The Hollywood Ghosts of the Legendary Viper Room

The Hollywood Ghosts of the Legendary Viper Room

Show Video

The. Infamous viper room you've. Heard tell of this place right have heard many things you know this place is figuratively. Rolled out the red carpet for many celebrities rock stars know the, old bird mice I wouldn't consider myself in the same category, in fact we're actually standing, on the. Spot where something, very unfortunate, occurred young celebrity, lost their, life but we'll talk more about that when we get inside we're. Wearing all black we look like we're gonna rob the place. This. Week on BuzzFeed unsolved, we investigate, the Viper Room in Los Angeles California as, part of our ongoing investigation. Into the question are, ghosts, real this historic, ninety eight year old landmark has played home to many a celebrity including. Rock stars a list movie, talent as well as, mobsters back, in the day ooh. Are. You excited, Oh tingling. I could, I could tell in fact, the stage we're sitting on is a place where most of those rock stars had, their day and now we're up here making, our sweet sweet cool music with our, mouths. Yeah, dressed. As the Wet Bandits, from home alone if you have to take your hat off. We. Look exactly. Like the two guys from Cologne, this was unintentional, I'll do a getting, electrocuted, on the side at the same time yeah. Originally. Built in 1921. The, building at 885. To Sunset, Boulevard is, one of the oldest, remaining structures, on Los Angeles's, famous, Sunset Strip, in the, beginning, the building started out as a humble, grocery, store but by the 1940s. The Hollywood nightlife, began, to take over Sunset, Boulevard and, the, Cotton Club no relation, to the famous one in Harlem replaced, the market, becoming, the first of several nightclubs to call eight eight five two Sunset, Boulevard home, wild. To imagine, this place piled. High with pears. Bananas. Oh you. Know and, meanwhile. People, are out here doing drugs, listening, to rock and roll in this guy's like a. Simple. Grocer. They're, like sir you got to turn this into a rock and roll Club baby and he's like all right I. Think. It's switched ownership, I don't think he was no I think I don't think he was like I think take those pears and peaches and put them in the back of that truck because I'm selling rock music it was a very meek. Mustachioed. Grandfatherly. Type, man who probably owned a grocery store and then decided, that's treating those baguettes, for some bass guitars, and get the rugged good. Trade. Those lentils for some licks in the 1940s. The location, changed, from the Cotton Club to the Greenwich Village in which, according to a report, by the Subcommittee, on public morals, for Southern California was. One of eight clubs in Los Angeles quote staging. Indecent. Lewd and lascivious, entertainment. And hooked, on June, 14. 1951. The, melody room took over occupancy, and brought with it notorious, patrons, including infamous. Mobster Mickey, Cohen, Cohen, and his associates, were rumored, to have frequented, the bar which, was only one block west of his own headquarters, located. In the basement of a menswear store in. 1973. Yet another nightclub filthy. McNasty, moved in bringing. Rock and roll with it and by the eighties the club owned by Anthony, Fox had become the central and was, frequented, by celebrities, like John Belushi, and Bruce Willis beluche. But. Also mr., die-hard himself brucey, boy yeah I don't think he likes being called that mister. Die hard or brucey boy either one I think either one would elicit a knuckle, sandwich into, my face I love. It his head looks like one giant nut you imagine being knocked out cold by Bruce Willis I'd love to be head-butted, by him we also talked about filthy, McNasty yeah, that's a good name that's an actual dude yeah.

Wait What the space officially. Became the Viper Room in August, of 1993. When. Johnny Depp reportedly. Spent three hundred and fifty thousand, dollars about bidding Arnold, Schwarzenegger, to become Fox's, co-owner, and a majority, stakeholder, in the company controlling, the bar do. You imagine Schwarzenegger. With that paddle. 100,000. 150,000. Not this time Deb put, that paddle, down now. Put. It down is, my bar. You. Know I'm a pirate. Tom. Petty and the Heartbreakers played. Opening, night in the Viper Room quickly, became a favorite, among young celebrities, like Jared Leto drew, Barrymore, and Leonardo. DiCaprio. Tragically. It was what happened on Halloween. 1993. With one such young celebrity, that's made the Viper Room infamous. In the early morning hours of October 31st. 1993. Actor. River Phoenix, went to the Viper Room along, with his girlfriend, Samantha Mathis, and his 19 year old younger, brother Joaquin Phoenix, security. Footage obtained, of that night shows that the group arrived at the club at exactly, 1227. A.m. around. 1:00 a.m. River was being escorted out of the club by Mathis, and an unidentified male, after, quote acting, strangely, end quote. Recordings. Of a 911. Joaquin. Frantically, asking for help for his brother who was convulsing, on the Sunset Strip sidewalk, directly. In front of the Viper Room river was transported, to cedars-sinai but. Captain Ray Ribar a paramedic, who attended, to River on the scene said, that it appeared he was suffering quote a classic, cocaine, overdose, end quote and that quote he, was clinically dead when we got to the club and quote, River. Phoenix, was 23, years old. Jesus. You. Know. Really. Bums me out every time I read about this river Phoenix was. He. Was also in would, you know is maybe, my favorite movie of all time the Last Crusade yeah. A very talented young guy it's it's a tragedy by all accounts what happened to him so. They were only here for a half hour yes. But it was Halloween they were probably out before, that there's, probably 23, it's, a young age yeah, I had done nothing with my life at age 23. Nothing. I believe it know. That you know 33. 10 years nothing, has changed in the decade well, I'm I got, these gloves you. Do got those gloves down and, you're looking at me yeah, so nothing, has happened for, you since well, I made a friend. Thanks. Pal since. Phoenix would have presumably, spent most of his time in the VIP room that's, where we will try to make contact. All. Right so this is the VIP room. Pretty. Nice. Be, fun if there was like a birthday party, in here oh yeah you know things got pretty crazy in, here lots, of booze probably, spilled on this couch and some other stuff. Okay. It. Goes without saying it was a tragedy, what happened to River Phoenix, but. It. Is our job to try to communicate with people that have passed on you, seem like a cool guy. What. Was it like, being. In movies River we've, never gotten like, a word from anyone, why are you expecting, you're it's like you're sitting down with Rolling Stone and writing, a piece on him, what's, it what's an on journal, II question then, like a how.

Do You balance, life, work. And family, hey River what's your favorite band what kind of music did you listen to when you came here. Oh. Sorry. Yeah can you answer look. For roots maybe it's hard for you to communicate so, we're gonna use something that, may help you communicate. You're. Gonna love it. All. Right let's, try this again my name is Ryan fain. Can. You say our names back to us Webber's in this VIP room with us if, you would like to communicate. We're. Nice guys very. Approachable. They're, really something like hi how you doing, did. It really sound like hi how you doing. Hi. Hi. Think. That was Japanese. Rivers. Was not in Japanese. Another. Active, area of the viper room is the bar itself, Tomi, black the general manager, who's worked at the Viper Room for the past 17, years told, Ghost Adventures that, when patrons are standing at a certain point at the bar quote, they'll either faint pass out or their knees will buckle end quote quote, I've seen, people drop in the same spot 16, 17 times end quote, he added quote, I've seen, a glass fly from the bar onto a mat end quote. Right now we're at the bar this is war Tommy the current manager claims he sees a lot of people, buckle. Over in this exact spot right here yeah I've seen no other ghost hunters come here and say that it's very cold and that they see flashes, of things are you feeling any kind of particular energy right, now here, I'm feeling ready for Friday night if you know what I'm talking about no I'm not. Spiritually. No are, you no. You. Know let's just give it a shot here let's go for the home run yeah, we invite. Anything in here to communicate with us whether that be. Touching. Us like you've done in the past you, could say something to us you. Couldn't move something on this bar you, could make a noise in fact I've. Heard that you pushed glasses, you. Could move this glass I've heard you've moved classes, off this bar in the past can you do that now this is a common thing we've heard at bars every bar we've been to there's a story of a glass being pushed off but, this is just like that's. Just bar stuff glasses. Are falling in bars all the time that's like someone being like well the ghosts make it smell like stale beer, in here, vomited.

In The urinal again. Maybe, you forgot how I'll show ya. Just. Smashed. Whoa. See. Easy. If that happened, on its own oh you poop, your little, tiny pants we're. Gonna leave this glass for you here though break, it shatter it. As, they're awake of mark words I. Don't. Know how we're gonna be able to tell you moved that. Now. Moving. Just. A normal thing we're doing at 6:00 a.m. slapping, a bar counter. Balancing. Coasters. On a glass that's probably not go see now that did it well, that was wind well that's good to know though if a if some windy ghosts come by even. After years of experiencing, these strange occurrences, black, still works in the infamous, club but, black isn't, the only viper room employee, who's, experienced, something they can't explain, Macy, Jane the Viper rims former manager, told, Ghost Adventures that, she's received, the same phone call in the club's office, multiple, times the, phone would ring Maisie, Jane would answer and the person on the other end would, say hi it's, me in a man's voice Maisie. Jane reports, that there is static after, the person speaks, the. Line goes dead, look, it could be a prank phone call I'll say it for you hilarious. Yeah get this. Hi. It's me. It. Is believed by some that, these phone calls are being made by none other than the former co-owner of the Viper Room himself, Anthony. Foxx a man, who's, been missing since. December 19th. 2001. Days. Before Fox was set to testify against. Johnny Depp and four others, for allegedly defrauding, him of profits, from the club Anthony. Fox disappeared. On, January. 6th, 2002. Fox's. Truck was found in Santa Clara California but, no trace of Fox was found let's. Hit that with a classic, no comment because. I. Like. My life right now don't. Want to get sued is that coincidence, probably. You know that's, what we can say. Okay. But people speculate, that Anthony, Fox isn't, missing at all but, that he is in fact buried, on the Viper Room premises. And according. To Macy Jane someone, who says she cannot name personally. Confirmed that, a body is, buried, behind the downstairs, lounge in a small room with the dirt floor, Tommy black the longtime, manager refuses. To even enter, that room. Okay, so this is the downstairs, bar and as. You can see it definitely. Does have a little bit more of a sinister, vibe, if that's what you're looking you look shariah yeah I feels like some nasty, stuff went down down here that, aside pretty, cool lounge we got down yeah oh. Well. Don't make that noise ever. Again. If there's anybody down here with us specifically. Anthony. Foxx we would love to know what happened to you so we're gonna give you some time right now to communicate, with this you, could say something you can move something in the bar you could touch us one, minute coming at you right now, please tell us what happened to you. I. Was. Like scanning, the bar looking, for ghosts and I pan, over to you and you're just passed. Out like, I said there's been a lot of there, were mobsters, down here this was once a grocery store who knew who, knows what happened down here anything, could have happened, and. I'm gonna use something right now that could maybe shed, some light on that, here. We go, all. Right. Now. Once again my. Name is Ryan I'm. Shane, and, we're reaching out to the, spirits, of Anthony. Box if you are in fact, unfortunately. Dead. Mr., Fox can, you please tell us what. Happened to you what. Were you gonna say on trial that next day. All. Right in like that one bit no I didn't what what the fuck was that, if. That's you Anthony can you say that again what. Did you want to say on trial, that next day. Sounded, like you said help. Once. Again whoever de spoke can you speak to us again. Well. Let's look at that hold you don't want us to look in their goo boys see a hole they're, gonna look in it that's the ghoul boy promise that's true rise. And shine baby, closet. Is. It, yes. Basically. We'll. See you back there what. Are you doing. Yes. It. Is pretty creepy in here actually now. I'm in your hole I'm, reaching out to Anthony Fox are, you buried here. What. Was that. Okay. What. Happened in here why do people not like coming over here is, it because it's a weird baseless crawlspace I don't.

Know Turn off the light and shut the door I'm gonna give you one more chance to talk to me on spirit box this may help you speak here we go. Fucking, Anthony box what happened here. Don't. Try that at home folks it's gross I think. This is as good a time as any to jump, into individual. Investigations. Yes I'd like to explore the space on my lonesome, I would too more specifically, any space but that one cuz it was gross, smells, like shit I'm ready to enter the nightmare zone once, again you, gonna okay. That's I was, gonna say what you could look for and all that stuff but I'm looking for ghosts. Descending. Into the basement, both velvety. It's. Very velvety so. Shane is down there likely. Not taking the investigation. Very serious, very odd brand, oh oh, oh. No. Echos whatsoever, anyway, my name's Shane, I'm, a ghost hunter, and I'm. Here alone right now giving. You the perfect opportunity to, really give me a spook, spook. Of a lifetime, this is a once in a death, time, opportunity. But I will say look at this the. Straws moved a little bit that may be from just the general rustle and bustle of a set but, you know. They were like this if you'll recall and. I feel like we painstakingly made, that clear. There. Moved just, saying any. Much just mobsters, and generate some general, mobsters. Here, mobsters. Love a basement. Oh yeah. This one's deep this. Is one storey, underground. Baby, but, this basement oh it's, a party basement, isn't it I'm a little party boy if you're looking for a party, boy Here I am let's. Party, baby let's. Party, let's dance. And. I don't know what to say on these things anymore cuz. It's. All the same quiet. Rooms full of nothing okay. I'm gonna go now bye. Ghosts I love, you. It's. Me did. You fall asleep down there no I actually didn't, I was dancing you were dancing well, I thought, the monsters might have liked a party boy so I tried to give him a party boy and they didn't want the party boy but I think it's worth maybe trying to give them another party boy go. Get him I'm gonna go on there and I'm gonna cleanse, the basement, yeah I'm gonna take my little broom out spiritual. Of course and shovel, in some dirt a little sweep sweep sweep in, yeah who. Are you gonna call, Ryan. Bergara. Well. I got to do a little offbeat because it's copyright. Well. I hope he finds it goes there. Is an unsolved. Mystery, associated. With this place and if, you know anything about me you know that that is my cup of tea as they say you're, giving me the opportunity. Right now to solve a. Unsolved. True, crime case as well, as solve the mystery, of ghosts. Frankly. I'm asking you right now to do me a favor if you, show yourself, you will make me the, greatest detective. Overall. I would say of all, time and look. I'm not a man to. Chase. After glory. But. I will say I. Wouldn't. Mind having that on my mantle, you know I've been antagonistic. Enough, this whole time. This. Whole series, now. I'm just rooting for him. It's. Become very sad. There's, nothing down there, Shane. Said he did some dancing does that move look good right there a little, pelvic. Action. How about those moves huh ghouls I hope, he finds a ghost I always do ideally. The ghouls walk up the stairs and rhymes just oh he's, passed out with fear in between them and they're hauling, him up here like he's had too many and the ghouls just say sorry we scared your little buddy too much and, I'll say don't worry about it and then I'll say delete this footage the, world can never know now, I'm gonna talk to River Phoenix. River. I don't know if you ever spent any time down, here in this part of the bar but you, honestly. Were one of my favorite actors I think you were really talented and, it's a shame you're gone now. What. Was that. River. Phoenix. I thought, I heard something behind me thought it was steps I guess. Not. Oh. Shit. Fuck. I. Actually. Thought you were a voice screaming, through the spirit box at first. Screaming. Alright. Let's get out of here how'd it go down there um can't, really tell you. Know how it is yeah check your audio a little bit maybe. Yeah. Check your audio a little bit maybe yeah check your audio a little bit maybe. There's. Somebody opening something down there up here. Wow. We, have a party, let's. Go check it out I just want to say so what are you talking about the guy you, hear that no you're.

A Dad or a dork, we've heard or squeak squeak, how many times are we gonna go up and down these I don't know. You, heard that their ice adoro, been down here no I didn't hear door opened. Did. Someone open a door down here, doesn't. Look like it after, spending the night exploring. Every, darkened, shadowy corner, of the infamous Los Angeles, night club I can, certainly see why many believe, the Viper Room to be haunted but whether the dark windowless building also, holds within it the ghosts of the not-so-distant Hollywood. Past will, remain, unsolved. I. Think. This place is. Finally. Cleansed. After years. Of. Paranormal. But we've done it that sentence, right there communicates. A severe misunderstanding. Of what we do so, that being said let's, go back out into the mortal world my, family's place adieu it's been a treat, it certainly has. Holy. Smokes. What time, is it. What's. Up but do you imagine how weird we must look right, now to, the general public. It's. Okay we're ghost hunters. Let's. Go get some breakfast, okay I'm gonna go eat some waffles.

2019-10-13 11:49

Show Video


Make sure to leave your questions for our Post Mortem episode down below!

I'm definitely a Shaniac, but I like the idea of a ghost just kneecapping people with a ghost bat whenever they invade the ghost's favorite spot.

at 8:25 i heard a 'mayday' which would make sense in the sequence of "help"; "please help me". soooo could it have been that you guys picked up someone's distress signal? as in a real actual human not a ghoul. #shaniac #postmortem

hey Shane what would it take to prove ghost exist ??

Do you ever ask the ghost for permission to film them before entering? That politeness could show respect to them and probably help them not be so shy.

Hi, my question is for Ryan... WTF happened to you?! You just crawled into a basement hole and shut the door and turn off the light? Where’s my scaredy-cat? Please do a demon episode soon I gotta see you loose your brains dude. Also ily

Me hiding under my covers wrapping up The Viper Room episode: Ryan: . . . Of the not so distance Hollywood past will remain. . .unsolved Me alone in the dark: Unsolved!!

Ryan , do you ever think Shane will make noises or move objects around just to mess with you (the straw moving as an example). I believe sometimes ghouls do genuinely move objects and make noises , but I feel the ghoul you co-host this show with is a just as likely culprit #postmortem #boogara

Is it me or is Shane just getting tired a bit. Maybe he should just take a breather and figure out why Ryan's eyes are so big. #postmortem #shaniac #the airconditionerisaghost

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Can we acknowledge the fact that I haven’t seen anybody compare pictures of Shane and Wreck it Ralph?! Also I got the (wheeze) t-shirt I wear it all the time ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎

Not a question but today is my birthday and I was hoping for a great episode! I wasn't disappointed (but lets be real... can you be disappointed when we are talking about the boys)

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network can we please get someone to compare pictures of Shane to the Wet Bandit guy???? Btw I got your t-shirt I wear it everywhere ✌︎('ω')✌︎

Beep boop beep... = please help me.......... shane smack some sense into the little one

@Isabella bedoya yes he is.

You ever seen the Ghost Adventures' evp session at the viper room? I think the show is a little over the top, but the voice they caught sounded exactly like River. If you heard it, what do you think?

#roastmortem Shane can't dance. And Ryan? More like sea lion, 'cause arf arf arf-awful dancing as well.

not a question it just Ryan doesn't seem scared at all in this episode

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #postmortem were those lounge couches as comfy as they looked? the basement bar looked even cooler than the vip section

#postmortem Hey boys, why didn't yall set up a static cam on the glass on the bar? I would love to believe that the straws moved because of a ghost, but alas, I cannot #reeder

y'all could learn a thing or two from them hahahah #roastmortem

not that it's a competition or anything, but this episode's "ghosts" are the nicest we've come across. 'help me *please*' and '*thank you!*' what nice manners~! #PostMortem #shaniac

Wow Shane, you seem to have really toned down this season. Where’s the PASSION? I thought you didn’t believe in ghosts! #Shaniac #PostMortem

Ryan you were so ballsy this episode, you voluntarily jumped down into Anthony's body hole and you went to go investigate that noise at the end. I feel like a proud mom


Hey guys! For the postmortem, will you guys ever use the ovulus again like you did in the Hannah's house episode? personally I find it much more compelling and WAY less annoying than the spirit box. Love you guys! #boogara

@Brian JavierI was thinking the same thing!

#postmortem Shane are you...okay??

Love the home alone part lol #PostMortem #LoveYouGuys

It would be cool if you guys did more episodes other than just ghosts. Ghosts can get boring over and over again

#postmortem Why does Shane never take the spirit box along with him when they investigate the rooms individually? Is Shane afraid it would out him as a ghoul? #roastmortem

have you watched joker? thoughts? #boogara

the squeaking sounded like a rat

#postmortem Ryan is it still just you to pick what locations you go into or do y'all have meetings for the decisions? Are there any specific requirements a topic must have for you to do an episode on it? Also Shane are there any locations you want to visit one day for BU?

Imagine Joaquin's experience here could be one of the Triggers that made his Joker character well made

Question for Shane: you seem really out of it lately Shane, you seemed much more out of it in this episode than normal. What's wrong? #Shaniac #iwantmorehotdaga

What is your favorite star that went there this is for both of you

#roastmortem you know when you eat a mcdonalds cheeseburger and then you feel it stuck in your throat and its hard to breathe? thats what ryans reading voice sounds like

#postmortem I feel like the spirit box is very handy because some of my favorite evidence has come from it. I just wonder how truly credible it is. Also all the "Help me" within this episode is very telling in what is happening to the ghosts here. Perhaps a demon is there that terrorizes the lonely ghosts or a angry restless spirit?

#postmortem Isn't it a little eerie that the spirit box said "Anthony" when Ryan was sitting in the storage crawl space? I mean spirit box picking up the exact name in the prime spot seems like good evidence. Also, if they were tipped off about a body being buried why did they not dug the dirt space up to look for it?

question for the #postmortem - hi ghost bros! I think it was quite interesting that the spirits were very responsive this time... Perhaps it is because you are also famous! and, did I also see Shane look surprised at a few points in this episode? I've got my eye on you, sir... thanks for making national coming out day less stressful (even though it all worked out well) #reederbutleaningtowardsshaniac #bringbackthehotdaga #ryaniloveyoutoo

Ryan, Here is my question for YOU!! Is that really YOU??? Or are you possessed?! Because you are behaving like a COMPLETELY different person!! Suddenly you arent scared anymore?! Shane...can you shed any light on this seeming phenomena???

is there ever a possibility we will get shane to do the story telling/narration in one of the future videos??? i'm excited to see what he got :))

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #PostMortem ; Hey there Ghoul Boys, I was just wondering what you guys think of the similar sounding voice that said “clearly” and “Anthony” when Ryan was in the little closet? It seems like fairly compelling evidence to me considering the circumstances!

If there's supposedly a body buried in the Viper Room, can the police not dig it up or do an investigation? #postmortem

i'm sorry but why does shane look like a character from mystery falls lol anyway, love you both! more videos in the future :)

what's ryan's favorite film that river's been in?

#postmortom you know, I always wondered how you two get access to places like this, like what do people think when you guys show up with their ghoul hunting equipment? #shaniac

my mom wants to know about shane's vacation: did you make any palace guards crack up? i know that was your real intent of visiting london.

Why don’t you use the ovilus anymore?

I love the show so much and i always look forward to the latest one. Is it possible to do a case that is finally solved for an april fool's day? I think we all can agree that having one "finally solved" case would satisfy everyone's heart lmao.. Love you guys #postmortem

Why did I get a sad dog ad before this? Why did I watch the whole thing?

Ghosts must not exist, since there wasn't a reaction to that pelvic action from Ryan. #postmortem

How did hearing what could be Anthony Fox feel like? #postmortem

For the Post Mortem: Ryan, you were surprisingly unphased by what you were picking up in that crawl space. Most of the time, the spirit box is hard to pick clear words out of, but the “Anthony” and one of the “Help Me”s came through super clear! I’m surprised you weren’t scared. On another note: next season of true crime can we get the Anthony Fox case pleeeeeaaaase (if you can legally do it, of course) Love you both!

ryan, assuming ghosts are energy, do you think the ghosts of celebrities are different, because being well-known would effect how their energy is perceived? or is the energy based more on their once-physical presence, not so much on the collective conscious' cognizance? on that note, how involved are your personal theories on the metaphysics of ghosts in general, or do you just not think so deep on it? thanks!

Please bring Josh from Hope Paranormal to the Viper Room to help Anthony cross over

*p e l v i c a c t i o n*

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network you should go to Mission Dragon in mexicali Baja California! The legends behind the abandon place are incredible! And I’ve seen people repeatedly say that they see paranormal activity there!

Hey Shane, I'm 23 and, like your 23-year-old self, I have accomplished nothing. How long will it take until I too can get fingerless gloves and a very paranoid friend?

A lot of the viewers (including myself), had seemingly caught a lot more sentences and heard the ones that you guys caught as something entirely different during the spirit box sessions, some of which includes the "It's me" after the "Hey" that Ryan caught when he was entering the closet, how "Clearly" sounded like "Creepy" as though the ghost/Anthony was questioning Ryan's comment on his supposed resting place, and how "Thank you" sounded like "Hey, I'm Anthony". Any comments on these findings? Also, how often do you only find what you thought was simply unintelligable words caught during the spirit box sessions as coherent when reviewing the audio/footage? Some people have been saying that they find it sad how you guys didn't seem to respond correctly to some of the things the ghosts seemed to say so I thought it would be good to ask. Maybe I'm asking a little too many questions but, nonetheless, I'm curious— had the place been searched for the aforementioned body at some point in time? #postmortem

Was there any movement or vibration that would have made the straws move? #postmortem (aka every time i hear postmortem I think of the Slayer song)

What do you think was the most convincing episode and why?

What if the reason the ghosts didn't want to come out is because they thought you two were paparazzi? #postmortem #loveyouboth #ilikepotatoes

#postmortem Ryan WHY ARE YOU NOT MORE SHAKEN UP BY THIS??? I am fully convinced Anthony and River were trying to speak to you, someone needs to dig up the body in the closet!!!!

It's obvious that Anthony was buried there. The former manager said it herself and the ghost confirmed it. I think he needs help just like how many times he asked for it. I know you two are ghost hunters not ghost helpers but can you at least invite an esper to help that ghost? #postmortem

#postmortem: Ryan- do you think you’ll ever see an actual ghost at a location? How would you react if you did? I’d be terrified if I ever saw one. #Boogara #buzzfeedunsolved #hopeweseeaghost

My question for the Post Mortem is: If its common knowledge that there might be a literal BODY buried in that closet, why hasn't anybody checked? I wanna know!

The most important information I gathered from this video is that Shane looks like if John Belushi was stretched into a string bean, especially with that hair. #shaniac #roastmortem

Y’all note the spirit box seems to keep saying “help me” in this investigation. Any thoughts on that?

#postmortem Ryan seems to get braver as the seasons go on. Ryan with your new found bravery would you take on the Sallie House again and this time stay until daylight? It would make an amazing season finale. Just saying! #reeder!

When did Ryan get replaced by a gnome? #roastmortem

Have you guys taken time on an investigation with out bringing any electronic devices with you at all, and just investigated in the quiet dark? Alone ? Only asking because a lot of people think that when there's a lot of activity going on including video cameras rolling haunted places tend to go "silent" #postmortem

#Postmortem in the finale well we finally find out Shane has been a ghost this whole time?

Visit robert the doll. Then compare him v annabelle

Isabella bedoya - Yes.

SHANE! You look like a feckin HOBO!!! LMAO!!!

After the ghost says "hey" and Ryan replies "yes" @15:44 I could clearly hear the ghost respond "It's me"

Can y'all have a merch that says "Put the paddle down"

#PostMortem From all the evidence you have gotten, do you think it is haunted? #Shaniac

How were the waffles?

#PostMortem Ryan, are you starting to think ghost aren’t real? Big Fan! #Shaniac

#postmortem Shane's individual ghost search has turned into more of a confessional and honestly I love it. It's like when a character in a Shakespeare play delivers a soliloquy #shaniac

Who else heard "they put me in a vehicle" before the disambiguated voice said "anthony?"

For the post mortem: Have y’all ever thought about bringing a fan onto one of your ghost hunts? And for a sub question. What are your hogwarts houses? #shaniac #Istanthehotdaga.

You should have someone wear headphones while listening to the spirit box while the other person asks the question.

when ryan went into the lil back room thing that everybody's scared of i just kinda thought... has ryan lost his fear of ghosts???? bc dude went in there just like HEY BOI ARE YA BURIED HERE? and the ghost is just like.. help please.

#postmortem The Ghoul Boys and Ghost adventures together?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network why don’t you guys go to the suicide forest in Japan? It’s said that there’s a lot of spirits there but then’s in Japan so...

#postmortem what bravery possessed ryan this season i don't know how to feel about his newfound confidence

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Shane’s gone feral

maybe you don’t see any ghosts because the lights are always off. When there are sightings by like someone who works there the lights are probably on. #postmortem

Everyone go follow @BasedVero

so this one wasn't haunted either, what a surprise

#postmortem NOTICE ME SENPAI!!!!

Did you guys do this case because it's semi kinda ish connected to Joker that just came out? #postmortem

Does anyone think that the Viper's logo looks like the logo of Twice (Kpop group)?

#postmortem release the sweet sweet ghoul music cowards

Lol I like this Ryan, he didn’t seem nearly as scared this episode. #braveryan2019

for roastmortem: Shane looks like a daddy long legs who was thrown out on the streets and had to start earning his living by attempting to steal from children

10:21 i hear a glass moving and possibly falling

I want "Bye ghosts, I love you." On a shirt. #GetThatMerch

can anyone else hear "i hate it here" at 8:25?

You guys should do a show on the freeway phantom!! This is hands down my favorite show on youtube, Shanes a badass but Ryan's hilarious! Please don't ever stop doing what you guys do, I tune in every time i see a new episode as soon as it drops!!

Damn, imagine if this were all real and someone was really pleading for help to be found underneath that club. This is one of the episodes that made me actually sad (other than the Soder children).

y’all been lookin homeless this season r buzzed not paying u enough or sumn?

For Post Mortem: A serious question for Ryan- I understand you're trying to get the shaniacs to believe in ghosts (even though we never will) but how can you just start being more realistic now? For instance, you said you felt no strange energy at the bar but at literally every single other location you have. Also the fact that you were willingly going back downstairs after hearing a noise that you would've run from in earlier seasons. Are you putting on an act now or were you putting on an act then? Or are you just so used to ghost hunting that it doesn't scare you as much anymore?

*no one:* *not a single soul:* *ryan:* i’m in your hole

I really don’t understand the logic behind spirit boxes. It thrives on the quite ludicrous idea that ghosts somehow are equipped with the superfast ability to foresee and find the exact right words, in the right order, on numeral different radio stations, and somehow control the device, when asked random questions. That’s even harder to believe than ghosts themselves.

Post mortem: doesn't it seem like whenever ryan and the audience hear something that shane looks at the exact same time or even earlier. Looks like Shane's starting to believe?

Wow. So many variations of "help me". That's super sad. I hope they find his body and he gets some closure.

Johnny depp

why shane entered from the EXIT DOOR?? @17:22

shane: *touches ryan* i made a friend me: *cries*

This show is so addicting

For #postmortem : if they believe there's body buried in there, has the police sent some hounds to check? Even if it's not Mr. Fox, it still seems like something worth checking out.... #shaniac #DoATrueCrimeEpOnMrFox

That’s way too good of a Johnny depp impression

Phoenix was a cool guy, eh? The moron that overdosed on a narcotic? That actively participated in its popularity in the nineties? He got what he deserved, end of story.


I could watch a whole episode of the boys just cosplaying and impersonating celebrities and movie characters

Shane: I had done nothing with my life at 23 NOTHING... Ryan: So nothing has changed SAME SHANE SAME

I think the ghosts were intimidated by your pelvic thrusts Ryan, love you both :) #postmortem

Is it just me or do the spirit box "messages" pretty much never sound like words unless you're reading the subtitles? Like, that "thank you" was NOTHING. I replayed it five times and those were not words. #postmortem #shaniac

So... there's the potential someone is buried in the building and that hasn't been investigated?


Roast mortem: Shane looks like a homeless man doing a good "job with his hands" just to get by when he pretended to get electricuted. #postmortem #roastmortem

Look how far Shane has come, saying he's a Ghost hunter! And I have to say, the fact that these deaths happened not so long ago makes it so weird to see you guys ghost hunting.... the 20 years rule! Let's see if buzzfeed gets sued by the Phoenix family xD

Would you guys ever try a sort of spin off where you instead go to a place famous for maybe alien visits?

You guys should use an oculus! The spirit box is really annoying!


If there's supposedly a body down there, why hasn't anybody just... dug it up? Seems like kind of an open secret, so why isnt anyone looking into it more? Like, if you tell the police "hey there's a body down in the basement," don't they check it out? X-ray the floors or something? (Is that a thing?) Seems like that particular mystery could be solved pretty easily.

Around 6.57 - 7.00, straight in front of Ryan, you can see what looks like a skeleton ghoul. What do you say to that Shane?

Why do the voices sound more credible as they go on like they’re now responding to questions with answers not just random things. How do you feel about this change? #reeder #postmortem

#postmortem well guys, it's confirmed. Ryan is possessed, and it's so scary that it's even scaring Shane, the demon Lord himself Why you being so sceptical Ryan? Or should I say... Ricky Goldsworth??

That was a really good episode.

Ryan : "Could we also talk about Filthy McNasty?" Shane : "Yeah,it's a good name" Ryan : "That's an actual dude,yeah" Shane : "Wait,what?"

I don’t why i find it funny that they said *98 year old landmark* as if that’s super old for a building

shane: let's party baby! let's dance!

*Glass flies off the bar top and hits Ryan in the face* Shane: Wow, didn’t know it did that...

What actually happened: 5:06 Ryan: ... and Joaquin Phoenix Me: *CHOKES ON FOOD*

10:20 is that a sound of glass breaking or just a sound effect?

I've always had the feeling like Shane is trying to hide his fear (and maybe the fact that he too believes in ghosts - in some level) behind that constant talking etc. Whenever he is with Ryan he is a lot more calm and relaxed, but when he is alone somewhere he immediately starts to talk and repeat his mantra about ghosts not being real just to keep himself calm and besides that way he doesn't hear/see anything spooky.

For #postmortem Will Ryan ever see a full bodied apparition? (Probably not, ghosts aren't real) Will Shane ever get any "activity"? Will this show get a musical episode? These are all important questions, but the most important it what on EARTH DOES A HORSE HEAD HAVE TO DO WITH GETTING EVICTED?? I AM SO CONFUSED!

At 11:41 when I heard Ryan said " told Ghost Adventures" They got sponsored by Ghost Adventures. Zak Bagans and their crew will be happy with that.

Why do you guys suddenly cut-off the spirit box? Let the ghost communicate

Why is Ryan so brave in this episode??? He even volunteered to be alone omg thats new

What crack is Shane on ?

19:54 a shadow figure on the wall! just kidding ghost isn't real, can you believe that they have been talking to air the entire time? I think they need help haha...

Y'all are really desperate for #roastmortem, the hobo outfits and the shameful dancing, really looking forward to that segment this week

Man how long were you guys in there ?

Aren't those the bad guys from home alone?

For #roastmortem Ryan if you were part of the wet bandits you wouldn’t be taken out by Macaulay Culkin, you’d be taken out by your partner because you thought the traps were laid out by ghosts, activate the spirit box and immediately get hit in the head by your partner because it’s so annoying #shaneismyspookydaddy #getinmyholeryan

For the post mortem: how's Reed doing?? Has Shane's opinion in cancer kids (hating them) changed at all? #Boogara4Life

Shane keeps deleting the ghoul footage

#postmortem why does Shane look homeless in this one?

#postmortem What do guys think is the squeaking sound you heard from downstairs and I just wonder... The spirit box seems to answer the queries and respond to you guys. So, whatcha think? Is it haunted or not? Btw I love you 'friendship'

Roast mortem: Shane going strong with that hobo couture.

Why didn’t you guys try to communicate at the spot on the sidewalk where River had the most traumatic part of his OD? RIP River ❤️

For the #postmortem: what the heck is that doll/face-looking thing behind Ryan at 19:08/19:09???? Is that an actual person behind the bar or...? #loveyouboth

"We look like the Wet Bandits." no one does Roast Mortem better than Ryan and Shane.

Two joker characters

Why do they look like the guys from home alone?

Is it just me, or did Ryan say "moPsters" instead of Mobsters?

Me: *sees thumbnail* Also me: *screams*

I don't think I'll ever look at Johnny deep the same again!


The amount of times it sounded like something or someone was saying "help me" is wildly concerning, especially because there were a bunch of different voices. Does it make you want to do a unsolved crime episode there, if you wouldn't get sued? Also, "Hi boys" sounded incredibly ominous, even Shane looked unsettled. #postmortem #reeder

I’m heard “Leonardo DiCaprio” and “Johnny Depp” and I started screaming.

"please help me" i think hes saying hi

"i don't want to get sued".....*youtube crashes* ..........okay then

For post mortem: How do you guys choose which places are you going to visit? Also, Shane I like your fluffy hair.

Ghouls boys have turned into the Goon boys lmao

Petition for Shane and Ryan to play the sticky bandits in a home alone remake

It sounds like the same spirit talking and they are clearly suffering, with the “please help me”s and “help me”s. Idk what they need help with though #postmortem

Why is Ryan dressed like a hipster Hamburgler

#postmortem people pass out??? ITS A BARR THEYRE DRINKING LOADS, ngl think its kinda silly

I think the spirit box is a load of crap, but that voice was creepy, and so unlike all the other voices we've heard that sound like snippets from a radio broadcast. It even said the guy's name. Spooky stuff.

I love Shane and Ryan but I kinda felt offensive the way they were trying to talk to river and I'm glad I don't know why but they didn't add the 911 call joaquin made

#postmortem This isn’t really a question but, a friend of mine’s girlfriend had a hamster that died and the girlfriend was so upset that she wanted it cremated. They couldn’t find a place to do it so my friend threw the hamster in a travel carrier and put it in his freezer. It’s been there for six months. I ate a popsicle from that freezer. Maybe this happens to that Fox guy? #Solved

#roastmortem shanes hair (itsactuallyreallyfloofyandnicebutihadtodoittoem)


Are ya looking for a party boyyyy

ryan's coming for my wig this season, it's hard out here for a shaniac


I'm a #shaniac but that spirit box really sounded like it said "please help" like at least three times in a row.

Ryan is becoming braver and braver as episodes go by

Is anyone else thinking that guy is legit buried in that cupboard? Why has anyone ever not just dug a hole to see?

The thumbnail legit looks so much like scully and hitchcock from the 80s

Ryan has become so bold omg

I just realized that Joaquin Phoenix is an actor that played Joker in 5:07 . no wonder i feel familiar

Ryan was in an especially cheery mood that night. Also unusually brave, jumping in that dirt closet. Didn’t even seem remotely spooked. Wonder if he was just feeling happy or it was something in particular. Either way, happy to see him having a wonderful day!

Sounds like "you have great knees!" in an indian accent lmao 21:07

Why didn’t they make a bigger deal about those Spirit Box words? Not even an Instant Replay on some of the best stuff!

at 10:44 you can see something move in the mirror. was it someone from your crew? it creeped me out a little #postmortem

*squeak sounds* Ryan: now we have a party. Let's check it out. Shane: what? No0oo0 Ryan's getting braver y'all

Both of u maybe should come to Indonesia spend a night in a spooky place

Umm is anyone else curious about the whole Johnny Depp being linked to a disappearance thing???

The random head at 19:08 kinda caught me off guard

gHosT voMitEd iN tHe urInAL AgAIn

2 uploads? In 1 month? Awesome!

Why dont you guys use the ovullis thingy again? The thing from that episode with Hannah

Another questions for the post mortem: can shane do his johnny depp impression again

this seems so active !!! creepy

Shane over here looking like Ash Ketchum. I guess he wants to be the very best.

just imagine if all the [UNINTELLIGIBLE] sounds from the spirit box were actually deciphered. What do you think that would say?

To be honest. If Shane believed in ghosts, Ryan would “notice” more things, and attribute a lot more things to ghosts. If someone believes they find reasons to.

You need to go to bobby Mackeys bar .

I feel like if ghosts existed and River Phoenix was one of them, he definitely would greet still-living people with a cheerful and chilled little “Hi boys”.

12:04 someone HAS to meme that

Hey Ryan and Shane! My name is Clara, I’m from Brazil and I’m a big fan of the show but I was wondering why did u stop sleeping at the supposedly hunted places? And also, why dont u try non famous hunted places but look for places that some people may “recently” passed away? the chances will be bigger to find some evidence I think... anyway love u guys!

Gotta go classic #Reeder here and say I'm not sure if there was anything going on. The spirit box stuff was intriguing, but I think it's too hard to tell, really.

No one: Shane: *I'M SHANE*

Get an EMF pump so the ghosts can use that energy to communicate better

ok but like river phoenix looks exactly like harry styles, is it a coincidence that harry just released his new song lights up ???? i think not

"Bye Ghosts. I love you" was so freakin precious!!!

bruh I had no idea mike waters died like this wtf

16:35 it sounds like he says "you're not supposed to be here"

why does Shane looks like Ash Ketchum from pallet town this episode?

For the post mortem : what's Shane's reaction to the many help's and please help me's.

hold up. for the postmortem i need to know whether ryan got those waffles or not

WHERE ARE ALL THE THOUSANDS OF TRUE CRIME EPS, Humans are weirder than ghosts! PLEASE MORE TRUE CRIME/MYSTERIES. I AM SHOUTING BC I LIVE ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. #sortofsceptic #butprobaliens #postmortem #roastandtoastbabay

#roastmortem 33 and wearing gloves of a middle class 16 year old ska fan smh #notpartyboys #goulbois

Would love to see you guys collab with Paranormal Files #PostMortem

Okay but some sunset strips sleaze bands were pretty damn good

1:21 - Shane when the exorcism is finally done on him

Shane is 33?! Holy cow!

Why is the mic doing that weird thing when Ryan speak using the spirit box? I didn't remember it being like that before

#PostMortem Are you up to going to the Amityville Murder House?

Watching this whilst trying to do my maths homework, thanks for making quadratic simultaneous equations interesting #postmortem

The “Anthony” and the “Thank you” is honestly so convincing-

Zanetti train dissapearing maybe? As Ryan said he likes trains

I mean Ryan and Shane's friendship has always been goals but this season... oh my- their goals.

#postmortem why don't you guys use the other Spirit-box-thing you used in Hannah's house? The voices of the spirits were much clearer. Ps,: You guys are amazing can't wait for the demon ep. #boogara #shaneisfunnytho

This is sad not funny

5:18 so the guy currently playing the joker was 19 WHEN HIS BROTHER WAS MURDERED

It’s actually scary how much they look like the burglars from home alone

It's really cute how Shane is secretly rooting for Ryan

Ma party boi aint getting spooks like

*Queen visited there once* That’s all I gotta say

anthony is straight NOT having a good time

Ryan! You got bolder this season. What happened??

I see River Phoenix, I click.

At approximately 15:09there seems to be a dace behind shane but I can't tell if its just the flash #postmortem

You blew my eardrums at the start

20:37 Shane said that like it's happened before xD.

Wait wasn’t John Frusciante also there?

I did hear an Anthony, and a Thank you when Ryan mentions he is a fan of the actor. Yes the place is haunted!

I'm really not trying to be mean; really wondering... These guys are clearly mocking this entire situation, Why does this trend every episode ? They aren't even trying to believe this nonsense. Do you guys ?! What is it that you guys watch this for

Okay sorry but Ryan’s face when Shane said I made a friend

I love that these guys don’t try to fake the ghosts being there like the other shows on tv like this .. they’re not afraid to be like “ nope, don’t feel any supernatural stuff “ it’s Always so interesting , the true crime ones are good As well...and they make laugh .

Feel so bad for jaquien ( spelling ?) I know his brother died but I didn’t know he was there.

Fun fact: ~(that doesn't really add anything to this episode but I can't stop thinking about it)~ Depp is actually a German word and means something like Idiot so for us germans Johnny Depp has quite a funny name #postmortem

Is nobody going to talk about how insanely accurate Shane's impression of Marv being electrocuted was....!?

10:20 glass noises or just like bg music?

I just had this wild dream that shane and ryan are sitting at the bar in viper room and shane satrt taunting the ghosts and suddenly a ghost throws a chair at shane and everyone starts running out but shane is laughing and sitting there

Joker laughssss

i’m not one to feel the need to comment negatively, like ever, about content on youtube, but i feel this episode was a little distasteful to include a possible “ghost” of someone who’s immediate family (eg. siblings and parents) are still alive, active, well known. also mentioning the trauma that night would have caused and they’d surely still be dealing with. if they had gotten the family’s approval do this, then i wouldn’t have an issue with it. but i don’t believe they did so it just feels wrong - particularly when they are feeding into a narrative that started from one of those dramatised ghost hunting shows when there were no credible reports previously. if they wanted to report on river’s death, a true crime episode would have been more tasteful (even though there isn’t a mystery about it - it still would have felt better). this is also coming from a fan of river’s AND a fan and religious watcher of unsolved (#boogara4life) i couldn’t watch the episode in full, i did lots of skipping ahead, but i look forward to seeing the ghoul boys back in action next week.

This was one of the most evident video you guys have had. But what for postmortem ryan what did you feel in that creepy crawlspace. #shaniacandboogara

Ryan I think you're grasping at thin air, it's really sad #roastmortem

Imagine the amount of cocaine consumed there over the years.

When Ryan asked if someone's buried in here and the box said "Clearly" and then asked who was buried there it said "Anthony" and Ryan didn't react??? Wth is wrong with Ryan?

And you wonder why we think Shane's a demon

the door queaked

Someone is asking for help ..hope Rayne and Shane help him

"Now im in your hole." - Ryan 2019

If Shane and Ryan are Marv and Harry than who is the Kevin? #postmortem

I have never heard ANYTHING sound less like "thank you" in my life lmao

LMAO y’all said you look like the bandits from home alone at the same time I was gonna comment asking why y’all are dressed like you’re auditioning for the home alone reboot

This is almost as good as solved!

#post mortem how was your experience pls answer individualy

1:08 Ah Yes

God damn that electricution had me dying

post mortem why does shane look like ash ketchum but like the version that would be like really fucked up in his later years

Do you guys have a big Halloween special for us? :)

Ryan isn’t nearly as scared in this one as literally every other episode.

#PostMortem do you feel like the number of "help" or "help me" on the spirit box was more substantial this investigation? Also, it didn't seem to be addressed, but pretty sure the spirit box stating the name "Anthony" must have been fairly compelling. Did the investigation or atomosphere feel at all heavy afterwards?

I was baffled when Joaquin Phoenix was mentioned, especially after having seen Joker

ghosts asking for help ryan: I think it sounded like hi how you doin

*This had to be one of my favorite episodes! Loved this!!*


The spirit box really makes me believe ghosts are real. These responses can't be a coincidence. When they went to the lighthouse the responses they got were already weird, but this right here is very very weird.

Shane, are you ok? Blink twice if Ryan’s keeping you hostage! #PostMortem

Shane is having a serious mid-life crisis.

When you already nut but she keep sucking 1:24

you should go back and stay the night or stay for longer and see if anything else comes up

The amount of "help me" or "help" calls with the spirit box is concerning D::

Boys they’re trending now let’s go

that "please help me" part freaked me out because it repeated itself in the same "voice" but with slightly different wording. and then "Anthony"

I clicked cause of Johnny Depp

I like how every time something remotely resembling sound comes through the spirit box, Ryan asks ”what was that?” as if the ghost is suddenly going to say, ”oh, apologies dear sir, you were trying to contact me while my mouth was full. What is my full of, you ask? Why, only the most finely crafted apple tater that ghost money can bye! Well, toodeloo, I’ve got to go sit in the same room for eternity. Best of luck to you on your ghost hunt, young man!”

ryan has become more and more of a braver soul since this show was started and im kinda proud

i would loooove to see a home alone film with shane and ryan as the wet/sticky bandits

Joaquin Phoenix? As in the new joker?

Shoutout to Shane for giving us 23-year old unaccomplished people hope! Maybe in the next ten years I'll also have created something as amazing as the HotDaga #RoastMortem

Ryan was very chill this time. I'm shook.

Question For Post Mortem: Has anyone tried to dig up the body? I mean, if there might be a body in that little “closet space”, why hasn’t anyone checked? Or used one of those dogs that can smell corpses?

Ryan I see you with the ‘Jordan 3’s’ on

What sucks is the show used to be entertaining. Now, I think they're both done with it. The evidence is the past 30 episodes.

I hope they start going back to scary places again, this season has been meh

I like my life right now, don't want to get sued!

Not a true crime episode or season but ALL HAIL THE WATCHER

Shane is HOW OLD??? I thought he was 25


I would like if you did the Lemp mansion located in st. louis

Viper guys

so... some moron died of an cocaine overdose.... thats the whole story?

When he was sitting in the crawlspace 'talking' to Anthony Fox it actually made me sad.

but how late u get outta there?

Ryan: why won't u just show yourselfs ghouls?? Ghost: it's me Anthony, please help me Also Ryan: y'all hear sumn?

Why does shane look like he’s about to go fishing down the road from his country cabin?

For the #postmortem I think, when the ghoul boys went into that room and asked if anyone was buried there and the ghost said “obviously” that was kinda like the ghost trying to get them to find him but instead they just went “welp, nothin to see here” and just left

8:37 "eyeball"

Come oooonnnn lets daaaaaaannnnccccceeee

The next place yall should is THE GOLDFIELD INN (Nevada) Thats the place that Ghost Adventurers had the brick thrown at them !!! Yall need to goooooooooooo

is that supposed to be from hardy boys?


you guys should do the “disappearance of ruining history” for both true crime and supernatural next episode #roastmortem

Definitely a mouse

There the 2019 joker in this case.

It seems a little too soon to be doing a ghost hunt for River. Just seems insensitive. It's one thing when it's been over 50yrs and there aren't too many close relatives around anymore but River's family and friends are still very much alive and still mourn him. It just doesn't seem respectful.

artofvoice i agree with this

Shane: “Well that’s good to know though, incase some windy ghosts come by”

Shane looks so cute in this episode

a while back i was joking to my friends that wearing a denim jacket and cap made me look too much like a small-time paranormal investigator and now shane has proven me right

21:07 "do you have anything?"

I feel like this is kind of insensitive...

Go outside the country for more supernatural investigations

I used to here about ghosts when I worked at Nelson Adkins museum of art. Maybe the boys should explore :3

Idk man I’m the ghoul bois #1 fan but this feels like a cheap shot at profiting off Joker and and an awful tragedy :/

Piper Boon Piper Boon YES THIS IS WHAT I WAS THINKING BUT YOU WORDED IT WAY BETTER. it truly seems kind of insensitive like ryland stated that he liked him as an actor so i’d think they would’ve done this idea sooner but instead it seems like they were waiting for joaquin to get more publicity from joker before doing this idea.

Ghost: help me, please help Ryan: I think that said "how ya doing"

Why not talk about the theories of why Anthony fox got buried there

15:48 that's what he said

15:44 sounds like it's me

There too many "help me" to be a coincidence!

Me: super psyched to watch the episode Ryan: starts talking about River Me & everybody watching: instantly depressed

Wow this was a good ep

'Hi boys." The boys Shane and Ryan

Ryan: It’s probs a coincidence that the man that tried to testify against these powerful celebrities & co. disappeared Ryan: looks at Shane expectantly Shane: ... okay?

Ryan is awfully brave in this one. Is this a character development I see?

I finally know how to pronounce Joaquin

“Oh my god why is Shane calling Ryan his friend” - Most people watching this video 2019

Shane has finally started losing all semblance of sanity

when the spirit box said anthony, oof

did the ghoul boys not hear whatever is there asking for help, maybe its fox or its river asking for help, cause hearing help more then once means something is there. awww ryans favorite actor said thank you thats so sweet

>some paranormal squeaking happens Ryan:let's go down Shane: NO! How many times we gonna go up and down these stairs? Shane are you a demon trying to make sure Ryan finds nothing?

the fact that River Phoenix supposedly said thank you to Ryan after complemented him is so wholesome!

Ryan "I'm in your hole" Meanwhile we almost saw Ryan's hole.

Ryan: Was there anyone buried here that wasn’t meant to be buried here? Spirit box: Anthony. I’m freaking out man

shanes actually lost it

"well i mean i got these gloves," is a mood and a half

shanes kinda annoying. one of these days an actual ghost is gonna punch him in the nose haha

Ryan: Hey, I'm in your hole Me: don't do it don't do it don't do it Also me: ....that's what she said

They prolly found ghosts on several occasions but Ryan passed out due to being so scared and shane deleted the footage and covered it all up

Ryan: It’s probs a coincidence that the man that tried to testify against these powerful celebrities & co. disappeared Ryan: *looks at Shane expectantly* Shane: ... okay?

#postmortem I'm waiting on the day that the spirit box picks up some sort of secret drug dealer transmission

Shane be giving me mid life crisis Steve Harrington vibes. Wacky. #postmortem

the red hot chili peppers were playing that night with johnny depp, they drove behind the ambulance to the hospital. river was a very good friend to their lead singer Anthony Kiedis and bassist flea

Who you gunna call? rYaN bErGaRa! *dotatooo* *offbeat*

hello there buzzfeed unsolved. my name is Eli and i im message you today because i have one of the most active paranormal house in fl that no one has looked into. i have had pic of a little girl who vanish in the pic after a few days. if you sleep in a serotonin bed you can feel someone pushing down on your chest while you sleep. and lots more things happen every day in this house. i can strongly say i can get y'all proof that ghost are real. i wold like y'all to come down to fl and try to stay the night in one of the most paranormal active house in fl. if you can make it with out the ghost messing with you while you sleep. pleas message me back to let me know if y'all are instead in coming down to fl to get your hard could proof that ghost are real.

YOU GUYS MISSED SOME IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND RUMOURS! rain (his sister) was also there and she tried to give him cpr while joaquin was on the phone with 911 and then the 911 responder immediately told joaquin to tell rain to stop. in a book wrote about river, it says a rock star gave river the speedball and people say it was john frusciante from the red hot chilli peppers who gave it to river. a lot of sites also say that river even asked what was put in the drink to john after he drank it. the whole thing was truly not investigated properly by the police which is very upsetting. please help make this a top comment so people won’t assume negative things about river when the whole story surrounding his death is still unclear and suspicious.

ryan is quite literally clutching at straws

"Please help" ""Hi boys" Yep, nothing in this room, lets go check out the bar.

Is it me or does Shane seem possessed with a different personality?!

For Post-Mortem: When are you guys ever gonna sleep on another haunted location? Lol. And since Ryan's been kinda brave lately, is he *finally* willing to go back to the Sallie House?

Shane radiates Scott Lang energy sometimes

Plot twist the ghost was the cameraman .

So I was into it.... until it was revealed this is about River Phoenix, Joaquin Phoenix's brother. Idk guys, this really seems too recent to me, River had friends and family still alive. And investigating Joaquin Phoenix's brother RIGHT as Joaquin's new big movie is hitting theaters seems really clickbatey, tone deaf, and disrespectful.

10:21 sound effect or glass tinkling?


The character development for the Ghoul Boys has blown my mind. Shane told the ghosts he loves them. Ryan fearless asked to be shut in a dark, dirty room that possibly had a body buried in it. That's what we call growth.

when will you visit Philippines? there's a lot to ghost hunt.. :D

whenever you're in public, just remember someone has pooped their pants right where you're standing

You should’ve asked Joaquin Phoenix to join you

or maybe asked river how good was joker

A lot of the spirit box responses in this episode actually sounded like River, especially the “thank you”


ummmmmm am i the only one that's concerned that anthony's disappearance wasn't clearly looked into more lollll ??? like ??? i guess they don't think he could have been truly murdered if they never investigated the viper room when there's so many rumors that his body is there............ like is johnny depp connected to this man's murder ??? this is THE episode y'all

okay but 2019 is their year? they've been getting so much ghost interaction this season. also i want to see Shane use the spirit box one day and see if he gets anything

"Clearly, please help me." Yall gotta dig this guy up. He is beggin from beyond yo

When the voice said "thank you" through the spirit box i felt that it couldve been River Phoenix, appreciating that people still know his work

River Phoenix has always interested me. Poor dude had a fucked up life :(.

5:07 joker was behind it all

14:06 Me in class

Shane looks kinda homeless

me: excited to watch the new episode also me: on the verge of tears bc i'm sad about river phoenix

I keep seeing how people are saying how much braver Ryan is getting... Well just you wait for the season finale! I heard in an interview he passes out from fear in it!

Since Joaquin Phoenix was mentioned, would just like to praise him on his performance in Joker, one of the best all time.

I can totally imagine how ryan and shane would do Prank calls and laughing like little kids. :D

I thought we stopped using the spirit box.........

For postmortem: You guys are literally possessed. Visit Father Thomas asAP. Teehee!

Guys I’m starting to think Anthony’s ghost needs help

You weren't asked.

You guys should go to the Bell Witch Cave

shane: “im a pirate” ryan: (big wheeze)

Ryan, pancakes or waffles for breakfast? #postmortem lmao

siriusly, Joaquin Phoenix aka Joker and we didn’t know this happened? Skskkskskskskskks

The wholesome moment between Ryan and River with the "Thank you" though, aw. #postmortem

“We are looking for Anthony fox” Ghost: “Anthony” Me:

If there really is a body down there, why won’t anyone just dig through the floor, or call the police? #postmortem #shaniac

The recording thing: tijggkhthkvj Subtitles: hey boys

Ryan: Was anyone buried here that wasn’t supposed to be? Ghost: *Anthony* Me:

Flea from The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Gibby Haynes from The Butthole Surfers were there when River Phoenix died.

Yo this season y’all have been getting semi-coherent responses from the spirit box, even more than before, how have you been feeling about that?

this makes me so uncomfortable bc it seems more personal with it involving celebrities and it wasn't that long ago

There dressed like the re-cast versions of home alone

Aw man dang it! I caught up with all the unsolved videos...what am I gonna watch now!?!?!? WWAAAA

Ryan: "now I'm in your hole." Me:

1:24 Shane sounded like a very angry chicken

Shane: i made a friend **looks at Ryan** Ryan: Thanks pal AWWWWW

Friday night smackdown

why do y'all look like portland hipster dipshits in this #roastmortem

انا ملاحظ ان كل حاجة في بوليڤارد مسكونة وفيها اشباح وجن

Do you believe Johnny Depp was involved in the disappearance of Anthony Fox?

Oo damn ryans brave

6:39 **combusts in uwu**

The recording thing: tijggkhthkvj Subtitles: hey boys

8:01 “alright lets try this one more time, my names miles morales”

river phoenix,,,,

Hi, it’s me. All Hail The Watcher

What's the point of an "investigation" if an ask for help goes unnoticed. Someone needs to dig that closet.

#postmortem im gonna post this every time until you respond If you had to get married at any location you’ve filmed at which one would you choose? Ps, I just realised that I am the same height as Shane and my boyfriend is the same height as Ryan, we must look wack in public

Where can one get a ''spirit box''? #postmortem

I think you should come to Tasmania, specifically Port Arthur, we have an island graveyard, some of the most haunted buildings in Australia, we have an old asylum in New Norfolk, a Female Factory and many other historic sites that are haunted. I feel like if anything is going to be able to be picked up on camera and audio it would be down here.

Wait, Shane is old enough to be my older brother then

#postmortem did it smell as bad as I imagine ?

Not related but I love Joaquin Phoenix.

just out of curiosity what are you theories for after death? #postmortem

Oooooh the bois are looking spiffy

lol i love how when shane says he's made a friend, ryan becomes the skeptic

Heard "Look up" 6:00 - 6:01

Maybe his buried above???

So let me get this straight: the owners are just okay with a body being buried below their bar? Wouldn't the police or forensics want to dig up the body and search it for clues to find the murderer????? WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE THIS -_- ....

Wait what?? The guy who played Joker hmmmm so sad

Please go back in there at maybe 12am and try to talk to Anthony again because I feel like youve got something there

Didn't know that the Joker's brother died this way.

"I'm a little party boy" ~Shane- 2019

Unpopular opinion I love the spirit box

really want to believe it. I’m believing it anyways

To Shane and Ryan, would you bring your girlfriends to one of these adventures?:D

Spirit box: dsufbgsaludfgalsuryf The captions: help me

you guys and mykie from glam and gore should do a video together

Visit the Amityville horror house 108 ocean avenue

I think most ghouls would be huddled into a corner as they watch Shane make a spectacle of himself dancing then comes Ryan...poor ghoulies.

Joaquin Phoenix

Joaquin Phoenix as in Joker??? OMG

19:12 my favourite part of the whole episode

5:52 I know this is sad and all, but Shane saying "eh JESUS-e"

Woow his truck was found on my birthday Pretty sick

Is BuzzFeed not paying you guys? Ryan looks like he's been living in his car for a month. Shane looks like he's been living under a bridge for a year. #roastmortem

“now that i am in your hole”

Do the Comedy Store in LA next

Haha that's funny

It’s amazing how he only said help on the chair but when Ryan went into the little closet the ghost spilled out a whole bunch of words and started getting open. Isn’t the basement lounge

So I now believe that River is actually there and I wanna cry. Ghost adventures was there and have on record of a voice responding “hey/hi” back to them. Ryan captures a voice saying “thank you” back to him in the same tone/voice that was heard in ghost adventures......and one person said that, that in fact was rivers voice. I hope it’s true because I really want to believe it. I’m believing it anyways

Shane seemed a lil scared this one

is shane okay? #postmortem

12:30 ryan making girls pregnant thru a screen☠needa learn more pelvic movement

Iv gone 3 days without sleep and then it’s 12:00pm and I’m watching this . No regrets

Why didn't you guys start digging after getting a beg for help? I would of. Or at least ask the owner's permission. #postmortem

Shane at 23:10 might be the funniest he's ever been


So the actor who played the new Joker witnessed his older brother's death. Oh.

You guys should investigate the legend of the lizard man in Bishopville SC.

You neglected to mention that Rain, one of River’s sisters, was also there that night. It was River, Samantha, Rain, and Joaquin. Rain and Joaquin literally watched their brother draw his last breath that night.

Post Mortem: It sounds like glasses clink in the background after Shane is taunting them (10:20)

Every time I watch Ryan and Shane makes me doubt all the ghost shows that actually have encounters

Bar Manager: "I've seen patrons at my bar faint and I just can't figure out why? Must be a ghost!"

21:03 "thank you" Me:wait what?


Shouldve just dug anthony up ur self. Well, I'll do it myself #postmortem

The scariest thing here was Ryan’s pelvic action and nothing else

Well, this was a creepy episode.

18:25 LeTs pArty bAbY

The River flows in you. Sorry. Just had to pun it.

The thank you sounded like “yeah it is” to me, when he was talking to River Phoenix.

Shane hobo

I was so heartbroken when River Phoenix died.

Instead of taking the time to play love island Noel Miller has taken up ghost hunting, smh

Why does my fiancé hate you guys? Plz say hi to jina so she will love you. #postmortem

Why does Ryan look like the theater thug from drake and josh?

Anyone want the Shaniac back?

"Is someone buried in here?" "Clearly. Please help."

are you sure Shane isn't on crack?

Buzzfeed when are you gonna grow up and a video about those guys in france that danced themselves to death?

I don't like that the ghosts keep saying help.

Ryan is so ballsy in this episode. That's the scariest part.

11:20 is it just me or did the glass just moved

any concern with the fact that “help” was said about five times? #postmortem

6:40 Shane and Ryan. Making it awkward since 2016...

you in their hole? that was just wrong

Shane should grow a "Man Bun." Also, which is best for mosquito bites; calamine lotion or cortisone cream?

Do you know how scared I got because of the red lights at 21:57? They looked like red eyes!


Does anyone else watch these in the dark? Cause I'm a little spooked right now.

These mother fuckers annoying af

How about those moves huh ghouls

Okay i actually genuinely felt sad when you guys were communicating with Anthony Fox. :(

The spirit box saying Anthony was a strange coincidence

Could you guys discuss the theories surrounding Alexander Hamilton's (the founding father) death?

That did NOT sound like "thank you"

Shane: we look like we're gonna rob the place Well those fingerless gloves of yours certainly does not help


I'm actually really digging the #HoboShane look this episode, right on man.

Joaquin phoenix doesn't get a break lol

You guys should visit the Skinwalker Ranch

For P.M.; would you ever be interested in taking your EVPs to a professional audio tech or someone who is a professional in the ghost hunting game? I would love to hear what they would have to say about all of the things you have captured. Also, what do you do with the evidence you do end up capturing? Do you show it to the owners of the place you’re investigating? If it involves a crime like the Anthony Fox case, what do y’all think should be done with the evidence? Take it to the police or brush it off? #SoManyQuestions #BUN #GhoulBois

I havent seen one of these videos in a little while but was I the only one who was shocked when Ryan very very willingly went into the basement closest area and said "turn out the lights and shut the door" while he was in there? I feel like he used to be so scared

Hey Shane, how long have you been shopping at Baby Gap?

Watching this after watching the Joker and watching Joaquine Phoenix interviews nonstop. I had no idea this was going to talk about his brother dying and him making the phone call. Random..and super sad.

We can barely decide between laurel and yanny, and im supposed to trust whoever made the subtitles for the baseless spirit box?

I feel like if Joaquin Phoenix watched this he'd be pissed

Shane lookin' like a reject Dexy's Midnight Runner. #roastmortem

"Hi I'm Ryan," "and I'm SHANE!!" "And you're watching Disney Channel."

Check out ghost of carmel maine..its quite active over there

Can Ryan plz stop asking the spirits to repeat themselves? Even when he receives a direct answer, he asks for them to say it again. Maybe the ghosts are irritated. #postmortem

shanes hair this season >>>> also shane & ryan will you guys be sleeping at any of the places you investigate this season? #postmortem

No comment

This one should be counted as Unsolved True Crime...!!!

Postmordem: Almost every ghosts is asking for help. Like something terrible had happened or some dark secret. Could have the viper room held some sort of dark secret that only select people know?

#RoastMortem Why tf Shane be looking like he just discovered skateboarding? Like, seriously man. Get over your midlife crisis and get a haircut. #BoovsShane #suckittallman

I'm Shane and crazy !

#postmortem : Maci Jane just got a call from the Hash Slinging Slasher

R u guys using a new camera or something? It was almost like watching a movie the quality was so good. Also for #roastmortem shane u say ur sad for ryan but it's been ten years and u only got those gloves to your name THAT'S SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD BABY

Every supernatural episode ever: Ryan: “Are ghosts real?” Shane: *passionate dissatisfied head shaking*

Most of the people came there auditioned or became the joker

I just realized that Joaquin Pheonix is the actor from the new JOKER movie

ryan: "now im in your hole"

Hey buzzfeed unsolved you should come down to El Paso and visit one of the most haunted high schools in america, El paso High;)

not gonna lie. I rewatched the "thank you" bit with my eyes closed so I only heard the sound. It didn't sound like "thank you" to me at all. #shaniac

4:20 you're welcome

Ryan was uncharacteristically brave this episode... sir, who hurt you?

Is Ryan a filipino?

He kinda cute (:

what kind of sound are you using when communicating to the ghosts???

Guess what ... Ryan just solved something " Anthony missing case " is close baby

why don't you use a ouija board? that would be funny to watch lol

Assuming that was the spirit of Anthony saying "please help", I can't help but feel really bad for the poor guy after hearing that. Likely being buried in a backroom at a night club is one hell of a tragic ending. #postmortem

this one was freaky but also really sad. they literally have evidence that anthony is buried there and he needs help :( i need a part 2 of this where they go back and ask different questions or try ask them again

They looked like the wet bandits from "Home Alone"

Cover the case of KENDRICK JOHNSON.

What did Shane have to say about the straws that moved around the cup? Did you tell him before you did your one on one? #postmortem

I do believe that River Phenix is still there. P.S you guys look like scared dads in the end card photo

So a pretty underground conspiracy theory is that Leonardo DiCaprio had something to do with his overdose for a movie role. Thoughts? Also SHANE THOSE GLOVES AREN’T AN ACHIEVEMENT. YOU LOOK LIKE SQUIDWARD WHEN HE QUITS THE KRUSTY KRAB TO BECOME AND ARTIST AND SPONGEBOB FINDS IN A BOX.

LOL. People here are crying about how this had so much feedback from the spirit box. Seems like the usual amount to me. And that ‘thank you’ didn’t even really sound like one. All I heard was ‘help’ rather than help me. Don’t know what people are talking about with the cut either.

Ryan’s getting brave. I’m proud of our ghoul boy for going into the murder crawl space all on his own

I saw River’s face on the thumbnail and audibly gasped... Rest In Peace, my love~

why do shane look like a poor man

For Post Mortem: Why do ghost hunters always go searching for evidence that ghosts exist at night?

Why does Shane look like a cartoon hobo.

I’m loving that River Phoenix said “Thank You” to Ryan! Best episode for me!

Great video, keep them coming

#postmortem Does anyone else really miss the hotdaga?

"Bye ghosts, I love you."

River was asked to do Interview With a Vampire right before his death

Why does Shane look like he should be asking, “please sir, can I have some more?”. #roastmortem

Please check out this location too! Colonial Park Cemetary Georgia ?

4:28 lmfao comedy gold

Holy sh*t is it me or did the glass move ever so slightly at 10:21? I watched it over and over again and I cant exactly wrap my head around the possibility that Ryan missed it and didnt freak out like the little baby he is, but lets not lie here, anyone who sees something move by an unseen force would absolutly sh*t their pants like Ryan came close to doing a few times lol #boogara #postmortem #roastmortem #RandomHashtagBecauseIAlreadyPutTooManyHashtagsAnyways

Johnny depp was so fine omg lol

There was some weird stuff going on in this video. The amount of please help on the spirit boxes is concerning to say the least.

If you want to experience real ghosts, go to the Philippines.

Ryan : how r these move ghouls River fénix : Uh hi uh wtf Ryan stop humping the air


Shane looking like a homeless Boy Scout.


For #postmortem I'm firmly a Shaniac but I will admit that dark rooms give me the heebie jeebies. Shane, have you have you ever gotten creeped out from being isolated in dark, creepy places?

Bye ghosts. I love you.

when they were slapping the counter to test if the coasters and straws would move, I couldnt help but think of Julien slapping the counter and yellin Ba Papapapappaa

Ok so my theory is some of the "Help me"s were possible victims of the mob (?) Boss and the " Hi boys" could have been him. After that the [unintelligible] kind of sounded like "what are you doing?" .

I only watched this because of River. Who’s with me?

May just be me, or maybe something else did it, but did anyone else see the glass slide over on its own ( 11:19 ), after Shane blew off the coaster?

Ryan: “Now I’m in your hole...”

5:56 welp I bet he wishes he has narcan

I felt emotional over Anthony

1:22 when the special ed kids are in gym class

You guys should go and investigate double eagle restaurant in new mexico!

for the post mortem:Do you think the club might be claiming to be haunted to attract more people there? Seems like a classic case of a 90s club that fizzled out and now grabbing at straws to bring people back in.

Ryan and Shane, for your next true crime season, you should investigate the West Mesa Murders. It’s a cold case here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It would be great if you covered it!

This is kind of old but going back to the case of Lizzie Borden, maybe the Maid killed Lizzies father then her mother saw and the maid followed her and killed her after.

Did anyone notice the glass move a slight bit

You guys need to go to Letchworth Village in New York!

the ghosts don’t talk to shane cuz they’re scared of him,imagine a 6ft 4 lanky many coming into ur room flailing his arms yelling “lets boogy boys”

This episode was much less concerning, I think Shane was on crack or something in the last.

Shanes wearing fingerless gloves

Hey Bois! as a suggestion, don't try to tell the audience what you hear in the spirit box, because there is psicological effect where people will hear words in sounds if they think they are there, is called Pareidolia. And it doesn't matter if you find ghost or not, because you have found the power of friendship.

The ghosts are communicating through shane and he’s trying to play it off like he’s not

Don´t you find weird how many times the word help me was repeated on the spirit box??

the only exciting bit in this video was the breakfast. waffles sounds great

Shane looks like a hobo I cannot unsee this outfit

Shane "Oliver Twist" Madej

20:08 We are witnessing 2 men slowly lose their minds, and it's great.

Shane?Shane? Shane? Shane my boy? WHY do you not beilvin in ghost?

I think it's very respectful of Ryan to call the ghost by his full name, River Phoenix.

I'm going to need them to do an investigation with ghost adventures

Ok but like. Why is Johnny Depp on the thumbnail.

Oh I see

16:15 “turn off the light and shut the door” i thats ryan then im a fridge

Someone should made a gravity falls buzzfeed unsolved opening where dipper is Ryan and Mabel is Shane.

Lol that "Anthony" was actually pretty clearly spoken idk that felt like something

The Joker's actor brother....

instead of “please help” i heard “seatbelt”

Jacquin phoenix is the joker, wow

The hinterkaifeck murders

“This historic 98 year old building” can only be said in the US

Why does Shane never go in with the spirit box?

all i see is shanes ash ketchum pokemon trainer-y vibe and im not hating it


Johnny depp

Petition the introductions to the True Crime introduction is changed to "Is crime real?"


idk why but "filthy mcnasty's" cracked me tf up

Buzzfeed Unsolved: The Viper Room (Explains the death of River Phoenix) Joaquin Phoenix: I don't like you Ryan and Shane.... You brought me onto your show to upset me...

Who watched this after finding out joaquin bro died

Ryan: River, I think you're an amazing actor. River: Thank you Ryan:

Didn't see this on my feed! Only after I saw the q&a for this

Is it me or they feel a little off after the Annabelle episode


I began to question myself when they started shaking and screaming

Did know that Joaquin phoenix had been through this and he’s the new joker!!

Ryan never gives these spirits a chance to actually speak. He is always so quick to run away. Why do this job if you are so scared??

Anyone else notice the sound of a glass falling and rolling at 10:21, or is it just me?

Nobody: Ryan: I think that was Japanese

why am i watching this at 2:42 am



You guys should go to Mare Island Shoreline Heritage Preserve. I went there for a Haunted House last year and it was heavily haunted. They let us walk around the island and there were some spooky vibes

Please cover the mysterious death of Natalie Wood! Who wouldn't want to hear about a case in which Christopher Walken is possibly an accessory to murder?

Am I the only one? I just saw the glass move

Ok but Ryan has actually become so much braver

Shane looks like a hobo

" I'm a pirate"

This is my favorite show and I showed my mom your show. Now she watches it in her own time! She's a #shaniac like me.

I love how sarcastic that ghost is, when Ryan asked that if anyone was buried there the ghost replied "clearly". Tbh I 'm kinda intrigued to know what happened down there due to the no. of times the ghosts said"help me".I don't what happened to River and how but I got one thing that he was really polite coz when Ryan praised him he said "Thank you". Even though Shane and Ryan always say in the intro"if ghosts exist" ,they clearly do, coz duh

John Frusciante and Flea of the Chili Peppers were very close to River Phoenix. Both were outside of the Viper Room when he died.


Anthony Fox somewhere in America: HAHAHAHAHA these bois are cute

I got these gloves.

8:35 shane: :D "hI bOyS" shane: :0

shane is so self aware now about his friendship with ryan i can't. this is too cute.

"Hey it's me". Middle schoolers:

Y'all should check out Amboy California cali's ghost town supposedly it's supposed to be mad creepy and there's a cemetery

I thought Shane was like 26????? He's 33, whaaaaatt

Y'all should check out blood/slaughter mountain and slaughter gap in north Georgia.

I feel like every Sunday all the ghost that got verbally abused by Shane get together and share their stories.

No one noticed that jokers brother died here

That opening home alone i couldnt breath i was laughing so hard!! Hahaha

Shane lowkey looks like the grandpa that ate paint

Ghost: Hello. It is I. Anthony Fox. I've clearly been buried here and need some help. Please, help me. Help. Again, I want help. Ryan: Is there anyone here?

the "thank you" at 21:07 sounded like "do you have anything to eat?"

Y’all, remind me to stop watching this stuff at late night.

15:48 "Now I'm in your hole." - Ryan Bergara, 2019

they probably would have found ghost already but Shane keeps scaring them away.

Oh hellllllll nooooooo

At 10:45 does the gods move back?

Ok was it just me or did the glass move a little bit ?????? 10:25

Ryan has definitely changed

Why do I watch this at night lmao

ryan and shane out here making enemies with the mafia again, i see...

The spirit box absolutely said his name it was like “RyaAn” omh

None: Shane :LeTs PaRty BaBy The ghost : lets just leave

15:28 rise n shine kardashian meme hahahahahhaahaha

Why are your pants so tight! Lol

Yo the ghoul boi's had me dienh in the beginning with home alone lol

At about 15:44 I swear I hear the spirit box say "it's me" only seconds after saying hey. Oml I'm freaked

shane:Bye ghost love you also shane:okay fine don’t say it back

Ryan: Is the spirit of Anthony Fox present? The spirit of Anthony Fox screaming desperately in Ryan’s face: YES! HELP ME! PLEASE! HELP! THEY BURIED MY BODY HERE! ITS ANTHONY! I WAS NEVER PUT TO REST! MY SOUL IS TRAPPED HERE! HELP ME! HELP! Ryan: huh. Not getting anything definitive.


Guys, he's actually saying "peas healthy". So eat your peas you unhealthy bastards. Unless you wanna end up a ghoul.

If they ever separate Shane and Ryan this show will be ruined

This is my favorite show now. Shane always cheers me up with laughter.

No wonder why Joaquin Phoenix is the perfect actor for the new movie joker

Shane without glasses scares me.

I know that I’m not the only one who saw a shadow move across the top left corner at 8:14

Ryan:”Hi, it’s me” Shane: *completely goes sicko mode*

guys I feel like Shane looks all sad and keeps talking about friendship and rooting for Ryan because the show is gonna be cancelled :( I'm scared. I hope buzzed knows people don't watch unsolved for ghosts or answers, we watch for the ghoul bois

I'm on Ryans' side but when he says ”are ghost real?” I can't help my self but shake my head with Shane

I kne I recognized the name River Pheonix. Stand By Me was such a great movie!

Ryan was hella confident this episode

Shane: :) Ghost: [hi boys] Shane: :0

"clearly" ooo sassy ghost lmao

It's so wierd how popular this show got and it's just an extension of another channel

Why does Shane look like he’s trying to be homeless.

is it just me or is Ryan getting less and less terrified

DO THE VARGINHA ET CASE (it’s from brazil but anyways)

'Now I'm in your hole.' - Ryan Bergara, 2019

1:23 DEFINITE ghost noise



At 21:08/09it i didnt hear thank you i heard, “i didnt have it in me” or “you have to get me” or somthing. what do you guys think?

4:19 what did you call me

Nobody : Shane: 1:25

Spirit Box: Help me. Please help me. Help me. Ryan: Well nothing here Spirit Box: hdinsgsyd Ryan: oh my god, did you hear that? Ghost exists man

The Joker visited a haunted nightclub. Noice

Who else really wants a true crime episode about Anthony fox?

Wow, that really creeped me the f- out

No one : Not even a soul : Shane : I'M A PARTY BOYYY !

Seriously... Spirit box saying hi boys!help me a bunch of times, Anthony and thank you after he praised river Phoenix... This feels like when a girl is obviously flirting with a guy and still he Google's:does she like me? Us guys are idiots!

Joaquin Phoenix? Like the joker!?

A lot of people fainted and knees buckling over. Must be insufficient oxygen. Look at that enclosed space

I wanted Ryan and Shane to check the Suicide forest in Japan

Did these motherfuckers just solve a mystery?

im watching this literally days from my 23rd birthday, and its comforting to hear that shane also accomplished nothing by now.

you should hire a person who could dig that storage room. because u guys just solved an unsolved mystery on where anthony is

Shanes arnie voice was hilarious

Ryan is really going hardcore isn't he!!!

11:05 these are underage people at the bar

15:28 *in kylie jenner voice* RiSe AnD SHiNe

23 yrs old Cocaine Nice

The ghost: Help. Help me please. HELP Ryan and Shane: welp, that was fun, let’s get out of here. Maybe we’ll find ghosts next time.

Shane the ghost hunter!!

Ryan's braver now


Shane looks like a truck driver caught in a zombie apocalypse

Shane is my fursona

I think Ryan and Shane need to investigate the "stairs" found by search and rescue officers

7:36 I freaked when i saw the hand and then realised it was the camera man. Then I saw a face next to Ryan, then realised it was Shane's reflection

ryan is especially fearless today

Shadow movement at 8:14 top left corner

Just me who hears "twenty three" at 08:41?

R.I.P earphone users at 1:20

Great episode, the ghost parts, Ryan talking to Anthony, was a little scary.

You should do this ghost hunts all drunk

The message is clear...."Please, Help!"... over, and over, and over...

“I made a friend” he got a soft side that’s nice to see once in a while :,)

Bring back the hot daga please!!!

Hey does anyone agree that maybe they should bring a tape recorder to their next ghost hunting adventure see if that changes anything? I mean I know they have very sophisticated recording equipment, but you know maybe it’ll help out throughout their investigation. Maybe while they ask a question or right after they may hear something?

Shane and Ryan are literally my favorite two people in the world.

Please notice me Ryan and Shane I’m a big fan of your stuff


Shane: I had done NOTHING with my life at 23 Me (age 22): oh thank god. I have time.

River Phoenix is the new Joker’s older brother..

I would love to see the boys go to Bodie honestly.

Kind of odd that you guys are just choosing to ghost hunt places that have no prior evidence or testimonies of ghost activity instead of checking out another one of the THOUSANDS of places in the US with more activity. Not every place is haunted just because someone died there. This show unfortunately seems to be losing it edge/

I cannot be the only one who shakes his or her head no along with Shane when Ryan asks the, "Are ghosts real question?"

River was bumped off due to jealously. Dudes were jealous. Like Depp n more .

Who else saw something in the top left corner 8:14

.....if i had a dollar for every time Shane said Party Boy.....

I'm just curious as to why they haven't gone to the Amityville House. Is it not haunted anymore or something? I hope they have that house lined up for future episodes though...

the “thank you” after ryan said he was one of his favorite actors

ryan’s “rise and shine” gave me kylie jenner vibes

Ryan : Can We Talk About Filthy McNasty Shane : Ha Ryan : He’s A Real Dude Shane : What Wu-

Nobody: Shane: I’m a little party boy! Doing a little sweep sweep sweeping!!

Shane:okay 12:58

I didn’t not know Joaquin had an older brother, gotta feel bad for the guy. Losing a sibling with that small age gap and at a young age has to be one of the worst feelings.

is it just me thinking that they should use the Ovulus the one they used in Hannah's House it's more viable than the spirit box in my opinion

I agree. Hannah's House was one of their most confirming investigations but they're not using alot of the stuff they used in that investigation

That "Wait, what?" was amazing

17:53 I dont know Ryan... It feels like you're - grasping at straws - *wheeze*

Wait so river Phoenix is related to a clown? (Joaquin Phoenix or am I tripping)

River Phoenix was Joaquin Phoenix's older brother

"It's okay, we're ghost hunters!"

1:21 killed my ears

Make more house calls like Hannah’s house. I feel like those places are more recent activity

River Phoenix was such a good person, his death hurts my heart so much :(

The Haunted Halls of Waverly Hills Hospital 22:10 vs Viper Room 17:37 Character development?

"can we also talk about Filthy McNasty?" "yeah! that's a good name" "that's an actual dude" "....wait wha–" they're so funny

Every episode they don't find ghosts makes Ryan more and more of a Shaniac.

Spirit box: help me Ryan... aight imma head out

Kylie Jenner: * 15:30 *

Why does Shane looks like a hippie ✌❤

“Sup demons, its ya boy”

Just skip to 15:48 where you hear the "ghost" talk and go back for details if you care enough. Everyone wants to talk about what was said but no one wants to time stamp it

yo this is so depressing is shane okay im genuinely worried about him

yo i started tearing up oh my go that was a solid please help he even repeated that oh my god

everybody gangsta until the editor layers the sound and it gets super enhanced

Did anyone else see the glass move some?

Who wants a party boy? lol

am i the only one whose heart completely melted when River said “thank you”

*me watching this in the quiet room at work* My partner: Is home alone on?!


I made it 2 minutes, unwatchable.

I think a video on Edgar Allan Poe would be noice.

*ryan dancing with the ghosts* “A little pelvic action” ryan... were you seriously thinking a ghost was grinding on you..

The ghost keeps saying "help me" i think you should help it

The fact that the spirit box said repeatedly “help me” and “Anthony” clearly was pretty good evidence

LMAO you really do look like guys from home alone

Ghost: help me please god help me Ryan: looks like it said howdy boys

It really has gone from me making fun of ghost hunters, to just wanting SOMETHING supernatural to happen lol

now I wanna rewatch home alone god dang

At 16:35 I heard it say illegal

Is it just me or is Ryan braver in this season?

"Now I'm in your hole" Oh dear

You guys look like bullies from hocus pocus

Silence Shane: Well I hope he finds a ghost

Please visit McRaven house

You guys should investigate the Zombie Road in Missouri St. Louis! That would be so cool!

The glass 10:26 looks like it was moving a little

I think if nothing else you guys are proving just how fake the Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures type shows really are. I'm not even saying hauntings dont happen. It's a means of calling out the other shows, and I wonder how much they are faking for entertainment value

15:54 i heard Frisbee idk about yall

It does kinda sound like they're repeating frisbee lmaooo

Just watched Joker and started watching everything about Joaquin but this was accidental...

Hol up x

"Now I am in your hole" Ryan 2019

Tbh the squeaking sound you thought was a door kinda sounded like a mouse

Make sure to leave your questions for our post mortem episode down below!

River phoenix deserved better

this episode is so chaotic what is going on literally everything they said is hilarious

“NOW i’m iN yOuR hOLE” okay Ryan

BUN season 6 aka shane going “yOuRe mY fRiEnD” in every episode which is absolutely adorable


5:07 the joaquin Phoenix

Can we have police investigation on the body that lies in the viper room as 'Anthony' as well as when the question"is someone buried here?" the word 'clearly' was heard?

The glass did move in the begging

what ever was in there probably ran out at 1:26

yall should prank shane

River Phoenix is one of my favorite actors. He’s so underrated

Ryan: Shane is down there not taking the investigation seriously Shane: I'm a party Boi bby

10:26 me just looking at the like dvd sign in the computer

Joanquin recently talked about River in a Joker interview and it was so heartwarming. Mr. River would be so proud of you, sir.

saw river phoenix in the thumbnail and instantly got sad :(

Johnny Depp had Anthony fox killed for stealing his profits

So sweet and sad River Phoenix said thank you :(

can we appreciate that ryan did "rise and shine" at 15:28 before kylie did it?

The true origin of joker.

Is that johnny depp in the thumbnail? Kinda looks like him but pretty sure hes alive

Ryan: Lots of booze probably spilled on this couch Shane: And some other stuff

Shane admitted he was a ghost hunter... Charater development

Can we just talk about Ryan and Shane calling it a rock and roll club after it was a grocery store as if it existed in 1920

You know, when he busts out the box if you slow it down by half and play it on reverse... It still sounds like garbage.

wow it keeps asking for help over and over.

my heart melted a bit when Ryan was talking to Phoenix and the box said “thank you” it’s such a shame that he’s gone :(

This just made me so sad watching this about River, I loved him so much as an actor, and when he was in stand by me, *AHHHHHHH*

why does shane look like a homeless person

I don’t understand how they ignore all the signs. What sort of ghost hunters are they??

It’s the joker

Lol! Wet Bandits.

anyone notice the orb from the top right corner go toward the middle of the wall when he got the response “Anthony”

I was there once right before it became The Viper Room, and there was definitely a weird vibe to the place. Maybe ghosts?!?! There's lots of places in LA that have some bad mojo. River Phoenix dying is so very very tragic, he was such a talented actor. I always forget he was so young. Imagine what he might have accomplished.


4:08 1993 johnny depp is hawt af

*a body has been discovered* (insert tik tok cosplay music)

Shane looks like he's wearing a really decent Michael Moore costume

I love watching Ryan pretend to be brave

10:27 The Glass Moved An INCH I Saw That, Anyone Else See It? Edit: Yep Deifinetely moved, Pay VERY Close Attention, It Moves An Inch Right Before The Camera Moves

You guys should hang out with Omar and Patty, actual youtube ghost hunters lol

"That's good to know if Windy Ghosts come by." xD

Ghost: Hi boys Shane: *Instant erection*

Ryan doesn’t seem as scared this season

For being scared of ghosts, Ryan is awfully nice to them

Literally one of the best of the series. Some of the best evidence. And humor lol. Amazing, bois. I send my appreciation and love

Why do they look like homeless people?

So no Caller ID

For the post mortem: at about 10:20 theres the sound of glass shattering or falling or bumping into other glass or something. I can't tell what it is, but it sounds like glass. What is it?

More true crime!!

Why do I want to go missing just so I can be on the show show

did yall hear ryan in a womans voice at 16:30 ???

The fact that a spirit said thank you is very wholesome to me

Go help that poor guy.

Is anybody going to say about 7:20 there was a shadow moving

Rise and shiiine

I feel like shane is lowkey scared.

Okay but, what I’m assuming is River saying “thank you” to Ryan while he was praising him and his acting.. my heart!

Is no one going to comment on that tender moment when Shane said: "I made a friend"? Ryan seemed a bit speechless. That's so sweet.

This episode is surprisingly creepy.

Drunk people falling down at the bar ? Ya don't say...

21:07 that defentiley sounds like something river would say

RIP River

the month where joaquin Phoenix is metioned da most

Imagine the ghost are like "Hey Anthony someone is trying to speak to you can you handle this?"

8:25 it sounded like mayday

4:37 guy looks high

at 15:29 kylie jenner is that you?? riiiissse and shiiine

Ryan's very confident lately

"once in a death experience "

When he mentions river Phoenix I was like hmm last name familiar then says joaquin Phoenix....ohhhhhh

Omg the reflection as the camera move had me double-take for a sec, I thought the glass moved

I'm curious, how long was it between each "help me?"

I would get so claustrophobic in that bar

Shane: my name is Shane, I’m a ghost hunter. Ghosts/demon: I’ve heard of this person, heard he’s an annoying hell Shane: dances for no reason, Ghosts/demon: nope, he’s quite entertaining

Rya: “you are honestly one of my favorite actors" River's ghost: “thanks my dude"

Like the ghost kept saying please help, then Anthony but NOOOO response like WTF?!?? That was insane and some of the best paranormal response they have received

true crime > supernatural

15:55 this part is so sad to me, i hope they are able to pass on

That white guy sucks. Get a new partner. Why do something you clearly don’t like doing ? Get a serious partner.

ryan: are ghosts real? shane every time: *shakes head and comes up with explanations for anything that seems ghost-ish*

I couldn't walk away after that ghost begged for help, that was so sad. Whether it's real or not that was sad

since ryan mentioned ghost adventures, they should collaborate with them because it would be pure chaos which would be great.

Anthony Fox went missing when i was born

5:28 rHurrise and shineeeee

Shane kinda reminds me of Bigfoot. In a nice way of course

I feel like you could easily edit this video to be age restricted

Ryan is really brave this episode

15:27 just me or does he sound like kylie jenner

wait, joaquin phoenix?? *the* joaquin phoenix?? why didn’t i know this-

omggg i needed this !!!!

joaquin phoenix as in the joker

me: oh viper room sounds like that one place where i tripped while walking past BU: located in LA me: O:

Another good haunted location on Sunset is the Comedy Store, I think it's just down the street. I've heard lots of comedians who perform there tell stories of similar paranormal occurrences

Ghost: “help me, please help me” Ryan: “that really sounded like hi how you doin” Ghost: *facepalm*

Does no one realize that Anthony’s brother is the guy playing the new joker

Anyone else see that shadow about 18:16 thru 18:23? I swear I did while he looked at himself in the tv

Just slow it down at about 18:16 and watch it closely to his left in the tv

Imagine talking to River Phoenix’s ghost

wow, this is the best evidence they've gotten so far, the spirit box actually spat out something relevant for once

18:24 my favorite part

Imagine this: *driving in town to buy food and you see two grown men dressed up as hobo's coming out of a windowless building.* "IT'S OKAY WE'RE GHOST HUNTERS" *that right there is commitment.*

Wow Ryan, you’ve gotten a lot braver in recent videos!! Hahaha! Great vid as usual guys! Love your investigations, you just make me chuckle!! Thanks!!

I was watching edits of river phoenix (lmao) and i was like "ima watch youtube" and I saw you published a video and I was like "THE SPOOKY BOYSSSS"

antony: "help!!" ryan: "RISE AND SHINEEE BABY!!"

the ending i DIED

jokerr hereeee

16:34 it said "potato"

Don’t worry ghosts.. I wouldn’t want to talk to Shane or Ryan either.

i don't know why but the new episodes and the drama, the humour just seem so...different, i'm not gonna say forced but something's definitely changed

In conclusion the ghost didn’t like the party boi

So mickey cohen is in la noire and visited the mamba club. And la noire in set in 1947 so does that mean that the mamba club is based on the melody room

Imagine the seeing Shane dancing and being like who's is this guy. Is he drunk?


Ghost: HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE! Ryan: wow it sounded like, "hi how ya doin'"

Dang. Jared Leto and Joacquin Phoenix went there

I really wish they would use an EVP recorder and play it back in real time instead of that other loud annoying device. I think deep down inside Shane gets scared when he's alone cause if u notice he's never quiet so if there were any noises u wouldn't be able to hear it over his talking

Nobody: Literally nobody: Shane: Hey demon is yah boi Shane

Trade those beets for some beats.

I’m so glad we have a show like this buzzfeed never disappoints all the paranormal fans

15:31 Ryan did it before Kylie ya’ll

This is notttt Ryan y’all! Clearly this isnt Ryan

It's ironic that I'm finally watching this now, after seeing this clip in my reccomended before seeing the joker movie and then seeing a reccommended for the tragic life of Joaquin Phoenix, NOT knowing this had any ties to him. This just makes me sad ;*(

Ryan is so bold this season

I just realize Shane looks a bit like Shaggy

4:11 WHOA WHOA WHOA, No need to bring the T800 in here...

Shane is basically the deadpool of the ghost world

*Bro anyone else get scared because of the loud noise at the beginning of the video that auto plays when you go onto the channel?*

1:29 and i have already lost it with laughter im cracking up

the “please help” and “help me” from the spirit box were so so clear. i got chills when it said “anthony.” that couldn’t have just been a fluke...

Ghost: “help me, please help...” Ryan: “HI HOW YA DOIN?”

why does Shane look more like hobo each episode this season....

Plz stop usuing that radio machine you guys should use the other machine you have! I don’t remember what its called

Why do people like Jim Baluchi so much?

this is the only good thing buzzfeed produces and the only good hosts on their payroll

Ghost: "Hey boys" Shane: stunned pikachu meme "Hi!"

I have no idea why but the last couple episodes I have watched Shane has looked like a lumber jack..These episodes have been 2018-2019 so I’m thoroughly confused. C:

Ok but Shane calls himself a *ghost hunter* but doesn't believe in *ghosts* . Whaaaa?!

Man I love River!

No one: Ryan: “Alright I’m in your hole”

15:29 rhieyese and shyiene

Think we found some new merch ideas

well I mean if river phoenix was haunting me I wouldn't complain

Ryan: alright....once again, my name is Ryan! Shane: AND IM SHAAANNNEEEE

11:16 ..... why did I just notice that head in the background wearing a beanie


They faded asf

By far the spookiest one

kinda sad that they might demolish it


Okay I don’t believe in ghosts but can somebody go help Anthony

can we just take a moment to appreciate freaky mcnasties?

i like CHEESE and QUESO

river phoenix was in 2 of my top like 10 movies of all time (stand by me and my own private idaho)

GO TO 5:05


In Murrieta, Ca there is a mill and a house who used to be home to an officer and his family, one night he shot his wife and kids. In the mill you can still see his wife in the top window. I have video proof. And if you stay there for to long you will be chased away by an bad energy(the officer). Across the street from the mill there is a old abandon school where if you stay there you can see the little girl playing. I would love if you guys did an investigation on the mill. So all of Murrieta can truly know what happened that night. The mill and the school still stands but the house was taken down.

Ryan: you are my favourite actor Ghost: Thank you


When you went into the crawl space i heard an "its me" from the spirt box. spooky

Spooky, aye?

No One: Absolutely No one: Shane:We look like we're gonna rob this place..

I remember when River Phoenix died. It was the year I graduated from high school. I had such a crush on him and I had a poster of him on my wall. It was so freaking sad.

idk why but this episode bothers me

this fuckin episode is wild

6:21 SAME

Why doesn’t anyone dig it up and see if there’s a body there

Shane every episode: friends, that's what we are

Are you buried here? Clearly

100% fail rate... and still one of my favorite ghost shows

This may be the most evidence they’ve ever gotten for a place being haunted. The spirit box picked up so many things that are really interesting. Such as saying “Anthony” and responding to their questions while they attempted to speak to Anthony Fox.

I'm a minute and a half in, this is why I love you guys

when he said “ you were one of my favorite actors”, and then a voice said “thank you” i got the chills.

Rain Phoenix, River’s younger sister, was also with them that Halloween night

No one: Not a soul: Not even a ghost: Shane: I’m a little party boy!

Almost the whole time Y’all we’re trying to contact a spirit it said help me could the viper room had a dark secret where murders occurred? #postmortem

Omg so scary

Well you host a show that gets millions of viewers every week..Thats a chance

The chose box: “PAGANINI” The subtitles: “Thank you”

"I'm in your hole".... Hum.... Weird phrasing but okay

Someone please tell me y’all saw that glass move after the coaster dropped

Shane looks like Steven Spielberg’s disheveled son

Scariest stuff in the video is that the dude is 23 and I'm 23

I think Tommy black knows what happened to Anthony Fox. I mean why else wouldn’t he want to go through that door,sure maybe they get a feeling but what if he knew what happened and feels guilty for not telling anyone or maybe he was involved??? #Buzzfeedunsolved #postmortem

I was really having a nostalgic moment and then they said home alone and that's what it was

SHANE AND RYAN:making a scene from home alone getting electrocuted. GHOST:wtf iam out of here they are crazyyyy

Ryan literally said he loved River and got a Thank You....and he dismissed it. WTF.

Ryan: Are you buried down here? Anthony Fox probably: D U H

Shane is a undeniable mood

Anyone else hear after the “Hey” at 15:40 hear the “it’s me” at 15:44 - 15:47 time

BuzzFeed let them sleep gezz

Shane looks like a bad boy/homeless man and I don’t know what to think about that.

Ryan and Shane: 1:22 Demon: Ight imma head out

Ryan don’t go to Thomas again

it's so cute how often Shane calls Ryan his friend this season

Shane be looking like ash from Pokemon

Hahahahaha i love you guys duo !!!

I don’t know. I can’t help but feel like this is ofensive...

15:48 "Now I'm in your hole" -Ryan2019

There honestly was soo much evidence in this episode. The ghost box even said the NAME of the guy buried.

I'm a party boi Let's party, let's DAAAAAAANNNCEEEEEE

you guys should do Sloss Furnace in Alabama

i love how they’re trying to communicate with younger ghosts this time and tbh id love to see more of that sjdkwkdk

i dont believe at the spiritbox, but as the series progresses, it keep making more sense.

You should do a crime buzzfeed unsolved on the disappearance Of the Beaumont children in Australia.

Seems like BuzzFeed has cracked the formula for successful YouTube series: An excited Asian + A serious but humorous White

Poor Anthony :(

No one else heard that noise at 10:18??

You guys are so good and i really enjoy your videos

River Phoenix isn't there. Let his soul rest in peace. Please be respectful to River and his family.

rip river also thank you for making my life better with this video

If Anthony Fox is buried there . It needs to be investigated and his body needs to be removed and put to rest. This is sad.

shane looks like a homeless pokemon trainer

He got a thank you from River

"Yaaa and some other stuff" fuckin killed me lol

7:06 Shane said Ryan why do you sound like you're having an interview with rolling stone and writing a piece on him lol I cant stop laughing

It really could be Anthony or some poor soul buried in an unmarked grave asking for help to move on...its a scary tragedy we dont know what happens in the afterlife

"Lets party baaaby lets daaAnnCee"

stand by me is one of my fav movies ever. i only clicked this bc i saw river lol

arnold whatnow?

Is nobody going to acknowledge the **p e r f e c t** re-enactment of home alone?

16:33 you can actually hear a female voice say back ‘Ryan’...

shane looks like a plumber

15:30 riiise and shiiiine

Shane's style changed from nerdy prep to alternative skater. Is he going thru something? Lol

OoH iM a pArty bOi leTs paRtY baBy 18:23

Hey can someone help me understand what that black mass of a shadow is that flashes by at 8:14 at the top left corner of the screen? Is that just the lens, or cameraman moved something? Or what

lmfaooo 10/10 intro

Who’s their cameraman?

I'm a little party boy

Ryan: "So Shane is down there. Likely not taking the investigation very serious. Very on brand." Shane: "Ah....Ah..Ah."

"i'm in your hole" - ryan bergara 2019

Nobody: Ryan: *NOW IN IM YOUR HOLE*

"Bye ghosts, i love you " -Shane Madej 2019

When he said October 31st, 1993 I literally said please don’t say River Phoenix. I never wanted to know the actual details of his death, but here we go.

"Hi boys" Ryan: " I think that was japanese"

10-31-93 #RiverPhoenix

Lol I hope this show never ends

Ryan: “so Shane is down there, likely not taking the investigation very seriously, very on brand” Meanwhile Shane Shane: “oooo velvety, very velvety” *intrigued by the wall*

that unintelligible after hi boys sounded like “what are you doing?”

Ghosts - ‘ help me’

Please have a medium or someone who knows what they are doing go help these spirits move on

Wow the jokers brother died here


Shane+ryan = chaotic energy

When did Ryan became such a badass talking back at demons?

Ryan: Hi, I’m Ryan. Shane: *I’M SHANE*

8:40 Joaquin?

They look like bums

At 15:44 you hear "its me" like the phone calls

tell me why i feel bad for these ghosties, when he said thank you my heart melted

"I'm in your hole now"

21:08 I was looking at the comments when I heard that and it sounded like :you are with me”

Why doesn’t somebody just dig up the floor?

but here's the thing- unless you really really attract supernatural energy and i mean like you're a supernatural magnet i don't think we will ever have physical proof as a glass off by itself or people passing out *on camera*.

I’m sorry but when he asked ‘is there anybody buried in here that’s not supposed to be?’ It quite literally said ‘Anthony’

ghosts; help me, help me ryan: that really sounded like ‘how, how ya doin’!


1:13 How do you NOT add a split screen photo comparison!?

Hi, it's me

The pic tho

Ryan’s getting a lot braver

you guys are hilarious

Shane please tell me you didn’t just ask a ghost how he balances LIFE love and family

No one: Not a single soul: Not even Jesus: Shane: *IM A LITTLE PARTY BOY*

Am starting to think that shane is more scare than ryan and uses sarcasm to cover up his feelings

“Rise and shine babyy!” Lmao did he predict the rise and shine meme

Ryan's pelvic action tho

I feel like Shane is actually really scared of the paranormal, and he's loud and obnoxious on the hunts because he's afraid he'll see or hear something he can't explain

That Home Alone reenactment was absolutely amazing

Well that was a tender moment between Shane and Ryan

ngl the help me stuff spooked me

I may be mistaken... but did that cup slide?

Am I the only one who got sad when Ryan was in that small back room? It just kept saying, “help me please help me” over and over again

Me, In Ryan's Shoes: Anthony Fox are you buried here? Good BOi Tony: Clearly. Me; Listen it's not like I see your corpse in front of me you gotta cooperate bud.

Shane’s Johnny Depp was fantastic and I don’t see enough comments as that short clip deserves.

Ghost: help me Ryan and Shane: big boobs?? what? uhh.. anyways, child

Omg Joaquin Phoenix is the actor of the new joker

*opens the crawl space door* ryan: “Rise anD Shine”

BAHAHAHA SHANE: *smells like a vip room* Ryan: probably a lot of beer spilled on this couch. Shane: *probably some other stuff*

Wait wait wait.... if someone’s BODY is buried in that room idk should they call the police to find out!????

When they mention your home city

If they make a home alone remake cast the wet bandits as Ryan and Shane

I'm Ryan and I'm Shane and welcome to UNHHHHsolved the show where we talk about ghosts, cause it's our show, and not yours

I feel bad for that poor ghost

why am i watching these hnrgvi im the biggest scaredy cat ever

Lmao Shane was clearly shook when they heard the squeaking "what are you talking about nothings going on"

Are we all just going to ignore the fact that Johnny Depp and who ever else killed this guy Anthony and hes still buried in there I feel like someone should confront depp and and unburied the body and see if it's anthiny then charge someone with his murder

ngl the river stuff made me cry a little. miss him a lot

I really want someone to dig up the dirt

shane looks extra homeless in this one

Oh damn! Joaquin Pheonix, River's younger brother, plays Joker! Sucks that he, as a method actor, probably used that trauma in his acting

should the police be involved?

Joaquin Phoenix, as the Joker 2019..Such a tragic back story for his brother, River.

Rivers brother is the joker actor

Guys! Cecil hotel! This would be amazing to see!

The name Anthony literally came through that spirit box HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE SAID ANYTHINH RYAN

Dude I freaking love River Phoenix

Buzzfeed message me youll be glad you did. Jasonalex1234 at yahoo

that ''Anthony'' was really really clear

“Now i’m in your hole”

*a l i t t l e p e l v i c a c t i o n*

Y’all notice young Johnny Depp in the thumbnail at the left

15:29 rise and shine-

You know what I've realised; Yes time can heal all wounds but enough time can also make a place haunted.

Joaquin Phoenix was the new Joker.

its missing river phoenix hours

What was that on the left at 8:14 It looked like a shadow...

Guys your really funny and awesome but if you want to try experience anything or pick up anything then you have to go into things more seriously

Joaquin Phoenix is the joker now


In Santa Clara?! Why?! Ugh now ima research that all night.

anthony fox went missing the day i was born

The way the camera moved at 10:44 really made me think the glass had started moving. I audibly gasped.

Did anyone else see the shadow in the top right corner at 8:15 or was that just me?

Frank Reynolds owned that placed too, he called it Shadynastys

This is a good episode!

Anyone think of joequin Phoenix from the joker movie

Ghost ,Sorry we scared your buddy to much, Shane, its okay, DELETE THAT FOOTAGE!

Am I the only one who keeps jumping whenever I see the mannequin on the bar?

Ryans getting bolder every season and episodeeeee

I swear this os the longest time you guys used the spirit box. Good job

I don't understand why the current manager won't have anyone dig in the dirt to see if his body is down there. I'm 100% sure he is.

Anyone else hear that glass sound @ 10:19

these impressions had me dying omg

Could you do a true crime episode on Anthony foxx

this place reminds me of hotel cortez from ahs

Does anyone know how to leave them suggestions?? I'd love for then to come check out Camp Livingston here in Louisiana. Its supposedly SUPER haunted and filled with satanic cults, ICE houses, and more!!

Finally! Ghost hunting AND a murder mystery in the same episode. I suggested that forever ago and then my comment vanished.


Is it just me or ryan isn't being a Scardycat

Ryan: Shan probably isn’t taking the investigation seriously *cuts to Shane* Shane: uh, Uh, UH

rise and shine baybey!!!

Ghost of rivers walks in with a clown mask because he just got back from a ghost screening of joker

The squeaking sound sounded like shoes tbh.

How does Ryan sleep at night

“A little pelvic action”

Why haven't the bones been dug up and tested yet by police? Im confused.

So. We're communicating to the Jokers brother


Ghost:”Help me” “please help” Ryan:”ohh he said how are you how nice”

The sticky bandits

When you realize that Joaquin Phoenix plays the new joker....

omg river and joaquin

Mentioning Ghost Adventures is the only collab we’ll get huh?

the fact that river said thank you :’ )

I used to work at Lucky Strike in LA Live and we had ghosts all. the. time. I literally watching a fork fly from one side of the kitchen to the other. I'd love to see an episode checking that out!

Ryan: turn off the light and shut the door. Who is this man?!?!

“Hi boys”

5:07 Wait Wait...hold on did you just say Joaquin Phoenix? Who is here aften the joker movie?

Why does Shane look like a boy scout?

“I’m in your hole now” ~Ryan 2019

ryan really said confident queen when he went in that hole though

River will forever be my crush i lost my marbles when i saw him on the thumbnail

It sounds like there's a faint "yeah" in response to Shane at 20:16.

Come to Saudia Arabia if you want ghosts.

“We invite anyone to come here with us. You can touch us.....” ROOKIE MISTAKE

Fairfield Hill insane asylum!!

No reaction to "Filthy McNasty's?" I had to pause the video when I heard it.

I laughed way too hard at 19:20

Shane looks like a mid crazy homeless man.

Spirit boxes are a scam and ghosts or demons don't exist.

The amount of people only now realizing that Joaquin and River are brothers...Where have you guys been oml

Ghost Hunters: Move the glass right now Ghost: Well now I'm not doing it

15:39 “rise and shine baby” “rIiIiIisE aNd ShInE”

So Ryan was the last person to talk to Phoenix…

Honestly this whole video gives me just crackhead energy

18:40 shane: bye ghosts, i love you *shrugs shoudlers*

Anyone else hear the glasses klinging at 10:20?

Who else loves the way ryan says boulevard

This is so disorienting to watch after seeing Joaquin Phoenix in Joker. It's hard to imagine such huge celebrities having tragedies like this.

Guys, I feel like this isn't the authentic Ryan and Shane. It seems like you were put up to this because of the joker movie and by mentioning Joaquin phoenix you'll get more views. I don't think it's very respectful.

"Filthy McNasty's" doesn't even sound like a real name, it's like something Stefon from snl would say "New York's hottest club is Filthy McNasty's, this place has everything - mobsters...."

“Bye ghosts. I love you.”


"Help me, Please help" ooh, that sounded like hi, how are you doing


Anthony goes missing a day before his trial... the former manager says a body is buried behind the downstairs lounge... the room smells... umm wtf?

*_Ed Caluag has entered the chat_*

I feel like Anthony is trapped his spirit might be trapped as he said help repeatly like he didnt want to be there

Joaquin Phoenix mr joker

Someone contact Bruce Willis...Shane and Ryan want to be knocked out by him!!

I'm honestly always terrified when they pick up voices but get this adrenaline to hear more

I wish I could work for buzzfeed

Ryan is so brazen, 16:14

Where with the vipers

Ryan: are you burried here? Fox: *C L E A R L Y* I need me a sassy ghost man like that

17:30 Ryan: “so Shane is down there, likely not taking the investigation very seriously” **cuts to Shane yelling at the wall to test its echoing ability**

Ngl in the middle of watching this episode YouTube just closed out... freaked me out man

Shane is 33, wtf?

Soo nobody is gonna talk about how River Phoenix’s brother, Joaquin Phoenix, is the Joker?

Shane cuffs his pants

Joaquin Phoenix aka the new joker

You guys should check out Proveglia or the Pine Barrens or Bunnyman Bridge next. Love your videos

I saw the viper room on the show Ghost Adventures and it was cool

Meet Shane, a ghost hunter that doesn’t believe in ghosts.

I think the box thingy is just connection randomly to radio stations- it often sounds like a radio. Could be wrong, still fun to watch though!

lmao shane was scared omg

whenever the thing said "Anthony" i gasped

No one: Ryan: a little *~PeLViC aCtiOn~*

Whenever they turn on the spirit box and shout over it asking questions like fools I imagine the ghosts going "OMG WHAT IS THAT HOW IT THAT SUPPOSED TO HELP I CAN'T EVEN HEAR YOU"

but Joaquin is like high key hot not gonna lie

*filthy mcnasty*

river phoniex can haunt me anytime

The spirits are hecking active this season, my gosh

The Batwomen poster in the back xd

k somethin creepy, when ryan said 6 and my computer glitched it into 6-6-6

Demons? Probably

Jefree Star reaches through the void tto say Hi, How are ya?

At 10:21 if you listen closely when shane is talking about glasses falling you can hear the sound of what I think is a plastic cup falling

Did anyone else hear the sound of a plastic glass falling somewhere in the background at 10:20, while they're talking about the glass falling?? Or is that just the background music?

When he heard that 'thank you'..i see a light on the left side.

Is it just me or did anyone else see that glass move a bit at 10:31

The opening sound effects sound like someone threw a wolf off a cliff and it exploded.

Is it me or do they seem to find more ''effidence'' then before, like talking and stuff. ??

The untilligable sounds after the clear words @ River .. sounded like ''mayday''

I think it’s clear that Anthony Fox was murdered and his body was hidden under the club with its elite influence on the local law enforcement. I also think Maci and the more experienced employee know more than they’re leading on. I think the phone calls is so Maci will never forget what happened to him.

Ok but why hasn’t anybody dug under there to find the body?


Yooo right when ryan said Anthony fox my room door got slammed i almost fell out of my chair

h i b o y s

I love you guys. You are my favorite channel, but my personal opinion is it is a bit insensitive to post this on the same weekend Joaquin Phoenix's film (I know, it's not HIS, but he's the lead) premiered. ...though i did enjoy this episode

Did anyone notice the glass move before the camera planned to Ryan, before Shane moved the glass?

No one: Not a single soul: Shane: "LeTs DanCe"

Who else is watching these all October long

Looking for a party boy I'm here baby lmaoooo

[UNINTELLIGIBLE] Ryan: "I think that was Japanese" vvvvvv Nobody: Japanese people: **speaks in **_unintelligible_*

Goodbye, ghosts. I love you.

7:33 I was zoning out then the camera guy scared me

"you were really talented"... "Thank you" ngl that made me happy

That spirit saying Help me is probably trying to seek for peace :(( Plus, someone better be investigating that whole goddamn place as in that place the said former manager was 'burried' or just someone else than him

Grasping for straws, wtf happened to this (once great) show?

you and ring it 3times before goin in, my familie is into spiritual things and ringing the bell 3times help or brings our more sprites just a thought

Less Wet bandits, more a Civil War hobo and a homeless mime, guys. Love you!

the anthony fox thing is kinda sad :(

if you want ouija board.

Shane: looks homeless Also Shane: shouts at a glass cup

Hi it’s me

Why do people dislike videos

Filthy Mcnasty is by far my favorite name

Two people who played as joker were mentioned. Love it!

No one: People who watched Joker: RiVer PhOeNix Is JoKeR’s BrOtHEr WtH?!??!? Y’all either way too young or way too ignorant, Joaquin was a great actor before goddamn Joker. Smh

"Hi boys" me: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

When Shane and Ryan were acting like they were electrocuted just imagine if a random person just came in..... THAT would be hilarious

Even if they got a full ghost on camera dancing with Shane.... They couldnt show it. It would be the end of our boys.

Ryan: i fuckin love you river River: aw shucks

Shane, i just cant with you. I can't!

shane sounds like a wine mom out for a night with the girls

am I the only person who had no idea about this whole thing?? Like I had no idea Joaquin Phoenix had a brother that died?

Shane seems manic, take your meds my guy

Why don’t they dig up the little room they think Anthony is buried in?

Shane: a little P E L V I C A C T I ON

Please do a collab with ghost adventures!

Ryan turning into a man. Also dont believe in ghost but do believe in demons..... I disagree with the fact that ghost stay after death.

iM a LitTLe pArTy BOy

Ryan: That sounded like Japanese Ad: *Excellent Beers in Japan!*

anyone else notice that something moved in the background at 20:14 ? and made a little noise. im not sure if its something thats supposed to move or? the camera even refocuses when it moved. to the right near shanes shoulder

ryan: **moans** shane: *no* me: *no* viewers: *no* the ghosts: *no* the world: *no*

Sounds more like a joker origin story

15:28 hUrriSE and ShaiiainE

My husband just asked ‘are you watching the bing bong boys lookin for ghosts again?’. I think that sums you two up well.

Omg Johnny Depp in the thumbnail

8:16 don't tell me i'm the only one that heard what sounded like a guitar cord

I was born the same day Anthony Fox disappeared Am I his reincarnation

Well mah favorite band is Queen

Ok but what if when they hear the “help me” it’s intercepting like a radio frequency somewhere and it’s someone on like a plane thats calling in through the radio and needs help

The thank

Wow the help me help me please multiple times :-( i feel bad for whatever is stuck there

Why does shane look like a lowkey trucker?

That 'Thank You' wasn't that scary it made me feel happy inside.

why is shane's johnny depp impression actually really good

I think it's cool how you heard River Phoenix say "thank you" to Ryan after Ryan complimented him That's cool

when you guys said he was buried at the premises my FRICKIN COMPUTER SHUT OFF

Why don't they use that Ovilus thingamabob more?

when ryan said rise and shine at 15:31 i felt that

Party basement - party boy

You should come check out the Alvina Krause Theatre in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. We see spooky stuff here all the time. This whole town is haunted cuz its so old

Next season y'all go back and actually help poor Anthony, Aight?

i always shake my head with Shane whenever Ryan says ".. investigation into the question are ghosts real?" even though i believe they're real lmao

It didn't really sound like he said "thank you" it sounded more like "You need to leave" or "Anything you need"

I love how Ryan has just grown so ballsy on these investigations lol

Please go back and try to help him pass to the afterlife

I know why a lot of people are collapse at the same spot at the bar, Because there is the cashier machine that's why

I’m lonin’ Shane’s new hair.


why does shane look like he would ask you for money?

Ryan: RIIIIsE and ShIIneeE

why does Shane look like a boy scout in this video

I'm happy about having the same Oontz bluetooth speaker.

Ryan: "You're one of my favourite actors". River:

21:06 does not sound like thank you at all?


16:34 sounded like 'Illegal'

I'm obsessed with the viper Room. Would love to visit

*skips to **1:23* oh okay

In Belfast we have a "complex" of bars & clubs referred to as The Filthy McNasty Quarter, with Filthy McNasty's at its heart.

RIP River Phoenix, you’ll forever be missed

just when i think i could move on from River’s death,,,,,thanks

Bro did river say thank you

1:21 listen with eyes closed, it's like I'm watching home alone electrocution scene on demand LOL

maybe it’s just the backtrack but if you go to 10:18 and wait for like 10:21 kinda sounds like a glass breaking in the background

rest in peace river, truly amazing actor

omfg I saw river in the thumbnail and I immediately clicked on the video

I wonder if Joaquin Phoenix has ever come across this video

Honestly, the spirit box responses might be enough evidence to dig up the ground to find human remains. Give closure to these unfortunate souls :'(

Ryan dancing is like a parent trying to be cool in front the of their kids

Shane: “it’s a once in a...*pauses*...death time opportunity!

That soft voice

Ghost:Help me, Please help Ryan:That sounded like Hi how ya doin

Interesting that Joaquin Phoenix was involved.

Joaquin Phoenix? The newest joker?

Two future jokers went to this bar before,huh

I don't know how much evidence is needed to have the police dig up a floor but something very oddly and coincidentally said "help me, please help me" when Ryan asked if Anthony was buried there. Which it then followed up by saying "Anthony"... It sounded desperate and I feel for it

Can I suggest somthing : do search in YOUTUBE about Silent Room In The World , could one of yours stay in this room more than 3 Hours . I'm sure you'll find all answer about ghost and what brain can take you to super imagination status .

19:18 No one: Ryan”*oOp*”

“Help me” “Please help” “THaT SoUnDeD lIke ‘Hi HOw yA DoIn?’”

You can actually see the glass move on its own before Shane even touches it 10:40

Nobody: Cameron Boyce: 1:24

Me: *takes vape thing away from my friend* My friend (who has asthma): 1:21

0:25 Someone form the street : HELLO polis.

My question is why hasnt anyone cheked that dirt room

The joker in the viper room

It would be cool if they actually let the spirits speak a little instead of cutting them off and treating it as a joke the whole time. Spirits are people, with feelings and trauma. Its pretty disrespectful tbh

'once in a lifetime-' *corrects himself* 'once in a death time opportunity!' lmao


“Ahhhhhhhahhhhhhahhhhahhhhahhhhh” “Originally built” LOL

Ghost: "Help me!" Ryan: "Oh they said Hi how you doing" Ghost: "WTF!"

who you gonna call? ryan bergara!

that moment when your favorite male actor is tied to a disappearance

Okay but why do they look like they’re dressed like the robbers from home alone

this episode has some of the most compelling evidence since the Sally House and yet it went completely ignored.

i love me a good little party boy

i’m sorry but getting those same exact responses over and over again is CLEARLY evidence. & quickly after questions too. AND you got the exact name. come on man.

Am I the only one who when Shane said “I made a friend ... “ I was expecting “...with a demon”

Idk y they wouldn’t hire someone to dig up the body and identify it

river :((

ok guess what my knees buckle 24/7 but now not really anymore

When Ryan said rise and shine baby, all I could think of was kylie Jenner lmafo

Why tf have the police not gotten a warrant to dig up that creepy room... All paranormal stuff aside, that should be enough reason to get a warrant to search for the guys body

I can’t believe they are talking to the ghost of the jokers brother.

15:29 RiSe AnD sHiNe

RIVERSROSEZ on instagrammmm!!!! Rivers the loveeee of my lifeee

14:57 face looking at shane

Ok, Ryan doesn't believe anymore, a few seasons ago he would not have gone into that room :D At least not without massively shaking and stuttering

New Theory: Shane quit the show and, as such, he was replaced by a lookalike hobo this season

Johnny Depp is so shady but no one ever talks about that lol

so THAT'S how you say Joaquin Phoenix's name? damn, iv been saying it wrong all this time..

I see River Phoenix I click

The River Phoenix sorry is sad and tragic. He was a famous child star and then as he grew up he struggled with fame and also lack of work. It’s awful. To this day Joaquin still struggles with talking about what happened. You can see it in his face whenever he brings River’s name up.

The home alone part killed me lmfao

MAN... Actually listening to the real 9-1-1 call from Joaquin Phoenix talking to the operator about his brother dying right in front of him, is probably one of the most difficult & saddest things I think I've ever heard!

15:29 ... KyLiE?!

man, that glas he pulled from behind the bar is so dirty... xD

Joaquin Phoenix That sucks dude

i feel like this is a bar you can buy in gta 5

Does anyone else here glass clinking at 10:20?

"Hi, It's me"

I watched Joker before watching this episode and I had never heard of River Phoenix before this. I got chills when he mentioned “his younger brother Joaquin” that’s wild

Around minute 15 the flash lights are shinning at the camera and it looks like there’s a face between Shane and Ryan super creepy slightly taller then both of them

21:10 that actually sounded like Joaquin Phoenix. May have been Rivers... Who knows

They should invite Glam n gore, Mykie. She's a Shane and a Ryan in one.

The ghosts probs don’t appear cuz they have a fetish for Ryan’s pain and annoyance from Shane’s Shenanigans

That is so spooky omg. When Ryan went into the little closet space and the voice just repeatedly said “please help. Help me. Please help me” it gave me chills. The poor man just wants help. HELP ANTHONY. Also, how has no one dug up the back room where a body is buried. If someone told me there was a body buried in my night club, I’d sure as hell call someone to come and investigate it and get it out.

o he’s hot

Ryan, “now I’m in your hole”.

Cotton Club, Melody Room, Filthy McNasty's, The Central, The Viper Room...I have an obsession with tracking things.

Isn't that where river Phoenix died? Edit: I was correct

Joaquin Phoenix Maybe hes there real reason hes the joker because his brother was on drugs and he clowned a whole city

I can just imagine all the ghost just sitting in the bar like "these two were idiots" while we're all here like "these two are making history!!"

Anyone else hear a growl at 19:28 ?

The viper room plays a key role in jokers origin story

“...will remain unsolved .” I know I’m not the only one waiting to one day have a “ now solved.”

*Gets some of the best spirit box evidence ever* no one cares

Ryan's Arnold impersonation is one of the funniest things to happen on this show

Shane is slowly going crazy

5:45 is that Channing Tatum?

Ryan: is anyone buried here? Ghost: Anthony Ryan: okay

rIse and shInneee

shane out here lookin like a homeless pokemon trainer

Nobody: Absolutely no one: Shane : iM a pArTy bOi

Speaking of John Belushi, you guys should go to the bungalow he passed in. My Favorite Murder did a hometown story where this persons family stayed in the bungalow and their baby brother used to play with a “funny man” ghost.

I've never seen ryan so confident when going into a haunted location

Daaamn Ryan be looking like a snack with that bar lighting

Nice of River to say Thank you. What a nice guy

glove people unite

i saw river & johnny depp so i clicked

Wow Ryan's really getting brave this season

"Now I'm in your hole" thanks Ryan

as someone who makes drinks all day ive learned that if the counters even a little wet (expecially with melted ice) cups moves in weird motions thats why i think people atribute movong glasses to ghosts

That's a nice origin story for joker (Joaquin Phoenix)

cann someone tell me where Ryan and Shane got/bought their spirit box, I realllllly want one lmaoo.

river phoenix brother is now the joker, maybe that’s what made him go crazy#JOKER

Every time someone wear fingerless gloves they immediately turn into homeless hobo looking for some hot drink but I turn into abomination against God who bullies ghosts and demons.

i did not hear hi boys but "eyeball"

bro something for sure happened to someone down in that basement. idk how well the spirit box works or if it works at all, but having it repeatedly say "help me" and saying Anthony's name was definitely pretty spooky. the boys have caught some pretty solid evidence this season with the spirit box, but I'd really like to see something without the spirit box for the evidence to really be solidified. either way, sPoOky StUfF

so are we going to ignore that the ghost said help me said clearly theres a body buried and said his name Anthony !! WHY IS 911 NOT CALLED FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION

I think the glass moved

shayne fed up this ghost hunting, hahaha


Can someone please buy this place and dig up the basement crawl space thing

Please do a crossover with ghost adventures!!

it just made me so happy when he spirit said *thank you* after Ryan said “ur my favorite actor”

River Phoenix will be infamously linked to the Viper Room Forever.

At 8:19, "Help me, please help. I hate it here." Especially if you slow the video down to .75 speed. Insane.

I wonder if Joaquin would like to see this or if he has seen this. I mean after all, it must’ve been extremely traumatic to have to call 911 after your brother is having an overdose, and practically died in his hands.

Now this video just made me want to hang out at a bar at 6am in the morning. Lol! XD

When River Phoenix said "thank you" I felt so nice.

but why doesn’t maci go to the police, the police dig up the back and then maybe find anthony and then yk we find who did it and yeah

Why is it that Shane clearly has paranormal activities with ghosts but doesn't believe in them

The home alone reference made me pee :)

I'm imagining Joaquin Phoenix and Johnny Depp watch this video

Am I the only one that actually saw the glass move at 11:19 ?

Hi guys!Please could you do an episode on the Robert Smith murder.It's super interesting and still remains unsolved.Please will you do it's one of South Africa's biggest mysteries.Thank you.Love your show!

I was expecting that "PUT IT DOWN NOW" when I heard Arnold's name, Was not disappointment.

River said hi boys

Joaquin Phoenix? The Joker??? OMGG

"I don't know. Turn the light off and shut the door." Woah! Ryan!!! The Ghoul Boy is a Brave Boy!

when shane screamed “IM SHANE” he sounded a lot like markiplier

I'm just curious of why they did not dig under that basement and see if anthony was buried in there. I mean he was asking for help?? Maybe, once, let us believe in ghosts and see if they are true + they could've solved a crime down there.

funny if when ryan is in the crawlspace or whatever, if thats right above the buried body D=

the fact that river would’ve said thank you so politely if he was still alive :( i really do hope he can rest peacefully, he deserved a long and happy life.

River Phoenix said Thank you.


thumbs up if you'd pay to see Ghoul Boy's celeb impression stand-up routine

“Let’s party babyyy”- Shane Madej, a ghost hunter, alone in a dark basement.

14:38 Ryan: Once again, my name is Ryan.., Shane: I’M SHANE!!!

Schwarze WHAT

So much pain in that place....smh

i wonder how joaquin phoenix feels about this

no one: Ryan: NoW I'm In UR hOle

I refuse to believe the ghost wasn’t drunk.

They should go and check the house of Ghost of Carmel Maine.

fingerless gloves

You guys should do one of JOHN LANG FROM FRESNO!!!!!!

river stans lemme hear yall make some noise

Whenever they say help or anything like that, it hurts me because I don't think we can help.

Heck, we have phones that say "low battery" three times when they're low on power. One just decided to do that from the other room, in the middle of the creepy moment in the back lounge ;-;

is it just me but i love that shane says ghouls

19:07 why is there a mannequin head at a bar, that's creepy

yall posted this on birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have literally been binge watching any video on youtube with Joaquin (thanks a lot Joker) in it and I was like oh let me catch up on Buzzfeed unsolved and y'all brought him up. I wonder how he would feel if he saw this tbh

In the back bar, at around 15 seconds, it look like a man was staring at Shane over his shoulder

Why did I think Harry Styles was in the thumbnail

18:25 I’m a party boy let’s dance

12:06 Shane though

Wet bandits


23 is such a young age, wow. My aunt died at 13, but I think 23 is a young age to pass at to. but, the home alone part got me

He’s really buried there and is asking for help :(

shane is fearless and i admire him for that

Who ya gonna call? rYan bOoGarA

Shane: I'm a little party boy! Let's shake it, let's DANCE Ryan:how about those moves huh ghouls?

Why do they look homeless

I am absolutely a Shaniac, but this episode specifically gave me pause.

Shane saying "I had done nothing with my life by 23" is the world's biggest mood.

I'd love to see y'all go to this abandoned miltary base in NJ or the emberville aslyum in pa both places I had seen things not hear full on seen a spirit and ecperanced strange smells

"My name is Ryan" "I M S H A N E"

That’s are jobs we are robbing this place off ghosts

Is it just me or the did the glass just move while shane is looking at it?(maybe bc of the air) @ 11:19

Try willows weep haha you 2 wont last an hour trust me

The anniversary of Rivers death is coming up AHHHH SPOOPYYYYYY

"Ghoul boys see a hole, they're gonna look in it, that's the Ghoul Boys promise"

"Let's Party let's daaaaaance!" Me:└(★o★)┐

1:21 This part WILL be taken out of context by some fans

Rest in peace to john belushi and river phoenix. Both have legacies no one will ever erase.❤️

the number of times i heard "please help/me" in this video creeped me out

"you're gonna love it" "SJSHSHSJHSHSJSJSKSHK"

most if not all of those "voices" sounded nothing like the subtitles

Uh the glass did move as he was reaching to pick up the coasters again...

Ryan has gotten so brave

Nobody: The comment section: ghost: hi Ryan: ahhhhhhh

feels lowkey weird that two of the actors who played Joker could have met years before at that club-

Ok but if she thinks there’s a body buried there....why don’t they just dig up the room??

Shane just looks homeless

Dauuum Ryan with them jay's ready to ball up with them demons

i'm on the drug, i'm on the drug, i'm on the drug that killed river phoenix!

Shane with the ghosts: I’m a little part boy! If you’re lookin for a party boy HERE I AMM. Let’s party baby! Let’s party, let’s DAANCEEE

Anthony fox disappeared of my exact birthday December 19th 2001. That's actually extremely creepy.

it seems like river phoenix is a chill ghost

I’m a simple girl..... I see Johnny Depp, I Click

I feel like Ryan is getting alot braver when discovering or helping ghosts but it could be that the place or ghosts in there really did just want help and decided not too scare people or create "negative energys" who knows maybe Ryan picked up on that

@13:55 it looks like Ryan has his arm around a ghost haha

now what could possibly push a glass off of a bar mean other than a wet surface, or vibrations from loud music, both of are the bread and butter of a freakin' night club?

I named my son after river Phoenix. He had a rough night. We was promised to play on stage with the Red Hot Chili Peppers or Flea and then that didn’t end up happening. He had done some heroin I believe and then when he did the cocaine he started sweating profusely and shortly after that knew something was wrong. He actually told someone he was OD’ing and then started having seizures. So sad.

Eurovision Nerds here? I want to make a joke about Shane trying to call the ghosts by behaving like Verka Serduchka.

Why are they both donned up as homeless guys?

Hearing the spirit box in the basement/closet thing broke my heart, the voice sounds so genuine and needs help. Hopefully someone does something about it :(

ryan: is there anyone buried here that shouldnt be buried here anthony: anthony please help ryan: ....anyways


"i'm a pirate" 4:30

Around 16:00 you can hear something or someone say look up

love these guys xD

These guys are talented. Keep the content coming

RIP River Phoenix ;(


I honestly think Ryan might be a witch cause of how spiritually connected he is and i think that’s great

Not going to lie when he heard thank you I was kinda freaked out But then again I was thinking what a polite ghost

I think this is the most successful ghost show because they’re honest. Funny, and honest.

You guys should get that box that lets ghosts choose words

"his head looks like a giant knuckle"

Lmfao I was legit thinking they looked like the bandits from home alone

Anthony’s over here; help, help me, etc. Ryan: *now I’m in your hole*

The amount of times you heard help is almost *TOO* clearly not coincidental

"Not this Time Depp!!!" Shane Madej 2019

*watches this knowing damn well I won’t be able to sleep later*

@16:33 "murder is illegal"

I'm surprised that when Ryan made assumptions that Fox got killed, Shane didn't make the rather, more reasonable suggestion of him running to get out of deep water...

15:09, it in the reflection of the flashlight i swear to god it looks kinda like there is the top half of a face. Not saying there is a ghost, just saying the human brain is programmed to find patterns in everything. But still wanted to point that out.

Joaquin Phoenix older brother!?!?

Scenario: you’re about to hire these to guys for some job You - hello I’m the manager Ryan - hi I’m Ryan Shane - IM SHANEEEE

8:23 “please help” “I hate it here”

Does anyone else think that that thank you sounded nothing like thank you

i didn’t realize joaquim had such a sad history. this is really interesting


they’re just like the two guys off of big mouth

Ryan: is something buried down here? Ghost: clearly lol

12:07 Nothing to see here. Just Shane Madej having a seizure.

River Phoenix popped up and Jared Leto had been shown only a couple seconds earlier. ...Joker?

I’m old and I remember River’s death. It’s so sad. Such a great loss of talent.

Did anybody else see the shadow pass in the top left hand corner of the screen at 8:14?

10:09, Does anyone see that woman behind ryan? Im not sure what it is it may be a doll but its still spoopy

So they investigated the ghost of joker's brother?

Baguette??? I was summoned.

15:48 “now I’m in ur hole” ~Ryan 2019

new theory: shane is actually homeless

jonny depp had RIVER pheonix killed in directly via cocaine bec they both are rising stars and look a likes. 'there can only be one.' picture it.

Shane: Bye ghost I luv you Ghost: say whaaaaaaaa?????

Imagine if Anthony fox is still alive and he's watching this video tight now

The real Joker’s backstory

Wait Joaquin phoenix like Joaquin phoenix joker 2019 that's so tragic

the guys: are ghosts real the ghost thats talking with the ghost box: please help me the guys: its still unsolved

I'm conviced they must be on crack or somethin they be loco


also why do i feel like ryan is becomig more like a shaniac every episode

" filfy mcnasty.. yea its a real name" " wait,...WHAT"

21:07 That didn't sound like "Thank you" at all.. Also why did your mouth acted like you lip-synced the thing he said?

rISe and shINe 15:29

Guys try the ozone disco thing

ghosts: help i'm trapped here shane:

11:50 Mario

LAPD looking at this video: y’all maybe we should go check that out yah know just incase

Oh nahhhhh i couldn’t do it

I love how far Ryan has come with his fear of haunted places. I've been watching them since the beginning and Ryan's bravery and confidence have greatly improved

Loving the hobo chic

I guess Ryan and Shane found their Halloween costumes :)

the “thank you” from river sent me

Question for the post Mortem If there was someone ‘’buried” in a room of club why wouldn’t you dig it up rather than just leaving it there #shanealltheway

How did I not see this when the video came out like I’m obsessed with River Phoenix and I found a video how his death happen which I already knew tho

Y’all should do the U.S.S Nightmare

I feel like these ghosts have been a victim of shanism

River Phoenix

It was really hard for me listening to this and hearing Fox repeatedly asking for help. My heart shattered a little bit. I hope someone else goes there and tries to talk to them again.

At 11:20 the glass moved

The spirit box sends shivers right through my body

Holy crap. Not even a minute in and I'm getting distracted by how much Shane looks a a truck driver stereotype o.o


Ryan: moans Shayne:

9:24 was it just Ryan’s shadow??? Or

You guys are so great especially together so glad I found this channel ❤️❤️❤️

These aren’t scary enough

Shane, has any of the evidence you've gathered so far swayed your opinion on whether or not ghosts are real, even just a little bit? #postmortem

I feel really bad for Joaquin tbh, what a thing to have to go through. I’m still proud of him for Joker, though. I’m sure his brother is too.

when the spirit box said anthony i got some intense goosebumps and my eyes started to tear up. that was honestly one of the clearest answers i’ve ever heard from their spirit box

Y’all think maybe depp had something to do with Anthony?? I think he is the one buried there and there should check it out and test for DNA especially what the spirit box said


Man whoever killed Anthony fox is sweating I swear

I think fox is really there,

I’m just saying, that if you guys went to the places from 2 to 3, you’d have better luck, please just try it

4:32 Depp: I’m a pirate Arnold: IM THE TERMINATOR!

This is the true story of joker

Crazy how the spirit box just kept on emiting the ghosts crying for help

6:39 I could not help but "Awwww"ed really loud. He made a friend in last 10 years.

Y didn't u ask who did it? Lol

17:16 on the board on the left of Ryan it is clearly written: 'drink and worship satan' No wonder why this place is haunted..

what a coincidence that there was a voice saying "please help, please help, please help me"- with the same voice each time- in the area where there was a person buried, Please explain shane

Shane is 33?!?!

Omg someone tell me why Ryan just ignore that the spirit box said please help please help me

i only watch this because of Shane

theory: shane is actually very depressed and keeps on calling ryan his friends so that he can remind himself that other people still love him. i have no idea why i did this to myself.

5:07 no wonder joker so sad his brother died

Mentions River Phoenix: “haha same last name as Joaq-“ Mentions brother is Joaquin Phoenix: “iT’s HiS bRoThEr”

Why isn’t anyone talking about Joker being in this Edit: okay nevermind I scrolled down lower and found a lot of comments about it

i think Ryan is a little more braver than before.

You know how people say, "too soon", in a jokey way? But to me, this... too soon. Such a waste of a beautiful life. I would very much hope that River's spirit is free. I can't keep watching this episode.

Did anyone else have to stop watching to Google Joaquin Phoenix?

So, the Terminator and Johnny (Cage) Depp were in bad ties. Sounds Mortal Kombat.


This episode really touched me for some reason

Like how much effort would it take to just dig up the, in secrete, and if there are remains, get law enforcement involved. The "it's not my problem" attitude really sucks.

omg i love these videos with shanes humor lol

11:12 "just a normal thing we are doing at 6am, slapping a bar counter" 22:26 "after spending the night, exploring every dark and shadowy corner....." so were they there at night or in the morning? That a mystery.....

When you thought you heard something in Japanese I think you did. It said Oni. Oni are a kind of yōkai from Japanese folklore, variously translated as demons, devils, ogres or trolls. Also know in Japanese as a type of specific demon.

Ryan, River said thank you when told him that he was your favorite actor.

I just so happen to be reading "The body". A very good book written by Stephen King with a movie adaptation called "Stand By Me", starring River Phoenix.

Shane is my hero lol Ryan is a riot!

Is it just me.. Or does the glass actually move..after the coaster falls

Shouldn't you have him considering he's a minority and your from Alabama?

no one : kylie and ryan : RHYSE AND SHINNNE

Are you kidding me? YouTube is that strict now? Humming 3 seconds of the Ghostbusters theme is now copyright infringement? Dam


You two have real chemistry and a great way of presenting. Always fun.

“Now I’m in your hole”

I’m watching this on October 31st and I’ve tickets to watch joker tonight which is staring Joaquin.And the time is 1:36 am in LA no kidding Shet

What is that thing they used when they try to communicate with ghosts?

A little.. pElviC acTion??


i feel like shane is lowkey scared hahahahaha

didn't care about the case. just dropped by for shane and ryan.

Shane did nothing at 23. I'm doing nothing at 23. The life of a Taurus, huh?

wtf why doesn’t ryan get scared anymore

Why wasn’t there a camera recording the dang glass with straws to capture any movement??? Serious oversight.

You’re not a true ghost hunter until you wear all black

I got spooked in a scary vid,so I’m watching this to get me through the night

ryan:i was going to tell u what to look for? shane:am LoOkInG FoR GhOSt

My cat ran away when Ryan turned on the spirit box and honestly mood

oh my god river...i didn’t even know this was how he died

lmao the joker is gonna come after you guys after tryna call up his brother

Ryan: Is their anybody you isn’t supposed to be here Ghost: Anthony Ryan: What pfffttttt what did pfffttt you say?

Can y’all do the villscilla axe murders

lets sign a petition to help Anthony. He said "Help me" "Please, help me" so many times :(

Remember when Shane didn’t want to be called a ghost hunter but now he’s introducing himself to ghosts as Shane the Ghost Hunter

4:12 watch your profanity

Can We get a video of Johnny drops reaction of their interpretations of him?

Is it just me or did the “hi boys” at 8:32 sound like Ryan?

Glass moved when coated fell

When the spirit box said help and then please help me. Tears started running down my face. Why haven't they dug up that room yet? They need to.

Ryan really grew more confident threw out the seasons. He went from screaming threw out the whole house to chilling in small, tight, dark spaces. Good for you Ryan!

You guys dress up like homeless people :)

For people who don't know River Phoenix was the inspiration behind Squall Leonhart's Design in Final Fantasy VIII

Is it seriously just me, they said it smells horrible in a place where it is said a body is buried

Dad:heard u got a gf Me: 2:18

Ryan: Is there anyone in here? Anthony Fox: Anthony Ryan: Cool Anthony Fox: Help me Ryan: Anthony Fox: Please help me Ryan: Can I get River Phoenix's autograph?

I’m a total sceptic But at 19:30 I’m now 10000% sure shakes a demon

Shane is 33!? Wtf?

my parents used to work there ✊

I don’t believe in ghosts. But I also don’t not believe in ghosts. I’m like the best of both worlds. A mix of Ryan and Shane.

“Once in a uh death time opportunity..”

“Rise and shine babyyy”


*Ryan opens what could be a grave* "RISE AND SHINE!" (15:29)

the silence after the spirit box stops is *chefs kiss*

Its weird im watching this on Halloween

October 31 1993. Im watching this episode on Halloween

Hella weird how I just checked out Joaqins Wikipedia after watching Joker and read about River a bit and now this episode appears ...

1:21 thank me later


R.i.p river baby

Are they not doing true crime anymore or do they release that a different time?

Joaquin Phoenix was in the viper room? Joker?????

Rest in peace River Phoenix

Shane: *P A R T Y B O I I* Ryan: Goes on a monologue about why the ghosts of people who died tragically should sympathise with his life #roastmortem

These guys are just playing, know nothing at all about paranormal activities. In my opinion should not be doing this at all.

I feel like, with the repeated existential crisis bit, Ryan and Shane are questioning what the have done with life and feel unsatisfied with what the conclude. Both of you have entertained people around the world, giving them something to look at with joy! People genuinely enjoy your personality and humor! Be proud of all you've accomplished at your young age!

This and al Capone were the most compelling spirit box sessions in my opinion. This one even more so. I heard Anthony without the captions. Still think it’s just the radio tho.

18:52 & 18:58 There are whispers, can't make out what it is saying?

Did you notice that river Phoenix ‘s 19 year old brother is joker

Ghost: help me Ryan: that sound like hi, how ya doing Ghost: you have to be kidding me

Pay attention right after Shane takes his hand off the glass. Was the glass moving, or was that the camera movement?

Sounds more like, ‘Right here’ rather than ‘Clearly’. Sad either way.

it’s crazy how much more ballsy Ryan has grown since starting the series

the pheonix brothers are my bbies.

I’m sure Joaquin is REEEEALLY happy about this...

RIP River ❤️

Have you ever considered actually helping a potential spirit when you hear “please help me” multiple times? Do you contact any spiritualists afterward?


"Well, I made a friend" "Thanks, pal" *suprised wholesome noises*

“Hi boys” sounded like Crowley. He came back from the empty and he’s on to his next hunters to take care of

Perhaps the glass falling and the multiple people fainting in the same spot are connected. @Anybody familiar with the workplace, is that spot at the bar directly above the small room?? Both of those are trying to point people down to that spot, if that's the case. The straws near the glass even moved as though they became an arrow.

Can someone just take ground penetrating radar and search for Fox. It’s really sad is he was killed and just stuck in a whole. Like give him an actual grave.

Ryan: *enters the closet where Fox is allegedly buried* Now I'm in your hole! Spirit Box: Get out, please.

I think someone is buried there. Obviously they’re asking for help.

6:40 is the most sweetest part of this video

Ryan impersonating Arnold Schwarzenegger is top notch

That home alone joke cracks me up

Around 15:09 you can see in shane’s flashilight right side above a man’s face..

We need to help them! Ghosts need help!! ;)

10:21 does that sound like a glass breaking?

Ryan: what did you want to say at the trial Anthony Anthony: depp's.......a..........skank.

Joaquin fuckin Phoenix

Ok reading these comments makes me sad so many people don’t know who River Phoenix is or that Joaquin had an older, very talented, brother. Look up the Phoenix family (formerly the Bottom family). If I recall correctly without googling they also have sisters who act. I can’t recall their names but they all had nature/earthy names. Joaquin was called Leaf. Anyway if you haven’t seen Stand By Me with River Phoenix, watch it. One of my favorites he did

Ryan has gotten so brave.

Ghosts well some ghosts like when your nice to them some ghosts don't

Y don't u make a video on suicide jungle of Japan

This is probably the most talk they got out of a ghost the whole series. Ryan ain’t even quakin in his little boy boots! We’ve come so far TvT

“Now once again, I’m Ryan. “IM SHAaNE”

I’ve always admired River and he deserved better


Could you guys go to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, West Virginia? It is honestly the creepiest places ever. It has a history of murder, mal-practice, and other spooky stuff. I think you guys would love to visit there.

Is this the same place where River Phoenix died? I remember watching a documentary on that. Such a tragity.

Hey Ryan, you're Filipino right? I would like to suggest on your next video to tackle Filipino superstitious beliefs like the aswang,manananggal,tikbalang,etc. Hehehe

Rivers was not of Japanese people

ryan:you were a good actor ghost: thank you shane in every episode: i don’t believe ghost me and every damn ghost: *Insert facepalm*

"Hrrriiise and Shiiine baby"

Felt really bad, it said ''please help me '' over n over

Always on Halloween


River is hot

Joaquin Phoenix channeled that death kinda the same way Johnny cash did

If this show ever ends, I will end


3:39 I used to call my fish (rip) who's name was Bruce Jenner, Brucie boy so this whole time I was just thinking of a beta fish singing rap and hA-

"Are u buried here?" "cLeArLy" well thats a saucy ghost if i ever saw one

10:26 was I the only one who saw the glass move just a little?!

Do an investigation about the death of Jimi Hendrix

This season is so funny! I'm laughing more than being scared.

Is it possible Anthony was killed and that is why he/someone said “help me”

" I'm Ryan. " " *AND I'M SHANNEEEEEE* "

All these ghost hunters always say we here to help but they never do. It makes me so sad especially when they call for help.

Go to the Winchester house !!!

i’m like “river phoenix.. like joaquin phoenix?” yep, the joker

Lol im doing a project on river phoenix

Man still can’t get the over the “thank you” when Ryan is just gushing to river in the basement. Low key hurt my heart

These guys are so freakin’ amazing. The two guys from HOME ALONE!! Lmaoooo I’m dying.

anyone else hear @ 16:36 the word “ illegal “

Ryan, take a shot every time Anthony asks for help and get wasted maybe you'll care then HAHAHAhha

Ok but did anyone else see the glass move 11:20

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Poor guy needs his soul set free, someone help him

love how johnny depp is on the thumbnail as if he’s one of the ghosts that they’d encounter

Am I the only person who see the people standing around

Shane: *dancing* IM A PARTY BOI! WOO! LET'S DANCE!! Ghosts:

"I made a friend" made me bawl so cute

Where do you even buy a spirit box

*i seen River and **_INSTANTLY_** clicked*

Ryan: you’re probably one of my favorite actors River: *thank u*

yo i feel bad for anthony he said "help me" multiple times

Couldn’t you guys just go in and sit down for a night and be quiet instead of doing the ambush interview thing all the time?

Is that young Johnny Depp in the thumb nail?

That is by far the most annoying “spirit box” of all time.

Why don’t you guys dig up that dirt floor and look for the body???

You had crystal clear EVP's aaand .... did nothing

You guys should visit a medium. Or better yet, ADOPT a medium lol

Why does he not believe what he hears. You can clearly hear them on that machine. Why hunt ghost if you don't believe. It's a waste of time then.

Totally agreed!

Go to zak bagans Haunted Museum in Las Vegas with him touring you or spend a night there ...

Ryan : Are you buried here? Ghost : Clearly... :| Everyone, I think we've got ourselves a sassy ghost boi

Come on down to neighbourville ad is so annoying

ryan: ballsy af. aint afraid of no ghosts no more. shane: way more quiet, subdued, and in touch with his emotions. my oh my, what solid character development

I think Shane should take the spirit box with him like ryan does

Is nobody else shook that Johnny depp is a murderer

Why... have the police not... investigated that room... at all...????

So fucked up was just watch joaqian Phoenix story so far and seen his brother overdose here then this video popped up

The glares at the camera bothers me. I feel like they’ve been missing a lot of shadows or movements whenever the glare covers the periphery of the lens.

That head at 19:08 scared me.

And quote hahahaha every time don't you have any other word? please


And that's how he became the Joker Joaquin Phoenix

Well, help him, you silly bois. He has asked plenty of times.

Honestly I have both Ryan and Shane energy and I am so happy

I like how the ghost said CLEARLY when ryan asked the ghost if he was buried here

That was some of the most intelligent spirit box answers I've ever heard !

When a celebrity is hanging out with Johnny Depp something bad happens!

1:21 This is why this part of buzzfeed is the best of Buzzfeed. Also I want to see Jack Sparrow vs The Terminator. The rouge swashbuckler vs the Barbarian bot. 6:40 “Nothing has happened for you since” “Well I made a friend” “Thanks pal” You have a lot of respect for each other, sometimes you have enough I forget your not in favor of masculinity and your leftist feminists so you have no respect for your own gender, freedom, or race. Not to insult, but just saying, a leftist feminist is the most disrespectful kind of person.

I don’t get how they say there’s nothing there and hear someone on the box say there name or say help me how do u conclude that’s it’s nottttt haunted anyway ily

When river supposedly said "thank you", it simultaneously warmed and brokenly heart

Rip river

It sounds like many people were trying to talk in that crawl space but that spirit box was scaryyyyy

Hi, it’s me

Shane's Depp impression is amazing

Ryan: "Were you buried here? " Anthony: "Clearly." Me: we're dealing with a sas queen

"Now I'm in your hole."

i hate hearing about river because he’s always been my favourite in stand by me

Another plot twist: Ryan's a ghost, he spends his time convincing shane of his existence then leaves the human realm and leaves shane to try and convince everybody else that ghosts exist ....... but no one believes him

Plot twist : Shane's a ghost

6:39 no one gonna talk about how wholesome that is?

Ghost: Please help. I'm buried here. I was killed. Buzzfeed: The case remains UNSOLVED. Ghost: URRRGGGHHHH

Also, I should add... I always feel like they leave whenever the most activity happens! I wish they did longer episodes so they could collect more sp00ky!

Now I’m sad over a ghost. Someone please give him a proper burial man

The tail of the woman on the logo of the club looks like TWICE's logo

Am I the only one who ships these two? I know they are straight but I swear that I would not be surprised if it turned out they were secretly dating

I do agree with Shane--nothing is out there, but I do always hope that Ryan finds something someday. You just want him to feel validated.

They have ghost messages from a ghost saying the name of a man who went missing asking for help etc someone should look into digging up in that tavern and see if anything pops up I don't think those who passed on have a reason to play aaround, wanting closure so they can rest in peace

Psst. Shane. Ryan. Gtfo of buzzfeed and get this ad money for yourself.


Ryan: and you're looking at me, so nothing had happened for you since... Shane: well I made a friend. Me: Dawwwwwww

It sound like a top of bottle open noise

Bartender: I’ve seen people’s knees buckle and some even pass out at my bar. Me: Word? You’ve seen people pass out at a bar? Well clearly it’s ghosts

All jokes aside, I feel so bad for poor man Anthony.

Okay that “Thank You “was very compelling though right ??

6 a.m. ? That's morning!+

I love these two

15:25 I died

fox: says please help me multiple times, answers ryan's questions ryan: y'all hear sumn?

Is no one gonna talk about how at 8:35 when Shane hears “hi boys” he’s in genuine shock

Shane: I’m 33 oh shoot only ten years. Ryan: nothing has changed. Shane: I got these gloves. Ryan: you do

Ryan: So Shane is down there, likely not taking the investigation very seriously, very on brand Shane: _Screams at wall_

wait, is this Joaquin Phoenix Joker?

The thankyou seriously made me so sad, my heart aches, it's so depressing gosh

Dude they're disgusting to NOT dig and atleast search for a body, thats so disrespectful come on

Ryan asked if anybody is buried there and the ghost recorder whatever that is said Anthony!

Jhony depp is really shady some people even think he overdose or poison river phoenix is cool conspiracy just look at it a lot of rivers role went to johnny depp

That spirit box makes just random noise except for the female voice that they always play maybe they pay the same person to record it go see the other video were they haunt for ghost on a boat & u going hear the same female voice lol

lmfao not home alone !!! i love ya'll

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