Zebra DevTalk | DataWedge Updates and Identity Guardian | Overview | Zebra

Zebra DevTalk | DataWedge Updates and Identity Guardian | Overview | Zebra

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good morning good afternoon good evening we have a lot of people joining us today so we're just going to give it a minute or so before we get started so thank you all right I will go ahead and start to kick us off Welcome to our zebra Dev talk today we have a great session planned for you and excited that you decided to join us today before we get started I just want to go through some meeting Logistics with you the session is being recorded and the recording will be available able to you on YouTube in about a week all of your phone lines are muted so we cannot see or hear you during this presentation we will try to answer your questions at the end of the session if time permits so use the questions feature in the webinar panel on your screen also be sure to use the QR codes or the links that will be provided during the webinar session as they contain valuable resources and before we get started started with Daniel I am going to go through a few slides on resources and events that are specific for our developer Community to start I'm going to play a quick video that highlights our zebra developer portal for those of you who have joined our Dev talks before you might have seen this in the past and if so you do have about a minute to grab a cup of coffee for those of you joining us for the first time please be sure to watch this our video goes through a quick overview of where key tools re key tools resources and information can be found on our portal let's take a look learn connect build all in one place the zebra developer portal as an Enterprise software developer you need fast and easy access to technical information documentation and tutorials you also want to connect with your peers share and consume information to build your knowledge and competencies the updated zebra developer portal has you covered product pages give you quick access to product overviews tutorials documentation use cases forums and blogs about specific products all indexed with quick links to key developer information to help you build forums within the zebra developer Community make it easy to connect with your peers and find answers to your specific development questions to help you collaborate and build community blogs feature content from zebra engineers and other developer experts all sharing the latest Technologies and tools to enable your development on Enterprise devices developer events provide knowledge and networking opportunities for our developer community be sure to scroll through the upcoming and past events for registration information and access to OnDemand content the zebra developer portal provides Enterprise developers like you with the tools and services you need to build your edge with an easy to use interface you will be sure to find the resources and connections you need to build all your Enterprise applications devices built by us apps built by you great so in addition to our developer portal we also invite you to join our developer community on our various social channels you could join us on LinkedIn X GitHub and listen to our first series of our developer webcasts that are available use the QR code that's on your screen or the links that are being pushed out to access our communities and finally before handing it off to Daniel I am excited to announce that zebra will be attending and then sponsoring droidcon in Berlin London and New York later this year it's been a long time since we have been in participation in the US so we're excited that we're SP expanding outside of Amia and we look forward to meeting many of you there be sure to look into attending joycon and if you do stop by our booths now I'm going to hand it off to Daniel to go through the content that you've been waiting for data wedge updates thank you Daniel thank you thank you Maria so hi everyone good morning good afternoon and good even evening to everyone connected from all around the world so Maria if you can go to the next slide please and yeah so just one minute also from my side just wanted to present myself so my name is Daniel n and I'm a software servies engineer for zebra Technologies and developer Advocate primarily covering the Mia region I've been with zebra uh for over two years now and before joining zebra I've been doing entry development as a full-time job so I have um uh pretty good experience around Android in general not just developing but of the operation of the um operating system itself and yeah I've been doing a development for over seven years now uh you can also find me LinkedIn if you want to um I'm posting sometime sometimes over there as well and now to the first part of the session of today we will go through a couple of the data W updates I mean some features that have been introduced in data W recently and before jumping to that I would just like to spend a couple of minutes and talk about why data wedge should be considered uh as the first option compared to the MDK or the Enterprise browser barcode apis so there are numerous reasons why data was should be considered as the first option and primarily because um data W implements an intent based API uh system so it is much more easier to to implement inside than any application and we are not just talking about Native kind of applications being developed with cin or Java but we also talking about um applications being developed with custom Frameworks so in this case talking about react na for instance Maui or even flatter for instance and this is because it's uh easier to work with the intents the bundles and the broadcast receivers in such situations compared to a library which obviously needs to be uh supported needs to be written for each one of these uh Frameworks so uh it offers some ma it offers some more flexible way of working with the with the scanner um there are also numerous features currently getting released on data wedge and not on the emdk uh barcodes API side and same also for the Enterprise browser apis and if you take a look at the tag doc so probably already saw that so if you take a look at the TCH docs on the um on the Enterprise browser page or even on the indk page you will see a red banner popping up at the top of the page um showing you that it is advised to to use data W instead of the uh instead of the uh emdk uh scanning apis and this is because new features um new features getting released now on data which U there's no guarantee that these are also going to get released in in the MDK as well or the Enterprise browser apis and uh also there are no um differences between data wedge or the uh the MDK system so uh the features available on the NK side are primarily the the same ones being available in data wedge so you wouldn't lose anything if you were to transition to to data wedge it is also less tricky to work with the data W intent apis because uh we had different um situations in the past with customers or users uh I mean developers working with the uh with the um with the MDK scanning apis having issues with the scanner uh where basically the scanner was um uh was malfunctioning in some specific use cases and the user had to reboot device because of that and this is because it is very easy to mess up with the MDK manager on the code side so this is why also we are suggesting to use data wge because it's also much more easier for developer and also because data wedge is considered as the middleware between your application and the scanner so the hardware part of the scanner instead of the uh the the MDK which is considered as the um is considered to have a direct connection to the hardware of the scanner so there's no middleware when you're working with indk apis but there are also some situations when the MDK is still considered as um a good option let's say and the I mean these are just isolated cases uh and the first one is when maybe the developer is looking to have uh as much control as possible over the hardware scanner thing which Maybe by using this library and um for instance not wanting to have any any sort of middleware in between you ruce the NK in that uh in that situation uh there are also other use cases when um we are we are using external tools like uh um IDs that are are allowing you to create modular applications by blocks uh I can name one for instance Calypso studio uh that's that's an ID uh used for that use case to create module applications and in that case it is better to use the the um the emdk jar file and this is because uh last time I checked probably has changed now but last time I checked um it is not possible to work with the with the intent based apis with data wedge so in that case the BDK Library supported so you will use that one instead so there are also isolated use cases such as this ones and of course there are also situations when we are having old projects like Legacy projects running on old Android versions so they have been built with with the old uh standard um way of working with the scanner uh thing which was not possible in the past with data wge because data wge came a little bit later uh so in that case you have the MDK working good in the project you don't want to touch the code base so so uh yes also in that situations you should still keep using the MDK if it's working correctly without any sorts of issues so hopefully this U helps you a little bit for those who have still having um confusion about data wedge and the MDK scanning apis next slide please Maria all right so now let's talk a little bit about a couple of the feature which I've been introduced into dat to wedge and the first one I want to touch uh based with is the image capture so the workflow image capture and this is a nice feature they came out um if I remember correctly one two years two years ago yes if I remember correctly so it's a feature built in into Data wedge which is going to enable you to highlight um barcodes which could be present in uh in a captured image and you can use the imager or the camera to do that so you take the device take a picture by using data wedge and data wedge will automatically highlight all the available bar codes from that image and we have two ways on capturing this this image either by highlighting only the BARC codes or we can highlight the barcodes and at the same time also de code them and as you can see from the screenshot on the right side we are getting back also the informations the information related to those highlighted barcodes next slide please all right so this is another interesting feature that came out recently uh so this one is called free form OCR so workflow free form o this is another feature from the workflow category and and this feature is powered by the ml kit Library the sorry the ml kit text recognition in library from Google the V2 uh version so what it does is that it will automatically capture any text from any surface on which you are pointing your camera so um it's going to support it's going to be supported through the imager or the camera so say as the previous feature and we have the ability in this case as you can see from the screenshot we can uh either work on the full uh viewfinder so we can we can work on the full viewfinder uh with a camera or we can just use a specific area around the object that we are trying to get the text from and the way on how this will work is you're going to take the device uh um you can invoke the um you can invoke the feature from um from data wedge so you can test all of this also from uh the uh DW demo for example and you can uh capture the text by pointing the camera or the imager and you will also be able to check the text underneath live every time you are moving the camera so you are sure that the result is is the right is the right one then dat was will tell you to approve it and uh once it's approved data W will return back the result back to your application so in this case on the right side we have the W demo so uh we can have the return of the image in full of cropt and um we can use resizable frame like I was saying and the text is going to be captured under three different components so we will have blocks lines and elements so blocks will refer to um blocks will refer to paragraphs to give you an example lines will be referred to um Words which are considered to be on the same axis and then we have elements that are considered as one word consisted uh consisting to multiple characters so just to give you a definition of how these three components are defined next slide please and if we can take a look at the Cod side um same as any feature being used in data wedge uh we can um we can register a broadcast receiver to receive any data coming from data wedge and also in this case the information getting returned by data wedge for the capture text it's going to come under stringified form of adjon array and you can see on the right side you can see on the right side an example of this and for each Json object there will always be the line and the blog reference for each element and in this case the very first element of of any J of any Json array that we are going to get will be the actual image so you can also decode the image as well and there's documentation on how to do that on tag dos and the fars in this case the string data the group ID and the blog label are all referencing the uh the three uh the three components that we were discussing U previously so lines blocks lines and and um um and uh characters basically so this the those three uh those three pars are going to be referen to those three components mentioned before so uh very last feature I wanted to touch Bas on is the pck list OCR so this is very recent I think it came out end of uh of last year uh for some for some bsps um and this feature is something that is combining the it's something that combines capturing barcodes or text inside one single feature and we can use pck list OCR to capture barcodes or or text uh via the imager or the camera by specify also different sets of of rules and each rule will consist in four different parameters uh minimum length the maximum length the a contains um which uh will consist into a set of uh of alpha numeric characters and we can also specify the ignore case sensitivity as well and the text in this case will be captured to the form of words based on the uh defined OCR data rules that we are setting and as you can see on the on the right side of the screenshot on the right side you can see that all the barcodes that are uh following the um the rules that I've set will come out we will will be returned back with the uh cro image but instead the barcodes that were captured but they were not following the the rules they're coming back without the actual without the actual image and also in this case I forgot to mention about the text recognition uh feature that uh multiple languages scripts are supported so Latin is is the default one but others are supported as well and that's big list OCR so if we can go to the next slide so one more thing about data wedge before transitioning to uh to Identity Guardian is um is related to a library so um for those who are working with data W proba they aware about the um about how could come it could uh uh it could be sometimes to work with data wedge on the code side like for instance creating uh complex configurations and working with the nested bundles probably some of you uh listening right now are aware about this uh about the struggle um so what I wanted to say is that um so a colleague of us I mean is no longer a with in zebra but he he came out with with this original idea and I've uh kept working on this on this Library essentially this is a library that is going to wrap um some of this complexity and some of this boilet plate code that the de the developer has to deal with so why I'm saying this so um when when data wedge create was created only a handful of features were included inside the application and the problem with data wedge so I'm saying it openly the problem with data wedge now is that we kept adding features and features over and the current architecture of data wedge is quite complex is very difficult now to to change it but that doesn't mean mean that we cannot create um rappers or libraries around data W to make our lives easier so um this this Library which uh I'm going to say it right now is not officially supported by zebra so it's not officially supported by by us but uh you can uh reach out to me any anytime if you want to uh to to know more about it and we're also going to share the link about the repository on GitHub uh this is a library that is going to wrap some of the logic of data wedge allowing you to work in a much more easier way uh in the code so instead of working with bundles you will work with methods and Builders so if you're aware on how Builders are working in in Java for instance in Java we were used to use a lot the builders uh it's going to work in a s middle way is going to follow the same architecture as data wedge in terms of names structure and parameters so it's not going to be um a completely different thing compared to how data wedge actually works right now with the with intent apis and the good thing about this is that it's going to be open source so it's open source you can always check it you can also take inspiration from this in case you want to to use it it will be it will be it will be interesting to see if if you have any ideas about that so really open to to see to see if anyone of you will uh will be looking to to use it and now if we take a look at the next slide you will actually understand better what I mean by simplifying the code and this is because on the on the left side we have the uh traditional way on working with data w by by creating a very simple profile um by enabling the intent output disabling the key stroke output and by associating an application with two uh different activities and sending the uh intent with with the broadcast so you can see how many lines of code we need to write uh just to to accomplish this task and you can see then on the uh right side how we can simplify all that boilet play code by just wrapping this sort of logic uh with the library so um it's the exact same code so nothing is missing from from this but it's um it's hiding much of the of what you are supposed to write every time in in your code and it's also less uh less possible to to uh to get into mistakes if you know what I mean because working with bundles you will have to always input the constants uh the constants for the extras and the values and there is a high high high percentage rate that you will uh encounter mistakes and you will you have heada ages by searching when where the where the issues is and um instead with with this side sort of Library it's going to be less I mean it's going to be um you will you will not have this sort of issues because working with methods it's direct it's you're not working with any sort of constants you're are working with ANS as well so you can know exactly what you're picking for the for the values and um going to stop here with this um so in case of you if you're interested make sure to take a look at the library and now we will go to Identity Guardian so identity Guardian um so identity Guardian came out this year so it's really fresh came out this year uh back in February it's uh the newest member of the mdna family and identity Guardian is essentially is a solution that will um will um will allow users to easily authenticate on our devices by using multiactor authentication and by leveraging facial Biometrics um probably the local teams from your regions already uh had a chat with you about this or probably not uh in any case make sure to reach out also to your local team in case you you want to to have more information about this um so identity guardan will also integrate uh with uh different SSO providers and we will see that more in a second um and the the main point about N Garden is to try to uh simplify the login experience to to the user by minimizing the time uh needed to authenticate all the time on the device and also by uh by optimizing the uh time needed to uh use the applications especially if we are going to use uh an SSO provider to log in also to those applications so it will work in a more smooth uh way uh we will also provide different personalization options um and um different settings which you can customize on identity guarden and those are going to be uh those are going to be uh exposed by uh different manage configurations so those manage configurations can be set from any mm supporting manage configurations so can be so it can be 42 gears it can be War space one um and of course also our mdna Cloud so you can also um set up identity Guardian from our mdna Cloud as well and we will also touch base about the personalization in a second so yeah it's it's okay it's okay uh so we can take a look at how the integration can work uh in a share device environment and this is because identity Guardian not just offers a way to authenticate on a personal own device inside a company but we can also use it to authenticate ourselves inside a share device environment which means that I'm in a warehouse for example and um I need to share my device with uh with with a couple of other workers because we are having different shifts so in that case uh my colleague will use the device and will have access to uh its applications uh and it will automatically log in by using their credentials and we have three different ways on how we can use identity guardan so the first one is meant to be used when we want to provision a new uh a new user the second one will be used for the share device uh environments so for authentication and then we have a third one which will be used for uh authentication but on a personally own device so in that case we'll be talking about devices being used only by one single person so the initial process on how we can uh get uh a new user enrolled is by having the application running so by having idty guarden running on uh on U on a device which is used only to enroll the users so in that case we will follow the wizard the procedure and a QR code will be created and will be saved on the device so you can later export it uh however you want it and you can also print it of course because this QR code uh is meant to be used later on as a badge so like a badge uh to authenticate and this QR code will be encrypted so very important here uh the QR code is not cannot be decrypted in anyway uh not even by the not even by the company uh so uh that's a major point to to be uh uh to be said right from the beginning so it's not possible to decrypt it so um later later on the user has uh their um their QR code so we picked the device we uh scan the barcode so we scan our barcode um then the user will facally authenticate themselves and if the information contained from the barcode matches the ones from the from the face then the user will automatically be signed in into the device now couple of points to be uh to be said here um what does the QR code contains so um it contains um information about the user and and some a couple of the information like the role being assigned to the user and a couple of other details and it contains the information about their face of course fully encrypted like I said before so the decryption is being done not by the N Guardian but it's being done by the Android operating system so everything is being performed inside the sandbox and the dty guardian would only get the ual result uh when uh when performing the comparison between the data from the QR code and the uh actual data coming when um uh mapping the face so if those information are correct and matches so they are matching then automatically the user will be signed in into the device so key advantages about this um so the employee will always be in control over the personal data because it's an encrypted barcode and it can always be discarded when it's necessary uh an employee can also opt not to use Biometrics for instance and instead they can access the device through a secure unique pin and like we were saying uh it identi guardan supports multiactor authenication so we can always create different ways on how a user is support supposed to access the device we can we can also have uh the we can also scan for example the barcode facial authenticate ourselves and then the the employee the user will also have to uh input a pin just to have an extra layer of security so we can all also do that with identity Garden as well there are multiple ways on how we can we can set up uh we can set up identity Guardian on the device and it's would take way too much to explain everything inside a session like this um and then U the employees can also use any device inside the organization that's true uh the only minimum requirement for Iden Guardian is to um to have a minimum of uh of Android um of Android 11 version so the device needs to run Android 11 minimum so it cannot be used on Entry 10 or 9 or 8 so entry 11 has to be on the device and there's no limit on how many devices I can use I can authenticate on any device uh running identity guardian and I don't need to have an internet connection in order to do that so identity Guardian can be used also in a closed Network environment because it's going to work without without requiring any sort of internet connection because it's not going to reach out to any sort of server to um check the data or those kind of processes so you can also use it in a locked environment the only uh the only situation when you're going to need an internet connection is when setting up identity Guardian on the device so uh in the usual situation you can Al you can also be a warehouse that is not using an internet connection for instance and you can still use identity Garden on the device you can customize the employees device experience according to the roles so this is another interesting thing to do with identity Guardian which I was mentioning at the beginning in terms of personalization so um during the set of wizard when we enroll a user uh it will also ask us to define the role of this user and in this case um we can specify and use as many rols as we want uh when when personalizing identity Guardian so I can have for instance the normal employee user I can have the manager Ro I can have the super admin Ro and so on so you can Define all those through manage configurations but the good thing about this uh is that the good thing about this is that we can um we can use aidentity Guardian together with Enterprise homescreen and I'm saying this because recently Enterprise H screen has introduced an update which will uh let you use multiple configurations Ro based so in case you're going to use Enterprise home screen together with the with the identity Guardian you can set up for the Enterprise home screen specific XML configurations based on the role that you are going to use for your users so if you are having the employee uh role you can create an XML configuration for Enterprise home screen and then the employee will have a different UI of the Enterprise home screen and same goes also for the other roles so for instance if I uh if the admin the super admin is uh logging on the device it will have access on many other things compared to the normal employee because we will have a different configuration we can you um go back a little bit uh Maria yeah so um another thing I want to mention is that we can also set up um expiring date and time for uh the barcodes which we are creating for the users so in case you have any temporary workers uh using um identity Garden you can also set up an expir date and then automatically those QR codes can be uh discarded after the expire after the expiration dat so next slide please all right so now that we have a more uh general idea of how identity Guardian Works let's take a look at how we can use it in a personal device uh deployment in a personal device environment so we do the setup wizard so the user has in this case an assigned device the user creates the personal login by following the wizard and here in this case the QR code so the information will be stored on the device and we don't need in this case to scan the QR code because this device will be used by the same user so in this situation the QR code will be stored on the device and when identity Guardian will perform the check uh uh when when the user is trying to log in it will just ask for the face for the face so the user will just have to uh facial authenticate themselves and then the data will be compared to the only uh credential being available on the device and the user will be signed in later on uh key advantages about this so I already mentioned the first and the second one um uh one other thing to mention is that uh you or the it manager will also have visibility about the security being used on the device so we can uh we can actually check that uh for instance on um on mdna cloud so we can have a list of all the devices and the credentials being used and we can also check what kind of security is being used at the moment and the it will also have the ability to override the screen lock for troubleshooting without having access to personal data so that's also another thing to consider whenever we will we will have to we would encounter any sort of issues next slide please all right so um the SSO so I mentioned before that we are uh integrating I mean identity Guardian is is integrating with some third party SSO providers so in this case we have support for Microsoft we have support for Ping ID and we will also we we will also provide support for OCTA coming up later this year so how the SSO support will uh will uh will work will um the whoever will use identity guardan they will be able to Al set up the SSO uh configuration as well when uh when setting up identity Garden through the manage configurations so we have documentation on how to do that available as well on the tag docs and the typical the typical workflow will be as follows so the user will the user will pick up the device um uh will pick a device for the shift the user will then authenticate themselves with the um with scan the barcode with scan will authenticate themselves with the facial uh with the face and then the user will be signed in into the device and um right after that if we also uh providing SSO support then identity Guardian will launch the uh window um for the login on the SSO provider so the user will then follow the login process from the from the SSO provider and then once the authentication is sucessful the user will also have uh access direct access to the uh applications integrating or uh leveraging that SSO provider so in case you have a device running on uh Microsoft Microsoft applications uh like like the office suit of applications you will automatically be logged in on those applications so you will not be required to re-input every time the uh the credentials in order to uh to use the device uh to use the applications on the device and the same process will work also in Reverse so um if a new user will authenticate on the device then identity Guardian will remove any uh left authentication from the previous user then the applications will also log out from the previous user and the new user will be able to authenticate and uh use the applications with uh their credentials and there's also an interesting thing about this that we if we if we leave the device for inance uh on the table or we are not using the device for some time like a couple of minutes because we we are doing something else so in that case the device will be locked back again so the device would repe the device it's the same user using the the device um it will scan the barcode fish authenticate themselves again but it will not require the the user to reauthenticate for the SSO and this is because identity Guardian will recognize this is the same user using the device so um another uh smart uh way on how identity Guardian will handle this um uh this situation now if we go forward uh identity Garden will also provide enablement via some apis so we are providing also some apis which can be uh which can be used in an entry project so these are going to work to provide for example alerts about new user signing on uh to show who has signed on on the device uh can be used also to identify the users role or even to register the time they sign on onto the device and if we can take a closer look at the actual apis uh at the next slide uh we actually have six different apis which can be used uh and in this case we are not talking about a library we are talking about apis which can be implemented via a content provider interface so if you're familiar with the content providers and you are also familiar with other the tools that U we are offering um it's going to it's going to work in a similar way like for example the OM info application which is uh used to retrieve non-resettable identifiers so what you will have to do is um for each one of these apis you have to get a permission through the access manager apis in order to WID list your application to be able to use one of these apis and you will have to use for each one of these apis the uh its delegation scope so you have to allow your application to use one of the delegation Scopes which in this case uh we are referring to the actual apis so um probably it's a little bit confusing um and probably it's a little bit complex if you hear all of this all at once but it's it's it's not that complex and and uh I've also created a Blog poster showing how to to work with each one of these apis is available on the developer portal uh and uh probably already saw the link in the chat um and I'm also showing how to actually Grant your application permission in order to use one of these apis so if you are interested about integrating identity Guardian with your application um make sure to check out also that uh blog post in order to to help you out a little bit so just to summarize now because we're running out of time uh last slide um elements of the solution about entty Guardian so like I was mentioning we can use it together with the Enterprise home screen which is going to provide uh personalization with the different roles which we are going to use uh for the users on the device device so providing different UI exper U experience based on the roles we can also use identity Guardian together with the DNA cloud to use to to see and and check what kind of security is being used on the devices by the users and check also the users being uh the users which are using the devices on device apis so we can also so um we can also work with the apis uh by integrating identity Guardian with an application that we are going to use with and device tracker so uh device tracker is also another integration so it's a tool uh used to recover lost stolen or misplaced devices and if we use identity Guardian together with the device tracker will be able to instantly identify the person who use the device in order to help out with the recovery process and that's pretty much it we are by the end of the session so the resources these are the resources links so these are already available in the chat so uh make sure to give it a look so um data GPI documentation link to the library available on GitHub documentation of identity guardian and also link to the blog post explaining how to use each one of the available identity guance apis great thank you Daniel great presentation we have a lot of questions that came in so in the next eight minutes I will go ahead and try and get through as many as we can if we do not get to all your questions and if you put your questions through under your name and not anonymously we will follow up with you via email if we can't get to all of them so let's go ahead and get started if you don't mind the first set of questions are regarding data wedge um and these two are somewhat related so I'll combine them um for the free form OCR does the end user always have to adjust the capture earring manually or can they present it via API and it's similarly how do they grab the image to do something with it so kind of on that image grabity yeah un so this is something that came out quite often I mean I had this question uh popping out a couple of times from from different users unfortunately yes you still need to um to specify every time so you always need to redraw the um the frame whenever you are using the free form um so there's no way to uh input some specific Dimensions when working with the apis uh this is something that I've um suggested to The Bu so hopefully it's something that they are going it's something that they are going to integrate in a later version of of data W on data wedge as well um does the free form OCR need a connection to Google to operate that is does it work when the device is not connected to the internet and are there any firewall exceptions required no absolutely not it can work also in a it can also work in an offline mode so there's no there's no problem with that okay um for data wedge is there a sample of how to switch from Reading barcodes and RFID tabs anywhere can you repeat that question again sorry Maria is there a sample of how to switch from Reading barcodes and RFID tags so an example uh so so there is the so there is the module which you can use inside data W related to the RF id and you can enable that through the apis and later disable the the uh the barcode input but I don't think we have any uh I don't think we have any sample applications available about that but we have the documentation on on Tech dos so you can check and I think and I'm almost certain that there is the there is an example a snippet of code on how you can enable theid module I think I think there is a okay few more coming in still on data wedge and then I'll switch in a minute to the other topic um will you also be able to choose export path from data wedge so that you can access the DB without using an SD card and then move it to your computer due to Android 11 and up scope storage will you be yeah goad okay yeah so um um so right now we so right now we with data wedge um in order to work out with with the limitation introduced with the scope storage if I remember correctly um we are using the we are using the um uh the path inside the Enterprise partition in order to um um to um to push the DB file if I remember correctly but this is something I need to check because normally I'm not using it that much so maybe this question let's take it out you know maybe I will I will reply to that in a in an email maybe great all right I'm going to switch over to identity identity Guardian now so we could cover a few of those questions does identity Guardian face recognition feature require Google libraries can it work on devices that don't have Google mobile services uh so so without Google Play services I mean I mean it technically should be used on our devices that are all almost all of them equipped with the GMS services but I don't think they are required and I'm saying this because um recently if I remember correctly we we've added support also for the Ws 50 so you can use identity Guardian also on the w50 and if you remember the W shift is not um is not requiring the the GMS is not having the GMS services so it's running an AOSP based build um so no they it it should not require any Google Play services so it can be used uh without any problem um another one regarding identity Guardian what kind of users session data can we retrieve from Iden identity Guardians apis so um um there are multiple there are multiple information that we can retrieve there are I think there are over I think almost 30 different um fields which can be retrieved when we are uh getting the user session and right now with the 1.2 version of identity guardan which came out recently we can also retrieve the um uh uh the [Music] um the uh the the types of authentication being uh being used by that user so there are very multiple things which you can retrieve with the user session but they are all available on the um on the tech docs okay is idti and guardian a paid service or FOC can can you repeat that yes is identity Guardian a paid service or a paid service oh yes yes so there are two variants of identity Guardian so there is a free version but it can only be used with pin with pin as authentication method so it's not going to leverage the facial Biometrics the SSO integration uh so it's pretty limited um so uh I would obviously I would recommend to use the the full version of identity Garden because otherwise you're missing a lot of the uh a lot of the actual things that identity Garden is bringing but you can you can check out and and hear about thees and the pricing by uh working with your local team in case you're in in case you're interested about about it great Daniel we are at time um there were still a few more questions so great topic a lot of interest in this we appreciate your expertise and and sharing all of this information with us for those of you that still ask questions and again if you identified yourself we will follow up with you shortly regarding some of your answers and responses hopefully you join us next month for our next Dev talk thank you thanks everyone bye bye bye

2024-05-01 10:57

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