GOODBYES ARE ALWAYS HARD | My goodbye process to NYC

GOODBYES ARE ALWAYS HARD | My goodbye process to NYC

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One month has gone. I'm. Living, in three days, oh my. God. It's. Going to be difficult. Hello. Hello it. Has been one week since the. Last time I felt I actually. Worked. A lot so I stayed a lot at home I was staying in, Brooklyn. Prospect, Heights. At. Allison's. And Jen's I was. Almost every evening at. Dinner, with someone I had, my first stackers, and my first margaritas, with Jen, I also. Partied. A lot this, week and I went back to Queens, finally. And I met. Nick, again, do you remember Nick the couch surfer, the one who. Hosted, me in Astoria, Queens he's. A wonderful person I, must say he, brought me to this, Greek place between. Astoria. And Long. Island City I thought, it would be a restaurant, but it wasn't, it was way, better it, was a. Kind. Of a fish shop but. They have many tables, inside the shop and they. Basically, cook, the fish so you go in you, choose, the. Fish you want and you take it with your hands and then you just sit wherever. You find a free place with, other people, and then, they. Call you when it's ready it's. Very simple and oh you can bring your own beverage. So. Nick, brought a bottle of white wine and we, had it there, it was amazing. In plastic, cups I, love. This kind of places and, yeah. Thank You Nick it was an amazing, evening again, he, has the best pots yesterday. Evening I move, to. This village again from, Brooklyn Prospect, Heights I'm staying at Kayla's, and Bros who. Already hosted, me at the beginning of my trip here in New York well, I, I. Am. Beginning to, feel. A bit sad because. I. Have. To leave soon like, one. Month has gone and, oh. My. God. It's. Going to be difficult. I'm living in three days so today is Friday. I still. Have. Saturday. And on. Sunday evening. I will head the, airport. Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying not to think about it because. It's. Difficult it's gonna be difficult but. Yeah. You have to do it so today. I'm vlogging again I'm gonna do some things that, I want to do before live in New York one, is taking. The ferryboat to Staten Island to is. See. In the World Trade Center because I haven't been there yet and then, possibly. Walk, on either. Broken. Brooklyn. Bridge or Manhattan. Bridge we'll. See let's, go. Very. Warm is wonderful. And. I'm already like this. My. Favorite area. Here I felt. Some. Kind of a connection. It's, dirty, it's, real. Is. You. Know I like. It here. Yeah look at this. So, it's. It's. Lower. Manhattan. The. Bridges. Near. World Trade Center. Near. Wall, Street. It. Kind, of gives you the idea that, there. Are a lot. Of things, hidden, inside here, just past. A couple of basements. Which were open and, you, can't they were dark, inside but you kind of could, see, something, and. Like. The people didn't, want you to watch they. Were closing the doors when you were staring at them. It. Is mysterious. I like it. Bad. Huh. I like, Chinatown. Seeing. This little shop. Very. Lowest. Part. Of Manhattan I think in five minutes really. A venal a pervert, always. Reminds me to. Going. To Sicily, I used. To go to Sicily by car but, you have to take the ferry boat even, if this was just. For. Pedestrians. Yeah, I'm just. Learn now and, I, don't want to go. Back immediately. Because. Still, I mean Staten, Island is not supposed to be anything, special, but, I want. To at least take a walk like half an hour walk to see. How. Is here, so. Yeah. Let's see and then I will go back to minute. It's. Finally spring. It's. Quiet here you. Really feel different. In here of a nut, it's, nice. I'm. Really. Glad that I could make, it here. Another. Time before leaving because, I liked it a lot and it's. Crazy the last time I was here was very cold, there. We did. Yeah I was suffering a lot, from. The cold in, today's the opposite I'm suffering from the hot weather. Yeah. It's very warm here it's amazing, because all, the people are chilling in. Front of the river. Everyone. Is happy. In. Chinese. Amazing. Now, my I'm exhausted. Altogether. Funny. Now I'm exhausted. I've been walking for, like all. Day long basically, I just thought while, I was in the ferryboat, and while. I was eating the airport, World, Trade Center, is beautiful. Like all that area. And also Wall Street I didn't, expect it to be so beautiful I'm going, home it's, I think. Between, 7:00, and 8:00 okay get.

Ready For the night, today's, Friday so. Yeah. We'll see I don't know. There. Are four people ask me if what I'm gonna do but I don't know. It's. My last day in New York, well. Technically, it's tomorrow but tomorrow it. Will be cold and rainy and. Yeah. Tomorrow I have to leave so and I. Will probably. Hungover. From today, so doesn't count today's. Gonna build my last day and it's. Like four o'clock, in the afternoon now, and I just got out, of the, apartment, I worked on my laptop all day long and today's Saturday so, everywhere. Like everyone. Was outside, on the streets with loud music everyone. Was partying, I just went. Like two, minutes on the rooftop, of the. Building I'm, saying. And, you, could see all the other people in, the other rooftops, parting. Except, me because I was more came but. It's. Good yeah, I had, to I wanted, to. Added some videos so I wanted. To get rid of it, by. The way as, you can understand it is very warm. Today like, 25, degrees like yesterday. My, friend Caleb, or okay I, can. No sleep top at least now I'm meeting, my, friend Matthew. And Jimbo to. Go to a rooftop party and then. We'll see for the evening I still, don't know maybe maybe. We're going to adjust, club today, I hope so I would, really like to see. One before. Leaving now. I'm meeting them at, a brunch, place because. I still have to eat something today I couldn't, eat. Anything. Just. Look into my first, plumber in my life. Look. At what the. Whole scene, is wonderful. 33. We, can get better it's. Car. Beautiful. Spring of your.

2018-07-25 10:01

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