Bikepacking, A Stormy Night Out on the English Downs Tent Camping In my Storm proof Helm1 Tent :)

Bikepacking, A Stormy Night Out on the English Downs Tent Camping In my Storm proof Helm1 Tent :)

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well I'm heading out on my uh boots for MTB  adventure bike got a tent strapped on the uh   front bars uh waterproof bag with uh sleep system  in that on the back rack we're expecting it to   storm it's going to storm tonight uh strong winds  49 to 50 mph gusts uh and heavy rain at times   so uh yeah looking forward to this just uh want  to get out and uh hear the storm hit in my tent   I'm heading up to some High Ground so uh we should  certainly uh get the brunt of the storm hitting us very steep climb this very  steep but uh just a stop and   admire the view just look at this  lovely view let's just get off the bike wind's taking me breath away I'm more or  less at the top of the clim now uh you can see   some beach Woods there Beyond them about another  mile away are the beach hangers that I intend   camping in I found a a spot which is actually away  from the beach trees so it' be quite safe in high   winds but if you look at the uh the landscape it  goes in a a curve like a like a semi horseshoe and   at the far end of the Horseshoe is lington Hill  Fort absolutely beautiful landscape very ancient I'm up on the Ridgeway now the ancient track  one of the oldest uh known roads in history   I believe anyway just back there there was a  load of crab apples on the floor obviously the   tree had dropped its fruit hopefully that'll be  there as a food source for the uh for some wild   animals perhaps but yeah it's uh a lovely old  track this we haven't got too far to go along   here until we get to the beach hang of woods but I  got a there's a few trees that fallen down there's one these came down in storm  Dar last week uhoh get off this one up on the ridge it's very  exposed and the wind was coming   in from that direction and  knocked a few of the trees over ah this is a big one I'll tell you what it feels very  uh isolated lonely quiet up here   very quiet I don't think there been  many uh foot passengers or cyclists   coming along here tonight because the  weather is set to be a bit of a storm well I've made it to the beach  hangers it really is a beautiful place I'll tell you what we are up in the danger  zone cuz it's going to it's going to get that   in minus figures tonight and I've only been  up here for literally two or three minutes uh   just doing some video work on the trees and uh  I'm getting cold so I really got to uh find a   decent campsite uh get my shelter at my tent I'm  on I'm in the helm compact one so it's a a good   tent it will take a bashing it take a beating  uh but we just got to find that a loosest spot   now where I'll be safe so if a tree does come down  I'm not going to I'm not going to have it land on me I think I found this spot just down in here  the path literally about 10 15 yards that way all around I can hear a motorcycle yeah well there you go that's where the path  is uh yeah not going to be seen in here never motorcycle they shouldn't be riding that  this time of year it's closed until uh it's   closed from the 1st of October till the 31st of  April but I'm going to get down in there anyway for right that's it I'm in here tonight well it's about uh4 to 4 now gets dark  it's pretty dark by about halfast 4 so 45 minutes   to go and then it's dark but it's gone quite calm  it's quite eery there hardly any movement in the trees and uh yeah it's like that that  long before the storm anyway I've got   trees around me but they're all uh s of young  young trees and nothing big nothing big and   heavy is going to come down if anything does  come down hopefully nothing will these have   already survived a very strong storm so every  chance they're going to be safe not that you   can 100% guarantee that mine anyway um the tent  is pitched and I'm just going to chill out for a   little bit and then U get my dehydrated  meal on the go yeah hardly a breath of wind yeah i' I watch a another YouTube channel  called uh Lost Lakes I don't know if I ever come   across them absolutely fantastic proper proper  Wilderness anyway uh he's got a snack he makes   from um wraps peanut butter and uh honey so just  to keep the oil energy up I'm doing the same yeah   just to spread some peanut butter on my  wrap and add some honey apparently it's   uh very nutritious you know lots of uh  it's all carb I suppose but when you're   um putting the energy out like you  are on a bicycle self-propelled then   uh I think it's doesn't matter what you  eat really it's fuel let's get some on it and it's it's easy to pack as well so uh it's  light easy to pack messy not messy nothing to wash up so it's got to be uh a good option is it a PE of teeth that's all right starting to get a bit Grim out there now  to be honest with you rain's coming down I'm   just uh getting myself set up for the night it's  almost dark outside I've had to come into the tent   and zip the door down keep the keep the rain  out I'm going to get me dehydrated meal on   the go now got a little table a little metal  table so I can put my stove on the footprint   like on the table on the footprint and I'm not  going to mount my footprint so uh that's handy well the rain as you can hear is now  coming in but my my fireart meal is   ready it's been a good 15 20 minutes it's  um beef stew and pill barley it smells nice and I say uh looks like it's rehydrated  all right yeah kind of looks a bit like that there have a taste of it M that's right I think it's about 580 calories that's fine this one that lovely rain just a couple of inches   away out there cold and nasty  in here lovely warm and dry wow the wind's kind of coming and going  I still feel there's uh a bit more of   the storm to run yet but it is calming down  and it's getting a bit cold out as well so   I'm about to zip the uh door the tent up  and they going to turn the light out I'm   going to get my head down so uh I'll  see you all in the morning good night POA roaring out there now a roaring is Rich roast wow smells really nice all right for w

2024-12-26 06:15

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