HOW TO DO IT on a Trawler....

HOW TO DO IT on a Trawler....

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we have found all the boats there are probably  going to be hundreds of boats here all of them other boaters who have been voting for years  actually said they've never seen it be that   windy for that long anchoring can be a stressful  time for a lot of boaters and over the past year   we've developed a procedure that seems to  work well for us so we'll share it here so my dad and dave are heading out to go hike i don't know why oh my god it says  it's an art trail we have some little   artwork already over here stop it that's hilarious that's amazing well we're headed over to the  windward side of the island i'm uh curious to   know what this is gonna feel like and look like  i already hear the ocean welcome aboard encore we   are off on a wild adventure to see and explore  together one anchorage dive and hike at a time   with the goal of living each and every day to  its fullest i'm natalie that's tj our pup camo   and my dad and captain mike we spent last season  on the east coast and now it's time to head south   make sure to join us as we cruise through  the caribbean on an adventure of a lifetime we are pulling into georgetown over here at  stocking island and we have found all the boats   there are probably going to be  hundreds of boats here all of them well here we are in georgetown hunkered down for  the big storm for the next five or six days it's   supposed to be a consistent 25 to 30 knot wind  gust and here's our anchor circle boundary and it   looks like we're beginning to drag already and  it's day one so this should be interesting to   see where we end up on day five hopefully we  stay in here hopefully we don't end up over here look how much food he has it's not that  much food that is a lot of breakfast tj you can't even burn calories we're just gonna  be sitting on the boat for days you do not need   to eat this much food cora is always stabilizing  yourself all day long oh my gosh yeah it's a good   thing to buy a grocery store that is it worked out  this morning you did nothing else to do but eat   well the people next to us are trying  to win sir it's a great week for that and we just found out that it's going to  blow like this for the next 10 days at least   and it could go beyond that today is what is  today tuesday today is tuesday we just checked the   weather forecast and it shows all the way until  next thursday essentially being this windy yahoo there's like two days it goes down to 12  knots right now it's blowing at about 28   and it calms down for like an hour or so and it  stays basically about this for the next 10 days   so it's a good time to hang out in georgetown  and get some videos done you can get windsurf   and had a wind surfer this would be ideal i  know we just gotta go over there we shoot tj   you could go over to their vote and ask to  win windsurf i could the girls would love if   you went over there and windsurf with them  oh please timothy show me how to win today we have our friend dave coming over took his  dinghy over today through all the wild chop and we   are going to go over some route so we had another  boat last night come over and show us a bunch of   routes over in um in places to go in the  ragged islands and jumento so we're going to   sit down with him and show him our our routes  and see if he wants to join us some places   so that's what i said if you rent a car there  you can go north to the north side um that is uh   there's some kind of monument up there a  christopher columbus monument i think yeah   where christopher columbus supposedly landed  gotcha so you can go up there with the car and   then you also go down to the southern end like  clarence town and the dean's group hole and do   all that on the southern side if they said that  oh there's a columbus monument there oh yeah i   think they have about six of those over there  sam salvador as well yeah something like they're   kind of saying just easier it's too hard to get  the boat down to parents town so you're better   off just getting a car and driving down there it  goes right here so you go here over to comer east   and then you go through comer channel and then  you drag it this direction over here and then you   go down this southwest leg oh that's right down to  here so my dad and dave are heading out to go hike i don't know why oh my god oh my god  they're lunatics i think i'm good on   that i think i'm just going to stay here  it's starting to rain right now also so uh we're going to stay here where it's dry  and a little bit less windy and get some   episodes done and some boat work  done and all that fun stuff because   i mean that does not look enjoyable they're  going for a hike but they're going to get   soaking wet getting there from the  waves and now it's like raining anyway   so it's going to be we just checked the  weather it's currently tuesday right now and it's going to be like this for the  foreseeable future which is up until next thursday   so like nine ten days from now  it's all just the same it's like 17 to 35 knot winds just non-stop and there were  some other boaters we were hanging out with who've   been down here for a few seasons and they said  that they have never seen a storm come through   that's this long usually it's like two three  days it flows kind of hard then it gets better   this is it's already been like this for the last  three days this is almost two weeks straight   of just incessant winds so we're glad we're in  georgetown because it's really protected inside of   here from basically all directions it's a big area  there's a lot of beaches a lot of things to do   people to hang out with so it's a good  place to pass a two-week storm but   two-week storm that's nuts it's definitely going  to mean that we have to make a few other stops   shorter in the next few weeks but we're here for  now it works our anchor is holding and here we be we have some big waves and some big boat neighbors  another nordhaven over there there's actually two   nordhavens bookend and dagny are anchored  over there with us and a lot of sailboats nope too windy do you need to go potty i'll go out there with you i'll go with you oh you're matt let me fix your maps okay there you go go ahead go potty watch this yeah okay let's go inside it's not it's  now it is okay so we're going outside to go   um secure the chafe guard on the bridle  because yes we're gonna fix the chief card yes   because the one we have we have one  really long one that's great and then   the other one we had has two short ones on  there and it keeps sliding down so we're   gonna go tape it into place and hopefully  that holds it better it's very windy no 30. so uh so so this is another day of complete wind here's  our circle and we're just spinning back and   forth and back and forth luckily we haven't  dragged we haven't dragged we're doing good the wind is a consistent we'll call it 30. oh that's a big one oh yeah but what's really crazy is it  looks like this boat is underway   because there's so much swing  and we're all moving so quickly   that it actually looks like they're  moving looks like we're moving too but back and forth 36.7s are maxed still

so it is day five or six of wind here in  georgetown and so we're just doing a bunch   of boat drawers today we put some new hinges  on the dinghy that uh that broke tj's cleaning   the woodwork made a nice breakfast clean the sea  strainers and now i am doing some route planning   uh we need to figure out if we have  enough fuel to get us through back to   the dry tortugas so we're i am putting in  all the routes that we think we're gonna   go on we're looking at going over to long island  the crooked islands acklins my iguana conception   the raggeds jumentos a bunch of those places so  we just want to make sure we have enough fuel   and enough fuel in our reserves because a lot of  these places are like middle of nowhere there's   no one else out there might not see another  boat for days or possibly weeks it's possible   so you have to be very very self-sufficient  which is nice on a nordhaven because we have   you know there's four fuel tanks you can  isolate them we have a water maker we have   multiple refrigerators and freezers we can  be very very self-sufficient which is nice so   i'm just putting all my routes together to see  our total run times and distances so we can   then calculate how much fuel we're going to burn  including fuel for the generator to run everything   else to then see if we are good or if we need to  fill up somewhere along the way so that is today's   windy day inside project so this is what route  planning looks like currently this is our chart   i believe i'm on a raster chart right now  all these yellow dots are dots that we've   put on here here is where we are currently in  georgetown you can see all the tracks we've   been making over here at our anchorage  as we've spun around in circles for days   and we are heading south and east i guess um so  we're gonna head down here to thompson bay in   long island up here to constellation i think it  is then our plans to go up to conception island   down to clarence town and then over to the crooked  islands is where i'm at right now looking at   potentially going to my iguana they just have this  like beautiful anchorage over here in abrams bay   that looks just so lovely i really want to go  there because i was looking at heading over to   these planet planet keys and there's like  nowhere to anchor that's protected the anchorage   is here very little info doesn't like usually  when you zoom in it shows you more detailed   information which it's not doing which means  that's all the information i have on this chart   and i believe we're on a raster chart i can  check that in a second um so that's the possible   anchorage so i'm thinking that well maybe we'll go  to my iguana instead and since i'm doing this for   fuel burn if we change our mind and go to planner  planner planner however you say it will actually   use less fuel so i figured i'd do that one now i'm  going to do one from my iguana over to the acklins   and to do that on our charts you zoom in i right  click i'll do it out here right click new route and i zoom out to where i want to go and  i think i have to go all the way around   to get into an anchorage on the other side so  when you're going in the bahamas especially   in other places that have less charts  you want to stay on the purple lines as   much as possible those are the designated like  boating routes and those have the most accurate   up-to-date information on actual depths being  correct i mean it's fine when you're out here   that's in meters that's like that's so deep  so you're going to be good to go you don't   actually go on that chart i'll probably move  that line but when you get into a shallower area   like up in here you really want to stay  on your on your lines is this where i'm   going this looks so shallow i don't why  do we have an anchorage sign in here oh i think i need to go up here to get into there that's debatable yep no we're not going to go  through that that's too shallow okay so i'm   not going to go in that little shallow area  i'll move this point later we'll go up here   to another anchorage we have marked down we actually heard that there are flamingos over  here so that's really darn exciting right click   and route i'm gonna name my route  where is that from my iguana my iguana two i think it's flamingo flamingo key next that will be 14 hours  that is long okay maybe we'll find another   anchorage before then but that's 14 hours  see right there 14 hours and 22 minutes   and right now i'm not worried about the trip start  time i'm just looking for general information   and then i hover over it and it tells  me that it is 107 nautical miles so   that is how we go about planning our routes and  figuring out we have enough fuel where we want   to go and just our general day-to-day don't just  go in into google maps and say i want to go here   we uh you have to go into the charts and look  at all the depths to make sure that you're going   to be fine and i mean this is also going to be  very dependent on whether routes could change or   be delayed based upon whether um if it's coming  if the wind's blowing your waves are going from   certain directions could need to reroute or skip  different islands entirely if we just can't get   there but that's a little bit how route planning  looks so i'm going to get back to this i have a   lot more to do and i want to be able to get some  other stuff done today so i probably have another   hour or so of route planning and then  taking all of my pages of calculations and   adding all all that together for hours  and miles then calculating our heel burn math i can clean your bed splash there here's splash here splash  here he comes another windy boat project   stinky bed cleaning the stinky dog bed among  all the other things got tons of boat projects   done by the time we leave here we are going to be  sit on boat projects for like a month yeah right   no we will no no we'll be ready  for more no i think we'll be good is it feeling clean yeah it's over my feet i  haven't washed those in a long time stop it   you ready for a clean bed oh yes are you helping   it's gonna have like clean sheets nothing  better than getting into a clean a clean bed as you can tell we just sit here  and swing back and forth so if you   don't like the view out of the window  just wait a few minutes it will change   so that's uh the nord habits have a lot of windage  they call it because it's a lot of surface area   for the wind to catch so we catch that wind and it  causes us to move around quite a bit as opposed to   let's say a sailboat which doesn't have  nearly the same amount of of a windage   there's little guys out there the wind doesn't  catch them too much with their sails down   so they say stay a little bit steadier where  we tend to really rip around quite a lot so during our big wind fiasco for the last  couple of days natalie has spent countless   hours doing research and putting together routes  so where are we going to be going in the future   so we're going to make a few stops we need nine  actually like 11 passage days to be out in the   ocean because a lot of this next traveling  is unprotected waterways but trying to figure   that out which we don't know the weather so i'm  just kind of putting together a rough itinerary   of where we want to go and making sure we have  enough time to see everything so kind of what i do   which i've done for the whole east coast  too is i put together like a a month or two   and i'll start writing in our stops for like  where we want to go make sure of enough time   so i'm doing march and april right now and i know  at the end of april we're going to start being   heading over to the dry tortugas so i'm kind  of backtracking from there and then making   sure of enough time for the ragged islands and  the gementos and long islands and all that but   i think we're going to be good i think we're going  to have a decent amount of time and hopefully have   enough enough weather windows because what we've  got how many months left before we're in the dry   tortugas like a month and a half or two it's like  a month and a half and a half a little longer   about but yeah and a half so about a month and  a half and about i don't say like nine stops but   nine like areas we want to go to yeah so i think  we're pretty good i'll have this whole thing   tentatively probably figured out soon  but if anyone's ever curious how we   route plan this is what i do i take a piece  of paper and i write out all the days of the   months and i put in where we're going to be i  went to daniel for two nights and we traveled   on the the six and now we've been in georgetown  we're going to be here until the 15th because the   wind won't stop blowing and even that is going  to be a kind of crappy weather day to travel   but it doesn't stop for a while so we're going  to head over to long island and be there for a   little bit because that's protected from the east  we'll be good there but this is this is encores route for that route planning but planning of  where we're going to be and make sure we have time   to get there well you do a great job of it thank  you and then my dad got shelby this book which   we've read a little bit but i need to look at some  more the cruising guide to the southern bahamas   so we're going to look in here my next task  which you can help me with is figuring out   anchorages and cool spots and which islands  you want to go to and see if we want to like   cross any islands off the list or where we really  want to make sure we get to sounds good yeah so the sun is just setting it calmed down to  like 20 or 25 knots today it's back up to 30 now   you can see this is crazy to me all  of those lights are all masts of boats   mostly sailboats but there are there have to be   hundreds of boats here and it really looks like  we are about to get a big storm coming through   about to get windy but i'll come around the corner  and show you and it's raining so we have the hatch   is closed doors are closed and we are waiting  for a big storm because that looks pretty eminent i need my shirt go ahead i would love more out than that yeah i will let some more  chain out than that for sure   it is finally calming down enough for a beach  day today so we have the tender launched   today's getting anchored over there and we're  gonna go look for some hiking trails to go on   apparently there's some trails that go all around  the island so we're gonna go and try to find those   and go for a few hikes today but it is so  nice to be back in the crystal blue water   and finally be enjoying this camo has been on  the boat we've all been in the boat for like   three or four days straight now he was going  crazy are you so happy to be off the boat yes so just got over from the beach we have found  the trail it says it's an art trail we have   some little artwork already over here this is  hilarious it looks like sailors or cruisers   who came here like made like arts and crafts  wow oh yeah that's coconuts with faces on them   coconuts stop it that's hilarious oh my gosh  really see this one right here keep going that's pretty good actually wow oh look at this  thing over here oh my gosh that's hilarious sliding backwards okay oh yeah little  footprints a little rope on the other side   wow never hiked on our trail before oh my gosh it's everywhere   oh that's so good people are highly  impressive that's amazing that's cool wow very interesting yeah well we're headed over to the windward side of  the island i'm uh curious to know what this is   gonna feel like and look like i already hear  the ocean the ocean's been like just ripping   for days now another bottle of  alcohol no well there's a note   in the bottle huh take a little note  in the bottle yeah this is their family so   foreign these are our caribbean trail  markers here being karen's caribbean so oh boy oh boy   so we are hiking we are trying to go  see some but we're just going to see   whatever and then we saw that there's  supposed to be some caves and blowholes   oh we didn't see any caves well they kind of did  there's like kind of a cave in kind of a blowhole   yeah so but now we are back on our nice  little trail and we're just planning on   doing this for a bunch of the day today might  head over to chat and chill later a nice little   beach bar so we're gonna get some conch salad  or something but until then this is our plan   we should do some trail cleaning over here tj   we don't have any pruners though which  we kind of need there's another one i think we're about to get rained on too and  we have finished our hike i thought we might   get rihanna but that big gray cloud luckily  went right past us and didn't get any rain did you find a new place to hang out  yeah it did quite literally yeah wow   what do you have attached to up above on the  boat deck yeah wow is it pretty nice not bad just got out of the shower i wasn't  expecting to see you hang in there anchoring can be a stressful time for a lot of  boaters and over the past year we've developed a   procedure that seems to work well for us so we'll  share it here before we come into an anchorage   we can see where the other boats are provided  they all have their ais on and not always do   they so what we'll do is based on the water  depth and this is the water depth in meters   we will set a circle diameter again based on the  depth of the water and the length of the boat   we'll know how much chain we want to let out and  we'll set a circle accordingly and we might put   two or three into an anchorage in case there's a  boat in our primary one we'll go to the second or   the third one so what we've done here is you can  see our route in we've come in we came into the   center of the circle we dropped the anchor  then we slowly backed up put it in reverse   and what we do is set the anchor now we know  it was going to blow for about a week here   so we set it at 300 rpm we start out at 800  rpm and just slowly work up until the anchor is   holding nicely at 1300 and we leave it there  for about a minute or two or three depending   and then once we're confident we aren't  moving back we take the boat out of reverse   come forward put the bridle on and then take  the uh slack off the tension off the chain   and so here the wind blew almost 360 over  the past week and quite often the wind does   that it clocks around as they say so when we  first came in dropped the anchor brought back   set the uh anchor here and then the wind blew  us around a bit and as we got to about 180   you can see there's a gap here the anchor actually  turned and reset so once it reset it pulled back   a few feet reset and then we've been in this  quadrant ever since and when a boat comes into   our circle the alarm will go off and if we drop  out of the circle and another alarm will go off so   by using the electronics we can get a pretty  good feel on how we're doing how other boats   are doing and uh this boat here probably isn't  drifting off their their anchor but they we're all   pulling in the same direction so it's fine anyway  hopefully this is helpful for those of you that uh   wonder how anchoring is done or if you're  having trouble deciding in an anchorage   where to drop the anchor this is a nice helpful  tool for us anyway hopefully it works for you we're coming back from the grocery  store natalie spotted some eagle rays i don't think that's a rock shark that is that's really cool eagle race i'm on our way for our  grocery run yeah that's amazing foreign   done this summed up our big wind fiasco storm we  went all the way around almost to the full   360. we didn't quite do the full 360 but over the  duration of the 10 days that it was super windy   that is every direction that  our bow faced kind of crazy well that's a new one what how he's laying  i you know why are you stretching why are   you laying like this is that comfortable  you are a strange little boy sometimes   it's okay you can later if you want though are  you stuck no you're okay love you we love you so we're underway today we are we are leaving  georgetown we've left georgetown down in the   bahamas and we're headed to long island we're  gonna go do some new exploring yeah we were at   georgetown for it's been our longest and  definitely been our longest job so far   well you're there for 12 days well we were at  chubb longer they're about the same about the same   you know we were here for 14 it's not funny we  were there for 12 days because the storm was   going through it was like the never ending wind  storm other boaters who have been voting for years   i actually said they've never seen it be that  windy for that long and it was very windy it   was very windy we felt consistently for about  10 days almost like 30 knots just consistently   blowing between 28 and like 35 knots just nonstop  thanks so much for watching we hope you enjoyed   learning more about the ins and outs of anchoring  navigation planning and weathering a storm aboard   encore join us next tuesday as we venture to  one of the deepest blue holes in the world

2021-05-31 10:55

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