$250 Secret Cave Hotel Shanghai, China

$250 Secret Cave Hotel Shanghai, China

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I have just arrived in Shanghai China I am  here for a 24-hour layover and I booked a very   unique hotel room it's probably the most unique  hotel room I ever stayed at the name of the room   is secret cave the pictures look really really  interesting so let's check it out and see if it's   worth the $250 I'm paying for it okay the problem  now is the last time I arrived here in Shanghai   which was last year it was kind of a stressful  arrival process and yeah I don't have a Visa yet   should be able to enter Visa free with a German  passport but you never know 100% so that's going   to be the first step now to make it through  immigration and then yeah I don't have alipay   set up this time so I'm not connected to the  online payment system here so that could also   be a bit of a problem today and I currently  also have many issues with my credit cards I   only have one working credit card with me at the  moment so if that one fails I literally can't get   money here now and yeah the first step now is  to actually get a train here probably over to   another terminal and I remember this train from  the last time I arrived here in Shanghai which   was exactly the same and yeah a hotel where  we are staying today is actually quite near   the airport so I was looking for airport hotels or  hotels that are very near the airport because I'm   literally only here for 24 hours and then I found  this secret cave hotel room so I'm really looking   forward to that and now check out the beautiful  skyline of changhai probably my favorite Skyline   in the whole world and yeah I'm also really Keen  to eat proper Chinese food later today it's been   a while since my last visit to China and to be  honest I missed Chinese food so let's see if we   can also find some decent food later at the  hotel but first things first arrival getting   into the country and then finding my suitcase and  we have the Foreigner fingerprint self collection   area here which is nothing unusual the last time  I filmed my arrival in China there there were many   people in the comment section complaining about  oh why is China collecting your fingerprints hey   every country in Asia does this so you scan  your passport first and then you place your   fingers here they get scanned yeah currently there  are still the rule that German passport holders   along uh with some other countries can enter  China Visa free for 15 days actually they just   extended the period um in which this is possible  to mid next year yeah okay thank you these are   on arrival travel Document in theory I could also  just get the the 144-hour transit Vis are because   I am only here for 24 hours actually anyway so  actually I have two options get the 144 hour Visa   or just enter Visa free which is probably the  easier option all right so here we have the the   Visa the arrival section so here I'm not allowed  to film so hopefully see you on the other side   and I am in the country that was actually a very  smooth and easy process although I have to say it   took a bit longer than the last time now I had  to wait for like 15 20 minutes which is still   absolutely okay but the last time I arrived here  I was literally the only Foreigner so I had zero   rating time at all so I see a difference seems  like more foreigners are arriving here in China   these days and actually I need to check the screen  where my B is oh actually there's a money exchange   place here and I still have some money left from  maau where I was a few months ago so maybe I can   just change my maau money into Chinese money and  then maybe that's enough for one day so I still   have 120 maau Paka left hello can I change  ma money this maau maau yeah yeah Chinese un I think the conversion from maau money to  Chinese un is almost one to one so I should get uh   almost 120 UN in return so you give me 140 ma yeah  or 140 not 120 they rate 100 Ma you can get this   Chinese money 100 can I add some Hong Kong dollar  as well uh yeah Hong Kong dollar can change I have   a 60 Hong Kong dollar I think okay I also have a  60 Hong Kong dollar left so I will add them now   to get more in total and uh if you give me 60 and  uh this one no commission you can get this Chinese   money okay okay put that on the password please  yeah that's why I usually avoid this current she   exchange places because you always lose some money  because of uh usually not the best rates and uh   most of these places also I have a commission like  now so usually I prefer to just get money from the   ATM with my credit card where the conversion rate  is much better and my credit card doesn't charge   me for international withdrawals okay I have  135 Chinese un now that should be enough for   one day basically all I need to pay is my dinner  today I have breakfast included in this day and   I also have transport included but more about  that in a minute first let me actually get my B okay so included in the hotel is free airport  transfer to the hotel now and then also tomorrow   back to the airport the only thing now is I  need to contact them so they wrote me when   I booked the hotel yesterday they sent me a  message that I should contact them as soon as   I have my luggage and then they will send their  driver the problem is I just need to contact them   now so they gave me their phone number but I  uh can't make phone calls I have a SIM card   already more about that later as well but this  SIM Card is only for mobile data not for phone   calls but the hotel actually thought about that  as well and they told me in case you can't make   phone calls just ask the airpod staff uh they  will help you out so let's see if I can find   someone who will help me out to make the phone  call unfortunately the hotel is not waiting for   me here with a sign with my name on it that would  be very cool but it's actually not a festar hotel   so I'm not sure how good the service will be  the room will be very special I'm really looking   forward to that but it's actually despite the high  price of $250 not a festar hotel today so I would   expect a festar hotel would probably pick you up  here with the sign but I'm not staying in a fstar   hotel okay let me actually figure out first where  I have to go so they sent me the location some   pickup uh area here so I have internet already so  I can actually check the message that they wrote   me if your phone is unable to contact you can  ask any airpod staff around to give us a call   they will be happy to help I have a question uh I  need to uh uh contact my hotel can you help me to   call I need to call my hotel but my phone cannot  call can you help to [Music] call go ahead there's   a tourist service center about 200 M away they can  help you contact okay thank you so much okay thank   you oh very helpful I had this experience many  times before in China when people don't speak   English which happens here in China not everyone  here speaks English but many times they just get   out their phone opening a translation app and  then they're trying to help you with the app so   he sent me over to the tourist information center  he said 200 M over there and yeah I would assume   that the tourist information center will be able  to speak English ah check it out we have several   different help desk digital payment help desk  so probably they can help you to set up alip pay   public transportation help desk information desk  not sure if this desk was here the last time I   arrived in Shanghai or maybe I just haven't seen  it well let's see if the information desk ladies   can help here hi s hi I don't need a SIM card no  can you help me to call my hotel oh yeah sure I   need to call the hotel to pick me up you mean you  mean I call the hotel for you right that would be   great yeah because I cannot make a phone call with  my phone what's the like the reservation name uh k how many people just one so sounds like a complicated talk yeah so  they asked you to go to um P2 the parking lot   number two that's right right yeah and there's  a there's a like the Zoom Zoom number is H H6   yeah so you you can you can tell them you are  there at H6 and they will call Cap to pick you   up they will send you the the the license play  yeah the play number okay thank you so much for   your help okay sh byebye okay turns out to be  a longer process than expected I'm not sure   she was literally talking with them for like 3  four minutes what I would have guess is an easy   call hey Mr Ken is here please pick him up was  a bit longer than that but yeah should be fine   so I just texted them actually that I am at the  meeting point and now they will send the taxi it   looks like they're actually sending a taxi not  not their own shuttle bus anyway I don't really   mind who will pick me up okay meeting point H6  actually it says H9 is this now the number to   follow H9 or this one number six but yeah I see  H over there so this is definitely the H area   so I think this should be the right one and yeah  while I'm waiting for my pickup let me tell you   why I don't need a SIM card you'll probably know  this when you arrive in a new country one of the   first things you have to do is getting a SIM card  and that can be stressful take some time and it's   just annoying especially if you have a long  flight before and especially here in China I   remember last year I also went to buy a SIM card  and I actually had to go to a proper shop in the   city and then I had to register myself I had to  sign some documents so it was quite a long process   until I was actually able to get the SIM card but  yeah now I don't need SIM cards anymore because I   started to use eims and an eim is basically  a digital SIM card you can install to your   phone even before you start the journey so I got  myself a China eim yesterday evening I installed   everything and then I was able to connect with  the internet right away after I landed so that   is of course also really great you are connected  with the internet right away you don't have to   wait until you find the SIM card shop and yeah  the app that I am using to get my eims is called   Nomad and they have over 170 countries available  in the app it's very easy you just choose the   country then you choose a data plan the app  tells you exactly step by step how to inst   install everything you can get it done in like 2  minutes so I did everything yesterday evening very   easy and if you want to check out Nomad eims  as well there's a link in the description or   on the pin comment and if you enter the promo  code that you can see on the screen right now   you can get 25% off your first purchase on the  app just use this promo code right here and yeah   make sure that your phone actually does support  eims but most phones nowadays do okay update a   few minutes later they have replied apparently the  driver drove into the wrong entrance so I have to   go to L level okay this is the L area you can see  it over there L 17 18 I think it's this one right here and yeah in case you're wondering this  is the name of the hotel Shanghai pong airport   Mundo Hotel it's even pet friendly and it has  an average rating on booking.com of 8.9 which   is is quite high so I think that the driver is  actually just like an like an Uber driver she's   not a part of the hotel oh yeah over there  okay that was a quick ride maybe like 12 15   minutes something like that the hotel doesn't  look too special from the outside to be honest   but I think the room will hello good afternoon  good afternoon I would like to check in sure is   that your most special room here yes it looks  very very special on the pictures that's right   that's the only reason why I booked this place  because the pictures of the room look so special   thank you for your Fab why do you have such  a unique room here just a kind of trend just   like to have something special yes experience  a different feeling yeah it's only one secret   cave room or you have several we have three  three of them okay okay how would you like   to pay uh credit card cred card sure let's hope  my credit card Works CU I had the issue before   in China that my card is not working the receipt  oh it's working yeah okay okay thank you bye-bye you know what I'm actually quite hungry so  let's get dinner first early dinner and after   that we're going to check out the room so I  just had a quick look on Google Maps uh yeah   Google Maps is not really uh reliable or big help  here in China I wanted to see if I can find some   restaurants nearby but I couldn't but I think it  should be possible to just have a walk around and   find something while we have Burger King here  but that's definitely not where I want to end   up today I want to eat some proper and delicious  Chinese food yeah we are not really in Shanghai   City Center this is like 15 minutes away from  the airport so we are like on the outskirts of   Shanghai so we have some uh small town Vibes  here I would say no big city Shanghai City   Center Vibes Shanghai one of the biggest cities  in the world about 26 million people are living   here but this certainly doesn't feel like  that we have a convenience store here as   well where will maybe grab some snakes for later  but let's see what are we having here looks like   a like beef noodles okay this might be already  a good option I see many locals inside that's   definitely a good sign hey I'm not sure what  I really want to eat just something Chinese   and delicious we have Ching Jang chicken here  and Brace noodles with potatoes that sounds   good actually and then race beef noodles I  think I found my spot uh Lano beef noodles   maybe let me take a picture of this and let me  make sure that it's not spicy still cannot eat   spicy especially not when I'm having a flight  tomorrow I would like to eat this this one yeah one spicy no maybe this spicy okay okay I hope he was telling the  kitchen uh please don't make it spicy   well actually check this out we have some  uh some barbecue on the stick here what is this uh let me translate this because it looks  actually delicious ah there's lamp here kidney   and chicken wings oh can I get this one yeah  one one uh barbecue stick okay okay yeah one   please okay okay let's get a a lamp meat stick as  well on the side oh and I got a little tea here already oh as usual in China the portions are  actually quite huge check it out wow this looks   like a big and decent portion so we have the  noodles here here we have potatoes we have uh   onions here and then of course the beef I just  asked my Chinese friend actually if he knows   the food and he told me it's food from Northwest  China actually so nothing typical for changhai   then I guess let me take a picture for Instagram  if you're not following me on Instagram yet feel   free to do so kabro on Instagram I'm posting  daily stories behind the scenes live updates   okay this portion should definitely be enough  for me it's huge let uh of in the case when you   go eat in China most of the portions are actually  quite huge and you can easily eat them with two persons oh you can taste they boil the potato for  quite a while it's very soft and yeah where I'm   from in Germany we also eat a lot of potatoes  I would even say potatoes are more popular   than noodles definitely more popular than rice in  Germany oh let me try the beef as well oh Chinese   graced meat is so delicious oh oh thank you so  much okay okay he was bringing me uh the lamp   the barbecue lamp oh that's the flavor I was  missing braced meat flavor from China by the   way if you're new here I traveled around China  a few months ago I have about 15 videos from   China on my channel so if you haven't seen  my previous China videos where I traveled   all around basically feel free to check out  my China playlist and yeah it's not spicy at   all I'm not sure if it's usually like this or if  he actually told the kitchen don't make it spicy   this reminds me a lot about the the barbecue  lamb I ate in Ching Jang in Rumi maybe this is   a chang style actually very nice Chinese food is  probably my favorite cuisine in all of Asia and   yeah from all of the different Chinese Cuisines  usually I like the Cantonese cuisine the most   and I was able to finish everything and it was  super super delicious okay let's see how much   I actually have to pay for this because I have  no idea I don't see any prices here I want to pay two 27 okay okay thank you very much thank you  that was very H delicious H very good thank you so   much okay bye-bye byebye bye-bye oh I feel happy  you know this feeling when you just had a really   good meal you feel properly filled oh great  feeling but yeah now let's check out the room   that's what we're here for right so we're going  into a cave now but the cave is not somewhere on   the lower floor it's actually on the second floor  so I'm actually curious how they um how they build   the room so they not only have the cave room  here they also have regular rooms here which   are way cheaper actually I think the cheapest  room here was about $80 or $90 so less than half   of what I'm paying now so you obviously pay for  the for the unique room here definitely here we are okay are you ready for the secret cave room   okay first of all oh wow let  me make proper light for you guys okay oh this looks special Wow Wow have  a look at this guys oo first impression I'm   wondering how they built this what is this  material here actually seems to be pretty   solid but first I think I need to make a bit more  proper lighting okay unfortunately I can't make   more light this is the maximum amount of light  we have in here but let's explore the room so you   come in here and then the first thing you see is  a tree actually a fake tree of course but it looks   pretty solid and add a great atmosphere to the  room right so you really have the feeling you're   somewhere in the cave right away and then yeah we  have the double bed right here which they actually   decorated quite nice pretty romantic with some  hearts here and then the swans so nice bed and   then what is really cool here is we have like cave  mual all around the room so you actually really   feel like you are in like a 2,000 years old cave  here so these mues that you can see all around   here they actually look pretty pretty cool and  then there's a TV here as well in case you want   to watch TV and then we have a swing here which  also looks quite cozy unfortunately the sign here   says maximum weigh 50 kilo which uh I'm a bit  above that so I'm not sure actually I want to   try it out not going to uh put my full weight on  it now okay maybe I'm not going to try that okay   but then we have a bathtub here which looks pretty  cool it's right underneath only window which is up   there so what do we have here we have probably  tourism onetime bath bag okay some uh Al like   like salt here like bathing salt I guess okay  and then we have a mini bar here let's see if   there's something inside no nothing inside just  an empty fridge but we do have uh water here and   coffee as presso and tea and then there's also a  bottle of rine here which I would assume if you're   paying $250 a night this is going to be included  then there's a little box here what's inside the Box oh wow this is funny there's a costume in here  so you can dress like a like a caveman or a cave   girl that's funny should I put on the the costume  maybe not and then we have a little drum here and   uh some chocolate also lovely looking forward to  try that and then the view to the room is just   like this very very cozy very special very unique  and then here in the back we have the bathroom   which is like an open area like this so the sink  is here we have soap we have two little towels   what are we have in here probably a soap uh a mask  and then we have a big towels down here and middle   siiz towels here a haird dryer here's an AA where  you can leave your suitcase and then we have the   toilet right here nothing too special about the  toilet and then the shower is right here looks   like this okay and yeah look at the design here as  well this is so nicely done so many little details   here and there and yeah this it's not proper Stone  I guess but actually it feels pretty pretty proper   and solid so this is not like like cheap plastic  or anything if you bump your head here that would   really hurt a lot I guess okay anything else here  that we haven't explored actually I want to try   the chocolate let's try the chocolate right away  maybe this uh chair here is comfortable oh yes it is oh the chocol was actually very good oh  okay fast forward a few hours and I am in bed   now I just did my laundry actually they have the  option to do free laundry here so that was pretty   cool and yeah I have to say the atmosphere here  now is actually very very cozy I really like it   it really feels like staying in a cave and not a  regular hotel room definitely not so I'm going to   rest now and then tomorrow morning we are going to  check out the breakfast that is included in this   day and then I will give you my final review so  uh good night guys and see you tomorrow morning   okay thank you so much that looks really good she  thank you oh I got some freshly made onon soup   here for breakfast and Spoon yeah okay thank you  I think there's shrimp in here tastes really good   and yet the Auntie just made it fresh over there  and yeah there's not only one ton soup available   here there's also a big bouet with plenty plenty  of options so everything I need to start the day   very good was very delicious yeah thank you  thank you I just want to mention that yes I   will leave China again in a few hours but my next  videos will actually be about China as well I'm   starting a series which is not in China but it's  related to China we are going to visit different   places in different countries in Southeast  Asia and it will be related to China that's   all I want to say for now so stay tuned for the  next videos okay I'm doing the final review now   here in the bathtub first of all the sleep here  was amazing the room is super super quiet and   I am a very light sleeper so if there's a noisy  main road in front of my window or a noisy airon   unit that's already quite annoying to me and  here there were absolutely zero noises so the   sleep was very very good to be honest I feel  that I am not 20 anymore so if I don't have   a proper rest I really feel that in the morning  now that I over 30 that was definitely different   10 years ago but here I feel very well rested  I didn't wake up once in the night so that is   actually pretty great and then yeah how would  I Rate My overall stay here so first of all I   have to say it feels a bit weird to pay $250 and  not stay in a luxurious five-star hotel you saw   me here on the channel doing hotel reviews before  where I spent less money and stayed in like fancy   luxurious five-star hotels all around southeast  Asia and also here in East Asia it's definitely   possible to get luxury fstar hotels for less than  $200 where you get uh top amenities a nice pool   awesome service nice restaurants attached to  the hotel and all of that you don't have here   so you're paying $250 and you're not staying in a  festar luxury hotel but you're paying for staying   in such a unique room and that was definitely the  case it was probably the most unique hotel room   I ever stayed in the room here is really welld  designed so many little details you can really see   that they yeah wanted to make something special  here and I think they did a really good job with   that so overall I would say is is it worth $250  um for one night yes I wouldn't stay here for   more than one night imagine if you stay here for  four nights and then you pay $1,000 that's not   worth it I think but for one night it was a cool  experience and I also love that it's so close to   the airport it's like 10 15 minutes from here to  the airport so I'm heading back uh to the airport   after I check out very easy very convenient  for layover and like I said earlier they also   have normal rooms here for less than half the  price if you want to check out this hotel as   well I will leave a link where I booked it in the  description and if you haven't seen my previous   video where I was still in South Korea on the  biggest island there then feel free to check out   the video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-07-30 09:10

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