What If Your Business Was A Marathon Not A Sprint?

What If Your Business Was A Marathon Not A Sprint?

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hey everybody so good morning everybody from priging beach in australia so um my own personal little just a thrill i did it again i'm on instagram and i'm on facebook at the same time so you should see my setup i might take a photo of it later and we'll we'll put it up there so hey everybody um thank you so much for joining me here today so this might be a little bit of a longer life but i wanted to talk to you guys about business and about the joy of business and about your choices and here is a book that i wrote joy of business um i think i wrote this about 16 years ago so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to use this as an example okay so and the life here is called you know business is um [Music] it's a marathon not a sprint okay because so many people i see get so frustrated when something doesn't show up like instantaneously but you know what you need to relax for starters and i know when people hear that you go relax and you go uh you know it's like how do i relax well good question it's like what is relaxation for you so that's one thing i would like you to have a look at is what is relaxation for you uh it might not be something that you think it is you know people often go i don't know getting a massage having a bath going to sleep early it could be that and it could be something totally different for me one of the things with relaxation that i discovered because i made the demand for myself i was like okay what if i actually discover what relaxation is uh i realized it was like time became irrelevant and then when time became irrelevant judgment like ceased to exist so it's like what are you what are you making yourself crazy about that doesn't allow you to have that sense of relaxation so for me it was like three days in a row last year i kept running this access consciousness process about relaxation and i've actually got a call on my website about relaxation which you can get and i was running this process for myself because i knew to create a greater me to create greater possibilities i needed to find out what that was so like i said for me uh when time stopped to you know cease to exist and then judgment came out there was like this space and here's what i'm gonna ask is is is now is now that time to create the space to ask for the space and it's like we we can do that we can either run on adrenaline like and have that molecules just going or you can actually ask for the space now you can actually be that in every area of your life and like how many of you think that you can't do that in business well guess what ladies and gentlemen you can okay so let me give you an example about the whole title of this this uh life is you know business is a marathon not a sprint now it doesn't mean you have to wait 10 years until you make some freaking money okay you can make money overnight i'm okay with that all right but what i'd like you to do is not kill the future possibilities by having this point of view of like oh well that didn't work out that didn't show up blah blah blah okay so let me go back to this example joy of business is the book that i wrote and i'm gonna say about 16 years ago now how this started was i was talking to gary douglas the founder of access consciousness m about a choice that somebody was making and i said to him why would people make that choice i don't understand why she's choosing that and he said what do you mean and i said well this is business and you know business is fun it's joyful and that is not fun and that's not joyful and he said to me simone most people don't do business for the joy of it i was like what you know hands on hips like get the hell out of here i really want to say get the out of here anyway so i was like i don't understand everybody does business for the joy of it and we sat there like going back and forth and he was like no they don't i was like yes they do no they don't yes they do and it was like okay this is really strange and he said to me simone you way you function with business is different nobody functions like that so i started to look at that because gary douglas founder of access consciousness every time he speaks to me about something like that even when i i want to resist it so bad it's like he's usually correct so i sat there and i sort of played with the energy of it and he said you need to do some classes on this on this topic like you need to go you know speak to people about it using the access consciousness tools right so i started to do that and to tell you the truth it's like i was like this is really boring like standing on stage talking about this i'd actually rather be creating business because i love the whole creation of business and how malleable it is and you have an idea and then what do you institute with that and how do you get it out there and all that sort of stuff so i'm going to just turn my fan on it's super hot here in australia so i know that's in the middle of live and and maybe you shouldn't do that you shouldn't walk away from alive but you know what what if there's never what you shouldn't do so there you go so a little break ladies and gentlemen um anyway so i started doing these classes and what i noticed was because i have this demand in my in my world of what i'd like to create okay and i had a business before joy before access consciousness that was called good vibes for you and it was about changing the way people looked at the world um they were with each other like more vulnerability and knowing that the choices they make can create a change that that was pretty much where i was at so when i started doing these classes and i had people come up to me and they were like oh my goodness thank you so much like you know you spoke about this and it changed everything for me and i was like really i was like okay and i i honestly was like i thought everybody did that no i discovered they didn't now here's a tool whatever you are great at like whatever you find incredibly easy and you're great at i can pretty much guarantee you you've decided it's useless because you go oh everyone can do it it's like that's easy anyone can do that no they can't that is your capacity that's your capacity yeah you might me other some other people who you know it's similar etc like that but if you're a great connector like if you can just you know you're one of those people who wakes up and you're like this miss and this you can talk to anyone you can connect things you can do that it's like well that's your gig it's like that's your capacity and i see a lot of people spending their entire life trying not to acknowledge their capacities and trying to create the place to do something that they've decided is the most valuable product that they're not so great at well you know what a little business hack here ladies and gentlemen the idea is to ask for contribution and you can hire other people to do the stuff you're not great at let's do something really basic how many of you like making phone calls you know in your business do you want to make phone calls not everybody that could be somebody's literally the first nightmare to make a phone call and then somebody else is like i love talking to people i'd love to pick up the phone let's do it um paying bills it's like how many of you love to pay bills so it's like oh you have that level of organization some people worst nightmare okay so if something is your worst nightmare please don't go to the judgment of you you're not wrong okay but what you can do is you can introduce something or someone else into the business that that can be their gig okay and it's like so here's like the tools to make life and business way easier than what you've been making it right so let's go back a little bit again i was doing these classes called joy business and so many people were talking to me about it and you sort of you know at that stage many years ago it's like we didn't have zoom okay so i you can only see and do so many classes and see so many people so i decided to put it into a book hence joy business the book you can get on amazon all those wonderful places that you go to so i put all of this into a book okay and it was really hard for me to actually get the book out i kept going i've got to add this i've got to add this i've got to do this and gary said to me simone just get it out there that'll be your next book and i was like oh okay that's true everything doesn't have to be in this one but anyway so wrote the book got it out there in english and within about a year i found myself like i was done i was like okay wrote the book it's out done sold lots of copies sweet and then i still kept getting feedback and i realized oh i've sort of pulled my energy from this and it still exists in the world it's out there and it's still contributing and helping people etc so then i went oh what if i put some more energy into it and what else could i create with this book and get it out there even further so now joy business is in about 16 languages okay so this book is in 16 languages and what we're also working on at the moment this is like 15 16 years later is the audio now it's it's been an audio in english for a long time but now what we're working on is the languages so i'm telling you this because this is a marathon not a sprint like if i looked at this book and went okay got this book out and all the sales that we did in in the first year that's it okay then i've just and i've gone great that was good done next and it's like well i've just killed all the future possibilities for what else could show up with joy business instead going realizing it so here's the thing not about judgment like where have you stopped the flow or stopped the possibilities for your business based on time it didn't show up in the time span that you decided that should show up in well what if you destroyed and uncreated that point of view ask some questions questions are invaluable and it's like what else could i contribute to this what else where else would the book like to be like i asked that question a lot and then you know and i would listen okay there's another little business hack listen to the whispers so i would listen to the whispers because i didn't go okay i will now do this language then this one then this one then this one and this one it was like well who's demanding it you know like i think uh mandarin and japanese were some of the first languages they did and german and french i think german has been the best-selling language in it uh besides english forever and it's like so we're just about to have the german audio out and it's like great listen to the whispers who actually is requesting your business and demanding your business to be available to you okay so now okay that's the book that's the classes i also facilitate business done different classes and and there is joy business facilitators all around the world now for years i facilitated these classes and then you know we didn't have we call them jcs and facilitators and then i started that because a few people were like oh i'd like to do this too and it was like huh that's another possibility because i've got so many things on and it's like and i would like the world to know about it so here's the key thing too my demand right from the beginning of myself and requested the universe was that every single business in the entirety of the world knew that access consciousness existed so that they could choose it they don't have to choose it that's a choice but i'd like for them to know that it exists so that they can choose it okay so that is still my demand so then what matched the energy of that was having joy business facilitators and having all of those those you know having the training so now i have trainings twice a year you do need to be a certified facilitator of access consciousness and then you can become a jcf right so here's the marathon part all right it's it's there's no end it keeps going and going and going and i used to do training once a year and then there was this energy that showed up oh yeah one of those like whispers of the universe that i went hang on a second there's more demand for joy business now like and can i just say this is my moment where i say thank you to all the jcfs who really kept going because honestly i think people looked at us like we had two heads uh and and we were the weirdest people in the world well maybe we are the weirdest people in the world actually we are the weirdest people in the world and we kept going with joy business because i know that you can have a joy in business if you choose it you can have a joy in your life if you choose it so we kept going all right so then it's kept expanding and expanding and expanding and there was this energy in this whisper and i went oh i think it's time to start doing two of the trainings a year so we just completed one and we have more jfcs than we've ever had before which is awesome so more people getting the access consciousness out there to all the businesses just want to add here my point of view too is you don't have to own a business you don't have to be in business to come to enjoy a business class it's um if you wake up in the morning you know and you've got blood running through your veins check then you're in business okay it's like your life is your business so how are you creating that like what are you choosing with that uh so yeah so here's i just want you to look at look at somewhere in your business that you've gone oh i would like this and you're like and you're trying to run towards it and you go it didn't work out you come home and you you know have a shitty day and you're like damn this person didn't do this or this project didn't move or i didn't make any sales or whatever it's like well notice how often you go to conclusion and how many of you love to create this conclusional reality and a conclusion or business rather than a question based on choice sorry a business based on choice and asking questions so if you if you are asking questions in your business and allowing it to give it that space and that relaxation like i mentioned right at the beginning of this live then asking it to expand okay business what is it that you would like who would you like to talk to where would you like to go and just having that i mean even notice when i start to talk about the space and the relaxation it's like your bodies go ah like breathe i know i talk fast breathe what have you already created and actualized that you've not been willing to acknowledge like what if you're far greater than you've decided you are so what and also what i want to add here is what seeds are you already planting like seeds for the future i like to call them revenue contributions so you can ask how many more revenue contributions can i can i have can i receive so you plant this seed here but then in the future something is showing up with this okay so not everything shows up today but what you choose to be today that's the magic ladies and gentlemen what do you choose to be today with your business what if it was just relaxation what if literally you chose today i'm going to have ease with the business i'm going to relax i'm going to have ease so um two last things i want to mention here i did an interview a little while ago and i know you can find it on my social et cetera with the beautiful mucky from japan and she said it was really funny i i was doing the interview and she's great at asking questions and at the end she said i want to read a line from your book that you wrote and in the book joy business and she wrote and she read it and at the end i wrote what if you never made a mistake so what if you never made a mistake what if life is not about mistakes what if life is about the adventure that you can choose and you can be and it was interesting because i wrote this book like you know like i said 15 16 years ago it's in languages we have classes but it was at that moment that i was doing the interview that i went damn this is actually a good book it took me that long to truly acknowledge that this is a great book and there are so many people out there who have been so grateful for it and it's changed their lives and it's changed their business and it's changed their money flows so again what have you created and actualized in the world that you haven't acknowledged i mean maybe you're a great mom or you're a great dad or you're great with money or you're great with investing you know or you're great with your garden whatever it is what if you just started acknowledging what you're great at today and then asked to explore that and expand on that so i'm also going to put you a link down here i've got some you should see my setup i think this is it yeah so this is you can go here simone milasas.com bdd which stands for way for it not badass no it stands for business done different okay so business done different it's a it's a class that we have joy business facilitators all around the world are um facilitating these classes so please you know if you don't want to come to mind go find them whatever it is whatever you know lights your fire but i do have one uh i think it's in six days from now it's on sunday the 31st that's australia time um october 30th in the us and europe et cetera if you want to join up you can go check it out somewhere melissa's uh oh smiley says dot com forward slash bdd i wrote that wrong so um what if you never made a mistake see you're gonna have to reach for it search for it so it is for it's uh simones.com forward slash bdd okay and if you're interested come along um check it out um get the book do whatever but the the thing i would like to and just empower you right now is wherever you're at it's like what if you just went okay you know what i'm done right now i'm choosing joy right now i'm choosing ease that's it ladies and gentlemen it's like there is so much more available and don't forget that every seed you plant has this future and it may not show up in the time span that you've decided it should show up in but what it like the universe a lot of the time has to rearrange a whole bunch of things in order to go here you go like this is what you're asking for and allow that space to be so that you can have this greater and greater and greater and greater and greater and greater future oh one last piece of information here how many of you already have a limit on what it is you're allowed to receive now that may sound like insane but here's the thing the insane points to view that we have block us up we could work everything out with that electrical mind we have everything we ever just buy it so it's the insane points of view that lock you up so if you've got oh i needed to i wanted to get a house and you have a house well what if you had more real estate investment you know or you went oh i'd like to be able to pay all my bills how many of you are just paying your bills i cannot tell you the amount of people i speak to about that and they go i always make enough money to pay the bills okay so was that your target what if you had no targets what if you had this ask for greater and greater and greater and greater each and every day so you know ask that now what else is truly possible and how many of you have decided you will not create more than anyone in your family you won't make more money than them you won't have more possibilities you won't be happier you won't have more joy you won't have more ease again insane point of view but there's actually this uh this saying in nashville tennessee that says don't go above your raisin or how many of you are not going above your raisin what if it was just time to out create everybody you knew but not out create from this place of like oh i have more things because can i tell you when you're actually heading in the direction that you would like like for me it was like how do i create more consciousness in the world like that has been something i've been at for so many years and how do i encourage people to be more stewards of the earth you know to actually notice and acknowledge the land and the earth and the oceans and the rivers and the trees and the woods and the bush and all of that it's like how can i wake people up to know that we can create something really different here that's been my target forever okay it wasn't oh how do i get a new car how do i get a new house can i tell you when you are actually heading in the direction that you would like to and you're choosing what really works for you and it's aligning with that like you're congruent with your ask then you get things like i don't know i have a convertible bmw i have a really beautiful house i have investments but that's not what drives me what drives me is actualizing more consciousness and more ease and more joy in the world so what drives you what are you asking for so i look forward to seeing you guys somewhere in the world and thank you for joining me here today or if you were here in the future thank you for being here and for listening and you know what there's a whole bunch of tools in here use them come to a class don't come to a class it's up to you it's your life please choose it and choose what works for you okay

2021-10-27 13:08

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