Why Hybrid Bonding is the Future of Packaging

Why Hybrid Bonding is the Future of Packaging

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The 3D V-Cache secret has been revealed.  Zen 5 X3D is placing the cache below the   CPU chiplet in a move I honestly didn’t  expect to see so soon. And while it does   explain the changes we found in the Zen 5 chip  deep-dive, it poses a entirely new question:   how exactly is a Ryzen 9800X3D manufactured?  Because the marketing animations, while nice   to look at, never tell the whole story. I'm sure you have seen this animation before.  

It shows AMD’s 1st gen 3D V-Cache. CPU chiplet  on bottom and cache on top. But what if I told   you that's not how the final chip actually  looks like? AMD has left out one important   step from the advanced packaging process  that’s used to connect the 3D V-Cache to   the CPU chiplet. And if we are wrong about the  first generation, how close to reality is AMD's   9800X3D animation this time? That’s exactly  what we will try to find out in this video.

Let's take a closer look at Zen 5 X3D, figure  out how 1st and 2nd gen 3D V-Cache CPUs really   look like and explore the advanced packaging  technology that is making all of this possible. AMD first 3D V-Cache CPU, the Ryzen 5800X3D,  wasn't just a lucky strike. It was made possible   by a brand new packaging technology called  "hybrid bonding". Hybrid bonding is what I  

would call a "leap technology", because it's  the foundation for a true technological leap:   real 3D packaging at scale. AMD’s X3D  CPUs are only the beginning. But what   exactly is hybrid bonding, what makes  it so special and how does it work? The reality is that ever since the invention  of the so called flip chip in the 1960s,   semiconductor packaging hasn't  fundamentally changed. Even today,   most chips are using the same principles.  This form of packaging is solder based, and  

it's very simple. If you want to connect a chip  to something else, like the packaging substrate   or even another chip, you just use solder. Of course you can't just slap solder onto the   bottom of a chip and call it a day. That's  where so called "solder balls" or "solder  

bumps" come in. You start at the smallest  layers of the metal interconnects of a chip,   then you incrementally build them up as larger and  larger structures until they are big enough for   the soldering process. Then you add the solder.  These solder balls are often called "C4 bumps".   No, not the plastic explosive. I'm talking about  the "Controlled Collapse Chip Connection", aka C4,   which is the technical term for flip chip  bonding using solder balls. Because the   solder balls do collapse a bit during the  bonding process, but in a controlled way. Take a look at this picture of a broken R9  Nano. If we zoom into the cracked GPU we can  

actually see the solder bumps that are used to  connect the GPU die to the packaging substrate,   with our bare eyes. I'm not going to count  them, but if you wanted to, you definitely   could do so. That's how big they are. And we can see the same on Zen 5. This   picture shows the broken 9600X that was used  by Fritzchens Fritz to create the die shots   for my Zen 5 deep-dive. The chiplet is removed  from the PCB. And once again, if we zoom in,   we can see the C4 bumps that are used to package  the Zen 5 CCD onto the packaging substrate. In areas with a increased need for interconnect  density, like die-to-die interconnects,   solder bumps have been replaced by copper  pillar bumps, also called "C2 bumps". They are,   as the name implies, copper pillars with a solder  bump on top. Because they are smaller and don't  

fully collapse like a solder ball, you can place  more of them in the same area, which increases   interconnect density. Very small versions of  this technology are usually called microbumps.   But they still use the same core principle. In the  end, even today, everything is still soldered. Hybrid bonding changes that. It  introduces a completely new form  

of interconnect that does not use solder. At its core, hybrid bonding places two pieces   of silicon flush against each other which then  form a connection through a special layer,   the so called bonding layer. This  layer contains tiny copper pads,   which will form the electrical interconnects,  and a dielectric material to isolate the copper   pads from each other. That's where the name  "hybrid bonding" comes from, because it's a   hybrid bond of copper and dielectric material. The bonding process is easy to explain. You start   with two silicon chips you want to bond to each  other. Of course they can't be random chips,  

they have to be designed with hybrid bonding  in mind. Both chips need matching interconnect   areas on their respective surfaces. In a first step, the surface of both chips,   usually as part of a wafer, is treated and  prepared with a dielectric material and   the matching copper interconnects  are revealed. The copper is a bit   recessed from the dielectric material. Now both wafers are perfectly aligned in a   vacuum and pressed against each other. Because  the copper in the bonding layer is recessed,  

the dielectric material, for example silicon  dioxide, touches first. The pressure inside the   vacuum is enough to start the initial dielectric  bonding, which already begins at room temperature.   To fully anneal the dielectric bond, the  wafers are heated to about 150 degrees celsius,   which completes the first bonding step. Next, the wafers are further heated to around   300 degrees celsius, which is the temperature  that copper starts to anneal. The previously   recessed copper interconnects on both  chips start to expand and connect with   each other. The result is that the copper pads  on both chips are now fused with each other,  

forming a single electrical interconnect. And they  are isolated from each other by the surrounding   dielectric material. This bond itself is  strong enough to keep both chips bonded to   each other without any additional support. This process flow is why hybrid bonding is  

so special. It connects two chips  in the most straight forward way,   by directly forming copper-to-copper bonds,  without the use of solder. You are basically   fusing parts of the metal layers of both chips. Direct copper-to-copper connections offer a couple  

of advantages. First, they can be much smaller  than even the smallest of solder based microbumps,   increasing the interconnect density. There  are no solder related problems, no deforming.   The placement of each copper pad is tightly  controlled and they are fully isolated by the   dielectric material surrounding them. That means  you can place them much closer to each other.   The main advantage of a higher interconnect  density is a increase in energy efficiency.  

Just by having more, smaller and shorter  interconnects, hybrid bonding reduces   resistance by about 90% compared to soldered  interconnects. Which means the energy cost   to transport a single bit is reduced. Using hybrid bonding, AMD was able to increase   the interconnect density by 16x compared to a  already small microbump technology. This slide   gives a very good idea of just how much smaller  hybrid bonding interconnects really are. In the  

image you can see traditional C4 bumps as  grey circles and how close they are usually   placed to each other. The smaller blue dots  are microbumps, a more advanced form, but   still solder based. And the orange dots represent  hybrid bonding. A massive difference. This means,   you can bond two chips in a way that they  behave almost like one single chip. The second advantage is that placing two chips  directly on top of each other, and not having to   use layers of microbumps and solder in-between,  also reduces latency. A hybrid bonded chip can   have shorter access times to parts of the chips  below or above it than even some areas inside   of that very chip. Because the signal only has  to travel vertically. That's what allows AMD to  

extend the L3 cache of its X3D CPUs, because the  cache chiplet, no matter if above or below, is so   close. Almost as if it was on the same die. In a nutshell, hybrid bonding allows you to   connect chips with very high bandwidth,  low latency and great energy efficiency.   It basically bonds two chips as one.  It's better in every single way compared   to previous solder based solutions. But  of course, it's not without drawbacks.

One disadvantage of hybrid bonding is that it  requires a FAB like environment. Traditionally,   semiconductor manufacturing and packaging  have been two very different parts of   the chip production. Manufacturing needs  cleanrooms, because even a single particle   can negatively affect the photo lithography  process. Wafers are constantly cleaned and a   very high precision is required. But once the  silicon is finished, the packaging could be   done in a much less controlled environment with  less precise machines and without the need for   cleanrooms. Which results in lower costs. Hybrid bonding changes that. The surfaces of   the chips that you want to bond have to be super  smooth, which requires CMP, so called chemical   mechanical planarization. Even a single particle  between the bonding layers can result in a lot  

of defective interconnects, which is why you  need a cleanroom. And smaller interconnects   also means you have to use a lot more precision  when aligning the chips with micron precision,   which requires higher precision tools. With traditional packaging, you could choose   from a variety of Outsourced Semiconductor  Assembly and Test companies, so called OSATs,   to handle the packaging of your chips. You would  produce them at a FAB and then ship the finished  

silicon to another company for packaging.  With advanced packaging and specifically   hybrid bonding, the packaging is usually done at  the semiconductor manufacturing company itself,   because it does need a FAB environment and FAB  tools. And since AMD is manufacturing at TSMC,   the hybrid bonding is also handled by TSMC.  To be precise, AMD is using TSMCs SoIC-X,   which is short for "System-on-Integrated-Chip". By the way, Intel's next-gen Foveros Direct is  

also using hybrid bonding. With hybrid bonding, there are two primary  options when it comes to the process flow. Hybrid   bonding can either be done as Wafer-to-Wafer  (W2W) or as Chip-to-Wafer (C2W), sometimes   also called "Die-to-Wafer" (D2W). Wafer-to-Wafer, as the name implies,   uses hybrid bonding to directly bond two whole  wafers. The main advantage is that you have a high   bonding throughput, as you bond entire wafers with  little initial steps. For this type of bonding,  

the chips on both wafers need to be the same  size, as they have to be perfectly align with each   other. After both wafers are manufactured,  they are prepared, which might require some   wafer thinning. Next, the wafers are cleaned, the  hybrid bonding layer is activated and the wafers   are bonded in the way we just discussed. Only  after the bonding process is finished are the   dies cut from the now double stacked wafer. But there's one disadvantage to this approach.   When you bond wafers to each other, you can't  bin the chips beforehand, you have to work with   what you got. That means some of the top and  bottom chips will have defects. You could end   up with a working cache chiplet on a defect CPU  or vice versa. That's where Chip-to-Wafer comes  

in. In this hybrid bonding process flow the  wafers are cut and binned before the bonding   process and only so called "known good dies"  (KGDs) are selected for the hybrid bonding. Chip-to-Wafer has two different ways of aligning  the chips once they are cut and sorted. You can  

either place the top chiplet directly onto  the bottom chiplet, or you use a so called   "reconstituted wafers". This means you are  basically re-building or re-constituting the   initial wafer, but this time only with working  chips. So you take the original wafer, dice it,   test the chips and then you place the good ones  back on a new wafer. You can do this with only  

one of the chips, so for example you could bin the cache  chiplets, place then on a carrier wafer and then   hybrid bond them to unbinned CPU chiplets  - or the other way around. Or you can bin   both chiplets and use two reconstituted  carrier wafers for the hybrid bonding   process. The bonding process itself then looks  exactly the same as Wafer-to-Wafer bonding.   The advantage of Chip-to-Wafer is clear,  you can control which chips you use for   the bonding process. And if the chips you want  to bond to each other are of different size,  

you don't have a choice, since you can't use  Wafer-to-Wafer and have to use Chip-to-Wafer.   But there are also disadvantages. Chip-to-Wafer requires a lot more steps. First you   have to cut and bin the dies, then attach them to  a carrier wafer, then perform the bonding process,   then remove the carrier wafers again. Cutting  the dies before bonding is also a problem,   because the wafer dicing process releases a lot  of particles, which can contaminate the sufaces   of the chips and negatively affect bonding. A  single particle can block the bonding process  

for many interconnects. That's why Chip-to-Wafer  bonding doesn't use blades or even lasers to cut   the dies from the wafer, but plasma. Because  plasma cutters create the least amount of   particles during the wafer dicing process. If you are interested in learning more about   advanced packaging, I highly recommend checking  out SemiAnalysis. They cover everything,  

from packaging technologies to process flow, the  players in the industry and much more. There's a   5-part in-depth series on advanced packaging.  I can guarantee that if you read them all,   you will understand advanced packaging on a  new level. I've linked all five articles in   the description below. They are a lot to take  in, but completely worth it in my opinion. But enough with theory. We're here to  figure out how AMD's 3D V-Cache CPUs  really look like. Let's start with the 1st  gen, which is used on Zen 3 and Zen 4.  

AMD's visual representation is very  clear. The CPU chiplet, also called CCD,   is on the bottom and the smaller 3D V-Cache  chiplet sits on top, in the center of the CCD.   Because it's not as big as the CCD, two pieces  of silicon are placed next to it for structural   support and to create a coherent surface. But that doesn't fit with the hybrid bonding   process flow AMD is using. For Zen 3 and Zen 4,  AMD uses reconstituted wafers for both the CPU   chiplets and the cache chiplet. Let me explain. This is a Zen 4 CCD. Right now we are looking at  

the side that's usually facing down, towards the  packaging substrate. Remember, current chips are   so called flip chips, they are placed face down.  In order for us to see the Zen 4 CCD transistor   structures in this picture, Fritzchens Fritz  had to remove the CCD, flip it around and grind   down all the metal layers that sit on top of the  transistor layer. This is how it actually looks   like, without the metal layers removed. These  metal layers are facing downwards, and then   solder bumps are used to bond it to the PCB. We can also see that the die itself is much   thicker than the actual transistor layers. And  because the side we are looking at right now  

is facing down, all that unused silicon is  on the backside, facing upwards. But if we   want to build a X3D chip, that's where the cache  chiplet is supposed to sit. What's going on? The reason silicon wafers are much thicker  than the few layers that are actually needed   to manufacture the transistors is structural  integrity. Wafers have to go through thousands   of process steps inside a semiconductor FAB  and they are already thin and fragile. If  

they were even thinner, you'd run the risk of  damaging them during the manufacturing process.   The extra silicon adds the needed structural  support. But in order to stack a chip on top,   which in the case of a flip chip means  stacking it on the back, you have to   remove the structural silicon on the backside. To allow the cache chiplet to connect to the CCD,   the CCD first has to be thinned down in a process  process called "wafer thinning". A entire wafer  

of Zen 4 CCDs is thinned at the same time. The  result is that only the super thin transistor and   metal layers of the CCDs remain. It's also a very  delicate process, because wafer thinning impedes   the structural integrity of the original wafer,  by removing the silicon that was providing the   structural support in the first place. For that  reason so called "support" or "carrier wafers"  

are used during the process, which are bonded to  the wafers that are being thinned down, so they   don't collapse when they become too thin. The result of that wafer thinning process is   that we have super thin Zen 4 CCDs, that are  little more than transistor and metal layers,   sitting on top of a carrier wafer. Next we have to prepare the 3D V-Cache.   Because the cache chiplets are smaller  than the CCDs they will be bonded to,   they also have to be placed on a carrier wafer  for bonding. First, to align them properly. And   second, if TSMC would press different sized chips  against each other, they would most likely break.   Than means both chips that are being hybrid bonded  via two wafers have to have the same surface   size. The reconstituted carrier wafer has to  be a combination of the 3D V-Cache chiplet and   the two small pieces of structural silicon to  achieve the same surface area as the CCDs.  

To recap: on one side we have the Zen 4 CCDs  which have been thinned down and placed on a   carrier wafer for bonding. On the other side  we have the 3D V-Cache chiplets, which also   have been thinned down in order to be placed onto  the carrier wafer and the two structural pieces   next to it. These two reconstituted wafers  are then prepared for the hybrid bonding   process flow and bonded to each other. But that's not the final product. First,   we have to remove the carrier wafer that's  bonded to the bottom of the CCD, because   that's where we want connect the chip to the  packaging substrate and the carrier wafer would   be in the way. But we can't remove the carrier  wafer that's bonded to the top of the cache,   because even combined, CCD and cache are  still too thin to provide structural support.  

Tthe X3D-stack has to be the same height as a  standard Zen 4 CCD that wasn't thinned down. The final result looks like that: the thinned  Zen 4 CCD is on the very bottom. Right above is   the thinned cache chiplet and the two filler  pieces that even out the surface area during   hybrid bonding. And above that we have the actual  structural silicon, that gives structural support   to the whole stack and allows it to reach  the same height as a standard Zen 4 CCD. That's how a 1st gen 3D V-Cache CPU really looks  like. It's a silicon sandwich with five different   pieces. Three of which are filler and support  silicon, only two are active. This layout also  

explains the thermal issues of Zen 3 and Zen 4 X3D  CPUs. The problem isn't the amount of silicon that   sits in-between the CCD and the heat spreader.  Both variants are the same height. It's also   not the 3D V-Cache that does produce some heat,  because it only covers cache areas on the CCD. The real reason is all the bonding layers.  Only the small area between the CCD and  

the cache chiplet uses hybrid bonding, as in  dielectric material and copper. The other areas,   and that includes the entire bonding layer  of the support silicon, only uses a simple   oxide layer. That means the heat from the CPU  cores on the CCD has to go through the oxide   layer between the CCD and the filler silicon  and then through another oxide layer between   the filler silicon and the support silicon. Silicon on its own already isn't that great of   a thermal conductor, but it's not horrible either.  But these oxide layers are real thermal barriers,  

that block the heat from moving upward.  The cache isn't the problem, the silicon   isn't either. The bonding layers are. Now that we know how 1st gen 3D V-Cache   looks like, let's take a look at the 2nd  gen 3D V-Cache that was introduced with Zen   5. What has changed besides placing  the cache chiplet below the CCD?   First, CPU and cache chiplet are the same  size now, which in theory could allow AMD to   use Wafer-to-Wafer hybrid bonding. We are talking  about very small chiplets in the range of 70mm²,  

with a high yield. Wafer-to-Wafer bonding could  be cheaper, even without the ability to select   known good dies before the bonding process. From what I'm hearing though, Zen 5 X3D still   used Chip-to-Wafer. This decision could be  impacted by a lot of different factors such   as packaging capacity, volume, and so on. If AMD  or TSMC doesn't tell us, we can't really know. There are two ways a 9800X3D could be  manufactured. It depends if AMD still  

uses two reconstituted wafers for hybrid  bonding, meaning both the CCD and the   cache chiplet are diced and binned before the  bonding, or it that applies to only one. The first one is the most straight forward.  We start with the new 3D V-Cache chiplet.   Since it's placed on the bottom now, it has to  be thinned down to reveal the hybrid bonding   interconnects and TSVs on the backside. So we  would take the wafer with the cache chiplets,   run it through the wafer thinning process  and then build a reconstituted carrier wafer,   which we then bond to a Zen 5 wafer. The Zen 5  CCDs would still require a little bit of thinning,  

because the final product has to be the same  height as a standard Zen 5 CCD and the cache   chiplet on the bottom does add a little  bit of height. But that would be it. The other possibility and what I think is most  likely is that both cache and CPU chiplets are   diced and binned before the bonding process.  This would mean that AMD still works with two   reconstituted wafers for the hybrid bonding  process. And because TSMC currently only uses   thinned dies for reconstitution, it would mean  that this approach still requires structural   support silicon on top. The end result would look  like this: super thin 3D V-Cache die on bottom,   a little thicker but still thinned CCD above  and then a structural silicon to top it of.

Of course this would mean that there's  still one oxide layer above the CCD,   but that half a much as before. And in a video  from Gamers Nexus, Steve quoted AMD engineers   about how they worked with TSMC to improve  the oxide layers so they are not as thick   and don't block the thermal transfer as much. In the end, these are the two possibilities. It   would be cool if Zen 5 X3D only consists of two  dies and doesn't need additional support silicon.  

But there is a good chance that it still uses one.  Unless AMD tells us, we won't know for sure. In my Zen 5 deep-dive video I've extensively  talked about the visible changes to L3 cache   area and TSVs. Now we know the TSVs are in  the cache chiplet. In hindsight it should   have been obvious. But there's a reason why  I dismissed the idea, that the cache would be   on the bottom. And it's not because I thought  it wasn't possible. MI300 shows that AMD knows   how to place cache below the compute. The reason I didn't expect this reversal   is power delivery. Yes, placing the cache  on top adds thermal problems. But the X3D  

CPUs were still the fastest gaming  CPUs even with lower clock speeds. If you stack two chips on top of each other, no  matter if you use microbumps or hybrid bonding,   you have to get power to the  chip on top. This is done via   so called TSVs, or through-silicon-vias. The cache chiplet does use a little bit of power,  

but it's nowhere near the power consumption of  the CCD. AMD already used a lot of TSVs when the   cache chiplet was on top. Placing the CCD on top  requires a massive increase in TSVs. All the data   paths, for example the Infinity-Fabric-on-Package,  has to be routed through the cache chiplet too,   because it's located on the CCD. And while  there's more space inside the cache chiplet   for routing TSVs, because it's much larger than  the area actually needed for the cache cells,   it's still silicon you have to go through. And that's just the added complexity. This   setup also increases resistance, because the power  hungry CPU cores on the CCD are fed through TSVs,   which increases the distance the power signal  has to travel. What I'm trying to say is that   flipping the cache below the CCD improves  thermals, but adds a lot more challenges in   other areas. A increase in complexity I didn't  expect AMD would take as a trade off. Especially  

since it looks like the 2nd gen 3D V-Cache will  be exclusive to consumer products for now. So, why is AMD doing all of this? AMD hasn't  changed the infinity fabric packaging since Zen 2,   but after two generation of 3D V-Cache  they re-work the entire process flow   for a limited consumer product and  trade a massive increase in routing   complexity for a slight thermal advantage? I think what we are seeing with Zen 5 X3D is   a test run for AMD's future packaging plans.  And MI300 might actually be a good indication   of what to expect in the future. Because  MI300 not only puts cache into the base die,   but also some of the I/O. Right now, every Zen 5 CPU sill  

has a large I/O die that's connected to the CPU  chiplet via slow and power hungry traditional   packaging. If we can move the cache into the base  chiplet, why not move everything else there? I can imagine a large base chiplet with all  the I/O and extra cache. It adds synergy,   because both I/O and cache don't scale well  with new process nodes, so you can produce   both in the same, older nodes. And you can place  the CCD directly on top, via hybrid bonding. Such   a cache and I/O base chiplet would also be big  enough for more than one CCD. I think you see  

where I'm going. And while all of this is pure  speculation, it makes me excited for the future.   A future made possible by hybrid bonding. Did you expect AMD would place the cache below   the CCD or did it catch you by suprise like me?  I'd also like to know how you think AMD's next-gen   packaging will look like. Do you think we might  see a large base chiplet with I/O and cache used  

as a interposer for the CCDs stacked on top?  Or do you have different ideas? Let me know in   the comments down. I already enjoy reading your  comments, even if I can't reply to them all. I hope you found this video interesting  and see you in the next one!

2024-12-09 09:28

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