When You Blunder in the Opening

When You Blunder in the Opening

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oh let's play e4 d4 let's play this one okay let's do this one i'm gonna play um i'm gonna do something  very funky here i think i'm gonna go   no let's just play the traditional line knight h5 right queen h4 is also a move here i know but i i don't  know if it's the right one but i'm gonna play   oh that's just a blunder oh i'm doing  that's just a mistake i just wandered upon   well let's see if i can dig myself out  of a new hole this time let's develop   i mean the funny thing is i don't actually  know how bad this is objectively castle it could be bad break also maybe not be  so bad i can play like rookie one here   can also play bishop e3 wait a  second wait wait let's go here   bishop g5 bishop e3 is kind of weird  how does black develop here it was e6 i go bishop g5 kind of weird very weird actually it's not a blunder it's tactile  distraction right exactly yes   that's that's that's what  we're going to call it yeah   of course i don't want to trade here i  mean i probably couldn't maybe draw but   that's not in the spirit of the position attack  attack and attack is this is the name of the game place d5 so i guess i just i take and go c3 maybe um this is actually pretty ugly  jordan's played this pretty well i have not played this pretty well on  the other hand i do have this maybe i guess he takes it just to draw  he's also got e5 i just realized okay what do i have in the way  of moves if can i stop e5 as a   first question don't really want to  trade rookie b1 is kind of a move i'm   gonna play and maybe go rook b5 i don't  really know what i'm doing here go here well that's kind of a pawn  that i can take or not oh   here i guess i don't really know what  i'm doing in this game i'm just aimlessly   making moves and hoping that something  sticks which i don't think it will yeah like there should be  two just yeah what am i doing oh here maybe terrible game horrendous game by me yeah absolutely horrendous game okay i mean yeah what am i doing yeah is this just ridiculous i just resigned this  game terrible game horrendous game plunder in   the opening maybe after e6 i had something  but i'm going to slow it down a little bit   focus just beat him really frustrating  threw away all that hard work from the   previous match in one game the d6  okay a4 is a little bit weird here   three okay i don't know what that does h5 is  maybe a move i don't think it's a good move though   go here try to force a trade i'm gonna definitely  not trade he's trying to play very dry and boring   there's 92 yeah this is extremely dry  let's go d5 28 queen g6 at some point i can go bishop d6 i mean i don't  know if b4 is really a threat   i'm gonna play i think i'm gonna play a5 i  don't know if it's right but i'm gonna do it it's queen e2 i mean here a bit of d6 of course i  just blunder upon i don't think but i might have   should be three bishop d6 just rookie eight wins are plus five though which is  actually quite nice i think i go   this way just taking rookie eight keep an eye  on the pawn on e4 as well in case he trades ship d2 i can play rook up seven here i guess   also move my knight to b6 maybe but i  don't want to do that i also play g5   g5 isn't move but i don't like it so i'm  just going to be stable with rook f7 here   over here d1 okay now i do have g5 again at some  point g5 is what i want to play at some point but   how do i rotate actually i think what i want  to do is i think now i want to rotate my other   knight because it's not on a great square  i thought i could play here and here maybe   maybe i just go c6 to consolidate  i mean i guess he has queen b6   7 knight c5 it's getting a little bit sharp now  okay i can play knight a6 maybe an ipd7 knight   c5 is still probably good this seems like the  safe approach should put the knight on c5 here you can see two okay let's guard the pawn against  the capture i also guard against b4 as well at h2   that looks like a weird move um i want to go  h5 oh here i guess not that it does anything   you have d4 here maybe let's just go for  it maybe not right but it looks reasonable   i have bishop c5 here wait i can also yeah  let's just go here looks kind of dangerous   now for white if he goes c4 okay but he should  be getting pushed back now after this knight c5 if knight f3 i'm obviously gonna sack here   okay i guess i'll just take and go  knight before maybe h5 is the move too go here oh here knight g4 queen  queen g5 is my move got h4 i can just take i guess i also  have queen of four i just realized i blunder something here undoubtedly i did okay good knight of three so he's  basically telling me he wants me to sack   i mean if i don't sack what else am i really doing  i mean i have to sack and go queen h3 i guess f4 just takes in rook h4 i get e5 it's  game over so i can rotate the pony i think   okay do i go e5 or do i go rook  f4 a forward h4 is also reasonable   e5 is a move that seems like the thematic move  though let's just play e5 it's just very thematic and like workout four i  mean this has to be winning i also played g6 maybe to blunt the knight   d1 i mean knight b3 is obviously a move here i  think i'm gonna play it the rook is trapped on   d2 now i've queen enough when i can just trade  knight f5 i don't know what that threatens i   just go here and g6 next move oh he goes here  okay oh but he actually has an idea wait duck let's just reroute 96 uh i've got to be  careful give him a four oh my god why did i do that okay why am i thinking so long  exactly i don't understand here we got the win let's keep going play e4 that was pretty poorly  played i mean i got the win but   let's just let's just play  something slow here like this uh why did he sack um because he  was just positionally lost over here please d6 that's a different  move um different approach let's just take let's go d3 i assume he's playing  e5 yeah he is okay i'm gonna go a3 b4 maybe it's a5 okay logical what am i doing no i'm  playing this very poorly okay i'm going to rotate   my knight c4 and go f4 i think my rook should be  on e1 here so i don't know what i'm doing at all i had f6 interesting let's go here play  knight c3 and bishop g5 maybe especially   e6 that's also very logical and play f4 maybe i  don't like it so i think i'm gonna play just a4 i'm definitely gonna have to play f4 sooner or  later here i think you would assume i have to   although a4 was an awful move hey jordan's kind  of being a little bit too uh too tentative here   because he was much better after knight  h5 whereas now he like he gives me some   kind some kind of hope he does a bishop  g42 maybe okay so he takes so i take   probably goes knight g4 i saw that move coming  i didn't think that was a huge issue though   because i thought i could kind of just maybe  play so i can also maybe move the knight to e2   what about queen of three or queen e2  or work off one actually maybe it's just   fine i don't want to play h3 although  h3 bishop d493 is probably okay   hmm let's think for one second okay i  don't want to think too long but bishop g3   i don't love it queen f3  checking h1 f5 very very sharp i'm just thinking too long here okay let's  think um bishop g3 i don't want to play knight   e3 is definitely reasonable not the best  one bishop v6 bishop d4 king up one maybe   no that needs knight h2 so i've just got  to move on i'm just move what am i doing go here i mean i don't know what i'm  doing i'm just not thinking right   not thinking straight at all here terrible  move i have to go like yeah i don't even   know what i'm doing now not to go here  i'm just losing over here i think i guess maybe not it's oddly enough it's not so bad just take wait i should have some move  here wait is that why uh what's the move oh here maybe oh that's terrible well maybe it's i  should have gone to g4 i don't know why i did this go here force queens off i mean this has to be a draw oh here oh that's a good move that's a very  good move but it still should be a draw i mean this has to be a draw right i just go here yeah it's just a draw not good i'm lucky i got a draw there too after  the way that i played that opening is this one no choppy is a jordan van forest three castles why was bishop d6 bad because of the bishop  to d4 chuck that's why oh wait he moved what   do you play play the e through h3  i don't think that's the right move   i think this is quite dangerous so i remember  this correctly bishop h3 is very scary i   thought i think i can take a queen of five though  unless i'm insane oh maybe i can't okay let's go oh here maybe we can go knight of five i mean f5 is obviously a move i don't know if  it's a good move but that's a bad move go here he   should have played knight c4 knight four is very  strong let's just keep going let's attack and play   rook f4 okay oh he's got this oh no and he can  just make a draw oh no he can just make a draw oh he doesn't want to draw okay wants this one um go here and take the knight   it's complicated but yeah we'll see what happens here   rookie one but that gives me bishop  b4 but do i trade first or not   wait a second don't go fishing before or do i i trade this must be right   go bishop c1 and then i go f3 i think go here hit the pawn on g2 this a3 okay so i take i might go here because i want to go knight h4 i  really want to force him to go g3 and lock up the   position does that which looks kind of insane h4  just taking a check cause i have g5 and rook f3 it does about four but good knight g2  rook d1 or take c4 rook takes off three knight g2 rook d1 rookie four three i mean don't  know this is winning but it seems reasonable   oh i gave him rook b1 what would i take   go here d4 is hanging wait i also check i assume  takes us right or do i play h5 wait a second take bishop e3 i don't know what that does i just take i have 92 no no let's just let's just go h5 oh wait i don't actually  have a way to win this dude bishop too let's go check it could be something but i just don't see it uh that's not correct let's just check  mate that's not quite right by jordan you

2021-06-30 12:43

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