Our 7 Day ICELANDIC Road Trip 2068km circular drive visiting many FAMOUS Locations ️

 Our 7 Day ICELANDIC Road Trip   2068km circular drive visiting many FAMOUS Locations ️

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Hello folks and welcome to the Pre Vlogging series.  In this series I'm going to take you on a journey through some of the adventures that I've  been on before I began vlogging at the beginning   of 2020. For me the last five years have pretty  much consisted of work and travelling to various   countries every other month, for two or three weeks  at a time. The first two years I spent traveling   solo and for the last three years I've been  gallivanting around the world with my partner. So  

in this series you're going to get a good mixture  of me traveling solo and also with Fabiola. Many   people have asked me why I didn't start vlogging  a long time ago and in all honesty yes maybe   I should have but I had my reasons at the time  and maybe that story will make for another vlog.   Anyways, better late than never and that's what the  vlogs contained in this series are here to cover.   I want to share not only the footage of places  that we've been to but also talk about things such   as the route we took, how we planned the trip, how  we chose our accommodation amongst other things   so you guys get some ideas of your own if you plan  to visit any of these countries yourself one day.  Alternatively you could just use the exact  same plan and itinerary that we mustered up! Okay so without further ado let's  begin this week's episode... Iceland! Iceland or Icelandia as the Mexicans call it, was  the first trip that Fabiola and I went on together   outside of our own countries. If you're unaware  Fabiola and I have a long-distance relationship. 

I reside in the UK while she lives in her homeland  Mexico. We had only met in person a month before   this trip while I was in mexico. We spent some time  travelling around the Yucatan peninsula together   and clearly there was a long-distance relationship  growing right in front of our eyes. But that's for   another vlog. At the end of that trip we made  a pact to meet up and travel every other month,  

which was to work around my work schedule. I then  asked Fabiola where she'd like to visit first   and without hesitation she screamed 'Icelandia por favor!!!' Before we headed off to Iceland Fabiola came   over to the UK a week prior so that I could  show her around my homeland, which is North Wales. We don't quite have the Caribbean weather  here but we still had loads of fun and I think   it's fair to say that she enjoyed what we  had in offering regards of beautiful scenery  (Si!!!) I think my favorite moment was taking her to one  of the local lakes for the night and sleeping over.   Waking up in the morning to this was a pretty  special moment and certainly one to remember.   Okay back to the programme, Iceland! We  flew direct from Liverpool, UK to Reykjavik   and the flight only took two and a  half hours. We arrived mid-afternoon  

and I remember we had a little siesta  as soon as we got to our accommodation.   One thing I should mention here is that when we  were here it was the beginning of June and at   this time of year they have very little darkness;  as in it doesn't get dark at night time. Just as   the sun sets at about 11pm the sun then begins  to rise ready for the next day. It's quite surreal.  After our little siesta we took our sleepy  little heads into the city for a wonder.  

We passed by some of the famous colorful buildings  and then stumbled upon the huge church here.   I'm not going to try and pronounce some of  the names of anywhere here in Iceland because   some of them, they're very hard to get their tongue  around. So I'll just be leaving the names in the   top left hand corner of the screen. I think that's  the best thing to do. After passing the church   we headed down to the seafront to visit the Sun  Voyager sculpture. The artist, Jon Gunnar Arnason,   intended it to convey the promise of undiscovered  territory, a dream of hope, progress and freedom.   We then took a drive to our first adventure. It  was roughly an hour's drive away from Reykjavik  

and it was pretty well known. The Blue Lagoon. The  lagoon isn't a natural spring as some might think.   While Iceland is a country full of natural  hot springs the blue lagoon isn't one of them.   The land is natural as is the lava that  shapes the pool but the water that fills   the lagoon is actually excess water from  the geothermal power plant right next to it.   That doesn't mean it's dangerous or toxic, far  from it. It's just not the natural phenomenon  

that many people believe it to be. Before entering  the building and going through the entrance to the   pool you're surrounded by all of these steaming  pools of water separated by volcanic rock   which serves as a footpath. We caught these  guys leaving the hotel and heading to the pool   It's not really the kind  of thing you see every day! The Blue Lagoon isn't the cheapest place either. At the time, in 2018, the cost was $70 USD each, which included a free drink and a mud mask.  Like I said it's not the cheapest place but we   were soon to find out that iceland is a pretty  expensive place to travel in general. We spent  

an hour or so here relaxing in the warm waters  while taking in the strange surrounding landscapes.   We then drove back to Reykjavik to get our heads  down ready for an early start in the morning.   After a bite to eat and a coffee we left Reykjavik  and headed to our first destination of the day.   One of the most popular tours to do here  in Iceland is called 'The Golden Circle',   due to it beginning and ending in Reykjavik and  heads through Thingvellir National Park, passing by   many beautiful points of interest and waterfalls.  Along the way we drove alongside the beautiful   Pingvallavatn lake which was complemented  by some snow-capped mountains in the distance.  

After an hour and a half drive we reached our  first port of call, Stokkur. Stokkur is a fountain   type geyser located in a geothermal area beside  the Hvita river. It generally erupts every six   to ten minutes and reaches a height of around 15  to 20 meters. Fabiola just managed to get a shot of   it in all its glory. There were some steamy pools  of volcanic water dotted about here and there too.  It's a pretty surreal feeling knowing that  there's all of this volcanic activity going on   right under your feet. From here we drove another  nine minutes until we reached our first waterfall,  

Gullfoss. Gullfoss, meaning golden falls, is a beast!  She's a three-tiered waterfall with a total height   of 105 feet. The first two tiers create the smaller  waterfalls at the top and then the third tier is   the big one, a 69 foot sheer drop into the crevice  below. Being stood next to it and watching all   of that water fall into what looks like a huge  gaping hole in the earth is a crazy experience.  

The sheer power of the water is not only visible,  the sound is scarily loud. Another reminder that   water isn't to be reckoned with. From the car park  you could walk to the beginning of the waterfalls  along this path but there was a trade-off. At  some point you were going to get a good soaking,   no questions asked. But it's all part of the  experience. After admiring the falls for a little   while longer we jumped back in the car and took  an hour and a half drive to waterfall number two.   Seljalandsfoss. We arrived here around 5 p.m  and the light was just perfect. We had to pay  

$6 USD to park here but the sun was shining  right onto the fall, making the greenery so vibrant.   The waterfall is just under 200 feet in height  and it also has something rather special about it.  You can walk behind it. But  again there's a trade-off,   and guess what that trade-off is? Yeah, you  guessed it, you had to get a good soaking!   It was pretty epic, especially with the sun just  hanging there looking like a shiny disco ball. We could have admired this waterfall for days but  we had one more fall to see before the day was out.  

The mighty Skogafoss. Before coming here this is  one of the ones that I was really excited to see.   And yes, she's an absolute beauty. Even more so  in real life. It's the same height as Seljalandsfoss but it's way more powerful. It's a lot wider  and has more water volume flowing down the river.   We spent some time taking in this  beautiful natural wonder from ground zero   and then we hiked up the many steps  to admire the view from the top.  

If you come here don't be put off by all the steps. Make sure you go to the top, you won't regret it. With the time hitting 7pm at this point we  headed to our accommodation for the evening.   Unfortunately we had to backtrack a little because  we didn't really have many options of places to   stay in this area. We picked a place called Volsvollur, about a 20-minute drive back on ourselves   as it was a good place to start the drive  the next day. The room we chose was cozy,   as in small. It had a shared bathroom  and a kitchen with breakfast included.  

This came with a price tag of £92, around  $125 USD. I'd say a similar room in the UK   would cost about half of that. I did say Iceland  wasn't the cheapest country though didn't I. But   this was something we were aware of before coming  here so it was expected. That evening we planned  

our trip for the next day; what sites to stop at  and how far we should drive to our next stop over.   We figured that if we timed things right we could  make some good ground and get all the way over to   the east coast. It was a six and a half hour drive  to the random place that we decided to aim for   and there was a few things that we wanted to  see along the way so it was going to be a big   long day. But we are optimists and always up for  a challenge. Up at the crack of dawn, well not   quite, we headed east and drove an hour to get  to our first place that would really amaze us.  Reynisfjara. There's a few interesting things  about Reynisfjara. Firstly, as you can see, there's   a black sanded beach and stretches over  two kilometers. The second crazy thing about this  

place is the bashalt columns. They all stand at  different heights, a bit like an organ, with the   tallest one standing at 65 feet. We had a bit of  fun sitting on them and basically acting like kids.   There's a small cave here too. You have to be  careful not to get caught out by the tide,  

and that goes for this stretch of beach in  general. Many people have been caught out not   paying attention to the aggressive  ocean that creeps in at a fast pace.   So if you visit here just be mindful of  that. The third thing, or things, that this   beach is famous for is the Raynisdranger rocks, or Raynisdranger rocks.  

Standing at 216 feet these beautiful rocks  stand out like a sore thumb in the choppy ocean.   According to local Icelandic folklore these rocks  were once trolls trying to pull ships from the   ocean to the shore. However, these trolls were a  few sarnies (sandwiches) short of a picnic and went out too   late at night. Dawn broke on the horizon turning  the trolls into solid stone. So they say anyway.   We jumped back in the car and took a short drive  to Dyrholaey. It's directly on the other side  

of the beach. There's a lighthouse here and  some nice rock formations and cliff edges. It's a great place to view the Raynisdranger rocks from a distance too.  The next stop was a two hour drive away. Along the  way there was plenty to keep the eyes entertained. And then we arrived. Skaftafell. After paying the  $6 USD fee to park we took a leisurely walk,   which took about an hour, to see this, Skaftafell  glacier. If you have plenty of time, which we   didn't unfortunately, you can hike upon  the glacier with many options available.  

You can also take a helicopter ride or a plane  ride to admire these amazing views from above.   Another thing that's highly recommended to do here  also is the waterfall hike. You pass by three falls   before getting to the main one. Svartifoss. Again  we didn't have time but here's a sneaky photo   from Google. But that's the thing when you're on  a road trip like this, along the way you always  

find out about these amazing things and places  that you didn't know existed, leaving you with   no time to visit them. But on the other hand  I guess it leaves room for a revisit one day.   After ogling the glacier for a while we walked  back to the car and continued along the coast   to our next stop, which was only a 40 minute  drive. Jokulsarlon. This huge lagoon sits at the   base of a glacier, so you have icebergs dotted  about everywhere and flowing in the direction   of the Atlantic Ocean, which is where they end up  and eventually melt. Together with a backdrop of  

snowy mountains this was an incredible place to  visit. You can take a boat trip around the lake so   you get a good close-up of the glaciers. Again, no  time for us. It was coming up to 6pm and we still   had a three and a half hour drive in front of  us to reach our accommodation for the night. But   there was nothing to complain about, the scenery  along the way kept us entertained once again.

Our accommodation was in a small town called, yeah  I'm not even going to try and say that, which sat   at the end of a beautiful fjord called, I'm not  even going to try and say that either! We arrived   early in the evening and we were absolutely  shattered after the long day we'd had so we didn't   really pay too much attention to our surroundings  initially but waking up in the morning was a   pleasant little surprise. Probably the best view we  had from the room on this trip personally speaking.   This room cost us $120 USD and again fairly  small with a shared bathroom and the use of the   kitchen. But with a view like this the price didn't  bother me too much. We continued our drive leaving   the east coast and heading north to our first stop  of the day. Dettifoss. This incredible waterfall is   argued to be the most powerful in the whole of  Europe! 97,000 gallons of water fall 148 feet   from the fast flowing river down into the largest  canyon in Iceland. The Jokulsargljufur canyon.   You have the option to view this waterfall  from both sides, the east side or the west side. 

We chose the east. Most people only choose one  side because the drive to see the other view   from the other side is an hour's drive. There's no  bridge to walk across here so you have to take the   drive right around the river unfortunately. Our  next destination, which was an hour west, was very  

unique and unlike any other part of Iceland. You  won't find any trees here, glaciers or waterfalls.   But you will find a place that looks like Mars!  This geothermal area is called Hverir. You can take   a walk around the boiling mud pools and steaming  vents and water pools. It's evidently still very  

active and also a bit smelly. Imagine the smell  of rotten eggs. The last time I smelt this aroma   was in Rotorua in New Zealand. If you've been  there you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.   It was free of charge to walk about and no  charge for parking either. Just down the road   is a beautiful lake called Myvatn. It's crazy  actually, one minute we felt like we were on Mars,  

surrounded by this orangey red steaming landscape  and then you drive six kilometers up the road,   gradually over a hill, and then you're in a totally  different world; lush green landscapes and trees   together with the lake felt like we'd been  teleported to a different world. If you catch   the lake in the right light the colours can  look amazing due to the types of minerals in it.   A 45 minute drive took us to another  waterfall. Godafoss. Again a huge wide   waterfall with plenty of character to keep your  eyes occupied. At only 39 feet in height and just  

under 100 feet in width this is the shortest  waterfall that we came across on this trip.   After grabbing a quick coffee in the cafe we  hit the road we stopped off quickly at Akureyri; a popular port town here and especially popular  with cruise ships. We also bumped into a couple of   Fabiola's family members before moving on to our  accommodation for the evening. It would have been   nice to spend a bit more time here but as we were  passing through everything was pretty much closed.   Once again we randomly chose a place to lay our  heads for the evening and that place was just   outside of a small town called Blonduos. It was  an hour and three quarter drive east of Akureyri  

and in a great location for the next day's  adventures. We arrived late and pretty much   went straight to bed. But not before meeting this  beauty. She came straight over to us for some fuss.   Oh and this is what midnight looks like in Iceland. By the way, if you like daylight this is your   place to come in June. This place cost us $115 USD for a modern room with a shared bathroom.   This wasn't such a bother this time as with the  whole place to ourselves. After a lovely breakfast  

we set off for adventures. Today was going to be  spent driving through the West Fjords to find the   last waterfall of our trip. It's a waterfall that  I'd seen many times online and had been dreaming   of visiting at some point in my life and now here  we were, driving through this amazing landscape for   four and a half hours in search of it. Eventually  we arrived. She goes by the name of Dynjandi. There are six waterfalls here in total. From the  car park you hike up past the five smaller ones  

to reach Dynjandi. Standing at 328 feet in height  we felt dwarfed looking over at this piece of art.   The spray coming off it was strong and it's fair  to say we got a bit of a soaking to get this shot   but now we have that memory forever. Worth it right?!   We trundled back to the car, slightly sodden,  and headed to our accommodation for the night.  

The town was called Patreksfjordur, a  small little place on the shore of a fjord.   Again this was just a place to rest our heads.  The room was basic and had a shared bathroom.   It was the same price as the night before, $115 USD, but the difference in quality was huge. We  

felt robbed after last night's luxury. Oh well, you  can't win them all. After waking up rather chilly   we got our cold butts out of bed and back on the  road. Today I was heading to, well at the time I had   no idea! Fabiola had planned a surprise for me. Hmmm, I  what could that possibly be. A five and a   half hour drive to get there and we were heading  back to the Golden Circle. In the short time that  

Fabiola and I had known each other I had told her  that I'd love to stay in a certain kind of abode,   one with no walls so to speak. So she went out  and found one here right in the middle of Iceland.   Welcome to the 5 million star hotel, aka our  bubble. This place was literally in the middle   of nowhere and was a great experience. If you  know me I love being outdoors so to fall asleep   surrounded by trees was an unbelievable and  humbling experience. Like I said earlier though,   while we were here it didn't get dark so we didn't  get to experience the darkness and the stars   which was a bit of a shame but  there's always the next time. 

We had a great time regardless. In the evening  we took a drive and found a restaurant called   Mika. The food was amazing and it was  especially famous for its hot chocolates. With Fabiola being a connoisseur she felt obliged  to have a taster. I think she was impressed (Si!!!)   We headed back to the bubble ready to  spend a darkless night in the trees.   But not before a good old pillow fight! This was to  be our last day in Iceland. We didn't really have   anything planned for this day so we made no effort  to leave the bubble in a rush. In all honesty  

it was hard tearing ourselves out of bed.  We'd chosen a place to stay for the evening   that was right near the airport. Our flight  was early the next day so this made sense.   On the way there we stopped off just outside  Reykjavik briefly to visit the Perlan. The   Perlan has a museum here and offers some amazing  exhibitions about all things Icelandic. They all   looked great but rather expensive so we opted out  of these offerings. The reason we came here was to  

check out the panoramic view over Reykjavik. And to  get a coffee, gotta have a coffee. The views outside   were great, overlooking Reykjavik. As was the inside,  very modern and warm. And that was it. We headed to   our home for the night, chilled out with some food  and packed ready for an early start the next day.   But little did I know I was about to get my second  unexpected surprise of the trip in the morning.   We left the accommodation at 6am and had to drop  the rental car off before we headed to the airport.  

While we were waiting to hand the keys back I  heard a familiar voice to the left of me. The voice   was apologizing for how dirty the car was that he  was returning. I looked at the car and yeah it was   absolutely filthy covered in mud. I then turned  to look who the guy was with a familiar voice. It   was only Bruce Parry! If you don't know who Bruce  Parry is Google him, you need to know who he is. He   is my hero, after David Attenborough mind! And to meet  him here at 6 15a.m and half asleep is one of   the most random things that's happened to me. And  what a privilege to meet such an inspirational guy.  

Well what a great way to end the great road  trip.We had so much fun here, it was quite   tiring at times but you have to expect that if  you want to experience this kind of adventure.   And that's what we love and thrive off. This is our  passion. If you have any questions leave them in   the comment section below and please let me know  if you've been to Iceland and what your favorite   spots are there. There's so much to see there  and it's impossible to see everything but like   I said earlier that's a great reason to return!  Please feel free to subscribe to the channel and   gently tap that notification bell to be notified  of any new content that I post in the future.   Take care folks and until next time have fun, Peace!

2021-02-24 22:45

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