Dodo trail 2024 POV Mauritius

Dodo trail 2024 POV Mauritius

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A long time ago, in the celestial kingdom ruled by the Jade Emperor, an important decision was made: to organize a great race to determine the order of the animals in the Chinese zodiac. This decision, announced across the lands by celestial messengers, sparked great interest among all the animals. The rat and the cat, who were best friends, decided to participate together in this race.

The night before the race, the cat asked the rat to wake him up early in the morning so they could leave together. However, the rat knew he had no chance against the cat, who was much faster than him. Driven by an intense desire for victory and fearing he would lose to his friend, he thought it would be better to leave alone to maximize his chances.

So, he sneaked away before dawn, leaving his friend asleep. When the cat woke up and realized the rat had left without him, he rushed to catch up. Running with all his might, the cat eventually spotted the rat near the river. Enraged by the betrayal, he charged towards him. The rat, sensing danger, pushed the cat into the icy water.

From that day on, the cat has always been afraid of water and harbors an eternal grudge against the rat. The rat continued on his way and encountered the ox. With his hardworking and kind nature, the ox agreed to let the rat ride on his back to cross the river. Together, they crossed the tumultuous water, and the rat felt safe on the ox's back. Once on the other side, they raced to the finish line and crossed it at the same time, arriving ex aequo.

In front of the Jade Emperor, the question arose: which of the two should be first? To decide between the rat and the ox, the rat suggested an ingenious method: the one that people found to be the biggest would win the race. The ox, confident in his imposing size, thought he would surely be the winner. He went to get the biggest ox from his herd, while the rat found a huge rat and they both went to town. The inhabitants, used to seeing large oxen, were not surprised by the sight of the ox.

But upon seeing the enormous rat, they screamed in terror: "Aah, a giant rat!" Terrified by this unusual sight, they acknowledged that the rat was truly enormous. The Jade Emperor thus declared the rat the winner of the race, giving him the first place in the zodiac, followed by the ox in second position. Next, the tiger arrived in third place. His journey was fraught with obstacles.

The tiger's strength and courage allowed him to cross the dangerous rapids of the river. The currents were so strong that he almost got swept away several times. However, thanks to his determination and powerful swimming ability, he managed to overcome this difficulty and reach the other shore, exhausted but proud. Along the way, he also had to fend off a pack of wolves that tried to block his path. Using his formidable claws and roar, he scared them away, demonstrating his dominance and bravery. The rabbit, fourth, had his own method for crossing the river.

Agile and clever, he hopped from stone to stone and used a floating log to stay afloat. Several times, he nearly slipped and fell into the water, but his natural agility allowed him to stay on the log and continue his race. By using his lightness and sense of balance, he managed to cross the river and place fourth.

On his journey, he also encountered a family of ducks who helped guide him through the safest parts of the river, avoiding the strongest currents. The majestic dragon arrived fifth. Although he could fly, he stopped along the way to help creatures in need. While flying over the river, he saw a village on fire.

Using his powerful breath, he made it rain to extinguish the fire. This act of bravery and generosity cost him time, but he did not regret his choice. Upon arriving in front of the Jade Emperor, his noble deed was recognized, and he earned the fifth place. Additionally, during his flight, he encountered a fierce storm.

The dragon used his control over the elements to calm the winds and rain, ensuring a safe passage for the other animals behind him. The cunning snake found an ingenious way to cross. He coiled around the horse's leg, hiding skillfully. Just before the finish line, the snake uncoiled and swiftly slithered ahead to take the sixth place.

The horse, surprised by this unexpected maneuver, came in seventh, despite his speed and strength. The snake had cleverly used his cunning and stealth to his advantage. On his journey, the snake also had to navigate through a dense forest filled with predators. Using his ability to camouflage and his quick reflexes, he avoided danger and pressed on.

The goat, monkey, and rooster formed a team to overcome the challenges of the race. Together, they built a raft to cross the river. The modest and kind goat led the vessel. The monkey used his agility to climb trees and gather strong branches, while the vigilant rooster kept an eye on the currents and gave directions.

Through their cooperation and team spirit, they managed to reach the other shore. The goat, recognized for her leadership, obtained the eighth place. The monkey, with his agility and intelligence, arrived in ninth position, followed by the rooster, whose vigilance and determination earned him the tenth place. Along the way, they faced a strong wind that threatened to capsize their raft.

The goat, using her strength, kept the raft steady, while the monkey and rooster adjusted the sail to navigate through the gusts safely. The dog, although the best swimmer, took time to play and bathe in the river, enjoying the cool water. This playful pause delayed him, and he arrived in eleventh place, happy nonetheless to have participated. During his journey, the dog also encountered a group of children playing by the river. Always fond of humans, he stopped to play with them, losing track of time but making them laugh and smile.

Finally, the pig, known for his love of food and naps, stopped along the way to eat and rest. The rat, anticipating this weakness, had scattered apples along the path. The pig, unable to resist the temptation, ate the apples and lost a lot of time.

After a long break, he resumed the race and eventually reached the finish line in twelfth place, completing the zodiac. Along his journey, the pig also encountered a muddy path that slowed him down considerably. Despite his love for relaxation, he pushed through the mud with determination, knowing he had to finish the race. Meanwhile, the cat, after struggling to get out of the river, arrived far too late to participate.

He could not obtain a place in the zodiac, and from that day on, he harbored a grudge against the rat, their friendship forever broken.

2024-07-22 20:49

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