Trends in Business Ethics & Corporate Citizenship

Trends in Business Ethics & Corporate Citizenship

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It is wonderful. To be home. University. Of Dayton and it's where I learned how to be a professional, well. I learned how to be an educator, where. I learned critical, thinking, and where. I learned about giving, back to community, I also. Learned at the University of Dayton that this was a place where. Curiosity. Brought. Rewards. And challenges, but. Was, always, addressed. And I hope that is your academic, experience here so tonight. We'll talk about ethics, there, will be no answers. We. Will just figure it out as we go. Culture. Is like. The air around us each, of us experience. It differently. Ethics. Its. Conduct, how. We conduct. Ourselves in. The culture of which we live how. We conduct, ourselves as, students how. We conduct, ourselves as, administrators. Religiously. Faculty. Community. Members, the. Ethics, of, Business. Conduct. So. I hope, this presentation, it's. Going to bring, questions so, please we'll. Have an opportunity for. Q&A and I, want you to push me and I'm gonna push back, because. That's how we learn so. An incredible, educational. Philosopher. John Dewey talks. About we only learn. When. There's dissonance, when. There is discomfort. That. Is our best time to take in new knowledge, so. When, we talk about ethics. It's. Personal, we. Are in each other's, experience. And we. Should always have questions fair. There. So. We're going to talk a little bit about diversity, tonight how. Many of you can tell I'm an african-american woman, raise. Your hand well. Done. You, pass in. The, african-american culture, we call it call-and-response. So. I'm going to talk to you as we. Address ourselves tonight and. I'm gonna call out to you and I'll, need you to respond, so the Dean asked, you when you first when, he first got to the microphone, he said how are you doing tonight and some, of you weren't. Ok, so let's try that again how are you doing. Great. Fabulous. So, now you are a part of the call and what, did I call it call an. Pattern. Do you like it yeah.

It's Our lovely it gives you great affirmation, so. I work, at atrium, health we. Are a diverse, health care organization. We have. 13,000. Virtual. Care visits. How. Many of you think that virtual, care was an ethical issue. Moving. Yes, absolutely. Moving. From. One. On one interaction. In-person. In an office, at a home. To. Let. Skype. So. In the state of North Carolina. We. Could, have. Virtual, visits, it, was part of our medical, plan. Legislative. Act and in. South Carolina, it was not, so. Two different. States, side-by-side. Different. Laws and, our. Job is to try. To stay. Contemporary. And relevant, so in, North Carolina, virtual, visits, were. No, ethical. Or business. Concern, South. Carolina, they were state. To state. Every. Day. Five. Million, dollars. Goes. Into. Uncompensated. Care. Five. Million dollars every, day. 1.7. Billion, dollars, a year, so. When people say I can't access, health care worse, please do come to us we. Have clinics, we'll take care of you because. Health, and well-being is, about, ongoing care, not episodic. Care in any D. So. This is the biggest dilemma. I'm. Gonna move this over. So. Your first graft, is, the. United, States pending. For healthcare as we, compare, ourselves to, other civilized. Country, what. Does the graph tell you who can read it. Who. Spends the most on health care. We. - we. -. Okay. Let's try it again see. The graph, who, spends the most, we. Do United, States spends the most do. You think we get the best, outcomes. For our spend. No. We're, at middle, or bottom of the pack as we compare ourselves to, other, countries, so our gross. Domestic product. It's. 17%. For health care in. 2016. We spent three, point four trillion, dollars, in health care in. 2025. We are looking at five point, five trillion. What's. The ethical dilemma. We. Are spending, more. Than any, other country. With. Less. Than satisfactory, results. We. Can talk about how we can do, better, right. So. Now I want, to tell you a little bit about me. So. Of the six adults, in that, photo do. You see those lovely grandchildren, those. Are the most loveliest, grandchildren. Ever but. Of the six adults, in that in that photo there. Are. Nine. Credentials. From higher ed, three. Of them come from the University, of Dayton so, a third, of our. Academic. Credentials, come from UD we. Are UD family, we. Have lon UD history, and the. Reason. That I came here tonight is because dick, Glennon, has been a part, of our. Family. Relationships. For as long, as I. Have been married 44, years. The. Most important, part about UD, is I can tell you all about atrium. Health but I can also tell you that, as a, country, our spend is too much and our. Outcomes, are not good enough because. Here. We have critical thinking, and I'm, looking at you going and you, will have the opportunity. To, find solutions. And resolutions. If you, so choose to participate. Your. Education. Here is a gift and it, is a blessing, use. It wisely I. Am. Originally, from San Francisco. So. As you. Start putting things together as, you. Observe, you. Create your own story, correct. African-american. Woman from. San, Francisco. Anybody. Want to yell out my political, party. Just. Yell it out. And. You're right. You're. Right. Because. Sometimes those, assumptions. Lead, to, correct. Answers, sometimes. They do not and, when, they do not we just have to apologize, correct.

But. As a leader will you have to assume. Can. You stay safe. Can. You. Can. You have absolute. Perfection, in, your. Assumptions, all the time, no it's. About recovery, it's. About taking. A risk. Understanding. You have the ability, to think critically and. Giving. It a try, so. Obviously, the University. Of Dayton was very important, to me and, Carolina's. Health care system, atrium, health will be where I will retire, from in the next 60 days I've. Had a remarkable. Incredible. Career none. Of it planned none, of it. But. I do have, a professional. Profile. How, many of you can look at me and say you. Know what I think I'm gonna tell her off-color, joke. Raise. Your hand if you think that would be a good idea. No. How. Many do you think it would be a good idea to say you know I've got a little business plan, you. Know it's a little shaky we, may start off it may be illegal but it could be legal, over time am, I the person you're gonna talk to. Hello. No. I don't look like that person do I so. As we talk about business, ethics. When. From, this day on when. You get pulled into the wrong conversation. You. Should ask yourself, what. About me. Gave. Them, the. Impression that, I. Was an okay person to have this conversation with, will. You do that for me. What. About me what did I say, what. Did I do. How. Did I look how. Did I get there. Right. So. This is Chris Daniels. In. 1996. He. Passed away he was one of our basketball players, he was a UD flyer I. Carry. Him in my heart every, single, day, because. When I, helped. To recruit him, here I. Promised. His mother I said. He will have four. Remarkable. Years here and. I. Promise you he will come home he. Will come home a better student he. Was from the School of Education, he. Wanted to teach, he. Had one year where he was injured, he was redshirted. So he had one more year to play, while. He was trying to earn a master's degree and he. Passed away in the middle of the night, my. Ethical, dilemma is what did I say to his mother I. Promise. You if, you, allow. Him to come here we. Will treat him well he have a remarkable. Educational. Experience, he will get his credential, and he will have meaningful work and I, will send him back home to you I will take care of him. He. Didn't make it. So. This stays in my office because, it was about a promise. I made and I wasn't able to deliver he. Stays with me everywhere. So. My sources of truth for business ethics. As. I'm. Not a, disciplined. Ekam edition on ethics. I'm. Not, a writer I, am. NOT a thought leader. But. I'm a solid professional, and where. It comes for me, is. From my mother I call. It ethics 101 her, name was Evelyn Taylor, pluche a I lost her about 30 days ago she. Will, be in my heart forever and, I am the professional I am because. She taught me if. You. Lie down with dogs you, get up with fleas. Hello. Be. Careful about who you associate, with, how. Many of you your parents have said mmm. I don't like that friend. Yeah. Do, you think I'm bring that friend home anyway, cuz, you're not the boss of me they really are the boss of you Yeah right.

And. How. Many times have they ended up being right. About. A hundred percent, hundred. They're. More experienced. They see things differently, they're giving you insight, but you have to learn on your own yeah. You'll. Recover. Access. People, around you, who, are they. Every. Friend doesn't have to be your best friend. Sometimes. You feed people with a long-handled. Spoon. Because. They shouldn't be in your circle. Their. Values, may be different, their, ethical, goals may. Not be the same they, may persuade, you of something new which could be good it could be disruptive, but, use. Good judgment, all of the time. Just. Because everyone. Is doing it, should you how. Many of you have heard that. So. They're actually, teaching you ethics. Through. Storylines. This. Was one of my mother's, favorites. When. The dust is flying be, patient, and wait. For the rain you. Can't always find resolution. Immediately. This. Was my father's favorite. Nobody. Wants to see you looking ugly as a leader. So. You get your little feelings hurt and. You. Want your parents know you're mad or your boyfriend or your girlfriend or, your instructor. You. Want them to say how are you feeling. But. You're also sending, a message, about who you are, there. So. My two role models for business business ethics, are, my father-in-law, Johnny. Moore senior and he. Is a graduate, from the University, of Dayton in. 1956. So. If you're ever at Sinclair, Community College. He has a business name a. Building. Named after him and dick. Glennon so. These two are actually partners. And, what. They partnered, on, was. Advancing. Dayton. Appreciating. Diversity and. Finding. Ways that. Diverse students, could work together to. Advance our community, so. I want to talk a little bit about dick, linen, dick. Glen partnered. With the Wilberforce, University. With. The University, of Dayton and sent. Students, to Israel, so we would have a better, understanding. Of the. Israeli. And Jewish. Conflicts. Students. Lived on a kibbutz they went to the University, of Israel. And they. Put forth their, time, and their. Treasures, to. Build community. So. No one tells either one of these two off-color, jokes. No. One tells either, one of these to know. Especially. When they're talking about advancing. The community, where you live, so. What are the things I will share with you you have become part, of the. Population. Where. You've learned. How. To be a critical, thinker where. You have more information. Than. Many of your family, members and many of your neighbors and with. That comes an incredible. Responsibility. To lead in, the. African-american, community. W/e. De, bois called. The, educated. African, Americans, the talented, tenth. One. Tenth of the population, educated. Degreed, and credentialed, our. Primary, responsibility. Was to go back and help the. Other 90%, the. Communities. Of where, we live are. Important. To us how. They think and how they talk so it's, not just about getting a degree and buying a big house and closing the door. Right. And. To. Make sure you have good schools of. The Arts. What. Is your ethical, responsibility. As a leader. So. I will tell everybody. Get. A book get. A book to learn how to lead, get. A book that, you can say you, model yourself after, and, it. Can be a hundred. Different books, for, some of you it will be the Bible for. Some of you it will be a business book for, some of you will be a philosophy, book but, go deep and. Understand. What. The literature is telling us about leadership my, book is the fifth discipline. Peterson. J and. Brother. Raymond, Fitz gave me this book when, I was a young professional. Because. I had, read in the chronicle of education. 25. Years ago. That. Higher education. Had the reputation of, bringing, young, african-american. Males into. Their. Sports. Programs. Connecting. The revenues, and not no, graduation. So. I said I will not be a part of that, Brother. Race should have fired me they. Didn't but, he should have correct. Hello. With. Me yeah. I will. Not be, a part of that, he. Asked me said Debra do you know what the graduation, rate of our athletes are let's, go no I do not. Do. You know what their majors are no, no, no I don't, so. Ethically, should I been out saying that. I. Wouldn't support it. Why. Why. Take. A guess you're gonna win why. Any. One of you try it. Exactly. What about you what were you gonna say same. Thing you do yeah. And I'm persuasive.

Yeah. People were listening to me. Was. I demonstrating. Good professionalism. Or ethics. No. So. With this book the. Depth of personal, mastery is, incredibly, important, know your business. Understand. That people have different models when they hear you. Your. Job is to teach. Persuade. Motivate. When. You epically, believe then. Build a shared vision and then, move to system thinking. My. Example, here is. I. Know when, I am at, my best, at. Walking. Around saying, I don't know about higher education and. Athleta, miss it ethic all I, look, like this because. I didn't have the right information I. Got. Better. Information, and, I. Became a responsible. Administrator. Then. When I decided, to do. Something about, it I was. Fully extended. So. I had a student at. Davidson. College when I did this exercise and, I asked, I said what did you learn with this rubber band and she. Told me I learned I will not break. You. Will not break, when you are stretched and, for. Some of us we believe. That. There is a, spiritual. Universe, a God of our universe. That. Holds, us and keeps us strong. When. We stretch ourselves, and have new learnings. You. Will not break. What. Will you deal with. The, world's messy. We. Say we're not going to talk about religion, we're not going to talk about politics, and we talk about religion and politics all the time world's just messy, for. Those of you who like order, as a leader you. Will be disappointed, because. Every. Day you will go to work and there, is going to be something that is out of your control it is, just messy, now. I'm going to ask you again of the. 65,000. Teammates. That. Are in North South, Carolina, North, and South Carolina and Georgia right. Now do. You think one, teammate, is doing something against, policy. Can. I get an amen. Right. Yeah. And. It happens. It. Happens, so. As a leader you deal. With a messy place and, it. Can have disruption. Direct disruption. Can be challenging. And rewarding. Innovation. Will, bring us new, thought. Innovation. Also, brings us epical, questions. Part. Of your role as a leader is, can. You predict, and forecast. Can. You look at the situation, and say, this, is going to be a problem, we will need to address it this way. Right. So. Friday. Night. University. Of Dayton has loz change that you're all here yeah so, when. I was associate dean what would I think about Friday night at the University, of Dayton. Anybody. Have a clue. What. Do you think about I'm the Dean associate. Dean Friday night University, of Dayton. Everyone. Studying, is that it. Yes. Well. What would I think about. Somebody. Take a chance. Party. Brother. Victor knows, what. About one of you, I'm. Associate, dean I'm. Living, five miles, from here. Oh. I'm. Thinking everybody, has their books and they're in bed and they, turn their lights off by nine o'clock and the world is perfect right there. Will. Be disruption. What. I learned about why. I was here is, social. Responsible. Socially, responsible, investing. Because. As students. You came, to the University and said. Are, any. Of our pension, funds. Do. They have investments, in South Africa, and we were dealing with apartheid. A break. Of the road of the races. And. As. An administration. We. Addressed the students, and at, the time we were, but. We decided, that as a Catholic, Mara, nest organization. We, would be very. Thoughtful about, socially. Responsible, investing. The. Problem, is. Gambling. And alcohol, smoking. And guns are, always. A good buy. We. Call them, sin. Funds, and the. Question, was could, we make as much money on, funds.

That, Had nothing to do with sins and. For. Years, as business leaders we have worked on the. Investment. Of those funds, ethical. Dilemma, Catholic. Higher. Education, our, mission. And. Where. We put our money, students. Led us through that change. Right. Now another, ethical. Question. Guns. So. Our gun makers, what's, their core competency. I. Gave. You the answer our, gun. Makers. What's, their core competency. But, is it gun. Making. Excellent. You're awesome yeah. Core, competency, right they're, either publicly, or privately held. What. Are they supposed to, do. Are, they supposed to work for a loss. Not. Make money how, many of you think that the gun companies, are not supposed to make money please, raise your hand, how. Many of you think the gun companies are supposed to make money raise. Your hand. So. It's how we buy. Guns. Again. Students. Are leading us. Saying. Keep us safe in our schools. One. Of the questions, we have in front of us are. Should, educators. Be armed, and trained. Ethical. Dilemma I, don't. Have the answers. Yeah. You're expecting, the black woman from San Francisco to finish. The sentence I'm. Retiring, in 60 days. Who's. Going to have to come up with the answers. That's. Right. I'm. Betting. On you. Because. You want your children to be safe in schools, we. Don't have the answer, but, the ethical, dilemma, of their job is to make money, we. Have some people who are trained to keep us safe and, then, we have people who do not fall. From a civility. Perspective. In the, protocols, of how to be a good citizen. Me. Too that's. What you live with. 50. Years ago women started, entering the workplace with, very, aggressive, models. Of being. Management. And going to the top of the organization women, have always worked. But. We didn't have management. Roles. So. We enter this world. Military. Non-military. For. Profit not for profit, and we. Have disruptions. Because we have disrespected. Women. In the workplace I. Don't. Care how you feel about me, too. But. You have to have an opinion if you, want to lead I don't, care how you feel about it but, you do have to think about it because. You want to lead correct. This. Is a very interesting story, how many of you are from the East Coast so you know about Wegmans. Good. Good great store right yeah. Great store. The. Issue is, they, wanted, to reduce their healthcare cost I already, showed you that we have a big spend. So. To, reduce healthcare costs, everyone said stop smoking, you will have better health better health outcomes, if you stopped smoking. Wagaman, said, we're. Gonna reduce costs, you. Have to no smoking, you can't be a smoker, and be an employee at Wegmans and then. They sold tobacco, and, their. Employees came to them and said how. Can you sell tobacco, and. Then. Tell us we're tobacco-free. Wegmans. Did a very, courageous, thing, they. Stopped. Selling. Tobacco. So. From an ethical, perspective. They. Lost the profits, of selling. Tobacco to. Be in line with, who, they said they were based on their mission. Elizabeth. Holmes, how. Do you know she is. Anybody. Yes. That's. What they said she was going to be the next Steve Jobs we. Were all excited, because she developed, a process, where you could take just a prick, on the finger a drop, of blood and do all of the lab testing. She. Was making. Millions. She. Believed her own press. It. Was a fraud. Where's. The ethics. Keypoint. For you never believe your own press, you. Could be on top on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock and on the bottom, Monday. At 4:00. Stay. True to your beliefs it. Would have been much different if she had come out and said I was. Wrong. She's. Being sued for millions, of dollars she is, not the next Steve Jobs, she.

Didn't Control her narrative, she. Didn't keep her profile, and she. May still recover. But. On this issue it, was fraud. Stories. Everywhere. About. Her fraud. So. We lifted her up on fortune. And Forbes and here. She is breaking. News fraud. Do. We know this one. My. Numbers wrong so, when I get did, this presentation I put fifty million does anybody know what the new number is. 80. I. Know why your Dean. 87. Million. Data. Breach, so. Let's talk about it a minute. Did. Facebook, start. As. A. Connector. For politics. Anybody. You know do you think it started for politics, no. Did. It start, as. A. Analytics. Model for prediction. Now. Mm-hmm. How. Did it start. Interested. Students, finding. Connections it wasn't even a dating site was it, and. It, grew and grew and grew so, this is a disruption. Unplanned. So. When you hit your fall as a business. Leader the. Most important, thing is to tell your own narrative and to say you're sorry so. The latest he's posting. In newspapers. Which. I think I shouldn't say posting, he, is buying, ads, in. Newspapers and. In, print saying. If you can't trust us with your data I, apologize. And we shouldn't have it unless, we know how to use it. So. What did he do different. From Elizabeth, Holmes oh. Do. You think I'm the only person working tonight I am NOT the only person, can. Anybody answer that what was the difference I. Can't. Hear you he. Apologized, he owned it. He. Got in front of the story and some of us thought he waited too long but. He did it so skillfully. We're. Saying we'll, give you another shot. When. You, are leading. I. Would. Encourage you to teach, beyond, the job, as. Employers. As leaders. As managers. You. Will be working with people their best. Work. Waking, hours, of the day. Teach. Civility. Teach. Diversity. And inclusion, teach. Spirituality. If you are in a setting that can do that such, as the University, of Dayton where I worked or Catholic. Health care or Methodist. Health care or faith-based. When. You have that setting, teach don't, be afraid and, sometimes. You'll be wrong but I promise, you you will recover I am the perfect example. Of recovery I. Am. An absolute outlier. But. My career has been extremely, rewarding so. Every, new teammate. Prepares. A backpack, that goes, into, a. Family. That has low socioeconomic, status. And they may not have food, for the weekend what. Am I telling that employee when they come to our health system on their. First day when they're packing a backpack. What. Message am i sending. Think. About it for a minute I can pause. Anybody. Want. To try I. Can. Point. What, message am i sending. Ah. Ok, so. The first day new. Employees, come to my, organization, I have them pack a backpack of food to, give to a family that may not have food on the weekend, what. Message am i sending. You're. Exactly right. The. Message is to play it forward well done. So. This. Is my job this is, where I work and. 2018. We did have teammates, that earned seven, dollars and fifty cents an hour. Because. I was developed, at. The, University, of Dayton and, I. Knew I, could. Speak critically. And. We. Were talking about economic. Mobility, and, development. We. Said you. Know this is. My. Job is to manage the human capital spin, which, is 50%. Of our revenue. That's. My job. But. We had teammates, that, couldn't survive on one job. Had. To work two, jobs and. We. Were making. Reasonable. Revenues, and income. Ethically. I was. Able to go to my employer, and say. We. Need to move this up overtime, today. No. One at a, trim health earns, less, than 1150. An hour by. 2020. I want to get to $15. An hour the, real number is 1750. But. Let me kind of help you get a picture of this. 750. An hour once. You take out rent clothing, and transportation. This. Is their hourly, rate. Five. And some, of you will say well too. Bad for them. But. They're part of what. They're. Part of our organization in their part of community, so. I shared with your community, benefit, is. 1.7. Billion dollars a year and, you're. Saying well I work, to go to college and I, should make a lot of money. But. You should also care. How. Others, live. And thrive. Right. I give. This jar to every executive. So. They can figure out. When. We're talking, about how do we get to 1150, where we are and how, do we get to $15. And that we know to have a reasonable. Living wage at 1750. How. Many of you see that as an ethical dilemma. Is. That all can. You all see that as an ethical dilemma. How. Does it make you feel. That's, the disruption. Of leadership. So. Diversity, and civility, brother. Mentioned, some of these things in his beautiful. Invocation. And prayer and, Ty, Howard is a football player and he's. Just saying show respect. Politeness. Manners. The, use, your etiquette, decorum. And kindness, so. Many times in our healthcare organization. Have you had any have you been hospitalized. Broken. Something, yeah and. Sometimes. Your doctor, spends maybe 15 minutes with you but. What about the housekeeper. Many. - yeah they spend the time with you they talk you through it. How. Many of you have had a housekeeper come.

And Check on you, are. You okay baby just. Checking, on you I see. It all the time, so. They bring value. To the workplace. So. What is your ethical. Profile. I'd. Like you to think about it you don't have to answer me. But. Please know you are establishing. That profile. Today. And. With. Social media. Your. Profile, is being a. Piece. Of history, as you. Move into the future. What. Is your ethical, profile. So. When you look at ethics, is it justice, is it. Honor it's, how we behave. It's. Conscience, its wrongdoing. And you will not be perfect I have. Gone to sleep so many nights saying, I wish I had said I wish. I did I, didn't. Make it back time, but. The next time I was prepared, it. Is a journey and please. Know I still, make mistakes. For. Some of you I have offended you tonight. But. Please know I love you. And. What. I want you to be is uncomfortable. Enough. To. Think about your. Ethical, profile, how. People view you and how you want to leave. You. Will never do anything in this world, without. Courage. Its. Courage, to say hey peace out I'm, not a part of this I'm out, it's. The courage to say that's interesting. Not me. It's. The courage to say you just made me uncomfortable I, hear you I like you I'm uncomfortable, it's. The courage to say I hear you I don't agree with you it's. The courage to say can we look at it this way. So. What would have happened, if. I had never said, let's. Change wages, that atrium, health. What. Would it happened. Nothing. Right. What. Did it take when I said let's change what wages, said atrium health where we're, a good corporate citizen. We're Attica let's change wages, I had. A great track record. What. Did they say. What. Did they say. They, said yes. What, happens if you don't ask the question. If. You don't ask the question nothing, will happen. What. If they had told me no do, you think they were gonna fire me that day. Mm-hmm. No I've been okay they just told me no what. Happens when someone tells you no and. You, believe in it. So. When you ask your parents for the car and they. Tell you no and you really believe you need to go out do you just leave it at that time or do you come back again. What. Do you do. How. Many times I'm. A mother how many times. And. Then. We said. Maya. Angelou, would have turned 90 this week she, was a great woman a national, port poet, laureate, she. Was a translator, she helped us understand, culture, she did it with words and she did it with beauty. I'm. Good with this. Do. The best you can until. You. Know better. Then. When you know better. -. Better I. End. You in tonight, with that quote thank you for listening please. Be thoughtful.

2018-04-25 14:51

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After meeting her at a diversity symposium at CHS I was inspired to stand a little taller and continue to put my all into laboratory science. I eventually became a leader in my department and still carry her wisdom with me today.

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