Visio Roadmap - Now and Beyond - BRK1046

Visio Roadmap - Now and Beyond - BRK1046

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It'll. Be morning everyone to. The session about vigil, so, we'll talk, to you about the. Roadmap what, we are up to and what's. Coming. Up in the future for, vigil I have. Angela. Myself. Sarab McCool, and Nabi now start. With a quick. Video. Of the. Things that people have been doing with vigil. At. 45, no mother I quarter cancer it was a really difficult process, to go through so, for me was clear I will need to get screened. Instead. Of doing a normal colonoscopy, I discovered, that I could use a small video camera, that I could swallow taking, videos of my intestines. Corporate. Health international came, up with a business model on how to get, this little capsule into daily. Clinical life, ultimately. We, can actually eradicate, corector, cancer and, microsoft. Visio helps, us run their business. We're. A small medical, practice, in a very rural area in the Highlands of Scotland a lot of our patients have to travel at four to five hours sometimes to the main hospital by. Using the colon capsule, we bring, Hospital care into, communities, that find. It difficult to access, we. Out there to make something so, simple pretty much every doctor, can do a capsule, endoscopy procedure, we. Rely on microsoft, services to, optimise, our operations. Flowcharts. Is the language of choice when, we talk with clinicians, and Microsoft Visio helps, us speak their language to, build them we first, create a simple list in Excel. That then seamlessly translates. Into a Visio flowchart, we're, working, on technology. That can save people's, lives. Carrasco. P from start to finish might, take up to seven weeks and cost thousands, of dollars caps, endoscopy, this can be done in seven, days and hundreds, of dollars by making, the diagnosis. Much easier, you can change colon, cancer I can see this being much much more widely used we'll pick up cancers, a much earlier stage where, they could be readily treated the, future looks bright and I think we're involved. In something that's gonna make a big difference to people color and capsule endoscopy is a game-changer, because it has the potential to, eradicate. Colon cancer. All. Right. Hello. Hello thank. You all for joining us here today in person, and online I like. A product, but it's really stories, like corporate health where, you really see the impact of Microsoft. Together, with other Microsoft products, making. A meaningful, impact to. People's lives directly, that's. What gets me excited to, get up for work every day. I'm. Also excited to be back here in Orlando, to celebrate, the first birthday, of the general availability of, Visio online GA. This. New online is a web-based diagramming. Tool we announced last year that, complements, our Visio, desktop, app and, to. Celebrate the first birthday of Visio, online plan one, our. $5, per user per month that gives you Visio online service, bringing. The power are working visually, to, everyone. Now. Even. Just in this last year alone if you think about it the. Business world the new modern workplace, continues. To change a whole, lot. Simply. Put running. A business is still, getting more and more complex. Business. Processes. Process, management that. Takes on a whole new, level of complexity. There's. A growing need for companies, to, figure. Out and have more transparency. Over. Their processes, and more understanding. Of them so. That they can stay compliant, so. They can maximize. The return on their investment, and optimizing, their processes. I'll, collaboration. You. Know a teamwork being a new way of work more. People are spending more time collaborating. And the. Nature of teamwork is changing, too, if. You think about it companies, are becoming more global more. Networked, and teamwork. Is being more distributed, and. Then. There's data there's. Lots and lots of data and that volume just keeps growing, and growing and. Where. They come from the. Sources, is still getting more and more diverse. The core currency, for any company is to, take all of that data and convert. Them to actionable insights. So. Customers, are looking for a simple. But powerful tool, to, create diagrams. So. That they can visualize business. Processes, easily, and visualize. Much more so. That they can collaborate together in.

Openness. And transparency and. Inclusion, in this new age of teamwork and. To. Connect diagrams, to, real-world data, so. That they can make actionable, decisions in, real time and that's. Exactly what Microsoft, Visio has been delivering. We've. Helped our customers do, exactly, that you've. Just heard from corporate health who, takes our data visualizer, feature. Within. Excel and create, crystal. Clear diagrams, for their physicians, in both, clinical and research settings. Another. Example the traveller corporation, they, use Visio along with other Microsoft services. With. Their business analysts, reservation. Agents business. Managers, and business leaders to. Visualize dynamic, data so. That they can optimize, their businesses, Hippos, importantly, give, their travelers an awesome vacation. Now. Part of the modern workplace investment. Visio. Has been delivering, a whole, lot in the past years, besides. Visio online which. By now also has IT network diagrams, in there we've. Delivered, PowerPoint. Slide snippets, we've. Delivered data visualizer, with, my directional, change between, Excel, and Visio. We've. Delivered Visio. Visual and power bi, we've. Also just recently developed. And, released teams, integration. So you can work directly in teams. All. Of this is part of our vision to not only make Microsoft, Visio an awesome. Diagramming, tool in itself. Serve everything, from basic to, core and advanced diagramming. Needs but. Also to bring that power of working visually, to. All Microsoft, 365, and, Microsoft services. Period, and. With. Microsoft, Visio and, all of the great assets from Microsoft, you think about it the innovation. Possibilities. Are simply, limitless. So. Rather than me talking more I actually like to invite muku Kumar, on stage and as well as sargol. To show, you the. Power some of our recently released capabilities. Thank. You Angela. Thank. You Angela, hi. Everyone good morning how's everyone doing. Having. A good conference. Cool. I hope everyone had their morning coffee and, everyone's, excited because we have a lot to show you guys and, so.

Let, Me just take a step back right, Angela, mentioned we you, know it's our one-year birthday for Rizzio online last, year we launched. That but let me just step back a little bit and tell you how we got to that point so. Early last year when, we were thinking about what's, our next big thing for Visio right we. Were not just thinking, about you know coming up with a cloud solution, or a cloud application we, were thinking much more than that we were trying to come, up with something which becomes, your, natural. Language, for visualization, it's. Gonna be your visual canvas. Cross-platform. Anywhere. Anytime, right. So that you can extend that capability, to other tools other Microsoft, applications. Right. And then we thought you know Mike Visio. Online is the natural, path for us, we. Launched with you online and, we've been doing a bunch of work on that and we've been adding a lot of features and that's what makes the Visio 3 team so great as Angela. Mentioned you, know every day we come into the office we are excited, because we have such a passionate, group of users and partners. And MVPs, who you know always tell us you know what what how they're using the the, tool how what. They're using for and we take all that feedback and try to come up with features which makes sense which add to the richness of the diagramming, tool the stencils, templates, features, you. Know in, terms of data, in terms of collaboration, and that's what we want to show you today right. So starting, with Visio online, vision. Online is available. In two, plants with your online plan one and plan to. Thank. You. And. So. With Visio online, our goal, was to give, the power of diagramming, to everyone, so you can get started quickly on any, platform, any, device any browser right and we, want you to make, professional-looking. Diagrams, and that was very important. For us it's not just gonna be some basic diagrams, but, you know professional-looking. Diagrams. And. You can which you can collaborate on which you can share seamlessly, with your employees. Your, teammates. And and. So that's what we did but. Let me also talk to you about what, other features we. We. Were working on so, the first, feature we kind of focused on was data visualizer, and. What. It does is that you know as you saw in the corporate health we're deep video you start with a list so, you have all the good processed data in your Excel, which. We give us one quick, way to convert, that into a nice-looking, visual and that's. And that's what data visualizer, does we've been working a bunch on that as well. You you know we've given you the, flexibility. To maintain, the diagram shape it's a much nicer looking diagram, the, data is always in sync with the Excel, and the Visio diagram which means that if you make a change in Excel it gets reflected in your Visio diagram and also, YC versa you make a change in the Visio diagram, and that in, turn changes, the data. In the Excel which is great but people, love it and we've been getting up, feedback. That it's great and we are coming up with some more new features on that which we will share later. In. Fact sourabh is here to help me out with our demo so we'll. Be doing a lot of switching because we have so much to show you sure. Thanks Nicole so like. Moogle said data. Visualizer, which we showed the video also is. One of the first steps that we are taking to, make diagramming. Much more data driven so, I I'm. Sure some of you must have tried it out but just, for the benefit of those who might not have let, me show you what it can do for you so, many. Times business. Analyst capture. Requirements. Or they capture the business process flow in a simple list like this what you can see on the screen in. Excel excel gives a very quick way to just write down things but, what's needed really is a much more visual process. Out of it so what we've done as part of data visualizer, is that we've made it a very simple process for you to, take something like this which is captured in Excel, and quickly, create a Visio, diagram out of it so, it's. The first step of the day let, me cross my fingers and, say, export. This table to a Visio diagram and the. Moment I do it what it will do is that will try to apply some heuristics, on the table, that we have provided and try. To create a visual diagram, for you so, this is something that we launched a little while ago and here. It is thank. You did. You so. As you can see it has converted that diagram and into, this sorry its converted the data into this beautiful looking diagram, it, is a pretty long process flow, as you can see there's about 30 steps or more in this lots of branching, lots. Of loops, and everything, and, what. We have been working on over the past few months is to improve the layout the automatically, generated layout. From. This particular. Excel. To Visio. Conversion. So, this is an example of a flow chart but.

You. Can create a very good looking process, flow chart cff diagrams, through. It already and as, you can see it's, not just the process, steps but if there was any other data metadata, about the steps such, as what, are the risks at each of these steps are there controls, in place or not all, of that information can go from your excel into, your diagram, I'm sure many of you would know that every, shape in Visio, can be linked, to data and, just. Show you that, so. Shape data. Bigger. So. A. Lot, of the information is. Already here and as. You can see that the, number of risks associated with this whether the controls are in place or not has been brought in from the excel file into, this thing into. The diagram. And now to just, quickly show you what Google was talking about in terms of the bi-directional nature. Of this linkage which, means that if you make any changes now to that excel file you can just refresh, your diagram. And all those changes will be brought in and the other way around is also possible so what that allows you. Is that in a scenario where let's. Say there are a lot of subject matter experts in your organization, who are not very familiar or, not comfortable, with Visio what, they can continue to do is that they can continue to describe their process in an excel file just by writing down the steps just by you. Know indicating. The various, metrics that they want to show over there but, let's say you, know during that process one, of them decides that okay this. After. This collector enters, the line of business for, this particular. Workflow. We, need. To add in other steps let's say this is the row, where the collector enters, the. Yellow. Bead line of business for this particular application so, let's say what I want to do is I want to quickly had another step over here. Okay. I'm. Much more better with Visio then so, as you can see. But. You know. So. I'll change, this to 750. And make. This step number 750. And. Let's. Say that also I mean somebody else was also working on this particular diagram, and, they added. A comment let's say over here saying that add another step I mean. It's really pushing it yeah, I'm going my lock because the first demo went, through I'm pretty, excited now so let's say let's, say you know add another. Step. After this, and, let's. Say this guy said okay I'll make, it red till that thing is, done. So. I've done some changes in the diagram somebody, has gone ahead and I'll just save this one I actually. Don't. Need to do that I think, so. Let's say somebody has changed the diagram and somebody else is working on the excel sheet but. You. Know this guy comes to know that okay I need to refresh. The, diagram. All that I need to do is go back into my design tab here and say refresh diagram, so, what you'll see is that the changes that we did the, person who was working on video did they, will be retained but at the same time the changes that the person did in, Excel. Will be brought in automatically, it, will not. Mess up your layout it will just bring that step step-in, over here. Save. It. Sorry. No, so, much of the feedback. Here. Is. Already incorporated. And and you know when we launched this feature data visualizer we got, a lot. Of usage and and people reached out with good, feedback and you. Know with your being an agile, team and, in a passionate bunch of folks we we, took, all that feedback and, and now you here you have it it's a you. Know the earlier diagrams look much linear, now you have all that branching, you, know how a human would do it and it's, already applying, that that formatting, so. That's. Where we are I. Think. I didn't change the, entry. Over here so you just you just see another step, added, with the same text, over here but if I would have changed the text over here you would have seen another step, added with the updated. Updated. Text also so what. This allows is that people who are working in Excel can continue to work in Excel but those were working in Visio can continue to work in Visio and they can work collaboratively to. Define. Their processes, and do the process reengineering that, they want, to do so. Moving. On. And. So one of the next features we want to talk about is you. Know conversion, of a Visio diagram to a PowerPoint slide and so, you, know for, many of the folks, sharing. A Visio diagram is not always possible, and they want to present it to their business leaders or execs, and you, know sometimes PowerPoint, is the is the lab. Is the choice and so, what we do here is we make it really easy for you to export. A Visio diagram, as a deck, and the way we do that is and. Sort of we'll show you that but the cool thing is we actually. Leverage. The more feature which is present, in PowerPoint, which creates. It's it's animation. Right and so when. We export that it automatically, creates generates, a PowerPoint which as animation, it jumps from the start, the flowchart, all the way to the end of the flowchart, and so, sort of will show you that but I I think it's a really cool feature and that goes on to show that you know how we being.

A First party application, here at Microsoft we are able to tap into you know PowerPoint, Word Excel, so. Much better than anyone, else can. Write. It's, like Google said you. Know every diagram is here to tell a story and exporting. At the PowerPoint and doing all the animation stuff over there sometimes makes that, storytelling a little, bit easier because, sometimes as, you guys might know visual diagrams end up being a little bit more, complex. Because they try to capture the, entire process flow of a division or of an organization, so a lot of people asked us that you know how can we use that to present, to our executives, who, have you know slightly shorter time. Attention, spans most of the time because they're busy with so much more so, we said okay you know what, you can do is that you can come into visual we've created this new slide. Snippets, pane you can come and define areas, of your diagram that you would like to be exported into various slides so, all you need to do here is just you know add a slide snippet, paint area, and what, it will do is that it will, show you a live preview of how it's going to export into, PowerPoint you can enter a title over here let's. Say processing, and. You. Just say export. I just, added a bunch of them I didn't want to bore you with adding. Those things and as you can see very quickly it, has exported into a PowerPoint and the. Very. Interesting thing is what Mukul was mentioning, but when you are presenting, a diagram like this which is quite complicated you want to take people through, it a step at a time so it, lets you walk. People through so let's say that was the first step this, is the next step you can put in some more content over here to talk about each phase, in your process. Map and you can go one step at a time it will do. A nice morph animation, letting, you go or, take your audience through the diagram easily. Very. Cool. Okay. So the next thing I want to talk about is you, know the collaboration, aspect of, physio online right and as I mentioned you know with you online, enables. Us to be, the visual canvas. In all, application. It can be cross-platform and, and one of the best examples, we have is how, you can now open a Visio diagram within Microsoft. Teams and in, fact be able to edit that within, the team's panel, you don't have to even get out the team's or into, Visio to edit, your diagram so that's that's really powerful and. And we want to show that as well why not you have to unlock, your machine so. Integrating. With Microsoft, teams or with any of the other tools that we are going to show you today. Is possible, because you know being part of the Microsoft family. You. Should. Import. The Microsoft, family allows us to do. These things much more efficiently. Probably. Because I was presenting, from this. Laptop as well it got a little confused. With. Teams, we really, aiming for you, know it's the hub for collaboration. And we want all the applications, to be kinda, native to teams so, we don't want you know so you can already do that with Word Excel and PowerPoint so. We you. Know recently added Visio to that as well so now it's much more simple you have you know all your Visio file showing to the SharePoint, Online. You, know background, in teams, and then you can just simply click that open, that within the browser within, the teams panel, and start editing it start commenting, sharing collaborating. All that, good stuff so that's. Again you know made possible by Visio online, yeah. So now that we have the video online canvas, it is available across various. Applications, within Microsoft, and we are going to make. It possible to embed it in other customer. Patience as well so this shows you the power of the first party integration, that we have brought about where the online, canvas is now available, right within teams, so, let's say you're having a collaborative session with your offshore team or you. Know some partners across the world and you are in teams you're discussing something you, can use the full power of the video online canvas, not just to discuss concepts, that you might have already drawn. Diagrams, for but also for things like brainstorming, and, mind, mapping while you are in the discussion, so all that you need to do is bring up the video canvas, over here you can add all the shapes that are available to you and you can let's say you're trying to build together the, layout or the architecture, diagram, for new, software, that you are trying to build you can do all of that within, themes and what, it will help you do is that it will keep the files synced, within themes folder so that you don't have to search for them here and there and you, can have more conversations.

Around Those files, as well so it avoids that overall. Collaboration. Framework and visual, provides the, visualization. Framework within teams. The. One thing I want to mention is that for. Most, users who are on office 365 they, don't even have to have a Visio license in order to be able to view, these Visio diagrams, and start commenting on them just. For the editing part you need a visual license. So. The next feature is the, one I'm most excited about and that's, the ability. To import Visio diagrams into your power bi dashboard, so, this is again made possible, by the power of Visio online but it's the visual canvas, which can be extended. Into other applications and, the, way we started. Thinking about this was you, know you have all these nice, are bi powerful. Dashboards. But, you, know we felt what's missing was you. Know if, you could bring, in a Visio diagram, to add that real world context, to the those dashboards, that'll be really powerful and most, of most organizations, you. Know already have assets, built on Visio floor plans or network ID diagrams, or you know business process flows so why not leverage that in. Order to visualize, that data right. So so, what we did was for power, bi we. Added, a Visio visual, to the PAR, bi marketplace. Which you can simply download and, then import a video online diagram, and then start working on that diagram to visualize their data and we, definitely want to show you that demo we have more sessions lined up on that so definitely try, to attend, those come to our booth but, we would also want to take this time to show, you how easy it is to bring in a Visio diagram and actually create, those powerful dashboards. Yours, got disconnected, from. We. Get some tech, help here. So. Why don't we do this so we have a pin up here from our cadets and he's. You. Know his, organization, has been using, the power bi. Visio, integration, the Visio visual, and they've been building very cool applications. So today, what. I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hand it over to up enough to, showcase, what they built with power bi Visio, and I. Think that'll be a much more powerful story, and hopefully if we we. Are able to figure this tech, issue we can maybe show you the demo as well. I. Hope. You guys are excited with, you, know all the cool features that just showcasing, because some of them even I wasn't privy to before, now and they're really you, know something, that we want to take back to our clients, and then showcase it because. Especially. Like, having the thing in PowerPoint, and so on so forth is really something. That helps. You know empowers, us as an organization, to deliver, the message more effectively to, different clients right but. Anyway so I'm open up I'm a business advisory, consultant, at Akitas. We. Are a design and consulting firm where we not only use data, as an asset but. We also use our, business. Expertise, to stitch that with the, data and then, provide, our clients and help, them become more prescriptive. Predictive. And then proactive, with the information, that we have right and we, use a, lot, of different tools to do this and, obviously. The Microsoft, suite too and we, use power, bi we. Use flow and obviously, Visio - so. Today. We have two. Examples, to showcase to, you and maybe, I could get the clicker so. Much. That's. Us. Right so. Among, the two examples that we have the, first one is, something. That we were monitoring, different assets, in a water network right and we were monitoring. The different hazards applicable. To each of these assets so a little background on this is there are more than 80 assets, which, consists. Of booster, stations pump, stations, water, treatment plants and so on and so forth right and each of them have around, 500 points, overall. Allocated. To them for different hazards and, we've, a mapping, this in visual, and then showcasing, to. The. Client, to have a one, pane view of the. Entire visual so they wanted to see all, that information, in a single pane of glass right so that's what we were able to do with. This particular, example, and, if, I can quickly switch, over, to my. Power. Bi. Awesome. So, over here in the power bi what you're seeing is in the Visio diagram itself so it's a network diagram where, the, center's are the, different assets right so all the nodes are different.

Assets The. Circles. And the circumference, are, the different hazards allocated. With the assets right so you're being able to see in one, view the, different. Status. Status points of all these different assets and the. Powerful fact. About this is of having this information, with. Video itself, one, you, can, have the field mapping to have color indication, to, kind of showcase what's, that what, you want to define at the different parameters, for the assets right you, can have the different filters mapped. Out with. The data points so that not only do you have the single, pane glass view you also can drill down to the most. You. Know down level to kind of showcase it in different ways so for example if I wanted to see only all boots the stations right so I could click on that and then only those highlight, up in the map so for, a different client stakeholders, if they want to check a particular hazard type, or if they want to check a particular asset type they can have that view in one, visual. The, next, you. Know interesting part about this is not only is it a, visual network diagram, you also have data integrated. In the backend right, so in visual you had data information, that was contacted. First. Then, we used that network diagram to integrate it in power bi where, you're getting filterable, and, different. Applications to showcase the, data but. The highlight, of this example right is not, just the fact that all this is possible we're also able to showcase different scenarios, so with, power bi is feature of bookmarks, which some. Of you might already be aware of we, can create not. Just one visual diagram on the same pin of class but we can have two, or three or four based, on the requirement, so for example in this, case where, we've showing the baseline, scenario at the moment we, can and. We. Can also have the second stressed, baseline, where it would automatically, load the second, video on the same visual itself right to imagine that this is available on an, embedded, on a website right where the client is going in and, he wants to look at the entire network and he's, not only being able to see one. One. Kind of scenario, but two scenarios of around. 80 plus assets, of more than 500, points, and he, can filter to, whichever level that he wants so it's really powerful, when you give the entire, story, in that fashion so that's that's, one of the cool examples. That we have the. Next one is a little bit more interesting, oh well. I feel, anyway because, it has a nice, story type to it right so in. This just to give you a little bit background on what we're seeing on. The right. Hand side you, can see at the facility, layout over different, buildings, and each building, has number. Of tasks, associated with it and the number of tasks means, that, the, base, needs to be remediated from, that particular building right, so they had a vendor, who needs to remediate the. Waste from that building based on the number of tasks so it's so high under the number of tasks the, darker, is the color that you can see at the moon over, there right so the lighter the number the color obviously lesser, the number of tasks, what. You see on the. Right-hand. On. The other side where you see the status analytics, is you. See the in progress completed Li pending, completed, on time and past you do not only, be. Able to showcase what, type the task is but also be able to see how, is the vendor performing, at that particular moment, in time right, below that you see the completed, on time and on-time completion ratios. What, this was able to do is we were able to not. Only showcase the information, but also treat. It as a KPI, to, evaluate, the vendor right so now you're not only talking about showcasing.

Analytics You're talking about how can we proactively make. A vendor. Become, more, you, know better in what he's doing so to, go, through the story now so when the. On-time. Completion percentage. Drop below 25% that. Was a trigger that sent, the power bi alert which, was, integrated with flow which, sent, necessary. Emails to different stakeholders and they were able to identify the, fact that you, know the vendor is dropping, below the, required performance, levels, so at this particular point the different stakeholders within the client organization came. Together and kind of looked at this visual to kind of see what, exactly, is happening and why was the vendor not performing, to the required standard the. Beautiful, part about this is now since, we have the status analytics and facility, layout side. By side they, are able to click, on the type of status and then kind of see what, exactly, is the building's associated, with it right so since, we're, not really, bothered with the in progress right, now and we were more bothered about the completed, the, pending and the past view right so when. They reach the pending one you can immediately see, that there are two buildings at one. Side of. The, facility that had. A large number of tasks that needed based remediation, right but, having. The power to be able to see, it in this kind of layout the, client was immediately able to identify, that this was because of a construction, that, was happening in that area and that vendor was not able to reach those. So it wasn't a bender, fault but, it was something that was happening because of construction. Because of the client so they, were able to immediately go, back and say that this, is another vendor fault and the vendor was doing his due diligence and, then it was just that the, building was not able to be reached due to construction purposes and later on it would be solved so now. We're not only talking about using. This data and showcasing. It we are also talking about alerts. Triggers, and then talking about how we can use this information to analyze what's, happening and then proactively, preempt, any kind of you, know information. That, should. Be correctly there's. So much meaning hidden in these numbers and sometimes the regular bar charts and pie charts just cannot bring, out that information that is inherently. Present and in this data and being, able to present that alongside. These business analytics, metrics, that you have captured here gives, you that added edge to. See things where they. Belong, absolutely. Just. Something obvious that you know kind of we lose context, of so the facility, layout is something, that you know clients, develop when, the facility is developed itself but it's an AutoCAD drawing which you can import, in Visio and then you can import in power bi right so it's already available then, why not use it in this fashion so that's the takeaway, from the second example. So, right just a few words. About the same thing that we, had showcase right now and so. What, does visual. Mean to us as an organization, right how, do we take, this to a different client so we have something known as the arcaders power pack right, so where we stitch our business expertise, and provide. All, these. Kinds of solutions using. Different tools and Microsoft. Viewers one of the key ones that we do use because it, like we which is discussing maps the entire process, from the get-go right so when ideation, was happening when the Design Thinking is happening you are looking, into how you can solve the process and you map it out you lay it out you already have this available you, take it to the next step and then.

You Have the solution and hand have, the analytics, and use it as a sustainable. Infinite, loop kind of thing for the design so. It's an end-to-end solution that we are able to provide using. The Acadia spa pack no and like this this is the kind of story that really excites the tottered group and just. Going back to what I think Satya was saying in his keynote, yesterday you. Know what we want is we want to create the platforms, that organizations. Like yours can use to build even, bigger things out of it right so we probably want to provide you these kind of things which you can stitch together and, serve, your clients and, you, know bring about these kind of interesting. Improvements. In the world overall. Yeah. Thank you so much Anjali. You had some questions for. Well. Thank you it's always so exciting to hear directly from our partners, and customers how, long have you been building with Visio visual, or how long have your firm been building with it. We've. Not we've. Been having, different process diagrams and that mapping has been going, on for quite a while I'd, say we'd started, integration. The moment you guys released it I think we had some, other questions that we were talking with the team and we were really interested in having this capability to, have, data integrated, with the, information, and showcase it in such, a format that's. Awesome. And out, of all the clients that you've worked with I'd love to hear some more real-world impact, you've seen you, know from the power of working visually. Absolutely. So. So, we have a global excellent center in India right so they help us to create, all these different examples and solve. Globally. Different. Client, problems so we, have a water. Project. In UK, we have some, projects in China we have some projects in the, US where we are able to map these different process and then cross-functionally. Showcase, all these examples throughout the globe so it's just really great to be able to do that. That's. Great you know of all the clients that you worked with I'm curious what are some of the aha, moments, when they see looking, at Visio and they realize wow I. Think. The single pane of glass that, was really a, good. Example for the aha moment to happen because when, we were talking to the client that these are all the different strands and just, think about it like take, it one, step back what, did the client have before. This kind of thing right so at that time you had a PDF report you have excel. Sheet which has all these, lines all this jargon about all the different points and that's. Absolutely true, that they can filter it and then we can get to the information but, having, it visually, affect them like. We were just talking about a few seconds before, but. The you know different, things that the client stakeholders, need to be doing it's just a lot more intuitive and they're like yes, this is what we want.

That's. Great so, now switching gear a little bit want to hear kind of your experience. In building with Visio. Would. Love to hear what you love, about it as well as what are some of the challenges, you found. So. I start with challenges, and then. The. Challenges, for me have, always been, - so. Well, and you've been solving it - so the, part about having it able. To map it down in Excel and then convert it into a process diagram this, is something that we quite. Often thought, about because, visual. Is when, we map a process, it's not it's. Not the same right once, we do it it keeps changing keeps, changing and it becomes a little tough, to sustain, it in that format because multiple folks need to be mapping, it and multiple folks are in, in the creation of it so it, having. It available in. Excel. And the fact that you now would you. Know as a team we would be able to attack, that particular problem that's really awesome so but, that's challenges, and the things that I love about it is obviously, the aha moments right everyone wants, the client to go AHA and then kind, of give us that feedback that yes this is what we want to see so that always. Thank. You so much awesome. Thank you so much, we'll. Take more questions from the audience at the end of session but I want to just thank you again for being here and. Yeah. I'm, gonna hand it over back, to syrup, what I'll do is I'll. Quickly show how you can how easy it is for you to build a dashboard like the, one which we, just saw from Arkady's, invidual. I'm not going to be able to create it as well as what, you already saw but this is just a quick example, to. Walk you through so, as, you can see in, a power bi dashboard or in the power bi report right, what you can now do is that you can insert the Visio custom visual so it's available on the power. Bi marketplace, or the office marketplace, right now so we just go in here you search for Visio and you. Can insert the custom visual once, you have inserted, the custom visual now, once it's present in your report click, on it you. Give it some space because usually you'd. Want to show something real over here and then you will link it to data and the. Moment you start linking, it to data what it will do is it will ask you for a visual, file that you want to project the data on so, let's, say this is the video file this is a floor plan and you, want to capture the. The. Temperature, and. The. The. Expected, temperature and the deviation from the expected temperature. For, each of these rooms all that I had to do was take the URL of the Visio diagram plug, it in here and what it will do is that it will bring up it will open up the Visio diagram, for you right here, within power bi and now what you can do is that you can very quickly, associate. The data points, let's say here I have a column which has the deviation, from the expected temperature. And you. Know we are thinking about little futuristic office, where everybody would be able to control the. Temperature. Of their rooms you know that's a big problem in my office you know. With somebody and he likes it hard I don't but. Yeah you'd be able to control the. Expected, temperatures, and let's. Say you want to show, how. How. Much. Above. Or below the. Expected temperature. Is. The current temperature so you can come here and you can apply all sorts of conditional, formatting you, can display. The temperature over here as as. Text. Also, so you can display it as text over here you can build, it as just, open it up a little bit more so that we can see, what I am doing so you can you. Can display it as text you can display use this kind of conditional, formatting to build, your dashboard, what you observe, over here is that based on some heuristics. Video. Was automatically, able to map the data that was coming from your power bi on to, the shapes, which were present in the Visio diagram so in this case the, Visio shapes had a room, ID and the data from power bi also had the room ID and so the mapping worked. Perfectly, but let's say for some reason you, know as always data, is imperfect and you. Were not able to map some of these rooms so what we also allow you to do is to manually, map the. Data that you're getting from power bi with, what you have in Visio, so let's say this number two dot F M dot, zero zero seven this, wasn't really, mapped. To something so what I can do is I can click this and I can pick the room over here and to map those two and. There. You are so, pick, a room and just map it and the. Mapping is complete so, I'm taking this simple. Example to illustrate some, of the things, but as you can imagine in. A complex diagram, or in a process, map the. Data that you are getting from your data source might not be perfect and there might be some amount of what we call data massaging, required and you can do all of that right here in, in.

Which. You envision, power bi together so, once you have that once you're done with it you just go back to your report and now. There is two-way interactivity, which, is by. Virtue of power, bi that, is. Already. Already. There so, as you can see when, I click on something it, filters the other visuals. On the page just. We were seeing in the Arkady's, example, so, something. So powerful can, be built so easily, with. Video and power bi together and I'm. Really happy to see that our clients are already starting to use it in their, work, and it is helping. Them. So. Let. Me switch back to the presentation. So. It seems to be have something to announce today right sort of oh yeah. This. Is the part that really I'm. Super, excited about. So. As on, this first birthday, of Visio online we, want to do it announced make, a couple of announcements about, Visio, online, so, one was that you know one of the biggest user. Community, that uses video is people, who develop. IT software diagrams, and Azure diagrams, so, what we have done is that in video online today. We are announcing the release of zero, diagrams so what you can do is that you, can go to Visio. Now which is online and you. Will start seeing these. Very. Ok I can just, search for them. So. Sorry. Ok. You. Can go to, visual., and just, search for azure and you will start seeing all these lovely, as your sample diagrams, as well as the. As your templates, we've got like thousands, of shapes from our geo teams we, took it from them we you. Know sanitized, then we made an even more powerful than they were before, and, we've. Provided, them here, as you. Can see all, kinds of SEO diagrams you can create right. Here in your browser, now. You. Have a rich. Template. Of shapes available over here you, can start dragging, and dropping these and start creating your diagrams, we, also have. Created. A lot of sample, diagrams, for you to start with so. If. I scroll down a little bit here. These. Are the sample diagrams that you have with Azure and you. Can use one of these or you can, creating one from scratch, as. You can see we. Have been working a lot on making. The Visio diagrams, performant. In the web browser, so as you can see over here as. I'm dragging the shapes and trying to put them on you. Know you're seeing, the helpful, guides which help you align in position the diagrams and create, really professional-looking, diagrams, which, is not possible that many, of the tools out there, and. This is all available in your browser the. Next, thing that we. Have launched in that. We're launching today is the, ability to create cross-functional. Flowcharts, in Visio, online so that is again another large community, of people who create. These diagrams, in. Organizations. And Visio, is commonly used for that so. It's. True if I scroll down here you'll. See we have a bunch of cross, functional, flowchart diagrams. Over here so we have released it you should we start you'll start seeing these diagrams in your. Tenants. Pretty soon. Again. As you can see over here. This. Is a cross-sectional flowchart all the capabilities, all the richness that visual. Provides, you in the desktop solution, you have it right here I. Can. Add more swimlanes. We've, also provided a menu. Over here which.

Lets You quickly operate, on the, cross functional, flowchart so, the reason why I find, this specifically. Very very interesting, is that for some, of you this might be just simple, shapes and connectors. But, what, this represents is, the very powerful solution, capabilities, of Visio. Which we have brought, online now for us it was a big, moment when we started seeing some of these diagrams which which, are so powerful which have a lot of very interesting inherent. Concepts, like the concepts, of containers, like the concepts, of you. Know different, phases and the, tree, structure and the structural, diagrams, and, the hierarchy of these shapes which is behind the scenes powering, these kind of diagrams so whenever I add, a new phase over here it, automatically, knows how to move the. Shapes. Which are contained in another phase to the right right so it. Might seem a very simple operation at, the face of it but behind the scenes we, have much more richer knowledge about shapes how they are contained within, different. Parts of the diagram and how they need to be trade treated, especially and by, bringing it on to the show online we have opened. Up the canvas for building, these kind of diagrams in visual. Online and will be extending it forward for very. Powerful, type of data connected data driven diagrams, such. As all charts, these timelines in the visual online, canvas. As well. So. Moving. Forward you. Switch back. And, this, is another announcement. For the day we. Are going to launch which you're 2019, today and, it's, going to be available both in the perpetual and the, standard, format sorry in the profile with your professional, and the visual standard formats so, you'll be able to use it on, trim we. Didn't we understand that there are still organizations, do which, do to compliance reasons or, regulatory reasons cannot. Move their data, on to the cloud so, we are going to continue supporting them through our. On. Trim offering. It. Is a list of some of the features that we have included. In as part of the desktop. Offering which is enhanced AutoCAD support, reintroducing. Very popular database, reverse engineering capability. Improvements. To the incan touch better. Collaboration, support, within the desktop. Application, support. For dynamic DPI, support. For UML. 2.5, standards, some. Of the wireframe templates, a, lot. Of new stencils. Improvements. To both the shape rendering, and the performance, therein and a lot, of accessibility, improvements so. This is a long, list of things that we have fixed for Visio 2019, or which we have improved for Visio 2019, but I must say that you know a lot of the innovations, that we are building. That, I'm going to show you next are, going to be available only as part of our subscription, services because, some of those will, require you. Know service driven architectures, which we cannot support in, a desktop only client, you. Want to add anything moo-coo no. That's great, so. Three new, three, new announcements, today so I'm. Feeling good. Okay. So. Let. Me take, a little bit of time and, spend. Maybe the last 15 20 minutes talking about so, the new things that we are going to bring about in which you as. We move forward so, we talked about some of the things I showed you a little bit about, the. Diagram types like cross-functional, flowcharts, and. And. There's your diagrams what we are also working on right now is bringing, another very interesting. Capability. Or another interesting. Type. Of diagrams, into visual which is the UML, and the wireframes. So. Quickly open that up. So. So. What we've done here is that we have tried to make. Visually. A. Very, powerful tool for building a different, kind of for diagram such as the wireframe so as you can see over here this, is a. Just. Add those shapes here again. So. Here are my web containers, which can help you quickly. It's. Already added here so. Here, are my web country or containers, and web. Web. Artifacts. That I can use to create these, kind of wireframe diagrams online, we.

Are Also working on UML, diagrams so as you can see over here this, is a simple UML, case diagram, so you have all those shapes that are needed, to support, building, these kind of diagrams in Visio online and we, are enhancing, the capabilities of, our online canvas. Everyday. So, as you can see we have got all your context, menu which, will be very helpful when you're trying to build something like a UML sequence diagram where, you can assign various. Properties, to these kind of shapes so, you can create very, quickly build. Your. Mille sequence diagram again all online. These. Are the kind of things that we are working on the online canvas, there's, a very rich road map over here starting, from. Started. With network diagrams, we covered, cff today we covered as your diagrams today we'll, be doing IT, software diagrams. Such as UML, diagrams and wireframes next and then we'll be moving on to things like timelines. And roadmaps. And all, charts, within the online canvass so, now that we have this canvas available, and we try to make it more and more data-driven some. Of the other things that we are trying to do is take, this canvas and make it part of. Excel. Itself so, a lot of times what we have heard. From our users is that look, my data is already in Excel I want, to create this diagram, I want to start presenting it in. Excel. Or in PowerPoint, let, me just use, your. Connects. Now. All. Right. So, the, vision of the rich visual online canvas is. Not going to be available only as a standalone. Application but. It's also going to be part of some, of the the. Other applications, in the office suite so, as you can see over here local, is demonstrating. What we call the Visio, add-in for Excel, what. It will allow you to do is that within Excel you, can take your data and create. A diagram of for it right in inside. Excel. The, power that it will offer you is something that I showed you earlier where. The bi-directional, nature. Of this connectivity, allows, you to make changes in the data and your diagram can, get updated right there so, as you see look. We'll quickly inserted, the, Visio data visualizer, add-in, within, Excel. And the, moment he did that we populated. It with some sample data and. As you can see we applies the same data visualizer technology, that I showed you earlier to. Create this diagram, and present it to you right, within Excel so, where, we want to take video is not. Be a very like. Limited, application, in an organization, we, want to democratize, the process of diagramming, and visualization. Across. The organization, and we, feel that innovations, like these are going to make it even more possible, and as. I. Think Mukul was mentioning, earlier we're, trying to make, sure that all the innovations that we are bringing about a truly, cross platform, so what you see in the desktop you should, be able to see the same things in your online client, not just the online client what we are showing you today is that you will be able to use the same powerful capabilities. In other, Microsoft. Applications, is there so, the, same and you, know two-way, connectivity, that I showed you the. Visio. And Excel. Working separately hopefully. You can show them that it works, within. Excel as well. Yes. I think what he's trying to show you is that little, hard to read from there is that. If he changes, the. The. Team. Which is performing one of the steps what you would see is that in this a functional, flowchart the, moment he changes that and refreshes. The diagram, the, diagram will, automatically, understand. The changes that have been made in the data and, it will shift.

The Boxes, from one of the teams. To to. Another the swim lane that represents, another team so, I, didn't. Show you the bv. Using. A cross functional flowchart but, you can see the data visualizer working very well with the cross functional flowcharts right here. The. Story doesn't end here you know we just don't want you to be able to create these kind of diagrams what we also want is that you, are able to use these diagrams and actually automate the business process, flows that you have in your organization's, so let's say we. We. Create one, of these process. Diagrams. And we want to automate it using by connecting it to a process flow engine so, for example you. Know Microsoft. Flow is the, process. Flow engine for Microsoft. Nowadays. It's. Like the spiritual successor for. SharePoint. Workflow, designer so, you can take a diagram that has been created from. That. Excel data that we were looking at and you. Can very quickly we have provide the way in Visio, for, you to be able to export that into, a flow diagram so, as you're seeing here I have a visual diagram, right here you're. Going to process and you're going to see a flow. Pane very soon where, you will be able to configure this, diagram, and configure your process. Flow using. This diagram so what you'll be able to do over here is that you click on the flow pane it will bring in all your flow connectors, right here and then, you'll be able to quickly map, the, flow connectors, to let. Me turn on the show the, flow markup once again zoom. In a little bit, so. As you can see I've already mapped some of these steps. To the flow connectors, I can, change them I can click on one of those and then I. Can. Click on one of these and the. List. Of flow connectors that are available to me lights up over here I can, pick any one that I want to, associate. With this step of the diagram and once, I've done that I just need to press this export button over here and it will export this. Diagram into a flow, into. A Microsoft flowed of flow. And I, can do some configurations. Over there it's. Just going to take a second to sign in I can, do the rest of the configuration, over there and, my. Flow is ready. We. Are also working on again a bi-directional. Linkage. Where. Whatever. You do inside, flow let's, say you add a few more steps over there that, can be used to update your diagram once again so, as you can see here it has created my flow I can, edit it further in flow and then if I. Going. Forward once you make the changes over here you will be able to see. The effect, of those changes back in your visual diagram, there. Quite. Excited. About this thing because once again this is kind of like a entry. Point into, the. World of business process. Execution. And automation so, we are relying once again on our first party partners. Like flow for now but. We will we, are building this technology, such, that tomorrow it can be extended, to any other generic, third. Party business process execution. Engines as well. So. I'm really excited about this because I spent many years as, a business, analyst before joining the Microsoft Visio team and trying. To automate these, business process flows in organizations, is a really hard task and having a, powerful. Tool like visual where you can discuss these things with your stakeholders, and then, being, able to convert it into an automated automated, flow, is. A really powerful tool. That can help many organizations, in their digital transformation, journey, so. Forward. Probably. Just present, the slides from my, desktop. Switch. So, we've talked about this now. So. The story doesn't end here many, times when we automate these processes we. Still need to create. Documentation. Around these processes, which describe the.

Inputs. And outputs to each of the steps in these processes, which are required for let's say auditory. Or compliance, requirements, and we, have made that, also very simple, and easy within. Within. Visual so, let me just show you that. Yep. This. Has this problem that you have to switch. Amps so, the same diagram that we were looking at earlier which we converted into PowerPoint it's a we converted into PowerPoint and got approval, from our. Stakeholders. About this, diagram now it's been automated and all, we want to want, to do is convert this into a Word document to, submit it for the auditors all that you need to do now, is you go to process, you say export this to word it will once again show you the preview over here so, it is intelligently. Figured out what are all the swimlanes what are all the steps involved, in the process and, once. You export it it'll create you a very nice process documentation. Out. Of this diagram and, again the good thing is that if you update things in the visual diagram you can very easily regenerate. These. You. Know at, the click of a button so, as you can see if we took the visual, diagram we, looked at the shape data available, with each of the shapes and we, created, this. This. Very nice looking. Documentation. About the, process defining, all the inputs outputs the. Various steps that, were present. In the process so. We really hope that these kind of features are things which will differentiate. Visio, as a professional, product for. Use within the enterprises, it will help the, business analyst, the IT analysts, working, in these, organizations to, drive. The digital transformation story, forward very quickly I think. We covered part, of this thing earlier, where we showed you where, that all these kind of diagrams will be you'll, be able to create these diagrams right within Excel and it's, not going to be limited only to, flowcharts. And process flowcharts, but, we'll have exciting. Diagrams like, charts timelines, roadmaps, all of them available right within Excel and with, much smarter, much more intelligent layouts, so, you will be able to configure the look and feel of your diagrams that you are generating. Using. Very. Simple techniques like you know moving around a slider it, will change the layout of your diagram you can you'll be able to rotate. The diagrams and present. It in many different ways, another. Area where we are investing. Heavily is in. The collaboration and co-editing, space so, today when, you open a visual online. Visual, diagram online only, one person can work at it at a time but, what, we are working on is making sure that, many. People within the team or people, from across different teams can collaborate, seamlessly on, the, Visio diagram, very. Soon you will start seeing. The. Collaboration, on co-editing, capabilities, also, being brought to vision online that. Will help you in, scenarios, like brainstorming, mind, mapping or any. Other kind of collaborative. Work that you want to do with. Your team's. That's. Not enough, you. Know we. Are also. Taking. Visio to the 3d landscape so. You. Are welcome to join us at our booth we will show you how you can take a Visio, diagram such as this one which is like a 3d. Office floor layout and at, the click of a button you are going to be able to convert. This into a, 3d. View. Of the same diagram so, let me just quickly show you so if I hit this button what it's going to do is it's going to take, this and convert, it into a diagram like, this so. All the, rich. Information, that you could, have captured in your 2d. Diagram we'll take that and we'll just make it available inside. 3d and this also has full, VR capabilities, so, I. Don't, however we are device with me right now but. It's available on our booth and we also have a session on Thursday where, you can come and see and experience it for yourself that, if I click on this you, will be able to see the entire layout that's captured. In. The 2d diagram in 3d also so, what we expect. This to be used for is not just space planning and equipment, planning but, again, the data driven technologies. That we have in video will, be utilizing those to present, that data in 3d space so, you'll be able to see data, related, to let's say the space, occupancy, or temperature. Or other. Any. Other metrics. Or parameters, that you want to capture with, these these video shapes in, your 3d landscape. As well. Another. Thing that we are working on is the. Ability to create to visualize your azure resources, using, video, so, they're gonna make it possible to connect. Your Visio diagrams to Azure and. Automatically. Generate visualizations. For your as your resources, so you'll be able to see the. Layer, I mean the connectivity, the interconnections, between your, various resources, and you'll.

Be Able to plan those resources monitor. Those, resources, right, from your Visio. Diagrams and. Last. But not the least as. We are working, on all of these exciting innovations, we want to be very very cognizant. Of the fact that you, know we can only build the, platform but it's up to our partners, to. Take these platforms, and then make, them available to our customers so, we are going to make sure that everything, that we do has, a corresponding, API, that, you can use in your solutions. To. Build on to. Build, on and to create actionable. Dashboards. Or other business process systems for. Your clients the kind of things that we saw with their kit is we, want you, guys to be able to build that we, want you to be able to use the visual online canvas. And the capabilities, that it provides as a very. Powerful visual, canvas inside, your applications. And use, those to serve your customers. So. We have a session on Friday where, we'll go in a little, bit more detail about this, thing we'll show you how you can use the video online api's and what. Is the roadmap for. Those. So. As, you. Know as we talked about it a little bit during our presentation we. Learn, a lot from our customers we, want to hear from you we want to understand where, you have used Visio what you have done with it and what. More you expect, from the product so these are all the channels that are available for, you to get back to us and let. Us know your fee, we, are active, on Twitter on, Facebook. LinkedIn, and we, have a user voice group, where you can come and let. Us know your opinions about the product. So. We, have four. More sessions. During. The ignite conference where, you can learn a little, bit in a little bit more detail about features. That we talked about in the roadmap so you. Know you can come to our session we will talk about how to automate some of these workflows using flow, and video will. Take you through the steps in a little bit more detail. How. To link, diagrams, to. Data one, of our MVP. Scott is presenting, that one and how. To see these things in 3d and mix realities, you're welcome to join us on. Thursday for, this session to go and try your hands, with, the technology that we are building and finally, on Friday we have a session we will talk about how, to use the api's and, go. Into a little bit more detail with, the Excel, integration. And. If. You are interested to learn more about video and stay connected with us you can go to this link AKMs, slash visual new and you. Can just drop, in your email address over there and we, will keep, letting, you know of all the new innovations that we are bringing, out for you so. Thank, you so much I think that's all that I wanted to cover today. Questions. Questions. We you. Know welcome, to ask us that now, or come to our booth, yeah. We were not joking. When we said we had a lot of lot, to share so. Hopefully the takeaway was that visi Online provides that visual, canvas which we can use everywhere, thank. You.

2018-10-19 21:15

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