okay now thanks everyone for joining then let's start uh uh most of you all are joining for multiple reasons okay but I just wanted to uh since this is uh a demo class where I will let you all know what this training is all about and what are the products we are covering and uh to what level and to what depth and why are we even uh learning this product okay so but uh most of all have some kind of it knowledge okay so from what I heard from my te so I think most of who all are inquiring about the course they do have Microsoft InTune experience some don't have uh InTune experience at all but they are work and some other domains in uh the it and some are actually working in secm and they want to know more about in tune and some are working in packaging and they want to get into the proper system administration with SSM and in tune because they find uh jobs uh related to InTune and Microsoft 365 security tools uh throughout the industry right so you almost see every service based company and every company is now moving towards the cloud-based native deployment and then that's the reason why you always uh find uh things uh important and then people approach for training for modern Technologies okay but most of uh the things that I am covering today I'm just telling you the first important basic thing what I'll be covering okay but before I even talk about what I'll be covering uh let's even understand how Microsoft has has been advertising their own security products okay and how actually companies purchase those products okay it's not about learning some tool and then just going into uh tool and learning and delivering something right but why is there a shift in the industry and why is there a shift in many companies where suddenly your uh decision makers your see those we are your security uh team and your end user Computing projects team suddenly decide to go away from the existing on premise tools right there must be a reason so we'll all discuss that throughout the course but uh what we always know we always know Office 365 for a long time right what is Office 365 okay so back in the days we know exchange on prise which was deployed on promise and then around 2010 and 2011 Microsoft announced a product called as Office 365 so what was office I got I mean uh uh I want some confirmation in a message that you all can see my screen anyone can just put a drop uh chat thanks so what you can actually uh see uh it was usually on Office 36 which was a cloud-based exchange online service which was nothing but just an exchange server deployed in the cloud okay so what it actually bought to the industry was a cloud-based identity management which was uh back then called as aure ID what it means is every user who you create office 6y because back in the days if you really want to create an user ID whoever joined the organization they had to be created in an on premise active directory in most cases even today okay so but a user was able to create an anactive directory and then that used to be sync to an exchange on premise and that's how you actually create mailboxes okay but in office 665 since everything in this Cloud someone should actually tell that there is an user for an Office 365 like if you joined an organization you need to create an user ID okay so if you actually created in an optimized liit ID that might really not be sufficient and hence Microsoft came up with something called as an Azure ad so Azure ad is not an active directory in the cloud it was purely designed as an identity and access management solution okay it is just provides identities and some access to the resources like Office 365 here in this case okay so what actually exactly means is if you start creating an user ID started creating user IDs here in your active directory in your on promise active directory server you would probably sync that user in the cloud and this user here will be licensed for Office 365 the the moment you actually licensed for an Office 365 The Office 365 service will start creating respective mailboxes your Skype users your teams users and then uh everything related to your Office 365 that is licensed okay y account your uh one Drive account everything right so your entire office 6065 earlier was dependent on even now and for all the resources in the cloud was purely Azure ad an identity should be present in Azure ad which is your user ID and your us user ID should always be licensed for accessing any cloud-based resources in Microsoft 365 even today and forever okay nothing has changed uh for last 14 years okay and that is one of the main core product of Microsoft which is Office 365 and this office 65 actually include many other products okay so your teams your exchange online your Skype your uh Yammer account which is your vaa goals and then there's so many bookings.com uh I mean no sorry Outlook uh meeting bookings and then uh there's so many other services and these entire services are called as as collaboration and messaging tools from Microsoft okay that is their advertising word okay messaging and collaboration because it all deals with uh talking uh and messaging and uh collaborating along with your teams okay the what actually happened there are so many other products along with that integrated so then came something called called as Enterprise mobility and security was called as EMS and Enterprise mobility and security again focused on multiple different products now as you can see you have an office at65 at the same time we also need to protect the data in the office at 65 like email protection spam protection right email forwarding all these okay so incoming email junk emails and then you store something in your one drive your one drive data also needs to be protected your La your one drive data in the laptop should be protected your one drive data while transferring data to external organizations or internal organization there should be some kind of sensitive labeling to be done on those documents right technically every organization comes up with some tenant okay that tenant has almost a lot of terabytes of terabytes of data based on the number of users in your organization so this entire Office 365 is where your services are there and then there is another product called as Defender for Office 365 which protects entire Office 365 data okay so be it in the SharePoint your one drive Outlook teams whatever data you do okay it is protected okay your documents your sensitive labeling okay say for example if if you want to start adding labels to your data okay say for example you create an Word document and label it as a sensitive label saying confidential you can actually create a policy in your Office 365 such that that perview I mean that label is not transferred to another account outside of your domain like if you're joining working ino.com if you create a confidential document you cannot really share it to your vendors or third party okay all these are policies that are created in some kind of a tool and that tool is called as uh Microsoft perview okay Microsoft perview is one huge massive product within the Microsoft ecosystem okay so the EMS basically includes two products it includes in okay and then AIP Azure information protection that is now a name change into multiple other things but still a you that I mean this is part of now perview okay okay and then it involves entra ID plan P2 okay and then Defender for cloud applications for C8 Defender for cloud apps okay so these are all different products I'm saying okay so the reason why I mean I was actually started off with uh telling all of these products was the way Microsoft organized entire products is M365 okay you buy actually M365 E3 or E5 license okay what you actually get is you actually get Office 365 okay and you get INE but INE as a separate or license and you get Defender s okay and there are multiple Defenders okay but what I was what I was talking about here is say for example Defender is a product it only provide security to your office data that is there in your Office 365 tenant and now you started managing devices you now have devices with Android iOS and mainly Windows operating system nowadays even Linux and Mac OS have become popular but uh 80% of all the devices in any organization uh today are windows but these windows are now connected to your Azure ad account again and they now started to manage with another cloud-based product called as InTune okay so these InTune our device managed and these devices are not joined to Azure ad say for example you you have any data here right so it also needs to be protected while the data in the cloud is protected with Office c65 Products but data in the devices also needs to be protected with something called as the DLP policies and for pushing DLP policies and deploying DLP policies your devices need to either be enrolled to In Tune or at least Defender for end point for a certain functions to work okay so the main function when you actually look at the security of security aspect of any devices it is protecting devices and data on the managed devices okay these are all managed devices and we are talking about the managed devices in the cloud which is say uh endpoint management so the reason why again as I was telling the multiple what actually do organizations do is organizations just purchase E3 and E5 and within the E3 E3 and E5 they have office 66 which most of the companies already use it and intun is one of the main again product uh component and then Defender for endpoint Defender for endpoint we say MD Defender for cloud apps and Defender for Office 365 and Defender for identity okay so these are the four major products today everyone are talking about and everyone needs mean needs uh experiences on and everyone needs jobs okay based on those Technologies okay these are all a bunch I mean bunch I mean uh batched okay they're like you know a job batch of people okay so an organization is looking for okay so they really can't find people who are expertise in inun who have expertise in Defender for endpoint some kind of knowledge on Defender for identity and Defender for CA okay we find people always whenever I interview we find people who are only either expertise in in tune and me again little Administration okay that's all not much and we and uh defend of end point it's either completely know or little bit Basics or I'll we'll always find people with Defender point point but not with in tune okay there are a security core uh SP I mean uh security operations team okay but that not how jobs will be in the future right it's it's a mixture of multiple things and uh this M365 you also get Windows 11 Enterprise license so now you actually understand you have an office license you have a Windows operating system license you have a license with entra ID okay and you have a device manage tool like in and you have a security tool like Defender okay all that with a single E3 and E5 license which every almost all most of the Enterprise and big companies purchase it okay and not all of those products are actually being used by the organization half of them are not using in tune they are not using Defender instead they're using crowd strike they're using uh uh Sentinel one they're using so Force there are so many other products they were using for a long time their contracts will eventually get expired and of in tune they're using SCM for Windows and they might be using other products for mobile device management like we of this one okay all other different products they're actually using but if you actually look at the trend in last 3 years two years and you go to any company and every customer is now trying to migrate their uh first why in tune okay they're trying to move SCM devices to in I'm not saying all I'm not saying everyone but at least to an extent where co-management is required secondly they're migrating their o any old MDM devices I mean MDM tools like VMware workspace F WS F mobile iron which is a part of youan now uh sa IBM M 660 okay so there's so many there are around 4050 product uh MDM Solutions and since they already paid and they're already using M365 license it's easier for them without renewing the license without purchasing the license M to InTune okay so these are the bunch of uh me uh the these are the majority cases where you'll always see and find projects where everyone wants to move to in same thing goes with the defender for end point people are using Crouch strike Sentinel one okay they're using semantic mcafe okay carbonare carbon all of these someday eventually you'll actually they or realize Defender for endpoint anyway they are paying okay why you need another product okay the best part of Defender is uh you don't need a client the client is automatically there on your Windows operating system you just need to activate it okay same goes with in tune right so you don't need any kind uh clients at all because it's based on MDM and this is based on a sense agent that's already inbuilt with an organization so we just need to activate it okay so nothing more nothing uh important uh nothing complexity to to onboard any devices to defend a find point it is highly recommended to onboard using InTune and that's the reason why InTune plays an important role to Simply silently onboard all of your windows devices to Defender for endpoint and almost all the policies for Defender endpoint you can actually push it from InTune as so that is a reason why the combination of InTune and Defender plays an important role when someone really find uh if you actually Google and find out any jobs uh they always have four things IDE uh mentioned in tune defend of for endpoint and then autopilot what else okay so these are all related to Windows okay so if at all someone reads SCM knowledge it's good okay and then um uh yeah all kinds of entra id entra id is nothing but your aure ID very important that is the basics if you don't know enter ID you'll not learn anything related to M M365 so I think I I spend a lot of time in uh teaching everyone about entri and whatever is available within the entri whatever is needed for us in ENT ID okay so and then ENT ID conditional access is a ENT ID conditional access uh is a part of ENT it's not part of InTune but in most InTune interviews completely ENT conditional access is covered and then uh they immediately go and talk about the security Defender for endpoint and they even talk about another M365 security another M3 any other M365 products as a plus if you have like you know Defender for identity if you understand privileged identity management if you understand uh Defender for cloud apps it's always a plus okay but that is how everyone's career in future will look like and should be if anyone wants to uh groom their careers and be like you know job safe and see what is it in the future fure I think these are all the things that you guys need to study if someone is in this field okay someone is completely out of this field they might not uh be encouraged to do all of this but people who are in application packaging SCM InTune okay it is highly recommended for them to start reading a lot about uh M365 products okay so the reason again uh let me just uh share my screen so I think let's just you the reason again why uh someone is talking about InTune Defender for so much okay we know like you know we know from the industry right what is it if you really start looking at do some research okay yeah this is the old tool but that's fine okay it still applies back in around somewhere uh InTune and configuration was there right if you look at this 2024 okay and then this was 2025 and InTune started to move to Azure and then autopilot came in ma'am came in ma'am is a cleaning to ma'am and then we looked at the Legacy and then read uh Co management and then everything started off with the ship uh in tune a based in tune for education and then EMS bundled the license along with the EMS and M65 and then later we uh gave the licenses free for those those users who already were using SCM so that they can leverage the co management part of it okay and almost most of them comes with a heavy discounted license and then features were all everything was free okay so this is uh the number of users that were used okay and as of today like you know according to Microsoft we will look at their website there are nearly 9 and a half lakh inun tenants out of which there at least 7 lakhs plus InTune customer small medium business Enterprise everyone okay this is a Gartner report that is 2022 2024 again it's the same thing okay Microsoft is still the leader of the unified endpoint management tools why Gartner report is important because it's not coming from Microsoft it's an experts uh report every company looks at the Gartner report before purchasing devices okay so you know in this if you again do a research on mobile device management and this unified endpoint management I'll show that when I'm sharing the browser but for last 2014 16 18 all of these InTune was not even in the picture Okay so Microsoft took that seriously and then uh within last four years Microsoft is the leader and you see the number of products here earlier there were 20 the number of products are even not even making it to this list okay you don't find Citrix Citrix is vanished 63 zen zen app sorry Zen mobile was the leader but it's not we in the picture there is no s there is only IBM uh there's only mobile iron okay only three okay and eventually uh I'm sure every customer that you guys are will eventually work will be moving from any of other products to Microsoft in and uh that is the same okay that is the same case even with the defender for points so if you I'll show the report of Defender for end points in last four years it's still the leader there's no competition the only competition close competition for Defender point is crowd strike is Sentinel one okay and uh uh that's all okay so so force all this carbon black and all those will come later okay all in the second category as of today it's still just two or three products and Defender is the leader along with crowd strike and Sentinel one and Bit Defender I think so okay so in but in this course okay let me talk about because the problem with all these demo classes which I am asked to take is uh the limited time where I need to tell so many things okay so as I was saying uh okay let's if you look at uh why Defender for end point is so important okay so let's say got def of why all this gner report stke just click on the images let click on IM any image okay I'm not sure if you get this hope you guys can see okay so this if as you can see there's so many products in this Gartner report right this is in 2022 okay so you see Microsoft sell the leader second comes the crowd strike then comes the Sentinel one then comes the Cyber and so forth okay imagine learning a product like Microsoft Defender for endpoint and in tune where every customer wants to go there okay of course you need to be in the leader of course there are people with already intern experience there are people with the security experience but there is a unique combination of Defender for endpoint Defender for cloud there's another product called Defender for clown where you manage servers and uh security of the servers okay that can be your future okay so these are the jobs are unlimited that's all I can say so in tune uh of course if you look at uh any I mean if you can look at uh not just uh Gartner report the Forester wave report okay okay there is no clarity as well okay so any report anywhere you'll always see of course Microsoft product leading the way the reason okay I'm not sure how much of this if you can go and type in Google saying that zero trust deployment plan with Microsoft okay and it says a clickable deployment plan okay this is if you want I can uh share the link so you can just uh go akms zero trust okay this one zero trust deployment with M365 if you look at just you'll get this clickable PDF okay and then you can actually go through I'll just zoom in Okay the reason okay if we have to look at a higher picture as to why we need to learn in tune why we need to learn uh Defender for point because these combination these two products will make up almost 50 the 60% of this entire zero trust deployment plan go to Tech Mahindra website Tech mahinder CIO claims uh for example we are in the mission of zero trust deployment and passwordless strategy in 20124 or we will by end of end of 2025 the mission will be accomplished something they'll go and advertise they'll not even know what is that okay but everyone's Mission and everyone's agenda for their organiz ation is to go to zero trust deployment plan okay no matter what product you used but if you use most of the Microsoft product you will actually uh say something uh save money and save uh limited Administration experience you can achieve that zero deployment uh goal right passwordless is another goal okay which means that there's no password you can always log into any of the system without any password they eventually no password at all okay my organization is already there okay if I two the last four years two and a half years there's no password I don't know my password but I log into every system without any password with mfas with um security keys or with my phone pass Keys okay all these are completely new okay I mean I would really challenge uh okay what you learn will be completely new and I intend to only talk about new things okay so I will really not really talk about any of these old things people like it or don't like it or people really uh want that as an agenda for their job it's not real because for example I will definitely not talk about Pixie I will not talk about OS deployment I will not talk about Tas sequences or any of that in my training okay I'll not even talk about traditional packaging okay why packaging now why we need packages because Microsoft is already packaging almost top 6,000 applications and put it in the putting in the gallery all we need to just uh go to InTune and select that package they are only updating for ourselves okay these are all updated now okay so if you look at this let me go ahead and zoom okay I mean when I start when of course we'll cover this in detail during our training but if you actually look at this mt650 trust deployment stack everything that is in green color is devices okay this see here everything that is in the and everything that is in blue color is related to entri ID okay and everything that is in this light yellowish color is a part of information protection and governance which will definitely not covering okay some aspects of it will be covering okay when I again Zoom you see here endpoint devices for Windows and 3 we create DLP policies okay we create DLP policies either in inter not defend of end point okay and one thing that I really want to tell for all these products to work you need a Defender for endpoint client to be active so that is a key that is a most important part of uh this entire uh training right and these are the Lev these are the 13 step that we'll probably do to achieve that and you actually look at it enroll devices into management Implement app protection policies requirement Health okay Implement Implement DLP policies 4 57 91 you see manage end points with in tune and 365 same thing we will actually learn about zero trust identity and then MFA policies come down we will still learn your this pilot deploy Defender for endpoint that see when I say endpoint we only talk about clients okay servers is a complete different things which I'll will not talk about okay which is a different thing okay so it's a massive subject so again part of it we are learning okay we not talking about this and we're not talking this 11th step is a purely mostly an Office 365 will do I'll give you introduction about this okay uh this like know these three steps you see out of three or four steps many people don't understand the import import of in tune Azure ID enter ID and different different of for Point okay so these are the main things that are needed for any organization to manage their M entire M365 now go ahead and imagine if you are an expert in any of these things plus tomorrow after one or two years you start learning more of entri ID more of perview and more of compliance okay so you are already learned s 70 to 80% of M365 deployment and security just in case if you get a lucky project like know teams and teams device management okay it hardly takes one project for anyone to learn about something right so that is the reason why uh we have to look at a bigger picture and see how our career will shape rather than uh saying that like no I know I know in I knowm I know this one okay please ask me only in these questions okay so it is mostly L1 L2 or 2 3 4 five years not even five 2 two three years experience guys speak right that's how they speak so if anyone have that four five six year experience okay so the whole training will talk uh and I would personally encourage and develop everyone so that you guys get into a ender Computing place where many security tools TOS many deployment tools many end user Computing tools actually design and you consult something you know something you design okay so it is not using a tool if you get a console access everyone knows English they can read the console and do it but what is it why do we have to do all that is important okay so as it said right so go ahead and start you just understand this okay so now you'll actually come to know so coming to this picture of what exactly is this this is what I was saying right Defender for identity Defender for office 665 and then Cloud apps and endpoint you see this entire evaluate depos for xdr extended okay defense xdr is some extended defense I mean Defender uh thing so um you see these are four products tell them someone someone I have experience in this four products which is Defender for HDR and then per view you see this product data privacy and data protection and then in tune and enter ID and let me know if you don't get a job okay why all that in tune and Defender for endpoint you can just Google and browse and go to LinkedIn go to NRI go to Times jobs wherever it is you will actually get hundreds of jobs here it only requires how what you exactly need to put okay so uh with that mind okay so what is typically part of our training my training usually I do usually I say 20 hours but it'll go of course it'll go beyond 20 hours I'm so I conduct actually uh three different trainings one is where I conduct L1 to L3 in tune okay so and then I do L3 to L4 in tune only for people who really wants to get into deep uh understanding of Bel and they require it not it's not about learning whether they use it okay so this is part of this particular course that uh we are talking about okay so I say 20 or none of my trainings are 20 it is usually 30 28 26 but uh we start off learning with the uh plan licensing talk about enter ID okay a lot of enter ID a lot of hybrid ID management um and then V ID bring your own devices and then uh your ENT ID applications okay so registering the devices joining the devices hybrid IDs okay aure Ed connects I mean nowadays it's called entro ID connect and then how lab setup is the most important I would everyone I would recommend everyone to have a lab if someone already are working in customers environment is fine because it's completely it's not new for them and for people who are completely new and they don't have a trial account they don't have a test setup I would actually ask them spend a lot of time uh during the course initially okay so every initial learning is a struggle okay and once you pass that struggling Point everyone will talk about uh inun uh sorry uh I mean easier okay so second uh as you told like you know we'll talk about enrolling of the devices see any device management has three different aspects one is enrollment how do you on both the devices you might have th000 devices you might have 2,000 devices you might have existing devices which are already used by users and you are a brand new company or a new user or you want to change from one product to another product so for you been using HSM suddenly you want to move from hm to InTune how do you do it and suddenly if you want to move from hybrid a to only asure ad okay all these strategies okay so this are the most important if you go and talk to the company are 30% is struggling in this aspect of what to do for an existing devices what to do from a old to new how do I migrate what are the real time uh challenges that they face okay this is where most of the time is consuming because this is a time is a confusing part once everyone knows how to on board the devices they are shown up in the console and pushing policies is not a achievement at all right it is just uh tell me what policy you want will if it is available inun we'll go ahead and do it right so that is how it is we don't know okay right someone writes a script you write a script go to Google and get a script and deploy a script so that is uh okay all all okay so again uh I have to tell something about like you know if it is uh um what do you say uh uh yeah so I mean yeah I was coming back to the lab okay so lab is important the reason why lab is important I always give this example okay there are hundreds of videos uh in YouTube and most of your companies are also uh planning to participate planning to play okay so but all that is fine but the only important thing is once you set up a lab and learn along with the training is when you learn a product okay so you can of some paying and watching a uh training session you can actually go you watch YouTube videos okay but someone is there to help you doing an interactive session and when you have the lab when you find challenges aing a lab then you this is the only place this is the only time you learn okay so and then if you don't do that you'll never learn okay that is for sure you might have already attempted many times to learn any product any technology any subject but when unless you really serious about it you'll never learn okay so please people only are interested join okay it doesn't matter if I have 15 or 20 I don't want huge numbers I want numbers who find Value in the training okay so again in is classified and deployed uh when it comes to configuration policies whether it's security or non-security products so security products I mean security and non-security policies security policies are like you know if it's a uh Defender setting bit Locker settings credential guard application guard all of these uh policies that have been uh can be pushed to a Windows end points and for iOS and I apple and Mac also we can just push security and non security policies so that is a 30% of the role and job of inun okay you also can push applications okay standard Applications store applications packaged applications similarly the way we can actually do that in secm of course secm has some advant aned configurations that were needed and that because see hm is a product that has been developed for a long time right so it has been in the market for 20 years people have invested I mean Microsoft has invested uh a lot and it's a heavy Bas I mean it's a heavy product but inter is a light weighted product complet when I say light light for you but not light for the service in the back end right so the way it looks like is cloudbased service and of course um we can only do few things there there is hardly any limitation nowadays okay uh even if it comes to Applications okay so you might find uh inconsistencies and lesser granularity in terms of reporting compared to SSM but it does the job okay so it ises the job because there are so many Enterprises okay so accent sh is one classic example you find hundreds of organizations now uh being uh completely moving to 100 100% cloudbased And at least after covid after covid everyone wants to move to ENT joint and IND managed okay so we'll also talk about as I was saying complete Security aspects of uh these okay so we'll talk about Defender find Point complete onboarding integration of InTune and uh Defender for Point what happens during the integration okay how polic is deployed what if you create an INE if you create the policy in Defender point point who what is a sense agent all of that will actually go in talk uh in the different Define point I'll just even uh give a chest about how do you on board Mac how do you on board Linux if it's needed if someone is really interested uh including iOS and Mac okay so Defender find is not just for Windows and windows servers okay people are buying uh even for IOS and Android and Mac OS and also for Linux okay all that Defender is a product it's just security product so Defender uh is one section ma'am okay ma'am is every organization in the world is using ma tell me 99% pick 100 organization m is required maam is needed simply okay because everyone who is office is using office is 65 if they are using Office 365 which most companies are and if they are enrolling devices with uh uh Android and iOS and if they're into office or I mean um office mobiles teams meetings all of that they are using ma'am okay so because you cannot take the screenshots you'll not be able to copy paste any of the email documents uh save it to your drive save it to your local phone all that is uh protected right and how do you protect using in M applications only okay so we have a good one week uh mean we can uh even spend time on resume preparations interview TS okay all of different various shops where to apply okay and then how you can actually shape up your career uh things okay later so for people in the same training I mean same batch who are already KN in and if you at all you want to attain L3 and L4 interview these are the topics I usually cover in L3 and L4 it's a specific training only for a few people around 10 8 9 12 okay but people who are really interested and who are looking for more advanced roles at the consult the two aspects if you want to learn learn a inun product at the in-depth level you don't need to unless you're working in Microsoft where you need to troubleshoot things you don't need to the way you actually Implement in tune in a larger scale okay when I say larger scale how do you uh scale up InTune deployment and the challenges that you face when you are migrating from existing product to another product for um from deploying uh across location okay different location different Administration challenges different languages okay so all those things and if someone says I want to leverage each and every feature within the InTune it's not just about deploying apps security policies Windows or enrollment autopilot I want to know more about it like service now integration with uh uh Defender uh sorry um in tune how do we do that okay so what is uh Azure virtual desktop what is the differences between Windows 365 and AV okay so when do we use Windows 365 because entire Windows 365 is a part of InTune console right InTune is capable InTune is at least InTune administrator is responsible for deploying Windows 365 deploying that cloud PC and deploying the configurations for cloud PC okay so we'll talk about desktop analytics EPM and endpoint privilege management so these are all advanced and uh uh additional capabilities of inun that we are talking okay how do we configure cloud how do we even configure a non-cloud pki if you have a scap if you have CS certificates if you have pki implementation how do you talk to security what do you need from the FCA servers how do you create templates how do you white list I mean how do you do crls the certification revocation list all of that some general knowledge some I mean General awareness and some things that you need to do a general this these classes whenever I conduct once in three months are most of a interactive discussion type okay so where people are already working in inun like four five years and then they come okay uh and there's other course that I uh nowadays I'm uh not getting time to do it where I cover all the four products which I told you right so uh The Defenders the identity office Cloud apps and point in great detail along with simulation along with uh reporting along with uh and quering the databases of all of these okay not to a sentinel level but uh to at least uh again that's a different product uh all that okay so but this is purely a course okay so if someone is really interested and talk to me talk to uh amth please go ahead I will uh paste this number here contact amth if someone is interested I'll start answering the questions in the chat if you have any questions uh in the chat uh please go ahead and uh uh put any questions in the chat for now and uh or if someone wants to talk to me ask a myth about it we'll probably start based on once we cross good numbers and uh because I'm already handling two different batches uh right now 8 Z okay you can contact ath uh he n his number is 95 5 40 662 806 okay it's a it's a Indian number so the country code is+ 91 uh is ath so for course fee when do we start what is additional things that you require okay so uh contact that and let me open the chat and start answering the chat okay so uh my name is Raj you'll know more about me once we join the class and if someone really needs to experience my experience my work experience my previous training uh experience where I work and all contact am he'll let him he will let you know and uh [Music] let me see the messages okay so I am working IM okay that's fine so will the help on the lab setup from the scratch yes when I say 15 people join the lab I cannot ask I cannot uh go on handson with 15 different people I'll show how to set up a lab if someone needs to set up a lab uh contact me first we will use their example to set up the lab okay but what is important is lab because it's not about purchasing the license and trial license right it's about whether you have the devices or not you need to have virtual machines okay for Windows you need to have at least a single virtual machine wherever you if you have a high configuration laptop like uh 16GB or at least GB try to create a Windows 10 machine virtual machine or if you have a physical laptop of your own personal own uh okay so then that is uh uh thing that you can actually do thing okay so for Android iOS most of you already have you can use your personal phones for testing okay nothing will be a problem no one will wipe or anything okay so but I always out of 20 people in the batch 10 people create labs the rest of the 10 people I give them my lab okay I give my lab access and uh sometimes I even share a VM and create a a VM and give it to them because uh I want everyone to have their lab okay because or else I find all nonsense questions okay I all silly questions okay this one so I better give the lab so that their questions will make sense their understanding they're feeling
2025-01-18 23:11