72hrs in East Java: Hiking Mount Bromo, Tumpak Sewu and Mount Ijen

72hrs in East Java: Hiking Mount Bromo, Tumpak Sewu and Mount Ijen

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our time traveling Indonesia up to now has been so exciting we've loved exploring the beaches jungles and seeing diverse wildlife and unique ways of living little did we know we were about to embark on our most challenging experience yet what awaited US was a very difficult 3 days but one that would be packed full of so many incredible moments come with us as we spend three days exploring three epic places in Java from crazy highs to really deep lows this is the wildest 72 hours we have ever experienced we made it to Java from somatra it was a 3-hour flight followed by a 3-hour taxi we did manage to get a little bit of sleep a little little bit of sleep we've arrived here in bromo and we're staying at home today it's 11:00 p.m. we have 3 and 1/2 hours to sleep before we get up to go to mount bromo for Sunrise yeah our Taxi Driver told us to be ready for 2:30 a.m. so we'll see you in the morning we'll see you in the [Music] morning it's so cold okay we're in the Jeep now we're heading to M bromo it's just gone 2:30 in the morning there's so many Jeeps around it's crazy we can't believe how many there are given this time of day it's so weird that there's just this mountain kind of in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden there's just this Village nearby and it's just full of jeeps so we're kind of stuck in traffic at the minute and uh we're just going to make our way to M bromo but we'll be there for [Music] Sunrise okay we are hiking up to the Viewpoint now it's pretty high up it's difficult to get your breath and walk uphill it's 3:30 in the morning Sunrise is probably going to be in a couple of hours we've had a coffee we've been shielding from the cold but now we're ready to go to the Viewpoint and watch the sunrise it is so cold don't underestimate how cold this can be it's about 12° but feels about 1° yeah there's some really cold winds so we would recommend wrapping up as much as possible yeah bring your jumpers bring your layers I have like four or five layers on I'm still gold oh it's so hard to see we're making our way to the Viewpoint I think it's called King Kong view or something so we're going to make our way down there and set the tripod up to get some amazing Sun my [Music] shop Sun's starting to come up now it's looking really cool it it is busy here there's quite a few drones in full force now a few have been getting in our time lapse but you know it's what we do as well so you can't complain too much but it is so cool you enjoying it I am I'm just nervous about searching this tripod the sun has just started to peek up over the mountain behind me and hopefully there'll be a really beautiful orange Hue over bromo [Music] that was Mount bromo at Sunrise how amazing was that that was so beautiful there were a lot of people we were kind of stressed out about them knocking into our tripod which would set up to try and capture the Sun hitting Mount bromo get so out of breath just doing a tiny incline I think it's cuz of the altitude but that was awesome now we're going to head to the volcano itself to one of the craters nearby get some awesome photos and some amazing content let's go I've never seen this many Jeeps before there's some really cool Jeeps here as well some have seen better days we'll give you a better view of hours when we get to it we're quite lucky that we parked a little bit further down all these people are now stuck until uh everybody else leaves we might still be a little stuck but we can get out a lot earlier than most of these we've started see some of these moving so it's a really good sign that we might be able to leave a lot earlier than most of them up there I may have spoke too soon we cannot leave just yet the cars that we're moving have just basically parked up right in front of us I asked the guide he said he thinks about 30 minutes um but we get to stretch out a little now and relax that's what you get for traveling in a Jeep it's not too spacious but it is very cool [Music] we're starting our Ascent up to the crater he said it's 2 km and we just basically take ourselves up to be honest yeah you can get a um a horse up but we're not really about that I'm also wildly allergic yeah incredibly allergic incredibly allergic so definitely not and unless we know how well they're treated then we're not going to partake in that we're going to go up to the crater throw the Drone up and just see the sights I think it's going to look [Music] awesome there's so much dust being kicked up into the air these horses are absolutely everywhere it's not so bad for me even though I'm a little bit out of breath this is literally a nightmare for me Danielle's allergic to quite a lot of animals and horses it's quite a and horses are quite a bad allergy for her so she's covering up her face hoping that that does the trick let's head up onto this bit to the right if we head up a little bit out of where the horses are that should be okay we're so close to the crater but the mix of the altitude and the horses my allergy is so bad I also have asthma and stupidly didn't my inhaler so I'm really struggling up here with the horses so that's going to take you up to the crater and I'm going to have it down and hopefully get the Jeep to take us to the home stay so I can get my inhale and breathe again this is prob movie one of the scariest reactions I've had because I'm so far from getting my inhaler I so horses literally can't breathe so I just got back to the home stay and I feel a lot better my breathing is a little bit better now I'm a bit sniffly still from the horses it was my own fault for not taking my inhaler but my asthma is so mild that I literally never have to think about it and I knew there would be horses there but I didn't realize there would be that many horses and that is literally my cryp Tonite that was really difficult like it's really scary I've never been able to breathe like that before I've taken an El tablet and my haers I'm going to get changed and just wash my face and stuff and then I'm going to head back onto the Jeep and go get [Music] that so we could see all those horses from where Danielle turned back with how bad my breathing is now to have asthma and bad allergies and a lot of those animals around even I can smell the horses in the air I feel so sad for Danielle she wanted nothing more than to be able to make it to the top of here and see this view but I'll do it for her just a few steps to go and then I'm at the top pretty slow progress going up these stairs right now really enough for one person at a time so anytime someone stops everybody stops but the rest is quite nice and I made it took a while on those steps but it looks so cool I'm so good to that Danielle could have make it Miss You Danielle hope you get back safe and I'll show you all the cool shots and videos when I get back I know that you would have loved this I just hope you got back okay I'm sure you did so now I'm just walking around the edge of the crater looking for a nice open space where I can fly the Drone and get some really cool videos and [Music] pictures the views from up here are phenomenal I got the Drone up I flew it around I'm not the usual drone pilot so got the B team in today I'm just hoping that I managed to do it justice for Danielle's sake I know that she would have crushed it she would have got some amazing footage here but I think I did okay but yeah just being up here is awesome the smoke coming up from the volcano has a really cool effect I did wonder if you'd be able to see the magma of the Volcano by flying directly over the top and look looking straight down couldn't see any I think there's too much smoke I don't know if there is any but just the views anyway up here stunning I will be honest it smells really bad um that's obviously the sulfur that's coming up from the Volcan okayo every so often it's like smelling salts you get this real strong hit and it kind of takes your breath away kind of makes you Flinch a little bit really does pack a punch hit you right in the nose and that lasts for a while and that's usually when you see a lot of smoke coming out from the bottom so I don't know how healthy it is to be up here for prolonged periods of time and because of that I'm going to head back down now Danielle has messaged me somehow you get full 4G signal up here she got back to the car safe the home state isn't far so they've already been back she had an allergy tablet she's had an inhaler and she feels great again so we're good to carry on the rest of the trip she did just miss out on this bit I know that she's going to be so gutted but she still gets to come here and witness it it's still an amazing place to be I'm sure she'll say the exact same thing see you at the bottom I'm back at the point where Danielle turned around still a long way to go but it is notably easier going down than on the way back up just got to avoid slipping the floor and like I said a few times there's this really fine dust in the air literally nearly just slipped on it then there's this really fine dust I think it must be Ash it's like really soft fine sand that's the closest thing I can describe it to it's like if sand was silk so it's getting everywhere and it's really slippy and not too much longer to go and soon it's going to be really flat ground okay I'm back at where the car's parked but I don't know where it's parked they've been back to the apartment obviously got the things that Danielle needed and now they've come back she sent me some description but I got to go find it amongst all this okay found it that was easy we are reunited and I managed to make myself feel a little bit better thanks to my inhalers I made it back to the base of bromo and met Matt when he came back back down it looked incredible from the footage I'm so GED I missed it there's a reason bromo is listed as one of the number one things to do in Indonesia and we found that out today because it's spectacular it's [Music] amazing this is any day one of our Whistle Stop tour jam-packed itinerary of java tomorrow morning we've got another very early rise not the earliest of the three days but a very early rise we're going to head to toaa whe which looks just outrageous we cannot [Music] wait [Music] we have made it to our home stay for the night we're staying at Dorner guest house this is the guest house that's owned by Aris who's the amazing guy who's helped us put this entire trip together so the car ride was about 4 hours and we came here straight from Mount bromo it's a very long day we're very close to 10 Pac suo but we're not going to go there tonight we're going to go there tomorrow morning tonight there's a different waterfall that Aris is recommended and it's amazing for Sunset apparently so we're going to head there now see a great Sunset grab some food and get an early night because we've got an early morning again tomorrow how amazing is this yeah this was a good choice this was a good choice wow [Music] the Sun is setting really beautifully now and I don't know if you can see it but behind me is Kass biru waterfall we are standing at the Panorama Viewpoint it's absolutely stunning here you could come pretty much any time of day but I think sunset and sunrise are usually best because you get the best view of the mountain in the background and that's usually when there's least Cloud we've been here for about half an hour getting some photos and videos and we just cannot get enough of it just taking this in is just phenomenal absolute force of nature Java you do not [Music] disappoint good morning it is the start of our second day in Java which means today we're going to explore the beautiful waterfall that is TPA a somehow we're more tired now after 8 hours sleep than we were when we were waking up yesterday after 2 hours sleep we're going to head to TPAC suo now for Sunrise and get some really beautiful shots of the waterfall and then we're going to come back for breakfast and then head down [Music] afterwards [Music] we have made it to Tac seu and it is outstanding this is one of the most impressive waterfalls Danielle and I have ever seen it's like a crater full of different waterfalls all spilling out from all around it it's amazing to see but then you combine that with the lighting that you get around this time of day around sunrise and then the mountain in the background it all just comes together and it's [Music] phenomenal the breakfast that's delicious are we doing half and half or mind now not getting pancakes so we got a cheese egg and salad sandwich and then banana pancake and some coffees which we're going to Wolf down so we can get back to the waterfall I think it's good okay we're at teg suo now we're going to start making our desent we've only been gone half an hour and it's already crazy busy so we'll do our best to get what photos we can but everyone's here enjoying it at the end of the day hey you looking forward to this this place has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember so I cannot wait to go down and see it yeah Danielle has been talking to me about wanting to do this for so long I think this is the thing that you were most excited about coming to Java for even more than this this is my big Java my big Java debut [Music] so far so good we have steps to go on and then there just like a bit of a railing ramp going down here now we're hoping it's not too treacherous down although we have heard that you have to be prepared to get wet because you kind of check through waterfalls as well and do a little bit of rock climbing too so that should be fun the steps pretty steep but that can often be quite good because then you get down faster what about getting back up yeah let's not worry about that right [Music] now that's so good that was really fun actually I absolutely love stuff like that I love that they haven't figured out a way that they can get a path down and you just have to go through it it's not that sleep Lippy so it's actually not as dangerous as it maybe looks the rocks are have really good grip I would not do this in trainers they rinse seaes at the top we got ours from the corner guest house where we're staying and you don't want to do this in your trainers obviously as you can tell very least your feet are going to get very wet but already really fun exciting refreshing start to the waterfall yay tell me how I just struggled down that and he made it look like it was easy peasy wow those long legs long legs definitely help with these kind of things but now I think we're at the bottom we're by the river which we could see from the top it's snakes towards or I guess away from um whichever angle you look at it uh so we're now at the river which snakes away from tempu yeah we've not even entered the actual tempaku Wu part which is here and I can't even see the waterfall yet but you can already feel the mist and the moisture in the air from the waterfall cuz it's so powerful so we're excited to get closer because I have a feeling that we're going to get [Music] drenched so it's pretty crazy here there's a lot of people and everyone's all looking to get the picture there's a few popular spots that people have obviously seen on Instagram and what happens when you go and you find maybe a different take on something or a a slightly different spot everyone tends to form a queue behind you because everywhere here is such a good picture we're just going to head to This Little Rock here now and I think the video is going to be pretty [Music] awesome it's just so incredibly beautiful here we cannot get enough of it one thing I was a little bit cautious about is finding the perfect spot to just really capture the beauty of this place but in all honesty there's so many places to take a beautiful photo because it's just so impressive from all angles so if you come no matter what time there's always going to be a beautiful space for you to take a photo here because let's face it it's probably the most beautiful waterfall I've ever seen okay we've been high now we're going to try to get as close as we can this is going to get pretty wet oh it already is it's so powerful already and we're not even that close now we've experienced the beauty at the power of compact zoo we are going to make our way back on up and hopefully it won't take too long because my legs are shaking already but this has been a 10 out of 10 so worth it you have to come [Applause] here the nature in E Java has been absolutely amazing so far it's kind of like something out of tazan [Music] yeah what better way to end our trip to tacu with some coconuts this is so refreshing after that walk so it's always so good and we managed to get a p um a kilo of mango Stein this has become our new favorite fruit if you've never had a mango Steen before find one get one right now thank us lat and tell us in the comments if we were right because it's so good the best another fruit you need to try is snake fruit it's so so nice show them the it comes in like basically a snake like cover little coat little coat and it has a brown pit in the middle it's so so nice it's got like the crunch of like what garlic would be like but it's sweet like an apple it's so good yeah we love [Music] [Applause] [Music] them it's midnight on I don't even know what day it is at this point but we've just woken up about 2 hours from Mount aen and we have a 2hour car Journey yet to go we have had about 3 hours sleep we stayed in a hotel we got here about 8:00 p.m. and we don't know if we're ready for today but we're going to move anyway so let's get on the road we're getting some crossant because we won't have time to stop for breakfast oh it's so I don't know is it early or late I don't know at this point we're just so tired we've packed a lot into just 3 days in Java we've got round about 2 hours in the car now we're definitely going to try and sleep as best we can as best we can this Vlog will be more fun later on yeah just give us a minute we've secured the goods it's time to drive [Music] got our mask we're starting the ascent up our gu said should be about 2 hours it's about 3 km but obviously it's uphill so let's see how we get on we're not going to film too much because of how dark it is you can tell we'll show you a little bit on the way up and some more at the top [Music] flat ground at least for a while we must be getting quite close to the top I think we're getting closer fingers [Applause] crossed okay okay we're going to head down to the blue flame now so we're going to put masks [Music] on we decided not to go down to see the blue flame the queue to get to the bottom was so long and it was moving really slowly so slow that we might have actually not made it down in time to be able to see the blue flame cuz the sun would have come up we set off at 230 this morning to the summit and we still didn't make it there in time to beat all the que so if you really do want to go down and see the blue flame you're going to have to set off at least an hour earlier than that you know half 1 1:00 a.m. something like that we decided that we wanted to see the sunrise so we're walking along the crater now the crater's edge and we can see the Blue Lake down below we can't see it blue yet but we can see the Ripples and we can see that there's a lake there can't show you that yet but when you see it it's going to be amazing we found a spot and we're going to sit here and wait for the sun to rise and to watch the beautiful Lake turn blue this has been such an epic trip we have absolutely loved climbing mountain of genen broma was really tough for me um for a multitude of reasons but again I'm pleased to say has been much more [Music] successful it is absolutely freezing up here definitely definitely layer up when you come I've got like five layers on I got two drumers like a windbreaker I've got like a vest and a t-shirt so I'm rocking the t-shirt and the hoodie oh is that it yeah oh it's so cold and my back is a bit wet from getting sweaty carrying the bag so the wind is hitting that and that's extra cold cannot wait for this sun to come up now yeah I can't wait the sun is coming up just behind us it's super beautiful and yeah a lot of people have come up here now for Sunrise and we're just going to stay in our spa and wait for the Sun toit the lake what other people won't show you in the YouTubes I'm so cold it's so cold the views are good though the views are banging look at this over here just show them the view can you even see anything a [Music] little so this right here is why you wait for the sun to hit the lake and it just turns it the most amazing shade of blue we're waiting for a little bit longer for this last little section just to get covered because it just looks phenomenal our time at the top of Mount gen has come to an end we've loved being here we've stayed here for so long probably been like 3 hours at the top just waiting for that water to turn the most amazing shade of blue and it was worth every cold minute that we spent at the top a few things to know about Mount ofen just as we're on our way back down it's the largest acidic Lake that sits in a crater in the world I can't say there's going to be a huge pool of candidates for claiming that title but it's still awesome anyway it's been such a unique incredible experience really love being here [Music] the jumpers are finally off it is warm enough the sun is on our face and it feels so good and we're still admiring the incredible views of a Jen wow this is without a doubt the most or one of the most probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen next to a place like kodo Island like this is a true force of nature like absolutely stunning how heavy is it he said it's 30 kilos wa they carry this from down at the bottom yeah it's so painful they carry it on the shoulder like that all the way careful they carry it all the way down from the bottom where the blue flame is I could not do that okay so we're now back at at the point where we put our gas masks on on the way up this is where you turn to go down to see the blue flame obviously we never ended up going down see the blue flame cuz the queue was just too crazy that's the real reason that you need the gas mask for now and at the top of there you don't need it but if you're going down to the water where all the smoke and all that sulfur is that's where you need the mask having been to the top of bromo recently this is nowhere near as pungent or the stench is nowhere near as bad there at the top of their crater at bromo it was burning my nose burning my throat here we had no problem walking around the top of the volcano you'd get the occasional smell of the Su for every so often but it's nowhere near as [Music] bad so when we started our track up to aen we noticed that some of the workers here offer trolley slart rides if you want you don't have to take it and I think it's around 500,000 to bring you up and 300,000 to bring you back down hello hello hello new friend yeah you drive taxi here yeah yeah yeah yeah and you carry the sulfur okay yeah sort yeah which is better yeah yeah which do you prefer taxi taxi or sulfur taxi better yeah yeah yeah more money money yeah what's your name bus bu yeah Danielle Danielle nice to meet you yeah okay my new friend how insane are these views from a Jen the walk back down is going to be a very very sweet one as much as it's way more chill coming down it's so Steep and slippy I don't think our trainers are very good for this was that you in the background me I've fallen once already had a couple of those skid n misses I feel like if you're watching this it doesn't look very hard but come and do a j and you'll change your mind I think it's because of the type of dirt or Ash whatever it is it's the same as what they had at bromo as well so I think it probably is Ash mixed with dirt it's like as soft as it's softer than S it's like Silk um it's yeah so fine so soft and because we pack for efficiency cuz we travel all over we only have running trainers and they're no good for this [Laughter] yeah at least you haven't fallen over yet I'm 1 nil yeah that is true I've I got that it was just before I picked up the sulfur by the way okay I think I need both hands [Music] [Music] now the more that we keep slipping on the way down and in my case falling the better these taxi services are looking sunglasses why am I doing this to myself that was close it literally makes your hard drop the end is in sight we're about to cross the finish line we're going to make it we made it woo that was sorry what were you going to say I said that really does feel like an accomplishment that honestly hands down one of the best things I've done in Indonesia yeah amazing you have to do Mount genen it's so beautiful I cannot explain it you obviously saw the footage it is amazing yeah the color of that Lake when the light hits it phenomenal and then the surrounding scenes the landscape is just incredible and even the walk down is absolutely beautiful when you're not skiding for your and scared for your life when you're not skiding for your life you have to add a genen to your bucket list our journey through East Java has been amazing we've loved every moment even though it's one of the most exhausting trips we've ever taken our only regret is that we didn't take our time to see even more of this incredible Island Mount bromo TPAC suu and mounten all blew us away but also so did the rest of East Java the nature here is so incredible we really loved it if you're looking to visit Java then we would recommend taking a a week to do it because fitting it into these crazy 3 days was so tough even if we did see so many wonderful things along the way we'll definitely be back but for now it's time for us to get the ferry back over to Barley where we'll probably sleep for another 3 days we hope you've enjoyed joining us for our East Java trip and don't forget to tune in next week for even more Adventures see you [Music] soon [Music] he

2024-02-28 05:41

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