Why an online business could be a good investment for a business minded professional

Why an online business could be a good investment for a business minded professional

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hey i think we're live now oh yeah yeah it's still 1 59 so um i'm gonna wait like one minute for to be perfect sharp on time maybe i'll try to um oh i like your but maybe like i'll try to um try see what's gonna happen good idea yeah yeah it's still yeah we are on we are on facebook okay okay our time nazarene it's really a pleasure to have you today as my guest and we're so excited to hear about your story today with the digital business and you can start by just telling us about who you are what's your background what do you do in life yes the mic is yours thank you thank you for inviting me um for this live on your page and um my name is nasreen i am actually originally from lebanon been living in the united states for more than 20 years now i have two teenage kids and i am a nurse originally um so i have been working in the healthcare field for again almost more than actually uh 25 years and now two years ago i was able to um work part time so so that that was something that i'm lucky that i'm able to do and um you know i've ventured um many businesses i i'm always like um adventurous looking for her for new things um so that is in a nutshell uh who i am yeah awesome and uh i think uh like being in the healthcare for 25 years you said that's that's a long time so there has to be something that happened usually in successful people's life that usually has to be something that make a shift or a change to their life something that may be too good or too like hard that made you make uh think of this change would you like to share this with us yeah i think um so i mean i'm and uh i uh have advanced um in in my career i have admit advanced went up the career ladder up to a director position in healthcare and i am successful i love my job a lot um i do very well in it at the same time you realize after 20 years that um the more you go up the career ladder the more time you are spending away from your family away from taking care of yourself so there is a peace or there is a satisfaction in in one place but again there's lots of sacrifices somewhere else and that is one of the things that i always thought about that was one of the things why i always wanted to try something where i'm working i am being productive i am being motivated at the same time having some um some kind of time for myself for my kids for my house um so so that's i think where that's how i think and that's what made me look for um for other options where like they say work smarter not harder i agree so i think that's you know that's that's what um i feel was the reason why i started looking for other options for me where i still feel motivate motivated have that self-satisfaction that i am producing at the same time enjoying my life yeah awesome yeah that's great so uh when exactly when you get the moment that you said like okay i need to think of another option and why specifically choosing to work online um i i mean i've been like entertaining the idea of being an entrepreneur and having my own business for you know a few years now and like i told you i've tried several things i ventured real estate i did mlm like mary kay was one of them and i love it still but so there's lots of things that that i have tried and the goal was to have that uh being my own boss and still generating and enjoying life and then um you know just being on social media now you see lots of um advertisements you so you see lots of people working online and that's what made me think that's a great option because all i want to do is stay home with my kids work from home be able to take them places drop them at school so instead of rushing every day and doing these things that's the main thing that makes you look online is can i do something from home um yeah yes and that's i think where you know the internet or having an online business came about um in addition to that somebody who i trusted was in it uh which is my cousin and that would be uh more encouraged to uh to explore it so that's it two because you know online you don't know what you're getting into you don't know if it's something real or not so when you have somebody you know that's doing it it makes you more comfortable it makes you uh more trusting of that business or that process yeah that's hard yeah usually i i hear you because usually people get skeptical about the online businesses i don't know how they still feel this way because everything has shifted online and there is no reason why you feel it's not something real but still it's somehow not the traditional way of making money right so that makes a good one yeah yeah uh they they say skepticism is good it's good to be skeptical because you need to be you know with everything that's going out out there on the internet you have to be skeptical and you you need to do your research you need to do um some homework basically what we say i was just about to ask you what advice would you give to those who are looking for business and opportunities online how they figure it out like if it's real or not just small advice um i think so now that i am more online on social media i i mean i get lots of sponsored ads we all do especially those who um you know have interests in working online so we get all of these ads and i know that they're not scams so so it is not a scam people are using social media to sell right whether it's service whether it's a product people are out there trying to make a living and trying to um use uh the online space to to do that so the most important thing if if you are somebody who who is interested is to uh do more research you know and and what we're doing now this interview being out there is one of is is we do it for a person it's not to say we are business owners and um you know talking about the business it's to show people that we are real you know we are real people doing businesses uh making money online and um it is real so basically that's how you also get credibility so you can go on people's pages on websites and see um if they are real or not if if they have followers if uh if their page is always active if they have engagement so all of these are things that are important to look into when you are exploring your business um and and that's what you did when you started and that's what i did yeah yeah and also i think like looking at the value that someone would might be able to give them when they join the business that's by how how by looking at their facebook and their activities how knowledgeable they are about they are doing how excited how passionate about their business like all this kind of stuff will show if they are going to be able to help them or not right correct correct yeah i mean um again it is a matter of um if you really want it you are going to find ways to know more about it of course yeah so that comes to a question where now i'm wondering like you're a mom of three years three kids yes two kids kids you're a nurse you're a real estate investor and you have um working on your properties and stuff how do you find the time to do the online business as well like give us a hint about how your day looks like yeah so um i think you know uh i started real estate before i started this business and my goal was to um basically um be able to have an independent uh small business for myself with income and things like that but then i realized how time-consuming it is i mean i was especially when you're doing the work yourself which i'm doing most of the things it's exhausting um and you know when you are in your 40s or mid 40s then your body doesn't like what you're doing anymore so this year i felt the the pain of being in real estate and also um here's the thing so having an online business the nice thing about it is you don't need to spend the whole day working on it you know we can i can put two hours a day uh you know of course we start with training at the beginning and putting people are able to put two hours a day some people are able to put four hours so you work it at your own pace and i felt in the past here that i did not give it my full my full attention because i had other things in outside like the real estate and things like that so my decision and my goal this year was to sell all the real estate uh properties that i have and focus on this online business wow and then the interesting thing to say is that even with the small amount of time that i gave it i was still able to be successful i was still able to have partners in it and make money so that's what's what i love about it is i can work anytime at my own pace and whenever i i want whatever i want like i'm going next month for the whole month down to visit my family in lebanon and i can work nice i like you yeah i think that's the reason why most of the people choose to work online i'm one of them because i like traveling so much and i don't see myself spending the whole year in canada why would i i need to do other things in life right and we most of us like living in the states and in canada we have families in a different part of the world so we need to be connected to them we need to see them and it's really very hard to do that with only two weeks a year with you working a regular job right that's way too hard like it's not enough right yeah okay so now it comes to the point that we i need to talk about the features of your online business so what's the the i know that you said that you like the flexibility and you like that you have the freedom of time you've mentioned all that but we need to wrap up the reasons and the features of this specific business model yeah yeah and i think that's very important and i always focus on that when i talk about the online business not every online business is the same and um what i love about uh the business that i'm in and the community and the team that we're in is it's like a full package that they give you you you come into the online space nobody has experience you don't didn't have experience i didn't have experience i'm a nurse i've never had a business anyway in the beginning i've never done marketing before and um here we are um uh going into the online space so you need that guidance and you need help uh to get through it and that's what i love about hey kareem sorry that's okay so that's what i have about our business is it's a full package you know it starts with training you step by step video training on what to do how to build your business and be successful on any social media platform um so so this is this is an important feature the other one is the the very small investment that you have to make if you are building or starting a a small business breaker brick and mortar just think about how much money you're going to put in it you start the business online it's a very small um investment and there isn't any overheads and i love that about my team is i don't have to worry about you know spending money on um building a website or marketing everything is there for me from a technical perspective there's a team for me that i don't have to pay a single penny maybe five dollars right that's what sometimes yeah i think yeah it's five dollars a year that's wonderful for us um so that's the beauty of it i mean you can speak of other things that you know you you like about this business but these are very important two things uh for me yeah well it's uh of course i have tried some uh businesses online like drop shipping and some other stuff and nothing worked for me because of the reason you said about the team the automation and that everything is done for you because you can't be expert in all the areas even if you learn marketing you can't be learning marketing and managing websites it's two totally two different things so you always need like some helping hands that's what's amazing about our business that you have everything ready and done for you and just you need to learn how to set it up and manage it so uh that's one thing that i have tried online the other thing thing that i really like so much is that it's legit and and eventually you can register it and eventually you can have your own corporation which is something like really um solid and legit and you pay taxes for it mostly most countries uh that makes me feel um more calm more trusting to this business yeah and uh the community for sure that's that's the most amazing part of it because i have been then i'll be telling the story how you and i met so yes yeah we went there and i have been through like i've been in other communities online businesses which is athlete marketing and drop shipping and we have same groups but no i didn't get this kind of culture in anywhere exactly so yeah so when you reach out to anybody in the community as i reach it out in this room before to help me and she was like okay like there's no question about it they all help each other and that's amazing so yet you are a business owner but you're not alone which is amazing so you get to you get to know from the experience of others and how the dumb mistakes so that you can avoid it and make the the journey shorter right exactly yeah awesome so last thing i know um we we still have like five minutes uh um i just wanted you to tell people now who are kind of skeptical or afraid to take an action to jump into the online space in general so what kind of advice would you give them how this changed your life i think um like i always think about it is first of all i mean anybody i think who's serious about really starting a business they're going to venture and try that that's for sure um the other thing is um we you we need to have the courage to do that you know i mean it's just scary out there i i i know that but again you know um there's lots of information that you can uh get out there's lots of things that you can't research and find out um before you commit to anything and that's basically what we provide um you and i and eight thousand of us uh we were on you know business owners yes but 85 000 in the team that says i want to see what this is about yes that's true but the business owners i think it's a little bit more than 8 000 now we are part of this community and team that we um got into the business we are business business owners now in it and it took some courage to say i want to see this i want to see what this is about if it's not for me i can just you know leave know what's asked but i think it's worth looking into um you know we can't discuss here everything to say why we got in it and what as what is the financial benefit and all of this but there's a lot in it um you know even down to your offsprings uh you you can you can pass that uh financial income even yeah so that's amazing important things about our business that's why i encourage everybody to have the courage to just at least look into it and when we say change your life yes it has changed the lives of many men and women around the world this is a global business and we've seen it you can see it when you sign up and get into our team and see those people who have just changed their lives 360 degrees it's amazing um this is not an overnight business of course uh it's not overnight you're gonna be making money you're going to build it like it's a baby and you are growing it so basically uh like any small business it's going to go through those cycles till you get and achieve what you want just the difference that in any kind of regular small business you really need to work hard but here you just need to be smart right that's what i like about it well i have always thought of having my own business in canada but i was thinking that i will be a slave to this business so i'll have to spend day and night there with my family and to be able to provide and make the business like you know stand up on its feet so i didn't like this lifestyle for myself no that's not what i'm looking for exactly exactly yeah awesome listerine it's really a pleasure to have you today thank you so much for sharing all this information and being open about your experience and your story that's that's really great it's good for everyone to know yeah about us and how our life changed from just regular uh employees to business owners right and having this kind of freedom and flexibility and of course of course financial freedom that comes eventually with this business as you said that's not overnight it's not a get rich quick scheme guys just so you know that that's very important to know it's it's it's a business that needs passion that needs work but smart work not hard work yeah okay thank you okay thank you we'll let you know you'll enjoy the rest of your weekend thanks for being here have a good day bye

2021-06-01 03:29

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