The Historic Disappearance of Louis Le Prince

The Historic Disappearance of Louis Le Prince

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This week on BuzzFeed install we covered the mysterious, disappearance, of Lois lip prints this is one of my favorite cases we've ever covered, it's got pretty much everything you'd want it's got mystery, it's got history and it's, got a train a big train guy yeah. I'm a big fan of train mysteries there among, my favorites, well. In that case. All. Right I'm. Not as excited anymore but let's, get into it any. Casual. Cinema, fan would likely tell you that Thomas, Edison invented. The motion picture camera in the late 1800s. In 1888. Thomas. Edison, wrote quote I am experimenting. Upon an instrument, which does for the eye with. The phonograph does, for the ear which, is the recording, and reproduction, of things in motion and quote, being, a film student myself I learned about Edison in film school but, what. If I told you the true father of moving pictures may, actually be, a brilliant Frenchman named, Louie la Prince you. Might say well, if this were true then why have I never heard of him maybe. You were never supposed to because. On one fateful afternoon on, Monday September 16th. 1890. Louella, Prince would step onto a train, and never, be seen again a, vanishing. That, would essentially, wipe him from the history books let's, start from the beginning Louie, la Prince was born in the northeastern, city of Metz France on August, 28th, 1841. Louie. Was, a student of art chemistry. And physics, in 1866. Louie moved to Leeds England to, work as an agent, at a brass foundry called, Whitley partners, in 1869. Louis. Married a fellow artist Elizabeth. Lizzie, Whitley, in 1881. Louie. Lizzie, and their children, moved to New York it's here, that Louie would manage artists, painting panoramic, landscapes, these, immersive paintings. Would inspire Louie to create an even, more immersive, experience. Pictures. That, moved interesting. That that would be the, impetus for that if it was just him feeling, immersed in it exams, like how can I. How can I bring. This up a level you know and that's how you know he was a true artist and that's why I respect, this man yeah I was gonna say this guy sounds. Like a real lover, of film. Louie began working on moving pictures, as early, as 1885. Inventing. A camera, with 16 lenses, that he hoped could create what we now call movies. It's thought that Louie began building and testing an early, version of his single, lens camera, soon after, according, to Louie's daughter Marie who, was a teenager at the time she. Recalled seeing her father project, moving images, on a wall in their workshop, as early, as 1886. This, was long before Thomas. Edison had even begun conceptualizing. Motion, picture designs about two years later in. 1886. Louie, applied, for a United, States patent, for, his 16, lens camera, that, included, rephrasing. Allowing, for a single, lens version, this process, would take nearly two years in. 1887. Louis, moved back to Leeds a move, that according to a New York Times article was, motivated, by a desire to hide out from those who might steal his work such, as quote. Industrial. Spies end quote as his wife Lizzie, would describe them can you imagine if you're your. Dad just. Invented, something, completely. Unknown. To the world and you just have a memory like if you, had. A hazy memory of your father flying. Around the living room like. A like a jet pack yeah if your father is the living father in the living room yeah I had or if he had like hover. Shoes or, something he was flying and you're like yes I have this vague memory of, my father flying, around the living room he. Was he, was vacuuming, the living room, and he, was doing it well levitating, over the ground well because that point movies weren't a thing so she had this memory of this thing that was wholly, unknown, to the world yeah I mean it's it's pretty amazing, yeah and then.

Also Add on to that the layer of but, no one knows he invented it in, 1880. Louie built what would be his true claim to, being the father of moving, pictures a working. Version of the single lens motion, picture camera, it was, wooden mahogany. And weighed, 40, pounds it, had a hand crank that manually moved light-sensitive paper along between the lens and shutter here's tony booth of the National, Science and Media Museum, in the UK, on Lois, single lens camera, quote, if you look at the mechanism, that camera is using it's, a very similar mechanism, to all the subsequent Moving, Image cameras, that came after, that it, is a single roll of film moving, from one school to another through. A shutter and taking, sequential, images which, then were, designed to be projected to reproduce, that movement, as a piece, of moving image, recording, live action, yes, I would say he was the first one to do that end quote. Oh very funny also, I feel like we don't often pay enough attention to the fact that we still call them movies, it's. A funny word it's a funny word it's like calling your teeth Chuy's or. Shoes step. 'yes we're. Gonna go to the movies or pens righties yeah, when. You think about it that's a kind of a horrible name like if someone was like what should we call this moving picture and if someone went movies. We'll go to the movies Louise single-lens camera, would produce viewable, films in 1888, three, of which have survived, one. Of these films what you're seeing now was, claimed to have been shot on October, 14, 1888. Showing. Louise son in-laws. And a friend walking around the, date of October, 14, 1888. Is backed, up by the fact that one of the women's shown in the film died, 10 days later on October 24th, 1888. Keep. In mind, Edison's, earliest, film wouldn't, even be shot until, nearly three years later in 1891. That's. A motion picture it's this yes, it is. See. Three, years earlier he had that and yet. Lost. The time. Though. Louie had a working camera the, problem, Louie now faced was that he needed a a way to show these films and be, a more, durable material. Than his lights instead of paper in order to plan for repeated, projections, of his movies he experimented, and finally, landed on celluloid. In 1889. Which, he had began using for both shooting, and projection. This eliminated, many of the problems, he'd been having with his projector, such, as glass plates that kept breaking, Louis made early, unofficial.

Demonstrations. Of his device on March, 30th, 1890. Louis, projected, his moving pictures, at the National Opera, in Paris, Ferdinand. Mobizen, Secretary, of the National Opera swore, in an affidavit, that he had witnessed what the projector, could do and had, even quote made, a complete, study of this system, and quote, meanwhile. Edison. Would not publicly, show his motion pictures, until three, and a half years later in, the, summer of 1890. Louis, wrote to Lizzie who, was back in New York with the rest of the family, in the letter Louis. Stated his intent, to return to New York in September where he would publicly and officially, demonstrate, his moving pictures, to the world it's, just it seems to be going so well for him at this point I know he's. Got the world is his oyster he's. On the verge of becoming a. Millionaire. I don't. Know if there's anything that's more sad than feeling, positive momentum and knowing. Inevitably, it's. Gonna lend it's gonna lead to off a cliff you're, you. Could see the drop-off coming, at. This, point Louis. Had been granted patents, in France and Britain that covered his single-lens, motion, picture camera however. None. Of the patents were thorough enough to legally proclaim, him as the inventor of a working, version if Louie, were able to publicly, demonstrate, his moving pictures, in New York as planned, Louie. Surely, would have secured, his spot in history legally. As the, inventor of the motion, picture camera as, bad. Luck would have it this. Brings us to his disappearance, at the, time Louie, was visiting his brother Albert. La Prince in Dijon, France on. September 16th. 1890, at, 2:37. P.m.. Louella, Prince boarded, a train for, Paris as part, of a trip back to Lee, where he would retrieve his film devices and then, travel back to New York to meet his family and show his invention, with. Him Louis, only carried, a black suitcase, according. To Christopher Rollins, author of a book on the case the, suitcase. Contains, some rather important. Documents. Inside. The suitcase was, Louie's latest work on his patents, at the time Louie was still tweaking his patents, on his single lens camera, to, further protect himself from, the theft of his inventions, as Louie's, assistant, Frederick Mason would remind reporters, decades, later not only did Louie disappear, but, the suitcase, did as well all efforts. To find Louis failed Louie, la Prince carrying. Paperwork, meant to protect his creation, boarded, a train to share his invention, with the world and. Vanished, just. Going missing on this one day is the, difference between you. And I never hearing of him and everybody. In the world knowing, his name that's. Crazy, makes, a value a day Oh. Shortly, after Louie's disappearance, a family, associate, would enter Louie's workshop, and discover, Louie's machines safe packed. For the journey to America, untouched. Unfortunately. In a missing-persons, case nobody. Not even a spouse is allowed, to use the missing persons patent for seven, years, meaning, Louie's wife Lizzie, would be unable to commercialize. Louie's invention, until 1897. But, as mentioned before Edison. Displayed, his Kinetoscope, movies in 1894. And projected. His films, as early, as April, 1896. As history. Would tell Edison. Would often, be credited, with inventing the motion picture camera and. Louie would. Be forgotten, okay. Now I have a question Jesus. Christ I suddenly, I suddenly, wonder. Maybe. Edison, simply, heard about this. Fanciful. Inventive. Man mm-hmm, with his wonderful. Machine, yeah, that was hands off for, seven years and it. Put the idea in his head he's, a clearly. Capable. Man. Edison. Wasn't inspired by Louie though he was inspired by.

Imagery. Or what if that's just what he's, obviously. If you ask Edison would inspired, you he's not gonna be like oh the guy who made it before me the guy I, stole it from obviously. He was a dumb question. Knee. Twirls his moustache, and backs. Out of the room yeah well. I just thought if if he was aware of it I wouldn't. Put it past him, to be able once, he realizes, oh what'd you just shoot a bunch of pictures, back-to-back, yeah rejected. He reverse engineer now reverse engineer, he was smart enough of a guy to do that and he had the he. Had the resources he. Had probably, the know-how, so I, could, see him just, essentially. Stealing. The idea and. Like you said reverse engineer with, that let's. Get into the theories the. First theory is that Louie was abducted, or killed by, men working for none other than Thomas Edison, this, theory, was held by Louie's wife Lizzie, who, believed Edison's, motive, was to stop Louie's invention, from reaching the public the. Timelines certainly, do match up in, 1888. Edison. Began to seriously think, about moving, pictures, Wow by that time Louie, had already successfully. Shot films, with his single lens camera, behind, the scenes Thomas, Edison was said to be an egotistical. Genius, though, a good, deal of his success, was, built on taking credit for others ideas such, as the ideas of people that he employed, Edison. Had many rivals and, he even ruined some of them but, he was pretty adept at doing so through legal battles, he, frequently claimed others were encroaching, on his patents, and often, wand these lawsuits and used the leverage to his financial benefit. So. But. Cowardly, a lot, of the litigious approach he, made a lot of his money off of doing this actually I would say a majority of his money he made off just suing people. Piggybacking. Off that in 1898. Edison. Sued american, mutoscope and Biograph company, on the, grounds, of patent, infringement on, his Kinetoscope, motion picture camera. This lawsuit, would ironically, bring Louella prints into the spotlight as mutoscope. Would call Louie's son Adolphe Fela Prince as one, of its witnesses, a dolphin. Actually. Took a year off from Columbia to travel, and gather evidence to make the case that his father invented, the motion picture camera not. Edison. As Edison, was claiming according. To Rollins Lizzie, and other family members still held onto the possibility, that Louie was being held captive having, been kidnapped, in 1890. And that, once it was known in a court of law that he was the true inventor of the motion picture camera his, captors, would, let him go wait. Wait wait who. Captured, him well they think that Louie the prince was kidnapped, by maybe Edison, or some other inventor, and the, only reason why they were holding him captive was because no one knew he existed but, if his name was brought into the spotlight in this legal battle maybe. The captors would let him go it's a it's, a somewhat, I, think. It's a somewhat logical thought, but, a very sad thought it's a very sad thought because it sounds like they're, just grasping. At straws yeah, it's it's a kind of a bummer but it's just a big straw desperately. Hoping that their father is still alive, yeah. During. The trial, Adolphe, II proved the films had been made prior to October 24th. 1888, by producing, his grandmother's, death certificate, dated on that day as she, appears, in one of the films yet, this wasn't totally incontrovertible. Proof that, the single lens camera, built by Louie was the same one that took the films in 1888. When, examining, Louie's patents, the lawyers in the case focused, solely on Louie's, US patent and sadly. For Louie this, particular, padded, unlike, his ones in Britain and France was, meant mainly for, his previous, 16 lens camera, and did, not include specifications. For the single lens camera, the camera being focused, on in the trial by bad luck the phrase quote one, or more lenses, end quote, which, would have covered both of Louie's inventions, was removed, by the US Patent, Office on the grounds, that they already had granted a patent for a single lens camera, in the past though. That, particular patent was for a still, camera. Not a motion picture camera like Louise this. Emission, would prove to be disastrous in. Trial, I can't. Blame them for that though it's. Something they've never heard, of they're probably like, whoa you want to patent a camera, or what are you trying patent boots next get out of here I guess. But, I mean if you just looked at the rest of the patent it was clear that it was for a motion picture camera, well maybe I'm not saying the US Patent Office was in on this I'm just saying it's bad luck I also feel like maybe he should have discussed it with them he did for two years for two years he said put that phrase back in he went he went back and forth with them for, two years and they, finally settled, on it and then he was like I guess at that point he was warned I was like fine take out the fridge again that's his fault I mean.

You Got to get a pad in dug. His own grave the, trial would initially, go for Edison, and over, the years the trial would go back and forth, starting. The famed patent, ORS as such. A Dolphy's, testimony, would move out of focus and his father Louis la Prince would once again be, forgotten. Perhaps. Tangentially. Related in, 1901. Three. Years after a dull fade testified, a dull fee was, found dead in the woods bloody. And broken he, had apparently been shot dead he, had been out shooting and a gun was found by his side it, was assumed he died of a hunting accident some. Believed it was suicide while, some in the family believed he'd been murdered we. Think about that you, know this is at a time in history. When, when. Murders were just, just. That just. Oh well he, just happened to. Testify. In trial and one of the Omegas. You've had in cases I'm saying it's very likely he was murdered but it doesn't matter because it's what the 1919. Hundred or so nineteen. Who. Gives a. Detector. Goes out there with a magnifying, glass goes he was shot he was shot likely, by someone else, however, in regards, to Edison, playing any part in foul play regarding, Louis or even a Dolph a authors, john jakku laws and jock fend point, out that there is no evidence to support this, theory for, what it's worth Lori, Schneider Louie's. Great-great, granddaughter. Has also voiced her doubts that Edison, a busy, and successful man, would, care enough to send a henchman to kill a man the, second, theory is that Albert la Prince Luiz brother was, responsible, for Louie's disappearance, Luiz, brother Albert, an architect. Was notably, the, only person, who claimed to have seen Louie board the train, according. To Rollins, Albert even spoke to Louie through his train compartment, window however. The, 1890. Investigation. Never turned up a single train, passenger, who could say they saw Louis on board this, is odd considering. The fact that Louie was a gargantuan, man, standing. At six foot four probably. Not a man that could get lost in a crowd I don't know how many six, four fellows they were walking around at that time but. I will say that when I get on a train I'm not focused, on other passengers, no you're reading the funnies or uh you, know especially. In old time trains when you're in compartments, you're looking the Harry Potter train you're thinking about the candy, card coming by you're not thinking about oh I wonder if someone here's gonna get murdered maybe it may have to tell detail a little bit later also I think there's some value to the fact that everybody's. Clothes look the same back like everyone. Was probably wearing just a black suit or something there's, no one walking around in a like, a Hornet, starter, jacket, yeah I just. Think I thought, this was a good opportunity for you as a fellow Lord of the Rings tree to provide something called ents whatever. Perhaps, the main reason, summer suspicious, of Albert involves. The will of Louie Albert's, mother who, passed away in 1887. Albert. Was the executor, of their mother's will and according, to author Christopher, Rollins Louie had traveled to Dijon France not. Just to visit Albert, but to receive his share of the inheritance worth. Over one hundred and forty thousand, dollars by today's standards, this, gets even more interesting, when you consider the investigators, in 1890.

Did Not seem to know about the inheritance, which, would give Albert a motive, and furthermore. They, did not seem to question, Albert's, testimony, regarding seeing, Louis board the train Lori. Schneider Louie's. Great-great, granddaughter. Once again doubts this theory basing. Her beliefs on Lizzie 'la princes memoirs, which depict, a close, loving family, authors. Uh loss and fend also, note that there is no evidence to support this theory and emphasize. That Albert's, family, strongly, denies it all, right I just. Don't buy it and I'll tell you why okay there's. Nothing, that. I looked into that proves, Albert. Lip prints was any fine was in any dire financial stress, I was gonna say is there a need for money, there there isn't so why. Would he all of a sudden decide oh I want some extra bucks let's, let, me kill my brother my brother and, ruin, his family, by. Taking. Stripping, him of his greatest invention he, killed them during. Life and after, death then at that point you know you. Know they say a man dies twice you, know story-wise. I could see why some people believe this sure but. When you when you really just think about it yeah it's a little - soap opera I'm not yeah I'm not buying it I'm not buying it. Okay. Great, I'm. Not you, don't have to I'm good it's not purchased it's on the shelf it's gonna stay there I'm not selling it I, didn't. Say you were selling it someone is and. I'm not buying it I mean. This, is a this, metaphor, is where. Are we I don't know the, final theory is perhaps the bleep yes that Louie the Prince simply. Didn't want to be found this, is the theory of Louie's, great nephew, who is the grandson, of Albert. That theory goes that Louie was greatly in debt to, the tune of eighty four thousand, dollars by today's standards, during, the mid 1870s, Louie. Gave a bad loan to Lizzie's family business, that didn't, pan out toward. The end the, dual income, of Louie and Lizzie had to not only provide, for the family but, also financed. Louie's film experiments. And according, to author Christopher, Rollins, Louie, hadn't, worked steadily for, an income, for about three years leading. Up to his disappearance in, April. 1890. Louie, wrote to Lizzie about problems, with the projector, adding, quotes I hope, to send the word it is, in my next and also, some cash which, unfortunately I, have not in hand and it, makes me feel very uneasy as I, know you do not make much just now end quote. It's, been suggested that in the end Mui, relied on his mother's inheritance in order to continue, working on his projector, but, learned during his trip to France that he didn't have immediate, access to the money of, Louise, breakout invention, some, like, author Christopher, Rollins, believe that Louis a noted, perfectionist. Felt his projector, was not up to the standards, he had envisioned, his, letters offer evidence that Louis was unhappy with the quality of the projectors, picture, it was bright and the picture was jumpy, according. To Rollins, it's possible, that Louis just got off the train between dijon, and paris rather, than face his family, in defeat for, people who believe this people. That believe maybe. He wasn't pleased with his projector, mm-hmm, I think. They're lacking perspective. You. Got to remember people. Didn't even know what the phrase moving, picture meant so, regardless, of whether or not the picture was jumpy, he. Shows, up to this event he, shows a picture, that starts moving, people, are gonna think this guy's a goddamn, wizard yeah they're gonna they're gonna they're not gonna be like oh bro. The quality's bad it's not 1080p. I don't, get it I existed. Back in this time and I saw a moving picture I probably think his camera was bewitched I'd kiss him on the lips I'd say, sir you've done it I'm just saying it's.

Stupid, For people to think that he was maybe, feeling a little uneasy about his projector, so he decided I'm, just gonna jump off this train now Frederick. Mason, Louie's assistant, believed, that Louie would only stand to gain from his inventions, which would thus make it nonsensical. For him to intentionally. Disappear, on the cusp of his debut David. Wilkinson a producer, on a documentary, on Louie said, quote I am absolutely, convinced, that he would have raised money from a very distinguished, audience so then he could start manufacturing on, quite, a big scale he, would have done what Edison and the Lumiere's did but before them he would have been known end quote. After. Hearing Louie's story I can't, help but agree have. Louis successfully, shown his work in New York Louie la Prince would have been that, I read in textbooks as a film, student but, unfortunately, that, never happened. The reason behind that will tragically, elude us for the foreseeable, future I think it was Edison's goons I think, it was either Edison's, goons or some version of goons whether they're Edison's, or some other creator maybe I don't mean Lumiere brothers seem less likely but there were other creators who were onto the emotion the only way our brothers were just whimsical. They didn't they weren't like let's kill this man I think it's because their name sounds whoops yeah they remind me of the candlestick from Beauty and the Beast Oh Lumiere yes. Yeah. Good catch on. The. Pen, and on the reference. Anyways. Yeah. I think it was some version of goons, my. Money's on Edison they could have been any goons I think. This man was, stripped. From glory right. At the cusp of it but. Maybe now people will know his name for. What it's worth if someone, were to ask me who, is the true father of moving, pictures I'd, say Louella, prints but, as for his disappearance I can only offer theories. As the, case of Louella prints will remain, unsolved.

2018-03-15 02:00

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i feel so wronged for not being taught what a scumbag edison really was

This would be so much without the added in comments by the two guys

you guys should cover Aileen Wuornos

Why was Edison always into shady stuff.. with Tesla and now Louis le Prince!

"Movies" is like the word "news". The news is so called because it is new information. Funny, innit?

Do princes Hatshepsut from Egypt

We are called Ents


Illuminati - stay where you are

Yo Thomas Edison a snitch

Wow its trendinggg

This is sad asf..

You have sp00ked me

ObsoleteOddity did this story on YT as well. Better narration and continuity.

if he stole homer’s electric hammer invention! he stole from le prince!

do 9/11 next

This guy had an idea, a vision. He made it come true through hard work. Invented something that truly changed the world. Gave a platform for people to express their creativity, their own views and yet got cheated. This guy invented something truly revolutionary and yet no one remembers him. A disgrace to his poor soul.

When you’re French and cringe when he says prince ( ENG) instead of prince ( FR)

So Thomas Edison was douchebag..

review oj simpson in the post mortem!!

Mov-i-e(Mov-ing I-mage of e-ntertainment)

Buzzfeed unsolved, ruining history, and the try guys are pretty much saving buzzfeed reputation altogether.

Louis le Prince sounds like he came up with apple’s live photos

Louis Le Prince: the founder of GIF’s.

Can we have an episode of Ruining History about Edison plz? :'

The last two episodes have been sooooo boring give me something that puts me on the edge of my seat!!!!!!

How about investigating Gacy and B.T.K.?

High on purpkush eating pizza watching this good time

Do the one about skaespeare not writing his own plays, twas sir francis bacon i tell yee!

Damn thomas back at it again with stealing inventions!!

I love how Ryan always says every case is his favorite case

Love your series. A couple of cases I'd like covered by you guys are Meredith Kercher (AKA The Amanda Knox trial), and Brandon Lawson, which is a mysterious disappearance in rural Texas.

Thomas Edison was also involved in 'almost' stealing the ideas of Nikola Tesla if im not wrong :/

Edison back at it again... For those who don't get it, Edison stole from tesla as well... (not the company, the scientist)

this case actually upsets me

5:41 that's a gif

Can you do the Dyatlov Pass Incident? I'd love to hear your theories on that.

The Disappearance of Barbara Newhall follett.

Why is Switzerland portrayed as a body of water on the map they show?

Y’all should do an episode about the Texarkana moonlight murders

It was Edison in the library with a candlestick.

Thumbs up if there should be a movie about this .

maybe its just an American thing, but I have never learned that Thomas Edison invented movie pictures. I've always been told it was a French person.

I sincerely hope that you gents do a episode on the Alcatraz escape.

the USA always steals stuff and claim they created it themselves, take the Wright brothers and Santos Dumont for example..

so i think the us patent was in with edison or wtv

Minha teoria é que esse trem foi pra Sete Além!

I heard about this event where three Girl Scouts were murdered at Camp Scott, which is now privately owned. I think that it is still unknown on who the killer is.

I can't be the only one who's slowly fallen in love with Shane & his massive noggin over this series

Please Do Alcatraz escape


I hope you guys make an episode on the Vallecas case. It attempts to explain Estefanía Gutiérrez Lázaro's strange and sudden death, infamously known as the Netflix movie "Veronica".

Why did Switzerland turn into the Swiss Sea

*invents technology heretofore unheard of* Le Prince: Nope! Not good enough!

waiting for them to run out of title adjectives...

1:28 why is switzerland a lake?

So I guess you guys watch Crash Course Recess huh?

Can you all do the Kitty C. Case that happened, I believe, in 1964!??

Exposing Thomas Edison

You should research Sameera Moussa. She was an Egyptian nuclear scientist that mysteriously died in a car accisent on a trip to the United States but the body of the driver was never found and his fake ID was found.

"Why call out Jesus Christ name in vain?" I hope children not watching this with the F word being dropped! Great documentary just not suitable for young children It should be PG or R!

Buzzfeed Unsolved is the best. I can’t wait for next season I love the spooky ones.


Edison was a good businessman that rippped off a lot of actual investor's. Watch when Tesla movie comes out.

I'll never think of the word "movies" the same again. It is forever ruined.

How did Prince and Edison's video cameras differ in video production?

I already know this from crash course

Do the gilgo beach murders!!!

I think aliens saw his invention and thought him to advanced for his time so they abducted him and turned him into a sex slave

funnies and movies will never sound the same....

I love how quickly Shane corrected him on Ents


How would Edison have known?

Here is my theory, it's not great but its something: I think some random guy killed Louis Le Prince and found the papers inside of his briefcase and sold it to Thomas Edison or to someone who gave it Edison. That's why the camera in his home was untouched because if it was Edison's goons wouldn't it make sense to get their hands on the camera as well.

Can you do the mystery of Agatha Christie disappearing?

This is such a tragic story

The Illuminati killed him so Edison who was part of the Illuminati could take credit.

yo thats finna woke.

Do Dian Fossey’s murder.

You two are my absolute FAVORITE!! I normally don't like BuzzFeed, but you guys crack me up EVERY time. I know your not allowed to respond, but just know you two make my day. Please don't stop making these videos.

I love Shane and Ryan so much!

Edison was always stealing stuff and stabbing folks in the back. If Edison is ever a suspect in anything, he did it!!! That man was a gangster of science!

Apparently Edison was a bit of a scumbag, where he actually had spies that would inform him of other inventors that could be competition to him.

“TREE?! I am no *tree*!”


Man why do most people on Youtube have such annoying voices and personalities?

Didn't thomas work on trans hmmm

Amelia airhart

You should do the Jimmy Hoffa case

Madeleine mccann episode

My anger for Edison is actually so much I can’t even type it out! How are you going to steal someone else’s work like damn! We need Louis in the history books ASAP

Do The Villisca Axe Murders, The Good Hart Murders, and George Reeves.

*Edison The Thief*

you guys should do The Austin Axe Murderer (Servant Girl Annihilator), the Disappearance of the Beaumont children, or the murder of Thomas Ince.

I just don’t like Thomas Edison he’s a dirty plagiarist

Didn't Edison take like, so many patents from people?

Hey Guy's, You all NEED Someone on your Crew Thats NOT Afraid of their Own Shadow!

Edison was famous for stealing other people's ideas and taking credit. look at nikola tesla

Yasss! We made it to #14 on the YouTube Trending page. This BuzzFeed series is the most underrated and fascinating series on BuzzFeed. It has so much potential.

irony of buzzfeed doing a video on someone stealing credit for someone else's work

Yeah ur treanding

I strongly believe Edison had something to do with it. Look at his robbery of Nikola Tesla over distributed power. I wouldn't put it past Edison, years past that point, after he already robbed Tesla of the fortune and fame, to have enough money to hire someone to capture and possibly murder another inventor on the cusp of a breakthrough. History has shown, more and more recently, that Edison deep-down was a man who was not to be trusted. Stealing patents, claiming reverse infringement and plagiarism; I don't like the history behind his "inventions" one bit.

Why is Switzerland not on the map?

John Lawson House, please

Don’t be sad great inventors, we will remember you and so do our children of the future.

Ultra HD 4K.... don't forget about the 4K....


Edison is that classmate that doesn’t do anything to contribute towards the group project but he still ends up getting full credit for it.

Everyday my teacher says look up to thomas edison, im not going to anymore, what a fraud

So I want to know if his brother happened to come into wealth after his disappearance? Sounds like someone sold him out and his idea and let the right people know he'd be on that train.


I never realized how fucked up history is until now

"Adolphayyy"???? Non!! It's Adolphe!! #frenchrepresent #louiswasfirst

In polish schools, they teach, that Louis invented the „movies”. Why are history book so different? Wtf

I definitely think that someone killed Louie and then sold the instructions of how to make his camera. Like someone in France who saw his demonstration? Like a very complicated mugging.

Maybe is Louis and Edison the same person

Shane, maybe was that a Rick and Morty reference?

I'm not sure why, but it's nice to think that now over 2 million people know Louis Le Prince was the original inventer of the motion picture and that he won't be forgotten.

Fictitious narrative. I read few comments, from your commentators; which have low IQ's. Only credulous, imbeciles, will believe this unscrupulous colloquy. The others have veracity to them. But not this one.


Thomas Pettyson

Please do a buzzfeed unsolved on the Murder of Altantuyaa Shaariibuu

This is now my science project :D

So Louis is also the Godfather of modern Gifs?

Can you do the Vallecas case?

Flight 370 is an unsolved case as well.

Shane didn’t say anything!

please do one on tarrare !!

who else watches these unsolved mysteries only 10:00 pm till like 3:00 am??

Wait so if we have allllll the evidence that he created it.... then where is the speculation?

I saw Ryan at a Lakers game.

Pshh... So you're tellin' me that the wonderful, and notoriously sweet-hearted Thomas Edison had something to do with this mans disappearance and death? Yeah right.... What's next? That he stole the idea for the lightbulb? That he tortured a bunch of poor animals to death? That he didn't invent the X-ray machine? Get real!

Should make an episode about the Codex Gigus.

This is my favorite episode

This and the history ruined show are the only reason I watch any buzzfeed videos

ah it was the last video.. i've heard a theory that also related to edison, that he stole the invention of tesla's plasma lamp.. idk, is it true or not, also i don't really remember the source, was it credible or not..

do one for Extraordinary: The Stan Romanek Story. PLSSSSSSSS ALIENS


I love these videos

Thomas Edison is cancelled



I love this show its interesting but I get scared when im watching it alone

This is so similar to Nicholas tesla

HI HI HI CAN I GET EVERYONE'S ATTENTION TO ASK IF BUZZFEED UNSOLVED CAN DO THE PALMER RAIDS FROM 1919 TO 1920???? *disclaimer* I don't know much about it (so correct me if I'm wrong lolol) but I saw it in my AP textbook and I thought that it may make a good unsolved episode one day

i too am a ferroequinologist

Anastasia, the lost princess of Russia

wow...this is awesome. Sad... but awesome

Woah..Love this episode!!

Anyone also from Leeds?

finding out that thomas edison stole something else? not surprised

Reminds me of Coco

Thomas Edison is a thief and an elephant-murderer.


Please do Max Headroom!!

I really dislike everything I have learned about Thomas Edison over the years. Everyone should know that Louis Le Prince is the true inventor of motion pictures.


I think Edison took him out

I think Shane and Ryan should visit the Island Of The Dolls in Mexico!

This video gave confirmation that I truly hate Thomas Edison.

Edison for sure BRO #100% #love you guys #ryanneedstofillmeinonDearDanielbecaseilovehisstorytellingandDDscarestheshitouttame!

Eddison was a fraud/thief and nothing more!

So screw Edison.

Sounds like foul play.

Thomas Edison with J.P. Morgans financial backing were 2 of history's worst villains and I believe that he stole most of his "inventions" from other inventors alot of them being foreigners.

What’s a “padent”?

My professor of History of Modern Art mentioned him to us and showed us the clip he made

So are they just going to completely forget about the Lumière Brother's?

this is sad :(

This is one of the only interesting things that happened in my home city, Leeds. Gotta admit hearing Buzzfeed unsolved cover this gave me a little joy, love it #shaniacs

Does any1 else start tapping the theory music as soon as u know it’s gonna man be on

The thing that gets to me is there should be so much more evidence, like where our his blue prints where is the camera they’re would have been prototypes. Wouldn’t there? Like he didn’t just wake up knowing how he would create the camera so he must have tried and failed so where is all of this evidence? I’m a big fan and I always watch the video and then the Q/A so I thought I would join in this time TJ

Boss like

What pisses me off is everything is a fuckin joke to them. They are talking about deep serious topics while acting like childish annoying douchbags at the same time.

Shaniac #1

You guys should talk about extraterrestrial life on Venus. It is entirely theoretical, however, I think it would be quite the entertaining video to watch.

Isn't there a Poptropica island based off this

people were bitches even back then. nothing has changed



22:57-23:00 is my favorite part It made me laugh so much

Edison was a shady son of a gun. In the UK we tend to use film instead of movies.

August 28 is my birthday

Man that sucks... life is so unfair

Surprised at how many ppl didn't know Thomas Edison stole many of his ideas

I've watched every episode so many times it will be so sad when this series is finished and we gotta wait for more

When you watch too much buzzfeed unsolved and conspiracy videos and start questioning everything you know

OMG-- I have a theory. Welcome to Nightvale fans, this train is The 12 : 37!!!

You guys should do the west Memphis 3

I'm in film school right now and we actually learned about this. My professor even told us about how Edison probably offed him and how he stole his idea.

When your feet are scarier than their video

Tbh this show is the only thing I really like from buzzfeed... well, this and good ol “Worth It”.

Also Walkie Talkies...that’s a weird word...

am i the only one who thinks someone is watching you when you watch anything of these series

I don’t like how he guys talk like I just want to watch the thing

crashcourse already talked about it

Do the Alcatraz escape

my favorite series.. but do more ghost ones, those are my favorite! keep up the great work guys.

8:32 What's going on with this map of Europe? In 1890, had Switzerland and the Balkans not yet emerged from the sea? Also the east coast at 1:54 is all kinds of funky. Buzzfeed needs to have a chat with your map people. Otherwise, cool video.

What about The Mystery of Rene in Savannah GA ????

Edison was a snakeee

Did this boy finally find the way to Hogwarts???

This is so sad

Movies is just moving selfies. LOL

This is really sad, how a single event can change history forever.

I think what I find funniest about the unsolved crime vs the supernatural is what Ryan finds hard to believe or ridiculous in some of these cases, yet when it comes to ghosts and UFOs can find some of the most incredible, outlandish and spurious explanations to be perfectly acceptable... If you took some of these cases, threw in a ghost or a UFO Ryan would be right there believing all sorts of unbelievable nonsense... but in true crime, what might seem like slightly odd behaviour and we get... hell no my good man, that's utterly preposterous, no one would act that way... Really makes me chuckle... :D

Edison was no.1 thief in world of science. Most of the things he stole from Nikola Tesla.

back in middle school, one of my classmate (also named) Thomas Edison was a big jerk too

Can I just point out that Ryan was both figuratively and literally "sipping the tea"? That was perfect haha

now I can prove my teacher wrong

Its was advil, who gets it?

BOYS! You must look into the following Australian mysteries; Azaria Chamberlain, Tynong North Murders, Mr Cruel, and The Beaumont Children.

Thomas Edison is just the worst...

0:22 who r u?

You should cover king Ludwig!

When is there going to be a supernatural episode?

Thomas Edison is nothing but a theif.

Can't you do a buzzfeed solved as a season bonus or something see all these unsolved cases make me queasy, one where justice actually served would be delightful

Then a movie about Louis Le Prince is being created *ironic* *i* *know*

Someone should make a movie about Louis Le Prince like a big budget one

You should really do the assassination of the former Philippine president, Benigno Aquino Jr. His death had so much theories around the political world of our country and even caused a historial mass revolt called the EDSA Revolution . I think It'd be amazing for you to do it!

This is why studying the layers of history is important.

I was wondering where do you get your sources from, I am a junior in high school and I have to write an essay about any topic in history, and I choose the invention of film. So it would really help if you can tell me where you get your information from

edison also stole the lightbulb patent of tesla.....

do more episodes that you go places

0:20 Shane is so proud of himself

Thomas Edison was kinda attractive. Hmm.

Is this case a movie? It should be if it isn't.

The murder case about Eve Stratford and Lynne Weedon is one of the more obscure unsolved cases of all time. I mean this one is a honestly a real mystery... It's definitely not a common one and i'm quite sure the majority of people wouldn't have heard about it! If you could do an episode on this case that would be brilliant!

...Guys, its pronounced "ex-ECK-u-ter" of a will :D Not EX-ecuter, like a murderer!

Wait if Louis Le Prince‘s name was brpight put during the legal battle, making him famous, wouldn‘t his captors kill him? 13:36



I learned this from Ripper Street. Thumbs Up If You Know That Show!!

I feel like they were both really stoned for this one

Please never stop making these I love them

Is this animations class or buzzfeed unsolved? I forgot from all the explaining of this man’s work.

writies, chewies... steppies. ima use those now

the funnies

I agree with Edison stealing Prince's idea. He did something very similar to Nickola Tesla

Screw you Edison

u r a goon.

Sounds like a coco movie hahaha

Do the missing malaysia airlines flight mh370 soon !! :3

Can you do a video of navy ships disappearing like they would get sucked and another ship would come and they would find nothing no body’s or ship parts

why is switzerland a body of water

If you think Edison invented the camera, you are an idiot.


Another theory is that maybe while he was on board he met someone who promised to make him a lot of money if he helped do *insert sketchy thing here. Ex: transport drugs, rob a bank, etc.* and he agreed, hoping to quickly have a little extra money to send to his wife or to finance his inventions (his priorities weren’t too clear tbh). During *insert sketchy thing here* things went bad and he died but, because *insert sketchy thing here* was illegal, someone had to discretely discard his body and that’s why he was never found

18:15 It may be the result of me watching too many unsolved type shows, but I actually do pay attention to my surroundings and its details, as well as the time when I encounter something that's out of the ordinary (which 98% of the time is nothing lol)

This is an interesting topic but you guys are rather annoying.

So at the beginning you said that Le Prince was scared that industrial spies were going to steal his work. Maybe he got on the train but then became so consumed with paranoia he got off the train before he got to his destination. OR again being consumed with paranoia, he got on the train, waved goodbye to his brother, and before the train started moving, he got off (and if he was sitting near the back, it would explain why no other passengers on that particular train would have seen him) Then he could have boarded another train, however, he accidentally got on the wrong train and he didn’t have enough money to take another train back home. And for the aftermath, he might have went to the nearest town to find a job to earn money (or beg for money, whatever people did to earn money quickly back then) but then paranoia got the better of him and he spent the rest of his life hiding from industrial spies

i'm going to share this with my class

Dam I’m hecka late

Really no one says movies anymore, then what do you call them.

DO THE PHANTOM KILLER PLEASE! It’s one of my favorites and I love it SO much.

Ryan: *sips tea*

the word "movies" explains why "talkies" was a thing for a while

We should just strip Edison of all his inventions and erase him from history.

Where's Switzerland?

Thomas Edison is not credited with the invention of cinema though, the lumiere brothers are. Also literally just learned about this guy in my film history class

The only reason Edison isn't credited with it is he for some reason thought people would want to watch movies one at a time while bending their backs.

So now I will be referring to Louis Le Prince from now on when someone says that Edison invented it.


I dint get it if Lincoln died in 1865 and he was recorded how was the motion picture cam invented in 1886

A fucking hate Edison now

Edison steals another invention, number 1752

Someone needs to make a movie about this

U.S not us

I just don't think Edison did it. I agree with Laurie, he was a busy/successful business man. I just don't think he would have much of a motive. Perhaps Louis died on his way home, in an accident or of natural causes., and they never identified the body.

How are you guys dealing with the discovery of Amelia Earheart's(pardon my spelling) bones?

Do the murder of Lana clarkson !!!!!!

Go down to Edison. More years added to this world, less respect he got.

LOL!! the 1080p comment was the best

It was the Goons!

Could you guys do the conspiracy surrounding Abe Lincoln's murder?

please have an episode on the Shankill butchers! PLEASEEEEEE

Do Michael's Jackson's death next

Do the Alcatraz disappearance of Frank Morris John and clarence anglin or Alcatraz breakout theory

Do the spontaneous combustion case!

Just so's you know you're using an inaccurate map. It includes the artificial border imposed on Ireland by the British (at 3:15) long after 1887.

Leeds Leeds Leeds

Adolphe is the french spelling of Adolf. It’s pronounced the same. Love the vids, usually not annoyed by mispronunciations but this one was a big awkward lol. Also, it had to be Edison. Egotistical genius? Hears about a dude who disappears AND invented “something”? C’mon. Gotta be him. Call Bill & Ted.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

is anyone else hopping they’ll make a podcast??

thomas edison was literally one big plageriser

Do Nikola Tesla next

This is Lumiere brothers erasure

I think that Louis must have just been paid off by Edison and the terms would just be basically for Louis to disappear so nobody could question it. (This is based off opinions, just to make this clear)

do 9/11

Do Michel Jordan's dads murder like if you want to see it

I know that this may be a sensitive subject to Americans, but Edson was no good. The thing between him and Tesla was one of the biggest reason Tesla died in poverty and made his name be unknown for decades. And, now, we heard about Le Prince. So, yeah, I'm gonna go out and say his is absolutely no good.

buzzfeed unsolved would blow up if you did Madeline McCann’s disappearance

please dear god do Madeline McCann

Wait! Guys! Was there a (wheeze) in here at all?!?!?!?!?!? Oh, there it is. 5:17 Anyway, I don't think he simply disappeared, nor that his brother or any family member was involved. To think that Edison didn't care enough or was too busy to have done anything is ludicrous to say. If you don't want interference and you're a man of renown and wealth, you'll get it taken care of. None of this was an accident.

In 1888 = jack the ripper :p

lol i'm not surprised. he stole ideas from tesla all the time, this was probably another instance

Am I the only one surprised there was no Alien theory

Anyone else like this history lesson better then schools lesson?

This episode gave me the chills. Louis Le Prince is the true inventor of motion picture!

this is actually really sad

How about for the next season you do a "Deep Web Unsolved Mysteries" theme?

Do a Buzzfeed unsolved on the Stanley house from the movie the Shining it is haunted

I have been there

I live in Leeds!!

Can you do the jersey Devil

Disappearance of Agatha Christie!!!!!!!

1:28 What the hell happened to Switzerland, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia etc?

Hi, I'd really appreciate if yall will do MH370's mysteries next c:

Ryan, you're skinny in this episode. Were you sick? Take care always.


Can you PLEASE do the devil's gate when you do another supernatural episode. Love the true crime episodes. Best thing to watch on a Saturday morning while eating breakfast

I thought it was a well-know fact that Louis Le Prince invented it not Edson. Weird.

Do the DC snipers


Please do the Villisca axe murders! it is a truly bizarre and interesting story, and one of the largest unsolved mass murders.

I could imagine, at that period in time, there was a bit of a black market for invention ideas you could patent, and I could see Louis being easily conned off the train with an offer of financial backing for his invention. I don't peg Edison as the type to actually have goons on his payroll...seems to high risk for him...but I'd totally peg him as the type to not ask questions if offered an idea...and it wouldn't surprise me if someone involved in organized crime also saw Edison as a potential source of "no questions asked" revenue.

this was so sad

It’d be interesting to see their take on the Sister Cathy Cesnik case (even tho netflix has a freaking 7 hour long documentary). Personally I find the case pretty interesting but the documentary was really drawn out and confusing. All the same, there is a lot of speculation and rumour surrounding the nun’s murder

Thanks to buzzfeed, I asked my boyfriend the other day if he wanted to see a moving picture with me. I can't say movie anymore. Thanks buzzfeed.

You guys should go to gonjiam psychiatric hospital for next season or whenever you guys do ghost things again

Edison likes to.steal stuff from many people and then take all the credit. Tesla anyone..

Etienne-Jules Marey published his "flight of the birds" in 1880 though

Edison also screwed Tesla, Edison isn't nice..

Nobody does my dude Louis dirty like that

I really appreciate the sense of loss you guys infused into this episode. It *IS* a tragedy, to have your legacy wiped out just as it’s about to be realized, and I think (maybe because you’re both creators) the sadness and cruelty of it really comes through :/. Well done.

How about the Big Grey Man of Ben MacDhui next?

This makes me so mad and sad ;-;


Do a video about Nicholas Barclay dissappereance

They should do "The Shocking Assassination of Martin Luther King".

I hate Thomas Edison now.

Try to investigate the mystery of who killed Antonio José de Sucre.

Unsolved you should do the tale of Bloody Mary!

loveeee these videos so much

Can you guys plz do Helen Keller

When he yelled "all aboard", i got these Choo-Choo Soul flashbacks

Do Olivia Mabel next!

Check the record of the company and tickets sold. Determine who boarded the train. The gun. Find a description of it. A serial number and the bullet used. Conduct an autopsy on his body to see the gun bullet penetration wound. Compare Louise Le Prince transactions to Thomas Edison's. Murder has to be ruled out because the patents where lost. He attempted to file for a patent and they where lost stolen. Someone opened the suit case.

From the confirmation of who made the gun and gun type you can determine a motive and who may have been hired and why.

Edison has proven time and again that he doesn't need to have people killed in order to steal their ideas, so I think that theory's off the table.

Well looks like Family Guy was right

Only episode from this series I didn’t enjoy at all

Edison also stole ideas from Tesla. would not surprise me if Edison did it..

edison is a thief and a hack. what he did to tesla is equally despicable

Thomas Edison the freaking fraud!!

do the story of estefania gutierrez lazaro. the movie veronica is based on her true story. she was possessed and died because of it.

guys, its ah-dolf, like Adolf

On the next season of true crime you guys should totally do an episode on madeleine mccann

as if i needed more reasons to dislike thomas edison

Do an Unsolved Malaysia Flight 370! So interesting

Can you do a Australian case next?

Do more ghosts ones

This just reminded me of the poptropica island based off of this event

Hey Louis and I have the same birthday

You guys should do a video on the Pink Lady of Grove Park Inn!!!

what happened to eric coy he was a 8 year old who got killed in a 10 minute window and nobody ever found out why

ironic that this was filmed on a moving picture

the national science & media museum is in bradford (about 15mins train from leeds) and it's really amazing + informative if you're interested in that stuff! west yorkshire is rife with cinema and arts history :~)

God I hate when my birthday shows up on these

lol americans known as devils!!!!

The aliens took him

I feel like it has to be Edison. He had the most to gain and a proper motive. The other two theories have little to no motive. The fact that Edison also stole the idea of the lightbulb makes that theory the most believable

You should do one on Anastasia and the Romanov family!

Big up Leeeeeeds yes!!

thomas is Luke, and Le Prince is Percy ( Percy Jackson bc everyone thinks thomas is great but then he stole Le Prince's Fame!!!)

I knew Edison stole from Tesla, this really puts into question did he actually invent anything?

I would bet all my bitcoin that Edison was behind it, or closely linked to Le Prince's disappearance/murder. He was an absolute jerk, completely unoriginal and a thief.

Absolutely fantastic. This would make an amazing "movie" ;)

"People are going to think this guy's a goddamn wizard!" Best line of the episode.

Thomas Edison, just another in the line of dudes stealing work from others.

Oh, so it's not normal to think someone on the train is gonna get murdered? Oh, okay, I'm, I think I'm just gonna go to the asylum now.

15:18 both of them look so good in this frame. Also, how ironic, i'm talking about frames haha

When we needed him most he vanished.

Didn’t Edison also steal from Tesla? Did he ever accomplish anything on his own?

Shouldn’t his surname be pronounced “Luh Pronse”, considering he’s French and all? This just kinda bugged me through the whole video.

I HATE EDISON but really do you ever stop to wonder how many people he has fucked? bc we know of a few, but I bet he stole from or even killed many real intelligent people.

Thomas Edison could totally be behind Louis going missing. Growing up in Erie,PA they're many stories of Edison screwing people around the area when General Electric opened up. He was interested in success and would do what he had to do

Edison stealing people's inventions isn't exactly news. Edison potentially _killing_ someone to steal an invention... well I wouldn't exactly be surprised given his track record.

Louis was ROBBED

Shane looks so adorable in his wittle glasses!

"I'm not buying it." -Ryan " No one is asking you to."-Shane "It's staying on the shelf." - Ryan

Honestly Edison is such a POS, stole the patents for like EVERYTHING and claimed it as his own because of corrupt capitalism.

My life is a lie

Duh Edison did it

Talk about the two lost boys princes from England

Half way through this I realized this video wasn't a history lesson


j'adore leurs accents!!!!

I have a request and I have no idea if you guys have done this yet: The Zodiac Killer

yaritza zavala I just saw that lol, i recently read that the Zodiac killer was— in a way— related to the Jack the Ripper cases

DabbingIntoArt they did

“What are you going to try and patent boots now?Get out of here!” Man I am so done with Shane.

So Louis' son made gifs..

Physically he looks like someone who could fight another person off so hmm


So basically they both had the idea at the same time then Louis vanished before it got famous and Edison didn't get vaporized so he got the credit i don't think he stole his idea they just had the idea at the same time and he got credit

thats so sad, this is why i always imagine of when i watch this videos to just have the power to go back in time and just watch it all over again, and potentially to be able to fly, bcause why not. And I'll be like go back here in present and tell the "real story" and it will ne mind-blowing but of course people wont believe so it will be just a "theory" yet again.

For real you could tell everyone Edison stole the Moon and it’ll be 100% believable because he was pure trash so

Shane's hair gets better every episode

Can we please get a Airplane crashes episodee pleease


Edison is a fraud. Nothing he's credited with he actually invented. Absolute charlatan.

“They’re called ents” swoon

Thanks louis le prince for porn! You was the man RIP

Barely related question; Who created the book?

They really need to make a movie about this. Lol.

Tag yourself I'm Ryan at 0:24 Judging people

I ran a train on a train

I never knew Switzerland was a giant lake.

Saw a rendition of it on crash course and this came up on recommendations

smh edison

la france

#makelouisleprinceknown lets make everyone aware of Louis Le Prince

Why is Switzerland marked out

Im hatin thomas edison now. Its funny how i have 2 friends named thomas and edison.

don't believe everything u hear from history

This reminded me of Coco

You guys should do a video on Vincent van gough

But didn’t he steal credit of the light bulb?

It’s sad that no matter what happens the truth of this story and motion picture will always be denied

albert and edison made a deal with each other? too soap opera-ish?

Nikola Tesla

My school years are a lie

Ryan have you seen "The Lady Vanishes"? Amazing train-involved Hitchcock film.

can you guys do the Paul Is Dead theory (the whole paul mccartney died in the 60s and was replaced by a lookalike)

Louis is probably living in Cuba with Pancho Villa, Tupac, and Michael Jackson

plzzz do a buzzfeed unsolved on who betrayed anne frank!!!!! its one of the most famous stories. and its entertaining

I was just learning about Louis in my high school film class. That's crazy!

Where the new vid @

I think the aliens did it

thank you for the english subtitles!!

you should do an episode on Marsha P. Johnson's death it was kinda mysterious and the police basically just glossed over it as a suicide

Can someone create a movie about Thomas Edison plotting the disappearance of Louis le Price

why did yall delete switzerland lol


Insane was all the commercials I got for unsolved and true crime and I really want to see that movie now!

Seriously. What happened to visiting the haunted places!? Those are hilarious!

le prince sweetie i'm so sorry

movies is a funny name. you missed the point that when movies came out with sound the were called talkies


i turn up to the theory music

All aboard!!!

Buzzfeed should do one on the girl that the movie Veronica is based on

Apparently in 2008 someone found a book in NYC library that was written by Thomas Edison himself and there was an entry of September 20 1890 four days after the disappearance saying that he got a call saying "prince is no more" and Edison said "Murder is not my thing. I'm an inventor and my inventions for the moving pictures can now be put forward".

Thomas Evilson

Up next: how Thomas Edison stole from Nikola Tesla

From Michigan, can you guys do Jimmy Hoffa?

"who put Bella in the wych elm", just saw this online, very interesting mystery murder!

edison literally stolethe lightbulb from tesla, dont act surprised

I mean, Bell had people in the parents office, so it’s not unbelievable that Edison did too.

I DO NOT CONSENT to geoengineering/solar shield (heavy metals in the air I breathe). I DO NOT CONSENT to fluoride in drinking water. I DO NOT CONSENT to GMO food. I DO NOT CONSENT to 5G (radiation). I DO NOT CONSENT.

Woooahhh that’s my bday too! 28th August


You guys should do the Long Island Serial Killer. Really interesting case, but very depressing.

Do the disappearance of the Malaysian Airline Flight 370!

I’m learning about Thomas Edison and his pals in Film class

breaking news thomas edison was really not that smart he was just some derp who wanted to be famous so he stole stuff from actual geniuses.

I don’t know if it counts as completely unsolved as someone was convicted for it, and I don’t know if you can do it because of how recent it still is, but if you could do the Laci Peterson murder, that would be nice.


I know I’m about a week late here, but can I ask what happened to Switzerland?

Please check out the Malaysia flight 370 and the mysterious link to this post

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Do you still see your stalker everywhere?

The Jimmy Hoffa case? Or has this been done enough?

I’m not buying the other two theory’s, Thomas Edison did it!

Everyone knows Thomas Edison stole all his inventions

Thomas Edison definitely did it.

Could you do A Buzzfeed Unsolved - Supernatural "Dyatlov Pass Incident" ? Also one about the Hessdalen Lights would be nice.

This was more like a film class

Okay, but why isn’t Louis’ assistant a suspect??

To be fair I wouldn't want to go to Leeds either... and I live there.


Can you do a buzzfeed unsolved on the girl found dead at gwinnett place mall

no doubt it was Edison.

I'm gonna need more Ryan getting scared episodes please

I don’t know if this will count but if you guys covered the Blood Countess story, I’d watch in a heartbeat

The dissapearence of MacDonald's boys Singapore

Irony or timing? Talking about a man who disappeared and his invention was stolen, days after an educational channel makes a video on him. Credit given for going in depth on the subject.

Guys do that voicemail thread thats currently hot rn

I was just thinking how wierd the word movies was

So after knowing this y havent we corrected the books? Why do we still teach people tht it was edison who invented the motion picture? Shows that we human beings do not like changes.

my heart hurts from this, its so sad

I'm glad to know of this man, now, and I can't help but see him as the creator of the motion picture, now.

all Thomas Edison's inspiritional quote went to drain

Poor louie

wikipedia mention that Thomas invented the camera at the same time they also mentioned that Louis is the "real" inventor. hmmmmm

ooh finally a good crime.. that i never heard of

He left because he wanted to make clothes so now we have lous vitton


That picture of Louis Le Prince looks like my ex.

you can really turn everything he says into a full 5 page essay.. hmmm

My birthday is August 28th !!! I've neber found anyone with my birthday!!!

The more I knew about history, the more I think Edison is not that great

Train train wee all love trains trains

Thomas.E . Did not only steal this invention but other too such as the

This is sad. Just sad. Truly sad and tragic

You should do the mystery of the Malaysia Airlines Disappearance

golden state killer!

It's sad that we grew to cheer for him knowing he would go missing. Knowing we can't do anything to help right the wrong.

its actually sad that some inventors were forgotten just because they couldnt patent their own work... alexander graham bell didnt invent the telephone.. so fak tht guy too

When you’re from Leeds, England

"I'd kiss him on the lips." Srsly Shane?

Buzzfeed Unsolved should investigate the death of Joshua Maddux:

Edison is evil

Okay listen I don't know how credible this is but apparently someone found a diary entry of Edison's that read “Eric called me today from Dijon. It has been done. Prince is no more. This is good news but I flinched when he told me. Murder is not my thing. I'm an inventor and my inventions for moving images can now move forward.”

This was awesome! I have one question though, why is Switzerland the only country in white on the European map?

adolphé haha actually the lumière brothers were big shot ~captains of industry and savage businessmen so i'm totally on board that conspiracy train now

You guys should go to the Lemp Mansion in STL or the Lalaurie Mansion in New Orleans for your next supernatural season. They are both very haunted especially the LaLaurie Mansion.

What is with Edison being propagandized as the great American inventor of things, when he was just a businessman.

Edison stole most of his inventions, it's a known fact.

Thomas Edison is a jackass. He also stole Tesla's ideas.

i'm betting that someone traveled back in time to kidnap or kill louis

Edison either murdered Louis himself, or hired someone to do it for him. He has a known history of stealing people’s inventions and taking the credit and glory for himself.

Dos Fucken gons

Ok so Edison fucked over Louis, Tesla, the elephant. Nice. Fuckin cuntbag

oh my i'm from France, i was born in Dijon! i'm scared

if any of these mysteries DO get solved you guys HAVE to post about it

Shane always makes scary vids into something funny

OMG MOVIES Cause they are pictures that MOVE I. sorry i just go that

you guys should do a buzzfeed unsolved: conspiracies series

If my teacher says Thomas Edison invented the camera, I will tell her about Louis Le Prince.

Just knowing about Tesla, Edison was the most petty dude ever. I wouldn't be surprised if Edison was somehow involved with Le Prince's disappearance.

For a rather huge test in English last year, I learned about Louis and I was very interested

I was waiting for you to say it had romance!!!!!

The fascinating life and times of Louis Le Prince. Can't help but feel like Ryan's hunch that Einstein and his goons had something to do with this is probably correct.

It was Nikola Tesla

Didn’t Thomas Eddison literally steal all of his inventions?

0:19 wtf Shane?

My last name is Whitley

Who else thinks they should do the Alcatraz Prison escape, I’m surprised they haven’t done it already. Like if you agree

Buzzfeed unsolved: MH370

They need to make a movie about this (not ironically

this makes me despise Edison

The murders in Pike County, Ohio (April 21-22, 2016). Pretty recent, definitely creepy, and eerily close to home.

This is the saddest episode so far...

God I want this to be a movie

lmao why is Switzerland a lake on the map of Europe xD

Shane: ALL ABOOOOOOAAAAAAARD! Ryan: *staring* Ryan: all right.

In order to sucess Edison would do anything...

MAPEH teacher: Who invented the moving pictures? Unsolved fanatic: It's Louis Le Prince! MAPEH Teacher: NO! It's Thomas Edison >:V *unsolved fanatic shows this vid to the teacher* MAPEH Teacher: Oh...

You guys should do princess diana. That one is pretty weird

Plz plz plz plz do Madeleine McCann, that would be so cool

Edison definitely killed Louis and took his stuff used it and created the camera

5:50 All that hardwork to produce a gif

Ryan: "But what if I told you that the true father of motion pictures may be an incredible Frenchmen?" Me: *YOU MEAN LAFAYETTE?!?!?!* raps Guns and Ships endlessly

Do the Benoit family murder

Buzzfeed is doin things

Um this isn't like unsolved or anything buuut the case of phineas gage is sooooo cool and interesting I think it'd make a cool video

What you failed to mention is that Thomas Edison was there when Louis showed his moving picture in France. Thomas Edison was a huge fraud who stole numerous inventions from people including this one. I feel like everyone needs to see Edison as what he was, a thief, not some great inventor.

You guys should play the Ouija board and try to contact Louis Le Prince

Jonestown cult suicide

can you guys do the mystery surrounding Anastasia Romanov? it’s one of my favorite things to read about (as well as my favorite broadway show lol)

i feel so bad for him omfg

I'm not convinced by the theory that he disappeared voluntarily because 1. if he didn't have the funds why would he not just stop working on it, I don't see why he would feel the need to disappear entirely; he seems like a smart man who cares for his family more than 'pride'. or 2. if he wasn't happy with it and didn't know how to improve it why wouldn't he sell the idea on to or work with another inventor? Anyway I guess this will always remain unsolved but I'll always remember the great contribution Louis Le Prince made to this world. Peace and love.

*COUGH* *COUGH* Tesla...

Hi guys not sure when you’re next series is due. Could you cover Hinterkaifeck murders love your vids btw

Im guessing the white dude has a vague memory of his day elevating he looks kinda creepy and if you pay attention he has a dark sense of humor

Poor guy

Pleaseeee do a video on olivia thomas's death!!!


go to the stanley hotel

Because Thomas Edison is a liar and cheat.

1:27 my birth month and date!

Oh my gosh please can you do Mary queen of Scott’s Husbands mysterious death? I think she set up his murder because he was abusive

hey Ryan you’re great but please never say the word “patent” again.

Edison was a hack and all of his ideas were stolen

I think that edison had someone kidnap louis

Anyone else wondering about the episode about the family

isn't it strange some history students would know about louis le prince (founder of motion picture) but a student majoring in film would never hear of him?

How did you guys find all this information ?

"You made this? ... ... ...I made this." - Thomas Edison

Do Madeline McCann

Could yo do the case of the movie "The substitute" I think it´s with Angelina Jolie. It was a real case.

Please do one about the Malaysian Flight

Please do the story of Kaspar Hauser it would be greatly appreciated!

This is a very interesting story! They should make a...MOVIE out of it. :D

how about michael jackson

If he was so committed to his life's work why just get of the train and vanish? He left the camera at his workshop!

The day he disappeared is my birthday

"The Harry Potter train"

Maybe Edison killed him, because he wanted fame for Louis Le Prince's idea.

Wasn’t there a map on Poptropica related to some of these invents?

So half this video is about someone making a camera/movie. You're lucky I'm still watching

My ex was named after Edison. No wonder he's such a jerk

Do the McCanns next! And talk about the cadaver dogs!

Do the disappearance of madiline mccan, she disappearedin portugal 2007 and has never been found please do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

really enjoying the episodes! Wouldn't it be cool to make some episodes on cases that had actually been solved. Showing us the evidence and suspects eventually leading up to the revelation? (if this doesn't already exist?)

I think Edison had some people kill him

i prefer Tesla over Edison.

It annoys me how no one knows about Louis Le Prince but everyone knows about Thomas Edison

Considering what Edison did to Nikolas Tesla with the alternative current, I think we can say that he was a big dishonest A-hole, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind something like that with Le Prince too :/


What about Nikolai Tesla? He was, or probably is the most intelligent man to come out of a woman's womb. Maybe no one knows him, but do some research on this man. Maybe your understand what Edison was and what was this human being who invented AC current, which btw is nothing to what he has created.

Wow, I Fucking hate Thomas Edison now.

Because it's all so unsolve

Hope you guys do slederman

Comunism massacre in Madiun Around 1965

What about the Melies brothers?

The moment the city you live in (Metz) is mentioned in a BuzzFeed video, this is goals. Btw I live in Metz and I never heard about him..

This makes me hate Thomas Edison. F**K YOU EDISON

Live You why would you say that . He made light

Why is Switzerland​ the same color of the bodies of water in the map???

Can you do some mysteries for Louisiana and stuff?

Lmao when he says “I’m not as excited anymore”

I’m certain Edison had something to do with it. He practically destroyed Tesla, emotionally & financially . He had no compunction about stealing others ideas. Read about the battle between them about alternating current electricity. He is no American hero.


edison strikes again

It makes me SO MAD that people don’t know this man. I just googled the inventor of the motion picture camera and everything that came up was Thomas Edison. It’s honestly heartbreaking that this man spent years working on it just to have someone else get the credit for inventing it.

I don’t like this series...... I love it!


the 'murikins try to take credit where now are due. The movie ARGO and the former President Mr. Jimmy Carter are a fine example of the characteristics of 'murikin thinking and American thinking. One tells fibs the other sets the facts straight. For too long those 'murikins have been lying. Far too long. There's money in Lies.


listening to Americans say French names makes me cringe, I'm not French but seriously Adolph-e? it's is pronounced like Adolf

so nicola tesla isn't the only person edison did dirty...

Edison was a sick SOB >:-( I don't trust that fker..

Yes Ryan! YES! How dare Edison stand on the shoulders of giants and proclaim to be the tallest man? This case had two crimes damnit. Favorite episode to date.

Anyone else here from suggested videos after the crash course recess vid on this

I will never say the word, "Movie" again!

They're called ENTS.

Someone please tell poor baby Ryan how to pronounce "patent"

19:37 Shane with that voice crack.

Talk about the silent Hill in Pennsylvania

Y'all should look into whether or not there were any reports of a heart attack or stroke reported on the trains or along the route somewhere, i.e a mile radius around each of the reported stops the trains made or hospitals nearby that might have treated Louis. Back in the day, people weren't always carrying identification like we do today and if he was traveling alone then perhaps they couldn't find out who he was or which luggage was his. Did anyone ever find his luggage in the train?

I'm sorry, but when he showed the word "movie" in quotes, I suddenly realized: Movie. It's a MOVING picture. Move. Ie. Like Selfie. Sorry, I feel like somebody who missed a really good pun and realized it 10 years later. Anyway, carry on.

Damn ryan what's up with you

Why is Switzerland the same colour as the water on the map? 1:40

It kinda bothers me that he’s pronouncing Le as La when he says Louis le prince idk if it’s supposed to be that way but yeah that all I could focus on

Buzzfeed Unsolved should have missing persons posters in the background or something. Imagine all the people that would see them. Maybe someone would recognize one.

Im mad that Edison cant come up with his own stuff but always stealing from others

Thomas Edison is the Christopher Columbus or the film world


THE CRINGE. lol(in the beginning) love ya guys

What would have happened if Louis didn't dissappear? would we have advanced this technology sooner?

why was Switzerland gone on the map?


Yeah you guys are weird. We call them films here in the UK And i feel edison is the biggest fraud

Why is Switzerland a sea on that map?

I like how they found the most smug picture of Edison possible

Shane has become so lame

The reason they wanted to put his name in a court of law was so the captors might come forward with ransom money or some type of negotiation if they understood his worth

Awwwww so sad! Scientists do this all the time...

Surprised there is no theory that Louis knew his motion camera wouldn’t work in NY and just ran away to not be seen as a failure.

I know this was in the 1900s but was there no record of him boarding the train? Like a stub or written documentation? Just a thought.

Poor Louis....

you guys are amazing, i love your videos! However, you forgot to add that they found some sort evidence of a picture of a man drowning, which looked like Louis Le Prince

Edison killed him

Pleas do The Plaza-lady! The lady was found dead in a hotelrom in the hotel Oslo Plaza in Norway. She had a false ID, so they dont know who she was. Pleeeeease make a video about this case! It is very interesting... (Sorry for bad english)

Where did my virginity go UNSOLVED

Disappointing video. Louis Le Prince's brother was the last to see him alive; he's a bigger suspect than this video portrays. Louis's purported financial straits were also fictional.

Wasn't the kid's movie "HUGO" based on this idea? I remember this premise from there, or something extremely similar...

huh Edison.. wonder what else he falsely took credit from aside from this guy and Tesla..

Do Persian Princess Next:

Edison stole the patent for the telephone too, look it up !

This needs to become a movie so more people know his name.. Edit: (Bc let's be honest no one cares about history unless it's presented in entertainment)

Discipline upset rent far coastal embrace seven long soup musical criteria violate marriage.

Thomas F U C K I N G Fraudson

is anyone else remembering that one poptropica game??? no?? kay

if you guys do another paranormal series or episide you should deffinitely check out "Port Arthur" just outside Hobart in Tasmania. Port Arthur is a prison colony with a rich and violent history and there have been numerous ghost siting in the grounds of the complex as well as alot of unexplained phenomenon even in broad daylight. Im a big sceptic but this place was more than a little strange. This was also the sight of the 1996 Massacre the catalyst event for the australian gun laws reform. May be a bit delicate adressing this however. Anyway just a suggestion as id love to see your opinions on the place.

In Australia we call chewing gum 'chewies'

My Theory: In saying that Louis Le Prince was in debt, what if his plan was selfish. Maybe Louis went onto the train to journey to find an inventor wealthy enough (Thomas Edison) to buy his idea from him then went on to live a wealthy life in the shadows releasing him from his debt???

Just started watching the Unsolved and it’s really cool! I don’t know if you’ve done this already but Princess Diana would be an interesting one.

When y’all do supernatural again PLEASE LA LLORONA


edison was a liar and a thief.

Do an episode on MKUltra, please! Or Adam Walsh.

woahahhaha weird lamo I'm shoo mayb

PLEASE do a video on ‘La Chupacabra’ it’s my favorite legend and you guys would maybe get to go to puerto rico ???

Solve this: how the hell did switzerland become a giant sea in your map of europe?!

wasnt this on poptropica or something

He was born on my birthday

well this sounds familiar having watched films like steve jobs and the social network. there has to be some hollywood dramatization of this already in the works. i can imagine it now - eisenberg as edison and garfield as louis le prince lol

Imma ask my social studies teacher, who’s Louis Le Prince and see his reaction

Would you consider discussing that Alice killings?

Damn. Did Edison actually "invent" anything that he claims he did?

its truly sad story and i found it very interesting to know the TRUE history of the founder of "moving picture"

10:58 that duh killed me

Between this and Tesla I’m starting not to like Edison much...

More alien mysteries!

Lmao just another thing that Edison "created"

Thomas Edison destroyed Nikola Tesla as well.

Aw Louis and I have the same birthday

I might be wrong, but I remeber reading once that Edison did not even invent the light bulb, but stole the idea from an inventor who publicied his work at the same time. However, Edison is still quoted to be the inventor of it.

0:22 *dies slowly inside*

didn't edison also stole tesla's idea? something about not compensating him.

Coco was based off this

Edison was a thief and a hack, he copied so many other inventors and took credit

I freaking HATE Thomas Edison

this makes me hella sad for Louis.. he seemed like a genial man and adoring family man, jealousy sucks man

*I had to watch this episode after my kids debated a teacher into a frenzy. They wouldn't back down, so teacher and I watched this, and needless to say, they received an 100% + 50 bonus points that gets them out of their pick of a project. Well done on this episode. Kids, if you see this, well done for presenting your case and sticking to the truth.*

damn thomas edison was a snake

'Sup with Switzerland XD 8:25

What if Louis le prince sold his plans to Edison and then decided to disapear because he wouldnt want his family to know what he had done.

If you know anything about Edison it's that he robbed and backstabbed Tesla. I don't think he'd have a problem with stopping Le Prince either.

train had another meaning to me so , the beginning caught me off GAURD

I had never heard of him. I'm really glad you brought him back and him relevant to history in some way. It sounds like he deserves to be remembered.

I used to think that Edison was amazing before this and now I hate him.....not regrets. LOUIS LE PRINCE IS THE GENIUS BEHIND MOVIES

Edison what... no Lumière brothers!

Damn. I've lost all respect for Thomas Fraudison.

So Edison was the Steve Jobs of the 1800s....absolute prick of a con man that tricks everyone into thinking he’s a genius because he stole his ideas from the roommate etc. Not gonna lie, the fact that Edison is American makes it easier for me to think Edison did it. 1 in 25 Americans are sociopaths after all. Look it up, incredibly high percentage for a “civilised” country.

Hold up- Is Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart referencing Louis Le Prince with the film french man the boy met on the train?? SO many metaphors and symbols in that movie. I love it so much

The more I watch it, the more i'm certain of it :)

I think someone of thomas edisan killed him so he could take the credit and relase the moving picture

how to get a kiss from Shane: create something entirely new. dully noted.

Shane has gone soft.

You guys should unsolve the golden lamb in Lebanon Ohio. There is a room with a girl that haunts the place.

This reminds me of Poptropica. Sorry

Mk ultra

Do Mk ultra

can you guys do the disappearance of theodosia burr please

i don’t think there’s anything shady about that though? she just was lost at sea.

What about looking int the unsolved murder of Bob Crane


buzzfeed unsolved spend a night in the conjuring house in england drop a like if u want this to happen

Do some people too 10 FBI most wanted

Do the unsolved mystery of the wvu headless coeds!

Please do episode on escape from Alcatraz

Louis le Prince father of the Instagram Boomerang

leeds yes yes

Thomas Edison is a cuck

this is so sad... so sad.

Edison the Traitor. He should be remembered in history from here on out as this title.

I'm baffled why Buzzfeed didn't take into consideration how Edison had stolen and fought many other inventors and claimed inventions of others as his. His petty fight against Tesla is a fine example.

Ouééé les français RPZ si si la mifaaaa, on est les meilleurs les mecs, c'est grâce à nous qui z'ont tous leurs films à Hollywood, oué les gars, c'est nous qu'on est les meilleurs d'abord! (lmao to my fellow french buzzfeed unsolved fans... i'm sorry for this but i couldn't help it #ChauvinismePrimaire)

Thomas Edison: The Biggest Theif & Fraud in History

I think the real mystery is the disappearance of Switzerland from the map

I already hated Edison but this only strengthens my disgust to new abhorrent levels.

These guys are hilarious!!!!!

This is reminds me of the Poptropica island where you go on a train and help Thomas Edison find his motion picture machine that was stolen from a french girl. Like this kinda seems like the island was based poorly on this

There's a police photo that said it look like the victim looked like Louis was a drowned victim

this sounds like a good movie plot tbh irony??

Now thanks to this video, more than 2 million people, and possibly many more will know of this great man.

What should movies be called?

Well, my whole view on Thomas Edison has changed.

I have a suggestion for a video! How about one on the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

we need a jonbenet part 2!!!!!!!!!!

Thomas edison was an invention stealing POS. He didn't invent the light bulb - Tesla did.

Do a video of the murder of nickola tesla

Louis Le Prince is amazing and should have been the legal inventor of "motion pictures"!!!! #LouisLePrincedeservedbetter

My favorite film fact is the reason why Hollywood is in California and not New York, which was the center of the film industry for many years. Edison was hunting down people making motion pictures and charging for use of his technology, so filmmakers naturally got fed up and asked for sanctuary elsewhere. California provided space and the protection necessary. So that's why films are on the west coast, not the east coast.

Thomas Edison was the worstv

Urgh taking people's ideas

Yep, definite points for ingenuity!

Satyesh Jha oohhh that’s a good one

he was born at the end of august? wouldn't that be just like a virgo to disappear off the face of the earth bc their project was only slightly less than perfect

It's 2018 and I'm still watching that mannequin

can you please make an episode about the true inventor of light and electricity, Hasan Kamel Al Sabbah. This story is also tied with Thomas Ed. so there are a lot of words about this.

Anyone else from Leeds?


i bet the animated film COCO was based on this story. Very sad. The dad killed while going home to family :(

hey how bout making a video about the malaysian flight mh370?

God this is soooo sad

Thomas Edison is the 1800s version of Steve Jobs

you guys should do the legend of Anastasia, or the Romanov’s story. The story behind it is very interesting.Look into it, look into too Rasputin and his story too. It's the best one in my opinion

Why haven't these guys try to find Bigfoot or the Jersey devil or something yet?

Seems like Thomas Edison had a narcissistic personality disorder

*Thank you for the history lesson*

louis and i have the same birthday!! who knew.

Edison also tried to steal Teslas "the transporting man" device!!

think i'll put on my walkies , get in my drivey and go to the movies

# Remember Louis Le Prince! also may Tomas Edison forever rot in hell!!!!


I like theory 1

Edison was a prick he stole a lot of other people's inventions

IM SO MAD RIGHT NOW this is so sad, I feel so bad for this guy (almost 130 years in the future)


You guys should do the Oklahoma Girl Scout Murder Mystery

Fucking Edison

Can you please do Nicola Tesla now, pleaseeee

“Le Prince” starring Sean Connery

5:27 you won't regret it

I can definitely believe that Edison had him killed. He was a notorious tech theif (look into Nikola Tesla's life) and just a scoundrel. He clearly had no qualms about manipulating people or ruining lives, murder isn't a far reach imo

so what... guy disappears, and edison shows up with an invention this big and new 3 years later. edison might have fooled those people then, but we know the truth now


Louis Le Prince is the father of moving pictures. But after the divorce, he didn't have custody of moving pictures and the world married Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison is the step-father of moving pictures

I’m really sick of horror movie trailers playing during my unsolved marathon

Quality Trash And they always play much louder than the actual video so it’s terrifying

Olivia B I hate it so much!!!

I’m glade you made this video. His name will now live in glory to the viewers as the true inventor

People Say "Would You Kill Adolph Hitler When He Was A Baby" Movie History Extravagants Say "Would You Kill Thomas Edison So That Tesla And Le Prince And Some Other Name We Probally Dont Know About Be Alive"

You Know What We Really Need A FREAKING TIME MACHINE!!!!

Since it was mentioned that Louis is neck deep in debt, I think it's possible that he was killed/kidnapped by the people or their henchmen who he owes money from.

"I just thought this was a good opportunity, for you, as a fellow Lord of the Rings tree-" *"They're called Ents."*

0:18 - 0:24 that’s honestly really awkward

That motion picture is called GIF lmao

Fandom Trash.

Thomas Edison literally stole most of his stuff. He was a total wad

Why do i feel so sad after watching this

Somebody should make a movie about Louie Le Prince. OH!!!!THE IRONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thomas Edison sucks.

consider doing one on Tammy Lynn Leppert! beauty pageant girl who went psycho and disappeared one day

Do an episode of the assassination of Benigno Aquino of the Philippines!

Seeing people talk about how everything they know about edition is a lie but because I'm british we don't learn about American history so I know barely anything of him anyway.

In britain we call them films, because originally they were made from rolls of films like you said.

Edison also stole lots of other stuff from lots of inventors too lol

Edison was a butthole, so I'm blaming him. Lol he sabotaged enemies, killed an elephant, etc

wasn't there a train mystery like exactly this on Poptropica??

Never enjoyed learning about history until I watch these vids

Thomas Fuckison

He wasn't forgotten on wikepidiea it says he was the invented of motion pictures

Now you know Edison is a fraud. USA and it's people are fraud!!! The truth will always prevail.

What if he was so in debt, he sold the idea to Edison for a good bit of money. Feeling so guilty, he may have jumped off the train or went ahead and started a new life.

Choo choo i love trains

Thomas Edison EXPOSED

theres a bug when on shuffle this episode is the only one allowed to play.

How did they take a picture of the motion camera thingy?

“They’re called ents” Shane truly gets me


You know what Edison SCREW YOUR LIGHTBULBS


It's sad that I've never heard of Louis Le Prince and another invention was stolen by Edison. The more I hear of Edison the more I hate him. He doesn't deserve the recognition for half of the inventions he said he created.

I... didn't learn that Edison was the inventor of the motion picture camera. I'm also in art school and just last year I'm pretty sure they were teaching it as someone else (I think Le Prince, since I remember the name) in my art history class.

Think about this Thomas Edison is a fraud why would Edison take credit over everything else and nobody else did think of Tesla Louis is the true inventor think about the other inventions people made and Edison took?

Am I the only one who says "Unsolved" at the same time as Ryan does at the end of every episode?

If only planes where in dis ..he would totally be alive...I think..

Screwed over Tesla and this poor guy? Edison is a jerk.

All I keep thinking of is of the Christopher Rawlence guy was related to J. K. Rowling and if maybe the mane was somehow changed along the way.

Props for the Tazo Tea Ryan, a man of taste :)

If we ever get a time machine we need to go back in time and punch Edison on the nose.

If Louis Le Prince had OCD or something it could explain why his idea of perfection would drive him to disappear. It could be nothing to do with what other people would think, just the idea of not reaching what you think it should be could be enough

I learn many history from us guys.

Edison had a history of stealing and being a patent troll. Whether or not it was Edison that was directly involved in the disappearance, I agree that he should have the title of being the father of motion picture stripped from him. This really is giving me flashbacks to what Edison did to Tesla.

He was captured by aliens and the men in black..

It was literally because of Edison that the film industry is in California bc filmmakers in the east coast couldn't anything since Edison "owned" everything through patens so they moved to the west coast to escape that

Shane is kind of like garrett and Ryan is kind of like shane aka Shane Dawson

I mean Edison stole the invention of the lightbulb from Tesla sooooo wouldn't put it past him

Thomas Edison, we have decided to unstan forever

...why is your map of europe missing switzerland XD?

Please can you do the disapprence of Madeline McCann!!!

Fucking chewies end steppies

For the love of all that is holy! Ryan please stop pronouncing your T's as D's! Or just let Shane do the story telling bits...

Adolphe is pronounced like Adolf not adolf-aye.

Y'know, talking of "Train Mysteries" makes me think of the 1907 Grantham Train wreck. Basically, on a Summer's Night in 1907, a Train of the Great Northern Railway was running from London towards the North. And, at Grantham the Train was due to stop to unload both passengers and mails, and as such, the signals were set to stop the Train. The Train then suddenly passed Grantham without any sign of stopping and derailed, crashing and killing 14 people including the Driver and Fireman in the engine, no real flaws found in the engine, and people at Grantham who saw the Train pass saw both crew seemingly normal in the cab, despite approaching Grantham being completely unmistakable.

1:33 why is switzerland just not there?

Guys what's with you map, when did Switzerland become the ocean? Did you accidentally pick a EU-map rather than Europe lmao

As a teaching major I would change the textbooks to give Louis Le Prince true credit on the motion pictures. Edison is just a snake in my book.

Another Great Episode!

please do the madeline mccann missing case!

He was on the express... train with no stops... ?

Well there you have if folks.. white people have been taking credit for other people’s work since ever..

This is like Max Fleischer and Walt Disney

This is the only episode that I felt really frustrated

Well now I hate edison lol

Thomas Edison, the Father of Stealers.

Right from the beginning I thought Edison did it

hi pre video but Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb, in fact he stole it from a crazy man oof however he did make it a real thing just didnt have the idea of it yknow

Thomas Buttfucker

He might have not sold it in the state that it was, but there is no way being an inventor he would not have showed this off. It's insane to believe that him being a perfectionist would have made him want to perfect it before showing it. He had patents and he was fighting with the patent office, bring the thing out show it, then take as much time as you want perfecting it.

Let’s be real here. It’s none of these, it’s time travel. Think about it, maybe something bad happened in the future if the moving camera was built 3 years earlier.

So he stole work and took credit for it just like he did with Nikola Tesla. Why are we still teaching kids how much of a hero he is when all he did is take advantage of others?

How about the disappearance of Aaron Burr's daughter Theodosia Burr Alston? I know Hamilton fans would go apeshit for that.

This makes you question everything students are taught in school!! It sure isn't the truth!


Welp, I felt bad for this guy. He deserves to be known


Tom also did this with the light bulb

Megan O'Brien right can we just have this as history classss


My hatred of Thomas Edison gets stronger and stronger with each passing day

Fucking Thomas Edison. I hate this. But its unsolved and Shane and Ryan so I'm still gonna watch lol

Tfw u watch buzzfeed unsolved but u dont like the rest of buzzfeed and ur feed is just filled with buzzfeed

Who needs a thesaurus when you have Buzzfeed Unsolved?

“He was deeply in debt, to the tune of 86,000 by todays standards”.....thats like an average college grads debt...and we arent all killing ourselves


Edison also stole from tesla

i thought everyone knew that Edison was a dodgy guy ?

So, another person alongside Tesla?

Shane be lookin like a snack out there

Thomas Alva Edison is and i dare say it , a FRAUD

sometimes they are just so awkward when they talk to each other

Guess what Chicken butt

Lmfao Ryan’s face @ “all aboard!”

i love how at 4:30 the profiling of the single lens camera is done as if the camera itself is a suspect.

train mysteries are the best

this is actually quite sad.

bb boys

Im binging unsolved

Gif or jif

Andrew Eldridge.... is moooving back, to leEEDS...

Thomas Edison who? *sorry sis I only know Louis le prince*

Did the train finish the route?

1:05 Segway of the year candidate

Thank you for sharing the history of this remarkable yet tragic inventor.

Executor of will is pronounced ex-EK-yoo-tor, not EX-uh-kyoo-ter

Ugh you're mispronouncing all the French names. An e at the end of a word is silent, no "ay" sound. Adolph sounds like ah-dolf. Prince = prahnss

Smh man that’s so sad

Request to investigate the death of Chris Hyndman;

Edison probably hired leprince brother

And thats lady's and gentlemen, how Mondays always bring you down

*the unsolved missing wheeze*

I don't trust Thomas Edison tbh

Did anyone else feel like they were being watched while watching this?? I got weidly creeped out

idk i suspect edison, just cuz americans have this urge to feel the need to own everything and be the number 1 at everything and steal everything and claim as theirs...


I am from leeds

I don't why our history books honor Thomas Edison

I think he just fell off the train and died

You should do a video on the water fuel cell car

Ryan’s face at 0:23

Shane looking fine as hell with those glasses

You have to do a Buzzfeed Unsolved on the people that mysteriously died/disappeared competing against Edison. Westinghouse, Tesla and Louie LA Prince

Thomas edison sounds like a real scumbag but good ol capitalism

It doesn't make sense that he wouldn't want to found...Even if he wasn't satisfied with his projector, he was still trying to get his patent during that time. It was obviously Edison, the killing of his brother is too sketchy to be a coincidence.

Thomas Edison is the man that makes me want to die

Thomas Edison must Fall

This is so goddamn tragic


RIP nikla tesla

Edison stole sooooo many ideas/inventions from others

Can you do an episode on the Delphi murders the two little girls from Indiana? It is still unsolved I believe. I haven’t heard anymore info on it

It was edisons goons

Does anyone else hate Thomas Edison now?


Adolphe is just pronounced Adolf... should've check that before filming guys.

This story would make a really good movie

Edison, that thieving crook!

If only someone had told these two idiots when they were young that they weren't funny, they would never have tried to be funny again.

The national science and media museum is 5 minutes from my house in Bradford, closest city to Leeds and they share an airport.

Sad we learn about Edison instead of Le Prince smh

PLEASEEEE do a video on the topic of cult murders, or another interesting case in the "Manson family murders"

Mr Louis le Prince is moister than an oyster


It was clearly Edison


I feel sympathy for this guy he was at the tip of fame and making an invention possible and fascinating but Damn dissappeared this guy was huge and 6'4 HOW TF DO U LOSE HIM

This is the only good series out of Buzzfeed.

No more Unsolved supernatural?? Saaaadddd

0:20 when you think you said something funny but it wasn't

Talk about the Estefania Gutierrez Lazaro case!

Only theory that makes sense here is Edison having him killed. He had the motives, the reasources,the ambition and the ego. Terrible combination.

Edison was the 1890's equivalent of Microsoft.

for the entire episode, i was just so sad for him.

Any one else hope for more February dates to pop up? Just me? Okay...

"Lord of the Rings tree"

i share something in common with louis aha i used to live in leeds

this was a depressing episode


Imagine he would’ve missed the train.

the world is so unfair and there is so many things we don’t know about it’s scary

this is a sad case


Definitely got Edison written all over it. No one stood to gain nearly as much as he did. The fact Edison is credited with motion pictures, despite being predated by a wide margin bears that out.

Imagine being known about not being known.

Shane lowkey has my dads humor

Edison is a freaking FRAUD

fun fact where i live we don't call them movies instead we say 'let's go to the pictures'

I don't hate or despise Edison because of this, it's great that Edison was able to invent it, I JUST HATE the fact that Edison didn't give Le Prince any credit.

Go to Gurdon lights in Gurdon Arkansas

You guys should do the disappearance of Erika Baker from Ohio!!!

please don't stop making these guys!!! they're engaging and appreciated. I hope you make more episodes. Thank you for all the good content you bring to Buzzfeedblue

Hmm... I want ryan and shane to visit the diplomat hotel in baguio city,philippines

The reason why I really really like this show my forever remain...... Unsolved :o

Working on moving pictures in 1885? Beat Rush to the game by 96 years.

Edison is a

If he was wiped from history, how do we know he even existed?

Ryan’s pronunciation of French names infuriates me

Can we all agree that Thomas Edison killed Louis Le Prince

just loved this stuff dude

This is the saddest episode so far. :(

I absolutely hate Edison for stealing other ideas!


Edison your mom gay

*t h e y ' r e c a l l e d e n t h s*

lmao edison is cancelled to me

0:23 thats right dude same cringy

Thomas Edison father of moving pictures More like father of fraud!

I always hated Edison for reasons and this confirms it even more.

He went and sold the “important papers” to Edison, and that’s a fact

What if the people he owed money to thought he wouldn’t be able to pay and they would lose more money so they killed him? That is actually a good theory.

*edison you fuckin faker*

The telephone was invented by a poor Italian, who had no money for a patent. An American stole the idea and now it is seen as an American invention.

Not "Execoter." It's "Executor." Millennials are destroying the English Languagr. You'll here the day "most highest" and other redundancies.

Not Executer....

Is that "Padent" or "Patent?"

Thomas Edison actually invented nothing, he just patented and stole other peoples ideas, to become rich.

no offence but there was sexual tension here


Those maps you guys used confused me a bit. On the US map: Oh, the great lakes are light grey. On the Europe map: Oh look, it's the great lake of... Switzerland...?

Confident equation quick written queen rub hay American operation astronomer pond.

Ah yes! The original gifs

my professor taught us louis le prince in my film class lol

PLEASE COVER RASPUTIN. His story is craaaazy

The theory about him willingly disappearing makes sense. If he was depressed, a noted perfectionist like him would probably feel their work wasn't good enough. The fact that he had to rely on his wife to take care of the family financially could also add to this depression making him feel ashamed. So he chose to disappear rather than have to face failure and humiliation.

1.5k Edison fans here I guess...

The thing was, Louis's wife could've made a new patent under her name instead, before Edison could. Or a trusted relative or friend

Definitely sense some goonery going on

fml, shane is so hot, i wish I knew him.

Tesla is the reliable website you get your info from. Edison is the essay you got A+ on.

I wonder if the time of unsolved case of vanishing airasia MH379 plane wil come in this series

my cats name is Louie and every single time Ryan said "Louis" he would look around haha

My heart hurts

The word 'movies' has changed completely for me after this haha

Buzzfeed has only done two things right, make Unsolved and Ruining History.

Does this episode prove that shane is a fan of lord of the rings ?

God damn Ryan you are fine as all he'll

Ryan's attempts at pronouncing the French names hurt me so deeply.

lool why am i not surprised that edison was the root of this problem.. he screwed le prince over just like he did nikola tesla.

Thomas Edison is a dirtbag

Prince/ Tesla dream team

I love learning history from you guys

I live in leeds

poptropica should omit out thomas edison in one of their islands. damn didn't know he was a snitch.

These vids are better than the man spreading vid

It's a good thing I've watched this because I've NEVER heard of this man.. and for Edison to, basically take credit for inventing moving pictures is truly unfair.

Edison the snake got Louis Le Prince with that AC current

What if he just got on the wrong train

Same Awkwar d, same

So... Thomas Edison is just a...umm...idea stealer?!?!


ı was born in september 17th and in september 16th that boi got lost...Im spoooped

Edison did it

The music that often plays during the timeline/summary is rather repetitive. A theme that it reminds me of, is "Who is zero". Look it up.

Noticed the map you used for showing dijon is what looks to be a EU membership map

The woild is yer erster

This makes me hate thomas edison lmao

Edison is guilty.

This series would be alot less scary if brian wouldnt talk so creepily

I don't know why, but I want them to talk about 'The Black Death', a time when people dropped dead like flies due to an unknown 'disease' that I am not aware of. I don't know what would've cause such a horrid time, but I feel like the boys will be able to gather information to create an awesome yet tragic episode

I live in Edison NJ. A town literally named after Thomas Edison. Thank you for this. Ruined my life

Omg I just noticed something what if they kidnapped him for his ideas

Yet another reason to hate Thomas Edison. He was not at all this genius everyone claims him to be. He was a cheap, no good, self righteous, thief!

Ok that’s not fair to the actual inventor that he never got t any credit

I read the title louis the prince

I learned about this when reading stuff for fun and my intro film teacher actually told us about this when somebody tried to say Edison invented cinema lol

I have a sudden and permanent hatred for Thomas Edison and I feel so much empathy for Louis Le Prince and can feel his fams frustration even though before now I never even heard the man!!! Ughhh

BuzzFeedBlue Could you guys please do a Unsolved video on the The Texarkana Moonlight Murders please

My love for unsolved mysteries is so much the number is unsolved

It was all Thomas Edison

"What if I told you the true father of motion pictures might be a brilliant French man" well considering Edison was a fraud and a thief I'd believe it

Hay disappeared on my birthday

I wonder if the time of unsolved case of vanishing airasia MH370 plane wil come in this series

Its theorized that some countries’ government shot it down on accident and hid the evidence, but there isn’t much proof so thats just speculation.

He was a fine looking fellow. I shall remember from this day forward. Louis Le Prince.

I wonder if anyone could retrieve telegrams sent between New Jersey/New York and England/France? Did Edison communicate with anyone in Europe to make Le Prince "disappear"? Could it be that Edison paid Louis' disgruntled brother Albert to do in his own brother for MONEY?

Nikola Tesla and Louis Le Prince R.I.P. Thomas Edison had no shame.

Disappearance of Yingying Zhang . Please do this case

just sad.

in all the other theories, there's no tangent reason for why his son and the woman in the motion picture was killed. perhaps only his rivals would do so.....

Hi ima mak3 this funnt 3:54

Eidison also stole the idea for the lightbulb he’s kind of a bad person

thomas edison was a thot

There is heavy feeling while watching this video knowing that Prince deserves better.

One of the family members should’ve reverse engineered his invention or at least tried

I feel like i learned this in poptropica or something

MH370 is malaysia airlines, not from airasia

can u see the mystery of the Subhash Chandra Bose disappearance

I was born September 16 haha but mine was 2004

I was born about an hour from Leeds haha

like if Edison is trashy.


ong thianzheng oh my bad =)

*hears the word "lizzie" *

Lmao maybe he time traveled

If you look up drunk history about Edison I think they mentioned that he had actually bribed a guy in the us pantent office.

Poor Louie! I feel so bad for him and his family. I think everyone should know his name.

The day that the final episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved is released, a small part of me will die.


People don’t realize how much power the patent office has. They literally make the rules. So they can say “that isn’t possible, so we won’t go through with this invention being licensed because that’s crazy. Take care now bye bye then”

There is this thing and it’s called a FLIPBOOK! That is still moving pictures. There you go. No that’s a movie.

Official patents or not, it's obvious Louis Le Prince is the inventor in my opinion.

so change thomas in history from inventor to theft.

Thank you Ryan for teaching us about the true inventor of motion pictures.



Nothing about Ryan saying EXecutor instead of exECutor?


Edison!!! Wth bruh

The theory 1 reminds of Coco

Not the only invention he stole

i have the same birthday as louis de la prince that’s pretty good

Of course Thomas Edison didn't originally invent motion picture cameras too.

now 2.7 million people know the truth

Edison was definitely a patent thief (like most colonizers). He also tried to steal Lewis Latimer’s inventions- one of which includes the carbon filament lightbulb.

Pathetic losers like Edison deserve only to have their names scrubbed from history and certainly don't deserve to be taught to our children. The names of the true inventors and thinkers deserve to come to light and be taught, as they should have always been.


Best duo on YouTube. Period.

Of course Thomas Edison did it just like he fucked over Tesla and everyone else.

Haha. I'm from Leeds and one of my mates did a film on Louis Le Prince to show that film was originally created in Leeds.

nO oNe DeSeRvEs tO bE fOrGoTtEn No OnE dEsErvEs To FaDe AwAaAaYyYyy nO oNe ShOuLd fLiCkEr OuT oR hAvE aNy DoUbT tHaT iT mAtTeRs ThAt tHeY aRe HeRe nO oNe DeSeRvEs To DiSaPpEaRrRrr #theLouisProject #youwillbefound #imsosorryjfc

Are there any canadian film students that were taught a conplete different history on motion capture? Just curious. Tomas edision wasnt even mentioned in my film class. Would love to have a conversation about this.

I love these i do so much but this one was boring can you do the 3 people that escaped Alcatraz

What's that I smell? *sniff sniff* An Assassin's Creed quest?

....I learned about Louis De Prince in my college film history class....

Patent law is really ridiculous. You can read a patent and intuitively know it's for something- say a motion picture camera- but unless it's described in a really specific way, courts CAN'T interpret the patent in your favor.

great job on the video.

Maybe the gouvernment spies you were talking about at the beginning of the vid took louis and edison was just employed by the gouvernment to make sure great inventions were made in america and not france or any other country and thats why they always forgot about louis? Or is that just reaching

I love you, but who invented the motion picture camera was the fucking Lumiere brothers!

Who else thought of Lafayette-?

Edison hired a theft/killer to get the patent information f##k you edison #Louismustbetheinvetor

I promised myself that I wouldn’t watch these because I haven’t been sleeping.... WELP.

Jim look! a shooty!

5:20 and that's why we call it films

In our classroom we groups in science and the names of the groups r inventors or scientist. And im shocked to know that one of groups r called edison...

Halfway through the video and I already have a strong urge to give Louis a hug

This is one of the best ones you guys have done. congrats

Edison is a whole fraud He stole the idea of lightbulbs AND did this

I learned about Louis Le Prince in my film class, maybe Ryan's just isn't as up to standard

this reminds me that americans think they invented the plane when it was clearly santos dumont

Well at least he is known now my 2.7m people

I haven't finished the video yet but what if they ate him

7:42 okay, thanks lemony snicket

It was aliens

This is the only tolerable buzzfeed channel

You guys should cover the unsolved mystery of Tom Thompson from Canada. I had to write an essay about him a few years ago, and kind of remember his story. He was a famous painter, and mysteriously vanished when he went fishing. It's speculated his remains were found but the only remains ever found weren't considered his remains. It'd be interesting if you guys covered him.

People were smaller back then, like if you go into house museums they typically have shorter beds. It’d probably be hard to miss a 6’4 man however when they questioned the passengers they might’ve left out certain physical details

Louis is like Coco's father from the film Coco

i was born the same as Louis le Prince besides the year

I got a patent ad

He deserved better ☹️

Dude sold his invetion to edison due to his money troubles with his wife and her family

Team Louis

Okay so Im at 1:33 and I see a connection. So there is a movie called Jack and the Coo Coo Clock Heart or something like that. There is a scene where this french man comes onto a train which a camera and is trying to make motion picture...and what was his name is this film you might ask? Louis... This CANNOT be just a coincidence people! And honestly my mind is blown.

Also in the movie he hooks up with someone he called Lizzy...

Watching this made me so mad I hate Thomas Edison

Edison was a bad person. He hurt animals, stole inventions and was a jerk to Tesla. Tesla was actually a good inventor and didn’t patient the lightbulb because he wanted other people to be able to use and appreciate it too. Edison stole the idea from 22 other inventors before him, Tesla included.

I never saw the word 'movies' like that until now

All abord Rayn:... Silense Lol Like if you agree

What if thomas Edison killed Louis Le Prince and stole his documents

Someome will invent a time machine amd go back in time to confront Edison. Edison will then steal the time machine and present it as his own invention.

t h e y r e c a l l e d e n t s

I believe it, Edison was a dirt bag. Just ask Tesla


I have the same birthday as that fuckin thief Eddison

It's crazy to think that Edison has been a lie... this is a slap to the face imo

Thomas Edison again.

Nothing I love more than buzzfeed unsolved.At two in the morning.In a completely dark room.....i should go check my windows

Hardly surprising that an American stole a foreign idea and dumbed it down; these days it's called a remake.

Nicola Tesla is famous for not being famous

Thomas Edison electrocuted a poor elephant to death in public ffs, I wouldn't put it passed him to hire someone to kill a person

7:48 *"you're-you're-y-you"*

There needs to be a ruining history about how much of a prick Edison was!

When I was in school I never ever heard of Telsa or Louis.

Thomas Edison is like Madarame..

come on guys 1900 was only 118 years ago. They had color in those days too! It wasn't the wild west and techno- free. they didn't have microwaves but 70 years later they do.

Follow my Instagram @sophiapena Mercedes

It seems like we're in the timeline where the evil mad scientist succeeded in stealing everyones work for personal gain.

"THEY'RE CALLED ENTS!" These videos are fantastic!

I think Thomas Edison KILLED HIM

Wowowow I hate Edison

Ok i find it really creepy that louis le prince has the same birthday as me

if my school made me watch this about a specific person and write down notes for history, id fucking love school

**le gasp** IT WAS EDISON! Sorry

I love how they type out their studders. Its like "I spilled lipstick in your valentino bag." "You spilled wh-quah-fuh-wha lipstick in my valentino white bag?!"

"as a fellow...Lord of the Rings tree-" *"THEY'RE CALLED ENTS!"* #dead

Edison was a true mobster of the inventor’s world. Sorry Louis... and Adolphie.

The footage of the people in the garden was filmed in Leeds. I've been there. I think students live there now.

Winchester mystery house

Sad subject but what a pleasure to watch Ryan's enthusiasm and admiration. Well done.

Your La Prince is my Tesla, and done in by the same evil greedy man.

wait...i'm confused...if we have all this evidence and proof that louis invented movies, why is edison still known as the inventor? i get that louis disappeared and edison took the light, but once we discovered the truth...why keep saying edison invented it?

I like the extended snippet of history before we get to the unsolved portion...very fun episode.

R: As a fellow lord of the rings tree- Me: They’re Ents! S: They’re called Ents I few validated that he reacted to that as quickly as I did


Okay. I think im starting to hate Thomas Edison right now

Of course it’s a Monday

This just made me sad that Louis never got any recognition

People who are perfectionists don;t see it as "ya this picture is jumping but everyone's gonna love it" they see it as "its not good enough to show everyone yet"

PS, do Madeline McCann!!

Man, still watching these instead of doing my essay...... It´s due in, in 2 hours too. Not even written the title or my name. I´m hooked... you guys are ruining my education....

Poor Louis.....

This is so sad wtf. He had so much to offer and hes a forgotten name. Long live Louis Le Prince

edison is a wiTch

hope to see more historical unsolved

in 1899 they were considering closing the patent offices because they figured that EVERYTHING had already been invented. pretty crazy.

funny how none of this info are in the history books that u receive in the schools of indoctrination!

3 million people know the truth now, Way to go Ryan!!

You should do Edgar Allan Poe maybe?

This just reinforces my essay I wrote for English once titled " Why Thomas Edison Sucks" ... I got an A

Friendly reminder that anything the Onion produced is exaggerated for satire and hyperbole purposes, and NOT to be taken as literal fact. The creator himself has stated this on multiple occasions, particularly about his Edison and Tesla pieces.

Louis Le Prince dies in infinity war.

They should go to Gettysburg in PA

The boys should go to the Dover Courthouse in Alabama!! There is a face in a window you can always see!!


Get the truth out..dont buy this missing theory


i thought thomas edison invented the light bulb?

History books lied to us about Edison

Crazy baseless conspiracy theory: Edison offered Le Prince money for his family if he just... disappeared. Le Prince agreeded and got of the train before it got to Paris. Then Edison sent a letter saying he gave the family the money (but he didn't) and promised he'd continue to as long as Le Prince stayed missing. Or he killed him afterwards. Either way.

I learned about Le Prince at a young age from my grandfather, who was a historian. This is so unfair, this guy deserved all the credit for his invention. We should be taught about him in school and textbooks, not Edison!

What if I told you, outside of the United States, Edison was known for stealing credit from inventors around the world.

I don't think people outside the US learn that much about Thomas Edison tbh. When I think of him I only think of the lightbulb, and he didn't even really invent that either.

Or he just sold his invention to Edison an pull dissaperance act....

what about the Lumiere brothers?

Admirably thorough. Poor Louis Le Prince. So it goes.

Ryan! Whereis the alien theory! You’ve let me down, I was waiting on a theory involving him being sent from the future. Damn it.

Thomas Edison was a known invention thief and I don't trust anything that's accredited to him

I think it’s just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. For whatever reason someone targeted him. None of these theories really jumped at me. The only thing that makes me think foul play was involved is because neither his body or brief case was ever found. If it was just a simple robbery why hide that so hard?

The lady who invented the fidget spinner actually didn’t get to reap the benefits at all. She was struggling the pay the patent every month or so and just let go of it. When someone drops a patent, it gives anyone the chance to buy it up. Someone did and a few years later they became big.

I took a photography course and we learned about Le Prince as the father of moving pictures, it's news to me that most people think it's Edison.

unsolved videos give me more chills than horror movies lol. the soundtracks and editing are on point.

Shane's mocking tone "it could've been aliens"

Elizabeth Lizzie... Black Butler?

As a filmmaker myselves I am so glad to have stumbled on this. I'll never forget this great man... now, what are the chances he was abducted by aliens?

Thomas Edison is known for murdering people, hurting people and blackmailing people so he can own and claim inventions he never made. Nikola Tesla is a prime example.

At like 1:20 I thought I heard the beginning of Ballad of Mona Lisa...

What if his brother killed him out of jealousy? He knew that if Louis continued with his invention he would become globally famous, a part of history, and he envied him because he would never do something to to the same scale, resulting in him killing Louis to prevent his fame?

20:40 Even their metaphore is unsolved

Maaaan that made me cry weirdly for some reasonnnn

Do it about Jack the Reaper next

Someone needs to build a time machine already!

Wow. Tesla AND Le Prince.... Edison really had a knack for stealing others' ideas.

Unsolved marathon anyone?

I'm pretty sure Edison killed him.

Do Belle gunness! The craigslist murderer of her time!

the city in France "Metz" is pronounced like "mess" , the t is silent ! :)


I’ve never heard of this guy, but it’s interesting to hear about his past. I love history.

I hate Thomas Edison now....

All aboaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard! reaction of Ryan: "crickets...............".

this is one of the best videos I have ever watched! love the history, mistery, n what it reveals!


can you do an episode for the death of princess diana of the british royal family?

my theory, Louis is Thomas Edison. Proof: Has anyone seen them in the same room?

I just hate how he says patent....


he couldnt even get it in hd tsk tsk

i thought i was the only one who thought the word 'movies' is a strange word in legend of korra they were called 'movers'

Edison was a jerk.

This is very interesting! There is so much that is overlooked or unknown in history, and uncovering things like this allows us to see who the “true heroes” are, the biggest frauds.

If it weren’t for him, Pornhub wouldn’t have been invented

We all know the best moving pictures is the rush album

you mean thomas not only stole tesla's work he went on and also stole this guy patent

I would definitely have sex with Shane.



Tom edison killed him ... the end .


This makes me think how many of such hero’s might have been forgotten in the history . Buzzfeed is doing a great job! I will never forget Louis !

I would like to say that's Louis is not kidnapped their family planed already, The Person on the train IS NOT LOUIS.

Edison is like Steve Jobs, just a good spokesman with JUST enough knowledge of what he's actually selling

Why is Switzerland in the map not also Grey like france? I just noticed that. lol

“Why didn’t you study” Me “Um.. I was watching Unsolved Mysteries”...

LPK_ Lina they already did it! Season 3, episode 1 if i remember it right

arent all the cases unsolved, I mean they would not show a solved case, right? people won't​ watch it

Did they check the place where they put the coal in so the train moves?

"A patent for a camera, what do you want to patent next, boots?" Haha. I love Shane. Dudes hilarious

Thomas edison should be erased from history, Le Prince is the true man.

I don't feel wheeze full. Where are my wheezes?

This would make a fantastic movie

Thomas Edison -the inventor of moving pictures- the idea snatcher

Clarice St thank you I found it :)


Wait, so they mention the bad loan, any chance the goons went after him for that? A little droll, but eh.

Movies is better than video

WAIT Ryan said that there was an author that saw Louis with a black brief case ON THE FUCKING TRAIN! BOOM

please do a Nikola Tesla video

they should make a movie out of this story

Le Prince should sound like “luh prawns suh”

As someone who often struggles with self doubt issues, I can definitely understand how Le Prince could have ditched his invention idea, even if everyone else saw the greatness in it.

How many people has Edison screwed over?

I like the inaccurate map at 8:31

Time to revise all the "Edison invented this and that"-statements and ask "who REALLY invented it?" Because it probably wasn't Edison.

trains are bitches

Move-ies, mind blown

Edison a snake for stealing this mans idea

It is Thomas Edison

My theory is that he got on the train and disappeared on his own accord...that maybe his family was threatened by Edison or another inventor (since yes, Edison was a coniving man but I personally don't think he would actually kill anyone unless he absolutely had to for instance after the court case when Albert Le Prince was killed for 'stepping out of line' by mentioning his brother in a court of law) and since they were recorded as a "close tight-knit family" that could be a very plausible thing to do as a man who loved and valued his family. Maybe he disappeared because of finacial reasons since he was in terrible debt but who really knows I suppose?

I remember hearing about this. It's fascinating....

If they taught this kinda stuff in school i wouldnt hate going to school anymore

As a frustrated film maker, this is so important to me. Motion picture is a gift and the credit should go to rightful inventor.

This could have also been an episode for Ruining History. Speaking of, when’s season 2?!

This is sad af..

wow that sucks for him. the poor guy.

'briddan' 'paddend'

I am like 97% sure that Thomas Edison kidnaps and then steals the brains of smart people.


I feel a little puzzled as to why one of the theories isn’t that, one of the other countries who’s patents. Specifically wouldn’t give him credit, COULDNT have been involved in foul play to insure he wouldn’t get credit for a patent in another country, especially with his history of traveling throughout these places.

I legitimately despise Edison

Ummm Edison was the king of plagiarism. I do not stan Edison.


I never thought of the word movies being movies because it moves

I am again surprised Ryan didn’t say “which brings us to our next theory, that Louis Le Prince was abducted by aliens.”

Man, this video made me lose more respect for Thomas Edison -_-

maybe Thomas Edison found out about Louis Le Prince and wanted to beat him to the punch and be known as the father and inventor of movies and make a lot of money and fame off of it but saw Louis as an obstacle and thus people would see Edison as a copy cat and so to avoid all of that embarrassment[among other things] he decided to hire a hitman[i dunno if they called them that back then but w/e] he hired someone to "make Louis Le Prince disappear" as in kill him and dispose of the body. ya never know some people can be cut-throat about that sort of stuff and we know he has stolen from other people as well, so this theory could be correct though we probably will never know if it is or even what happened to Lousi[i'm only 7:56 minutes into the video soooo ja lol]

edit: when i say father and inventor of movies i mean motion picture camera sorry lol :P

I’ve never been so angry about a case you guys have presented

Edison was the Devil!

Pause it at 0:20 what do u see

I kind of hate Thomas Edison now because of this video......

Edison murdered him

Edison stole so many ideas that at this point it's baffling people don't question all of his "inventions".

This one was awesome!

Edison was just a bully with money and contacts! The biggest Fraud of history! It makes me so mad and sad for the people that won't be recognized for the ideas and inventions that were stolen from them!

who else thinks of coco when they are talking about how he disappeared

edison stole countless inventions... i don’t like him and i hate the fact he is idolized. he copied tesla.

That is not the only invention that Edison has stolen. Edison you phoney!!

That map of Europe though. HAHAHAH

Schools should update

Edison was a fraud he invented nothing he just stole other peoples inventions and patented them as his own

Edison tortured animals in the name of inventions & experiments. One time he publicly electrocuted an elephant. He is a phony and cruel person who stole other people's idea.

Is there something that Edison hasn't stolen

Edison is a fraud.

Can y’all do one about the West Memphis 3 killings

Wow one more person/ family screwed by Edison the thief

Edison is a thief and a scummy fraud, anyone with a lick of common sense knows it. he fucked over Tesla as well

Is the projector still around ?

Who inspired you to make this machine? The guy I fucking stole it from obviously XD

This is just one of the reasons why I hate Thomas Edison. As a person who studied engineering for four years, I DESPISE THIS MAN - NO, BOY. Tesla the amazing man for life, and let's give recognition to the true inventor of motion pictures, Louis Le Prince. I'm a #shaniac, but I gotta go with Ryan here: Edison definitely is the number one suspect. For all the things he did, I wouldn't put this past him. The coward.

I was taught it was Louis Le Prince who was the father of cinema as we know it.

Do the unsolved mysteries of nikola tesla

Dat stache do

One theory that wasn't posited...what if he was murdered by a completely random criminal? There were people back then just as today, that are just so...ok not even Jesse James,or John Dillinger,but have the IQ of potato salad and will cut your throat for what money they THINK you MIGHT have on your person.He gets off the train at a stop,says "I think I'll have a drink",goes into a place he thinks is ok but it's a clip joint full of scum thinking "look at Mr. Fancy Pants with his big mustache and briefcase,he has money",gets followed into an alley and "disappeared".

Anyone else from leeds?

i want to burn all the texbooks now about edison and moving pictures.

They credit him for lights. Um no he stole that idea too, so I am not surprised.

I usually watch these videos to be spooked and shooked. This video definitely shook me, but in the way that makes me want to go back in time and strangle Edison. And maybe like hire bodyguards for Le Prince. I'm sorry that Le Prince never got the credit he deserved.

Edison was a natural at stealing others ideas/inventions. What we've been taught about him is grossly inaccurate

imagine if edison actually killed louis and stole the information for him

I think Edison killed him

Ugh, it is like watching coco. Ernesto dela cruz stole his bestfriend's songs and poisoned him. He then became famous. I feel so sad for Le Prince

Can I point out that Thomas Edison totally stole inventions from other people such as Nikola Tesla as well? Thomas Edison was a scourage to the world of inventions.

I’m from Leeds

the word movies is just short for moving pictures. i dont find anything weird about the word, at all.

5:57 My Birthday is October 24

Why do I always think to watch/stumble upon unsolved videos late at night. Even if I’m scared and think “ok I’m done” I *always* find myself watching like all of them. Ok I’m done now.... maybe

Holy shiet, could Thomas Edison be a murderer?

Maybe someone assassinated him, jealous of him. (EDIT): Edison getting him assassinated seems right.


Edison is so evil omg

thomas edison is the drake of inventors

Please do the death of Princess Diana, the disappearance and lose memory of Agatha Christie, and/or the death of Marilyn Monroe

Why your man in black guy facing other direction every time?

Thomas Edison is the biggest douchebag

Edisons biggest invention was a way to steal credit. Tesla, Le Prince and so on.

Didn't Edison rip off Tesla too? He's a douchebag.

I thing Thomas Edison had something something to do with Louis Le Prince

Shane's reactions satisfied my anger towards Edison

Louis le prince is a real hero not edison he deserves better than edison he needs to replace edison in books that would be great.

“Twirls his mustache and backs out of the room.”

Ryan: I like trains Everyone dies

Louis be like " put that phrase back where it came from or so help me "

What if he went to Narnia?!

5:41 Hey I was born 116 years later XD

i mean... its not like americans invented the airplane either

I immediately thought he left on his own volition...

I feel like an idiot because I just realize why movies are called movies... Lol moving pictures...

Didn't Edison steal most of the things he's credited with inventing?

if i can time travel to his disappearance and save him to keep his spot in history

Edison was a mob leader no doubt about it. He hired someone to kidnap Louis and a hitman to kill Adolphe. I don't care about the people who think he'd be too busy to care. Square up Edison. Fight me. Delete yourself from history books.

Le Prince: I’m the father of the motion picture! Edison: OH HELL NO. *nods to friend* take him out.

What's the point of having random black screens with dialogue then going to the real life shot only 15 seconds later? I dont get the point of it

This makes me so mad. All my life I thought Thomas Edison was a brilliant mind but to think he took peoples inventions makes my blood boil.


He ran away with jack to join a circus

5:46 so he invented gifs too

(*Effie Trinket voice*) tHat is MAHOGANY I’m sorry I had to :v

Thomas Edison killed Le Prince!

Ryan is right. In these cases, seeing someone that could have been so much more whose life was cut short is the most tragic thing.

The doll moves

at least 3.1 million people are aware of the fact that louis le prince is the true inventor. nothing but respect for MY president, louis le prince

I thought English inventor William-Friese-Greene invented the motion picture camera in the years 1888-1891

Edison was and forever will be A FUCKING A**HOLE!


This just proves that Thomas Edison isn't the "brilliant inventor" that we know. Jfc I really hate that guy.

Louis will never be forgotten after watching this video.

fucking thomas edison

It’a kinda cool that this guy, Louis Le Prince, has an IMDB now.

Let's also just point out that Le Prince's camera was about 40 lbs. So not the easiest to move, but still doable. Edison's Black Maria was a giant stationary bulky "camera" housed in a whole room that relied on natural sunlight and shutters to let said light in for it to work. So even then, I don't really see him as inventing a film camera in that the purpose of it is to capture things that happen. You can't do a lot of that in a stationary room, only planned short skits and whatnot.

"What happened to Louis Le Prince?" is one of the questions I want to ask God when I die.

when Ryan said "mahogany" I just screamed " It's mahogany!!" (anyone got the reference?? Just me?? okay.)

HuNgEr GaMeS

I never knew I would enjoy learning history

ugh, edison, that bastard

Vive Louis Le Prince!

Edison murdered Luis


5:51 that clip is in bill wurths' video clip

Everybody with intelligence knows edison stole all of "his inventions" and he is yet another lie in history

That prick Edison

How do you call a Tesla car stolen? An Edison.

Why does he have to disapear on my birthday?

Just saying, Unsolved's crimes / mysteries do not have to be actually unsolved or answer-less, so any crime which Unsolved thinks is interesting or shocking, Unsolved can do a video:)

Why the European map is missing Switzerland?

I'm shook


1:18 AAHHH MY BIRTHDAY (not the year tho ahah)

Ayyyy good old Leeds

Being a Photographer, and a camera junkie. I always knew Thomas Edison is the inventor. I didnt knew someone would invent moving picture camera/movie camera. Saddened that he dissapeared. And its really possible that Edison did something. But I digress. Its still unknown.

I’m sorry but Shane is the only reason I love this show!! He’s amazing Ryan’s good too I guess

But don’t ya know when ya faymous dah woild is ya erster

That tell a lot about the Americans, they are fucking fraud they do what ever they want and think they are right, every one else is wrong

Edison is a renowned douchebag. He was more of a salesman than a scientist, and achieved his fame by tricking, wheedling and stealing from actual geniuses.

What about the Lumiere brothers

Why is Switzerland underwater?

Edison is the biggest fraud ever. He himself invented very few, if any, of the things he is credited for. He just gathered inventions from other people and claimed they were his. I learned this from one of my favorite teachers at my school.

Pictures that move = gifs.

aigan love the vid.

The image of USA in Thomas Edison

Edison remind me of ernerst de la Cruz from coco

okay i know this is an old episode and someone might have already said this but Edison was actually funded by JP Morgan who was a huge industrial giant at the time, known as a captain of industry or a robber baron. I'm sure that he wanted Edison to have no competition, since his inventions meant money for Morgan as well, and had HIS goons get rid of Le Prince instead of Edison's goons. Since JP Morgan was such a huge huge power during this time there's no doubt he had a little bit to do with the disappearance.

What a icon

This makes me so angry.


Anyone else notice that Switzerland looks like a body of water on that map

It is so popular to hate Edison these days.

It kinda pisses me off how Louis NEVER got the huge credit for motion pictures. Aaaaahhhhhhh!

Love this video and I think it's so sad that he's been forgotten about, but um... why is Switzerland a body of water on the map??

So the moral of the story is that we need to realize that education is patched.

I absolutely love how in there videos then manage to relate things to Harry Potter

This man really deserves a movie dedicated to his story

Edison is kind of a Fraud and a bit of a d**k....look at his history with Tesla.

Edisons not a genuis he's just an 'egotistical testicle'

haha my history assignment is on the history of film, this video is perfect

I was wondering where Shane got the "goon" in Doctor Goondis from.

16:00 hahahah puns

Oh my goodness. I never even considered that the word “Movies” refers to moving pictures. I just had a while revelation. It blew my mind.

Edison was a thief and a thug.

Personal opinion it didn't have to be Princes brother but someone associated with him may have, a father/brother in law or even someone else that stood to gain .

I always thought the Lumiere Brothers invented the motion picture; I honestly didn't know anything about Edison until this video (I mean, about him inventing a motion camera, not in general). I think Edison definitely had something to do with it.

Eddison and ford were well known for steeling inventions from people who worked for them such as african amaricans ext

Edison also electrocuted elephants. Sick sob

i seriously can't breathe you guys make me pee my pants i have to rewind

Thomas Edison is exposed.?

Its louis not louie


Thomas "douchebag" Edison

I think it comes to where the person came from. Think about who’d we prefer to learn about some French dude or some home grown American guy. It’s more of a prideful concept to teach

THIS IS HUGE. SOMEONE WAS STUDYING STOP MOTION AND STUMBLED ACROSS A JOURNAL OF EDISONS AND IT SAID PRINCE IS NO MORE. Don't believe me? Then search up Louis Le Prince new evidence and go to sciencedirect link

my hate for Thomas Edison grows stronger after watching this

I really shouldnt be watching these at midnight


Unsolved is the only good thing about buzzfeed at this point

he destroyed his invention or we can say he hide it from thomas. try to connect it with spiderman basics, invention made but it was hidden, just in this case the invention later actually took place.


What if Edison kidnapped him and forced him to help him (Edison) modify his invention (Le princes' invention)

Love u guys

Edison was actually a pretty terrible person... I wouldn't put it past him to send a Gorman on someone. If I could go back in time to murder anyone person besides Hitler, it would be Edison.

Well then.... *ALL ABOARD*

you used a innaccuratemap of eyrope for the time period.

I was never taught in school that Edison was the “father” of motion pictures either

Louis Le Prince needs recognition

Summary: Thomas Edison was an a hole.

i think this guy was on a poptropica map

I think that thomas a. Edison killed loie le prince

I Love Shane

everyone that likes history knows that edison was a huge fraud

this broke my heart

8:30 Y u no Switzerland

this reminds me of the saying never judge a book by it cover bc just bc they created something or made a book doesn't mean they are good people


*sees Thomas Edison *immediately goes to next video

I hope Edison died from cancer in his testicles

You dont meed to pronouce the "e" at the end of Adolphe, unlike Phillip - *e* . (Basically same pronounciacion as Hitler's fitst name)

I know ted bundy isn’t a “unsolved mystery” but I think still think it would be a cool video if you guys did a episode on his life.

History of shaniacs and boogaras

Mmm, Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison sound pretty similar

That walking movie still looks better than android

This video has taught me how much we don’t know about U.S history

8:31 is a map of the EU for some reason

Louis and Edison remind me of Hamilton and Jefferson's relationship sksksksksk

everyone knows thomas edison was just a patent rat. he didn’t invent anything he just applied for patents before the inventors could

This just like the whole Walt Disney thing, have ruined another big part of history for me by making me hate another dead person

0:20 Shane looked so proud after I'm wheezing


I love those unsolved mysteries. I literally watch them at work every day when I have the time.


I didn't really like the name called "Thomas Edison", it reminds me of Thomas the steam engine train meme!

I like how Switzerland isn’t identified as land on that map.

This is literally so depressing. I loathe people who take other people’s ideas. It just isn’t fair. I never realized how disgusting Edison was.

We need to start a Louis Le Prince movement so people know he invented it, and not Edison. Edison's goons definitly killed him

If he was in 84000 dollars worth of debt that could of played a roll in his dissaperance

Why is the map of europe only have the country’s of eu?

Why does Switzerland look like that?


Edison also ran Tesla into the ground and ruined his life so I wouldn’t be surprised if he had something to do with it.

Do one on Caylee Anthony bizarre disappearance and murder!

*It'd be really great if Buzzfeed Unsolved would discuss the Mayerling incident too. It has historical impact as well.*

No one walks around in a hornets starter jacket . Do they ? Lol


Why does Shane look like a British hipster here?

We learned about him in a film class a couple of weeks before the video ooof

But what if Eddison had him KILLED!? But seriously Eddie stole a LOT of the stuff he "invented"

From Wikipedia: ....However, in Leeds, Le Prince is celebrated as a local hero. On 12 December 1930, the Lord Mayor of Leeds unveiled a bronze memorial tablet at 160 Woodhouse Lane, Le Prince's former workshop. In 2003, the University's Centre for Cinema, Photography and Television was named in his honour. Le Prince's workshop in Woodhouse Lane was until recently the site of the BBC in Leeds, and is now part of the Leeds Beckett UniversityBroadcasting Place complex, where a blue plaque commemorates his work.

Ryan looks like the girl friend of lele pons.

I love this series!!!

Oh man this is incredibly sad...

6'4 is REALLY tall for that era, seeing that the average man was prob 5'5 or shorter then.

Ugh, I'm starting to hate Edison more and more.

People say pablo escobar and hitler is bad, but for me, Thomas Edison is the worst fucking human being in the world, how can someone robb someone of greatest talent inthe world

I wish a time traveller curb stomps Eddison.


Thomas Edison is an anime villian

shane looks really good in this video

It's got *mystery* It's got *history* *AND IT'S GOT A TRAIN*

I can’t stop laughing at 0:19

Thomas Edison < Nikola Tesla

i wish people would stop crediting edison for lots of things!?

Anyone else get really angry when people don’t get the credit they deserve?

I heard True Detective Season 4 will be starring these 2 guys as the super sleuths.

this is the only good thing that has ever come out of buzzfeed

All people should already know that Edison was never a scientist. He only stole a bunch of ideas from people like Nikolas Tesla and then disrespect him.

God Edison is trash

If speculations were true, Then Thomas Edison is a douchebag indeed. Nikola Tesla anyone? Alternative Current?

I feel bad for Louis

What if someone time traveled and knew the dates and forever changed the past

So this is where the Movie Coco came from.

So anyone invented hover shoes yet?

do one on dahmer

I am so sad, so much work gone to waste. why I think Edison stole it

Kudos to the kidnappers who were able to take a 6'4" gigantic man.

They’d have Le Prince films everywhere he’d be the father of movies Edison had him killed

To me Edison has always been that “evil scientist”.

What happened to princess Anastasia?

Thomas Edison is a prick

it was his brother fight me

Im sad that in our book, they credit it to Thomas Edison ;~; I wanted to share this to the class but I have such poor confidence to speak ;~;

I fucking hate Thomas Edison. The more I learn about him, the more of an evil prick he seemed to be.

*HERE'S MY THEORY, KIDS* Louis Le Prince is indebt, right? What if the people he's indebt with killed him? It's just a thought tho, maybe he borrow some money to continue his invention, since her wife's not making enough money for all their expenses, and they, where he borrowed money from, want themselves to be paid immediately but Louis Le Prince can't pay them so they killed him instead.

Also, if he ever got to NY, his invention would take a lot of time just to be accepted,(I'm not sure with my term but you know, they're going to check if it's really working and he also need to find some kind of investors for his project?) and the people he's indebt to thinks that he's delusional or some crazy guy who can't make his invention work that's why they decided to kill him.

plot twist: Edison actually did end up stealing the idea for the light bumb and X rays from Tesla

forget thomas edison and credit louis le prince!

Recruited by spies.

what about la llorona same as the donkey lady here in san antonio

I hate Thomas Edison.

This case is solved it was Thomas Edison!

Let's be honest Edison looks like he was a right prick...



Thanks for bringing this man to the attention of many thousands! Now I will remember. As someone who has wanted to make movies, he’s a true legend!

I’d like to live in a world where Louis was the one who was credited as the person who created motion pictures.

Edison even ruined Nikola's Tesla's life.

Dude was $84,000 in debt, it stands to reason he might have borrowed money from the wrong people at one point.

#LouisLePrince the true motion picture father. need to chill brah

Do the the case of LAS VEGAS shooter

i think louis got anxious/depreseed due to his perfectionism and killed himself and hid his sheets so he wouldnt disapoint his wife/children if it didnt succed

tell me why at 5:28 shane sounds like a newfoundland man

It’s crazy I’ve always had an idea-stealing vibe from Edison, and as I learn more about history it proves my judgement correct every time.

Aliens would actually make sense on this one

elisa lam

edison fuckin sucks man

7:34 that reminds me so much of X’s story that’s so fucking sad

Dude Thomas Edison got him whacked, point blank period...

Can we all just admit Thomas Edison is just a invention pirate. He stole the telephone, the lightbulb, and now moving pictures, and some of Nikola Teslas inventions.

I mean you were a film student... The same could be said for when they started putting voices in movies aka "Talkies" Movies, talkies... whoda thunk it.

movie's sounds weird to English people always, we call it a film, makes more sense.

He probably disappeared...and changed his Thomas Edison...and that’s how it happened...but I can’t say “yeah”...

this is still one of my favorite episodes of true crime

Rip the Swiss 19:01

so im not 100 percent sure but apparently an article from 2008 where a student from the university of New York found one of edisons notebooks and found a small entry dated September 20, 1890 stating, "Eric called me today from Dijon. It has been done. Prince is no more. This is good news but I flinched when he told me. Murder is not my thing. I'm an inventor and my inventions for moving images can now move forward" and it turns out that the note book was real so if this is true edison got someone to kill Le Prince ( link to article

Edison was a sadistic, degenerate and above all a demented individual. This perception of Edison being a brilliant scientist and a genius invented was created with support from famous millionaires of that era in cohesion with US Government. All great inventions in Edison's name were all stolen or bought from lesser known scientists and inventors. For some he used his ill gotten wealth to convince others to sell their inventions, for others he used intimidation and threats with help from government and for others he outright stole other people's ideas. List of inventors done wrong by Edison is long and even includes the man I think was the most intelligent and most brilliant man in the history of humanity, Nicola Tesla.

I do film studies at school and when we started with the history of cinematography my teacher said if we see something saying that Thomas Edison was the creator of the film camera, it’s fake. I’m so glad my teacher knows about Louis Le Prince. If she didn’t warn us, we all would’ve failed our work.

"people are gonna think this guy's a goddamn wizard"......ha! You are spot on Sir!

Edison was a twat

You guys should do the death and disappearance of Nikola Tesla files

I really wish someone exposed Edison for the fraudulent prick he really was. Not to mention his theft of the ideas of Nikola Tesla. People deserve to know who the true inventors of some of the devices that are used on a mass scale nowadays actually were.

do BR Ambedkar

did yall notice shane was like “id kiss him on the f- the lips” in regards to watching louis ‘movies’ like he was gonna say face but he purposely changed it to lips... we stan

I'm not sure about the Edison theory. Right, he did similar things to others (Tesla, for example) but how they commented , he did it using the law and publicly discrediting the original creators, ruining their careers; not killing them.

#JusticeForLouisLePrince I really enjoyed learning about this. I agree that Le Prince was the true father. I agree with the end as well. total goons


Why no Switzerland, Bosnia& Hercegovina, and Belorussia?

RIP Bosnia, too

Nikola Tesla vs thomas edison

You need to do Nikola Tesla

fucking edison man

I just realized how on the nose the word movies is

Fell like i just watched a history channel documentary

What about TESLA?

*T H O T* thought

Valisca Axe murder house. Valisca Iowa. It's one of the most haunted places in Iowa supposedly. They rent out the house for people to stay overnight. Sounds about as interesting and consists of a brutal murder of a family as with you guessed it, an axe. It kind of fits with most of your stories maybe you guys can check it out. To tired to fact check if thats how its spelled but google it and you will see

How'd they make The Entertainer creepy?


yall shouldve said sum but he fact that they found a body that ad been drowned in 1890

Here in France nobody talks about Le Prince, everybody considers that the movies were invented by the Lumieres brothers ... still can't grasp why he isn't mentionned in history books

They would prefer an American win this!

Honestly, I feel that when we die we should all ask god for the answers to all of buzzfeed's unsolved cases

Edison was bad news... Just look at poor Tesla... Now he was amazing.. Edison was no where near as great.

This is funny

I'm both glad and disappointed to see the mannequin now has pants

In another universe/reality/whatever this man could have been credited as the inventor of film.

for the last theory and ryans dismissal of it, I don't think you understand how blooming dramatic people were back then, I can 100% see someone especially an artist doing this back then, heck I know of some artists now days that are todays equivalent of that dramatic.

I was lucky enough to hear of this man in high school and college. And that Edison liked to basically rip off ideas from others working under him (or in general), Tesla included.

This case makes me want to shout *HOLY MAHOGANY*

Is no one going to comment on steppies?

Hey October 24 is my birthday, movies should be called film'er

Can you do the unsolved mystery of Kenneka Jenkins who was found in a hotel freezer in Chicago

Thomas Edison was a thief. And a con. He stole from tesla. And now we find out he stole from Louis le Prince. I fucking HATE Thomas Edison. It infuriates me that he is so highly regarded as not only an inventor. But a universally celebrated one.


I have to say now I hate Edison and want to go back to school so I can say the Edison did not invent the motion picture camera

AWWWWWW shane looks so proud of himself at the beginning when he said "all abord" for Ryan

I would love to see his reaction now. I think he would be so proud ❤️ kind of like Van Gogh in that episode of Doctor Who

Thomas Edison definitrly be the one who probs murdered Prince

Edison is thief

this is just my personal theory but from the way you described him i would say he was pretty dang paranoid. i would think that maybe he just went into hiding to secretly develop his camera and when he did finally perfect it he found out Edison one of the richest men in the world already made one I would think he just gave up knowing he wouldnt have a chance to prove his invention was his

Why does the last name Snyder sound familiar

It was Edison I can guarantee you or his Goons Edison made all his money stealing other people's ideas and conning people I mean just look at what he did to Nikola Tesla honestly I think the only reason that Tesla didn't get killed by Edison is that he mostly just let it go and moved on with his life instead of trying to actually get the credit he deserved

5:30 Now I understand ‘movies.’

I grew up praising Thomas Edison cause I was taught he was responsible for the things which kept me occupied for hours. I had no idea Louis even existed. I still appreciate Edison, but Louis, he didn’t deserve to be forgotten :(

Thomas Edison killed him that's what I think

Lets all agree that Edison should be taken out of the history books

Next unsolved mystery: Princess Diana

Thomas Edison was a thief


Edison met him on the train, heard his idea and threw him from the train. Haven't reached the theories part yet. Hope this is one of them cause I'd believe it.

10:36... There it is! Fucking Edison. why isn't Switzerland black?

It was on the British tv show QI that Stephen Fry commented about Edison being a patent thief.

So Thomas Edison is like Donald Trump if only Trump is truly smart and a criminal mastermind

Edison was and always has been a thief of inventions (aka. the lightbulb), so I can see Edison being involved in his disappearance

If only Louis was still here or he was remembered. Or Edison was forgotten

0:18 ALL ABOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!!!! *smirks proudly*

9:54 the reason edison killed him

Odio este episodio. Es frustrante que omitan a los hermanos luminiere.

I knew about Louis Le Prince because I'm from Leeds, that video in the garden is filmed a few streets away from my house!

That's why it's not worth inventing anything; the Americans will come and kill you for it.

I'm pretty sure Edison was also a main reason why Hollywood became a film-making center...Edison got into the commercial film-making business, which at that time was centered in the New York/New Jersey area. Because he was credited as the inventor of the motion-picture camera, he believed he had the sole right to make movies or to approve other studios to do so, which I'm sure involved financial benefits for him. Any studios that made films without Edison's approval were legally hounded and if you believe the stories physically threatened by shady characters with ties to Edison or his investors...Some studios decided to get out of down and discovered California was a great place to make films. No Eastern Winters and there were a variety of terrains within the small area around Hollywood which allowed for filming many different types of scenes. The rest is history...

What if he was afraid he was going to get caught by the authorities for his debt before he could finally show his invention so he decided to go ghosts and sold his ideas to Thomas Edison so he could finally pay off his debt and still have extra money to provide for his family but he did this completely under the radar...

super cool knowing Ryan is a fellow film student (I go to the Los Angeles Film School)

My birthday is September 16

This made me so sad. I feel so bad for Louis Le Prince and his family. Also, Thomas Edison seems like an awful person.

What if I told you that Edison, notorious shithead, took credit for something he didn't do? I'd say that sounds about right.

Edison was a douschebag that stole many other people's ideas and claimed it as his own. I bet he had the means and had someone to get rid of him

Idk I feel like Thomas Edison was a very shady person and I really dislike him. Thanks to United States history text book writers-students don’t realize the truth and actually are taught to admire him. Because it just so happens that both Le Prince and Tesla weren’t American so our government tries to make it seem like an amazing “all American man came up with all these inventions.

Is it possible to go back in time exclusively to punch Thomas Edison in the face?

I’m sure they said movies until they could come up with a better name...which never happened

Louis de prince could’ve killed his mother, waited for her money for the parents and publication of his inventions; realize the mothers money in on hold, (and either) team up with the brother to make a alibi and skip town or just have skipped town with out the brother knowing

*day in class* Teacher: okay class who invented movies? Me: LOUIE LE PRINCE teacher: no Thomas Edison Me:*triggered*

I've never truly trusted or liked Thomas Edison, due to the things he did as a man, this just made me dislike him even more. I'm with Shane on this, I wouldn't be surprised if it were Edison's goons

Turns out he was just mugged

at 5:16 they declined to mention the fact that WALKIE TALKIES are exactly like this

History has given Edison his rightful place as a thief and a fraud. By the way, excellent story telling, Ryan.

This is so sad. Alexa, play despacito


one name; TOPSY.

Who here hates Thomas Edison

I'm so angry by this injustice. #justiceforLePrince

Via la Louis le prince

Thomas Edison got credit for many things he didn't do.

I'm not surprised because Edison also stole some of Tesla's work and going to museums in America and seeing the stolen work just makes me really disappointed at the man.

Friendship ended with Thomas Edison; now Louis Le Prince is my best friend

8:20 dude u would have noticed a 6ft4in man. there would not have been anyone near his equal. it would be like seeing a 7 ft person today

so edison had this guy whacked right? we are all thinking it

Get rid of the doll in the corner

Edisons from Port Huron, whole city is frauds lmao trust me I live there

It's patents, Ryan, not paddens. :P

Thomas Edison didn’t invent movies, they should change the history books for that and give Louis Le Prince proper recognition

Train mysteries are very Enter *train* ing

Mucho Taco Actually this mystery has been solved not long ago

Omar Aabed I was wondering the same thing !!!

Edison can f right off. I have never associated him with the invention of the motion picture though. I always think of the Lumière brothers as the inventors...

People tend to quarrel over inheritances though...however...there are very talented people that just back out at the last both theories make sense to me


I have nightmares

Edison was an idea stealing, sue-mongering tool.

We need new unsolved: true crime!

Oh wow, Edison taking credit for some other poor scientist’s invention and erasing him from history books. Absolutely unheard of.

The more you learn about Edison the more he seems like a hack.

This is literally giving me depression


I was thought only about Lumiere brothers. I mean I know Edison from other inventions which he apparently had also stolen (jeez, this guy...), but for me it was always about the Lumiere Brothers when it came to motion pictures.

Okay, honestly... #JusticeForLePrince

So....if electricity was invented by Tessa...movies by this guy... what did Edison even do.........

Speaking is a very important of your career and you cant say the word "patents,"..... PADDDIN.. so infuriating

I hate Thomas Edison

Edison I really don't like him sorry for the people who did but I did like some of the he things he invited but Supposedly the light bulb he only made the bulb but not the light it was actually some one else's but I forget his name........ forgotten we all believe that Edison did all he invention but some was stolen ideas and he just take,s the credit and just say hay I just made this and no one made it it was all me Well Edison is just a b****sorry people but that just my thoughts and I sorry for the people who is maybe a dependent of Edison and who is a fan or whatever but I agree with Shane 24/7once again sorry I just realized I apologise to much but u probably don't care about that but still don't like Edison

Does anyone remember that poptropica game where you go back in time and restore credit for an invention I don’t remember specific details but I think it was about this

Im an adult, but I must confess....I wouldnt mind calling my teeth chewies from now on.

Thomas Edison is a joke.

Maybe when he knew he was gonna get money, then everybody was going to come at him looking for money and he didn't want that? Just a thought

Critics call movies "films".

why y'all putting creepy music over an edison quote lmfao

What also sucks is that edison had a whole team behind him that never got any credit for any of the inventions he patented. Although he did come up with the idea for the motion picture camera he patented (maybe, who really knows), William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, who was an inventor who worked for edison, was the one who invented it. But hey, at least 3.5 million people now know that Louis le Prince is the father of moving pictures!

i hate edison

I will say that thomas edison killed him and steal his work

Edison had an elephant killed with alternating current in front of a crowd of people in an attempt to scare the public away from its use. Edison was not a great man.

This makes me angry ugh I only knew Edison to be the lightbulb guy wtf

Just so you that in French, "Metz" is pronounced lke "mess" in english. Even French people don't pronounce it correctly but, trust me, I'm from there ;) Also, like always, great episode. Thanks a lot for this piece of History.

this is what edison did tesla as well if not as bad

Louis Le Prince is the real og. The day he disappeared should be called Louis Le Prince day, so that we can recognize his genius invention and remember him as the great man he was.

Not the only thing americans stole

How many more people died from being "friends" with Edison. So many people with amazing creations who knew Edison have either disappeared, died or ended up poor AF

Any video on teletransportation?

I told this to my teacher after learning about the motion picture from Thomas and I corrected her about this whole story she said “sit down...”

poptropica mystery train island


Yet edison is adressed in google as the "America's Greatest Inventor"

i feel bad for Luis's family his poor kids were probably scared

Life is horrible to some people, he seemed to be so lucky

I'm going to university to get my degree in history so if anyone ever brings up Edison inventing the motion picture camera I'll be sure to school them and make sure Louis Le Prince gets the recognition he deserves

But does it have aliens

Hornets starter coat lmao

Is he go to hogwartzzzzzz

i think edison might've just been a time traveler who just stole a few inventions to become famous

My last name is snyder

I'm irish and we call movies 'films',we also call a movie theatre 'a cinema'

Oh, Shane. You seem to think of anything vaguely historical as a sepia toned or black and white print. Clothing wasn't all the same, by any stretch. And while even suits might have been similar, there would have been enough differences to lapels, pockets, buttons, stripes, etc that it's totally possible for something to have stood out. Quality too stood out - clothing was tailored and hand-sewn more than anything else, and was subconsciously noted to place people in their social class by dress. It's not like today, where everything is mass produced and quality is judged by labels.

man, edison duped everyone. he fucked over nikola tesla too

Shane: "The guy I fuckin' stole it from, duh!"

I probably shouldn't be watching this at night

Maybe he got off the train halfway through his trip by accident and was stranded with no money? Also possible that when trying to get help to find his way back home, he asked the wrong person and ended up being robbed of his valuable briefcase and killed or brought and left in a remote area where he would perish. This does raise the question of what the robbers would do with the briefcase full of notes to which I have no answer. Admittedly this isn't a very strong theory as I'm sure he could have sent letters or something, I don't see why he would travel with no money either. I didn't spend much time thinking this up and making it bullet proof.

Shane: AAALLLLL ABBBOOOARRRDDDDD! **Complete awkward silence**

There's so much in a day A day is the difference between fame and nobody remembering your name. A day is the difference between hero and villian!

As someone who lives in Leeds I had to do a double take - there is a real clue about film here but never about louis le prince

Edison never invented anything... He just made other's work public...

I hate hearing stories where people’s legacies are stolen from them. It breaks my heart.

Can someone make a motion picture film about this tho?!

I fucking love these videos !!

the commentary is freaking awesome... it reminds me of Mystery Science Theater 3000 ! great job!!!

1:28 why is Switzerland shown as water?

Shout out to Leeds, England

Damn I would throw hands

Silly goose! "Adolphe" is pronounced "Uh-dolf" not "A-dol-fay". Learn your French! :D

Awe, what a shame he didn’t get recognition

I want to say that Edison had a man on the inside in the patent office

This made me hate Edison

But like Louis Le Prince come on imagine hearing in class he invented movies his name is epic, not even that loon at that moustache like that’s what I call a moustache

Can this guy stop taking credit for French creations like what’s next the English made the Eiffel Tower how about the fact we made the Statue of Liberty and y’all act like you made it

Just another case of some English dude taking credit for a non English dudes creation like y’all took English from French

It seems pretty obvious that Edison, if not one of his men, had to have "offed" this guy to steal his invention. Is it just me or is it common sense? Like seriously, I'd spit on this guy's grave, how he prayed on other people's livelihoods..

What a shame. “Louis Le Prince” is such cool name too. Vive Le Prince!

Another idea that Edison stole. Man was a crook. Did the same to Tesla

It's hard to watch stuff like this because it makes me so mad

This is awesome

lol guys I think ur on to something! :) keep working!

I’ve seen that video

the music in this episode really makes ya feel things, huh

Thomas Edison... more like uh, Thomas DEADISON. That didn’t work, but I just really wanted to insult him.

I really don’t like the anger and hatred this makes me feel! I’m glad I wasn’t alive at the same time as Edison because I really would have wanted to kill him lol

Y'all are fantastic. Thank you for these videos!

Yep I'm going to get into a fun argument with my history teacher and it'll end with an F or A.. either way they'd look it up and I'll be right.

Maybe he sold it to Edison and disappeared with the cash and was probably paid more to kill his son.

Im watching this video on the 28th of august, wow.

Leeds leeds leeds

But if the lady had died and was in that film then there is no doubt... Louis invented moving pictures. How is this unsolved? There are a lot of famous men who ‘invented’ and ‘discovered’ things who get credit undeservingly such as the case of Edison vs Tesla, Crick and Watson vs Franklin, or Columbus who literally doesn’t deserve any of the credit he gets. It would horrible to have someone else live in infamy in your place.

Y'all are watching this video because of my home city. Bow down bitches

Shane: ALL ABOOOOARD *complete silence* Ryan: *looks at Shane in utter disappointment*

Bravo Louis Le Prince, inventor of the moving pictures. Edison is a scoundrel >:(

Make one more on inventor of television...

I love trains also ♡

If i have a time machine i will kill edison for sure!!

The only thing Edison invented, was FRAUD!! He stole from everyone, and took the credit. Look at poor Tesla

louis le prince's spirit should team up with nikola tesla's spirit and send edison's spirit to hell

Edison had friends in the patent office in NY. He was also watching LePrince. He is 100% behind his disappearance. Sketchy MF.

Wasn't there a movie made about Louis? I remember watching a good movie a while back.

“PADend” “PADend” “PADend” “lets mispronounce one word as many times as possible!” *sheeeesh*

i wish school was like this ;(

The map (at 1:30) makes Switzerland look like a lake? Haha

Edison never had a mustache

I believe he was murdered

18:16 I always think that. So I look at everyone and examine features

ooooo Edison vanished him and made up his story of why he invented it.. wow

This is so topical Edison, Americans were always stealing ideas and money from other people/countries. That's why I don't believe that Edison invented anything he just had people who could think for him and once he knew something he would eliminate them and get the credit. He was just a jealous killer, nothing more.

"What if I told you Thomas Edison didn't really invent things he is credited for?"

I took a foundations of education class my freshman year of college and we did a case study where we were giving details about a child and we had to determine what the best course of action was for educating the child based on their special needs. We didn't know that the details given to us were true stories of famous people when they were kids. The case I got was of a sociopathic child who committed arson at age 10 by burning down a barn and electrocuted dogs and horses. It was Edison. Edison definitely killed this guy and stole his plans.

#Edinson is one of the biggest thiefs in history. He stole from Tesla to this guy.

Wtf Thomas Edison. And wtf America for that matter. Our schools need to update and quit praising Thomas Edison for being a fuckin douchebag

why does shane look like le prince

But the real question is, if I answer Louis Le Prince on an exam, would I get it right?

Jesus Thomas Edison stole everything

A Testimony AGAINST Edison? Yeah, That's Suicidal right there.

I literally have not heard about him until now, why aren’t they teaching about this

*all abooOOOOOOOOooard*

And still today men disappear because of debt. They just walk away. No Ryan he didn’t disappear because of perfectionism, he could walk away because of debt, so many men feel they should be the bread winner. Also he coulda met an untimely end with just a stranger who had no idea who he was...also many film directors think Louis Le Prince is the father of cinema.

I thought it was Lumiere.

I wouldn't be surprised if Edison paid off Albert to kidnap Louis then maybe Albert got into an argument with Louis over the kidnapping then just... Got rid of him. Like, Edison or someone gives Al a buttload of money to just kidnap Louis, tie him up for a few weeks or so, maybe bring him to a safehouse where he's held hostage. But Louis would obviously be upset by this. Maybe he said some things that hurt Al's feelings. Al got angry and did some things he didn't mean to. Or Edison just paid off someone else to kidnap him. Then potentially killed him as ordered, or to keep him quiet.

Thomas Edison seems like a scumbag.


Maybe it was the guy from the opera house who wanted to "study" how it worked.

Isn't Edison the thief who stole Nicola Tesla's Work? Seems like Edison should be given a status of a robber and a fraud rather than a great scientist. Disgusted

tbh jumping off a train and running away because I was mad at myself that my protector wasn't good enough sounds like something I would dooo

This just comes to show that life is truly unfair.

RIP, Louis Le Prince, whatever happened to you. Sorry history hasn't given you the respect and recognition that you deserve. Your invention changed the world.

Edison was a fraud, cheat, liar and thief.

I always thought that the Lumiere brothers actually invented this. I knew for a fact that Edison did not. Guy was stealing inventions left and right anyway.

Edison is such a wad

Either it was Edison or some other rich person

But he showed his work into France... Sooooo it really doesn't matter

Shane: ALL ABOARD ::likes video::

Edison was a filthy dirty thief, liar, cheat, and bully. It's shameful if you just do a quick google search or read a book or two how much you find out about him compared to how the world or at least the US wants to remember him. Genius does not excuse foul play.

I want to make a film about Le Prince

Tesla stans been knew. Thomas Edison was trash.

For some reason i now really hate Thomas Edison

It needed to be a Monday, it couldn’t be a Sunday it NEEDED TO BE A MONDAY

Well here’s one thing, if Louis Le Prince was the inventor of The Movie, he is in my top list of people that made my life better.

Great history education actually more than just a mystery case

Next time on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we investigate the mysterious white spot between Germany, France and Italy.

All I have to say: Topsy.

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