The Shocking Florida Machete Murder

The Shocking Florida Machete Murder

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This. Week on BuzzFeed absolved we take a look into the Florida machete murder about Thalia pond South Winsley in our continuing, exploration into. Why Florida is the way that it is it, is a unique place with some funny stories coming out of it they have the magical world of Harry Potter or, the is it the Wizarding World what about Miami Beach baby yeah, sure Miami Beach never been yeah. You don't seem like a Miami Beach type anyways, we're here to talk about a machete murder and also, we have talked about Florida in the past we investigated, that lady who exploded in her living room I loved, that lady, you, did I mean I didn't know it. Was the size of a tiny little teaspoon, or a tea cup anyways. Let's get into it, born. Into a life of privilege, Adelie upon sale Linsley was a former Broadway actress model, inventor. Real estate agent and author, she. Was according, to her detractors, in the Orlando Sentinel a sharp tongued aggressive, woman who quote would not have won any popularity contests. End quote, indeed. In 1970. At Bally I ran for Florida Legislature, and lost, I. Feel. Like a mark of true success is when you have detractors, that's. A wonderful thing like when you get haters oh yeah that's like a the. Old way to say that yeah yeah yeah I would love some haters yeah. I'd love some haters too why don't you take a long walk down a short pier, I like it well that's too general, and too, hypothetical I like what he gets pointed, like oh I hate his stupid beady, eyes. Rooster. Rooster. Look. At that a little surf wave on his head I'm gonna go I'm, gonna get my little boogie board and surf that in the morning, in 1973. Adalia. Married James Linsley, a real estate agent, and the former mayor of st. Augustine, Florida where italia' lived at the time while, they were married in September, by the next January, the two still lived in separate, homes, Elia, was trying to sell the house she was living in and didn't, want to leave it unoccupied before. Moving to her new husband's, home she, never got the opportunity now. It is funny that they are both real estate agents, and they cannot sell their house. You. Know you know maybe. They're just not that good at their jobs or maybe. Just maybe no. One wants to live in Florida I'm just imagining a bunch of people going do you you need a buy a house here's like I'm a real estate agent - do you want to buy a house here and that's just a big feedback loop I see whatever I ask your real, estate agent selling.

Real. Estate to other real estate I. Know you're ripping me off but I already have asked on January. 23rd. 1974. Between, 6:00 and 6:15, p.m., the, 56, year old Athaliah went outside to, walk her pet blue jay Clementine. She's. Taking her bird for a walk I loved that I had a wonderful little bird I understand, we all know you kept your bird in a freezer for two years the ground was hard we couldn't bury him yet for two years no it wasn't two years it was just over the harsh Chicago. Winter when the ground thawed we buried him in the garden we all know you ate that bird, we. All know ate a parrot, you did date, a parrot I loved him I'm done talking about my parrot. Not. Entertaining, with this. On. Her porch she encountered, a man wielding a machete who, proceeded, to hack her to death by. The time police arrived, athelia, had been nearly decapitated. Police, chief Virgil, Stewart said quote she, was dead when we got there she had, been badly butchered, her head was almost cut off and quote, clementine, the blue jay was, never seen again do, you think, this. Person maybe. Was. Clementines, original, owner and just wanted to the bird back I did not consider that possibility it's, actually not even in my theories well. It. Wouldn't be the first time you've glossed, over things well I do think, it's a bit of a jump to say hey that's my parrot I think, your head doesn't look good on your shoulders anymore so we know you're not one to jump to conclusions I don't do, haughty you, use only if I have some facts behind a big boy. Take. Away a. Neighbor. 19-year. Old lock McCormick, said he could hear a Dahlia screams from his house when, he went to check on Italia he discovered, her butchered body he, told police he saw a 40 to 60 year old man. A white, shirt and dark, pants walking, away from the house a witness, reported that there was blood in the grass quote, leading, all around the south side of the house and quote, at one, point a police, officer ordered the ambulance, attendants, to hose down the blood that, fly in the face of like, crime scene investigation. This hose everything. Maybe. Let's get this evidence out of here all. Right now I could think clearly. The. Sheriff offered a $500. Reward to, anyone with information on, the case On February, 17th. 1974. A County, mechanic, named Dewey Lee said, he'd searched the marshes, one mile from Linz Lee's home and discovered. A machete, and a package, containing a bloodied white shirt dark, pants a watch, and a pair of shoes after, a Thalia's, death Frances. Bemis a 70, year old retired department. Store public relations, exec and fashion, consultant told. Her friends that she knew something about the murder Bemis. Who was reportedly a friend, of Italia's was even said to have been collaborating with a writer on a book about Italia, after her death she did not seem afraid when Italia turned up slain telling. The st. Augustine record, quote I think st. Augustine, is the safest place I have ever lived I go out walking at night and will continue to do so I went out walking the same night that the murder took place end quote, I don't know what I'd make of that if you if this grisly, murder had occurred and, will and a woman just proudly, proclaimed, like well, I'm not afraid, maybe. If she knew her, well it's, her way of saying like well she must have been into something dirty baby that.

Kind Of stuff doesn't happen around here and let me show ya I'm gonna go on a walk right, now yeah Frances, indeed, continued to go walking at night including. On November, 3rd, 1974. A little over nine months after Italia, was murdered the, next day not far from where Italia, was murdered a man, walking his dog found Frances, dead in a vacant lot oh, no. What. That's unfortunately. The old picture, app on Frances Bemis oh oh. You. Know she, died doing what she loved she, did died. Doing what she loved, and look if, you're an old lady and this killer has already killed an old lady with something, as simple as a machete this, is not the zodiac it's not someone who's you, know pulling, a lot of strings and putting a lot of production, design into their work it's just walking up to some with a machete yeah on. The flip side of that - like do you won't challenge them who are you also like, making. Yourself a big man out to be yeah like ye oh you murdered, an old lady with a machete that's great Wow you must be really dangerous man, it's not like he murdered Macho Man Randy Savage out, there it's a it's, an old lady yeah, so. Uh good, for him I guess she, had apparently been clobbered repeatedly, with a stone block. She was semi-nude with most of her clothes having been ripped off though, an autopsy report found no indication, of rape an, account by the New York Daily News noted. That her body had been burned as though, a killer had tried to destroy the corpse. Another. Thing about this one is the the, attempt, to destroy. The evidence destroy, the body by burning it yeah, and then him going didn't, work right, so just, we could just, leave I guess I'll just be evidence, well we already know what they do what evidence hose off. Police. Chief Virgil, Stewart did not believe there was a connection between Francis, and Natalia's murders at the time with, two women violently, dead in st. Augustine Florida in 1974. It's, time to, dive into the theories the, first theory is that Italia's husband, james Linsley was responsible, for her murder, James, was an easygoing, real-estate agent, who had served two terms as mayor of st. Augustine, though, they lived in separate homes James, said they did not have marital problems.

Adalia. However, had sent letters to her sister showing them were having issues quote. Jimmy, is a completely, a complete, liar end quote, she wrote in one letter she also said she changed the locks of her house there, was also gossip, among community, members that the crime scene was hosed down too heck James's involvement, according. To Elizabeth Randall, author of a book detailing Italia's, murder James, complained, about how many rumors, flew around the town Florida. Seems like a gossipy, state yeah, Oh what. Else he gonna do there you're trapped by, swamp. And Gators, yeah, you're essentially just left, to your own devices yeah, why'd you just spread some funny rumors whisper, storm baby, maybe rumors that are rumors like you eating that bird. If. You don't stop this bit I'm gonna you're. Gonna cut my head off with a machete I didn't, say that in testimony. At a dahlias, murder trial though interestingly not, a trial prosecuting, James more on that in a bit James, told the jury that he owned a machete resembling, the one used to kill his wife he, usually kept, it in the trunk of his car using. It to hack at undergrowth, while looking at properties, for his real estate job after, at dahlias murder he turned the machete over, to police at that time, it was common for residents, in the county to own one or two machetes, used, to fight back against, the Florida fauna at the trial James was shown the machete that was used on his wife James. Could not confirm, whether it was his telling, the judge quote all machetes. Look alike to me end quote, I think it's important, to say that because I imagine, people who are watching this they were imagining, Jason Voorhees murdering, this lady yeah but in reality everyone had a machete so it could have been Jim go to church on Sunday, the priest to stand up there with machete he's using it as a pointer yeah using it they're using it throwing holy water. They're. Using it to point out items, on PowerPoint, presentations. Everyone has a machete that makes sense according. To Randall's, book there was a gap of around 15 to 25, minutes in James's, palaboy, it, supposedly, occurred between the time James drove home from the grocery store where he had been shopping with a Dahlia and the time he drove back to his own home Randall. Posits, that James had enough time to drive to Italia's, house during that period. Unfortunate. That if you just have like a 20 minute gap in your schedule where no one's that sees, you, suddenly. You're open to being, a murderer, yeah. That, is true I usually takes me about 20 minutes to cook my dinner usually and because of that I'm a murder you're a murderer the, second, theory is Italia's, neighbor allen Stanford murdered, her in the culmination of a months long feud, according. To the New York Daily News Italia. Loved animals and took many in including. Noisy dogs and even at one point a goat, the, noise from these critters often, disgruntled, her neighbors according. To author Elizabeth, Randall both of Italia's neighbors the Stanford's, and the McCormick's, filed public, complains about the noise in 1972. Resulting. In a $50, fine for disturbing, the peace randall, then describes, an escalating. Neighborly, feud in which italia, outraged, the Stanford's by cutting back their trees that extended, over her property line. According, to Randle Italia, also, planted bamboo across, a city easement, at the corner of the Stanford driveway, which the Stanford's, had the city removed at the, time Stanford, was the manager, of st., Johns County of, which st. Augustine, is the county seat Italia. Had apparently suggested. To the County Commission that, Stanford wasn't. Qualified for, his job appearing. At least four times before the Commission to complain about him that's a strained relationship that. Is yeah. They don't want to be that way to your neighbors, yeah you don't want to have, a little a petting zoo in your, house the thing about cutting down their tree. Her property that's fine so, you would do that legally. You're allowed to manage theirs hangovers, you, can lop those I did have a neighbor who had an overhang, of a lime. Tree it was great because I could go pick a little lime did you ever think about killing your neighbor when he didn't give me limes yeah oh okay all, right, Dahlia. Would claim that Stanford had neglected his duties of maintaining. And building roads, but, her complaints, also, have urged into, the personal, Randle, describes a commission, meeting were at Dahlia publicly, accused Stanford, of putting, sugar in her Cadillacs, gas tank, more, salient Lee she also said, on October, 9th 1974. That, Stanford threatened. Her saying, quote that man threatened, to my life he threatened, to kill me end quote.

Sure. He seems fishy but. It also seems incredibly. Risky to, murder your neighbor especially, after all of this has been public she has in public times, complained that he's not good at his job, yeah every. Human is capable of murder if you push them enough I just don't know if this is enough of a push ok it's, true is that so yeah I, can. I bet, you you would murder me if I pushed you enough yeah probably, according. To Randall mere hours, before a valley is murder Stanford. Had been visited by the Florida Department of, professional. And occupational, regulations at, a dahlias, request Randall. Says they were investigating. To see whether Stanford, was in violation of Florida, state statutes, that's, that's a little fuel to the fire there I don't know if it's enough to push him over the edge it's. Certainly not good it's not good it doesn't look great what I still, wonder but then when people start showing up to, evaluate. You that is true you. Might you might lose, it I guess you can't really like tattle, on her she's. Doing this make her stop yeah, Wenlock, McCormick, first heard a belly ax screams, he, looked to her home and told his grandmother quote, mr., Stanford, is hitting miss ponds all end quote, which was at dahlias maiden, name McCormick. Later explained, that he'd assumed it was Stanford, based on his clothing and the fact that the man was walking back towards Stanford's, house but he didn't see the man's face or really know if it was him the police also noted, a blood trail that cut across her, driveway to a concrete wall that demarcated, the divide between her, property, and Stanford's. Well. That's all not, looking, great that doesn't look good okay, that's a little bit more than hearsay at that point yeah actually. This makes me wonder let's. Say you, want to murder someone, would. It make sense to. Study. Them for a long time you. Know see who's in their life and then. Sort. Of try to disguise, yourself or make it look like you're a different, acquaintance, of theirs so. If I want this lady dead and, I'm she's, got a feud going on with her at the Stanford, right over there he tends to wear these kind of things I'll put those on I'll just I'll put those on dress. Up like him. Wacha. Thwack, run. Through. His yard, yeah, just roll around in the grass yeah his front lawn that blood all around there, of course they're gonna hose it off but it is Florida so you know they're gonna make sure that Bloods really in the grass yeah yeah yeah it's close, to a perfect crime maybe but. It's certainly giving you an edge as a murderer, that is true, the sheriff took McCormack, to a hypnotist. In the hopes of unlocking, further memories, but the results, were inconclusive that.

Sounds About par for the course for investigative. Methods in Florida. What. Do we got how's. The evidence looking well we hosed it all down okay, what, do you want next a hypnotist. Bring, me a metronome. Recall. Dewey Lee had discovered a package, of evidence, including, a bloody shirt and a watch while, the shirt had been sitting in salt water and mud for too long to determine conclusively, if, the blood on the shirt was a Dalia's blood type a forensic. Expert was, able to identify a laundry, mark a Stanford's, name ultimately. However it, was decided that mark was too faint and garbled, to be conclusive, it just seems, like, this, guy murdered. It really does who me is it maybe the fact that the name on the laundry that was found that was bloodied it was his is that is that what it is I just, know none of my laundry's, laying out there. One. I don't have my name on my lawn yeah what is it. Things. Were different I don't know or, he's Andy from Toy Story does, name on everything and. Two I don't, think any articles, of my clothing are covered in blood no. Matter what crime comes up Shane has no bloody clothing and, I don't not, even a nosebleed I was in a church once it happened in a church wall I. Don't. Go to church I was just with one of my friends and he was like he won't go to church and I was like all right man I was like 9 so, you're, telling me at 9 years old you don't go to church the, first time you crossed the threshold into holy ground what. Expels, from your nostrils, yeah. They, ran out of tissues, mopping. That up it. Was wild. That sounds wild more. Damning for Stanford, was the watch which, a jeweler identified, as Stanford's. Stanford. Claimed that after the murder he had discovered his watch was missing Stanford. Was indicted for the murder his, friends and fellow church members, raised, $20,000. For his bail and an estimated, two hundred and fifty thousand dollar Defense Fund which would have the same buying power of more than 1.3, million dollars, today as a, quick sidenote at the time of francis be mrs. murder stanford, was out on bail with, the money raised by his friends, stanford, mounted, a formidable defense. Stanford's, defense posited, that sheriff, Dudley Garrett Dewey Lee and natalia's, husband, James Linsley had all worked together to, frame Stanford, quote, isn't, it strange that all the deputies and trained police officers, didn't know what to look for or where to look for it and without, stopping Lee, went right to the spot walked, up to the bank and there it was I submit.

To You that Dewey Lee put it out there that morning end quote. The defense posited, Dewey Lee as a scammer, while he was on the stand a defense, attorney asked, Dewey quote, isn't it a fact that you were looking for a spot where nobody could see you put that stuff in the swamp end quote. It does seem like they're desperately, grasping, at straws yeah. Because, if you were trying to frame someone you would want it to look that yeah I mean you'd go overboard you probably, you'd probably try a little too hard to make it a little too obvious looking this is confusing, I got a feeling it's gonna end up unsolved, we'll see key, to the defense was the testimony, of one Adele McLaughlin, a data, processing, clerk and neighbor who was riding her bike past at dahlias home at the time, Adele, testified, that she had seen Dewey in a dahlias yard less than two hours before the murder took, place after, two and a half hours of deliberation. On February 3rd. 1975. The, jury declared. Stanford, innocent. Afterward. Sheriff, garrett told reporters quote yes, I think Stanford did it I signed the complaint against, him and I don't concur, with the verdict and quote, there. Is something weird to be said about a. Town. Believing so much that this man did not do it they literally, raised. 250,000. Dollars and only, deliberated in the jury for two and a half hours before saying yeah he didn't do it if I murdered someone in the entire town was like no. He. Didn't. How do you like this is this. Is this rule he earned, enough goodwill tickets, yeah to cash it in for that card. Like I've been a great guy my entire life and then you get that tenth punch and it's like all right here's your freezer Shetty, is, your machete f-1 murdering, you get a free one in, 1974. In a span of less than 10 months two, women were violently, murdered, by hand in the same Florida, community, the person responsible for either or even both deaths, is a mystery, could, it have been a disgruntled husband, a fed-up neighbor a scheming, mechanic, or someone, else entirely. The answer remains, unsolved. I. Think. It was the neighbor look. I'm, a simple man I see, a trail of blood going to someone's house even, if they didn't do it come on you're, going to jail I think, it might have been a random person all right it just seems too obvious okay, there's. A paper trail of their feud why, the hell would he be that dumb rage, you know lust, rage, rage. Just just just building, up. Bursting. Out well I've never really got on that angry I don't really have that capacity it's building its building inside, you everyone, sees it that's. Great, oh man I can't wait for Krakatoa then. I'll. Shudder I hope no one's in the way.

2019-04-28 12:48

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Make sure to leave your questions for our Post Mortem episode down below!

How does one even walk a bird? Like, do they have a leash or something similar? They have to, right, because otherwise the bird could just fly away. Clementine disappeared after the death, but if she had a leash or something, that meant that she just flew away with it? So did the murderer free here? (Maybe there is something to Shane's theory of a jealous bird owner from the beginning of the episode, who knows?) #postmortem P.S. Why would you call your bird clementine? It's a bird, not a fruit, goddamnit.

#postmortem Ryan basically says it couldn't have been the neighbour because who shits where they eat. Well, we're talking about Florida here. They sure don't think ahead as far as "Maybe killing my rude neighbour makes me look suspicious". Floridians don't plan, they only act.

+Apoorva Joshi no, shane just looks like another version of paul mccartney having bad day for his entire life #RoastMortem

#post-mortem#theory Hey Shane and Ryan! I personally believe this to be a “Hot Fuzz” scenario. (If you haven’t watched the film then I highly suggest you do!)Like the film, it was a team effort involving the town. All evidence does lead to Mr. Stanford. It is as if the town found a way to compel the jury of his innocence.. $$$$$ #boogara#shaniac

isn't ricky goldsworth also a real estate's agent?

for post mortem: Can we please have an episode where the bois go back to the holy grounds that Shane went to as a nine-year-old and see if there are any spirits that got beef, maybe make Shane's nose bleed again? That would be some Shaniac-killing evidence right there.

#postmortem Do you think that the killer hacked down Frances Bemis because she said that she wasn't afraid of him(indirectly)? Like he read the newspaper and was like 'You'll gonna continue walking at night? Not anymore' and then he hacked her down?



BuzzFeed Unsolved Network How many pets has Shane had ??????

What if standford pissed off the mechanic and sheriff and they tried to frame him and smoothered blood all around the yard and thats why they said oh just wash it away since if may not have been real blood or may have contained their dna. Then this whole time the real murder is out there not being suspected of it and maybe the murder knew that the sheriff and mechanic would try to frame it on strandford thus even better reason to finally kill someone you hated?!

Jason takes Orlando

What if all the neighbors worked together to kill her? So when the police came to ask them about the incident, they covered each other

Do an episode on the identity of the free range grass account user

For post-mortem, I believe that at least everyone in the town was either in on it together and so when Francis bemis felt confident to walk at night they proved her wrong by getting someone to kill her....hmm

Not a question related to the episode but what will your weapon of choice be if 1. You are a serial killer 2. You are stuck in a zombie apocalypse? PS. Can you start something a new animation story thing like the hotdog saga . Love yaaa

What if the everyone in the town was involved in the murder?

not a question on this episode specifically, more on the production. does ryan do that narrator voice as they're filming or is it recorded before/after and just put together with the clips from filming?

Why is the machete not label or have at last a serial number to identify it when there are so many people in the state have one. If machete were treated as guns, this case will to case real soon as it will help identify the owner who bought/borrow the machete.

What’s your favourite case that you’ve covered so far?

Who would win axe man or machete boy

If athalia died in January 1974, how did she complain about Stanford in October 1974........ a mistake or ghost

For post mortem: what if Stanford didn't care much to cover up evidence because he knew de community would do that for him?

In light of this new revelation, what's Ryan's opinion about the "Shane is a demon" theory?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network BRING BACK THE HOT DAGA

Does making these episodes take an emotional toll on you due to the fact these crimes will never be solved ? And as a Criminal Justice Major them hosing down the crime scene killed me inside. #Shaniac #PostMortem #DontTouchThatCrimeSceneOrSoHelpMe

When are you going to do another British case for instance Madeline McCann I would love to hear your opinion on it

If either of you were to kill the other after being pushed too far, what would your weapon of choice be?

#postmortem Do you think that hosing the blood trail away is significant in why the case isn't solved?

I just have one question and this is for almost all the vids, how come the witnesses are never brought to court to see/check if it was/is the person that did it?

If she was "sharp-tongued and aggressive" and ran for senate aka became a public figure, (who's house address would have been very findable via house market,) it would make sense that she would have a much larger pool of suspects and enemies than just those three men; public figures in politics (especially a woman in the 70s) would get so many more death threats and enraged old dudes. but alas, only those three guys had weight. It was one of them, I guess... Anyway love how you're making these more and more narratively gripping with storytelling, nothing like hearing about near decapitation to brighten my lousy boring Friday right up. Shane you're a demon but I love you anyway. Ryan, keep him around, you might need his powers later.

Ryan, you seem to be real mad that they hosed the blood. But you do realize someone probably made a note that there was blood. I mean the blood had to be cleaned up so yeah, it got hoooossssed. Also I’m 99.9% sure that there wasn’t much evidence in the blood. And if there was it wouldn’t get washed away. Idk man, I could be wrong. #shaniac #ThatsBusinessIGuess #LoveYouShaneAndRyan

The real question is what the hell happened to Clementine?? It was the only witness in the murder! #findthatbird #postmortem

Maybe this is where the inspiration for is ace Ventura pet detective came from?

I want more hot daga

Have you heard about Robert Johnson?

"I got a feeling it's gonna end up Unsolved" They wouldn't call it BuzzFeed Unsolved for nothing.

Shane what kind of bird did you have?

How are you?

A proof that Shane is indeed a demon. He had nose bleeding inside a church. There was a battle of the forces inside him

One of my relatives lived in Orlando around this time, and did talk about the murder and the effect it had on the city. He also posed a theory to me that you didn't cover, though I'm of the impression that it's a popular one. He stated that, at the time, many people theorized that the murder was as a result of Disney. Not by them, of course, but as a result of what was going on there. Disney World had opened in 1971, and this happened three short years, (closer to two actually) after that. At the time, Disney was buying up a crap ton of property from real estate agents in the area, as well as land owners. They were paying far above what the property was worth, making millionaires of people overnight. In any case, many theorized that the murder had some tie in to the real estate job that she had. Namely, that she may have cut someone else out of a deal, or alternatively, had bought property that was later sold to Disney for a much higher price than it was really valued at. That person killed her in response to losing the money. Most point to her husband being that man, but my relative thinks it was one of her clients. However, given the tie to Disney, even indirectly, the city went to some serious lengths to cover up that involvement; lest they draw the ire of the company that was flooding money into the area.

Shane: "Did you ever think of killing your neighbor?" Ryan: "When he didn't give me limes, yeah" That's not Ryan. That's Ricky Goldsworth. Right. There Ryan: "I bet you would murder me if I push you enough." Shane: "Yeah, probably." That's not Shane. That's the playful and deceitful demon. Right. There.

Question for the post mortem: Do you guys think it's possible that Mr. Stanford was originally going to use his machete to remove some of Athalia's plants in retaliation for cutting down their tree and the visit from the department of professional and occupational regulations and happened to catch her outside and engage in an argument, losing his temper and killing her? Love you both!

I think it could be a unknown serial killer that was in Florida at the time. Also, Gerald Stano was a serial killer active in Florida at that time. He used many ways to murder including stabbing and shooting and strangling. In my opinion he may be the one even though he was a “serial confessor.” He was executed in 1998 by old Sparky. He was house with Brandy at FSP.

Are u guys feeling ok?? There are alot of murder crimes u guys keep talking about.. I hope ur not wanting to commit murder and get away with it.. ?? #loveyoubothxx lol

how would she walk her bird, with a lead? or would she put a collar on it?? or maybe attach a sting to its ankle and let it fly around and hold it like a ballon??

‪Post-mortem: This isn’t a question, but I hope you guys never stop making this. I love it #Shaniac #OneOfMyFriendsLooksLikeRyan‬

I've probably missed the window for the Post Mortem but the language use to describe Athalia in the beginning sounds a lot like how people used to describe suffragettes and other outspoken women in more misogynistic times. She might just have been a bit of a prick, but if this lady came into town who was a working, independent, smart woman, and constantly questioning the decisions of a man who was particularly misogynistic and maybe also an angry person, it wouldn't be unusual or even uncommon for that man to murder her. Alan Stanford hated Athalia because she kept criticising him, but i think misogyny made him more infuriated than if a man had done those things. Many men have murder women in a rage because they did a better job than them or criticised them. That night was probably the final straw and he impulsively murdered her when in a self-righteous, misogyny filled rage.

For post mortem: if either of you got into jail (I don't know, you stole a turtle or a clementine whatever or even killed someone) would you pay that much money to bail either one out? Just testing a little something here :)

+Fireproof Cats glad that I'm not the only one who noticed. it's been gone for two episodes now? Isn't it?

Couldn't Adelle just be lying under the oath? If she was part of the neighborhood, she probably disliked athalia and was on team Stanford. I've had neighbors who hate my dogs(even though they rarely bark) and it gets nasty. Add that to her being a successful woman who was against the patriarchy in the 70s

Shane, if I were to cook a bird is it necessary to keep it in the freezer that long?

For #PostMortem : Maybe the reason why Stanford's friends gathered up 250 000 dollars was because the neighborhood hated Athalia since it was mentioned that she was an aggresive woman and they never bothered who really killed her which came to the point where they were pointing fingers to the husband and to the mechanic. guess they were glad to see her gone. P.S. where did that bird go? bet this case will remain... unsolved

Ryan bringing up the bird mid-video is like a husband teasing his wife more and more

Nosebleed on the church? Another evidence to the fact that Shane might be a demon? possesed?

Hey Shane! Did you teach Ryan how to finally pronounce February properly? Or did he learn on his own? Although I admit I almost miss Febreeary, it was sort of endearing.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #postmortem who is the culprit that put pineapple on Pizza?

For the Post Mortem: What if Stanford hired that mechanic to murder Athalia, thus explaining the testimony in the trial. The fact that the mechanic found evidence in the swamp could have been the result of the deal they had gone wrong. I think its unlikely but it could have happened.

You guys should do an episode of the black twins (very very low population of black people where that grew up) that lived in Ireland (I think)? They both had very high IQs but rarely spoke to anyone but spoke to themselves in their own language. They both tried to kill one another and then one day one of the twins died. They broke the law quite a bit during their lives together. Their story seems super interesting and I'd love to see your take on it!

#RoastMortem 'only if i have some facts behind it' says the guy who thinks wind is evidence of a ghost

Do you ghoul boys think that they should have held the trial out of town or state since the town seemed to all think Stanford was innocent? It seems that this wasn't a fair trial for the victims. (Love the show! Keep up the great work!

Not a question, but I love you guys so much

You spent a lot of time discussion theories on Athalia's murder, but didn't really touch on Frances. How would any of these suspects connect to Frances? If they don't, what theories are out there about other suspects in her case?

post mortem: whens the next episode of the boysenberry boys? love you guys! #shaniac #butscaredlikeaboogara

What’s your favourite video you guys have done ?

Does any of this ghost and murder stuff ever get to you?

I think you would study someone if it was a neighbour and you wanted to kill them. You would want to know their routine to give you as much as an alibi as possible? Maybe try and play it off from being you and divert it to someone else? At this point it does point a lot to the neighbour, but would you really be so risky to kill someone so close to you ( literally) for thoese reasons and not think they’re going to be suspected? Obviously not as they went questioned and it’s never been solved

You guys should cover the case of Brandon Lawson. There's even a possibility with it the cops covered it up by editing the 911 call.

Shane looks like a real detective. Those specs make him look old. In my opinion it's Athalia's husband who murdered her and took the right opportunity to frame Stanford for it.I mean it can't be a coincidence two friends dieng the exact same way, could it?? It also is definitely a crime with motive and not a crime for passion.

Ricky Goldsworth as a serial killer what would be your victims' profile? How would you target or select them? What would be their commonality? Kindly put this out so the public can be warned. #postmortem

#Roastmortem Honestly there could be sharks in Ryan’s hair because of that wave, it’s a quiff and a half dude. Somebody needs a hair cut big boy.

Can you do an episode on Madeleine McCann -would love to see your take on it

Are you guys going to continue this format next season with the alternating supernatural and true crime, or are you going to go back to the regular format of a true crime or supernatural season?

Why didn’t they use fingerprints? #postmortem #boogara

Alright guys common, ik Floridans wild but do you really think we would kill our neighbors because they own a goat? No instead we just get the city mayor to get them shipped off to a slaughter house (it happened to my friend)

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network I would love to see you two investigate Old Melbourne Jail. It has a few ghost stories and it's where Ned Kelly was hanged. #postmortem

What about Miami Beach baby?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #PostMortem Clementine the blue jay committed the murders

Let's all bring up Shane's bird

Could the Florida Machete Murderer beat the Axe Man? Seems like a cinema-worthy showdown to me.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network why does everyone want to write a book about this case? I mean the friend who walks at night was gonna write a book, and then that other chick wrote a book. What is it with Florida and murder books??

+BJ Reo exactly what I'm thinking! Makes me wonder if at that moment.. Shane was indeed pissed off (for real!)

For post mortem: in regards to Frances Bemis’s death, do you guys think she was murdered opportunistically or do you think that she was murdered for a reason? She didn’t seem to have any obvious connection to Athalia (other than her helping to write a book about her), so I don’t really see the point of killing her unless it wasn’t related to Athalia’s murder. It all just seems kinda weird, especially since the method used to kill Frances was completely different. Love you guys! #boogara #ripshanesparrot

#postmortem if only shane would really think that hard after waking up and doing his hair

I think the whole town was in on it. I think it is a little bit suspicious that the town raised so much for a bail case. I also think the police were in on it too. That would explain why they hosed down the evidence. Though they might have felt that it was wrong after words. So they prosecuted the man that they knew was responsible. So the town all pitched in to save him. #postmortem

No one: The watcher: HaIL MmMEeeeee!!!!

We need to know more about Shane’s bloody nose story

Your mum gay #roastmortem

no one: literally no one: like not even ryan: shane: "thwacka-thwack!" #postmortem

#postmortem, hey, is ruining history ever coming back or not? Its bean a year! #allhailthewatcher

Do the disappearance of Kortne Stouffer in Palmyra PA. It’s really strange and the timeline is eerie

God bless Florida...

Rayn has started to suspect Shane is a demon

Taking those limes was illegal Ryan!

#postmortem I think that who ever killed Athalia just didn’t like her (for whatever reason) so killed her as just a one time thing then heard Frances saying that she wasn’t scared and the murderer got mad so killed her. #shaniac

#postmortem for postmortem- i personally think the neighbor did it. we know that he heard the screams of athalia and knew that he called the police. in that time span, he could’ve walked inside after killing her and called the police which is why locke saw a man going into his property. i think he might have also killed frances because of how frances stated her opinion in the article. she might’ve had her suspicions and knew it was the neighbor so he killed her.

c'mon now we've all see the vvitch, if athalia owned a goat then y'all know it was the goat that killed her #postmortem

Where r all my Shaters ???!!

Did you think the bird did it #postmortem

I personally think that it was her neighbor. If you think about it, in the beginning it was stated that she wasn’t the most popular woman in that area, but her neighbor wasn’t the same way. It could be thought that maybe, just maybe, the town liked him so much that they decided to post bail and defense for him just so they can get rid of her AND keep him in charge. Maybe the town just got sick of her so they did everything they could to keep him out of jail. #postmortem

I’m literally watching this right before I travel to Florida

14:59: "thwack-a-thwack" a new onamatepia for my daily life

POSTMORTEM.... Howdy from H-Town Ryan and Shane. Doing a great job and you 2 make a great team. As for my question I was just curious if they investigated Dewey? I mean he did find all that evidence. Which seems to br very convenient. However instead of conveniently finding it to frame someone maybe he conveniently found it because he had hidden it aftet killing the ladies. Then when they came up with a suspect he decided to "find" the evidence and pin it on the suspect. Besides you just know someone named Dewey is up to no good!!!! Ive got a fever and only one way to get rid of not cow bell. This fever can only be fixed with new episodes of THE HOT DOGGA!!!! #ghosts are real # Bring Back The Hot Dogga

anyone else from orlando here? lol

we aren't all bad ok

#postmortem why have a pet blue Jay? Those are not birds to normally have as a pet. It's like having a pet crow

My great grandmother used to put my initials on my socks

shane: yea I got a nosebleed in a church once haha Ryan, who knows about the demon Shane theories; ...interesting,very interesting

Shane is getting very suspicious

more #supernatural pls

You guys should do the missing person/possibly human trafficking unsolved case of Madeline McCann

Next episode: The death of Shane's bird.

Shane went to church and his nose bleed. Shane is a demon. SOLVED

Visiting in Florida rn, thanks for the absolute scare.

*plays "St. Augustine in Hell" by Sting*

i love ya’ll guys tho

Nobody cares where's ruining history

#postmortem I think that maybe, because this lady was allegedly sharp-tongued and quite generally disliked, maybe this was a community thing? You know, nobody really liked her, so they held a secret meeting at midnight one day and decided "Okay, right, you can marry her, then we'll make sure nobody buys her house, then someone kills her when she's out walking her Clementine, then we'll just f*ck around and pretend to investigate so as to keep up Global appearances but, meh, who really cares? As a community, we're just a happier group now." #maybe #goodepisode #welldonedudes

Me a Floridian : O:

If Stanford knew Athalia was trying to sell her house, I don't see why he'd murder her because she'd be out of his hair soon and he wouldn't have to worry about jail time. #postmortem

oh my god. shane's a demon, he got a nosebleed from going to church. LOL

For #postmortem : Shane, why did you eat your pet parrot?

Why have they not done a madeleine mccann series!!! I need that

Ryan seems like a serial killer more and more each episode or should I say Ricky

Clearly it was actually clementine the bluejay all along. Why else would she flee the scene of the murder?

#postmortem If Stanford was the killer, why would he kill her friend? Was it because she dismissed the violent intentions of the murderer and hurt his ego? Or maybe she discovered that he did it and was about to spread the word?

It’s wasn’t her husband because there would of been blood on the drivers seat and it said ‘he had enough time to drive there’. As Shane said the neighbour was probably framed, and anyone can write anyone’s name on the label, but the key to who murdered Frances and why was anyone going to do so. I feel it’s more likely to be a rival author in that genre. A wanna be Detective. #postmortem

My cousin stabbed a man 21 times for stealing his cat so I bet the machete man just wanted his bird back

Dang ok... come after us Floridians :’)

I wonder how long ryan spent on practicing saying February and then still got it wrong #roastmortem

Why does Shane have a pen and notebook

What if Clementine bluejay was like "YOU TAKE ME TO A WALK EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! I AM A BIRD! I FLYYY! UGH! Where is my machete now? Unbelievable, these humans, not knowing respect, *mutters aggressively to her self as she almost decapitates her owner*" Ps. I love you guys sooo much, Shane's humor + Ryan's fear = gold on sight Still a boogara and a shaniac at heart :)) and here's my question: who would most likely would be the killer in the killing of Athalia?? #postmortem #postmortem

I love how both Ryan and Shane are so chill with killing each other

For #postmortem: OKAY, but what about Clementine the bird? I'm telling you, this bird knows something...

Hey Shane, thousands of people already believe you're lowkey a demon, that bleeding in a church story doesn't help

I love how they add “(wheez)” in the paragraphs


shane really is the demons boi

Shane telling us that he got a nose bleed in church really isn’t helping him fight the theory that he’s a demon #postmortem

Anyone else from Florida?

Welcome to the #RoAstMortEm or #roastmortem if your as boring as Ryan. Quick question why hasnt Shane changed his name to Ashamed because obviously his parents should be?

I love Shane too much but I'm willing to make the sacrafice. I-I-I hate you Shane Madej!

Do a episode on the death of princess Diana #buzzfeedunsolved #loveyouguys

Supernatural *Kellie Castle* Ipoh, Malaysia

Do you think both murders were connected? How did the trial for Frances Bemis go? Love from London :) #postmortem

Can't wait for the nosebleed in the church to be added onto the long list of reasons Shane is probably a demon

Maybe Francis was into it with Stanford. It might be the reason why she was all relax and not fricked out? But after a while, Stanford decided to get her out of the way ? Maybe she tried to blackmail him or threaten him or he just did it to save his name from any possible danger...#POSTMORTEM #post_mortem

I have lived in St. Augustine my entire life and have never heard of this!!!


Asking the internet for haters/detractors? Are you sure that's a good idea?

Ryan your eyes are like small marbles, Explains why your eyes seem to be poppin' out every time you're scared. #Roastmortem

#postmortem so i assume now it's more or less confirmed that shane is a demön?

Old women in church dont run out of kleenex they just realized he was evil and left him alone. LOL

I have a theory.. I think her bird did the murder.. You know, she took him for a walk, so maybe the bird didn't want to go for a walk? #postmortem

U usefull

#Roastmortem: Shane you loved your parrot. But did your parrot loved you back??

My wife and kids wonder why i take 20/30 mins in the bathroom, only peace i get to watch you guys!

They should've talked a bit more about Frances' murder as well. Any connections made between the two murders could've cut down the suspects list.

Shane is literally a demon

Florida man hoses away crimescene to think about crimescene

"They were both real estate agents who could not sell their house" Ah. I see they went to the CC Tinsley School of Professional Irony

Okay but what happened to the Blue Jay?

Maybe the bird???!!! #postmortem

Ok, but, do we need to send ryan limes so he doesnt kill his neighbor??

Come on, that crime scene photo with the woman on those insane high heels is REDICULOUS

#postmortem : according to the theory, shane being a demon gets another point.

#roastmortem Buzzfeed Unsolved? More like Shane and Ryan talking about how to get away with being a murderer for 6 minutes straight


Shane relax the parrot has ceased to be. The parrot is no more.

Who wanted to get rid of the evidence ? TWICE ? CASE SOLVED !

At 10:17 they said,"James's" while it should be James'.. ..

Machete: owned Blood: hosed Watcher: hailed

1 like = 1 F for Florida man attack victims

For all we know, it could of been a serial killer or psychopath like Ted Bundy.

#postmortem They let the most important witness slip through their fingers: the bird. There was a study that animals do react negatively to someone who abused their owner. They could have solved this with that damn bird, but let him sail off into the Florida sunset.


Clementine the bluejay went missing? all hail the watcher I guess

I bet Shane got a nose bleed from picking his nose.


Ah, the beautiful sounds of murder in the morning

Why do you guys assume that the two murders are related? If they are, what is the motive for Stanford murdering Bemis? If they’re not, what are the other theories for Bemis? Was there simply not enough evidence to deposit any theories? By the way, I’m pretty sure Ryan thinks Shane is a demon now, due to the whole nosebleed-at-church thing.

The is probably the worst thing on YouTube, their acting is awful and its so boring. Who makes a 21 min video these days? disliked. Un-subbed. (Come on guys, Shane wants his haters!)

Please investigate this:

for roastmortem: I have a feeling this detective gig is gonna go far for you guys, hopefully very far, very far away at least. so far away we won't have to see those bug eyes or disgraceful hair anymore... that's the dream

every time ryan says february i laugh inside, only because he tries so hard to say it correctly and i’m proud of him

It is really stanford becuase why would u hide something that where anybody can't see #postmortem

Have any of your shows resulted in any case being reopened or lead to any people coming through with more information from your exposure?

Growing up we lived across the road from a church. The local priest used to come over to talk to my dad. The last 3 times I ever saw him I got a vicious nose bleed every time. I just avoided him after that


Anyone else notice how Ryan pronounced "February" in this episode? Has he been practicing?

So what about the other lady ?

i feel like ryan is just pronouncing february a different way every time now

Can you please cover the burari death case 11 members of the same family were found hanging in their home No one knows what happened or why it happened If it was suicide or murder is unknown

For postmortem: Was Florida really that bad that you needed a machete to get rid of the Florida fauna? It seems a little much for getting rid of undergrowth

Can you do princess Diana please. As a British person and a step dad who believes that Diana was assassinated by Charles or another royal member . I think that this is important to investigate, they said it was an accident but I know that quite a few believe that Diana was murdered and that the crash wasn't an accident. I know I'm rambling but I believe that it needs to be investigated by none other than the ghoul boys. I love you Shane and I'm a #shaniac and I kinda am a fan Ryan. I do hope that you read this although it is unlikely. I'm doing this anyway so screw it


Possibly murdered for loving animals too much ?? Sounds like my kind of lady

Love this Unsolved series! You guys should do a video on Kendrick Johnson, since there are so many theories surrounding that case.

Its gotten to the point where Im excited for the postmortem for the sole reason of freerangegrass

#morosemortem Shane, I’m really sorry about your bird. I’m sure you cared about him very much. Shut up, Ryan >:(

No theories?

Nobody gotta talk about how Athalia was engaged to President Kennedy's big brother?????? And it kinda seems like her husband did it

Frances was too casual about her "friends" death, defo think she did it. If she goes for nightly walks then being out on the streets on the night of Athalias death isn't out of the ordinary for her, doesn't raise suspicion. I reckon she did it and someone found out subsequently ending in her own murder. #postmortem

To kill Athalia and then Frances seems like it’s a person that knew them and obviously had a vendetta against them and since frances was going around talking about Athalia seemed like she was getting too close or she knew something to be brave enough to go outside. Both of the murders were very violent too... doesn’t simply seem something like a neighbours feud.

I have a suggestion for another video. I was wondering if you could make a video about the Philadelphia experiment also known as project rainbow. It was a military experiment in the 1940s where they tried to make a boat invisible but some rather strange things happened such as crew members mysteriously getting stuck in the ground

So an unpopular woman is murdered, seemingly in a crime of passion in the middle of the day in like, the Florida suburbs and no one knows who did it but the evidence is like a big, bloodstained yellow brick road to her neighbour. Also she was trying to sell her house to move in with her husband, but it was full of rescue animals and she'd recently changed the locks to keep her leech husband away. Hm. thinking emoji. I think it could have been her husband, colluding with her neighbours and her friend Bemis, but Bemis being old and gossipy couldn't keep her mouth shut so they shut it for her. ps. whens the worth it/unsolved crossover, asking for a friend.

#postmortem Well that's what Francais gets for talking too soon. Otherwise, be careful what you wish for.

Shane is a Demon, confirmed

Shane looks like the writer dude from the Haunting of Hill House

Clementine did it..

Wait a minute...You said she was murdered in January, 1974, and that she claimed her neighbor threatened (or as Ryan pronounced it, "threaddened") her life in October, 1974...Did we just veer into the realm of BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural?...

*Florida man incorrectly uses a machete*

For Post Mortem: I believe that the bird, Clementine, did it. Maybe he had a vendetta against her for bringing in the loud dogs and goat I mean c’mon he was never seen again? The perfect crime #postmortem #birdcrime

Things I learned from this video 1: never move to Florida 2: Shane is totally a demon(16:36) And... 3: Shane ate his pet bird

As a Scot, I used to always get really confused when Americans would say pants, but I sorta got used to it. But when Ryan said the guy saw the murderer in a white shirt, (that was cool, cool, alright) and dark pants (nope, that was not cool, very uncool because he is now out, doin' the murder in his undies). #postmortem

“Anyways we’re here to talk about a machete murder”. Smooth transition, Ryan. Smooth.

I don't understand why Ryan starts with what the episode is about?? I mean, he should start with "Today we will be giving you 21 minutes and three whole seconds of happiness and joy!"

Have you guys done kurt cobains death conspiracy that it was Courtney love?

which weapon, an axe or a machete, in your opinion, is the better murder weapon? #postmortem #shaniac

For Post-Mortem: Everything points to Clementine. He was the last to be seen with her and he disappeared right after her murder never to be seen again?? He's probably living it up in South America with some parrots right now. I'm pretty sure Blue-Jays have famously machete-like talons too

For #RoastMortem : Ryan, if I didn’t know what you looked like and had only heard your voice, I would assume you’re a cartoon GOAT. I wouldn’t be surprised if you took your shoes off and you had hooves instead of feet. When I hear you speak I have to clear my own throat, somehow hoping it’ll help clear yours and make you sound less like like a farm animal

I once had two high school drama teachers. One had been teaching at my school for a while, and the other was younger and new. The older one had a wacky sense of humour, and was continuously cracking jokes. The new teacher was always trying so very hard to keep up with the old one, and was constantly making terrible forced jokes heavily based off the other teacher's. That is all I can think of when I watch this show. Shane is the old drama teacher, and Ryan is the new one. but I still love you both boys #roastmortem

Reading this comment was such a waste of my time

I’m honestly just waiting for that mannequin to randomly move closer and closer towards them and Ryan freaking out because of it


for the postmortem: was the guy in the white shirt who witnesses claimed to see walking away covered in blood? a machete murder is going to be incredibly messy--that shirt would be more red than white. if it was clean, the guy in the white shirt is probably a red herring

Another episode enjoyed. However, you guys did mention that the victim was murdered on Jan 23, 1974...2:32....and the at 12:39 of the video you mentioned the victim complained about her neighbour on Oct 9, 1974....which is long after the victim's death!

16:58 Ryan coming to the conclusion that Shane is actually a demon

#roastmortem how did it take this long for Ryan to say February right?!

#postmortem Can you do the death of actress Sridevi sometime? #roastmortem. Ryan looks like my pinkie and Shane looks like my thumb after I have changed a tyre?!???

For your next unsolved episode how about Aarushi Murder Case in Delhi

Unsolved Mysteries: Did Shane really eat his own parrot? Let's find out.

#postmortem It’s not a question, but at the bus stop today, I saw a man who looked just like Shane. The only difference was if you took the top and bottom of Shane’s head and just squished it a lot- no big forehead

Ryan is being so mean to Shane :(

How they’re literally always joking around with each other

For post mortem. What the hell is the faceless statue behind Shane?

Uh... Ryan? Buddy? Please never call Shane "big boy" again. I can hear the jackasses that ship you two getting all hyped up, and it's not just because I've been awake for 36 hours in an apartment with no heat, no wifi, and a busted smoke alarm beeping every two minutes.

"A sharp-tongued, aggressive woman who 'would not have won any popularity contests'." I didn't know I was Athalia Ponsell Lindsley. I do have a pretty neat machete though.

So Shane was possessed at the age of 9? or was he exorcised?

The bird did it

My favourite part about them washing the evidence away is that the detectives were literally late to the scene because they were at a forensic evidence conference

You guys should do one about the case of Brian Shaffer!

Post-mortem: I feel her unhappiness in the marriage was possibly not something James was aware of. The fact that he handed in the machete makes me think he wasn’t guilty. However, the alibi gap worries me a little but also like? Why would he wait to kill her? Why bother going grocery shopping together and then kill her? Waste of groceries. Also Stanford threatened to kill her? And he was questioned at her request hours before? The witness thought it was him? HIS NAME WAS ON THE SHIRT! THE WATCH WAS HIS! He done did it. Dewey just didn’t have motive so nah.

I had a nose bleed at my grandmas funeral

Leave Shane and his bird friend alone!

This episode was trash

12 months in a year, but all BuzzFeed crimes happened in FEBUARY.

For the postmortem: I don’t have a question, just wanted to share that I got my acceptance letter to UCSD for Marine Biology the same day this episode came out.

Ryan's become so sick of being made fun of for the way he says February that I bet he went home and practised for the episodes

please do an episode on the case of Amanda Knox !

god, stop with the motorsport manager music already

#PostMortem In this episode, earlier Shane admitted to possibly kill Ryan if pushed enough, later on, Ryan says "No matter what crime comes up, Shane has no bloody clothing." Where is this even going boi?

Was Frances Bemis murdered because she was like this community is too good for something bad to happen and the murderer took it on his or her ego and to prove her wrong, him or her murderer Frances?


Where are my Floridians at?

Why would anyone after murdering just go and keep stuff in the wilderness. Wouldn't they instead burn it off to get rid of it!

Alternative theory: It definitely seems like the work of Axeman Jr., also known as Mr. Machete. Athalia probably didn’t play Machete’s Mambo, so he murdered her. He just wanted somebody to help him forget those murderous urges by cooling him off with some chill Cuban dance music. #postmortem

#postmortem what's the oddest case you ever researched?

Hey Sarge…we found the killers dna AND weapon over here!! Sergeant:Ew…Gross!! *HOSE IT DOWN*

Can you do the stone man killer?

the real crime here is that you completely missed the opportunity to name this episode "florida man murders with a machete". do you know your memes, boys? #roastmortem

#PostMortem Question for Shane: Tell us more about the parrot! I'm not sure if you already have before, sorry if you did, but when did you have it? How old was it as well as you when you had it? etc.


Do the story on the 25 scientists who all researched the same thing and then all committed suicide or died in mysterious ways right after!

Poor Shane. You can tell he really loved that bird.

You guys should review the 1997 Chion Sisters case! It's kinda interesting!

the voice audio changing at 7:48, what was that about?

For the postmortem: what does it feel like to be a meme? Referencing the connecting the dots one. Love you guys!!!

church nosebleed=more evidence that Shane is a demon??? #roastmortem

16:40 , the moment Ryan knew his suspicions about Shane being a demon were true 17:02 you can see him actually thinking about it and how to exorcise him I swear ksjfdhfkh

#postmortem I'd like to know why nobody seemed to investigate Frances as a suspect! Especially after she was loose-ended!

I'm still waiting on you guys to cover the West Memphis 3.

For #Postmortem for Shane when are you bringing back the hotdog saga? What happened to the rest of the crew after Gens death?

I feel like Ryans forehead gets bigger and bigger in each episode

why the hell it was a hypnotist instead of a Truth Serum ,,,more murky waters...

Are they doing crimes now??? What happened with the ghost, demons and aliens????

Should I be watching this at 2 in the morning? No. Absolutely not. Am I? Yes. Absolutely so.

Next on Buzzfeed Unsolved: Shanes Parrot. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.

#PostMortem Are you sure that Clementine had no part in this?

obviously the infamous Florida Man must be behind this #postmortem

#PostMortem I have it ok here is my theory It WAS JIM FROM DOWN THE STREET

Shane: I don’t think i own a single article of clothing with any blood on it. Well you have about a 100% chance of one or more articles of clothing having blood on it if you are a woman, about a 25% chance if you were an outdoors man, and a 15% chance if you were a cook. So overall blood on clothes isn’t necessarily incriminating, especially depending on the evidence provided.. let’s continue...

#postmotem I think she was killed because she was a powerful woman. Women in power are still described that way by the media to this day. Women are often described like that when they act the way a man does in business/politics. We don't know why she disliked Standford so much, but perhaps he was the kind of sexist man who constantly belittles and degrades women. If she was constantly fighting to keep this man out of power, then she probably had a good reason. If Standford got off of the murder that easily (thanks, white male privilege), when all that evidence pointed toward him, he could get away with anything. He seems like just the type of guy, beloved by conservatives whose dirty deeds come to light, and they would rather protect him than face the truth. I think he knew he could get away with it because Florida in the 70s would have never liked her because she was a woman who wouldn't stay in line. (All the gofundmes that get set up for people like the Charsleten Shooter etc.)

I’ll support the parrot theory until the hot daga comes back

Shane “Parrot-Eater” Madej

I live in Florida, and they are w e i r d

Buzzfeed Why: Florida

I thought he said tinsley. C.C tinsley

pensacola anyone?

Talk about bible john

It would be nice to talk about unsolved crimes around the world instead of only focusing on the US. But great videos though, keep it up!

Are the shaniacs still a thing?

People don’t want to live in a state where people throw gators into drive thru restaurants when they’re mad.

Florida is florida, just go with it


Do the Montauk project next it’s pretty interesting

#roastmortem I love Buzzfeed Unsolved, especially Shane Madej and Vegan Brawny Paper Towel Man

Did they not investigate if there was anyone who hated both old ladies? #postmortem

What if this is one big elaborate scheme done by this Florida town to boost tourism numbers? I mean, people would wanna go see the place where all this stuff is happening. I dunno. Love you guys!! :)

I know this doesn't relate to this week's video but... for the @postmortem: Why does Shane's face look photoshopped onto his body at @3:28 in the latest Post Morten video. Maybe he is actually an alien? Actually it is much more likely that if aliens were to exist they would be microorganisms. #Shaniac. Shane's body is probably just too lanky for his big fat head. Speaking of microorganisms though... Hi Ryan. #roastmortem

ryan i think u should stop bullying shane abt the bird. it was his pet and u saying thst he ate it is mean

For #postmortem I would really want you guys to make videos of *SOLVED TRUE CRIMES* . Yes i know your channel is “buzzfeed UNSOLVED” but i really believe that most (if not all) of your viewers love to hear stories of true crimes, whether its solved or unsolved. Love you both! Love all your shows! #shaniac when with others #boogara when alone

Bwahahaha.. ryan's thinking face when shane told the story of him bleeding while in church.

Feb-uary Ha I'd like to see you try saying my name @ryan #roastmortem #boogara #freerangegrassisbetterthanhotdaga

i think shane is replacing the hot daga with freerangegrass

Mum just said she'd love to see the boys do a recap of GoT

bruh i’m going to florida next year i’ve been trying to believe pitbull in that it was fire but...

Blame the bird

Have you guys seen the sequel “the California Weapon Death”

100% its a ghost. How would you explain them hosing down the evidence. A demon possessed the officers and told them to hose it down to cover it up. I think every unsolved murder has been done by some kind of ghost or demon. Any thoughts?

I’d like to see an episode on the Lake Bodom murders!

Maybe Indians know about this case, Arushi Talwar? There is a film on it too. It's really very complex and still unsolved I believe.

Big boy??? Dude, cmon. -_-

Do the Long Island serial killer next

Poor Ryan. Too many February murders. The killers have gotta be more considerate.

11:24 just like Carolyn in American Beauty

1950–1999Edit Jack the Stripper, London, UK, 1964–65. Zodiac Killer, Northern California, USA, 1968–69. Bible John, Glasgow, Scotland, 1968–69. Monster of Florence, Province of Florence, Italy, 1968–1985. Freeway Phantom, Washington, D.C., USA, 1971–72. Alphabet murders, Rochester, New York, USA, 1971–73. Charlie Chop-off, Manhattan, USA, 1972–74 Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders, Sonoma County, California, USA, 1972–74. The Doodler, San Francisco, California, USA, 1974–75. Ann Arbor Hospital Murders, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1975 Flat-Tire murders, USA, 1975 Gypsy Hill killings, San Mateo County, California, USA, 1976. Oakland County Child Killer, Oakland County, Michigan, USA, 1976–77.

"In our continuing exploration into why Florida is the way that it is" -Ryan.... Boom Florida roast #roastmortem #nothanksflorida

#roastmortem ryans hair is mount everest pepepepepepepe

Athelia: *dies* Watcher: IT WAS ME! ALL ME! I DID THAT!

do the case of William Tyrell

#Postmortem Obviously, it was an extreme bird's rights activist. "How dare you supress this independant animal by walking it!"

are yall going to hunt more ghouls soon???????????????

Nice to hear that Ryan has started saying February right

To support Shane and his poor bird! I had a Cat pass away in the middle of winter! I live in Northern Canada so the ground was frozen solid, and was that way for quite a while! I put my poor kitty in an old freezer until the ground thawed, so I could bury her in one of her favorite spots! #loveforanimals #frozenground #kittypopsicle PS: It would take a lot longer then 20 minutes to chop someone up! Almost decapitating a head would take a lot of time and energy, even with a machete! Also, since the citizens used them to clear brush/fauna who is to say the machete used was even sharp? A few good whacks in some dense weeds and it would dull a blade! So with that theory, it would take even longer to hack someone up! 20 minutes seems a little rushed for how bad the body was! Also with the neighbour theory ..... they were getting rid of her! She was selling her home to move in with her new husband ..... why would you risk getting sent away for murder when you are so close to being free of the awful noise and neighbour!?!

Do the ice box murders

I’d say for most certainly is WAS a disgruntled neighbor who did it and he was so well liked that he got away with it , kind of like the episode where the town ganged up to kill that really mean guy they were all just like “we decide the rules here mmmkay” #postmortem

Please take a look at the Denis Martin case, there a lot intriguing facts and mystery of the case.

Never knew wheezing accurately until Ryan showed up LMAO! #roastmortem

Idk if this is a south thing or if he’s just saying it weird but “Threatened”?!!!!!

do the case of lavena johnson!!!! she was a private in the us military who was murdered but her death was covered up and ruled as a suicide!!!

Florida man tells neighbor he will kill them with kindness , procceds to attempt murder with a machete named kindness

#postmortem What part of Chicago are you from, Shane? Careful, there is a right and wrong answer...

Could you guys please review the mystery of the dissapperance of Dale Kerstetter ?

LMAOOOOOO "Hey, that's my parrot." I think your head doesn't look good on your shoulders anymore"

i swear to god EVERYONE in florida lives their life like it’s GTA or something

Post Mortem: My theory is that Dewey Lee was hired by the neighbor Stanford to kill Athalia. It would be enough motive once she crossed the line and he was visited by the state. It would make sense that Dewey would then find the evidence himself and why the witness on the bike saw him in Athalia's yard before the murder. Dewey would have walked toward Stanford's house after the murder to let him know the job was done, which would be what the other neighbor McCormick saw. Stanford then threw Dewey under the bus at trial. Love you guys! ❤

You should do an investigation on the Jamison family, I find it kinda creepy but interesting at the same time

#RoastMortem Shane, i really hope a ghost eats your big head off just like you ate your parrot's. AND Ryan, i hope you drown in a pool of holy water and stop mispronouncing the easiest words ffs.

st. augustine is on the atlantic coast not a swamp but okiiii lmao

#roastmortem Are we just going to ignore the fact that Shane might be a damn ghoul demon? Walks into a church and nose leaks like a faucet? Long arms? Check. Pointy ears? Check. Slightly hunched over? Check. Loves the dark, brings him peace? Oh yeah, check. Pointy slouchy nose? Check. Pale skin? Check. His beady EYES! Check!!! All jokes aside, Ryan totally lost 50% trust in you after hearing that. Did you NOT see that look in his eyes? Don't blame him. Not a good sign if you walk into a church and you just bleed out. Just saying. Shane, watch out buddy.

at 2:28 ryan says that athalia was murdered on jan 23 1974, but at 12:28 ryan says that her neighbour allegedly threatened to kill her on oct 9 1974.....did i just catch a buzzfeed unsolved error? :O

Maybe the husband and neighbor were in on it together...

"When he didn't give me limes, yeah" lol

You guys should cover the Haleigh Cummings case. It’s got drugs, lies, drama, and a missing 5 year old girl. It happened in 2009 in Satsuma, Florida in the same county I lived in. Someone I went to school with was actually related to the Haleigh, so this case hits close to home. Everyone has their own theories about what happened and who did it, but I’d love to see you guys’ theories.

This is nothing like woods Allen movies

Which no one on YouTube deserves to watch

Whats the point of the story of another murder?.

You should do the Kaikoura lights UFO

Man I wish you guys could post m PK re of thses types of vids n keep up the good work btw a hippo would ficma bear in a fight

I miss #roastmortem

Damn, that hair is A-1 fam.

"Hey that's my parrot. I think your head doesn't look good on your shoulders anymore."

Not sure if its my eyes or computer but y'all look like you're sitting in a room full of smoke! contrast is super low

just looked at my hand and remembered im smoking a blunt and realize it is definitely just me. oops

Unsolved is the only channel I’ll watch owned by Buzzfeed Anymore

If I am ever killed in a strange way, please let it be in the month of February. I would like to hear Ryan unable to say it, one last time. #shaniac

I’m starting to think the guys actually don’t like each other very much.

Shane is a snacc.

#postmortem hi my name is Josh and conveniently the Texarkana phantom killer postmortem was posted on my birthday so I enjoyed a buzzfeed postmortem video on my birthday but anyways I was wondering why would a mechanic be searching swamps ik it’s to search for clues supposedly but wouldn’t you search like trash cans or dumps but the set up feels right to me because a husband would know the schedule of her wife and her friend and maybe just maybe the Friend was in on it too and her saying she was gonna keep walking at night might seem suspicious so they killed her too to get rid of a “loose end” that’s my add on to your theory love the good work guys also if I can make a suggestion for the supernatural season maybe investigate the cucuy or a mythological child kidnapper anyway keep up the good work and take care (repost my bad).

Hiya Boys, The aspect of the case that struck me the most was the fact that the forensics expert identified the laundry mark as Stanford’s name. Even if the mark was too faint, it’s remarkably convenient that the expert recognized the mark as Stanford’s. What do you guys think? Can’t wait for the next episode and thanks for all the laughs. #Postmortem #Shaniac #Boogarish

Florida is chill Jupiter quiet and sketchy place depending the location

Sounds like a case for C. C. Tinsley

#PostMortem I lived in FL my whole life and it sucks never move her it's hot humid and the people don't know how to flippin drive p.s/ #RoastMortem why the f*ck is there a roster on Ryan`s head p.p.s love you Shane

You could do an episode on Franklins lost expedition, or the mistery of the ship resolven which was found of the coast of catalina without its crew.

"what else are you going to do there?" 8:45 this is true, florida is full of snakes and gossip, gators and swamps. - sincerely a floridian

Can you please do an unsolved episode of bunny man bridge in Virginia?

Okay but is anything really shocking in Florida?

for the postmortem: it was the husband, & here’s why. if someone that i had a long feud with showed up on my porch with a machete, i would go back inside. but if it were my husband, i would probably stop and talk for long enough that, by the time i realized what was happening, it would be too late. athalia trusted her murderer enough that she didn’t think she had to defend herself—she probably thought james was there to trim her weeds or something. also, what if james and bemis collaborated on the murder (because bemis was writing that book and was going to profit off of it), but james got worried that bemis would talk and decided to kill her too, just to cover his tracks? bemis would have known he committed the murder, which would explain her statement about why she was not afraid to walk outside, and she would have trusted him enough not to suspect anything when he approached her with a stone block. just a theory... i love unsolved & you guys!! #fansincedayone


you should investigate the Berta Caceres murder case!!

#roastmortem my dad hates Ryan's voice when he reads. Whenever he hears it he says, and I quote, "He's just doing it to sound smart."

Ahh! I haven’t even watched the video but as a Jacksonville Florida native and resident, whatever they say about Florida is probably true. It’s crazy here.

I had a pet bird, too. It was a badass cockatiel who earned the respect of my cats. He would peck at their paws when they would get on his cage. After a short while, they left him alone. Even when we cleaned his cage, they knew better than to mess with Bandit (that was his name). He learned to call all of our animals and would taunt them. I think he enjoyed being the boss. He died of old age at age 31. We threw him a badass funeral and played bird themed music from the hymn "I'll Fly Away" to the Skynyrd classic "Free Bird." It was an awesome tribute for an awesome bird. He loved head banging to all kinds of music during life. Shane, what is an awesome bird story you have your late parrot? Did your parrot headband to music or have any fun quirks? #BadAssBirdPets #Cockatiels #Parrots #FreeBirds #HeadbangingBirds #MetalBirds #PostMortem

having enough "good person points" to cash in for a murder is the plot of one of the episodes of the anime Kino's Journey and it's a very interesting ep

Could you guys please cover the case of the execution of Agnes Magnúsdottír?

You guys should look into doing the lemp mansion curse from St Louis MO. It's super well known here but even then ppl don't really talk much about it anymore. It was a huge deal a generation or 2 ago and my sister and I were just talking how it would be cool to see you guys dig into it.

#postmortem Athalia was killed while walking her bird? The bird was never seen again? Conclusion: it was the bird. Thank you everyone, I’ll be here all week.

I live in Florida. I don’t want to live in Florida.

When are you guys going to visit more locations? I don't enjoy watching these as much as u going to the places :(

14:46 Reminded me of the anime Erased

The real question is: Who is the enigmatic Florida Man?

Y'all, I JUST moved to St. Augustine. Why you gotta do me like that?!

look at that little surfboard on the top of his head. i'm going to take my boogie board and surf it in the morning.

if it makes shane feel better, my pet beta fish that died many years ago is still indeed, in my freezer .

Couldn’t it have been all three of them working together? The mechanic just got blackmailed into it somehow

*only if I have some facts behind it big boy*

Shut up bert and ernie or is it the old men in the balcony?either way shut it.#roastmortem

6:58 wrestling reference lol

ryan seems totally convinced that shane is a demon... and honestly? same.

why don’t police look into the other similar murder at the persons of interest and see if there’s any connecting suspects???

More evidence Shane is a demon

I'm sorry to do this but my kitty has been having seizures the past two nights. His blood has back fine so the next step is to do a MRI. Unfortunately I need 5,000 for that which I don't have. If you could please share this link or donate one dollar I would really appreciate that. He means the world to me and I just want to help him.

*_shane is a demon confirmed_*

Plot twist: it was the goat

They should've put Stanford in the confinement

it is 3am? yes am I going to watch this and not sleep tonight? yes

Hey! Buzzfeed Unsolved, how about adding Spanish subtitles to your videos? I would love that and thank you for reading :).

#postmortem what happened to the narration in 7:50?? The audio was suddenly sounding different compared to the rest of the narration

can you guys do a video on Jam Master Jay from RUN-DMC?

Can you please solve the murder on Olof Palme the former swedish prime minister.

can you make a video about the lake bodom murders

Please do the Yuba County 5!!!

I think it was Frances and Alan were in on it together. I think he was upset that he was caught and that she wasn’t or that maybe she had evidence against him and so when he was out on bail he murdered her. Like what did he have to lose at that point. It’s so weird she boasted about how safe she felt and that she was on a walk that night Athalia was murdered. Which would imply she didn’t have an alibi either.

*Let's demand a separate unsolved series just for crimes committed by Florida men.*

#roastmortem Ryan kinda looks like Hairy Hold from food fight in this video tbh

#postmortem you know what sucks? I was born in February (:

Everytime I see both your hairs-lines it just reminds me that I’ve been watching this YouTube channel way too long #roastmortem

The men had each other's backs. They aint gonna snitch.

#RoastMortem For the next episode how about you look into the unsolved mystery of who keeps giving Shane pets!? Seems like a bad idea to me. Also Ryan, Hawkeye called, he wants his hair do back.

Come on folks, Florida is not that bad. There's been plenty of cases where the evidence has been distorted or tempered with. The only reason so many stories come out of Florida is because of the Florida Sunshine law. BTW thanks for creeping me out of one of my favorite cities. St. Augustine is beautiful and full of history.

Ryan, what Shane did with his parrot is not weird! I had to do the same thing with a pet fish and a pet rabbit because the ground was frozen! Lol #postmortem

Not to be super nit-picky, but you said Athalia complained about Stanford's death threat in October 1974 when she was murdered in January 1974. Nbd it just got me confused before doing a quick cursory google haha

Not one to jump to conclusions just shock theories.

Imagine being the dork who can't pronounce February

lemme be real, a hypnosis type treatment for ptsd (or other types of trauma related stuff, idk i just have ptsd lol) called EMDR is used to help unlock memories that the persons brain has almost like, squirreled away or repressed. so the hypnotizing, at the time yeah thats sketchy, but now not so much #funfact...ish

no body: mr.Stanford: “wacha Thwack”

#postmortem what were the sizes of the clothes? i feel as if the investigators would have put that in their report, if the sizes were legible.

maybe the bird did it

It sounds to me like it was the neighbor. It was definitely not planned though. He was probably out doing yard work with his machete (like everybody else in florida?!) And saw her with her bird and just went into a rage. Nobody plans to kill someone wearing a white shirt.

"i LOVED that lady"


I am using this as my meat beat back up video

I love your beady little eyes and rooster wave, Ryan!!

woah i just thought of something cool what if there was another category for buzzfeed unsolved okay hear me out "BuzzFeed Unsolved Internet Mysteries"

I had a good bird once too. I didn’t have to wait two years to bury her after she died though luckily....

13:10. Shane answered with no hesitation. What does this mean

#roastmortem Y'all look like you would be murdered just for your hair gel.

You should really look into the Steven Avery case

Very funny, great episode! 5/5.

Shane, you have fans here in Chicago! "Love you, love your show!"

Just waiting for them to do the mysteries in Mineral Wells, Texas the famous bakers hotel

#roastmortem I want to hear how ridiculous Ryan sounds when he says "threatened" out loud again

id like to point out that its pretty common to own a machete in florida. I live outside of tampa and anyone that lives near woods, which is at least 60%, owns a machete so you can cut underbrush in the woods.

You guys need to do one on AJ Lufkins Sisseton, SD

#postmortem really late, but you guys should make an unsolved episode for shane’s bird

Please cover the case of Terrance Williams and Felipe Santos

at 9:05 when shane looked into the camera i swear i saw the devil in his eyes

“A goat!” Like come on man, goats aren’t that weird especially the more rural you go. Heck man, I own a snake #postmortem #roastmortem

#postmortem I live in Jacksonville Florida and let me tell you It's a very interesting place, swamps, murderers, Disney World, drunk people throwing gators in drive-thru windows. Would you guys ever come down here?

On the next episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved we will investigate the death of Shane's Parrot

I can only imagine Ryan looking in the bathroom mirror and just saying _February_ over and over again until he gets it right.

im honestly living for the background music of this series

Ryan's hair looks like someone shaved his head, put all his hair in a bag, covered his head in glue, and then sprinkled the hair on his head.

This season the music is so frickin creepy

yeah being from Florida we don't claim the killer

Florida man strikes again

If the guy that the 19 year old saw was real, why would he describe his shirt as white? If she was killed so savagely why would the shirt still look white to the eye?

I know it isn't exactly a murder but u should do the unsolved mystery of the Mona Lisa

7:46 Mic change

The bird did it!

You guys have a whole section of the post mortem dedicated to insults and you want more haters?? Are we not good enough for you?? #postmortem #roastmortem

Please please please go to Skinwalker Ranch and do an investigation!!!!

please do the disappearance of johnny gosch PLEASE

Ryan, is that the shirt Kristin chose for you? It looks good!

As usual stellar police work

#roastmortem why does ryan's hair look like the top of a rooster's head

What if clementine killed her?...

Do an episode on THE REAL GEE MONEY. There’s many theories upon his death. Nobody has been been charged with his murder. It would be highly appreciated! (:


Similar story to Shane’s, when I got baptized (haha that was a weird phase) my nose started bleeding

Can you do the Baba Yaga next for supernatural?


I live in St. Augustine and it’s literally the weirdest town I’ve ever been to, Florida man is real you guys

Suggestion for Supernatural: the Devil's Tramping Ground in North Carolina!

Do a story on Robert The Doll in Key West Florida.The story is very creepy and spooky and the house that it happened in is still there in key west and the hauntings of the jail house there too!If you were wondering yes I am and still live in Florida but I now live in Tampa or what I like to call “trampa”!

But who would ever hate the ghoul boys?!?

Florida? Safe? Buddy have you met the Cubans??

I would like to see you guys do the unsolved mystery of El Paso couple's 1957 disappearance.

how would one go about getting employed by buzzfeed? #postmortem

Take look at this site. I think you should look into this case #justiceforalissa

Clementine is an animagus that escaped the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and proceded to be captured and sold. Clementine killed Athalia. #forthepostmortem

I want them to uncover st.agustine’s secrets. Like that town is covering something up.

Hey so an unsolved mystery of the csx 8888 runaway train

Cover the Madeleine Mccann case?

its not much of an unsolved thing, but the stories of the Jersey Devil are so scary!!

For post mortem: Shane, do you have any pictures of your parrot? I love birds. I have two budgerigar parakeets and they’re the best little idiots ever. Also, I don’t think that you ate your bird. Maybe Ryan ate his dog, though, with that evil grin he had when he said rip.

#postmortem how long until Ryan shoots Shane with his holy water gun? I MEAN, SHANE BEING A DEMON OR NOT IS THE BIGGEST MYSTERY ON THIS CHANNEL

#postmortem Shane: Gets untimely nosebleed Literally everyone else: DEMON SHANE!!!!!

I like these, but please visit some haunted places like before :)

We are crazy. Florida people are :D

16:50 = shane is a demon confirmed

hose it down

As someone who lives in St.Augustine I can say every still owns about two machete's each XD

its official shane is a demon

ugh i live in florida and i hate it so much lmao

I watched this video in the middle of the woods at night but at least I’m not a old lady

Shane is a demon confirmed @ nosebleed at church story

you guys should cover the Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion

I think it was Stanford because everything kinda leads to him like blood stopping at his him and his shirt having his name on it so I think it was him

I just found 5 seasons of buzzfeed unsolved on amazon prime video, I had no idea you guys had expanded out onto other sites, that's so cool!

Damn shanes eyes really be getting smaller in every episode

Something about this cause seems... off.. as though there is evidence that just seems very misplaced or overlooked. What if it was someone that really just didn’t like her that just decided to off Athalia? I mean even the paper read “she wouldn’t have won any popularity contests”.


I appreciated the little summary of each suspect at the end of this week's episode. I always forget what the heck I've just watched so it was nice to recap! Thanks

The butler did it.

I listened to a podcast about this murder a while ago and I’m convinced that Stanford did it, especially because his daughter said he ran out of the house just before the murder and came back with bloody clothes. #postmortem

Actually what Locke McCormick said wasn’t anywhere close to hearsay. The only way that it could be is if the grandmother was testifying to it, but even then it falls under an exception 803.1 being the present sense impression exception. Hearsay is defined as an out of court statement used for the truth of the matter asserted. Because of the exception in 803.1, this is admissible testimony. Sure the “Mr. Stanford is hitting Mrs. Ponsell” thing is kinda iffy, but all the other stuff, the things that made him say that, aren’t hearsay.

for the postmortem: Athalia's friend seemed pretty smug/arrogant about the whole thing. I know that if one of MY friends had been brutally murdered, I wouldn't be bragging about the fact that I had yet to be brutally murdered in return. Maybe Frances was in on the murder and thought she was in the clear, and then the murderer/conspirator thought she knew too much and decided to tie up loose ends.

Shane really is a ghoul I mean only a GHOUL would be so against ghosts & demons being real. ALSO your nose bleed inside the church with your friend..... GHOUL #postmortem #boogara #StillLoveYouBoth

#PostMortem Do the murder of Bob Crane, my grandma watches Hogan's Heroes every night along with Perry Mason (even though she's seen every episode already). His death was strange and sudden and still unsolved to this day. Love you guys, #Shaniac all the way (sorry Ryan, it has to be this way :( )

Ricky goldsworth likes limes and shane is actually a demon in disguised SPREAD THAT GOSSIP PEOPLE

It's confirmed, Shane is a demon XD

florida is a crazy place, you can literally do a unsolved series just on that state alone forever

We had a neighbor who hated our dog. He even called the sheriff department and tried to get her taken away. He was a weird guy and I always got a weird feeling from him. This story makes that experience even creepier. Also there was zero justice for Alathia. I don't care if people don't like the way you talk, they shouldn't be able to machete murder you and get away with it.

HEY GUYS! The Onion did a review of Coco that might have connected the dots to the Natalie Woods drowning. You should watch it and let us know your thoughts! Check out the Onion's review of Coco #postmortem #conspiracy

For #postmortem. Hey Ryan for next season of paranormal you guys should go to Flordia, go to Harry Potter World, and try to find Athlias ghost. She's probably flying around playing the part of nearly headless nic.

Plot twist: Shane and that one other guy (?) are just serial killers who take a laughing at everything and use investigation of murders to further their tactics and prevent future (and any) mistakes within their plots.

Ryan and Shane, you guys should check out the haunted diner in Santaquin, Utah called Leslies Family Tree

You have to do the murder of Jill Dando, so many theories that all seem possible and so much crazy back story.... unsolved still after 20+ years

Athalia's problems with her neighbors sounds like an episode of Fear they neighbor from the ID channel

Roast mordem: it looks like both your foreheads grew two inches

Big boy

QUESTION: Do you think that machete murder is worse than exploding?

Why a machete as a murder weapon? Was this a crime of passion? #postmortem #shaniac

Florida Man...

Still waiting for the French people dancing themselves to dance episode

#roastmortem I bet you guys know about not being able to do your job #yallcantsolve #cantfindyourbutt

Shane got a nose bleed in a church

How could Athalia have made a complaint about an event on October 9, 1974 when she was murdered in January 1974? Maybe you mean October 9, 1973?

Please do an episode on the smiley face killer!

why do I keep myself up at night watching these videos love what your doing keep it up

Up Next Assasination Of Martin Luther King Junior

@ 9:04 Shane kinda looks like a bird. Roasted bud.

For Postmortem: Since Jack the Ripper was recently solved, will you guys do anything to add on to what was recently discovered? Also, what happens when you call Ricky something other than Ricky, but something that is close? Like for example, Micky, Ricardo, etc. Love ya guys and keep up the good work!! :3

Y’all want haters

I think the ghosts hate you for all the mean things you say to them

*casually pulls out machete to greet neighbors

Skin walker ranch in Utah. Aliens. Check. Ghosts. Check. Government strong arm. Check. Ancient Native American folklore. Cheeeeeeccccckkkkkk

if one of the bun boys goes missing, i think we should start the investigation by looking into the other one #postmortem

I still think the bird did it.

@buzzfeedunsolvednetwork what if its a murder on the oriental express situation where the whole community came together to kill the women? And stanford was just the one who was chosen to kill them?

Florida’s very,,, interesting.... ppl say it’s “messed up” it’s INTERESTING WEIRD or wathererdmeejejj I cannot talk today .-. It’s nice Yet tho everyone wants to live in Florida Btw THAT POOR BLUEJAY XD CLEMENTIME

BuzzFeed Unsloved Network: Just a hunch but I believe there's two people involved that could've done it ,the neighbor and the husband rating only on evidence and common knowledge of the human mind who do u believe has the highest percentage of being the killer, tell ur opinion and not the facts from the case files

Do an episode on the jersey devil!!!!

Perhaps the sheriff secretly hated Stanford and was trying to pin the murder on him. Maybe the sheriff killed Athalia, dressed like Stanford. #postmortem

Florida is fuckin WILDIN

*psst* Shane ate his parrot pass it on

9:29 “at that time it was common to own a machete” what do you mean at that time, i’m a floridian and can confirm it’s still common to own a machete

Eyyy I live in St. Augustine, I’ve heard this story before

My boyfriend is a hater, apparently he hates Ryans voice and thinks Shane looks like a Guinea pig. I do catch him laughing sometimes though. Love you guys!

Do the missing 43

I live in florida and it is CRAZY

I have a feeling it was Virgil. He had them hose away the blood, after Frances claimed the area was safe, she went on her walk and got murdered, he claimed the two murders weren't connected when they clearly were. When the box got taken to the police, I don't think Virgil mentioned anything about it or even cared to look. That's just my theory though.

Probably Dewey, the dirty mechanic ;)

evidence continues to amount in the demon shane theory

You are correct no one should want to live in Florida I hate it here

#RoastMortem: not a full on roast but that comment about Shane that said "he's hot but in a rat kinda way" is still my favourite thing

How long was Ponsell screaming before McCormick came over to check? I feel like it would take a few minutes to hack someone up and almost decapitate them (Not having done it before, I'm just guessing) Also, they hosed down the evidence?! smh, what is the deal with these old school police departments?

as someone who has lost beloved pets before, i didn't find ryan making jokes about shane's parrot very funny :(

if you get your clothes drycleaned they put your name or a number that they can identify you by on your clothes! I work for a dry cleaners thats what i assumed a laundry mark was.

The parrot did it.

RIP to Shane’s bird

#randompostmortem #unsolvedchallange :P I will be suprised if you guys find true crime case in New Zealand(also known as one of the safest countries) :P

Roastmortem. I swear to God if you don't bring back the Hot Daga I'm going to sever and switch your guys limbs!!!!

i like how they say "shocking" like its florida what did you expect out of this crackhead state

16:55 ... Shane is a demon confirmed

Shane's hair looks like a mountain

Ok so Florida have people that just keep machetes in there home. Maybe she was just teamed up on and every came to together and killed them. Btw you should go to Zack' s haunted mansion in Las vegas.

Ryan shitting on Florida for 25 minutes

i know this isn’t b.u. supernatural but you guys should investigate Calico Ghost Town

NO , STOP IT , we , well me i dont want this murder stuff bring back the ghost hunting episodes there far better and more entertaining , ASAP please

Florida: The Crackhead state.

What about the other lady that was killed? Any theories on her death?

Ryan calling Shane big boi is just full proof that he is gone and it's just Ricky now

#postmortem So does that mean we can conclude and confirm that Shane is a demon, since he had a bloody nose in church?

"I luved that lil burd" WE LOVE YOU, YOU LIL PRECIOUS BOI

The heat and humidity in Florida fries the brains of residents and makes them crazy. That's my theory LOL

My guy wears white to murder someone. Legend

for #roastmortem: I'm new to unsolved but from what I can tell Ryan and his unsolved team do all the work while Shane cracks jokes. Thats f**ked up Shane.

14:59 the noise from his pen..... Similar to butchering,

Blood spurting out of Shane’s nose in church... The demon theory is coming to fruition.

Please do MH370 and MH17, a lot of conspiracies to be taken into account!

Florida frights


I like your videos :P i watched you for more then 1 year and forgot about this channel ;(

3:14 Ryan says the word arrived like a gps.

I really would never have an alibi. I sit in my dorm watching youtube for hours by myself.


cop's assistant: ah jeez, there's a huge puddle of blood on that person's clothes! They're holding a knife!! cop: ah yes,,, that time of the month huh,,, now, back to my theories

I don’t know if you were planning on doing this at all, but can I suggest a case you can talk about. What about the case in Mexico on the 43 missing students?

16:37 — further evidence that Shane is really just a bored demon in disguise.

#postmortem Nobody : The watcher : There was a watch I did it!!!! ALL HAIL THE WATCHER!!!!

I’m in St. Augustine and the town is pretty safe, but it can be deceiving. There was a lot of Civil Rights stuff down here that the older generation attempts to sweep under the rug. There’s also a lot of haunted stuff here, so the ghoul bois should come investigate

@buzzfeedunsolvednetwork ...... i think the unsolved disppearance of Nan Dixon like 40 years ago would make a helluva unsolved episode. There are twists..turns..theories..and strange "evidence" Aplenty!!!!!

allmost decapitated... weak!!!

_Walking your bird in Florida is so unusual_ *continues to walk down the street with an aligator*

Question for Post Mortem: how are you?

Did Francis have a bird???

You guys should investigate the murder of swedish prime minister Olof Palme! He was shot in the back in an alley at like midnight, nobody knows who shot him and it's been over 30 years since it happened.

Go to Nottinghams galleries of justice

16:36 moment mentioned in postmortem

fauna means animals btw. Think ryan meant to say florida flora, not florida fauna.

But what about Frances???!

This one was good!

I’m a bit late, and haven’t watched the post mortem yet, but here’s my theory: Athalia wasn’t having trouble selling her house. That’s just what she told people. She actually didn’t want to sell, because after she married Lindsley, she realized that he was an awful person, as she wrote in her letters. She may have even been scared of him, hence her changing the locks to her house. Lindsley was having an affair with Francis, which Athalia may or may not have discovered. Francis was more of a frenemy to Athalia, rather than a friend. Lindsley and Francis plotted Athalia’s murder, and Lindsley committed it. He knew about the animosity between his wife and her neighbor, Stanford. So Lindsley stole Stanford’s items, or had someone else steal them, in order to frame him for Athalia’s murder. Standford’s shirt may have had his name on it from the dry cleaners. Lindsley was able to get away with everything, because he was buddy-buddy with the local government and police department. (And/or he bribed them. Or he was cashing in on a favor in which he helped someone else get out of trouble previously by using his authority as mayor at the time. He even could have used blackmail or extortion, threatening to expose someone’s dirty secrets unless they helped him.) Lindsley, or someone else, bribed the mechanic to “find” the box of evidence that would make Stanford a suspect. The odds of the mechanic just coincidentally stumbling across it in a big swamp are slim. And witnesses say he went directly to it, like he knew exactly where it was located. Francis’ murder was definitely related to Athalia’s. Lindsley killed Francis after their relationship soured. He may have wanted to tie up loose ends, or she may have threatened to turn him in. Francis had told people she knew something about Athalia’s murder. And she wasn’t afraid to go out walking alone, confidant of her safety, because she knew it was Lindsley who killed Athalia, not some random killer. And she didn’t think he would ever come after her. Sadly, she was mistaken. I can’t be the only one with this theory. It seems quite obvious. Now to watch post mortem and see if anyone agrees with me!

anyone know about Alfred Lowenstein??

On jan 23 athalia dies Later on october 9 athalia says stanford threatened to kill her (12:36) Im sorry but y'all have to get the facts right

Discust the beast of jersey

The nosebleed Shane had in the church is further proof that he is a demon

17:00 Demon Shane confirmed.

I heard 6 episodes this season? If that’s true this is the last one? Why the seasons get shorter every season? :(

Can you do a video on the murder of Mary Phagan? I want to see what y'all would say about Leo Frank

Ryan: "I bet you would murder me if I pushed you enough." Shane: "Yeah, probably." at this point, im not surprised lol

Isn’t weird how his watch was left in the box. I get shirt and pants they were stained but the watch idk sounds like he was getting framed. But the other murders would be unnecessary unless they became witnesses or someone different had it for them

Ideas for Unsolved episodes: Who is Banksy? And the murder of Dian Fossey


Ryan looks so uncomfortable after the nosebleed reveal

Shane's a demon! Bleed'n from dat nose lol.

So are we just not going to talk about Shanes church nosebleed?

"Every human is capable of murder if you push them enough" that sounds deep, my new quote, thanks Ryan

The music was so creepy for this episode


Do some solved murders

please make unsolved case around asia for upcoming season

I live to see the day they actually solve a murder

Anyone notice that Adelle McLaughlin and jacksepticeye have the same last name

I don't think a paper trail necessarily means that Stanford didn't do it. There are so many cases of women reporting violent men and nothing gets done and the woman ends up murdered.

“Thwack-a-thwack” - Shane Madej, 2019

Aw, Shane had a parrot? I didn't realize I could love him any more.

For the postmortem: if they decided the two murders were unrelated then who did they suspect for Bemis' death? Love the show!

A murder with a machete? It was Jason lol

I used to live in Orange Park, which was near Jacksonville, Florida. I think i went to St. Augustine once. UwU

More evidence for the Shane is a demon case theory I guess you could say that the nose bleed in church is very DAMNING.


u goul boys keep talkin trash on florida we will come for yuh.

As someone who owns dogs and many noisy goats I really hope my neighbors don't kill me with a machete

Man this episode was a wheeze-fest, WE'VE BEEN BLESSED!

the bit about people in florida owning at least one machete is still true actually

If they were trying to frame Stanford why would Dewey have the bloody shirt sit in mud water?

>Florida >Murder >Shocking Ahahaha


Please Please Please go to Fort Bayard Hospital grounds in Fort Bayard New Mexico!

I'm dying for True Crime to cover Enriqueta Martí, the Spanish serial killer who trafficked orphans and MAY or MAY NOT

You should do an episode on the Beast of Jersey. Just beware he is really messed up.

You guys should investigate the disappearance and death of Dorothy Jane Scott!!

Why is no one concerned with the fact that Clementine has never been seen again? That’s the real mystery! #postmortem

Yo finally some representation for my home town! It occurs to me that I shouldn’t be proud of that.

Having experienced living in both FL and CA for over 5 years each, I gotta break the news to ya fellas: CA sucks. In FL you are a hell of a lot better off with wallet health, freedom from overbearing government regulation, and you actually see your tax dollars going to infrastructure improvements. To sum it up: CA is one long overtaxed, overpriced, overhyped, traffic jam waiting for the next environmental disaster in which the state doesn't try to take preventative measures to avoid beforehand. Oh, and then there's 'those' kooks in LA and SF. If you ever want to feel like you're living in a never-ending episode of the Twilight Zone, watch and listen to the beliefs they try and force on everyone!

Maybe, just maybe, it was HABIT from EverymanHYBRID. #postmortem

oh no, she died on my birthday :(

I'm not from Florida, but I visit pretty frequently. Although I don't think they should've hosed down the blood evidence, I think it's possible they did to keep alligators or other animals from coming to the scene. #postmortem

Y'all should investigate the vampire brothers new Orleans

Always Florida.

for the roastmortem: Ryan's smile says he's excited about this case, but the duffel bags under his eyes betray the tired child inside of him

Can you guys do the Whitehall Mystery sometime?

Anyone think they should go to the screaming woods?

Can you do an episode about The Brabant Killers or the disappearance of the Ghent Altarpiece. Lots of love from Belgium.

Stanford got power behind his back

Ryan: only if I’ve got facts behind it Also Ryan: underwater Area 51... that’s all I’ve got on that

Have you guys ever considered doing the Natalee Holloway case? One of the biggest Alabama disappearances ever.

Can you please look into the Hagley woods mystery: "Who put Bella in the Witch Elm?"

Why did she just casually change her locks? Sounds like the husband murdered her to me.

4:32 gives me john mulaney vibes

For #postmortem : The parrot did it. Only Clementine would have sufficient motive to kill her, she probably wasn’t getting him the good bird seed and he did the job as revenge. Birds have a high pecking order and I wouldn’t be surprised if the order came from higher up the bird chain. Lookout bird owners. RIP Shane’s Parrot #shaniac #loveyoutooryan

That's chilling. You know what you dudes should do an episode about at some point? The Mystery of Kaspar Hauser! I'd love to see your analysis on that, Ryan!

So i think whomever killed her definitely had beef with her because they basically decapitated her/cut her head right off, like you have to hate them brutally to do something like that, or they would have just stabbed her or something easier and simpler, so to nearly cut off her head means whoever did it hated her so bad and she must have upset them in some way bad enough to make them want to nearly decapitate her, and i have heard of other cases of decapitations and been told that it actually is really hard to cut through all the bone etc and would take a while and a lot of force and effort. P.S I love the work that you guys do! #inspired#goals#helpingpeople

Sheriff: $500 reward for information on case Me: “SHES A GIRL” give me my $500


Do the case of Lorenzo Gonzalez Cacho in Puerto Rico

The Middle of Nowhere unsolved mystery. The couple went missing. I didn't do any extra research before suggesting, I just read that courage the cowardly dog was based on this

so um... not to nag you or anything, but do guys ever think about maybe getting rid of that mannequin in the background? nothing personal, just don't want my bladder to hose off my pants.

I was watching Sam and Colby and they don’t know anything about ghost and I was like that’s sooo cute. Now I miss Shane and Ryan I wanna watch Buzzfeed so here I am my loves

16:54 it's confirmed. Shane is a demon lmao

i forget to like these because i just move on the the next >_

16:47 *If this isn’t evidence that Shane is a demon then I don’t know what is!*

If you want a tip on 2 Swedish cases, I recommend The Kevin case and The Thomas Quick case. Both involve strange confessions.

Do Marilyn Monro!

This music is terrifying.

#postmortem What about Frances? Did she have any feuds? Why would anyone kill her, I think that just by saying "I'm not afraid, I'm gonna keep walking at night" wasnt what got her killed. AND remember that Frances was friends with Athalia. Maybe someone had something against the both of them

I hate buzzfeed but this and tasty is an exception

“Why Florida is the way that it is” accurate

The real reason why Shane doesn't believe in supernatural stuff is simple: he's a demon himself. He even got a nosebleed in church! #postmortem #shaniacs

Can we have a BUN and GMM cross over? Maybe see the return of Nartufowdy?

all hail the watcher i guess

you should look into the disappearance of Ruth Wilson, she went missing in 1995 and there's a lot of theories including her running away, suicide or foul play (some people even blame her father)

Seriously guys, can SOMEONE please help me recall which buzzfeed unsolved episode was the one where Shane did a back scratch prank on Ryan???? Now I can't even remember if it really is Shane and Ryan. Pretty sure it was...

So if the neighbour killed athelia? Did he also kill frances? What would have been the point if he’d already gotten away with it

“fwaka fwaka”-shane 2019

This is the only decent buzzfeed series.

Another Florida case: Casey lee Anthony

That's a nice head you have on your shoulders

They should discuss the Wineville Chicken Coup Murders.

Shane is demons #solved

Shane, when you walked into that church God was trying to release the demons from your body. There were so many though, that a sneeze was not enough. You had to have a bloody nose.

CoNfused she died 23 january 1974, how could she be at commision hearing in october 74. Was she a ghost lol


How about the Girl Scout Murders of 1977 in Oklahoma

Shane: Eats birds and bleeds in churches.

You guys already have 522 haters

Funny Shane should bring up the Zodiac...I immediately thought hey, Shane with his glasses does look like the Zodiac police sketch!

Plot twist: it was an alligator with a machete.

when life doesn't give you limes, kill your neighbor

Please do the Mary Celeste

When is Ruining History coming back?

took her pet bird clementine for a walk. hahahahaha

16:55 conclusion, Shane's a demon or has been posessed.


you should do a video about missing Amanda Joned and her unborn child Hayden from Jefferson County Missouri the case has been cold for a long time however it seems they are really working to reopen the case

Thats REALLY wierd! I work for "Bemis Farms Nursery" im MA and work for mr and mrs Bemis haha

“i’m done talking about my parrot!”

It just occured to me that we had a murder like this in my area, and the woman was also an animal lover. But in this case she was very well liked, very active in the community, had no known enemies, and was a much older widow. She was very brutally stabbed to death in her home, many wounds, it was a horrifying case. And there was also a male teenaged neighbor who was a witness, but he turned out to be the murderer. He was arrested and charged but never gave the reason why he did it.

"Jimmy is a complete leach, a complete liar..." *cough* real estate agent *cough*

I had 8 chickens and four of them died in a span of a month (animal attack) and while I was devastated, they were all like “did you eat them?” “Why didn’t you eat them?” And these are pets, like I loved them. And now I have four and people are still like “so when are you gunna eat them” we only have them for fun and free eggs. But it just makes me so frustrated that people think I will eat my pet just because it makes iconic food. Edit: this was to Shane’s Parrot incidence. Around 3:00

"I loved that bird" I felt that

I liked the constant attacks on Florida throughout the whole video


forget “february,” can we talk about how ryan says “legislature”

When you're from Florida XD

men kill women over way less all the time so i really don't think it takes that much or that it always only happens after being pushed "too far". the neighbor definitely did it.

I live in st Augustine and let me tell you... it’s a n uneventful place for the most part

you should do an episode on the lalaurie house in new orleans, it would work for True Crime or Supernatural

Why do none of the theories mention Frances Cary? How is that connected?

Do a Buzzfeed Unsolved video on Robert Pickton and the Pickton Farm

Welcome to Florida lol

Are you guys going to look into Mattie Anne's creature for BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural? I think it's an amazing opportunity!

You guys should do the disappearance of asha degree next

*Anyone else a Floridian???*

I started watching QA of this episode and realized, I haven't watched the episode so yeah, here I am

Born and raised in Florida and Lord we have a weird state! But we got Disney and universal studios so I'm not complaining lol

Look I have to know more about this Parrot. What kind was it? How long did you have it? I, and I cannot stress this enough, must know.

I love my parrot too Shane don't you let Ryan bully you

it HAS to be personal if it was just these two victims

Do the weepy voiced murderer

Why would the husband do it? If he was trying so desperately to sell that house then the last thing he'd want is for a murder to take place on the front lawn, and he especially wouldn't want to frame the neighbours. Lesson no. 1 of real estate school: no one wants to buy a house next to a machete wielding maniac

that moment when you live in Florida and have never heard of these murders

Ah more proof of Shane being a Demon

I live near St.Augustine.... This is sooo cool. I ❤ local stories

tbh i think clementine did it

I’m from Florida and I can attest that we all own a machete.

The Florida FAUNA?! or the Florida FLORA?

"Nearly decapitated" You could have said nearly headless. As like a Harry Potter reference. You had the chance right there Ryan!

Love livin’ in good ol’ chaotic Florida!

You should get a "baby" counter in the video

Lol I remember when there is an episode where that mannequin's head turned and looked at the camera

Could you guys do an episode on area 51 or the Mary celeste

Florida is wild

I love your show, please do the disappearance of Maura Murray or the disappearance of Lauren Speirer, two cases close to me

Finally, Shane doesn’t accuse the killer of being Zodiac.....

I kind of take offense to the Leech comment. Kidding. Or am I?

Thing is, London also has a Harry Potter place, with all the original props and that’s not dodg.... ohhhh

Shane nose bleeding in the church just proves he's a demon

But for now, the mystery about whether or not Shane's parrot was eaten or buried, will remain - unsolved. *eerie music*

#postmortem the blue jay killed the lady


Why would you not of asked the people who visited him what clothes he was wearing ?

16:47 another proof that shane is a devil

asian dude, love the white man!

********FLORIDA MAN*********

The neighbor feud is probably the reason Athalia was trying to move

How do you walk a bird? WHAT HAPPENED TO CLEMENTINE?? Did the bird fly away? Or was it birdnapped!?

As someone from Florida.... youre right

maybe the watcher took the bird ??????????

16:47 ok yeah shane is a demon confirmed

2:59 poor Shane

take a shot for every "wheeze"

all i got from the haters thing is that ryan is definitely into degradation

Please do the unsolved case of the chiong sisters in the philippines

demon Shane gold content right here

And 11 years later there was the golden girls

I just left Florida Jacksonville I stayed in a crack head hotel

Really working on that February pronunciation I see

16:50 further evidence Shane is a demon

Do you know the case about the german Kaspar Hauser? Very interesting! Maybe look into that one in the future?

Be nice to Florida!! Not all of us are that creepy.

Well, if either of you end up murdered, I guess we'll know who did it.

Plot twist: All three of them were in it together and Stanford framed himself.

im from flordia

Sound levels on this video are unreal. I had to keep turning the TV volume up and down. Do better.

Ugh I hate his beady little eyes and rooster head. I'll take my boogie board and surf that in the morning. There ya' go, guys.

Ryan: are you going to cut my head off with a machete. Shane: (weird look) I didn't say that.

I love how this show has just become the boys alternating every episode on being afraid one will kill the other

16:57 Ryan holds his hands in a prayer position because what he has just learned from Shane's bloody church experience

Y'all should cover Albert Fish.

if she was murdered in January of 74 how did she complain about Stanford in October of 74?????

JJ Ryan that’s what I’m thinking

There's a 20 year old unsolved murder in Saco Maine of a 15 year old girl named Ashley Ouellette with some pretty obvious suspects.

I love your show, please do the disappearance of Maura Murray or the disappearance of Lauren Speirer

If you make more videos, you make more money. Interested?

Okay but you forgot that that other woman was murdered... Francis... Why would someone kill Francis?

When you live in FL

i have a wonderful little bird as well shane. and in the victim’s defense, taking a domestic bird on a walk is completely normal for parrot owners :)

Ryan's inability to pronounce February will never stop being adorable

Stanford probably did it. Witnesses claim that Princeton and Harvard where spotted with Clementine. Also, Yale had no alibi.

Greg Howard underrated comment

Please do 7 sisters road near Nebraska city nebraska

oh gawd I just got back from a trip to Florida whyyy XD

I even visited that place too wtfff XD

my sister and aunt live in st augustine so i go down there often and last time i was there i made my family walk a mile from st george street to the house to take a pic of me w the house where it occurred, its a beautiful neighborhood, very expensive houses, gorgeous view, and a weird energy considering it was someone elses home and the house next door was for sale

Instead of being serious about a topic that is serious no you start out attempting to make fun of Florida that trope is old tired and played out, How pathetic are you.

Shane’s nose bleed at church is further evidence that he is a demon

Those four ding ding ding dings at the end of these videos always get me hard

Please do Madelaine McCain's case

All those people died and you laugh and just joke it away.. idk its just kinda weird to me that someone died and you just make some jokes about it.


What happened to Natalie Wood?!?!

Frances: And i'm still going to go on walks! Murderer: *THINK AGAIN HOE*


Is the hotdagga coming back?????? #shaniac #postmortem

18:43 Is Rhett McLaughlin related to Adelle McLaughlin?

“Thwacka thwack”


What ever happen to ruining history? Julius cecear was lit

Lesson of the story: don't take your pet bird for a walk or you'll get butchered to death!

Plot twist: the bluejay did it

Who watches Criminally Listed but still prefers this because of the black comedy?

drunk Stanford?

Shane's so thoroughly bothered by the parrot jokes that I get really uncomfortable during those bits.

Only in Florida


Hi, I know you guys won't possibly ever see this, but this has been a dream of mine ever since I started watching you guys. The most haunted and oldest city in Florida is actually St. Augustine and it would be amazing if you guys went there. I don't live there (I live in southwest Florida) but I did go there on a school field trip and I will forever remember the trip. There was so many supernatural occurrences that had happened to my class on that trip and I don't think I'll ever look at ghosts the same way again. When I had gone I had been a bit skeptical on the topic, even though I have experienced many things that could be looked at as supernatural, but after the trip I knew that there was no way that it was just made up, even so far as seeing a full bodied apparition with two of my friends with no doubt that any of us were making it up (we had explained what it looked like to each other at the same time, knowing that it could influence what we actually saw). Even after the trip my friends cousin went to the same exact graveyard and saw the same apparition, proving further that it was real. My experience in particular was so peculiar and strange that I've never and probably will never go through anything like that again. It would be an amazing thing to see you guys come down to Florida and do an episode on it.


It was ted bundy lol

Please do a Ted Bundy True Crime episode!

I believe the noise of animal could realy lead to murder. Im small countries that has close apartments and etc, theres some cases where ppl were killed bc of probem with noises upstairs

I never understood why people hated Florida until I moved to Florida tbh

I absolutely love BuN, but I don't really enjoy supporting Buzzfeed in any way, shape, or form.

You should do Charles Lindbergh’s baby, it’s really interesting

You wanna know why florida is the way it is do one on pasco county js

as someone who lives in Saint Augustine, I can assure you that if someone said "Hey this person got murdered with a machete" no one would really bat an eye. We've now had worse.

This case is just full of the pettiest people lol

Omg Shane is a demon let’s bring back buzzfeed supernatural and do an exorcism on Shane. This would explain why he’s never afraid of ghost. #Boogara #Postmortem

Florida ain't that bad lol

17:00 Shane is definitely a demon

I'm sorry abisha

your videos make me think about what might've happened in my house before

Could you guys do a buzzfeed unsolved on Robert Johnson, blues musician from the 30s that has been believed to sell his soul to play guitar.

you guys should do the Leo Frank and Mary phagan case. it's so interesting.

If the police had conspired to frame Stanford why would they have hosed away the blood trail that led to his house?

There was a machete murder on the L a few years ago in Chicago. Not sure if it was ever solved.

Do the babysitter murder that happened in the 1940s

Me: likes Shane Shane: I would love some haters! Me: the lighting at 1:16 makes your nose look fake!

I’m from Florida and the fact that some one was going around murdering people with a machete doesn’t even surprise me anymore. We need a machete to chop down the grass in our backyard. Also have you looked at the Florida man thread it’s not even like it’s become a trend to look up Florida man and your birthday literally I’m not surprised by anything that happens in Florida anymore

Shane getting a nosebleed in church is further proof he is actually a demon & the reason Unsolved Supernatural episodes don't show ghosts is because they are too afraid of the Demon Shane. Confirmed.

is it just me or Ryan's voice is really deep this episode?

i live in florida and so much bad stuff is going on lol

6:02 my birthday.

I feel bad for laughing every time Ryan says ‘February’

Or go to Walt Disney world

There's only one murder we all want you to do: *Xxxtentacion's murder June,18,2018 Florida*

*that's a nice head you have on your shoulders*

As for me living in Florida, I can confirm, it's a gossip state.

i live in le florida, we all arent tea cupped crazy bitches (:

Is Jason born

“ *big boy* ”

i'm just here getting a bit sad 'cause this season's gonna be over soon enough but then the thought of the new series will come along makes it a little better. idk why i felt like i had to share this lmao ALSO THAT STORY FROM SHANE??? *HEY DEMON IT'S YA BOI*

Nope not me.

Madison Socha you can look it up too but I’ll shorten it supposedly is haunted and when you drive on it your cars electrical system might stop it lights will dim and when your out of the area will brighten back. A man had a family I think had 7 daughters or maybe they were his sister and he hung them all.

Stephanie Aschoff I’m from Nebraska and I’m so disappointed in myself to say that I have never heard of that...what happened?!?

I had a neighbor who cut down overhanging branches on my tree but it was a thing of spite she only cut the one I use to get to my spot we stopped talking to her after that

You guys should cover the unsolved case of the doodler of san Francisco. It recently as February of 2019, has been reopened and would be a interesting video

wait what she walked her bird ??

Yoooo St. Auggie represent ✌️ Home sweet home

Next season you don’t have to investigate a demon, since Shane is always by your side!!

tell me why I've seen people in Florida walk their birds

“I’m gonna go on a walk right now”

I keep tuning out whenever Ryan goes over the actual story. Not trying to be a detractor or anything! I try so hard to pay attention but I've turned it back so many times - I'm sure there's something wrong with might help if I listened instead of posting this. Sorry... Man, what's up with that rooster cut??

One of my favorite unsolved cases! I actually got to see the house on a ghost tour. Apparently the current owners done like when you get too close to the house.

I'm a detractor of all you people now! You know we're fans, right?

I can’t see someone kill another person over a bird

Damn... All hail the Watcher I guess

I'm confused. At the start it says Athalia was killed in Jan 1974 but half way through the video it says she launched a complaint against Stanford in Oct 1974?!

Great episode! I'd never heard of this case! Can't wait for the Q+A!

I hope they solve the case of the Missing Hot Daga during this post-morten.

I think we have conclusive, definite evidence that Shane is a demon in this episode. What nine-year-old has a nose bleed in church? I think Ryan is on to something.

My dad always told me the neighbor definitely did it. His parents thought so too. They lived a block away from her house.

life lesson, dont live next to ryan, own a fruit tree that hangs over his yard, and not let him take a few fruits



So you won't eat a parrot because you love him but you'll eat innocent chickens and turkeys?

There were some really accomplished women in Florida in the 70s

To bad Shane and Ryan don’t get any haters

Do the case of Madeleine McAnn!


This video should be renamed “Actual Evidence for Shane Being a Demon”.

I'll be your haters if you pay me!

Omg now I’m scared cause I live in Florida

This is a really nice story.

I can't work up much sympathy when bad things happen to people born into lives of privilege.

7:12 why would anyone go on a walk with THOSE shoes? I don’t feel like walking in 4 inch thin heels are ideal for walking..

I saw Jacksonville in the thumbnail and I was like, oh no. I’m from and live there

Everything points to the neighbour. They even hosed away a lot of the blood, which could have nailed the case with irrefutable evidence.

Witness: "Sir we found pools of the victim's blood all around the house!" Police Officer: "Hmmmm gross, hose it down! Now then... back to my hunch"

I have been watching BuzzFeed Unsolved for a few months now and that mannequin always seems to scare me.

7:39 hoez mad

downsides of living in florida : this.

Florida is the crackhead, meth lab state of the US. I would know cause I live there

I would love for you two to come to Florida because it’s really not as bad and weird as everyone thinks it it. I love it here

So this explains florida man

Yo don’t talk about Florida like that. California is booty

Forget the killer I want to know that the bird was okay

I also had my hamster in the freezer for 3 years and my rat for 1 bc the ground was frozen and then we never got around to burying them lmao

the look ryan got on his face in the immediate instant after realizing shane got a nosebleed in church was "wait, demon?"

"You don't think the original owner of the bird didn't just... Want the bird back?" "It's not even in my theories." Well Ryan... The lost city of Atlantis was in your theories once what goes on in your brain lol

You do not get haters because you are both male in a crap

16:35 We have more evidence that Shane is demon

ok as a floridian i feel attacked in more ways than one

I live in Chicago and when my guinea pig died in the winter we kept him in the freezer until we were able to dig his grave. I know what Shane is talking about.

Why do people put down Florida so much?

Being from Florida, I can honestly say... It is way more messed up here than you think.

Why does all the crazy stuff happen in Florida

Do the Marconi murders

Yeah, everyone has a machete where I'm from too. With no witnesses or cameras, you'd get away with murder here.

You should do a documentary on the Gainesville ripper from Florida

All Hail The Watcher!!!

16:49 further proof that shane is a demon I rest my case

shane wheezed instead of ryan (15:39)? shoOk

i can’t even be offended at this point. florida is wack. i’m just glad to live in miami, at least our rep isn’t as bad shdjd

Shane is the type of dude to poke a rabid hell demon with a stick

you want haters, well screw you!

nobody: ryan: threDDENED

So was Stanford like the town's Gaston? He could go into a murderous rage and the town would like "There's no one in town half as manly......."

Oh so he just magically noticed his watch was missing after the murder? Likely story.

Ryan, a blue jay’s not... not a parrot. They’re corvids, related to crows and ravens.

"hey that's my parrot, I think your head doesn't look good on your shoulders anymore"

Why is everyone at buzzfeed a soy boi geek. Bunch of losers who probably eat vegan, and live off mocha lattes

so what i’ve learned from BFU is that everyone in florida has a machete and everyone in New Orleans has an axe

I wish I could be offended and try to defend St. Augustine, but like, they speak the truth man.

"I loved that lady!" Wtf is wrong with him!

I went to church after a while and my body started to hurt and I felt dizzy. So I went outside and I felt a lot better

St Augustine is like, super haunted, so y'all should also do a supernatural episode on it- I'd suggest the old jail, perhaps. The lighthouse is also super haunted. There are actually a ton of haunted places I'm not even gonna list but like...... please do it. ty

You should make an episode talking about the 2014 Iguala mass kidnapping in Mexico

Anyone else think that the author of the book had something to do with it??? She seemed to know a lot about this...a little too much.

What if Frances was the original target, and Athalia was mistaken for her. Frances did say that she was out walking the same night as the murder... And if the were no more murders after Frances it seems like the killer got what he wanted

I think Ryan pushed the parrot thing too far

I think y’all need to make a podcast on iTunes or somethin

im just imagining nearly headless nick when they said her head was nearly cut off. poor lady, she cant join the headless hunt lol

This is even scarier knowing that there was a guy outside my sister's college with a machete- she had to give a witness statement

You guys should cover the disappearance of Lauren Spierer! It’s a relatively recent case.

*T H W A C K A T H W A C K*

You should seriously do an episode of Edward Theodore “Ed” Gein, Also known as the butcher of Plainfield

"I have a feeling its gonna end up unsolved" oh you mean like every other episode of this ever


*thwack a-thwack*

these videos are so juicy but I ALWAYS get so scared

I t s f r e e r e a l e s t a t e.

It's hard to believe either of these theories because neither gives a reason for the death of Bemis

who gave the order to hose off the blood? that could’ve been really important evidence and they decided to hose it? sounds like a cover up to me. also hypnotism is only a state of heightened suggestibility so trying to get the truth from that wouldn’t have worked unless the person wanted to be hypnotized. #postmortem

Explore the Chernobyl explosion!

i mean, a nosebleed when he goes to church surely convicts shane of being the devil. maybe that’s why he so easily calls out to demons and goatmen from bridges.


I have a 60 pound Pitbull named clementine who I also take on walks. Hmm very interesting

Glad I just moved out of Florida

I don’t know why I clicked on this because.... I’M HOME ALONE AND I LIVE IN FLORIDA!!!!

i live in st.aug florida... scary scary lmao


I request an unsolved episode about shane's bird

More Florida people

"Shane has no bloody clothing" Me, a woman: oh no

Lmao this reminded me of a video of some chinese man cleaving up his neighbor with a meat cleaver

You guys should do a video about Mr Cruel, he's a bit like a modern day jack the ripper, no one knows who he is.

Well it is Florida aka the crack head state

40 to 60 ? Really?Couldnt get it a little closer? That would be a really haggard looking 40 yr old or a damn good looking 60 yr old!

this week on buzzfeed unsolved! More proof that Shanes a demon

It was the “bird” It was a government spy going around killing people. #BirdsArentReal

As a Floridian, I can confirm my state is kinda on it's on planet most of the time

I had a neighbor who was angry that our tree hungover her yard, and so like a completely reasonable person, she let herself into our yard and chopped off all of the branches.

You can tell how hard Ryan’s trying to pronounce February good. I love it

Why am I watching this while eating

Next on BuzzFeed unsolved: The Shocking Parrot Eating Murderer

Can you do more cases that happened more currently?

I have a theory!! She hired someone to kill her and her friend because she wanted her neighbor to look guilty. That's why they were dress like him!

I feel like that might have been a little revers e psychology so that they wouldn't get haters lol

Can you guys do an episode on the town of Tracy in California? It’s like a real life Welcome to Nightvale.

Why don’t you do the Murders based on the Pain and Gain films

Do more episodes from different countries. Too many cliché american murders

Florida and Colorado, gotta stay away

After hearing about the bluebird, Clementine, I think the answer is clear- the killer «flew the coop» after creating the (kuck)coup to kill Ethalia

I have my own theory what if Athalia's friend killed her and she got overwhelmed of grieve or getting caught she killed herself

Y’all ever think about how this happened while ted bundy was alive and killing

Thanks for calling Florida “unique”, but let’s be honest here. We’re the worst

Unsolved mruders Asia edition please

Tuva Tarby omg I read a article on him, probably too gruesome to put in a video to be honest.

Should remove the word shocking if you’re gonna follow with it being in Florida, nothing is shocking in Florida.

b i g b o y

Ryan: I have a feeling this gonna end up 'unsolved' *well the series is called 'unsolved' what's new?*

Stay out of Florida, they put tourists organs in chicken friers down here.


Bird hated her like everyone else & so it killed her

Why do I think that case happens in the 50s not in the 70s

Unrelated to the murder case, but I’ve drunk from the fountain of youth and will therefore look like a 12 year old for the rest of my immortal.

I'm from this city. Hahaha


I had my sugar gliders in the freezer for two year. We wanted to throw a little viking funeral on bamboo rafts, but it was too cold. Then we forgot about them. I get it Shane

I swear all the wierdos are in Florida.

Ofcourse it was a Florida man

Nothing in Florida is shocking to me anymore

Fun fact most of florida is made up of people from other country’s and states, only a small percent of people were actually born in florida who live in florida.

Nobody going to comment on how mad Shane looked when Ryan kept poking about his bird

I'm from Louisiana, its more like everyone in New Orleans has a gun lol

What watch model was Shane wearing?

2:43 “We all know you kept your bird in a freezer for two years.” “The ground was hard. We couldn’t bury him yet!” I HAVEN’T LAUGHED THIS HARD IN MONTHS

No one: Absolutely no one: Ryan: Shane ate his parrot

"Clementine, the blue jay, was never seen again." That's a little sus. I'm gonna say the bird did it

"Thwacka-Thwack" LMAO

This story has so many weird names. Locke? Athalia? Although I guess I’m not one to talk

she died doing what she loved


*When you live IN Florida*

i don’t like how close this is to home

I think the bird did it

Miami Floridian here and yeah Florida is weird

*Muders someone in a plain white shirt* What a mad lad

BuzzFeed Unsolved should be renamed to, "How to murder someone 101"

I live in Florida

Plot twist: It was Athalia’s goat

Do ted bundy, i and many other people believe he is innocent

4:47 he says February right!!

“Did u ever think of killing ur neighbor?” “When he didn’t give me limes yeah..”

You forgot to put Florida man

It was cleary the bird who did it


buzzfeed bad buzzfeed unsolved good

Is anything from Florida shocking, things like this happens everyday in Florida

My nose bleed in a church once Ryan:oh my god oh my god finally proof he's a demon

Ryan's not funny! (I'm being a hater)

are we really surprised that it’s florida

Okay can we stop with the Florida man thing? Florida is NO MORE CRAZY THAN ANY OTHER PLACE. The only reason it seems that way is because Florida is the ONLY (or one of the only) STATE with public arrest records. I’m sure Texas or somewhere else is just as crazy if not worse.

Dude totally ate the parrot

is Shane a deman

I love being from Florida

The top half of the faces being censored TRIGGERS ME BRO

"you would murder me if i pushed you enough" "yeah, probably" i actually choked on my diet coke

it seems a lot like a guy who really hated a person was well liked, and so well liked that no one would believe he'd do it. and since he has such a high position, it doesn't seem that weird that the evidence would be conveniently washed away.

Just sayin, yall work for buzzfeed, ya got haters.

Don’t make fun of Florida because I live there

Ryan thinks that it is sad that if you haven't been seen for a certain amount of time he would be considered a murderer. No, its because he thought about killing his neighbor because they didn't give him a lime.

"Used to fight back against the florida fauna" They really just go around killing animals with machetes huh

unmarried until way into her 50s? constant beef with everyone? because she kept a Goat in her House? having a Pet Blue Jay named Clementine and getting Murderedt while walking said blue jay? With a Machete? That woman is serious #Goals ngl

just wanna say its so nice that you guys have captions!

The nosebleed story happened to my brother too (roughly). He never went to church after he was 16 and our parents didn’t make him then my sister convinced him to go. He walked in and his nose bleed for 20-30 minutes. I wasn’t there though so I might not know all the details.

I’m always so pissed at the end cuz it’s unsolved and probably always will be unsolved

this is seriously my favorite series. i keep thinking ive seen them all but then a "new" video from like last year pops up in my recommended.

Shane's OH NO was so genuine I'm crying

Athalia is my friend cuz she love animals and she owned a caddy me too I have a 1980 caddy coupe deville and my neighbors hate me cuz I have three fur babies and I love to feed the wild birds in my neighborhood so yeah she is my soul sister❤️

I'm laughing way to hard for this joke

Who else here from Florida?

am I the only one who thought there was something on Ryan’s head the whole time

“We’re here to talk about the machete murder” Shane: :O

Can't tell if 9:33 is a mistake or Floridians are are actually out there killing the wildlife with machetes.

We need Phoenix Wright to take care of this case with Maya, Mr.Gumshoe and Missile the dog

Do ted budy

Bruh Florida is not that bad

Welp Shane’s demon

My mom was born on 18th February 1974. Just sayin'!

I always try to be mad when people say my state is weird and then I realize I have an 11 foot alligator with a handmade leather jacket name Lenny in my backyard and accept the criticism.

"She died doing what she loved." IM DYINGG

It definitely was the neighbor.

I live in Gainesville, Florida and.....this was post a day after my birthday


how is this not demonized

Please cover the Alistair Wilson murder in scotland

I want a petting zoo at my house

The next episode of unsolved: Did Shane eat his parrot?

For #postmortem I wanna say that it was a ghost. Or maybe an alien abduction. Maybe both!

11:36 - editing error or secret message? *Spends a few minutes going frame-by-frame* Oh... editing error... kinda anticlimactic.

don't come to Florida just don't

next week on buzzfeed unsolved, did Shane really bury his parrot?

"DETECTIVE! We found the killers blood in that hall!" "Hmmm, gross! Mop it up! Back to my hunch!"

I kill

i had a fish named blue hot cheeto one time and i left my window open and he got to cold and died then my mom kept it in the freezer

okay but the fact that Clementine was never seen again almost made me cry.

I think it was a serial killer passing by

Bruh imagine living a long life for it to end by a machete wielding psycho

hosing down the blood from the crime scene reminds me of that John Mulaney bit about old timey murder investigations. cop1:"detective, we found a pool of the killers blood in that hallway!" cop2: "hmm, gross, mop it up! now then, back to my hunch!"

The bird flew too The Watchers house

rocky goldsworth was back in this video

as a florida citizen i agree

I dare you _dare you_ To search up "Florida man (your birthday)" As a former Floridain I am partially offended partially laughing and partially relieved I ain't in Florida anymore

You guys are the murmur mystery Rhett and link

Florida should put antipsychotics in their water

Loch Ness monster

Evidence? Hosed Parrot? Snatched Suspect? Hypnotized Hotel? Trivago

Got butchered by a machete? #AllHailTheWatcher

What if they were all in it?

Wait... but if Alan said they wants to frame him? Why were the clothes found in salt water?


Im from florida and that not how it work

"They ran out tissues"


3:30 .. When he started this sentence I thought he was gonna ask “Do you think the bird did it?” ...

I know I'm late but I have a theary that the killer burned the Francis to destroy his finger prints

Aye Middleburg we made it

"i gotta feeling it's gonna end up unsolved." an unsolved case? on the official buzzfeed unsolved network channel? that's unheard of!

I bet the bird did it

Damn.. so she was hated, he was popular.. I kinda feel like he did it, but people didn't let the evidence get in the way of their bias. Although hosing the blood does seem shady

This guy and axeman are definitely best friends

I was born around Jacksonville Florida. Maybe that explains why I'm the way i am

the way ryan says threatened in so funny “threadend”

"Only In Florida." I had to say it. I'll see myself out...

Florida is full of crack head,pill poppers and there isn't really swaps lol just saying

you guys should do the unsolved death of marsha p. johnson or venus xtravaganza! two lgbt icons during the aids crisis and ball culture.

This was posted on my birthday. Just thought you should know that.

I don't think it was any of these suspects- unless you believe all the murders were not connected. I think it seems logical to place the Athalia's murder on the suspects as it was personal. I mean at the beginning, it appeared to me that it was a personal killing but the other killings seem connected. Athalia may have been the victim of a serial killer.

Excuse me Florida is the best State with are beaches

10 Pm at night.. I live in Florida, got a closet in my room that looks back at me with darkness.. yeah no sleep b

frances: and i’m still walking alone at night murderer: i’m about to end this whole woman’s career

I love watching all these Unsolved episodes and I just think sometimes that they should have snacks when they're talking about theories.



Normal states: “bag all the evidence!” Florida: “Well, lets HOSE IT OFF!!!”

I think my husband is a serial killer. Seriously!

Ryan is becoming increasingly more chaotic over the seasons

These are my only favorite buzzfeed videos

Nobody: Not a single soul: Ryan: *WHEEZE*

I’ve lived in St. Augustine Florida my whole life, is a probably one of the most haunted towns in the country. It’s the oldest city in the United States, the Castillo de San Marco fort alone is a ghost hot spot. We have ghost tours in all different locations. I would love to see you guys come and check it out for a paranormal episode, I promise you would not be disappointed. The oldest city in the US! Come on? That’s a gold mine for ghosts. Please consider.

these people also died doing what they loved

Me hears this: "BlueJay Clementine was never seen again" Me: *Wheezes and cries*


one time when I used to live in a condo this last would walk her snake

Ryan calling Shane Big Boy is my kink

9:34 Plants = flora Animals = fauna



Also that middle section with the story about Shane's bird make me laugh, just a wee bit

Shane's eyes look super small in this episode

Clementine was never seen again because she left her treehouse lol

Jesus knows he Sin

Pls make a kurt cobain unsolved story

oh ok

As a Floridaedian you basically know what it’s like

When the old lady died on her walk, Shane and I said: OH NO at the same time

Are we not going to talk about that Shane said that once he enter the church, his nose started to bleed, it is confirmed! Shane is a DEMON!!!!!!!

Old lady: I walk outside in the dark every day! It's safe! You won't get killed! Machete killer: I'm about to end this woman's whole career

Can you do the mystery of Croatoa?

For some good and detailed true crime videos y’all are at the wrong channel. They play to much and leave out a lot of content. Check out channels like Kendal Rae who actually takes true crime videos seriously.'ve incriminated yourselves ATLEAST four times this video.

Okay but like why does Ryan sound like Ryan Reynolds here?! 15:38

all the watcher, this whole thing was set up by the watcher

Shane "Big Boy" Midday

CONFIRMED: Shane is a demon

And I oop

Shane and Ryan should definitely check into the Skidmore Bully. I was born and raised in Missouri and this was such a crazy unsolved crime that its been turned into a story to scare kids away from being a bully themself. its still talked about and people are still tossing around there own ideas. This is a crime that will never be solved because the entire town come together to take out this one guy that was just awful and hated. Check it out, Skidmore, Missouri.

“ Most people had one or two machetes to fight back against the Florida fauna “ *imagines a man fighting off a deer with a machete*

mmm gross! Mop it up!

Iceland : are you guilty of eater ur parrot Shane : what no? Iceland : solitary confinement it is

Bro I’ve been to St. Augustine a couple times, now I feel weird..

#Shaniac bc science.

how do u walk a bird?

Florida man kills woman for growing bamboo. Yeah seems right

Its Florida. Thats literally the only answer. Its florida

I want an episode on whether Shane ate his parrot post-mortem.

Nearly Headless Athalia...

16:34 Coincidence? I thiNK NO T-

How many subs did buzzfeed lose when BF unsolved made their own channel.

Proof that Shane is possesd: Nosebleed on holy ground When they try to expel demons from him, his eyes rolled back

Also, what if the watcher was behind this... Dun dun DUN


Florida is a whole gta server

Bird box

heeeelllll noooooo sis can NOT watch this, not when i live in jacksonvile hA NO

9:28 "machetes used to fight back against the Florida fauna" 0_0 I think you guys meant flora but i'm sure gator machete fighting was more common lol

1:05 i hate you both. you're welcome.

I'm fascinated by the fact that at 0:46, of all theatres in the world, you chose the Stockholm Royal Opera! I'm a proud Swede now.

my birthday is on feb 17th

Speaking of Florida, an old dude in my town drove his Ferrari into the inlet. When he was asked why by the police, he said Jesus told him to do it.

I see you guys are keeping it real! Good job - kept my attention.

all hail the watcher

“clementine the bluejay was never seen again” *cue dramatic movie music*

Awe, what kind of parrot did Shane have? I have a Green Cheek Conure

Was he found innocent or NOT GUILTY? Large distinction there

whats the point of watching if everything is unsolved

imagine Ryan's neighbor was murdered within a couple of days after this video was released and not enough evidence was found and it became one of the unsolved episodes. Ryan has to read his own name as one of the plausible theory. "theory 1: he was murdered because he did not give Ryan lime"

Let us say it all at once... *ALL HAIL THE WATCHER!!!*

as soon as i walked up to mcdonald’s yesterday the lights started flickering and i stepped back then they stopped. my little brother stared at me and i told him it was because, “i was too powerful.” i walked towards it and they started flickering again until i snapped my fingers and it stopped.

16:50 Shane is a demon confirmed

All parrots are birds but not all birds are parrots

When life gives ya lemons:pluck em If the neighbour refuses to give the limes kill em- Ryan Bergara 2019

Plot twist it was Ivan Vanko's bird from Iron man 2 and he wants it back

What video of the Florida woman is he talking about I have to watch that

*Thwacka thwack*

I want an episode where Shane narrates instead of Ryan.

I'd say (from "experience) that Volusia county has the most crime. In central Florida anyway.

I live in Florida. Almost everyone here is fucked up. ☀️

Honestly whenever I have a really hard day and it never seems to get better, I always know that I can count on watching Ryan and Shane to make my day better. Thank you for all that you guys do, we all appreciate it!

Y'all should make a true crime video on the disappearance of Johnny Gosch

Damn I live in St. Augustine should I be scared

Seriously, this plays out like a bad 1980s comedy slasher movie.

She took her bird for a walk. *I-*


Wow im so proud to live in Florida

You already do have haters, no one likes buzzfeed

The bird did it.

When Ryan realizes that Shane might be a demon

I live in Florida......

"When he didnt give me limes.... yeah ._." xD

Who else stays in Jacksonville

“Clementine, the blue jay, was never seen again.” *Audience dramatically gasps* Me:” Oh come on it’s a bird, there’s millions more out there.”

Shane's nosebleed at church is a sign that a demon possesses him. Let's make some theory about this!


Two Soy Boys talk about things that make them feel all yucky. Typical Buzzfeed

Jason did it.

#boogara always (still love u Shane)

Disappearance of Christi Nichols - Nebraska Murder of Leah Rowlands - Nebraska

They left out that the neighbor was technically not qualified for his job by law. The victim wasn't making spurious claims, she was correct in asserting he really didn't have the right background to be a city manager.

"Maybe it was Clementine owner" Shane is the only person who gets it right

Why do I watch this while I’m vacationing IN Florida

bamboo sucks

I’m almost positive Stanford killed her and maybe a random person killed her friend

I feel like they tried to cover up for this guy like honestly lol

If u murder someone because they have loud animals and they cut down ur tree on there property that’s so messed up like tf

Also that police chief needs to be fired like tf he sucks my god just hose off the evidence

U wouldn’t give me my bird back so imma kill u

I got your back Shane..I had my guinea pigs in my freezer for over a year because I wanted them buried on my folks farm in another state so I could always visit them. Some animals are just extra special.

When Ryan said "It was common for residents to own machetes to fight against fauna," tbh a grandpa from St. Augustine hacking at an Alligator really would be the more Florida Man thing

Do the death of JonBenet Ramsey!!!!

The only reason i keep watching these even though i might be scared is because there is humor


Quote unquote quote unquoteQuote unquote quote unquoteQuote unquote quote unquoteQuote unquote quote unquoteQuote unquote quoteQuoteQuote unquote quote unquote unquote quote unquote unquoteQuote unquote quote unquote

All hail the motherfucking watcher

Jan 23 r.I.p xxxtentacion

Go out in the field again and hunt some ghouls.

So many crazy people in Florida.

it might be dewey lee

What if, Bemis had killed Athalia out of rage or irritation due to a fued going on between the begin walls. Later on when things got out of hand Bemis found a way of poinsing herself with undetectable poison and through the disorientation, began violently hitting herself, get hot flushes and so began removing her clothes. The man could be Bemis in a disguise as she'd have known about the fued between Lindsley and her neighbours. Idk. Just a theory.

I guess athalia didn't walk her bird, She flied her bird

dewey didn't do it, he was just a poor floridian mechanic who found evidence to support the theory that this rich beloved man did these horrendous crimes. :(

"im gonna go for a walk" Killer: you sure hun *All hail to watcher*

17:00 Shane truly IS a demon then P. S. It could've been worse. I almost fainted in a church once- only time I ever did.

Me: lives in Florida Also me: how did I not know this

21 minute diss track against Florida.

Can you do a video on Marilyn Monroe’s’ death?

Check out for Ana Lidia murder. It was placed at capital of Brazil, a young 7 years old girl was abused and murder, it was latter suspected that she was abducted by some white collar mob that abducted girls for pedophile powerful members of the society like political class, they used to act corrupting media and justice,

Of course Florida doesn't actually investigate it. "Yeah, just hose all of the evidence off." Is the perfect Floridian attitude.

Shane: Have you ever thought about killing your neighbour?? Ryan: Yeah, when he didn't give me any limes. Me: Understandable.


this isn’t helping my case that florida really isn’t that weird white people just wreck havoc everywhere

We need a t-shirt that just has "(wheeze)" on it

(Wheeze) is the best

M R o my gawd

Nobody: Me: The universe: Jesus: God: Satan: Lucifer: All murders,ghosts and demons: Shane and Ryan:(wheeze)

Reminds me of my old evil lesbian neighbors that are so rude and quite possibly are the reason our basement flooded. They were angry about these cats who went in their yard who have been outdoor cats for a few years. They have banged on our door repeatedly not getting the hint and threatened me screaming at me over these cats. They moved in maybe a year or 2 ago. Really want to get back at them

That moment you realized your childhood home was ten mins away from the murder house.

*thwaka thwak*

As someone who lives in Florida, I can say that it absolutely sucks

I hate your rooster hair


I live in Florida Tampa and this...I never knew about this

Welcome to Florida

@Apoorva Joshi no, shane just looks like another version of paul mccartney having bad day for his entire life #RoastMortem

@Fireproof Cats glad that I'm not the only one who noticed. it's been gone for two episodes now? Isn't it?

Banned machetes and let go AR's

So out of content, but if you know what sound effects they're using, please tell me!

16:32 girls can’t relate smh uteruses

New theory after hearing the nosebleed story: Shane claims to not believe in ghosts or demons because he is an undercover demon.

16:39 it was at this moment Ryan realized Shane was a demon

16:48 more fuel for the "shane is a demon" fire

Machete Man take my life ooooooooooh Machete Man -Ocean Man Parody

Then in Florida - every one has machete. Now in Florida - every one has an assault riffle

I was just watching my show at 3am last night and enjoying my life. No, we can't have that. Bam! 6:56 has to scare the crap out of you before bed. God, fine. It's morning now, well afternoon. So yeah check out the background.

I can't believe I never noticed that in the background before. My observation skills are crappy.

Hit me with the book ill hit you with every scientist who sai the world be gone by now just because people who wear a lab coat say it doesn't make it any less false gay conversion therapy lobotomy

us floridians are pretty weird not gonna lie

„I don‘t have any clothes covered in blood“ Laughs in female

Actually i dont think it sucks, i really like living here.

It is still unsolved because I think the murderer is Clementine the bird

I really thought Shane was going to suggest Clementine did it

Lol I am super familiar with the St Augustine area and this whole video is so on-brand for St Johns County & Northern Florida

shane: miAMIII BEACH BABYYYY ryan: ... anyways were here to talk about the machete murders-

The used machetes to fight the local fauna?

Saddest thing is I just moved away from Florida after living there for three years because it got to crazy now I live in Alabama. I made a mistake.

Can you guys do an episode on Natalie Wood??

Let's all agree this is a normal Friday in Florida

-Being nice to Florida-

Well atleast we don’t have earthquakes and tsunamis!....but we have murders...

I think Clementine had put a hit on her

God please move that mannequin it’s creepy as hell


The machete is my favorite murder weapon and I’m so happy that you finally did a video on it! (Seriously, it’s a bat and a knife combined, that’s like the top level weapon)

jacksepticeye's relative is in this story

This is so weird hearing about areas I’m familiar with, like wow machete murder, but Florida, not surprised


Do Arushi Talwar murder case!

And the reason why I'm still going out for a walk with my platypus... ...remains unsolved.

Is this like a dark "good mythical morning"

Ryan: in our continuing exploration into why Florida is the way that it is My brain: oh wow score! Look at this! This is an aspen. You can tell that it’s an aspen because of the way it is

A laundry mark isn't the same thing as your mom writing your name on your clothes before you go off to camp. They're small, shorthand marks usually made by dry cleaners to keep track of who articles of clothing belong to.

10:37 I always wonder about that. In the movies the police is always like "where were you two weeks ago half past one in the morning?" I mean....... I don't even remember what I ate for dinner last night and I mean COME ON,,,, who has never been alone for like... At least 5 min without someone who can state like ya know, he ain't a murderer Just thinkin

demon shane returns

I personally think it was Stanford

Wait a minute, around about 9:30, you say it was common for Florida residents to own one or two machetes to fight back against the Florida fauna. Fauna is animal life. Granted, the state is full of gators, so maybe you did mean "fauna".

I live in Florida Lakeland Florida

He'll punch you right in the face if you make fun of his parrot!!! >:(

watching this at like three am to increase the suspense

Love how they always make jokes about killing each other...

Come on, it's Florida. This isn't that shocking.

The more we learn about Shane the more I start to believe he's a demon. You guys should really do some tests on that.

gotta go walk my pet bluejay clementine yk

I dont get this channel are the murders supposed to be funny or something?

@BJ Reo exactly what I'm thinking! Makes me wonder if at that moment.. Shane was indeed pissed off (for real!)

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Can you do the Beaumont children

Question for post mortem : what if james wanted to divorce her but instead of it he just dressed up like stanford, stole his watch, shoes and clothes and killed his wife with stanford's stuff so that he would be out in the clear. Idk just a theory i love you guys and keep going ❤️

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Ryan why did you look at Shane a little bit creeped out when he said he got a nose bleed when he walked into a church

#postmortem why didn't they take fingerprints on the found machete, white shirt, watch and the box itself. Also, isn't strange that the evidence was disposed in a way it was found and have time to soak the shirt in salt and mud to avoid proving it was the blood of her rather than totally washing/ruining it?

By law you cant hose the blood because its considered destroying evidence thats fishy in itself i smell a rat in the police force

Shane, did you eat that bird?

I know Shane ate that bird for sure. You can tell because of that scrawny neck and giant schnoze he has. Because you know what they are what you eat. Hahaha. #birdman #roastmortum #postmortum

Not a question but I wish we could have a duo like you reviewing Unsolved Philippine cases. Bet Ryan would love the Vizconde Massacre. Mother and 2 daughters (one was raped) stabbed to death. They had a prime suspect (son of a former senator) .. he and his friends were imprisoned...Had a star witness (whose integrity got questioned)... DNA evidence got lost somewhere...15 yrs later suspects were released.. father of the victim died w/out knowing who did it...everyone has a say to the case.. heavily televised and sensationalized trial. Some even said it's the trial of the century.. in short, A LOT happened or did not happened at the case/ investigation.. we heard no more about it.

For the Post Mortem... Would you two ever consider attempting to solve the mystery of the missing Hot Dog Saga? #postmortem

For post mortem: Do you think she knew that so many people didn’t like or or was she completely oblivious. On that matter do you think she had a reason for her bird such as looking over all the people she didn’t trust. I mean it seems unlikely but incredibly awesome (if it were true)! #PostMortem #BuzzFeedUnsolved

#roastmortem shane is taller than Mount Everest

For post mortem: Athalia seems to be a confident independent woman who knows what she wants and this alone tend to anger men. Also, it was the 70s so I think a man would be far less patient when dealing with a woman than with an other man during a conflict so it's not a stretch to think that Standford killed her 'just for that'.

#postmortem why did the mcckormic guy told his g-mother that "mr.stanford hit miss ponsell" and not the police and he did he said is just hit not with the machete,nd the neighbors are pissed bcs of the dogs ND the goat Cn't they say it politely?, like what? , BTW I'm eleven years old, just shared it, no one cares, I love your shows its reviving me, thank you

Shane give it up we know you're a demon thats why Ryan is so scared of you but hes scared of everything Shane shame on you for using your demon powers to mess with Ryans already sensitive bladder Shane you are not fooling anyone #RoastMortem #iapologizeandiloveyou

Guys please make a video on princess diana.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network so if she had dogs and goats, why did she just walk her bird? what if the murderer was hired by the neighbours to murder her so the animals could be relocated? people do crazy thing sometimes. #postmortem #bringbackhotdaga

Why does Ryan's hair look like he's about to star as Danny Zuko in a hipster produced, community theatre production of Grease? #RoastMortem #ThereArentWorseThingsYouCouldDo #ShanesJustDreamyThough

Its not my birthday My pet isn't dying But can you give me a like For at least not lying? Lol that was bad #Shaniac #boogara #Alien'sLiveAmongUs

can you guys re visit the hotel cecil?

primiette i don’t think they will since those are not unsolved.. but maybe another video on BUN about it.. or just go watch Kendall Rae.. she talks about it in a video & even on her podcast

I have a theory but it doesnt make sense: it was all three of them they teamed up and did the crime, without doing the time

POST MORTEM (MY THEORY): Athalia clearly was not well liked and it’s very possible that she made lots of enemies so i think that there are a lot more people that weren’t looked into that could be a suspect. However, if Frances’ and Athalia’s murders were connected what if there was some real shady business going on somewhere, possibly another man (maybe lover) who was using Athalia to get to her husband because of who he was and the power he had. Maybe Francis was in on it with the other man and Athalia then found out. When she found out the man killed her and made it look like it was the husband or the neighbor. If he was a lover he would have known about these very public feuds and the issues with her husband. Francis declared she was safe because she knew who the killer was. Whatever the man’s plans were, maybe Francis started to get in the way and killed her so that she would be out of the picture. If he could have possibly been connected to her somehow he tried to burn the body but obviously was not experienced enough to follow through with it or felt guilty/remorseful and couldn’t follow through with it. Just a theory I thought of but I feel like it’s possible... thoughts?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network DO THE MASSIE CASE NEXT

What was the name of the parrot (did)n't eat and do you have any pictures of the parrot

FOR THE POST MORTEM: so like. was ur parrot just laying there on the freezer grates?? did u wrap it??? stuffed in a ziploc bag? tiny shoe box???? Asking for a friend. #Boogara #BirdLivesMatter #RyansHairMatters

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network What if her killer was somebody she ticked off during a real estate battle between two families or two people and her killer lost...He/She could have been having problems and when they lost the deal they lost it....!!!#PostMortem #BunSolved #Loveyallboth#Can’tChooseOneTeam ❤️

why does it look like ryan has a new haircut every video #roastmortem #boogara and i guess #shaniac love your insane asses from texas

I feel like the friend's murder was kinda left out, like how are both of these women's murders connected? Did they both have issues with the neighbor? If not why would the neighbor risk going after the friend? To me that just doesn't seem all that logical; however, if there was a cover up involving the husband, that would be more probable and would connect the two cases. Also, I love the show. Keep up the good work, boys :)

Since Florida is such a cursed place and it has so many weird headlines. For example, Florida man breaks INTO jail to hang with friends, so how would you guys describe yourself only using a headline from Florida or/and what are your thought on Floria man? P.S I found this golden headline, Florida Man Threatens to Kill Man With 'Kindness,' Uses Machete Named 'Kindness,' it seems really fitting for this episode.

If the shirt the killer was wearing was white, then the murder would probably be a spur of the moment kinda thing because if you planned a murder you wouldn't wear such obvious clothing like a white shirt for a bloodly murder by machete

Do you guys just intentionally choose cases that happen around February because I have heard the dreaded febyeeairy more than a few times

not a question but it’s pretty concerning how often you guys talk about hypothetically killing someone, especially each other...... ”this week on buzzfeed unsolved we will be discussing the case of shane and ryan.... who killed who?”

Ryan, when did you let Peggy Bundy do your hair?

Proud of Ryan for being able to pronounce February correctly, now just gotta work on Threatened straight up sounded like you were saying Threadened almost every time

not really for the postmortem but there's a typo at 12:38. you say that athalia claimed that standford threatened her on oct 9, 1974. but earlier in the ep you say that she was killed on jan 23, 1974 update: also with the nosebleed in the church? yeah shane's a demon update 2: #postmortem

Post Mortem: If you (Shane) spot Ryan acting suspicious to the point that you had to follow him. He deposited a huge amount of money. He handed to someone sketchy. Next day, your neighbor has been murdered. What's your theory? Plus, love you guys. #Boogara #Postmortem

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Do you think any of these mysteries will be solved? (Other then the Jack the Ripper case)

What's your favrioute video you have done so far

Why did you eat your bird, Shane?

For the post mortem- can you guys do the florida man challenge where you look up your birthday and see what news article about florida comes up?? #postmortem

Reply: @Annie I (LOL) Roast mortem Ryan, what the hell man, laughing one scene , serious the next, are you a serial killer? Sorry I mean Cereal killer. Shane. Gotta rat talk this one to ya, Squeek squeek squeek, squeek Ryan squeeeek squeeeeeeek! * rat laughs* (which are also squeeks) #SnakeEatsCatEatsRatEatsFreeRangeGrass #MoleRAT?

They really raised $250,000 back then?

#postmortem Here's my theory. Locke, Francis, and Dewie were all in on the murder. Francis paid off Dewie to commit the murder, and paid off Locke to frame Stanford. Afterwards, Dewie placed the items (watch was stolen, clothes were marked to be used as evidence). After Stanford got out on bail, and they saw community outreach in support of Stanford, the trio met up, had an altercation as the men believed they would go to jail and Francis would not (she could easily make a plea deal of some sort) they murdered her to keep her quiet. Locke being able to point out the exact articles of clothing that appeared in the box, as well as deliberately stating before the attack "It's Mr. Stanford" seems to be a little suspect to my little detective heart. As always, love ya both~

Shane sounds like how a mole looks #postmortem #roastmortem

Demon!Shane confirmed?

Brabant killers

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Ryan looks like Chicken Little

Why is this episode so scary?

please do the St Augustine Lighthouse or anything in st Augustine for a Supernatural episode

#RoastMortem If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world. You're the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard. No but really I love you guys #Shaniac P.S. Bring back ruining history

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network 3:28 Your image shows a White-throated Magpie-Jay not a Blue Jay.


For the post mortem: do u think the person with the hose had a nickname like hose boy or hose hoe? like “we got another one! call in the hose boy!” #hosehoe #postmortem

#postmortem Hi

#postmortem Hey boys, big fan here!! Ok so I'm curious... Its mighty suspicious that she "wouldn't win any popularity contests" suggesting she had enemies... It's awfully suspicious that the police would just "hose the blood away" suggesting perhaps there could have been knowledge by the police as to who it is.. OR that maybe there was some hush money or bribery to the police? #damnhosers #sorrybadpun

Question for postmortem: hey guys! love yall v much! do you know of any common enemies that both athalia and her friend had in common that couldve murdered them? yall really glossed over Frances’ death scene + other history lmao, anything else of interest to add there? anyway thanks, ily! ryan, i love the way you say community! shane im sorry about your bird :(

if a case is solved after the episode will you do an update video?

not a question but i use to own two birds (bonnie and clyde) and i had a leash for them and i would walk them. also shane, would you eat a bird? and are you sure shanes not a demon? i mean whose nose bleeds the one time they go to church

#postmortem as per usual, another great episode. Thanks guys. But I gotta ask (to Shane), will there be a continuation to your "Ruining history" show?

This happened in Florida. Anything is possible in Florida.

For #PostMortem : Blood on the grass?? I'd say we need Freerangegrass on this case asap!

#roastmortem Shane would be the kind of person to use a machete as a pointer for a PowerPoint presentation.

Man...i like true crime...but when the new season of supernatural will come up? I really miss It P.s: i love you guys... Brazilian fan here! #postmortem

#postmortem What happened to Frances? Who killed her? Most importantly what happened to Clementine?

#postmortem Would you get the bird a harness or tie a lace to one of its little bird feet to take it on a walk Love you guys love the show

for post mortem: how do we know the blue jay didn’t kill her and then fled?

for post mortem: have we ruled out aliens?

Why was aliens not a theory? If this doesn't get discussed in post mortem I might sue.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Do you know what else is unsolved? WHY RYAN STOPPED STAYING FEBIARY!!!! #petitionforfebiary

Disappointed you didn't include PETA in the list of suspects. They had motive, obviously they would've killed her in order to free clementine

When are you gonna do ruining history again? #postmortem

for the post mortem: can you explain more why the officer linked the two old lady murders together? also, it really seems like Stanford did it, is the only evidence against that prospect that he was acquitted? lave you guys! #goodriddancehotdaga #postmortem

I really just wanted to say hi

Shane if Ryan would have said anything more about your bird... Would that have been enough to push you to snap? #postmortem

*Post Mortem* Shane, how uncomfortable did it make you when Ryan called you, "Big Boy”

For the postmortem: RYAN! Why don’t you say February wrong anymore? Kinda disappointed, but still love ya guys! #buzzfeedunsolved #petitionforfebiary #boogara

postmortem...My conspiracy that a small part of the town was involved, and Bemis was part of this group, but her cockiness annoyed the members so they killed her as well. Everyone is involved in my opinion. Shane have you experienced any other bizarre nosebleeds? Very interesting you experienced it in a church that one time....hmmmm Ryan knows what I mean . Love you both wish I could watch all year long

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network new theory! It was the blue jay! In reality blue jays are violent little birds

shane, are you actually a demon?? also ryan, for crying out loud, leave the man alone about his damn parrot! love you guys

@Mac A the mystery remains unsolved

For the #RoastMortem: you two wanna be roasted so badly? Fine. Ryan: I assume your styled your hair the same way Cameron Diaz did in "There's Something About Mary." Also, ghosts aren't real. Shane: all you need to do is open your mouth and you'll gain more haters. To quote Ryan in nearly every ghoulie-ghost episode: "Shut up, Shane." Also, science isn't real.

For the postmortem, what if it was the Watcher? *ALL HAIL THE WATCHER*

Neead moar supernatural episodes

What would you name your machete (mine would be ‘Sharp Boi’)

Do you think maybe they weren't looking for enough clues on the bluebird? like poor dude watched his homie get butchered and then was lost. Like find him and help him.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network for #postmortem I think the culprit was clementine the bird. He wanted to fly like all the other birds and not be walked like a dog. Killed his owner and then was never seen again...#justiceforclementine

Ruining history comeback? @shane

Shane, what was your pet parrot's name?

on what season of buzzfeed unsolved supernatural will you be performing an exorcism on shane?

what if it's like that town you covered a few seasons ago where someone shot a guy in front of everyone but nobody came forward as witness because they all hated him? you did say at the start that she made a lot of enemies, and it could explain how everyone was so adamant that stanford was innocent.

Pls do cicada 3301

20 minutes to cook Ryan? You murderer! What are you doing killing animals to eat?!?!?! -disgruntled vegan #roastmortem

For Roast Mortem: call the person with the best roast the Roast Mortem General (like Post Master General) #roastmortem

Question for the Post Mortem, who do you use for the photos of the victims/suspects. love you both. #shaniac #postmortem

For post mortem: what happened to Frances and her murder? Was there ever a trial or any evidence of her and Athalia's murders being connected? It wasn't really explained in the episode about what ended up happening with Frances. Love you guys. Especially Ryan! #boogaraalltheway

#PostMortem I'd like to hear more about theories about Frances' murder I feel like that was glossed over a bit

You should do an episode on the Unholy Murder of Ash Wednesday

#postmortem How and why does Francis Benis’ death relate It could be a copycat or some freak coincidence What are your ideas on how it is related Also, what other facts are about her death that could help people solve the mystery

I think Bemis was involved with the murder but was getting too cocky so the other person whoever it may be killed her to make sure she didn’t say anything and tried to make it seem like a different person did it.

This is the tamest Florida story ever and I'm kinda disappointed. There's no meth involved. No prostitution. No throwing a gator through a drive thru. No running the streets naked and pissing on cop cars. I feel ripped off. (By the way, I live in Florida. Please send help.)

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network what was the name of the bird Shane ate? #postmortem

Were there any suspects in Frances' case? It seemed glossed over, and after what she said about not being afraid, her murder could have been some kind of retaliation for mocking the situation? Both attacks were so violent that it seemed personal, so who could be the link between them?

For PostMortem: 16:36-16:56 Shane is that a confirmation that you are in fact a DEMON because if that is true Ryan Go Get The Holy Water!! lets exorcise the demon out of Shane if its not too late. #PostMortem

POST MORTEM ALIEN THEORY: maybe the blue bird was a spy from the andromeda galaxy who was sent to find the source of our life. The bird however met a wonderful lady and was enthralled by her kind nature so he gave up being a spy to be her pet. however the alien officials did not like this and came down, killed her, took their agent back, and killed the other woman because she was on to them.

When are you guys going to do the case of the people who danced to death in France???

Who let ryan leave his house with a cat on his egg head like Ryan, it’s time to stop denying your egg forehead by distracting with changing the cat on ur head every week

Which one of you would win an arm wrestling contest? #boogara #neigherhoodfriendlyghouligans

The possible kidnap victim no one searched for. Clementine. #JusticeForClementine

I think Stanford did it, but do you think stanford had this planned but when the people came to his house he got so angry and messy?

#postmortem i think it was her neighbour too, stanford. Maybe at that time stanford was cleaning his house and cutting some bushes with his machete, and suddenly there was atalia, and they had an argument. Boiling to his head, he hit that lady with a machete that was in his hand over and over again. He got panic and quickly run back to his house. So panic that he forget about the trail evidence left. Since he had so many supporters and had reasons for him to be accused, he was get away with it.

So theory: Let's say Francis knew who was behind the murder and conclude that it was actually her who orchestrated the murder. A gun for hire, maybe, seeing that it was a male who committed the actual crime. Let's say that this gun for hire wanted to get more money from the killing and Francis said no. And the killer had enough and had his revenge on her 9 months later. Or better yet, that James was curious to know if SHE actually knew who committed the murder and ended up finding out she was behind it and out of pure anger and love, ended up having his revenge on Francis. I mean, this IS Florida we are talking about, anything is possible... #postmortem

If everybody owns a machete in Florida, why didn't Frances Bemis didn't took one with her when she went for a walk? That way she could've defended herself. #postmortem

I feel as though Athalia and Frances' deaths were too different to be by the same person. I mean Athalia was nearly decapitated and murdered inside her own home, while Frances was clubbed to death with a rock, the murderer tried to burn her body and she was found in a empty lot (although that may just be due to the fact that she liked to take walks at night). It may have just been an unfortunate coincidence that they were murdered nine months apart from each other. I was a bit disappointed that this wasn't brought up, maybe I missed something? I'm not sure, I just felt they were too different to be the same person. #postmortem

My theory is that the murderer was James, since he lied to the police about them having marital problems. Also Athalia said that he was a complete liar and a ''leech'', what if James was into some dark bussiness in his job and since they both were real estate agents, Athalia knew about this? Maybe James decided to get rid of all witnesses including Frances Bemis, who may have known about this through Athalia since they were friends. Also I think Dewey Lee was just trying to get some free money by '' finding evidence'' about the case because it seems a little random to me that he just found out a possible murderer's belongings out there. #postmortem #shaniac but also #boogara.

Real estate agents that can’t sell a house? Lol it’s kinda like ghost hunters that can’t find a ghost #roastmortem #postmortem

What is the craziest or bizzar place have you been? #shaniac #buzzfeedunsolved

Thank you for saying February right

0 54 wow

Sunnydale of Buffy The Vampire Slayer actually based on Florida?

Isn't owning a blue jay illegal without having a license? Maybe the killer just didn't like her illegally owning the bird, but idk Florida is a weird place.

For post mortem: does Shane’s nose bleeding at a church makes him qualified of being possessed at one point or even being a demon?

#roastmortem why is ryan’s hair taller than he is

The water is heavily drugged, corrupt healthcare giving people psych drugs and opiods etc making people crazy so Doctors etc. Can rob medicaid/medicare/your tax dollars, countless assassinated holistic doctors in Florida, ask Erin of Health Nut News, shadow gov. Cia there?? Idk if true they're screwing themselves over, and they had the nerve to go to the Media and Trump to EXPAND THEY'RE CRAZINESS THROUGH THE REST OF THE US?? NO offense to Debbie Wasserman Shultz and Broward County

#roastmortem Shane looks like the kind of guy who would walk his bird

A: Shane is now confirmed to be a demon B: I get the feeling that Ricky Goldsworth was there today instead of Ryan, idk i just get a vibe

Could it have been possible that the killer could have been someone hired by her husband's secret lover to kill Athalia? Or the husband hired someone himself if he was going to receive money from her death? Seems possible as they did have marital problems.

Post Mortem: Please just say you have ended the "Ruining History" series so I can live my life peacefully full of disappointment and woe.

#roastmortem .....not sure if this actually counts as a roast and should maybe save it for an unsolved postmortem......but past fan theories of Shane and his interactions with the supernatural indicating that he may be a demon himself.....his bloody nose story here lends credence to that theory..... Also maybe his "Shaniac-ness" is a 'I think thou doth protest too much' situation.....

Lived in Florida a long time, went to college in St. Augustine, but I've never heard of this murder! While the city and my alma mater are said to be heavily haunted, I never experienced anything paranormal during my time there. However, my college roommate ended up murdering someone, and so I would you guys deal with finding out someone you're close to did something unspeakable? For example, each other? #RIPClementine #RIPshaneslittlebirdy #RIPAthaliaandFrancestoo

There is not a lot to go on here but here are my theories Stanford was the clear murderer because he was constantly at war with her. Plus I don’t think any murder in florida would put that much thought and planning in their murders. Also why is James being racist towards machetes saying that they all look the same? #machetesMatter

For #postmortem How does one walk a bird?!?! Also Shane thanks for further proof on being a demon and Ryan run while you can lol ps love ya guys #boogara

For #Postmortem: What if Athalia was murdered by someone who was jealous of her marrying James Lindsley? Stranger things have happened. Love the show; can't wait for the Postmortem, and next week's episode! #Boogara #Shaniac #ChoosingASideIsOverrated

Not a question but both of you kind of look like rats

Since the neighbor worked with the city maybe he was in kahoots with the guy who hosed down the blood and he was the killer

@Haruhi Fujioka my pop pop had a house at 21.

One theory I have is that Frances got someone to kill Athalia, which would allow her to finish her supposed book. That person then turned around and killed Frances, and I have two ideas as to why- 1) In order to eliminate loose ends. 2) Frances may have been planning to add the killer’s name in this book that she was working on, and the killer got rid of her out of self preservation. It’s a bit out there, but it would make some sense. #postmortem

primiette The show is called “Unsolved” and the Helter Skelter murders are solved so....

Congrats to Ryan for finally figuring out how to correctly pronounce February #roastmortem

Keep in mind Ted Bundy's church group raised a bunch of money for him to pay his bail; sometimes murderers can be very charming, and I find it suspicious that this Stanford guy was also a politician, someone who's job it is to lie. Love the show guys keep it up #shaniac

#Roastmortem No wonder Shane thinks ghost are fake, they just hide on his giant forehead!!!! No I am sorry,

Shane why ur wearing glasses, it's because ur blind by ur ugliness #Roastmortem #Shane

Theory: the original owner of the bird killed to get the bird back, but loved the thrill, thus more killings

I think it's suspicious that the police hosed it down at this point in time didn't they have the technology to gain something from the blood? Also wow Ricky Goldsworth and demon Shane are strong in this episode during that bird bit. Love you guys

Put this on Roastmortem if you want: Both of you are so desperate for roasts that you hand out a list yourself.#roastmortem

Maybe shane got that nose bleed in church because god was like "wow that kids head is huge we need to drain that thing " #roastmortem #boogara

Shane, please explain what caused the nose bleed? Cuz right now you're seeming like some demonic evidence #roastmortem

#postmortem I'm guessing the killer noticed Francis' bravado, and was like .... Not todY satan

So what about maybe it wasn't none of these subjects. Remember in the 70's police departments didn't communicate like they do now. If a murder happened in one state and if the serial killer moved to another state they wouldn't know they had a serial killer or what that person's mota of killing was. I think as she was trying to sell her house someone killed her who asked to look at her place. And possibly murdered the other woman. But two separate styles of killing so more likely than not two different killers

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network why was there a delay? Was it the Watcher or grassfedgrass?!

#roastmortem Ryan you don’t need any more haters, you already have Shane. #boogara but love the power energy coming from the #shaniacs

Big boy?

#roastmortem You guys ragged on the Lindsleys for being real estate agents and not being able to sell their own house. Thats rich, considering you're ghost hunters and haven't found a single ghost.

Any one else agree Shane looks like the cute goof ball sloth from ice age ?! Haha :) #postmortem

Did anyone notice this... Ryan said at @2:29-@3:19 that she was killed on January 23 1974 (keep that in mind) But I’m @12:40 he said “on October 9, 1974

I don rlly think her husband was murderes her

#PostMortem I do find it very suspicious that Dewey Lee happened to "find" a box of critical evidence lying in a swamp (also worth mentioning the lack of blood on the machete suggesting it might not have been the murder weapon?). If you had just murdered a well-known figure (Athalia wasn't just a simple citizen after all she had standing in the public eye being an actress and wife of the former mayor) there might have been a possibility of it being a McElroy situation where the whole town or at least authority figures were trying to get rid of this 'menace'. Perhaps James Lindsey had cooperated together with Dewey. A guy who seemingly needed the $500 dollar reward for evidence enough to turn over the box he had 'found', again, suspicious. There is a chance that some of the higher authority figures had had enough of Athalia and paid Dewey off to take the fall ensuring him there was enough evidence to frame Stanford for Dewey to get away clean. Dewey to me just seems the most likely killer, as a mechanic he would have a strong arm, enough to hack a neck to the point of decapitation. After all, that doesn’t just happen cleanly, a lot of force is required for that kind of feat, and the brutality suggests a hate-crime of some description. To kill someone and then continue to hack at them afterwards to that point, would suggest crime-of-passion or the like. To me it just doesn’t seem like a one-man job and was either done by or orchestrated by someone close to Athalia. #shaniac #lovetheshow

When are you guys going to actually SOLVE a case?

Shane would be the person to murder Ryan over a breadstick.

What if it was super fan of her broadway days? I mean, we've seen several cases where fans end up killing their idols out of jealousy and she was recently married. Also, why didn't they talk much about the suspicious box with suspicious clothes with a suspicious machete?!?!

Would you rather have sex with your mom or your dad?

If the police were involved, having them hose down the crime scene makes a lot more sense

I know what happened to the bird!! it fuckin flew away.. that's kinda what birds do. unless you mean to tell me this crazy woman had HER BIRD on a leash. #postmortem even if she did, i don't think she would of held it while her head was being chopped up like a veg

You are nothing. You will never get haters ya damn fools. Everyone will love you. Fuckin losers.

I know, that athalias neighbor killed her because of the noise, guys you remember that she go outside to walk the bird,and we know that clementine bird is freeking noisy so maybe it's a motive, then the blood trail lead to his house so the killer cleaned it

For roast mortem: Shane looks like a rip-off Riddler except not clever

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network FYI, the mom in American Beauty is a real estate agent whose neighbors hate her because she cut down their tree that had overhang in her yard. Then she has an affair with another real estate agent AND her husband gets murked. Coincidence? I think now...

Why do you think Shane ate the parrot? Was it a great act of insanity? Was it because he was hungry and needed chicken? Until post mortem this mystery will remain Unsolved #Roastmortem #boogara

Anne Smith Usually birds have clipped wings. It was sitting on her shoulder

It’s Florida, how shocking can it be?

What happened to the Hot Daga?

#Post Mortem, what if the neighbor Mr Stanford was fed up from hearing the animals and being accused of all the horrible acts,? We've all been pushed by crazy neighbors

For post Mortem: why the heck would you walk a bird!?! And how would you even do that, it’s a bird it flys?!

What if JASON killed her, or Freedy crueger

What if Francis bemis killed athalia because of jealousy or to get the attention/money for the book she was working on, but then someone killed bemis because they found out her involvement and took her quote from the paper as a challenge #questionsforpostmortem #postmortem

what if the guy who murdered Althalia took the bird home with him after killing her violently and now has a lovely pet bluejay and the constant fear of being caught and convicted #shaniac

If Athalia was murdered on January 23, 1974, how did she file a complaint on October 9, 1974 about her neighbor threatening her?

What's with you hating on Shane for the love of his bird, Ryan?

this episode was great.

Ill be a hater for you shane!

will you let me whip and nae nae into your hearts

Saying "of COURSE this town is safe and I'll prove it by going on walks at night alone" and then getting murdered later really isn't making a good case for jogging and exercise.

@primiette I think they already did?? I'm not sure though but I think the video would be on the buzzfeed multiplayer channel (where they originally had this show)

#roastmortem the way you can hear how hard Ryan is trying to say February correctly is hilarious and pathetic

just a note about the name on the laundry mark: dry cleaners tend to mark their customers' names on their shirts to be able to identify them in case the paper tag that they put on comes off during the cleaning. I worked at a dry cleaner's for a little bit, and that was what I had to do

Do you have/ had any pets???

For Postmortem: why didn't you go into the suspects to any degree for the murder of Frances Bemis? If they were unrelated murders, what are the theories for Frances' murder?

#roastmortem Shane why do you always look like you either want to kiss or kill Ryan?

ryan, you seem to be getting more and more open about your murderous intents with every passing episode. is ricky goldsworth taking control? blink twice if you're being held hostage #postmortem #boogara #whatsthenameforrickyfans

What was one scene that is really good evidence but desided to skip over it to help the flow of the video?

For the post mortem: what's the best and worst part of ghost/demon hunting?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #Postmortem A Florida girl out in her walk with a blue jay? She seemed a little to animal loving. To be honest I think she’s the reason for the pile of none native birds in are gossip swamp. If anything the town couldn’t take the noise and told the neighbor to kill her!

For post mortem: Florida seems like the state people go to when they retire. #boogara all the way

For #postmortem: Don't trust real estate agents. They'll swindle you, won't be able to sell their own house, and might murder you.

I live in FL (closer to Orlando though) and my neighborhood is known to those sorrounding as "Crime Hills". Crime isn't very uncommon here, but our area is more well-known as an area for shootings. Why is Florida so prone to Crime? Possibly Florida man has something to do with it #Shangara #Postmortem

Roast mortem: I don't think the episode was late because of technical issues. It was late cause you were too busy crying about endgame

Would you ever live in Florida?

#PostMortem As a current Florida resident I can confirm that all of the deaths described in this video were caused by self inflicted wounds due to the fact that they lived in Florida.

#postmortem Is it possible that Athalia’s husband was having an affair with Francis Bemis and that’s why she knew about the murder and felt safe around town? James would have been aware of his wife’s altercations with the neighbors and, if, “everyone in Saint Augustine had a machete”, maybe he used the very same machete to kill Athalia that she herself had used to cut the neighbor’s trees. This would explain why there was a bloody machete found while James had his own. When Francis threaten to expose his involvement in the murder for the book rights, James snapped and attacked and killed her on one of her nightly walks. P.S. One of the main reasons you hear so many crazy stories about Florida is because of “Sunshine Laws” which allow journalist easy access to our public records. So it’s not so much that we’re weird down here, it’s just that we own our crazy.

if your name is dewey you gotta be the murder. like really!

@ABBY MARTIN ig find one in the wilderness and put it on a leash? sounds pretty harsh...

Ryan has officially joined the "Shane is a Demon," theory.

For postmortem Ryan: give me your Lemons Neighbour: No Ryan : Pulls out a machete and cuts his Neighbour in half.

Where does one get a bluejay as a pet? Like normal pet birds are little parrots and stuff, not an actual bluejay

if jennifer killed a bluejay, and vanessa ate the apple that the bluejay's egg hatched from, what's the name of the color purple?

My one question is to Shane: What happened to that poor parrot?

@freerangegrass grass sucks. turf is better

Shane. You rat man, where is the hotdaga.

#RoastMortem Ryan and Shane, putting the 'late' into 'the late Buzzfeed Unsolved upload schedule.'

What ever happened to the Ryantists? #Ryantist#Boogaraisoktho

No offense but could it be that the whole town is just fed up from dealing with Athalia, after all it has already been established that she wouldn’t win any popular contest? (And Frances might have been murdered due to her bragging after Athalia’s death?) #postmortem #faveshowever #loveyaboth

My question, like probably many others, is simple: is Ryan becoming aware that Shane is literally a demon?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Hi guys! Loved the episode. Would you be able to cover the murder of Bob Crane? It has been unsolved for over 40 years. Also, still waiting for Ryan to demonstrate his skills on the guitar. #shaniac

#postmortem Lawyer: "Is this your machete?" Husband: "All machetes look alike to me." Isn't this the type of thing the murderer would say.....

#RoastMortem Ryan, you're as creative and logical in your arguments for ghosts as Shane is when he's writing The Hotdaga. Also, why does everyone think Shane is a demon? Only a misguided fool (Ryan) would believe that Shane is anything but a flat, tall, white man who expresses Nihilism like he’s the walking Facebook profile of a mom trying to stay relevant to her edgy teenager. His "chaotic" personality is predictable at this point. #IInsultYouOutOfRespect #YouGuysAreGreat #IReallyDontGetTheDemonThingThough

#PostMortem, what if all 3 of them were in on it? Unfortunately I currently live in Florida and this place is bat crap crazy. I think Shane just gave Ryan proof that he's a demon. Love you guys! #shaniac

Shane, how does parrot taste?

Why does Dewey Lee sound suspiciously familiar?

Speaking of St. Augustine, do you think you guys will ever go there for the show(True Crime or Supernatural)? The one time I went there, we learned some amazing history, and my brother claimed to have seen a ghost(which is interesting because he is a skeptic.) Love you guys! #ghoulboys #boogara

For the post mortem: Theory: It was the blue jay. The blue jay did it. It didn't like being this woman's prisoner; it didn't like being taken on walks; and it didn't like the name "Clementine." So it got revenge. #postmortem #allhailthewatcher

do y' all have asthma or something? you wheeze a lot.

Shane, what makes you think the sounds of a woman being hacked to death include "thwackathwack", I'm just curious about that thought process #postmortem #alsowhythefuckdoesyournosebleedonholygrounds

After all this time, are we even supposed to pretend to be surprised at how poorly crime scenes have been preserved ??? #WannaBeShaniacButIAmACoward

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network I think the bird killed her

16:40 is just adding more fuel to this fanbase's joke that Shane's a demon in disguise lol. #boogara, but with some elements of #shaniac

If Ryan brings up Shane’s parrot again shane should just put him in his freezer too

#postmortem her body was found on her porch, but I wonder if she was hacked from behind or from the front. Since no one had seen the killer approach her from whichever direction, it would be important to note if she was hacked from behind or in front. In front suggesting someone had broken into her home and she caught them at the wrong place at the wrong time. From behind, someone would've had to have stalked her and the murder was premeditated. It is also important to note that while the bird was never seen again, the bird's cage was found smashed inside her home, yet there was no evidence of anything being stolen.

What if they all teamed up Stanford could’ve done the murder Her husband could’ve easily gotten rid of the evidence And the mechanic could’ve planted the box and “found” it later #postmordem

#postmortem Maybe her husband just wants custody over her pet bird? I mean I can understand him #shaniac #fuckthehotdaga

Weird how Ryan was knocking the guy for taking the easy way by killing old ladies when and old lady could easily beat Ryan up

This episode was so late that I started to think it was pregnant. #roastmortem (just kidding time is a myth )

#postmortem Hey guys! Love the show and I always watch new uploads right when the get posted. Out of all the cases youve covered, which case is your favorite? Which one would you like to cover in the future? Also, what are your guy's opinions on Avengers Endgame? Thanks again Shane and Ryan!

#postmortem this is sort of a confusing case. It seems unlikely that would someone to go around killing wealthy or well known people of the area with a machete, especially if he lives in the same area. But this guy can't be super smart if he doesn't completely destroy the bloody clothes. Come on, man. That's killing people 101.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network you're completely forgetting the most obvious subject. THE BLUEJAY!!

you smell bad

no wonder she couldn't sell the house, with a 'petting zoo' in her house

For roast mortem: the killer’s lack of determination while trying to get rid of the woman’s body reminds me of Ryan’s apparent lack of determination in coming up with good theories (jk love you guys but you said you wanted better roasts so I tried)

We haven't seen Ricky Goldsworth in a while. Did Ryan get an exorcism or is he waiting for the right time? #postmortem

What's one case that scared you the most #postmortem

I'm confused about Francis. Why the heck was she killed? If Standford was the one who did it, I understand Athalia because they were just constantly goading each other. Perhaps they were arguing and in a fit of rage he killed her. But I can't figure out why Francis was killed other than maybe covering it up? Didn't like her saying that she felt safe walking around the night? Here's my wild speculation: Standford ran into Francis one night, and they got to talking (then arguing) about Athalia. Francis accuses him, and he kills her. He realizes what he did and tries to destroy the evidence. But he can't do it so just runs away. And to be honest, it sounds like he doesn't really have to worry about being found out if the town is on his side. #postmortem #boogara

#postmortem which theory do both of you believe?

why does ryan harass Shane about his poor parrot

shane's bird reincarnated as ryan? shane being a rat? #buzzfeedunsolved #roastmortem

this is way off topic but suspect two (duane weber) in the db cooper episode has the same last name as me so i could very much be the descendant of db cooper

#roastmortem The only reason Ryan is concerned about Shane eating that parrot is because Ryan has those little bird eyes and feather head. Dude looks like a miscolored canary

What are your favorite 'Florida being bonkers' stories? Also, when Shane told that story about his nose bleeding when he went into church Ryan was 100% taking mental notes to try to prove Shane's a demon #postmortem #shaniac #butshaneislowkeyademon #lovefortheboogarastoo

" Only if I have enough facts " says the man who said aliens where involved with the toxic lady #roastmortem#postmortem

Speaking of wrestlers... Any plans on covering Dino Bravo’s death?

Did the death of Shane's bird cause his disbelief in a benevolent higher Being?

For Post Mortem: did the person who saw the man in the white shirt mention that there was blood on the white shirt? The shirt was found with blood on it so I would assume one would see it especially since it’s blood on a white shirt.

#postmortem Ryan said Athalia was an inventor, what did she invent?

ryan, i think we need more evidence to shane eating his bird... i mean, shane does look like he eats birds for breakfast. #postmortem #teamboogara

For the Post mortem: I haven't seen shane' s face in a while. Any time the camera pans to him I always just look at the mannequin. Also Shane is possessed definitely. Love you guys! #Boogaraguitara #postmortem #ghoulboys

It’s Florida, I wouldn’t be surprised if the person just killed someone over wanting their parrot back

@shane what was your parrot's name? do people from Chicago eat birds? #postmortem

Great episode guys! Also, im loving the sound design this season. the music choices are incredible! Question, any chance we'll see another canadian mystery? Maybe the Black Donnellys?

#roastmortem I'm going to hose off Ryan's new hairstyle

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network proof Shane is demon

Would you rather be murdered with a machete or a gun. And how many times has Shane thought about murder..should we be concerned...?

Do you know the video game TWD...cause lololol...Clementine

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Maybe he just really wanted his parrot back

No offense to Ryan but I'm 100% a Shaniac. Ryan, stop being a wuss and man up. (Theres the hate you asked for. Love both of you, really)

How would you hide a murder scene

its...... ROAST MORTEM!!!1! why do you guys look like you just woke up from a 1 hour nap???? whats up with the hair!! ( ps ryan, im on your side.. i think shane ate his bird but i think we need more evidence and theories to this! have you got any? ) #teamboogara

#RoastMortem why is ryan's hair taller than him?

Ryan: "[I include a theory] only if I have facts behind it"  suggests that everyone lost in the Bermuda Triangle was sent back in time... or live in Atlantis... or were abducted by aliens... #shaniac

Also the age could match up roughly.

I'm surprised there weren't more theories considering she wasn't liked in the town by many. However, this may be why the town was so eager to raise money for this man's defense. Maybe they didn't think about it, but I can't imagine their distaste for the victim influenced their opinion of the trial.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Why the heck would they buy the mail for a guy accused of *murder*?

I think both cases are connected, that maybe Frances knew who killed Athalia and was BLACKMAILING the killer. But she failed to realize how far someone will go when pushed enough. That is why she was killed, to keep her quiet about the crime

shane looks like he is only let out of a one window room to film and then immediately placed back in and fed soup #roastmortem

#postmortem okay but what if the husband and neighbor conspired it to throw reasonable doubt on each other so they'd get away with it? I mean... It kinda worked lol

Postmortem: theory... You had said that it was said she wasn't a well liked person. What if Standford did kill her and the whole town was okay with it because she was dislike. And the other women was really trying to put the truth out and the people who where glad that Ponsell was killed and someone took her out to keep her quiet. Two different murder both for the same reason. #postmortem #boogara #shanicatnightsoicansleep #unsolved #buzzfeed

Florida is one hell of a place...

I'm still not really sold on who murdered Athalia, but I think that whoever did it didn't do the two murders mentioned at the end. Athalia and Francis' murders seemed personal (Athalia notbbeing well liked, Francis being close to Athalia and basically saying "hah killer you dont scare me") while the other two didn't seem connected besides being woman and murdered by a machete. Also, RIP Shane's Parrot and Clementine (i don't think Blue jays live long) :( #postmortem

What was Stanford’s Alibi?

#roastmortem Ryan your hair looks like it was styled with the same machete that killed Athalia and probably Frances, too

#PostMortem Can u guys do mh370 at some point its a super wierd case also shane your awesome ryan quit being scared of ghosts what are u 5

If you were to murder eachother what would be your way of doing it (weapon, setting etc) #postmortem

#roastmortem I bet shane ate dat bird

One theory i think is that the deaths of those who have passed was due to a assassination attempt by the Stanford family.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network okay so I really wanted to know, would you guys ever consider doing a sort of a spin-off type thing where you just go over cases that have already been solved? Like serial killers and all that jazz? Sort of a “buzzfeed unfolded” sorta thing? Ps Shane is a beautiful soft man whom I love dearly and Ryan is a tired frazzled boy who deserves love and a good nights sleep.

#roastmortem Why does Shane always look like he just stepped out of a serial killer magazine

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network what weapon would you use to kill someone? because why would you kill someone with a machete and not a gun?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network you should check out my comment for my questions and comments

#PostMortem what if it is their other neighbor? The other neighbor could have hated her for having so many animals so the killed her but put blood on the other side of the yard? Idk but love y’all

Please do a Japanese urban legend next??

Post Mortem : Awww, how did you parrot pass away Shane? P.s. I don't believe one bit that you ate him as Ryan says. Tsk Tsk

Will you ever give us a "solved" case or update an old case that has been solved.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network I’m really not a fan of the way Ryan called Shane ‘big boy’. 0/10, would not recommend #boogara #suckitshaniacs #seensomeghoulsinmydays

My great aunts grew up next to a person who became a major suspect in a string of murders, also in Florida, not sure if it was apart of this tho

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network y’all think it was just a neighborhood meeting thing? “she has to many animals”. “yea she does let’s kill her”. “and her friend too, she’s just as loud as the animals”


What was your birds name?

It’s Florida dude

For #postmortem: Why do you guys always seem to be to be trying to kill each other?

How do you 'walk' a bird????

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Who would win? Truth serum, a hypnotist, or solitary confinement?

For the Post Mortem: aren’t juries made of locals? Meaning that some of the people that raised the $250,000 could have also been jury members making it easier for him to be innocent?

would you rather face off against a horse sized duck or multiple duck sized horses?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network for post-mortem: If you were a serial killer, what weapon/method of killing would you use?


I'm torn between watching this episode alone and stewing over the mystery myself or waiting for my dad to come home and stew over the mystery together.

don’t leave shane’s bird eating habits unsolved #exposehim

Will the Hot Daga ever come back?? :( -Mads

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network years another BuzzFeed unsolved video!

For the post mortem- what do you think about James saying "all machetes look alike to me"? I feel like most people are pretty familiar with the tools they use regularly, especially a tool he used so much that he kept it in his car to hack at under brush. That seems pretty suspicious to me. Love you guys ❤️ #postmortem

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network i love that she took her pet blue jay on a walk. Poor clementine had to see her owner killer

Sh a ne

Did the US really land on the moon? #allhailthewatcher

Do you ever do solved mysterys

Why do you guys have that creepy mannequin in the background?! Thing is creepy and I’m surprised Ryan isn’t scared of it

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Okay Ryan, Shane, I love the both of you, but a blue jay is not a species of parrot. Parrots have an upright stance, downward curving beaks, and two toes on the front and back of their feet. Blue Jays, rather, are a type of songbird!

For post mortem: This takes place in Florida right? Then why in the description does it say a quiet Florida town? From what I've heard Florida is never quiet. All info about Florida comes from memes.

#postmortem Anything that happens in Florida isn't shocking anymore, let's be honest here.

what happened to shane's bird.

For #PostMortem: Why aren't you using BTS songs in your videos? We can crowdfund if you can't afford licensing rights.

I live in Florida (please send help), also question for Post Mortem- what was your parrots name Shane? love the show

#Postmortem theory: blue jay was the murderer

for post mortem: shane, what happened to your parrot??

What if her husband, the neighbor, and the mechanic wanted to kill her? They we’re probably drunk and then killed the women, just like ol buckskin Frank Leslie who murdered his girlfriend while drunk.

next true crime episode: The Mysterious Disappearance Of Ryan’s Hairline #roastmortem

For the Post Mortem. What if it was the bird whom revealed it was really a human being and murdered her because of that one time she didn’t give it enough bird seed?

For postmortem: what is your favorite true crime episode? Btw love boogaras!!

Question for the Post Mortem: do you wanna buy a house here?

Would Australian Shane or Ricky goldsworth eat a parrot

Shane reactions are soo good to watch. Also Its not her husband. Thats just absurd.

So how did Shane eat the bird? Baked or fried? And did it taste like chicken? #PostMortem

what is your favourite type of cheese? #postmortem #shaniac #boogara

Shane I didn’t know you had a bird! What kind of parrot? #postmortem

#postmortem #shaniac I was curious on how you guys select which cases you pick? (YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST)

#postmortem if Locke heard the screaming, why would he not run as he heard the screaming, and if the man in the WHITE SHIRT murder her if he’s wearing WHITE? And if Bemis knew why didn’t she say anything?

Hm Shane’s theory about the death being caused by wanting your beloved pet back

in the next episode, you should do the mysterious disappearance of the hot doga

What was the most interesting story of unsolved crimes to the two of you? What was the weirdest?

Are there any true crimes you would like to recreate for a video?

Raka Mukherjee ryan does have a gf?? have you seen his insta or twitter ???

Posted 3hrs after 3pm CST. I thought yall were PROFESSIONALS

*WHY* is Gamora?

What is your favorite Florida criminal case?

Wearing a while shirt to a murder is bold. I’m also wondering if maybe the man walking away was actually the murderer, does that mean he changed from one white shirt to another white shirt? also i hope Clementine is okay!! #postmortem #shaniac

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network WHO WALKS A BIRD

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network DID SHE HAVE CHILDREN

How can her 19 year old neighbor own a house already??


As a half Hispanic Shane does anyone on your Hispanic side of the family also own a machete #postmortem

Tbh the parrot probably just flew away. It’s a bird. Just flippity flapped off into the Florida sunset

We need a whole Florida Man series

florida is a place where killers are raised

Ryan and Shane could get into so much trouble for the things they said lol if this wasnt a comedy show like Shane: have you ever thought about murdering your neighbor? Ryan: when he didnt give me limes, yeah

I got a nose bleed at a funeral

I hate that surf wave on your head... HATE IT

Blue jays aren’t parrots

ccan you make a video about the “GIVE UP TOMORROW DOCUMENTARY” about Paco Larranaga who is mistakenly accused of raped. please make a video about it, it is so mysterious and depressing.

Shane, you could promise not to murder Ryan if he learns how to prounounce "T" correctly.

It’s kinda funny to hear outside peoples opinions and thoughts on Florida and not all of us are close to swaps haha and yes Florida is definitely a gossip state

There was also a women in Jacksonville who someone chopped her head off clean at a gas station

I’m from Florida and my parents always bring up this case

We could say...……… *She’s Nearly Headless Athalia*

These guys should report the news together

Who in this world takes their pet bird for walks?????????????????? I’ve never owned a bird so is this normal??????? I need answers

And my mom wants us to move to Florida . Nah

"I loved that lady!"

2:37 Oh my darling, oh my darling

Oh boy, when I heard the name of the city I LIVE IN RN… I lowkey was sketched out

Bro these dates are close to my birthday too

Ryan: *why Florida is the way that it is??* Me,a Floridan: *I dunno man....I ask myself that everyday.*

I live in exactly that place.... o-o

They are so mean to Florida this episode like damm chilll I live there and personally I love it but to each his own

In lovin memory of Clementine


What if the blood trail to the neighbor's house was the victim going there for help?

What video is the lady exploding in her room

I left florida days ago and then this video pop up o-o

"We all know you ate that bird!" ~Ryan 2019 Also...I'VE BEEN TRICKED!!! The title said Machete MURDER, not MURDERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

Don't sell yourself short, Shane. I lived in Miami beach for a while back in the day and you look just like someone I would have bought LSD from.

i’m from st.augustine lol i know this story like like the back of my hand.

I'm from Miami and you wrong

Hi I’m from Florida. Miami sucks but the wizarding world of Harry Potter is really cool. I went there on gradventure and my friends and I tried butter beer. If you ever go you have to try it. There really isn’t much else that’s good about Florida though. The whole state is.. interesting. Also let me just say I’m moving away as soon as I get the chance.

Am I the only one that got screamed when they saw the manikin?

Lived in Florida, Jacksonville and Bayard for over 12 years, and Bayard was the weirdest/strangest place I've ever lived before or after. The place messes with your mind, seriously. The woods behind our neighborhood were taken by government to build a highway and there were dozens of deserted homes back in there just left to decay. We'd explore it and it was a creepy, and scary place. Everything from orbs to strange apparitions to guys in helicopters with automatic weapons back in there! Just spooky!

I demand to know where my supernatural episodes are!

“Machete” It’s Jason Vorhees case solved

Haha cute I live in Florida

Please do an episode about the death of Marsha P. Johnson. I believe foul play was involved although her death was ruled a suicide and many people would love to know what happened to this icon of the LGBT community.

Y'all should do something over the monster of Florence

Me wanting to know what realizing it’s an unsolved episode...

make buzzfeed solved a thingy ples


4:37 John Mulaney “I can make a cool Segway with this”

He ate the parrot

Florida dose not gossip a lot just conspiracies A lot of Floridans have machetes excluding me

Ryan: We all know you kept your bird in the freezer for you years.. Shane: The ground was hard, we couldn’t bury him yet.

Wait. I’ve seen every episode and I don’t recall Shane ever talking about keeping his pet bird in the freezer

Seems like Shane is truly a *demon*

What about the aliens?

can athalia talk on October 4, 1974 when she was married in january of 1974... there was a "quote" by athalia that said alan stanford tried to kill her......

Shane's a demon change my mind

Do one of the got killer

I’m literally vacationing in Florida right now. This was a bad mistake.

Don't worry, your dreams have come true and i have disliked the video Jk this video is too great for that

Ahh! I live in saint augustine!

Y'all should definitely check out more about St. Augustine, it's full of ghost stories

De man?!

Franchesmarie Cadiz I’m from Florida, and I’ve never met anyone who has owned a machete


"Clementine, the bluejay, was never seen again." Well, we know who done did it

He had a nosebleed at church basically

She died doing what she loved: Taking spiteful and bold nightly walks to passively challenge murderers.

Florida is the best


When Francis said she knew something about the murder, I think she knew who the killer was. Hence the reason she wasn’t afraid to walk alone at night. And i think maybe her collaboration on the book and other information she was saying was jeopardizing the killer. Maybe the killer felt she would eventually say too much and thats why he ended up killing francis too. Just my thoughts at 6:27

Dude I live in Florida and these vids get me hella scared

Of course I decide to watch this while visiting st. Augustine ://

Shane: Last time I was in a church my nose bled Ryan: *Kill Bill Sirens*

16:48 Shane is a demon, confirmed.

Ryan loves limes Noted.

Is no one going to talk about 8:54

6:32 i really hate that guy in the background

Shane Gettin all Riled Up About his Bird then Ryan refusing to drop it was super uncomfortable.

Have they done the Black Dahlia murders yet? Cause if not they should.

“ you eating a bird”

Ryan: "Shane has no bloody clothes." Me: "He would if he were a girl."

Same I had a nose bleed in church

I am in Florida Why am I watching this

Hmm feathers on all of the crime scene... My god! I put them in the trash, whoops

Franchesmarie Cadiz I mean, I don’t know who they are nor have I met them so...

MICHELLE EATON wait then why dose my aunt grandma uncles and my parents have one

is this video meant to be a joke ? distracting , non serious ?? because if so ..success... couldn't watch this non sense

I'm moving to florida for college... rip me

Frances was probably friends with the murderer and she gave out to much information so they killed her too, maybe

❤️ Florida

9:34 you mean Florida “flora” not “fauna”

St. Augustine’s haunted af

*Why walk a bird if it can fly*

Tbh,this is the only good thing buzzfeed uploads. (Tasty too)

Florida is the only place a man like Ned Fulmer could've materialized from.

Anyway in my area there’s a lot of shooting so we need a weapon

walking a bird only in florida

Is Ryan wearing the shirt from the Ladylike crossover? Hot.

No one: Not a single soul: Jesus: Frances: LeT mE waLk My BiRD God I love Florida

I hate how everybody makes fun of Florida I mean some parts aren’t the best but I have lived in Tampa all my life and its great

I love how dramatic it is when Ryan said that Athalia didn’t win Florida Legislator 0:59

Ryan's voice is soothing in a way lol

I live in Florida and yes the magical world in universal Studios

Nearly-headless nick found if bride

“On why, Florida is the it is” “Florida is so odd” Yeah yeah we know, we’re weird

Me: hears one name Me: *omg they did it*

Does anyone now what happened to the box that guy find in the marsh? Land

K so I know a woman died and stuff but that feud is SO FUNNY to me... "she cut back my trees!" "He put sugar in my car!" "She planted bamboo by my house! Honey, where is my machete?!"

I think this series would benefit from a far more transparent effort to come off as cynical, irreverent hipsters.

Always bring a gun when waliking your bird in florida

Yo wtf I live here... goddamn it why tf do these Floridians make all of us look like crack heads

I live in Florida and it’s just as bad as they say it is the other day I saw a crack head punching a bike on the sidewalk of a gas station good times

If Athalia was that unpopular and everyone (from the citizens to her neighbors) hated her its no surprise that one of the more popular guys in town could get away with killing her. If someone I really liked killed someone I really hated I would feign denial too.

Frances: I still go on walks at night! Murderer: hA hold my beer

All hail the watcher

make an episode about Shane's bird

You all are forgetting the true mystery here, where is the blue jay?!?!

Disappearance of little boy and his mom

Nah dont worry, I was born here and lived here for 7 years, stay out of the northern area and you'll be fine. The northerners are phsycos.

You're in the most haunted place in Florida

* Friend gets murdered while walking * * Continues to go walking * *Gets murdered while walking * All hail the Watcher, I guess.

Hi the story at around 16:50 just proves our theory that Shane is just a demon protecting Ryan

" I want some haters" You work at Buzzfeed, You have plenty of haters.

If Ryan was ever murdered we know it would be Shane

Everybody go to 6:42 in the video and look behind the one guy

I’ve also been to Miami. GO DOLPHINS!!!

I’m from Florida

Ce ce ce ha ha ha

**hoses away evidence** Detective: ok, now back to my hunch.

*clemintine puts down the machete*

I'm in Florida sad day.....

Okay, but did anyone find out if the bird was okay??

I live in Florida and a few years ago some guy threw a small alligator into a Wendys and ran away

5:33 that’s ballsey

Who would wear a white shirt to a murder?

I think you guys may have angered some Floridians in the comments

We know we know you eat your bird

I live in Florida and it’s not as lively as you think, so this is actually the most exciting thing I know from Florida. It’s a very boring place, and just gives you a hella bad sunburn lmao. I mean one time there was an accidental body drop in the middle of my neighborhood, but that was about 5 years ago, I think. Edit: I’m watching this in the middle of the night and my paranoia is rising lolol help

4:35 really reminds me of “Detective, we found a pool of the killer’s blood in that hallway.” “Mmm, gross. Mop it up. Now back to my hunch...”

Florida is wack

I had a bloody knee before at church. I skinned my knee.

y’all should totally cover the Oklahoma Girl Scout murders

Lol “I loved my parrot” come on we all know you ate him

Can you be more serious

Shane walks into a church, immediately gets a nose bleed Shane is a demon confirmed

Well my parents are from Smithtown, LI, NY and my dad is from Bronx, NY and I’m from Commack, LI, NY and my family lived in Florida from 2005-2008 and I was 1 year and 3 months old when we moved back and my dad almost was strangled to death over a little argument and they hated us cuz we’re white (they were black) and called US racist, we hated them because they tried to kill my dad, my mom was so scared to ever go outside so she was mentally affected by them, tried to get our two labs killed, and MUCH more, Florida is a horrible place for people from the NE

I live in Florida but not any of the interesting places I just live in Tampa :///

When I live in st Augustine fl


did anyone else here ryan call shane 'big boy' or was that just me

Y A Y a women died on my birthday!

I hate Buzzfeed, but these guys are just the best.

You know... as a Floridian (born and raised)... we don’t even know why it is the way it is

Florida man back at it again

Big Chungus 5 I live in St. John’s county Florida, in st Augustine and I’ve never even heard of this

What video was the girls head exploding

Yup that's my lovely home

I was wondering if you guys can do one about little miss Panasoffkee, if you do it would be a true crime.

I'm sure there are more Florida kills, right?

Ryan calling Shane "big boy" is something I wasn't expecting to hear in my lifetime. (Timestamp is around 3:55 for anyone asking.)

I got the OJ Simpson car chase on my birthday lol but someone dies on everyone's birthday

Yes Chicago has very very cold winters

15:56 - have ya'll never watched Perry Mason. Back in the day when people took their clothes to laundries, they would put your name and their name in the item in a hidden spot. [if you're working with hundreds of white shirts, you've got to have a way to tell them apart. ]

Ok ok nearly headless nick has found a nearly headless wife

1 comment 1 prayer for shane's parrot

what they're talking about at 15:02 is what Don John and what's his face were doing in Shakespeare's "much ado about nothing" dang

why am i watching this heading to Florida-

When everyone says "Florida Man" in the comment section, are you all refering to "Flo Rida"?

Does anyone else think of Gravity Falls when they say Stanford? No, just me. Ok

Me: Hey, dad! What's your Florida Man story? Dad: Well...

I think it was the neighbor. I think it was because during the trials no person was murdered but right after when he was found innocent two women were murdered so it had to be him ,of course it also could have been a different random person because they could have taken that chance to make it look like it was the neighbor. now I'm conflicted.

As a Florida man I can confirm that it was just some random wacko who saw some body walking a bird down the street and thought ‘who does this entitled flufer think she is screw her I’m a go get my machete’


The intense exaggeration when Ryan says February right


Hello from Jacksonville, Florida

oh no! florida man strikes again!

Shane is a demon who eats frozen birds

Your kidding me I'm I'm takeing a trip to Florida I hate you right now.

When u live in that town

An infamous murder from my state. What a surprise...

Atlanta child murders.

athalia's out here living her best fuckign life dude. good for her we stan an empowered woman.

Shane, you saying that you got a nosebleed on holy ground really does not help your case.

I live in Florida and we have multiple machetes that my family uses in the woods for the plant growth because plants and vines grow crazy fast during the summer and its important to keep it trimmed.

Leave him alone about the parrot. Losing pets is hard

I absolutely LOVE you both! Your both awesome, please never stop making these, I look for new ones all the time! I've seen them all :) Keep up the good work.

8:45 lol they make it seem like Florida isn’t full of tourist sights and famous theme parks

9 year old Shane was a demon apparently

I had to dislike the video because it was at 819 likes and my OCD was triggered that it wasn't 820

Nobody: Florida:*swamp and gators*

Blue bird more red bird

Am from Miami

in my country everyone still owns a machete lmao

I mean, when my grand ma forces me to go to church i always nearly pass out and have to leave to the garden.

I work for one of the cities in Seattle and let me tell you... decades later neighbors are STILL having the same exact problems

You should do an episode on the murder of Cathy Cesnik

i’m sorry shane but we need to call the Winchester’s.

Wonder what Florida Man is up to this week... oh.... oh dear

Lol omg y'all


Bit weird that none of the theories go into why any of the suspects would want to kill Bemis. Why would any of them want to kill her?

Its so close to me I'm like 30 mins from St Augustine

I live only 30 mins from St Augustine. It is truly one of the spookiest and strangest places i know

floridians are wack but it's amazing to live here

We never see ghosts because theyre afraid of shane the demon

*unknown Florida man murders women*

It was the Butler

That author lady came to my school to talk about her book and this murder. Pretty wild bro

Please please do the viliska axe murder house please its hella hounted

I sadly live in florida

I live there I’m I gonna get murdered by a machete

“Florida man stuffs French fries in boots only to get caught by bank security guard”

but im from Florida

This show kinda lame

Florida has lenient laws on what details can be published, that's why so many wild stories come out of here. Other states are more strict on what newspapers can write about.

how they spelled neighbour makes me want to jump off a bridge

What about the watch??? Why didn’t the find where the watch was made and then interview the owners of the watch’s brand to see if they knew either victims??? Just an idea

you guys should do an episode on Adnan Syed! He was convicted for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae Lee, but still maintains his innocence after 15 years. There's an entire season of a podcast - called Serial - about the case, which is going to retrial in the coming years. I'd be really interested to see what you guys have to say about it!

shane: i got a nosebleed in a church once ryan:

Why would she even proudly proclaim that she would go on walks at night?


Does anyone know if clementine is okay :(

Of course Florida

We still have a bird in the freezer since last summer and when we heard when Shane had his bird in the freezer me and my cuzzo started dying **

I want the unsolved mystery of what happened to shanes bird

Are we not going to talk about Ryan calling Shane big boy?

I live in Florida... and for real the weirdest, craziest and most unbelievable crap happens here on a daily!

I used to live in St.Augustine

It’s actually still common practice for police to hose off the scene after it’s already been processed by detectives and the medical examiner. (Sketched, pictures taken, evidence collected) then a fire truck is usually called in and the blood is typically hosed off.

Can you guys do "Rack Man" plz! And it's in Australia and I'm in Australia so I just wanna know about it!

Florida man

Here is what I learned: If you have free time, you are a murderer.

They should play the elevator game

We have beach’s in Florida not just swamps and there is not a lot of gossip in Florida I love living in Florida

What about the other women?

Next episode: Did Shane Eat His Parrot?

Any other state: Oh my God... Floridians: ehh...could be worse

The Apple Pro many areas in Florida deal with witchcraft so always stay in prayer.

If someone murdered me im hoping Buzzfeed unsolved look into my case Hahahahahh

ok i hate dogs but i don't think i'd *murder* someone for having too many of them

OMG. So, I already love Shane but now that I know he had a bird I love him even more! Bird peeps unite!

Have they made a ( *Wheeze* ) shirt yet?

If the police didn’t hose off the blood, it probably would’ve gotten hosed off by one of the many rainstorms

"Nearly headless, How can you be nearly headless" I'm not sorry

Prosecutor : say, suspect. Do you think this machette which were used to *kill your wife* is yours? Jason, possible suspect: *PERHAPS*

Nobody: The Lindsleys:ItS fReE rEaL eStAtE

Wait, so how are the two murders connected? Did they mention it? They were both done with a different weapon and in a different way...

RIP Shane’s parrot

They should do Robert the Doll in Key West

When you live in Florida

So y'all just gonna gloss over how everyone is Florida fights off the fauna with a machete?



Don't blame Florida entirely, a whole bunch of people are from New York

Well of course, Shane. Walk on holly grounds andg het a nosebleed. Nothing DEMON LIKE

My friend and I watch all your episodes! We love them, and kind of have a similar friendship demean to you two! Keep it up!

Why u keep talking bad about florida? I have lived in florida my hole life and i love it. The weather is great u can go to the beach almost every day, is just not very nice for u to be talking so much bull about a place u know nothing of. Come visit u would love it. just saying

Have y’all thought about doing a podcast? I know the YT is doing great! But for the in between times it would be cool to have a podcast as well.

If you take your clothes to the cleaners, they mark it with your name or a number. Did the same back then. Been doing it forever.

Did anyone ever notice maybe the Zodiac killer probably was killing people from Aries to Pisces?

I’m just going to walk my dinosaur now see ya

The reason so much crazy stuff in florida happens isn’t that that florida isn’t normal it’s that other states have a law to not report stuff they deem weird asf,florida doesn’t have that law


The good ol’ Florida

the look of fear in Ryan's eyes xD 17:03

Ugh I hate the creepy mannequin in the background

4:55 that dude has the same name of a father in my church.. but the father is Vietnamese and his name is spelt as Duy Le.

i’m in saint augustine right now

As a Floridian, I can confirm we all have machetes. I have two or three in my shed.

Has anybody even read the description?

These guys have discussed so many unsolved crimes I feel like THEY could get away with murder EASY

Florida Man--

your neighbours tree is branching over into your yard ...... the problem is ??

I live on the south coast of Florida in Naples

It's not shocking it's just Florida man being Florida man.

Of course I am just scrolling thru my recommended and I see a video about murders in my hometown, I honestly think google is watching us XD

Who else watching this late at night

Laundry mark, and you can't figure our why the man has his name on his clothes? It's a mystery, unless . . . he sends his laundry out on a regular basis and has his name on them so the launderer can identify and return his clothes. For mystery hunters, it's weak.

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