Badami cave Temple ಬಾದಾಮಿ ಗುಹಾಂತರ ದೇವಾಲಯಗಳು Bagalkot Tourism Chalukya Dynasty temple of Karnataka

Badami cave Temple ಬಾದಾಮಿ ಗುಹಾಂತರ ದೇವಾಲಯಗಳು Bagalkot Tourism Chalukya Dynasty temple of Karnataka

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now we are at Badami, inside the Badami caves, with us is Vijendra Babu with us is guide Ramesh after watching my previous videos many of you took the guide services, for which u would like to thank you all after watching this video too, take guide service do not forget if you plan to come here he can arrange all things for you, be it hotel, food, transport if you contact him before visiting then you can comfortably visit badami, pattadakal and aihole good morning to all, wish you all a hearty welcome to Badami the most famous Historical place of Bagalkot when we consider in terms of architecture and carvings then the first place goes to Aihole second position goes to Badami third place is Pattadakal generally by any vehicle when we travel, second place we come across is Pattadakal from here 22 kms is Pattadakal and 35 kms is Aihole but if we go as per Chalukya's architecture and carvings then the order will be Aihole Badami and then Pattadakal these all are national monuments of historical importance My name is Ramesh for the last 12 years i have been working as a tourist guide in the whole of our country our first gratitude is towards the Archaeological survey of India because in 1958 if archaeological survey of India was not formed then for this generation or for the next generation there would have been no chance for them to see this grandeur and this significant part of history but when in 1958 the government took over these monuments since 1986 thousands of people have joined hand for its protection, excavation and research as per the senior citizens of Badami, north Karnataka surrounding areas here was very thick forest later after the government took charge of this place then they made provisions for this platform, parking, and ticket When our Karnataka's Mr. Deve Gowda become the Prime minister then the ticket system was introduced here, that we can observe here, prior to that there was no ticket system as you can see here there is sufficient place for vehicle parking, so many vehicles can be parked here Me: if more tourists come what will they do? in case of excess inflow of tourists then on either side of the approach road the provision is made for parking the vehicles Me: how many steps are there guide: there are 240 steps here Badami is a Deccan plateau in sanskrit it is dhakana that is the deccan plateau Badami is around 586 meters above sea level for the first time in the deccan plateau in our Karnataka a hindu kingdom was first built and was ruled by the Kadamba Dynasty with pride we can say that there is a inscription which was written in Kannada known as Halmidi inscription that was found in the village known as halmidi 4th to 6th century the Kadambas capital was Banavasi that becomes a part of the coastal area of karavali region after Kadambas in our southern part of India why do we refer to it as deccan plaeteau or southern part of India and not as Karnataka is because since prior to 1956 these states did not exist no Karnataka, no Maharashtra, no Tamil Nadu then amongst the thousand of Hindu kingdoms emerged in this south Indian region Kadamba, Sathavahana, Chalukya, Kalyani Chalukyas, Rastrakutas and lastly our Hampi vijayanagara empire 14th to 16th century after them the rule was taken over by the Bahamani sulatans the second Hindu kingdom was built by Chalukyas the significant kings of this kingdom are Jayasimha and Ranaraga for Jayasimha and Ranaraga the first and foremost kingdom was Aihole Aihole and Pattadakal are flat land they have built ground level temple on it when the chalukyas were ruling in this part of south Inida at the same time another Hindu kingdom was built by Pallavas Mahabalipuram, Kanchipuram Pallavas but from the time enimity developed between chalukyas and pallavas then during the time of Pullakeshi first and himmadi pullakeshi the capital was changed from Aihole to Badami now as we can see this place badami has range of mountains there are series of water sources or lakes forest ranges are there the responsibility of the king was that for his citizens a safe place was required, such a place they found such a secure place in Badami hence they made it their capital Badami is a political point so now as part of history if we need to mention the chalukyas we refer to them as Badami Chalukyas they are not referred to as aihole chalukyas or Patadakal chalukyas, they are known as Badami Chalukyas this is one great political place just like current Delhi for current economic importance place we can refer to Mumbai this was a political important place for the chalukyas here they have used red stand stone 120 kms from here is Bijapura there they have used Basalt stone 120 kms from here is Hampi hampi is surrounded by granite boulders such a amazing mix of rock formation nature has gifted us Badami is the center if we go this side then it is Hampi if we go north then it is Bijapura in the center of South of North is this Badami located these are stand stone mountains accordingly to hundreds of geographical scientists research these mountains were submerged in the sea millions of years ago because the stones submerged in water, when it is taken and cut the colour of the stone on the inside will be different layers, sedimentary rocks these mountains in Badami and the colours of these stones when we see inside we can see different colours, like blue colour even till date similar to this upto 5 kms of Badami there is a bounder, single range mountain not like Hampi it is not seperate boulders, it is a single boulder the outside stone colour naturally it is Almond colour, Almond is also known as Badam Hence this is a name given based on the Nature the name of Badami was not derived out of any story but based on the Natural occurrence the place got its Name, due to its Badam colour all stone colour here is Almond colour hence when we refer to this place of history it is known as Badami Badami is not the headquaters of the Taluk of approximate population of 36,000 this is a place of historical importance when a sculptor has to make a cave he has to do a experiment why he has to do the experiment is here at the time of making the cave temple if by mistake one pillar, a single pillars hand, nose, leg, at the time of doing the carving if it were to get cut here there is no possibility of second chance here is only single chance be it a sculptor or a civil engineer prior to starting carving on such a single boulder he will do a demo or he has to do a demo this chalukyas architecture and carving experimental place was Aihole that was one of the school architecture, that was aihole it is known as the cradle of India Hindu temple architecture, that is aihole this is the political centre badami so before starting to carve out the caves in these boulder of badami prior to this, at aihole they had selected three small boulders and in it they have tried carving out 3 caves and learnt from it thereafter here in the 6 th century they selected a big boulder they have shown us beautiful carvings when they have to build a cave or when they have to carve a cave here they will not work from bottom to top generally when carving a boulder they will start from top and finish at the end because if they start from bottom and go towards the top then the designs carved at the bottom, the stone which fall from top will damage the designs below when carving the cave they will start carving from top and them come below when they reach down they will not make any such carvings be it Shiva, Vishnu, Buddha or Jaina they will not carve any statues their first and foremost effort is towards in a simple manner to drill the cave just to drill, drill to the extent that it reaches to the end area of the garbhagudi garbhagraha a place to place the idol that is known as garbhagudi, in it there may be an idol of shiva or vishnu or any god once the end of that garbhagudi is reached from there those sculptors very delicately keep carving all idols then they start coming to the outer area the finishing of these kind of pillars are done then when they have to gone in to remove the stones from inside the designs here would get spoilt in a rough and tough manner with a pre plan in their mind the sculptor has a pre plan in his mind that i want a pillar on the right and a pillar on left and i need to pillars in the center roughly he will carve the pillars and then he will continue straight drilling inwards here it may take two years to go from outer side to inner side consider there may have been around 50 people, amongst who around 25 may be sculptors in 1 or 2 years they will roughly drill and go inside for coming inside to out that takes a lot of time it may take 5 or 6 years to drill these kind of stones what happens in these caves as per the vastu of carvings here will be the mukha mantapa second will be the sabha mantapa and the last one will be garbhagudi when we see the monuments at Hanpi, Belur, Halebidu, badami, pattadakallu, aihole when we see the stone carved temples of these places in it firstly we will see is the garbhagudi secondly sabha mantapa and thirdly would be the mukha mantapa there the way we build a home, the way the temple is built is different here drilling a boulder here is different here they have to go inward drilling the boulder, there they have to construct the temple in the process move outward be it any kind of constructed temples or caves carved out of boulders where there is sun light only there for the citizens to see they make very vibrant carvings done by the sculptors so that it can be observed and studied since in those days there was no electrical power, torch etc so where ever there is sun light beautiful carvings where done there as tall as the boulder is there so much deep is it within the earth notice the shape of the standing boulder the sand mixed stone is like this here chalukyas in 6th to 8 th century made total of 4 caves here first is shiva this is the first cave of the 6th century it belongs to Shaiva sect second belongs to vaishnava sect, vaishnava refers to Vishnu even the third cave is of vaishnava that is vishnu at the last cave there are jain carvings there is also a naturural cave known as Panipeta a confluence of all religion here they have shown the inspiration for all religion now we are going to see the first cave which was done during the time of Pulakeshi 1, this cave has shivas carvings and related to Shaiva sect in the whole of our country a very fascinating idol here is that of the Nataraja because of the different hand postures we see Nataraja statue in many places there will be 2 hands, 4, 6 for example in tanjavoor tamil nadu, a 12 hand nataraja statue carved has been carved there if we observe we cab see the Nataraja with 18 hands Nataraj means the one well versed in the art of dance the meaning of temple according to Vedas we all are aware of Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda but here you see you can find four more vedas, shilpa veda(science of art and craft) gandharva veda( a Vedic science on the influence of sound and music in all, including the body and soul of the yogi.) Dhanurveda ( bow knowledge) Ayurveda(The Science of Life) Shilpa veda refers to the science of architecture gandharvaveda the science of dance Dhanurveda the science of archery for a King to rule a kingdom he has to fight war with other kings or they will have to do agreement with them last comes ayurveda which consists of a lot of things here is the idol of Nataraja, here who carved this idol that sculptor was completely aware about Bharatantya dance form only a person who knows it will have to do it here a sculptor who does not know this art cannot do this carving, it is not possible because here if by mistake a leg or hand gets cut then there is no provision available here for the mistake in the carving to be rectified by making it in another stone and joining it in that place hence those sculptors would study all about Bharatanaya thereafter they would carve such a a nice carving here in this Bharatanaya here we can see around 81 positions that is the idol of Nataraja having 18 hands on his left side there are 9 hands on the right to there are 9 hands depicting mudras 9x9=81 in it we can see certain beauties in the form of mudra by deducting these 8 hands the permutation and combination will be there in the hands it will be very different, after deducting those 8 hands when we take only one hand as such from the left if we count the hands on the right each position we observe differently this is known as Gaja hasta mudrina like an elephants trunk gajahastamudra this will remain same only the right hand will keep changing from there when we come to this side mustihastamudra musti like a fist this side in the hand is damaruhasta mudra in this hand is the Damaruhasta mudra the next hand is the abhayahasta mudra or varahasta mudra the Bharatanatya here 2000 years before was Bharata muni he was a great dance master with bhava (expression) Raga, tala only when all these three combine then it becomes bharatanatya if all those three do not combine then it becomes some other dance here Shivas dance is of Lalitha natya chatur tandava with grandeur dancing a top a lotus flower if shiva is angry and dances then it is known as ugra tandava natya then he will be standing on a rakshasa (demon) this is Lalitha natya tandava this Shiva when doing dance, even Ganesha there is dancing he looks very naughty his truck, his hand posture due to his belly stomach he is not able to dance he is the great education minister, he is standing in this posture before shiva and ganeshas dance there is a person there playing the murdangam in our country, we see dance of various forms in other states and culture for doing any kind of dance form music or song is required when some music is played only then the dancer is able to dance therefore musician is important here then come the dancer even our archaeological department proactively cleans it above that nataraja patch work has been done that we can observe before 1958 for wind, sun and rain all that got cracked now nicely patch work has been done to maintain it even these steps are carved out of the same boulder on the right side of nataraja is the statue of mahishasura mardini the statue with four hands mahishasura mardini here 1500 years ago be it pulakeshi first or himmadi pulakeshi be it any king a king is a king how ever famous the king may be, his queen will also have equal importance and standing in society means during this chalukyas society as much as status and respect a man had, same status and respect a woman to had in their society there is no great male, and no great female both were equal here you can see Ardhanareshwara from this side if we can see parvathi notice the breast and bangles in the hand is a lotus flower unique pumpkin style hair do in here hand is a makeup box now a days lady purchase makeup box this side is parvathi this side we can see shiva serpa kundali, the ring in the ear half moon and in his hand is the snake he is like shivas assistant here is bringi sadhu here is shivas vehicle nandi ardanarinareshwara but here prior to 1500 years now thousands of students of BAMS and MBBS study the structure of human body which vein is connected where and how it is as per the medical science of those days those sculptors after doing indepth study have made the carving of such a statue be it hips, ribs be it the knee cap or the veins the way the fingers fold eyebrow, the sight of his eyes the skull all this was carved prior to 1500 years in 6th 7th and 8 th century this kind of the sculpting art done on stone at time time how magnificent it would have been now after lapse of 1500 years and more being exposed to sun, wind, rain, it still stands here so elegantly now if it is so nice, imagine how magnificent it would have been back then the ardhanari made by the then sculptors any new couple when sitting in a park they will be in a very delicate, enjoyable moment observe on the pillar above here loving couples they are intimate with each other on there either sides there area their assistant's they are not noticing them one lady is noticing them and wondering how they are sitting like this she is keeping her hand like this and seeing another lady is holding a box in her hand she is holding that box in one hand and looking at an angle towards them she is looking at them shyly, we can see here as to how the sculptors imagination before 1500 years a proof that we were advanced in Ajantha, ellora, aihole, pattadakal, badami, hampi way before the western countries our country was far developed in those days notice on the roof are the apsaaras or angels holding a sword in one hand here is the snake adishesha shesha nagaraja, there you can see two of his hands are broken Me: This had hands as well is it? yes and the hands had a lotus those hands have got cut the technology available back then was at present we have technology for wood cutting, stone cutting but here back then using chisel and hammer they have cut the stones you can notice how perfect and neatly are the cutting done not just the cut on the pillar are carvings of keerthimukha, jewellery designs, birds and animals the history of that time the have carved here is a imaginary bird there is a fish and a lady depicting the scene of a lady holding a fish in many places here the department has done a good job of patch work this is not the original one, this here is a patch work, done using pieces of bricks and other things the chalukya king when he used to rule the kingdom at that time at that time the religions that existed at time were Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism among hindus there were Vaishnava and Shaiva among buddhist there were hinayana and mahayana among jains were swetambara and digambara the similar way in Islam there is shia and sunni here prior to 1500 years during the time of chalukyas rule amongst themselves there was some discomfort, due to which people used to fight amongst themselves some would claim that Vaishnavism are superior and some would claim that Shaivism is superior here the sculptors through the policy of the kingdom what they depict here is that there may be many names of god, but god is only one they have shown that people should not fight on these lines but now for political interest it is being done this is Hari hara here one side we can see vishnu or Hari Vaishnava is found of jewellers notice the jewellery shanka held in the hand next to vishnu is goddess lakshmi lakshmi is wife of Vishnu in between them is garuda we can see his two wings this portion depicts Vaishnava this side is shaiva here is the snake of shiva on his head is the moon on the head is the half moon when we say that vaishnava is found of jewellery above vishnus head will be the crown for shiva there will be the crown of matted locks of hair next to shiva is parvathi devi Parvathi shiva and in between them is Nandi Nandi is vehicle of shiva on one side is garuda and on the other side is nandi this depicts that neither is vaishnava superior nor is shaiva superior all religions are equal this is like a family package this is known as hari hara now a days the scooters have a wide seat on such wide seat ladies find it difficult to sit with their legs on either sides so what they do is they will keep their legs on single side had will hold the shoulder of the person riding the scooter or they make commonly hold them near the hip area how was the life journey of shiva and parvathi back then? a very beautiful imagination of the artist notice parvathis both legs on the same side parvathi is holding shivas hip this is a situation that occurs in life of travelling here is a dwarapalaka in high alert a dwarapalaka holding a trisula this carving below, you might have seen in hampi as well when you look at it from one side here is nandi with tail and four legs here is nandi from this side when you see it, you can see the elephant a mighty animal elephant and the related to shaivas is this nandi we can see here this is two in one done in 6th century in 15th 16th century too they have carved this in hampi too inside the garghagudi here is a shivalinga under neath it is the peeta in hampi and belur the peetas are always oval in shape but here the peeta is square in shape this shiva linga is also carved out of a single stone here they come from outer side to the inner side this is single stone this is a monolithic piece mukha mantapa, sabha mantapa and here is a garbhagudi sometimes when it rains a lot in June, July, august, September when it rains in excess leading to flood, little bit of water keeps coming in from there because on top of this mountain the kind of mud is sand the sand is always like a sponge when that sponge is put into a bucket of water it on its own absorbs the water here the sand too will be similar, it will be very smooth in one or two hours the water will get drained this kind of hole was made back in those days all this was there since those days notice there are two joints in the layers of the stones when carved further, there will be another hence they have not ventured deep inside to drill they stopped till here and then made designs and carvings and moved outside on the pillar you can see a butterfly that design from far appears like a butterfly it appears like that of a lily flower here we can see the fighting of the lion and the elephant on each of these pillars we can see birds, animals, lotus these kind of jewellery too they have carved here certain things have been improved and renovated here in that the first thing is the steps around 242 steps those in front of the temple, in front and at the rear of the caves all this our archaeology department has renovated we saw the first cave and when we in front of the second cave we can see a mesmerising sight here below here is a lake, a artificial lake known as Agasthya lake prior to 1500 years The river is around 7 Kilometers far away from here, is the mallapura river back then for the people who resided here the basic requirement of certain quantity of water before the drilling of such caves they have made a provision for water this is rain water hardly around 20 percentage of spring water gets gathered here 80 to 85 percentage is rain water alone through out the year it will be there, but only if there is good there then more water will be there this year it has rained sufficiently hence water is there Me: few years ago, there was shortage of rainfall, then? then all this has completely got dried in those ancient times this was a pure water source the pure water or mineral water is known as ayurvedic due to the various kinds of tress in the surrounding hills and mountains when it rains the water from mountains get accumulated here that water turns into mineral water the water with mineral contents if a person with skin problem takes a dip in here then his condition would get cleared at present it has become dhobi ghat or clothes washing area they wash cattle, clothes, do fishing here the agasathay lake has turned into washer mens paraside for a civil engineer to construct anything across the river, he can do it in two ways one we call it a dam another we call it a bridge here is a dam this side is south, that is north means all caves are facing north they have built a dam from this mountain to that in these houses people are residing the government, as per their request, have provided them with alternate place and money and around 92 houses have quickly shifted the houses, that work has started including those houses will be romoved because this place is still not included in the world heritage site list in Karnataka only two places are included in the list hampi and pattadakal but badami and aihole are not part of the for people to reach the place in safety , they will require proper roads if that is done then it will surely include it in the list here the dam has steps to climb and get down this water will be here, but this lake there in the northern direction that temple over there when it rains excessively the water when reaches the level of the peeta the minute 1 feet of water touches there then the excess water will flow out this way there the place those children are walking, through that gate water fowls out on its own the minute the water touches the temple steps water automatically will start to flow out from here this is a situation that occurs during rainy season, the excess water flows out that is upper shivalaya below that you can see the mantapa there that is the lower shivalaya this is the south Indian style Dravidian shikara that is the southern style after the first came now we are going to the second cave vaishnava cave here for vishnu, Jaya and Vijaya are the Dwarapalakas are there inside similar to Ajanta, Ellora, Elephanta, karla, bhaja more that 800 caves are there in our India the artists who drill these caves require salary in any office now for recording of time in and time out there is bio metric system at the time of leaving from work too we need to put our thumb impression before entry also bio metric reading is taken , prior to that in the registers we used to sign now we have pen, pencil and all back then for artists when they used to drill such caves even in Hampi you may have noticed it this kind of entry they used to make daily and then receive the payment there after week days, week ends, seven days three days this has been confirmed based on research done by the archaeology department their skill of dance is being displayed by the dwarf people just a style there is a person holding a water pot and showing off his skill, posing such just like how now a days people talk over the mobile phone in style its is only a form of dwarf and not dwarf community just a style prior to 1958 the local people used to reside here some of them for grinding the corn they had made the grinding stone even now in rural areas they use it, as there is no electricity yes local people used to reside here here local people have carved this for playing various games these all are proofs to show that people use to reside here above on the roof, in vishnus dashavatara the first form or avatara is the matsya avatara see how clear it is matysa tool on that side is the swasthik this swasthik starts from where and ends where that we can make out it starts from there and ends here, in all four corners we can make out but this swastik is endless swasthik where it begins and where it stops we cannot make out see the display of their intelligence you too will know of the Keralas Ananthapadmanabha temple there they also found a amazing golden statue similar statue we can see here above Ananthasheshasahina vishnu sleeping on top of the snake he is in style taking rest, as we can see here this is vishnus 5th avatara is vaamana avatara here is king bali here is his guru Sukracharyaru all these are his family and the soldiers when he after wining the pathala, came to bhooloka he on winning did a religious ritual , there after he starts giving charity and donation to brahmins and people why he started doing so is because he wanted to go to Indra loka or deva loka if he goes to deva loka then it would create a lot of problem for the devas there then vishnu put on the disguise of a Brahmin and comes to booloka at that time, suknacharya knew that he was not a real brahmin but vishnu in disguise he warns the king not to get into any agreement with him but king feels that in my court and Brahmin has come first i need to welcome him that is part of the kings duty athithi devo bhava(guest is equal to god) when any guest comes home, first we do not offer, coffee, tea or food for that guest when glass of water is offered then for that guest it is equivalent to amrutha(nectar) here in his hand is a water pot when he is in the process of prouring water to vishnus hand for sankalpa within that duration of pouring the water the guru assumed a tiny form, the size of a gnat and entered into the spout to block the flow of water from the pot. then he realises that this is the great guru shukunacharaya when he was seated inside the pot, and using a blade of grass, when he was poked then his one eye gets damaged that is why he also known as oklanna shukracharyaru after he comes out of the pot water flows out, he takes the water and does it such king tells make any wish my life has become complete i dont want any thing if you give me space to keep three steps that will suffice he says as the agreement has already been done he agrees to it thereafter vishnu takes on a mighty form he stands tall starting from earth and till beyond the sky then the King feels that i should have listened and heeded to the warning of my guru then Vishnu as his first step keep his feet on booloka the whole of booloka get covered in that step the second step he keeps it on the sky in the sky you can notice sun and moon is depicted sun is smiling that good has happend since king bali has not come up to indraloka we are safe now, hence smiling when vishnu starts to keep his leg on the sky then a soldier who was part of King Balis army that soldier is holding vishnus leg and trying to pull it down the power is so much that when the mighty legs of vishnu goes up that person falls down from the height when a soldier comes along with a king they have to come carrying all their weapons and safety gear they should be wearing the head gear, holding the sword in one hand and shield in the other a person if he falls from such a height then the part of the human body which has weight, that is the head when a person falls from height his is most likely to injure his head not to legs notice that person falling , which part of the body in on the lower side head is on the lower side in his hands are the shield and the sword he is falling down notice he is also wearing the head safety gear helmet. Helmet was compulsary then vishnu tells now third step where shall i keep, as first step is over at booloka and second on the sky saying i will not go back on my words, the King tells keep your third step on my head notice the intelligence of the artist there He has not shown that step, as it is our culture it is not just the artists culture but the culture of whole of India a person be it his enemy, or saint or who ever he may be, he will have a status and respect here the third step is not shown the third step as per our Hindu mythology he keeps it on the Bali Kings head and pushes him into Patala they have not depicted that, the King was given that respect before placing the third step he requests to all god and goddesses after going to patala and when returning come only for a single day at that time the people in booloka will worship you and send you back now when we celebrate deepawali we offer pooje to him there was such a good tradition that they have depicted here a king was an enemy to his enemy was a saint to the saints each of these stories were taught to people in 1607 after East India company came in, between 17 and 18th century more than 200 judges came to India from England what was their hairdo? they wore white curly hair do that hair do we refer it to be of England, but it is not of England foreign countries copied it from our country our people allowed them to enter it as it is their style, not ours the support group for them was our Country men as you can see here, this kind of hair do existed earlier in our country they all are musicians here is flute, mruganda, dance positions they knew each of the musical instruments, here we can see the beautiful hair style to carve such a boulder, they will generally require a sketch, notice here is a face, two eyes, nose, neck, shoulder, this is a mark thereafter using hammer and chisel they would remove the stone around it this is the sketching style inside here is the sabha mantapa there are no idols inside prior to 1958 some people in search of treasure, assuming that they may find panchaloha(a combination of 5 metal) inside the peeta the idols from here who took it, where there is proof of it as of now only the peeta remains notice the performance of the two soldiers here in olden mythological movies or drama, we can see the war like scene with soldiers holding shield and the sword here with love asking his wife, what does she want, notice the style here are two maids on either sides and they are not looking with shyness in the previous one we saw earlier they were shy , but here they are free inside the sabha mantapa there will be no carvings because her there is no natural light, and no cross ventilation outside where there are natural light in those areas the carvings are more among vishnus avataras Matsya, kurma, varaha fourth is ugra narasimha fifth is vamana sixth is parashurama seventh is rama eighth is krishna 9th is budha 10th is kalki it is said this is the third avatara, varahaswamy avatara when hiranyaksha rakshasha when he takes away boo devi to patalaloka to bring back boo devi vishnu takes the form of a wild boar, face of a wild boar on his way down, here you can see adi shesha shesha nagaraja is there below so much respect is shown to him here vishnu is not directly standing on the snake he is standing on top of a lotus flower with the help of this adi shesha snake he goes inside annihilate the rakshasha there after the boodevi is brought up to booloka such by the varaha avatara this is chalukyas emblem, royal stamp varaha is the royal emblem here they have carved stories of every day life when we close this part this person is here when we close the people on either side that person is on the right this person is here, this one is here, and this one is here this a special carving here this cave these are known as natural caves the cave in between is not man made there is a statue of Buddhas statue with lotus in his hand that is an incomplete statue this is naturally formed thousands of years ago it is 200-300 millions years back rock created becouse of volcanic eruption the cave was formed long back slowly climb up the rock is a little smooth here here the surface is very smooth it is like butter, there is a lot of chances for slipping so have to walk carefully here is Panipita Buddha statue with a lotus in the hand , the statue is incomplete, here is ganesha carving Me: is this also a ancient structure yes it is an ancient structure but not of chalukyas period, as per historians it is of 14th century here is a way for going up this we call as gupta(secret) marga(path) tunnel way is different if the path is carved inside the earth then it is a tunnel way this is a secret way to go up inside the steps are quite large some steps have been done by our department this improvement they have done nicely inside the way is zig zag up there is a open ground a large open ground above that open ground there are granaries to store food grains in our villages we keep things inside the earth for 2 meters corn, pulses, millets, to store them in case of drought in those situations those food stock are taken out and used in case of situation like war or any other unforeseen situation then that food is taken out and consumed here it is on top but on that hill too it is there, there we will be able to see here is a fort related to Tippu Sultan there is a cannon to above it the cannon of 18th century now this is locked by our department and the police as well due to cases of suicide also there are thousands monkeys there if some tourists wearing a bag, standing on the edge taking a photo monkeys are monkeys they are animals they cannot be compared to humans, they tend to jump of bag, due to which the person would have fallen down so that no one should go towards the edge the department has closed it some times they open it to clean it notice the Islamic arch made out of bricks up there in the history of our country these bricks were present even in Before Chirst (B C) era not just AD even in BC it was present even in chalukya period for the foundation of certain temples they have used bricks this we can see in Aihole in the earliest temples in aihole here it is later addition, we can see a arch on top even mortar is used here when Adil shahis in 17th century were ruling Bijapur then a minister related to their kingdom built a mosque here means either way badami was political centre this is similar to Gol Gumbaz in our country, the biggest boulder drilled and cave is made at the Ajanta Kailasanatha caves that was in 8th or 9th century means the king of Rastrakutas king Krishna 1st got the cave done that cave is very large this is the second largest caves in India this cave has been so detailed now a days to cut a paper how we use a scale and scissor to cut similarly those sculptors very nicely from right to left very neatly in a same length they have cut it this cave was carved from 566 to 578 AD that is total of 12 years as per historians to drill 4 cave then approximately 36 years they have taken, but there is no record of how many people have worked for creating this this alone they took 12 years it is said later king Mangalesha after the completion of this cave in the inscription it is mentioned that he gifted it to his brother Keerthivarma Maha vishnu Ananata aasana anantha sheshasayana is when sleeping on the snake here is ananata aasana on the face is a slight smile the style of a complete relaxed posture the crown on the head is very beautiful on the crown notice the five faced snake, adishesha here vishnu is a beautiful relaxed posture equally in a relaxed posture is lakshmi and garuda or eagle that is why it is said citizen like king this is not high alert situation, so why would others be alert even he too is in a relaxed mood means human mind doesnt keep working all the time rest also is to be taken, how much is required only so much rest should be taken this is Ananta aasana sitting on a snake vishnu is found of jewels be it the necklace, the armlets, sudarshana chakra notice his dress he is wearing a shawl here we can see the design of the dress but he is Maha vishnu the beauty of his weapons and instruments sword in his hand, aggressive look a soldier when going for war that style is depicted there aggressive form vishnu on his head is aggressive form narasimha his face is of lion body of man he is in high alert notice that sword is broken notice here is a chinese dragon kind of figure this is a imaginary animal these colourful paints are herbal paintings Me: are these of that era too? yes paint of 1500 years ago are still there these are herbal paints before 1500 years even the ladies used to consume alcohol not alcohol, it is Somapana here legs are going cross, she is not able to stand next to her a donkey is eating something she is not aware of her surrounding she is floating in her own thoughts this side are the drunken couples darpana sundari, we see them at belur and halebidu as well yes here too it is there, the lady combing her hair here we can see a beautiful girl she is standing under the mango tree and taking rest next to her is a ladies doll when we stand here and see it appears like a human form when you look at it from this side it is in a monkey form it looks like a monkey from that side it is human, from this side it is monkey as per historians the darwin theory talks of monkey to man, our people had done it way before it evolution of life notice the stones how beautiful it is, they are natural stone layers blue green white pink colour just like in Rajasthan marble stone even in this sand stone we can see this kind of colours these all are natural colours here is vishnu vehicle garuda is here on the roof side this side portion of the roof is made such to avoid the rain and sun from coming in above that too they have made a carving but inside there is no statue of Vishnu here above too is brahma vishnu and that side is shiva brahma vishnu and maheshwara this is where they mix all the colours, palates we used to mix colours for painting this way colours were mixed later on on the roof side it would be dried observe it a little slowly the green painting which is there below that green painting you will be able to see the face of four women those ladies face will be so beautiful below the green colour are a group of women notice their hairstyle all this is painting similar to Ajantha ellora Tanjavor she after excessive drinking when in a confused state a person be it a man or a women when drunk their body language will not be tight everything will be loose all parts will shake in all ways notice how is her hand it is loose like this it shakes he is holding in hand and giving it to her, she is saying i have had enough no more that face is not facing him, it is as if saying that is enough for me, i have had too much she is turning the other side and her hands have fallen to the other side that artists imagination only on this part they have done the patch work here they have used cement we can make out that patch work has been done then they had sati pati means when a family goes to any worshipping temple as per our hindu culture they will wear a lot of jewellery very grand saree will be worn in the hand they will carry a basket of flowers observe here notice here saree how neat it is saree has pearls and precious stones jewellery in her hand is a flower basket when going to temple this is the traditional dress code here is the hair do of those days 1500 years ago ladies used to wear bermuda it is not plain it has designs in it notice back then they had six pack no stomach now post lock down all of our tummy is starting to show even ladies didnt have tummy health is wealth, here it is plain no design, both are wearing same shorts how they used to learn Natya shastra(art of dance)? when we see this we are reminded of Bollywood movie that is of Anil Kapoor and Aishwarya the movie Taal in Taal movie there is a song Taal se Taal mila in that movie when Aishwarya dances she has to lift her leg and turn such but when they came here for Guru movie shooting abhishek bachan with aishwarya shooting was done here when they saw this they were surprised to such a dance position we have to learn after getting admission for us to lift our leg this hig we find it difficult how they had such imagination was because they had learnt these arts in chalukya times they had learnt all these art after that they used to do this notice in her leg are anklets they have shown a beautiful dance form this is vijayanarasimha avatara Ugra Narasimha means Vishu annihilates hiranyakashupu after he wins, this is vijaya narasimha, there is smile on his face any person who achieves success in his work then they will be very happy, very relaxed and calm no BP only happy on his head is the lotus flower when in high tension, when BP goes above 100. now a days due to availability of medical doctor

they advise to keep ice cube on top of the head to cool off here is lotus instead of ice cube in the whole world the lotus is always found in water 24 hrs this flower stays in water, as a symbol of the water that lotus has been placed on his head that is having the effect of the ice cube he finished annihilating hiranyakashupu it is over now no tension so now he is happy with a smile, he is vijaya narasimha avatara here padma gada all has got cut there no proof as to who cut it this side is hari hara that side is vishnu in his hands is shanka this side is shiva half vishnu half shiva inside is spacious sabha mantapa from here it looks like a assembly hall like the kings Durbar hall or courtyard with grandure, when the king summons the court, king sits in a elevated place and place for the citizens to sit on both the sides the pillars are of different styles some are square, rectangle, cylinder here they have made various types of pillars but here too there is no statue they have taken away everything only the peeta remains here are jaya, vijaya dwarapalakas here only couples are there in comparison to the mukhamantapa they have not done some much carvings here a vast cave when we observe such a large boulder Badamis another name is Vaatapipura not history, it is just legend there is no proof for it i tell you, you tell others , such though word of mouth it gets passed on Vaata pura(town) there was a rakshasa by name Vaatapi Vaatapi and Ilwala these two were gaints they would not go out in search of food people on their own use to come infront of them as their food how they do it is? Vaatapi takes the form of a goat both brothers had magical powers they would cut a goat and invite people for lunch the people who come for lunch when they finish their lunch what Ilawala rakshasa would do is He would call out to Vaatapi to come out then he used to tear open the stomach of the people who have had lunch and come out such vaatapi rakshasa would come out outside would be Ilawala, then people all would immediately die at the same time a great sage comes that way, known as Agasthaya munni he know what all they have been doing. they invite him too for lunch the minute food is had before Ilawala raksha can say he is aware of what these bothers with magical powers are upto when he says Vaatapi get digested, then he gets digested from the stomach later when Ilawala calls for vaatapi to come out nothing happens to undo the mistake that both of them did what they do is then they request for forgiveness it is said that then Vatapi took the form of this boulder this is one of the monolithic boulder hence vaatapi pura, pura means town just like Jodhpur, Manipur, Vatapi pura or Badami not only in this cave, when we go to see any ancient cave temple in our country inside these caves if one pillar becomes disfigured, then it cannot be replaced even if that pillar falls this cave will not collapse this is a monolithic as much as the boulder is above the earth so much it will be below the earth as foundation here is Brahma his vehicle swan is here., chaturmuka brahma only three face of his we are able to see here these all are Astadigpalakaru those around now all bats are there these are angels, apsaras, surrounded with coluds in there hand is the sword background indicates clouds it has got cut, umbrella is there but its body is cut in the second cave it was there the same thing it is here notice the roof style, this is done in front of all houses and building if this is not done then rain water will come in all the way for the support they have cut it very neatly and clearly, we can observe even with blade we cannot cut it so neatly so great of the workers this part has got cut and fallen off yes this is the imaginary animal yali any animal no matter how strong it is but in front of human it is zero the human has lifted that animal such he has twisted the tail of the lion and held it such he is able to domesticate animals how ever strong the animal may be, he is able to domesticate the animal, be it elephant, lion, giraffe etc the animal that talks is human before starting the ticket system this way was not available there was a separate way to come to the Jain cave before this under the ASI at that time they made this way all this has been done recently this wall to come there was a different route look how colourful the pattern on the rock is, it appears like tiger skin the jain cave come let us go in this cave was made during the time of Himmadi pulakeshi this is a jain cave, the chalukyas were vaishnavas and shaivas, Hindu yet like other kings chalukyas did not convert they did not convert to jainism or buddhism but here they have taken equal care of every one they have encouraged every one vaishnava is not superior, shaiva is not superior, jainism is not superior, buddhism is not superior they gave support to every one in this last cave there is this statue of Bahubali Statue we see the same statue at shravanabelagola that is done on a monolitic or single stone this bahubali state is of 7th century opposite to it is Parashunatha 23rd thirthankara Parshunatha there will a snake above his head below are padmavathi and dharmendra supporting him when he is doing meditation the thirthankara has the status of a guru this is not swetambara this is digambara they do not wear dress swetambara means white dress it gives us a feeling of the sky, that is the people of swetambara sect hence this is not jain basadi but jaina basadi out of the area there is no monastery area a place where saints reside hinayana mahayana here is thriratna mukuta is umbrella thirratna mukuta above the head to become a thirtankara one needs to have all the qualities buddha said that desire is the cause of all sorrows one need to ensure good health one should have knowledge should have good qualities, all these should be there here symbolic is the lion engraved below the posture is of idol is in padmasana the person the other side is in Kadgasana he was born in Bihar in 6th century BC Buddha and Mahaveer are of same period before him was buddha he was from Nepal Lumbini this place has another name just like vatapi pura, Badami similarly this is known as Meghana Basadi and mena megha means cloud, basadi refers to jain religious center a temple as tall as the clouds hence this jain basadi is also known as Meghana Basadi for the sculptors back then these rocks were like wax for them like a cake of soap or candle, it can be carved quickly we can see the proof that these all are human created caves this is one small cave known as Jaina basadi when it rains excessively, then the water will flow out from inside this the water flows now low level of water, the water will reach up to this height this all has been slightly reconstructed by ASI 1500 years ago this pathway was done for the rain water to flow out for the lake water to flow out from here the purpose of this path is that there is a temple over there that is most important the King wished to have a view point at the bank of the lake the temple was built a resting place was required, shiva temple if this path was not constructed then that temple would get submerged, then there was no point it building the temple after realising that they must have done this path way, this was done during the time of Chalukyas later this was improved by ASI Me: so much water with such speed comes in through this from here where does to flow to? from here it goes and joins Mallapura river 5 kms from here it goes to mallapura river via Banashankari building this was inevitable every year in the month of june july august september when it rains excessively then even the local people become happy to swim here during the time of the water flow to catch fish that is a season for them to enjoy Me: so they catch fish here yes ganesha this was the maha dwara, the roof has fallen notice the hole above to lock the roof in place Me: here mantapa kind of structures are there these are small mantapas, here you can see the kumba, poorna kumba or kalasha above all Hindu temple shikaras this kalasa will be placed it is a water pot so neatly they have carved it above every temple for example notice on that temple top notice the kalasha above the Mallikarjuna temple all this is artificial lake and the step is man made compared to this place that areas is 2 feet higher here it is 2 feet below in comparison to that place that 2 feet or 1 meter extra water when it comes this side all this and the technique was used the lake and the path way was built way back in those days now a days the place is getting dirty back then there was no plastic no pollution this used to give all happiness, and like a wholesome meal this was filled with the goodness of ayurveda now a days it is fast generation, fast food water too is getting polluted quickly every day the concerned ASI department cleans this place of all the plastic if they do not clean it then the local people will not be able to wash the clothes it would not only get so dirty but it would start to emit foul smell since there is no river here, hence it has become inevitable for them to use this for purpose of washing clothes Me: then in summer how do people manage here? in summer it is best to start morning by 8 am up to 12 in the noon 12 to 3 pm is lunch and rest time 3 pm to 6 pm again we can comfortably view the places in rainy season this turns into a scenic beauty where you can see water falls at various points from this boulder the water falls in the colour of the milk Me: rainy season will be in which month here? rainy season is in July and August from there the water will fall, but here there will be no water because in the month of feb, march, april , may when the heat increases the water level decreases when water level decreases only in the centre there will be water then at the temple front since it is at a height there will no water there then the water from the falls will come there there is a gate near that temple there the locals come for fun bath and to enjoy this opportunity is available in the month of july and august Me: will the falls be seen every day or is it only on the day it rains? it will only be for 3 to 4 days because since up there, under water or storage point is not there, the water has to come on to it, there is no water point on it it will only be there for 2 to 3 day and then it will stop flowing from top this place is such that through out the year tourists can come and visit the places of Aihole, Badami and Pattadakal only in summer we will have to come from 8 in the morning to 12 noon and 1 pm to 3 pm is rest times there after again from 3 pm to 6 pm we can see the places

2021-04-04 03:56

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