INSANE Street Food in Istanbul, Turkey

INSANE Street Food in Istanbul, Turkey

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this video is sponsored by AO Turkish  kebab is famous 1970 years this year   wow this prodct won first okay let  me do one beef one beef to go to go   yeah please thank you bro oh you got  me are these very popular in Turkey nice oh oh you feed it to her like that  man that is cool what does it have rice mus what's up everybody Welcome to a beautiful day  here in Istanbul Turkey actually it's a bit of a   moody day but anytime you're in Istanbul it's  a beautiful time and today well I only have a   short 24 hours here in the city but I decided why  not tune on in and share with you guys some of   the street food scene that can be found here in  Istanbul Istanbul is one of the food C hital in   the world and there is food absolutely everywhere  some of the most iconic dishes such as well the   kebabs the sea Meats the corn the chestnuts on  the streets all of that is incredibly popular   and today I'm going to be sharing that with  you guys now right now I'm in the middle of   taum square this here is taum square it's one of  the most Centric locations in the city there's the   Metro System they actually have a direct route  from the airport all the way to texum Square so   if you're coming to istanb for the first time this  is definitely where you want to be situated around   here or um near the Hagia Sophia both locations  are very popular and I've stayed in both areas   but honestly I prefer uh the tum square area  so it's very active right now it's actually 2:   in the afternoon now it's a Saturday so there's a  lot of movements on the streets right in front of   me is this beautiful Moss that was actually under  construction When I Was Here 3 years ago but it   looks like it is uh completed now you also notice  that there are a lot of Turkish Flags everywhere   man it is beautiful I'm really upset that I'm  only here for 24 hours but it's okay we'll be   back pretty soon now right now I'm actually using  Google Maps thanks to uh AO AO is a eim company   that I'll tell you a little bit more about here in  a minute but uh thanks to them I've been connected   since the moments I've arrived to istanb airport  so according to Google Maps we have about a 25   minute walk to the Galata Tower which is located  straight down East Street which is this shopping   Boulevard right here in front of me so that's the  direction we're going to head in in today's video   but yeah let me show you guys The Vibes before we  dive on into the food so right here is the um tram   station there's actually a tram that I believe  is free that runs up this Boulevard that is very   popular and yeah right away you're starting to  notice all these little stands and these stands   actually saw chestnuts corn we got the cement guy  over here there's actually all kinds of Turkish   delight and Bak laava being sold around the  streets as well but I think today we're actually   going to kick off our food tour with a kebab and  right here on this corner you find some pretty   incredible kebabs I actually ate here several  times last year and the food is unbelievable   but real quickly before we dive on into the food  let me talk to you guys about today sponsor the   sponsor of today's video Is AO AO provides eims  to more than 5 million people worldwide and the   best part is that it provides instant connectivity  affordable prices to more than 200 regions around   the world I know if there's one thing that we  hate about traveling is losing connection and   also waiting in those long lines at the airport  uh to purchase an eim when you arrive to a new   destination no more waiting and long cues no  more expensive data roaming fees you simply   download the air Alo application choose the  best SIM card that fits your needs for your   trip and Bam you're connected now right now I'm  actually about to purchase my air Alo uh Sim and   I'm going to show you guys exactly how easy it is  to purchase so I was already scrolling through a   few options because right now I am in Istanbul but  check this out guys the list of over 200 countries   is right in front of you you can actually search  between Regional and Global eims as well which is   an absolute Game Changer however you you can also  get a local Sim so right now we are in Turkey they   have plans as cheap as $4.50 that is unbeatable  guys so 1 gigabyte for 7 Days $4 2 gigabytes for   15 days $6.50 I think I'm actually going to go  you know what let's go with this one 3 gab 30   days $8 next next next allow and look at that I'm  already about to be connected I have a special   discount code for you it is travel with Chris  3 you can save $3 off of your first plan and   trust me guys it is an absolute Game Changer now  that I've told you guys about aolo let's dive on   into the food so I don't know which one we got to  choose from there's plenty of uh vendors around   here I think we'll go with the one that's the most  popular or maybe we'll go with the one with the   least of a line of course I am with glattus today  she's going to be taking some behind the scenes   photos as we make our way around Istanbul how  you feel here great I always wanted to be here   because it's one of the few direct flights we  have in my country caras Istanbul so a lot of   people from Venezuela come here especially  because turkey and Venezuela are friends so   we have that connection and I've never been here  before it's crazy it's my first time so I'm very   excited very excited but at the same time I'm  I am quite upset because it's only like 8 hours   hours left that we have right yeah well we had 24  hours but we slept about the first seven I'm not   complaining like I am very happy to be here yeah  it's going to be a good time we'll be back again   pretty soon for a lot longer time you know what um  let's actually come over here these guys seem like   they're very active and loud and I think that  would be a good vibe hello sir hello my friend   you have the best Kebab everything's the best  okay okay all right this the best one let give   up all right he said everyone okay uh what do you  have chicken chicken beef chicken and beef famous   beef is the most famous most famous and this  Turkish kebab is famous 1970 years this year   wow this prod one first okay let me do one beef  one beef to go go yeah please thank you thank you than k k yes six BR in wow so this  the oldest the oldest restaurant   here okay awesome thank you thank you thank  you all right so please thank you so we're   going to be eating um right here now these  Burgers the East loock Burger is actually   a very popular burger here in Istanbul as  well but yeah here's the beef Kebab guys   if you could smell what I'm smelling right now  it smells incredible so they actually put beef   inside of a wrap french fries tomato  it is incredible such a big jam-packed meal and you got to love the energy of the vendors  out here it's wet wet hamburger it's like Burger   good yes this the famous oh thank you thank you  bro oh you got me thank you thank you okay you   know what um let me try one East like Burger  as well I do one East like Burger one yeah one I guess we're going to be trying the uh famous  wet burger from Turkey as well why not all   right let's dive on into our beef Kebab oh man  this is incredible so this is the ISAC Burger   very delicious Turkish ISAC Burger English wet  hamburger wet hamburger and H it's beef beef and   special sausage inside okay thank you thank you  too special sausage inside oh man let's dive on   into this one so this is the East SL Burger it's  a wet Burger because the bun is wet it's kind of   dude it's soggy it's soggy it's like if you dip  the burger into a bowl of water that's what it   that's what it looks like and then it has all  kinds of sauces inside all right let's dive on in wow that is good this is like one of those cheap guilty  pleasures like it's very nice it's good to be   honest the Soggy bun is a bit weird for  me because come on I'm from the land of   burgers man from America and usually when a  bun is like this I would probably like walk   away from the burger but man this year is  really good it's a nice combination I like   this I approve of this all right now let's  dive on into the Kebab now inside right away   oh no they put the devil inside of my wrap you  know I don't like pickles but you know what for   the sake of this Kebab we're not going to ruin  gladus was already about to pull them out for   oh she's so sweet she always pulls them  out for me but um you know for the sake of   the Kebab to keep it classy I'm going to  go ahead and dive on into it and there's   french fries in there Tomatoes I don't know  if there's a sauce in there but let's try it oh man okay that is very good you  got to love the energy too what can I say tastes like a beef Kebab man you  can't go wrong the beef is incred incredibly   seasoned very tender you can tell it's incredibly  fresh to be fair never thought I'd say this in   my life but the pickle is a nice touch it's a  nice touch right it it's not super acidic it's   um I mean not so vineger so I can deal with it  and the crunch is actually quite nice damn is   my life about to change now do I like pickles I  don't know I've been pulling them out for so many   years that I yeah I don't know that's pretty damn  good to be fair all right guys well I'm going to   enjoy the rest of my kebab and then we'll continue  down easty CL and see what else we get our hands   on but man the wet Burger the eock burger and the  Kebab unbelievable man to be fair this one here   I didn't imagine would like but it is nice it is  very nice man surprisingly that wet's burger was   quite nice anyways right now we're about to  walk down the rest of East cloud Street like   I said all the way to the Galata Tower and we're  going to see what else we come across of course   they got the Burger King all the big chains here  on this street the McDonald's actually one thing   I'm noticing a big difference of I was here during  Co when I was here during Co man Turkish citizens   weren't allowed to actually walk the streets  only ious and you had to have your passports   on you at all times but right now man the street  is incredibly busy there are so many people here   hello sir yes hello hello welcome are these  chestnuts yes okay how much are the chestnuts   there's a price sir oh here's the price okay  200 200 g for 200 300 300 oh it's basically 100   per 100 yes okay um let me do 200 please yes  are these very popular in Turkey yes nice see   we're we're together yes sorry thank you  no problem they smell delicious delicious   that's enough just a few just a few yeah thank  you it's okay I still pay the same amount okay   thank you bro I just want to try everything  it's cuz turkeyy is so much amazing food I am   here you're here okay thank you and how much  are the corns 50 50 okay I'll come back thank   you brother than you all right let's try some  chestnuts so these here are incredibly popular   um in turkey and you can tell man the Turkish  people are man just incredible but um one thing   that I got mistakenly wrong when I was here last  time was that I assumed that everybody I was   talking to was Turkey but no turkey and especially  Istanbul man it's a huge Melting Pot it's a world   city the whole world is here so a lot of the  vendors you'll see working at the restaurants will   be Syrian Lebanese from so many other countries  and Nations and they call Istanbul home because   well it's such a great place to be and like I said  it's connected to the world so um you can come   here and have a great time no matter where you're  from all right so here's the chest nuts now I've   had these plenty of times before in Europe they're  very popular especially in the winter time and   I know you guys are probably thinking like damn  everybody's in a jacket and pants and then Chris   is out here in some shorts what's going on well I  thought it was going to be warm it's May 13th it's   May 13th I thought it was going to be incredibly  warm but no I guess I'm completely wrong to be   fair I was here in January and it was a lot warmer  than what it is now all right let's dive on in oh man you can't go wrong with a chestnut look wow to be honest I don't ever see these  being sold anywhere in America but in Europe   they're found everywhere and this is actually  one of gl's favorite snacks do you want to try   one yeah I grew up eating chestnuts and if you're  wondering why gladus didn't try the Kebab or the   burger guys we literally just got done smashing  a Turkish breakfast but I I'm unlimited time   so I have to come out and make a video for you  guys and share all the good stuff for you but we   literally smashed the Turkish breakfast I already  stuck the kebab and the burger in my backpack for   later but that's where these chestnuts are going  to go that's where the cord will go as well oh   sorry the chestnuts are going to go in my person  really and your Pur she loves them I love them I   grew up eating these because my dad was from  Spain and a lot of ESP Spain people went to   Venezuela during the 50s and the 60s and uh like  POA Poco little by little they start taking their   food and their tradition to my country and one of  the foods is import yeah it's chestnuts chestnuts   especially um during December so on December you  can find chestnuts on the supermarkets and my dad   bought them all the time and cook it for all  of the families so this is a tradition in my house I love them and is that do they actually  do it in Venezuela like they do here they cook   them on the streets as well no they don't do  it like that not on the streets because it's   not a Venezuelan tradition okay I don't think  venezuel s like chestnuts this is not for from   Caribbean so this is something that you guys like  the you guys like the plantain like planting yeah   and this is something that only in European homes  like with European parents you grew up with okay   okay uh dress of the Venezuelans they don't they  don't like tesas I don't think they like them but   that explains why I I never had them growing up  yeah exactly they're they're traditionally from   here and yes you can cook them on the grill or  on the oven oh okay yeah very nice well there   you go a little bit more of History glattus um  like I said is a huge fan of the chestnuts but   yeah guys this here is East Street it's by far  the most famous Boulevard in all of Istanbul it   goes on for I would to say easily a mile maybe  even a little bit longer and it takes you all   the way to the Waterfront to the bridge that  actually connects the Asian side and yeah look   chestnuts are being sold everywhere and the smell  is just unbelievable oh man you know what I can   actually hear the um the tinging or the H the  hitting of the pots from the Turkish ice cream you   hear it you can hear it as you're walking around  so you know what so we definitely got to got to   stop at one I saw one right up the right where we  had the kebabs but I figured why not let's walk a   little bit let's enjoy man I'm stuffed right now  guys but we're going to keep going hard we got   to continue the first time wow that's impressive  the first time that is impressive huh he has his   wheelchair converted into a mini store the first  time I ever tried a Turkish ice cream was in Japan   really in Japan I guess well Turkish Turkish um  ice cream is kind of like Turkish coffee it's in   Turkish sweets it's super popular all around the  world now I mean for a reason it's delicious um I   don't know if Turkish ice cream it's actually  something from from here or they just made it   for tourist no I think it's something absolutely  from here yeah and then um what actually makes   Turkish ice cream very special you'll see what  I'm talking about um once we find a guy but what   makes Turkish ice cream incredibly special  is that it's very very thick and it doesn't   melt fast all because it's made with um uh  with goat milk yeah so that's why it's very   Pig wow that's interesting yeah okay well  I'm curious to see this because there was   a time when I was in Jamaica with glattus and we  bought an ice cream cone and we literally as soon   as deon's house and we got a cone and the moment  she put it in our hands dude we couldn't eat the   ice cream it's melted all over us and made the  biggest mess I'm sorry for say this but Devon's   ice cream it's one of the worst ice creams ever  I always tried by far by far but you know what   it's still a good time oh look here's the trim  this is the East EAD trim takes you all the way   down past the Galata Tower and yeah I'm not sure  how much it cost to ride I think it was it's free   I I I know it was free during the pandemic and  it was only open to tourists because uh locals   couldn't come on out but I'm not sure exactly  how much it cost oh wow look there's a Turkish   ice cream guy right here should we visit him yeah  actually it's a bit loud it's a bit loud that the   trash Guys here let's actually walk a little bit  more like there's one right here we'll see exactly   how much one of these cost right now and see if  we can actually participate hello Hi how are you   doing good how are you how are you how much is the  ice cream which one you want um what flavor oh gum   caramel mango blue caramel pistachio yeah one  pistachia how much is it I got huh 250 250 okay oh oh I almost had it too much come on thank you [Music] oh thank you brother all right thank you all right know I don't thank you 400 for you thank  you thank you brother right thank you guys have   a nice day okay okay thank you wow how awesome  was that right guys what a show you know what   thank you you know what let me grab a picture  real quick and then we'll continue seriously   what an experience how much was 400 I don't know I  think it was like 10 12 bucks right but the energy   was good you know um it's cold as hell  outside tonight there's probably not a   lot of business with the ice cream so why not  why not support those uh those good guys all right that I don't care how full I am I'm eating  this look at this taste this I think we all need   to copy um Turkish ice cream strategy they  just don't give you the ice cream they made a   yeah they make you work for it awesome that is Bomb huh wow you know what  on the plane on the way here I was um looking   watching some Vlog and one of them they said  they didn't like the T the Turkish ice cream   what the hell this is delicious guys yeah so  I just did the math guys that's uh about $12   us I gave him but the price was was $7 I gave  him uh the extra as a tip because man I respect   the grind that's super cool huh isn't that  awesome I think it's um a special joke and   and it takes some skill to do that like I would  have messed that up a million times to be honest   with you but why not um that's what life is  all about it's all about spreading love and   look um that probably brighten up his day as  well you know you got a nice tip that's good   huh give me back that cone man of course no  it's delicious huh babe yeah let's try I'm   going to get one more and then I'll leave it  to glad cuz it's really good yeah because I   just areep I'm taking you photos if you guys want  to uh want to check them on Instagram's Instagram   it's going to be on Instagram so go check those  out oh man all right you know what thank you let   me check my map let's see how much further  we got to walk guys seriously this aolo SIM   card has been an absolute Game Changer the line  when we arrived to Istanbul um airport to get a   SIM card was incredibly long if we would have  had to sit there and wait it would have easily   been an hour and a half and we were exhausted  when we arrived but according to the map we have oh man we still have like 25 minutes  until we get to where we're going so yeah that   the streets are incredibly long here in Istanbul  all right let's keep walking I'm also noticing   that there is a large police presence here as  well there's a large police presence here as   well making sure all the tourists are safe  here on the streets it's really nice to see   okay I think if there's any other food that  I have to try in this video it's got to be   a seat obviously there's way more dishes  to try way more foods to eat but I have   a feeling that that is simply just going to  be impossible all in one video huh there's   too much food but a sea meats you cannot  complete a video in Istanbul without a seam Meats I am impressed with so many chops like  there's so many shops huh there a lot I love to   see I love to buy yeah there's so many it's  crazy capitalism is is absolutely wild I mean   look at this guys the same stores you find all  around the world absolutely everywhere here on   this street you got the Sketcher store this  place right here is incredibly popular one of   the most famous Turkish delight and baklava  stores in the entire country and then right   here look here we have a seit guy but you know  what I actually don't want to film them right   now because there's some police officers  standing nearby and you know you got to   respect the law enforcement and um they're  out here doing their jobs and I don't want   to show their faces so we'll continue walking  until we find another a cement location but   look at that guys beautiful Turkish flag  oh man and look at this this is the Greece Embassy more kebabs donors and you know what you  don't even have to come all the way to IST to find   this stuff um one of the only other cities in  the world that I see where there's donor kebabs   absolutely everywhere is um well in Germany  they're everywhere but you go to place like   Berlin Frankfurt and man there are donor kebabs  everywhere and they're incredible as well I know   some people might get bothered by that statement  but it's true they're pretty damn good but yes um   East lot such a beautiful Street anyways guys I  think I'm going to go ahead put the camera down   for a second and I'll catch up with you guys  once we find the the seam Meats I'm sure there   I'm sure there's going to be so many more carts  around here but right now all I'm seeing is um   chestnuts and corn but it's okay we got a long a  long while to walk around and enjoy this day here   in Istanbul okay so I just spotted something  super interesting right here in this corner   there's actually a gentleman selling something  that looks very local I haven't seen it anywhere   else on the streets but um right now we're about  to come over and see exactly what it is I only   see local people walking up and purchasing  it but I'm quite curious to see what this is it looks quite nice it looks  like something something deep fried it says it's m Kash I'm not sure what  that is maybe that's an advertisement hello   sir hello what is this meat meat meat  meat fried beef beef okay um how much   50 50 awesome thank you it's very famous in  Turkey thank you what's the name in Turkish a name is thank you all right well we got some is he  said it's beef it looks quite interesting you know   what it looks like it looks like um in Venezuela  and Colombia they're called like uh Bonos right no   traditional from colia from colia okay yeah  maybe but buo it's usually covered on a kind   of Pony made out of vanilla and they sweets  and they're sweets wow interesting here you   know what maybe you can film me there  course let's try this actually I want   to open up the inside first and see exactly  what's inside oh it is a lot of beef look   so much beef man you know what it looks like  in the inside looks like PKA brow inside Tha   land all right let's try this man there's  actually a lot of like seasoning inside of   there m wow these are bomb those so good  mhm I approved you want to try this of course they are stuffed super stuff  like properly stuffed mhm let's see and it's not spicy at all it looks spicy but it's  not spicy it's nice huh it's very tasty like you   can tell it has a lot of spices a lot of spices a  lot of beef 50 what is 50 I don't know I'm lost on   the conversion guys I think 50 is like a dollar I  think it's about a buck it Tes like two or three   days for me to get used to the currency when I  am traveling I same for me layovers like this   one it's like I don't I don't even know I don't  even know I don't even care wish I am speaking   nothing we're just going to spend the money we  pulled out the ATM and get on our flight later   like that's just the way life Works our flight's  at 2:00 in the morning so we got a we actually   got like a lot of time left but we'll probably  get to the airport and back to our Airbnb quite   early it's cold guys it's cold for the being like  middle of May to be honest beat it beats beats   beats beats so we actually ended up walking back  up East l stre because glattus is doing a little   bit of shopping today as well but we just came  across something that is very famous here in   Turkey I don't know what it's called but I've  seen it absolutely everywhere and I figure why   not we can't complete a street food video without  this glattus actually has the name written down I   think I'm not sure I think the name is mediati  mediati okay well there's these guys standing   around everywhere with these um shells and lemons  hello sir what is this m Stone muscles what's the   name in Turkey name mid okay how much 20 20 L okay  um how many do people eat One Piece One Piece yeah   okay um one one okay two please okay oh you feed  it to her like that man that is cool what does it have you want one more one more  for me you don't like so much I   don't eat seafood so much there's rice  inside rice R good wow that's good um   that's it that's it just one just one  one more for me okay one more for her I like one more five pieces finish 100 five pieces  100 yeah okay okay you're you're a good salesman wow very nice yeah very fresh huh I  love it so it's a stuff with rice Med thma wow that is nice I like it I've never tried a  muscle like that before thank you sir thank you so   much can I take a picture with you yeah ch ch  all right that was surprisingly delicious man   I'm not a big Seafood guy but it was a piece of  must stuff with rice and what else is inside of   it I don't know but these people live in the  future that I've never seen that before that   was unbelievable and did you see the juice of the  lemon like how much juice man that was incredible   I'm not even a fan of seafood but I could have ate  probably a few more of those to be honest I was   laughing because I know you don't like seafood  and like come on come on yeah but I genuinely   liked it I like it oh well that's it's weird I  don't know what I don't know what's happening in   this video I'm liking pickles and I'm stuff like  that that's oh my God are you changing maybe I   should go to the doctor are are you with fever I'm  sick I'm sick I think there's something wrong with   you this is what turkey does to you anyways  you like everything here everything anyways   um right now we're about to change some money  and then we'll head towards the Galata Tower a   25-minute walk has brought us here to the Galata  Tower now the Galata Tower is a very important   landmark in the city you can actually go up to  the top and get 360° panoramic views of Istanbul   but it's under construction right now they're  renovating it so it is temporarily closed I don't   know exactly when they're going to be opening it  but man it is beautiful now right here along the   sides there are plenty of coffee shops places  to sit down and have some tea a beer whatever   you're craving looks like most people are having  beers right around now but yeah very nice place   to hang out and the tower is beautiful guys up  in the inside it's like kind of like a museum   they tell you everything you need to know about  the history of the Tower and its importance but   yeah right here there are a few more stands  selling uh corn chestnuts and hopefully we can   find the sea Meats I think we will this looks  like a nice place where you would find a seam meat okay maybe we can get one  here at this stand let's see oh yeah this is definitely the the  seat hello how much is the SE meat   10 10 L um you you have change for  this one one uh two two with Nutella please um okay then let's do one but she can keep   50 can you tell her cuz change is hard  to find you want one or two just one with Nutella thank you this is very popular here  huh yeah people eat it for breakfast or every   time anytime it's a good idea okay they look  different like do they have different seam   meates one oh yeah some have seeds huh  like some have seeds some have no seeds   man the carts are incredibly beautiful as  well do you know when the Galata Tower opens   10 more days 10 more days oh we just missed  it another reason to come back to Istanbul   there's a million reasons to come back but  the Galata Tower being closed is another good   reason to come back man it is beautiful look  at the clouds how they just like pass through this like the bagel from Istanbul like  New York has New York style bagel has   what's the name seat seat yeah I guess you can  compare it to a bagel it's kind of like a bagel and yeah it's incredibly fresh today it's nice   to be honest um I think I take  this over a hot summer day any day thank you so much thank you here I leave you  that thank you so much thank you thank you and   here we go we got our seam meat do you want  to take a bite first I want to give you the   honors glce is like stop feeding me already  no well it's like it's your video it's always   you first but thank you thank you I appreciate  you that's what we say oh this looks promising   it does huh can I take a picture first before  I bite it all right all right look like this   oh too bad there too bad the cranes there huh  it would have been a nice one here let me take   you one with the seam Meats yeah guys everybody  that comes to Istanbul takes a picture with the   seam meates like you look on on Instagram and  everybody has a picture with the cements let's see oh that one came out good  thank you all right time to try   that thing man the Nutella is all  over your hands O I love it's real Nutella M you see why people love that huh when I  was here in istanb man I had one of those   every single day I have to dance it's so good huh let me try that let me try that it's a it's  essentially like kind of like a bagel huh with   sesame seeds yeah almost like an everything bagel  I love that combination salty with sweet M yeah   it's nice it's fresh it's very fresh mhm look how  many she has like what she SS everything I wonder   the semi vendor s absolutely every one that they  have you know what combination I would love jam   and cream cheese jam and cream cheese on a cim  that could be good well yeah guys this here is   a cim not much to talk about when it comes  to it I mean it tastes like a bagel Nutella   is pretty damn good you can't go wrong with  a cement 30 um Turkish L about a buck I keep   saying that about everything it's about a buck  but um definitely a good bang for your buck   I mean you can imagine that if you eat one of  these and a coffee in the morning you're going   to be quite full and have the energy you need  to get around the city and you're going to be   happy because you ate something delicious  exactly anyways guys with that being said   I hope you enjoyed this video sorry that  our Istanbul trip was short but sweet and   we'll be back for a lot more thank you for  joining me oh thank you so much for inviting   me to this lay over here in it's beautiful  right we'll be back yes a lot faster now   than than waiting another 3 years to make it  back we'll be back here soon later guys you always I was [Music] the I remember how we started

2024-05-21 04:49

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