Greenland Cruise -- So Funny - Visit Before Everyone Else

Greenland Cruise -- So Funny - Visit Before Everyone Else

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we're going to tell you why you need to get to  Greenland before anybody else does stay tuned   where are we we are in Kirkland Washington outside  of Seattle at a house sit and we're so excited to   tell you about our trip to Greenland and a cruise  so tell us why did we go to Greenland why did we   go to Greenland well first I'm Chris this is Steve  we're with eat walk learn we travel the world full   time with our two carry-ons in a suitcase or  two carry-ons as a suitcase glad you're here   thank you for joining us so um I read a New York  Times article back earlier this year I know New   York Times love them or hate him but they had a  really great article about Greenland and how it's   the next upcoming upcoming tourist destination  but what I really liked about it is not that we   necessarily want to be where everybody else hasn't  been yet but we like the idea that Greenland has a   goal of making their tourism footprint greener  than not having a tourism footprint so their   goal is to grow their infrastructure to create  Green Space and a green ecosystem and improve on   the climate change issues that are happening there  via tourism rather than have tourism make it worse   yeah and that's important for us and important in  our travels and going to Greenland is really not   easy to do it's tough to get to yeah so for  Americans to get to Greenland you've got to   go first to Denmark because Greenland is a it's an  autonomous region but it's associated with Denmark   so you have to fly all the way to Denmark and then  you have to fly to Greenland not very convenient   for North Americans to get to Greenland right or  yes or you can take a cruise and that's what we   did out of New York City we went to Nova Scotia  Newfoundland and Greenland and it was a total   of a 13 day uh trip right 14 or 15. in the end of  August 16th which was the perfect time of year to   go yeah weather was perfect the weather was about  the temperature was about 50 degrees every single   day uh sometimes it was sunny sometimes it was  rainy sometimes it was cloudy sometimes it's foggy   but it was always right around 50 to 55 degrees  so it was actually really Pleasant to get out   of the heat from that was going on in the us at  the time um we need to give a little shout out to   our friends Rob and Dave Dave thank you over at 10  degrees warmer they do a little video series about   snacks everywhere they went so we took their their  lead and actually we're going to do something a   little bit different on this video uh we're gonna  splice in some some snacking that we tried that we   did I'm doing Greenland so you'll see that as we  come along thanks to Dave and Rob for that idea   um all right so first we hopped on the ship in  in uh New York and it was a great Sail Away out   of New York wasn't that gorgeous going past the  Statue of Liberty was fantastic and the fire boat   and all that I mean it was really probably  number one for a sail away from a cruise we   were on Princess Cruises and we did stop through  Nova Scotia we had three ports of Nova Scotia on   the way to Greenland so what do you so what  about Nova Scotia all right Nova Scotia was   was great I was it was beautiful our first stop  was in Halifax right I didn't realize that they   have an important relationship to the Titanic  in that they were really the First Responders   for not the rescue but more of the recovery and  so a lot of Titanic passengers are buried in uh   in Nova Scotia so we went to the cemetery there  um but I think what it's one of the things that   so we like to say that we Cruise Nomad style so  what does nomad Style mean actually so if you've   ever cruised uh the cruise industry really likes  to sell you excursions and really high dollar   excursions that's not our style we like to figure  out you know we're not scared of transportation   and Transit and locals and you know negotiating  with tab cab dealers and so on so we try to do   it on our own so when we started seeing that all  these excursions through these Nova Scotia towns   were really expensive like 250 dollars we thought  well how can we do this alone so tip number one if   you're on a cruise here's your tip join the what's  it called the con The Continuous trivia yeah it   was the everyday trivia The Continuous trivia so  you every day there's a c day you get together   with the same group of people and you play trivia  and at the end of the cruise you get a prize if   your team wins this is a great way to get to know  people because you meet with them every day you   talk trivia you get to know each other so that  really paid off when we got to these different   um Nova Scotia reports because our friend our  friends who we made making trivia also wanted to   do The Nomad style way of cruising and um we and  at Several of these ports we what did we do we got   together and did what yeah you know we could just  uh hire a taxi in a taxi that's at six people you   know a large one like a large like a van Minivan  and share the cost of the taxi and have the driver   who knows the area and know 100 of the you know of  what we're paying is going to the local community   right instead of to the Excursion desk on the  on the the and the only other portion of that's   going to the local operator the money goes right  to the local operators yeah and particularly with   it uh Nova Scotia or was it in Sydney no it  was I'm sorry it was in California right we   got we hired the local guy and he took us around  and we went up to Peggy's Cove and we went to   um uh he took us all around these picturesque  places you're seeing all the pictures here and   then the next day we stopped and Sydney did the  same thing hired a local guy he took us out to the   Alexander Graham Bell Museum right got to dial our  phone number from when we were kids that was a lot   of fun who knew Alexander Graham Bell was Canadian  right the Canadians did but we certainly did I you   know I remember him from kindergarten being that  uh someone that I thought was an American so did   you go to kindergarten I I I actually I I got to  do a little speech about Alexander Graham Bell   when I was in kindergarten and I thought he was  an American anyway and then our last stop was in   Newfoundland and again beautiful very picturesque  um just an ugly little town there we um jumped on   a free walking tour and ran into some people that  knew it was for me from our YouTube channel and   and um we jumped on the the freedom walking tour  with them they were actually touring their RVs   through town and their RV through uh 10 weeks  through Nova Scotia or something and we just ran   into them and they said hey Chris and Steve so we  we got together and got a picture and got to do it   it's great it's great meeting people and finding  people that you know and right so anyway but you   guys are interested in Greenland that's why we're  here and so that's what we're going to tell you   so go ahead good Please Subscribe but before we  so uh thanks again thanks to Rob and Dave for   the suggestion we're gonna cut right away here to  our first taste test snacks of snacks and hey the   light's going to be weirdly different because we  were on the cruise ship and it was at Sunset and   it was a straight strange situation where we were  sampling our snacks yeah so here is licorice from   Greenland all right test number one so first  of all we don't know if these words are in   uh greenlandic or um from Denmark we don't know  because we don't have a translator that works on   greenlandic so anyway these days this is a classic  mix classic mix of licorice they like their   licorice here it's kind of like when you were in  um Iceland they like licorice there too yeah there   is going as even in a convenience store there's  a huge section of all different kinds of licorice   and all different flavors and all different  package sizes like that's a really good big   thing I don't think you'll be able to rip that you  just need to like got manhandled um let's try it yeah what flavor is that this is licorice  it's like I think there's chocolate on the   inside like chocolate licorice on the  outside and chocolate on the inside   chocolate on the inside that's ridiculous  all right I'm not a fan of that one okay   now we're gonna try just the can I just bite  off a piece yeah there's some black licorice that's good that's good black licorice  and I feel like I'm a True Green Lantern   yeah you get my licorice oh okay I  love it it's too it's too lickery That's a classic that's that's for you babe all   right next up we have to try more of  that yeah we got three more flavors no I think I think this is   pintar red licorice with yellow stuff inside  I'm still trying to swallowed right all right that's peanut butter like peanut butter and  jelly peanut butter and jelly licorice it's   like Twizzler with peanut butter and it's horrible  see I like that all right we have two more flavors   of liquorice to try definitely get that one okay  I'm gonna give you one and then I'm gonna do the   other one so you have to do that one over the  last one this is like a like a root beer flavor   it's colored I call it I don't know what flavor it  is yet okay go ahead and let you know in a second um I still have no idea what flavor that is   but it's good and this is this  is yellow with a black Center it out oh here you have to have this one   okay I have no idea what that is but a  winner licorice from Greenland I love it Okay so yeah not big not a big fan you're  like the licorice but I was not a big fan so   anyway all right so we're going to do a little  quiz here quiz question number one what is the   population of Greenland what do you think it is  is it yeah well what there's 300 million people   in the United States so it's got to be about  you know half of that right so here's your   question sixty thousand a half a million or a  million and the answer is 60 000 people live   in Greenland that's it isn't that crazy an entire  country and only 60 000 people that's crazy yeah   so the first place we stopped was nuke nuke is  the capital of Greenland and they have about 30   000 35 000 people in news and what a great place  it was a cool uh cool little town and it really   really enjoyed loved the colorful scenery of the  houses and uh the tundra the rocks and we went for   a great hike and you know these are just another  you know Nomad again uh tip is instead of taking   an expensive taxi or an Excursion we go for the  local bus right and I think it was round trip   was three dogs yeah yeah rather than 150 they were  charging to go hiking we paid three or four bucks   a piece to go to the trailhead which was actually  on the other side of the airport and it was on the   um their ski their their wintertime ski lift  which is the summertime hiking trail and we we   met another lady and the three of us hiked up to  the high point and got to look out over the the   coastline from nuke yeah and beautiful the rocks  and the and the ocean in the background and the uh   the flowers we'll show you some pictures of some  of the wildflowers yeah and the Cottons the cotton   plant or cotton flower or something with flying  in the yeah I don't know yeah yeah you'll see   here anyway so that was a real fun time in Nuke of  course uh it's it's now time for another you know   when you hike you need a drink so uh we here's  our next taste test of uh the local soft drink   so what do we have now Chris [Laughter] foxy candy  I think that's that's uh foxy candy faxy candy   I think it's maybe like bag resident  antal paste you and your friends so is it some sort of soda oh it smells like is it grapefruit you know what I can't it smells  like before but I don't know foreign I don't know what that is oh it's like a citrusy but like that  definitely Citrus like it's like   citrus cream a little grapefruit flavor  yeah um like cream like citrus cream   yeah this is good that's really refreshing  it's actually really kind of nice I'm not   I don't drink soda and I'm not a big soda  fan at all but that's that's kind of nice [Laughter]   so how is that that yeah I want more  of that yeah that was good that was it   was a good one yeah yeah so candy candy anyway so then the next day uh we cruise on  over to the next little town called so here   is your next Quiz question um what is bigger  what is the biggest island is it Iceland   uh Greenland or Great Britain yeah well Great  Britain's pretty big yeah the Sun never sets on   the Empire of Great Britain but no Greenland  is the biggest island in the world how about   that yeah yeah and it is it is really massive of  course you know when you look at Maps the way they   flattened out you know the globe and Greenland  is always just this giant thing because it's   it's really it's not as big as they make it look  on 2D Maps yeah so what do we do in pork attack   we just played disc golf and it's something you're  learning to as no man's we actually have a couple   of a couple of discs to play disc golf and there's  a the only disc golf course in Greenland yeah and   we played in the rain and it was great Mountain  the beautiful scenery and walking but yeah we   walked right out of town like maybe a mile out  of town and was on the side so there was this   hike that you could go around the lake and that  had been canceled because the weather we ended up   going to the same place where the lake was but  then we played disc golf instead in the rain   and walked all through the tundra wow was that  crazy like Tundra is like this super thick Lush   Mossy green flowery wiry branchy sponge that  you walk along so like if you when you hear   about climate change and you hear about in  Greenland the ice sheet is melting and it's   exposing the biomass that's this Tundra and um  I kind of felt like a bad naturalist walking   on the tundra because I think if we were in a  national park you wouldn't have done that in   the summer time in this area the summer times  it's exposed so this is um you know so the 80   percent of Greenland is covered yeah with snow  and ice but the portions that we were along the   coast in this house it melts in the summer and  it it there's more snow and ice obviously in   the winter yeah yeah okay so that was for pork  attack so now up is our next um food taste test   um and it was uh okay I apologize that I burp in  this one but it is we try a hariboo candy called   um Sally soft watch this so uh next up is a  classic brand again super popular in Greenland   all over the shelves they must have had like  30 different flavors of a hair Boot and they   were all licorice they are this is uh Sally's  Valley I can't wait to taste salad okay and   there's a diamond shape and round shapes let me  see there's the diamond shape yeah it's kind of   mushy like a marshmallow oh you're gonna love  this he hates marshmallow stuff this is like   squishy like a pencil erase it looks like a pencil  eraser oh even worse oh that's just oh my gosh that's unboxing candy okay laughs [Music] subscribe now um that was not my prettiest video ever have it have  that have that taste in my mouth of whatever that   was yeah not not something we recommend we  actually gave those away to somebody on the   ship they loved it oh these are so these are  so good right yourself okay last quiz question   um why why uh Greenland was called Greenland as  a marketing tool Greenland was called Greenland   because it's not green so true air thread came  named it Greenland because he wanted to attract   settlers to come to Greenland so uh Iceland he I  think he was sent there as like a prisoner like   it he was like yeah he was being sentenced  there as yeah first crimes anyway he named   it Greenland so settlers would come and it's much  icier than Iceland is so there you go so our last   city was nanortalik which was even smaller it had  a population of about 1500 as opposed to the 3000   in corporate duck tiny tiny little fishing Village  what's interesting about Greenland is that there's   really no rows there's roads within the towns  but there's no Roads connecting any town so you   have to fly your helicopter or bus here's this  little teeny tiny Town other than southern coast   um you know it's dark half of the year the  1500 people live there it was just a place   that we just kind of walked around and kind of  lived our life a little bit we went for a walk   um we went to the grocery store what did we what  do we see in the grocery store that was really   cool uh well so there's a lot of native people  indigenous people that are Inuits that live there   and they still have their traditional hunting  practices so there were things like you know   like whale blubber that you could buy whale meat  and seal slippers and yeah that they still hunt   in the traditional way and this is part of their  and you go to the grocery store and you buy it you   know so that was you know it took us a little bit  to get used to that of course we didn't buy any   of that we bought these snacks instead yeah we did  enjoy we went for a walk on the little tiny Beach   and found a ton of sea glass I really enjoyed  all the icebergs floating in the bay and just   the beauty of this Tiny Town with these houses  painted all these different colors it was really   fabulous yeah yeah another little tip is that we  try to learn some of the local language wherever   we go and I've already forgotten it is these  um cork attack that was the name of the city thank you thank you there we go yeah we learned  five other words we had them on a piece of paper   every time we went somewhere we would cheat  because it's not an easy language because   they speak Greenland greenlandic in Greenland  and Google translate does not have green landic   in it so we were trying to ask people how to  say things and they wrote wrote it down for   us on pieces the locals really appreciate  when you try to speak the language yeah uh   okay last up is our favorite cookie that we  tried Steve was in love with this cookie he   says I'm never leaving Greenland again  because of these cookies so watch this this is a cookie it seems like we have to get  these because that looks like my perfect cookie   and we tried these before we even left the store  yeah and we ate them all through before so this   is not a this is not a real honest first taste  because we love these I know that's good they're   really good they have like a Victorian lace  sort of cookie on them and then the cream is   like a vanilla cream but it's double the Oreo  size so it's like a double stuff very crunchy   on the other side and sweet on the inside that's  like that's like the perfect cookie right there   those are good so thumbs up for our cookie  what are those cookies called again Turpin half Red Room pretty sure if you know Danish you know exactly  what that is I think maybe one of that one one's   greenlandic and one's Danish this was the same  thing except for them because the you get the   the o with the dash the slash through it and the o  with the dots on top and I'm sure I would not know   how to pronounce it are we even saying the right  okay so we got our favorite cookie in the world   it was yeah so good and another reason to go back  to Greenland to get it so we hope you enjoyed our   video about Greenland ask us questions below  we had a wonderful time on Princess Cruises   uh really enjoyed our time I would love to go  back to Greenland I think Greenland's tourism is   definitely still being developed infrastructure  and development is going on all over nuke I   mean cranes and construction everywhere they're  definitely coming through on that that momentum   to develop their infrastructure I think the  next time I would come back there would be a   lot more natural opportunities like to go up and  see the glaciers and go into the fjords and go   hiking I mean imagine Greenland will be like  the tourism in Iceland that's going on now as   they develop that in Greenland because so many  beautiful natural places to go see that just   really aren't accessible to tourism right now  but definitely get to Greenland we loved it we   feel very special that we got to go and we get  to share this video with you so anything else   yeah all right thank you for subscribing  yeah thank you we'll see you next time

2023-09-18 06:01

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