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welcome to TF this is D4 in Albania and our  journey to travel to every country in the   world altic order in this episode we start  with a quick visit to Barack Castle before   hitting the road again along the way an unusual  sight grabs our attention the hour and then it's   time to step onto a real boat to explore the  top secret saan Island a place where tourists   are banned from Trump coming Bo would Resort on  our journey back a hidden cave lures Us in for a   Scenic swim insane dude wow and Scattered bunker  systems remind us of country story P wo this was   actually built out to cap it off Heaven kicks off  a series of challenges what musle group is this [Music]   good morning are you ready to go on a boat  today are you ready to go to saan Island yeah   yeah yeah did you sleep good yeah you feel  warm yeah it's really hot in here let's go   explore okay you look hot right now sh you really  do let's go come on get up let's go get breakfast good morning from verat and I wanted to get  ready early cuz I wanted to go to the market   to buy some snacks for the car for our long  drives for the boat ride we have today I kind   of just wanted to show you the town before  we start our day before everybody wakes up   it looks like we someone selling produce here  it's beautiful in the daytime we did not get   to see it in the daytime cuz we got here late  last night let's go find this market and see   see what they got so I'm out here walking on  my own I have a GoPro with me I decided not to   bring the big camera because it kind of could be a  little dangerous to walk morning and I feel pretty   safe being out here as a woman I wasn't quite  expecting that i' like always have my guard up   when we're in new places even when I'm home in La  I always have my guard up got to make sure but it   feels really safe here hope I'm not ignorant by  saying that but I feel comfortable leaving on   my own without without the boys okay let's check  out the market hi hi good morning momy ooh [Music]   got it all I want to Google how much that exactly  is just neckies and hi good morning oh how much   is this $2 I only have five thank you so fake  or sneak I know I'm saying that wrong I'm going   to have to ask Samuel what what this is oh  postcards instead can I do two yeah yes thank   you that's okay that's good I'll just do that  thank you thank you thank you have a good day   bye anyways I was saying I got all those snacks  giant bottles of water everything for about $14   which is pretty good I think in America that  would be double if I got three giant bags of   goodies from a 7-Eleven and then I met that  nice man right when I walked out who sold me   another snack that I've never heard of but  I want to try everything here and that one   was $2 and then he gave me a postcard so it's a  win-win here's back to our hotel and then we're   going to have breakfast I regret this jacket I'm  sweating okay we're getting there I think the uh   the hike yesterday really has my legs tired  did we get a cool shot of our hotel in the daytime all right let's get breakfast [Music]  m avenges m aveng morning how are you where'd   you go I got snacks so snack I got all  this for $14 no way yeah so much stuff [Music] right Samuel what is this uh dry figs dry  figs oh okay someone sold it to me on the   street they're pretty wood yeah yeah yeah  okay we'll eat them on the [Music] boat   what a beautiful city yeah right I I think  we're two for two now for seeing places at   night time and then seeing them in the daytime  and being like holy crap we have yeah [Music] what was that he'll do it he'll do it on camera  by the end of this trip he said he's going to   teach us to dance off camera then we can do it on  camera give it a couple days you'll be dancing on   the camera okay if you promised to keep it  for yourself of course nope it's not n nope   I promise the people want to see it I promise I  will keep it to myself we just need to give you   some of that uh grape alcohol if I drink enough  probably yes I know what we're doing tonight [Applause] so next stop is the lake the  Island the island which island   suan yeah suan okay yeah so we'll  take the boat on the on the docks   and we will visit the peninsula  of carab and S perfect let's go [Music] this is so cool are we in a major town right now  or is this just this is a village in each uh day   of the of the week villager Market going on every  single day yeah every single day for example if   you are in one day it's in kamish which is a  village the other day it's in Dak it's another   uh yeah yeah yeah oh that's cool we can get some  look Jinger I can get my wedding outfit here look   at that some of those are actually kind of cool  where does most of this stuff come from cuz this   is obviously like secondhand yeah secondhand yeah  yeah yeah they imported from abroad from all over   Europe okay for example one t-shirt here costs 10  cents wow 2 cents wow I can get my wedding I can   get my wedding tou here for about 9 90 come on  dude because B they're probably I've seen soccer   shoes actually I've seen cleats no balls though  not yet grab one oh they have everything here yeah   tapestries clothing food tools it's this like  a tradition because uh 30 years before uh we   didn't have good roads it was very difficult for  a villager to go from his village to to the to the   city where the the shops were ah yeah so they  moved it to the the the good road so that way   everyone could get to it and now even though there  are good roads it's stuck like a tradition let's   see it's also kind of hard to ignore it you know  you have to like drive right through that's in wow   it keeps going now most of the food that's being  sold here is it domestic or is that also import   yeah like like all these food stands on thetic  okay only things that bananas avocados pineapple   pineapples so things that aren't produced here  we we for okay oh it's cool it's like a mile long [Music] what it right it's literally a boat house it's  a boat house it was originally supposed to be   a restaurant then an entertainment complex  and now it's just abandoned and for sale it   could be haunted it looks haunted that's  so funny I didn't know it was abandoned   I thought you could uh like stay in it and  actually like rinse it out and stuff what   birds are attacking the Drone I think  so yeah dude this is so crazy look at   from The Backs side what does it look like 1  2 3 4 5 six stories and then there must be a   basement or something of the nature it's  so weird it's so cool though my favorite   part is that it has an anchor yeah Anor to  the have an anchor you know someone's like   we should add an anchor and someone's like nah  you don't need to no no we got to add an anchor [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] so if that's our boat what's the chances  of you getting sick horribly high like   aggressively high if we stop and do this  I'm done if we just go I'm fine we can't   stop basically so we're swimming or we're  not swimming oh we're swimming filing baby   yeah I've Haven been shaved my legs in  like a week ready all I mean I don't like it he likes me hairing okay that's crazy no you didn't see that  no no no no no you didn't see that first   one of the day no way did you clip  that God dang it there's our boat   for the day that's our boat how far  are we going right now I don't know   which one we're going to do first saan or  carab but probably an hour to get there [Music] gool Sam I really don't want to die like this I  haven't shaved in so long my body looks good what   you think about that you died today that's  easy bu at least I got pineapples I have a pen oh everybody oh just leave it oh you don't  even need it just in case no just in case just for   Jerry just just for Jerry I need three you should  make live t-shirts you know what I mean instead   of life jackets oh like like avalan backpacks  for skiing yeah yeah yeah t-shirt a little life   shirt that's good like a life shirt I wait I'm  just confused are we talking to Elon right now   or sque Elon okay you can tell by the accent okay  sque do you like modeling no it'll make you like [Music] it yeah so there's the lighthouse and there's the  a bunker and tunnel system right there over there   somewhere over there it's got like graffitis and  and murals and all whole tunnel system inside of   it are we going to be able to go see that today  if you want to clip jumping somewhere on this   trip yes tomorrow fth day so your job with  us of course of course of course okay let's   go how high is the cliff defense I don't know  3 m four me not that's a ledge come on honey   got you honey a I never done this oh let's find  one the most dangerous animal in the sea that   you guys worry abouty jellyfish prob oh okay  that's that's a little sketchy jellyfish or   scary I I never got stunned by jellyfish  before you want to practice of if you did   I'll pee on you Costa Rico one of my friend  got stunned by a jellyfish we just all peed on him no way swear to God on his leg Yeah all  of you it's like two of us two wait like a   buy or just like enough to like I don't  know we didn't know we were just like he   ah we're like all right has to do what you got  to do he got Su on his face no no no oh my God imagine and then we got the Lifeguard and whatever  happened happened LIF guard was like arrested all   of you for public indecency we did it behind a  rock that's creepier you like come here buddy   you dragged him by the ankle get over here there's  a whole stockpile of military buildings on this   is the island right ancient empires killed for  this island then it became a top secret Soviet   submarine base now we can swim where they used  to store chemical weapons this is saon a beach   Paradise in Albania that was forbidden to step  foot on until 2015 here's why sitting at the mouth   of Vora Bay or the Adriatic and ionian seas meet  this tiny 2 square m Speck has been a geopolitical   mosh hit for over 2500 years you'd think this  island had a conquer me sign on it by the number   of Empires who tried to hold it it's a long list  the ancient Greeks macedonians Romans byzantines   Anu of Naples Albanian Lords Phoenicians and  Ottomans all clawed and fought their way onto this   rock but why was everyone so desperate to plant  their flag here the Island's location is key it's   a natural choke point for controlling traffic  in and out of Albania whoever held suzan could   potentially dominate a huge chunk of the Adriatic  Sea that made it a prize worth bleeding over for   every Empire with Naval Ambitions in the area the  modern era brought even more drama the British   seized it in 1815 handing it to Greece in 1864 who  quickly lost it back to the Ottomans Italy stormed   in during 1914 holding on until 1947 post World  War II negotiations returned it to Albania who   then allowed their Soviet allies to turn it into  a shadowy base for submarines and chemical weapons   until 2015 this military zone was completely  off limits to civilians now suan is open for   business this former Fortress has transformed into  a summer hot spot where pristine beaches meet Cold   War relics but suan isn't just about its human  history it's a natural wonderland too the island   is home to over 400 plant species and 39 bird  species like the European sha that either reside   on saon or use it as a migratory stopover as part  of the cabaron saan national Marine Mar Park since   2010 the island is under strict Environmental  Protection visitors can explore abandoned bunkers   swim in secluded Bays or scuba dive shipwrecks  but are reminded to take nothing but photos and   leave nothing but Footprints suzan's history is  like a book with endless chapters of conflict and   mystery but now that its Shores are open we plan  to explore and hopefully contribute to its next   more peaceful page found out the reason why we  can get on violence because they didn't officially   again the T season get there the problem is  this because saan will change forever the uh   we build the resort oh really yeah Donald Trump  billion dollars invest yeah there's a lot of like   tropical Wildlife here they starting to build  like hiking trails and like different things   that you can see kind of sounds like Catalina  like it'll be like you can hike you can snorkel   you can dive you can do all these things  the water is so blue here The Bluest water   oh that's nice that's actually really  nice this I would jump in you serious   it's so cold it's so cold this is like  California Water California water is freezing I mean I guess this  is [Music] cool this is cool blue balling me here just swim and just you  know you fell in and you had to swim to shore   hold it as straight as you can high up and  you do not let go until I tell you to go good [Music] [Music]   oh I see the jellyfish really actually  they're very small look small small   jelly fish scary that's scary is he  not scared of the jellyfish but it's   not it's not a big deal really if you  get stung but a little bit thank you [Music] I can't get back to the casino  spend my I know where the chicks go dude   this is crazy you can just see  them all the way up the hillside [Music] yeah what a tease yeah right well at  least we got to explore the island a   little bit step foot on suan island  so if anyone ever comes here during   tourism season you're allowed  to walk and explore the whole island these are the taziki flavor  ones I'm excited first snack of the day it tastes like that that  yogurt thing that we have   yeah that's what they called really it tastes  like what it advertises mhm very flavorful   very way better than a sour cream and onion  remind me of that but better give this n out   of 10 tick if you think about getting tickled  you feel like you're getting tickled yes think   about it right now stop I'm thinking about it  that's why that's why I'm all shed up right now gu just told me what who gets tickled a  lot very easily Lo will love his wife very much I love my wife my non-existent wife at  the moment but hey whoever's watching this if   you were my wife one day just know that I love  you very very very very very much and I mean it oh my God [Music] we had a deal for what we go in you go in okay okay okay all right right there okay  okay Sam yeah Sam you're for hop in going to hate this it's freezing  you're just trying to warm up all right it's cold it's cold it's cold oh  yeah oh yeah I get come on ginger okay 1 2 [Applause] 3 okay okay it's so fun it's beautiful yeah woo oh  that's not bad think you're better to St nothing   yeah feels good now now that I'm not in there  anymore it feels I feel great are you excited I'm   afraid to hear the noises I might make yesterday  just jump in do a flip do a flip yeah oh good yeah   yeah this is so cool look at this insane dude wow  how's it feel Jerry really good you haven't gotten   your hair wet yet how was it Evan it actually  wasn't terrible compared to yesterday is this   your first time jumping in a cave I oh God yeah  I think this is my first time this your first time go yep the sun thank God for the  sun golly way it's cold that was really   cool that you just jump right in  though that was very ballsy of you squeal you like went in the  water I was like oh is she okay okay okay it's so fun all right your turn huh your turn  come on Cherry Jerry Cherry yeah here we go a cowboy would you do why would you do  that oh my God I can't even fit W yeah w w we just got dropped off on the peninsula  because from the sea Elton saw a little   tunnel that he wanted to investigate so our boat  left us and now we're walking on this Trail to   check out the tunnel so crazy to me that all  over Albania our abandoned Resorts military   bases bunkers houses they're now starting  to refurbish everything do you have an   and all things abandoned now would be the time  to get out to Albania cuz as I said saon island   is now going to be in its final season for  tourism where they completely renovate it who   knows what'll happen to all the other hidden gems  here that we don't know about whoa what in the world well can't see anything oh  bats bats wait it keeps going yeah   oh my God there's so many oh  my god wow look at them all oh yeah throw back to bat cave huh insane  yeah it doesn't go anywhere it just ends   right here it must have been storage bunker  look how like unreal that looks doesn't that   look like a portal like in a movie dude like  it just looks like a portal to another world wa this one's actually built out you can  open and close this crazy there yeah yeah   these have to be all of like the end H  storage systems that you built [Music] out concrete yeah wow I wonder how many there are  of these 700,000 defense bunkers but how many like   storage bunkers then how many other like Intel  like building things how how much they really   build like over a million tactical buildings I  mean the bunkers are small but yeah wonder if you   built like over a million concrete like defense  buildings they just hidden throughout this entire country nice this calls for bake  rolls all right team our first bake roll M add this to the salad I will  eat salad more and more often this is   like cout the first thing you think  of is I would eat a salad if this [Music] I day three Country 2 we're  estimating there to be an average 7 days   per country 7 * 228 is a little bit more than  1,500 days oh my God wa I just realized at   the end of the series so we are on, 1500  videos wow it's going to take 7 to 8 years   at this tape we're going to older way older's  going to have four kids we going to have four kids I went to bring this in [Music] there a big one why you holding my  head down dog it's not me it's not   me God okay okay all right all right  let's go see a floating Monastery and   abandoned power plants in the city of  independent yeah we still a lot more D today nice look at this it's cool can we try  this mom yeah okay we give you so many strip   or Flinter strippers this PS will give you  so many strippers can I climb it uhuh TR   what the you try you try I can I can yeah  yeah you can I can we saying can or can't   you can well you can't first I can't prove  that you can't first pro a little I'm not   I just don't want to you know what  I mean okay all rightone wants to do it nope okay okay Evan [Music] EV okay that was really good good job  anyone else beat that no I can't beat that all right good these are the figs that she  bought on the street oh that's so good bought from   a guy on the street ooh got a boo boo I don't know  what a boo boo is the boo I'll show you owie I'll   show I show you I'll show you I'll show you where  your boo boo where your boo boo you got a little   booo that's a boo boo boo okay okay then okay then  he was like come on man come on bro did you ever   think you'd be kissing an Albanian man's hand  while smoking a cigarette on an abandoned Beach nope you can use that Bo oh oh  oh Shir shirt's coming off boys   coming off you know what I'm saying we're  going to do a push-up competition and see   how many push-ups can we do consecutively that's  how push-up competition work dog oh do a push-up   I'm stretching do a push-up what do you mean  proper technique push-up good I want you to do   a push-up but keep your your hips on the ground  you now yep that's one come on do one one rep no   no I I want do push-up sorry yeah push-up yep  no no come on wait keep your keep your hips   on the ground keep your hips on the ground  one push-up I don't get it keep go back to why one 2 3 wait we got to catch up  for Evan four 5 10 11 okay 12 20 21 25 26 27 28 oh my God the Dr Dr 29 30 oh my wa hey we have a winner you know my   my arms from holding the camera all day  so I I've been working out like you you Dro you but I I was one away from Jerry no I  I just felt bad that you you know I just that   compares to that hold on a second come on come  here let's settle it uhoh okay got to make sure   cheating here a lot on the line here okay Jerry  stop your families are on the line here their   dignity their Heritage their history everything  they've ever given you is on the line right now   let him know what you're going to do to him  right now I'm beat your how I'mma pound it   real hard okay what time of night are you going  to do that all night every night all night every   night every night fast or slow Jerry slow and fast  sloppy baby you going to spit on it before you do it how do you respond Evan that was intimidating  my voice just cracked I will not let you p slow or fast bring it up you're going to arm  wrestle and count of 69 yep 64 65 66 67 68 69 hey hey hey he want Fair Square baby Fair Square baby was Fair  Square what the I'm supposed to pound you I'm   taking your pound time dog that really hurt I  was really trying to pound his ass what do you   feel about how your family is going to disown you  now you're going to hate me so much cuz I didn't   get to pound it's okay all right sorry it's always  tomorrow it's always tomorrow a one a two a three   you trying are you no yeah yeah that's good that's  good oh yeah you're stronger than me oh what the   oh [ __ ] look at I can't beat him really can't  beat him come on bab come on bab can't beat him   you're being serious yeah I'm being serious my arm  doesn't bent like that what the [ __ ] TI that to   his body what the [ __ ] is going ony T was going  e on you are you I think he's trying yeah I'm trying what muscle group is this what muscle  group is this go go go ahead the you doing   how the are you doing that whatever you want  me to to act a little bit what do you mean   act let's do it so side to side no he's being  legit all right ready oh [ __ ] one two three what a crazy muscle group right there where  how only in the forearms what that's crazy 1   2 3 [Music] go you see how much I'm shaking  Shing dude he is freaking don't act why not   me why not cuz I I want if Samuel beat Elton  and Jerry beat Samuel he is a champion but I   beat Jerry that means I'm but I beat you all  in the push-up competition that's different   so yeah I'm back to winning wrestle 100% wow wow  he's strong Samuel I can't do that it's like a a girl oh my God what happened girls this feel like 10 people just unsubscribed  right now I don't blame him that was weird   I feel uncomfortable really yeah oh was  kind of sexy imagine someone's like in   bed trying to go to sleep enjoying an  Albania video that's just what they see   why is she sleeping like that it's  kind of impressive it hurts my back Ascend to heaven Evan EV give him CPR give him CPR EV you're safe you're alive baby let's go baby oh oh imagine ghost hunt on those thank you thank you so much  thank you so much thank thank you oh hey what's up everyone sorry you caught  me mid workout but U hey thanks for making it   all the way to the end of the video and uh  hope you're enjoying everything from Albania   there's a lot more coming if you want to see  the extended version of this video and all the   other videos head over to our patreon and of  course if you haven't please subscribe so you   can plant a tree appreciate all the support and  everything that's been sharing the videos and   uh yeah make sure stay fit stay healthy stay  Innovative all right let's get this done yeah

2025-01-18 17:58

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