Космические корабли, часть 1.

Космические корабли, часть 1.

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If. Someone were to ask you. What. Is speed. What. Would you tell them. Is. It simply a measure of distance covered over time. Magnitude. Of velocity. Or, is it something more. At. Origin. Speed. Is more than a number. It's. A state of being. Speed. Is a shock to the soul. Speed. Is a call to action, speed. Is. Introducing. The. 29:43, 300, i. From. Origin, jump works. So. I was looking at the new Aurora, but. Then I was thinking maybe. I should get something that looks a little classy, but, then I was like no, I need something that can pull some serious whip. Maybe. I don't need all that cargo space what. About the Legionnaire. Now. We're talking, how about some bigger guns. Little. Bigger, now. Little. Bigger there. You go and maybe some Rockets too. Actually. I should probably upgrade. The power plant I. Did. Like the leather seats on that LX, though. Yeah. Perfect. All right let's, see what this baby can do. Maybe. I do need bigger cargo. RS, is Aurora there, are many like it but this. One is yours. There. Are some designs, that. Transcend, time. We. Look to the Past for inspiration. To, craft the light fighter. Of. The future. On match, design, a. Best-in-class. Maneuverability. Leave. Your enemies. Who, will turd. After. All how. Can you - what. You can't catch. The. 2949. Arrow. From. Anvil, rise. Above. Available. Now see, you're authorized and filled dealer for details. There's. A new 'enter, stalking, the skies. Take, warning. Maximum. Pilot, is a. Riskless, on or detainment. All fingertips. With predators. The. 29:49. Heart from, anvil. Rise, above. Ask. Any soldier, they'll. Tell you that battles aren't won on lost based, on weapons or numbers or even hardware, they're, 1 on choices. For. Over a century our, ships have distinguished, themselves in, thousands, of civilian and military combat. Operations. We are proud to announce another wealth in the arsenal, of victory, get, ready for the next generation, of warfare with, bangles, both, curry dropship, this. Multi-role. Weapon platform, is designed to get personnel, in and out of the, hottest combat, zones. Featuring. Four powerful, rotating, thrusters, with VTOL, capabilities, the. Valkyrie is capable of landing with surgical, precision to deploy assets. Fitted. With a vehicle bay and ramp you, can also efficiently. Launch ground-based, troop transports, or reconnaissance, vehicles in the field. Each. High performance operator seat features rugged, construction with, landed support to, minimize g-force, for up to 20 personnel. Making. Sure that your fighting force arrives. On site ready to jump into the fray. Don't. Think for a second, that, the volcker II can't hold its own in a fight to, remote turrets featuring size three hardpoints, can, provide suppressing, fire during deployment, to. Additional, man's turrets provide, even more devastating fire, to, blur the line between dropship. And gunship. The. Days of antiquity, the, volcker ii were believed to choose which warriors may die in battle and which may live, with. Anvils, for crate we, put bad choice in. Your hands. You. You. Just know. This. Crime his ass. Is. Easy for ya. The. Time has come. For. Something new. Something. To. Change the game. With. Seeking, fortunes, at the fringes, of civilization. You. Need someone, you can trust. In this age of uncertainty, it's. Time to take back your strength. It's time to. Release, the Kraken. Drake, inter-planetary. We. Got your back. It's. Nice to know there's one series, of ships you can rely on like. If the job calls, for a little more cargo room you. Can rest easy with, double, maximum. Rear pain. Maybe, you need to go that extra mile, for. Dedicated. Fuel tanks we'll get you there and then some and when. You're expecting, trouble on the horizon well. Even, the most brazen outlaw, is gonna think twice staring, down to tailor-made, missile, launchers. Whatever. Life throws at you we've, got you covered, misc. Freelancer. Built. For life. The, origin, 600, I has been called the symphony, in motion. Channel. To create the ultimate, luxury. And. Performance and. At. The heart of any orchestration. Lies. The tonal center of the experience. Cultivating. Harmony, resolution. Comfort. When. Traveling, the stars the, journey is just as, important, as the destination. The. 600, I touring, edition from, origin. You. It. All started, with a dream. The. Need to challenge the conventions, of our time. So, look at the well-worn path ahead decide. To take another route. What. Is lies about the culmination, of all decisions we made in the. Road to be traveled.

We, Decide to seek out though. Or, take a stand, against, the unjust and universe. We are all chasing, who we are who. We want to be. Which. Begs the question I, choose. It all edge. Juicing, the all-new Alpha, Beta. Delta. 2948. Must. Dream. Redefined the modern era. You. Adaptability. Defined. As being able to adjust oneself. Readily, to different conditions an, invaluable. Asset, in, a constantly, changing universe. From, the co ray to, the sin the, mock oh and the tanah. Each. Model, and Miss reliant, family, features. Advanced, she and designs. And. The reliant can acclimate to a multitude, of purposes and, situations. Contention. Communications. Discovery. And. Beyond. The, universe, we live in is always changing. Shouldn't. You. Misc reliant, a. Calm. Comes over the spectrum with a jaw. All. It says is an amount of cargo a delicate. Time table, and a risky, route. You. Know you've got 42, cubic metres to pack fella properly we're. Talking pressurize and shock resistant, construction so, whatever you put in here comes, out the same way. You. Had to arc to all 400, engines their, award-winning coal or die on technology, gives you maximum fuel, efficiency. While keeping your siglo. You. Come across a couple of pirates. But. With a weapons system featuring, trusted, names like Barry and Cronin. You. Want to worried. Commercial, vessel freelancer, class. Rank. Tags look. For. Landing and area. You're. The one they come to you and I need a job done right. Because. You trust one, ship. Misc. Freelancer. Bill. For life. Yeah. I guess you could say ships have always, held kind of a power, love for me. You're, growing up I couldn't get enough I'd. Hang out by the pads any chance I got listen to the pilot swap stories. My. Dad used to tell me you weren't born you, landed. But. Yeah there was always something. These. Aren't graveyards to me no no they they were Testament life I think. About all the lives that touched this once ship before it got to this place it's. Crazy right and there. Are a few things in this universe that, have that kind of power. To, me it always comes down to the people who flew it the. Modifications, that they made to make it theirs I mean we, could find 10 Connie wrecks and even though the layouts gonna be the same every. Single one of them is going to be different. There'll, be some kind of lingering presents to connect you to the Cobra we lived on it. When, I look at a ship. I see. A person. Now, I know when, people find these wrecks all they see are mounds of scrap a payday or whatever, to me. Maybe, was just growing up on a dusty rock but a ship. Was. Freedom. There. Was the limitless. Possibility.

2019-04-22 18:50

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