Good Taste: April 17, 2016

Good Taste: April 17, 2016

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Finding. Good taste at the most popular restaurant. On the Riverwalk, in scenic, San Antonio, see, white tourists, and locals, clamor for a table here and the, margarita, this, city is known, floor. Then. Road, trip we're heading to a spot not, far from world-famous, Luckenbach, Texas a. Place. Where bratwurst, and beer come with a bet say, what, and. State. Fans Houston's, hottest Steakhouse also, has a table with a killer, view join. Us at the table this is one meal you don't, want to miss. Hi. Everyone I'm tangi Patton welcome, to the taste and welcome, to the beautiful San Antonio, Riverwalk the most, traveled, to tourist destination. In all of the state we, chose this scenic spot because we're going to take you to the most popular restaurant, on the Riverwalk. Boudreaux's. The. San Antonio Riverwalk, is, alive, with color, its. Banks, lined, with bustling, restaurants. And bars for. The past 30 years one, restaurant, consistently. Stands out with its stellar, food and, fantastic. Service, boudreaux's. We're. Enjoying it in a state where everything is bigger and better this, popular, spot boasts the tiniest, busiest, kitchen, in all of Texas also, the, first spot in Texas, to offer tableside. Guacamole a, genius. Move oh it's, awesome you kidding me yeah we've never had orange in our walk Amole before from, their award-winning, juicy. Blackened, prime rib to the house smoked jumbo, shrimp that's paired with cheesy gulf, crab enchiladas, life. Is good at boudreaux's, you, look very happy I am happy, joining. Me now is andreas, the GM here at boudreaux's on the Riverwalk this is truly, a special place it. Really is I mean I can't get any better you right here by the river and then join some great. Homemade, food and with, some product. From this region Saul writes and the weather is beautiful so, most, of it most every day of the year the weather's beautiful on the river long that's a true statement let's talk about some of the great food you. Gotta admit the tableside guacamole that was genius. It, is that's something that we, have it's, just unbelievable. I really, never thought it'd be so, powerful or dish but we, have just about everybody's, come to San Antonio it's. Gonna have to come by and taste. The guacamole prepared, tableside, on a given night is I know you're busy day in and day out what's an average. We, probably serve. Anywhere, between. 300. To 500, people that's, crazy when you go in the kitchen and you see look. At the tiny kitchen, that puts out this amazing. Food I. Don't. Know these guys are great back there you. Know, they're. Just a great, team they've. Been there for a long time the average person, that has, been with us as you know as a chef of cook it's been anywhere from 10, to 20 years you don't see that a lot to keep people been here actually 20 years of plus you know so and, being. That close to each other you definitely. Know you know each other you, better work it - do you mind every, every little inch of the kitchen assits just like every. Move they know exactly where to go what not to do where to be. Everyone. Has to. Play. The. Executive, chef overseeing. This busy kitchen today is Robby Nolan, his impressive resume, includes, a stint at Thomas Keller's famed French, Laundry, in California. In fact that's, Keller holding, Keller Robi named his son after his, mentor chef and friend. Mr.. Big-time chef, when you eat here what do you order the. Black and prime rib every time every, time you, know I'm a meat potatoes kind of guy and I would really enjoy. What. Do you think it is about this place that people from literally all over the world come, and come back you know I think the service I think the service speaks volumes, about a restaurant and here, at Blue Jays we really connect with our gas to make sure they have a great experience oh. My. Gosh I would think the black and from rim is one of the most popular, dishes it is it is you know the blackened prime rib is slow roasted all day we just six hours in a low oven hundred eighty degrees and then we finish them I put in a blackening spice which is cayenne, pepper and cajun seasoning we, sear on the flattop both sides server, the roasted potatoes and vegetables. So good and then another popular, one that South, Texas quail, Texas, quail yeah so bobwhite, quail.

Which Is a breed, we, stuff it with. Poblano peppers a little bit of roasted corn and apples we. Let that marinate, a little bit of vinegar salt and pepper and, it's smoked with on, the grill with mesquite, and pecan and then we serve it with roasted potatoes and vegetables as well a little bit of Demi gloss which is a veal stock reduction, and that's done it's beautiful, the wait for a table here can be lengthy, without a reservation. But, there's, plenty to take in while you wait for that coveted, spot the. Most popular, drink on the menu for the past. Wine, fans there, are some great choices here, for you too you have an amazing wine what we, do and that get changed and on a weekly basis, sometimes depending, what the availability, is no, one leaves boudreaux's unhappy. Especially. After one bite of that delicious, guacamole, I, love. This place. Welcome. To my kitchen everybody I'm going to show you how to make that famous boudreaux's, wakka moly it's so easy you're, going to start with avocados. Fresh. Lime, jalapenos. Or serrano fresh. Tomatoes, oranges. Cilantro. And onion, we're, going to start off with the orange juice so juice about half an orange then, you're going to juice your, lime. Cut. Your avocados, give them a rough chop in the bowl you don't want them too creamy so leave some of the chunks in there then, you're going to add those beautiful, roasted tomatoes. Charge. Can. Use your. Cilantro, a, little bit, of onion, mix. It all together, okay. Add a little sea salt as much or as little as you like and again, keep in mind it's those roasted tomatoes, that make this welcome elite so, spectacular. Okay. Guys I'm going in. So. Well. There. You have it boudreaux's. World-famous. Tableside. Guacamole, up. Next, we're, headed to the Texas Hill Country. We. Found a brewery that offers, a cozy alternative. When it's time to turn out the lights. Then. To Houston's hottest, new steakhouse that's in a very old, building. You'll. Want to jump on this ride cuz, steak fans it, doesn't. Get any better. Fredericksburg, is known for its charm Main, Street is the main drag you can find everything here from a cool jar of hill country pickles, to some really neat stuff for your house, German. Roots run deep here, so as you'd expect finding, a great - bison, or Pale Ale is easy, to do how, about one better, we found a bed to go with that brew let's go. Fredericksburg. Has tons of B&Bs but, only one, bed. And group, a cool. Concept for, the fun seeking, traveller complete, with a German beer garden hearty. German grub and a, comfy, bed when, your day is done we, goof around we have a lot of fun so it's just it's a fun place to be, one of a kind for sure and a, spot that gets high marks for, its house brews and maybe.

A Place in the history books - the, Fredericksburg, bed brew is said to be the oldest, brewery in Texas. The. Brew master and the manager have been a team here almost since day one so, both of you guys that literally were here from the from the very beginning right. I. Was one of the first customers. Sorry. So, when what in the spring give me an idea what what's, a great fun. Spring, beer that we would get here probably our Maybach, it's another German style of course being, in Fredericksburg, and it's a it's a high alcohol so, it's one of those where, you feel like you could drink more but you probably do yes, a little bit goes a long way, there Pale Ale is popular, around these parts too and today's, batch got, an extra, hit of hops and you trust me to have a role in the beer make money go, ahead and add the hops. Anywhere. At any time anywhere anytime all right here we go. How. Long till that's ready that one's gonna be about three weeks still is completely, done okay. All. Right a good. Craft beer deserves. A killer Reuben or. Even, a juicy, bratwurst, and you, can get both here plus, a whole, lot more. The. Owners dick Espen son and his wife rosemary, our former, houstonians, they, opted for a quieter, lifestyle, in the Texas Hills. After. Doing some research on, brew pubs in Europe they brought their ideas to Fredericksburg, along. With some awesome recipes. Certainly. We. Provide. For the German. Flavor but there's also, the. Things that my wife and I like our nachos. I mean great. Nacho, plate and and good, sandwiches, and, pizzas, and and other. Foods that are more homestyle. Like meatloaf and things like that and I think chicken-fried. Steak there's, chicken-fried, steak as well it's, your. Significant, other is not a beer drinker there's, wine or cocktails, too but, you know the thing that was really impressive to us because we were a little bit concerned about craft. Beers and the ladies but. It turns out that the ladies like the craft beers as much as the guys and, it's really neat to see when they will have one maybe walk down the street with a craft beer, instead of a glass of wine okay we're, not all that different the, big difference were a little smarter yeah well you. Deaf goes along with the beer we've got like the not so dumb blonde and. That's. Our, lightest, one and that was really conceived, because. Both. Of my daughters were blonde my wife's blonde and your. Blonde. When. It's time to empty, your Stein and hang up your boots why, not head right upstairs into, your own Texas, themed hotel, room turns, out that if people come to the restaurant they have a good time they might not want to go home so they can go, upstairs and spend the night and you're going when you do go upstairs as you'll see this is not just a place to lay, your head these are nice rooms this is really a nice B&B we have like 12 rooms all of them are different and the. People that stay certainly, enjoy. That's. An understatement. This hotspot books, up fast yeah. You don't want to just come in and expect that it's going to be available on the weekend. So. If you strike out here check out the estimate sons other cool concept, in fredericksburg called the hangar an old. Active. Airport, transformed. Into a World War 2 era hotel, I've got more information on that and good taste TV. Pretty. Cool right, coming. Up next you could want a spa weekend, for two at this beautiful, Houston, hotel plus, the, big red wines without, the big price tag my, wine finds, of the week but, first the, new steak house that has the Bayou City talking best. Beats, phenomenal. Steaks with, a killer, view we're, saving you a seat next. What. A spectacular. View right, we're, taking it all in from the rooftop, at B&B butchers. Fantastic. Restaurant, that I recommend, for a romantic evening and. A whole lot more. To, get a real appreciation for, this new Houston hotspot, we'll start day side outside. It. Wasn't that long ago that this stretch of Washington, Street was nothing, but abandoned, buildings. The. Historic Ditman, bakery building was gathering dust until benjamin. Berg an East Coast native, turned Houstonian. Stepped, in to give it new life you, had a vision I mean when you walked in this building did it Oh instant, yeah it was instant yeah I knew I knew we could make this place really. Work for us in. A city we're tearing down to start over is the norm Ben.

Chose To preserve, the building's roots keeping. The 100, year old facade, intact, and simply, adding to what was already here, I mean this was was, an abandoned, building it, had it. Was I think almost 35, years but it was just it was over around a hundred years old it was gorgeous. And, we just fell in love with the character, of the building and. Really. Just wanted to take the challenge on him preserve it not, only did Ben work to keep the coolness that comes with a centuries-old, building, he also surrounded. Himself with sentimental. Reminders. Of his family, ties so, you have a lot of East Coast roots right. Now, you've got some sense and you're in Houston and we love that yeah we'd, love that but you bring a lot of your family's. History. And, and lineage, as your, great-grandfather a butcher my great-grandfather, was a butcher. My grandfather, on my father's side was, uh as well he was in the restaurant business in California, this, sign that hangs in the bar once, hung and his great-grandfather's. Bar, there. Must be a lot of pride when you walk in here and you see that oh yeah, definitely, I mean to still, have that it's. You know pride in my family that we've been in this business that we're carrying it on it. Brings great like happiness to my family, as well back in New York that there's a piece of piece, of em here in Houston. What's. Old truly. Is new again at B&B, remember. The old neighborhood, butcher shops. Well. Be in these fronts. The restaurant, all, right now that's what I call a steak that, looks amazing, yeah that's our dry-aged, prime. Ribeye, we. Have our New York's in here our sur lounge we also have which we're really proud of it's our Texas, braised Wagyu. Texas, lots of marbling, so just that beautiful you. Know almost caught it with a spoon. We. Just caught him a little too thick can. Be an B's butcher who just happens to be from New York City those, customers, love the idea of a perfectly, cut steak, they can get to go exactly. So before the game on the weekends, or you. Know anytime a party, whatever we can cut whatever you like you find a reason to celebrate when you've got a steak like that. From. The butcher shop we head to the kitchen where those fabulous steaks, start, their sizzle, and. You got the ribeye the, bone-in ribeye you got the new cut biggest, seller between these three the. Ribeye actually, the ribeye is actually one of the best seller. That. Salt block you see in the oven is heating up to, 450. Degrees. It's. Delivered, to your table, when you ordered the precious, Kobe, beef filet flown, in from Japan, a rare. Delicacy that, cooks right, before, your eyes. Mouth-watering. Steaks. Aren't the only choice on the menu here that wasabi crusted, tuna fillet is incredible. So, simple, yet it's so scrumptious. All right chef we're gonna give it a taste, test here. Oh wow. That. Was sabe is a nice little kick yep. The. Carpetbagger, oysters, stacked, with pork belly filet, mignon and blue cheese are not, to be missed, this classic, recipe, dates back to the 1800s, but at B&B it's one of the hottest things on the menu today we, put our own little touch on it being in Houston, we, fried the oysters, a little, hot sauce a beautiful, blue. Cheese dressing in crumpled blue there's. A lot going on in the flavor that. Fabulous. Food and a family tradition, B&B. Butchers, brings it bends, East Coast roots rock, to the Bayou City Beach this is an amazing, place what better place to congratulate. You the restaurant, that been built in. Front of the sign your grandfather built perfectly, thank you for coming Cheers. Those. Carpetbaggers. At B&B are worth, the trip they're fantastic. Okay everyone it's time for my wine finds of the week and I've got, some good ones here with, a good steak you want a good wine and a napa cabernet. Fat. Cap so I brought some from another wine region, that I love, and that's Washington, State they make some beautiful wines one, of the wine varietals, they're, known for is merlot so we're going to start with the merlot this is watchdog, rock you, can't beat the price point it's about eleven dollars a bottle you, get some beautiful, flavors, a black, cherry vanilla, some, spice this, is a good steak wine with the filet a merlot.

Is Perfect, $14. Watch dog, rock okay, Cabernet. Fans this, is a wonderful, find Chateau. Smith Charles. Smith the winemaker of this wine was named winemaker. Of the year by Food & Wine magazine and. This is a fun wine and it's less than 20 dollars so it cannot be beat it has wonderful flavors, of cassis, dark, fruits, blueberry. This too has a little spice on it again, one, of my fun wine finds, Chateau. Smith, me by Charles Smith, the perfect start or finish to, any meal would be a glass of bubbly and I've got a good one here and again from Washington State this is domain state Michele it's, made in the traditional champagne. Method, just like they do in France think, of it as a glass of sparkling, strawberries. This is a fun wine any, time, of the year with any meal found all of these at HEB. Enjoy. Everyone. Coming. Up find out how you could win a weekend for two at the Houstonian. Hotel complete, with spa services, from their award-winning, spa, trellis. Welcome. Back everyone this is your chance to win an incredible getaway. To a beautiful. Hotel head. To good taste TV, right now and sign, up for a chance to win a luxurious. Weekend, at the Houstonian. Complete. With spa treatments, for you and a guest at the beautiful, award-winning. Trellis, spa love, the Houstonian. Next. Week ask, anyone from Austin and they'll tell you the food here is Potomac, Cano and the mezcal, goes down best with a little crunchy. Grasshopper, in there plus, one, of the coolest, hottest spots, winning, national, attention is that the Pearl and the Alamo, City will. Take you there till, next time everyone. Cheers. To good taste. You.

2018-04-07 17:39

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