman's voice it should not  mean more than a man's it needs to be balanced hey I think this case has kind of helping us  maybe see that you know I'm a dude so I can't   do that and obviously you're a woman so it means  more when you say it and you know obviously you   know for someone like me I definitely empathize  with a lot of shows that women go go through but   we are in in a situation now where you know like  there's so many stories and so many situations   where just because one gender said something  over the other gender sometimes sometimes like   you gotta look at the details of the case  it's the details you get what I mean again   in certain situations it might be like yo  this dude is an abuser yeah and we gotta get but in some cases if we're seeing it's  two different it was always night and   day it was never like their that's the  fact it was always night and day it was   night and day and all I remember getting  feeling five percent let's wait and see   what is so bad is the way I I used to argue in  DMS with beautiful black women and be like yo   listen let's just wait and see they're  like why don't you believe I like this song winning team hey you know some people are gonna um look at it  and be like well you know there are people who are   biased right and um I know I can speak to myself  if anyone who's ever thought I was bi so people   think I'm biased now I don't ever believe I was  never biased I was always trying to objectively   point out some facts that may not be for a slam  dunk case or may not be for slam dunk narrative   and I wouldn't say these things everybody said  the only reason why you would point this out is   because you're writing towards yeah she's dick  or whatever the case is and I'm like y'all see   this case and you're seeing it in court don't  like like we all like I get this whole believed   women and whatever whatever and it should just  be one-sided but if you just seen a case where   you guys hated anybody who dissented with anything  that was opposed to whatever y'all want to believe   now this case looks so crazy ain't it probably a  little cause for y'all that in in other situations   in the future just chill the [ __ ] out and wait  absolutely give it a second if they ain't learned   nothing else from 2022 do not be making a style  you know Amber Heard don't do it don't do it do you think she's coming across like Amber  Heard I know there's no video ever heard it   was full video we watching all the sniffles the  fake cries like you know I mean the orchestra the   [ __ ] you know um I'm in the hallway you know  with the people there and she was referenced   she was compared to Amber Heard multiple times  people people compared it multiple times and   said you know with the sounding of crying and  uh you know animations and the back and forth   and and then comparing the fact that damn but  I thought that this was so solid you know like   [ __ ] came in confident and it's been missing  it's been that only to get in there and you know   have a [ __ ] looking like Johnny Depp this  [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] fool and the next black   woman is gonna have a harder time the next black  woman that needs Justice may not get it and that   is the most unfortunate thing and what black  people need to do is stop uh and I understand   what you mean when you say a black woman says  something and then we should stand for that   when a black woman and a black man get into  something these are two people from our   community but we need to stop doing is feeling  like we have to choose between our own we need   to wait and see that's what we need to do we  don't need to immediately believe a black woman   just because she's black and we don't need to  immediately believe the black man just because   he's black and then a woman's voice it should not  mean more than a man's it needs to be balanced hey I think this case has kind of helping us  maybe see that you know I'm a dude so I can't   do that and obviously you're a woman so it means  more when you say it and you know obviously you   know for someone like me I definitely empathize  with a lot of shows that women go go through but   we are in in a situation now where you know like  there's so many stories and so many situations   where just because one gender said something  over the other gender sometimes sometimes like   you gotta look at the details of the case  it's the details you get what I mean again   in certain situations it might be like yo  this dude is an abuser yeah and we gotta get but in some cases if we're seeing it's two  different it was always night and day it   was never like their that's a fact  it was always night and day it was   night and day and all I remember getting  vilified for saying let's wait and see   what is so bad is the way I I used to argue in  DMS with beautiful black women and be like yo   listen let's just wait and see  they're like why don't you believe I hate Instagram live it's just it's so  many problems y'all is it gonna come back   has it been an hour yeah it must have ended  all right we're gonna come back in a second looking good though I'll be done forgot what  I was saying so fast but I remember okay okay I told y'all this case where  is the [ __ ] reminder that   your ass finna get the [ __ ] beat hey mother and where's Keith and Renee and Denise and Landon hold on why somebody at Tori you  know it cut off after that   um of the hour I hate the one I  will Mark with no notification the [ __ ] we having a day start streaming party  today [ __ ] period but let me tell you what I   was going to tell academics because I don't know  where he had it's a blur let me tell you something what I was about to say was um they can't find  the driver child they can't find the driver so   what I was about to say before I got cut off  was that um Megan always talking about you   know I'm from Houston and I'm from academics  so tell them what the [ __ ] I said hello let me tell you what I was gonna tell you bef

2022-12-23 12:19

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