Chiapas Travel VLOG! | El cañón del Sumidero, lago del montebello and more! |Part 1

Chiapas Travel VLOG! | El cañón del Sumidero, lago del montebello and more! |Part 1

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i've literally fallen in  love with chopper i love it   it's amazing guys i really can't  believe what we're looking at right now hola welcome back to my channel if  you're new here my name is shah aldridge   today we are starting another travel vlog i'm on  the way to the airport and we're going to chiapas   i'm so excited if you can't already tell i've  never been before and we're doing like a tour   unfortunately ed is not coming he's just taking us  to the airport and um i'm super excited i thought   i'd just do the intro right now please don't  forget to like comment and subscribe i really   hope you enjoyed this video um it's gonna  be a lot of fun let's get straight into it we've arrived into our class   this is the airport our transport  apparently is about an hour away the hotel quick room tour we've got this cute little balcony   outside it was just rings it's kind of  fresh right now look how big the beds are this is the bathroom oh i can't find that light oh it was like an hour drive from the  airport shower toilet really nice   we're gonna have a walk around the central we just  got to the hotel this is the only free day we have   so we're just gonna have a walk around and  see what it's like look at this bar guys they say we come for a cocktail on the way back  the sun's come out it's really cute and also   everything is really cheap from what we can see  so far going to look for a place to have dinner   look probably how nice this one looks lots  of cute little shops we've been going in lots oh it looks quite busy down there  we're walking towards the center   quite dark but can you see that  guy up there he's playing the music chocolate shark guys look at these chocolate bars how nice   the shop is so cute we're buying chocolate  already we're starting the trip officially by the way guys just one thing i've noticed  so far since you arrived so many people here   speak english like there's a lot of americans  here i didn't realize that first impressions lots of nice jewelry places actually really busy  down here like this is the main area look at that clothes see this guy give an ice cream to himself   i hope i got that on film guys batman  is in chiapas look at the car as well i've never done that before so we're going to eat sunderland  i think i said that right   there were so many restaurants but we picked  this one because it looks so pretty inside   oh there's going to be music as well cocktails  look how cute the street is guys guys look at this   foster friendly self-tender this is  like a french place but look at these pizza time this is when this is with  teresa mine has pepperoni and that is we've just come to this french cafe to  have pastries and cups of tea and coffee   and look what we just found it's like an indoor market oh my god it's funny because we're in this tiny little  cafe in there and then out here is all this wow this place is so cool it's like a  mercado look lots of different places oh my gosh it's so hot this is amazing honestly we've  only just arrived and we are so   shocked already we've fallen in love with  this place it's literally our first day   good morning guys it's officially day one  of our tour we've just got up got ready   it's 7 53 we're gonna go to breakfast  and then they're picking us up at eight   um we have a very full day we're very  excited obviously i'm gonna get film   everything we got up to we're going to the  canyon del minero i think i said that right   um i'll check with the guide but it's gonna  be really fun we're excited and let's go   guys you're just landing at the first stop  let me turn around this camera and show you this is 750 meters high from where we are the guy  said how cool look can you see the boat down there okay here we are this is a cool lookout point let's see this one's higher so the view should be better oh wow wow this is so cool we're gonna go up to this  viewpoint up there and it should look really cool   also it's not too hot which is actually  amazing wow look from down there   we're gonna get on a boat in a minute and do  like a tour on the actual river and i think   that's gonna be the coolest part but let's  go up here and get oh this little gift shop   hold on a minute look or maybe  i have to buy a little gift where have they gone okay this is the place to view from the sun's come out now and it looks really cool why'd you so high up   i'm excited to be on one of the boats like  that with the view up i think that'll be   really cool we've got our life jackets on  ready for the boat there's loads of people   so i don't know how many people are going  to be on it with us i hope you can hear me   ready we're ready can you see the  water behind our life jacket fashion we're on the bay i've got the side which is good i hope you can hear me this is the famous waterfall  part of the tour it's called christmas tree that translates to in so english he's gonna take us really close we're going under look at this wow oh my god this is the tallest part of the whole canyon not sure how i feel about this but  we're getting closer to the crocodile oh my god it's huge let's look at the monkey in the tree oh we're off the boat guys and we've  come shopping now i've already bought   something already i bought a little t-shirt  that's like really mexican really nice   that's where you'll find us  probably for about half an hour   hi guys i'm just in the hotel it's freezing in san  cristobal everywhere else is really hot but right   now i have a long sleeve t-shirt a jumper and a  raincoat on and i'm under the cover in bed because   it's really cold but i just wanted to um catch up  with you guys because i don't think i've spoken   that much today so basically we woke up got picked  up at 9 00 a.m we went to canyon del minero and   they showed us two viewpoints um which were really  cool which i've obviously included in this video   and then we went on the boat for two  hours we saw crocodiles and monkeys   and amazing waterfalls and it was super super  beautiful it rained it was boiling hot it was   super windy but it was great and then we arrived  to this town what was the town called randy we went to this random town where after two  hours like it was 45 i think it's 45 kilometers   in the boat and then we arrived to this town and  they had like loads of nice little shops like um   food and like traditional mexican things and i  actually bought this shirt let me show you guys   super mexican how cute is this it's like a blouse that was what the place was called it was really  nice it was actually a massive place and they had   loads of shops unfortunately we didn't have time  to go for a restaurant but um we just bought some   snacks in the office and we're going to go back  into san quentin right now and have some dinner   but this is the shot i bought super cute it's  too cold to wear it here so i'll wear it and   whatever hannah but i'm happy about that  oh my god what is that a massive mosquito did you see so yeah that's the update um it's currently 6 30.  we're gonna go i don't know if you saw last night   this like indoor market place i think we're going  to go there for dinner if not just somewhere else   in the town because there's loads of nice places  here um i'll take the camera with me it did die   at the end of the trip how much has it got  now it's only got one bar i'll probably take   it and that's the plan came into the center to  find dinner we've just come across this gallery jewelry t-shirt goes upstairs with us it's so funny everything here like  looks like nothing from the street   but then it goes really far back  look little shot there's a mirror i can go up here too look like a restaurant dinner time today we're  having steak we've got yummy bread and chris   we just ordered some empanadas i've got  this one which has like cheese tomatoes super nice we're in this like indoor place   god oh the drinks look really  good and we've got some empanadas oh my god they're massive i thought they were  going to be really small but they're so big oh as well hmm good morning it's day two today we are going to  lago de and monterey and the cascada de cheflon a   waterfall and a lake basically so a water day i've  got my swimsuit tau all prepared prepare prepared   prepared with her breakfast we're just waiting for  the transport to go and pick us up now it's 8 a.m   yesterday was so fun i think today with  the water is gonna be super fun as well   also i don't think we have to go that far  i think it's been like an hour and a half   so it should be fine um i've got the gopro  to take in the waterfall which will be good   and it's gonna be a fun day we come back  about 7pm so it's going to be long and tiring   but adventure time i'm excited i hope you're  enjoying this video so far i feel like we've   done so much from that she only just arrived we  have so many days left um so i think this video   is going to be split into at least two if not  three because i have a lot of footage already um   yeah i hope you're enjoying it let's go with  day two guys we've arrived at las cascadas i'm here here he said we're not getting one  wet we're not swimming here so i haven't got   my swimming costume out lots of little shops  here you know i actually do need a hat because   my head is burnt and my nose  as well yesterday got burnt i just familiar shopping like always oh i can hear the water oh it's actually really clear here firstly look how blue it is guys apparently there's a few waterfalls we  can see so that's exciting oh this is cool it's super blue here can you see that we  haven't even got to the good bit yet we're   still walking the good thing is it's not too hot  but there's loads of spiders like big spiders   so i'm just watching where i'm stepping  and what i'm touching it's really nice we gotta walk one kilometer he said okay  we're going down to the first waterfall now i think there's three or four this  is the first one let's see whoa oh my god it's gorgeous wow i hope you can hear me wow so oh i think this one's even bigger  by the sounds here we go number two you're getting the first view  already it's insane it's massive we're nearly there this is incredible amazing it's insane i feel like i'm in hawaii honestly   i was just saying to vanessa i've literally  fallen in love with chopper i love it it's amazing   guys i really can't believe what we're looking  at right now those little people over there   can you see let me zoom in we're going to  go over there and get some epic pictures guys me and mynessa just walked up really  high we're so tired but look at this look we were right down there before wow we're going to get on one of these boats we're  not going to lie i'm quite nervous about it   but it's stunning massive and the  water is super clear can you see okay we're getting one okay got my really nice water shoes on so so worth it wow it's  actually so clear oh my god i'm doing it i'm helping the guy i think we're going over to this little island  over here i'm not really sure what the plan is   look at the water in the bow i mean  it's not really a boat it's just wood we need to help the guy out  look at this color guys wow you

2021-09-08 23:40

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