Trading Nomadic | The Best Technical Indicators For Day Trading | Benzinga Stock Market

Trading Nomadic | The Best Technical Indicators For Day Trading | Benzinga Stock Market

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What's up, man! how are we doing? How's it going, man? What's up, man? How  are you doing? How's it going brother   oh shoot you got the youtube audio coming  through too is that coming through on my end? What's up man how are you doing how's it going bro   oh shoot you got the youtube audio  coming here too yeah, hold on. yeah i'm not getting audio from  stream yard um i'm gonna roll   with it i can just turn this down um i  mean i mean i'm trying to think of you   you probably you might not need audio  because i'm not going to beat them um see if i can or you want to hop out if  you close the youtube browser and then hop   back in here whenever you're ready  i can share my screen yeah go ahead i'm good to go whenever you're ready brother  all right yes sir i'll leave you to it   um real quick i want to start off with uh  well the talk in my circle at least um bitcoin   after what is it i mean we've been sitting  in the same zone since february 20th   you know this little zone i got  marked out here about 59 five um   it's kind of the neckline i've been  looking at of this consolidation here this   big old structure um and it's been every  time we try to get above it every time we   do get above it it's just rejected immediately  and finally this morning with a vengeance   we have broken above that range um and right now  i'm looking at a four-hour chart for bitcoin here   you haven't seen any signs of momentum waning  but on the rsi you do see that it is overbought   i've kind of been looking at this 61 600  zone from you know maybe a pullback uh   you know to back test this initial spring above  that zone here we topped out once consolidated   came back up um and more than likely we're  going to come back down and give it a test again   that just confirms what was  resistance is now support   ultimately for bitcoin uh the next zone  i'm looking at is up here around 65 9 to 68   one um that's between the two one two seven two  and the one four one four fibonacci off of um this   bullish gartley pcz here i took that uh the fig  retracement from the d to c level on the bullish   harmonic and it's also confluent with the one six  one eight from back here i believe that is the   xa leg on uh the bearish shark we had uh back here  in february so more than likely i think this zone   is going to be the next target once we do find  support if we don't have to come back and test   this zone again it in a really bullish  environment you might not you might not get that   um i do have a position i got in down here at d i  took some profits when we came up to this neckline   um and i'm waiting once you know once  we get either support down here or   signs that we're going to continue upwards from  here i'm going to add to my position once again   uh and ultimately i'm expecting to get up here  it is the final target on the bullish gartley   which is the 1618 fib retracement on this x a leg  here um the first two targets would have been cna   and ultimately if it plays out  we're going to end up at about 71.8   that's also confluent with trend projections in  this long-term uh bullish trend we've been in   like i said it's also confluent with some of these  other areas uh on the the fig retracement from xna   back here another big one i've been seeing on  twitter i don't know how many crypto people we   got in the chat here if you guys want want to give  me a a heads up who who invests in crypto who's   more in the stocks um i'm going to cover a few of  the ones that i'm going over trades that i'm in   fair disclosure i am in a lot of these trades  not all of them i don't take every trade uh   every trade that i chart out  but i it's stuff i reference for   when a trader would have an edge like on bitcoin  here i added to my position when we got over this   neckline with support and another one i i know  it's a meme it's a joke of a crypto currency but   dog is another one that has been you know  everywhere everyone's talking about it um   we have hit i had another target here that we hit  at about eight cents my second target's been hit   my third target has been hit at nine and a half  cents um and ultimately uh on this chart my next   target would be about 10 cents i'll probably  take profit a little bit underneath 10 cents um   because of that psychological uh the psychological  barrier right you know 10 cents is going to be a a   pretty serious number when it comes to you know  people taking profit it is confluent with some   of these fib zones up here um the one two seven  two up to the one six one eight but uh i do have   another target a little bit further up here at  about 14 cents which is the measured move of   this initial impulse up here that we got back in  january uh the end of january um and once we see   once we have some kind of consolidation some kind  of support whether it's price action support on   horizontal support and resistance levels or we get  obviously you can see on the four-hour chart here   the rsi is way oversold way overbought i'm sorry  um the macd has not begun to start waning yet   but i mean you can see we've already pulled  back a little bit um from this zone here i   wouldn't be surprised if we come down and test  the top of one of my previous targets which   we're about in that zone now um if you want  to look left here a little bit we have this this little neckline on the  top of this structure you know   i almost always in trading once you break  a resistance you're going to come back down   you're going to test it again just to confirm  that what was once resistance is now support   we might not stop there we might can come back  down and test uh lower the lower eight cents   area too um until i get some sort of sign or um  you know more information on the oscillators here   i i'm not adding to my position um i've  still got my original position from i believe somewhere down in this zone um   and this is something i've been watching for a  while i know dog is a meme coin it's ridiculous   whatever you want to call it but i i've  got a greater theory when it comes to this   involving elon musk and you know what he's doing  with the project so i got in where there is easy   um easy to identify support and resistance you  know as a trader that's what you're looking for   i know where i wanted to stop out  down here and i had targets in mind   if we did break to the upside and it was a  little risk so i played it and we did good um i got a couple of those on my list part um i'll  go through plugs on my list workhorse i haven't   revisited recently but i'll look at that one too  uh apple's one that i brought up the last two   tuesdays that we've been doing this um we topped  out we hit the final area of this first target i   had here which is the 1414 fibonacci retracement  um ultimately the next target i've got is 136   and again i'm looking up here this c would have  been a target uh on this bullish harmonic here   but i once we get up into that zone i'm probably  going to take profit and wait for a better edge   to either add to my position or just get out  of the trade for the time being um as a swing   trader i do have i always have targets i always  have stop losses set up because i i don't have   well it's it's but especially when the the  market's volatile um i like to you know when   i see a trade i take the trade for what it's  worth i you know every trade every formation   whether it's patterns whether it's fibonacci  however you trade um however you swing trading   there's always targets that identify themselves  based on the information you have and apple   this is going to be my zone to get out  and reassess um and that's that's about   140 here uh just to be safe i like getting out  underneath where all the congestion is going to be   uh it just it gives me peace of mind i'm gonna  hit my targets i might lose a couple bucks   same thing with stops you know now  and then i get stopped out of a trade   whether it's volatility martin uh news driven  catalyst whatever it is if i'm confident in a   trade after i'm stopped out i'll just get back in  when uh the data presents itself that says that   you know my previous trade might now be valid so  apple i'm still in um i did scale back a little   bit after the first target um it doesn't look like  we're slowing down on the four-hour chart just yet from this zone to the bottom here uh this  c area you've got hidden bullish divergence   implying that this trend is going to continue  upward you are oversold a little bit on the rsi   so i would with apple i'm probably if if we do  come back down to an area of support that i have   an edge you know to add a a new trade to this  position i might do that as well because i am   confident that we're going to end up testing  at least this 136 137 zone on apple uh tesla   is another one i scaled back a little bit  today um whether i'll regret it or not i   have yet to see tesla i scale back a  little bit after hitting target two we have potential on this  four-hour chart you have potential   bearish divergence forming but it's still forming  you are oversold on the rsi i'm looking at this   715 area perhaps um you know for  a pullback i don't know if we're   going to come back down that far uh tesla's  definitely got a lot of traction right now   um but you do need some kind of pullback to reset  the oscillators down here especially the rsi   um and that's why i took partial profit today  because as a trader obviously i'm looking for   a way to better my position and if i sell here and  it does pull back i'm gonna add to my position at   a lower price that way when we do continue on  and i believe we're going to continue on it's a   my opinion um when we continue on if we continue  on i will have a better average cost for tesla uh excuse me it's been a long day um he  brought up unity software uh before i came on historical resistance and support  uh back here from the fall   and like he said the stock just seems to  bottomed out between this zone and this zone   here you had bullish convergence on the macd  which would imply a continuation to the upside   uh arguably you could almost look at this  structure here coming off the the pcc   as you know it's it's maybe a complex inverse  head and shoulders i looked at it as you've got   this low down here you've got a higher low higher  low yet again potential three rising valleys   uh a bullish dragon you could say this  would be the spine coming down here whatever the case may be so  far so good on unity software uh the rsi still looks good still got room on  the rsi the macd hasn't slowed down yet uh so   so far so good we might pop above this  zone and retest somewhere in this area   uh to confirm that this resistance has been  turned into support after we broke above it microsoft microsoft's another one this one's  starting to get to the top of the zone that i'm   looking at i'm looking up here at 263 as the  100 measured move of this structure down here   uh we hit first target early february um and  again i set up that area as another target   once we popped back above this neckline here  uh dating back to the end of last summer   right you got this nice higher lows  higher lows implying accumulation   you got a down sloping supply line which  had did break in uh the end of january   and again this is a zone up here at 263  i'm going to take profit at and reassess so far on if you look down here on the mac the  4-hour macd this negative momentum is still waning   it means there's less negative momentum pulling  this asset down you're oversold on the rsi   which if i was looking for a pullback i you could  you could look down here about 250 uh whether   we retest that area or not but it would make  sense because that is resistance back at the end   of january middle of february and again that's  the zone we just got done breaking uh earlier   this month uh last week actually but it we did  give it a re-test after breaking above that zone   so we might just find support here on the one two  seven two five retracement at 254 and once we get   a clear identification of um support in this area  i will probably be adding to my position hit this   last leg um and again something i'm going to be  looking for is this rsi to cool off a little bit   uh it's definitely over bought but as you can see trend across the market  it's a very bullish market right now   i i've had a lot of plays coming through with  success um in crypto and in the stock market   another one i'm looking at i added to my position   uh yesterday and a little bit friday anticipating  some weekend action when it came to bitcoin   which was a pretty lackluster and that's kind  of been the story with bitcoin lately but once   we get above that zone uh that neckline that we've  been in the last couple months i'm expecting much   higher prices and gbtc is trading now at about 55  i kind of reference back and forth between gbtc   and bitcoin almost as an indicator you  know sometimes gbtc gbtc lags behind and if you if you compare the price action between  the two sometimes it'll give you a better edge   but on gbtc we have gotten above this zone at  53 ish um it's the top of this structure here   we have kind of given it a little back test uh  testing what was resistance as support once again   the rsi is getting a little bit hot down here  but we haven't shown any waning in the macd   but i wouldn't be surprised if you know   we give a little bit more confirmation and  support in this area as this rsi cools down   i will be adding to my position once we get an  edge to take a new trade because i am expecting   to hit looks like about sixty dollars here  um which is just under the one six one eight   and ultimately in time i do think we're going to  be coming up to this 70 zone um eventually which   is uh using fib retracements on this impulse up  here that would be a zone that's kind of fluent   with the fib retracements on this one as well  so um nvidia nvidia's an absolute rock star   uh coming back to march 25th we bottomed out  um the c to d lag on this bearish harmonic   you could see was an old zone of resistance  support when we came back down to this area   at the same time you could see we had an edge  on the macd which is hidden bullish divergence   which means the price actions coming down  i'm sorry that's actually convergence um any anyway getting back to um microsoft here i'm  looking for a pull or nvidia here i'm looking for   a pullback maybe to the 612 area this is the pcc  of a bearish harmonic which would imply that we're   going to get some sort of pullback uh whether it's  down to 580 or to 612 or maybe this lower 600 area   um where we've got this last engulfing  candle coming off of this pullback here um   i'm expecting a pullback and i will be  adding to my position on this one as well   because i am looking for higher prices up here  towards 6.50 the video has been in the news   um with a lot of positive news uh revenue  news uh they are also benefiting from the   uh recent bitcoin price action because they  make gpus and bitcoin are not bitcoin but   cryptocurrency miners use gpus uh in a lot of  different mining um to mine a different lot of   a lot of different assets including ethereum  um so they have been benefiting from that and   ethereum's another one that's been going up ghib  i can look at too i'll take a break from these um   i'll hit a couple of these requests real quick  mara we haven't looked at um i'll run that one   up real quick here because that's why i do have  charted and this is a trade i'm in at this time so the way i've been looking at mara we had this  initial impulse up from the end of march came back   down retested what was once resistance as support  i added to my position in this area as you can see   i did take profit which is the one four one  four off the c to d lag here um i am expecting   to see some higher levels on this asset  um you know it has had a nice run we might   start to come back down retrace a little bit but  nothing implies that on the oscillators just yet   if you're looking at the macd the  macd is implying positive price action   the rsi is in a very healthy area uh for some  higher numbers it's just falling underneath this   i've got this rsi it's like a moving average it  is falling underneath that but this is also a zone   for mara that rsi likes to come back down to  before it moves back up uh same way that you   would back test the spring rsi kind of does  that as well uh so i did take a little bit   of profit on mara but i'm leaving um some of my  position in because i do think we're gonna retest   especially if bitcoin continues the upward  trend which i believe is going to be the   case at least for the short term time being and  the long term um i do expect a test up here at   about 56 57 again and if we do break above  that i would be looking up towards 65 and 68.  

um and until i get some kind of information  on oscillators telling me that that's not   going to be the case i'm leaving part of my  position intact until we do hit these numbers   or at least give them a test and get rejected  um riot's one that goes along with that as well   and i do have a chart for that one right i  like a little bit more right now than mara   because i think there's a little bit more  room to move um the end of march came up   uh earlier this month last week we tested this 56  level got rejected which it is previous resistance   um in the history of this asset looking left  but we have now broken above it as you can   see i wouldn't be surprised if we come back down  and test it once again because it was resistance   and if it's support now we'll give it a re-test  before we move up to these higher levels uh i think my next major target  for riot is going to be   this zone up here at about 66 which is the sea  of this bullish harmonic um uh looking left here plug park mentioned plug earlier and that's  one that i've been in today i tried to take   a trade on plug back here after seeing this  double bottom and i did get stopped out but if you   look over here plug is now entering  another uh another historical zone   of support and resistance if it does come all  the way down here to about 25 87 that would   be a nice confirmation of this bullish harmonic  uh that is a deep crab which the retrace on the   c2b area is gonna be the three six one eight  uh fibonacci retracement um i don't know if   we're gonna hit that zone i did start my position  again on plug because of these candles down here   if i could catch my breath if you look down  here you know we caught resistance at 38   made our way all the way back down underneath  this zone here and we've got a piercing line   bullish reversal but it looks like we might have  caught a rejection of uh about that 2942 area but i still got hope because  rsi is very low pointed upward   on the macd here on the four hour chart from  this point to this point we are showing some   relief uh from the negative momentum heading  upwards until we start uh to get some green   until we start to get positive momentum in  there i'm not ruling this 2550 zone out just yet   but this nice engulfing candle uh after this doji  here definitely gives me optimism watching the   time and sales and the level two today on plug i'm  not the only one who's confident that this asset   may be turning around a lot of volume coming  in um tsm patrick take a look at that one now this is not one i've got charted out but  i do like the look of it in this area   just look at some major levels here all right so this zone down here  is an area where you would expect   um a possible turnaround and it you could  see we bounced back above it retested   113 uh what was once support we tested it again as  support and we've got this initial bounce up here which we did a fibonacci retracement i've got  my fibs reversed uh which is just my my style   uh but it's a fibonacci retracement from this  correction back upward these are some zones   that i would watch on the way back up and as  you can see we came up to the six one eight   came back down which you could look at this as  re-testing what was once resistance as support   again i would like to see it stay above that level  um but as long as it stays out of this area down   here i think you're going to continue to see some  higher prices looking at the macd you do have   bullish divergence on the macd price action  is coming down if you look down on the macd   negative momentum is waning which would imply  a reversal of this correction coming down from   128 uh so as far as the macd is concerned we're  looking for some higher prices uh as of right now   the rsi same thing   as long as the rsi keeps heading up you've got  bullish convergence down on the rsi which would   imply just a continuation of this this impulse  up if i was looking for some targets on tsm   the 618 would be a target once again um i probably  look at this 786 which is about 135 and again conservatively you could look at 143 would be  the complete reversal of this correction uh   but if you are being conservative with that  target i would call this resistance here   at 139 um if i was taking profits up  in this area i would take it before   we got into this zone because it did  break above that but you didn't get   you didn't get a lot of support at that  level so i would look at that as the top   on this asset an area that you might want to  take some profits because if we do come up to   this area we could very well hit it traders will  come in take profits and then we could retrace   back down to 134 which would be giving a back  test to historical support and resistance   um if you want to look higher than that  you can look at the one six one eight and the one thing i did not mention is this zone down here would have been the best  place you could have gotten into this asset but   anything above here i do like because this is a  bullish harmonic itself this is a cipher pattern   which the entry on a cipher pattern if you  were playing the bullish harmonic would be   down here at uh the d point um but for  targets same thing um if you're looking   for targets on the cipher pattern you'd  be looking at 136 and 142 respectively one i actually posted a little bit earlier today  on my twitter at trade nomadic um i usually post   a lot of these plays never advice i just read  these charts and uh i i just chart them out um   i don't give trading advice but this is an  asset that i did take a chance on um this is   another one i think i tried to enter in up here  i got stopped out but my stop was really tight   i think it was underneath um this wick here but i  have entered again they did have a news release on   ben zinger pro this morning um to all the  shareholders talking about some of their business   uh some of the ways they've been conducting  business some of the things they've been doing   in the background they released that because of  hindenburg um released a short report on this   asset calling them a fraud this and that uh and  it really drove this asset down you can see we're   starting to get some positive price action up  here and i think this is when the report came out   so they they released that  uh report a little bit early   to help investors um feel a little bit more secure  uh holding on to their positions in this company   and as you can see um at this d point which is  also in you know this accumulation zone down here   historical resistance and support you  have gotten a reaction you've gotten   a reversal at 467 i was taking profits  on my position here i would be looking up   at the 382 fibonacci first between 762 and  833 um that's an area that i would expect   you could see there's a lot of congestion  here a lot of resistance at that 833 zone   so i wouldn't be surprised if that's going to be  an area that other traders might take profit um   ultimately i would be looking at oh about eleven  fifty to twelve twenty five uh is another area   to take profits because i do think we're gonna  have some resistance coming into this 13 zone um   but if you if you zoom out a little bit i i love i  love this chart because this whole chart this is a   classic white cough accumulation formation this  type of formation it's the way to look at it is   it's an accumulation zone right you're getting a  lot of big money coming in you know every time we   get up to this uh supply zone right up here you're  getting sell-offs and re-accumulation down here   once this structure breaks if ebon ebon um  does break to the upside of this structure i   think you're going to see a really accelerated um  drastic markup because this implies that there's   a lot of accumulation going on somebody  is acquiring a massive position they're   you know selling off at this resistance zone up  here and if we do break out of this structure   that means you know the people acquiring  their positions have acquired their position   and they're going to start marking up the  prices so it's one i'm keeping an eye on um   you know i like this area down here  because there's easy to identify uh risk to reward right you know if if it does  retrace lower than this d point let me zoom in a   little bit here if we did retrace underneath about  four about 440 i would probably get out um until i   have a reason to get back in um the bottom of this  zone would be 394 and i think that's the lowest just about the lowest area um or the lowest price  this asset has had i think the lowest is 377.   but if we break down into the zone again  i'll probably get out until i get some more   information rsi's got plenty of room to run and  you could see there was definitely a reaction   on rsi at this d point which would give more  credibility that this structure is valid um and   same thing with the macd the macd is  still got positive momentum printing   until this starts to wane a little bit i i don't  see any reason to be bearish at all on this asset   um you know you are going to want to see this  continue for a while otherwise you will form a   bearish divergence on these two macd peaks here um  but you might see you've got this initial reaction   and a lot of the times on bearish harmonics  like this you're going to see an initial spring   you know maybe up to the two three six at 6  39 and then you're going to see a back test   you're going to see a confirmation low that says  yep this is the bottom this is where you know uh   swing traders will enter positions  for some of these higher zones that 959 area is probably going to be an important  zone you can see it's had a reaction to that   zone a couple times resistance support support  resistance at 950-ish um if you want to look at   the candle closes on that area i would probably  set a profit i probably take profit about 9 30   9 20 to 9 30 um just because of these  candles over here uh what was the next one ghvi i have looked at that asset before i'm not  in it currently but i do like this chart a lot and let me tell you why here ghvi so if you look left on this asset very  early price action shows resistance at 12.71 and then over here you've found some support at about well you've got support uh in this  early history of the asset too at about 1182   and you can see right now we're kind of hopping on top of it right and if we zoom in a little bit closer   what i'm seeing is you've got you know your  initial bottom here now you've got a higher low oops got a higher low and whether we  come back down to retest 1271 again looking at the macd until this  negative momentum starts to wane   i would assume we're probably going to put  in a double bottom here at 1278 which as   long as it doesn't break back down into this zone  that would be really bullish to me because it's   confirming that what was once resistance is now  support not once but twice which is awesome um and i'm gonna see see i'm kind of looking at this impulse over  here as some sort of harmonic structure but   you know with these a lot of the times uh  the giveaway to some of these harmonics   is you'll see these these big wicks coming  off of the price action and sometimes don't give the harmonic away almost a shark but for targets on the upside  of this one on ghib i would probably look at give me one second here i probably have my eye on this 1780 zone um actually if you look left here you've got an  old resistance at about 1760 and then you've got   a support just underneath it at 1610 so first  target would be in that zone uh i would probably   look about 1750 um the targets if this harmonic  structure was valid you would be looking for looks like between 22 60 and 25 as a potential  zone that you might have people come in and take   profits but again i would also follow a lot  of this uh the fibonacci retracement levels   because you will see the price action when  you're looking at bigger time scales like the   four hour or the daily charts um you you will  see price action at most of them you know they   whether it's consolidation whether it's resistance  or support um but i like this one um this is one i   am actually going to add to my watch list i  do want to see some sort of confirmation that   this is going to be our new support level that we  found the bottom up but i do like this structure   you've got a supply line coming down like this  you know it's almost uh a bullish dragon formation but i'd look for some confirmation uh you might  come back down and retest this d zone but i don't   think that's gonna happen but until this moment or  the negative momentum on the macd starts to wane   i wouldn't rule it out the rsi looks like it  might be trying to turn around a little bit   um and technically no no it's kind of a reach but  you could argue that there's   bullish divergence on the  rsi you know you got this low   second low in the same zone but the rsi is  going up just a little bit so that's positive   um if i missed anybody's request just toss it in  the chat one more time for me um the macd on ghvi if if you start to see waning on this  negative momentum here then yeah then you'll   you'll be able to confirm you've just got to  get confirmation on this macd that the negative   momentum is waning it is starting to you know  turn positive that would be your confirmation   right here you've got bullish divergence coming  down from this zone right here to this zone   price action was still coming down but you've  got the macd but that's already played out   and that not a lot came from that um so  i mean this is the zone you want to watch   over here on on the macd if you start to get this  negative momentum waning uh that's definitely   going to be positive and that would imply that  there's going to be a continuation to the upside   um yeah because this is going to end up  if this macd starts to wane that would   imply hidden bullish divergence here which is a  continuation of the upside with the price action   cciv um as far as i haven't heard any news  about ccib that's one that has been in my   i thought i had a different chart for this this  is one um i actually had was gonna enter over here   i got stopped out pretty quick i thought we  were gonna um retest 2266 as support and we   ended up falling out but um with all trades  that i get stopped out i do reassess them when   i i'll set an alert for ccib i would be  looking to get back above 22.64 i would   set an alert for that because if this does  start to break to the upside of that area   i would definitely be interested in ccib again looking at   looking at the macd here i was going to say  almost bullish divergence but you do see the   macd is starting to lose momentum to the downside  the price action is moving up a little bit too um   it's not reflected as much on the price action  as it is on the macd but if you actually   if you went from that negative histogram  over here just above that 22 66 down to here it would make sense if the macd starts  to turn around in this zone um the rsi the rsi you could almost say it's class c  bullish divergence on the rsi you can only double   bottomed on the rsi but even though you double  bottomed on rsi the price has made a higher low   um which would imply that there's going to  be a continuation impending price action   continuation to the upside and if it does  break above that 2266 zone i would probably i'd probably look at 24.50 ish  first uh probably 24 and a quarter  

and then again up here i think this  is going to be an important zone   at about 27 and a quarter two if you  look at historical price action on ccib i think between these two zones here is  going to be an area where uh traders might   take profit on the asset just because you  do have old support support uh resistance um   and then again you've got resistance over  here so that would be a first target on ccib you know this asset suffered a  lot from this this just ridiculous   markup uh you know early february when they were  announcing the merger and unfortunately because   of how extended it got it suffered you know once  that momentum to the downside really built up uh   you know the asset suffered for it and i i think  you you're starting to see traders come back in   down in this lower 20 zone that we're  in now um you know because it is   an old area of support and resistance  dating back to the end of january   um you're seeing traders come in the negative  momentum is waning a little bit if that continues   if this trend continues i think we'll see  some upside to ccib pretty quickly here um yeah i would also keep an eye on   the 28 zone uh as a potential area um the profits  taken uh just above that zone i mentioned earlier um workhorse amd amd i've already got charted out   so i'll go to that one first  and then i'll do workhorse amd is one um i am in i like amd as you can see if if we come back to the beginning  of march you've got this historical support zone   um it was once resistance back  here after we broke above that you could see on the macd you had bullish  convergence implying that this trend upward   was going to continue and it did we did break this  supply line uh dating back to the end of january   coming down here um i think yesterday with the  positive news from nvidia on the chip shortage   stuff i i think amd suffered a little bit from  that you know people who are playing that specific   sector whether it's gpus specifically big tech  whatever it is um you know amd was well on its way   and it did come crashing down i managed to get a  target out of it at 83.60 and looking at the macd where we're at right now you've  got the macd making lower levels of   negative momentum while at the same time the  price is still marking up at this point at about   78 dollars that's going to be a support zone  and historically that's been respected before   and this is hidden bullish divergence which  implies continuation to the upside so we've got   that first target out of the way um the next area  that i'm looking at for amd would be whether it's   this horizontal resistance at 86 or the 618 fib  retracement which has been respected a few times   here um in this zone i'm expecting profits to  be taken and i would probably take profit at   about 89.23 um i i am going to leave some in amd  i do like amd i've been trading amd for years   and i like the sector um but when we get up  here i will be looking for confirmation from the   oscillators right now on amd you do have you also  have bullish divergence on the rsi rsi is making   lower lows and actually bottomed out in this zone  here while the price action was still going up um so yeah i mean until until there's any new  information on the oscillators or price action   i think amd is going to break this supply line  again uh hopefully find support above 79.92 and   then test some of these higher levels uh if you  look back here i like this horizontal resistance   at 86 because you can see once we identified that  as resistance came all the way back down here   no stops just all the way down one shot so  now that we found support i would expect   to go re-test that zone again um that's  going to be an area that traders set it up palantiy skynet uh palantir is one that i am in   um i haven't brought it up  today but i do like palantir if you take a look at i identified this area uh  personally as an area of support and resistance   you got this double bottom here the end of march  we hop back above that support level at about   22 30. um you know you consolidated accumulated  a little bit sideways for the last week or so   um and now we've broken above another  zone i like that has been respected   time and time again in the history of this  asset at 24 46 and if you look closely   we sprung and you almost got a little back test  of it um on this last four hour candle here   uh but you might see some price action settling  above 2446 that's what i would like to see   uh if you look at the macd macd still  got positive momentum um until that   starts to wane out a little bit i wouldn't  i wouldn't count on coming back down here   to test it just yet you know we might come  up and test the top of this zone at 27.67   um and see if that's still resistance if we break  through that i would expect to see some higher   prices uh one of my targets is going to be up here  at the a and the c of this bullish harmonic here   which brings you up to about i think i  set it up about 43 and 37 but you do have   a lot of chop to break through before  you're gonna see levels uh that high   but so far until we have you know different  information on on the oscillators talenteer still   looks good to go uh it is starting to get into an  overs uh overbought zone on the rsi but not yet   and again the macd hasn't started to give up just  yet either but above 24 40 is going to be the   zone that i would expect to see support found  before moving up to higher prices um and yeah   i'm in valencia i like this one a lot it's got you  know quite a markdown on the price i mean we were   up the end of january at 44 and 39 and momentum  is starting to build back to the upside and this   asset was on sale and has been on sale for quite  some time it's given a lot of time you can see the   volume even buying kind of slumped down starting  to round back up and especially the last four   hours got a lot of volume coming in um starting  to pick up so this might be uh i mean it's still   an area that you could enter this  trade and still identify reasonable   uh stop losses uh i would give this one  some room but if i hadn't entered this   trade yet i would wait until you get some sort of  confirmation workhorse i'm sorry i forgot that one my brain is all over the place  today it's been an exciting day   and workhorse kind of looks  exciting to me right now all right so if we look over here and  this is the last summer we've kind of got kind of got this zone here so if we're looking at  historical zones on the asset i would want to see i would want to see workhorse get above 1328 if  i wasn't in a trade on workhorse that would be a   number that i would kind of want i'm going to move  that up um we're still kind of in a support zone but 13 28 ish 1320 that's going to be an area that  would confirm that we're going to start moving up   for me as long as workhorse stays above 12 41 i like it you've got support over here and  the february you've got you know kind of a little   zone down here um that you keep bottoming  out on and getting a reaction to the upside if i was gonna take a trade on workhorse  like i said i wanna get above this area   and you kind of got a supply line  coming down here which it looks   like it's breaking out of a little bit  i mean it's it's it's a little premature   but it's attempting to get on the outside of  this uh supply line coming down here the macd if we look at the macd i do like that um you've got negative momentum waning   you've got positive momentum starting to form uh  in this last four hours here and if you're looking over here coming down to this  1241 zone we're talking about   you do have bullish divergence you've got  price action coming down the rsi bottomed   out between these two points while the price  action was still coming down which means you're gonna start it it's a continuation  sign it's a continuation indicator it's   hidden bullish divergence you've got  convergence on the on the macd as well   and if we do start to see some pro a positive  price action on workhorse this is definitely   a trade i would probably look at um taking  a position in myself but i do want to see   some confirmation i want to get out of this  little zone we're in down here um and if we do i would probably look to about 16 1691 um as a  potential place to take profit and if you wanted if you wanted to  catch a little bit of profit um safely   another zone i might look at right around the  236 retrace is this area right here where you've   got clear resistance you've got resistance um  what was once support is now resistant so until   we get above that that's going to be a zone  that traders might take profit because it's   a historical resistance zone um if we do get  above that and ultimately if we get above that   786 fib at 1810 you could see a lot of  upside on workhorse but it's it's something   you got to be patient because until you get  confirmation um you know we are gonna it   right now the oscillators are saying that we're  gonna start seeing a markup on this asset um you could almost argue that you've got  bullish divergence on the macd as well   price coming down negative momentum waning which  so far right now this this would be a good entry   for a trade if you were going to take one because  you can identify your bottom right if workhorse   gets underneath that 12 30 area um i'd want to get  out that's not something i want to be in because   the oscillators are telling you  that there's bullish divergence here   both of them they're both implying that this  asset is going to turn to the upside and it has   broken this supply line which is probably back  testing right now um so if you broke below this   area then your whole my whole reason for taking  this trade would be invalidated and i would want   to stop out until i've got another reason to take  the trade uh personally but right now i would say   bullish uh workhorse looks good like this um  even though we're still in this zone down here   it's still an area where you've got an  edge because you know you're right near   this would this would have been your entry  point at you know about 12 30 like we said   and it's it's trading at about 1290 so even though  we're not out of this zone right now you still   have it easy to identify stop loss if it falls  underneath that you get out and just wait um but   if we're looking for some of these higher prices  i would definitely consider getting above 1361   that would be a pretty good indication that we  might see some of these higher targets as well on   the fibonacci retracement um spce i haven't looked  at that one in a while but i could check it out if i was gonna quick identify some zones i was  looking for an entry on spce you you could be in an area for an  entry as far as price action goes   um you know you're not going  to want to get back below   26 15 um because technically over here if you  look left you've got a resistance at 27.49

up here which is something you're  gonna have to break but you   found support back here march 8th at  2607 so if we fall back below that   um you might be coming down to 23.78 and  you know potentially double bottoming here um the four hour macd uh the positive  momentum is waning a little bit   um i would want i personally want to see you know  a sign that positive momentum is on the way uh   rsi if you're looking at the rsi you might have a  better argument there um because you could look at   again this area as a potential double bottom  and even though the price action double bottom   the rsi at the same time is moving up which  would be class c bullish uh divergence   um which is a continuation pattern uh  it implies that you're going to see   i'm you know mark up to the upside but i'd like  to see some some kind of indicator on the macd   you know right now it shows positive momentum is  is waning so but as long as you stay above this   26 30 zone i think you're in good shape even if it  trades sideways a little bit um until we you know   identify this as for sure this is our new support  um and we kind of put in that bottom you know   then traders will start to take long positions  and if i was taking a long position on sp ce um well first and foremost i would look at 32.95  um that's an area where we double topped over here   obviously it's been resistance resistance here  um resistance in this choppy zone and it's also   the two three six fib so potentially that's  an area that traders are going to take profit   if you were looking for a level up from  that 35.96 and i i like the the 618   retracement as a higher target as well um i can  look at neil nato's on my list um if i run over   time you guys just hop in i mean i'm more than  happy to look at a few more of these charts yeah i mean if you want to you want to  knock out a few more charts by all means   one i'm in um i have well i  can't hear you remember that   i know right here okay if we're calling  it quits uh i'm all i'm ready to go too   um neil so far we hit this  first price target at 41.39   um looks like we found support again at 37.58  my next price target up 44.61 you've got support   resistance resistance again resistance that's  probably an area where traders will take profit   and that's an area that i'd be doing the same  um after that i like 45.50 and 50.12 is that my  

is that my cue i can't hear you i'm gonna have to  get this get this thing figured out over here um but yeah if you guys have any more requests  uh i am on twitter at trade nomadic um and i   do the show every tuesday 6 p.m to 7 p.m if you  guys can hit the likes do all that fun stuff for   me i appreciate it thanks for having me guys of  course we'll be back we'll be back tomorrow for uh   you know tomorrow 8 a.m some  pre-market prep see you then

2021-04-19 03:04

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