Florida Tech | The College Tour | Season 10

Florida Tech | The College Tour | Season 10

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome once again to Florida Tech it's actually the college tour's second time visiting this amazing private research University where students from all over the world come to make history and shape the future we couldn't be more excited to be back on this beautiful Campus located in Sunny Melbourne Florida it's a small but Dynamic Community known for its beautiful beaches close proximity to NASA's Kennedy Space Center and buzzing Innovation economy think of it as part Paradise part training ground for dream jobs I'm your host Alex boin and over the next half hour we're going to explore this campus and meet real undergrad andrad students who are pursuing their passions right here every day Florida Tech students are some of the most driven determined and talented people you're ever going to meet and their stories are absolutely incredible welcome once again to Florida Tech this is the college [Music] door let's meet Lauren an A young Alum and current grad student who use her degree in aerospace engineering to launch a career at Nasa if there's anything Florida Tech is known for it's helping ambitious students gain the skills and knowledge needed to become extremely employable professionals success comes in many forms and Florida Tech graduates exemplify them all Let's Hear Your Story 3 2 [Music] 1 thank you Alex I'm a recent aerospace engineering grad and a current mechanical engineering Master student at Florida Tech since the age of five it has been my dream to be an astronaut which is what brought me here to Sunny Melbourne Florida Florida Tech got my attention with its unique and inspiring history diverse but intimate community and tropical location on Florida Space Coast as it turns out I couldn't have picked a more perfect school for me the opportunities here are incredible as an undergrad my Florida Tech education helped me to land an amazing internship working with the science and engineering teams at NASA's Kennedy Space Center twice which then led to my first job today I'm proud to be a test engineer on NASA's Artemis program working on the Orion spacecraft leet that will take humans back to the Moon if this university is known for anything it's preparing students for the jobs of Tomorrow Florida Tech alumni are literally out of this world they are astronauts scientists engineers Educators CEOs and award-winning leaders in all kinds of Industries all over the world companies like North up Grumman LED Martin al3 Harris Embraer and more are located close to campus and home to many of our Florida Tech alumni Florida Tech has been my home away from home ever since the first time a professor let me and a few of my friends leave class for a few minutes to see a rocket launch hopefully one day I'll be walking on the moon but until then I'll continue to passionately work towards my dreams the incredible people who have come into my life because of my time here taught me that the sky is definitely not the limit it's only the beginning back to you Alex what you that grand control Lauren an from student to intern to NASA test engineer it sounds like Florida Tech's long-standing tradition of preparing students for amazing careers of the future is strong and thriving what an out of this world start to your journey towards becoming an astronaut so inspiring thank you let's hear from Darren a senior ocean engineering major and sustainability minor from Wester Massachusetts who's going to tell you about diving into his classes and preparing for senior design Florida Texas signature Capstone engineering experience Darren's got an amazing Florida Tech story which actually began before he was even born but let's let him tell that take it [Music] away thanks Alex I've always had close ties to Florida Tech both my parents are alumni who not only met on campus but got married on top of the Crawford building so when I knew that I wanted to study renewable energy and ocean engineering I knew Florida Tech was perfect for me too from day one I began getting hands-on experience in my int to Ocean engineering course we were assigned a project that had us form teams design build and raise prototype boats in the campus pool at Florida Tech this is just how it works if you're an engineering student you take courses in your major and participate in exciting projects starting your first year and it only gets better from there I've gone to attend the young Coastal scientists and Engineers conference as well as participate in a 3-day research Cruise across the Florida Keys these immersive experiences have helped me to gain valuable practical experience in my field now my Florida Tech engineering experience is culminating in something we call Senior design in senior design we form teams to engineer Working Solutions to real world problems my team and I have designed and built a shoreline wave energy converter that operates on a magnetic induction coil in other words a machine that converts wave energy into electric power we develop projects like this in our student Design Center the panther Works before we present them at the annual north of Grumman engineering and science student design showcase where industry professionals will observe and judge our work as a senior I'm often thinking about what's next but whether I decide to further my education or pursue my first job as an engineer I know that the experience I've gained here at Florida Tech has prepared me for Success Alex back to you thank you Darren I love that you love the University where your parents fell in love especially since you're having such a great experience working alongside other Florida Tech students on a senior design project that means something to you you're great Ambassador for engineering at Florida Tech awesome job Darren it's now my great pleasure to introduce you to nasida who came to Florida Tech from the other side of the world to study astrobiology and she stayed to get both her master's and PhD in biomedical engineering if anybody knows about science and research at Florida Tech it's her what's up Nida thank you Alex from the bustling streets of Mumbai India to the vibrant Campus of Florida Tech my journey has been nothing short of extraordinary with a deep love of space and a strong interest in life sciences I wanted to pursue a major that would merge the two so I found my fit in the astrobiology program at Florida Tech towards the completion of my degree I sought a more Hands-On research experience so I stayed to pursue a master's degree now I'm towards the completion of my PhD in biomedical engineering every science lab feels like a sanctuary to me surrounded by Cutting Edge Equipment I get to immerse myself in the fascinating world of biomedical research it is in spaces like this that I've had the privilege of working with professors like Dr Kure a Guiding Light whose mentorship has propelled me forward in my field my research focuses on ACL reconstruction applications a subject that holds personal significance in my life as someone who has undergone three ACL reconstructions through this work I hope to make a difference in the lives of those facing similar challenges Flor Tech is full of people like me people who are passionate about improving the world through science and research students here are pursuing potential treatments for neurodegenerative diseases developing methods for sustaining Life on Mars designing Innovative cyber security Technologies and finding new ways to address Coral wreath decline Florida Tech is more than just a university it is a community of people who truly care about every student's success having the unwavering support of professors staff and even my peers has made this experience truly extraordinary and set me on a trajectory to make a difference in the world now back to you [Music] Alex making a meaningful difference wow Nida thank you so much we can definitely see why you picked Florida Tech for your bachelor's degree and why you chose to stay for your Master's and doctorate so many eye-opening scientific research opportunities it's simply awesome best of luck in your future Nida and thanks again okay everyone let's take a moment to meet marchello and talk Student Life an international student who came to Florida Tech from Venezuela marchello can tell you about almost every aspect of student life at Florida Tech because he's pretty much done all of it you might even call him the king of getting involved it's all you marello [Music] yep that's me thanks Alex I came to Florida Tech from my home country Venezuela I've always been a huge people person so coming here I knew I had to find ways of getting involved in my community thankfully Florida Tech Student Life offers abundant ways of doing just that whether it's through joining one of our 100 plus clubs attending events participating in activities or gaming in our awesome Esports Center here here you can play just for fun or Join one of our competitive junior varsity or varsity teams I got my start by joining the Latin American Student Association where I met others who enjoyed my culture and I even learned how to dance we choreographed a routine for Florida Tech annual International Festival and performed it in front of everyone soon I had all these incredibly diverse friends who were also super involved over time I wanted to do more and more I became an orientation leader CU I wanted to help show new students what we love so much about our University and because I enjoy living on campus I also apply to become a resident assistant in this role I got to put fun events together such as barbecues game nights and even haunted houses and of course I met a ton of amazing people we take classes together participating clubs together and of course we eat together one of my favorite places on campus has to be the panther dining hall where my friends and I enjoy meals together as much as possible the food is great and the staff is always ready to greet you and feed you with a smile I made a ton of friends I became a resident director and I even got to be homecoming King but most importantly I learned that every student has the power to bring something positive into other students lives am I right about that [Music] Alex totally right Marcello students getting involved so they can make life better for other students what a great message and wow it sounds like there's a way for every student at Florida Tech to make their experience special marchello thank you for bringing us into your world and showing us what it means to get involved great job attention passengers this is your captain speaking it's time to hear from senior Aviation management major and fan of everything that flies Zach who hails all the way from Worcester Ohio we'll meet Zach over at the University flight line located just down the road at the Melbourne Orlando International Airport time for takeoff Zach you got the [Music] controls hey everyone I discovered my love for Aviation when I was just 4 years old the day my grandparents took me to my first ever air show ever since I've had my eyes on the sky I came to Florida Tech to build a career out of my greatest passion and I'm not alone students who want to be come Pilots come from all over the world to study at Florida Tech here they can start flying their first semester on campus learning from Top instructors and preparing for a future job with one of Florida Tech's partner Airlines well before graduation of course the College of Aeronautics is more than Flight Training it offers programs designed to prepare students for successful careers in many aspects of the global aviation industry such as Aviation science human factors meteorology safety air traffic control and my personal favorite Aviation management being a student in Florida Tech College of Aeronautics means learning from professors who are accomplished industry experts my professors are pilots air traffic controllers planners managers and Consultants plus you're always learning from students as equally passionate and driven as you are outside of class I lead Collegiate Aviation business Executives or cab one of many active student organizations on campus with the support of my department and many enthusiastic alumni I'm able to travel across the country with cab to attend Airport Tours and professional conferences where we explore our career possibilities side by side with some of aviation's greatest leaders most recently I've had the opportunity to explore and jumpstart my career by completing an internship at the nearby Melbourne Orlando International Airport so Florida Tech has not only given me a foundational knowledge and Aviation management they've given me an insight into my career that will help me pave my own path forward that's it for now back to you [Music] Alex great job Zach and thanks so much for the behind the-scenes look at Florida Tech Flight Training Center as well as the Melbourne Orlando International Airport your internship there working alongside experienced airport managers and Aviation professionals must have been so awesome keep up the great work Zack let's meet Sienna an ocean engineering major from gulport Mississippi who started her Florida Tech experience as a transfer student now a senior getting ready to graduate Sienna's story is about the extreme sense of warmth you will feel as a Florida Tech student and no she's not talking about the weather it's all about the people over to you Sienna thanks Alex hey y'all when I first came to Florida Tech to do my campus tour I instantly felt like I was a part of the Campus Community every person I met that day from the admission counselors to the professors gave me such a warm welcome that I left my tour feeling like Florida Tech was home later as an incoming transfer student I was worried that making friends would be tough but with each class and every melee at the panther dining hall I built new friends friendships my classmates more quickly than expected became an important part of my life we share birthdays together and spend holidays when home is a little too far away we laugh together support one another and are always there to celebrate each other's wins as a member of the panther Media Group I feel at home every time I enter the studio to hang out with my friends I feel at home every time I go into library and see my classmates working on projects I even look forward to saying hi to Oscar the trolley driver as well as our Campus Dining staff every day there's such a strong community in a warm welcoming culture here that finding a sense of belonging is effortless even though Florida Tech is a relatively small University it is big in character students from all over the world attend Florida Tech which creates an open and dynamic atmosphere but familiar and comfortable wherever you look there's a friendly face at Florida Tech I've learned the importance and beauty of community with the help of my professors and peers I've been able to be successful both in and outside the classroom this is truly my home away from home now back to you [Music] Alex thank you Sienna for sharing your story and your heart with us today I've got to tell you the first time I visited Florida Tech I felt that sense of community you've just described and now I'm back it's even stronger this is a special campus filled with amazing people Sienna and you are one of them thank you so much let's catch up with josanne from Fairport New York who's going to introduce us to Life as a student in Florida Tech College of psychology and liberal arts if you're interested in human creativity human behavior and The Human Condition you're going to want to pay close attention to this one josen we can't wait to hear from you please take it [Music] away well Alex I actually started my college experience at a different school with a different major and neither turned out right for me I needed Adventure so I visited Florida Tech while vacationing in the area within a week of my amazing campus visit I committed to the university and both the panther volleyball and track teams I've always had a creative side and thought it might be time to turn my photography hobby into a career so I decided to major in multiplatform journalism this program covers every area of media production including video writing photography audio and graphic design perfect once I decided my major my academic adviser introduced me to several opportunities to gain an experience on campus as a result I became the editor-in chief of the Crimson Flor Tech student run newspaper I've also photographed and create content for Flor Tech Athletics produce podcasts for Panther radio and develop my own photography business I see all my friends and classmates in the College of psychology and liberal arts enjoying experiences like these whether they're majoring in Communications Humanities pre-ww psychology forensic psychology or behavior analysis they're all gaining real world experiences on and off campus music media research community service Athletics we do it all my experience as both an athlete and a multi-platform journalism major at floratech has really shown me what direction I want to take in life after graduation I plan to pursue a career in sports media I'm beyond grateful that Flor Tech enabled me to combine my two passions in life Sports and creativity I bet you can relate Alex Florida you Florida I can totally relate josen turning my passions into a profession is actually how the college tour came to be I love helping students like you find their fit at amazing universities like Florida Tech josen thank you so much for joining us and congratulations on the editor and chief gig you're going to be great go Panthers two words that mean a lot to everyone at Florida Tech especially its NCAA Division two athletes take Carter for example a sophomore aerospace engineering student from kalamazo Michigan Carter also plays for the men's lacrosse team it's a rigorous combination to be sure but in true scholar athlete fashion Carter's making it happen tell us more [Music] Carter thanks Alex hey everyone it was always my dream to play Collegiate lacrosse Ross and from a young age I always knew I wanted to study aerospace engineering I realized that dream could become reality when I discovered Florida Tech here I'm able to learn and play lacrosse both at a high level when you're in the Sunshine State conference no matter what sport you play you're going to be going up against some of the best competition the NCAA division 2 has to offer pair that with some of the best academics in the State of Florida and you've got the perfect environment for both success in the classroom and on the field being a scholar athlete at Florida Tech is extremely rewarding you're instantly part of a group of students who are all here for the same reason to win championships and to earn a top tier degree it is the perfect culture to excel in both academics and Athletics plus heading to practice at 7:00 a.m. and watching a rocket launch between drills is something very few other Collegiate athletes can say they have done playing a Collegiate sport teaches you many useful skills that can then be applied to your academics and few other universities do it like Florida Tech I thought it would be difficult to manage a major in Aerospace engineering while also playing a Collegiate sport but that hasn't been the case as long as you stay on top of your work and rely on the support of your friends teammates faculty coaches and staff you'll have no problem making it work take it for me I even had enough time to be in a TV show right [Music] Alex right Carter and let me just say you are killing it your dedication to your studies and your team is outstanding and it's clear how much the support of your teammates coaches and professors means to you thanks for reminding every future Panther that rigorous academics and competitive Athletics go hand inand it's time to talk business and for that we need Jared a junior business administration major from Williamsburg West Virginia Jared's one of those students who has a Clear Vision of his future and understands exactly how his Florida Tech Business Degree will help him get there so you're going to want to listen to this one very closely over to you [Music] Jared thanks Alex hey everyone during my college search I looked for a place that provided excellent academics and close connection with professors I wanted a university where I felt like a person and not a number and and on top of that it had to have a great business school that's why I chose Florida Tech since my first day at Florida Tech I've been immersed in courses from accounting and economics to marketing and management that have helped me build a great foundation in business and to gain valuable career experience I've always been fascinated with the theme park business and this past summer I got to intern over at Universal Orlando resort which is just 1 hour away from campus there I felt like I was truly able to offer actionable value to my team because of the skills and knowledge I gained at Florida Tech Florida Tech's commitment to practical learning is embodied by its business faculty who bring a wide range of Industry expertise into every classro these professors coach students in preparation for activities like case competitions where we got professional experience pitching ideas to Real Business Leaders my professors have always been outstanding mentors supporting me in my chosen field of study and offering crucial support as I work towards my goals I've also learned a lot from my friends in classmates the collaborative International environment at Florida Tech has introduced me to customs and perceptions from all over the world helping me to develop essential skills that I know will help me in my career how do I know I've got a great education at Flor Tech I feel when 100% prepared for what comes next what can be better than that am I right Alex [Music] definitely Jared the only thing better than feeling prepared is being prepared and it sounds like you're going to graduate with a ton of both confidence and confidence we wish you all the success in the world Jared and are sure your Florida Tech business education will help you achieve it nice job okay everyone let's head over to the gleon performing Art Center to hear from Emma a senior who embodies the idea that whatever you want to do you can make it happen at Florida Tech she's taken all of her interests computers space literature music and theater and turned them into an absolutely extraordinary educational experience folks Meet the Amazing Emma thank you Alex I discovered a variety of interests at a young age aerospace engineering a direct result of space camp computer science literature and theater so when I was looking for a university I had a very long and specific checklist but Florida Tech checked every box for me now I'm in aerospace engineering and computer science double major with a minor in literature I have a singing scholarship through Florida Tech music program and I'm entering my second year as the president of college players the student L theater group during my time here I've had a blast producing performing and directing a variety of shows it's awesome that so many stem-med students like me have a place to express their passion for the Arts Florida Tech truly empowers students to pursue both personal and academic interests in the same day I can go from academic research with one of my faculty mentors to building personal connections with our amazing alumni through my job at the office of advancement to rehearsing for a musical in the company of my talented friends a big part of every semester is figuring out how to balance everything but my professors and advisers have always supported my interests and helped me to be successful I'm not the only student with this experience either I know many other students who want to do it all at Florida Tech and for students like us having the support of faculty and staff truly makes all the difference it's always exciting to find new opportunities to learn make new friends and prepare for the future I'm excited to see what my final years at Florida Tech have in store that's all for me Alex take it [Music] away simply inspiring Emma wow I already knew that Florida Tech encourages students to reach for the stars but I didn't know that meant you could reach for so many stars at once your dedication and drive are truly admirable Emma I I am right there with you I can't wait to see what your future holds how much do you love Florida Tech and our 10 amazing tour guides I've love being back on campus and seeing how much it's changed but what's really special is what stayed the same your Rich history welcoming Community culture of innovation the opportunities and of course incredible students the best thing you can do is schedule your own campus visit here the second best watch Florida Tech's first time on the college tour season 1 episode 2 you're going to love it but don't go just yet this week I had the pleasure to spend some time with the president of Florida Tech I asked him a question so stay tuned for the credits to watch that and we'll see you on campus real soon everyone take care so what's the one thing that differentiates Florida Tech from other universities fundamentally Alex it's our stem focused education 65 years strong now but it's more than that it's serving our students we launch our students into great careers in science technology engineering and so much more I don't think any other university quite has the same pedigree and you see that in our motto at Astra for scientiam to the Stars through science and it's so true and you see that with every single one of your students indeed you do [Music]

2023-12-07 09:12

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