The Reputation Game Review - Brit's Business Book Club

The Reputation Game Review - Brit's Business Book Club

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Hi. I want to thank you for joining me for serve. The relaunch, of Britt's, business, book club I just. Finished reading this. Great. Book the reputation, game by, David Wallace, and Rupert younger and. This. Is a great book because it's. A topic that comes up all the time when. I'm working with clients, and small business owners and. Actually. Just came up for me personally on, Friday I had a meeting and. The. Questions, are usually, around online. Reviews and so, this book kind. Of dives into that whole subject of you, know how powerful, are reviews how meaningful, are they what. Does it actually matter, when you get down to it what's the bottom line for the business is this making the business money and ultimately, I think what, this book shows that the answer to that is yes, these. Online, reputations. These online review. Sites are mattering more and more in our, purchasing, decisions, as you know, the internet brings more, products, and services, in front of us than ever before, we. Had more choice and so. Everything. At, this point is kind of a competition so. When you can use things like reviews, and testimonials, to. Kind, of back up and beef up what you're trying to sell with. The hard evidence of people who are happy, then. I think that that goes a long, way in. Making. Up for your, bottom line so. I'm winner 4 over here and have my notes from the book as I read I put. Post-it, notes in and then I kind of put, them all in a way that makes sense for me so the. Central argument of the book is. Really, that reputation. Is. Becoming, a, form, of currency, and, that it may actually be. More. Valuable. Than. Real. Money at some point how, people, perceive, you may. Actually be more important. To a business, or brand or personal brand so, what. Is a reputation. Now. They break, down reputation. Into two parts, which i think is. A, really the. Digestible. Way to do this and. There's. The capability, of occasion, so. Everyone has a reputation for can. You do the job do. You do the job effectively, and. That. Is really. Really. Central, to you. Being hired or your service or prior, to being purchased. Then. There's the character, mutation. And that's. What. Are your values what. Do you believe in that's the what's, your why so if you haven't seen my. Other video, about Simon, cynics start, with why this. Is character. Mutation it's all about what, is your why and. Its. What values, you have as a company, as a brand, for.

Some People, that's more important, than others I, think that we all kind of have a range, of, acceptability. For. Both, of these things now. For some people. They're. Perfectly, happy buying, whatever. Is the cheapest. Friend or just a brand that they like kind, of regardless, of what. That company is all about I think for instance of like, cosmetics. How. Many of us, who. Are purchasing, cosmetics are, actually, looking, deeper, into you know does this company test on animals. How, are they paying the wages of the, factory workers who are actually making these things, for. Some industries. Those. Reputations. Are more at the forefront. For. Something they're not so I think that that's a really good way you have, your capability. And your, character, what. Can, you do and what are you about. Now. Your. Reputation is, not who. You really are so. That's. Important, I can be important, to remember you're, in a crisis, when, you're kind of under attack by the media. Or by a particular, customer. Reputation. Is about how, people perceive, you it's not about what, you're really about, now. That, being said that. Can kind of be for better or for worse in essence. What that means is we. Have to tell stories, about ourselves. And. Those. Stories. Help people understand, what we're about that's that character, side what, we're about so our actions. Are our, capability, side that shows what we're able to do our. Character. Side is kind of the narrative, that we have told now. That character, side can also be based on our actions, what, other people are saying about us you know if you're. Saying that we'll. Go back to the cosmetics. If you're. A lipstick, company and you're, saying oh you know we are completely. Cruelty, free we. Don't, ever test some animals. Blah, blah blah and then, some big scandal comes out where that what's happening or one of your suppliers who's doing that should be like that that's, gonna be a big deal and that's, going to tarnish your.

Character. Reputation. Because now it seems that you've lied, or, you're. Not really that concerned about you, know the, treatment, of the of animals and things like that so, it's just something to kind of keep in, mind. Whether. You think. That you are or not if, you're, putting yourself out there for, a service, provider or as. A. Brand. Song product. The. Words that you use the images that you use are creating. A brand, and narrative. Around, that brand, so. No. One is immune you can't just say I want to I'm, done with the whole reputation thing, I don't want to get involved, which. I think is what a lot of people are doing when. They're turning off their Facebook. For views or they. Don't want to be on Yelp because they feel that someone's, going to take. Advantage of that more a competitor, is going to take advantage of them and start, you know trolling, them and posting horrible things you. Can't just, opt out this is happening, whether, you like it or not, unfortunately, so. Get. Involved and. Drive, your, own narrative. Don't just let other people, talk, about you, now. It's. Kind of this can also you know flow the other way, this, means that you can really. Steer, the, story in the way that you want but. I think that is. As human, this feels kind, of unfair it's, like well. I know now, anybody, can just say whatever they want and. Yes. That's true I mean the, law tells us okay. You're known as until. Proven guilty. Reputation. Tells us there's. No smoke without fire so. You. Have it's a constant, balancing, happen, you can't. Control. What's. Happening you can't control, what's being said but, you can steer. The conversation. So. Really. Why does, any of this matter, why, does, reputation. Matter, at all is it that big a deal. Is it, just gossip what. Would. Get down to the meat of this so. Working. To improve your your reputation really. Has very, tangible. Benefits. To a, brand, it. In. One, way if, you have a great. Reputation in, your industry, you. Attract, better tongue so. That. Might seem like okay, well that's great you know but if if you're, a one-person, show whatever how, does this benefit, you well. It's attracting, better. Talent but also better customers. And with, a great reputation people. Are more apt to, pay. More for your products, so, let's just go back to you if you're. Attracting, better talent that, means that most, likely your recruitment costs are lower. And, your. Productivity, and, your, efficiency. Can, be higher so ultimately. You're. Investing, in your future bottom, line for. Your customers, your. Customers know that they're. Taking a risk with. Someone else with, you if you have a stellar reputation they're, willing to pay more they'd, rather take, you a couple bucks more then, have to go through the whole hassle of getting, something not being happy with it returning, it or going stuck with it and losing out on the money and then having to go buy, it from you all over, again anyway. So. We've all kind of done that we've done the way, Amazon. Reviews for different products, and then you just decide you know what if you. Have an, extra star I'm willing. To pay the extra couple of bucks knowing that I won't probably, have to returning, my product. Now. One, of the case studies they give a lot of case studies throughout. The book and one. Of them was, from a hotel. In Sydney. Australia so. The. Owner. Of the hotel, it's, the Admiral, Collingwood hotel. He. Says, everyone. Who stays the hotel, is asked. To post an online, review these. Ratings, determine, whether the hotel, is full or, half empty, now. Just, let that sit, because there's a couple of things that I want to unpack enough number. One. Everyone. Who stays the hotel, is asked. To post an online, review. This. Doesn't seem groundbreaking. But you wouldn't, believe how. Many people, provide, a service, or, sell. A product and, don't. Request any kind, of testimonial. Review, rating. Anything. After, the fact so. That. In. And of itself I find really, impressive, I think, it's something that we can all learn, from. But. Then he goes on to, say these, ratings. Determine. Whether. The hotel, is full or, half empty. You, didn't say they're part of a formula, that customers, weigh buh buh buh he, said these, ratings, determine, it they determine. How well my business is doing so. That just supposed to show, how. Impactful, these are and actually the full case. Study on this is really interesting, it. Has to do with some mix.

Up On TripAdvisor and how. He, was able to see the business turn like this like it was overnight. Something. Switch something, happened, online and, the. Business turned around, once. For. Worse and then it ultimately for the better. Um. In. 2012. Just already, seems like a million years ago a Nielsen. Report surveyed. 28,000. Internet users in 56. Countries and, found, that consumer. Online, reviews, are the second, most trusted, source of brand. Information after, friends and family, so. That's. Another one of those kind of like dropped. The bombshell that means, my, first. Port of call when, weighing whether to buy something, or not is to, ask a friend or family member who has already done it somebody that I try and the. Second is asking, strangers, so. When. You were talking, about considering, your marketing, budget and things like that this. Means, to be a major. Part, of what. You're spending your money on because, you, can spend all you want on advertising, but, the number one and two source is word-of-mouth. And, online. Views. But. That means that these reviews must be present so when, I said earlier that I've had a client. Just asked me about this I just had a question of do. I really need to turn on, facebook, reviews because. They. You know I've heard people say can. Say nasty things and all that listen. No, review system is perfect. Yelp had a big scandal a couple of years ago where. People. Were posting, anonymous, reviews and it, came out that within different, industries, competitors. Are bashing one another with. False completely, false stories, and it, was crippling. Some businesses. Facebook. Has done an absolutely, atrocious. Job, with their review. You, know after whatever is in, the, Facebook platform it's awful. There is no way to verify whether, people, have actually interacted. With the business a lot, of times I've talked, to business owners that. You know they're like I don't this person has never been a client of mine it's not a customer I'm a customer, of mine I've, never heard of them before or, they're located, in a completely, different place they're the, businesses, in Massachusetts. And the customer, is in China, and. They're. Like milk this has we've never interacted, before it. Happens, but overall, if, you're doing what this guy. Is doing from, Sydney and you're, saying every, customer, I have every client I have I'm doing. The follow-up work of asking, for review asking, for a testimonial. Those. Are. Overwhelmingly. Going. To drown out the one offs that, you have that are you know trolls or, BOTS or whatever.

Now. What. Is the real what are the tangibles. That we can get out of this. Six. School players of what they call the, reputation. Games because, they look at this in a way that it's, a game some people, are, playing. This very. Intentionally. And, are, good at it and others. Are kind of ignoring that it happens, and, just. Kind of floating along and are along for the ride but, successful. Players were intentional. About. Not. Controlling. But massaging. And narrating. Their own reputation. Are. Making. More money. Have. Better. Opportunities. Presented to them are, more. Resilient. When things go wrong and we're going to talk about that in a second what to do when something goes wrong, are. Happier, and. Most. Importantly. They, understand. That, a reputation. Is not something, that can be controlled, it, is. Something that can be. Guided. That can be swayed. That. Can. Be led down certain, paths but. You can't force. It so. They. Understand. That you need to tell your own narrative. It can be steering your own narrative but. That others, will contribute. To that narrative and that is not something, that you, can't just, silence. Everyone else you. Have to operate within this system where, everyone, has voice. So. How do you get a good reputation. Really. They've, only, presented. One, way in this book and I think it's the. One way that we've all, kind. Of grown, up here, it you. Be yourself. Essentially, it's about authenticity. So. They talk about with. Businesses. It's about transparency and. With. Kind, of a personal, brand it's about being authentic and. This. Is only, going. To become more. And. More of, what you hear echoed, around, this, topic as. It. Becomes. More. Than norm more businesses. Are being, pressured, and, more. People more celebrities. Are being pressured, to, be, more, transparent. In their, their. Business. Relations. And actions so. If. You. If you're not authentic. No. One is going to trust you and what. They say authenticity. Is, is, that. There is the. Narrowest, possible gap, between, what, you say and what you do so, it seems pretty straightforward. Essentially. Don't, I don't. Don't, massage. The truth don't. Make. Yourself out, to be someone you're not because, in this day and age with, you. Know everyone, is carrying, their cell phone which has a camera. Video, camera, can, record audio, etc. Social. Media these, things these. Indiscretions. Will spread, so. Quickly even. If you think that you're having a private conversation you, know how many politicians, are, going to be. Kind. Of dethroned. By, the. Sexting, scandals, and ridiculous. Things like that but it's it's true these things do happen, and. Ultimately. If, you're, a big enough friend. There will be scandals. And even, for some smaller. Friends, businesses they go through, these. Moments of kind. Of PR crises. And what. Do you do at that point, so. As. We, just spoke about crises. Are escalated, in the time of social media when. Social, media is involved. Facts. Are, less, relevant, than the spectacle, of the. Big you, blow up so everybody, kind of as much, as we don't want to admit it we. Like, or, least. Fascinated. By the. Spectacle, of the big train wreck and. It's. Not so important, how. It happened why it happened who's to blame when. You're around the water cooler when everyone, is just kind of talking in did you hear about yes, I did and oh my gosh and I heard that and I heard that, the. Getting. Involved. In the hype is sometimes, just more important, and more fun. Silence, however. Is how, a lot of brands. And this.

Includes, Personal, brand but celebrity, or, business. Big business friends. Will. Approach. Something. Kind. Of stick your head in the sand it's. Not happening, or we're not dealing with it right now or we don't want to publicly. Take. Blame because, of this reason or that reason and. They. Hit a really good, quote. About this and I want to actually read it to you. Silence. Also creates, a vacuum, of information. Which. In the whirlwind, stages, of a crisis, will, most likely be filled by, those who are worst affected. Not. Speaking, up to, offer some, form of context. Or comment, will. Be best, will, be at best seen, as a signal. Of confusion. Or. Disorganization. And at, worst, a sign. Of indifference, and. I. Thought that was really powerful. What. They said you know people, want answers. And, kind. Of the refrain now is that everyone. Is so. Used to have a answers. Or information, right away we have all. The internet our fingertips we, have any question, we can ask Google at any moment of the day so, when something big happens and. You don't have a face, coming. Out and saying. This. Is what happened or, at least that we're looking into it, there. It only. Creates. A wider, gap, to, be filled with all the, conjecture. And speculation and. Rumors, and gossip so. You're better off like. We said before steering. That narrative, or beginning, to steer that narrative in a, positive, direction right. Away. All. Right so they. Reference, a. Paper. That, was written by some. Australians. At. The University, of Queensland, Business School and Durham University's, Business School who, came up with a framework for understanding the. Best timing, for an apology, so. Essentially. What they said was you, need. To have an immediate, response that, at least, acknowledges. Everyone, that was affected and, I wholeheartedly. Agree, with this regardless. Of who's at fault what's, going on, blah blah blah if, your. Company, or your brand is, in some way responsible or, plays a part in something. Negative. The. Best, course of action is to come out right away and say. You, know, we're so sorry for those that have, been hurt by this definitely. 100%. Then. You want to go on to actually, diagnose, the problem because. A an, apology, seems very shallow if you. Don't actually know, what, caused it or what, happened, or, all the details so you need to diagnose, the problem, to, show that you don't want it to happen again then. You need to take those steps. They call it reforming, innovations, that. Die, reforming interventions. But, making changes. That, cause, the, problem in the first place and then, you want to go and evaluate and make sure that those changes are actually effective. So. To. Improve your reputation if, you find yourself in you. Know kind of not the best place, they. Have a couple of tips five quick, tips for you to just kind of run, through in your mind and your putting together your game plan now number one what.

Signals, Are your behavior. Kind, of putting out into the world so. Like. You said before yes. You, have some, kind of control over the narrative, but, your behavior tells. People, what you're about so, if you're doing the wrong thing you can say anything you want no one is going to pay you any attention. How. Open, is your network, now our reputations, are not just about who we are in our actions, they. Can also be, by. Association. So, kind. Of take stock of your network and who, might you be able to rely. On or, lean on within, your network that, that. Has a better reputation than you have. Are, they, or are these people your allies, do. You have people that will in an other, circle, circles outside of your own that. Will go ahead and and, be. An ally for you when the conversation, comes up about whatever you're doing. And. How diverse is, your, reputation portfolio. So. We. All have, a multi-faceted. Reputation. No one is just the UNT known for one thing but. There are other pieces. To you just like there are in a, person a business has this a personal. Brand has this so. Maybe. If if one, part is suffering, what. You do is kind of table, that part, and focus. On something else another part of your reputation that's really positive may be you on the, side do. Philanthropy, work, and that's something that you want to kind of dive, deeper, into you in the time of crisis. That's. Another way that you can kind of start, to build back something, that's been taken, down. I. Think. This book is really. Important. Because. Number. One I think it. Kind, of it, shows, the resiliency. Of. Brands. And people. And. You. Don't have to be so. Paralyzed. With fear, about. A, negative, review negative. Things happen, when it comes to reputation everybody, has an opinion so. This. Book really goes to show that it's it's, always more than just kind of like one level D and there. Are big brands. That very. Recently in the news have. Come up with come. Up against, all of this kind of these, kinds of issues and, it's. It'll be interesting to see what, they do with. Them a couple of brands that I've thought have. Been. Hmm. Most. Recently, probably had the, scandal. Where they had the young. Black, boy and he. Had on a t-shirt that. Said the coolest, monkey, in the jungle or something like that and people. Took offense, to that and, they. Trashed. Their stores and. Hmm. Had to issue this, big apology, and then it was back and forth and whether the boy, or the boy's, parents, were upset. On. May so that they weren't and then the public was upset it. Just kind of got bigger and bigger and bigger and. It'll. Be interesting to see how they handle something, like that going forward I think, right now also, the. Time. Pods, mean. People. Are eating tied pogs as part, of like an online video. Challenge. I think it's ridiculous, but I did, see that tide, has issued, a. Kind. Of like a PSA, that, that. Was meant to be someone, funny with some serious, about. You, know they're, not to be eaten. So. I hope this has helped. Talking. About. Reviews. And. Yelp. And. Facebook. Reviews. Testimonials. This. Can all be, part, of your, marketing strategy. Your. Website, strategy and, I really do recommend that, it is. Like. I said if we can all get to the point of, the. Manager. Of the hotel in Sydney where every, client, every customer, is, followed. Up with with. A request, for some kind of review or testimonial, I. Think, that it, would do or businesses, really well, and if. You do find, that, you're getting a. Disproportionate. Amount of negative feedback. Try. As, difficult, as this is, try. Not to take it to heart these are your, customers, who are willing to tell you what. They want to see the changes, that they want to see you make because, ultimately. We. Want, people to succeed, we want and we want to have great experiences. So, if, as, a customer. I can give you feedback that, will help you, improve my next experience, their company, that should be seen as a positive thing, and we may need to take stock of, that. Kind of feedback so. I definitely recommend, going. Out and getting a copy of the, reputation game. I'm, not going to lie it was not the most exciting, read, ever it, was a little, bit dry, but. It's. Important. The work that they've done in here. Is. Important. And it didn't easy read, in the fact that you, know it's not anything that's. Too. Academic, or anything but they have, really. Sourced, some very. Interesting. Case studies, that go to show. How. Like. I said resilient, and. And. Brave. And. Innovative. Some, of these brands, and people are. When it comes to, their reputations, and managing. Them and how they, make a difference, in their. Lives and in their business so if. You have any questions. About. Reviews. Or testimonials or. Anything like that I highly recommend picking up a copy of this book and. I'll put a link you know on this page but, also leave. Me a comment, let me know what your questions are I'd be more than happy to answer them. Like. I said I've already read the book so I can answer whatever questions.

I Think, that you may, have all. Right thank you and, I. Can't. Wait to see you for, next, month's. Book.

2018-03-13 02:33

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