guess what I have a ticket to Iran. So new for me I'm not used to this massive like a fairy tale land there's a lot of breaking records here for me really going outside my comfort zone sorry I don't hear you sorry [Music] good morning oh my beautiful people I hope you're doing well me and Sarek we are heading to the Grand Mosque we're leaving Abu Dhabi so on the way out I will go to the Grand Mosque and have a look at that and then we go towards Dubai I never been there uh know a lot of people a lot of my friends been there but I never so I going to be interesting to see apparently like a fantasy world so yeah but first of all Grand Mosque let's go for that Bummer it's opening at what did he say 9:00 for visitors and I can't wait that long anyway it looks spectacular spectacular wow incredible building and where am I going now there you see it oh so nice H I'm not sure where I'm going I took two Loops in the roundabout now so I should probably get out. Ha I think this is the one of the most beautiful mosques I've seen o it's very very spectacular wow a little little food for my darling hello hello good morning uh 95 and full tank please do you have a supermarket inside no nothing that's okay ah okey exactly there I can find it very good thank you so we have one full baby which is sarek then we need to find something for me along the way but Dubai is not that far away it's only 1 hour and 3 minutes to the place where I will stay I will stay in a in a hostel for only ladies so so yeah it seems really nice and had very good reviews so yeah the only thing is with the parking had don't know where to Park her and I think it's like I don't know it's pretty expensive to park her per day so here we see hopefully just on the pedestrian street or somewhere all righty we're doing the same thing as yesterday iced americano and think this one is a cheese and parsley thingy so let's go for that we have a cat okay he's living in havana cafe let's go to Dubai yep I'm soon in Dubai which is here but I zoom out and I see my journey wow I'm going to go all the way here amazing okay Dubai I will live somewhere close to Palm Jumeirah which I don't know what it is I think there are like hotels around Resorts around this place but I'm going there so what do I actually know about Dubai I know it's like a fantasy land it is a city it has a Old Town which it has a sevenstar hotel I think that's the first thing we heard in I heard in Sweden that the first seven star hotel is built in Dubai uh what else do we have there they have some ski slopes in a building there so you can ski and uh outside of Dubai there are many many islands which is a shape of the world the world map and all these islands all these islands are countries are named after all the countries in the world so there are actually one Island there called Sweden yep and uh you can buy an island you can buy one of those islands to live there or whatever you want what else with Dubai Dubai duai they have the tallest building in the world yes that as well otherwise we got to explore it feels really westernized people from all over the world are here lot of expats I see women on the street without any cover it's pretty nice to see actually I miss seeing the women I feel so small compared to all these buildings it's humid I need to take a shower when I get to the hostel it's way too early it's is 9:00 so I don't know if I can check in but probably use the the common space common area first impression is like whoa where am I I will stay in that door there's the hostel and I think I'm breaking many records because I'm sweating I think I never sweat this much in my life I think I never experienced this heat I'm doing is a lot of breaking records here for me I like that though really going outside my comfort zone really sweaty and stinky [Laughter] what an experience I mean it's not that warm outside it's like 35 36 is the humidity is like so okay let's go and park my baby she is parked right there but he said there's no fee when I park here and I got the information it's going to be 50 50 AED, so I don't know I'm a little bit scared and I'm going to get a fire or something I hope not because he was the security guy so I should be right anyway she's standing next to a kawasaki here so now I'm going to go in and I will take the coldest shower in the world and wash my clothes and rest a little bit I think oh this is very nice hanging here hello then we're going to go to the 16th floor 16th floor it's very nice in there so so nice here we go into the cool elevator and 16 wo wo good morning all my beautiful people I hope you doing well fixing packing going I'm leaving Dubai and I'm going to Sharjah and there I will book my ticket towards Iran so we'll take a boat that goes from Sharjah to Bandar abbas so I'm going there now early in the morning to book the ticket and arrange everything there so let's do that let's get out of this garage and do a little bit of exploring while we go outside I don't know if I can go out this way sorry I got there okay thank you then we reverse sorry I don't hear you. Are you in the force? Military? Military military military military no no no no no no no I'm just a traveler I'm just a traveler yes I look like a military? Ah yeah maybe the pants and, that's interesting military uh exit exit exit exit where am I going I'm doing all the wrong ways very good I'm getting lost here here the place I'm going to is called Palm Jumeriah Let's do it well well this is the end the tip of the The Junction the PA Junction huh uh see yep nothing interesting like that it was cool to ride on it at least once in my life so this is how it looks like you have uh two of them actually you have the p Palm Jebel Ali and you have this one Palm Jumeriah not Palm Junction as I said I hope you can see something but this this is not natural it's made by human beings so yeah this one and that one and where is the world map uh I can't find it now is it this one yeah there's the world map all made by human beings I think it's mostly for residential living here tell me if I'm wrong but this yeah let's get one of those and live there yeah yep that's the one I'm visiting from the outside I'm not allowed to go in I need to have a reservation for that building it is the hotel the seven star Hotel Burj Al Arab and the hotel stands on an artificial Island it's one of the tallest hotel in the world and 39% of its space up there is nothing is just space basically to make it the tallest one but yep this is the hotel I think this was the first building I heard of in Dubai everyone was talking about it ooh the sevenstar hotel I remember and we always made jokes that we're going to invite each other when we want on the lottery to go to Dubai to the seven star hotel yep anyway next destination let's go. So where from Pakistan are you I'm
Mulan yes exactly yeah I'm looking forward for Pakistan it's going to be super interesting our city is very like 45 temperature but you enter in Islamabad you going to Gilgit, Skardu, Chitral yeah there is a good weather like zero temperature yeah that's what I'm looking for to go to the to the mountains and the cold up there I used have to go through baluchistan with the escort it's interesting it's very big tall buildings it's so new for me I'm not used to this massive like a fairy tale land so interesting very nice I must say great thank you so much man what's your name my name is Salim yeah very nice to meet you help you it's okay I'm going to my next destination thank you dear there we have it the tallest building in the world 828 meters tall ticket so I get it done and after that I find a new place to stay somewhere around here I think here it is we're going to the office and cross my fingers that I have a ticket for me and that everything works well so they only take cash in there so I had to run to an ATM and the first one didn't work was out of order as I had to run to this one but now I have it and I'm going to pay them it's almost $600 to cross the sea it's pretty expensive uh especially with a vehicle but that's my only option so I will go and enjoy that ride guess what I have a ticket to Iran i i i Iran on the only issue is that I'm arriving on a Friday with a about going on Thursday taking 12 hours and then I then I arrive on a Friday so the custom will be closed apparently on Fridays so I have to leave my bike there and then come the day after and pick her up that's okay [Music] okay whoa H that's a pretty nice room oh it's brilliant and I have a balcony look sea view, there is sharjah I'm closing immediately keep the heat outside oh this is so nice oh I have a ticket to Iran I'm going to Iran so next episode you will see me going on a boat across the sea to Iran Bandar abbas um so excited and [Laughter] nervous anyway thank you so much for joining my adventure from Sweden to Nepal like share comment subscribe and join my patreon family as well it's more behind
2024-09-07 21:14