I Flew To Korea's Hawaii To Try Black Pork

I Flew To Korea's Hawaii To Try Black Pork

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and I have just arrived on juju island also known  as the hawaii of Korea and in this video I am on   a mission to a) get impressions of what I heard  is the best island in Korea and b) try the most   famous dish here the juju black pork I heard it's  the most delicious pork meat in all of Korea and   many people come here just to try it so what is  juju Island like and will the black pork really   be that good let's find out feel free to join  actually I want to show you the airplane really   quick because look at this we have Pokémon design  on the airplane I've never seen something like   this before I would expect something like this on  a Japanese Airline but this is actually a Korean   Airline I flew with a budget Korean Airline called  t-way and here we are on the biggest island of Korea okay I took a 1-hour domestic  flight to get here so I don't have to   go through immigration now so the process to  leave the airport should be quick and easy   and it looks quite busy here to be honest yeah  this is from what I've heard the number one   holiday Island for Koreans yeah I'm coming  from a city called changju which uh is the   newest airport to seong where I have been the  past days you maybe saw my previous video from there hello juu here we are okay all right as  usual I arrive here without much preparation   I booked the trip or the flight to get here  yesterday evening just booked my hotel literally   10 minutes before I uh booked the taxi to the  airport that's how I like to travel spontaneous   and without much preparation but I always see  people in my comment section why are you not   preparing your trips better that's just how I  like to travel sometimes it's more fun and more   exciting especially if you're filming the trip if  you do the trip unplanned but look at this we have   palm trees here hello G Drew wow that is a good  person here I haven't seen palm trees like this   in a while to be honest actually that already  looks like in Hawaii right I've never been to   Hawaii but I saw plenty of pictures or movies that  were filmed in Hawaii and that's very typical for   Hawaii as well these huge palm trees and have a  look at this also looks interesting also reminds   me to be honest a bit about Hawaii again so I want  to use the Korean Uber now which is called cacao   TXI funny name for an app but yeah it basically  works exactly like Uber or in Southeast Asia   and I've been using the app already quite a lot  actually when I was in Soul For example okay so   I have different taxis available here this is the  estimated price and my hotel actually is a hotel   that I'm really looking forward to I booked a  room with Ocean View okay cacao tea TXI recursing   a driver and I think we have a driver already  that was quick I'm actually curious if you're   fun career or if you live here what do you prefer  taking the regular metor taxis or using the app oh   hello and it no T it no stop oh you cannot stop  there no stop stop okay no problem to be honest   I'm not 100% sure if I choose the right location  because when I searched for my hotel name in   English I couldn't find it so I just dropped the  pin on the map at the place where I think my hotel   is not 100% sure okay but now let's get some First  Impressions uh during the ride so we have juu City   here which is also where the airport is which I  think is the biggest city on the island we are now   the northern tip of the island and because my  room has an ocean view I expect that I will be   able to see the sunset from my room okay my  first impression here is that we have a few   hotels here and there of course but I would have  expected that there will be way more hotel and it   will feel way more touristy so far I see many  residential buildings here on both sides and   then of course a few hotels here and there plenty  of restaurants as well but the first impression   is that it's not super touristy and we have  arrived and what I really like about Korean Taxi   is that you can always pay by card so you don't  need to bring cash okay thank you very much and   that's how you take cacao taxi the Korean Uber and  here I am the day Century hotel which is costing   me $50 a night including breakfast and with an  ocean view from my room so let's see if that's   worth the money good afternoon I would like  to check in oh there's even a coffee shop and   a little convenience store which I think it's  7-Eleven actually right connected to the lobby   that's cool okay very easy and quick check  in the staff even spoke English uh some of   the Rev of the hotel has said that there's no  English speaking staff here but even if that's   the case I don't really care uh I'm looking  for room 202 202 you know what something that   I notice in Korea every time the hotel doors  opening towards the floor towards the the hall   usually in every other country I have been through  in hotel so far the hotel doors always open open   to the inside of the room just a funny little  thing that I noticed here in Korea oh there's   actually a room for three persons I think also  something that I noticed in some Korean hotels   there's a step here which I just stumbled up on  the bathroom first okay we have a toilet here   which I think is a heated toilet once again which  I also had at my hotel in seong and heated toilets   are really really nice to be honest we have a sink  here we have a shower shower head like this okay   but now let's check out the room and the view so  I have a big double bed here and then a single   bed here and then a big desk area here a place  where I can place my suitcase always good to   have what are we having here some instant coffee  I assume hair dryer Kettle TV little seating area   and now let's check out The View well okay it is  Ocean View but not as good as I would have hoped   for you know can I open the ah we can open it  here okay oh actually now like this it's pretty nice a bit higher would have been nice right  I think there are three more floors on top   but uh I have palm trees here and I'm pretty  sure that I have Sunset View here so maybe   uh I'm probably going down to the 7-Eleven now  to get a snack I'm really hungry and then maybe   I will see you again in 1 and a half hours for  Sunset View here have a look at this this looks   actually quite beautiful here right they decorated  the whole wall here with these blue shels and yeah   I actually just left my hotel to walk to the ocean  to have a look a proper look at the sunset there   so my hotel is at the building right over there  just a quick 2-minute walk maybe this is actually   a restaurant here rooftop about view uh I didn't  go to 7-Eleven so I'm still hungry have a look at   this guys I think the sunset is going to be  amazing over there I also really like these   small little boats here maybe fishing boats  people go out fishing here hello let's see if   I can I think people are fishing here actually  as well but I think actually I can continue   walking here and then we're going to the tip  over there for the best view we have a sign   here in Korean probably this says something  like be careful and don't fall into the water   wow this is amazing look at the view here over  the ocean here far in the distance we have the   coast of China where the Sun is setting now and  then we have southeast Asia in this direction   somewhere over there should be Shanghai this is  one of the best sunsets I have seen in a while actually oh what a view  the boat riding towards the sunset yeah easy going what an arrival here   but I'm hungry let's see what  the restaurant over there has to offer hello can I get food here yeah yeah okay  I have to order here yeah but you can change   I saw on the menu outside the juu cheese pork  cutlet yeah so easy just order on your little   screen right here and then I guess uh they get a  receipt over there what you ordered you see even   you can even see the process here it's cooking  right now where are you from I'm from Germany   Germany Germany Germany here uh North Germany  near Hamburg near HG cuz my younger brother is   studying in Germany Berlin in Berlin yeah last  year I lived I stayed in Berlin for one month oh   really yeah how did you like it I love it you love  it I went to Kit Kat where kitat you Kit Kat Club   oh really you go inside yeah oh but i r you didn't  like it what is what is this here this is pickle   pickle reddish reddish ah okay okay okay looks  very good okay thank you so much how funny she   had a look inside the KitKat Club in Berlin which  is known to be a very uh naughty Club in Berlin   never been there myself but this club is well  known in Germany but yeah look at this beautiful   plate we have the pork cutlets here with the juu  cheese according to the menu then we have a bit   of rice on the side and then I think these are  noodles actually let me try that right the way I   think it's a noodle salad yeah I think it is with  mayonnaise and then we have a little salad here   and then the Pickled reddish let me actually take  a picture for Instagram if you're not following me   on Instagram yet feel free to do so K brought on  Instagram I'm posting daily stories live updates   behind the scenes oh you got to see this up  close check out the cheese here it's melting   out oh this looks delicious let's give it a try  try oh this is delicious oh the cheese is very   very good I think the Highlight for this meal is  the cheese here cuz there lit look how much cheese   is here look at this oh this is nice this is  probably one of the best meals I had in Korea so far okay bye-bye bye-bye all right and we are now  in the city center of of juu town so this island   is quite large and there are several towns here on  the island but to my understanding this one is the   biggest one and this is also the the town where  I arrived where the airport is so we are on the   Northern side of the island now and yeah I just  took a 30 minute taxi ride from my hotel to the   city center and yeah I told you already earlier in  the video that this island is very famous for its   black pork so I'm definitely going to try the  famous juu black Park Park later in the video   many people from Korea traveled here just to eat  the park so I'm really looking forward to that   but first there's a market here in the middle  of the city which I would like to explore I'm   actually looking uh to buy a souvenir as well like  a Korean souvenir something that is maybe typical   here for the island so let's explore the market  and see if I can find a souvenir and maybe also   a little snake or something else I think this is  not really a local traditional Market it looks   more like a tourist Market because say yeah this  island is very popular as a tourist destination   for Korean people as well to be honest I haven't  seen other foreigners here although I also heard   that also many Chinese people like to come  here because we're actually only like 1 hour   away from Shanghai and I see lots of uh mandarine  oranges here maybe even proper oranges funny story   yesterday I posted my uh Instagram story that I  am on juu island what's going on here some filming anyway yesterday I posted my Instagram story that  I arrived in juu Island and then my sister replied   to my story that she has been here before  as well I didn't know that to be honest I   knew that my sister was in Korea before but I  didn't know that she also been to juu Island   and then she told me that she actually uh picked  Mandarin oranges here so that was quite funny so   I think maybe this island is actually famous for  mandarine oranges because she went to like a like   a farm where they can pick them by themselves and  then eat them something like that is that from juu   oh I can try one okay thank you so much come s  oh it's orange orange okay let's try the the G Orange it's actually quite uh quite  delicious I would say there's way   more taste to it than to regular orange  or mandarin orange it's mandarin orange   and now the problem is as usual in Korea I told  you that in other videos before it's impossible   to find a public trash bins so where do I throw  this now yeah I had this situation actually many   times before in Korea you just can't find public  trash cans maybe here no so what do you do with it I still haven't found an answer to this  question why are there no public trash cans   in South Korea so there must be a secret people  must throw their rubbish somewhere oh what are   they doing here oh I think they are playing a  game and he loses so he gets snatched on the forehead what's going on here is  this a oh what's going on here   oh I don't know where to look so many  interesting things happening here check   it out oh they are selling a delicious looking  meat here and I think Seafood but I actually want   to find out why they are playing walk  paper scissor here oh and still going on I'm wondering if this is part of  the the sales uh strategy here like   you can play a game for example and  if you win then you get something for   free H you speak English uh why  did you play W paper scissor with her I'm just curious why why did  you play this and why did you do this I win yeah you win and if he win   discounted 1,000 discount 1,000 oh I can I  can play too yeah okay oh that looks delicious   actually it's marshmallow right marshmallow in  ice cream in ice cream outside the marshmallow   inside ice cream oh hello hi okay so we are  playing walk paper scissor here if I win and   I get this uh for a discount and if she wins she  can do like this uh on my forehead okay just one round how many times okay one time okay rocks how  you one two three Rock just paper yeah that's the   rock scor paper right yes and then we do one  two three okay okay okay the pressure is on   let's see if I can win or you can fil okay thank  you 1 2 3 that means I win right yeah yes okay   okay so now I get a discount yeah discount okay I  get a discount you choose strawberry or chocolate   um I'm going with vanilla oh sorry vanilla s then  uh chocolate chocolate chocolate Okay okay so I   got a discount for 1,000 because I was winning  in work paper scissor very nice very well good   good okay let me get uh how much 5 now thank you  okay and let's see the process how she actually   makes it because it's quite interesting so I  think it's marshmallow and then inside we have   ice cream so okay interesting and now she just  burns it so probably caramelized on the sides okay it looks delicious already oh wow thank you  thank you so much okay have a nice day thank you   so much byebye okay now the the problem is how do  I eat this on my YouTube It's a can abroad okay   nice to meet you actually can you maybe hold  the camera for one minute I just want to try this oh it's very interesting  so the outside past smells like   caramel because it's caramelized  and then it's almost like just cream and then here we have the ice cream it's  a very interesting combination because you bite   into it the cream and the outside part is  warm and then inside you have the cold ice cream oh very interesting but very good oh thank  you so much bye thank you thank you for me yes oh   oh thank you so much oh come thank you very  much oh you want one you have already okay W   I'm getting uh some more samples to try that's  great and what a cool marketing strategy to let   your customers uh play for a discount very  a creative way I like that okay bye-bye guys   thank you so much okay what I'm going to do  now is I'm going to uh find a quiet place   hello I'm going to find a quiet place where I  can finish this without the camera and then I   will return to see what else we can find here on  the market so one thing that I see here that is   being sold at many stalls is uh these little  statues here hello how much are the statues here how much for this here cuz I  think I actually also saw similar   States all around the island for example  at the airport I think I showed you the   already earlier two two let's see how much 6,000  for two and what about these ones here the smaller ones how much are they 5,000 okay maybe this is  the souvenir I'm looking for do you also have a   pork uh the black pork por pork cuz I saw that  over there ah this is pork this is the the juu   pork here how much is the pork 7,000 okay am  I going for a souvenir like the park or the   statues I actually think that I might be able to  transport the statues here a bit easier than the   pork I'm scared that the pork will break in my  suitcase but I have more trust in the statues   these ones 5,000 okay I take the one please okay  oh actually these ones here have G written on it   oh now she uh wants to upsell me 8,000 uh I  think this is too big I take the small ones   here yeah okay oh this is also interesting  a big Park here with two children's riding   the Park yeah this island seems to be a crazy  for pork I can't wait to try the pork later okay okay come thank you so much okay I got  a little souvenir the market here is very   interesting I see so many um interesting shops  here and as you can see it's a very busy Market   as well so it seems to be very popular  for all the tourists here so if you're   coming to J I would definitely recommend  to check out this Market although it's a   very touristy Market but nevertheless  a very interesting one actually I'm   curious to buy one of these drinks here as  well because I think it's probably made from   the mandarines here so this looks like just a  fresh juice nothing added no sugar or something   like that hello I'm looking for the juice  how much is the juice one one how much how much, 3,000,000 I think she means 3,000 for  one juice let's see if I get a 7,000 change   actually also the bottle is the same shape  as the statues so they really seem to be uh   famous here in juu okay come s thank you  okay actually I saw a little um park over   there so let's uh check it out and then try  the juice and then I researched a restaurant   already where I can then later try the black  pork and also here as all the other places I   have visited in Korea in the past weeks it looks  very clean everywhere also the place feels very   safe very well organized so absolutely uh very  easy and convenient country to travel around   in my experience of the past weeks I said that  in my very first video from Korea that it was   a very spontaneous decision to come here but I  definitely do not regret this decision actually   quite the opposite I think I will return to uh  Korea you know what I also like about Korea it's   very peaceful people are always very friendly  I think you saw many examples of very friendly   and welcoming people in my videos people always  smiling so I have the impression it is a very   peaceful country here I like it and check this out  we have once again another of these statues right here actually I saw something on Tik Tok what  you can get here at these Korean convenience   stores so let's see if I can uh find it here  so it is a drink that you can buy here oh this   is what I was looking for so you can get these  plastic bags here and I think there's a drink   inside and then you buy a cup with ice cubes  here and then you can mix it for yourself L   Salon IC tea grapefruit U IC tea I want to get  the Kiwi banana Blended and yeah it's a liquid   inside here and then you get one of these uh  containers here with ice cubes 2,300 okay okay   okay let's actually sit right here that's  also something I really like about Korean   convenience stores there's always a corner where  you can sit down okay let me know if you're from   Korea this is actually something popular  to do getting these drinks and then mix it   for yourself with the ice cubes smells really  like um fake banana you know okay let's Pro it inside oh it's exactly the right amount to fit  completely in here okay banana kiwi is a very   interesting combination I like banana I like  kiwi I think I never had this combination but   it's actually not bad but I also have to say you  can taste it uh it tastes very fake I'm not sure   if there's actually any real banana or kiwi in  here it tastes very fake but interesting I could   imagine if you're a student or you want to go out  with your friends you can actually just uh buy a   cup with ice cubes here and then also mix some uh  some drinks to go you know yeah unfortunately the   weather today is not the best and actually as I'm  saying that I feel some sprinkles on my skin so   it might start to rain as well in a few minutes  so unfortunately we can't really check out some   of the beaches that you can also find on the  island here and some of them actually also look   pretty good on Google pictures but yeah it's not  really a beach weather today right so what to do   on a rainy cloudy day like this let's go and eat  the black Park and here is the black Park Street   where you can find the famous black Park which  is so popular here on the island that some people   travel to juu Island just to try the park so I'm  really looking forward to try it now as well so   we have plenty of restaurants here which are all I  think Korean barbecue restaurants and they are all   selling black Park and have a look we have a park  riding a bicycle here that is a weird thing to   see right that looks funny wow golden pork on the  bicycle Hello I can eat the black pork here can I   see you have the black pork here right ah black  pork belly shoulder butt pork neck and then it's   a barbecue here right barbecue okay barue okay  let's go inside first and then I choose actually   okay hello just one person yeah oh nice Korean  barbecue restaurant here okay okay thank you so much yeah so this is a Korean barbecue restaurant  so you'll Grill the meat by yourself here I order   on the screen okay um so I think he just has  switched it to English already for me um juu black   pork we have black pork belly black pork neck pork  belly meat I'm wondering if I'm ordering this is   this like a set do I get side dishes as well or  just the meat I mean after all I am here for the   meat so I don't really care about the sides that  much I think I'm going with the neck to be on   okay should I also take some sides maybe a bowl  of rice rice cooked in stone pot now let me just   take a regular bowl of rice steamed eggs that  sounds good as well so the black pork meat 200   g a bowl of rice and steamed eggs total price  25,000 ah I do get sides okay I haven't even   ordered it yet make order oh I'm getting lots of  sides actually okay so my first Korean barbecue   experience in Korea oh we have a robot here yeah  oh the robot is helping to serve the food that   is also quite interesting I'm actually curious  because I am in Korea do you also call it Korean   barbecue here or do you just call it barbecue I  mean if you in Thailand or the Philippines you   call it Korean barbecue and what you mean is the  whole process of doing this uh while having the   food but I'm wondering if you also call a place  like this in Korea Korean barbecue or do people   here just call it barbecue is this included or I  have to pay extra free all free free it together   together okay I was wondering if all the sides  are included or if I have to pay extra if I eat   them okay and let's uh put the pork on the grill  here actually it is grilled already a little bit Ah sauce and chofe sauce and chuffy  sauce okay there some interesting   vegetables I've never seen this before I  think looks like a salad right okay this   is spicy no no no no spicy little okay  little spicy okay it looks like we're   just putting everything on the grill here  now oh she's cutting it with a scissor interesting that goes on here not on the grill  me cook you cook okay thank you so much yeah   and summer barbecue restaurant you cook on your  own and I also had it before that uh somebody is   cooking for you so I think that depends on the  restaurant some are like this some are like that   or I guess if I would ask to do it on my own  that would be possible of course as well but   since I have no idea how to do all this here the  the helpers actually much appreciated yeah you   hear the sizling here already oh that's the  sound I like to hear oh it's interesting you   use a scissor to cut the pork and the robot  is coming that is so funny so the robot is   delivering my egg and the rice okay oh that looks  interesting as well really looking forward to try   it and that's the rice okay okayu soy sauce Kore  meat sauce Korea meat sauce okay soy sauce okay okay okay okay and then you can  eat it like this okay okay okay   that looks delicious almost like a like  a scrambled egg so delicious already   okay let me try the egg first oh  the egg is already very delicious   very different compared to scrumbled egg it's  more fluffy and more light it feels lighter to eat okay I'm very very curious now to try the  pork I mean that's what I'm here for see yeah   okay you put the everything together ah okay  okay okay yeah sace a little bit okay yeah   yeah okay let's start with a little bit  of the sauce here okay ah then you wrap   it like this okay okay okay or uh like this  is okay I want to try this first yeah okay   see that's why it's so good that I have  help here because otherwise I would have   never figured this out how to actually  eat this first time trying juu black p oh the meat is very very juicy very  thick and juicy very delicious and   now okay okay now let's try  it with this one some of this okay one pork okay and sauce sauce and then she wraps it one  bite one bite one bite one bite like this oh that is good that is good oh to be  honest I prefer this one more than this one   oh you have so many different flavors in  your mouth the freshness from the salad   the juicy meat taste then some spicy kicks  from the from the salad here oh that is like   an explosion of flavors in my mouth very very  good but now I'm very very curious to just try   one piece of the pork plain without any sauce  without anything else so just the black pork now M oh this is delicious oh I need one more  this one together with the fat in the end [Music] oh oh this is good amazing I think to be honest I would  prefer or I do prefer just the meat plain   you know when the meat is really good and  has a really high quality you don't need   any sauce or anything around it because  the sauce sometimes can also destroy the   flavor of the meat itself so if the meat is  very good quality just eating the meat plain   that's the best I mean if you order a very  expensive steak in a steak restaurant you   usually don't get ketchup or mayonnaise on  the side as well because the meat quality is   so good that you want to just taste the meat and  I think that's also the case here in case you're   wondering why this is called black pork because  the juu pork looks like this it is literally   a black pork that was very delicious very good  thank you okay that was a good food experience and I came to the ocean front we have a  harbor here a little Hill and yeah this   is the main city juu city and yeah guys  unfortunately this is also the end of   my career trip I really enjoyed traveling  around here the past weeks and I hope you   also enjoyed my Korea series and I'm pretty  sure that I will be back in Korea sooner or   later but yeah I'm leaving the country  tomorrow and then I will see you again   very soon in another video from another country  and if you haven't seen my previous video from   Korea where I explored SE Jong the new capital  of Korea then feel free to check out the video   right here stay healthy stay positive and  then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-07-23 13:38

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