FREE Programming courses (Python, C, SQL and more)

FREE Programming courses (Python, C, SQL and more)

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this could be the most valuable class you've  ever taken because the learning outcome from   this class is the ChatGPT in the hands of a person  who doesn't know what they're doing is completely   useless and will destroy you meaning you're going  to get a job and for the first week you can use   ChatGPT and then in week four you're going to  get fired I would go and I would see students   come in and they would bring me code that clearly  came from ChatGPT right and I would ask him like   well did you watch the lecture yeah yeah yeah  of course I watched the lecture I said well   did you look at the sample code I provided and  it doesn't take long for me to like just figure   out because ChatGPT writes Beautiful code it's  syntactically correct it uses some of the more   advanced features of any library or whatever and  so it's like I look at it and go like nicely done   and I realize oh wait a sec I'm complimenting  ChatGPT yeah I think the the thing I'm thinking   about is like in the real world when someone you  might be able to cheat through the exam and I like   your example um but I've seen it in the field  where people will cheat on other exams so they   find all the answers they memorize the answers but  they don't actually know how the stuff works yeah   you're going to get caught out somewhere perhaps  on the interview but perhaps actually in the job   so you're harming Yourself by cheating like this  it's it's goes through the pain it's like like I   think it's really important to do that so that  you actually learn the skills right I do think   that a lot of teachers build really horrible  classes well so the ma the path of the master   programmer is effectively my personal curriculum  that would replace a computer science degree if   your goal is to become a programmer hey everyone  it's David Bombal back with the amazing Dr Chuck   Dr Chuck great to have you back on the show it's  great to be back on the show we always have so   much fun it's so nice to get your experience and  your advice and it's 2025 now and I think a lot   of people in this new year are going to want to  know firstly is it worth becoming a programmer   because you know AI is eating all the jobs some  people say and then secondly how do I become a   programmer so perhaps we can start with the AI  question and then you can take us on a journey   I see AI through kind of a couple of lenses one  is just kind of a hype listener and trying to I   just want to I want to discredit the hype I just  am tired of it um and I'm tired of no company has   any new ideas except AI right whatever they  were doing they doing plus AI but the other   way I see it is um through my teaching and so  from the moment I started uh me and my other   colleagues at the University of Michigan School of  information were vowed not to be anti- aai right   to be pro- AI because we feel like if you're not  pro- AI um you're not helping the students right   and so many of us try to design AI usage into the  class and so we don't prohibit it but then we have   to warn students right I mean we're taping this  at the two-thirds point of our current semester   and this is where um I'm starting to get email  after email after email from students was like   I'm just falling farther and farther behind in  this class I mean every week I I can't keep up   and and and and and and in the or the last two3  but in the middle third I I would go and I would   see students come in and they would bring me code  that clearly came from ChatGPT right and I would   ask him like well did you watch the lecture yeah  yeah yeah of course I watched the lecture I said   well did you look at the sample code I provided  and like yeah yeah I'm like well could you show   me the sample code that you were looking at that  you used to adapt to make the code you wrote yeah   yeah yeah yeah and it doesn't take long for me  to like just figure out because ChatGPT writes   Beautiful code it's syntactically correct it uses  some of the more advanced features of any library   or whatever and so it's like I look at it and go  like nicely done and I realize oh wait a sec I'm   complimenting ChatGPT but the the simpler and the  more elegant and the more advanced features that   A A student uses in their early applications the  they understand about what's going on they're just   like oh please help me ChatGPT these students are  going to end up with a b or c in a class I'm just   about to send them a letter that says if you're  feeling this because of ChatGPT you should just   resign yourself to getting a b or c in this class  and with grade inflation getting a c in a class   is like ah my parents are going to come and revoke  my allowance because I didn't get an A and so I'm   at that point where there's no chance for these  students to catch up and it has to do with the   following there's this concept called the zone  of proximal learning and the idea is is I have   15 weeks and it's kind of in thirds the first  third the assignments are designed to create a   sense of confidence and success in the students  like look you can do this you got to learn how   to read this and here but I make sure you don't  fail I give you lots of very explicit instructions   and then the middle part is where I'm trying to  transition you all off me giving you too much I   call it the DIY part of the class where they're  they're supposed to kind of start not depending   on my descriptions of what to do but instead think  and then at the end I teach him a bunch of stuff   and the whole first two-thirds of the class is so  that they can be successful in the last third of   the class what and what I'm trying to do is I'm  going make it each week I try to make a challenge   that they can achieve and so like first week is  a a challenge that's small and they can achieve   that in the second week is a next and it starts  building and pretty soon they know quite a bit   but the other problem is is in the first third of  the class ChatGPT can usually Crush my assignments   and and that's that's not because I designed them  to be crushable by ChatGPT it's just I made very   very explicit things using language and what does  a large language model do it reads my instructions   goes I figure out what this guy just said not  just because cat GPT but because it's necessary   for learning in the middle third I start making  my descriptions more vague and that's not just   to confuse ChatGPT alth that does confuse ChatGPT  it's to get them to actually like go off on their   own and and and research and and look at the look  at the shorter descriptive sentence that says do   this by looking at that not here's what you paste  in and this is where ChatGPT starts getting lost   because it's like we're going to we're going to  build an application to track pets and then you   give that to ChatGPT goes like here's application  that tracks pets well it has nothing to do with   like how I wanted you to write the application  or what the data model was supposed to be but   it's like I know how to build an application to  track pets and so they walk in with these ChatGPT   generated things and they have taken it to their  friends they've taken it to their their their   buddies in computer science and nobody quite knows  what to do with this code that they think is half   done and they come in to me and I I can't help  them I mean every once in a while I say well I'm   here put those four lines and then you'll be okay  and then then they go off and they think that that   week is done but really what happened was is they  walked away from the struggle that was a struggle   that they could succeed in that's the Zone  proximal learning is I I look I'm like I make a   thing and I know it's I know how hard it is to go  up so I make the steps small and small and small   and so what happens is is that ChatGPT starts to  lead them badly astray in the middle of the class   and then in the last part of the class the steps  get really big and the assignments get really   vague and ChatGPT has got nothing I mean they  can't even kind of get a half broken solution from   ChatGPT in the last third but they have gotten  kind of halfway through the class on ChatGPT   and that's the problem yeah and and I'm going to  send them a letter and this letter is going to say   you depended too much on ChatGPT in the beginning  of this class and so you started to fade away in   the middle of the class and you were incapable of  doing the stuff at the end of the class but you   did okay on the exams and so you'll probably get  a SE this could be the most valuable class you've   ever taken because the learning outcome from this  class is that ChatGPT in the hands of a person   who doesn't know what they're doing is completely  useless and will destroy you meaning you're going   to get a job and for the first week you can use  ChatGPT and then in week four you're going to get   fired right so if you think that ChatGPT is what  people are hiring you for and then there's kind of   this other fallacy because I don't teach computer  science so we talked about this a bunch right I   teach I don't teach a canonical kind of curriculum  the way computer science does now the interesting   thing in computer science is that ChatGPT  can support you in my opinion far longer in   a computer science curriculum because the hardly  described but very difficult problems or something   ChatGPT has seen a million times already so you  can be at week 12 of a computer science first   computer science course and ChatGPT is like yummy  yummy and so so you can get farther in computer   science than my class because I'm consciously  becoming vague and my stuff is not there's not   10,000 universities that teach the exact same  set of 15 assignments that ChatGPT knows about   but the point is is ChatGPT is GNA let you well  AI is going to let you down and then I juxtapose   this with talking to my teaching assistant we have  lunch every Friday and I'm like what are you up to   and like how are you using ChatGPT and like my  teaching assistant said well I'm saving a lot   of time as I'm trying to help students with small  typos in their program I could either look at all   their code but what I've done is I've gone into  ChatGPT and I described the problem and I put in   my solution to ChatGPT and say this is the problem  we're working on and here's some code I wrote and   here's this and here's that and then what they do  is they grab code from the students and they start   feeding into ChatGPT and say this is close but not  quite right what do we got to fix and ChatGPT goes   like missing semicolon line 207 yeah so this is  a person who is a master of the material who is   using ChatGPT like a like a sword right and that's  the problem is ChatGPT is going to be great and   it's it's going to accelerate people who know  what they're doing and it's going to it's going   to cause people to drop out a programming so one  of the one of the things that I'm fighting with   all the time I fought my whole career is how do  you get to the point where people don't drop out   at week seven of their first programming class  how do I make a more gentle class and I've been   very successful at that computer science hasn't  sort of fixed themselves they always don't care   that a lot of people drop out because they  don't want to graduate so many people I want   to graduate as many people as I can so I make  the classes more tractable and the problem is   is that with ChatGPT we're going to get back to a  situation where people drop out they they start in   a programming class and this programming class is  designed for them to not drop out right for them   to achieve to not be sorted as a thumbs up thumbs  down like sorry it's week five you shouldn't be   a programmer go away work in the fields and pick  potatoes because you are not worthy of programming   the answer is no no no no no everyone can learn  the program it's really easy except now ChatGPT   is ruining right because if you are gentle and  you give people a gentle introduction they can   use ChatGPT too much to bypass the Early Learning  experiences were like oh aha no it's not they're   in a hurry and they don't get any aha moments  they don't get any early learning and then they   encounter the first situation that ChatGPT can't  do the work for them and they decide that they're   not a programmer and the answer is ChatGPT LED  you down a path of very bad choices and now you're   going to drop out and it's because of ChatGPT and  so that sort of breaks my heart as a teacher that   um I've been trying to solve the problem of  people getting halfway through a programming   class and dropping out because they feel that they  could never do it and I don't know what to do I'm   I'm I'm starting to think about having whole  lectures on what we're just talking about like   a a diagram of the Zone appr proximal learning  with these blocks of different heights that talk   about like this is the moment where you're going  to be in trouble the ChatGPT can't take you beyond   this point so you should be careful using ChatGPT  and so I'll I'm I'm not going to give up right   I'm I'm a teacher and ChatGPT is now a problem  it's not a problem for me it's a problem for the   students harming theel themselves using ChatGPT  and so how can I teach them not to do stupid   things with ChatGPT and how to feel the struggle  feel the success from the struggle again I've been   teaching so long I get email from people who are  writing four lines of code that any programmer in   the world would be able to write in five seconds  and they're struggling with it and I'm like love   the struggle love the struggle don't just get  the answer just love the struggle and those are   the ones that ChatGPT helps I think we're going  to find a situation where this new AI capability   is really going want to sort of have some kind of  flame out effect meaning that fewer people will   know how to program and therefore know how to use  ChatGPT and so so guess what learning the program   and learning how to use ChatGPT wisely while  you're learning to the program is going to turn   out to be a mighty good skill and there's going  to be fewer people because all the people who   just use ChatGPT to pretend they're programmers  aren't going to be in the job market they're going   to have to go work in the fields picking tomatoes  under 100 or 30 5 degree Centigrade Sun so it's   kind of weird that I've spent my past 10 years  of my life trying to bring as many people into   programming as I possibly could and now ChatGPT is  going to defeat me or defeat me in some ways that   says I can't keep bringing more people into  programming because they'll use ChatGPT and   and then they'll fail because of it I mean we've  both been teaching for a long time I mean it's in   the old days before this existed people would use  brain dump or just cheat in other ways but you're   cheating Yourself by doing that right because  you're not learning you're not going through   the Journey like you said you're not going through  the pain yeah and and so you know I'm a big actual   fan I one of the things on my tests that I do  is I give you cheat sheets right so one my tests   are kind of weird my tests have multiple choice  questions and short answer questions and they're   all on paper because of ChatGPT right um but  here's the thing that I do is I give quizzes in   between each exam and I tell them that I'm going  to use the exact same questions from the quizzes   on the exams and I give you two pieces of cheat  sheet paper and you can kind of guess what a lot   of students are going to put on half of their  cheat sheet they go and they grab all the quiz   questions and they remember the right answer  to all the quiz questions and that's half their   cheat sheet so you might say well Chuck why are  you even doing that if you let them have a cheat   sheet and I'm like uh that's called studying right  I mean there's some chance that in the preparation   for that exam they still have to read the question  they have to understand the words on the question   they have to read all their cheat sheet and so  I'm like haha you're learning right yeah and   um and so I I don't I don't try to make really  difficult exams they turn out to be as difficult   as the student wants to make them depending on  how much they study and so the notion of brain   dumping and cheat sheets and whatever you're  right that's that's been forever but a clever   teacher uses that to their advantage and uses  that as a moment to get their attention so to me   exams are just to get students attention they're  just like okay you've been kind of bringing half   effort for the last five weeks but now this week  you got to think about this class or you're gonna   you're going to bomb this exam and then they all  do pretty well in the exam which it makes me happy   yeah I think the the thing I'm thinking about is  like in the real world when someone you might be   able to cheat through the exam and I like your  example um but I've seen it like in the field   where people will cheat on other exams so they  find all the answers they memorize the answers but   they don't actually know how the stuff works yeah  you're going to get caught out somewhere perhaps   on the interview but perhaps actually in the job  so you're harming Yourself by cheating like this   it's it's goes through the pain it's like like I  think it's really important to do that so that you   actually learn the skills right I do think that a  lot of teachers build really horrible classes and   and I think we talked about this before that if  if you're encountering a really hard class that   is expecting you to do 100 hours of coding per  week for one point you know if you come up with   a quick and dirty way to Short Circuit that so  you can get some sleep as a student I I I'm I'm   I'm not very judgmental at that point right so  I so I as a my contribution to their learning I   build a class that is not going to destroy them  not going to take away their whole sleep for 15   weeks and if they are willing to struggle for an  hour or two every week I will reward them with   true learning and so uh and so I think there's  just too many classes that are um unnecessarily   difficult and so this kind of any by any means  necessary mentality sort of perc and where you go   so I mean it's interesting because in the previous  interview that we had you spoke about the problem   where students were submitting code or you were  seeing code and the problems were hidden so deep   in the code because it was written by ChatGPT that  this is a problem in the real world right if if   people rely too much on on AI and we keep saying  ChatGPT but I mean AI in general they they they're   going to there's going to be vulnerabilities in  the code they're going to be other problems in   the code and because they don't understand it  they it's it's going to be bad coding but here   you're also talking about the fact that ChatGPT  is stealing their future basically because they're   relying on ChatGPT or AI whatever instead of  learning it themselves I think when you're   talking about the ChatGPT embedding bugs deep in  code you're not talking about my students you're   talking about a story I told about me yeah oh okay  yeah that I can't remember it was a student or was   someone it was remember patch that I wrote for  SK that I hoped would be right and I didn't look   close enough and it introduced a regression that  we found in 24 hours and I had argued with people   about the fact that I was sure it was right and  they were like I don't know about that and then   they were right and I had to kind of like go back  and like uh you were right in my use of check so   that think of that like a job situation right I  mean I'm a I'm a volunteer but I mean you know   I'm sitting there with my team code reviewing and  trying to convince them that this code that came   from ChatGPT is suitable and then they listen  to me because they like me and they let it in   and then like 24 hours later it regresses and  crashes and I'm having to apologize after that   and so you know that that was that story that  and but that's more of a job story right you   you're going to bring in some ChatGPT stuff into  something you're paid to do as a professional and   you didn't look close enough at it and now you're  going to lose the company $100,000 of Revenue and   you're going to eventually realize or someone  else will realize that the code you put in had   a tiny mistake and when you finally have to admit  that I didn't look at that code because I was so   sure that ChatGPT was right that is an ugly place  to be okay well let me let me tell you one other   AI topic and I've been telling this to people I'm  curious what your thoughts are on it I think that   we are in the Golden Age of AI and things are  going to get worse from here and I'll tell you   why I think that everybody should archive the  data they use to teach their model and archive   their models because it will not be long before  AI is going to be looking and program the AIS of   the future will be programming themselves from the  results of AIS yeah so good let me let me tell you   why AI works today and that is that I can write  a blog post about learner privacy and you can   write a blog post about learner privacy and then  a third person can write a blog post about learner   privacy we are humans with our best intention of  being correct and I make little mistakes and you   make little mistakes and the third person makes  little mistakes but our mistakes are somewhat   randomized and so if you look at me and you and  one more person and you look at it closely enough   or maybe even more people you can the mistakes  tend to factor out right because our mistakes   are random just because we're imperfect if on the  other hand AI is generating material whether it's   code or writing or videos or audio AI is going  to take 10 to multiple AIS from multiple sources   going to take from the same kind of Corpus are  going to make the same mistakes so now you got AIS   reading what they think are independently created  in pieces of information using the Standard air   elimination through multiple sources but all the  sources will have made the same error and then   that and let's just say that error is 1% but now  all the AIS that are reprogrammed in 5 years from   a lot of AI generated data will have a 1% error  rate that they can't fix yeah and then the things   that those AIS do is they generate a 2% error rate  and then the next Generation reads in stuff that's   got 2% errors and and what we know from sort of  the law of exponents is 1.01 is infinity and 0.99   is z as time progresses and so I just think that  people aren't thinking about the consequences of   AI reprogramming itself from materials that came  from AI so let me give you a real simple example   I did a podcast I know golly five years ago I was  really into learner privacy learner privacy. org   I did this podcast and I wanted to the podcast  was mostos of extremely high production values   with lighting and scripts and music and all all  this stuff and a character and um I researched   every one of those episodes of that podcast and  I did slides and it was beautiful it was like a   little seven little TED talks and I thought the  world would watch my little seven Ted Talks on   this podcast and then they would listen to me  and they would care about St learning privacy   yeah and so I did all this work and nobody cared  nobody really listened I still think it's really   great work so now ai wanders by and grabs my  stuff and says yummy yummy yummy read stuff up   reads my source documents that I used to do all my  research I could tell AI right now I could say you   know what AI I want to make some money off this  learner privacy thing I've got seven episodes out   there that are really good how about you every  month make up a new episode with cool lighting   and cool video and the character and the tone and  pick some music and write the script and and do   whatever and now this learner privacy. org instead  of having six or seven episodes for the next five  

years has an episode every month so it's got like  what 75 episodes in a few years except only six of   them were written by humans but the world doesn't  know and the and the average viewer will be fine   if there's little mistakes but the AI won't thei  will believe it was written by well-intentioned   humans and use its same error correction so  all I'm saying is those of you who have data   and AI models keep them the future ones are likely  worse now I'm not saying that we figur out all the   applications of AI right I'm not I'm not saying  that someone's going to build a really cool thing   for helping software developers redent you AI I  there's so many good applications of AI but the   corn models themselves I think are going to start  to Decay as as a AI does more and more so that's   my you know scary scary future view that they're  just going to get dumber and dumber and we're not   even going to notice it I think it's a it's a very  valid point because like you said it only takes a   small increase and it then it becomes exponential  as they're learning from each other and learn bad   data from one another I mean I already see like  when we're recording this like when Google or   other search engines use AI to try and give you  the in the correct information it's so frustrating   because a lot of it's just nonsense even now yeah  absolutely Dr Chuck I've got to ask you the big   question because a lot of people will be thinking  this is it even worth me becoming a programmer yes   of course it's worth becoming a programmer and  this is you'll find I'm consistent on this and   that is the amount of core deep painfully acquired  knowledge that you need to be a good programmer is   decreasing and so if you think about what is the  minimum required curriculum so that someone is   capable of being a good programmer and we've  talked about it before the the whole goal of   education is not to teach you everything you need  to know but to prepare you to learn rapidly and   now it's to prepare you to learn rapidly with the  help of AI right and so the curriculum can does   not need to be any larger right every student  to be good programmer does not have to write an   operating system project which wastes the year of  your life and so I think what we're going to find   is that um software developers are not going  to need four years to be ready and um with AI   you're not instantly a software developer I mean  you still got to struggle you got to learn some   basic things but I think the important question  for curriculum designers myself included is not to   waste the students time don't teach the stuff we  taught don't just teach a compiler because we've   always taught compilers don't teach operating  systems because we've always taught operating   systems figure out the essential things to prepare  students to learn and grow and create in an AI   enham enhanced environment and so that's the key  the key is is we you know you kind of say well   is higher education you know less valuable and the  answer is well I think it's as valuable but higher   education as we current think of it currently  think of it is less fit for purpose right   um but it wasn't AI that made the current sense  of how to create software developers not fit for   purpose it's just software is getting easier and  he's always been getting easier and AI is just one   more like step in the wow it's not as hard to be  a programmer as it once was so will I be replaced   by AI or it's it's kind of the similar kind of  question right I think the fear is AI is going   to replace me so I shouldn't even get started  becoming a developer or programmer that's a that's   a great question um I actually talked to lots  of students and I talked to a young lady at the   Apple Store she had just graduated and she found  out I was a professor and she was asking whether   she should go get a master's degree because she  didn't get a job right she'd been out of school   for six months and she didn't have a job she  didn't interviews didn't get him I think there's   a different question I think that you're going to  have to get an education to be worth getting a job   I think what's going to happen is the number of  $200,000 a year jobs for just having a computer   science degree is going to rapidly approach zero  that's for that's there's two factors that are   affecting that and well let's go to the tldr on  this though the tldr is salary expectations for   software developers are going to go down and  I wouldn't be surprised if C Cisco and network   Engineers the expected salary uh is not is not as  high as relative to the inflation as it was say   10 years ago right the more we teach that's true  the more the more there are and so yeah instead of   expecting that you get a computer science degree  for your computer science degree and you get a   yacht a week later because of stock options um  we're going to find that software development   is a job it's just a job and hopefully you'll get  benefits and you'll get decent pay and you'll be   able to you know have a place to live and raise  a family if that's what you want to do and have   some dogs and go to Portugal in the summer and you  know you'll be able to enjoy your life but you're   not immediately going to own your own Island  just CU you know C++ um and I think that's part   the society and a part of Education that we got  to figure out and that is that programming jobs   are no longer these Top ofthe Mountain Gru kinds  of jobs that are super highly paid so with a with   the assumption that developers are not going to be  paid astronomical amounts money it's it's another   career choice and I think it's a wonderful career  choice it's a career choice that doesn't require   you to be out in the snow digging it's a it's a  career choice that doesn't require you to get up   at 5 o'clock in the morning so you can drive a  snowplow and there's a lot of reasons to love it   it is a very satisfying you know the stuff you've  done over your life has been very satisfying it's   it's safe you're out inside and air conditioning  and and it and you get to go home to your family   and you feel like you've done something something  creative I mean I got into this because it was   creative um not because I thought I was going  to make $200,000 immediately and um it was fun   and it was joyful and I think we got to get back  to that but then there's this other side of that   and you say why did that happen what happened and  I think there are two things one is we've gotten   better at teaching programming and we have more of  them and just like CCNA there are more CCNA people   now and so that means the supply is there but in  particular and tell me if this is true in CCNA the   problems that very wealthy companies need to solve  are not as hard as they were 15 years ago yeah a   lot of it's been sold yeah and so if you kind  of imagine that you're Amazon and you're raking   in a ton of money and you want to like say man  wouldn't it be cool if I could just have a bunch   of servers that were virtualized and I could just  make money by giving a person for 12 bucks a month   a fractional piece of this little server that cost  me a buck a month that's a pretty good deal if I   can sell something that cost me a dollar a month  for $12 a month and if I can do that a billion   times well that's 11 billion dollar a month right  I mean it's really easy to just Stack Up computers   and do it and so if you imagine what that was  like in 2000 when someone imagined that they're   going to sell fractional parts of computers to  people you would say oh wow there are so many   hard problems to solve I need like 10,000 phds I  need 40,000 undergraduate bachelor's degrees and   I need 8,000 uiux designers and I need uh 3,000  documentation writers and I need 1,500 QA people   and I need whatever cuz this is a hard problem  it's like building a rocket ship right and every   little bolt on a rocket ship is hard to build  so companies like Amazon took their prodigious   revenue and created these moonshot software  development activities and you know as they   developed it people did things like built Docker  and they're like if you'd have like time traveled   back in time to 2000 and showed people Docker  they'd be like yeah you're that that's never going   to happen that that's that is such a hard problem  to solve it'll never be solved no computers are so   hard forget the whole Docker idea that's a dumb  idea virtualization no way not GNA happen right   that's too hard and so not only did it did wealthy  folks solve it then like cheap imitation Solutions   like doctor and other virtualization mechanisms  made it available so you can have like a server   room in your house and you can you can subset your  little seat CPUs to whatever things you want to do   and have 12 virtual servers like just sitting on  your dresser at the and and it and use an open   source software right but once you're done with  that that was foundational research in Hardware   in software in performance and iteration after  iteration after iteration if let's try this oops   that was good bad oh yeah that was good then I  try this and try this I mean billions of dollars   of iteration but then ask yourself forget AI  for the second ask yourself Google Facebook   like Facebook no SQL the entire sense of how  to scale a database we had a billion dollars   spent on nosql databases which in my opinion are  a complete waste of time because the whole nosql   experiment was nothing more than improving the  understand in that relational databases had about   how they're supposed to scale and after 10 years  of creating all these nosql databases and having   them crap and then having them get a little bit  better and a little bit better and have people   use them and then give up on them postgress  and MySQL just stole the best parts of MySQL   and made themselves better and now we don't have  to do that it was a billion dollars to figure out   how to make postgress MySQL better and the whole  nosql movement I'm sure we're going to get some   flame Wars on this one but I think the whole SQL  movement was just like a complete completely waste   of time that eventually made relational databases  better but now they are better they're better now   guess what we don't need we don't need $200,000  people we don't need 10,000 $200,000 people then   we don't need a bunch of 100,000 $150,000 people  to support them and another 100,000 bunch of   $100,000 people and another $50,000 people we just  need a bunch of 70 to 80,000 dollar per uh dollar   people to just make the next thing happen so this  woman that I was talking to at the Apple Store she   said I'm I'm down I'm depressed I mean I'm good  at web design and I'm like it's okay you're going   to be fine the entire worldwide web is a cesspool  of Technology react is assess is horrible angular   is horrible these are crappy half-baked solutions  to a real problem that real answer like say docker   will come in web applications and this young woman  who just graduated from college 6 months ago I   said pretty soon every single piece of technology  on the web will need to be completely Rewritten   because it's so lousy interesting you're good now  you're not going to get $200,000 for it but you   will be able to have a career doing the work of  upconverting the crappy web technology that we use   for every website on the planet today right and  you can say that over and over and over again why   are we using Java we could be using python well  Python's not quite there yet but eventually every   application in Java will have to be Rewritten in  Python sometime in the next 50 years so that means   if you're 22 years old yes you're not getting a  job right now because we just laid off all these   people from these companies but eventually they're  going to age out and we're going to need people   to convert all the Java stuff into Python and you  are perfect for it right those people will retire   and there'll be space for you and we're just a bit  of out of balance we're just badly out of balance   right now because of the lack of useful moonshot  exercises in the technology space AI of course   is the counter example to that the difference is  and I don't quite understand why this happen so   rapidly that AI AI went from a software problem  to a hardware problem pretty quickly yeah and and   if there's enough money in it Hardware problems  yield way better than software problems right and   so if you look at Nvidia and they figured out  how to build these CPUs and okay you got four   CPUs then you got 40 CPUs then you got 400 CPUs  next thing you know your watch has 400,000 CPUs   on it I'm like holy crap and then like you know  every Apple that's ever sold is more powerful   than a whole semi- full of Intel processors and  so the hardware part of that and Nvidia is being   very well rewarded for that the hardware part  yields fast and that's one of the cool things   right so um I knew a guy who worked for Apple God  2007 2008 and I said what's the future he says   well I can't tell you the future because I'm not  supposed to tell you the future but if you look   at what Apple's doing you can maybe guess the  future and I said so what's Apple doing he said   apple is hiring Hardware people and I'm like what  you mean like for touchpads and stuff said no   we're hiring people to make new microprocessors  and I'm like that seems like the dumbest idea   that I have ever heard in my life why would you do  that they're like well Apple's got this obsession   with power meaning that we just think the current  processors use too much power and then he said the   other thing is Intel doesn't want to change their  architecture based on workload yep we want to make   a processor that we're manufacturing so that when  we detect a change in the workload that people are   using we will change our microprocessors based on  the profile of the actual user code so what's the   difference between the M1 the M2 and the M3 they  profile a bunch of code now they're profiling AI   code so that's what I'm saying is Hardware yields  faster and the move to the arm-based architecture   with just continuous expansion and extensions  and just the I mean they instrument these things   so carefully about power usage for certain  algorithms and that's why Apple's got a new   processor like out every week that Intel refused  to innovate right so Intel's now out of the   business of doing the Innovation Nvidia is okay  because they're making the even faster stuff but   Apple's going to slowly put them out of business  because they changed their microprocessor because   they have so much data about how we use these  things and as they give us AI features then that's   going to inform all their Hardware profiling  and that's going to what tell us what the M5   is and what the m6 is and what the M7 is and  I I'm just amazed at how quickly the software   came together around all this stuff it is it is  amazing so the cool thing it's amazing the bad   thing about it is there's not a lot of $200,000  jobs in it there really isn't because people are   working on the applications of AI and anyone who's  learning about how to apply ai ai to any number of   problems I think that's a great skill right and  that's a skill that's going to be good for the   long term because using AI is something we got  to figure out but the core like models and stuff   man that came together fast and so that's where  you didn't need a 15 years of a billion dollars   worth of programmers the way we did for Amazon web  services or Facebook database you're not selling   it Dr Chuck um not oh that's a good point I'm not  I'm reducing expectations is what I'm doing um but   I I also think that as I talk to young people you  know they I mean I have a son who's a young people   and a daughter who's a young people and um their  expectations of what they want out of the world   is just different they always say that the next  generation is the first generation that's not   going to be like way wealthier than the previous  generation you know my generation is a generation   after the World War II generation after the World  War II whatever I don't know what generation I am   but the point is is that I am wealthier than my  parents were that's for sure um and that's because   I I moved into a world where there was a demand  that wasn't being supplied and my entire career   was technology which was expanding throughout  my entire lifetime with with I mean I started   working when they didn't have fiber optic now  I watched a guy pull fiber optic into my house   that's a quarter mile long and I'm talking to you  over two two gigabits yeah exactly and it's very   reliable and it doesn't care if it rains right y  when I started there was no fiber optic we were   arguing whether multi mode fiber or single mode  fiber was a good thing and they're like well multi   Mode's better because you can plug them together  and you don't have to fuse them then I watch this   guy I can send you the video on this I watch this  guy like have a little box this big it's got this   microscope on it it's got a laser on it and it's  got a polisher on it and it's got a bunch of Servo   Motors on it and you know this guy just sat in  my backyard on his knees in my grass and fused   a piece of glass that was tiny little single mode  fiber and when it was done it sent light through   it and said that fuse was bad let's cut another  one it fused it again and said that fuse is good   and then it put the little wrap on it and you  got all these I mean it's so beautiful but when I   started we were lucky to get like 128 megabits out  of a phone line because of the impedance and and   the you know you know you know DSL and ADSL and  ISDN and all that stuff but my career wasn't exp   I mean the internet didn't exist when I started  right and so these are all things that led to an   expansion of the demand of the talent that I had  and everyone else in the market with me had that   was expanding it's not now the applications of  things are going to keep expanding because there's   always new businesses people got to you know get  money do inventory control uh come up with ways   to interact with their customers in better ways  and that software is never quite done right so   that's applications versus operating systems and  networks and stuff like that so you're right I'm   not selling it but I also think that it's all  going to work out in the end because um I think   that the younger people will end up with a better  quality of life they will get less money but if   the if Society can work out some of its current  issues they can live a good life I mean and I   would say this to some degree is a a Europe versus  US comparison and that is that I think Europe is a   couple Generations ahead of the United States in  that this notion that every generation has to be   twice as wealthy as the previous generation that's  not quite the same in Switzerland for example the   people in Switzerland and the current generation  has a good work life balance they walk up and down   Mountain right they work and they walk up and  down mountains America is the place where you   know America and other emerging economies like  you know India and Africa is this one that's got   this obsession with every generation has to be  greatly wealthier than the previous generation   but more mature uh cultures and economies like  uh Europe and Iceland and all those places uh   they don't have this notion that that's somehow  a failure the success is if people live a happy   life and they enjoy the life they want to live  and they have time for work life balance and so   I mean you know we in the US have a long way to  go before we accept this notion that everybody   has to be super wealthy and if your parents are  wealthy you have to be wealthier because it it   doesn't work that way I've got to ask you Dr Chuck  the um you've mentioned this before but I want to   get an update because it's been a long time since  we spoke about it you teach in University degrees   is One path but you've got the master programmer  which is a huge benefit for people who perhaps   can't go to university don't have the money  or whatever so perhaps you can tell us has the   master program are changed how do I start it is  it does it cost money you know how does it work   well so the ma the path of the master programmer  is effectively my personal curriculum that would   replace a computer science degree if your goal  is to become a programmer and I have basically   10 10 three credit courses think of it as about 30  credits it'd be about one to two years Community   College part-time so a person could finish  the master programmer path in one to two years   halftime meaning you can keep your job you can  take care of your family you can do it at any age   and it it's designed to cost very little and the  only cost and I'm I'm making some stuff up that   doesn't exist yet but the the vision of the master  programmer is the only thing that you pay for when   you're taking the master programmer curriculum is  um teaching assistant and so you can if you are so   self-motivated that you don't need like a helper  to bounce ideas off of them then you can just take   the course and you just have to struggle and you  have to learn it on your own which is not the best   way to learn but if you want like a a guide that  you know you've been working for a three hours   and you just want a little hint or something you  go to the teaching assistant and you ask and so I   think that the the the credentials should be free  but the thing that will accelerate your ability   to go through the credential is support little  bit of AI a little bit of human um but sort of   something that so you don't feel alone when you're  learning maybe a cohort even then the idea is is   who is going to produce these credentials and what  is going to be the the credential that becomes the   one that signals value in the marketplace so  we have credentials like corsera and we have   credentials like edex those credentials themselves  are kind of like a a mixed bag collection some   Corsair credentials are valuable and Signal well  and others don't um others are just stuff that's   kind of been collected and I think ultimately  what has to happen is that universities leading   universities like University of Michigan Oxford  Cambridge have got to come up with a way to Brand   these kind of sub deegree less expensive sub  degree credentials we'll still have computer   science degrees but but I just think if you  come back in 20 years and you say you had a   LinkedIn profile that has 25 corsera badges or  three University of Michigan badges if we do the   right thing and those credentials are well built  and carefully done and carefully curated I think   that the a University of Michigan based credential  in someone's portfolio will have more credibility   than a bunch of Corsair certificates Demi etc etc  and so as a as a person in higher education who is   interested in the good that higher education can  bring to the world and make a little money on the   side doing it um I just think that this is really  important and I have been aligning the path to   the master programmer to to be part of this space  even though the space doesn't exist yet right so   I'm just imagining a future where universities are  giving people lowcost credentials that are lowcost   high value a great price price to Value ratio um  and so I'm trying to present the master programmer   as one of these early I mean I'm I'm just always  ahead of everybody I'm just like in 10 years this   will be commonplace and I just want to be the  first one so that you know the second one or   the third one or whatever and I'll just tell you  that on the campus at the University of Michigan   where I'm at there is a lot of conversation  about this there's a lot of conversation about   this and and and recent events um perhaps make  this conversation more important um we talked   earlier about how uh Amazon's demand for a billion  dollars worth of programmers per year is not there   anymore in the United States we have this thing  called the H1B and it's great it allows talent to   immigrants to come to United States and gain  naturalized citizenship and be part of the you   know billion dollar attack on a moonshot problem  at Amazon those are not so valuable anymore I   mean I mean it's not instant but we don't I mean  it's it was kind of like a convenient way for us   to extract knowledge intellectual Talent out of  all these countries the best and the brightest   come to our country and stay and it let us  be ahead of every other country by a decade   because their best and brightest didn't stay  home yeah they came here but they came here for   a $200,000 job they didn't come here for a $70,000  job because they can get a $70,000 job equivalent   in their own economy without coming here and  having three generations of savings to pay   the tuition from India to University of Michigan  and so I also think that part of this non-degree   credential is a way for us to continue to educate  as a university our goal is to educate and educate   as many as we possibly can which is our tiny  contribution hopefully to making the world a   better place if I was a medical doctor and I ran a  hospital I would say to you my job is to make the   world a better place and I'm trying to figure out  how to make hospitals work better so I can make   the world a better place well my way of making  the world a better place is educate better and so   I think that we're going to start seeing not just  like oh that'd be a nice idea Chuck that's Prett   pretty cool that you can educate anyone anywhere  in the world and you can assign a University of   Michigan credential to anyone anywhere in the  world at low cost be amazing y I think in five   years you're gonna come here and you're gonna  like any University that's not doing that is a   fool because just the nature of especially United  States higher education things are changing again   I'm kind of taking it through a technology lens  right but technolog is where most of these people   come to the United States to get H-1B visas and  as that becomes less and less valuable and it's   not that people can't get H1B B visas anymore the  problem is is once they graduate the companies   won't then sponsor their H1B employment because  there are so many people from United States of   America that can take those jobs and it's a pain  in the neck to do H1B paperwork but if it's your   only choice then companies do that so I'm just  saying that the demand Market internationally   is changing and so for me the master programmer  sub-degree sub-degree non-credit credentials are   all part of like a fut I'm envisioning a future  world and how can I as an educator educate in   that future world that's amazing what's what have  you got today though so let's say I want to start   today we're going to re repeat some of the stuff  we've done in our previous interviews but just   for people haven't seen them are there courses  available and what are the courses so the the path   to the master programmer I have spent the last  decade on Corsair building what I considered um   intro classes and so when I would get done with  one intro class class I would go build another   intro class and when I get done with that one I  would go build another intro class because you   hear me talk a lot about welcoming I want to say  you know you want to learn some database welcome   welcome to the most accessible database class  on the internet you want to learn about request   response cycle welcome do you want to learn about  the internet good and so my whole goal has just   been to welcome people in the problem is is I've  have five really good courses on corsera Internet   history python for everybody web applications  everybody Jango for everybody postc for everybody   five really good courses that most everybody with  enough patients can take they're not prerequisites   to one another and so I would meet students  that would take all five of those classes   and they would say what job can I get I took your  class this is your curriculum I mean this is your   degree I took five your classes it's the degree of  Dr Chuck corsera and I'm like uh you can't get a   job with that stuff that's nowhere near enough  and then I'm like oh wait a sec Chuck what are   you saying you're like you you spent a decade  of your life building all this stuff and and   now you're admitting that you're they can't get  a job from your stuff they could get a promotion   from my stuff but they couldn't get a job right if  they were like if that was the only education they   had and they're 19 years old I can't tell them  how to get a job with all five of my courses so   that's where the path of Master programmer comes  and the key the key idea is to come up with the   shortest set of curriculum to get to the point  where they're ready to hire and um so then I   said okay I I I got to make it a short curriculum  I can't make it a long curriculum because that's   what a computer science degree is is a fouryear  curriculum with way too much stuff in it and so   I came up with originally was four courses and  now I came up with five courses and the five   courses that and the key to these courses is these  courses have prerequisites and these courses built   upon one another and I'm not expecting a million  people are going to finish all the courses because   they're going to get more difficult they're not  just more beginner courses they are Advanced   courses to the point where the last course is  going to get you ready to work and so this is   here's the courses the the the first five which  are all beginner courses python Jango PHP um   postest and the internet those are just kind of  take them in any order then the next courses are   C but it takes prerequisite in minimum python  then the one after that is hardware and that   why I've got these cameras in my office so I can  hold on I'll show you that's camera five so now   that's camera five so someday when I'm teaching my  Hardware classes we should have got some Hardware   here I want to be able to teach a class and I you  probably have done this in some Cisco stuff right   where you grab a router and you're like and then  you plug a cat 5j into this thing and then another   thing goes in there and and and the packets come  out and so um you know a hardware class so there   we go that's that's my hand handheld instant cam  oh and here's my here's my wide angle shot and   then back to myoc middle of camer shot so so here  we are so hardware and I'm building my stud home   studi so I can teach breadboarding in my Hardware  classes um and um then I decided on a JavaScript   class I'll come back to that JavaScript class in  a second um and then a jav a class and then a uh   internship class and um The Internship class is a  a kind of a blend between work I chose Java over   C++ because it's free and um I I just I can't in  my heart prepare Microsoft people because that's   not a bad job and if you are that then great  you're probably making a lot of money because but   open source free open stuff that's that's that's  what I that's what I teach with so the one class   that I added to the pth master programmer was  JavaScript and if you go back to all my stuff   I talk about four years ago JavaScript wasn't in  there and um JavaScript wasn't in there because I   thought that JavaScript was a wretched garbage  dump of software not to put too fine a point   on it I feel like react is wretched I feel like  angular is wretched I feel like zelt is wretched   I feel like Ember is wretched wred wretched  wretched right go back backbone there's all the   things jQuery was good but we don't use jQuery  anymore because the browsers to the jQuery but   here's the deal and this is the first lecture  of my JavaScript class and that is the time is   coming when we're not going to use any framework  in JavaScript the Java the framework free moment   just like jQuery I mean it it took me a long time  to let go of jQuery I loved it so much thank you   John resic right Jake query made browsers safe  for programming for 15 years but the time has   passed and it was just a crutch it was a crutch  to understand use cases and a crutch so that we   could write software without waiting 15 years for  the browsers to catch up people may not it may   not seem like it but react is the exact same thing  react is a crutch because the browsers are not yet   capable of meeting our needs and use cases except  that the the thing that will destroy react is on   the horizon and it's coming towards us and it's  called Web components and and what web components   are and what react is and what angular is and what  Java server faces was before it in the server was   the ability for us to capture sure our application  functionality and render it as a single tag with   a few attributes so think

2025-01-08 17:49

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