I tried Ice Climbing at the World Championships

I tried Ice Climbing at the World Championships

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ice climbing is something i wanted to try for a  while so i immediately said yes when i got invited   to join the world championships in Saas-Fee  in Switzerland my goal was to become as good   as possible in only a couple of days of training  and then try some of the actual competition routes   the strength you need in ice climbing competitions  is not too different from normal climbing but   definitely not the same and there is obviously a  lot of technique to it Petra Klingler who is not   only one of the best ice climbers in the world  but also a former bouldering world champion was   going to be my coach but first i had to learn  the boring basics this is for kids no it's not   i mean it's quite a steep wall it's vertical i  mean the stuff will climb later we'll be longer   yeah but actually probably not quite as steep put  it on the camera yeah we'll put the compounds on   i don't even know how to put these on  this is for the right left i think okay what we'll do is i'll kind of show you how  to kind of kick the crampons in and make sure   you don't stab yourself when you swing at the ice  initiate from the out shoulder then with the elbow   and then as you get to kind of almost straight  arms the flick of the wrist which is important   okay you'll see a lot of beginners kind of almost  punching in the ice like and the pit going in that   way yeah quick of the wrist one of the things  that's important with ice climbing is to use all   of your sensors so when you look at the ice if you  look at for example this ice here right the ice on   the front is quite clear yeah compared to a lot of  the blue stuff to the left and to the right right   so this is going to be quite brittle it's going  to break you see kind of yeah it's going to break   quite easily so blue ice well the boy rice is is  is better right it's more solid the the clearer   ice has a bit more air in it yeah and then when  you swing you'll feel when you're at when you   get a good stick yeah okay so when you swing  you feel the the axe vibrate in your hand okay well that's probably a sense that you have to  develop yeah yeah but it comes pretty quickly   yeah so try try just kind of standing  on the ground and doing some swings and   and uh let's see uh see how you go why just  tie into the rope and try oh you can do that   too well let's quickly let's quickly just  talk about crampon technique then as well   so if i with my heel like this now i'm  pivoting around all over the place and i   might get to a point where it actually just  pops out the ice if you keep your heels low and kick your feet in stay nice and stable  so rather than having your axes next to   each other like this yeah can i keep have  them one slightly higher than the other so   you'll you'll have one here yep one  here and then you move your feet up   swing your axe up here and then swing your axe  up high so have you competed yourself rob uh   i have competed in a couple of local  dry touring competitions with nothing   nothing major right but yeah i think the  best idea is to get you tied in and let so the goal for the next days is for me to get as  good as possible at ice climbing how good is it   possible to become in like three days do you think  i think for most people kind of getting to the   top of this tower and doing some kind of uh some  longer pictures will be a pretty good achievement   yeah for you i think kind of once you meet up with  petra later and uh she starts kind of drilling you   on the on the dry towing style i think you'll pick  that up pretty quick because you'll have the uh   the shoulder stability and the uh  and the fitness to go with it so yeah   don't don't be afraid to be brutal  with it yeah you feel that one there   you feel the vibration where it's stuck  yeah it's gonna take a while for me to trust   the axis i think because i feel  like they're just gonna come up yeah you're right your right hand swing  is definitely stronger than your air   okay got you excellent natural it's just  going to take me a little while to get   like trust it you know yeah i mean you seem to  trust your feet really well which is good yeah   yeah maybe kicking in a little more with  your feet would probably help i should   also try not to probably lock my arms  as much yeah i'm like very yeah bicep   should ideally i'm gonna hold you into the  wall as opposed to okay oh up it's right   so how do you think that went yeah really  good footwork was really good yeah i think   you definitely uh your right swing was good  a little bit of work on your left so those   are the eye screws yeah this is what we protect  the climb with we have a few different lengths   we have a long one generally we use for making  anchors yep and then we have a blue and yellow   which are 16 and 13 centimeters which we generally  use for protecting the pitch as we go yep and then   just in case we encounter some really thin ice  we've got a little short stubby 10 centimeter okay   nice yeah and how long does it take to screw them  in you can generally if you get good ice you can   generally put one in about 30 seconds gonna give  it a couple of turns just to get it started and   then give it one push to get it to bite in the ice  then you can just spin it all the way in oh nice   that looks like you see the core of the eye starts  coming out in the middle you'll feel when it goes   in that it's solid if it suddenly starts to spin  quite freely you'll know you've got into a patch   of air sometimes you'll go into a patch of air  and then go back into ice on the other side   generally if you spin into air straight away  you generally want to put it somewhere else   take it out and put someone else okay blue ice  is good right yeah great kind of hair is good   here would be good what you need to do is get  it to a point where it will hold itself in the   ice because with two hands is obviously very  easy but i'm going to try to just use one hand   yeah that's it so give it a few more  turns with your hands two more that's that's good to go and this can support my weight  yeah super solid though yeah i would hang a car   off that quite happy you would hang your car  off of that wow it's incredible how stable or   how solid ice can be yeah that ice crew will snap  before it comes out the ice if it doesn't fall out   automatically if you get core of ice stuck in the  middle you need to give it a good shake okay so   you see like we've got now because otherwise  if the ice freezes in the middle then the   the screw basically becomes useless yeah so  you can give it a bash on the snap on the ice   like that or yeah what you don't want to do  occasionally you can blow on it to blow the   ice out but don't touch it to your lips because if  it's cold it's going to freeze to your mouth yeah   and then you end up with a blood dog has that  ever happened to you yeah multiple times really   you intend to do it once per season   now yeah i mean i expected it to be fun but it was  actually more fun than i thought it would be even   yeah it's kind of i think it kind of taps  into that kind of animalistic kind of yeah   side of things yeah definitely more than more  than regular climbing this yeah so that was   just the very basics but now to some real ice  before meeting up with petra at the ice stone   but first a quick word from the sponsor of this  video so this video is brought to you by raycon   i've used this exact pair for a few years now  they have up to eight hours of play time and   32 hours of battery life they come in a lot of  different cool colors you also get this compact   carrying case that makes them really easy to bring  with you no matter where you go raycon's everyday   earbuds look feel and sound better than ever  with optimized gel tips for perfect in-air fit   they're also about half the price of any other  premium brands raycon's everyday earbuds have over   48 000 five-star reviews and there's no way that  they're 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seconding   you're taking them out don't  drop them yeah i'll try not to so that was fun yeah it's like you said it's like  you feel like it's kind of animalistic you know   you're just like i would like to lead but you  said that usually you have to wait a little bit   before you leave yeah i think it's good to get  a little bit mileage under your belt on seconds   i think uh petra will have your leading on the  mixed stuff yes i think you'll be i think you'll   you'll actually find that a lot more comfortable  yeah uh kind of because just with your background   physically yeah yeah whereas this i think you  kind of need to be a lot more solid and kind of   confident with your sticks right with your with  your axe placement because that's the thing now   when i i'm not confident at all i have no idea if  it's a solid placement or a bad placement and it's   all about kind of learning to read the ice you  know what i can look at a piece of ice and kind of   ice climbers can look at a piece of ice and  go right i know that that's going to be solid   and i can swing once and it's going to  go in and it's going to be perfect yeah   and it's just learning it's just kind  of gaining that experience i'm really   fascinated by the eye screws too yeah how  easy how smooth it was you know yeah how   well it works but now we're going to do something  very different with petrol yeah it's a completely   different style right yeah yeah to become a kind  of well-rounded ice climber kind of alpinist   a mix of these skills is what you use in the  mountains yeah um but obviously petra is going   to teach you the the competition style and petra  will also compete in the world championships yeah   and she she's one of the favorites right i hope so  yeah she's uh she won the swiss championships um   a couple weekends ago okay and she was came  second silver in the medal in the european cup   last weekend yeah so uh yeah she should be uh she  should be up there nice it should be really cool   to see and i will hopefully get to try some of the  competition routes as well yeah i'm great to see   how you deal with the kind of yeah the style yeah  yeah it's a very simple style it's uh a lot of   figure pouring and stuff and also knowing when to  match when to place the axe in your mouth and like   and also trusting it kind of you'll be able to  see the axe on the hold yeah on the with the dry   touring style and you can see it's all down to  your shoulder stability to keep it still okay so   then you can move off it oh okay whereas on the  ice yeah the pick disappears and you're not sure   whether the ice is good how deep it is all that  sort of stuff so yeah it's a little bit different just find your way so this is petra uh you're  the world champion in bouldering from 2016 right   yeah yeah and now you do ice climbing  i think i started at the age of 17. so   okay over 10 years 10 years of iceland yeah well  uh so i'm going to try the men's qualifiers right   exactly and you're going to belay me and like  this is the first time i do anything like it so   i'm probably not going to be very good at it but i  hear that you're a good coach there's some tricks   some tricks okay things i can give you and which  will help you not to be as pumped as you will be   okay this place is so big i don't know if  you guys see it on screen but it's like how   big is it 20 meters i think over 20 minutes it's  over 20 meters yeah it's really long and so in   the qualifiers or in any round you're allowed  to pre-clip two clips right yeah there are two   quick draws already clipped just safety wise  and the special thing actually in ice climbing   is in qualification if you fall before clipping  your first own quick draw yeah you're allowed   to start again okay yeah that's nice it kind of  helps because also with nerves and usually when   you fall on an ice climber like when you fall  on the lead route you get pumped and you fall   but in ice climbing how is that a similar pump  or is it more like an upper arm pump um you have   kind of two different pumps there's like really  the one from the forearm yeah even harder because   in normal sports climbing you always have like  slightly different holes so you use different   parts of the muscle yeah and you can change a  little bit with ice climbing you always have the   exact same hold in your hand yeah so the pump  gets even worse because the hold is actually   good so you can hold on really long yeah but  there's also the pump of the biceps just because   you have like these moves which is just pull  by the hands or with bigger force generally   ice climbing is maybe a little bit more  physical in the upper body than sports climbing   so it can be that actually your  lat or biceps are just like   done and you fall because of that yeah or you  just don't fall but you can't move further right   and i've seen some videos you do a lot of you  matching and you hold you can hold it here or here   and you also you put the other axe in your mouth a  lot yeah exactly um so you basically have kind of   two positions first position or the the  short position the long hold it's like   steeper yeah and if you have the short hold  it kind of drops down yeah um then of course   you have under clings as well okay and also  here you have two two underclings two under   clings there's a lot of technique to this  i guess it's technique it's reading a route   knowing your ice axe yeah and then of course a lot  of detail with positioning of the tool on a hold   what would you say would it be easier to come from  bouldering to icelanding or from ice climbing to   bouldering definitely from bouldering to iceland  well maybe it's also just for me because i   started bouldering and climbing and then came  to ice climbing yeah all right so i'm just gonna   try it now in the next video we're going to try  again i'm going to try again and i'm also going   to film you compete so interesting yeah let's  uh i'm excited for that just to watch you guys   you know yeah i think you can learn a lot just by  watching yeah i'm sure and if you want we also can   make a little observation of the route i can maybe  give you some hints on where or how to hold the   holes yeah that'd be nice or we can  just do running uh running better just yelling from the ground yell  out whatever as you would yeah and if there's a click that's normally done thank you to be afraid go lower oh your body yes am i not allowed to grind on top really pull in the right direction foreign oh okay yes well that was nice really good job i had  no idea that i would actually do the route   so it ended i don't know that was obvious for you  guys watching but it ended where the top rope was   right yeah it's like two x's on the last hole oh  so you have to match the last yeah yeah i think   i might have forgotten to do that you did and  i also cheated once because you were supposed   to grab it as an undercling i grabbed it on top  before it's not cheating but it's like riskier   because there's no hole in the wood yeah but  normally the ice it grabs in the hole and there   was one time that you actually grabbed the hold  with your hand that was uh for me the best part   i can feel you yeah i'm kind of known as  the climber using my hands okay also like   crimps and stuff yeah i just hold on where  others don't work climb that much you can't   hold and it's so much efficient more efficient  for me then yeah uh so tomorrow you're gonna   compete right yeah exactly and i'm gonna get to  film you uh we're also gonna make another video   uh so stay tuned for that good luck for the  come tomorrow thank you make sure to follow   petra on instagram make sure to like and  subscribe and we will see you next time you

2022-02-22 23:27

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