Are motorhomes welcome on the NC500? With highlands2hammocks

Are motorhomes welcome on the NC500? With highlands2hammocks

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[Music] it's another motor home Matt podcast with me Keith Gooden and me motor home Matt I ask the stupid questions and Matt he gives the well stupid answers sometimes brought to you by that leure now welcome along but first of all Matt you've got some housekeeping to do we would love you to subscribe to our content you can do that on YouTube or any of the podcast platforms just click follow And subscribe and where you go so let's go straight into the news shall we there's a proposal for a vehicle Levy up in Scotland that's my accent by the way that was good Scotland Scotland which would mean motor homas being charged much like the you in London but it's not based on emissions it's based on the fact that you're just having fun staying there it's not just momes it's all tourists so the idea is this is a former s SMP MP who's come up with this idea is that all tourists who are staying in the region get charged a fee for doing so overnight every day what do you think of that well lots of people around the world pay tourist fees you go to the Caribbean and they won't let you out unless you pay the fee and I said to them fine I'll stay but uh yeah but I suppose it makes sense if the locality wants to make some money and go some way I suppose in recouping some of the costs for the fabulous facilities that that they uh provide for us I guess the question there is what's it going to be bent on and what's more is Ian Blackford the same guy wanting to introduce this tourism tax has suggested that motor homes should be stopped from traveling in Convoy when in Scotland and do people travel in Convoy yeah of course they do I mean not necessarily on purpose but motor homes tend to group together it's interesting when you're traveling a route like that you end up meeting the same people because you spend a couple of days here move on and there they are again so you kind of end up traveling in a bit of a group and and people do go up as multiple motor home groups um to enjoy each other's company and the scenery so he was saying nope we don't want that we want you traveling individually and I guess it's about oncoming traffic being able to pass and you know motor homes have an impact on any place that we visit we know that we accept that um but certainly being down South we have this these Tales of Woe and horror stories about the nc500 and are they true well again I discuss that with Gemma and Campbell in a [Music] minute it's the motohome mat podcast brought to you by that leure with me Keith Gooden and motor home mat the expert himself we got some new books from shobon Daniels and Highlands to Hammocks we have yeah this is Siobhan's book retirement rebel I love a a quote from Siobhan recently you don't retire you refire love that it's one for you Keith um so Siobhan she went mind me saying this she's a really dear friend and supporter of the podcast uh it's been great great to get to know over the last couple of years at all the shows um but she is 64 I think she's been living in a moo now for four or more years she sold her house bought a moto uh Dora the Explorer and she is off traveling the country and speaking at loads of events and she's trying to inspire women to who get to an age where you think well I'm not really sure what I'm going to do next she's on her own and off in her motor home just traveling and living in a Mot home fulltime and this is her book retirement Rebel and it's how she's basically looked at retirement ex BBC journalist and gone you know what I don't want to retire i' just be at home and you know knit whatever was on the table uh she's gone off traveling and she really is embracing life I have to say it's a lovely book um so one to look out for retirement Rebel you can buy it at that leure she wouldn't be knitting if she was an ex BBC journalist you know no I just been rude drinking Keith is miming a drinking glass at this point I have to tell you sioban has done she's doing a year of off off the alcohol is she Stupid idea um okay and the other book from Highlands to Hammocks yeah was whole series here these guys have been super busy uh destination nc500 um this is all their words and all their photographs is stunning I mean I love a book like this they put it together themselves that's the incred incredible thing about it it's it really looks the business I mean usually when you see self-published stuff you know it can be a bit raggedy this isn't this is a coffee table book it's brilliant it definitely is and it's yeah you'd want to keep this and you really would read it and destination Sky uh again beautifully Illustrated thousands of photographs in there it must have taken them some time to do this and this we love this this is the North Coast map so people often say you know where do we go and in here it opens that into a full full map there's every pinpoint on here of campsites places to eat places to empty your water places that you can legally empty your toilet fuel stations and so on it's a really really handy glove box map love it fantastic do you sell these books by any chance we do yeah we bought them off them so I couldn't really not buy them could I um they we do sell them at alers [Music] fantastic it's the Moto home M podcast with me Keith Gooden and with me motor home mat okay our main topic of the conversation today is uh with Highlands to Hammocks and we are talking Scotland let's talk about the nc500 we touched on that didn't we mad in the news are Motas and caravanas welcome with these ideas of charging extra and stopping people from forming a convoy what's that three motor homes 5 10 15 gosh can you imagine that yeah um that's a good question I mean certainly living down south here I hear horror stories all the time of people who apparently have had their Moto home egged they've had dog FES thrown at the windscreen abusive notes left on the motor home saying go home and is this true how prolific is this so uh I discussed this with Gemma and Campbell because they have a view that it's not prolific um Co of course created postco a massive surge in momes going to the nc500 because you know people couldn't fly uh and people thought well we've never been Scotland let's go to Scotland let's see a beautiful part of our own country yeah and nc500 had really really good PR I think I believe it was a name created by a mome hire company uh up there and uh it had really good reports and it is stunning um but we're hearing really conflicting views and I guess it's always the horror stories that make the Press um that picture of a toilet cassette being emptied over a grass Verge you know just awful no news like bad news no absolutely as far as the Press is concern well you know years and years in radio Absol well people aren't interested in good news well how many of the stories you read out were good news on morning radio well quite a few of them to be honest with you but like I said people aren't interested in good news you know 15 people have been kind to each other today doesn't make the headlines you've just got to accept it's human nature they they like conflict yeah and I guess like we said before the total number of people using a Mot home and certainly going to Scotland has increased but that just means the percentage of bad apples we can call them that hasn't changeed probably there's just more of them now do you know what I mean so you know if it was 100 before it's now 10,000 it's the same percent that are the people who are abusing it so I asked Gemma and Campbell for their view as Scots people living in Scotland uh although now living full-time in a motor home and doing a lot of travel but people who have expertise and experience of traveling around the nc500 what's it really [Music] like Gemma Campbell thank you so much for joining us here on the podcast it's great to welcome you so all the way up North down south yeah I know I know well thankfully we've not actually traveled all the way from Scotland but um yeah it would be quite a drive if we had yeah it would be that's true so tell us what is Highlands to Hammocks do you like this story do you want to go I'll go okay so Highlands to Hammocks it all started as a way of us kind of documenting our travels so Campell and I have been together now for nearly 11 years actually yeah yeah and um one of our first trips was we've been across to Australia and um we kind of Campbell came over and met me after doing a placement in s go we traveled a bit of a together and then we said right when we finish uni we are going to oh we actually traveled in a camp F this was our first experience over into the camper van did the East Coast it was like you know go Coast Brisbane up to Kens it was like amazing and we were like right finish un get some money get some experience behind us and we're going to come back to Australia and convert our own camper them so that happened I'd say a little bit about two years later yeah we got over to AA finally converted our little camper van we were over there for a year lived in our camper van it was amazing she's a little Toyota High called Roxy tiny abely tiny was like a low roof we had to C stand outside to cook our dinner we we were doing Farm workk we actually showered from a bucket so we would boil a b a pot of water mix it with some cold water and then that was our shower for three months outside W very very basic yeah and I guess Highland hammock started um sort of just prior to that where we were living in London before we went on this big a studio trip and we just decided let's like document our travels online like people always ask us how much did it cost and blah blah where did you go and we're always like what tips do you have for visiting these places you know trying to recall all these memories and we thought why did we just document it then we're not texting our parents every day to let them know that we're alive so yeah we sort of started it the the name of it came from Highlands of Scotland to The Hammocks of Fiji so we'd gone to Fiji after our very first a show trip together we're Ling hammock thinking this is the life this we'll be coming back to the hammock one day so it's kind of that Journey from the hammock of of Scotland back to the hammock of Fiji again yeah it's a great name I love it so then you came back to the UK yes and where did you go then so that was H Christmas 2019 yeah so just before coid and plan was we came back surprised our families in between our Australian visas we left our little camper van in our friend's Garden swearing to her that we' be back in 3 months like no no it'll be fine we'll back in three months don't worry I can just sit there um 16 months later we still hadn't gone back because the seword happened so unfortunately we had to sell her little Roxy because she was like kind of collapsing in un herself from the rust yeah I know and we had worked over in gy um in healthcare over there during during that time and we were working shifts hardly seeing each other just constantly working and and also working on hel to hamic at the same time because prior to that I guess we were kind of doing it fulltime we weren't really it hadn't wasn't really running as a f business business but we were still doing yeah still kind of doing collaborative things with people and we were still really Keen to like was your ambition then to be travel gurus can I call you that was that always the vision to be what you are now it hadn't always as J said it started off as like kind of a hobby way to share our stories with friends and family and then the more we traveled the more we met people that were doing this kind of thing as a full-time job yeah and we thought that looks amazing you know if you can get travel you have the flexibility to go where you want in the world and you don't need to you know get tied down and not be able to see each other working full-time jobs so when we came back from Australia to gy it was only supposed to be for three months and we said we're going to work during those three months on our website really build it up and try and launch it to take it full time and then obviously we got stuck in gy during the pandemic for about 16 months and by the end of that we were just like right that's it we've got a good amount of savings because we worked the entire time and it's time to actually go 2 feet into this and instead of dabling in and out of it so yeah we qu our jobs in so then you went and bought we did indeed that was our home now for the past two years fun enough we actually just met up with a couple of friends yesterday and we were just kind of talking about the story of how we got our motor home because we had actually planned to come back across from gy back to Scotland had some ideas um whilst we were working in gy about um providing more information on the North Coast 500 because we had seen a lot of bad press up there and we thought well you know how can we help like how can we help educate people that are going up there and Camp V our motor home or a tent or even just people that are going up as tourists on how to travel responsibly um so we thought well if we kind of we'd always wanted to buy our own van again hadn't we we wanted to live in it yeah and we thought the only way to actually facilitate writing this book and been to educate people was actually spending a good length of time around the route and originally we planned to buy a van and convert it because that's what we did in Australia and then it was going back to what JMA said about our friends when we were traveling up from Garen Z back up to Glasgow we stopped at a campsite met our friends and they lived in their motor home and we just went inside it and we were just like okay we need to get a motor home this place is huge like a Manion on Wheels before our little Roxy we couldn't even stand up in it let alone like put our arms out and you know touch the roof or without touching the roof and and at that point we were camping in our tent out of out of Campbell's Corsa that literally was jam-packed full of all of our life from like the past like 16 months so we were like took one look at each other and we were just like yeah we need a motor home the only way so that was it we were sold and yeah it took a bit of hunting but we knew exactly what we wanted we wanted a fixed bed we wanted to have like an oven we kind of knew the layout we wanted a shower that we didn't need to go outside for in Scottish Winters it wouldn't have really worked out very well so tell me then so as Scotts people what is your view of the nc500 you've alluded yeah to some of the bad press it's had yeah um what do you think of it so we we first visited up the very northern coast of Scotland just before we went to Australia the first time was we' just quit our jobs and we'd plan to go backpacking we thought well we can't go all the way over to Australia and not visit our own back Garden you know in Scotland so we went up there in our tent in our car and we camped around wild camping around there for two and a half weeks and campsites and on campsites as well yeah when we had to do laundry or when we had to get charge up our laptops or whatever and we just absolutely fell in love with it there's nowhere really like it that we've been to in a world such as Scotland um when the Sun's shining it is just like nowhere else really it's it's the most beautiful pristine like tranquil place you'll ever go to and it really hurt us when we started to hear about this bad press like J said we were in gy we wanted to try and help to educate people and we thought the only way to do that is by actually educating and by writing a book on something and looking at it now I think it is definitely something that um we would still recommend to people I don't see it as being a bad thing to honest I think the number of lives that we've or people that we've spoken to whose lives have been changed by the tourism that it's provided and then also whose lives have been changed by the people have actually gone there and visited you know how many people have we spoken to have said went up to the North Coast of Scotland and now we're looking at buying a house just because it is just everyone just falls in love with it yeah and so many people now have opportunities up there to actually start a business whereas before they might have had to move to in beress or somewhere because of the growth in tourism exact so I want to ask you about that so you mentioned the seword um it's banned on the podcast uh you there was a huge don't to talk about it no it's fine but there was a huge boom yeah that was created because of it where you know people couldn't go abroad and the nc500 became this huge must goto destination uh and there were stacks of reports of it being overcrowded people everywhere no room at campsites you know you couldn't pass each other on the roads CU they were so narrow was that true is that what it's like now I mean we weren't up there at the time so it's hard to comment on that but we've been up a lot since then I think like since since we came back we've possibly spent close to 12 months in total of amount of time up there in All Seasons through winter through to Summer and yeah I wouldn't it's it is busy yeah it is busier probably busier than it was 10 15 years ago but the entire world is busier as well in that sense I've been to Cornwell in summer and it's been jamack so it's kind of yeah I guess there's a lot more people out there on the roads a lot more people have the money for vehicles particularly camper Moto homes as well and more people are choosing to Holiday at home whether that's just because they've discovered the beauty of their home country or other like budget restrictions that are going on at the moment um but in terms of like the the Sea Word I don't believe we've visited the country since we started traveling again that hasn't that wasn't affected during that period of over tourism in their own back garden and speaking to people again since then it seems like it's gotten a lot quieter like we've actually spoken to a few people up there who are a little bit worried after this season because 20120 was the year all blew up 2021 things started to relax it was very busy same with 2022 whereas this year it's starting to see that decline again where I guess a lot more people are choosing to go abroad again yeah and because of sunshine or whatever else and or just maybe they can't afford to actually go up there anymore unfortunately so I think that's the case with British tourism at the moment generally I think seeing a Slowdown but J you drew a a comparison to Cornwall uh which has got massive infrastructure um and campsites everywhere it's not like part of the Highlands which you know I did it well several times 10 years ago um and it you're right I agree with you Campbell it's much busier now from the photos I've seen than it was then but isn't it the case that people are emptying their toilet cassettes on every corner I mean that's what we hear on Facebook is is that happening I me it's not it's not I mean it's definitely not we've never seen that in we've never seen that I mean you spent a year there did you ever see it happen never not once I'm not denying that it has happened unfortunately and there's obviously the photographic evidence of it it's just if it was going to be happening every single week on every single Corner we wouldn't be seen the same photo that's been circulating you know for the past six month we always see like I don't believe people are doing this out of being bad people people are doing it because they're not educated on how to do it properly people will always choose the right thing to do as long as is easy enough like or it's the easiest thing to do people would choose so if you can just make the right thing to do easier than the wrong thing then that's the only solution to these problems and education is part of that if people know where the right place to Dun their toilet is they they go and do that and that was another reason um like for our book we wanted to make sure that we included places around the boot that you could dispose of your toil at waste places that you can top up with your water because these are things that you know people need to know yeah and when you're in the Moto that's really important that you know where you can do that and you you do it right that's key yeah so let's talk about that favorite buzzword on the podcast not toilets while camping oh yeah the number of people that come into the high business here at Moto holiday company and they say we want to go to Scotland we want to do the nc500 and we haven't got any campsites book we're going to World Camp our way around it just explain for us World camping in your experience and your understanding in the highlands yeah so well camping I believe refers to the Scottish outdo access code which is talking about private lands and usually well it says no motorized vehicles on private land that is basically without prior permission that's what well camping uh refers to in a Scottish outdoor access code refers to so the well camping in that sense means that you know you hike out to somewhere stay in out in a tent in the middle of nowhere beautiful scenery all around you and then you hike back to your hike back to your vehicle or hke back to your house without leaving any Trace you know that's the Scottish out there access code and we we always kind of love that as well like we did our first sh of that as well and it's one of the reasons why we love Scotland is because we have that freedom to just be able to go out and enjoy the Wilderness of Scotland that has to offer because there's so much land up there that you could go for maybe 20 kilm and not see a single other person you know in some places and so when it's when it's spoken about in terms of the motorized vehicle technically it's not wild camping it would be more referred to as like off- grid parking I guess which is equally as legal because it's according to the obviously the highway code if you are tired and you are in need of a rest you can pull in as long as you're parked safely as long as you're parked in a designated parking area and you can stay there until you're fit enough to drive again what you can't do is put your activities outside of the vehicle and I think that's where a lot of this kind of confusion and I guess a lot of the backlash from the north comes from is because all of a sudden you've got people setting up their motor homes with their Runnings their dick chairs out Barbec's out barbecues out you know and that that's where it starts to rub people the wrong way because if it's in the middle of nowhere people usually just keep themselves to themselves but if you're if you're doing it in the middle of a busy car park where people can't get access to walk their dog or just enjoy the beach obviously people are going to take offense to that yeah and overstaying your welcome as well I would say like staying some in the one place for too long that can also cause a bit upset yeah yeah so the code that we would always recommend is arrive arrive after dark leave before light and which you did that last night a local Farm Shop up the road you were there yeah exactly because late in the evening and any problems no one had anything to say if someone came along and knocked on us and we'd apologize and move on you know it's always it's you just respect if you're not wanted somewhere just there's plenty of other places you you living in your m home for two years how often have you had that knock on the door never not once no we were talking about that last night again I was saying I feel like every time we park up in a place like this as YouTubers we should probably have the camera ready because you know that is like the Golden Title and thumbnail who we got the knock like there one way to guarantee Clips but we've not once been able to use that so tell me where you're staying tonight I'll be there now I want to bring this to your attention this came out today this morning we saw this on a portal called van life matters and this is uh a laran is that how you say that loaden loaden Beau my best Scottish okay beautiful place well Robin petu lives there and he is calling for a vehicle levy on all vehicles traveling the nc500 so locals are going to be exempt from this but he is suggesting that this tourism tax if I can call it that is introduced on vehicles wishing to travel the nc500 what do you think about that so that's Vehicles any vehicle or just vehicle as I understand it yeah so uh the report entitled tourism but not any price States the succcess of visit Scotland and other agencies in delivering an ever increasing number of visitors Scotland has unfortunately not been matched with sufficient infrastructure investment to accommodate them this is having a massive environmental impact across Scotland extensive litter and human waste pollution destruction of and damage to Flora and FAA erosion of road verges by Park cars and vans obstruction to other Road users including Emergency Services filing of water courses by chemical waste barbecues and campfires sounds awful petu argues that a vehicle based tax is not only fairer but it will bring in a similar leev level of Revenue he proposes that vehicles of residents and businesses in the Highland Council area should be exempt should he do it um I do like I am kind of on offense with it in the sense of like as long as that kind of Revenue is used appropriately I do believe that it is actually necessary I think like we're one of the only countries that doesn't in like use some kind of Tourism tax you go to anywhere across Europe it's maybe a pound a night or something like that any even down in Southeast Asia we went there over last winter and it was the exact same I think it was yeah Malaysia had just introduced a tourism tax and it is just it's the same with any kind of tax as long as it's used appropriately for the local businesses to try and assist it I've got absolutely no issue with that especially when it is as Fair as every single vehicle apart from locals and local trades because I think that's the key part there's no reason that the locals should have to pay for it but if it's used to try and increase infrastructure such as provide wider roads provide services for people to dispose of their toilets properly dispose of waste properly and increase the amount of parking that can be used and even I guess um encourage local businesses to reduce their fairs because they might be getting a little bit of a help in hand to get their businesses off the ground or where you know there's a cost of living crisis just now there's constant kind of things local restaurants and cafes talking about how either they need to all of a sudden charge 5 pound for a coffee or they need to shut down so maybe a little bit of a helping hand to them would be I think it would be very um it would be a very good move I think yeah I have to say even over the past couple of years we have noticed as well a lot of changes in terms of um Road developments and more chemical waste disposal points like they are they are putting money into it so yeah I suppose if the if the money goes into the right areas then I I did read online that the Scottish government had dedicated I think it was about 20 million I don't quote me on it but it was it was in the millions and it was in the tens of millions over the next like five or 10 years to local development around the nc500 and I think it comes back to that kind of conundrum of like chicken and egg this place was like the most remote place in the UK why would it have The Tourist facilities before you have the tourism you're not to have tourist facilities until you get the traffic so it will come over the next decade or so we just needed to have a little bit of discomfort I guess in the meantime but I think that something like that would greatly help it and to help the local businesses out H and the amount of people who have had their lives changed by it I think it's worth it yeah well let's see if we have to pay to go around the NC 500 it's like a toll road I suppose isn't it all of a sudden yeah I guess yeah how much do you think they should charge what would be a reasonable fee do you think I think a pound a day would be reasonable the number of cars that visit up that kind of way that would be millions of pounds every year interesting so guys where can people find out more about the amazing website you've got Highlands to Hammocks and the products on there so we're yeah we're online we're on Highlands 2 hammocks with a number two and um we're also on YouTube is where where we release weekly Vlogs about our van life adventures and then as JMA spoke about we do have a book on nc500 out which is mainly aimed at trying to spread traffic around educate people on how to travel at respons and I guess it's aimed at vanifer specifically because we list about where to get water where to dispose of waste and then just tips and advice about driving the nc500 yeah so that comes in we actually we do sell that book as well as our other books and also our North Coast map as well which we've just laun just reled um and we um we also sell them on our destination Earth guides website which is our self-publishing company that we publish the books through okay and and there's also more information about traveling on there as well now I happen to know that you're heading off overseas by a plane because we're storing your motor home that's correct a weird twist of fate jet to have booked your moto into our storage business I know and I saw the name I thought that's Campbell and Gemma so where are you off to what's next so we're well we've got a couple of holidays planned like we realized that the only way we actually take a break is if we go abroad separately because we're so inspired to always try and share our memories and create content so I'm going away to Spain with my friends then you're going away to SP with your friends and then we're going to Turkey on our press trip okay and you're writing so you're having a proper holiday yeah and then you're reuniting to write some content on Turkey yeah so that's um that's kind of content for it too and most definitely so first time in Turkey and it's over my 30th birthday so it's perect perfect time brilliant turkey feels like it's the new must goto destination for Brits yes do you know what I mean it's a real push I don't know who's driving it for Van life as well really yeah yeah we' a lot of friends that say you need to go to Turkey in your van but we've always said we've seen these videos on Instagram where they open up the van door and there's like this little puppy sitting outside like a local stray and you're like we will go to Turkey when we're in the position that we've finished all our long-term overseas travels and can actually have a dog because if we end a that we meet that have a van and have adopted a turkey Street dog it is like if we ever want a dog we just drive to Turkey because they're just beautiful beautiful well we're look out for that we know when you've got the dog you've taken exactly that's well we look forward to reading all about turkey and have a great trip and enjoy your holidays and a very happy birthday thank you very much thank so much so that's Gemma and Campbell from Highlands to Hammocks you can see them on Highlands to their website is phenomenal

if you're looking for travel inspiration I was blown away I'm spending 10 minutes looking through it nowhere near enough time uh but it's an amazing travel guide and so many blogs and Vlogs on there of their experiences but yet they managed to escape they actually managed to uh break down outside the shop um Campbell had left the hazard lights on on his motor home uh and then we went and recorded the podcast went back to it and click oops see everybody does it so uh yeah our team came to the rescue and off they [Music] went it's the motor home mat podcast with me Keith Gooden and me motor home Matt I asked the silly questions and Matt well he's the star of the show really yeah get those pom poms out again my favorite part I say it every week of each podcast it's our Q&A questions and answers from you first of all Mike Saunders from Bristol has been in touch hi Matt yeah it's uh Mike I live in uh Bristol I've got a Shon C 656 pretty sure it's only got one Ledger battery under the passenger seat it looks like there's space for another one can I add another one you know and does it need to be the same type and what kind of connections do I need to do thanks That's Mike That's Mike Mike how you doing yeah thanks for your question I think I think what happened there is he put a pillas over his head to ask a question then took it over the edge you didn't think he was being mugged Mike we're sorry for taking the Mickey no we're not taking the Mickey Mike Mike get it very good Mike is from brist have you got an answer for it so it show on 656 yet big seven birth m home familiar with those we got them on the higher Fleet you can get a second Ledger battery under their mic but it's really important they're matched so they need to be exactly the same type my suggestion would be one of two things firstly G byy two batteries that are identical so if you going to fit agms make sure they are the same type and the same am power in terms of connecting them the thickest cable you can possibly buy certainly no thinner than the cables coming from the batteries really important and as short a cable as possible so if you're sitting them next to each other very easy to have a very short cable if you're not sure get someone to professionally install it and if you are fitting two batches I would consider a plastic cover so there's no chance of the seat base shorting them out Ian rainford's from Paul hi Matt and Keith why do cam sites mostly Club sites use push SL timed showers and not allow us to use a normal tap you wouldn't see them in the most basic of hotels so why do campsites still insist on them well that's a good question it's fair point as well it's true it's cuz people forget to turn the tap off that's why it's a waste of water isn't itess I'm guessing if the campsite is on a water meter it could get very expensive if someone left the tap on uh mind you I was in a the Melvin show uh and they at all these shows they have these trailers with showers in they're really good I have to say they're nice and hot and I pressed the button and it wouldn't turn off you broke it well no I well it was broken I'm not sure I broke it I couldn't turn the damn thing off so I'm there trying to get out the shower and dried and I kept my tow so I gave up in the end just put me dry robe on and walked out actually it's a dip robe um and uh and went home back to the van soaking wet so you did remember the robe this time then I did yeah thank goodness quite a stir in mvin in the past but I guess it's to save water and the club are very environmentally aware um and yes they can be annoying because halfway through rinsing the shampoo out of your hair tap goes off or the shower goes off you got to press it again but it would be a water conservation uh installation manifestation a conservation installation manifestation Ian from Paul from Paul Ian talking about from Paul thanks very much but let's face it how difficult is it just to turn the shower back on again Claire's in Wakefield hi Matt we have a Bailey autograph 68 -2 2017 and there is an LED strip light above the sink and you touch it to turn it on it's flickering and needs changing I don't suppose you know how to change it there are no screws and I've tried all ways to take it off I've asked Prima Leisure and they can't help thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us I watch you on YouTube hi CLA we give you a wave thanks for your question um you know what you're not the first person that has reported to me one of these lights has failed um I'm surprised Prima leure didn't have one to my knowledge they pull out there are no screws you're right but it could be bonded in I would suggest take it to a Bailey dealer or go Google the NCC approved Workshop scheme where an engineer is probably familiar with working on Bailey will know how to get it out and they may be able to Source One from you or find your local Bailey dealer uh and they will be able to Source one for you and Supply it cheers CLA from Wakefield by the way if anybody wants to ask you a question Matt what should they do very easily go to mhmp doino askmatt or you could leave us a review and what address is that one we would love that too it's mhmp doino review that's mhmp doino review what a lovely Scottish feel for to the podcast this week Matt I've had a whale of a time will you take that Kilt off now please I haven't got anything [Music] underneath [Music]

2023-11-10 13:26

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