CBC NL Here & Now Wednesday January 17 2018

CBC NL Here & Now Wednesday January 17 2018

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You. This. Is CBC. Here, and now. Syros, suspension. The offshore petroleum, board shuts, down the offshore, platform. Marijuana. Addiction one. User fears, it'll ruin lives. Absolutely, marijuana, is an addictive substance. Team, NL is sweeping, its way to, victory at the national championships. Yet. Another system moving in tonight and through the day on Thursday, significant. Snow for parts of central western Newfoundland, another, mix in the East will have a timeline coming up well. There's big news tonight, in our offshore the. Board that regulates, the oil sector has, ordered, the sea rose to, suspend, all oil, production, activity, and in doing so the cnl OPP has said it lacks confidence, in, the operators, ability, to respond, to an emergency situation, Terry. Roberts is following that story and joins us now live from the newsroom so Terry what's going on here well. Carolyn this came as a big surprise today, one of our four producing, oil fields, and it's, 37,000. Barrels of oil every day has, been shut down by the petroleum board. The. Sea Rose is a production and storage vessel, and is operated, by Husky, Energy last. March an iceberg, came within a half a kilometre of the vessel. 463. Meters to be exact this, is within the vessels ice exclusion. Zone which, means it has to disconnect. And sail, away this, did not happen and at one point the crew were ordered to muster and brace, for impact, we. Now have in hand the report. The. Findings, from the preliminary, report of our inquiry and those. Findings had given the board cause for concern and lack, of confidence, that the operator will adhere to its emergency, response plans. There. Were 84, people on board and upwards of 340. Thousand, barrels of crude at the time fortunately. The iceberg did not make contact with the sea rose or its, subsea, infrastructure, there, were no injuries no, environmental. Impact and no, damage to the facility but the board has determined there are serious, issues respecting. Huskies ice safety management. Prior, to this Tessier. Said the Ciro's had a stellar safety, record so. Terry how long could this suspension, last well. That's completely up, to husky really I'll let Scott Tessier explain. This. Point the operator needs to come in and convince us that they, that, they take these findings seriously, and to, rebuild our confidence that they are capable of safe and environmentally responsible operation. So. What is Huskies saying about all of this well. I did get a brief statement from spokesperson. Today saying they will be issuing a news release so, far no, word from Husky Energy reporting. Live from the newsroom I'm Terry Roberts for CBC. Still. With oil at sea the federal government, says it will clean up all the remaining oil inside, the manola cell wreck today. It announced, the first step, in that process here. In house Garrett Barry reports, regular-person. It's been very concerned and the regular person will be really, happy about this at, last. Oil, from the, 1985. Sunken, wreck of the Manola cell will, be removed ending. The threat of a major spill at the bottom of the sea and major. Damage, to Notre Dame Bay would, have been the, eradication, of the fishing industry in that area, tourism. Would have taken a major hit both. Of those industries alone, for change islands Fogo, Island, the Northeast Newfoundland. Towards Bonavista, it, would have been an absolute, disaster, ferment, for years to come so we, knew the permanent solution had to have been that. The bulk, removal, of this oil had to take place about. A hundred, and twenty-five thousand. Litres of oil are on board oil, started, leaking from the boat in 2013. A cofferdam, collector, was installed, but for some that, wasn't enough it's, been a cloud it's gonna we.

Know It's there the. Constant, you know people see things people see oil they see the oiled Birds they've had oil on their nets and their gear they don't fish in that area anymore they don't put their crab, Nets or crab pots or their fuel nuts or anything out in that area, Herman don't because if, the oil gets on there they. Ruin their gear they lose that that's that's money gone just, over one year ago a six, million, dollar assessment. Recommended. Oil be removed so, today the, federal government says they'll look for a company to do just that get, into the tanks and suck the oil out but, you would see, you. Know either remotely, operated vehicles, or, or. Divers. Working. With specialized, equipment on the wreck so. This is not this. Is a very specialized. Skill, or they're not a lot of people around the world will have this skill well, we'll bring that we'll, bring that in and I think that'll we. Will be able to get that the you know the recoverable, oil out of that wreck exact. Cost for the operation, aren't known yes, Scott Sims says government is spending, millions each, year just. To tend to the wreck another, reason to get going as soon as possible, government, hopes removal, will start this, summer Garrett. Barry CBC News Gander. The. Manola cell was carrying, a reported, 500, tons of fuel when it ran aground on blowhard, Rock in 1985. It took, two days for the massive Liberian, ship nearly. The length of a Canadian football, field to sink in the, three decades since sporadic. Leaks storm, surges and, a deteriorating. Hull have, posed a massive, threat to notre-dame Bay concerned. Local residents, have long protected. The controversial, shipwreck, shipwreck, rather, voicing. Concerns, about a potential, oil spill, a group, calling itself the, manola cell cleanup, effort, is urging, anyone who spots oil in the area, or oiled. Birds to, report the sighting to the Canadian, Coast Guard's environmental. Emergencies, hotline, there. Were some tense moments at, st. John's Airport, this morning the, air traffic control, tower was, evacuated. Just after, 10 o'clock this morning due, to high, carbon, monoxide, levels arriving. And departing flights. Were on hold for about 15, minutes while tower, employees. Were moved to an alternate. Location. Members. Of the fire department and, airport, authorities, emergency, response, team were called in they, quickly determined, and that gas was coming from a malfunctioning, boiler, it was, shut down and, firefighters. Opened all doors placing, ventilation, units near the exits, to help air out the building we, received a call for a carbon. Monoxide detector. Going. Up on arrival, the carbon dioxide live earnings were high so, we evacuated. The building and it. Seems to be from a boiler which they were working on earlier today we have all that shut down now, we have to reduce the readings in the building so safe for ever to go back in and walk again anybody, injured or have to be treated no, nobody, treated or injured. Well. The young man who survived a harrowing ordeal, earlier. This month has been released, from hospital, 24. Year old Blake Williams, suffered frostbite to, his feet and hands after. Spending more than an hour trying, to rescue his uncle, from mobile big pond two. Weeks ago the snowmobile, they were on went, through the ice on the southern shore Williams. Managed, to get himself out of the water but as ankle. 45. Year old Maurice Jordan. Was not able to get out Williams. Tried unsuccessfully to. Pull him to safety but. Eventually, had to leave him to go to get help he, told her now from his hospital, bed that, it was a difficult, decision I back up out of it. Tried, to get him up again and again but he ever look another 30 or 40 times I just, didn't, have the strength and.

He. Was losing energy, he, barely keep himself up I couldn't. Lift him up so. I told. Him that I loved him and I miss I miss. Williams. Had to remove most of his wet clothing and walked more than two kilometers. And that's where he was discovered, by a passerby, he, was airlifted to hospital where. He spent the last two weeks before being released earlier, today. Residents. Of Deer Lake were watching, the Humber River closely. Today as, water levels fluctuated. Here now is Peter Cowen news, tonight. Peter. Well, Debbie we're right down near, the river here and you probably can't hear it on the microphone but you can hear the ice as, it comes, down the river and it grinds up against the ice and grinds, up against the bank and that's been one of the big concerns for residents, that live just on the other side of the river here, because, that Bank has been eroding, away and the, water levels, are still high which, has a lot of people doing whatever they can to try and prepare, that. Means doing. Things to. Be ready for an evacuation in, case one is called. Mainly. Got most of things up off the, basement. Floor obviously if the water was going to come in I think the main part of our house would be the basement, which. Is a non finished basement, we live near the river so we expect, water obviously. But the sub pumps are taking, care of the water and so. Far were we're, in clear. Now the big question of course is. Is. The water level going to go down and one person who's been watching this closely is, the mayor of Deer Lake Dean ball, is here with us live so you, were up in a helicopter just late this afternoon having, a look at the river what did you see this, will be on us we have 27, roughly, 27, MacLeod as a slab boys like we're seeing here tonight that's. That's, moving now that's that's not stuff a stop that's that stuff is heading adding this way and I, guess as you've heard earlier today the, lake has dropped by two and a half inches the, river has dropped by the inch and three-quarters. But. With this always heading this way this could change in you know sometime tomorrow this could change again so, I guess the concern is the ice could, increase. The amount that you're seeing in the damming at the mouth of the river absolutely, and what we know what we'd like to see we look to see some may be wind to, take this hoist that's package that's out in the lake and the river and move this down the river, but. Without without. A bit of without us strong win. Now or we're not going to see that happen so, what does that mean for residents, well. Right now we're. Going to leave the the, evacuation. Order in place, we. Can act on a minutes. Notice. You. Know everything, is in place ready to go so, we can act very quickly we. Were monitoring, monitoring, this throughout tonight and I. Guess is what we we chatted about earlier, the conditions, on Pine, Tree drivers, changed, today considerably. We've. We've lost a lot more ground there today we the new polls that we put in yesterday and. Now in our in are jeopardized, and looks. Like we may have to move them again so, it's our. It's. A waiting game for us it's. It's not, is not easy to watch but. Unfortunately. We have to just as a wait-and-see game for us now, okay. Well thank you very much I appreciate your time thank you Peter now, of course it's not just Deer, Lake that's dealing with this issue of course the community of trout river while, they, were busy, protecting, their school, and we'll. Show you what that looks like because. The. It took some contractors. And a fair amount of work in order to try, and move, the, river get it diverted, away from the school because it was a road the bank and brought. In some rock in order to try and stabilize, it the School Board says a structural, engineer, has been brought in in order. To try, and assess, the. Building and they'll, make sure that everything, is safe and the surrounding, property, before, students, are allowed to go back to school. Now. There are still communities that, are completely, cut, off on and, the, Bay of Islands area and that's.

Where The CBC's, Jeremy Eaton was today he took a helicopter to, visit, one of them Jeremy, what did you see. Yeah. Sorry I couldn't hear you Peter now. Surprisingly. Well I spent most, of the day at the York Harbour Town Hall where, people, were making the best of the bad situation lots, of carrying. On lots of laughs and lots of smiles smiles, that got even bigger when the area's MHA brought in a ton of Mary, Brown's chicken. Saturday. Was. Saturday. Wasn't too bad cuz, we. Know was raining, and oil, but, nobody. Didn't. Think that it was gonna be this bad right so. Sunday. Was the worst. You. Know when we had to get everything in place, and get, everything on the go you know that was the hard day it's, been wonderful, to see the two towns pulled, together. Everyone. Helping, out everybody, I mean it's been a rough, situation I mean we're cut off from Corner Brook so it's, that's. Our lifeline is our is our road we don't have no cell phone service or anything like that so I, mean if we lose our power and stuff then we're really cut, off so. What. We've been doing okay. This. Is really the first time that both, towns have ever declared, a state of emergency where. We've been completely, cut off we've. Had choppers running for two days now we, had a, vessel. Yesterday part of Coast Guard Auxiliary where. They transport, it to people and but supplies. Back to the two towns bread, and milk and actually. Furnace aisle two because people weren't running, of that - as well. We. Were in love stuck for a bit there because on Saturday everyone, bought up everything. When they knew the rover's washed out so we sold out first milk and eggs and bread potatoes. Quick but. Yesterday. We got a boat load down so we're doing okay now. But. We had fun. Having. Fun how you guys coping here in the communities of your Clark Harbor we, have had a lot of laughs and, and. We, had a lot of good times too and that's. Pretty good how, much chicken today. When. You get people cut, off here, it's, an appreciation. It's, an appreciation, from, me, for. The work that they've been doing since our day a lot. Of times when you get the volunteers, come together someone. With. Four, or five hours, sleep you just want to come back and say listen thank, you very much, thank you this is this, is a great opportunity, for me as the member and person, who has a home in the area that. Just to say thank and just for the record the, chicken is my treat this is not a common treat this is 80 Joyce's treat. So. In the past we had to Culver, here one was a 36 and one was a two two. Point four meter and we put in an additional two point four meter now you. Know in, case we got a future event the same as this weekend, with the water flows well. We're, really hopeful that when, the next 12 hours or so we'll be able to open this road it'll still be a slowdown there'll still be caution, but, you, know we're making very significant, progress as, you've seen here today the people in the New York Harbor came, together to. Help so much and, they're, very patient and they're very understanding, and and, they're, they're a group of people that win their trash strikes as they did last year that they all come together and this is another time they're, anxious to get the road open but.

They Understand, they take a time they won't have done right and I. Know, as you seen here today all the people that volunteered, the mayors and the council was staff and everything and I just got to say thank you to mom, and to, all the groups that chipped in and we'll, get it done. Over. Right so I, can't. See it not having some results, you know. We. Came to get her well, we, was always together I guess but since. This happened. We don't fairly, good. So. Another area of concern is, of course Marble Mountain and that's where I'm standing here tonight now in about an hour's, time maybe a little over an hour Lord Stanley's, Cup is going to come down at that run there behind me now a chat is to to local. Skiers, who are going to be accompanied in the Kop and they're pretty excited so, the crews, at marble, mountain were, working, very hard this week to get that run ready because, with the cup coming down the hill that kicks off Hockey Day in Canada which is in Corner Brook this year now not, a bad turnaround considering, the brutal flooding that ripped into the mountain this weekend and caused a lot of damage now marble says it will reopen tomorrow morning, with tear lifts for the new feet bullet that's the small quad and the magic carpet starting at 10:00 a.m. the jigger crews are in Broadway runs will all be open now as for you ski. Bunnies those after dark ski bunnies the first night ski of the season is set for. Friday so, while the crews are working on the lower slopes here, behind me and there is activity going on now the, upper part of the mountain is still pretty bare so they're gonna need a lot of natural, snow, god-willing and some. Man-made, or human-made snow, and in order to get that you need cold temperatures. So Ryan is there, any cold temperatures, in the forecast for the skiers, and snowboarders here, in western Newfoundland yes. The, good news is there is a geremy and thanks very much for that report great, stuff there today and we, do have yes, some snow but five more. Likely closer to 10 centimeters, on the way for, Corner Brook and Marble Mountain tonight and those, temperatures. Remaining near freezing but if a cool-down as we work towards the weekend even a little bit more snow for, the weekend time period we're gonna update your forecast, in full detail in just a couple of minutes I do want to take this opportunity because, we've been talking about the humber to update those river levels we, were talking to Dean ball there just a moment ago he talked about the fact that some, of those levels are coming down and we're seeing the proof of that as we zoom into the, readville, observation. There you. Can see where there was a little bit of fluctuation yesterday. Based, on some of the ice that again, has been causing, some of that rising, and falling on, the river but definitely, a drop, here over the last day, or so so some good news there we come down the over towards Deer Lake in the generating, station there again, it looks like things have Crested definitely, a downward, trend here over the last 12 hours or so so some good news there and we come all the way back down now closer, to the Humber Village, Bridge and you can see where it also appears, that the river has crested, here so some good news as we look at those, stations, over the past 12, to 24 hours that, things are coming down still. Some, concern, as Dean, mentioned about the ice that's upstream. And how, much damming, is going on and we're going to talk a little bit more about that situation how. Ice jams work in just a couple of minutes okay. Well. We're still going to talk about ice right, here though the sporting, kind yes, young. Newfoundland, curlers, we told you about last week are turning heads at a national, championship, team, Glen went into the Canadian Junior, Championship. In Quebec, this week as the underdogs. Competition. Is for curlers under, the age of 21 but all the players on Team Glen are under 17. And, that makes them some of the youngest players on the ice I, don't. Feel there's a lot of pressure it's just we're going up there hoping to do well we're, not going up there with, the idea we have to win it's we take it one game at a time and see where that gets us. Well. That approach is certainly paying off for leader McKenzie. Glen and her teammates, Katie Follett's, Sarah tater and Camille.

Burt, They, tied for first place in the preliminary, round pool, and are now headed to the championship. Round which. Did begin today they just finished playing against, New Brunswick, but unfortunately. Five. To three loss to Mb, now that is unfortunate. As for the boys team there, are three and three. They are three, and three rather after, preliminary competition. And that means data Bruce and his teammates Ryan McNeil lambs. Worth Andrew, Bruce and Nathan King are off, to the championship. Round they, face Nova Scotia tonight, good, luck yes. Some. Great curlers, up-and-coming. Curlers, that bodes well for the future of curling here and, good luck tonight. Then. A fitting, from obituaries. A lawyer goes, to court to stop a website, from profiting, of people's, grief. You. St.. John's lawyer is launching, a class-action, lawsuit. Against, a web site that posts obituaries. Without permission, last. Week we spoke with a grieving, mother who, found the, obituary, she wrote for her 22, year old son posted, on the site afterlife, dot Co now, the web site posts obituaries. And photos, of the deceased from right across Canada, it also sells. Sympathy. Flowers and virtual. Animated. Candles. Raylene, Manning PUD astir says she was shocked to see her son on the website her, children are gone we're trying to survive and you, are using, our grief. To. Make money. It's. Absolutely. Disturbing, and highly. Disgusting. Some. Strong words there a lot of emotion, a lot of anger, and st., John's lawyer Aaron best found out putt Easter is just one, of many, grief-stricken, parents. And families discovering, their loved ones, obituaries. On that website and she joins me now so Aaron. What do you think about a website, that collects, and posts. Obituaries. Well. I think initially, that if they don't have the consent, of the, person who wrote to the obituary, and took any photo, that might accompany the, obituary, that it's copyright infringement right and you've been getting lots, of phone calls from people about this right I have. Actually. Yeah, I've also, gotten a lot of emails and, we've been trying to keep up with, responding. To them, and. I have responded to many, but I, think. The floodgates. Have pretty much opened now and a lot of emotion attached to this what are people saying when when they call you up people, are very upset generally. Almost, everyone. People, are telling me stories about their. Children, who have passed whose pictures. Are up on the site and. And. The obituaries, that they've written very, heartfelt, works. That. Have been posted without their consent, you. Know friends, parents, a particular. Trend I notice is, people who contact me have had a loved one who's passed away very recently, and. The, obituary, in photo is up on the site it, seems to have been posted in some cases as early as a day after a couple, of days after the obituary. Was was written so. That's that's, an issue and and people are very, upset, about it you mentioned copyright, infringement, is that what this boils down to that. Is what this boils down to so, what that means is that when, you write, a piece of text, or if you take a photo, then. You are essentially the author of a literary work or. An. Artistic work under the Copyright Act in. Order for it to qualify for copyright. Protection, it, has to have a sufficient, degree of originality, but, in. Most of these cases the obituaries, and certainly the photos do have that sufficient, degree of Ridge analogy to qualify, for copyright. Protection and. Therefore. If someone then uses, that that. Piece, of text so copies, it and uses, it somewhere else without permission, or, the photograph, then. You have an instance of copyright. Infringement under the Copyright Act you. Can elect to claim for statutory damages and the. Act provides, a range for those damages, which is five hundred to. Twenty thousand, dollars per. Per, work. Infringed. For. A commercial, infringement, such as this one so is that what you're looking for in all of this that financial, compensation for. The. Copyright, infringement well not, just that so right now in a class. Action as. Issued, we, have requested, injunctive. Relief as well so, that, they take, down the. Infringing. Portions. From the website we'll, see what happens, but what some, people actually want, at this stage is, is, an apology as well I, means one thing to post obituaries, it's a kind of another thing to then sell products, associated, with those obituaries with, the sympathy flowers and those virtual, candles. Does that part of it play, into this at all yeah, I mean I think it will play, in simply because, everyone. Finds that to be pretty much unpalatable, especially. The. All. Right there and best thank you so much for coming in quite welcome.

There. Are high water, levels, on the Humber River are high enough to take someone's, dock for a ride ice, is the culprit now after, the break Ryan explains, how ice jams are able to hold back so, much water. You. Residents. Who live along the river here, in Deer Lake have said this is really unusual to, see this sort of water this, time of year it's something they normally see, only, in the spring right. I'm hoping you can explain, for us why, are we seeing these sort of flooding conditions now that's. A great question Peter and what we're gonna do is zoom in to where you're standing, and, a little bit further in fact of course the Humber is massive. And we had all that weekend, rain and we'll zoom into of course this is the entire Humber, River Basin, here and all the mountains and Hills of course we had all that runoff from, the huge snowpack, the heavy rainfall and the. Temperatures, into the teens now that is all filtered. Into the Humber River itself, and down to the Birchy base and this is all still full, of water which is now running down the Humber and what happens, of course when we have this big cooldown we, start to get these ice jams, and. Typically. Anywhere along the Humber especially, where it wanders, and turns we can see that ice starting, to jam up and what happens is not, only do you get the ice jam at the surface, but the cold, temperatures. Aloft help. To. Supercool. The water and essentially, what we get is that frazil. Ice or, the the, slush, that you see running down on top of the river but when that slushy, frazil, ice hits, these ice jams it actually sinks down in, below. The river and it also helps. To jam, up that water and the water backs up and backs up and these of course ice jams can happen in multiple, locations. So, it's hard to pinpoint exactly how, many ice jams there are and of, course they're very hard to predict as to, when they're gonna let go and when they do let go of course a lot of water can, then flood, in all at, once so down the river so these. Are what these. Ice jams are what officials, are still concerned, about over the next couple of days until that, River really, starts to drop off because as those, ice jams do let go we could see some, of those water levels fluctuating, over the next couple, of days so keeping, a very close eye of course on the mighty Humber now in terms of the forecast, well we're talking about special weather statements, just to, the east of this area though the Humber and Corner, Brook will see some. Of those. Higher snowfall, totals, in the ten centimeter, range not out of the question as we roll through the next 24, hours or so snowfall, warnings are in effect for the southwest, coast and again, those special weather statements, extend extend, up into central parts of Newfoundland well we're looking at 10 to as much as 15 centimeters of snow as I mentioned the Humber Corner Brook likely closer to 10 centimeters, closer to 5 right along that West Coast and the, best chance of north of 15 centimeters, will be along that southwest, coast for. The Avalon the Burin peninsula's not looking at much in the way of snow at all a little bit of flurry action, possibility. Of some patchy freezing, drizzle and, ice pellet or two and then. Over to some showers, but even though showers won't, really be all. That study in that trace to as much as five millimeter, range there's the system still well back to the south it's been dropping snow across Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick, today and it will track in as we roll through the overnight hours tonight although, I think the Avalon really not into the flurry action until early tomorrow morning, steady, snow on the go when we wake up for central parts of Newfoundland back, towards western parts, of the island and again likely some snow underway along the Burin peninsula as well so. Your temperatures, when we wake up around - - - - for Eastern into Central a little milder along that south coast where we're going to be flirting with the freezing mark even as a 7:00, to 8:00 a.m. -.

20 To 22 across most of western. To central, parts of Labrador, a little bit cooler through Cartwright now watch your timeline here as we were all throughout the day there's that mix over with. Those southeasterly. Winds a little on the gusty side that, will have us mixing over to some of that rain and shower activity, for the Avalon the Burin even up into the clarin Ville Bonavista Terranova, possibly, a little bit of mixing over for a time well, I do think temperatures, rise above, the freezing mark for central parts of Newfoundland, it's. Not until really that, precip, has lifted off to the north so maybe. A very. Light drizzle, possible, into the later parts of the days temperatures get up to around two or three degrees but very, much, all, snow, event for you folks in central and of course snow for the west and in de Labrador just some light snow to flurry, action happy, valley-goose Bay back, up towards named and a pretty nice day for Labrador, City looking, at minus 16 under a Sun, and cloud mix so from 5:00 to in st. John's with those southeasterly, winds gusting, 70 even, 80 km/h, not, another question I think that model this forecast, model a little bit strong, we. Cool back down for Friday and have a look is we take a look at temperatures for Friday, much cooler - 2 - -5 is those northerly. Winds return, -, 21 back on the menu in Labrador City and we'll talk all about your weekend forecast in, just a few minutes Debbie Thank. You Ryan well, as we get closer to legalizing. Marijuana some people are asking questions about, the potential, risks, of using, it recreationally, one. Question, is marijuana. Addictive. Here, in house mark Quinn spoke with an addictions, counselor, and a, woman who says she became addicted to cannabis, CBC. Has agreed to protect her identity. Many. People, think. That marijuana, is not a problem you. Can't get addicted to it it's. Nothing I am living, proof, that. Marijuana, it would victus, anything. That turns into something you need in order to function is addictive. I needed. It to survive, I didn't. Care how. It hurt other people I didn't, care what it was doing to me that's. An addict this. Is my problem with, legalizing, weed they, are going to turn. More. People. Into. Addicts, and it, scares me the. Answer is yes absolutely marijuana. Is an addictive substance. It's. A so-called act of substance. And it's the most, widely used illicit, substance, in Canada, and is, it addictive in a way that actually creates. Withdrawal, symptoms for someone who's been using it heavily and then stops using it absolutely, so when we talk about you know addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Typically we talk about psychological. Withdrawal. Symptoms, or physical, withdrawal. Symptoms, and and the research is very clear that folks, with marijuana. Addiction. Issues, can. And and oftentimes do have both what does the science say in terms of alcohol and compared, to marijuana is marijuana, as addictive, as alcohol, right so, we know that alcohol is is the number one substance, used in Canada and it creates the most harms and addictions related issues of all substances, so. With marijuana, we do know that there is a percentage, of people and. Roughly about you know 12%, of, Canadians, use marijuana, in the past year of, that 12% we, know that about, 9%, will. Potentially. Develop some type of substance, for latest use, disorder, connected, to the marijuana use. Remembering. Danny King students. At waterford valley high paid tribute, to their former coach and teacher. You. Welcome. Back he. Was, larger, than life a, man who seemed to touch everyone, he met Danny, King died suddenly two, years ago at the age of 44. But, the beloved phys ed teacher at, Waterford, Valley High and longtime rugby. Player is not. Forgotten. I, have an MCL tear right here, Danny. King was a powerful, man who loved, life and he, loved, rugby he, played with the spoilers, and played, with a passion, that's. The way it was with powerlifting. - a fierce. Competitor but, to those who knew him a sensitive. Soul. Today. Hundreds, gathered, at the school to honor King each, with, their own reason, to remember the man known as DK. Students. Rugby. Friends, and colleagues, and two. Teams of students headed outside for, a fitting tribute, ii. Memorial winter. Rugby game. Danny. Was a great mentor, he. Coached me here at the high school first, year and he also coached me that summer past in the swabiz, under-18, team.

He'd, Saw, a lot of potential in me and he really helped me develop that potential. I've, started of like grade 10 I wasn't, as confident of him now and I guess I like, the credit DK. For some of the confidence. That he's given me that I've developed so it's great to see all the people coming together they all did DK had a special place in all their hearts Danny, had a passion, for rugby, and he. Would absolutely love. This and to know that his. Students, are thinking of him and remembering. Him in such a fitting, and. You. Know we. Are so full in, our hearts, but you, know we are also, celebrating. The life, and the impact, that Danny has had on, his students. You. Can see today there's still a lot, of interest in rugby and purely. Linked to his name, so. He's had a huge impact in especially the development. Of players of the young age and attracting, players to the game like, his personality. Kind. Of wanted you to be with him so kids. Gravitated, to loser and he. Played, a huge influence in a lot, of. Developing. Rugby careers when he passed away two years ago has definitely, left a void in the, physical education teacher. Community. He, was a funny guy and he, was fun to work with so. Yeah, I definitely miss that about him what, would Danny, Kings say about all of his tough fuss over him today. You. Would enjoy it he. Liked, to be the center of attention so. He. Would he'd have a real good time wherever, he is now smile and dad he will he, would have enjoy today for sure I, wish. I had met him he seems like he was a great guy was so sad as, the principal was saying that you, know they are sad today they're happy but just 44, years old he had so much more to contribute absolutely. Has a lasting, legacy for sure. Up. It goes the, Bank of Canada, raises, its key lending, rate what, that means for you next. You. You. Time, to introduce our, young athlete, of the day, Xander, Harold of Chamberlain's, is 8 years old and is a member of the early stars squash. Program, with CBS, squash club, Xander also takes part in the gymnastics. Program at, kynthia. Congratulations. Xander, you're today's young, athlete, of the day. The. Weather update is brought to you by Beltone. Hearing service. St. John's helping. The world hear, better. Once. Again to the weather yesterday Brian, you were talking about how, cold it was in, the southern US surprisingly. Cold yeah and the Col the cooldown continues, this. Is the third, time in five weeks that they've recorded snow in the state of Florida. And. Tonight, in places, like Sarasota, and Orlando. Temperatures, will dip very, near to the freezing mark there's, wind chill advisories, in place so. Hopefully all you snowbirds, winter. Jackets I remember. It happened, once many years ago and affected all the crops, the, oranges. Are yeah big concern. Hopefully. You know they get the spray out and and can help somewhat. And again it's more northern Florida that'll be the issue so anyway, have a look at temperatures, right now, 17. In Orlando, but the jet stream is coming through there and as is the front and we will see again, a very chilly night setting up tonight Oklahoma. City and Houston have rebounded somewhat, of course it was very cold there 24, hours ago it's, still cool Maya plus one at Oklahoma, 3. On the plus side at Houston as 24, hours ago it was minus 3 there so you can see where the cold air is lifting, out now, as we pop on the satellite and radar picture I want to direct your attention to this big, system rolling, on to the west coast and I direct your attention there because it's gonna have an impact on us down, the road there's actually two pieces of energy that are gonna come off this big. Low one, is a weakened system it's going to take the. Shortcut it's gonna rip across most. Of Canada and bring. Light. Snowfall, the. Second, is going to be diving south and that will become a midweek, system it's going to drop south it'll grab some moisture, the Gulf of Mexico and it'll come up with, again more moisture with it that'll. Be for mid next week and we'll talk about that and how things are gonna play out here with your long-range forecast, first our, snapshot, for tonight and Tuesday, talking, about 10 centimeters, or more for a good portion of the island tonight 10 to 15 pretty good chance through central parts of Newfoundland and 15, to as much as 20 looking possible. For the south west coast again. Closer to 5 to as much as 10 centimeters, for corner Brooke I think you're probably closer, to 10 based on what I'm seeing right now and snow, will, just be a trace, across, the Burin and the avalon peninsulas to as much as two centimeters, towards places. Like clarin ville Bonavista and that, is because again not really getting into much of that snow zone at all it's mainly shower and drizzle activity, into the afternoon 5:00 on the plus side light, snow up through southeastern, parts of Labrador, very, quiet through Labrador city in over.

The Next 24 hours as an area of high pressure moves, in there's, Friday some onshore flurries will come to an end along the west coast think we'll see some sunshine in the mix for Central and East on Friday, here's. Your weekend system it's, a very quick mover a bit of a clipper and, into. Saturday afternoon we, will see that snow pushing in from west eats east it's a late day arrival, for the, Avalon but if you do have travel, plans on Saturday be, prepared that we will see that system shooting through into, Sunday things, clearing out some lingering, flurries we may even see as you saw there briefly. Just a perhaps a little bit of a mix over for the Burin and the Avalon Peninsula, overnight, Saturday into Sunday southern, sections, that's something I'll be watching over the next day or so so watch this a bit of a cool-down into, early, next week forecast. Models, on board then for a very, western track with this next system coming in for mid next week and that is yes another, warm-up, on the menu, so as we take a look at that seven-day, trend that. Is another plus side temp for mid next week so the yo-yo, continues the. Roller-coaster ride of temperatures, where we're warm or cool and then back with a mild push possibly, for mid next week again still seven days out but we'll keep you posted and that snow. Possible for the weekend so do keep that in mind across the island in the Labrador getting some light flurries tomorrow Saturday. Into Sunday some accumulation, but fairly light and then keep and eye on that midweek system for snow for you folks next week that's your forecast to now, thanks. Ryan, turning, now to some national, news the Bank of Canada, raised its trend-setting. Interest, today from, 1% to, 1.25. The. Bank's statement, says the move was prompted by continued. Strong economic, numbers. The. Data that we have received since last October. Have been. Generally, stronger than expected. Growth. Around the world continues. To strengthen, and broaden, supporting. The, expansion here, at home. Today's. Statement cited, strong consumption. Investment. And employment numbers. It's, the bank's third hike, since July, and it says there could be more but, it stresses several, factors, are now uncertain, chief, among them the ultimate. Results, of the NAFTA negotiations. It also says it will closely monitor the. Economies response, to the higher borrowing rates. Global. Affairs Canada, says it's trying to gather more information, about reports, of two Canadians, being kidnapped, in, Nigeria, consular. Officials, are in touch with local authorities, two, Americans, are also reported, to have been kidnapped a Nigerian. Spokesman, says two police officers who were escorting, the Canadians, and Americans were. Killed in a gun battle with the kidnappers. The, ambush, by unknown, gunmen took, place in the northern state of Kaduna it reportedly. Happened, as the Canadians, and Americans were, making their way to the capital Abuja. Canadian. Researchers, are raising new doubts about, one of the most commonly, prescribed, drugs for pregnant, women for. Decades Dyke, lectin, has been the go-to treatment, for morning sickness and nausea but, a reanalysis, of, the clinical trial suggests, the drug while, not harmful, may, actually do, nothing, at all health, reporter Vicki dough Pia has more. Jenna. Colucci is among the 35, million women, who've taken Dyke lectin, for severe nausea but, it didn't help I still. Was nauseous I remember, I was vomiting this. Family doctor has long questioned, whether Dyke lectin actually does anything his, research team spent years trying, to obtain clinical. Trial documents held by Health Canada after, signing, a confidentiality, agreement, to, look at the raw numbers in the nine thousand, page study, he says the evidence the drug works better than a placebo is, slim. To almost none and the manufacturer.

Knew It now I can't, bring myself to write, a prescription for this medication knowing what I know about it it just doesn't seem to be effective. At all Prasad, is not alone, although the FDA approved, the drug in 2013, it noted it has a small, treatment, effect European. Regulators, said, it does not represent a significant. Therapeutic, benefit, over existing, treatments, and a recent review by Health Canada found the research to back the drug was problematic, and not definitive. And other, doctors are starting to question it the journal for the family physicians of Canada agrees there's no strong evidence the, drug works but, the Society of Obstetricians, and Gynaecologists. Continues. To recommend, dike lectin, because, it's considered safe, since, it's actually a combination of, vitamin b6 and an antihistamine, found, in common remedies such, as nyquil, there's, nothing magical, other than that they are formulated in this way where it delivers medications, slowly over, time but. No these are two medications that are available over-the-counter, on. Their own as for Colucci the, symptoms, eventually. Disappeared, on their own vic, adobea, cbc news bradford. Ontario. Our. Viewer. Picture of, the day is a beauty. And this one any, guesses, where. It might be somewhere. Where there's lots of snow yeah, west. Coast or, beyond. Yeah. It is in Labrador and will let you know exactly where, coming, up after the break it's, pretty. You. You. Welcome. Back to here and now well, if the winter weather has got you down and, you've made all the snowmen you can possibly, make here's one way to keep busy. Take. A look at that snow-covered. Car, well that's actually carved. Out of snow. Montreal, artist Simona Freese dreamt, it up to prank, removal, crews and it worked no word on whether they eventually carted. It away but the police did, crews by to, check it out and left a ticket that said you, made our night. You. Lots there resort as, well, so. If you think it's cold here, just, imagine, what it's like in Siberia. Oh my, goodness. It. Is so cold there the public thermometer. In this remote, Siberian. Village broke. Just. After it registered, a reading of minus, 62, degrees Celsius. Why some locals reported, seeing the temperature dip as low as minus 67. On personal, thermometers. The, yeah. Gucchi, eye region. Is known as the coldest, inhabited, inhabited. Place on earth. Oh. So. That's what the threat is we'll, send you to Siberia. Appreciate. It here we thought Labrador, city was cold where, this picture was taken and, thanks to Brandon Clark a great picture of a Sun dog of course it needs to be very cold to capture, this ice. Crystals, very fine. Ones in the atmosphere, the Sun shines through and makes that effect and a, great capture, of that thanks to Brandon Clark for that she never heard of a Sun dog. Interesting. It's, beautiful, thanks. Everyone for being with us have a great night. You. You.

2018-01-20 17:15

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