Webinar: Business I Registration Tips

Webinar: Business I Registration Tips

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I’d like to begin today with our land acknowledgment that McMaster recognizes and acknowledges that is located on the traditional territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee nations and within the lands protected by the “Dish With One Spoon” wampum agreement. So, I would like to welcome you on behalf of DeGroote, and I have with me many members of our Student Experience team, so you may recognize some of us from the Orientation Guide that we shared. So, I just wanted to make sure that they were hearing sort of what your questions were, and that you had a chance to see the people that are responding to all of your emails and will be supporting you through the enrollment process. So, today, we are focusing on the logistics for enrollment for Business 1 and IBH 1. I appreciate that you likely have a lot of questions around sort of on-campus activities and Covid related manners (manner?) matters, and I will encourage you to view the McMaster-wide Student Town Hall that is happening this afternoon at 4pm. It will be streamed on YouTube. For those of you who are watching this recording later, I expect that there will be a recording of the Student Town Hall as well. So, that is the best place to understand sort of how

McMaster is approaching a return to campus and the decision process for how we've arrived to where we are. So, for today, I want to focus on ensuring that you have what you need for enrolling in classes when enrollment opens, and making sure you understand what your different requirements are, and really what to worry about now and what can wait to worry about later, so we'll get started. And then, I’ll note also, sorry, that we are taking questions and we'll have time at the end for questions. So, likely, a number of your questions will be addressed through the presentation, so I’ll take some time at the end to answer questions. So, I’m going to give a bit of an overview of the

different course requirements, and then we're going to have a live demonstration of the enrollment process from one of our former students and current support for your enrollment. So, first, I do want to share, so whether you are coming to Business 1 or IBH 1, you are what we call a “BCom student”. So, the IBH degree is a Bachelor of Commerce degree, and our Commerce degree is a Bachelor of Commerce degree. So, our team is the BCom Student Experience

team, so this is our Academic contingency. We also have a Career team that you'll meet on campus. As I mentioned, you should have received this picture that shares with you who some of your Academic Advisors are, that you'll meet over the course of your time with McMaster, and then we have a couple people today on the call that are our Summer staff. So, Nadia, Nav… Nadia and Nav. I think that that’s who’s here, but we’ve got more

people that are not on the call today, but this is the team that we hope will get to know you over the next several years. I have the longest title, so I get to speak first. So first, I wanted to share what are the required courses for Level 1. So, for… Some of these courses are offered in both terms, some are offered just in the one term, but I just wanted to review with you in some of the different considerations as you begin your enrollment process. So first, we have our Commerce 1GR0. So, this is our sort of Experience and Development course, where you will learn sort of that “how to transition to university” and get some good career advice, and some of the materials that are being taught in your other required courses are being augmented and enhanced through this 1GR0. So, it is a zero-unit course. So, the full course load for Level 1 students is 15 units per term, so the Commerce 1GR0 is not part of that 15 units. So, you'll often hear, maybe from your upper-year students,

that you should have 15 units or five courses per term. So, it is 15 units, but you might have that sixth course which is the Commerce 1GR0, because it's a zero-unit course. So, it's graded as a Pass/Fail. It's much less intensive than Introduction to Accounting as an example. So, this happens, so you'll notice that it has a letter, the letter “A” and that's because it is in the Fall. This is a full-year course, so when you enroll

in section 1, 1GR0A, you'll automatically be enrolled in section 1 of 1GR0B which is in the Fall term. So, you'll see that 1GR0B is happening in the Fall, but you only have to enroll once and it's very important that you enroll in 1GR0A first because then 1GR0B will be added for you. You can't enroll in 1GR0B without being enrolled in 1GR0A, but when you're looking at your timetable and what sections and other courses and electives that you're hoping to take, just be mindful that the 1GR0 is at the same time for both terms. So then, we have Commerce 1AA3. So, this is offered in both terms, but we are encouraging students to take this in the Fall term. This will be completely virtual. It's one of our larger classes, some of our sections go as high as 400 students. There is sections planned for the Winter, but we do encourage you to

move through as a cohort, as I mentioned in GR0, the GR0 course, 1GR0 you will be discussing some of the materials that you are taking concurrently in your other required courses, so we do try to keep you together for those Commerce courses. 1GR0, sorry, Commerce 1BA3, similarly, is offered both in the Fall and the Winter, but we are again encouraging you to take this in the Fall term. We have both in-person as well as virtual sections for the Commerce 1BA3. So, we have a limited number of in-person seats and then our virtual seats we can add as required, so you'll see that you can enroll, and you'll just be very mindful of the section that you're choosing and note whether they have in-person or virtual, and you'll see that when Nav does the demo a little bit later, where you can see that information. And then, when I do talk about in-person versus virtual, the in-person just means that there is in-person components. It doesn't necessarily mean that it is every lecture or every week necessarily, it just means that there is in-person components. And then, each instructor is managing

the students in their course to meet the requirement, the size of the room and what the current restrictions are. So, we hope, as we go into the Fall and deep into the Fall, that we do get back to our normal capacities, which will allow for the entire section to come on the Monday section, Monday's slot, but it might be the case that we're starting where only half of the class can come on the Monday and the other half comes on the Wednesday section. So, for Commerce 1MA3 so, similarly, it's offered both in Fall and Winter, but we do encourage you to take it in the Fall, and this will also have both in-person and virtual sections. And then, those are the Commerce courses, so then students are also taking three courses as part of their requirements outside of the DeGroote School of Business, so that is Econ Micro and Macro as well as the Math course that occurs in the Winter term. So, this is where our students will be… so where we will have students take… some students will take… So, all of our students, sorry, we'll take 1B03 in the Fall, so Econ 1B03, so both IBH students as well as Business 1 students, please plan to take 1B03 in the Fall. This is a completely online course, and online means asynchronous, which means there is not a set time. So, where you do

see your Accounting course is virtual. And I want to make a distinction between virtual and online: your virtual Accounting class will be at the same time on the same days every week for the entire term whereas this Econ 1B03 is an online course, which is asynchronous, which means the lecture materials are made available to you and you access them whenever that makes the most sense for you, so it's asynchronous. So, Econ 1B03 in the Fall term is asynchronous, so fully online, and then Econ 1BB3, which is the Macroeconomics, will be, also be fully online and asynchronous in the Fall term, okay? So, I’ll come back to the Econ in a minute, but those are the courses that we expect you to be enrolling in for the Fall term. And then, you'll see at the bottom that there's zero to three units of non-Commerce electives, and the zero to three is because some of you will take 1BB3 in the Fall and some of you will take it in the Winter. If you take 1BB3 in the Fall, you will have no electives in your Fall term, but if you take 1BB3 in the Winter, you will have three units of electives. And these electives come from outside of the faculty, so students are enrolling in History courses or Anthropology courses or Biology courses. So, those are completely up to you, what makes the most sense. We will talk about

minors in a few minutes to see if you have the opportunity to begin your work towards your minor as early as your first term. So then, looking at the Winter term, as I mentioned, you will automatically be enrolled in 1GR0B as you enroll in 1GR0A. We have Commerce 1DA3, 1E03, so those are the Commerce courses that you'll take. These are planned to be

primarily in-person, although each of these will have a virtual section. If you're looking at the timetable today, 1E03, we're still determining which of the sections is going to be virtual. So, that's the only one that doesn't show the virtual section in the timetable today, but that will all be confirmed before you enroll. So, those are scheduled, again,

to give students that are unable to travel to Canada or have other considerations, this virtual option is available, but primarily in-person for these sections. And then, Econ 1BB3 is typically taken in the Winter term. It is going to be offered in-person, and this is where the bulk of our students will take this course in-person on campus in the Winter term, okay? So, and then I’ll come back to that in a second, and then finally there's the Math 1MM3. So, this is where most of our students will take this course. This is our required Calculus course. Students that are interested, so you'll note that we have a note here about the Math 1A03, if you are intending on taking upper-year Math work or doing a Math minor, then you should consider taking Math 1A03, but most of our students take this Applied Calculus and it's applied to Business, so it's much more customized and tailored towards Business students, so ours is the largest group within this class.

So, again, most of our students will take Math 1MM3 in the Winter, and this is currently scheduled to be in-person as well. There is not a virtual section available for this course, so if this is, we can revisit this, we want you to enroll in one of the existing sections of Math 1MM3, and then in the Fall term as we sort of have a better sense on how the world is recovering from Covid, we can discuss any sort of special consideration that you might need if, again, you are taking your second term outside of Canada, as an example. But we're asking that you sign up for your courses, all of your courses that you see in the timetable today, and we can work out any special situations later, when we sort of have a better sense of what the world looks like. So then, finally, again, depending on when you're taking your Econ 1BB3, you will have either three or six units of non-Commerce work, and I should mention that the typical course is a three unit course, which is why this is in multiples of three, so you'll note that the last number in each of your required courses with the exception of the GR0 course which is zero units, all reflects the number of units that you receive for the course, okay? So, that's just some of the background, again, we're recommending that you enroll in the terms as described here, again, if, again, you believe that you might be outside of Canada in the Winter term, or outside of the region, I strongly recommend you're taking the Econ 1BB3 in the Fall because that is when it has the online offering whereas in the Winter it will be in-person. So, I will pause and take some questions before we go into the demo, but I’m hoping we're off to a good start with that.

So then looking at our IBH… Sorry, Greg! Did you want some questions now or are you going to talk about IBH first? I can take the questions… well, let me go through IBH first, because there might be some similar things, I might have a chance to reiterate some things here. Perfect! So, for our IBH students, it's a more of a fixed schedule, so no electives, and you're working through the… through the program as a cohort, so you'll be with the other 50, some of IBH students for each of these courses. All of them will have a virtual option and many of them will have an in-person option, okay? But because there is only one section of each, you'll see it noted as either in-person, where there is in-person components, but that is also available virtually. So, even if you see in-person, know that virtual is available,

again, we only have one section of each of these courses, so every one of them will have virtual availability and some of them will have in-person components as well. And as you see, because it's a little bit more fixed, students are taking the Micro in the Fall and the Macro in the Winter, so that's pretty straightforward. I think Level 1 enrollment is very straightforward for IBH students because you move through as a cohort and you only have one choice of sections, so it should be pretty, pretty straightforward for you to do that enrollment. Okay, and you also know that they're… the IBH students do not participate in the GR0 series, so the GR0 is for the Commerce students, or Business 1 students rather. I’m happy to take any questions!

Okay, Greg! There's a little bit of confusion about GR0. Could you just reiterate that GR0, you'll take a GR0 course in each of your four Levels, and remind students about what “A” versus “B” means in a course code? So, you'll have very, very, very few courses that have an A/B section, and typically where you do have an A/B section, this zero is a six. So, if you're taking a full-year French course, that is French 1AA6, you'll see you're taking 1AA6A in the Fall and 1AA6B in the Winter, so A/B just denotes that it's a full-year course and that “A” is in the Fall term and “B” is in the Winter term. So, the GR0 courses are part of a series, so there is a 2GR0 and a 3GR0, and then, in the fourth year, it's a course called 4GR3, we still call it part of the GR0 series, but it does have units and then doesn't spell GR0 unfortunately, so it's 4GR3, and that's our capstone course for the program. So, in your fourth year, you will take 4GR3. Thanks, Greg! There's a number of students asking if they have to take a high school Data Analytics course in order to take 1DA3. So, this is… If you take one of a few messages away from here, it's that please do not listen to upper-year students with regards to your program requirements because they have different program requirements than you will. So, every

new class it's very important, and you'll see in the Academic Calendar that there's a version for students starting in September 2021, so that is you. So, students beginning in 2021 that did not defer, so if you deferred, reach out to us, there's a, it's a little bit different, but students that are beginning the program this year did not require the high school Data Management because you are taking this Commerce 1DA3 Business Data Analytics and, again, it's very similar to the Data Management course. So, if you have taken it, great, you'll have heard some of this before. If you haven't taken it, don't worry, we're teaching it as though you have not taken Grade 12 Data Management, but it's going to be Data Management as applied to Business. So, again, it's very tailored towards Business students. And then, it's also part of a series where you'll see in Level 2, you take Commerce 2, so this is for Commerce students. And, again, in IBH, there is an IBH version of this, so you see a lot of the core Business curriculum, that Commerce students are taking, is also being replicated in the IBH program. So, you'll see that Business 1 students take Intro to

Financial Accounting and IBH students take Financial Accounting which is also an Intro to Financial Accounting. So, the Business content between the two courses is very similar. So, again, Business 1 students will take this Commerce 1DA3, the IBH students will take a second year Data Analytics course that's similar. I hope that answered the question, but basically, that you will not have to, you don't have to have taken Data Management and, again, you'll, you don't have to take a Data Management is the bottom line. Great! Lots of questions about how many units should I take in Fall versus Winter. If you could tell us, talk to students a little bit about, you know, why you don't want to take seven or eight courses in one term and maybe only four courses in Winter. So, we… So, in your first year, it is very standard. In your upper years, then you do

have greater flexibility to overload one term versus another, but, again, for students that are transitioning to university, I’m understanding that it is a big transition. We do restrict students to a maximum of five courses with units, so one, two, three, four and either one of these plus your GR0 course. You can take less, right? So, if you want to take one less course, so if you want to talk to us about taking Marketing in the Summer next year rather than taking in the Fall, if you want to come in and take a reduced load, that is completely available to you, but, again, what I’d like for you to do is enroll in each of these courses so you have that space and then, once the enrollment dust has settled, please come and speak with us and we can talk to you about what does taking four courses look like in the Fall and/or Winter, or three courses, or two courses, you know, what is typically offered in the Summer, if I take a Summer course versus taking this in the Fall, what does that mean for my prerequisites or when do I qualify for Level 2… We're happy to have all those conversations, but as a starting point, over the next two weeks, I’d like you to enroll in these courses as we've shared here today, and then we can look and talk to you about what it looks like to customize. And just to note the dates, we have up until September, the second week of September, to make changes for the Fall term, and then we have all the way up until January, the second week of January, to make changes for the Winter term. So, we do have a lot of opportunity to have those discussions and for you, if you come in and say that, wow, you know, I’m going to take four and four, and then you find out that, well, I wish I had taken five, you still have time to add that course for the Winter, or if you come in and say, wow, five is too much, you still have time to change your Winter to four courses or three courses and even withdraw from some of your Fall courses. So, you will hear me say this, and I will say it probably several times even today, that enrollment is a process, it is not a date. So, on June

the 29th, if you don't have your schedule as your ideal schedule yet, please do not be concerned, there is lots of time to have discussions, to make sure that you're making informed decisions, and, again, you, your life might be changing, but, again, at a minimum, the entire world is changing, especially over the next three to six months. Thanks, Greg! We're seeing a number of comments in the chat about some challenges when they're trying to register in this, in the “B” section of 1GR0, getting error messages, so I’ve just suggested that students email us, leave that with us, let's see if there's a system issue, and check again tomorrow… Yeah, so you just need to enroll in the 1GR0A and you will be added automatically to 1GR0B. Okay, yeah, and if you're still getting that error message, just email buscom with your name and student number and a screenshot. But, again, I think, I think you don't enroll, you don't really enroll in the 1GR0B. You enroll in the 1GR0A and 1GR0B shows up. Okay! More questions, Greg, or do you want

to move forward? I’m happy to do a couple more questions. Okay! This is, this has really been the meat of it, and then we're going to get into the logistics, and, again, we'll have a recording. Even if there's additional pieces that we want to share via video, we can add that to the recording, and, again, I’m happy to run over, so here's what we'll do, so we'll, I’ll move forward in this, so we can do the demo, and then I’m happy to stay on and take questions after the demo as well. Okay, so, again, what I really want everyone to focus on is, again, enrolling in all of your required courses and then there'll be time to fine-tune. The only other things to really think about, as I mentioned, to worry about now versus later, is start to think about what minors you might be interested in, and you can see in the Calendar, and you'll see that this is a live link that takes you to the Calendar… Maybe I’ll unshare my screen for a second here… Okay, so you should be able to click on that and see in our Calendar, and, again, you always want to make sure you're looking at our most recent version of the Calendar, here are some older versions, and you'll be able to see as you scroll down, all of the different minors that are available at McMaster. So, Business students are taking minors outside of the

faculty, so you cannot do a minor in Business as a Business student and you cannot do a minor in Accounting as a Business student, but you can do minors in Art History, in Chemistry, in French, in Greek, etc., etc. So, here's a long list of the minors. Many of our students that… do participate in the minor in Innovation, so I’ll click on that and then you can see what is required for the minor in Innovation, and you see that there are, there is a Level 1 course for the Innovation minor and if you click on that, you can see what is required, so there's no prerequisites for this course, so Level 1 students can enroll. If you look at 2X, also no prerequisites. As you get up into the upper levels, I assume you need to have a registration in Level 2 or above. But if you're looking for electives for your first year, again, and think about what minors you might be interested in, because you can begin work towards your minor right away. Your typical minor is about 24 units, so eight courses. So, again, that's just something to think about now as you do your enrollment. And then,

the other piece, again, just to start thinking about now is our Student Accessibility Services, so they work with students that need academic accommodations. So, I’ll give you one example that's very applicable to enrollment. So, if a student were taking a particular medication that made them drowsy in the evenings and they needed to have classes that were earlier in the day, it's important that you've worked with SAS, and we understand, we work with SAS to understand what is required, and we will help create that schedule that, that is required for you, but if a student came to me and said, well, I can't take any morning classes, and I’d say, well, sorry, you just have to enroll in whatever's available, it's not for you to… if there is a medical need, you don't need to share that with us, we want to make sure that your privacy is protected, so we do have this office and their intake for you to work directly with them if there are those special requirements, okay? So, those are… that's really it, and, again, we're going to share some of the, our Summer programming that is offered by both DeGroote as well as McMaster, but we don't really need to talk about that today. These are all things that really follow enrollment, but just wanted to highlight that there is a lot of Summer programming that is available to you both from McMaster as well as DeGroote, okay? So, at this stage, I am going to turn it over to Nav to walk through sort of what you'll see when you go into the Timetable Tool as well as Mosaic and then, again, I’ll take any more questions at the end. So, thank you very much, and take it, Nav! Thank you, Greg! I’m just going to be sharing my screen here with you guys. Let's see here… Okay! So, this is what your portals, yeah, your portal will look like when you open up your Mosaic tool. So, when we open it up,

the first thing that we're going to go to and explore is the creating your timetable in My Timetable app or tile here, and then we'll go into the more nitty gritty stuff in your Mosaic portal in your Student Centre. So, I’ll start it off with the Timetable, so when you're going to click My Timetable, this is exactly what's going to pop up. You'll have a choice between Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. For right now, I’m going to show you guys what it looks like to build your timetable for the Fall semester and then, because obviously we can't enroll yet, I’ll show you what your confirmation of enrollment looks like using the Spring/Summer semesters. So, let's start off with Fall. I’ll walk

you guys through what we're looking at here, so this is the selection tool, we'll start on the right-hand side. Up here, you have your semester selector. You guys won't have the “advise a student” tab obviously, but you can select between semesters, so if I want to switch over to 2022 Winter, I can do that or I can go back to the Fall, and you start by punching in your courses, so let us start with Commerce, let's do 1AA3… All right, and as you can see, it'll pop up on the right-hand side, and it'll populate your timetable on the side here. There's also other options, so when we look at our screen here, you see there's a choice between, at the same time there is lecture three that's running at the exact same time as lecture core one. So, just be cognizant of that fact. So, I know a lot of you have friends and that are going to be looking to enroll at the same time, so just make sure, and we'll verify in Mosaic as well afterwards, but just make sure that you guys are enrolling, and you guys know what cores you're enrolling in.

So, I’m going to continue to populate this timetable. So, we have Commerce 1AA3, let's do Commerce 1MA3, there we are, and like Greg said, we've had a couple of questions from students saying, hey, like, I don't, I can't find the Econ that I need for this semester, or I can't find the Math, so it's important to note the course codes are different from last year to this year. So, for Math, it would be, you can't take it in this semester, but it will be Math 1MM3 and for your Econ…sorry about that… 1MM3, and it says right there, Math 1MM3 (2022 Winter only) and then, for Econ, for this semester Econ, a lot of students are punching in 1BX3, so when you punch in 1BX3, we did change the… or we didn't change the course code, but Economics changed the course code, so that is not the correct course. You guys are looking to take 1B03, so I’m going to select 1B03 for demonstration purposes, and then I’ll also populate it with 1BB3. Awesome. And I will also add 1GR0A. There

we are. So, before I get into changing around the timings of your schedules, one thing I want to point out is a lot of students have inquired about this conflict that you see right here, so it's the “eight of 120 classes self-conflict”. So, not to panic, all this means is that, in your selected schedule that we have over here, eight of the 120 classes don't work, or the eight of the 120 configurations don't work with your schedule. That doesn't mean that they all don't work, so I know Greg's

iterated this before, take your time and go through each one and see what works best for you. So, if you look on the right-hand side of the screen here, this will change. So, core one or four… as you can see, the courses are changing, so sit around and play with it to your heart's content. Make a schedule and, you know, that suits you. Just know that when you guys go to enroll, these schedules aren't guaranteed, so we're going to get into making favourites and setting up ideal schedules. So, like Greg said, you guys are guaranteed

a seat in your program, or you're guaranteed a seat in your required courses, but it might not be the seat that you want, but it will work with your schedule. So, like I said, we're going to go into setting up all of those favourites that you can do, so when I mention favourites, it's right here underneath your schedule. If you click “save as a favourite”, just this schedule right here. So, we're going to click “save as a favourite”, let's

say, I really like this schedule timing and it works for me. I’m going to click “save as a favourite”, it'll pop up on your right-hand side, so there's this little tab right here that you can click. It'll pop up. I do believe there's a limit, I think it's four or five favourites that you can do. So, it'll pop up right here, you click it, and then you can change the name. So, let's say this is schedule… “schedule number two”, and

I go ahead and now it's saved as “schedule number two”. I already created another one previously, so this is my sample schedule that I created for demonstration purposes. So, let's say I want to cycle between my favourites, and I want to pull up a previous schedule that I need. All you would click is click “load”, and as you can, see my schedule has changed now. I have the schedule that I had saved originally pop up, and just for continuity’s sake, we're going to go back to the schedule that I made previously. Cool. Now, we can close this. So, here's another option that during my time

with DeGroote we didn't have, but it's the personal time adjuster. So, with some of you that are athletes or some of you that have commitments with work, you can put those into your schedule, and it'll automatically block them out. So, like you said, or like it says right here, sorry, there's different options that you can do. So, let's say hypothetically, Monday 8 to 11… let’s not do 8, let's do 11am to 3pm I’m working, so I’m going to add the time in, and as you can see, a black box will appear and that's your personal time that you've allotted for yourself, and it'll automatically show you on the “schedule one”, and if I unpin this Commerce 1AA3, it'll move it to a time that works with my schedule. So, now you can play with it, right? So, when you guys go and you guys are enrolling

into courses, this pinning function is important, so if you want flexibility in your schedule, unpin these and it'll try a different combination of courses that work with your schedule. So, that's the personal… personal time, or you can add multiple different personal times. Let's say I also work Tuesday from, let's say, 11am to 2pm, I add that time and it'll block that out. As you can see, now that I blocked that out, it's given me a schedule that works better with my personal time that I’ve taken off. So, that's something to

include and something to take note of, and let's say you want to clear them all, you would just click “clear all personal times” and it'll wipe everything for you. There's also this “tips” section, so after this class, if you guys, you know, want to review something or you guys aren't sure about something, if you click the “tips” section, it'll pop up a little… a little help or frequently asked questions tab that you can go through, so here's some things that it talks about. I’m just quickly going to cycle through them. Awesome. And then, just like Greg said before, it explains multi-term courses as well, and then, that's it. A neat feature that we have in the timetable

as well is like an auto sorting tool. So, let's say, for example, you want the most days off, right? So, I’m going to go check and make sure nothing's pinned or nothing's locked in my schedule, and what it will do is it'll give me a schedule that works with these filters that we have on. So, let's click most days off, and it'll give me a schedule that has the most days off. Let's say I want a schedule only in the mornings because I work best in the mornings. So, I click “mornings” and it’ll populate a schedule with only mornings and vice-versa, right? So, you can play with these, and it'll easily give you a schedule that suits your preferences in terms of how you want your courses, but that is that. So, another thing that Greg wanted me to point out was the difference between online, virtual and in-person. And you're probably wondering,

okay, like, this is great, I have my schedule ready, but I don't know if my course is going to be in-person or whether it's virtual. How do I know? So, let's go underneath your courses, so for this purpose it's auto populated me with core six, so I go to the right here, it says “McMaster University”, that's where the course is held, and then it says “Virtual Classroom”. So, like Greg said, virtual just means that you have class at a certain time of the day and it is a synchronous class, meaning that, what is this, 12:30 to 2:15 you would have your class that you'd have to log on to and your professor would be delivering a live lecture online. And then, there's other options, the perfect example here is Commerce 1MA3, so if I go to the right-hand side, I take a look, it says “In-person”, and that means that there are in-person components to this class, and along with that it'll give you the location of your class. So, this in-person class will have in-person components, and the building that it's in is the John Hodgins Engineering Building, we call it JHE, that's the acronym, and the room is the 376th room, and your professor is listed at the bottom.

Alternatively, if you say, you know what, I don't want to go to an in-person class, I need something that's virtual, if it doesn't auto populate something like this, so this is… it's showing right here, so lecture three and lecture eight are at the same time, the difference is that lecture eight is a virtual classroom. So, if I want a virtual classroom, nothing's going to change on my schedule, but what will change is the delivery mechanism, so now, instead of having to go in-person, you are now in a virtual classroom. And like Greg said, there is also the online option, meaning this is go by your own pace, your instructor will release your content every week or every so often when they decide it's fit, and you would complete the content at your own pace, and you would do the coursework like that, and it'll say online. The location is obviously online, so McMaster Online, and

here's your professors that you would choose from. Now that is, that is the… how to put in your courses into your schedule and some of the nuances of course selection. What we're going to do now is, because I can't, like, you can go in and set up your classes, that's fine, you can set up your favourites, but this is not going to show you the actual enrollment process. So, what I’m going to do is I’m going to go back to the Spring and Summer semester to show you what it's going to look like when you go to enroll for your courses.

So, let's do that. So, this is… I’m now in the Spring and Summer semester, so let's see if I have any favourites saved. I believe I do. Let's do Commerce 1MA3 and Commerce 3AC3. And this is just to show you guys different messaging

that will appear when you guys go to enroll. Obviously, you guys are first years, and you will not be enrolling in Commerce 3AC3, so this is just for the purpose of showing you the messaging that you guys will get when you go to enroll. So, 3AC3 and 4PA3. Oh… four… oh, that's… Greg, would you happen to know a Summer course that is full but I can show…? That is full? You can try the 2FB3. 2FB3. Okay, there you go… Let me… Awesome! So, just like Greg said, so when you guys go to enroll or when you guys are looking at your schedule, so this is some of the messaging that will appear. So, one of them, one of the errors that you will get is “all of

the classes conflict with Commerce 2FB3”, so this might be the case when you go to enroll for your electives. Let's say you really want to take French and you put it in your schedule and it looks fine for, you know, your favourited, you favourited the schedule when it works, but then, once people start enrolling into courses, cores are going to fill up, and now the core that you wanted to take, that would work with your schedule, is full, but some of the messages that you might get are as follows. So, “all of the classes of this course conflict with Commerce 2FB3”, or it could be any class, so it'll tell you the exact error message. This just means that you have to pick, let's say, for this case,

this is an elective that I’m taking, that means you will have to take a different elective for your schedule. Another one is “all of these classes are full”. So, like we've reiterated before, you're guaranteed a seat in your required courses. We, however, do not guarantee seats in your electives. So, if an elective pops up and it says “all

of the classes are full” or you are, for example… If the course is a required course, email us if you're getting this message, because we will guarantee you a seat in a class that is required, but if it's showing up for an elective, there's nothing we can do in terms of helping you enroll into that elective, and that goes for Econ courses, not Econ courses, sorry, for electives, and Econ is a little bit of a tricky situation, so do email us with those inquiries, but I’m going to show you what it looks like in terms of enrolling into these courses. So, let me close this. Actually here, let's go ahead, yeah. Remove that, remove that… So, when I go to enroll, your button here will appear, it'll show as blue and it'll say “get this schedule”, so we're going to go ahead and click “get the schedule”, and the actions you will get will show you… They mean different things, so when you add something to your enrollment cart, all that means is kind of like when you go shopping. You've added it to your cart but that doesn't mean that you're enrolled, so don't confuse these things, this just means that you've added it to your cart, and you would have to go back later and then hit enroll to verify the transaction and to put you into the class. So, for this purpose, we're going to go with enroll, which means you're going to be put into that class. I’m going to hit “do actions”, and if it's successful, you'll get a message here that says “added”, “this class has been added to your schedule”, “return to select more courses”. If the class is, I’ll go back and show you another

one, Commerce, let’s do 2DA3 for example… all classes are full… I’m trying to find a class… Greg, would you happen to know a class where I can show them a requisite that I would not need? Maybe Commerce 1AA3. An elective, do you mean? Yes, just something I wouldn't have a prerequisite for. So, that you, personally? Yeah, this is, so, just… just for preference, or preface, sorry. I was a former student, so what you guys will see will be a little bit different from what I see because I have already taken some of these courses, so it'll be different, but, obviously, if you as a first-year go to enroll in a fourth-year Commerce course, it's not going to work because you haven't done the prerequisites for the course. So, we're just trying to find a course here that would not work just so I can show you the messaging. Let's see… get the schedule… That's another thing. This is another message that you might get. So, “you're unable to enroll in this class at this time” and “the

last day to enroll has passed”. So, another message you might get here that it will say is “you have not met the requisites for (this, this program, or) this course”, sorry, “contact a course administrator”, or it might say here “your course is full, please select another core or course”. Nav, sorry to interrupt! We're getting quite a few questions in the chat about something that I’m hoping you could just go over again.

So, as you've been… as you started moving into your shopping cart, still a lot of confusion about showing the conflict message. Can you register if you still have that conflict message? How do you make the conflict message go away? Okay. Cool, so let us go back to the Fall semester, because it won't show up here, because 1GR0 is not offered, so let's go back to the Fall, and let's load up our previous schedule. So, like I said before, like, when you… if you don't save your schedule as a favourite and you close the tab, it'll disappear, so make sure, if you do have a schedule that you like, you go ahead and click favourite. So, I’m going to load up my previous favourite that I showed you guys how to do. So, I’m going to load it, and back to the error message. So, no matter what you do, this error message

will appear, and all this means is that a certain amount of courses, or possibilities for this course, of the hundreds that there are… 120 to be specific, so you can scroll through here and check out all of them, there is a ton, so try each one, but this message will continue to appear, this won't affect your enrolling process. So, if a course that you, let's say I really wanted specifically lecture four, tutorial three, and it's full, it'll give you that message, but this message won't pop away, or go away, sorry, but it does not affect your enrolling process. There is enough seats across all of our cores and our tutorials to make sure that you get a seat, so don't worry about this. It's just showing you that, you know, no matter what you do, there's going to be a certain amount of classes that just won't work with your schedule, because they are overlapping time-wise, so don't worry about that. Yeah, so for the 1GR0 course there are 30 tutorials, and some of them are scheduled at the same time as each other, so there's just going to automatically be a conflict, but there's 30 of them to choose from. We

do hear from students that tell us, I tried the first five and they're all full, but tutorials 11 through 19 still have space, right? So, you just need to continue to look at it. What we do is we're tracking it, so if you've tried a number of these and it's not working, you can ask us, and we can tell you which are the open ones. We try to set, create a schedule, just share which are the open sections if that's something, because again, there's 30 of them, so it is a lot. I appreciate it. And Greg, can you clarify, we're getting quite

a few questions about, if I have a conflict and two courses overlap, is it my choice to register that way? We… I’m assuming we don't want to encourage people to register in two courses at the same time. Yeah, so students cannot enroll into two courses at the same time at any point over their undergraduate with DeGroote School of Business. We wanted to… much of our courses, especially in upper years, are very group based, and participation and discussion based, so it's important that you're attending each of your different courses, and there's a lot of in-class assessments and assignments and presentations. So, we do not allow students to enroll into conflicting schedules.

I have lots of students asking to book an academic advising appointment. Can we just clarify that Level 1 students will not be able to book academic advising appointments right now, this week, but maybe share some of the other strategies, the drop-in hours we're going to be having for them? Sure! So, I’m happy to sort of wrap things up once Nav's finished the demo, and then I have a slide that shares the drop-in dates. Okay, so like Greg said, we're just going to quickly wrap this up. So, this is your

My Timetable on Mosaic, but first I need to make sure I am enrolled, and I will show you what it looks like on your Mosaic. So, just give me a moment here. Okay, I’m enrolled, and just to clarify for students asking, I clicked enrolled, how do I know if it registered? So, it'll say, it'll give you the message here that says enrolled, but we'll also verify on Mosaic, so we always tell students, just make sure you check your Mosaic portal at your Student Centre, and it'll tell you if you're enrolled. So, let's go to the portal, so… Again, when you open up your Mosaic, it'll open up to this. We're going to click Student Centre and here we are. So, when the time comes and it's September and you've enrolled into your courses, this is exactly what you're going to see. You're going to open up your Student Centre and it'll say “upcoming schedule”, it'll tell you the class that you've enrolled in. The core is the specific slot that you're enrolled in, and it will say “virtual classroom,

6:30 to 9:30”. And now we're going to take it a step further. What we're going to do is we're going to show you guys what it looks like to pull up your schedule. So, for students wondering, I’ve enrolled into my courses, how do I know what it looks like on a weekly basis? So, we're going to click “weekly schedule”, and right there, if you guys can see, it is now populated and showing what time of the day your classes are at, and obviously if I had a full schedule, it would show all of my classes here. Yeah, and this is a very fine point that I expect most of you will forget by the time September rolls around, but because of Labour Day, when you look at your first week of the term, you won't see any classes on Monday. You'll say, where's my Monday classes? You just need to go to the next week and you'll see your full regular schedule. Like Greg says, let’s go to the next week… oh, if it loads… yeah, there you go. So,

I’ve changed the week on the top and the course is still there. So, play with that and see that. You can also go to your “list view” and that'll show you, I don't know anyone that personally used this in my… in my four years at McMaster, but if you're curious to see it in the list view, you can, but people tend to go with the weekly schedule right here. And now, we're going to go back and I’m going to show you what it looks like to “hard enroll” as we call it, and do it the other way. So, this is your Student Centre. You're going to click “enroll”. Awesome, and it'll say, for your case, it'll

say My 2021 Fall class schedule, and it'll populate your classes here. Let's say that you are specifically looking for a class, so there's a couple of options, unless you know the course code, the class number, sorry, the class number is what's written right here, in these four digits right here, so if I pop these digits into here and hit “enter”, it will automatically give me this specific class, which is Commerce 1MA3, core two. But for students just looking for courses, there's a couple of methods that we can use, so there is the “class search”, there is “my requirements”, and there is “my planner”.

So, we're going to start off with the my… “class search”, so you're going to hit “search” and now you're going to be shown the screen and it'll say the term on the top and it'll give you the search criteria that you can go through. So, what we recommend is we recommend you click a subject, and a common mistake that students make is they say, well, I can't find any of my courses, I typed in Business and there was no courses. The course code for Business 1 is Commerce, so if you go here and you scroll through all these courses, you should see Commerce right here at the bottom. We're going to click “select

Commerce”, and you don’t have to change anything else. All you have to do is hit “search”, and once you hit “search”, it'll show every single course that is, that is currently listed, and what's neat about looking at the Mosaic side of things is you can see whether the course is closed or open. So, let's say it comes to enrollment time and your enrollment appointment is at a later time, you can go through and see if specific cores that you wanted are open or closed. So, if it's open, it'll show as a green circle, or if it's totally closed, meaning the course is totally full, it'll show as a blue square. However, it's important to note that even if it’s showing “open”, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is seats for you, so there's something called the “reserve capacity”, which I’ll let Greg speak to, but the reserve capacity just means that there's currently seats available in the core but they are not for you, they're being reserved for a student in a faculty that needs them. So, that's very common in Econ courses, because Econ is required by

the Economics students, it's required by Business students, there's students pursuing minors that require Econ. So, if you come into here and you say, well, Econ, this course… this core of Econ is showing as open. Why can't I enroll? That's because seats for that specific core are being reserved by their faculty for them. So, this just means that there's seats available, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can enroll if there's a reserve capacity set on that course, but if it shows as blue like this, that means the course is totally full and there's no more seats left. So, just a nuance to look at. So, let's say I want

to… I searched it up, and now I want to select a course, so I’m going to select for this purpose… oh, this is a Spring course, let's not do that one, sorry. Let’s go back. Enroll. There you go. I search… You can also just type in Commerce as well, so Commerce, just make sure your spelling is correct, click “search”, and let's pick a Summer course. Let's go with… There's not many options here that are still open. Sure, let's go with 3AC3. So, let's select 3AC3, you would go click “next”, and then once you have it in your shopping cart, so this is what it looks like when you have something in your shopping cart, so when you go to Mosaic and you click a class just like this, it'll say, okay, now you have Commerce 3AC3 or whatever course you're looking for, it'll show up in your shopping cart, and you would click “proceed to step two of three”, and now it's going to say what the status is, it's open, closed, or if there's a waitlist on, and then you would click “finish enrolling”. So, if I click “finish enrolling”, it should

give me an error message. Oh, okay, so I’ve been added to this class. So, in this case, it was added to my schedule, but if it shows up that you can't, it'll give you the error message, so it'll give you that red “X”, and it'll say, for so and so reason whether it's requisites not being met, or if there is a reserve capacity, and there's a few other reasons, it'll tell you the exact reason that the class has not been added to your schedule. So, now, we're going to explore some other functions. If you look at the top right here, and once you click “enroll”, there is your class schedule, add, drop, or swap. So,

when you want to go and drop a course, let's say you've decided to take an elective, and you really don't want to take it anymore, you could drop the course. So, these are the courses that I just signed up for. For this case, I’m going to drop the 3AC3, so you click the button here, you just simply click “drop select classes”, or “selected classes”, you hit “finish dropping” and there you go. You'll get the message that says “your class has been successfully dropped”, or “X” is “you have not been able to drop your class”. Most times, you should be able to drop your class fairly simply. So now, what I’m going to show you is the swap function. So, the swap function is when,

let's say, you have multiple cores that you would want to switch between, so let's say, I’m in core one of Commerce 1MA3 and I really want core two. So, we don't recommend dropping the entire course. What we do recommend is swapping, so you would come into here, this is a Summer course, so there are… Summer semester, so there's only one core. So, what I’m going to do is I’m going to swap it with a different class, but if you wanted to swap it with the same class, you just want, let's say, a different tutorial or you want a different core, you would again come here in the “class search”, type in the class that you want, so type in Commerce or Econ or whatever elective that you choose, you can come into here, and let's say there was another core available for Commerce 1MA3, I would simply click “select”, but for demonstration purposes, I’m going to select a different course. So, I’m going to select 3AC3 again, right? So, it'll say the lecture that you, or the class right here, so Commerce 3AC3. I’m going to hit “next”, and right here, so it's going to say “you're replacing this class”, so the class that I want to get rid of is Commerce 1MA3, and I want to replace it with Commerce 3AC3. So, you would

just hit “finish swapping” and there you go. So, it gives me the message that says “you have swapped Commerce 1MA3 with Commerce 3AC3” and it's been successfully replaced. So now, I can go back, I can go to my class schedule and that will say I’m now enrolled in 3AC3, and this is the time of the class. Now, you can just simply go back to your “weekly calendar view” and if it's available… yep, right there, and now I’ve successfully enrolled into Commerce 3AC3. And that is… that's essentially it in terms of enrolling. That's the gist of it. So, we do recommend you use My Timetable to view your classes and set them up in a manner where you can visually see them, but this is more so for later on in the semester when you're looking to get a specific tutorial with your friend, or you're looking to get a specific core, you would more most likely use this function available on Mosaic. Nav, we're getting lots of questions about

registration appointments. Can you remind students, or possibly show them how you find your specific time and date? And I just want to remind students that registration appointments cannot be changed. They are auto generated, and we have no power to change them for you. Absolutely, so… So well, Nav, you can navigate to where we can see it, and then I just want to, I’ve seen a few questions come up in the chat that I wanted to address, but Nav, you can navigate to where the enrollment appointments are, but… Sure! Yeah, I’ve seen several questions about, do I need to take STATS? Do I need to take Math 1F03? All of those questions, all of those requirements are from previous years, so just make sure you're looking at the current… what's in this presentation, we will send a follow-up with Business 1 and IBH 1 courses, and then also in the Calendar, but you should see that there's no Math 1F03, there's no Stats 1L03, all of those are from previous versions, so just, more than anything else, just make sure you're checking the current version of your program. Absolutely! So, you're going to pop up again on your Student Centre, when you open it up, so click the “Student Centre” tile, and when you open it up, I obviously am no longer a student, so it will not show, but for current students, it'll show right here. So, this is my schedule, and it'll say right here, in the enrollment dates right here, it'll say when you can begin adding your classes and your specific enrollment time. So, we click enrollment dates, it shows this, but it should say your specific… your specific time, right in this corner, right here. I

know we've had some issues with students clicking, let's say, if I had my enrollment appointment, I’d click here, normally, you'd be able to change your semester here. I don't know if that's because I’m currently staff, or if that's, if students can change, but you should be able to click right here and change your term, and see the specific times here. If you can't though, please let us know, but, again, it's pretty straightforward in terms of where to find it. You would just, again, Student Centre, and right-hand side, it'll pop up right here, once this loads. There we go. Yeah, so under “Enrollment Dates”, that's when you know when you can start moving. Okay, so I’m just going to share, just one

or two slides left, and then I’m happy to answer, I see there's a ton of questions… Okay, so here's the… the enrollment appointments. So, you should see enrollment opens on June the 28th, and as Lisa mentioned, unfortunately, we cannot change any of the times. Enrollment appoint… so basically, this is when your enrollment opens, right? It doesn't close.

So, appointments, a funny word that I wouldn't use if I were creating the system, but that's what it is, but it's just the time that your appointment opens. So, even if you're not home at three o'clock on June the 28th, that's fine, your enrollment is open as of that time if that's your assigned time, but then it just stays open, and then, again, as I mentioned, you have until mid-September to make changes. So, again, just please be patient and know that… and this is where you can talk to upper-year students, and upper-years students will tell you that things tend to work out, but it's just not all going to happen on this one particular date, and then, as Lisa mentioned, we are holding enrollment support drop-in sessions during, once enrollment is open, because there's a lot of questions I think that you might have today that you won't necessarily have when you're actually working through the system. This is where we're going to have you working with some of our upper-year students to go through, you know, executing on the shopping cart, and enrolling in courses, and swapping courses, etc., so we'll have time for, to be able to actually sit and work with you. But, again, we deal, we will have an opportunity to meet with academic advisors over the course of the next many weeks to look into specific requirements or, again, if you want to have a reduced load, or if you need to work with SAS to have particular timing, we have lots of time to do that. But, again, over sort of these days, we just want

you to make sure you're enrolling and do everything, you have your schedule, and then we have a lot of time to fine-tune it, okay? Okay, so I have a few things that… I have a couple of things that I wanted to clarify just before, because I think they're going to come up as questions, but just the reserve cap, so reserve capacity, so I’ll use our courses as an example. So, for Level 1 Accounting for Business 1, there's 400 seats in section one. Of those 400 seats, 350 of them are for Business 1 students, 20 of them are for Math and Stat students, 20 of them are for Engineering and Management students, and 10 of them are for students that are enrolling to minor in Business. So, we've taken a big number of

seats and we've divided them across different programs. So, you might see that Accounting, that it, there are seats, but as Nav mentioned, that might be a seat that's been allocated to an Engineering and Management student, and then similarly, when you're enrolling into Macroeconomics, of those 600 seats, you know, 400 of them are for Business students, and then 100 of them are for Economics students, and 50 for Science students, etc. So, that's where you might see this reserve cap. As we approach the start of the term, we take off

the reserve caps, right? So, we have an idea of the sort of the number of students across the different programs that need these courses, but, again, if we've set aside 25 seats for Engineering and Management, and in August we see that only five people have signed up, we open up the rest of those 20 seats for everybody. So, that's something to keep in mind when you're looking at your electives, when you're enrolling into French, or hope to enroll into French, you might not be able to enroll on day one, but in August they will open up additional seats more broadly, and that's when you'll be able to take those seats. So, that's what reserve cap is. That's a really common question that we get. Okay, Greg! I’m going to try to aggregate some of these questions for you. So, could you just once again speak a little bit about the two Economics courses? Students can take both in the Fall. They're just wondering if they have to and, are there lots of seats in the Winter? Yeah, so about two-thirds of the seats that have been allocated to Business are in the Winter term, so roughly a third of students will take it in the Fall and, again, that's virtual, so that's going to work out really well for a good number of our students that are not in the province. So, it's best to

take it in the Fall anyways, when it is the virtual offering, but the bulk of our students will take it in the Winter term, and there's no real advantage or disadvantage to taking them, there's not an order, one is not prerequisite to the other… yeah, they're completely independent courses that you can take together, one before the other, it doesn't really matter. Okay! Questions about… the specific question, is Commerce 1DA3 and 1E03 only offered in-person? Could you speak about the fact that there will be virtual options in Fall for all required courses? And what in-person actually means and doesn't mean? Sure! So, what in-person means is that there will be, you'll be expected to be in a classroom on campus at some point on some schedule. So, again, depending on the class, that might mean you're coming to campus one day a week, it might mean you're coming to class three days a week, so that's for you to, that's going to depend on the room and the number of students that are enrolled as well as what the distancing requirements are going to be. So, it just means that if you have the capacity and interest in coming to campus, sign up for an in-person. If you know you cannot, then sign up for a virtual section. There will be virtual sections of 1DA3 as well as 1E03, so you can see, there is, 1DA3 is already scheduled, the section one I believe is virtual, it's an 8:30am Ontario time, and then 1E03, we're just finalizing which of those four sections is going to be virtual, but there will be a virtual section of each of those classes.

And can you speak to the 1GR0 tutorials? What if a student, particularly an international student, cannot attend an in-person tutorial for 1GR0? Sure! So, about two-thirds of our tutorials are in-person and one-third are virtual, so there are virtual tutorial options and then, again, we, based on a survey we did last year in the 1GR0 class with our Level 1 students, we heard that about 70% of students were hoping to be on campus, and we use that as our, as our starting point, and this is where, this is going to be a process. If I see that it's really 50/50

2021-06-27 02:46

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