WIP + Analytics = Successful Apps in your Org

WIP + Analytics = Successful Apps in your Org

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Hey. Everyone I'm, not Donna Sekar and I'm clearly not Raju Drago, pollen yes. So. So. How many of you in this room are devs I'm. A dev what, we do have something burning, of course you're deaf you're on my team I know this I know this I know this well not for long I'm thinking of joining Microsoft, IT to support their applications, how long does your boss now. No. All. Right well if you, are going. To be going to Microsoft, IT to support the applications, you should probably know a little bit about the windows insider program. What. Do you know about it so. I know that you're releasing different, Cadence's can, you tell me more yeah so started. October 2014. Okay. There's. About 15 million insiders, right now they submit pedal pedal bytes of feedback, on a regular basis and they more importantly help, inspire the direction of our products okay. Okay so what do you know about deploying, Windows all up so I, know that I want to be now that I'm gonna be part, of Microsoft idea I want to know that, I want to be part of certain ring so, I can get certain writings. So, it's it's the ring theory of how we're deploying I see these days so, as you all know Windows, comes out about every six months and the. Windows insider program is, kind of that first look into it there are several rings as the solar system diagram, shows, the. Windows insider fast ring as name implies is pretty fast, fast. Ring best. Ring. It. Comes out weekly it's very close to the dev cycle, it, allows us to catch those bugs that are early in the development cycle it, kind of gives us a gauge for the sentiment of the builds that are coming out now, the windows insider slow ring comes out about once a month and it's. A much. Better it's gone through more validation as you can see there's like five different rings. That it goes through before it gets to windows insider slow and on, the far right there there's, release preview release. Preview comes out about two weeks before it, goes out to general availability so not as much time for you guys to go out and check to make sure that your applications, are still working so. You, have windows. Insider fast weekly, windows, insider slow monthly. And then release preview which is about two weeks before general. Availability. I see, so now I'm gonna be again. Part of Microsoft IT which, ring am I supposed to use windows. Insider slow is the ring for your business okay. This, is for the the. People that want to stay, productive and we've heard this at conferences, like this in meetings. And more importantly we see this in the data that we get back from the insiders, that they're, running slow builds but, what does this mean it's, like you, as an insider want to see, Windows. Early but. You don't have time to troubleshoot everything ok they, want to be productive on this ring so, you, should be able to have your normal day-to-day job, go through without experience, any crashes that's, the way we look at the windows insider slow ring you. Should also expect it to be more stable so the faster ring comes out very regularly, and it. Winds up having a couple, of interesting. Treats, in it but. The windows insider slow ring is, more. Stable, than that ring and then, starting, an rs5 this. Gentleman here Joel Joel stand up and wave your hands yeah Joel is gonna be servicing. The. Windows insider slow, ring. So. We're. Committing you'll see a blog post about this when it's live, but we're committing that once, a month select a build bring, it up and stabilize it to a level of quality that meets those first two criteria. There it's productive and stable and then, what does it look like it's it's kind of like Patch Tuesday. Thank. You from the peanut gallery here, all. Right all right yeah. All, right all right so as an added benefit, this, will fit we'll have time for questions in a little bit there sir. Microsoft. It'll fit more into the office cadence it's closer to the Microsoft 365, and you'll see this across, build that there's going to be a lot of Microsoft, 365, type, alignment. And that's exactly, what this is so, does it look like for you you. And your teams at, MSI tea you should. Start. Using whip slow builds to validate that those applications, will, continue. To work well, support it doesn't mean you should expect problems with each new release but, we want to give you a heads up anything come. Up sounds. Good okay. So. That's. What you should do to hit your target. All. Right so, enough of the recommendations, let's kind of talk about some of the actual insiders, who are using it like I said there's over 15 million insiders, that are, that. Are in the program and many of them work at organizations, like yours, in the audience here Burnie, MS IT but, we've heard from these insiders, if they use the program to see the future what, does it mean to see to say the kids are a good question good question so this, gentleman here who.

Works At a large financial institution. The southeast of the US we can't say the name, is. One of the insiders, who's using the program to see what's coming next are there new features in rs.5 that. He wants to take advantage of are things like timeline, they, want his applications, to work in this new operating model if, yes the, only way that you can do that is with the windows insider program. You. Can get a head start on implementing, those those, features, I see yeah so, the other use that we've heard is from this gentleman Paul who's, from New Zealand and. He uses the windows insider program to, make sure his applications. Continue to work look at he's using also Windows, Linux I think you could talk about that a little later right yes okay all right so. Paul. Uses whips low builds in RS floor the, release, that we just had to make sure that his applications, continue to work he didn't run into any issues but. He did have peace of mind that when rs4 was rolled out to the rest of the world he. Was confident, he wouldn't be called in last minute to fix any issues with the new version of Windows, sound. Good sounds, good okay so. What. Good is let's talk about feedback what, good is it to run these pre-release, builds if you're not actually getting feedback from the people that are that are checking that are using the builds I mean hopefully you don't have any problems but if you do the, feedback hub is in every, version of Windows 10 and. If. You run into problems please, submit feedback I think you guys have heard this before yeah, no, come, on yeah. One. Person one person all, right so, with the windows insider program for business this, is for organizations you, can submit feedback on behalf of your organization I, see, so my. Users can get feedback about the applications, I'm developing, that's right so it is to prom, first all, your feedback is associated, with your organization, so Microsoft, can see that it comes from an organizational. Customer and you do that through Azure, Active Directory it doesn't, mean that you have to have your identity managed through Azure Active Directory you, just have to be able to authenticate with the feedback hub so if you have 365.

You're Good to go I see ok and, as you mentioned the other thing is that you as a internal. Person to that organization can see all the feedback that's coming back so, if you're working on some kind of application, you. Can see the feedback from your customers at the same time cool. So. What does it look like as. You can see the feedback hub you just launch with, any, Start. Menu type feedback hub it's there on. The right-hand side you see what it looks like when you're logged in as an insider for business and Tom there is, logged in with insider for business and that's what that tag does when. You search for feedback you can use that filter there to say show me feedback, only from my organization. So. As you can see this, users having a problem with their invoicing, app which I'm sure never happens to anyone in this room. Know. That, but. You can also see on that particular piece of feedback who's uploaded, given more comments, give you a little color behind. The problem with they're running into. Yeah. Sounds. Good well. How. Familiar are you with people. Reporting problems through feedback I'm pretty familiar today. Ok ok well, you then you then. You. Probably notice, that sometimes you get very actionable. Comments, sometimes, sometimes. You just buy it just by reading it you understand, what's happening sometimes. They give you a detailed Reaper steps that you can take into your laptop and start, debugging it locally sometimes. They even give you solutions, sometimes yeah, but, in some of the cases your users will hit problems, that are hard to put in text and they, would enables, him anecdotal, but, that doesn't mean that they're not experiencing, problems and I, know that you as developers care. For them not, just for the sake of your job but, to empower them to be more efficient, well. Now that I'm now that I'm working with Microsoft IT, helping. Them support, all. The internal applicants they're gonna be using in Microsoft, I'll be owning a line of business application, for the sales department so. It's gonna be critical for me to actually use feedback hub to, look at all the feedback my customers, are given to me my users so. Something you might not know later, today th, 24 28 I'll tell you how to plug that sales application, into the feedback hub yourself so you can get feedback directly perfect. I'll be there okay cuz, not. Just with feedback we also need we also need objective, metrics that can help us determine, if the feedback we're getting is anecdotal or not for, that we're gonna introduce two new services. To free new services, that. You can use to, complement, the stories. We're. Talking about Windows Analytics and the Windows desktop application. Program, now. Both will give you the objective metrics, to give you, to. Complement the story to give you the confidence that you can understand, and fix these kind of problems, it. Will, make it easy for you to support, Windows 10 as you, release new features on your applications. Now. How does it look what's, the difference between Windows, analytics and the desktop application program well, the well windows analytics, gives you a holistic, view of your organization. It, allows you to track the health, of the devices, and applications running. In it it, was built with enterprises. And IT pros in mind to help them stay current with Windows, 10 updates. We. Recognize, the power that it has not just for enterprise not just for IT pros but you as developers to monitor, and support your applications, so you can so you can see what's happening, you, know in real time in production, with your with, your apps now, in contrast with the Windows desktop application, program I, was. Build with developers, and I use this in mind it. Gives you a laser focused view into your applications. No matter where they run it. Also allows you to track its adoption and it's, held but. More importantly, you, can remotely get active, you can remotely get actionable logs from your insiders, to, locally, reap through the problems and fix them so. What was talking about with feedback hub that's more like the anecdotes, of what's going wrong or, everything you're talking about here is the hard data to support that that's correct, okay that sounds great so so what does that mean for that sales app you were talking about earlier good, point so imagine, that a, couple of weeks ago we release we made a major release in this sales sales, application so.

There Are two things that are going to be critical for me to track the, first one is how, fast my organization, is adopting, my latest version I mean, we work to. Deploy these new features and security patches so. We. Definitely want to have our whole organization moving, into that version so. For that you want to use Windows analytics is it provides review of all the devices in your organization, and how many are using the latest version. Now. The second, thing we want to check is if. You have not regressed, anything on your application, why. Because, we made so many so, many changes in our application, and even. Though you test it you, want to track if in production, something, is going wrong for, that you want to use a Windows desktop application, program to, get diagnostic, logs from your insiders, to, debug all this problems, ok so Windows Analytics kind, of gives you that holistic view so you can see the rollout in errors, at a large, level and Windows, desktop application, program lets you drill and deep that's, right all right I think I understand but keep tell me a little bit more about analytics, sure so. Windows analytics gives you three different tools or, if. You want to call it different views to, your organization, the. First one gives, you information about the health, about. Your devices, and application, that's what we've been talking about second. It gives, you information about what devices are lagging behind in, all ways critical patches and, lastly. It, gives you a view for, IT pros to. Support Windows stands we, understand on every release it. Is a guided solution, to stay current with window step now. With the vast data that we're providing you it also gives you a reach query language so you can query application, problems, put, them side-by-side with the devices and find, patterns and trends, now. If you're looking for you, know what's the adoption of your application, or the health of it you, definitely want to use Windows analytics. Okay. Now. To, get started is very very, simple, and if, you want to start using it right now you. Should be taking a picture of this slide. Go. For it. Now. Now. It's, that simple, all you need to do is go, to aka.ms/offweb. --ax. And its. New customer you're gonna create a workspace. You're. Going to link your workspace, to any of your Azure accounts, and add Windows analytics to your workspace now. Once. You enable your devices, to send, to limit to send data to, Windows analytics, this. Is how your home page will, look like. Magic. Transition, transition. Tada. Now, what. You see on the screen is real data from ms IT devices, from a subset of those devices. We. Mentioned that Windows analytics gives you three different views to your organization. The, first one on the Left will be device held that's what we're going to be looking at second. Update compliance, remember, you want to track if anybody, in your organization, is lagging behind, third.

Upgrade Readiness, to help IT pros to, stay current with Windows 10 feature updates now. Remember, there, are two things that I that I want to track how. Fast is my organization adopting. My latest version and second. If there's any problem with it for. That we're gonna go to the by cells. Now. You're. Gonna see a lot of interesting data over here. But. What we want to focus right now is on the apps section on the app reliability, section, what. That's going to give you is first a summary, of the, top application. The top crashing, applications, on your entire organization, it. Also gives you side by side how. Many devices are actively, using it so you can gauge how bad, is your, problem, now. In this case I'm. Gonna jump into Microsoft Word. Now. Blaire are. You familiar with sequel. Yeah I'm, pretty good with it okay nice, because. Because. Windows analytics, provides you a very similar query, language to do to to query your data so, it's another structured, query language exactly. So. Now if, you if you look at the screen at the top of the screen you. Can see that we are creating. The app reliability. Data set or filtering it down to, Microsoft Word well, that's not the application we're looking for we're, looking for our sales application called MSX, app portal, and. It autocompletes for you that's nice it does. Now. Out. Of this query and below, you're, gonna you're gonna get multiple, views of the. Data about your application it, will help you understand, what's happening with it and, the. First thing that you'll notice is that it gives you at, a glance how, many devices are act what, are actively using your application side, by side with, how many are crashing, or having any failure. Problems. So. You got 77, devices using, MSX. Portal, correct seven, of them having events that are crashes and that percents. With commercial. That's not a number oh yeah, good point so, if this was a different application not internal to my company I will be able to compare the, crashes that are having in my enterprise to, the commercial average that will tell me if I'm doing better wars in my enterprise and take, a look at that now, in this case is an internal company up so you see another number there now. Turns. Out that I didn't know that our application, was crashing, so often well ten percent of my users are experiencing, crashes the, reason why we release a new version, was to fix the majority of the problems so. One thing I want to know is is that a new spike maybe are, those problems that we just barely release or are they experiencing, constantly, those problems. If. We scroll you'll be able to see a historical. View of these data. It. Will give you a historical. View of the last 14, days of this data of this reliability. Data to, know how many devices are crashing. Every day it, also gives you an average, trend, of the last 14, days to measure how good how, good you're doing before, and after on any release so, that Purple Line it going down is a good thing means that you're eliminating, crashes exactly. So it turns out that our major release, did. Fix, a lot of the problems that we were having but. You can see at the bottom of the screen. That. There are still a few devices that are crashing. On everyday now. Even. Though it seems to be a small set of number of devices. I want to know what's happening so I'm gonna jump into the next section the app and always, pivot now, this is my favorite section, and. I'm gonna tell you why you need to work on your favorite section. Well. This is my favorite section because it gives you the answer to both questions that, we were looking for right how, fast is the organization, adopting. My latest version, well the version that we release was, 4.12. And you. Can see that most of my users have, already adopted, the latest version this is good there. Are still a few a handful, of users, lagging, behind in some older versions but, I can just reach out to them and see what's happening for, that 10 there was a long time ago I was a long time ago a long time ago now, second. Question did I digress something well. With, this view I can compare, the latest version, with my older versions, to see if they're crashing more often than. Before in this, case you can see that our latest version 4.12. Has been crashing more than our older, versions now. Granted. Statistically. Speaking we cannot say for sure that this is crashing more often that our latest version is crashing more often than before just. Because of number of devices we have on, and on the older version small sample size and the small sample size but a still you're, probably like me I'm, a perfectionist or at least I want to know what's happening with those devices because. What. If one of those is your manager so. You're switching jobs and trying to get promoted right away I got it that's correct. What. If one of those is your is your VP and you don't want to get into that position and you want to know what's happening, before.

They Go into your room. For. That you want to scroll to the bottom of Windows analytics. The. Reliability, events history will, give you a sample, of devices of those devices that are experiencing, problems in. This case I have one device, that. Is experiencing, problems now, this is really good and bad, for me I'm, gonna explain why it's, good because now I have a device, a user. Human, I can go and talk to and try, to reproduce problem in their machine now. It's bad because it's my managers device and she's, not here she's in a different country giving, a conference and I need to fix this ASAP, well. Now this is the perfect moment to introduce the Windows desktop application, program which, is going to allow me to drill, into these, into, these kind of problems all the way down to. Diagnostic, locks and brute root-cause it and fix it. Now. Remember, the. Windows desktop application, program will. Allow you to have a laser focus view into your applications. No. Matter where they run it. Just similar, like Windows analytics it allows you to track its adoption and, the. Help but. More importantly it will give you remote access to, diagnostic, logs from, your insiders, it. Also it also gives you all these data through REST API so. Why is that important, well, it's important because it will allow you to build and automate, more complex, scenarios for your organization's, and for you so. This looks pretty cool who. Made it you're. Looking at some of them, there's. Another person over there all. Right now. To. To, join the program it's very easy just, go. And create a dev center account if you don't have one. Register. For the program and. Claim. Your applications, that. Easy now. How do we know that you own the applications, you're claiming you, want to look in the dashboard well I'm, going to talk about that in a bit. Now. The, first time that you log into your dashboard.

Your. Homepage will, be empty this case I prepare this this, account for the demo but, you your dashboard will be empty it will allow you to add new, applications to your dashboard. Now. The process to, claim your applications, is very simple. We. Created it we created a file that is specific, to your type to your dev center account you'll, have to download that file and sign. It to the same codes with the same code sign and certificate, that you use to sign your applications. In your company. Once. You've once you find your files submit it to the website and we'll. Take it from there and so this is the same code signing file that you use elsewhere. That you're gonna be able to see the history of not just the application, you're starting on from new but. You're gonna see everything that the that you've worked on previously, correct that you have released in the past you released in the past so you've already built out a body of data out, you, just need to go tap into it correct okay, remember. For, free for free, now. The. Next time that you come in here and we have processed, your file you'll be able to see a summary. Of all the applications, we were able to link to your account now, notice, you, did not have to submit any any, of your applications nor. Any metadata, we're. Working with the code signing certificate, it's the same time the same certificates, you used to sign your applications. Once. We take the signature, of that file that you submit it will be able to identify you and the, applications, that you own. Now. In our case I know. That a couple, of weeks ago when we when we did the major release with the sales application we, included a utility, that helped us log, diagnostics. Into a letter it's. Called at is called a Z log that exe you, can find it at the bottom of the screen so. A Z log E X YZ failed, 109. Times across, 263. Instances, in the last 30 in the last 30 days that's not good now so I wonder if that's what's causing some of the problems in our sales application. So. Let's drill into that. Now. Similar. To Windows analytics you'll, be able to look at your data in multiple views. This. Will allow you to understand, what's happening with this application, and the. First thing that you'll see is that it's, a trend for the last 30 days of your application, it. Would allow you to detect any spikes in case you release something in. Production. As well. As if your. Current users are experiencing, any problems now. In this case it. Also gives you a breakdown per, version of your application, I know that we haven't released any changes on this utility, but, I know that we that, we made a change on the configuration, to connect to adder that, might be some of the problems that are that are happening now. To keep drilling further what, you want to do is go to the end of the screen, why. Because. This is gonna be the most important, thing you want to look for. What. This tells you is it's, a we're. Putting. Together all these data. Per. Failure ID what. Does that mean okay, it means that. Problem. All the problems that your users are, experiencing. Right now are caused by only three different bugs three, different exceptions in. This case something. That is even cooler it means, a 97%, of, my users of the problems, that my users are hitting are. Caused by just one single bug an authorization. Exception, so that's a lot better than the 8020 rule you can fix all your problems or, 97%, your problems with one fix right, now I can be a slacker keep don't tell anybody tell anyone okay, now.

Let's, Drill into that particular failure, idea, in. The next page you'll. Be able to drill into that particular filler ad and see. A historical, trend just, just. For that particular failure but. The most interesting thing for you will be at the bottom of the screen it. Will be the failure log this, gives you a sample of devices, that are experiencing, problems that, are your insiders, this, allows you to look at the certain properties, of those devices in case you want to cluster, some of them to find patterns but, most importantly, you'll be able to look at the stack traces of almost every, single device that, is experiencing, problems and. Why is that important, because, I know I'm pretty sure where's, the bug in my code if, I open the stack trace I'll be able to triage this bug and know, where to go and fix it now if you look at this if, you look at the frame number one you'll, be you'll be able to see that it's. Possible that the configuration, changes that I made a couple of weeks ago it's actually, causing this problem. Now. This. Was an easy bug. For me to find water, here that's because you're good at your job thank. You yeah now. What. If what if the problems, that you're encountering are much. More difficult to debug right, well, what you want to do is you, want to you want to click on failure download, what it's going to provide you is yes. It's gonna provide you the memory dump or crash some of every, insider that is hitting this problem, now. You can take that memory dump that crash dump load it into Visual Studio and start, debugging even, the most difficult, problems that your users are hitting right, here from, Bill and so you're saying it's all done remotely correct, so you don't need access to the user's machine and it. Just happens and it just happens and I can fix this problem before, my manager comes back oh that's good that's good. So. That, was the window windows desktop application, program windows analytics and the, windows insider program all. Three, of these when put together is, the modern way for you guys to start. Working with the, regular. Releases, of Windows early. To, check data, and, to. Drill into particular, applications, to ensure that they'll continue to work on everything going forward it's, it's not saying that things will break it's saying that you have the opportunity, to get ahead of the curve okay. Perfect, so with, that we, have one more slide that we want you to take a picture of if you're not already part of the, insider program go, to a kms, insider, devs, if. You haven't already gotten a subscription. To Windows analytics like I said everything, is free so try, it download, it now I don't know how the Wi-Fi is here at build yet we're still early, but. Try it out see, if it works and then the Windows desktop application. Program sign your files, see how they're being adopted both inside your organization and, if, you work for is V outside, of your organization as well so. With. Tell. Everyone tell your mom tell your boss Thank, You Donna. Alright. So with that we have some, time for questions anyone. I know that you had something earlier. Um. Couple. Questions one. Of them when, you talk about crashes. You're talking about application. Crashes correct, do you get any information if, like, the Machine bug checks, yes. And, for, that what do you want to do is you want to go to windows no Linux that's, the one that's gonna give you the information about bug, checks. Okay. And the. Second question was you, you're, talking you should example, there at the end of getting like a stack trace. How. Do you get that with. I mean, are you. Said that no data, about your application including. Metadata is not uploaded, so you're obviously not asking for like, debug. Symbols or anything like that so, how. Does that how does that actually yeah, how do you get back-trace, yes. So right now we're working on a feature to, allow you to submit your symbols, to be able to walk, through the entire stack, and so, right now when you see or just anything that is posited that that is part of a public symbol. All. Right thanks, thank. You. All. Right I guess. I got a couple, of questions but stop me when you don't, want that anyway the, first one is the slow ring thing I actually think that's a very good idea that slowing lowering.

Gets Its own identity because, it's the Forgotten. Child somehow, one. Thing that, sometimes. The Botany is the, SDK. Release is always. Connected. To sort. Of a string right now and. If. You, actually just, want to do stuff. On the new SDK but. Don't. Wanna, infect. Your your. Daily machine with the fast ring. Is. There. A plan of. Synchronizing. Is the case with the slow ring. Normally. Our slow ring ring releases, are gonna be. Would. Have priorly been, a fast, ring bill and so. When they reach slow, there's. Probably. Should, be a high probability, that an SDK, is already available for it so, does. That make sense well. In the last couple. Of releases, whenever. I've been working with somebody on Windows Tim hey you. SDK, and then it's. Only our fast ring and then we, have way way late yeah we haven't traditionally been, really good with, slow let's like this this this. Announcement that we made we're really excited about because we are gonna be better. At, slow with servicing, and making sure that it's kind of like pretty much a beta release. Yeah. Won't be random like, we're committed, to pretty. Much monthly slow ring rely releases. Because. The slow ring builds are always, fast builds first, the. Likelihood, that that will be a. The. Likelihood that they'll be an SDK, available for, it when. It reaches the slow ring should be high so. That means that when you get a slow ring bill, you. Should be ready to take the Ness DK and start doing your stuff and and and whatnot and you should, expect a slower build. To be solid. And. The. Answer to your question, is yes you, can expect more predictability in the SDK because generally, the SDK is already available by the time the slurring comes out once. Joel is done being a hero, soon. No, pressure, then. You can expect that the SDK will be won in a higher quality build and to, predictably. Available, at some sort of cadence of once a month, sounds. Good. Well. This, is it's. A short question anyway what, is the relationship, between the windows analytics, and the Windows desktop and lettuce and the, azure, application, inside program. That. Is a good question so right. Now they're not working. Together I want. To say so, there are different programs that you want to join and. What. We should be in touch with them to see how we can all three collaborate. You. Can imagine those this, it's an end so these Enterprise sort, of programs we have at Microsoft will soon start coming together the, point of M 365. Is to bring together the windows and office programs right. Right now it's this mysterious. Thing where you get office releases, some cadence windows releases, are different cadence and then, now. That we are much. More integrated with Azure team, you're, gonna see a lot more collaboration. That way as well that, way you'll be able to say okay here's, a Windows app that, runs with the nazzer back-end what. Does this all mean is, this an azure app is it a Windows app is it windows insiders, the azure insiders, yes. It's an and so. We. Are gonna have tighter collaboration, we just started two weeks ago so. It's gonna take a bit of time as, you know you have been working on Microsoft 365 for a year right, almost we announced like last year at and inspire. In July and it's, taken this long to. Actually get out releases. At some sort of cadence and a, tool that people can actually, so. The azure and windows integration. Thing is going to happen, it. Takes a long time to move a 30, year old operating. System to. Do things differently, because every time we remove a chunk of code or add things to it it gets bigger and, one of the piece of feedback we've heard from everybody, in the entire world who use the windows is OMG, shrink it right. So. We're, on this big mission to shrink the size of windows I don't know if you know but it's down a gig right. It's on a diet man yeah. It's on a diet Windows is on a major diet it's one of my core missions is to shrink windows down, to like, as small. As we can get it but while still being at. A point where we still have all the rich functionality so. Yeah strip out some windows store. Some stuff in the cloud but we also have to keep in mind that while. Storing stuff in the cloud you need to factor in caching and things, like that which takes up a lot of power on your machine because, you can't just work in a place that's always connected, because then you're not doing most, of the world a good, service when.

We Were in. We. Were in where, North Carolina they were saying connectivity. Is an issue like, Oh in, North Carolina so, they, were saying I swear we go, out into the middle of like the. Most rural place ever and build, their data. Center and we, were laughing because we thought okay everyone. Thinks there's a problem in like Africa. Or South America, no it's, an issue in North Carolina as, well it's. Actually not an issue with the azure insight, application. It's I think it will -. We're. Doing overlaps, of community, like over, the course of the last year we have a big overlap with the office insiders community, we had everyone who's a windows insider MVP, sign, up to office insiders, if they have oh 365. We, say if you have oh 365, exactly, then opt into office insider ink because that way you can get the releases, early because probably if you're used to the insider lifestyle, you want it across, the board so that overlap. Is quite high we, have just started having the conversation, with Azure team and we. Ourselves need. To wrap our head around what that means and we, have to start behaving, that way in the office like, start flighting other apps, ourselves. So the, last question. So. Several. Of my apps, are unsigned. Which. Of course will not go. Against, that thing, but. They have a Asha, inside, application. Inside ID. So. Just. A suggestion, that perhaps, some. Sort of for collaboration, so even though it's an unsigned app it, might work anyway because it has an issue inside. Application. Inside ID good, idea yeah we love feedback so we'll take that back thank you thank you and. I'll code it yeah Bernie, will write it yeah. Okay. For the Windows desktop application. Program does the Ridgid registration. Also work with internal, PGI. Based, code. Signing certificates. Sorry. Yeah. So it's. A registration for a desktop application program. It, requires, that I require, that I sign, that. Fire. Up and I download and it, also worked is just, internal, PGI based code signing certificates, or. Doesn't. Need to be a public code signing certificate, so do you need to prove, change. Yeah. So you so we prove it so we prove the change there has to be a publicly. Assignable. Well. Yeah well if, you are an enterprise if you are an enterprise and, if you only developing, internal, applications, but of course you. Already have PGI in place so, your code signing is coming. From from, each other yeah that's that's good feedback we'll, take it okay, okay thanks and one. More question just for the slurring I, work, for global company and, many. Locations are really poorly, connected. So. Deploying. Slow ring through, internet. Through, the new store for, business. Update, for business is. Not, working so, is there any chance that we can get an. ISO file for every slow rain because our pros they, really, have infrastructure. Config, manager office. The content management so, we could easily use it yeah, so for every, slow ring release, we do we release ISOs for it okay so you'll be able to download the ISO and use that to deploy, what. Other mechanism, internally. So. I'm a little bit curious about the, servicing, of the slow Ring can. You talk about what. Kind of issues, would warrant. Servicing. Of the slow ring well. We. Have a certain. So, when a build goes through all of the ring like the ring progression, where you know canary, self host then it goes too fast and, then it goes too slow like, when. It goes into the fast ring we. For. A bill to transition, into slow it, has to meet a certain criteria which, means certain, issues, need to not be there if, there. Are certain issues that are there that have been reported by insiders, but we we, know that this is the bill that something go too slow we, will then see about we, will then service, those, bugs so. Like. In. Addition, to you know keeping, you up-to-date with the security updates and all that fun, stuff for Patch Tuesday we. Will also patch. For major bugs that insiders, find on that release so.

That That's kind of what that means so. Instead of instead, of waiting until, we have a bug that's fixed constantly, which is what's been delaying us from getting a slow build out we, will actually just say no this is the build we've this is the candidate and if, there's bugs we will then fix those bugs through a servicing, patch and then we will push it out to the slow ray so, it will allow us to be more nimble rather. Than constantly. Waiting for a build to have fixes, checked in. Manoa. Just, hasn't been working out for us because and other bugs are introduced, etc, etc and, so this just allows us to just actually put our foot, in the sand and say we, will yeah we will have a build it'll. Go out we will have these fixes, we, will make sure you're secure or all that fun stuff so that's kind of what that means. Joel, did I hit, that right or are you gonna throw something at me I. Just. Wanna make sure that you're not gonna you know see, me in the hall and kick me in her knee and. Just. Just, to continue to to that question is this what we have seen in 1803, in the last build so, that if you received, an update and is it really planned for these. Updates to the slow rings will also be published for wsus, I. Don't. Know if. Yeah. So you. Know slow through well okay. So it does not vet, what we have seen in the last pre-release. Birds also 1803, 1803. Alliance, the last release was was final, and so that transitioned. To, a different, kind of mechanism. For getting it out but. For normal windows, insider releases, is just through will. So. But. That. One means that my. Clients, were drawn or one. Is lowering need to have internet connection, to. Get the patches. We're. Gonna try to when. We released the build so, like I'll give you an example we. We. May have a bill that's. One. Seven, six, six 1.1. We. May end up releasing a one, seven, six six. Dot. 1.15. Too. Slow and that, dot 15 implies, that has additional fixes, that were baked into the build so. Then, that build will then become the ISO so when you download the ISO you're. Going to install the build that has those fixes did, I get that right Joel okay it's making sure okay. But minute, 30 left. Question. She, was scared to ask from, the launch of to tie read for five minutes. Thank. You everyone.

2018-07-17 09:32

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