COVID-19 update: Trudeau says 'millions of masks' coming from China | Special coverage

COVID-19 update: Trudeau says 'millions of masks' coming from China | Special coverage

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That's gonna raise a lot of questions for Canada, it seems that the aim of the order certainly how it was worried last night had a lot to do with profiteering. With people buying up equipment and tried to send it outside, of the United States just to make a profit that's certainly what the president. Is talking about in his statement but what does this concretely, mean for Canadians there was already a lot of concern yesterday, before. We heard the president speak certainly, that concern is only, growing and as you mentioned Justin, Trudeau yesterday saying that he thinks that this would certainly be a mistake some. Questioning, what he was saying yesterday even though it was said in a very, let's. Say even. Tempered tone whether or not it was to some extent a threat he said that, thousands, of nurses go from Windsor Ontario for, instance into the Detroit Medical system, every, day that, Americans rely, on those. Nurses, they rely on other things that come from Canada and as you said he said making this this move would, be a mistake that we know that behind the scenes government. Officials are working hard to reach out to their contacts, in the United States they're really leaning on their NAFTA playbook. In a lot of ways here Vashi trying, to influence the. President by influencing, the people around, him every level of government, from certainly, what we saw during NAFTA, from from governor's to the people in the White House who are around Donald Trump hoping, that is going to work and you've got to think that depending. On how things play out here the stakes could be higher really than we've ever seen before yeah. And it's interesting that you bring up the stakes because I've been trying to figure out and ascertain, okay if for example 3m, decides they can no longer or, because of the order they can't ship masks as n95, mess and we should qualify those, are the masks, that doctors. And nurses use they're n95, masks because they keep, out 95% of, the particles in the air so they're very important, especially where, the spread of this pandemic is concerned, but when, I try to find out okay how many masks, do we lose as a country, how big of a portion, is the, supply of 3m, masks, in the overall, supply of masks in this country I have yet, to be able to get a very specific answer, the minister I had on last night just used the word significant. I have been, able to find out that I guess 3m, is one of only two companies, in the United States that end-to-end. Manufactures. These masks, so they're obviously a significant, supply in the US as well I, you, know it could like, you say they'll have a really, the detrimental. Effect on the supply of PPE in this country a subject we've been talking about all week a couple, of things I think we can dig into there. 3m. In the United States talks about masks for Canada, and Latin America, as being the ones that they're exporting right now we should note that the, the CEO, of the US company, says on humanitarian.

Grounds He thinks he needs to keep exporting. These mats because he says in those countries we are the primary supplier now as you rightly point out does, that apply to Canada, is 3m the primary. Supplier, of those n95, masks for this country Canadian, officials are not willing to talk about that and we can I think to some extent, understand. Why when we look at the global picture of what's going on right now in terms of securing, personal. Protective, equipment the. Phrase that keeps being used over and over again in a variety of scenarios is this idea that it is something of a, Wild West there's, a lot of focus on the United States today but we should say that there are actually dozens of countries around the world who, have taken, measures to restrict. To at least some extent the, export, of this kind of equipment there are all kinds of wild, stories of shiploads, of masks being bought right off the tarmac destined, for one country headed. To another in terms, of the picture in this country right now some. Of the things that we do know Quebec for instance the premier saying just yesterday that his, province, has about, eight days supplies, worth of personal protective equipment we know that that's a province that has been particularly. Struggling. In this regard we, also know that there's a national stockpile and that the provinces that are most in need according. To what. Seems to be consensus, from all of the premiers and the Prime Minister that, the provinces, that are most in need are the ones that will have access first, but we also, know that behind the scenes things are moving fast and furious, we heard Ontario, Premier Doug Ford yesterday. Echoing, frankly something that Prime Minister has also said which is let's, build up the domestic, capacity but obviously, that is not going to happen overnight one other note batchi was interesting to hear from BC last night pointing out that the raw materials. To make, those, masks, while some of them come from BC. And so this raises, this question of retaliation, is that going to be the way that Canada handles this certainly, the Prime Minister is going to face questions about. That today, he sure is thanks, so much Catherine and our viewers can see we'll check back in with you shortly I'm sure but our viewers can see the, shot up there we are awaiting the prime minister's comments on this issue and also an announcement, around, money that has already being announced for shelters, and more vulnerable Canadians. During this pandemic we'll find out exactly where, that money is expected, to go but for more on the situation with those n95, masks I'm gonna bring in one of our Washington correspondent Steven. D'Souza hey, Stevens, helped, us understand, a little bit about why, the president. Is doing, this I read last. Evening something, like the, country the US needs about three and a half billion, and 95, masks, to get through this, pandemic that's what the Department of Health and Human Services, estimated. What's, a give us give us in our viewers a bit of a background on, why. The president. Would have invoked, an order like this. What's. Interesting because you know the president, is facing a lot of backlash domestically, from states who, are saying that they're simply not getting enough of the supplies that they need from, the. Federal government and that the federal government isn't doing a good enough job coordinating. Distribution. From the national, stockpile and that caused some controversy earlier. This week when Jared, Kushner the president's, son-in-law who has been involved with the. Coronavirus. Task force headed by the vice president made an appearance at the daily briefing, and said that this national stockpile is, ours, it shouldn't be for the states when in fact really what, it is is for the federal government to distribute, to the states and there was some controversy because the federal stockpile, website. Which in, fact gave that very description. That it should be distributed to the States changed. Its wording the next day even though officials, say that that change. Had been in the works for quite some time and so the, president is facing a lot of pressure domestically. From, States saying that they're simply not getting enough supplies and so as Kathryn, mentioned earlier the president has.

Invoked. The difference Protection Act mainly, targeting, what he said was intermediaries. Brokers, distributors, who he described, as wartime profit. Ears who are inflating. The prices, for, supplies. Like n95. Masks, as well as surgical masks. But also the main of the other issue too is just the overall sort of marketplace for, this which catherine mentioned as well that states, are complaining that when they go to companies, when they go to distributors, to bid for these these. Supplies. These personal protective equipment supplies, they're. Getting outbid by the federal government, and so prices are getting driven up by the federal government there's no real. Coordination. And then on the international, market as well Catherine mentioned you know there are these stories of international. Intrigue Germany for example accusing. The u.s. of, stealing. Two hundred thousand surgical, masks that were destined from China right, off the tarmac even though 3m says that it's not clear that there was ever such a shipment, France and Brazil saying, that they're getting outbid on the, international. Marketplace by, the US so you know as Catherine said you know the term wild west is being thrown out there that really is an international, marketplace where there are scarce. Resources, and countries. Are bidding, against. Each other sometimes. Bidding within the, country and it's just not clear you know who's, coordinating things, and who the supplies are getting to but when you hear from frontline workers they're saying at the end of the day it's not reaching them some, states are saying that even the stuff that they're getting from the national stockpile in the US is, coming that's. Out of date that where the expiration, date was ten years ago or it's a flicked, admirer I rod and simply not usable, so a lot of issues that the president is dealing with domestically, that's, making that's. Impacting, his decision that's you know having a ripple effect on countries like Canada yeah, and potentially a lot of effect on Canadians, here thanks so much Steven we'll check back in with you a bit, later the CBC's Steven D'Souza we are awaiting comments, from the prime minister on the issue that we've been discussing, the, president's, ordered to stop exporting n95. Masks, to Canada let's get some more analysis on that Scottie Greenwood is the CEO of the Canadian American, Business Council she's also a former American diplomat in Canada she joins us now from, Washington hi Scotty nice to see ya I've. Ashley nice to see you too thanks for having me let, me ask his flat out is there any chance the president changes, his mind on this, absolutely.

The, President changes his mind a. Lot, on many things so. Yes we we saw this Vashi during, the in. A different situation much. Less dire but. We saw during the, Asians of the new North American Free Trade Agreement the, president, would make these. Statements, the administration. Would try to scramble to keep up but in the end we got to a better agreement, and he had to walk back a lot of the things he said so this. Is a time when. Manufacturers. And governments need to work together to, solve, the problems, and meet the needs and, and, I think it's a it's not a great dynamic between. The president and 3m right now you. Were well acquainted, with the Team Canada, approach, during NAFTA, negotiations. We understand, that something similar is, in the works right now your, advice to, government, officials, or what what do you think will be might. Work, in order to try and get, the president to change his mind. Well. Look, the. Team Canada, approach that's been in place over. The last year and a half for the trade negotiations, proved. To be very successful so. The. Trudeau government, the opposition, that provinces, mayors. Stakeholders. All pulled together and. Reminded. The, United States why it's in our interests. To, work together with Canada and with Mexico, so it, you know there's a there's a mill in British Columbia you may have reported on it earlier the har Mack mill in Nemo that, has the particular, kind of pulp that's needed and a lot of this personal protective equipment so, we, really need each other and we can't, really unscramble. This egg of economic, integration and, we shouldn't. Try mean it's one thing to increase. Your domestic capability, everybody, understands. That and I think is working on that but. It's another thing for for. People. Or countries or communities, to try to hoard and that's what we really need to work against. What. About sort of the domestic, side. Of all of this I mean I I consume. As much you, know news from South as a border as anyone else in Canada and what, we can see is there's a real discrepancy. In the. Ability, to meet the needs of various, states you hear one governor say I've got enough you hear another governor say no way I mean we see that to a lesser extent here in Canada as well but, what kind of domestic pressure is the president under to, try and meet the PPE supply, needs of states, that are particularly, suffering. From the spread of this virus. Right. Well you, know this situation, really calls for a. Very. Coordinated. Approach on the industrial, response, right so the, defense production Act, which which came around in the 1950s. And the president has referred to I. Think is not meant to be a one-off. Reaction. For one company or one community, or one state so, I think what's needed and I think we'll get there I hope we get there is, a real coordinated. Approach where where. Governors. And the president, the administration are, talking to each other like in Canada the you know the Prime Minister talks to premiers, and, tries to coordinate, so so, I think we're going to need to see more of that here so. That it's not reactionary. And it's not pitting one community. Against another but, it's figuring, out how we can all help those. Who need it most okay, I'll leave it there thanks a lot Scotty really appreciate your time today good to see you good. To see you bashing it's Mary Scott Greenwood, in Washington. I'll swing back over to Catherine Cullen we're about two minutes out Catherine, from the prime minister addressing Canadians one other thing I just want to touch on with you before before, he steps out though those doors another, series, of questions he's received, a lot this week that, kind of jumps off what we saw from the premiere in Ontario, yesterday, and that is around modeling, sort of forecasting, presenting. Various, scenarios to, Canadians, what. Do you expect from the prime minister there today well. I mean I think we can expect that he's going to continue to be pushed to release that, information release, the national, models it is something he has said that he is willing to do his officials, and he have talked about concerns. About aligning, essentially, all the data from across Canada, in order to be able to provide, the.

Most Accurate, possible model. I suppose at the same time he, and his officials are looking at information right now and a lot of Canadians are wondering about that specifically. Bouncing, off what we heard yesterday I think one of the big questions that comes out of Ontario's, projections, has to do with the time frame we're talking about here Bashi ontario, talking about you know a second, wave even, the possibility of a tertiary a third wave and an 18, month to, two year, time span overall, as we look at things sort of go up and, down and so I think questions, for the federal government mostly we've heard the prime minister talk about issues in terms of, perhaps, even months when. We start to talk about a broader, scenario. That could play out over the course of years, or, a couple of years at least I think there are questions for the prime minister in terms of what he is seeing on that front and again just when is that national data going. To be ready for him to talk to Canadians, about and he is always over. The past week Catherine sort of, answered. Those questions with the caveat, that our. Behaviors, now really. Will determine, you know what that projection, ends, up confirming. Rather than sort of the various scenarios but, I think you're absolutely right that the, big headline for me yesterday out of premier Ford's press, conference and prior to that the public, health officials in Ontario, was this projected. Timeline of 18 to 24, months and it's very different from other, timelines. That even sort of rhetorically, we've heard from the prime minister when he says it says its weeks or months, maybe we're, not hearing years certainly, at this point and and you have to wonder if that if, they are getting information that shows perhaps we might have to be undertaking, these kinds of social, distancing, and physical distancing, measures from. For, more than a few months well certainly, we know even from what we've heard from public health officials I mean I believe it was dr. theresa tam was the first one who federally. Raised the idea of a second, wave so there are conversations going on behind the scenes that would we. We. Can only imagine him but it seems self-evident would, involve discussions about a second wave maybe, even a third wave what, does that look like I, think.

You Know part, of this has to do with something else we can see the Prime Minister coming out right now but you know his government has talked about the need for radical. Honesty. We're. Waiting for those answers let's. Listen in to the questions and the answers here's the Prime Minister. You're, worried about your job or, your business you're, concerned about your health or the health of an elderly parent, no. Matter what, this is meant for you I know, you're looking for answers, knowing. Where we are now and, where we might be in the coming weeks and months is, how we can all figure. Out our response. For. You that could be planning, on how to make the kit make sure the kids keep learning even, though they're at home for. Our government the, numbers and data compiled, by our experts, are critical. To understanding the, scope of this pandemic and informing. The decisions, we make to, keep you safe and we've. Made sure you can access the most reliable, accurate, information. Available. To us at Canada. Dot see a slash, coronavirus. We're. Going to keep releasing up-to-date. Data on a daily, basis and using, it to inform. Our decisions, and we'll. Continue working with the provinces and territories on, getting, new information to. Have a complete, national. Picture that we'll share with you. Regardless. Of the varying, models, or predictions, one, thing is consistently. Clear the. Measures that have been put in place by all orders, of government from closing. Schools to, staying home are. Saving, lives, but. This will only keep, working, if everyone. Continues. To do their part if, everyone. Takes their, duty to nurses and doctors to, the elderly, and to the vulnerable. Seriously. As seriously, as, if, it were the life of their, parent, or their child on the line. Because. It is, the. Cashier, at the store is. Someone's, brother the. Paramedic, saving lives is. Someone's, wife, that's. What, at stake here the. Lives of the people we love the lives of the people our neighbors, loved, so. Do your part wash. Your hands, stay. Two metres away from each other and, above all stay. Home. Safe. If you just amendment, no number, no less time is we have been staying home, that's, what we need to do in, addition to keeping, our distance and washing our hands in fact it's, at home that, most of us feel. The, safest right, at this time. But. Just imagine, if. You were more afraid to stay home than, to confront. The pandemic. Unfortunately. That is the reality for too many Canadians, it is their daily, experience. Women. Who are fleeing violence, no. Mother should have, to choose between. Keeping. Her children. In a house where they're not safe or, taking, them to a place where they could fall sick we. Therefore invested. 40 million dollars, in shelters. For. Women and. Centers. That, help, women facing, violence, for. Women, and indigenous women. And children, we have invested. 10 million dollars in emergency shelters, this, money will help women's shelters, to take all the necessary measures, to protect. People. Against, violence, but also against. Kovat 19. To. Help the, homeless we increased, by more, than one hundred and fifty seven million dollars, the, funding, of, the. Program, to. Help the homeless. People. Will be able to buy additional beds. Or. Higher. And, rent. New. Facilities. To, house them and. We, know that there are centers, like this in, all the major cities it's, not just about, helping people a safe place to escape, violence or to, avoid sleeping in the street we, must protect, all. Members, of our society, against, Kovan 19, and that includes, the most vulnerable no one should, have to choose between, being. Somewhere they're unsafe, and risking. Getting kovat. 19, that's. Why we've invested 40, million dollars for women's shelters and sexual assault centers across. The country and for. Indigenous, women and children, fleeing violence, we're providing 10 million, dollars.

Emergency, Shelters. For. Other shelters, we've boosted funding, for the reaching home program, by, over a hundred and fifty seven million, dollars, this. Will help by things like physical, barriers, or rent new space to, keep people safe the. Communities, that need this funding have now been identified and. Money, is getting to them for. People from Victoria, to Hamilton, and Regina. To st. John's help. Has, arrived I know. We're asking a lot right now to. Stay home to. Not see friends, to close your business temporarily. It's. Not easy I get. That, but. These sacrifices. Are. Necessary. The. Price of acting, otherwise is just, too. Steep to. Those. Who are sick right now or. Her family in hospital, in the, ICU, to. Those who've lost a loved one or a friend. We're. Thinking, of you were. Here for you and you. Remind. Us of what's. On the line, we. All need to take physical, distancing. Very. Seriously. Done. Right these, measures, will, save lives, and bridge, us slowly. But, surely back. To normal, at. The same time we're, working around the, clock to. Get Canada, the resources, we need in, the, next 48 hours we will be receiving, a shipment of millions, of masks, by, a chartered, cargo flight we're. Also working with provinces. To transport, their medical supplies when possible items, ordered by Quebec will, be on this flight, our. Government, has also leased, a warehouse in China, to, help collect and distribute these, items as quickly as possible then going, forward the flights were chartering, to get the materials, here include. Canadian, companies, cargo, jet and Air, Canada I want. To take a moment to thank everyone, whether. You're working in a warehouse flying. The plane or part of the ground crew for. Your dedication. It. Looks like we have a bit of a technical, difficulty there I'll just recap, and show you get things fixed what the present, 100 I hear him now never mind we'll swing, back there, everything. We can to support you while, you do, your part, so. This weekend. Stay. At home, protect. Your loved ones and, our, frontline, workers, save. Lives. I. Want. To take a moment to talk to kids again today even. At home there's lots, of stuff going on there's lots of stuff to do I'll. Be holding a video conference, tomorrow with, dr. Tam, to, talk through some of your questions, I know a lot of you have sent them in and, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, tomorrow. You'll also have a chance to ask someone who knows better, than anyone else about, staying inside, an.

Astronaut. Canadian. Astronaut, Jeremy. Hansen will be live on YouTube tomorrow, to, talk with you so, ask your parents to help send in a question ahead, of time. With. All phone. Questions. So tomorrow. You. Can listen to our video conference, with dr. Tam where, I will be answering your questions, and don't forget that the Canadian Austria, astronaut, Jeremy, Henson will, be, online, on, YouTube, tomorrow in. Order to protect your wages, and the economy, we, developed, a three point plan which. Will allow us to protect, jobs. Support. To small and medium-sized businesses, and help those who, have lost their paycheck, to. Protect your health and the health of, all our essential, workers we, are working with many different companies to, manufacture and distribute, medical. Equipment, and, PPE. We. Will help you we. Will help you to come through the storm but, we, need you to do your, share I know. That, I can rely on you to do that this, weekend, stay. Home, and. Save, our frontline workers, save. Lives, thank you Thank. You Prime Minister will now take some questions from the phone as a reminder one question, one follow-up over to you operator. Thank, you maxie, the, first question, is from Teresa, Wright from. The Canadian Press your, line is open, what planning it worked. Good. Morning Prime Minister, yesterday. In response to questions about the, White House order for. The u.s. to stop exporting n95. Masks, you, mentioned, the, thousands, of nurses in Windsor that go across the bridge Detroit, every day is. Canada, considering, stopping those nurses from, going to the US and as a retaliatory, measure, no, we recognize, that, our. Countries, are deeply. Interlinked. In sometimes, very complex ways, the. Necessary. Goods and services, that flow back and forth across our border keep, us both safe. And help us on both sides of the border we, are continuing. To engage in, constructive discussions. With different. Levels within the administration. To, highlight that the, US will be hurting itself as, much as Canada will be hurting if, we. See an interruption, of, essential. Goods and services, flow back and forth across the border we. Continue, to. Demonstrate that, this is a good thing for both of our countries and we, look to continue to ensure, that, essential, supplies get across the border. How. Concerned, are you that sets, those arguments. Of that taste that you're trying to make could be falling on deaf ears, we've, had extremely, constructive conversations. With the Americans over, the past weeks, throughout. This crisis, and we continue. To get very good response from them on this issue as well. Thank. You Jay next question operator. Thank, You Massie, the, next question is from rod, nickel, from Reuters, news, blog. Our line is open what's, up I wanted oh the. Prime Minister Premier Kenny said yesterday that his government will take part in next week's OPEC plus conference, call will. Your government participate. In that conference, call whenever, it happens and what specific. Outcome, in terms of global supply cuts, is your government looking for, as. As, you know that, conference. Call that meeting, for Monday has, been cancelled we're, continuing to engage with our partners and, look very carefully at. How we can ensure, that Canada's, perspective, in Canada's voice is heard during, these important, deliberations. And. Just as a follow-up to what, extent is your government holding, off on finalizing. Its oil, support. Package, pending. These global, talks about supply cuts, no. We, we, are continuing. To work forward regardless, of what. Happens in the global context, on, support. For oil. And gas workers who are you. Know suffering, but that is why at the same time we move forward early. On in direct, support for, workers across the country in all industries, the, wage subsidy, and the, CRB. Will. Be there to support Canadians. Who've fallen onto difficult, times because of kovat 19. Okay. New, Haqqanis. Don't. We. Have to ensure, that we can help workers. In those, industries, that have been deeply affected such. As the oil and gas sector and we will continue to look at how we, can do that in. The next little, while at, the same time I want to say that the measures we have put forward whether, it's, the wage subsidy or. The, Canada, emergency, response benefit, will help people in all those industries, right across the country who, have fallen on hard times because, of kovat, 19 next question operator.

Thank. You Nancy. The. Next question, is from Kathleen. Device. Canadian your, line is open the faculty table. Mr.. Trudeau I just like to come back to what you said, about. The, match that will be coming to Canada soon, you. Said that includes, the ones ordered. By. Quebec, are those from 3m or where, are they from these, are masks, that are coming from China we. Are currently working, to, ensure that the. Supply, chain. Between. China and Canada continues. To operate and, that is. The order I referred, to. Thank. You and coming, back to mr. Trump, I'm wondered, did, you call, him or do you intend to call President, Trump and. Is. There any, other way perhaps. Used the new NAFTA. That. We could. Do. Something about the masks. Well, since, the crisis began I've been speaking regularly. With the US president, and I, intend, to speak, to him again. Very. Soon, but. For the time being the. Discussions. Are being held at various levels, of the administration and. We're pointing, out to them that. Essential. Goods and services, flow, across. The border on both sides we, have nurses who work on the other side of the border of the border. In. Terms of gloves and, other types of equipment, and, test kits the fact is we've supplied, that, equipment. To the United States our. Economies, are so interconnected that it would really hurt both countries to block that supply, chain. President. Trump in, in, the coming days, I have. Spoken. With him a number of times over over. The past weeks since the virus. Really. Started to hit heart we're. Continuing, to engage at, all levels with the administration, having very constructive, conversations. Highlighting. That the flow of goods, and services that are essential to both of our countries flow, both, ways across the borders from medical. Professionals. Right across the country who live in Canada and work in the United States to. Essential, goods from gloves, to, testing. Kits that, Canada, ships to the United States it. Is in both of our interests to maintain, this extraordinary, close, relationship. Thank. You and we'll take one more question on the phone operator. Thank. You Andy, we, have a question from Michelle, Namit Sylvia. Your, line is now open let's, have a little. Mr.. To do. Whether. You, have spoken to the Americans, in your recent discussions. About, the, fact.

And. Paper used, to, produce these n95. Masks. BC. Have, you talked to them about. Pointed. Out to the US all the different materials, and. Services that. Flow back and forth across the border we, do not want, to start limiting our exports. Or the services, that we provide to the United States we understand, that all of our countries. Will. Be much, better, off if, we continue, to count, on each other and I'm, confident, that we, will be able to find a solution to this situation. At. In, many different ways the very many different products, and resources. That flow across the border in both directions, to. Ensure success. For, our economy's success, and keeping our, citizens, safe we. Are not looking at, retaliatory. Measures, or measures. That are punitive we. Know that it is in both of our interests to continue, to, work collaboratively. And cooperatively. To. Keep our citizens safe and. That's very much the, tenor of our conversations. And I'm confident, that we're going to get there. When. You saw them yesterday I'd. Like to know how you reacted. Do. They reset. Resemble. The scenarios, for Canada, as a whole and when will, you be releasing them, yes. We saw the Ontario, scenarios, we're. Waiting for the ones from Quebec which will be available in a few days and we, are constantly. Working. With the, provinces. And territories to, get the correct, data. And the right information. To. Be, able to prepare, proper, projections, for Canadians, and answer, the questions, that everyone has how, serious, will this become. When. Will. We be able to, cut. Back on some of the measures currently in place but I just want to say that. Every. Model. Every prediction. Every, projection, is, based, on the fact that. We. Must, stay. Home we, must limit, our movements. We must keep a 2 metre distance, from others we must continue, to wash our hands this. This. Behavior. Will help Canadians, and it will ensure that, whatever, model, we're talking about, we. Will, get the best possible results. And there, will be the least amount of damage, and the fewest, deaths. Possible, now. There. Will be more, modeling. And data released, in the next few days but, in the meantime it's, important, for, Canadians. To, look. At what the numbers on and we're, waiting for numbers, from the province for that to have people want, to know how. Bad this is going to get how much longer it's going to last we. Saw modelling and predictions, from Ontario, yesterday, we know we're getting more. Modelling. And predictions from Quebec in the coming days Canada. As at, the federal level will continue, to pull together the. Information and, make. Models. And predictions, based on that but regardless. Of the, curves and the models, put forward one thing is consistent, throughout all, those predictions, that. The, more people stay, self, isolated. To stay at home keep. That, two meters of distance from each other, don't go out unless absolutely necessary, and. Wash, their hands regularly the better off we'll, be we. Will be continuing. To share, up-to-the-minute. Data on. Canada. CA, /, coronavirus. Please, go check it out see all the public data the data that we're making public, from all across the provinces, and we will continue to, build and share our, predictions, in, the coming days on how Canada. Is going to be doing as a whole I, Prime. Minister Mackenzie with CTV kind, of following up on the previous question yesterday, when the Ontario government put out the projections, they said that between 3 and 15,000, Ontarians. Potentially. Could die from Cova 19 that, we could be in this from 18, to 2 years and that potentially, could be three, waves of this you've, seen the projections that dr. Tam public-health have put forward are the, models at Ontario, put forward consistent. With what you've seen so far from. The very beginning, we've seen a range of models talking. About the coming weeks and months too much longer than that talking, about very high numbers, of possible deaths to talk about very low, numbers. Of possible deaths, we know the situation is serious we know there, are a range, of possibilities.

And Every given model will just give those. Range of possibilities. What, actually. Happens. Depends. On the choices, and the actions, that we take every. Single day, that's why regardless. Of the model that is put out there we, can impact. That model we can change, the, predictions, based. On how we. Act. Staying. Home keeping. Two meters distant, washing. Your hands, doctor, Donnelly, referenced, yesterday that Ontario's be able to make, predictions on the mortality rate largely, because we're able to look at international, data that we've been able to collect so far on mortality rate if that's the case and Ontario has been able to put our projection, other provinces, are going to do so why, can the federal government not confidently, put out a number right now well, we recognize that, different. Countries around the world face very different, mortality. Rates very different, situations, depending on their local circumstances, the, same way in Canada. The. Different provinces, are, experiencing. Our handling, are bringing in measures to, adjust, to their situations. Very, as well and at the federal level, we depend, on, collating. Collecting, and, and, and aligning. All that data from. The provinces, in order, to build a better picture of what's, going to happen across the country, we've, seen different provinces, put out numbers, put out data put out models, but, before we can get to a proper. National, model we need to have an even better idea of what. We're doing in, various, provinces. Okay. Cornish, song. Is. Going to be facing across, the country and. Developing, projections, we. Projections. From the provinces, that's, what we're doing now we, are collating. All of that data and. Aligning. That data so that we can share that with you in the coming days and give you a. Vision, of what Canada can expect. Unmoved. By your urgings, and that he will go ahead with. This ban on exports, so what, is the number. What is the impact, that this has on, Canada's, medical supplies as, we've said we have been working day, and night to. Source medical. Supplies for, Canadian. Frontline. Workers, we, have shipments. Coming in in the next 24, hours we have acheived shipments, over the past days we continue, to work with, suppliers around the world to, ensure that we do get, the medical, equipment that we need and we have more coming in regularly, at, the same time we're working with the American administration to, ensure that they understand, that goods, and services. That are essential to both our countries flow. In both directions, across, the and it is not in any of our interests, to, actually, limit, that flow. We. Are also of course turning towards Canadian, manufacturers. As, the, tremendous. Effort that Canadian companies are putting in to, develop, made. In Canada, products. PPE, security. Equipment. And, medical supplies that is going, to actually, not. Just supply. Canada, but be there to supply other countries, who need them as we meet our own needs this, is part of what Canada is doing to ensure that we are protecting our frontline. Workers, and all Canadians, every single day that. Means. I don't continue, at either you. Goods. In from around the world we will, continue, to work with the US administration and. Point, out to them that it, is in the interests, of both our countries to. Ensure that we, have, the. Essential, goods and services, we require, on both sides of the border and we will continue to work with. Industries. Across Canada, to develop. Canadamain. Solutions. To keep all our workers safe. Willing. To share it and given, that the EU has also done, this several weeks ago now why isn't Canada, doing the same we. Understand, that, it is really important, to keep global supply chains flowing, we, know, that. Canadian, frontline, workers are depending, on the. Arrival, of PPE from, around the world and that's why we are facilitating, those arrivals, they have arrived last, week we've got more coming in the coming days we will continue, to, work to ensure that that comes in we're, also continuing to, impress, upon countries.

Around The world that they are hurting themselves when. They. Limit, the flow of essential, goods across their borders we, need to work together to, make through make it through this global pandemic, that is what Canada will always do, Brian. Mullen Global News a question, about testing why. Did in Canada start, procuring tests earlier when we saw what was happening in China are you concerned with limited amount of testing means that you don't have an accurate picture of what's, going on to inform policy especially. The potential, role of asymptomatic people silently, infecting, other Canadians, which, more testing would have identified. Canada. Has been doing an awful lot of tests and we have been ramping, up testing, we certainly done. More testing, than a lot of other countries like the United States and, we've seen that early. And strong testing, in places like Alberta, and BC have. Been very very effective at. Managing, and controlling the, spread of kovat, 19 we, recognize, that mass. Testing, and, accurate. Rapid results are a key, part of managing. The virus going forward, of ensuring. That we continue to be safe through. The coming months and that's why we are increasing. Our testing capacity every, single day okay. Hooking assault could, recognize. The test kits are absolutely. Critical. In. Order to manage. The spread of the virus and. Of course, we. Are doing well in terms of testing, in Canada, but we can always do more and that's one of the reasons why, we, are constantly. Increasing. Our testing. Capacity. And. In, Alberta, for example, the. Testing. Kits have been very. Effective, and the testing, in general have, been effective, in controlling, the spread of the virus we. Know that we have to do more across the country and that's why every, day we are an increase. In our screening, capacity, CBC News are, you concerned that the battle we're seeing over face masks, such as the one we're, seeing now a 3m, could extend to other, medical, supplies and medications, to treat Cova 19 could, this just be the tip of the iceberg.

And What are you planning to do about it that, is, one, of the reasons why we have turned towards, Canada's local, industrial. Capacity to. Develop. These solutions, for. The coming weeks we know that made in Canada, solutions, are on their way because thousands. Of businesses. Of manufacturers. Across this country are stead, bang-up are switching, their assembly, lines and supply lines over, towards, producing the, necessary, medical. Supplies. And equipment that we need in, the meantime we will continue to. Source these products, from suppliers. Around the world. Shipments. Are coming in over, the next 48 hours we've had shipments come in over the past few days we're, going to continue to do everything we can to ensure that our frontline, workers get the support and the protection, they need but, do you have concerns these shipments could be in jeopardy okay, we know that there is a, global. Competition for these, products, every country in the world needs. More of them that's, why Canada, is shifting, over so much of its industrial production, to develop, these masks, these solutions. These equipment, so that we can cover our own needs over, the medium and long term and be. There to help other countries as, at. A point where we have enough for, ourselves as, we manage the spread of kovat 19 at, the same time in the short term we're continuing, to procure, the necessary equipment, that. Are a women and men on the frontlines need right now. New Haqqanis honker, you know, we know that there is a global, competition. Out. There in. Terms of trying to secure masks, and that's, why we, are now. Trying, to develop our domestic. Capacity to, produce this, equipment, this, critical, equipment to. Protect our frontline workers. This. Is a solution, that will be in place, in. The medium term and in the short term we. Will. Be receiving, shipments of. Material. From around the world which, we need to keep our citizens safe. You. Spoke to mr. Trump about NAFTA, and about the masks, with respect to NAFTA would. There, be a point in, waiting to implement, it as some industry, groups are asking, because of a global pandemic. Do. You think it would be a good idea to postpone, it or do you want it to be implemented, right away and in terms of mass, what exactly are you going to say, to him how can you negotiate with him on this well, with respect to NAFTA we, understand, that the.

Process. Of harmonizing, regulations. Will take a certain amount of time and work there, are people in the government working on this now but. Of course we have a lot on our plate right now in, responding, to kovat 19 but I can assure, people, that the, new NAFTA, agreement will. Come. Into force very soon. NAFTA. The current, NAFTA, in the meantime remains, in, effect and, will. Guarantee, free try free. Trade with, the United States so, we will be coordinating, this effort with the US and Mexico but our priority priority. Right now is to continue to do everything we can to protect, Canadians. And fight Kovan 19. In. Terms of my conversation. With the president, I pointed. Out to him that there, are health care workers, in Canada. Along. The, border. And. On, whom they depend, and, there are also a great many products, that are essential. For. The. United States in fighting kovat 19, and I know that this will be a very constructive, discussion, as we, always, have and always have have we. Will continue, to. Work, very very hard to. Remind, the Americans, as I will in my conversation. With that with President Trump, when. It happens in the coming days that we. Are both of us, interlinked. In ways that means that it would hurt both of our countries in our ability, to protect our citizens, were. The supply chains to be disrupted, there, are Canadian, health professors, professionals. Right along the. Border with the United States who. Engage, in, supporting. American. Medical systems in a daily basis and, that would be something that is valuable. To the United States it's, also extremely valuable, that we are part of essential, supply chains for things from testing. Kits to gloves to the, ingredients, in n95, masks, we, know the. We, do better when we work together and that'll be my message to the president. Are. You open to postponing, the implementation, of the agreement well, we will be working with the Americans, and Mexicans, to see when, the, new NAFTA should come into effect but, this is something that we, will continue to, work on but our priority right now is kovat 19th in, the United States on the. Ratification of, the new NAFTA, but as a reminder for, everyone the existing, NAFTA, is still very, much in place and will remain in place as until, such a time as the new one is brought in the people who are working who. Usually work very very hard on ratification. Of, trade deals like most people in government are very much focused on our response to kovat 19 and that needs to be our priority, right now, now. See what the third one. That's. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in his daily address, making a couple of significant, comments, I want to begin just by highlighting. The, salient, points and the announcement. The initial announcement that he made because, it has to do with a lot of vulnerable Canadians particularly, women in this country who are facing violence the money the original money announced, to combat, those issues, came last week but now we find out exactly where it's going so 40 million dollars for. For. Women's shelters and sexual assault centers across the country 10 million dollars for indigenous, women and children. Feel fleeing violence, and then, for other shelters, to boost things like rent. Capacity. Sorcery renting additional, spaces or physical barriers an additional. 157. Million dollars, now the substance, that the majority, of the questions that the prime minister got, centered. On two issues the first being that. Order from President Donald Trump u.s. President Donald Trump to 3m. To stop exporting, to stop sending, n95. Masks crucial, masks for health care workers in this country to, Canada, the Prime Minister said that he'll be speaking with President, Donald Trump President Trump in the coming days so that conversation has, not yet taken place but. That in those conversations are in that conversation he would highlight, the interdependence. Of the, relationship. Between the, United States and Canada the other main. Question, that the Prime Minister got, centered, around modeling, we saw yesterday premier, Doug Ford and public health officials in Ontario, released, various, scenarios, for, how this, pandemic might play out in Ontario, the, Prime Minister has been asked repeatedly this, week when will that national.

Picture Be presented, to Canadians the various scenarios, that, as a country, we might face and the Prime Minister said that will come in the coming days I want to bring in my colleague Katherine Cullen who is listening alongside. Myself. To all the comments from the prime minister I'll start on the modeling picture if you don't mind Katherine with you because it, sounds like they're waiting on just, Ontario, and Quebec they have the numbers now from Ontario they have to integrate them Quebec, is supposed to come next week but it does sound like we will get those scenarios. Sooner. Than later and. In fact the Prime Minister did say the other day soon so the big question has been what does soon look, like and as you rightly point out about, she talking about it perhaps being contingent, on the those two provinces I noticed one of the questions the Prime Minister was asked about that he said there are a range of models some. Of them talked about weeks and months too much longer, than, that of obviously. Implicit in that is the fact that they are already looking, at models and what the prime minister seems to be saying is we, want to give you a better picture than the data that we have already been using we want to give you a fuller picture they've talked about the importance of, aligning. The statistical, information from one province to the next it starts to get a little bit technical I think, in terms of how they they measure everything, from, the way people are being tested to all sorts of other aspects, of this but they are already looking at information they're. Just waiting, till they've achieved I guess a certain bar before they make it public to Canadians, but then that brings forward all kinds, of other questions when we get a sense of what sort of range they're looking at how many waves. They're seeing for instance in this projection. What, does that say about the economic, measures that they have to have, to put in place to try to keep the Canadian, economy, I'm, not even sure that functioning, is quite the right word but in order to make sure that Canadians, can, can pay their bills and and put, food on their table. Certainly. Also questions. About those the, self-isolation measures, that we're dealing with right now I mean I think for a lot of Canadians the most pressing question if you're looking at data if you're looking at projections can you give us some sense of how, long you might be asking us to stay home is there a moment where things might sort of, the.

Measures Might loosen, somewhat even if we're talking about additional, weigh so all of those questions that the government is gonna have to deal with when it puts this data forward, and I think it's going to continue to, be faced with these kinds of questions until, it does it. Sure well okay Catherine I'll leave it there for a second the CBC's catherine cullen i want to swing over to Washington where Katie Simpson is standing by, Katie the prime minister got a lot of questions on, President, Trump and the order to stop sending masks, to Canada. No, concrete, information from, the prime minister about how many, masks, that means Canada, is missing out on clearly, it's significant, I will, point out very quickly before I just, get you to jump in on what's happening in Washington with President Trump, that, the Prime Minister did say in the next 48 hours Canada, will be receiving, a shipment of millions, of masks, by a chartered, cargo, flight he said we're also working with provinces, to transport, medical supplies when, possible items ordered by Quebec and we know from premier logo that Quebec, is in dire need eight days until they run out of some of this PPE items, from order by Quebec will be on the flight Katie what, are you hearing about the efforts behind the scenes the prime minister says he's got a call with the President Trump in the coming days what are you hearing about efforts, behind the scenes to try and get the president to change his mind. Well. Right now the Canadian government is trying to take the same approach it took to NAFTA to try and resolve this very, urgent, dispute and they're trying to lean on those key relationships. That they established, over the past four years to try and make Canada's, case President. Donald Trump was, very blunt, in his words yesterday seeming, that he, did not care, that Canada, was pushing back against, this issue with 3m but. To senior sources with direct knowledge of the situation tell me that, the. Prime Minister's chief of staff Katie Telford is really, trying to lean into the relationship, she's developed with Jared, Kushner the. President's, son-in-law and special advisor who, now does have a key, role on the, coronavirus, task force out of the White House down here in Washington, that is a source of huge, criticism. Kushner does, not have any experience in public health policy, he does not have any experience when it comes to military operations, yet, he's been given a role to help with the marshalling of resources, down here in the US and he's already been criticized, about the way the operations, are going he says the president, called him because the president, got a phone call from friends of his in New York and his friends were hearing that they were running out of n95. Masks, so Jared. Kushner was told right away get masks to New York City and he said he got 200,000 on the way right away so there's, been a lot of criticism, about how official, channels, down here are not, being used in the way they should be in an emergency however, according, to one senior source the, Canadians, see the Jared Kushner a placement, on this coronavirus, task force as something, that Canada, can use to its advantage because Katie Telford has developed, that relationship during.

NAFTA, Negotiations. Members, of the prime minister's office were all assigned different members of the Trump administration to, get to know them to, develop those relationships so, that as negotiations. Became, tense and as Canada kept trying to make its case on those talks, that, they could reach out to those individuals and really sort, of lean in, to try and to try and really make a case that is, the strategy, that is being used here again and two sources tell me that the Kushner connection, is something that the Canadians, are are going to try and rely on now, I'm also told by one senior, source with direct knowledge of the situation is that, they're. The. Key figures, the key point of contact, right now are the new ambassador Kirsten. Hillman, who has just named ambassador about, a week ago that she still has to go through some formal ceremony stuff but she's in that role permanently, and Deputy. Prime Minister Kristian. Freeland they are the main channels, of conversation. At this point but what I'm also told by this senior source is that because, this is about the health and safety of Canadians, they're trying to employ all of the key relationships. That they develop, during napkin, negotiations, and that's, the strategy that they're gonna try to use going forward. Excellent. Thanks Katie appreciate those details very much the CPC's Katie Simpson for us in Washington you'll see on the corner of your screen we are awaiting any minute an update from federal public health officials, on the spread of the virus in this country before we get there though I think we have a few minutes to get to Drew Dylan's he's of course the mayor of Windsor Ontario hai meraa dil khun's nice to see you thanks for your time today. Hayashi. So, we just heard the Prime Minister talk at length I get a lot of questions about this, order. From the president to stop sending. Masks. To Canada, you, are the mayor of a city that is so intertwined. With, his sister city on the, other side of the border, we heard the Prime Minister also speak about the number of nurses, for example health care workers that live in Windsor and work in Detroit what can you tell us about how. I guess. Interdependent. That relationship, is, well. You know Vashti Trump's behavior, here is not dissimilar to all those people who are hoarding toilet paper it, just has the the power to be much more dangerous and much more deadly and my, city certainly the two to three thousand people that cross to work every day health care professionals, who live in Canada, cross, that US border every day to keep Detroit hospitals, going if, there's some sort of heart stopped at the border if there's some sort of further restriction, that the, president is inching towards, I am Telling You with us, interrupt. You for a second we're just we're just coming off the main Network give me five seconds, we'll be back on CBC, news network in just a second thanks for joining us.

Hi. There I'm Vashti Capello's in Ottawa we're standing by waiting to hear from public health authorities in this country on the spread of corona, virus I just rudely cut off mins. Windsor's mayor Jude Elkins hai meraa dil kins thanks so much for for sticking, around for that I apologize, we just had to get off the main network and head back to CBC. News network you, were telling, me a bit about how interdependent. Windsor. And in Detroit is and how you view, this decision from President Trump. Yeah. I just you know Vashi without. Under estimating, or understating. The situation, if the president, is inching towards a harder stop of the border and more restrictions, whether, it's in goods or people I'm. Telling you on the human capital side, there are two to three thousand nurses that cross the border who live in my city cross the border into the United States every day the work in Detroit health care facilities, if there's some sort of further restriction, if this relationship, becomes more difficult because of a what. I would classify is an inhumane, type. Decision, certainly an immoral decision, you. Will have hospital's. Entire hospitals, in Detroit that, have to close down and that it's not an understatement, because of the number of people that, work and live in Canada Canadians, crossing to work in Detroit have. You heard anything mayor from your counterpart, in Detroit about this. Yeah. I have spoken to Mayor Duggan on the Detroit side I've spoken to several of the CEOs of hospitals. There as well and, we all have a great relationship and, we we talk and we understand the importance, of the of the relationship. Here between the US and Canada and how you, know a state like Michigan which is normally a democratic, state but voted Republican voted for the president last. Year what the impact, would be if he, actually puts a hard stop at the border and makes life more difficult but, you could potentially have entire, hospitals, that closed down and the city, of Detroit is a, recorded. Hot spot for cocoa mid-nineteen, today there's. A three weeks shutdown a stay in place ordered by the governor. It. Is a classified for cocoa 19 in the US, and so the game that's being played is deadly and dangerous and our prime minister is certainly, in the comments that I just listened to showing. Great restraint, and great leadership at a very important, time yeah, I wanted to check in just on what the prime minister said he said he would be talking to, Trump about this in the coming days no specific, timeline on that other than the coming days he, also reiterated though an hour and Katie Simpson also talked about how the Team Canada approached the one that worked, in in the NAFTA negotiations, would be applied, here what did you think of the remark that you heard from the Prime Minister on this issue. The. Prime Minister is being very diplomatic and. Very. Very. Approved. Putting. Troops on the northern border between Canada the United States just. A week ago was suggesting, that he was going to open up the country again by Easter, for to, be back in business at. A time when things were spiraling and spiraling out, of control in, several states and, now, this, we're, suggesting that, you know we're gonna hoard much, like you know people are hoarding toilet paper this decision, by the president, this behavior, certainly, just stands to play a much more deadly and dangerous game, it is it is immoral and it's inhumane, and frankly you know what I'm glad to see the Prime Minister saying that he's going to continue to make sure that Canada does what's right in, the circumstances, and make sure that we don't show and demonstrate that, same type of behavior that we're getting okay, I'll leave it there I see dr. Tam up to the podium thank, you very much mayor Dillon's appreciate, your vision this morning and let's, head over right here in Ottawa to dr., Teresa, future public health officer.

Of Canada, let's take a listen involvement support. Report. Them I just. Want to point, out though that, we. Must take this. Illness. Very seriously. Well. A vast, majority. Of deaths occurring, in, people. In. The older age groups, definitely. The vast majority over the age of 70. We. Have had reports now a number, of reports, of, younger. Adults. In their 20s and 30s who, have died. As a result of kovat, 19. And others. Are. Seriously. Ill. Hospitalized. So, I. Think, that's, a very key. Message, that, we all have to take to heart really seriously. So. We. Are continuing, to test at a high rate in Canada with tests completed, now for over three hundred nine, thousand. People in, Canada, so. Around four percent of, people tested, have, been confirmed as positive. And ninety, five percent confirmed. As negative, and. Every. Day we are working with provinces, and territories to. Increase laboratory, capacity to. Make sure that we can maintain this, level of testing, and sensitivity. You know, thing systems, to track covert, 19. Today. The public, health, agency in Canada, has released, a new covert, 19 dashboards, and, you. Can find that on our, website and. Of. Course we have been releasing a lot of data. And. Epidemiologic. Data this. Is this dashboard that make aims, to make the data we have. Presented. In a different way so, Canadians. Can quickly. Learn more about, how, this outbreak, is evolving, and search. For specific information. So. This is the first time that, authoritative. Canadian, data has been integrated, into interactive. And customized. Dashboards. I. Know. That I speak for, all chief, medical, officers, across the country when. I say that we are very very, grateful for, the efforts of all, of those who are working in public health in healthcare, in our laboratories. To find, cases, trace, contacts, and interrupt. Transmission to. Slow the spread of kovat 19. Likewise. We, think our thanks, goes to all Canadians. Who are doing their part by, changing, behaviors, observing. Physical, distancing, and disrupting. Plans to, take on this national, challenge, to plank the, curve we. Must keep, this momentum, up as we wait for the signals, that, will tell us our efforts, are working, the. Only way to get through this is together, so. Canada let's do all we can to stop the spread of kovat, 19, together, right now. Bonjour. Come. Debuted on kamal scrapped off a lip pencil anomaly, that the cada curva disney for canada on, the normal actually mouths do. Smear nests on vein cat cat the covetous new. 24. Cases of koban 19 including. 214. Deaths. Obviously. Most cases. Have. To do with older people but. We have, also seen. Young, adults, affected, by kovat 19 in their 20s and their 30s and, that's why it is so important, that all, Canadians. Take. This very. Seriously. These. Represent. Infections. From. Previous exposures, and not what is happening right now so even, if you're not hearing of cases in your community, it. Doesn't mean that there. Is no risk of exposure. We. Must all consider, that. There could be community, spread in our area. And. Keeping, to our 2 meter distance is. The safest, option. We. Continue, to test at a high rate in Canada. With. Tests. Completed. For over 300, and now 9,000. People in Canada around, 4% of these people have been confirmed as positive ranking and 95%, confirmed. As, negative. Every. Day we, are working with provinces, and territories, to. Increase laboratory, capacity, to. Make sure we maintain this level of sensitivity, in. Tracking kovat 19, activity. Today. The public health agency of Canada released. The Cova 19, situational. Dashboard, for. Canada. This. Dashboard aims, to make the data we have more. Accessible. So Canadians. Can quickly learn, more about, how, the, outbreak, is evolving, and. Search for specific information. This. Is the first time authoritative. Canadian, data has been integrated, into an, interactive, and, customized. Dashboards. Across. The country when. I say that, we are grateful for the efforts of, all those who, work in public health health. Care and, laboratories. To find, cases. Tres. Contacts. And. Interrupt, transmission, to. Slow the spread of. Kovat 19. Likewise. Our. Thanks, go out to Canadians, who, are doing their part by. Changing behaviors, observing. Physical distancing. And. Disrupting. Plans to, take on this national, challenge, to, plank the curve. We. Must keep this momentum as, we wait for the signals that will tell us our efforts, we are working. It's. The only way to get through this. It's to

2020-04-07 06:16

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