Welcome to our attendees for joining today's event that is part of SMP Global Mobility 2023 Solutions webinar series main topics for today's presentation April the 4th 2023 is the automotive cyber security Market with a focus on the actual and future challenges and opportunities I would like to thank ronus Molly CEO of Argos cyber security that is our guest speaker and that will share with us the perspective of a key player in this market will follow just after my presentation some practical instruction before starting the actual event when the webinar Begins the audio will be streamed through your computer so please be sure that your speakers are switched on and unmuted moreover you can refresh your screen if you don't hear the presentation or if the slides aren't advancing you can click on many of the tools below to find direction for submitting questions downloading presentation and materials speaker bios connection help and much more most tooling widgets can be oversized and moved according to each attendee's preference such as the slide area can be maximized into a full screen view you can use your q a tool to send in questions the question that you're sending will be addressed during the Q a segment at the end of the event if the time not sufficient to answer all the questions speaker will follow up on an answer question by email after the session it would be also greatly appreciated if you can rate the event there are five options from Five Star down to one star it would be really appreciated since so it's a tool that we use to understand if the event is appreciated or if there is any chance to improve it thank you the PDF material for the current session can be downloaded here in this tool there are also links to useful resources such as the program calendar and local automotive site welcome again and it is my pleasure to have such a global audience today my name is Manuel tagarini and I'm a principal Analyst at SMP Global mobility in my main area of research is Automotive software today I will provide you with an overview of the cyber security Market in Automotive our analyst team and myself at SMP we conducted with an extensive research on Automotive cyber security during a 2022 and today my aim is to share with you the key messages and findings for the future Market development I will start with the market that look for the automotive cyber security including some peculiar highlights for the greatest China market after that I will focus on the cloud and security operations center landscape to end with the key messages that we extracted from an extensive survey that we conducted at the end of last year 2022. then I started talking about the automotive Market Outlook for cyber security our analysis start from the light vehicle production volumes and even if we expect a stable growth until 2024 2025 the market is already in a maturity phase with a low probability of steep acceleration in the short and Midterm we noticed that the volume trend for cyber security client software in automotive shows a different Trend with a Healthy Growth for the whole period considered and the cagr of 36 percent in volume of client software compared to our previous forecast that was compiled back in 2021 we reduce the volume and revenue figures for the short term to consider factors such as the light vehicle says forecast and late implementation of cyber Security Solutions due to the factors such as the supply chain issues and the uncertainties that are being caused by the global confidence scenarios if we instead we consider the light vehicle production volume Market figures but removing the pure internal combustion engines from the equation we can see what healthy volume growth with a similar Trend with the cyber security client software volumes what does this tell us securing a vehicle from digital threats is required for the most recent non-ic platforms where telematics connectivity and application and use cases where software content is relevant and where the vehicle can be exported to a standardizable tracks concept like security by Design starts to be applied here and the result is a general growth for the different blocks that can be protected connected way to a bus Network and each ECU in the vehicle the market for the vehicle software clients featuring cyber Security Solutions is expected to pass the 300 million unit by 2028 with a healthy cagr or 36 percent in the time period between 2021 and 2028 the increasing number of electronic control units is reflected in the higher growth of related cyber security clients in these three categories software bus network software and ECU software with a 65 percent cagr in the same time period considering the value of the market we can see that Automotive cyber security software Revenue show a stable growth still double digit at plus 46 percent cagr in the 2021-2028 time period and it's passing the 1 billion uh US dollar Mark by 2028. in a similar way from a client unit perspective ECU cyber security software revenue is growing quicker with a 72.9 percent cagr in the
same time period cyber security software solution Revenue we continue to grow and will increase faster than the same categories volume for the solution pricing trends the key factors behind their pricing Trends can be found in the changes in the vehicle electrical and electronic architecture the implementation of software-defined vehicle or sdv function and architecture and the general increase in the complexity of the auto software features and function and application required to protect the vehicle and its connection to the cloud and the rest of the infrastructure more and more vehicle will be connected to the backhand cloud and the IT infrastructure this cloud and embedded connection are the prerequisite for future software defined vehicle and require instantaneous internet connection and cyber protection then as a result Automotive Cloud cyber security solution will grow at a by 59 percent cagl in the 2021-2028 time period in Revenue a rate of growth compared with the inbaco solution as a can be seen the diagram in this slide in absolute values the automotive Cloud cyber security Market Revenue will pass the 3.7 billion euro in US dollar Mark by 2028 with most of the hero area growth registered During the 2024-2026 period fully considered forecast basically the solution volumes are increasing together with the service fee per year and in general with the pricing of the solution they are reaching an average sales price of um 15 per year by 2028 higher fears are the result of the increasing size of the code needed to protect this evolving ecosystem together with the need of regular plates to cover the most recent tracks new users of cloud cyber security are also growing although at a much lower rate compared with what SMP Global reported in 2021 furthermore the growth forecast is in line with the s p Global Mobility updated vehicle sales forecast the prolonged covid-19 pandemic and the delay in the adoption of plow cyber security solution may have contributed to the low growth furthermore the delay was also caused by the acquired compliance tuition recent regulation such as the United Nation economic commission for Europe the famous wp-29 and the cellular Space Administration of China CAC personal information Protection Law and the effects also of a vehicle ee architecture changes that are expected to happen in the 2024-2026 time period we mentioned already that more and more SOC Solutions are featuring artificial intelligence and machine learning and as a part of our continuous research we discovered that the same features are showing an increasing penetration also in infotainment at units while their main function is to support the use cases such as voice assistant smart navigation Advanced user interfaces them becoming relevant also as a foundation for function to protect the vehicle from external threats and SMP Global is publishing a visual dashboard that is called Auto software wall at unit to analyze this kind of scenarios in infotainment exactly this month in April which are the key differences talking about Automotive cyber security between greater China and the rest of the world Revenue growth in Greater China is stable and is expected to keep a double digital year over here growth for the period that we are analyzing today passing the other regions Market yearly group especially a electric vehicle are becoming an integral part of Greater China's transportation and Mobility industry while the traditional vehicles are vulnerable to attacks such as climatics v2x keyless entry and others EV presents additional vulnerability mostly for the need to be connected to the EV charging station becoming an entry point to the power grid system on top of that regulation and guidelines are increasing and by 2025 following the recent International standards such as wp-29 and other like ISO we will have likely more than 100 regulation by 2025 that are designed to reduce the risk associated with OTA software and up date system the proliferation of the EV startups in Greater China is strictly linked not only to the growth of General cyber security solution but especially to the growth of cloud and backend as you can see in the first graph let's focus now on the evolution of cloud and Security operation Center so the security becomes increasingly important as the automotive industry moves from the e-architecture to domain-based vehicle architecture driven by New Concept uh personal Mobility driving autonomous vehicle vehicle identification and connected car increasing the number of ECU the vehicle network has evolved into a domain architecture where the ecos are grouped based on the related function its Eco performs which has created Network complexity however with the advantage of the fully autonomous vehicle autonomous designer are now looking at the using a donor base architecture with ethernet which offers the advantages adding a computer module on the vehicle to control the vehicle function the donor architectural arranges the computers by their location inside the vehicle and adds a vehicle computer module this architecture may also include a Gateway module to handle Network traffic includes a service oriented architecture and dynamic operating system deployment which must meet real-time functional activity and security requirements across the autonomous vehicle ecosystem d2x communication ensure the transmission of edge data in different parts of the transportation system requiring multiple communication channels between this Edge sensor and the rest of the infrastructure this multiple communication channels expose vehicle took several attacks which can severely impact not only the vehicle but also the other connected devices as the number of connected devices grouped these several attacks can become unpredictable and more frequent oems imperial ones suppliers must have robust security strategy in place to protect these vehicles they also need to make changes to the vehicle in the field through OTA updates to keep them safe over vehicle life cycle Autos are already integrates various ID Security application and regulation to protect the vehicle communication and protect sensitive data out of cell uses cryptography and key storage to verify a signature and transfer data over supported communication protocol from SEC OC can flexray ethernet anti-cp IP communication via Ethernet both classic and adaptive results are platforms support trusted and sensitive communication but with different architecture they offer partial identical and partially different safety communication and talking about autosar they are both applied by several suppliers and they are already supporting cyber security feature again we see it as a force to accelerate the existing Market disorder in the next future the migration from this distributed to centralized e-architecture looks like an opportunity to include cyber security function in the new platform this migration in the vehicle again from distributed to centralize and also to the main Central architecture is expected to happen from 2025 most of the automotive cyber security deployment changes and development will occur for the in vehicle modules while effort for cloud cyber security will be initially limited we expected the fourth step to a centralized architecture to accelerate from 2030. together with a deep integration with the cloud this last aspect will be reflected in an additional effort to develop Cloud cyber security software together with accelerator growth of new users starting already in 2027 2028 period the Global Automotive embedded soup system and their internal communication has created opportunities for records to carry out various attacks against them wireless hotspot are the most vulnerable because they can be accessed from outside the car or from anywhere via internet access in addition service based on wireless technology are growing such as OTA software update and third-party smartphone application that are integrating into the infotainment system creating more attack potential on the other end wired access points are less risky because an attacker must have access to the inside of the vehicle in-car application for connected car and many new Services based on the internet and the cloud are the main reason for the rapid rise of cyber security at the same time vehicles are connected via smartphones and other connected devices which provide control features such as remote start lock unlock track location vehicle status and connect as an additional stack attack surface for the air Coastal exploit we see that eighty percent eight percent of all Automotive cyber security incident between 2010 and 2021 in both mobile applications cyber attacks on sensor data such as GPS IMU lidar radar and cameras are new trends that will increase as more autonomous vehicular deployed research on sensor tampering is underway and cyber security solution for the autonomous system Market will be critical to passenger safety and our key threat to address connected vehicle server attacks increasingly rely on application programming interface or API because they provide a simple and efficient interface to extend functionality and improve connected vehicle experience application from OEM and smart Mobility providers use API to communicate with internal vehicle system for utility and basic functionality in addition API provides a roadmap for fast data access and earns digital experiences and new revenue streams it is essential for the cyber security Market to protect apis from malicious actors seeking access to critical system and sensitive data an attacker who wants to take control of a vehicle we discover different possible attack points for vulnerability and combine these attack result in different attack surfaces here it's already obvious that cyber security is extending from the vehicle itself to the whole infrastructure the vehicle is connected through cellular communication and satellite communication through all other part of the whole ecosystem from Smart TV charging station to public transport with travel and passage of information through security another smart system SMART bus with location scheduled smart feed management City traffic management smart interaction tool system and others the vehicle is interfacing with all these part of the full ecosystem and need to be protected not the vehicle itself but the connectivity between the vehicle and all these other blocks but the point is that here this kind of approach is expected to be applied not only to the vehicle to the infrastructure but also to which the Complete Automotive value chain going back to the um automaker and the manufacturers through the production process now let's have a look at the result of the 2022 uh cyber security survey that we conducted at the end of last year the result that we got home the survey showed that company has indicated that all of the cyber security software features are important to their product development strategies and requirements however on a degree of software security importance in relation to spending effort project focus in immediate deliverable Etc result shows a varying degree of priority among different Automotive companies just to give some example an average of 26 percent of the companies indicated that they are prioritizing the development of secure communication between vehicle and cloud and vice versa and secure update features 23 percent of the companies result also showed software protection and identity and secure accessing policies are also prioritizing development for those companies an average of a 16 percent of the companies that were answering our survey the results also show a varying level of priority between OEM and suppliers or suppliers while OEM are focusing on Automotive open system architecture or autosal based detection and prevention 25 of the companies and software protection 25 of the companies again suppliers Focus remains on secure communication again 25 of the companies and secure updates 22 percent of the companies our cyber security survey clearly indicated that a few gray areas within cyber security technology development that would be explored in the coming years we see that AI based Sensor Fusion solution 26 percent of the company is among the potential areas to explore along with data Fusion across vehicle and Cloud devices again 26 of the companies as leading topics results shows that OEM have an equal opinion about all gray areas greater China companies have strong opinion about intelligence voice 30 percent of the companies and data Fusion across vehicle and culture devices 30 percent of the company again why companies outside uh without China have a strong opinion about AI based Sensor Fusion solution and data across vehicle ECU the result also shows that Great China cyber security companies are focusing on more narrow feature topics compared with their counterparts from the rest of the world just to give an example uh could assign a company shows very little interest in Auto Service security development in written response who those during the s p Global Community primary research it was found that some of the companies started investigating this topic with the China Company also indicated that the future security software development will correlate with vehicle e architecture Revolution primarily in the connected car an autonomous vehicle domain greater China companies indicated a greater degree on focus on secure communication for 33 percent of the company and secure update 22 percent of the companies and finally as key messages what we can say cyber security spending in automotive is rapidly growing thanks to different factors first worldwide regulation are making cyber security and mandatory requirement for new vehicle platform second e-architecture evolution brings together the need for updated cyber Security Solutions and third electric vehicles are designed with embedded connectivity and other Advanced features then we can see that most of the spending forecast is expected to happen in the back end and the cloud software defined vehicle approach is becoming widely applied with broad coverage and vertically integrated protection solution to optimize cost and management for large Fleet and heterogeneous platforms to protect and enable new applications and use cases that are becoming more and more established and then finally the automotive OEM requires holistic approaches for cyber security they're working to embed cyber security in their internal tools and processes to include the whole supply chain then they are looking also to for integrated approaches able to detect a monitor track coming from different words in a simplified way they are considering the benefit and the risk of taking ownership of a cyber security development considering Outsourcing or keeping in-house these kind of activities thanks a lot for your attention and then is yours thank you Manuel it's a pleasure to be here no doubt with the evolving software defined vehicle all the trains that they surrounds the automotive nowadays cyber security is becoming more and more important and my name is Ronan I'm an Argus CEO August is an automotive cyber security company in over 200 employees worldwide working with the different oems and and tier ones and I'm happy to share some of her experience with the with the audience today almost almost all car manufacturers have been hacked in the past we don't read it daily in the news we don't see it in television yet both the friendly hackers as well as in the dark web there is a lot of activity around the cars it is much easier to hack into a vehicle than into a smartphone and there is growing a sense of competition between the hackers who will hack into new cars that are going to be released or are released to the market at this point of time it seems that Automotive cyber security has been here forever but if we look back with Automotive Service security really started to emerge four to five years ago eight nine years ago we were running around educating the market well today in the last two to three years almost any tier one any car manufacturer has its own cyber security and team has its own cyber security agenda and aiming to comply with the regulation in order to achieve type approval the 2020 the unece r155 was approved the next Milestone and the final one today it is a is in July 2024 and definitely we see a lot of activity in the market from from car manufacturers which are also instructing their tier ones to move forward and Deploy on one hand Technologies in the vehicle and on the other hand the cyber security processes at their organizations again both for car manufacturers but also for three ones and we see tens and hundreds of suppliers that are rushing to comply with their customers requirements when we look at the Chinese regulation the gbt it is much more precise and detailed that the unr155 and also of course looking at the 21434 a easel again very detailed and requirements and quite well adopted in North America and the U.S is a bit is a bit um looking behind the UNR and the gbt yet Anita is pushing forward cyber security requirements and I believe that in the next two to three years we'll see much more in Focus also from compliance standpoint in North America okay it's interesting to look at the evolution of cyber security in the I.T industry organization Enterprises 23 years ago and tried to imply what we can expect at Automotive cyber security now there is a big difference between an organization that has 100 000 cents of thousands of employees comparing to a manufacturer of cars that is releasing to the market millions millions of vehicles every year a car is is a computer on Wheels sometimes it has connections sometimes it does not have connection to the internet and with that the challenge is growing so looking at the different Trends technologies that are evolving around the automotive we see one thing that is coming across quite strongly cyber security is becoming a very fundamental requirements in order to protect the cars and and ring receiving cars in the end of the day it's people's lives again unlike computer where something in damage it's it's bad but when something happened to God uh to the car people people lives are at stake so looking at new architectures hpcs over there software updates the Android you see Google coming strong to the marketing not only from Android on the infotainment systems also with the the OS for different type of ecu's we see the the software-defined vehicle Trend the big oems with the PowerHouse the power software houses and and the emerging companies that contribute to the soft revolution of Automotive moving into vehicle Fleet Management because security operations center of course the regulations this standard Evolution and with that many new oems you know we're looking uh I'm sure that any one of you stepping outside looking at the cars that will pass in front of you in 60 to 60 seconds 120 seconds you will see four five seven brands that you haven't seen five to seven years ago so how capable are these oems the new evcomers with cyber security this is another challenge and in few years we'll discuss v2x and the challenge will even grow with all these newcomers to the market mobile networks it the car is becoming an extension of our living environment of our homes and with that it has to be protected we need to place some kind of alarm system detention system that will protect the the people in the car so with the car becoming the center of software development to enable services to enable new technologies in the car we also see a different trends that involved around the software defined vehicle on one hand the development cycle is becoming shorter we know that a this cycle to release a new car the development cycle is 45 years it's still the case you know today we are working on projects where the SOP is in 27 29 2018 one case it's even 2029 yet the Cycles are faster shorter maybe due to the software for the software involved so with the virtual development and and new business model we see subscription coming to the picture started with over there update but now with the requirements from the regulation coming from the regulation on maintenance period of 10 to 15 years there is a need for an ongoing protection of the vehicle therefore maintenance over time and and this open the door for a subscription-based cyber security we see the need to separate the software from the hardware and with that what we call reusable software modules meaning the ability to take a software a piece of software package it correctly and be able to deploy it on multiple type of ecos connected ecu's Network ecu's in order to shorten the development time the testing time and of course to drive for more cost efficiency the vehicle architecture is changing rapidly a few years ago the the car Network American was a Gateway Centric we may have had several sub-domains sub networks in the car with Gateway in each segment today we're looking at domains because is divided into domains some of the oems even Define a subset of issues per domain but where the market is heading is is zones and and with that also having cyber security in mind the the zones from cyber security standpoints are defined based on the criticality of the ecu's a lower priority higher priority with some kind of proxy connectivity between the zones unpacking of the of the messages monitoring the packets and then defining what to do whether the packet is clearing can be shifted to a more critical highly security zone or not and again that phrases the complexity over uh developing cyber security in the cars when we look at the evolution of cyber security one of the first triggers to start developing cyber security with obviously the telematics the connectivity to the car connectivity between the car and decent elements outside the car and also and also when connectivity inside the car between a different devices that were connected to the car and to the car Network so telematic was a big trigger to cyber security then as it evolved cyber security evolved of course over there update has been here in the last four to five years but now in the last couple of years we're catching up and most of the most of the oems are pushing forward software updates over the air then of course monitoring should be there for the over their updates different elements different entities are connected to the car to update not only students but also split services domain issues should be updated with different setups and and parameters so so this is pushing on the projects that we are working on today and also from cyber security standpoints and of course with the shift to autonomous vehicles autonomous driving cyber security is becoming a safety issue once an autonomous driving is reaching level three any hacking to the car while the driver is not concentrated on the road is becoming a severe safety issue therefore I see the next jump the next step in terms of cyber security at the point where the car manufacturers will push forward autonomous driving level three of course we see that Mercedes last year uh was the first one to give the approval in Europe for a cyber security excuse me for a autonomous driving level three and with that I believe that more car manufactured will follow at that that point getting functionality increases they need for a cyber security in the car the Cyber Security Experts when we look at the risks that evolve in the current any other any other device that we would like to protect we look at the attack vector and at the car we see different uh different interfaces or different vectors that may put the current risk of course first and foremost as I said before it's the telematics the Wi-Fi Bluetooth the connectivity along with it this week that will emerge in the next few years physical connectivity such as the OBD and I'll refer to that further in a moment infotainment system and of course the supply chain all of those come with the connectivity now one interesting point for thought the automotive industry is one of the most hacked Industries most of the hacks are coming on the back end manufacturing facilities I.T and so on and so forth one interesting point is that the car is a device on which it is much easier to hack even comparing to a smartphone or to a television or any other electronic device with that being said one of the biggest risks that we identified today is that the car is becoming an attack Vector on the OEM organization so if the traditional thought is that we need to protect the car from being hacked and look in the different attack vectors on the car and on fleet of course of course one of the biggest nightmares is when uh ten thousand twenty thousand Vehicles over certain ways will be attacked one day or you know a request for rent somewhere and the cars will be blocked now we realize that from Financial standpoint the ability to hack into one single car from that car hacking to the back end to the manufacturing facilities the I.T
devices of the manufacturer is becoming a real threat therefore um there are means and Technologies to identify that the car is trying to connect trying to send messages trying to configure the backend without the required permissions foreign with this presentation is the connectivity comes the question do we need protection in the car or outside the car why do we need a protection both in vehicle and outside the vehicle now of course this is a very interesting topic on one hand the car is a moving Target it's it's a moving element it should be protected in case that we would like to be able to stop an attack in real time uh the common definition for cyber security agent in the core of the functionality and it it provides with intrusion detection and prevention system idps but the real um the real definition should be idrs intrusion detection and response system and the reason for that is the hack is not happening within five minutes not even in one day the Hector is investigating the network looking for means to cause damage and we went with a good detection system there is the ability to respond close the the Gap close the whole the hacker has found and be able to update it with the appropriate response to uh to avoid any damage caused to the car into the passengers and this is why we need some kind of agent inclusion detection in the car on connected ecu's Network ECU and Mission critical listings that a very big braking system and so on the data is collected in the car and then what do we do with it obviously we wouldn't want to process all the data we wouldn't want to analyze all the data from cyber security standpoint in the car nowadays and traditionally the ECU is running very small not very powerful socks that are not uh built for intensive data processing therefore we would like to process some of the data in the car create logs and then send the data for further processing and Analysis in the cloud and this is where we need also vehicle security operations center and other means to a AI machine learning to run the data and look for abnormal behavior any any events that may cause us to suspect that somebody is trying to act to the car so so both aspects of the ability to on one hand to detect and respond in the car in real time is important analyze the data some of the data in the Corp just by understanding the data over the similar Network which is of course quite costly so we would like to limit the amount of data that is being sent over the year we would like also to provide some context before the data is being sent and then Alliance should also again place the vehicle security operations center with the appropriate cases and engines to detect anomalies in the cloud the one of the further advantages or the needs for having a v stock in place is the ability to aggregate data from multiple cars multiple Vehicles multiple geographies and analyze the Big Data coming from all these sources in order to detect the data that may give us the suspicion that something is happening of course we work quite closely with the industry leaders Automotive cyber security industry leaders one of them is googler margin a known company that is helping companies to comply with the regulation and deploy cyber security processes in the organization and with that one of the managing consultants in Stephen Hermann provided the quote you know what where cars have become a connected smartphones we see the cyber security extension for a spice Automotive spice is a central piece to go suppliers and OEM compliance with the regulation and and uh what I like to call you you know looking at the evolving environment at the car I'm looking at the holy triangle the holy triangle from my standpoint is the home the car and the smartphone these are the three elements that in a sense provide to users to people and their technological electronic surroundings and with that we need to look how these three are connected and also look at the risks that may evolve as people shift some of their habits from home to the car we see most more screens in the car people will spend more time in the car it becomes their living environment and with that they also different risk that we haven't been looking at in the past now evolved and the same thing with deploying new technologies to protect the people and and adjust the cyber security measures to this evolving surroundings so far I've been describing the cyber security technology environment different considerations I would like to look for a moment at the some of the emerging Technologies well we read recently of car manufacturers that are aiming to generate significant amount of revenue from services not only the traditional Maps location-based services and so on but also New Era of services we saw the the BMW announcements three months ago on the United States Mercedes sailing a faster accelerations so it is there and and it's a car manufacturers are very expressive about their need and their intention to develop services and and there comes the thought should we have some kind of cyber security service I know that we expect to receive the cars already protected coming from the oems and that goes without saying but with the involvement of the surroundings in the car more devices connected people come to the car or children connecting their smartphones to the car network communication going on with in between the car and the surroundings the landscape of threads really involves continue to evolve and with that the ability of the OEM to respond quickly is not always in place furthermore not the the characteristics the profile of the different car owners are not the same so I'm for example driving most of the time I carve by myself my wife is driving with our four kids so the characteristics are different the flex could be different whether you're driving inside the the city or outside the in the landscape so uh with that I believe that cyber security the potential for cyber security consumer service is evolving and I would like to share with you an interesting analysis that that we ran a just a few months ago so we registered with the consumers and 500 people in Germany 500 people in North America mainly in luxury Brands because we believe that the people who buy the luxury Brands this initially will be more open for adopting the new offering coming from the car manufacturers and we asked them for their awareness of cyber security and motivation for buying car hacking Protection Service and interestingly enough as you can see in in the first few lines that people are aware of cyber security is I think that they read about it all the time and either from their working Place awareness for service Security on the computers they rent somewhere and of course with the fact that the car is becoming more computer-like with with screens and connectivity and a lot of definitions in in the in the screens themselves and people are aware and and interestingly enough I think that this area of a service cyber security service will evolve in the next few years thanks everyone and for the great presentations those are really a pleasure to have this kind of webinar together with you okay so we can start this q a session and yes I believe we will receive some questions from the audience I've already apologized because we won't be able to take all of them but for sure we'll be back to you by email during the next few days okay let's keep the first one here so uh I can read why is there a need for both in vehicle cyber security technology as well as cloud-based sub security are there Alternatives or complementary to each other is it enough to just pick one approach okay okay I think I will leave this to you Ronan if you agree thank you Manuel this is this is a good question you know when since Argus provides both in vehicle Technologies as well as Cloud Technologies when we start to engage with oems that are making their first steps and deploying cyber security Technologies were being asked what is your accommendation should we start with in vehicle Technologies or Auto vehicle Technologies do we need both and and the answer is that the Technologies are complementing on one hand we need to have some kind of intrusion detection in the in the vehicle since the vehicle is is moving technological element components so and the risk could be there any mile on on the road meaning you're going to connect the vehicle to a charging station the connectivity between the charging station and the vehicle could be there without even having internet connection to the car and and uh we would like to have some analysis up front in the car of different events and with that being said the big picture is also important being able to process the data analyze it look at different Trends liquid attempts for hacking abnormal behavior and this is where a Visa is required now um the approach to retaking is proposing to the car manufacturing to start gradually meaning you can start with a small sensor in the car and the important point is to be able to update it over time and the reason for that is that the car will be on the road 5 10 15 years and we cannot really predict what will be the threats that will be here in 2013 and Beyond so deploy some sensors in the car and deployed right technology to upgrade the sensors and then of course on the backend side on the base of vehicle security Operation Center again deploy you can start small with call with log analysis and then be able to update with a system that can in which you can plug in additional use cases to analyze the data and can learn from the processing of big data that will come to the to the vsoc okay let's pick another another question here how do you see the convergence of cyber security and software defined vehicle and it's quite an interesting one um okay again again to you Ronin so one of the questions that I'm being asked quite frequently and this is the line with your question manual is how do we see the competence of tier ones and oems in developing cyber security so on one hand everyone aims to increase the the software competence we see the big part houses Volkswagen software X from stellantis and so on and so forth Renault software and Factory so we see the the passion or the the ambition to develop a software in-house and with that the need to develop force of cyber security because of course cyber security should be there by Design so I believe that the software defined vehicle is coming hand in hand with cyber security the approach for cyber security is that it should be there by Design with the applicable standards and in compliance with the regulations we're working quite closely to assist with it with the some of the audience that I mentioned of course with other companies in the auto automotive Market but is the software defined data will evolve and with the different services along with it no doubt that the need for cyber security don't want him but even more sophisticated and and uh Advanced cyber security will be there okay thank you everyone and I think we need the next one will be for uh for me okay let's pick this given the increasing mandatory requirements for the new vehicle in regards to cyber security should we expect the auto OEM working to internalize the development of this aspect for new vehicle design I think I will be the one so it is okay so thanks a lot for uh for this question this uh this is quite important since allows me to share further the dates of the last year survey that we conducted and uh I was introducing to the presentation I can answer that more and more regulation are worldwide producing an effect on um as an effect standardization of cyber security requirements and this together with all those are and equivalent design optimization approaches push the automakers to consider the in-house development of cyber security solution is it it's like they started asking themselves it could be a saving transferring in-house these activities since they see that there could be some cost benefit and also some other benefiting area of managing large Fleet and other points related to the ownership of this uh the acquired data on the other hand this error requires deep and Broad expertise of the subject and on top of that also a periodical effort in understanding how the market is evolving not only the architectural changes but also new threat new Cyber attack techniques this kind of know-how usually requires specialized Engineers developers analysts and it is not trivial to set up a team like uh like this as a result cyber security looks still safe in the hand of export solution suppliers this is so what I would answer with only few attempts from automakers to internalize these activities I would say that these attempts are eventually generating collaboration partnership with an initial Focus to integrate the cyber security solution with the automaker's internal tools okay so let's go ahead and let's pick another another question okay maybe it is one okay not considering the uh obvious category of electrical vehicle since they are already related to project where Innovation connectivity digital content is key where would you see other Market opportunities for cyber security in Automotive okay I will I will answer this thanks for your question this is um I think this is a a full question that helped me anticipate that the audience that we have an area of research that we are actually working on and here I'm referring to commercial vehicle this category looks like the segment with more potential for cyber security solution to grow really quickly the factors like the higher penetration of connectivity and connected services that are useful to increase their efficiency or reduce for your consumption the fact that autonomy will have more chances to expand in this category compared to light vehicles and also the fact that the transported good can become attracted for foraters for thieves are all elements that make us consider this markets valuable for cyber security on this is we need to say that this Market is not showing the safe volume as the light vehicle category but we expect that um to see sun in tracks brace use cases like platooning or cooperative driving and the need for even more robust connectivity to the infrastructure and this means requirements to make them secured from sellers that attacks and I'm sure that you don't want to miss the next webinar on April 18th when where Richard Kim and Matthew Martini we talk about the technology choices and supply chain dynamics that are influencing the EV range thanks again for attending today's webinar and for your attention you can easily reach us at SMP Global Mobility for an inquiry about the automotive market and our products using the link in this slide thank you and see you at the next SMP Global Mobility event foreign
2023-04-12 05:16