Exploring Sun Moon Lake (& Eating Mystery Sausages)

Exploring Sun Moon Lake (& Eating Mystery Sausages)

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All right good morning guys. Okay. Take this one. As. You may have seen in our previous video, we are on a road trip at read a road trip from, east to west, Taiwan today's. Date, we haven't, seen those videos already, go check out the two previous videos because the views were amazing. I. Thought you were pointing at something something. Is that it just is it more food. I didn't. Even out Sun Moon Lake we're going to explore a little bit of some lake today and then, we're going to drive all the way to. Yeah. You may be thinking but didn't you already do, the west coast of Taiwan yes yes we did but we have a very good reason to go back there and we're gonna tell you a little bit already about where, we're going if you stick around until the end of this video so keep, watching we're, now hearing that was really twelve the, more touristy part of the diverged there's, a street here that has all kinds of speech which is now eating a nice, little bow this sort of bow is basically like a burger, it has a steamed bun quite fluffy actually, and it has some port meat in there some, peanuts. Which I love so I'm so happy about that, cucumber. Few other toppings, actually, pretty pretty good. So. This street is one of the side lanes that. Are parallel, to the lake and it has a lot of food options we're gonna look for something else cuz make is still a little bit hungry and, we don't want that to turn into hang greenness. Cranky. We accidentally. Outfit. Match today, yep. In a weird way makes, new kaki, hat matches. With my new khaki shirt and my, old, black. Cap, matches. With my black t-shirt wearing, jeans both of us are wearing jeans we, did it unintentionally, we're not those, people. From. Now on we are going everyday. Care I think when you do up the, fashion Center in this channel a little bit it is exactly why we're not to color-coordinating. Every day from now on. I ordered. A sausage and I think if the two types one is mountain. Pork sausage, sounds real delicious and the other is millet, lionsault, it's not sure what that is I just. Point to that one because, I didn't really know what was water but, yeah, go, try it I excited. To try some of this Aboriginal food it's nice to be here on the more Aboriginal side, I. Don't. Know exactly what, words it came up when I was google translating, it is horse. Sausage. Fragrant. And intestine. Could. Also be that Google dredges all the braids and it could just be something else but it's. Really good it doesn't taste, a lot like that means it could still be it's. Quite fatty and has a really good texture another, big, fan of tripe usually usually because of texture. Is a bit weird and look I like this one so whatever, it is it's bit one. Thing that never cease to amaze us about Taiwan though is the lack of trash. Cans in the streets like that's, very strange this is almost no trash cans here anywhere. Sings. So clean yet, you never see people walking around with trash where does it go does it disappear is it magic, I've.

Literally, Been walking, around for 10 minutes now holding. That little stick Netta. Sausage, worse, fragrant, worse investin, sausage. Result trying. To find a place toss it but maybe. We should store it in the glove compartment of. Our. Trusty, vehicle have, you been using for the road trip never. Gonna use now to drive, to the next stop along. The way one, temple. Sorry. I'm not sure how to help. How. Do you spell. One. Who it's, one who temple oops. That's. What she's thinking as, well like what the heck is way wonderful, but still there's probably and we won't temple somewhere so. One, with temple is actually perched upon one of the hills that surround Sun, Moon Lake you, can see it when, you're down next to the shores of the lake but, we figured we would come up here check. It out see. If it's a nice temple. Actually. Exactly. Than impressive, facade and. Of. Course best thing about this so. Far is, relate you. There, are some legends, and stories to, how some lake was discovered, actually the most interesting, story and it's really a legend, is that, one, day the Sun disappeared, from the sky after a loud bang and then in the evening the moon came up and bang, it disappeared, as well total, darkness and a young couple set, out to, search for the Sun and the moon and when, they arrived here they found two dragons, playing with the Sun and the moon they managed to kill the Dragons with the help of an old lady that lived here the old lady was actually captured by, the Dragons they managed to kill the Dragons and get, back the Sun and the moon but the problem was how. Do you get a Sun the moon back into, the sky I mean we're just human beings normal. Human beings we can't get it back up so then the old lady came up with the solution they, had to eat the eye bones of the dragon so the couple ate a dragon. Eyeball, each sun's. Rays and appetizing, asked him because she. Ate a dragon. I. Ate a dragon. Sorry. Game, ate an eyeball. Over goads when we were in Mongolia, I didn't try it it's. A local, I mean it's like. Like. Lambs, head is a local delicacy. And. They leave it when they serve it to you in a restaurant we were add they're left in the eye leaving, the brain and the tongue and they're sort of the point of trying it is trying unusual, stuff and I didn't. Want to pass, up on trying, a little eye. You. Can think about what you're eating just, piece of meat. The. Best never, try but anyway, back to the story so, the old lady said if you eat the eyeball, of the dragon you'll get superpowers, - the couple both, ate a dragon's, eye ball and they begin Giants, super strong and a put back.

Into. The sky that's the legend that's, my favorite legend probably because I also ate a dragon, so I can really give, them give the dragon eater and. Here at the front of the temple you can, see the. Nice entrance, quite. A big entrance, pretty. Dramatic stop slapping me and, the lake in the background very. Very, very. Scenic, spots, to put the temple I would say I mean just a temple facade here, and then the beautiful, lake on the other side all the way in the back you can see the pagoda over there it's really, really nice it's, starting to rain now quickly, show you the views maybe, we can explore the temple on the inside and make it back to the car and get out of here and take route or take refuge in the temple must be quite nice when you're like up here and you can spot the lake from a little bit on top of the hill gives you a better overview, them when you're down right next to the show you're like oh yeah so like. If. You want to be sporty. Type and not like other lazy, sit the car type you can cycle around the lake in about a morning, I think someone told us no I think about two, or three four hours depending how park, your bicycle and as you can maybe see the ring, starting. To fall so, we're gonna go into the temple. Summary. Forest, II smell. There's they even have, a name for it actually invented, a name for it yeah, I don't know where this butts like a typical, smell, of the rain when it's hot outside. I've. Got this that's are too small, maybe. Shouldn't swear in a temple. Well. Is that about us not being sporty. Perfect. Tommy this. Is like a fraction. Of, Jamahiriya that, fell yesterday. More. For. The inside. Ten. Minutes, and and start reading so it's a nice. Thing about the unusually, drains twins a lot but not for a very long time here. We have the legend see I didn't make it up probably. The Sun is depict by the right there and and the moon is a thing on top the golden thing could, be. Let. Me stop that another lakeside. Spot here this is on the eastern side where we just were was on the northern. Side. Landscape. Is so varied. Beautiful. Spots, absolutely. Beautiful. The. Bananas. Left in the car. Will you open the car for me when I get to it. Surprising. Pretty. Nice view for, second breakfast, so. After this, we're. Probably gonna start driving a little bit more west again yep, we. Know we. Then do everything there, is to do or see around. Some moonlight but I mean suddenly for us is not really a two or three day stop, or, at least we couldn't turn it into one just want to have a nice relaxed, morning see a little bit Sid, lakeside have some food and drive time here so don't get upset we didn't do everything yeah, guys. Don't. Get too much upset about small things like how we eat stuff in. Reading the comments on our hot pots video and. I can't imagine how many people got upset some people even got really angry and sit yeah, start calling us dumb for enough eating the helpful tried stuff like that really.

Who's. Gonna take it out. No. Even. I am bothered by this. Off. No, I'm just gonna buy this no. This. Is not. Any. Way you're. Gonna enjoy this banana weight of you and if you stick around to the end of the video cuz we're not done yet stick around to the end of the video so we get to our destination we're, gonna tell you what is next, in. Here we have no. Here. We don't have I was gonna say here we have a rare, trash game next to the road in Taiwan but not. Sure what this is that's, not. Trash can maybe. It's like a mystery, trashcan yes maybe, we can start our own trash can here. We're. Not gonna do that. We, have left the area around, some lake now, I think, you've in the car for about mouth. They. Have another good, hour to go something. Like. What's. Still here very, still very. Big. Buddha statue as well we got a pass back bridge right now very. Dark and, it'll get rid of it. Getting. A little bit tired dog didn't, really have the best night's rest, last night nor, the, days before we also haven't, really been feeling yeah, the best couple if, we strike you a little better in our thoughts and emotions, because. Everything, that's happening in the world we. Mean. At one point we, will have to leave Taiwan which will be the. Latest by early, September probably. A bit earlier, because we don't want to get stuck, here afterwards. Because our. Challengers, also, running out beginner to them so we need to be sure and written home. And, some time we're beginners in that word I would still also slides being ganzel's. But. Yeah I mean at some point we will have to go. There's. There's, not that much great piece in terms of the Gruner virus coming out of Europe right now so. It, was it was it was pretty close to fuse the last couple of weeks and also it made us feel better I guess about having to go it. Was like always, positive, music kept, going better less and less restrictions. But he's opening up again yeah we started traveling so our friends I've traveled last week or three weeks ago but. Now. Coming out of the news a, big. Lockdown. Since beginning again logo. Like not national, lot, thousand. These parts, of it McMorris. Pictures coming into blazing and more infections, in some countries that's making us struggle, a bit because we have to go. We, don't necessarily want, to it's, only now that things, are in Europe getting a little bit more chaotic again, that it's really starting to dawn on us how, big of a change it's going to be leaving, here going, back home, figuring. Out well we did figure out we have figured, out a plan for what. I. Mean. Things. Changing, so quickly and, becoming, worse again even those plans might be affected. Yeah I'm, not sure if we'll be able to continue, traveling, that's really not sure and I mean that's a way of all. We've been doing for the past 1/2 years so we're making money are we living yeah and the thing is I mean you know if you've been watching your channel you'll know that we're, trying to grow our channel, into something begin to for a long time we're finding ways to sustain ourselves financially, to, continuing, to make these videos etc, but. It turns out and it's probably not a big surprise to you that's. Starting. And growing. A Travel Channel during a pandemic it's. Not easy. Because. Literally. Literally. The one thing we need to be able to continue this size for each other and our health which we're also of course concerned about in the. Corona virus context is to be able to travel. And. That's honest I mean it's just it's hard when you think about it I don't. Know it's gotten us into a bit of a funk last. Couple days or we spend so much time thinking about, it and then looking. Is starting to look into flights what surprise or the flight tickets home but. Not really wanting to book of flights all of you much for, watching my think well yeah I mean you're in Taiwan you're at the best place to be right now you don't have any we're lucky you, can't complain because you guys are lucky well we are we are feeling really lucky, we'll.

Also Miss Cargill with that like we're we feel lucky but at the same time sometimes I mean feel bad and, even though we are. Positions, we could be it, still affect us and affect me, yeah. Who it is and stuff like that, obviously right now coronavirus. Isn't really affecting us too much but. Once. We leave here that'll, be completely different then we're afraid to make the wrong choice who are afraid to go home I'm, gonna really show them that we're afraid to go home like I'm literally, two days before it gets really bad again no you, never know why can't this look like we have a choice I mean we have to go we, have to go okay. So as you all have seen we had a bunch of bananas left, from our second breakfast and, we think this. Car also. Serves a. Stretch. They, told me push a little button right up here and then now. It. Actually does these, are cool now. Some. Beers for longer. Anyway. I just want, to take them out now even though it's an hour more driving, you know don't want to leave these bananas, in the glove compartment I'm not sure if car rental companies, check the, glove compartment of, cars and imagine just leaving. Those in the glove compartment and this car not being rented out for the next three to four weeks and then in four weeks someone, opens up the door of this car and they're like banana. Banana. Holy. Damn. Minute. Trainer station we drop off the vehicle, that. We had two. Guesses where we are Dino. Dino, we. Have come back to Tainan not, necessarily. To see the city again, we're, going to go the day after tomorrow tomorrow, gonna do some editing that's. Everything, lots of editing, later. Today we're good smell like almost seven o'clock later today we're, gonna do some more editing tomorrow, we're gonna do editing, and then the day after that we're, gonna have a very early start, and leave -. Mm-hmm. That's where we are going island. Off, the west coast. So. Many people have recommended is to go there it, looks insane. The beaches look so beautiful. Together. We're, not necessarily as. Excited. About the island as we are about how, we are going to get there because you may think why are you in dynamic, you're going to fungal idiot, fly from Taipei or you take the boat, from casual, that's. Not what we're doing it's. Something, maybe we can't spoil it for you but we'll, give you two hints it's, something neither of us have ever done. Before in our lives ever. Number. One and, hit number two we are super, super. Excited. About Oh. Aunt Noah tree maybe we think it's gonna make for a really cool video okay this year we're sure so. We're not gonna spoil the surprise you'll see that in the next video we, hope you enjoyed the road trip if it is please leave a big thumbs up for this video we, will see you in the next one.

2020-07-27 16:06

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