Getting A Fencing Permit For B.A.G. And Touring Arch 22 In Banjul The Gambia.

Getting A Fencing Permit For B.A.G. And Touring Arch 22 In Banjul The Gambia.

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Like. Family we're, here in banjul a capital, of Gambia today and, we're going into physical, planning, to get our. Permit, so we can build the fence this, is an exciting place it's a beautiful, view right off the ocean I want you guys come by and look at the ocean is right off the ocean. Someone. Said put cutting on. I. Don't. Know the name of this area or did it bonus you. The. Bonds your beats. All. Right all. Right all right. You. Told me to follow you. Do. I need to cut it up. This. Right here's a cheer /. Stop scam. Rubbish. As the British say this rubbish, in here, a fight triangle, T we say trash Chicago where the British say rubbish so, there's the trench rubbish garbage, inside. This scene and, then here's another scene. Sweet, juicy mama consider because this is higher. Being. Another stop. Here. In, the shade up. Under, a mango check wonder link with mangoes hanging, exactly. So imagine that you're a bunch and. You're. Home free. Just. Grab your mango, right here. Continue. This. Place we're going to now it's called the Hawks 22nd. In your honor guy. Where's. The elevator it. Was on the other side. Exercise. Good. Idea. That's. A wall look. I, feel, my muscles, already. Amen. We. Are feeling. Okay. Buddy this all time I've given the busy - yeah. No. This is no no when. We come back we want to take that elevator down okay all. Right I just hit I just, hit this button right here. And. Everything. Okay. Yeah all right let's go. Alright. Guys going up this day is sweet. Juice a month again. Time. Shuttle. A. Remedial. PT. Program. Knows they all kinda. Ex-military. Alright. I think this is the injuries. More. Standards, yeah. That. The way back. Alright. The camera, has, switched. Hands, I'm. Filming. Now. Thank. You brother. All. Right what. Does this sign is me Merry. Christmas I have been here. Okay. Okay. Now. Guys we're officially, up. Here. At. The. Top. Of arch. 22. I just. Gave you a. Circular. View and. Now we're going to walk through each of the. Pictorial. Exhibitions. So. This may be what this is. Okay. Anybody. Want to come and operate this camera that know a little bit more than me. The. Pictures. As well. This, right here is the. Model. Of the traditional, homestand, with. Batch. Effects whatever that means and, wow. This is this. Is ironic here guys, this is the traditional. State fencing, this. Is what we just left. Physical. Planning this is what we're going to build because we're having some problems with. Trying. To contract, it out so, we're going to do it ourselves. Just. Like we originally started. Something. This time we got the. The. Governments. Of fool and, here's a. James, island and the view of the river, Gambia. Gambia. And Banjul. And. What we need to zoom in down below it's. A picture. The. Gambia official, map history the, culture sign, you. Know. That's. Good. March. 22, sitting in right.

There. Some. Reason okay, this is called the Exodus, the. Exodus. That's the name of the time. And, it. Says 18. 2017. But. Disposed but. Refusing. To leave dictator, has. Declared, a state of emergency, taking. Gambia to agree. Just. To tell you a little bit about our story we. Work here, January. 2017. As, you know we came here June. 2016. That. There is a, massive. Propaganda, campaign, that the. Country is going to go to war we needed to do all this stuff none. Of that happened, it. Was safe here as has. Always been safe here together so if. You see this you take you through what you, want but we're telling you we were here. There. Was going to merchants a little thing let's, move to make some kisses call the state of emergency. Gets, us piggybacking, off that this. Shows you different spots, around the game you. And. Basically. Here, it's. I. Might. Be going to read it because the propaganda you sure love it at the reader I don't, like reading propaganda. So let's come on this way. Just. More pictures, again this, is. In. A Moscow, when he was here, that's. All. Gambia. Has decided. What. They decided, he. Has. Decided and I would like to know. Decided. What. Right. In. Reclaimed. Displease that's. What this is saying they, reclaimed, the streets. It. Says do not touch. Are. In touch okay. I don't think independence. Memorabilia. We. Got our version of The Gambia temptations. And. Over here Smokey, Robinson and, the miracles you. Got. All that sweet mother British passport, what. Is that money over it all. This awful, there's nothing. Here's. A devil. Okay. Colonial. Secretary, government. Official. Mr.. Devil, hip. Hughton. Bear. Austin. Oh. Middle. Name is the barn I got to change my middle name really. Miss. John on you have to thank hurts. A lot. Okay. All, right Hugh, uses, excellency. Forces. Provisional, Greencastle. July. 22. 1990. 1994. I skills in the army that's when he took over there's no need to polish. All, right move along his. President. Genetic. At the a new summit, always. Dressed in his family's attire with this Quran and. It's. Bees. And. I. Think. This right here was, what he used to ward off evil presses. Colonizers. So. You, see all these guys I wonder where do you see this is a beautiful area right there. You. Enough and, a bull by trade I'm glad over, son we got this right here I don't know if you can read them. Titles. Or water. Damage. Pictures. Right here. Self-explanatory. Yes they pledge allegiance. Can. We get awareness guys. Now. You learn new. Information, and. Get rid of old information I pledge, allegiance to. Somebody. Who wants to kill me. Whatever. Okay. Fresh. Gibeom. History. Look. At this devil just. To type crack hit it makes you angry. I'm saying you. Got a human pulling. The animal. To. The brothers, who, did down here, got. The well, these, are supposed to be Moors and, they're supposed to be the ones that help to. Capture us cuz you know Europeans, Ingle caches, so. Who I don't know who this devil is. You. Think it's gonna be playing. Colonial. Experience. In. The Gambia. Music. Wardell. 1926. Huh. And, right here. How. They came and. Disrupted. The floor again. Who, is this independence. It. Looks like him when, he was the first president. Okay. Before. And after. When. They saying after. Guys the. Devil, that means the devil is physically. Onto you. Mentally. They see alone, did. We get these behind us over here I'm, about to turn around. Always. Say free at last. Okay. You, guys they're saying we. Want. These. Pictures of the, juvenile. Celebration. Okay. Did. We proceed, on that. The. Homecoming. Here's because, ecstasy. With the Black Power I think, this is the only time I've ever seen him throw up the Black Power salute, and. He's. Given, to normal.

Europeans. A. Sick. Peace symbol, of divide, and conquer. Okay. More. Pictures, of this next lesson. When. He. Coming. In I guess. Guess. This is Naga raishin I'm not for sure but that's what it looks like oh. This. Is the like where's the sign down here, in. Our liberation of ecstasy. You, know who that generally, is. And. Here's. The. President, from Ghana all. I know is I do, know, I. Don't. Know. Oh. Baby. You. You. Got what, I need. But. You say he's just a free that's, what that brother identified, so. Anyway. Here. We go here and this one's called three and man. I'm. Gonna leave that at home. Oh. Paris. Solomon's, River. Solomon. William. Just moving the winner Janssen. Mix. Heritage. Can. Take on is just what we go see you I don't know if it looks like. Okay. Yeah. Oh you want a picture, wait. A minute. This. Is what they all forget some of the things. You. Ready, right. Guys here's corn I don't think he's supposed to touch so okay this corner if. We got ground nuts. What we call them peanuts, it. Did over here you got black African different. Variations. Red gray. Brown. And white, chew. Or something my shoe. Okay. That's. Where we first come in that we. Can see this last one all. Right yeah this is a. Joke. In town Gambia in slavery. Okay. The. One where they bamboozled, us to say that Alex. Haley isn't. Actually his ancestors, are from the Gambia, I believe. They are because we've met since vintage, and. We met some people to say they're relatives, but. They want us to believe that a white man created. Something dis fabulous, we. Bought off one, okay. Here. Right, here here's. Our. Great-great-great. Great-great-great. Grandfather. And, muggle, coming, from The Gambia, going. To a miracle in stuff so what we did was, we got any recently, we, erased that stuff. And. We came back to the game. You. Should. Come back to the Gambia or Africa. - all, right. Wow this is beautiful. It is. It's. Not right here this is scary, to. Do. Cleaning, we, never crawl this damn high, I haven't. Had to turn their job now but this is beautiful. You. Get a new appreciation for. The, Gambia when, you pop and view it from this height. Beautiful. Look. At the beautiful green. Vegetation. The trees and. Then you see the development, to the right. This. Is beautiful, you can see the port from here is, what I can look at it there as well as the African ocean. Beautiful. When. You guys come to the Gambia make sure you visit this place here guys. You. Go all the way to the right sweet mama, you see some awesome, did, you see the African, ocean again. Make. That beautiful, gotta. Be careful, yeah I got you sweet mama I will not lose you. If. You don't work this way yes I have now let's go back the other one just in case they missed something I got, you sweet one I got you right here sure, I got you by you I, got. You. I, said. Cheese salsa, I mean yeah yeah. I'm. Doing a guy record. And, water over there. Other. Side. Scary. Game coming up the stairs but, this is the other side. Duster, err get back there in background. The, National. Assembly Building that's. What we. -. Wait red is. Bringing traffic anything, out of the camera, back. To where we come. It. Looks like we, are they. Suppose. Again. That's the new white building, used yeah that's. A beautiful sight you can even record, by. Guys we. Get ready to, leave. This spot. Right here it's. Exciting. But, it's kind of tedious and. Labor-intensive. So, we're gonna turn this off and walk down the stairs we, don't want to you, see how out of shape we are over here in mother Africa so, we'll catch you in the next video guys the. Reason we were just being up there guys and. This. Is the, stadium. I guess where they normally have a look, concerts. Or something for, the kids or never before. Orna, marching their soldiers. So what this is outside of this museum. I'm, just, guessing. Even. Like. It's. The right process. And. So across the, street here guys. This. Is what we have. We, are in the capital. Gambia. Bonjour, Gambia. And. That. Is a spool, up there you can hear all the notes. Marvelous, cool. Construction. Action. In the gap you f. Boss. New construction. Watermelon. Slices. I. Gotta. Turn it off.

2020-03-22 13:28

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