Exploring The Best Area in Hanoi, Vietnam

Exploring The Best Area in Hanoi, Vietnam

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hello everybody and welcome back to Hanoi  Vietnam today we're in a part of this city   that doesn't really get too frequently covered  it's our favorite part of Hanoi it's not the old   quarter it's not where all of the tourists  are we are at the West Lake and we're in an   area called Teo and we have a lot to explore  a lot to show you a lot of food to try a lot   of things to look at let's go and check out our  favorite area of Hanoi just as a quick side note   it's so cold today in our last video it was like  super sunny over 30° C and today it's like 20 and   it's really foggy and cold so uh I thought I was  getting around buying warm clothes but I think   we will have to look for something warm because  I'm freezing to death right now it's very true it   is a chilly day one thing that we've noticed so  far in Hanoi at least not so much in Vietnam but   in Hanoi in particular the temperature changes  very very quickly just literally 2 days ago it   was over 30 C today it's hovering around 19 to 20  C crazy and here guys we have people uh a lot of   people actually actively fishing in the west lake  and it seems like they're actually being pretty   successful these are pretty big fish here oh that  one is still alive what one of our favorite things   that we've come to see is uh we come here to the  West Lake often times in the morning like we are   now and we just go to one of the many many cafes  we're going to show you many of the cafes around   this area go to many of those cafes just sit  and have a nice coffee and watch these guys in   action it's amazing I find it so interesting with  these guys because a lot of times you can see them   throw the tackle but there's nothing on the hook  so they they are like fishing without bait how   does that even work like I I don't understand  it but uh if we had the chance I would really   like to ask them some questions but so far we  didn't manage to study that much Vietnam needs   to actually be asking uh questions but uh yeah  I would like to have a conversation or two with   with these Fisher guys all right guys have a look  at this so this is something that we really enjoy   about this area because it is a more localized  area a lot of local Vietnamese these people   around here you have these amazing markets in  a lot of different locations and what you have   is set pricing a lot of the old Hanoi a lot of  the old quarter you're going to have stand sell   enclosed there's no real price you have to ask  what the price is and then you have to higgle   you know when you come somewhere like this the  price is already fantastic so have a look here   nice thick jackets and Naomi is shopping away as  well she's very cold so she needs some that's a   beautiful uh bommer it's a beautiful bommer  I'm actually wondering if this is like second   hand or if it's new because they have a lot of  the same stuff and it looks new it's a lot of   uh very good quality clothes as well guys some  of the stuff is really nice oh that looks good   very nice extra extra large as well it's kind of  like it might even be I was scared that it was   going to be too small but it's like I have space  got face really good it's nice it's warm and uh I   was just saying the difference between here and  old Hanoi is a lot of the pricing is says set   price here I don't actually know how much this one  here is like for example you have 100 100,000 for   three three pieces for three uh t-shirts whereas  we saw 100,000 for one t-shirt in all Tano but   the one t-shirt was like uh knockof Patagonia or  knockof Under Armour or something like that where   these ones are like are more than likely going  to be no name actual uh reputable Brands possibly   and they could just be for example secondhand  or something like that have a look got like a baseball you might actually be able to find some  pretty amazing things if you're willing to uh   invest the time to come and check out places  like like this oh perfect they have like plain   black t-shirts big plain black t-shirts canar and  they're large I can wear it as PJs it's literally   perfect it's perfect yeah I already I can already  see myself buying some stuff in here and it also   seems like they have this oh every day we've been  walking past before and we saw it a few times but   we were kind of too scared to go in so now it's  the first time that we actually went in with you   guys but it seems like they are here kind of  every day every day yeah yeah it's literally   just right in in front of the the West Lake and  if you guys want to know the exact location of   everything that we're filming in today's video  just drop a comment down below and we will be   very happy to let you know exactly where we are  where we explored oh my God Naomi found why is   everything pink that I'm picking up usually  not a pink person yeah Naomi usually doesn't   go for pink but it's 100,000 that's 100,000 just  look at that guys this heavy as well it's super   heavy heavy high quality coat for just 100,000  D that's that's uh under four just under four   year I think under4 so roughly around $5 us for  that coat yeah got a Donald Duck US Air Force US   Air Force t-shirt we definitely don't want that  this is nice it's like a lumberjack how nice is   this oh oh really nice it's like a lumberjack oh  that's a nice dress too my size it's not my size   that's kind of more Naomi style they just have  small but I'm actually looking for something like   traditionally Vietnamese yeah but this small is  not going to fit me yeah this place is fantastic   and as you can see there's quite a lot of local  people shopping here so I think we're going to   have a look for some stuff and um maybe purchase  some stuff as well you got a Mexico uh baseball   style Jersey this is pretty much exactly what we  were looking for and we're very glad that we're   bringing you guys and showing you guys cuz this  area this whole area we're going to dive much   much deeper into this area in this video we have  a lot to show you we're going to go and check out   some of the cafes and we're also going to show  you something that absolutely blew our minds   about this place as well so stay tuned yeah let's  buy some clothes wow I don't know if I would want   to wear this around here but that's pretty crazy  the only thing that I was able to find that was   relatively suitable for my height uh was that pink  bomber jacket but now uh I don't own a whole lot   of stuff that you could combine with a pink bomber  jacket so the search for warm clothing I guess has   to continue uh but for now in order to warm up  we're trying to find a cafe uh which should be   relatively easy because all along this West Lake  here in Hanoi you have loads of restaurants and   loads of cafes and we're just going to stop by  one of the cafes and warm ourselves up I think   Luke is relatively cozy with the stuff that  he has uh relatively well equipped uh with the   hoodie and the shirt and all but I just didn't  get the time to buy something yet so I need to   do that all along the west lake as well you will  stumble across beautiful Chinese style temples and   some of them are truly well kept and beautifully  preserved as well also one thing I want to mention   about this particular area it's quite literally  the best area in Hanoi if you are someone who   enjoys going out for walks Naomi and I love just  going out in the e evenings when it's a little   bit on the chilly side going for a nice walk and  just going for like maybe an hour or two you have   enough space around here that you can just walk  and walk and walk this lake is absolutely massive   and you will cover many many different areas  all along the way and there's quite literally   an unlimited amount of things that you can be  doing but yeah next up on our list guys we're   going to look for a nice cafe to chill and maybe  have a strong Vietnamese coffee I think we found   a cafe here guys this place looks absolutely  gorgeous just have a look I love the outside   beautiful yellow color great decorations you've  got the greeny going on as well let's check it out okay to film hello for me black  coffee hot you yeah yeah uh Cafe n   it's okay hot coffee black or  you want withk yeah yeah yeah   okay Cafe then hi yeah yeah here we  go upstair yeah okay thank you come on oh oh look at this wow this Cafe  is gorgeous I like the stairs as well oh my God just gets better and better oh  and here you have basically like a light   a nice big open plan where you can just sit down  here and you have a gorgeous view over the West Lake doesn't get much better than this guys so  we ordered our coffees two lovely uh ladies that   were obviously the owners or they were working  here I guess yeah going to just sit chill out   and enjoy the views I don't understand how  all of these cafes always have like so much   out Outside Inside space I guess you could call  it even downstairs where the ladies are working   all of the windows are open all of the doors are  open but it's really cold I don't know how they   do that maybe they're used to it or something  but uh I would literally like free please thank you come on come on coffee came out already really  fast incredibly fast that's uh one thing I want to   say guys about Vietnam so far something that  really stands out to us the service in every   place that we go to whether it's a restaurant a  street food vendor a really loud water was a on   it I think restaurant street food vendor or  even just a simple beautiful Cafe like this   the service is always incredible like really  really fast very attentive very friendly very   Smiley it's amazing it always feels like people  are very invested in the service that they're   giving whereas like in other in some countries  we have seen that people really don't care if   you're happy or not when you're leaving or a  feel like in Vietnam people are like really   paying attention to the service that you're  getting and if you're getting everything if   you're doing okay and so on so yeah the coffee is  really nice by the way very strong strong coffee   yeah another thing guys that uh you're going to  love about Vietnam if you come and visit Vietnam   is the coffee and it is typically very very  strong and if you are a coffee lover like us   you will appreciate that a lot oh yeah it's like  amazing like a Vietnamese espresso basically yeah cheers oh it's going to keep me awake for a  long time looks like there's another level   another another level oh there's even another  level yeah to go up can probably get an even   better view over this Lake but W look at this  you have a bird's eyee view basically onto the   street here as well so you can just relax with  your coffee and watch the world pass by with a   gorgeous view of a lake maybe even set up your  laptop or something like that if you're going   to be doing some some work or you're studying  or whatever there's even power plugins power   plugins yeah just over here you've got power  plugins and I think there's a few over there   as well this is a fantastic little spot and again  one of the many reasons why we thoroughly enjoy   this area it's not as well uh like I said it's not  overly uh populated by tourists if you're in the   old quarter which we have gone to the old quarter  now a good few times you're going to see actually   mostly Europeans Americans Etc going through the  streets and that obviously drives the pricing of   everything in the area up quite significantly  whereas in this area here you're blessed with   very local atmosphere very local pricing and the  people are very welcoming as well so yeah this is fantastic I do have to say though my favorite  coffee so far that I've tried in Vietnam is   the egg coffee uh it's like my go-to now most  of the times uh I didn't get it this time cuz   I just wanted a quick little hit of caffeine  but that egg coffee the Vietnamese egg coffee   is incredible it's like perfect mix of sweet  and caffeine in one drink my favorite one is   the milk coffee with the thick condensed milk oh  yeah I really like the thick condensed milk even   though it's like a little bit sweet but still  really nice it'ss like a treat yeah true wow   that coffee really hit the spot guys and if you  are more into just sort of chilling closer to   the water I should mention that there's plenty of  places just like this here where you're going to   have have seats and tables directly on the water  and it is just the perfect atmosphere the perfect   setting hello it's the perfect atmosphere and the  perfect setting because you can basically grab   something from one of these many Street vendors  and restaurants or cafes and bring it over to the   seats and tables that they have provided and it's  just great it's really just the whole vibe and   stuff here is just uh it's perfect if you are  someone that likes to relax today is Saturday   as well so uh I'm sure as the day progresses it's  going to get busier and busier around here because   last weekend uh it was pretty crazy around here a  lot of the places here directly at the lake look   a little bit alternative by the way if you have  a look at this place it's called tree Ami garden   and uh it sort of looks like a makeshift Cafe that  was built like a really big uh sort of treat treeh   house and you can like just relax on uh different  layers and uh some of them seem to be having some   of the layers uh seem to be having like bean  bags and blankets and all of that good stuff   it looks really cozy and uh this is not the only  one that we saw I think we saw another one that   looked sort of a little bit more like alternative  but really interesting in terms of structure so   yeah I do think uh the West Lake area has a lot  to offer for people especially if you want to get   honked at how beautiful is this guys absolutely  gorgeous you get to see this area here by the way   this is what we love you get to see a real sort of  a contrast so you have very very modern buildings   like these ones here and we're also bringing you  towards a very modern part of this area as well   now and a second and then you also have sort of  the older style the more rustic and authentic   side of Vietnam as well and of Hanoi and these  dragons here are just gorgeous let us know down   below if these dragons maybe spit something out  or I saw uh there's a couple of places where they   have dragon statues and the dragons like spit fire  or something that would be really cool but this   is very very gorgeous Monument here in the west  lake and a great again uh picture opportunity for   things like Instagram they've also got vendors  dotted all over the West Lake that are selling   snacks like ice cream cotton candy hello hello  and uh yeah this whole area is just sort of uh   the perfect sort of backdrop for uh anything  that you need whether it's pictures or whether   you like I said want to just sit and relax and  enjoy the view yeah we're going to show you guys   a more uh modern and builtup version of this part  of the of the area know as well it also looks like   they might have some sort of a water show or  something like this now I don't know if it's   maybe the evening time or something we would have  to come back at a different time I think to see this by the way since we arrived in Vietnam  you sort of see us walk a lot everywhere and   that's only due to the fact that we really enjoy  exploring areas on foot now obviously you can just   take a grab and uh grab is actually really really  affordable here usually um I don't know I don't   think we have ever paid more than like three or  four year basically I think we have to go to the   left here this is the left right yeah yeah oh  yeah and uh yeah so no matter where you want to   go you can always take a grab and it's going to  be affordable we are just sort of more the type   of people that like to walk on foot even though  that presents itself with other challenges such   as uh trying to cross the road every time I think  okay now we can go there's something coming from   the other side hold on maybe now no uh that's sort  of our uh main thing that we have been doing since   we arrived in Hanoi we have been standing on the  side of the road trying to cross it basically I   feel like that's the most amount of time that  we spent since arriving in Hanoi but it's only   because of the mix of scooters and cars if it was  just scooters it's fine if it was just cars it's   fine um I would think I would go now y maybe yep  and we did it ah and then uh all around that main   Lake you have these sort of sidewalks that you  can walk on it's not perfect like people Park   their scooters on the sidewalks and so on so  you kind of have to walk slalom around a lot   of the things um but uh yeah it is possible  to go for a walk around the West Lake which   I think it's very nice you hear how quiet it  got all of a sudden yeah check out this as well that's so nice all of a sudden you're like  no matter where you go into one of the side   alleys it gets really quiet immediately and  also very local you just have to be careful   with the scooters because obviously there's some  scooters going of course there's got to be a lady   with something loud now now that I said it's  quiet in the side at least and and uh yeah you   just have to be a little bit careful with the  scooters because they sort of fly around the   corner and you you not you don't always hear them  so yeah other than that I love these little side alleys uh welcome to the sort of modern side  of this area that we want to show you we're   going to head over here towards the mall which is  called LTE Mall Lotto Mall West Lake Hanoi and it   is absolutely incredible one of the nicest malls  and nicest sort of well-built and clean areas that   we've seen in a very long time but yes the traffic  is still as chaotic as always guys welcome to   probably the most modern and beautiful mall that  we've seen in all of Southeast Asia and this is   not an understatement just have a look at this  place it looks quite literally like a freaking   spaceship or something it's entirely pristinely  beautiful white and then you have these amazing   decorations in the middle there's tons of all  of your favorite possible stores there's plenty   of affordable places as well it's not just crazy  designer places and it is genuinely the cleanest   and most well-kept mall that we have come across  since we started traveling yeah it seems to be a   nice mix sort of of how high-end stores so you  would see like boss and Gucci and whatnot all   of these types of stores but you also get a lot  of the other type of stores so you find Uno you   find Muji you find some sort of western stores as  well I believe there's a Tara and the mango and   so on and this small so in case you're looking  for any Western type of clothes or Western size   clothes let's say it like this this is probably  the place to come in Hanoi yeah 100% but what   we're going to do now guys is just show you around  uh we couldn't believe it we stumbled in here just   the other day and we're hungry as well we're both  feeling super super hungry so I think we're going   to go and try some of the food here oh they also  have a cinema oh they have a cinema as well just   up there at the very top you can see there is a  cinema as well aquarium there's also an aquarium   check check this out it looks like they have  a there's a lot of people queuing as well it   does seem like they have wow Falcon baby it does  seem like they have a very very large aquarium in   here which you wouldn't think uh from the outside  but yeah maybe that's something that we should be   having a look at as well uh maybe next weekend  so here we have the food Hall couldn't be more   obvious than this and basically all along here  you have some incredible restaurants you've got   Japanese Thai uh Vietnamese restaurants obviously  as well plenty of like Korean places and sort of   like Health spots too and I think we're going  to do is grab some food and show you guys just   what you can get this place is all walkable as  to where we started the video off as well and   this is what I mean guys by that you can see  the real contrast in this area you have Ultra   Modern places like where we are right now and  then you have really incredible local places   too and it is everything you do you have literally  anything that you could need we found a place that   apparently does uh Fusion Vietnamese it seems to  be sort of American uh food mixed with Vietnamese   food uh and we're going to try that one out it's  called good time and I think as you can see here   it says like Fusion VI taste so I'm going to  go with the number five uh and Luke is going   to go with the classic one I think uh five piece  and for drink oh for drink what is aavi L bow of   water oh it's water B water it's just water and  the cocoim what ises this in uh what is cocoim co COC oh it's like UT water coconut water coconut  water yeah yeah okay then I'm going to go with the   Coca-Cola zero yeah two two COC zero okay I don't  know the options s it's so exciting in the end it   was just water and coconut water but yeah we're  going to go with the Coca-Cola Zer okay thank you   the water sounded more exciting on the menu than  it was more ex which one did you get in the end I   went for a number one it's called the original  good time and I like a good time original good   time and I went with the viq sensation let's see  what it's like they look amazing and it smells   amazing as well so guys I just looked up this  place that we're currently waiting for the food   from Good Time Burger it is actually a Vietnamese  burger place so it's fantastic definitely come and   check them out I can already tell you to come  and check them out we haven't tried the food   yet but they have a very very wide selection  of different food and it always feels better   when you're buying from a place that is owned  and operated by some local people as well and   I just can't get over how incredible this mall  is so you have some really beautiful cafes like   this place here is a is an entire Cafe you also  have this whole public seating area so you can   basically go anywhere in the food court there's  a bakery there's a healthy food place there's a   burger place over there and there's plenty  more Japanese places as well where you can   buy food and then you can basically just sit  wherever you want so for example Naomi could   go and grab some Japanese food I could grab  a burger and we can just come together and   sit at this one table so this place is perfect  and it is a really fantastic place to be very   close to where we're staying on the West Lake  this is why we love this area because you have   such a diverse mix of old and real Vietnam the  real local side of Vietnam and then you have the   beautiful modern side such as this one and I am  so excited now to dig my teeth into this burger oh look at how freaking good that looks I was  actually wondering when Luke ordered he ordered   a thing called a tuck tuck that's a tuck tuck  what is it I have no idea what it is uh I just   read it on the menu and I immediately was like  you know what give me a TCT Tac and the guy said   sure and I they had like um a different types of  serving so they had like 5 10 or 15 I just went   with a five piece just to see what it is it came  with this dipping sauce here as well the sauce   looks amazing the presentation is incredible like  the did you see the co SLA oh coal SLA just looks   perfect I've never seen a CO SLA that looks so  well presented as that we have one chopstick or   no that's not a chopstick that's a straw it's  the downfall of society paper straws oh paper   straws we don't need those I'm all for saving  nature but paper straws I don't know so this is   the you get a paper straw in a plastic uh lid and  usually a full plastic cup as well but anyways we   got Coke zero we've got some sauce we've got TCT  Tac we've got klaw two burgers now I don't know   which Burger is which they're perfectly cut in  half say the good time good time this one says   the best local Burger okay oh wait no on the  side actually on the side it has the numbers   you ordered the original I got the original the  number one this one should be yours I okay perfect   so this one is my one this is the original so  you can see here on the side you've got the   original the Backyard Barbecue X three pleasure  which I'm assuming is the biggest one that they   have and then they have a couple of other options  let's see the reveal here oh that looks incredible   M that looks really good it smells so good  smells amazing it said on the menu it has like   the double Patty some cheese some um what are  they called like deep fried onions these like   crispy onions crispy onions and then um I believe  there's some mango chutney oh mango chutney it's   something about mango which I assume makes it a  Vietnamese Fusion smells so good smells amazing   I'm just going to unpack this bad boy bad boy  bad boy give it an immediate try because I'm so hungry oh it tastes Heavenly oh this is so good  oh my God this should try should we do half and   half you can do half and half yeah you try  this one it's so good oh it's a little spicy   a little spicy little spicy it's nice but  nice level of spiciness let's give it a try guys smells incredible I've never had a burger  that smelled this good cheers let's give it a try yo M that is so good have a look it's kind of like a like a Smash Burger so  you can tell that they Smash down the patties so   they're nice and compressed the beef is so  incredibly juicy it does have like a spicy   kick to it I think the the Chutney the mango  chutney in there is giving it a little bit of   spice and there's crunch to this stuff as  well what is that yeah that's what I just   um I just found that in my burger too it's  actually young mango it's young mango it's a   young mango here in the middle I've never tasted  something like that before and the crispy fried   onions with the mango and the beef together it  does not get much much more flavorful it's so good oh my God that's like pop TI pop tier Burger  I never thought that young mango goes onto a   burger like I'm I'm mentally a little bit confused  about how this tastes so well together it's really amazing I can't stop it's so tasty and  something that usually makes a very good burger is the bread and the bread here is  super buttery very very soft nice   and thin incredible try the sauce  I actually just started dipping it it's so good it's mustard oh it's mustard very  good I love I love mustard let's give it a try oh my God I could literally live off of  this this is really really good it's like   a really smooth fruity type of mustard  it's not like a spicy mustard very good   the flavor the depth of the flavor  incredible hello we made a we made a friend he's hiding by behind me you see  that's try the TCT tax now I have no idea   what this is it looks a little bit like a  halumi or something something maybe like a   deep fried cheese or maybe like it looks like  a gigantic chicken nugget I'm going to dip it   in the mustard cuz I'm assuming that's  what the mustard was for let's give it a try W throw it what is it is it meat or  is it tofu it kind of tastes like spam H   it almost tastes like a fried spam oh then  it's probably like I don't know incredible   remember those uh I don't know if you guys had  it in Ireland as well but in Germany they have   this like toaster schnitzel that kind of  tastes like spam too maybe that's what it   is like a toaster snitel just deep bread  yeah it seems to be basically like a fried slam I do think it's chicken though maybe  like a like a chicken baloney or something   or it could be a chicken nugget like I tastes  kind of like a chicken Nuggie like a chicken   snitel basically very nice very crunchy the  mustard the mustard is the thing that makes   it I think um I love that mustard so it's  like like Naomi said really really fruity   and delicious look at this oh my god oh you  have pickles in this one instead of the mango   yeah that looks really nice as soon as soon as  I read that it comes with Pickles I immediately   wanted to try it so let's give this one a try  I'll let you go first with this one thank god   oh it smells amazing oh yeah it looks absolutely  beautiful oh oh look at this oh my so nice I'm   just going to maybe I'm going to try it like  this first and then dip it into the mustard after heck yeah it's good this is amazing it does taste like an original burger  though like it's taste wise what I expect it   off of like an original cheeseburger there's no  like Chutney no mango no like you know Vietnam   Fusion or whatever you want to call it in this  but it's a very very good original burger very   tasty just tastes like a you know the same  burger that you would maybe get in the US   or in Ireland or in Germany very good really  good let's give this one a try as well guys   see what it's all about I'm a huge pickle  time so if you put pickles on a burger they   already know I'm going to like it let's give  it a try and just pull it out at the wrapper   the midsection here is unbelievable and  the smell again it just smells the next level it's buttery soft I can't get  over how incredible the quality is   of the beef the butteriness  of the BN as well it's just incredible a kid is the cutest kid ever  um but yeah incredible Burger incredible   value as well it is obviously on the pricier  side of things everything inside of a mall   as modern and as beautiful as this mall  is always going to be a little bit more   pricey but I genuinely feel like this food is  worth what you're paying need to take another bite oh my God have fun I find that the system about Asia very  interesting that like in Asia it's if you go   to a mall it's usually more expensive whereas  in Europe for example or like I'm just going   to speak about German gery and Ireland saying  Europe is a little bit weird um so Germany and   Ireland where we are from if you go to a mall  it would usually be cheaper and then if you go   outside into the individual restaurants or the  individual stores it's usually a little bit more   expensive so I find that very interesting how that  works here that's sort of just because it's in a   mall it's more expensive but um yeah I I do see  it it's worth the money though very good amazing   I'm going to absolutely Devour the rest of this  that meal was just out of this world amazing and   by the way you have this food Hall place down  here but then up there on the next floor it   looks like you have loads of like high-end type  of uh restaurants just from here I can see a f   place and also a Hong Kong Kitchen place but they  look a little bit more on the like high-end type   of uh scale so we just wanted to try the just a  normal sort of burger end of the scale basically   which absolutely paid off it was so unbelievably  tasty unreal genuinely good value as well like I   said more expensive than what you're going to  find street food street food in in Hanoi is   some of the best that we've had literally since  we started traveling honestly so don't miss out   on that obviously we're spending 98% of our  time here in Hanoi eating on the streets of   Hanoi but every now and then it's nice to come  somewhere like this chill inside and spend the   day shopping and trying out some of this type of  food as well especially on a cold day like today yep

2024-03-13 12:15

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