Steve Bannon | Philosophy Tube

Steve Bannon | Philosophy Tube

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Good. Evening my. Name is all he thought tonight's. Show features an heroic firefighter. A villainous. Pyromaniac. A ten thousand, year old skull, and a fantastic musical, number in the finale but, before the show begins I'd like to say that at no point during tonight's performance, am I going to call Steve ban a racist, a sexist. A transfer. Ban anti-semite, or anything of the sort not, because I don't think those words have weight to them but because I'm trying to reach the same audience as him I want to try a different tactic, so, what I am gonna do is explain exactly where Steve Bannon is wrong and. Exactly. Where he's correct, which. Is in more places than I expected, him to be and. There is a small chance that, Steve himself is somewhere in the theater this evening because he takes a lot of long flights and somebody might send this video to him as a way of passing the time in which case hi. Steve you. Said before that you appreciate, it when people who don't agree with you put in the work so. Here. I am in, case. There's a fire during, tonight's performance the exits are to the far left and please, remember there, is no smoking allowed in, the theater. Enjoy. The show. Today. We're. Gonna learn all about fire. Boy. There sure is. A lot of that around these, days isn't that I'm a fireman. I fight, fires hate, fire you, might say I'm an type I'm a, fire. Always starts, with some combustible material, which we call fuel that could be wood paper, charcoal. The society, in which we live, anything, really everything. Potentially a fire, also needs oxygen an igniter. And an, accelerant. Something, to make the fire burn faster. And one of the world's leading manufacturers. And distributors of, fire accelerant is, Steven, K, Bannon. Bannon, has had a storied career at various, times a naval officer investment, banker film producer, writer director, co-founder. Of far-right misinformation, website, Breitbart, comm chief, executive, of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and chief strategist, to the Trump White House until he was either fired or quit in August, 2017, basically, Bannon. Is still a movie producer he, produces, and arranges. Stories. He. Used to do it with actual movies now he does it in real life since, leaving the White House he's traveled around the world helping, far-right, causes, including, but not limited to the National Front in France the, ball Cynara presidential, campaign in Brazil and Tommy. Robinson, you, Kip Boris Johnson, and Jacob, Riis morg here in the UK a lot of ink has been spilled over, trying to figure out what it is that Bannon, personally.

Thinks But, I don't really care what he believes in his heart I'm here, to explain what he is philosophically. Doing, Steve, the, color of your soul is between you and God but, your ass belongs. To. Me. In. 2010. Bannon, wrote and directed a strange little film called, generation, zero, about the financial, crisis, favorite, topic of his that he brings up whenever he speaks at live events the, thesis is somewhat garbled but, in essence the film claims that the 2008. Financial crash was, the culmination of, a destined, cycle, of history that, repeats roughly every hundred years always, ending in a crisis, from which the next cycle begins, this, is called Strauss how generational. Theory or the fourth, turning, and it, isn't widely believed to be true, or a useful. Way of doing history but it does make for a nice dramatic framing, device so points, for style I guess that's, just the flavor though the, real claim is that the crash was caused by baby boomers, lack of moral, character as opposed, to anything else balance, says that his generation, grew up in the 60s they became selfish, narcissistic. And titled hippies and when they inherited, the levers of political, and economic control they made risky moves they forgot all about personal, responsibility and, they, screwed it up for everyone else this, analysis, of the financial crash is very similar to the one put forward by Prager, you if, you've ever heard of them a lot of ideas in common between them and Bannon if you haven't ever heard of them then lucky, odd you don't worry about it moreover the film claims that they, by, which it variously, denotes, politicians, in general finances. In general, baby boomers elites, the Democratic, Party and President Obama made, things worse after, the crash by bailing out the banks with taxpayer, money rather, than letting them fail even though it was actually george, w bush's, government, who did that not. Obama, this. Is a falsehood that Bannon repeats in his speech at Oxford University and, in, his debate with David Fromm in Toronto, now, he is critical, of old-school Republicans, like Bush and Democrats. So. Ideologically. It's not a huge deal in fact in the from debate he correctly says at the start that it was Bush and then contradict himself later on but it's in may be worth, noting that he is leading his audience to be critical of Democrats, in particular. But the, basic thesis of the film seems simple, enough you might say the, financial crisis, was a problem not of capitalism. But of character, as the film's tagline, puts it and whether, you believe that. Whether you're correct, it's. A nice hot take and it makes for some good hashtag, content, however within. That basic, thrust the film also contains, some stunning leaps of. Absolute. Moon logic, at, various, points it implies, without, outright stating, that the financial crash was the culmination of, a decades-long, deliberate. Plot by leftists, to crash the American economy in order to instigate revolution, that. It was the fault of black civil rights activists. Who made white bankers, afraid, to deny loans to black subprime, borrowers, for fear of being called racist and, that Bill. Clinton's, Democratic Party was, trying to make the United States part, of a new, global. World, order. Which is, vague. And undefined and, then just never mentioned again none, of these claims are backed up by any kind of evidence and you're, not really supposed to notice that because, they're more implied, than outright stated. And this, tactic is used throughout, for, instance at one point the film says that there was a plot in the 60s, by two academics. Named Cloward, and Piven to, deliberately, crash the American economy by signing loads of people up to welfare and.

Then, It just leaves this hanging it. Never gets brought up again but the implication, is that the crash of our wait might. Have had something to do with it but what Cloward and Piven actually, wrote in a public magazine article was that a lot of people who were eligible for welfare weren't, getting it and so, if everybody who was eligible could be encouraged, to actually sign up that, would be a good way of getting the federal government to pay more attention to poverty. And. That's it. They. Just wrote an article about it there's. No evidence I can find that anybody ever used it as a blueprint for organized action certainly, no evidence that anybody held, on to it in a desk drawer for 42 years until they got into a position to crash the economy but. You're not really meant to notice that when you watch TV balance film it's just like who's. Spookie, leftists. It's all presented as this manichaean. Preordained. Struggle, with the destin'd cycle of history in this bombastic. Super serious, tone storm, clouds, scary. Music threatening. Graphics, it's like reading the Book of Revelations, there's this feeling of. Make Cataclysm, and drama but. It's. Overwhelming. Trying to keep up with it points, get made and then dropped and restated later but never developed very often huge claims get made out of nowhere really, quickly like a truck screaming past you in the dark if you're. Thinking of watching the film to have a laugh or just to see the weirdness for yourself I would honestly say skip, it it's. Not fun the. Effect is just exhausting, all the more so because from a technical standpoint film. Just isn't all that good the, stock footage and the animations, look pretty, cheap, the endless shots of statues, and monuments get old fast the sound editing is really choppy it's repetitive the chapter markers are more confusing than helpful it's repetitive the, imagery is often painfully, over the top it's repetitive and it's, repetitive, sometimes, Steve ballons film is just flat-out, wrong or bizarre. Over. The financial crisis it asks how could, so many authorities.

Have Failed to predict, this ignoring. The fact that some, people actually did and Pettifer, for one is a left-wing economists, who predicted the financial crash in detail, several, years before it actually happened, but nobody, listened presumably. Because a Wikipedia, picture is so spooky. When discussing the 60s, and counterculture. The film conspicuously. Omits, any of the reasons why people were actually rebelling, against, things like the Vietnam War and white supremacy, instead. It says, cultures. Change, because, elites come, up with ideas, that then filter, down into the culture, they, come through the newspapers, they, come through the mainstream pulpit. They, come through the universities, and then down into the grammar schools they, come through the TV they, come through the movies they. Come through popular, music even. When. I smell petrol. Have. You heard about these arson, attacks. Dreadful. Simply. Dreadful, here, it says family, of four burned alive. Two. Little girls and a mother and father charred to a crisp and. They've no idea who did it, mind. You I hardly ever read the newspapers, load of old nonsense most, of the time I've never met a journalist, I could trust but just occasionally I do like to indulge I like, to read the horoscopes, what's your sign. Let's. See what the future has in store. With. Mercury, in retrograde your, energies are depleted, beware. Of old, friends, or lovers who, may be mocking you behind your back you. Will strive for success but until you make a breakthrough in yourself, you, will not attain it, powerful. Energies, swarm, around you by. Paying the proper attention you can learn to harness them. You. Must be somebody very special, but, even. Though the film is intellectually. And technically. Pretty, shoddy, it's. Still, very, effective. And. Effective. So. Why there. Is one bit of generation, zero that is absolute, genius the. Bit where it says ordinary. Americans know what's going on they, aren't fooled they're, outraged, and, again. It provides no evidence for this no polls, no surveys. Of what Americans, think not, even an explanation, of what it is that ordinary Americans supposedly. Know and are outraged about it, just says it and this, is what philosophers, call, constructing. A public. We might think that the public just exists. Somewhere, just out there but, really when we talk about the public we create an idea, of it and then, actual members of the public get affected, by what they think the public wants we see this all the time in the UK especially newspapers. Will say things like concerns. Have been raised but, they won't say who raised those concerns or, what, they are you, just read it here oh damn, concerns. I I. Also. Have concerns I don't, know what I'm concerned about but I guess I'll find out later in the meantime better keep buying more newspapers, and non-trans, people constructing. Publics is very important, for understanding populism. Which, is politics. That's all about the, people versus, the elites, there's. A lot of technical debate in philosophy about whether populism. Counts. As an ideology, or. Not, personally. I lean, more towards, saying that it's a style since. Anybody, can do it if you're very clever you'll already have noticed that even though populist, is usually. Used to describe people, on the right wing like Steve Bannon you could have left wing populism you can even have centrist, populism the devil is in how you define these, two groups but, the other feature of populism, is that these are moral, groupings. Not, just descriptive ones the people, whoever. They are are good. And the. Elites. Well. Concerns. Have been raised, there's, also a lot of debate about where populism, came from and who, is, or isn't a populist, some people have argued that Tony Blair was pretty populist when he was prime minister but Tony Blair himself, has since founded the Tony Blair Institute, one of whose stated goals is to combat populism so. We. Might want to take that with a pinch of salt though I mean the Tony Blair Institute also says that one of its main aims is to support stability in, the Middle East which has. Kind. Of in poor taste isn't, it isn't. That like opening the PewDiePie Center, for Jewish cultural, studies or, the Jessie single, Graham Linehan clinic for transgender, health one, thing the Blair Institute, do point out though is that populism, is a sliding scale so it's probably not a good use of our time to argue about who is or isn't one, another, thing to watch out for is to what degree populace, to present these two groups as being, unified.

The. British National Party been smoking up populist Kush for decades talking about the native British people and who, is that. Okay. We. Know who they mean when they say that but, even just within, the group of white people who were born here you have a lot of different, and sometimes irreconcilable. Interests. In his debate with David Frum in Toronto Bannen says that liberalism is done for and the only choice is now between left wing populism and right wing populism he isn't the only one to say this some left wing people agree with him including political, scientist Chantal move. But. Regardless, one of the reasons banner can be so persuasive is because he's a great populist, he knows how to construct, his public he's also very good at Avakian emotional. Responses, and I don't mean that in the sense that he uses, feelings. Rather. Than logic, and, a hammer, of, reason. No I mean he uses techniques to get people to feel as well as to think there's nothing wrong with that I do it too and Balan's pretty good at it certainly, in his firm debate he's just way better on stage than from it when Froman tries to muster an emotion to get the audience all teary-eyed about classical, liberal values it's, just like watching a blancmange X playing white votes Liberal Democrat. But. Bannon is relaxed, he's confident, he plays off the crowd he tells jokes he gets passionate, he creates, a mood, generation. Zero is where this really shines, through because it's almost all mood as Ian, Danskin, from innuendo studios has pointed out certain, pieces of media cause the audience to reach a point called effective, override. Where. Emotion, overwhelms. Critical thinking Ian's, talking mainly about people getting riled up by inspiring, a patriotic, propaganda but, it could just as easily be despair, or, hopelessness or. Anxiety, like, the kind generation, zero invokes, in its audience it makes, you so anxious with its high stakes in its dramatic presentation. That you're too busy being anxious to realize that the content. Is. Almost, pure. Nonsense. Almost. And. I say almost because it does get some things, very. Right. More like very right-wing now, I do actually mean correct and I, think this is the main reason why Bannen is so persuasive to so many he often gets the first bit right, for, instance both in the film and elsewhere Balan, points out that, the people responsible, for the financial crash have. Not been brought to justice yet, he, also says that it's unfair for the banks to have been bailed out consequence-free, by the taxpayer, which is something that I actually agree, with and, although he doesn't use the word neoliberalism. He is critical of the way that for the past several decades successive. Governments of all parties, both in the US and in Europe have, just unleashed the market and hang, the consequences, forever else particularly, Millennials who got saddled with huge amounts of debt and people, of all generations who got sent off to fight and die in pointless, expensive, Wars to, secure profits for oil companies a leftist, would point out that these things have happened because in capitalism, stuff. Gets done because it's profitable not. Because anybody necessarily needs it to be done and so, any kind of moral consideration, or concerns about sustainability, are always going to come second to the profit motive capitalism. Don't have any brakes on the train the mantra is more. And. That gives companies a very strong incentive to mess with democracy through, lobbying but, Bannon. Won't. Go there so. Although he can sometimes diagnose. The problems, with society, quite effectively, he then veers. Off into the wild, blue yonder, of which this. Almost. Being, correct. But then sashaying, off into moon logic, is common to a lot of people on the far right and much as we might like to malign them as cranks or loonies that's not always true they, do sometimes have part, of the picture and that can be very appealing. It's. Produced such a climate of fear don't. You think that's, the worst part the fear the, suspicion, a chap, can't walk down the street smoking a cigarette these days without being accused, of being an arsonist, I say, if I want to smoke a cigarette that is jolly well my right as a free man but light up in some places these days and people will yell arsonist. Arsonist. Take. This chap Steve Bannon, my.

Dreadful Chap don't misunderstand simply. Awful the things he says most of the things he says although, you can't deny his popularity. Particularly. Amongst the white working-class I'm. A traveling salesman so I get about a fair bit listened to a lot of people real salt of the earth people I grew up very poor no. Advantages, in life whatsoever, so I spent a lot of time around hard workers, know, how they think do. You believe in God. No. Need to say anything I see the look on your face I think. That's a very brave stance if I may say so I think, that's the best stance one can take on questions, theological, not many people would, and. This chat Bannon. Dreadful. Chap but. He's analytical. It's. An article about Steve, Bannon, lighting, a cigarette at the Oxford, Student Union and somebody. Called the fire department. They. Had people in the streets yelling arsonist. Arsonist. Just, for lighting a cigarette let's. Take another non. Bannon example, just for a breath of fresh air and because, it's hilarious this. Video which you can watch right here on YouTube, gov, is a discussion, between two, far-right. Guys Thomas, Rosen who goes by the handles survived the jive and, another, youtuber, who I swear. I've seen before, somewhere. Yes. It's, neo-nazi. Marcus fallin aka, the, golden, one the, living meme, and the, second, most famous Swedish man ever to use YouTube to distribute anti-semitic, messages, Marcus, and Tom have what starts out as an, interesting discussion about cheddar man a 10,000. Year old human skeleton, found in Cheddar Gorge belonging. To one of the first modern, inhabitants. Of the UK in 2018. For the first time a team at the Natural History Museum got a look at cheddar man's DNA and Channel, four turned, this story into a fun little edutainment program. Called, first Brit the investigation, found that cheddar man had blue eyes dark. Hair and dark. Skin at. Least darker than mine for instance a lot, of media articles, emphasized, the dark skin as did. The documentary which also featured, a facial reconstruction of cheddar man by two artists. Who specialize, in this kind of work this is what they came up with and this, is the image of cheddar man that a lot of media coverage ran, with you can see the obvious differences, between it and previous. Reconstructions. Done without the benefit of DNA, sequencing, both of which have pale skin Marcus, and Tom point out in their video that, dark, doesn't. Necessarily. Mean black, we. Don't know a hundred percent that. Cheddar man was very dark-skinned. Just, almost, certainly, a good deal darker, than what we would call a white person, now and that's. Actually. Kind of interesting the. Fact that the artists, and the documentary chose, to portray cheddar man as being very dark-skinned, might. Prompt some interesting questions about how we today, imagined racial, other Ness about. How, scientific, findings, get presented to the public and whether we can really use modern, categories like race to reconstruct, the past when it might not have been so simple so much of what we pay attention to in a human face like expression, and hair, length and style and facial, hair can't. Be known from DNA there, is a lot of artistic license, here the artists, chose to give cheddar man a chi he little grin a little, bit of personality, and, you can't tell that from the genes he might have been a miserable git so, there is a lot here that goes beyond the science Marcus, and Tom are, almost.

Right, And to, prove this point I'm going, to bury my own head, in the woods. For. The first time in decades, breakthroughs. In cutting-edge, scientific, technology. Have, allowed scientists, to resurrect, the past. Researchers. At the University, of New London have. Sequenced, the DNA of, Geordie, man a ten. Thousand. Year old skeleton. Found. In the radioactive, wasteland, that, was once the north of England when. Geordie man was first discovered in the year twelve thousand and sixteen it was initially thought to have been the skull of a giant gorilla but. Then we figured out that it was actually, the skull of a humanoid, male with a freakishly. Large head based, on the genetic markers, we. Can say with reasonable certainty that, Geordie man was probably around six foot tall had. Pale, blue-green. Eyes dark. Hair and required. Some form, of primitive. Corrective. Glass worn. On the face in order to see and from the shape of the skull we can deduce that. He was probably an alpha buck that slayed mad purse on the rag, definitely. A charge I mean. With a skull circumference, like that he was probably so, Chad that he shared a border with Cameroon. To. Its credit the Channel 4 documentary alludes, to the fact that discovering, one of the first Britons was probably what we today would have called a person of color is a significant. Thing one, of the scientists who did the genetic analysis explicitly, says this is a challenge to the idea that British means, white, he. Enlists the help of an unnamed, expert in the u.s. who emails in part with you the program saying there's a very high probability that chedda man had dark - black skin but he quote can't say for sure you can actually see a snippet of that email in the documentary, so when Marcus and Tom say that this is a politically, relevant discovery, and that the way we present the past reflects, not just what it was like but also how, we think, about it through the lens of now they're. Not wrong in that bit per, se they've, hit upon an interesting philosophical point, which is that the study of history is like a kind of storytelling historians. Try to construct stories, out of bits and pieces that actually happened but somebody has to take those bits and pieces and put them into a digestible, order and the way they do that reflect them and the context in which they live but then. Thomas. Claims that this is all part of a deliberate, conspiracy. To trick white people, out of their history, and their claims on European, land he, calls this psychological. Terrorism. That should not be forgiven, by anybody, and of course he provides absolutely. No evidence of this conspiracy existing. But, he isn't the only one saying that it's out there see. Also this anonymous, article, on cheddar man from, freedom, post UK. Black, cheddar, man appears, to be a mainstream, media fabrication. To rewrite history and claim that the original, inhabitants of Europe were black in an attempt to justify, multiculturalism. And immigration. What can I say but Yanks. Curiously. They're sensational, story, also broke, during Black, History Month, oh no, it, must be a conspiracy what, are the odds of that happening, one. In 12 so, they got the first bit right it's just that's the spoonful, of sugar that helps the poison go down similarly. Bannen says some things which, are true and they give his overall story more credibility and whether he personally, believes the falsehoods, he says or not it's the overall story, that he selling, apparently. Most of the protesters. Outside bannon's. Speech at Oxford were typical. Students. Idealistic. Socialists. Oh yes. A, surprising. Number as if, they don't know that socialism communism killed, I don't know how many hundreds, of millions of people I used. To be a lecturer, so I know students, quite well I was a lecturer at London, Saints University, years, ago. Awful. Tragedy, with the library, at London Saints. All. Those books up in smoke let's. Stay in history for a moment and talk about Julius, Avila who is also absolutely. Fucking, hilarious, Julius, Avila was an early 20th century Italian, writer he. Was literally, a baron, and he, literally, wore a monocle, Steven. Bannon has mentioned ever a few times in passing the now disgraced, former, Golden, Boy of Breitbart, milo gianopolous, credited. Avella as one of the foundational.

Thinkers, Of the ultra-right movement, and it's, not hard to see why his, influence, is clear it's possible. To take a very surface, level reading, of avila according. To which he, is just a traditionalist. Traditionalism. Being, the philosophical. Idea that, all the different ancient traditions, of the world's different societies, have, a grain of truth in them but, the modern world has lost sight of and that we need to go back and recover it is only by going back to the meanings and the visions that existed, before the establishment, of the causes of the present civilization that, it is possible, to achieve an absolute, reference point, the key for the real understanding of all modern deviations. On the surface Avalos traditionalism, might seem pretty innocuous something's. Wrong with the modern world and we need to go back in time in order to discover what it is but, remember history, reflects, the storyteller. It, matters. What those traditions, are and it. Matters who, gets, to pick them. All. Pals Markus and Tom discuss availa in the same video they discussed cheddar man and they, read him simply, as a traditionalist. They, distinguished, between traditionalism. And conservativism. Conservativism. Being according, to them the tendency, to preserve the familiar, whereas traditionalism, being, the idea that we need to go back even further to, find deeper, truths in their video Marcus and Tom asked if the goal is to go back to traditions, how, can we discover authentic, traditions, that haven't been distorted. Over time in, other words how, can we do accurate. History, for this traditionalist, project and that. Would be an interesting question, but. Marcus gives the game away and. He says that the traditions, we live by need, to be in line with our values as, Europeans, and. That means that rather than choosing the values based on the traditions Marcus is doing it the other way around he's. Choosing which traditions, to follow based on the values he currently has and choosing, the traditions, based on the values is exactly, the same mistake that Evelyn makes as well he, was heavily involved with the Italian fascists and then the Nazis which makes sense once he read him the fact that he was a fascist is not an incidental detail, that we can separate, from his, philosophy, because. There is no neutral history, there can be no untainted, traditionalism. That doesn't contain, some, of the values of the present being, projected back, and if you carry on reading revolts, against the modern world beyond, the introduction, you'll, find that all the traditions, Evelyn thinks we need to go back to are terrible. For, instance he says that miscegenation and, racial, equality is, messing. With the naturally, ordered hierarchy. Of the races, which we need to bring back but in an interesting twist unlike, a lot of modern racists, Evelyn didn't believe that biology. Or IQ or genetics, made white people superior, he, was a spiritual, racist, he says it might seem unfair, to, say that some people are born racially. Inferior but. A person. Is endowed with a certain spirit by virtue of being born, in a given caste but, at the same time one, is born in a specific caste, because, one possesses. Transcendentally. A given. Spirit, in other words if you. Weren't such a. Your immortal, soul would. Have had the good sense to. Have been born white. Person, the same is also apparently, true of gender, to, be born male, you first have to be. Transcendentally. Male to. Be born female you first have to be transcendentally, just a piece of sheep just. Just, just the. Worst what, it is to be transcendentally. Trans he doesn't say we, can guess men, must, realize, their Souls potential, by becoming either warriors. Or, ascetics, and women. Must realize their souls potential, by becoming either mothers, or lovers, a nevela. Doesn't mean lover in the fun way of consensual. Sexual explorations. Between loving. And equal partners he, means women. Giving, themselves entirely. To men unquote being. For, another, being again. Not. In the fun way according, to Evelyn so-called feminism, direct, quote is really taking women away, from what will make them happy it's turning all the women into men and all that all the dudes are, becoming females.

It's The degeneracy. Of the, male, and female types. And, it's, happening because men aren't virile enough when it's a threat to the West tense the types of the women Gauss saw in the shallow and vain woman, incapable. Of any Elan beyond, herself utterly. Inadequate as far as sensuality, and sinfulness, are concerned because, to the modern woman the possibilities. Of physical, love are often, not as interesting, as the narcissistic. Cult of her body or as being seen with as many or as few clothes. As possible, also, harem, anime is the ideal model of Western femininity, Tenchi Muyo was read peles far Evolet predicts that if this goes on relationships. And gender norms as he knows them in 1934. Adieu. That. Was the, West really did decline after 1934. But it wasn't degeneracy, or a lack of racial, purity that killed so many people and destroyed Europe it, was people like 'evil. Are worrying, about that stuff so much they. Invented fascism and committed genocide over it although when. He was tried in. 1951. He said I'm not, a fascist. I'm, a super, fascist, you're not dealing with an ordinary fascist. Anymore Kakarot, I have. Realized, the legend. But. The world actually got a tiny bit better again in 1974. When. Julius Avila King. Died, like. A cock, if. He was really all that great his soul wouldn't have been born into a body susceptible, to liver disease he was then reincarnated. As Davis irini but if you strip, everlaw, of all of that context, and pretend, neutral. History, is possible, you, can present this watered-down, version, where he's just a traditionalist, and he's. The real kicker if anybody, then comes to you and tries to bring up that relevant context, you can accuse them of just poisoning, the well of being a biased virtue signaling SJW who's afraid of new ideas and they won't debate you on Evelyn's. Terms kind, of like if a cigarette company put out an ad saying that smoking makes you cool and he pointed out the smoking gives people cancer and they said why won't you debate us on the cool question, and here, we come back to Steven Bannon because, he is really good, at this when Bannon gave his speech Oxford, University they were anti-fascist, protesters, outside and, he said he wished that they understood fascism, because fascism, is about trying to worship the state and, he's trying to shrink the state so, he can't, be a fascist and again. Not entirely. Wrong, but, incomplete because. Fascism, is also often characterized. By racial ideology. It's really more about the worship of the in-group versus the out-group where that in group is often though not always defined. Racially. And yes, if and when that in-group, gets into power there is a certain amount of state worship but that's because the state then becomes the proxy for the master race from which all others are excluded, on the topic of immigration Bannon. Says that immigrants, drive down wages but, that's not actually true it's, not true when Steve balan says it and isn't true when jeremy corbyn says it either immigrants. Don't lower wages, bosses. Do and. They do it because we live in a system where things are done because they're profitable not because people need them to be done he also says that welfare states, can't take the burden of mass migration, which, would only be true as long as the people who got rich under, this current system are allowed, to keep that money which. We don't have to let them another, very slick, surface, level claim that Bannon makes is the president Donald Trump's policies don't care about whether you're black or white or, Asian or Hispanic, they care about whether you're, a citizen, he, calls this economic. Nationalism. And says it's about maximizing, the, value of citizenship. And yeah. Okay but in countries like the USA in the UK where, for a long time only white people were allowed to be full citizens who. Get seen as a citizen, now is, still very much affected. By that history this is not about blame, or, guilt or, victimhood those. Are all ways that people like Bannon will try and get you to say ah look, they won't debate us on the question of whether smoking, is cool or not when he talks about not being guilty for being white or as, he said to the French National Front let them call you a racist wear it as a badge of honor that's, a way of trying to encourage white, people, in the audience to, take conversations about, philosophy and history and instead, make. Them about our white, feelings, which, can cause that affective override, so. Please note that I still have not once called, Steve Bannon a racist, I'm, just putting the warning labels on the cigarette packets facts, don't care about your feelings Steve, it is important, to realize though that these slights of hand will work best on white, people because.

We Are used to thinking, that race doesn't have anything to do with anything because, it is never made a problem, for us, constitutional. Law professor Barbara, flag calls this the transparency. Phenomenon, the tendency, for white people to think that categories. Like citizen. And criminal or citizen. And immigrants are race. Neutral, because. Nobody, has ever used them against, us in, a, racialized, way. Nobody. Has ever said, to me in Britain oh where, are you from. No. I I mean where. Are you from. And that, means that if and when fascism, does make a comeback and these categories. Start overlapping, more, and more with race and other, marginalized identities. We, might not be the first to smell the smoke so we should probably listen, to those who can parently. They arrested, one of the ringleaders of the Oxford protests some. Transgender. Boy, or. Girl. I don't. Really understand that whole thing myself I mean I'm not a bigot and quite willing to call people by whatever, name you, know but. I don't, really understand why they make such a fuss. These. Activists, they demand that you not merely tolerate. But, believe. As, well. It's. All well Ian. Orwellian. I was. Young and brave too once but never, made that sort of a fuss in my day as. I say I grew up very poor still, almost penniless, to this day I was a waiter, before. I was a lecturer before, I was a traveling salesman a waiter, at a luxury restaurant in Piccadilly did you ever visit the hotel Mill and Smith. Magnificent. Gorgeous. Establishment. This was all years ago of course. Terrible. What happened to that place apparently. It, started, in the kitchen. Somebody. Left a stove on. All. Those people, not. To mention the furniture. Although. That, was an experience let me tell you waiting, tables at the hotel Mill and Smith you, see how the other half lives, all, dressed up in their finest, nattering. Away. You're. Closer to the center of power in a restaurant and ping, then you are if you were in the front row of the Commons let me tell you the. Extravagance, with which the elites of the world operate, the, circles, in which they move the. Sheer amount of shekels changing, hands it. Is extraordinary, in. The from debate Bannon says that the choice is between Trump populism, or Bernie Sanders Jeremy Corbyn populism but even then he's not quite giving you the full picture because if you want to. You. Can keep going. Bernie. Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn and even though he's Andrea Koziol Cortese they. Could just be the beginning I'm, not trying to tell you what to do here but you don't have to settle for rent. Controls and more affordable housing you. Could, demand that we confiscate, landlord's property and abolish rent and give it to people for free you. Don't have to settle for ending, unjust, Wars you could dismantle the military and spend that money and other stuff you, don't have to settle for taxing. Fuels slightly, more you, could break up the biggest polluting, companies you, don't have to settle for making healthcare more efficient, you could make it free for, everyone not, just citizens, everybody. You don't have to settle for a 44%, marginal. Tax rate on earnings above 5 million a year which is something Steve banning allegedly pushed for or even a 70% one you, could take a hundred percent of that money and establish. A maximum, wage and a lot of rich people would lose a lot, of money but. That's the other kind of populism that Steve Barron won't. Ban. And says in my opinion correctly that, when people lose faith in liberal capitalism you got two choices it's, gonna be socialism, or it's gonna be fascism, the sugar, a kernel of truth in what he says is that the old way of doing political philosophy, we're politicians, and capital were in bed with each other has, knackered, us it is provably, a disaster, I would, go one step further and say that climate change is. A problem of liberal capitalism's, making that it is unable to solve in time and so we really do need some new ideas or we really are gonna face an apocalyptic, scenario, Marxists. Would go even further and say that it's not just in its consequences but in its very form that capitalism, is morally, unjustifiable. But regardless of that arguably. We really have reached a kind of turning point in human history and the, choices really are socialism, or barbarism. But. Bannon won't entertain the possibility of socialism. And he. Won't. Overtly. Tell, you that. Fascism is the answer ah. Thank. You ever so much would you mind putting that over. There with the others you can leave this if you like. Can. I offer you a drink. No. Very. Healthy, of you I.

Don't. Know what the world's coming to these days, nobody. Trusts, anybody anymore what, would these arson, attacks. To. Be perfectly frank I think. There's something fishy going on I mean. Who, appoints, these so-called firefighters. Who. Are they accountable, to running. Around breaking. Down doors. Covering. Their faces bullying. People for. Something as small as not. Changing the batteries in a smoke alarm I, don't. Know I, wouldn't. Be surprised if there were one or two firefighters. Working, with the arsonists, I. Like. You I feel. Like we've known each other a long time we're. A dying breed you, and I the, world is changing. Seems. Like everywhere you look, flames. Are beginning to rise, and. We have to be so careful. Not. To lose, everything. That we've built. I. Say. You wouldn't by any chance happen. To have. Why. Do we. Do. My. Children, why. Keep. Us free. My. Children. My children. We. Call. Enemy my. Children. My. Children. We. Call the, enemy. Because, we have they have not, my. Children. My, children. Because they, want. What. They should. My children. My. Children.

2019-02-08 06:09

Show Video

Comments: would be an excellent site to visit this month! This video is currently being incorrectly copyright claimed by a Canadian company, so I may lose the ad money off it. It's not a huge amount, but it makes a difference - especially since this video was my most expensive yet. If you've been thinking about signing up to help me on Patreon, now would be a great time!

Baby, you can drive my car. Search Pornhub for Symphony in the Key of XXX. The match you seek was made in heaven. If it's not love, then it's the bomb that will bring us together. DEATH TO THE OLD WORLD, LONG LIVE GREAT LOVE!

Done! Just wanted to say your Cosmonaut video really hit home with me, and I love the care and effort you put into each and every one of your vids.

Can you dispute that erroneous claim?

Hey Ollie I have a question, what kind of editing software do you use and also what kind of camera and mic set up do you use to make your videos? I really love your content and I think it’s very well made

What does that gesture mean that you do at 18:13, touching your nose?

Please release that cover of Why we build the wall if possible, I wouldn't mind paying for it, but please I need to show it in schools!

+Tuck V capitalism isn't just...having money.... also we can't simply decide to opt out of capitalism; we'll live or die under it until it finally undermines itself as a result of its fundamental contradictions. until then we all need to struggle to afford toast and tea and it is actually not capitalism at all to simply ask for it from your friends

Philosophy Tube being Quinten Tarantino isn’t cheap but keep it up!

this video made me take the plunge. Good job, Olly.

how is steve banon gonna copyright claim a movie where he just talks bullshit on top of stock footage ?

I really have no choice, after this. (Hi ho, hi ho, to Patreon I go ... [whistling])

Oh man. So. Many. Chills.

10,000 years later, and they still haven't figured out a way to give ALL of the workers some damn shoes??

Actually, out of curiosity, why wouldn't "White Britains" be the most accurate group to classify as "Native Britains", if one had to choose such a category? I mean, it follows the same convention as "Native American", doesn't it? (Although, I think it would be better to just call "Native Americans", instead, "Native", or "First Nations" and drop that whole "America" part...they didn't call this land by that name, and weren't treated as a part of it for a very long time.) (p.p.s. I think I did take British History once, and I remember that's already a mixed group: Romans, Angles, Saxons, blah blah blah, but they were mixed together for a while, right?)

Any long-time "conspiracy enthusiast" (non-believer, just thinks it's hilarious and terrifying) knows that it was GEORGE BUSH SR. who first used the term "New World Order"...there's an actual clip, but it's, yeah, "vague and undefined" and most likely a metaphorical, or poetic description of countries working together. I notice that most conspiracy theorists have a problem with comprehending metaphors, or ironic speech... :/

+Maggie Mae Fish Can we see Toni Lahren interviewed by Dr. Angie in a Philosophy Tube video?

+William McDonald I dunno man. Think about it, Count Olaf is a lot like Steve Banon. Within the narrative, he's one of the very few people who _actually believe_ the Baudelaires (mostly because he's the one who's been trying to kill them). Count Olaf fundamentally understands what the problem is, it's just that his preferred solution is to just let him get what he wants. Olaf is likewise charming, crafty, very possibly psychopathic, and believes in obtaining power through any means necessary, up to and including murdering children, all the while pretending to be an upstanding and moral person. And of course, he's also an arsonist. Man, now I want to do a Marxist reading of The Series of Unfortunate Events.

+Tuck V until we destroy it, it remains. see Mr. Robot. for details.

+Arrakiz666 He came across as more of a posh, I've worked my way to where I am kind of person. He's manipulating the audience by spin and decrying every negative statement, while pointing to and agreeing with an underlying grain of truth (a grain of truth to his supposed audience) doing an appeal to "common sense". He also does nostalgic looking back, as if things before were a better time. I've meet people like him on international contract and I've met the American version of him several times, who can really turn an audience towards a particular way of thinking. I unfortunately (at times) can see what's going on, but years of issues... Has left me with a short fuse and well, I've been thrown out on a restaurant on one assignment for a heated debate that admitedly made me look like a crazy person, while he remained calm and continued with his claptrap. I use to be quite good at debate and keeping my cool, but a lifetime of experiences has left me admittedly short fused, needing therapy and not my best. I can't "turn off" my emotions anymore without physical issues and that has cost me... Sorry, back to my point, I do not believe he was trying to do a Count Olaf, quite honestly their characters a quite a bit different, as are their end motivations. This is a man, building a fire, stacking explosives and accelerants, in the form of ideas, so that you the audience or someone else would light the match.

I just joined your Patreon at last. Only the bottom tier, my apologies, but this was the best video essay I've ever seen, and I couldn't live with myself if I didn't support this in some way. Thank you so much.

Bannon will institute Prima Nocturne. Proud Boys, ASSEMBLE!

Fucking hell! Spectacular. Best video yet, and from such a strong field.

this was beautiful... scary but beautiful. You have a supporter my friend. soon as I get paid, you'll get paid.

Where can I find your version of "Build the wall?" it's so good!

Enjoying the vid so far! A note about the captions: At 24:26, "Holst" is missing the L. EDIT: And "Fascist" missing the first S at 28:22.

Big media has been attacking users who have amassed a large enough audience so as to threaten the narrative they try to control. They want a monopoly on the Overton window, as that allows them to continue to stay in political control (notice how the people who control the media, also control the electric companies and the industrial war plants and often the banks). Having false copyright claims is a good measure of your worth, it means you have grown enough to register on their radar.

> hide amout of money

+Tuck V It's mutual aid.

This video was okay and all. But that bluesy anthem at the end was my favorite thing you've ever done. It might even be my new favorite song about walls, edging out such classic wall ballads as that whole Pink Floyd album, or Get Low by Lil Jon.

You might be interested in the work of Jonas Staal. This man is a propaganda researcher and dedicated an entire thesis to Bannon's style of propaganda. It is titled: ‘Steve Bannon: A Propaganda Retrospective’. Description: This publication documents the exhibition-project and aims to show how Trumpism was decades in the making through Bannon’s propaganda work. It therefore provides an example of the importance of propaganda art in the surge of the international alt-right. To illustrate this, the publication analyzes and deconstructs the mechanisms of propaganda and raises the question of how to create counter-narratives in the form of an “emancipatory propaganda art.”

Fine. Now it's you, Prof wolff, and the Chapo guys.

Great video!

24:30 Was that harris doing the voices? Great talents you have in this video my good sir.

Omg! I can't wait till the Jordan Peterson video...

Done! F I N A L L Y

I absolutely agree with this point on moon logic lmao

Amazing work!!!

When Canada sends people, they're not sending their best. They're sending copyright trolls and DMC apologists, and some good people too. B U I L D T H E W A L L

my brain and experience say im gay but the little space under his pecs where the suspenders dont touch his body say im wrong

He's named after a cheese, he can't be that miserable, fake news

@artisticcrossbreed: Not your fault mate, don't sweat it.

>Immediately starts doing capitalism in the comments section of his own video

Hey Olly, did Count Olaf from The Series of Unfortunate Events ever constitute a reference for the arsonist? Because that's who he reminds me of.

I get so much good shit from your vids. Grievances and goals of a populist movement should help define the leading ideology. MAGA. More than a slogan. A way of life.

As a Canadian, I am sorry.

Steven Bannon>American Göbbels

masterpiece my man...

I understand that it was stated as 'incorrectly', yet I don't understand how a video titled steve bannon can be copyrighted.

And just like that, I'm already erect. Give me that C O N T E N T, YouTube Daddy!

Done! I love your work, Olly! Please keep doing what you do!

2 second after credit scene that put Marvel to shame

Please more open borders breadtube.

The last seconds of this are trully chilling. Bravo.

THIS IS SO GOOD! I love the song, it is so fucking accurate! Thank you, really thank you for your work.

31:38 I love u for the DBZA reference.

Fuck me I had to pause the video when they showed Dan Olsen's face I was laughing so hard

That ending tho!

34:00 Economic nationalism normally refers to postcolonial nations seeking economic independence from hegemonic economies like the USA, through building up domestic industry, nationalising important resources, etc. It's criminal that he's trying to apply it TO THE USA ITSELF.

My gender identity from now on is "transcendentally a piece of shit"

I identify with your chest hair

Спасибо, товарищ! Надо бы твое шоу на русский перевести.

Olly could you upload some captions?

I'm laughing at that "so chad" joke way harder than i probably should. Probably because i don't hear very good jokes that involve Africa on youtube.

So damn amazing. You're production is the sexiest thing since Contrapoints

41:11 for those of you coming back for the excellent cover!

I noticed that your chest hair kinda looks like a bird and it became difficult to focus on what you were saying. It just, it looks like a bird. If I had chest hair, I would also want it to look like a bird-- so really, you win? I'm so sorry. It was a mistake to try and watch this at three in the morning

«Exits are to the far left» I see what you did there

I apologize for my crudeness, but in addition to your beautiful mind, your firefighter getup is kinda hot.

Can someone explain to me the firefight/door sales men metaphor im too dumb

Fire = fascism. The fireman fights fires, i.e. is anti-fascist (hence the 'antifa' pun). The salesman represents someone who keeps espousing fascism (starts fires) while acting like a 'normal' centrist/conservative and insisting they're not a fascist and using slick presentation and sympathetic language to make centrists agree with them before asking for a match (i.e. the means to start fire/a fascist movement). Someone like, say, Gavin McInnes, Richard Spencer or, oh, Steve Bannon.

+lolcatjunior yeah i get that much but what are the firefighters ect. representative of

Firefighters hates fires and fire starters, the sales man is a secret pyromaniac tired with society's conduct.

The arsonist bit was played so perfectly

I'm digging this British Sam Hyde at 9:40

Did Bannon copy Fox news tactics?

i came from hadestown to this and it tripped me out when why we build the wall came on

"emergency exits are to the far left" Brilliant.

Dan Olson + Amy reveal, A+. I may have almost drowned aspirating water on that, but it would have been worth it.

Pretty sure it's "man-uh-KEY-an" ;)

The largest carbon emitter is a state-owned company. Communism is ideologically pro-pollution. Nationalization is not a solution to climate change.


We build the wall to keep us free

Hey, everyone who's scrolling through the comments since the credits are playing... might want to take another look at the video?? aaaa

Pretentious prick

Wow this is really good.

6:18, from what I can gather for memory from my APUSH class, it was George H Bush that coined the idea of a New World Order, but keep in mind I think Bush was just referring to how the dynamics of foreign policy and international politics would change when the cold war came to an end in the early 90s not some weird-ass Illuminati conspiracy. Not sure where he got that being Clinton. lol

jfc I keep playing the "your immortal soul would have had the good sense to have been born a HWITE person" on repeat bc it's so obnoxious and hilarious. This is such a great video and I love your work and your ability to incorporate humor into dense and awful topics.

I came here for the Philosophy, I stayed for the sexy chest! (Also the Philosophy)

I consider myself to be a pro free market libertarian, and I have to say that your content is absolutely fantastic. I love your videos, and they have helped me gain an insight into things and coming to agree with things that I never thought I would have. Congratulations, you have won a subscriber.

Kids will study this in a cohple hundred years as a part of historical education about our generation. I'm sure of it.

Hey Ollie can you release your cover of “why we build the wall” As a standalone video please?

I was ready to be up in arms when I first watched this video -- I thought you were attempting to engage in dialogue with Steve Bannon. Then I realized that, no, this was more of an analysis of Bannon's (unfortunately skillful) use of rhetoric. I very much appreciate the analysis as well as the humor; this video is excellent. Nevertheless, I wish to express my initial thoughts: I firmly believe that there's neither nobility nor purpose in trying to engage fascists philosophically. Their ideas lack intellectual merit, and many of them are bad-faith actors who are motivated purely by spite. Swift and overwhelming violence is the proper and just response to fascists. (Also, your mockery of Jordan Peterson is spot on. Fuck that smarmy, snake oil-selling cult leader.)

When the first half of the picture with whats his face and the golden one was shown I thought it was some kinda joke cause it legit looked like a stock image

Your thoughts on Tenchi Muyo?

Did I hear Contrapoints?

Philosophy Tube is the Pink Floyd of an intersectional analysis of ideology. "The Wall"

I didn't know Klay Thompson was British

Olly looks way too sexy in the fireman outfit 0,0

They aren’t supposed to notice the non evidenced Brannon Bullshit and they don’t.

PewDiePie is not an antisemite.

I didn't say he was: I said it would be in poor taste to name a Jewish cultural studies centre after him, and that he's the most famous Swedish man to use YouTube to distribute antisemitic messages, both of which are true. I'm not really fussed what he believes in his heart.

Maybe, but making a bunch of low income Indians raise death to all jews signs is a childish joke.

Fuck ! The "illegal Immigration reduces worker's wage" argument really pisses me off ! I mean, shit, we've known since Jean Jaures that if bosses lower the wages of all workers because they can underpay unlicensed workers than all you have to do is to license them or at the very least protect them. You protect the most vulnerable workers you protect ALL of the workers ! But well, fascist don't really care about that in the end. All they really care about is their shitty ethnostate. Never gave a damn about workers. Anyway. Thanks for this video nonetheless. P.S: Love the Hadestown's soundtrack

"If he was really so great he wouldn't have been born in a body susceptible to liver disease." Highlight of the video for me.

Hee hee, that's my favourite line too!

I'm loving this Hadestown love

All this talk of arsonist fires in hotels keeps giving me 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' vibes.

all this talk of fires. This is clearly a job for the volunteers.

I say this is quite a delightful video. You’ve done it again Olly and absolute banger with many great points

To be entirely fair to Bannon, the baby boomers do be lacking moral character. This is true XD

i am so here for the hadestown tribute

Goddamn, I love hearing Natalie read quotes.

So you seem like a fairly reasonable man. What do you think the benefits of capitalism are, over the system you are proposing? Surely there is something. Because I agree. Time is kind of an issue. And the current system cannot solve it in time. However, competition, free markets and capital drive innovation forward. A lot. Faster than anything else. The best chance we have to survive the coming apocalypse, is, some form of capitalism. Yeah, I realize the irony in that. Doesn't make it less true.

I actually like capitalism, but one thing that I cant stand is the "free market", the free market doesn't exist, it a verbal diarrhoea created by corporations and rich people so they could have a excuse for deregulation and tax cuts from themselves meanwhile everyone lives in misery, implemented in domestic and foreign government sometimes as experiment by U. S. puppets, all for money, but not for you and I, but for rich people.

Loved it, great work as always!

ngl i love your cover more than the original because of the sinister passion and the context of the video preceding it

Holy shit! The end was incredible, I cheered out loud when I realized that the representation of the classical liberal/moderate was setting up the means for an inferno only for the viewer to be the one to decide to hand off the match!!!!! WOW! Absolutely loved it!!

The posh character totally reminds me of Sirrus from Myst

Dude this video is everything holy shit was that great!

The skull documentary bit was fucking hilarious.

Dat credit song doe

This is a masterpiece

Is the man dressed nicely supposed to represent yer dad?

This was amazing!

watched this video twice already. it is fucking brilliant, lad!!!

I'm just delighted that in 10,000 years, channel 4 will have gone back to the right ident.

Why the disingenuousness? Literally from Wikipedia: "The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty". "And that's it" Yeah, so clearly not.

Yeah; it was a political strategy outlined in a magazine article. No one did anything with it. Can you actually read or should I do it for you?

I love how people on the left somehow conveniently define bad words like "fascism" or any other types of negative words seemingly is absolutely impossible for them to be and only people they disagree with can be. fascism is neutral any political type of party can be fascist. a yarn knitting club can be fascist if they obtain the reigns of government and use absolute power and authority enforce yarn knitting ideals on the population and "excluding" other inferior knitting styles or even the worst scum of all people who don't knit at all. the most dangerous ideology of all is not being racist or anti-racist its not being capitalist or socialist its not being religious or atheistic. it is the ideology of absolute moral righteousness that you and those like you can do no wrong and those unlike you are your sworn enemies that must be cut down at all costs and all actions are permitted against your "enemy".

So logically, the alt-right is antithetical to your belief of righteousness being evil. I guess I have one question; at what point is self-defense OK?

You have a curious pronunciation of "Semite", being British notwithstanding.

"..... and the second most famous Swedish man ever to use YouTube to distribute antisemitic messages...." Whoa Whoa Whoa!!!!!!

"we live in a system where things are done because they are profitable not because people need them to be done" those 2 things are the same. if you need something to be done that means you are willing to pay for it. I also have never in my life seen an army of socialists working in the fields for free because people need food. this is what I hate about socialism it is not about kindness or generosity or self sacrifice for the good of others. its about obtaining absolute authoritarian power and forcing others to obey them and do as they desire. you could easily have as high wages as you want for workers. all it would take is 1 single person out of all 7 billion on the planet to start a business and abolish profit in your own company in order to pay workers more then expand the business into every single country on the face of the planet and not a single person would choose to work at walmart for minimum wage when they could work for the socialist empire for twice the money while getting twice the paid time off and twice the medical care. except socialists don't do this because they would never think of lifting a real finger in order to help people. they simply seek power to make others do their bidding in their place.

ok amazing production value put aside you look really good in that white tanktop i

Damn. What an incredible video. I've never subscribed to you before, but I have to now. That man in a suit character is just perfect. It's exactly how the slide into fascism happens. EXACTLY. What a rousing musical number at the end too. I really am for sure afraid that this all ends in civil war. These two forces of Trump's fascism and Bernie/AOC's socialism will fight.

I salute you for having the patience to slog through Evola's sentences. "Hence the types of the woman-garconne and the shallow and vain woman, incapable of any elan beyond herself..." If that's a competent translation, the baron's ideas were not merely hateful, but as muddled as pasta primavera. Thanks for the clip. Haters deserve hate speech.

Any chance we could get your version of "Why do we build the wall?" as an mp3 or separate video?

Philosophy tube is now male Contrapoints.

Can I get a TL;DW rundown of the arguments and counter-arguments presented here? I mean, from what I've seen so far it's entertaining, but I feel like some of the key points are being lost in the 'showman' bits.

Ohhh I was like "Im fucking subscribing to this guy" then I noticed I'm subscribed already. I guess clicking the notification bell is next then its on to patreon

this has been your most eterteining video to date too, those bits of the arsenists were great, very charismatic, very good acting

This is so good I'm going to immediately rewatch it

Haha i love the 10 second Contrapoints cameo

Damn, he's getting good.

Holy cow, that was good. "Why We Build the Wall" with your voice gave me physical chills.

* Inhales * BUILD THE WALL BUILD THE WALL wait a second that aint no good thing to be sayin

So what genre is that song? Dystopian synth new wave? Like I have this feeling of "The Order of Death" from it.

I was talking at a local bar after the results of our provincial elections and the person I was speaking with commented on how she was astounded how young a lot people involved the far right were. I posited that they were so far removed from the horrors of fascism that all they knew were the effects of the lessons that were the culture they grew up in tried to impart. Things that I thought could be taken for granted as true if we reduce the horrors of what occurred into bite sized lessons that are preached. These lesson if left unexamined were how I thought a victim mentality spread amongst the privileged groups. The whole: “I was not individually responsible for these heinous crimes so why are people blaming me(my identity) for this?” kind of faulty reasoning. I think Steven Bannon obviously is very astute in positioning a demographic he belongs to, a baby boomer as being a cause of modern day malaise. It’s another way to appeal to the millennials and other younger generations.

I'm never quite sure if I find Ollie totally bae çause I'm physically attracted to him or I find his far left rhetoric sexy....maybe both... :3

Stop the horny left

This video was soooo good, probably your best. I wasn't expecting a video on Steve Bannon to be so deep and well thought out since, honestly, dunking on assholes like him is too easy.

didn’t listen to the video but that tank top fits you very nicely

Honneslty my favorite video on your channel, and there are a lot good video here !

friggen noice

As someone who's been affected by the developing policies towards people who were maybe not born here I find the number of times, since yesterday, I've caught myself singing "We build the wall to keep us free" concerning.

Your performance as the Arsonist in this is *kisses fingers* you deserve huge kudos.

You have hit your stride. Keep it up. Mark another mind changed.

Right into my veins. RIGHT INTO THEM.

14:05. Damn, I like liberalism.


Olly (may I call you Olly?) - I think there may be enough buzz from this for you to get Anais Mitchell on the show.  She seems like a kindred spirit.  There are currently all these surprised country / musical theatre fans on her albums' pages being met by an influx of *concerned* philosophical anti-fascists.  It's rather beautiful.

9:40 "Have you heard about-" THE HIGH ELVES??

So you have to excuse yourself for not cursing at people nowadays?

Is it wrong to want a T-shirt with "Transcendentally Male" on it, despite being a girl?

And now I have the Why we build the wall in my head. Catchy as fascism dog whistling. You glorious mean man.

FUCK this was a good one

your socialist ideas sound nice but as long as we have a monetary system, you wouldn't be able to just jump straight into breaking up companies and giving away free labor and goods with a snap of the finger. dismantle the military? you realize that half the fucking world hates America and the only reason they haven't ass raped America yet is because America has the most overfunded military in the world, and the day that goes away, no one will fuck with the US Dollar, Russia, China, and North Korea will take turns conquering the army-less land. this is why no one takes you communists seriously, you're almost as bad as the AnCaps.

I know its a petty, nitpicky comment, but pewdiepie is not an antisemite so the "centre of jewish cultural studies" joke is off. He made some shitty jokes, but nothing worse than what a lot of immature people thoughtlessly make. There are so many other people you could've chosen, even on youtube. Probably not a good strat to alienate anyone who happens to be a fan of the largest youtuber. Feel free to point out any overt anti-semitism that i've missed.

First youtuber I've decided to support on Patreon! You deserve it! Keep making great content

Insightful, intelligent and very, very funny. I love that I stumbled upon this video and its channel.

37:30. it's possible to go even further than bernie sanders if we wanted to.

The best part about being face blind is that the fireman and the arsonist aren't necessarily Olly to me.

Hey you got a new subscriber! As you can tell by my picture however I disagree with your aside characterizations of Pewdiepie. I especially like the spooky wall song. Cheers!

30:16 ooh la la olly!

30:22 Are you channeling Hbomberguy there Philosophy Tube? ;)

All the time

Anyone interest in debating more centrist or right leaning policies, contact me.

29:11 oh my favourite orchestra song nice

You giving me a boner

I’m a bit daft but so I was wondering what is the metaphor behind the posh arsonist? Knowingly Self destructive behaviour of “elites” secret infiltration for sabotage? What am I missing I don’t quite get it

Fire is an allegory for fascism, the firefighter is Anti-Fire (Antifa). The Salesman is a "Concerned citizen" who is actually an Arsonist I.E Starting the fire. Meaning if you take it for Fascism hes presented as a centrist/"Normal person" who in secret supports the Fascism and by the end feels close enough to the viewer to let them in on the truth.

I understood it as these kind of modern fascists that seem innocent at first sight. They seem, calm, elegant, intelligent even kind. That flatter you and say they’re only asking questions, but in the end their speech is as incenciary as a neonazi shouting in the streets.

Ollie plays a snooty rich fucker a little too well. Must be the royal blood.

I am actually having to watch this a second time because that fire fighter get up is just making it too hard to concentrate. Damnit.

Keep throwing the word far right so regularly ,u may not realise actual fascists who are about to club u from behind.

This video affected me too much to leave a proper comment so I'm just scrolling and Liking all the praise other people posted I loved it tho~

Why is this guy so hot?

Great video, loved the song at the end!

I wish instead of these, you and ContraPoints would make real movies. You two are so talented. Always impressed by your artistry.

Is it terrible that I find the arsonist really fucking HAWT?

If you not a Pict, get out of Britain. We're being swamped by Saxon immigrants! Roman cultural imperialism is destroying traditional Iron Age values!!

This is probably the most full and persuasive philosophy tube vid yet imo. If Olly can maintain this kind of quality the earth is going to spontaneously implode until everyone is woke af.

Where can I find the cover of "Why We Build the Wall" for stream, download, or purchase?

I'm smoking in Ur theater

Masha Gessen said something about how there were lies created on what we consider the traditional role of lies--to deceive or mislead someone--but there's a second kind of lies where the speaker of them wants to demonstrate the power he possesses, how he can say these words and have an army of people who believe and back him up, ready to stomp out anyone deemed deserving. It's safe to say that the Alt-Right and Donald Trump are pretty much in the second group, so fact-checking, being all, "You're wrong," really serves no purpose. Focus your efforts on reaching those on the fence or use your words as a way of reassurance, letting vulnerable groups who have good reasons to be afraid of the alt-Right and what they represent, that they aren't alone; you are in their corner and are ready to fight.

Anyone else getting A Series of Unfortunate Events / V.F.D. vibes from this?

I'm so excited left wing YouTubers are uniting and collaborating.

I've got that song at the end stuck in my head and I don't even like this channel, but my goodness that song is so on point and the beat is lit.

Well fuck you man I'll watch this outside and smoke!

holy shit Olly

It's pretty interesting how white dudes would make statements, ideating the caste system as being symbolic for racial purity when they themselves are not Indian in any given way. lol. I mean don't get me wrong the Caste System is fashy as all hell, I mean it is after all Feudalism, essentially speaking. (Also it's not SUPPOSED to be alive and well right about now, but fuck autonomy I guess???) so it makes sense that white supremacists would insert castes into their rhetoric, but at the same time, oddly multicultural of them.

you: the exits are to the far left--- me, turning to my boyfriend & whispering: *socialism*

I actually found the "posh former lecturer" character to be the most interesting part of this video. The idea of people claiming to be "reasonable, open-minded centrists" while slowly turning into "arsonists" without even realizing was super interesting. That's pretty much how Steve Bannon works. He's not the fuel, he's the accelerator.

Hah, it's interesting you read him as slowly turning into an arsonist - in my mind he was the arsonist all along and just a barefaced liar trying to trick you! That's why everywhere he claims to have worked has burned down, and why he tells lies about himself like growing up without advantages when he clearly had loads!

" because I want to reach the same audience" wears whatever the fuck that is no thanks id rather watch magic mike

Yay Natalie!

Hbomber feels in this, love it!

That ending is really good! It sends shivers down my spine!

bro u say anti-semite like "See-mite" rather than like "sem-mite"?

I've been binging on Talking Heads' "Once In A Lifetime." And your Smoker looks as if he could do a mean cover, especially as retail kerosene is dyed blue. As Blue as the water in the song.

1:47 nice

PLEASE release your version of Why Do We Build the Wall, that was fucking haunting.

Very well made and thoughtful video! I didn't notice any of the smugness that repelled me from your videos in the past that have caused me to stop watching. You've provided good justifications for the extreme disgust with Bannon. In the past, I've disagreed with him, but my impression of him was he was basically a descent person.

You're not dealing with an ordinary fascist anymore Kakarot!

Yes, I actually would like your audio to be louder. Thanks for asking, Ollie.

26:33 iS tHAT cONTrAPOiNtS!!!!?¿?!?!!!?!¿¿¡¡¿!?!¿!!¡

I love being Transcendentally Male.

Phenomenal. A masterpiece.

Jordan Peterson video next pls

I had a sex dream about you..

I'm not sure anyone can blame you for that

that song is actually catchy as fuck

Cheeky Roger Waters Impression at the end ;) great video!

well he is right, capitalism crashes every ten years

Really well made video that was both entertaining and informative. Love the cameo from ContraPoints plus like that you included the bibliography for sources. Great job!

That Cheddar-Tron edit killed me.

Oh I'm glad you liked that bit! It's all that was left after what was originally a longer joke that I cut cause it was a bit weak. Instead of calling attention to it I decided to just flash the picture and see who caught it haha

'If you're watching steve.... enjoy my big trans commie shitpost'

*we didn’t start the fire*

I'm pretty scared of that ending song so thanks for that

Even in British English, it's man-i-KEY-en. Edit: Good video, though!

The wall song in the credits has to no right to be this good.

I have a mild interest in heathenism because I’m sort of a Germanophile, and when I stumbled onto Survive the Jive‘s channel, i knew I smelled the rat of völkismus. Thanks for confirming it for me.

Lmao Folding Ideas

Jeebus Ollie, thanks for the nightmare fuel soundtrack.

30:15 Do you honestly think there's a difference between "abusing women" and "abusing women ironically"? BDSM is not subversive. It's normalizing violence against women. If the sexist dudes from 100 years ago were alive today, they would definitely say "don't kinkshame me".

Whenever I watch your videos I always think of Olley Olley oxen free! Like you're telling people it's time to stop hiding and examine their own beliefs ...I'll see myself out.

Holy fucking shit im so turned on

You look great as the fireman but even BETTER as the arsonist !!!

The cover song at the end is better than the original. Put that shit on iTunes!

"Socialist. Oh yes."

I don't know if it's my ears or or how you record but you're videos are a lot quieter than everything else I watch.

I feel this about every Philosophy Tube but this is my favourite video yet. Also I watched this on the bus and squealed out loud at 30:15. So cheers.

31:43 don't let the alt right claim anime!!

31:01 don't let the alt-right claim anime! Let's fight back fellow humans and anime-fans!

Olly seems a bit too well-versed in making molotovs. :s

In fairness I didn't make it very well: you'd need stronger alcohol than that or at least some petrol mixed in for good measure.

are you planning to isolate the song at the end as it's own video? i'd link it if so

Fuck you, I want to hang out with you and contrapoints and give all my current friends.

All good people know that its time to volunteer

Watched this twice within a day of release. goddamn!

@Philosophy Tube Loving the Max Frisch reference. Makes me wonder whether you also know Bertold Brecht's work?

Beardy Contrapoints is invited to my orgies now

why is this contrapoints video labeled as a philosophy tube one? get on that, youtube

Okay, so I know this probably isn't something anyone else would have experienced, but I was playing DBZ Xenoverse 2 with this in the background and when 31:32 happened I legit had to pause my game to make sure I was hearing things right.

Thank you for taking the time to make fun of Evola. He's just so... well let's just say that there's a lot there and hoo boy. Far-right mysticism is a hilarious topic. A+ content that I crave

Democracy: The God that Failed

I love the radio play the firebugs

I wish someone would just start the revolution.

So do I...but in practical terms, we need to be organized first. More hands are needed! Look for your local Anti-Fire group to learn from, it'll help.

I was thinking a bit today about this use of fire as a metaphor for fascism, and i think it has some interesting implications that may not have been directly intended. Namely, I was thinking that if fire is allegorical to fascism and arsonists are allegorical to fascists, then doesn't that mean that fascism is more of a thing one does than something they are? Like, you'd be called an arsonist if you bring about and spread fires, and thus you're called a fascist if you bring about and spread fascism. And so too can someone unintentionally start a fire, just as someone can start something with the unforeseen consequences of stoking fascism. In particular I'm thinking of classical liberal types here, as they do so often light up their matches for everyone to see. So, i guess there's your 'yes, and!' take, uwu.

I'm French. That one was hard to follow, especially since I didn't know the people you were talking about. I wish I would've understood everything you're saying, maybe next time when I rewatch!

A few things I have to tell Olly after watching this: - That was f***ing fantastic! The quality of your videos these days is amazing, loved it! - Burying your head in the woods...I died - Please do more videos in vests

18:09 I’ve never been appreciated for my worship of the great spaghetti monster before

Right, I’m not being funny here, but that was the best video I have ever watched. You were so funny throughout and I fucking died multiple times at your jokes. You were soooo informative, easy to understand yet enlightening. You could explain complex ideas in an easily digestible manner, and cast a brilliant light on the manipulative tactics of the right. Your effects during the whole video (with the ANTIFA message at the end, the theatre into just everything) were just gorgeous!!!! Finally, when you said that we don’t need to settle for reforms and half-measures but can fight for a fully just society-I nearly cried. This issue of whether to vote more moderate or in a way that more reflected my views (a conflict between the SNP and the SSP in my case) and you really helped me see the issue more clearly. Thank you so much for putting your time and effort into making this complete masterpiece which I can tell you know will be rewatched often!!!! PS you looking like a whole ass snack here! Your body is looking great and I swear to god your face is so perfect!!

"transcendently male" *chad intensifies*

Hadn’t even heard of this guy before but I was still very interested in the video and it is an amazing video.

Thanks! Welcome to the little community :)

Have you been influenced by Adam Curtis? I like his style very much as well.

+spinakker that gesture is a little hard to explain, but as far as i understand it, it implies a secret or some kind of shared knowledge between the person doing the gesture and whoever they're speaking to. it's kind of like a wink, which olly does in the video as well. it can be a sign to keep what's being said confidential, as if to say "between you and me..." or, as in this case, that the person gesturing understands what the other person means, so they don't need to say anything more.

The second time watching this was an entirely new experience, thank you for this

Incredible work. Chilling.

so pewdiepie is an anti-semite according to your logic. wow...

I'm not sure I'm smart enough to understand all, especially some subtle references, but I really enjoyed this work of art.

we need more deconstruction vids like this.....great work ollie!

Excellent video (not to mention song number), but I also would have loved to see you include more of Bannon's desire for anarchy and, in many ways, the apocalypse ala Revelations. Sarah Kendzior has done quite a lot of analysis on it via her Twitter, particularly in regards to moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Coming to a turning point in human history has a different edge to it when people would rather see the end of human history than change. On a totally different note, the Arsonist was giving me a real evil Ben Miller vibe, which was fun.

(I lost my shit at the jontron photoshop face). Can't believe my bro Cheddar Man was a fucking Bolshevik... a fucking Commulist

Oh dear lordy, I doth love you!

I sincerely appreciated the Tenchi Muyo reference.

he’s also halfway right about NATO problem is he wants to “have people pay their fair share.” As opposed to just scrapping this destructive institution

Can you do a video on Slav nationalism vs Bannonism.

@truediltom where you at?

Steve Bannon has potentially fucked my country

When you describe how fascist-leaning populists avoid substantive debates of truth in favor of their own handwavy lines of thinking, a dangerous quote that I have made up entirely enters my mind: "When you cannot be talked down, you must be taken down. That goes for both the well-spoken and the deluded." Regardless of perspective, it applies. These fascists need to be taken down for us to succeed, and they are going to have to take us down if they are to succeed. I wonder whether bloodshed will be necessary or inevitable, considering what is at stake... or if, simply, democratically winning and moving towards our agenda will invalidate their despicable habits by observing life becoming better and bring them to our fold... that they'll "learn to love it". I can only imagine that's exactly what they think, too. While we both engage in this tug of war, we desperately need the other team to lose, or else nobody is going anywhere they want to be and the other side will not ever consider giving up. But will it be as simple as one side giving way after a consistent gain by the other side? What if that just pushes them over the edge... I wonder, in quiet despair: how much longer can we stand this bullshit before someone pulls out a gun... and how will it end once that DOES happen?

I like the way you meme sir

Attempt at Constructive Criticism Incoming! I found the messages in the video quite confusing. What exactly was the brit arsonist guy all about? What's the connection between the main idea and the 'forewards in time' bit? What exactly is the video saying about Steve Banon? The song at the end felt (at first) to be kind of inspiring to the left. (but the confusion with "wall" stuff got me to search and find what its about) I say all that with all my love. If this message ends up not being valid to you (or you end up not even seeing it) it's perfectly ok. Maybe the confusion was even intended. Either way I am grateful for this work.

it might help to think of "fire" as a stand-in for "fascism" the brit guy in the suit reading the paper, i think, is olly's rendition of the way that some people with some right-of-center beliefs get into fascism

oh crazy i can't believe wall donated

That fucking drop at "And our work is never done!" is out of this fucking world.

At one point you say Marx's critique of capitalism, espoused in Das Kapital was that capitalism is a fundamentally immoral economic system. Admittedly, I only read the first volume of das Kapital so. It's possible the posthumous follow-up volume may make that point. But volume 1 doesn't lack a dialectic look at morality & market economy. He takes what I would call an anti-moral stance. That is, morality, as such, doesn't exist. Any concept of morality as an objective philosophical construct is just a false construct of the bourgeoisie to maintain an affectation of power over the proletariat..... Can any marxist (or someone with enough familiarity of Marxist ideas) help by explaining how/why I am mistaken? Or if I am not mistaken how/why competing ideas like the fabrication by capitalists of the concept of morality itself and a belief by Marxists that capitalism is inherently immoral. are not philosophical contradictions

If you haven't already, check out the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's page on Marx, which has a section on moral considerations. As I understand it (and I'm not an expert), Marx never said capitalism was immoral, but he never said that morality doesn't exist either. I think a more precise claim is: ideology, which includes morality, is conditioned by the economic structure of an epoch. For Marx it's therefore beside the point whether or not capitalism is "objectively" immoral (though individual practices can be criticized); once any mode of economic organization can no longer serve its intended purpose, revolution naturally follows, usually to the overall benefit of humanity. Edit: I'd also add that claims like "it's a bougie false construct to maintain power over proles" sounds more like something Gramsci would say than Marx. It's hard to tell for me anyway, since Marx is trying to be a dispassionate man of the "hard sciences" while heavily suggesting deeply moral statements.

This is some Frisch content you Fire Raiser

Damn! Was this good

Thanks for mentioning Brazil, people are kind of watching the Trainwreck here and doing nothing

I'm gonna go ahead and be the airhead who unnecessarily comments on how damn good this man looks in this video

"Steve, the color of your soul is between you and God. But your ass belongs to me." Police? There's been a murder!

You really should change the name of the channel to theatre tube. You're quite obviously just using this channel as a springboard into an acting job and any philosophy gets buried and detracted from as a result. Your Marx videos were epic and your Foucault series was fascinating but now you just seem a dancing monkey with a script. Because of which, what would have once seemed insightful from you now seems trite and partisan.

how can you expect me to pay attention when you're showing so much chest hair

When do you have to give ContraPoints her lights back?

Evola's on that old school Hindu meritocracy tip. You're born an untouchable cause you were a piece of shit on the last go around

JFK was the last true populist Democrat we have had. A lot of the appeal to American died along with him, too...

At 7:55: It's the Book of Revelation not Revelations


great job

Uh.... on the subject of cheddarman. These people know what continent life started on right? Our species evolved based on climate and geography. White people are white because of the lack of necessity of melatonin in darker, colder climates. We're kindof worse evolved than darker races which is every race other than white people. We're much more likely to get damaged by the sun. As it turns out, being white is natural disadvantage. Maybe we're just insecure. We can't make life, we're more likely to get skin cancer, and its so ingrained in our brains that we've collectively overcompinsated and demonized those who are visibly different.

Got here (the channel in general, not this video specifically) from Hbomberguy and the Donkey Kong stream. Not remotely disappointed.


Even without the Antifa pun, just the visual of someone saying they’re “anti-fire” is really hilarious on its own.

The scary thing is, even though we are in on the ‘joke’ of the arsonist, everything about him is so smooth and seductive. Oh he thinks I’m special, he gets me, he actually understands me, he’s a striver just like me... of course I’ve got a match mate, it’s only a cigarette after all.

E x a c t l y

"I do not believe in The End Times. We are Mankind. Our footprints are on the Moon. When the last trumpet sounds and the Beast rises from the Pit... we will kill it." --Stacker Pentacost, "Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero"

Ok that was really frigging good.

At first my comment would have been, "So, I'm trying to listen to what your saying but, dude, put your chest away." and to be honest I'm still there. But then you reminded me about the construction of publics and for that I thank you. That said, in order to have centerist populism, centerism would have to be an actual thing rather than an amalgum of self delusions. That said, I think its absolutly right that cheddar man has been given a cheeky grin, how happy would you have been to have invented cheese on toast?

I don't suppose there's any chance of you putting up your awesome Why We Build the Wall cover as a standalone video?

Your offhanded joke about pewdiepie was in very poor taste. You should better inform yourself before propagating the unfound accusations about someone being antisemitic. Other than that, nice video.

+Philosophy Tube felix might not be the arsonist, but he throws plenty of matches around

I didn't say he was an antisemite: I said it would be in poor taste to name a Jewish Cultural Studies Centre after him and that he's the most famous Swedish man to use YouTube to distribute anti-Semitic messages, both of which are true. I don't really mind what he believes in his heart. And if paying people to hold up a sign saying ' Death to all Jews' doesn't count as distributing anti-Semitic messages then the bar has risen unreasonably high IMO!

+lolcatjunior making a joke in poor taste is not the same as spreading antisemitic ideas. People who are not familiar with the channel and hear Olly's jokes are just going to interpret that as "pewdiepie is a neonazi". Especially if you joke about him in the context of a video with _actual_ neonazis. I think Olly should be allowed to publicly criticize someones jokes, but just publicly putting the idea "pewdiepie is a neonazi" on the table without any context is unfair and irresponsible.

+Floris Bernard Pewdiepie is not a nazi, but paying a bunch of poor fans from India to raise a kill all jews sign is a childish joke. He should grow up.

+Samuel Foley sure. I would say that is an equally untrue statement

To be fair, he never called him antisemitic, he just said that pewdiepiew disseminated antisemitic messages through his channel.

*some right-wing crackhead:* THE LEFT IS A LOVECRAFTIAN HORROR!! *me, a low-level, lefty:* neat.

Everyone likes fantansy until it becomes reality.

Extraordinary video, subversive in all the best possible ways. I was skeptical when I saw the title about Bannon, yet I clicked and it was worth all of the nearly 45-minutes.

"the exits are to the far left" is such a classy pun

Wow. That was fucking excellent.

Oh god. The "far left" was excellent. The "anti-fire" was excellent. The aesthetic is excellent. I'M ONLY 2 MINUTES INTO THE VIDEO HOW GOOD CAN THIS GET T-T

pls release this cover of Why We Build The Wall because it's AMAZING

If a man looks a lot like a slightly chubby Justin Trudeau, is it a MORAL IMPERATIVE to call him "Justin Trudoughy"? I, and countless others, say yes.

I appreciated that you seemed to really try and understand bannons point of view, I still think he’s a douche though.

Ollie looks daddy af in those suspenders. I think he’s showing off the muscles for Natalie.

I really want a gif of "transcendentally male" Olly

39:00 you state that climate change is the fault of liberal capitalism and that it won't be able to solve in time, but a simple rebuttal of that would be that other countries are even worse. Just look at at Venezuela (which saw its socialist system collapse due to low oil prices because they were so dependent on the heavily polluting oil industry) or China (authoritarian capitalism, no.1 polluter in the world). At least in liberal democracies we see green parties existing and taking up the plight of environmentalism.

35:28 Don't you think that applies more to white middle-upper class? People with low socio-economic status often realize that they have different customs and habits compared to richer people. I really liked how they portrayed that in the movie The Departed. It's like living on the wrong side of town, which can be correlated to race. But as you imply yourself: it is not that they are poor because of race. At 35:40 I realized you were just imitating Bannon's style.

33:28 Strong disagreement there friend. The bosses hire people for certain wages based on the availability. This is a basic supply-demand question. More immigrants = more supply of (often low-skilled) labor. So this is why a plumber can no longer afford to buy a house and we are sliding to a new sort of feudalism which is masquerading as capitalism. But hey, that last part is just my unfounded tendentious and unnecessarily hurtful opinion.

Please exit to the far left!

wait, do you live in fucking newcastle? didnt kna that

can we talk about how d a d d y ollie looks in this please

Who perfors your version of "Why We Build the Wall"?

I cannot tell you how excited I was to hear the chords from 'Why We Build the Wall' at the beginning.

How can Bolsonaro be "far-right" when he was elected with 56% of the votes. You lunatics label people with 1990's values "far-right".

+Emperor Augustus You mean using social media to spread conspiracy theories? Joseph Goebbels would be proud. Destroying the amazon would destroy the whole world, that would make you lunatics.

+lolcatjunior The far-left hates when centrists use their methods against them. You're damn right you lunatics are going to face the consequences we are going to complete remove all of you from public life in Brazil.

The Dilma was actually more popular than Bolsanaro. Bolsonaro says that he will forcibly take land away from the natives and get rid of all environment regulations that protect the Amazons, which is considered to be lungs of the world. He all told his political enemies to leave of face the "consequences"

'this many people can't be wrong!' And you call yourselves free thinkers

I'm sorry, I lost it at the Tenchi Muyo reference...

Oohohoooo, wow. 10 outta 10. Bravo. Encore. That was fantastic.

Ah, a well-placed Super Saiyan joke. ♥

Concerns have been raised. They were cheaper to raise than children.

Can we get a standalone video and/or download of the ending song?

Olly, ilu but pronunciation note: "Manichaean" is man-ih-KEE-un. Keep up the wonderful work!

People who believe in such things as a "naturally ordered hierarchy of the races" genuinely terrify me. Why do so many people seek to justify the treatment of "designated others" as lesser beings?

and wow farmed gold seller lmao

Apparently a Jewish school was set on fire and painted with swastikas, we have real arsonists running around now


"Your beliefs are between you and God, but your ass belongs to me". GREAT callback to The Shawshank Redemption. Nice work Oliver.

Compliments. Btw are you singing about the 'antifascistische schutzwalle' (wall)? ;-)

Dammit. First the Limeys become the best American Actors, now your producing the best American YouTube content........ though Mr. 3Arrows is arguably the present TopDog

I.. I really think you could go on tour with this one. What a piece, and what a terrifying reality.

I don't normally feel the need to comment on a Youtube video, but GODDAMN this was a firecracker (ho ho, bon mot!) of a show. I liked, subscribed, and I even tickled the notification bell's little ball like a pervert to get a jingle every time you post. Great work, looking forward to more fantastic episodes in the future.

love it

I can see the contrapoints in this video, it’s an excellent influence to have.

1:44 That guy in the forefront is going to have to live with the consequences of choosing that hairstyle for the rest of his life... This picture will be associated with an event that resulted in someone's death. There's no way for him to tell the millions of people that have seen this that he was being "ironic" or "trolling libtards". All they're going to remember is this guy's sweaty face, stupid haircut, and his association with violent (yet oddly dorky) racists--everything else is simply academic. Though, for all I know, he might not want to fall back on that tired excuse; it's hard to believe that someone that joins a group that wants to "unite the right" doesn't have some idea of the kind of swamp creatures a dog whistle like that would draw out into the light of day.

I think this is your best video yet!

Humans are a breed of Chimpanzee on a planet gone ape.

You know, I always have to ask, what if we just let these people have their way and they gradually kill off women as a concept because they obviously hate women so much? What will they do when there are no girls left? Will they just jerk each other off all the time and slowly die off? So... they wouldn't really change much, I guess.

Hard to get past the shtick.

“YouTube dot GOV” ?!?!

The part about partly true statements is not something to praise Bannon for, though. Its not like he is honestly mistaken. You need to say stuff that is partly true to make your propaganda more effective. That's how it works, and i think Bannon knows it.

He is British in the UK, so, he probably has no qualms about that, but the things he proposed are just one step further for a left populist and no one on the left seriously decides on getting rid of the military, but just lower the amount of funding it currently has. As why do a nuclear nation require the ability to wage a two front war at the same time protection from invasion? As no one, but America is capable of a invasion around the globe and others can only wage asymmetrical warfare as a means of survival.

I know its a petty, nitpicky comment, but pewdiepie is not an antisemite so the "centre of jewish cultural studies" joke is off. He made some shitty jokes, but nothing worse than what a lot of immature people thoughtlessly make. There are so many other people you could've chosen, even on youtube. Probably not a good strat to alienate anyone who happens to be a fan of the largest youtuber. Feel free to point out any overt anti-semitism that i've missed.But acting as if he is some symbol of anti-semitism for some poor taste jokes is absurd, especially, given how many real and dangerous other people you could have said instead.

Having a platform that guarantees you an audience of millions, and using that platform to: •dress in a Nazi uniform whilst giving one of Hitler's speeches •pay people in order to show them holding up a sign saying "death to all Jews" •promote the videos of people who also have videos spreading antisemitic and neo-nazi propaganda is not "nothing worse than what a lot of immature people thoughtlessly make." At best, and this is being overly generous, he has no idea how to handle discussions around Jewish culture, which is why the joke in this video works.

+spinakker It means "keep it quiet" or " we know,right". Its hard to describe,sort of "we're in on a secret you and I" overall. Sorry,I bet you are more confused now lol

I physically cannot work,my only income comes from renting one house. Come your revolution am I up against the wall?So to a non fnar fnar way,or a fnar fnar way,just curious.

Do you have anything to say about Machiavelli?

Wouldn't surprise me if the Canadian company claiming this video is owned by a /pol/tard of something similar :/

Arrakiz666 I have a feeling A Series of Unfortunate Events is at least partly based on the same play this video is based on or at the very least it heavily references the play. On another note: I really want to see/read “The Arsonist” now and reread A Series of Unfortunate Events.

You look like a discount Freddie Mercury in your fireman suit. Love your work and look forward to seeing more of you and Hbomberguy

But the media image of the Chedder man image is far darker than the actual model,which kind of looks like an Italian with a sun tan. There was "Leftie Trolling". I'll never agree with that Survive the Jizz creep but the Chedder Man kerffufle was blatent nonsense on both sides.

Sorry,but did anyone else just think " Multi Pass!"

olly you bastard how many takes did you ruin laughing your ass off imitating vegeta?

Does that man with a beard and also hair sell toupees?

I'm so sorry, but can we talk about the see through wifebeater? oh my god, it's hard to focus on the points you're making... hmm

Just noticed the boiling frog at 1:17 Also LOL @"anti-fire"

You're killing it, kid. Keep up the great work. Vive le Socialisme! Mort au Fascisme!

lefty faves collabing

10/10 video and 10/10 hadestown cover my guy

Broke: transgender man Woke: TRANSCENDENTALLY MALE

your chest hair distracts me.


'right here, on' indeed.

21:30 That is a Phelous level gag and I am proud of you.

Sometimes I think everyone is as bad as the property holders. Sometimes I pity the property holders cuz they don't know any better. Other times I think most everyone could be pretty okay if the property owners didn't have an enforcement mechanism and we could just talk about what we need. I'm a pie in the sky type anarchist who really thinks greed and fear are the problem and I'd like nothing more than those issues to be addressed. I really want to believe that we can be kind to each other. Is it impossible at this point :(

"Tenchi Muyo was redpilled as fuuuuuck" DON'T YOU DARE BRING MY WAIFU INTO THIS! ...Holy fuck, the big red and black at the end of the video eh? Congrats on "coming out"? :)

Equality of outcome? What's the world coming to?

I just had a thought: is your set up, where you stand camera left on purpose? Like not only is,it so the eye can flow naturally from you to the info on screen, but also that you align yourself "left from sauron". Edit: the second? Are you referring to Varg Vikernes? That's the only one i can think of

It's so the eye flows in the way you say

its funny that u use the metaphor of the arsonist. In Argentina we had a "democratic" president in the 40s, Juan Peron (and i say "democratic" because although he won the election fairly, he was part of the military coup that preceded his presidency, and while in office he sistematically persecuted and incarcereted a large part of his opposition), that for me at least, is the perfect example of the type of populism the world is living right now. He took the mantle of "the people", with pseudo-marxist rhetoric while maintaining a heavy anti-communist policy. He rally the working class by dividing the country between "the people" and the "oligarchy", while never doing nothing really significant to fight them. Created lots of jobs and social security standards, and gave lots of power to the unions of workers by making them part of the party, and making the party part of the state itself. Then in his second presidency he had used up all the reserves money in protectionism and creating low-efficency factories (to generate more of his base supporters by making agro-workers into factory workers), because of this he had to make cuts in social security and re-open the country to foreign investment, while battling inflation by reducing consumption. Then a military coup happened and he escaped to Spain. One of his nicknames was "the arsonist firefighter". To this day the Peronist party exist and has a heavy weight on our policies, while having presidents from the party going from rightwing neo-liberals, to "far left" keynesians. Maybe its is Argentinian ego but i would like to see someone making a deep dive in the connections between what we had experience in politics and what is happening in the world right now. Me canse de escribir en ingles viva peron.

I can't stop staring at Ollie's chest

That tie looks oddly familiar..

That Stefan Molyneux impression was spot on.

My favorite part is the horoscope. I like how it doesn't matter the answer because it's the same no matter what. I don't care about that so I never remember what my star-sign is so when he ask I always go uhh so it's always the horoscope for a nonexistent star-sign.

This is a really good one

What is he whispering at 14:05?

"right here on youtube dot *gov*" ;D

30:00 and its obvious you have spent too much time with Harris. That boy is precious and he can rub off on you, sure, but too many Hbomberguys and well... I think you can see where this is going.

the suited character reaminds me of the protagonist from camus's ''the fall''

First time watching one of your videos, came here from Badmouse. All I can say is, it was amazing, Everything about the video is just perfect and the symbolism with fire fits great, i'm stunned at how good this was and how I can't have discovered you earlier, you have got a subscriber and supporter in me. PS: as I wrote this I reached the end credits and had to take a quick break from writing, such great ending, goosebumps really!

For fuck's sake, the end of this was so good.

Brilliant adding the chad skull. Natalie Wynn would be proud! Lol. I love seeing easter eggs between you two!


Europeans 10,000 years ago were recent arrivals from further down south, because they followed the retreating continental ice. Thus, we should not be surprised if Europeans were darker 10,000 years ago. That's about enough time to kill off the people with most melanin, leaving the paler folk who can synthesise vitamin D 30 latitudes further up north. Mediterranean cave dwellers illustrated themselves clearly darker than Europeans today. One way northern Europeans could have become paler is that by having to wear more clothes most of the year they don't need as much melanin, and natural selection treats producing that amount of melanin if it isn't needed as extra burden. Still, most Europeans can get a tan but won't be able to pass for North Africans. Evolution by natural selection is another thing Bannon doesn't believe in, just like other facts that are inconvenient.

One problem I've noticed is that every few generations the people forget the lessons of their great-grandfathers' mistakes taught them. See the rise of neo-Nazi parties today, who are allied with Russian dictator like Hitler was allied with Stalin until he attacked Soviet Union. Crash of 2008 was 100% the fault of greedy banksters, and the next war will come because idiotic morons are glorifying violence instead of portraying it as counterproductive bullshit way of doing shit. Rebellion is the essence of being free. We need a government, but that government doesn't have to and should not be dictatorial; *we* can govern ourselves (I'm an Anarcho-syndicalist). I agree with the notion of _Noam Chomsky_ that authority must always justify itself, not the other way around. Population doesn't have to justify itself. I'm probably a leftwing populist, and I think that anti-intellectual attitudes fostered by American culture since about 1950s have missed the mark in making "elite" more about people who read books than people who are just fucking rich. The billionaires are the real elite, and danger to social stability, not "academic pinheads" that rightwingers tend to mock. The billionaires have hijacked government so that society has been run by and for the rich. Bannon is a racist bullshit cannon who doesn't admit that the real problem is economic inequality that perpetuates itself through inheritance rights and almost non-existent estate taxes. _Piketty_ is right in _Capital in 21st century_ that as capital is rewarded so much more generously than work, and wages taxed higher than capital gains, the inequality will only grow. If you inherit a billion dollars, you'll have a hard time spending the capital gains by living like a normal person, thus becoming richer every year.

Heh. Exits are to the far left. Subtle.

Your ego is a tad tiring, farewell.

Please add further readings into your descriptions sometime! Fascinating work, all together. Thank you for citations and all the work you put into this presentation.

Can we all agree that Olly has gone full antifa? I love it.

Agreed! Absolutely one of Olly's BEST. Well-researched, clear, and as thorough as it gets.

+DeoMachina already did, pretty great and recommendable

If you have a spare hour I really recommend the antifa video he did

Alerta! Alerta! Anti-Fuegoista! ^^

Jesus, that song gives me the creeps.

33:17 just time-stamping for reference don't mind me

I agree with most of what's said in this video, but what I don't understand is the comment about disbanding the military. If a country becomes Socialist it needs a military to maintain the dictatorship of the proletariat against the dictatorships of the bourgeoisie.

This reminds me of max frisch's book "Biedermann und die Brandstifte"

We build the wall to throw cucks like you off of it :)

+RoxioGamingHD I tend to respond to individual statements and stimulus within the video, I do this if I get bored.

You know most people only leave one comment, but it's good to see you went above and beyond and left six! That means that you are six times better than a normal person!

If Evola is wrong about men becoming effeminate, why are you left wing?

3rd wave feminism and BLM prove Evola right :^)

Are you genuinely attempting to make the argument that the student body of most colleges doesn't skew heavily left due to the ideological hegemony the left has established in academia, and that those in teaching positions that are left wing do not go out of their way to indoctrinate students? You must be insane if you can't wrap your mind around that much.

+Austin Rogers Yes I'm sure that simply because you disagree the opinions held by others are false, and I'm sure you've actually gone through the trouble to unpack your own beliefs and investigate whether they fit with reality. (sarcasm labeled because I assume you're stupid if you think that left wing positions are somehow miraculously better than right wing ones without any inquiry.)

Are you genuinely attempting to argue that most right wing views aren't inherently anti-intellectual and nonsensical? No it couldn't be. All these seperate academic institutions, many of which are non-profit, are all apart of some vast conspiracy to "brainwash" college students. That's it. Occam's razor strikes again.

Stop spamming.

the horoscope was brilliant :D you nailed it down to a T

A reasonable characterization of boomers

I think you're an idiot, but go ahead and take the floor (I haven't watched yet)

You are bang on the meme, Olly - Stewart Lee

Damn, but that framing device was effective! That's some Edgar Wright level storytelling right there.

Looking buffffffff

The wheel that isn't a wheel but an exponential graph that doesn't move periodically because that would be simplistic and silly, periodically comes back to the age old question of sticks versus stones, serpent versus eagle, dragon versus tiger, because history does not! repeat itself periodically. Periods are an illusion. Anyone who calls this the kali-yuga uses moon logic; also I'm a feminist and against patriarchal sun-worship. The black covers the red, as it did in Russia, as it did in Spain. The black does not forget though Olly. It just bides its time and counts the players.

It is odd that Bannon blames Boomers for being a bunch of liberals. Since they are Trumps biggest base for support. He is partially right in blaming Boomers for the crash,but not for the reasons he thinks. Since it was them who voted for all the neoliberal politicians, and sold out their childrens future for a few tax cuts.

"Boomers" were just the he was working with at the time. The word doesn't really matter because it doesn't signify real people, it signifies "The Evil Other".

I can't get over how good this is, especially the Arsonist character. The horoscope thing really stands out, taking 'You must be someone very special' from simple mysticism in the same way fascism relies on a self appointed destiny. But the last 5 mins stands out the most, the man stockpiling chemicals, building a molotov (and not being polite and thanking the delivery man was a nice touch) wants a match and no one in their right mind would trust him, yet he's already laid the groundwork for compliance. Can't light up a cigarette without being called an arsonist, that's my right etc etc. So Good!

Bosses also lower wages by shipping factories/production plants overseas and paying slaves wages. Bannon pointed this out too when he talked about "de-industrialization," but as you say, he gets the diagnosis semi-right, but then gets the prescribed solution totally wrong. Keep up the great work.

I laughed so hard at Geordie man.

Originally the faux-documentary was gonna be called 'First Chad' but I didn't wanna spoil the punchline

Great video, once again! You take political commentary and turn it into an art form.

Ten minutes of this were actually about Steve Bannon.

It's using Steve Bannon as a salient example of the wider issue it's tackling - that being the MO of fascist rhetoric

I like the philosophy. I like the drama. I love your channel. I'm mildly concerned about the stroll into economic theory without doing anything that seems to actually _be_ rigorous economics, but presumably that's not something you're as confident about, which is fine. I do appreciate the exploration of the more philosophical side of that, especially in the communication of ideas.

This probably describes my attitude towards a lot of breadtube.

I did not expect Hadestown music when i clicked this video


Does he have a bird shaved into his chest?

I need it to be known that I am on fire. Actual flames. Oli come and save me. Oh, and don't forget to dress appropriately.

This is another proof that marxism and fasism need to feed of each other until a breaking point is reached, to the detriment of the rest of society. Have fun with the gulags comrade.

Pewdiepie is not an antisemite. However he is an asshole who gives antisemites a platform.

​+DeoMachina No trouble at all. I apologize for the lack of clarity on this matter; I was too fancy with my words. I made the mistake of referring to "a gun", as if to say "ONE GUN". I should have been more careful. I'm not speaking about singular violent incidents that have added up or systemic trends of law enforcement against innocent black people. I know of those. If you meant something beyond that, I hope you clarify. What I really meant was MANY guns. WAR. Not wars of words or wars at the voting booth. I meant war with bullets, in the streets, across the country, organized and dedicated to the silencing of the opposite side by means of death. You know, the way politics change OUTSIDE OF civil democratic processes or seamless regime transitions. That's what I have been worrying about.

I really hate to break this to you but they have been pulling out guns and much worse for..a while now.

+Wanchurlish well, I have these two friends

+Karl Jones As long as it's just you...

Hey, can I stay in your attic?

+2manynegativewaves I belive it's kinda obvious that in a socialized system of production your limitations would be recognized and all your necessities would be taken care of...

In regards to Marxism, I'm not sure if "morally unjustifiable" is the correct phrase to use when it comes to an analysis of capitalism, for the same reason that people tend to settle for social democracy or democratic socialism-it's what people are more confortable with for the time being until it reaches a farther breaking point. I'm hoping for social democracy in the States, since it seems to be catching on more and more as the "middle class" continues to dissapate in vapour. It's at least a proper short term plan. Good video by the way. And the beard.

First video of yours I have seen. I love your voice, its the same butteryness as markiplier, but more sophisticated! ❤!

this is so fun!

Philosophy Tube feels like a sociopath who is all on your side and technically superior jumping into your personal space: impressive, interesting, enticing but also intensely irritating and warning, superficial-but-not hyper-confident wry glib sarcastic boundary-pushing grand-standing that gets under your skin. Bannon's famous dishevelment and the Boris Johnson effect and the bumbling words, pouting and orange naffly lust-driven side of Trump's tox-masc Bravado - and the individual aesthetics of the far-right pair discussing Cheddar Man and the many similar types in that level of the far right ecosystem (some aspects of the aesthetic having a painful and much-discussed history of cross-over/appropriation with queer aesthetics) - the Everyman/relateable/less-threatening aesthetic is part of the story and intensifies the "aspirational" parts and the bamboozle - or at least opens the door to it. Maybe you need to think about the tone a little for maximum impact. On them. Although you're trying to make yourself look silly and not without vulnerabilities, are you!? (Also sorry! Take this with a pinch of Salt. Comment made having stopped at 29:03 in the small hours (having been trying to break away from the computer for ages and finally bodily functions won the day) and having slept on in it.) (It gets a bit more fun in a chill way... as far as discussing that sort of stuff goes; your poise breaking up in the hyperbola of it all and Natalie's poised voice coming in to rescue it. x) (And the rest is a rollercoaster it goes a bit less fun again and of course with the urbane fire-starter it 'makes more sense' - although it's not just this video it's part of the attitude and the fighting stance and what the video is trying to do... )

Never will you find a more elegant piece of propaganda.

Every jab made at Pewdiepie's expense results in yet another bundle of dislikes for sharing unsubstantiated statements. Stop.

+rattregoondoof Eh, whatever. I hear all the time people saying Pewdiepie is a Nazi. I'm sick and tired of people saying it, or even insinuating as such.

unsubstantiated? He's making fun of the fiverr controversy. I don't think he actually thinks pewdiepie is antisemitic but the "joke" was in poor taste and even, if you ignore the whole antisemitic part (again, it was probably just a joke and I'm pretty sure most people took it to just be a joke), it wasn't very funny.

I can't tell if you are actually against PewDiePie or you are furthering the meme of WSJ

damn, the fancy dressed version, was really scary at the end. Was great!

Who came up with the idea of a national maximum wage? How would attempting to take money off the people who vote on where the head office of a corporation will be help the general population? At least if the super rich are in your country you get whatever does trickle down and maybe some tax. You can try to incentivise companies to stay but except for offering lower taxes and fewer restrictions there are so many free trade agreements around it wouldn’t be hard to justify a headquarters move and under a lot of agreements you couldn’t even advertise against them directly... And as you probably know most of the mega wealthy became so through investments and nearly all maintain that status through investment... so until the means of production are in the hands of the workers....

genuinely thought i was losing it listening to the into music and thinking "WHY does this sound like HADESTOWN". great taste in musicals, and also politics

I love your videos! That said, I don't believe Pewdiepie is an anti-semite.

I really like this new character, he represents the more internalized prejudice that I think a lot of privileged people (and a surprising amount of more moderate leftists) hold

Constructing a Public? Who had more to do with constructing the current public? A few conservatives or the vast majority of universities, media organizations, and government bureaucracies? e.g. All your peers are having premarital sex so you should too. Everyone else has at least one gay friend so why don't you? All people in the south are gap toothed yokels. Don't you agree? The guy who killed the go-go dancer is not her druggie violent boyfriend but the evil corporate CEO who was using her as a sex object. Aren't all Christians just prudish snoopy hypocrites who do really perverted things behind closed doors? etc.

Part 5. I know that stereotypes about southern hicks do exist and I acknowledge that the left, broadly speaking, can be a bit bad with how it depicts the rural poor, especially in the south. To undo any sympathy I may have just garnered, I have always lived in the Dallas area, my grandparents own two farms (one was my great-grandma's who recently passed and they currently maintain both) and basically are every christian right stereotype, I don't personally find much offense with most southern stereotypes and even in my libertarian days didn't. Of course, just because I don't find offense with it doesn't mean there isn't issue to be had and all stereotypes are bad. I would like to see this go if only because anyone at all takes offense to it. I think you have a fairly common misunderstanding of left-wing views judging from your go-go dancer (I'm going to assume you meant stripper because I don't think I've ever heard anyone use "go-go dancer" outside of a joke) and druggie violent boyfriend comment. Left-wing politics, speaking VERY broadly, is much more about systemic issues than individual behavior but it doesn't just ignore individual behavior. I can't say exactly what conversations may have led you to this specific example or anything so I'll just try to dissect it in broad ways. Corporations (well, pharmaceutical corporations) have heavily contributed to the recent opioid epidemic through marketing to doctors, influence over prescription rates and other methods to get product into as many hands as possible. In the case of painkillers this marketing intentionally labelled certain drugs as having all the benefits of Opiates (the best painkillers we know of but highly addictive) but none of the downsides. This was not true, they were great painkillers but very addictive. Corporations got massive profits and have suffered very little consequence for getting people addicted to painkillers and, by extension, opiates. Corporations are to blame as well. Her violent boyfriend should go to jail if he killed her yes but drug companies are far from innocent. Left-wing politics would also likely be concerned about why she needed to be a go-go dancer (unless she genuinely wanted to do that), why her boyfriend was on drugs and how best to get him off of drugs, why he was violent and how best to deal with that. No one would think the boyfriend was innocent (unless he actually was) or randomly assume that a ceo killed her. The questions would mostly be what led to this and how can we best avoid such a situation in the future. There's a good chance I'm completely off base with what you were even trying to say in this sentence though. I honestly don't think I even understood what you were trying to say. I can say I have heard the stereotype that christians are all prudish snobs (or snoop around where things are none of their business, not sure which you were going for but either works) and secretly can be really perverted. For what it's worth, the christians I've been around are some of the nicest people I've ever met but then I'm not one of the typical targets for christians (being non-middle eastern, not lgbt, and not openly atheistic or areligious). I do think it fairly obvious that christians can feel the need to pry into things that are completely irrelevant to them. How long did it take for lgbt people to marry and how many legal ways are there still to discriminate against them? Who has pushed for that so much if not christians? How long did birth control take to become legal and who was it that fought against that? I'm not trying to argue that this stereotype isn't bad. It does present an extremely negative depiction of christians but it also has a bit of truth and shows something to be avoided. My own grandparents are extremely christian and would be extremely disappointed to know that any of their grandchildren had regular pre-marital sex (something I think they honestly know but don't want to acknowledge) but I have heard the timespan between them marrying and my Aunt (their oldest child) being born, it was significantly less than a pregnancy even an early one. Look all stereotypes are bad, I agree there, but it just seems like you are thinking there is a lot more approval by more left-leaning people than there is just a lack of disapproval. If you honestly read all this, thank you. I realize I got a bit rambly after I finished talking about "constructing a public".

Part 4. Government bureaucracies changing public opinion? Not really, no. The military and certain other branches do occasionally advertise but most branches just do their job and, unless that job is actually to influence public opinion, they don't really try to influence public opinion. Basically, you just have parts of the government explicitly designed to influence opinion, so propaganda, the very few groups that directly advertise, and MAYBE PBS and NPR. This ignores, of course, that those last two receive a vast majority of their funding from private donors (including many corporations) and only actually have a pretty small reach. It seems like it's incredibly high praise to say that PBS and NPR have played a significant role in most any cultural shift of any kind, they just don't have that much of an audience. I have never heard anyone actually advocate for pre-marital sex ever, EVER (I'm sorry but I feel the need to emphasize that no one has ever argued that as far as I've seen). I maybe wrong here (I did spend the majority of this comment talking about "constructing a public" so caution is good when talking about other people's beliefs) but outside of particularly devout religious people and extreme misogynists (who only apply their views to women) very few actually care much about pre-marital sex. For that matter, the only non-religious arguments against pre-marital sex are based around teen pregnancy and good sex education is good at preventing that not abstinence (I mean abstinence does prevent pregnancy but abstinence only sex education is not very effective judging from most research). I don't think I've ever seen anyone advocate going out of your way to become friends with gay people either. Maybe we are just exposed to very different things? Regardless, the gay friend trope is a thing in media mostly because it offers representation which is a thing people like for a whole host of reasons. I don't want to get into those reasons because a quick google search on "why representation is important" should lead you to people who can argue it better than I can. Alternatively, you may be arguing why social politics in general matter and to that I say treating everybody well (unless they have actually done something to deserve to be treated poorly) is just flatly a good thing. Don't be an asshole should be an assumed good. You don't need to go out of your way to be friends with gay people but treat them like they are good people unless you have an actual reason not to (being lgbt is not a good reason) and don't stop being friends with someone because they are lgbt if you were before learning they were lgbt.

Part 3. While we are here, I'm going to do a quick run-down of some of the other stuff you brought up, nothing in-depth or overly complicated though, I've spent enough time on this. Universities tend to actually be a lot more diverse in thought than you would realize. I know they seem a lot more left wing initially and socially they are pretty left wing. Economically and governmentally, they are actually pretty varied. I have just recently finished my bachelor's and am currently going for a master's. My government teacher was libertarian (as I was at the time) and looking back at my edgy teen years (when I actually was in his class) I heavily agreed with him on nearly everything. I honestly could see how the libertarian to alt-right pipeline is a thing and how my views could easily have been swayed to the alt-right. I have actually had more left-leaning teacher's too but the vast majority either have no clear politics or are fairly neutral. I'm also in the social sciences (history) so it's not as if politics are irrelevant to what I study. Honestly, I get more obvious politics just talking to my immediate family than I do in most classes and my family isn't particularly political (not more than most people's anyway). I will grant you that universities tend to be pretty socially left-leaning though. Media organizations as relevant to changing politics? I mean, yes, absolutely, as a historian (well history major) I would have to have a damn good argument to argue against this but, judging from your overall comment, you're insinuating that they have some left-wing agenda and that's a bit weird at best as an argument. Again, socially probably yes (socially left-wing politics is very much in the zeitgeist right now and I can't think of a non-religious argument for that to change) but economically not really and most of the social stuff is arguably due to economics more than anything else. As an example of this, around 2015(ish) Marvel comics replaced most of their major characters with more ethnic characters and had a general push for increased diversity. This is comics so replacing a character is not a big deal and has a long precedent going back decades and decades and some of these characters were very well received. Most weren't and Marvel quickly reverted back to their almost entirely straight white cis male norm. I, and I believe many others, believe the failures were much more due to the fact that this change was brought on so quickly and clearly done in a haphazard way where writers weren't given enough time to make good stories rather than the characters being more diverse but either way sales did drop a bit. As it turns out businesses use economics when making decisions not some nefarious scheme to change politics.

Part 1. "Constructing a public" (in quotation marks because I want to be sure you view it as a unified term not three distinct words) doesn't refer to actual construction of public opinion or even what the public actually thinks. It refers to an argumentative tactic that could be used by anyone, it just happens that this video is talking predominantly about Steve Bannon. In this tactic, the person making the argument insists that the "public", usually a vague poorly specified group of people such as "ordinary Americans" without defining who qualifies as ordinary, views a topic, usually a specified issue, in a way that is either entire unsubstantiated or poorly substantiated (arguably, it is still constructing a public even if surveys and other evidence are provided, especially if said evidence is weak; it's a sliding scale issue). Oliver either did a poor job explaining what particular issue Bannon was talking about in his generation zero movie when he was talking about "constructing a public" or Bannon himself did a poor job. Either way it isn't important; "constructing a public" is an argumentative tactic. The substance of the argument is not relevant, the method of conveying the ideas within the argument is what is important. Oliver's point on how Bannon "constructs a public" is how Bannon uses the tactic to further his arguments. For an example on "constructing a public" on a specific topic, let's take this example from the democratic response to the state of the union (I did say anyone can use this argumentative tactic). "We must reject the cynicism that says allowing every eligible vote to be cast and counted is a power grab. Americans understand that these are the values our brave men and women in uniform and our veterans risked their lives to defend."* In this quote, the "We" here probably refers to either all Americans or all democrats. That "We" is not "constructing a public" as it is more of a request than an attempt to state what a given group of people believe. The cynicism it is talking about also is not constructing a public as that is most likely a specific response to a speech by Mitch McConnell** where he characterized proposed legislation (designed with the expressed goal of making voting easier to more Americans, including making voting day a national paid holiday) by recently elected democrats as a "power grab" (in quotes because those are McConnell's own words).*** The Americans in the second sentence IS constructing a public as it gives large group of people, Americans (The group is well-defined though, as simply stating Americans like this basically leaves the audience to conclude she means all Americans without any clear exception), and states their views, that allowing every eligible vote to be cast and counted is something men and women in uniform and veterans died for, in a way that is unsubstantiated, no evidence is given to support this claim (which is fine given that this is the democratic response to the presidents SOTU; I don't think anyone expected her to hold up a book about what reasons the American public think men and women in uniform and veterans risk their lives). "Constructing a public" has nothing to do with what is actually in the content of the argument; it is the formula for how to create the argument.

I'm posting this in parts because YouTube comments can't be this long. Sorry, it is a lot. I originally wrote it as one comment. It gets worse after part 2 ends but I definitely recommend you read that far.

This is a very good example of constructing a public, good job. Just asserting that these are things being said without any examples of by whom or where. Nicely done.

Wait, whats the connection between the fire?

Your acting chops were clearly evident during the guy in suit skits.


I think this might be my new favorite video of yours. even though it's nearly an hour, it's so well done that I can't stop watching it

It must need be remarked that concerns have been raised.

I've watched your videos for only a short time, but as I normally do I like to binge new youtubers who I tend to like. I must say, your videos have created a large impact on me already and set me off to looking at the world through a different lens and also reminding me of things I already understood and need to take action on, such as fair trade and political movements within my community. Keep doing what you're doing man, I believe you do a good service on a platform where discussion and ideas become diluted by misconception and blatant misinterpretations...

In a hundred years I hope my great grandchildren are living in a world where children ask, "Who are all these people Ollie is always on about?"

Ollie, my girlfriend is crazy about you! Intelligence rocks! Loved the video, cheers from Brazil :)

He's lot more articulate and charming, but god damn that arsonist sounds so much like my uncle A rich white dude that had every advantage in life, claims he's talked to people of all walks of life, that all agree with him about every right wing talking point making him an authority I think the worst part is that everyone tries to blame it on mental illness, it's fucking not Like, hello, I am actually provably diagnosed with mental illnesses and have radical politics, yet I'm expected to just sit and nod politely? Bigotry isn't a health issue, but guess it's better to think he's "crazy" and suggest secretly slipping him mood-altering meds (AKA poisoning, a real crime) than actually try and de-radicalizing him or just dumping his ass

POWERFUL! Thanks so much for this, your work is very important and I look forward to your thoughts on Jordan Peterson.

I could see he was dying from not laughing at 30:30.

Absolutely brilliant!

Interestingly the notion that baby boomers have screwed everything up through their abject selfishness is one shared by Prof Mark Blyth - a self proclaimed lefty (and my current hetero man crush

Heyyy if anyone reads this who hasn't listened to Hadestown, please do yourself a favor and check it out IMMEDIATELY

Your political jokes are gratuitous, and are contrary to your stated goal of not alienating people with opposing beliefs. Your comment about Jesse Singal, for instance, lost you credibility with me because I actually read his original article and the subsequent commentary, so I know the charge of him being transphobic is baseless. Contrapoints is an example of channel that presents Left ideas in a way that it both entertaining and palatable to people who aren't already on the Left.

Okay, I'll bite. How is it baseless?

"I'm not going to resort to calling Bannon a Nazi or any such mudslinging in order to make my case against him. I'm ultimately trying to persuade the same audience as him; so my portrayals of his views will be ones that he himself (despite our disagreements) would accept as fair and accurate representations. *Great. Sounds like a really productive approach with the potential to produce considerable good* Seconds later... "If 'fire' were a metaphor for 'fascism,' then let's just say that Bannon would be a 'spreader of fire' (if you know what I mean, wink wink)" *Cannot discern whether OP is disingenuous or rather sincere but lacks theory of mind.*

Okay, but my dude, isn't that how a metaphor/euphemism is supposed to work? Plus, the point of it is so that you aren't slammed with the word fascist every other minute, making it lose it's impact. If that's your only complaint with the /whole/ video though, I think it's fair.

Philosophy in boondocks

for sure him being a shakes actor has formed the foundation of his style.

I had a very chilling moment of realization at the end of this video, thank you for making it. You're a powerful performer and I appreciate that you do what you do. If I can ever be of help for anything (illustrations), let me know.



Is there a complete edition of this version of "Why Do We Build The Wall?" that I can buy??

I don’t know how long ago cheddar man lived, but it’s possible his descendants evolved white skin.

Okay. Not only sexy accent and good thinking. Your chest has a good buff to it. Jealous and enjoy your content

Your videos get better and better! I really like your artistic experimentation as background for your video essays thematic points. They neatly fit together :)

We didn't start the fire... It was always burning since concerns were raising

+nowaytown thanks

USS Glow Cloud “and also me...”

+Daniel Beck I too was a teenage edgelord. Then I grew the fuck up.

+cas013500 why do you hate jews cas?

+cas013500 you types, wow, racist much?

A perfect example of arguing with you types.

It's lovely how educational you are while also dressing like a stripper fireman. We need more content like this.


How have I missed your videos so far. Great job man.

hello yes, there is a fire at my house. i started it. can you send Olly please?

26:32 senpai is here.

I said this during your premiere but I think this is my favorite of your videos. Possibly ever. This one and the witchcraft one, and your liberalism series (I'm sure I'd love the cosmonaut video but honestly I chose not to watch that for now for mental health reasons). I think this is an incredible dissection of the far right, and honestly, it's just. It's great. Happy firefighting.

Rewatching this makes me fully realize that Olly writes a killer freaking script. The villain asking if we have a match is freaking brilliant. using the fire=fascism metaphor and the smooth talking fascist using subtle language to draw others into the fold.

"So Chad that he shared a border with Cameroon" Fuck me, why didn't I think of that

Hi, not sure if you check the comments. I found you recently and have since watched many of your videos (including that one. And, to be clear, I en-- ok "enjoy" is wrong, but I've 'willingly consumed'(?) more than one.) But maybe I haven't watched enough. Five years of videos is a lot to work though. Based on what I've watched (and that fact that I may be an idiot), I do have a few questions: Is there any joy to be found in philosophy? The videos of yours that I've watched seem to fall into three categories: 1. Philosophy basics (again, I may have missed some, you have a TON of content!) 2. A grim assessment (however accurate) of where we are in context with what's happening in our world 3. Some history on how we arrived at this point. Which isn't really not grim. So, again, is there any joy to be found in this teasing out of things?

Great video, great music

my favorite part is the editing here; 31:27

He's hot AND he's HOT!

I'm getting some serious VFD vibes

Damn, amazing work here. Any chance we could get a clean upload of that whole "Why We Build the Wall" cover?

Thomas Sowell.

Whenever I think you've topped yourself you go and put out brilliant videos like this! I've already watched this twice, I absolutely love it.

Is the music playing at 24:30 Holst?

What does Steve Bannon have to do with philosophy?

Wait wait wait it's a reference to The Arsonists right

Well, at least you have a nice straight back whilst burying your head.

I swear I would watch more of your videos if your voice didn't put me to sleep

I'm with the chap in the suit here, of course I have a match, smoking's cool

Just FYI, manichean is pronounced like "man-ih-kay-an", and it's the book of Revelation, not Revelations.

it is fucking ridiculous how well-produced this is olly i’m gonna start throwing rocks

19:44 "dark skin, at least darker than mine". That's a bit of a low bar, don't you think?

Ok, the Anais Mitchell thing makes it official. I am fucking in love with you, bro.

You outdo yourself with every fucking video. My life is better for having your videos.

When are you gonna stop teasing us with these getups and finally give us some serious Strip Philosophy

27:00 Oh yes, please do this again for JP.


Can we get more money to MermaidsUK to open the Singal-Linehan Center for Transgendered Health? This is a thing that needs to happen.

This is brilliant

rewatching this i notice, You adjusted your suspenders a LOT

Incredible production value and incredibly important message

Yessss! Someone else that loves Hadestown. Excellent choice.

Your kind of videos led me to islam. (Yes that happened but there is of course a lot more behind my story)

+Angel Fox Fine, I'm 9 years old.

+Angel Fox Why does that matter to you how old I am? Why don't you go after my claim, or my line of logic? My age has nothing to do with the conversation.

+Lolt West How old are you?

+Angel FoxPretty sure that when everyone falls on the ground screeching and crying about how someone accidentally said the N word, or makes a few edgy jokes, it's not the guy who made the jokes that needs to grow up. I should also mention how he now makes jokes about people being overly sensitive on a regular basis, or how he can't say certain things without being demonetized, let alone the social media lynch mob that will come after him. Given the current trajectory of society, I have hope that people will grow out of this "political correctness" phase, and come to terms with the harsh reality that words...are just words.

+Lolt West Then Pewdiepie needs to grow up.

He deffo represents a fascist populist.

+Angel Fox Could you explain what hole I'm digging myself in? I think I'm just lost here?

+rattregoondoof No, keep going. You're only digging yourself into a deeper hole.

+Angel Fox Proved his point how? His underlying assumption about what constructing a public even refers to is flatly wrong.

And you just proved his point. Congrats.

Wrong again, John. Olly was never a gamer, a neckbeard or an MRA. Those are *your* people lol. And imagine my surprise when you exposed yourself as a Tommy Robinson loving British/Euro Nazi. The bedsheet reference was about the KKK, in case you consider yourself above criticizing such things (or in case you're *just pretending* to be too dumb to know about them.)

+Xena Be I would never question olly's intelligence; or even that of his audience. I am positive he has two magnificent fedoras to go along with each M.A. However, unlike olly I doubt my conservative leaning would allow for such extravagance as dressing in anyone's bedsheets. Although I believe olly along with all his viewers should have the right to dress up however degeneratly they like; as long as it's far away from me.

+JohnTheAverage Olly has 2 M.A.s, btw. He shares them in the spirit of Frederick Douglass, every week. Oo. Did I just mention a name that makes you wanna dress up in your mom's bedsheets? :P

+JohnTheAverage Sure ~ Pedant > Nazi. I'm not your comrade, guy. Get back to your white supremacist circle jerking. We don't want your hate mongering over here. kthxbai

+Xena Be Yeah, I can tell from reading the comments that Olly must be a supremely enlightened gentleman since no ordinary man could hope to attain such an intelligent fan base. It's clear that atleast half of his audience watches Richard and Mortimer on a daily basis and the other half have transcend past this corporeal plane ascending to levels of euphoric enlightenment that we mere mortals can only dream of. I have not seen a single wrong opinion since I started reading this comment section. Each comment delicately crafted to make the writer look more virtuous, forgettable, and pedantic than the last. A true utopia comrade.

+JohnTheAverage LOL I just threw in the dead lift thing to let Golden Boy feel better about what Olly has over him for brains ;D

+Xena Be I'm not taking sides on who is right or wrong here but you'd have to be mentally handicapped to think this guy could "get a little more pumped" and beat the Golden One at a dead lifting competition. Seriously just look at them. I would wager the Golden One could lift double what ever this guy could.

lol at this pathetic e-begging

OLLY! HAVE YOU SEEN THE GOLDEN ONE'S LATEST? He called you 'physically inferior.' His brain dead fans are calling you 'pseudo' intellectual and a soy boy LOL! You should get a bit more pumped and go challenge him to a live debate and a deadlift competition. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see that

Hello kids. If you would like to discover some real philosophy, I recommend you go straight to the source. Have a look at what Socrates and Plato themselves had to say about equality, heredity, and democracy. I recommend beginning with Xenophon's Memoirs of Socrates (Penguin, quite readable) and Plato's dialogues on the Last Days of Socrates (Penguin) and of course the Republic (the Oxford version has good notes). From there, you will be in a good position to judge Evola. The first step of philosophy - the love and pursuit of truth - is to not assume the particular prejudices of your particular society and epoch are correct.

brb, just listening to the entire hadestown soundtrack… again… i love it when cool people like things i love…

Really good production.

Bannon's favourite quote? "It's better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven." Yeah... that pretty much sums it all up, doesn't it?

Deplatform anyone associated with the alt right. Ban them from the internet, banks, shopping and every venture where we can influence people who support their lifestyle. No measure is too much to stop a second Holocaust.

I know its not a revelation, but that was a really good visual metaphor

If he is to be understood apperently leftists have existed longer then their ideology has Xd All problems are solved via Ethnic Anarchy (tm) and or inclusive nazism (tm). Capitalism is and are newer wrong. Old school talking points are newer wrong NEWER! And nobody can ever have an opinion that conflicts the norm ever! Thats HERESEY! And Progressivism and change must be burnt destroyed and killed off. War is good.... And That The Extreme Right IS NEVER EVER WRONG! ANEYONE WHO ZAYS OTHERWISEE MUZT BE PERMANENTLY ENCURAGED TO NEVER EVER FO ZHO AGAIN WIA ANY MEANZ POZZIBLE TO US. GOTT MIT UNS UNT GOTT MITT REICHKRAFTING... Sorry got of tangent there and let my apperently inner gestapo out for a moment. Not to worry my drone brain is rebooting and will recommence its Questionable ways shortly...

Huh, so this is what happens when you overdose on soy. Survive the Jive is not far right and that was nothing but slander.

is there anywhere to download this cover of "Why we build the wall"?

I like that you don't put a lot of your quotes on white but on pink and blue. I'm dyslexic and it makes a lot it easier to read

1) Nice Dan Olson cameo 2) Nice Harris Bomberguy impression 3) Nice fireman

I had to watch this video twice because I wanted to make sure I understood it perfectly well. Let the fire brigade roll.

Chedder Man is my favorite rapper.

This little creep only likes comments from other youtubers

i'm a lumberjack, and i'm ok. excellent points....

Watching this before bed and had to turn my bedside light back on because the last 15 minutes chilled me so. You are absolutely brilliant.

Here come the 4chan /pol/ Neo-Nazis.

So... you are saying that we should become some kind of "Voluntary Fire Department"?


Look! A leftist!

this has to be the biggest attempt at appearing to be like the posh elite i've ever seen, quit actling like you are royalty in the 1600's jesus christ man ur ego is GIANT

Olly is a noble descendant.

I don't agree with some of your views but your execution is great and I respect the way you present your theses, cheers

You are funny, wrong, but funny.

Contrapoints vocal cameo~

How much soy you consume on a daily basis?

I like to smoke some brainforce after my daily intake of soy.


You eat tofu?

lol got'em

Notice the lack of a brow ridge, small nasal bone, small beady eyes, high body fat, high pitched voice, and the use of facial hair to mimic a chin This is the classic Cuckoid phenotype, sterilization is recommended but not required do to this phenotype's abysmally low rates of reproduction

You really need to get laid.

this is freddy mercury if he died of soy instead of aids actually this guy probably has aids too

These are turning into a Rocky Horror Picture Show with references to Chads, Daddy JBP, The Golden One and a Natalie Wynn cameo. In 10,000 years these will be performed as classical plays.

Wow, such an idiot yet so many likes. We found ourselves a big liberal circle jerk channel.

Communists not liberals, of course right wingers can't tell the difference.

And I've just found a whiny he-bitch whose own hand wouldn't touch his dick.

This is rambling garbage. Someone timestamp the golden one part please. Edit: 27:19. I just can't take him seriously in what looks like a woman's tank top. Is that some kind of visual plea of acceptance to the trans community or something? Incidentally, this "man" is not fit to speak of Julius Evola.

i almost died hearing the hadestown music at the beginning, fantastic musical

Well, coming from a guy who defends Antifa it's not very strange to see why you have the perception you have of things - a biased leftist view. Personally I think we need traditionalism. People feel lost and identity through pride in one's heritage brings people together and builds a foundation which creates purpose, meaning and unity. That's what I think. I think we would be happier as individuals and people if we followed a more nationalistic approach. That doesn't mean we should treat other people bad, just that we have the right to our own land and soil, as well as honoring our heritage and past and feel a sense of identity in that being for example "scandinavian", like myself. The idenity people have to day is many times shallow which creates miserable individuals. It's also turning people into attentioncraving individuals which only have consumtion as their goal in life. Peace

+Shadow Might Nothing wrong with using the word facism, as the word is defined. Unclear what your comment has to do with my comment, furthermore. How about sticking to the subject. Nothing wrong though, about being anti-marxist or anti-feminist. The only people who'd tink otherwise would be the marxist themselves.

+Angel Fox What an intelligent comment. Props. I discard your leftist views. Especially coming from a dude in a wig who actually (insanely) thinks he is a "real" woman. Pathetic.

"Personally, I think we need traditionalism". Your opinion has been noted, and promptly discarded.

Nothing wrong with being anti-fascist. The only people who'd think otherwise would be the fascists themselves.

The Golden One 23:30

And 19:00

There is not going to be any philosophy, is there?

What exactly has The Golden One said which is antisemitic? Is labeling it antisemitic just a way of dismissing if without looking at the content at all?

You look like a sexual predator. Not surprising.

I had to laugh so hard, when the picture of Dan came up! That was hilarious!

This video boils down to: "We hate white people because the tv told us to"

+Clayton Shearer White nationalists don't actually care for fighting against inequality. If they can't get what they want they activily make sure no one else gets it.

+Angel Fox all of these videos are the same... seen one you've seen them all..

+Shadow Might isnt this movment about doing what the media and government tells you to do? Arent you are anti white, and pro everyone else? Right? I'm sure I could watch 5 mins of this video and it will be about the same anti white, pro non white buzzwords and talking points...

This comment boiled down to: "I didn't watch the video".


Orange man baaad!

The moo moo squad has arrived to dislike the video.

Orange Man's Cult is even worse.

This was truly excellent. And a cameo by Angie Speaks! (& Natalie!)

Can someone recommend a philosophy YouTube channel not targeted at beta males?

Take some brainforce.

What an absolutely fucking great video! I just watched it, more than a little bit late, but damn! I LOVED how eerily the 'nice' costume guy got more and more horrifying... an accurate representation of how gradually the neo nazis draw people in!

Do you really mean Socialism? Presumably there will still be computers & smartphones and other things constructed on private property and conceived by private corporations. Higher or more progressive taxes than exist today, isn't socialism.

F.. . Steve Bannon. Bored rich punk wannabe fiscist.

lol quoting dragon ball abridged

"He might have been a miserable git." He is a Brit, so being a miserable git is norm. :P

....the ending scared me...=[

Bravo sir

Great! Your best work yet! I have nothing to add but I just wanted to mention that you have very good posture.

This is a very high compliment haha!

He uses it

There's a lot (more than this). 1) 33:43/38:00/38:24 Likely what you have in mind is fiat ccy. If so, you are talking about cash (accounting term, not slangword) 'stead of money. And mechanics of how those two work differ. If you are going to talk about the ills of capitalism (of which there are plenty), learn the basics of it! Without basics you end up suggesting [33:30] that capital{-ism} (of which money is a form of) is not something that people (humans) need, which is contradictory to the very definition of money as a universal token to exchange value. I.e. something that people value = something that they need, although here you can go on a tangent about "need" vs. "want" etc. Mike Maloney is the source I learnt from about money vs. ccy distinction. Yuval Noah Harari also touches on it indirectly. 2) It looks like what you are reaching for is egalitarianism (equality, not sameness?). I'm not you, but if I was, I would focus on emphasizing what is the-wanted-instead more. 'Cause I have to say that all this neurotypicaly politicized left-vs-right tribalism is offputing for someone like me who is pro cause(s), but completely disinterested in shoving against any-thing/one/group. And at the risk of getting accused of whatever - if you are about including everyone, eventually it will have to be *everyone*. So, better start figuring that out. Yeah, I understand that I'm myself meta-shoving against populism here. Let's move onto next thing. 3) GFC. Tough one. "The Global Financial Crisis" by Yale's Andrew Metrick and Timothy Geithner on is the best course I've taken on the topic (it's free, if you're not taking it for the certificate). Here, in comments, I shall not go into my personal beliefs on it any further than saying - the markets are going to correct, soon, in a year or two, and personally I don't believe that ring-fences will hold. But it's not going to wipe us out at the species level. 4) Astrology, like gravity and other Universal principles don't require you to hold any particular beliefs to work on you. You will get whatever it is you're asking for sooner if you can manage to get off the topic altogether. Actually, 3:09-3:17 kinda shows that you're inching closer ;P 5) 25:25 This is a sidenote. I saw that you wished for a book on Gulag. Thanks for shoving interest in that chapter of my local history. The other day I had a 'heretical' idea of inviting you over to Eastern Europe on a round-trip visiting our WWII and Soviet Era museums and memorial places. But let's wait and see how March goes before I extend that invitation. 6) 40:33 Entertainment value 10/10. Thank you!

Fascinating episode, but the reveal of Ultimate Chad Dan Olsen made me laugh out loud at work, you bastard.

This video is a masterpiece and it deserves more views

I love seeing all the left tubers sharing aspects of their styles it’s dope. Fantastic video

Contra points saying that tenchi muyo is my sexuality ♥

Watching your videos was a Valentine's Day gift to myself. Side note: can my ass belong to you?

Marxism, the cult of envy craving for violence. There's nothing more similar to Fascism than Marxism. Fascism is Marxism's propositions with the admixture of the satanization of a race along the satanization of a social class: "Jew" and "bourgeois" both occupied the exact same symbolic scapegoat under Hitler's Germany. Just as Islam and Christianity, Marxism and Fascism hate themselves to death. Among irrational movements, the tolerance with each other is inversely proportional to how alike they are. They don't try to convince by defending the arguments of the theory that they propose, when they do it they fail because their views are wrong and can be easily proved wrong; their strategy is manipulation of emotions, that is, demagogy. In the past this was done delivering inflammatory speeches to dulled masses, and now it's making videos with colorful sets and fancy disguises.

That's an impressive amount of straw you've constructed. Anyone got a match?

Whatever happened to milo yilofloppymagus?

9:03 woah tag your fucking jumpscares

Not trynna start shit here, but the original play was written in response to the Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia.

Love this video! But I have one suggestion, I wouldn’t use words like manichean. It makes u sound kinda “fake smart” (because u use big words)

I find modern conservatism is little more than a bunch of vague, disconnected slogans.

coproduced by hbomberguy

foppington's descendants are black. considering how racist foppington is that makes me laugh.

Whats your opinion on antifa?

This video is brilliant, you're very effective at criticising ideas instead of devolving into attacks against personality. 1+

Holy snap, this whole video is a rollercoaster

If you gonna diss pewdiepie..... you shouldn't forget about the n word. (Chill. I'm a fan of his content)

You are turning into Harris Bomberguy with those high pitched strained outbursts!

This guy reminds me of a heterosexual version of Justin Trudeau

I’m working that final scene into my d&d campaign

This was so good. Enjoyed every minute of it.

i mean. getting the first Thing Right is an esential bullshitting tactic, though not everyone is elegant doing it. Pseudoscience often starts leaning on real science to make the audience nod"yes thats Right" and go on to believe the nonsense build upon that, or derived from a wrong understanding and misrepresentation of science

fuck it, just give the left what they want and get out while you can

Your best work yet.

Now that it's been out for a bit and I've had a few opportunities to watch it, I really need to complement how well put together this video is. Fantastic stuff!

On a rewatch, the comment early on about "In case of a fire, the exits are to the far left" really resonates. Incredible work, Ollie.

The key shift in the music at 36:38 just makes my skin crawl. Excellent use of the audio cues to draw the audience in

I CANT stop coming back here to laugh at the DBZ joke.

Is that the Midsomer's Murders theme when you're talking about birth cast????

I just now got the reference to the frog in the pot of water 0_0

I get what you're doing with getting into different characters, but the comedy distracts from the points. It's really unsettling when people put comedy together with what might actually be pretty necessary information because a lot of times the facts are abused, and nobody would know if a few were left out for... convenience. And that is what I believe was done in this video. Not because Philosophy Tube meant to, but because deeper understanding of things goes beyond basic, mainstream sources and the effort to get the whole thing isn't worth it for a YouTube show meant much more for entertainment than informing its' subscribers. That is why I'm unsubscribing. I believe there's an unhealthy mix of entertainment and information in media today and it's one of the biggest factors in why so many people don't understand others. It is crucial that the information is left time alone to soak in or we may even accidentally teach ourselves to ignore any information that doesn't also provide us entertainment value. Philosophy Tube has a chance to do it right, but I can't be subscribed for videos I won't watch while he figures it out.

Love your outfits. But how do you imagine you draw in right-wingers, as you claim in the beginning, if you mock right-wingers? "Evola is mortal after all, and he died, haha!" You didn't try to draw them in at all. Instead, you pick up two right-wingers talking about social norms broadening and that being not denounced by the media and the broader Zeitgeist .. and take this so say they support a conspiracy theory that they "provide no evidence for!" I'll subscribe and look forward for a more honest attempt of a dialog.

Wow. A 44 minute effort-post that managed to criticize 2 nobodies about a stray, unscripted, shitpost video they published talking on a couch and a "tip of the hat(?)" to Bannon for getting some pretty important things right - namely, that politics will go populist: left or right. There just was little substance in this effort post. Contrapoints at least has some structure with an almost a syllogistic quality to her videos. This is a philosophy/politics channel, correct? State the thesis and antithesis in the beginning, so i can follow the middle and extreme terms and therefore follow your argument better. This could be a 'me problem', but I had a hard time following the thread, since this video felt multithreaded without a clear direction. Probably a 'me problem' I do applaud your giving a somewhat fair view of the populist right. Nothing you said struck me as being over the top ad hominem. Even calling Bannon a dreadful, dreadful man was like whatever, who cares. All that being said, I'm subbing. I like intellectual honesty, and I feel like if I were to get my leftist side of an critical political point, this channel and contrapoints might be pretty fair in delivering this perspective. Sed Contra, I think differently; ergo, you are wrong. nananabooboo.

Shitposting belongs on 4chan.

Steve Bannon is not antisemitic? Well yeah, he is a Jew and supports Israel...Duh.

Was that ContraPoints reading the Evola quote?

To say that Cheddar man is a POC is misleading because when we say POC today, we mean someone who is not of European decent, not Caucasian. Cheddar man was a hunter gatherer whose ancestors had been evolving in Europe for some time, and whose descendents would continue to evolve in that climate. Today's POC are not related to him, whereas today's European's are. So I don't see the point of calling him a POC. It confuses people into thinking he was literally from Africa and migrated to England. Even more, it is more likely that he had an olive complexion. It's not that he carried dark skin genes, he simply lacked very pale skin genes.

Toad on a stove. You British and your delicacies.

Am I the only one who thinks he looks like Charlie Chaplin?

Press 7 for the third(?) best part of the video.

Wow, I said out loud "Pft, that looks like Jontron." and then WHAT.

I cannot imagine how many hours this took for you to put together, but in my opinion it was worth every second! Thank you, from Australia. PS: "The fun way", boy you such a thirst trap!!

LMAO I could cut myself on that edgy antifa ending. I'd love to see you dress up in black and try to punch someone you deem a nazi, only to have your ass kicked because you're an upper-middle class twat who has never been in a physical confrontation.

+DeoMachina Sorry, I am not a homosexual so I don't know anything about newcastle. I just assumed by looking at a white pretty-boy wearing makeup who went to university to study philosophy and is now ostensibly an actor. Who knows, maybe he is actually lower-class. LMAO

>newcastle >upper-middle class Exactly what slag heap were you born on to consider the toonies posh, m8

+Suave Atore My parents are undocumented immigrants and we are quite low income. Olly explained numerous quotes and sources Bannon completely made up and lied about.

lolcatjunior I love shitting on conservatives as much as anyone, but these lefty youtubers are so far up their own asshole that its actually entertaining to watch them, but not for the reasons they think.

Don't agree with violence, but Bannon is bad news.

Just wanted to say in regards to Pettifor, a ton of people predicted the financial collapse and no one really knew how bad it would be (partially because of initially bad monetary response). Although she probably is a pretty smart person for detailing her predictions for sure, they could have been lost in the weeds just because crazies make predictions all the time, even within the profession of economics.

Absolutely loved this, wasn't a huge fan of the Pewdiepie digs, but other than that I completely agree with all of this.

Anyone with half a brain should be able to realise it is too much of a coincidence that the Cheddar man has suddenly gone from always being pale skinned to being a negroid as soon as immigration and diversity debates have dominated the media. How can a dark skinned man have obtained enough vitamin D from sunshine to survive in Northern Europe in the Mesolithic period? Was he eating large quantities of fish?

+DeoMachina You seem to be making the assumption that the new DNA research is reliable. The darkness of the skin in the DNA research has obviously been exaggerated for a political purpose. The previous speculation of pale skin was logical. This is because a dark skinned man would be unlikely to migrate Northwards to an area where he is at a genetic disadvantage because of shorter day lengths and a sun lower in the sky.

For anybody scrolling past and pausing at this comment, notice how "Englischer Übermensch" frames his point, making the assumption that Cheddar Man "suddenly changed". He wants you to just start from that idea, that the ethnicity had been determined and subsequently altered. And yet despite being discovered over a century ago, Cheddar Man's DNA was not sequenced until last year. The english untermench is well aware of this fact. He is careful to never actually claim otherwise, but he'd like you to make that assumption on your own. He also knows that the Cheddar Gorge is not in North Europe, and that Cheddar Man was hardly the picture of health when he died. After all, those are the most obvious facts about him. This is how they work.

Honestly the reason I never considered studying philosophy was because of this obsession with "source". Instead I studied engineering, and I never once laid eyes upon a single copy of Principia Mathematica. A good thing too, can you imagine what a slog that would have been for somebody trying to learn maths?

Greek philosophy is outdated, look up Jacque Fresco who destroys all of them including modernists and post modernists..

Imagine being the sort of person who is still subscribed to Paul Joseph Watson.

+Peaceful Saxon Migrant Except for y'know The murders

He is far-right, there's nothing wrong with that.

Go take some brainforce.

Mmmm....Salty..."Little Bit More Pls"!

Watching this before bed and had to turn my bedside light back on because the last 15 minutes chilled me so. You are absolutely brilliant. EDIT: I didn't comment on it at first because I was blown away by the finale, but as a Chosen Person of Israel (tm) I caught the totally-not-an-arsonist-what-are-you-talking-about's use of the word "Sheckel"

How much money did you lose in crypto last year?

Che Guevara had a weak chin and was rather scrawny too. He did alright.

Leftist projection

+The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists How does your question relate to my comment?

+Hefnaheimer Are you Married&Childern?!

+DeoMachina Wrong. Etnicity is not skin color at all. It has nothing to do with skincolor, which obviously is just adjusted pigment as protection against the son. It has to do with thousands of years of heritage and history. Also it's not a problem talking about "etnicity". It's what we should do even more. To preserve ourselfs and our roots. It doesn't matter, since if we didn't have massive migration to Sweden, there wouldn't be any problem with identity. Just like there wasn't before crazy feminism, leftist propaganda, and hordes of migrants showed up. Infact we were the most trusting people on earth. The most safe nation as well. Well, let me tell you that has all gone down hill thanks to hordes of arabs and africans. Identity and unity comes natural in a homgenous country which honors it's heritage and roots. Modernity (total chaos) fuck everyone up and makes people depressed and shallow.

The problem is that when people like you say "nation" you really mean 'ethnicity'. And when you say 'ethnicity' you reaaaally just mean skin colour and language. So you go to all these extreme lengths to protect a language (which wasn't under threat and wasn't spoken centuries ago) and a particular configuration of DNA (which is in constant flux and has never been static) And you gain..nothing, really. An ego boost maybe? What happens to everybody who doesn't conform or doesn't agree to your sense of "identity", by the way? One way or another, they get kept down. We see this in other countries, take the UK for example. All those British nationalists love to go on and on about tradition and heritage, until they are faced with Welsh or Irish culture. Then we all see that they don't really want people to honour the past, they only want people to fall in line.

+Gavin Baker "Neo-Nazi"

no the orange man is the other dude

Academy of Ideas is pretty good

"the exits are to the far left" lmao I see what you did there

"But your ass belongs to me." Ollie I ADORE your content but... was that a rape joke? At least language-wise. Consider it.

1:50 dangit olly i'm already cackling not even a full two minutes into this DING DANG VIDEO

No smoking in the Theatre come ON Olly I thought you were supposed to be LIBERAL

I am warning you. I am warning you. The yellow vests will not be ignored. This is a full breasted revolt. Deal with it. Please grow up and get over your left or so called left wing ideology. You will be left behind soon. There are decent morally sound people who don't want what you offer. Keep your bad sex at your own peril. We will destroy you with the global elite. Figure out where you stand, you are not dumb, deal with it.

Stop appropriating the Yellow Vest movement in France you stupid far right piece of trash. That's a left and right movement against Macron, it's not all the same people. It's nothing to do with the one here in the UK that's run by a bunch of delinquents like yourself and what, there's like merely a couple of thousand of you. We've hundred of thousands. After Brexit No Deal chaos it's going to get interesting. Fully breasted revolt? Maybe in the fringe minority of the right wing thought that's got more to do with the fact you people have more in common with terrorists, but there's more people willing to stand up to you either-way. For instance China alone could take you on and you'd all die a painful and miserable death. Want to start a war with the weapons humanity has today then go ahead. You'll end up killing us all. Besides your fucking pamphlet says your for: 'child-abuse', so the only real thing you need is a knife in your neck you vile piece of garbage.

Smart, sexy and well produced. Ladies and gents, the LEFT TUBE IS RISING!

The fire analogy is very clever. Awesome vid.

The exits are to the far left. Yes please


Anyone else getting Fahrenheit 451 vibes what with the fire and fire fighter vibes?

I know there are already a bunch of comments on it, but the amount of detail in the Arsonist's writing is fantastic and I wanted to gush. The references to fascist talking points and tactics are so fast and clever I had to re-watch like five times to catch them all. At different points, The Arsonist subtly (and not so subtly) 'out-groups' every fascist boogeyman to the viewer; journalists, college students, socialists, transgender individuals, and the 'Jewish Elite' are all referenced throughout his segments. Another great running storyline is how he brings the viewer around on Bannon. The Arsonist immediately undercuts every disparaging comment he makes against Steve Bannon, revealing his true intentions. His line about Bannon being popular among the white working class serves double duty as an 'appeal to popularity' fallacy, and as an 'in-group' signifier for the listener. This is culminated brilliantly with the cigarette metaphor. The Bannon protest story shows how how fascist ideology is often masked by cries of "freedom!", and how opinion can be turned around on marginalized groups. Together, this allows The Arsonist to hit the talking point of "I know [this person] is bad, but you and I both know who the real enemy is," with terrifying panache. Additionally, the various now-unverifiable-due-to-fire jobs The Arsonist held serve to give all his statements an air of authority (another commonly used logical fallacy), pulling the naive into his claims. This is bolstered by the continuous camaraderie be builds with the viewer through inclusion, confession, and outright flattery. His response to the viewer's 'answer' about their religious beliefs would apply to to a polytheist or an atheist equally, revealing the manipulatively impersonal nature of The Arsonist's agreement. This is also done in the preceding horoscope bit, which itself is notable for the quick advice to distrust old friends and lovers, as they may be talking about you behind your back. Even before he starts talking about heavier fascist ideas, the arsonist already sows distrust in anyone but him. The whole video is wonderful, hilarious and informative, but I am awed by the amount of commentary and opportunity for analysis you put into The Arsonist.

The problem with the cheddar man claims, is that the reconstruction is a pretty big jump in guesswork from what the actual genetic data shows. The pigmentation prediction was based on the lack of certain genes related to skin pigmentation in modern Europeans, certain genes that east Asians also lack yet can still be as pale as Europeans. The archaic gene expression may have been very different to our modern gene expression.The most clumsy and contraversial conclusion was just quickly thrust out there and jumped on by lots of left wing media.

Define left wing media and I'll show you bunch that you list are actually owned by right wingers?

OMG.. You are so likeable.


Any other Rachel Chavkin stans wigging out

Trump and Bannon's wall makes me think of the Maginot Line and The Great Wall. Though not the same purpose, political philosophy is the same to me. The wall idea failed in the past. Why keep building those expensive walls?

Dude, this is ace! Dinner tonight?

1:04 "Exits are to the far left." Watching a second time, I see what you did there.

Thank you for your videos.We may not agree on everything, but you really deliver the information in a coherent way, so those of us trying to make sense of everything can better navigate to find our own truth. PS. those overalls are amazing.

THIS VIDEO IS SO FUCKING SMART! God dammit, I've watched this video like 20 times. How "Build the wall" is low key played in the background when he talks about AOC and Bernie Sanders. Shit, this is good.

I love that little detail of the hotel Mill & Smith- after J.S. Mill and Adam Smith- the hotel is a metaphor for all of Liberalism itself

oh my god the zoom at “oOooOoh spooky leftists”

The "Selection of Whites" bit had me chortlin' but this is all really really well made and well researched. Fantastic work.

You are an insecure Beta Male who is intimidated by Marcus Fallon aka Golden One, and that is why you attack him.

Even if that were true though, that still wouldn't mean he has good ideas.

+lolcatjunior Incels aren't married, moron.

+Alt - Monarchist Whatever incel.

+lolcatjunior Whatever beta male

Go eat some brainforce.

Ollie that tanktop is distracting. I just figured you should know, thanks.

"doughy trotsky cosplaying as freddie mercury" … is just too much

I know that the future might be bad, but not "Channel 4 will go back to its 90s ident" bad.

My fiancée is always telling me that we should go to the theatre more often, because otherwise we are uncultured swines. Boi, do I have a YouTube Channel to show her... Bravo, Olly...bravo. Jokes aside: I have seen the play once (and we had to read it in school way back when) and I loved it.

+DeoMachina Have you really read my comment? I explicitly said why they are eager to kill each other.

​+lolcatjunior Schooled? I got censored (or marked as spam. I really don't know).

So why are all the fascists talking about killing communists? :) ) )) )

You posted this exact same comment a week ago and got schooled.

+windhvit I don't know. Why do incel neckbeards like yourself use pictures girls as avatars despite hating and blaming them for your failings? It is a mystery to everyone.

+windhvit Notice everybody, how the fascist pretends not to know about the murders. Make no mistake though, these guys are celebrating each and every one. They cheered at the news when one of their own sprayed bullets into a church, or ploughed a car into a crowd of people. They don't admit these things in public though, so they just feign ignorance, making you waste your time pointing it all out. Don't be fooled or drawn in. They are the biggest threat right now.

+windhvit Don't even engage, none of these people would argue in good faith. It's been said a million times but the whining over violence from the same crowd who unironically want to kill off a large swathe of the population and beat random Trump supporters over the head with bike locks, arguing with those people is a waste of time don't do it.

+Schrodinger's Douchebag Did you name yourself a douchbag because that is the closest you will even get to a vagina? I can't imagine the sort of person that would willingly call themselves that.

+DeoMachina And who was murdered again?

If you listen real closely, you can hear the call of "But what about Venezuela?" on the wind.

Che was a literal rapist and extreme racist

This video is lit Sorry

Seems to me that the moral of the story is that George Lakoff is right to say that the left are rubbish at framing their narratives in a way that cuts through. I would say that's because appealing to people's emotions feels like cheating, manipulative, but then again, we really should fight fire with fire. We just need to be better at it, and more moral when we do it... treat people as they could be rather than as they are, or some such.

At 35:30 ish where yu talk about the transparency phenomenon, I can provide a personal counter-example: My (now ex) wife and I were in IKEA in Bristol, and she took the kids to the little cafe on the outside of the tills whilst I paid for the bits and pieces we were getting. My ex is very pale skinned, with auburn hair, and she was told to "go back where you came from", because she (and I) have pronounced Kiwi accents. (See what I did there?) Bearing in mind that New Zealand is a predominantly white former colony. So this was very much not about colour, at all.

As a Christian Calvinist Conservative all your normative stances couldn't be more repulsive to me, but I have to concede your production value is of the charts. You really put the time and effort to it. I hope leftist mainstream media gives you a platform, it will make the fight more interesting.

I got so confused with all the kegs and then the weird newfangled plastic keg before I realised they were supposed to be fuel. I think I spend too much time at beer festivals...

I want to make YouTube videos just to be able to hang out with Harris and Dan.

You and Bannon are just made for each other.

Wait, wait, waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Castes…immortal souls…spiritual inferiority… Is Evola trying to mesh white supremacy together with Hindu ideas of reincarnation?!

Nazis were influenced by the hindu caste system. They went looking for the original aryans all over minor Asia and the Indus Valley by measuring skulls. No need to explain the swastika.

Dorky and annoying.

Wow. Brilliant. First-time viewer...and what an introduction! It's the rare person who can combine so well and effectively philosophic acumen, critical thinking, script writing, video making, and a flare for acting.... Kudos and halleluyah.

I was not ready for the JonTron at 20:07

Psssst Olly the citadel dungeon in sf welcomes you always and would gladly let you host a party if you ever are in California

“And incase there is a Fire durring this nights performance, The exists are to the far left.” Mhm, very subtle Olly

That 10,000 year old skull has better teeth than my thirty year old body.

I'm subbing the fucking shit out of this channel right now.


I'm enjoying this more than I thought I would

Olly out here lowkey tryna start VFD

29:22 cracks me up.

Do you also feel the need to rip that shirt and rub that beautiful chest or am I learning about US politics all wrong?

Is that ContraPoints doing some of the narration?

I'm not a native English speaker so I've never heard it in that context. The more you learn!

SkuddeOuo definitely a bdsm joke. Olly asks for consent for his ass

i can see what you mean but knowing ollie i think it was intended as like a BDSM joke

I think its more like an implied spanking

Again, name them and I'll tell you why you're wrong? If you can't name them then I've exposed you, so by all means fuck off.

Shadow Might the mainstream media have been espousing 'progressive' values for many years, if their owners are 'right wing' in any sense it's purely because they think it will lower taxes on their company, they couldn't care less about conserving traditional culture/values, protecting the nation, its citizens and sovereignty etc

+Kotaro Daro You miss the point, if what you said is true, then both sides would be doing the same thing. But they're not, are they?

+AMaliciousMoose Right. So it's nonsensical to call Cheddar Man "black." In fact, after Cheddar man came two successive waves of migration of genetically, fairly different groups, came and replaced the population of the British Isles. And then came the Anglo-Saxons who also significantly changed the genetics of England. Of course, these waves of migration were of settlers who founded civilizations in Britain. Not immigrants. Immigrants go from one country, already settled, to another, and then assimilate. Cheddar Man's story is not really salient to any immigration narrative, or narratives about current genetics, as people have changed and evolved since then. Hence, why the media narrative around cheddarman has been very misleading and downright dishonest. As far as "Whiteness" goes. This is more a story of false attribution of "blackness."

In practical terms "person of colour" refers to anyone who isn't visibly White. There's no honest way to define our perception of Race in objective terms, as the entire concept falls apart when you put any thought into our genetic history. Technically all of us are of African descent, and we all had dark-skin at one point. Before that, we weren't even human. We are all related. Our cultural understanding of Race is a narrative we created, and I feel that any attempt to pretend otherwise (whether malicious or innocuous) is counterproductive. For reference, the Poc= Non-Caucasian, White=Caucasian narrative is blatantly false. Many ethnic groups from North Africa, and West, Central, and South Asia are Caucasian, and virtually no-one would argue that they're White. You can't argue that European=White either, as many White people wouldn't be able to distinguish between certain Mediterranean Europeans and various African or Asian Caucasians; they will think of and treat them as people of color regardless of whether or not they "technically" qualify. On a conceptual level, whether or not these Europeans qualify for Whiteness depends on who you ask and what definition is most convenient for them. Tl;dr Whiteness is an arbitrary symbol of cultural status based almost solely on skin-tone. Until people start asking a person of colour who their ancestors are before discriminating against them, arguing that it's defined by heritage is what's truly misleading.

+DeoMachina Your point is taken. I mention these sources because they contain actual arguments. If more people had considered these arguments, they would not consider pointing & sputtering "OMG traditionalism doesn't conform to contemporary egalitarian norms!" to be a valid argument (especially on a channel marketing itself as "philosophy").

@DeoMachina Having studied and worked in a Philosophy department I can say that 'source' is not the abiding obsession of people actually studying and working in academic Philosophy. It's all about the 'argument'. The people that say "oh, you haven't read X? Well, go away and read X and then we can talk..." Will then say, "Haven't read Y?" And by and large those people haven't read X or Y.

+RobinBonhomme Well said. Thank you, I'm glad someone pointed that out. That's how I see all of my monthly donations to the people I support on Patreon, who all just strangely happen to be leftists somehow as a weird coincidence that just randomly happened totally by accident. ;-) I hate it when people rag on leftists for actually needing the money they need to survive in a capitalist society and asking for help from others to meet their basic needs, or even just in order to be able keep creating content that is arguably some of the most well-made content out there on a consistent basis. They put in a LOT of work and effort for their subscribers, so why not donate to someone who works so hard pretty much just for the benefit of others, and for you personally if you're a subscriber? What's so wrong about asking for help to keep doing the thing that you subscribe to their channel for? People tip their waitstaff at restaurants without batting an eye, but a leftist YouTuber asking for what basically amounts to the same thing, if not even less than, what people tip the waitstaff who serve them their meals on average total per month and people gotta be doofusses about it. Everyone has to eat, everyone needs somewhere to live, and being a leftist who has to survive and function under capitalism and needs money for those basic necessities isn't a personal fault or hypocrisy on the part of the leftist, it's capitalism that's to blame, not the content creator. It just pisses me off that some people think that if you're a leftist asking for help to survive under a system that's involuntarily imposed on you is somehow not ok just because you don't agree with said system. People don't get to opt-out of capitalism, and judging leftists that way is just....wrong.

~600 of people who have somehow found their way here have raised concerns.

Oh my God the picture of folding ideas!

Olly you're a fucking great actor, dude. I keep coming back and solely watching the arsonist portions of the vid. It's all terribly entertaining.

The writing with the arsonist was really well done!

Good to see Geordie Man has an adorable kitty friend

This was so incredibly made, but I felt the whole thing as well as the metaphor with the fire go completely over me head

Concerns have been raised that newspapers are constructing a public.

so many easy shots at pewdiepie I lost count

+Philosophy Tube I know that but did you have to think of the script or do you just remember a large amount of the video itself? I guess what I'm asking was it something you had to think about for?

I wrote the script

+Philosophy Tube also while I have your attention (maybe) what is your opinion of him?

+Philosophy Tube well I dont like counting. did you know that offhand or did you count it yourself?

The total was two

Of note here, Mormonism has held spiritual inferiority resulting in dark skin as a core belief since day 1. They sweep it under the rug these days, but it's quite literally written into the doctrine. That belief, however its spun or twisted, still comfortably permeates the modern sphere.

It's not just dark skin, but also male and female relationships. In Mormonism you have a male or female soul decided before conception. If you can imagine this doesn't mix well with homosexuality or transexuals.

Very good

What would the old Ollie say about the nature of logic (like, in a Platonic sense)?

I came here to ask you about your Irish slaves comment. I find it unfounded and deeply offensive. We were not criminals as you said, we were rather being forced off our land. Indentured servants were not allowed to testify in court and children born to them were also considered indentured. Indenture usually was for life as well as the "servants" would be charged interest. This practice ending largely due to the "servants" revolting.

31:30 dat bruce faulconer DBZ soundtrack

PragerU is _CONSTANTLY_ playing before my videos. [Edit] & it's scary how much they've been stepping up their game lately.

Please rename the channel to PhilosophyDaddy.

I can't wait for Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, and HBomberguy to combine into the left half of some kind of youtube social commentary transformer

I'm going to be singing "Why do we build the wall my children" all night at work now.

I like the subtle jab at astrology with "you must be somebody very special".

If Evola believed 29:09 he should have converted to Hinduism.

The world is quiet here

Is that photo of Bannon in the beginning in full color? Dear lord, he's pale as a ghost, the man needs more sun in his life!

The points were solid and verbose, the music-great and the emotional buildup - show, dude, please do more :)

This is the same thing neo-confederates believe and call the American Civil War (revolution), the war of northen agression. lol. These people always believe they are the good guys, when clearly they are the ones against 1. truth 2. moral humanitarian good

the perceived world is definitely more thematic than factual.

What a top notch production. Love the ensemble featuring Sean, Contrapoints, etc.

30:28 your voice wanted to be hbomberguy sooo badly :D

Lin Tian the Israeli wall works pretty well and that would be the most like trumps wall,

+DeoMachina Sorry, can you tell me which fascist group you're talking about? Maybe I don't know much about the topic as you do. Back to what I was saying, Antifa didn't just "punched a nazi", you know? A college professor affiliated to Antifa hit a cameraman with an bike lock, Antifa hit people in Charlottesville including people who weren't neonazi or fascist, and has damaged dozens of businesses during their protests. And I'm sure this is just a scratch. But the most sinister part is that Antifa defenders support this actions, they intellectually try to justify violence even if violence is used against accidental innocent people. Moreover, Antifa members are usually anarchists and Marxists, whose ideology is to violently subvert the capitalistic system in a Revolution —which with absolute certainty will cause a lot of innocent victims— and establishing a regime that 100% of the times it has been tried, it has created the most oppressive, genocidal and poverty-ridden countries in modern history, along with Nazi Germany. The violence carried out by fascists doesn't make the violence from Antifa any less wrong. In fact, trying to justify attacking people instead of ideas and lurking for a witchhunt where anyone could be labeled as "fascist" or "Marxists", or "Jew" or "bourgeois" or whatever could only produce a very coincidental, almost identical result from both groups.

+Kotaro Daro It's extremely telling that you'd compare antifa to fascist terrorists. One side are at worst a group of vandals, the other are organising to purge society of people they don't like. One side punched a nazi, the other executed 60 children for dissent. If you think there's a comparison to be made here, you are not nearly as neutral as you think you are.

+DeoMachina Yes, I agree that fascists have done that, but if you are rational you'd agree with me that Marxists have also been very violent, specially Antifa; not to mention Communistic regimes where all that you have described is HAPPENING right now.

+Kotaro Daro This is false, only one side has been involved with assassinations, bombing campaigns and the murder of dissidents. One side. I'm sure fascists appear to be pretty scarce if you refuse to acknowledge Bannon as one, but the fact is that *today,* they were out in force attacking people.

+DeoMachina Yes, they have been. They're both wanting to apply violence to each other and anyone who disagrees with their respective ideologies, because for them everybody must fit in the they-vs.-us political classification, and if you don't agree with them, you're suspicious of being against them. The vast majority of the people that Antifa labels as "fascists" aren't fascists, Steve Bannon himself is an example. The same is believed by actual fascists, who just like their arch-enemy Marxists, classify everybody who isn't a fascist as a Marxist or as a "Marxist-enabler," equally harmful and violence-deserving. Fascists are scarce, contrary to what Antifa and hysterical leftists claim, but you can check this line of reasoning in true fascists such as Evalion. They're both totalitarian ideologies.

I'm intrigued, and sold. Now I want to check out the Generation Zero documentary, Thanks.

32:00 That's going to give me nightmares.

Comrade Peter, please please please help us start discussing the very real and very concerning need for the Left to start using a fun, clever, innovative social media site(s) other than facebook who is increasing it's scary ass totalitarian Anti-Left Censorship. PLEASE COMRADE, RESPOND TO THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU❤️❤️❤️

One day, I will Patreon the shit out of you because damn, I learn so much and get turned on simultaneously.

This video made me think. It also made me look up the pronunciation of Manichean.

You know, in the 30s, there was this guy named Coughlin, who presented democracy as doomed and told his listeners the choice would be between Communism and Facism. He was a Facist, of course, with all the Anti-Semitic baggage that that includes. But he was wrong, both in presenting Facism as an option that is in any way viable as well as in presenting democracy as doomed. False Dichotomies will lead us nowhere, and I kind of dislike that you present the choice as being between Socialism and Barbarity(which is a term that was shit when the Romans used it, btw). Change as drastic as you describe it cannot be achieved without a lot of blood being spilled, and blood has a tendency to drown any ideals held by those that spill it.

blue pilled cuck

+lolcatjunior i was expecting "racist" that's normally the insult you people use. better incel than cuck imo, neither get pussy at least the incel has more freedom and money. Enjoying being beta bucks for a 2/10 health at any size whale who treats you like a low t bitch keep thinking you're "progressive" you mong.


Lost me with the white guilt nonsense. There's no evidence that white people are seen as citizens more than anyone else in the USA. That's a vague claim like the ones you were criticizing from Bannon. And the "white feelings" deflection accusation is just pure unfalsifiable race theory hocus pocus. Then at the end, spewing out leftist ideological politics without the how you just exposed yourself as a shallow thinker.

There was cultural rejection of who was American during the cocaine epidemic in the 80s & 90s when racial profiling was big. I am hispanic living in compton LA so I know. Even today many people are berated for speaking another langauge openly.

Hard to focus, too hot

If the official fire department won’t do anything, then we must create a volunteer fire department.

An entire 45 minute video about society and fire and you didn't even quote Bane once?

Fuck you're hot. Also, nice video.

"You either have to choose between socialism or Fascism", how about Anarchism? ;)

So this is the first time I've ever seen a video of yours. I found your Twitter from searching your name because I see it a lot and this video was linked. This is really one of the very best videos I've seen. Very good theming and tone, extremely good writing. I love your style of video how you treat this as a film. I'm very very impressed. I subscribed and became a patron from one video. I'll be binging the rest of your channel today. Thank you for your effort.

+Philosophy Tube I was asking basically wether or not you remember what you wrote in your script so you have answered my question.

+Dontreadthis I'm not sure what you mean? I wrote the script; I know exactly how many shots I took at Pewdiepie and exactly what I said?

+Shadow Might you are insane. I'll engage a little more but when someone is so far gone there is usually no point. I'll ignore all your violent ramblings and projection for a second and pose you this: why do 'the centre' news corps so enthusiastically bat for a far left interpretation of liberalism/democracy and constantly attack anything that isn't? Even if they are rich capitalist institutions, the messages they spread are a mix of basic moderate capitalist, moderate left mixed with far left positions and never even go as far as libertarianism toward being complimentary about the right. The left have lost their minds and become cornered under a big umbrella with each other where they feel they have to attack everything.

Buzzwords, says, so the king of buzzwords. Define: 'The Left' for me and then explain why the centrist news, status quo News Organisations such as the likes of CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post are: 'The Left?' Sounds more to me that you don't know many if at all any left leaning news companies, so you conflate pro corporate media institutions as being on that side of the political spectrum. I know, I know you're politically illiterate. You can't help yourself. After-all everything you've ever learned about the real world and politics in general likely came from 4chan /pol/ boards. You sad, sad sub-human. Someone ought to just put you out of your misery and shoot you in the head. Now again, let's talk right wing media moguls who own literal global empires ranging from TV, Radio and Newspapers in multiple countries? Lastly, seek help? How about you seek death!

+Shadow Might what are you even talking about dude? You are just firing off as many buzzwords used in internet political shitflinging as you can and sound like you are having a fit at your keyboard lol You've really drunk the political radicalization kool aid online, you are a textbook zealot that can't actually converse properly with people anymore without throwing out a billion insults and assumptions based on one or two points someone argues. Seek help.

By your inane logic I'm meant to be some soy-filled beta male who's inferior in every way and yet... I can type better than you can, I can formulate sentences better than you ever could and I can consistently insult you on-the-fly as I do it. Now let's talk right wing media moguls who own global empires again?

Of course you don't give a shit, you're objectively inferior, so why would you? To you your ignorance and sense of self-righteousness is the only: 'strength' you've ever known as a worthless low tier experiment.

Er nope, retard mistaking words: 'they' for: 'the' in The New York Times has absolutely nothing to do with capitalization and the fact you'd even think that once again reveals how much of a inferior specimen you are in regards to English studies. Though upon observing this it'd seem you also have very severe cognitive issues. As a master-race do you suffer from these unique perks often?

I challenged your argument and then I insulted you, there's a big difference. Think I'm going to give someone who dares self declare themselves as: 'master-race high IQ alpha-males' when they fail basic human functions like typing properly? There are disabled people who can type, form sentences and make points more clearly and coherently than you ever could throughout your entire useless incel Neo-Nazi life.

Broken grammar and lack of basic English is a sure sign that I'm dealing with a neanderthal who thinks he's smarter than he actually is. It's you that of which self-proclaim how you're the: 'master-race' yet you fail the most elementary of English? Some: 'master-race' I must say. You'd think such a perfect race of: 'white christian alpha males' would care about their English studies. If anything you're the sub-humans who need a bullet in their heads.

Sinclair Broadcasting Group owns 240 individual: 'local news networks' in various states of America and Rupert Murdoch is literally one of the most richest media moguls on the planet. The man owns a global multi: 'news' empire from TV to Newspapers in practically several countries, so cut the crap lying Alt-Right trash.

+Shadow Might calm down autist, don't have a heart attack while you attack my lazy typing and furiously like your own comments. lol. Yeah I edited to add a point, don't give a shit about correct capitalization, literally has nothing to do with the argument. You see sonny, when you see actual big time intellects debating points, they don't ever call out mistakes in grammar, small mistakes in English because it doesn't help their argument and they look like a petty try hard. I couldn't give a shit about correcting spelling and punctuation for a convo with the likes of you. After just a few replies and you've already lowered the tone with insults and dragging the exchange into point scoring over spelling lmao. By all means keep going down that route and spell check this post if you really want but it would be pretty unproductive and pathetic. Ready to talk points when you are champ. The media and individuals you mentioned pale in comparison to the size of left wing media, that's a fact.

What about Fox News and Breitbart? Rupert Murdoch and Robert Mercer ring any bells? How about The Koch Brother's and Dennis Prager? Sinclair? Oof even edited and as a, so called perfect unquestionable master-race you still somehow managed to put The New York Times as: 'They new York times.' I'm clearly dealing with a retard who can't type let alone think properly.

Shadow Might CNN, MSNBC, Huffington post, the Washington post, they new York times, the Guardian, buzzfeed to name a few. 'I exposed you' lmao. Another check on the 'internet arguments won' list on your bedroom wall eh? Telling that you immediately jump into vulgar insults too.

+DeoMachina This is the problem with you, you have accused me of having a fascist-defense script simply because I’m disagreeing with you. You further prove my point. Bolsonaro isn’t a fascist, or at least there’s not justification to think he is. He has some extremist ideas, but saying he’s a fascist is another level. Has he admired Hitler? Has he openly called for genocide for one group of people? Is he even a proven racist? Does he believe that Brazil has a "vital space" or _Lebensraum_ in order to expand into? Even if hypothetically Jair Bolsonaro was a fascist, the fact that Bannon supports him doesn’t say much about Bannon’s political ideology; just in the same way that Donald Trump supporting Hillary Clinton's campaign years ago, before running himself for president, doesn't mean that Trump shares the same political ideology than Hillary Clinton. Of course, even sketching that thought at this point is ridiculous. The problem is that you want to apply utter violence to fascists and then charge such a delicate and very serious term like "fascist" to persons in an incredibly loose way, most of the time associating it with people that has nothing to do with it. And that's extremely dangerous. Violence + stupid people = not precisely a good mixture. Now, referring to the what you have said about capitalism: Yes! It exist a system worse than capitalism. Many of them, indeed. There’s slavery, there’s feudalism and there’s Marxism, and there’s fascism. None of them seem like an alternative to me. You know what’s worse than having such a problem like catastrophic climate change ahead? Having catastrophic climate change ahead and not being able to openly discuss it. Being censored to even acknowledged that the problem itself exists. Not having Internet to inform yourself, not having Internet to communicate with others, not having Internet or any other mean to share and discuss ideas (like you’re doing here right now). Not being allowed to criticize the leaders. Being forced to be taken into a compulsory military service, instead of employing your time as you please. Living in the most absolute poverty and rot in the hopelessness of never being able to improve your life ‘cause the State owns everything and pays nothing, and if you try to make a private business to end your poverty away from the State, you will be repressed by police and your business expropriated for the bureaucrats to enrich from your work taken by force. That’s worse than capitalism. Cuba is like that. North Korea is like that. Venezuela is like that. And we are talking monsters that exist in the present day. So, about your statement, _"There is nothing, absolutely nothing you can come up with that is worse than this",_ my answer is: You have no idea. You have no idea.

+Kotaro Daro I don't know where you got your fascist-defense script, but you need to update it. Bannon has absolutely supported Bolsonaro, a fascist who doesn't even care to pretend otherwise. That's just the most obvious example. There's also Trumps entire election campaign. Until you can learn to recognise fascists for what they are, it doesn't matter what you think of antifa. But since you asked about capitalism: The capitalists prefer the workers to be fractured and disorganised, and to that end seek to propagate anything that stops them uniting. This is why capitalists always support fascists, by the way. It's why the wealthy aren't too concerned about racist oppression or violence. Many people today are being oppressed just because its convenient for the rich to have a scapegoat. As for poverty, it's actually kind of shocking you'd question this one. Capitalists want to make more money, and they save money by paying workers less. They also make money by raising the prices of everything. So for the working class, wages have stayed the same yet the cost of everything has risen. Homelessness is up, food bank use is up, debt is up. People are getting poorer. Genocide is easy, every capitalist nation which expanded its reach has displaced and sometimes outright exterminated the indigenous people living in the now colonies. How many nations were there in Australia before the land was exploited for profit? How many are left? This isn't all in the past either, right now the Yemeni people are being eradicated by Saudi forces wielding weapons made by the UK/USA etc. Those countries don't care about genocide, but they do care about money. Capitalism enables this to happen. Finally there's the fact that capitalists knew about global warming before anybody else, and when looking at what this would do to their business, they decided it would actually make them richer. So they conspired to make it happen. The human race as we know it might be gone in 100 years. There is nothing, absolutely nothing you can come up with that is worse than this.

+DeoMachina Hitting innocent people is the unavoidable outcome of Antifa's witchhunt. Law enforcement is a necessary evil carried out by a professionals with special training, and even so, police actions are still controversial and in some cases brutal, and needs constant revision. Antifa is a group without a definite strcuture, where members think they have the license to be violent against people they themselves identify as "fascists," which as I aforesaid, most of the time they are not. Look at Steve Bannon, he doesn't support fascist ideology, he doesn't want a genocide for any ethnic group, he apparently doesn't think there must be a supreme leader who controls the state all-mightly. Antifa classified him as a fascist with no real reason, at least that I know. And where capitalism provokes "genocide," "poverty," and "oppression"? In places that those thing happen to exist, is it a necessary outcome of capitalism or a local conditions that allow this to happen. And if capitalism is a flawed system as you suggest (which I don't doubt it is because no social-economical system is perfect), then by what do you suggest substituting it for? Marxism? Nothing that has happened under capitalism can compare to the genocides, the abuse of power, the hopelessness, the censorship, the poverty and the economic stagnation that comes from a Marxist government. You can check this out right now. Just analyse the situation in those countries under Marxism that currently exist: such as Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea. You will ecounter in those places horrors that you have never seen elsewhere.

+Kotaro Daro Nobody related to antifa says "it's okay to hit innocent victims as well as nazis". That is a lie. You'll find that any use of force carries with it the risk of being misapplied. Sometimes the police arrest the wrong guy. Does that make the concept of law enforcement invalid? And I could be wrong but I'm seeing plenty of oppression, poverty and genocide from capitalist nations at the moment. The death toll over the past decade is already in the hundreds of thousands in my country alone. And by the end of the century it will be tens of millions worldwide. That's capitalism, literally anything which kills less people is necessarily better.

chest hair.

Hello Trotsky

Yessss my friend was one of the organisers at that protest! It scared them a lot apparently it got way too out of hand for them - they said to me that ‘when you tell rich people they can’t have something they get very upset’

God damn - Bannon is even worse than I thought...

.... Given that I read up on The Arsonists before watching further, seeing the other character in this mention he's a traveling salesman was quite an "Oh, wait" moment.

Transsexuals and pudgy degenerates. Is the best the Far-Left has?

What is a 'life style' that is 'detrimental to themselves and their community'? I'd say a 'life style' that normalizes exclusion of those people for ultimately entirely superficial actions might count as 'detrimental to themselves and their community'. Why are their actions 'immoral'? What defines 'moral'? Whatever beliefs you happen to align with? Steve Bannon and Trump are obese, are they inherently 'immoral' because of it? Do you judge everyone's character like that, or do you hold those judgements only for people you dislike? Why trans people? And these still fairly vague 'degenerates'? What is so threatening about them to you?

Someone who engages in a life style that is detrimental to themselves and their community. A life style that only benefits themselves in that moment only and not the long term. This can be expressed through porn, drugs and obesity. These people are selfish and immoral.

Is there a problem with either group? Why target 'transsexuals and pudgy degenerates'. Hell, what is a 'degenerate' to you? Probably says quite a lot.

"exits to the *far left*" oh i JUST got that


The arsonist was a masterpiece

I absolutely adore your videos and seeing tiny Contrapoints references.

33:20 - bad critique, immigrants do drive down wages, not because it's some conspiracy that the immigrant intended to do, but because there's a flood in the market of work that you can now pay everyone less for, especially less for people who aren't legal immigrants and don't have workers rights. Bosses can't force the hand of economics, economics exist independent of whether you're implementing capitalism, socialism, communism, anarchism... the underlying "Value" of someones work is tied to: competency of skills, demand of skills, supply of skills

I think I need to go back and rewatch while paying closer to attention to the "former lecturer" character

you dressed up as a sexy fireman, saying "your ass belongs to me" left me shook

Whoa whoa whoa... That transformation.

Wow you really took some ticks from Contrapoints in this video. Random sexy outfits and some bomb lighting. j'approve

The bias is getting a little heavy in here, gonna want to stick a "My" at the start of ya channel name man.

Rofl 1:50 almost literally killed me, also why is Ollie so attractive.. this attractiveness is reaching transcendent proportions, Ollie is bound to become a Kantian category at this rate..

I'm glad I rewatched this and managed to see what you did at 20:10

Is this silly race and gender hysteria still in fasion? So silly

+Shadow Might they get more views this way

You still trying to leave useless comments 4chan /pol/ troll? Plan to leave the same repetitive comments every day do you?

The Golden One made a video about your video? But not really because he didn't watch it because he's too important. Then he lectures how inferior men give attention to superior men and that reveals their insecurities. Well, according to his hypothesis, he must feel insecure when he had to talk about you. Intellectually inferior.

+DeoMachina Who? I don't even know who you're talking about.

+Bender Alley It's not slander if you literally watch nazis on youtube He even has a nazi tattoo abasjhbjasf

+DeoMachina Yup, keep alienating and slandering anyone who doesn't agree with your exact views. That's exactly why leftism is failing.

+Bender Alley And you watch nazis on youtube, quite happy to know that you think ill of me.

+DeoMachina Once again, you're an absolute clown.

​+Bender Alley For everybody watching, note that Bender here is specifically claiming that people who publicly stated their alligence to ethnonationalism are not white supremacists. It's a ridiculous defense, and he knows it, but being ridiculous is part of the game. There's no comeback to this, all we can do is point out that he's chosen a side.

+DeoMachina "Do ICE randomly grab white people and demand to see their papers No" Actually they do if they look suspicious, but even then I fail to see how such a situation ties into someone being seen as a citizen or not. And fyi if I cared about being "exposed", I wouldn't make my subscriptions public. None of the people I'm subscribed to are white supremacists, and regardless, the fact that I'm subscribed to them doesn't mean I endorse all their views. You're a joke and an alarmist. Take your meds, nutjob.

Do ICE randomly grab white people and demand to see their papers No So you made that up right? That's called a "lie". Also for anybody scrolling past, Mr Alley here seems to be subscribed to a few actual white supremacists. In other words it's fair to assume he literally believes in white supremacy and that white people ARE more of a citizen than minorities. Yet he acts put off by anybody talking about it. Why? Obviously he doesn't disagree, he just doesn't want anybody to say anything.

Also known as Libertarian Socialism

Great film but incorrect in falling into the Neoliberal trap of assuming that taxes pay for things. Just as public spending independent of taxation bailed the banks out it also pays for all investment and thereby creates net financial assets (£s/$s). The government spends to create them and then for several purposes taxation destroys them. We cannot pay our taxes until the government has already paid the money into existence so the evil Thatcher was wrong when she said "There are no funds except taxpayer funds." The purposes of taxation in a fiat non-convertible currency regime are: 1) to enable the govt to transfer private wealth to public sector - to enable it to operate as govt; 2) to give the currency its value - you need it to pay your taxes, you can't pay them without it; 3) to discourage unwanted behaviour ie smoking/drink to excess and to encourage wanted behaviour with tax relief ie paying into pensions; 4) to reduce aggregate demand to control inflation; 5) to create unemployment ie people seeking the currency to pay their taxes and 6) to reduce inequality and the ability of the wealthy to control the political process - this is done by removing from the wealthy but does not reallocate to the less wealthy. in a fiat currency there is no need to do this as the govt is monopoly issuer of the net financial assets, a proviso being that banks are licensed to issue loans and temporary credit currency but this disappears once the loan is repaid or written off. This is why banks hate public spending because it reduces the space into which they can make loans. #LearnMMT

"'the centre' news corps so enthusiastically bat for a far left interpretation of liberalism/democracy and constantly attack anything that isn't?" They don't, CNN, MSNBC and The New York Times attack Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and various other progressive democrats. See what I mean when I rightfully point out how you're politically illiterate? Also to further smash your stupid argument why on Earth would the major billionaire CEO's of said news companies even support those who want them to stop dodging their taxes? Got anymore bullshit for me, cause I'm not done raping you yet. Also you're a Libertarian cock-womble I see. Very well then do me a favor. Regarding the: 'free-market' put your money where your stupid ignorant mouth is by immediately ceasing to use any and all public utilities. This includes the internet by the way, but I wouldn't expect someone of low intellect as you to comprehend such a thing.

Fuck that ending gave me chills.

Great video, EXCEPT for the part (in the second half) in which it promotes the State takeover of the entire economy.

Socialism means worker self-management of enterprises, not state control and central planning.

+TreeHairedGingerAle Thank you for your comment. You've pointed out a good & important distinction. I was being sort of careless in my quick comment. Yet, even so, I don't see any way for workers to take control of means of production except through laws passed and enforced by the State. Currently, in the U.S. private property exists because of laws enacted and enforced by the State. Any undoing of that would, it seems to me, have to be carried out by the State. And I believe that is what in fact took place in the USSR, Cuba, China, etc., back in the old days. Also, big massive, bureaucratic, centralized, controlling States will seemingly also be necessary in order for each major nation to have a military that can deter or fight off military attacks or terrorist attacks. But rather than attempt to rudely, poorly lecture you with my in-expert ideas, I will readily grant that I do not know what is going to be right, best, possible, or necessary going forward. AI and robotic technology are, some say, going to change everything quite soon. (Oops. There I go lecturing again.) I hope people wiser and better than I am can manage things well. I will vote for liberals and vote against conservatives and also vote against those promoting Marxist solutions of any kind. But: I could be wrong. I hope human civilization will continue. I hope all unnecessary human suffering can be avoided. I hope that human well-being and flourishing can be maximized. I enjoy many of these videos on PhilososphyTube, but I never the like the bits when Ollie endorses the termination of privately owned factories, housing, etc. But, if that ends up happening in the UK and in the USA, oh well, if I'm still here, I won't lose any sleep over it. Life goes on. Thank you again for your comment. Best wishes.

He's not talking about State control. Socialism is when the workers assume control of the means of production, usually within the context of a direct (rather than representative) democracy. In that case, it's the workers who take over the economy, not the state.

Good work, Ollie Thorn & PhilosophyTube.

Possibly the greatest thing I've watched

I see what you did there with the frog in the cooking pot. Well done

I'd love to see you talking about Bolsonaro in depth. He's probably not gonna finish his mandate and it's nice for the left to understand what happens then before it does. And for us, in the middle of the craziness, it becomes hard to analyze stuff eriously

I love how 10,000 years later, Lady Foppington's descendant is still obsessed with skull shape.

I need to have a "Transcendentally Male" poster. I must have it! Do you still have that costume?

that song. THAT SONG.

On another note, Ollie, please DO take a (figurative) swing at Jordan Peterson, like you suggest at 27:05. He has already been neatly debunked by many, but I am really curious how you would go about discussing him. With Bannon you did something spectacular, so I am secretly longing for something similarly brilliant.

9:23 Pretty sure Pareto was a fan of this version of history

Wow. Brilliant stuff.

Ha I smoked in the theatre and got away with it

+SIXHOTLOADS how is it detrimental to themselves? Transgender people have a higher suicide rate if they don't transition, when they do transition that reduces the suicide rate. Now granted it's still EXCEPTIONALLY higher than the average at 43% but those that don't transition have even higher rates of suicide. I'm not even left or right I'm a centrist we should just look at the data and studies.

SIXHOTLOADS "Community" is a collectivist abstraction you Communist.

Philosophy Tube that a very fine vid But Can’t you please wear something more appropriate please

Just like to mention that STJ made a video your video. Here come all the soy boy comments.

Philosophy with a twist of Critical Theory; How very... orthodox, How very... un-challenging

The way you present an idea is far more important than the idea itself; videos like this only serve to reinforce that concept to me.

"Immigration doesn't lower wages, bosses do .... hey, pass the bong"

And of course, ypipo bad is an undiscussed axiom.

Of course there is an effort to dispossess White europeans, I mean, this is basically said in public right now.

marxism isnt a moral philosophy -_-

Marxism is influenced by hegalism.

Search: 1977 Community Reinvestment Act & 2008 Financial Crisis - Frame Games and J.F. Gariepy

Soo hes the far rights michael moore?


Brilliant as in real real good!

I’m glad there are other people in this comments section are talking about this fireman outfit... those fuzzy pecs are downright delectable

I would try and tell you what Evola might say in response to this, but he wouldn't care about it all. Only the very few, at any time, have what it takes to pursue the royal path he described. The rest perish with their bodies. He was also not a racist. He admired the Indian, Iranian and even Islamic traditions for their spiritual virility. At no point did he say European's are superior.

Impartial Ollie has his fingers in his ears.

Evola is nothing, listen to Jacque Fresco instead.

Oh boy, fast-talking, context-bereft Communist/Socialist propaganda.

Normie TUBE

This armchair philosopher literally knows nothing about Traditionalism. Save yourself 30 minutes and just look it up on wikipedia rather than listen to this misrepresenting dribble.

Boy looks like Majin buu

The part about STJ was incredibly intellectually dishonest

Survive the jive is far right ? The fuck you smoking mate !

I know you’re trying to be accessible to the right but I don’t think it’s right to act like “Elites” and “They/Them” doesn’t mean the Jews

shoot Im smoking at the start of the show.

Oh my god the last few seconds killed me! The walls! Don’t play with matches! I love it!!

Wrong about cheddar man. I suggest reading the actual scientific papers associated with the topic and you'll see how much the media and the people doing the reconstructions have twisted the data. For a better understanding of what the western hunter gatherers wouldve looked like the closest living people are the Sardinians and they share the same genetics regarding skin pigmentation. There is absolutly no reason to believe they would've been similar or considered "people of colour" today and the only living group they are related to is Europeans

Too much effort. Yours, NPC #1253965

Can all these awful new lib channels stop overusing the neon lighting?

+Fred Yang Grow up.

+lolcatjunior Shitlibs?

+lolcatjunior lol :)

They aren't libs. Don't call us libs.


44 minutes of flatheaded misinterpretations and Marxist revisionism.

How's that an argument?

I checked out on you for some reason a while back and I decided to see what you're up to and by god you've improved so much it's amazing.


21:23 Fearless commitment to the craft. I salute you!

For god and cuntry!

Okay "to be seen in as many or as few clothes as possible" is such a turn of phrase but like yes that's my goal and I love it

I identify as transcendentally female lol

me too and im a cis man

Theatrical, illogical, and emotional. No facts presented as a rebuttal, just strawman arguments and political based attacks.

+lolcatjunior I was only referring to the Cheddar man section and the section on Evola. See Survive The Jives rebuttal. As if I have time to watch all of this soy. But based on how incorrect and intentionally misleading he was in those sections, Philosophy tube is disingenuous and deliberately misleading for political aim.

Banon? yeah i think so too

Steven Bannon claims no one could have predicted the 08 financial crisis. Ann Pettifor predicted it before it happened. Several economic theories argue that boom bust cycles happen no matter what you do. As mentioned in this video. Bannon is full of shit.

thank you comrade for my life

So goddamn talented!

Stalker, incoming

+Voltairine Kropotkin Thank you for your important comment. My comment assumed something that I now realize that the video never said. If that arrangement, worker self-management of enterprises without state control and central planning, is feasible across a whole large nation, that's great and I'd be for it. Forgive me, but I have my doubts. It seems to me that Anarchist type plans and initiatives have always ended up being overtaken by State Control and State Planning. For one thing, big massive, bureaucratic, centralized, controlling States are seemingly necessary in order for each major nation to have a military that can deter or fight off military attacks. If the USSR had not had State Control and State Planning, the USSR probably would have been defeated by the invasion of 1941 by the massive, bureaucratic, centralized German State. And now, in the age of Weapons of Mass Destruction, it seems like the Big Centralized State is more necessary than ever. But I do not claim to be an expert on any of this. I'm just a guy who follows the news and reads a little history. Perhaps some sort of peace-preserving democratic World State can and will be established, so that militaries will no longer be necessary or allowed. We live in perilous times, for many different reasons. I will cast my little vote in elections, but I really hope people who are smarter and better than me can save and improve human civilization. I see all this as quite complex. I intend to remain open to new information and interpretations, and to seek out new perspectives (the reason I watch Ollie's videos on this PhilosophyTube channel). I will always be completely against any form of violent revolution or coup, with the all the usual firing squads, show trials, civil wars, prisons and concentration camps for "enemies of the people," and all that. I suppose Ollie Thorn, the man in these videos, is against all those things, too--but to be honest, I really don't know where he stands on those matters. If we end up with worker self-management of enterprises without state control and central planning, and if it works, I'll celebrate along with most everyone else. Thanks again for your important comment.

What about the star of the video? I think he is a sexy degenerate.

Olly is inviting us to consider a frame work outside of capatalism. Olly's point is that imegrents don't have the power change wages. The people changing the wages are company managers. That is to say there is no such thing as the invisible hand of the market. When wages drop it is because people must work to survive and no regulations exist to allow for living wages.

+lolcatjunior Zeroth (I'm not from the USA) First, this was a great video, i was just critiquing that one point out of everything in the video... there's nothing else that really sung out to me as poorly done Second, i never said immigration was bad at all, on the contrary, immigration is a great thing, but to say more labour (often a result of mass migration) for the same job type doesn't drive down wages, and in particular illegal immigration doesn't drive them down further (at least temporarily) is ignorant at best - how does what I finished with not apply, that is the core point I am making, nothing else: The underlying "Value" of someones work is tied to: competency of skills, demand of skills, supply of skills increase the supply of skills = value of labour goes down for that job the demand of the skill increases because it's a niche or specialised skill or the economy shifts and you need more of that job/skill type = value of labour goes up for that job type the person is highly competent in their role and gets recommended by a lot of people = value of labour goes up

​+Jose Hernandez me or lolcat ?

you might be missing the forest for the trees there friend.

Why don't white people try to work in mexican restaurants that aren't taco bell? My mom works in one of the few textile factories in LA. Not a single white person in sight and its not that far from the main city either. Blame American companies for outsouring jobs where they pay even less than what my parents earn. Immigration has been an overall net boost, show me your sources and I'll show you mines.

He's a bloke too.

+lolcatjunior i was expecting "racist" that's normally the insult you people use. better incel than cuck imo, neither get pussy at least the incel has more freedom and money. Enjoy being beta bucks for a 2/10 health at any size whale who treats you like a low t bitch keep thinking you're "progressive" you mong.

This excludes the nature of work as the only true commodity. Most wealth is held in non monetary capital. I.e. gold stocks and bonds. That is those that have capital through the exploitation of labor convert this capital into so form of asset. Of which currency is only one form. Taxation allows for the government to charge individuals for the privilege of exploiting people in its borders. The privilege to sell within these borders and the privilege to sell outside these borders. Taxes may give currency it's value but they are most certainly the means by which governments settle their debts with each other.

I like to think of the fire and the wall as one and the same thing. Barriers between people. The prevent us from understanding each other and taking care of each other. Also the literal fire of the US mid/far west caused by global climate change.

which comment also some not all indentured slaves were charged with crimes. Whether these punishments where just, on par with there crime or otherwise they were certainly cruile. Many indentured servants were 'paying' for the trip to the americas. In general any form of slavery is unjust and pretty unambiguously wrong. The slight caveat being that as unlikely as 'restoration' was for an indentured servant was means existed to exist servitude. Once you were out of servitude you would be less likely than a black person to receive discrimination. Finally the scars of african american slavery run much deeper that irish american even though both are terrible.

also your energies are depleted... you have large amounts of energy around you you must only learn to harness them

Get some new researchers. (Unless the misrepresentations were within your ken, in which case, keep the fuckers).

I wish there was a way to reverse the making of the "arsonist", these are the replies I got from a chap under a video about the JonTron scandal of all places: I replied to a comment asking why JonTron is thought to be a white supremacist despite being the kid of Iranians, in short I explained being white is not a pre-requisite to being a white supremacist. Him: that has to do with other things, they never said that they weren't European they would discriminate based on other things such as how Italians and Irish were Catholic and usually the people who came from these countries came because they were the bottom of the food chain from their countries and in the case with Italians, they didn't speak English or in the case of Germany because they were at war with the US now, just like how the Japanese were put into concentration camps and had two atomic bombs dropped on their country. Racism isn't the only basis for discrimination. I'm sorry to burst your bubble. Me: Sorry to burst your bubble, but reasons like religion and class of their original home are additive reasons for the discrimination, the US already had Catholics that happily went along with the discrimination and I'm sure you're aware that most of the immigrants going to the US were the downtrodden and poor, whether by desperate choice or as indentured servants in British times, so the public wasn't exactly sitting pretty talking about those poor, uneducated dregs from (country). Racism was the root cause, as much as you wish it weren't. Just so happens that race isn't really a set-in-stone kinda deal and those people groups all got assimilated and became "white". Him: whether you like it or not they are all European just different ethnicities which all share similarities but also history. Most of the animosity is due to history. The English ie most Colonial Americans and the Irish didn't get along very well. This is how it is with East Asians as well. They're all the same race just different ethnicities. When you have different groups of people living close to each other conflict will arise. Of course the Americans at the time thought they were better. But they did manage to all assimilate due to the differences being minor. That however is a much bigger issue now then it was then because of two reasons: 1. since the amount of immigrants coming in to the US is far greater now then it was at the time, assimilation will be much more difficult, now add to the fact that most of the migration is coming from Mexico, when you import massive amounts of people from the same country they will not assimilate instead they will form their own communities which they have. Just go to LA or Santa Ana for proof of this phenomenon. 2. The immigrants that are coming in now are from non-Western societies, which are not seperated from Europeans not just by ethnicity but of race as well, basically they have no connection to Europeans and as such they have vastly different values and will seek to impose their way of life. The proof for that are all the minorities asking for special treatment and people asking to be tolerant which is quite baffling considering that they chose to come here. Me: Christ, I can see where this is going from a mile away, don't go down that ideological path, it'll destroy relationships with people you care about and all you'll be left with is being angry at the world. I went there some years back and it's been tough admitting to myself that it was a mistake. Him: That was your mistake, I'm just some random nobody on the Internet, I would never openly say these things to people that I know, because I know what would happen. However, it's not an idealogy it is a reality. Look at CNN where Don Lemon can openly say "white men the biggest terrorist threat to America and that something should be done" whether you like it or not pushback will happen not immediately though and who knows maybe by then it will be too late. Don't delude yourself deep down in your heart you know I'm right and you know this, you've been down this road before you've read and looked into things. You've just chosen to turn a blind eye and pretend everything is ok so you won't get any backlash Me: Jesus Christ, I hope that what I said sticks to you deep down and years down the line you'll come to realize that a life revolving around hate is not the kind of life you want to lead. Him: Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not racist, I don't live with hate, and I'm a pacifist . I only acknowledge the harsh reality of things. But things will not be pretty for my people in the near future once we become a minority in our own countries given how we are constantly vilified and blamed for everything that's wrong in the world when in reality the rest of the world is just as guilty as white people in war, slavery, etc. Only the West has to make way for immigration right? Not the rest of the world I didn't reply after that as I intended the previous message to be the last and I'm sure anyone reading this knows how futile it is to show this kind of person the error of their ways.

watched twice already will watch again T_T you're so good, Olly x_x

Top marks for pomposity and gayness.

I can’t focus on what this video is about because it’s being presented by a 10/10

survive the jive did a response video

pls do a video on lukacs and reification : )

That guys bullshit I achieved super fascist three a few years ago.

ugh I appreciate your analysis, style and acting so much, thank you for doing what you do!

So Evola was the Italian Heidegger whose offspring let to the birth of Christopher Lee. Sucking the life out of females sounds like vampirism was always there. (?)

Ha, immigrants absolutely drive down wages u lying asshole.

My parent are illegal immigrants that pay taxes and get no tax return. Is everything you don't like jewish?.

Are u Jewish?

Bannon is a Zionist fake nationalist. So ur picking low hanging fruit, making a hell of a straw man who doesn't represent the right.

*To destroy a people you must first sever their roots* - Solzhenitsyn. Well done Ollie, Shekels coming your way.

I take it back. I think u are have goode ideeas

Orthodox ideas. Might as well watch BBC.

31:29 is the best part of the video. Fuckin' Bruce Faulkner score and everything. A+.

Woah your comments on Evola are a crock of shit. Juvenile at best. Better check out Survive the Jive's rebuttal for the truth....

STJ annihilated you Philosophy Tube.

who is stj

+c x ??? ???


Anyone else think this is unquestionably incredible... AND respect the STJ critique of certain sections (Cheddar man/maybe some points about Evola?) Interested to hear from you... I can't be the only one. (I'm ridiculously leftist, by the way... But I really respect/enjoy Survive the Jive's content/points on this video...)

The most recent comments are riddled with STJ support

30:16 Ok... Are we going to talk about why Ollie owns a horse bit and harness? (Not to mention a fireman outfit, complete with heat gloves and aviator sunglasses...)

Hmmm... I'm smelling some bias coming through. I'm no fan of Banon he reminds me of my dads corpse after the wood-chipper whiskey incident, however you've portrayed yourself as being a 'neutral actor' but i'm hearing an awful lot of Marxist critique and not much of anything else. It's your channel do whatever the fuck you want but to an existentialist, specifically a Camus fan boy, many a RED flag hath been raised thy chum. Many.

The issue with the cheddar man is not that he had a darker complexion, it is that they tried to represent him as a sub saharan African, despite Europeans being the only peoples that have any genetics from the cheddar man. In a similar way the reconstruction of the neolithic farmer woman, which is the population that brought the modern light skinned European complexion into Europe to merge with the blue eyed darker cheddar man, yet here they still reconstructed the neolithic woman to have a dark complexion. The issue isnt that these groups were once different, the issue that it is being misrepresented due to modern political ideology, Tom Booth, one of the scientists working on the reconstruction of both, co authored a paper explicitly stating that ancient DNA and anthropology should be misrepresented if it could feed into the 'racist' narratives of modern European identities

Make sure you check out Survive the Jives response video!

+c x shut up Jew


He won't!

How absolutely revolutionary... in a way that is completely in line with Walmart's corporate diversity policy, of course.

+lolcatjunior There's a difference between dialectics and morality.

No, you see, Evola was a white guy and he was associated with fascists therefore he's pure evil and literally hitler. Ignore the fact he wrote scathing critiques of fascism and national socialism, was put on a list by the SS, and that Evola was considered an "anti-fascist" in his day, thats not important! He was a sexist who demanded the rape of women! Only, he didn't, and he wrote extensively on the subject of male and female relations, condemning the misogyny of other philosphers.. But he was a racist! Only he wrote a book called the doctrine of race in which he said that biological race is the least important conception, that the "race of the soul" is most important, and he placed equal value on non-european cultures.. Oh yeah.

+Swag Mcfresh I'll take that as admittance of the "being provocative" charge.

+federico amadeo I'm guessing you can't see the irony of a communist accusing someone else of having a warped outlook, on account of being a brainless commie and all that. Shame, it's quite funny.

+Swag Mcfresh Good point. If that's your genuine, good-faith reading of this video, your outlook is so warpped that no communication is possible with you. My money, however, is on you just being provocative. But, again, this is all a non-starter.

+federico amadeo What argument is there to be made? The dude slanders people, drops cringy pro-communist jokes and references, and calls it a day.

The bitter, quippy, argument-bereft accusation in response.


That's what the "Shekels" line was there for

+Bread Scientist Literally the most retarded take, as you're taking propaganda as literal truth. Also there is a difference between racial groups and ethnicities. Like the Anglo-Irish thing in America wasn't that bad after the 1920s-30s. Like the fact that you're going so hard on this is dumb

+zyzz ​ If white people can legitimately call each other things like "descendants of Africanoid cro-magnon men" as part of an effort to demonstrate their civilization's superiority based on genetic heritage, then that conception of race is useless in practice.

+Jason Muniz I don't even understand what you're trying to get at anymore. Seems like you have already admitted that Irish/celtic people have always been considered white just the English and them have had historical issues

+Jason Muniz Lmao, and during war time the English also compared to Germans as Apes even tho Anglo-Saxons are literally Germans. This is all just such dumb hair pulling. Most of those ethnic tensions between the Irish and English was very early in American history and was mainly due to the huge amount of Irish immigrants coming in. The US government pretty much stopped all immigration for over a decade because of this issue. I don't think you see Anglo vs Irish tensions anymore in America. When people say "America is a melting pot" thats kind of true, but only for Europeans. In fact the largest ethnic group in America isn't Anglo its actually main land Germans. America is mainly German anyways

+zyzz "the irish have always been considered white" yeah they were also compared to primitive apes as opposed to the progressive anglo saxon race. But you know what yeah this whole anglo irish issue really does demonstrate that merely being white does not mean you are priviledged, civilized or savage and primitive. This helps us get to the real root of the issue in modern western civ.

+Jason Muniz Nigga, I'm just explaining history. You yourself probably couldn't tell the difference between an Anglo and Celtic person. My point was "The Irish have always been considered white", but yes they did suffer discrimination by the English, that doesn't change the greater truth tho. Im fascist btws

+zyzz yeah after they were anglified, lets just ignore the wars of conquest and anti irish discrimination right? Its just mere "ethnic tension". So again did the Irish become "good whites" by becoming anglified? I mean surely to a white nationalist like you just being white should be enough right? Or is anglification/nordification also important? And wtf are you anyway?

+Jason Muniz So what? It's called ethnic tensions. The Irish were still allowed to marry Anglo's. Look at Australia were the British colonised, it was a predominant Anglo-Saxon nation with a large Irish population and yes the Anglo was the dominate ethnic group but both essentially the same rights. Your entire statement of "The Irish weren't considered white" is bullshit in every aspect

+Bread Scientist Oh my god, my entire statement was that "The Irish were considered white" there's a fucking difference between race and ethnicity! Yes the Anglo's didn't like the Irish and there has always been ethnic tensions between the two, just like how the Germans and Poles both have ethnic antagonism as one is Germanic and other is Slavic. However they are both still Indo-Europeans who are native to the European continent aka "White".

+Bread Scientist I could be wrong, I could be. But even if I am what goddamn difference does it make, I mean for fucks sakes they were compared to fucking apes?

+zyzz Being allowed to immigrate and being considered degenerate relative to Anglo-Saxons was not mutually exclusive. Does that make Irish "not-white"? Perhaps not, but even then it's still worth pointing out that there have historically been hierarchies within races.

+Jason Muniz Whats source you stupid Spic.

+Bread Scientist The Anglo's didn't like the Irish, thanks for that. But guess what, in all countries which had "White only" immigrations they were allowed in. I don't care if you don't agree with Racial Nationalism thats fine, just don't lie

+zyzz Do a google image search of "irish cartoon apes" and see for yourself.

+zyzz why dont read the fucking the source i posted you miserable piece of shit

+Jason Muniz When were the Irish ever considered "not white" stop lying you stupid communist

+Jason Muniz Except you're wrong.

If the Irish at one point were not considered white then you know damn well cheddar man would not be considered white. The fact the Irish are considered white now just goes to show how its definition can change, which you conservatives are opposed to.

+lolcatjunior Stop acting like libs then

"Yes the program itself said this changes the conception of indigenous britishness" *one minute later* "its obviously not a conspiracy for rewriting ethnic britains'" just completely transparent lmao

+Ariel Popperl It's hard to argue against that which is not rational but ideological. This video is almost entirely ideological.

+Ariel Popperl it's not. For a comprehensive analysis and rebuttal to this video, refer to survive the jives response.

​+Jason Muniz Maybe the Capitalists and the Workers could fairly and equally share control of the State and the Economy? Could this be better than the Workers liquidating or completely de-capitalizing the Capitalists, or the Capitalists continuing to enslave, rule, and exploit the Workers? Could Capitalists and Workers work together for the Common Good of All People (including preserving the bio ecosystem of planet earth)? Couldn't we reconceptualize the Capitalists as Managers who are required to manage people and resources for the Common Good? Don't there always have to be Managers in any Government, in any Economy, and in any Workplace? Couldn't the Capitalists be made accountable to the Workers--isn't that what they have in the Scandinavian countries?

Sorry guy but capitalists have been using the state to take over the economy, they've been doing it for centuries. The workers must take over the state and the economy.

That's because you accept un-critically the warm mush you're spoon-fed by the Establishment and it's enablers in the Media

+Vulpes Inculta thank you for the comprehensive reply, I was almost going to give an example using 100 widgets, 50 workers and 100 loaves of bread when suddenly an influx of 50 people able to make widgets comes along, but you've essentially done the work here, thanks. @Jose Supply and demand will always exist, it doesn't matter what framework/lens you view it under (capitalism, communism, socialism etc) - someone has a thing you want and you need to exchange something you have for it (be it money, labour, goods, services or anything else under the sun - money is just the *shortcut* way to assign value to these things). Instead of money you could say flour, wheat, maize, cows, milk and it won't make a lick of difference, oversupply/undersupply will necessitate changes in value within the market. China understands this, which is why they're essentially an authoritarian capitalist economy with a leadership that has "communist party" in name only.

+Jose Hernandez "The value of the work does not change depending on the number of people available to do the work." That is patently absurd. The reason why doctors, engineers, lawyers, specialized programmers, et cetera are paid so much (by those evil, evil robber baron corporations, no less) is because their skills are scarce and in demand. It is not because a doctor's skill is inherently more valuable than a sewage worker's skill. In fact, if you look at what a sociology graduate earns versus what a plumber earns, you find even more confirmation of what I'm talking about. Labor is a matter of supply and demand, and whenever you increase the supply relative to the demand, the price will drop. "In a capitalist society migration affects wages may be true" This is a pretty weak argument. I dislike the word 'Capitalism' because it makes the natural conditions of human interaction and human exchange of goods and services out to be an ideology. The truth is that the basic rules of supply and demand have applied in every society that ever existed, from the Assyrian Empire to Makhnovia to the British Raj to the Empire of Benin to the Soviet Union. I think saying "this is only the case in a Capitalist system" is a get out of jail card, a way to avoid having to answer the critical questions of one's political opponents by referring to a hypothetical future where the rules of supply and demand cease to apply for the first time in human history.

+Vulpes Inculta The value of the work does not change depending on the number of people available to do the work. The only thing that the unemployment rate changes is the rate of exploration. In a capitalist society migration affects wages may be true but Olly argues simply imegrents don't lower wages. That is the conditional capatalism is a requirement of this argument but not of existence. I invite you and I assume olly invites you to view cattigoral staments such as imegrents lower wages as conditional. Reframing the game so a new solution can be found that is desirable for more people. Even though some considerations have to be taken with utilitarianism.

+Jose Hernandez "Olly's point is that imegrents don't have the power change wages." They lack the political, institutional power that Marxists enjoy talking about, but they have 'power' in the sense that in the labor market they are a very reliable agent of change in favor of employers. If you're an employer and you need 100 workers for a business, but you only have 90 people in the area looking for work, you have to start paying them more to get them to show up. But if you need 100 workers and there are 110 people looking for work, suddenly you're the lord and master of the negotiations. Not only that, but there are secondary effects to immigration. Most notably: the scarcity (and therefore the monetary value) of capital rises as immigration continues, because immigrants tend to come offering only their labor. Immigrants usually do not arrive in a new country owning houses, shares and savings; yet they will try to attain these things, thus driving up the prices of these things. It is not a coincidence that immigrant-heavy areas (London, New York City, San Francisco, Brussels, Berlin, et cetera) are absurdly expensive: it's because they are the focal point for immigrant supply of labor and demand for capital.

+Vulpes Inculta He serialized the Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion from August 8th 1938 onwards, in the Social Justice Magazine. Note that he stated that he was not sure that they were authentic, but that they were factually(paraphrasing a bit). I also found several references to a speech held in the Bronx in 1938, but could not locate the actual speech or a transcript thereof: since you seem to be sitting on a mountain of information on Mr. Coughlin, you might be able to find it yourself. It is, as far as I could discern, from December 18th. In it, Coughlin allegedly performed a Nazi Salute and made a statement to the effect that the Jews in America would be worse of than the Jews in Germany. Again, I could not find a transcript of that speech, but it does seem in line. He also, in his Social Justice Magazine, tends to describe Communism as a result of the Jews, and German and Italian Facism as a defence against it: this is where the defense of the Reichsprogromnacht happens. His Magazine, Social Justice Magazine, is available in archived form online. I would invite anyone reading to take a look, not only to fact check me, but also because some of the articles are titled hilariously similarly to today's right-wing YouTube videos, and I find that hilarious.

+Josch If Coughlin said this things, it should be quite easy for you to provide me with the dates of the radio addresses or publications where he made these claims. I can find my own access to these sources; you do not need to link me, though a direct link would be appreciated. The Holocaust Encyclopedia does not provide these sources on its woefully inadequate and incomplete online article on Coughlin. If that is, as I believe, the source of your information, you have been misinformed, and it should be telling that the Holocaust Encyclopedia does not mention its sources but does give a value judgment about Coughlin (they say he was a "demagogue" who "inflame[d] divisions and denigrate[d] groups in society").

+Vulpes Inculta When a radio host, in the 1930s, defends the Nazis actions during the Reichsprogromnacht, cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, associated with other fascists in the USA and abroad, amongst them Oswald Mosley(which, yes, I realize does not help distance me from HoI 4, but bear with me) and then goes on to advocate for candidates opposed to "both capitalism and communism", then I am going to go and call him a Fascist, and his commitment to a democratic USA into question. Wrapped in a flag and bearing the Cross and all that Jazz, you know?

Have you actually listened to the dozens of hour-long radio sermons by Coughlin, which are freely available online? Because it sounds like you're misrepresenting Coughlin's views. It sounds like you only know Coughlin from HOI4. He did not say there would be a choice between Communism and Fascism, and he did not call himself a Fascist. He proposed an American isolationist democracy and was an early supporter of Franklin Delano Roosevelt because the latter initially agreed with Coughlin.

Ah, yes, Anarchism. Along with Neo-Nazism, the ultimate in purity spiraling - an ideology so unworkable and unmarketable, you are safe in the knowledge that the world you dream of will never emerge to disappoint you. You can go to your grave without ever having felt disappointment in your own side, because your side is doomed by its own axioms to permanent irrelevance.

This video was great, from beginning to end. Great production value, and it genuinely cracked me up in a few places. However, I do not agree with the central thesis that the only solution to right-wing populism is left-wing populism. My home country (Italy) is currently run by a concoction of populists, some of the xenophobic/far-right variety, and some that are very ideologically confused. All of them are dangerous. Populism requires over-simplification of complex issues and solicits an in-group mentality, neither of which is good for society, in my opinion. I do agree that we need radically new ideas, but I don't agree that populism is going to be the answer.

37:41 - 38:28 tell me moar. gimme da book titles!

Holy shiit, I died at 20:07

How did I just now come across this channel?

My first philosophy tube video!

The problem with cheddar man and other black washed reconstructions is that it equates darker skin with sub-Saharan black. Considering the historical levels of migration of sub-Saharan Africans into Europe right now showing european groups from the past as sub-Saharan Africans has political connotations.

Two weeks later I've seen this way too many times. Amazing work.

*You haven't actually read Evola, have you Ollie* ?

I thought you were meant to be "impartial"? *Unsubscribed*

It's interesting that rather than arguing against his well researched points with your own you just get mad that reality doesn't line up with what's in your head and leave. Even in very 'standard' old school 101 type philosophy there is huge amount of debate, and rather than just getting upset when someone has a different idea than you, you counter them. Given how long this channel has been openly left i have a hard time believing you were actually a subscriber, or really that you ever had an honest interest in philosophy.

Human adaptation to local environments stopped at the neck. Ennit bruv?

I truly love the high production quality you are now doing with this channel. And if I may say, Ollie, you are looking good. ;)

First time ever watching one your videos. I'd like to say I'm gonna subscribe now because of your great points, wonderful speaking points, or the way that firefighter outfit looks on you, but to be honest I was sold as I realized there was a cover of "Why We Build the Wall", which is fantastic.

31:25 As opposed to the tens of millions murdered in the name of "equality" by people like you during the same time period?

Egalitarianism is rational and logical, Ennit bruv.

The underlying hatred and resentment towards your own race and nation practically oozes from every pore.


I spaced out halfway through the video so I missed what was up with the bit about you in a suit with a molotov but I can candidly say that bit was very sensual in a creepy spine-tingling kind of way

Great production value but not a great analysis, try and be aware of your own biases and attempt to look past them to allow for a greater understanding. As someone said you should probably change your channel name to 'My Philosophy Tube'.

Wait, wait, the woman researching Olly’s head last name was Foppington? Left tube cinematic universe confirmed?!?

More pointers need to be made to Hadestown, tbh. Sublime album

37:30 is this it? have we finally arrived at the crazy?

+Jobe Petit Why are you so mad about a long comment? Why do you care in the first place?

Dont you care about the Environment, ? It's a waste of bandwidth.. Save it on your desktop next time, it will have the same impact. That is to say none at all.

+Jobe Petit Do I care?

do you honestly expect anyone to read thi@?

very homo-erotic.


+Mac Mcskullface pipe down, lad.

What the hell are you on about

Such Fearlessness. Such Courage...

wtf u talking about, bitch boy? have you ever been to Europe? The overwhelming majority is still white. Fucking stupid Americans you can't even argue without sounding like a retard.

+Xenophon someone's too stupid to understand sarcasm

It's amazing how they simultaneously say "ha ha you're being made into a minority and there's nothing you can do to stop it, soon you won't exist!!!" and then when someone gets angry about it they switch to "what a conspiracy theory, no one's trying to displace white people you crazy person!"

What the fuck are you talking about

A mummified version of Michael Moore.

+Xenophon Another loaded accusation with no sort of support. Do you not see the irony?

It's edgy , in a conventional and conformist way.

Literally all it is, and like most of them he's a manipulative liar pretending to be objective and analytical rather than a propagandist.

+Jason Muniz Jesus christ you're autistic, no one is denying the history between the English and Irish, and the religious and ethnic tensions between them. If you think because Anglo's and Celtic people have had a bad history then how can you justify multi-racialism in America as there has been far more tensions and discrimination especially against blacks, or how do you justify Jews living in Europe. America, Australia and most of Canada were established by the Anglo's and the culture/language is mainly Anglo so it would justify the Anglification to a certain degree.

+Xenophon I guess you can blame the American who came up with it then. Still they were treated like shit because they were not the "good" kind of white. In England they laugh but what about in Ireland? I wouldn't be surprised if they also ignore history since many Irish have been culturally and linguistically castrated and have adopted the mediocre culture of england. Either way your white nationalist fairy tale history doesn't hold up against real history.

+Jason Muniz Weak reply, I addressed America because America is the originator of the "Irish people weren't white once" canard. In England it's even more laughable. White people conquered and oppressed each other for millennia, does that mean they all though they weren't white? You've ignored a wealth of objective evidence because it didn't go the way you wanted it to go, there's no arguing with someone who does that.

+Xenophon all this just ignores the fact that they were discriminated in the 19th century. They were portrayed as primitive apes, kind of like another race of people. It also ignores the English conquest of the Irish, it ignores the numerous times the Irish rebelled against English authority etc. Its alright though the Irish forgot their history(they have betrayed their ancestors) because man that generic bourgeois anglo white identity was just too fucking juicy. The Irish in the US, this was after all that shit happened(Conquest and anglification of Ireland). But go ahead just keep on sweeping everything under the rug like most white nationalist do.

+Jason Muniz The Irish were never considered "non white" that's another dumb left wing talking point, there was intra racial bigotry yes, but they were objectively considered white. I can present multiple pieces of objective evidence for this; -They were allowed to immigrate and become naturalized during periods of time when American immigration law was limited to whites only, from the founding of America forwards. -They were allowed to marry white people in states where interracial marriage was illegal. -They were allowed to join whites only labour unions. Please refute these simple points that clearly demonstrate that Irish people were always classified as white.

+zyzz Because you are clearly just ignoring the centuries of conquest and discrimination of the Irish by the English. On the contrary it seems like you are the one that is in denial about white identity and how it has been tied to anglification/nordification and not just simply being physically/phenotypically white. I'd like to see you tell members of the IRA or the Irish during the 19th, 18th, 17th centuries that all there troubles are just mere ethnic tensions and they should accept the superiority of the nordic over the simian gael. Nevertheless though do non anglo, non nordic whites have to accept anglification to become "good" proper whites? Was the conquest and discrimination to anglify and/or kill the Irish bad? Were all those Gaelic rebels against Anglo authority just a bunch of savages who knew no better(and there were many rebellions)? The Germans, did they also need to accept anglification to not be considered "Huns"? Fuck since I am hispanic white do I need to just accept anglification, reject my Celtiberian heritage and accept this generic bourgeois white identity? Of course, like a typical fascist, you'll just sweep centuries of history under the rug just so it won't go against your white nationalism.

Survive The Jives is full of shit. You need to stop quoting his garbage; if you can argue on your own merits then go on; mis-quoting someone else's brain farts isn't "being critical", you're just being one of the crickets in the field playing the same song.

Basically, I love how most of the replies are "you look great" or "so stylish", very little reference to any actual argument or evidence.

+Kara Hanscomb Duh

+Jobe Petit uh, what?

Possibly the most sycphantic and hyperbolic comment ever

(Cock in hand)

Okay. So. A content creator called Philosophy Tube. Some modest evolution in thinking is evident...the intellectual breakthrough ...a modest start...but baby steps eh? YES you may be on to something, this exhilarating exercise of slandering that half of the free world that does not vote the way you do as bigots and brutes and all those fancy "ist" words cognate with lumpen proletariat or untermensch is....what exactly? A zesty exercise of your free speech no doubt, but, that heady rush of spite and hatred gets old as you yourself get older nay? And maybe you do not REALLY want to resist, and silence, and crush people who may be family members in full on cultural revolution style. You want to .....ooooh this IS interesting...maybe engage with the ideas these people have. The wicked misguided ideas themselves. Not a rhetorical mangling of empty straw men but ideas that might give someone human pause. What ARE the foundational ideas of anti Marxists? They are economic ideas. So start with a left wing economist, start with Keynes. No gulags or collective farms in Keynes. Try Mark Blyth and Yanis Varoufakis, both decidedly anti Trump but somewhat pro Brexit. Interesting eh? The intellectual world beyond name calling. The world where Keynes and Hayek could discuss IDEAS without calling each other foul names. It is new. It is exciting, it is a place where nobody has all the answers.

Perhaps in good faith populism could be a worthwhile philosophical concept, but my problem is that it seems like it's mostly actually used as a cheap way for neoliberals to construct a false equivalency between the left and fascists. Though they do unintentionally reveal by using the term that what they defend under the term "democracy" is well, not — there's actually nothing they hate and fear more than actual democratic control of society (certainly not fascism, which capitalism gets along quite well with).

Excellent work as always

Liked. Subscribed. Notification bell clicked.

jesus h christ - so brilliant: thanx.

GOD this video is good

Fahrenheit 451

+HaruyaLike all dishonest Leftists he misrepresents and misdirects. Or, maybe, he is just completely uneducated on the topics about which he professes to have knowledge For nstance he's referring to passages of Evola where the author explicitly states he is talking about Caste and not Race. As such the conclusion must be Oily Ollie aims to serves up warm diarrhoea for his uncritical and gullible audience

Butt hurt right wing snow flake ???

+Jobe Petit hahaha

Soooo why was he let anywhere near the white house??? It's bad enough we have masters. I feel like this administration is just rubbing it in our face.

NoT tO MeNtIoN ThE fUrNiTuRe

I'm getting a very Contrapoints vibe from this video

I subbed at the dbz ref. Great video, Ive been trying to unravel Bannon as well.

It's surprising that Bannon believes in that 4 generation thing, since if applied to today it's "Boomers ruined everything, X was fucking useless and Millennials have to goddamn save the world now;" not a line that plays well with republican moves.

Evola didn't say I'm a super Fascist, he said he was an Over-Fascist, meaning he had stepped over it (Nietzsche reference). This makes sense if you read him, he thought that Fascist was wrong. You also failed to mention that he wasn't convicted because they found no evidence that he was a Fascist...I mean his book on it is literally called Fascism from the right - this was his criticism of Fascist from his right wing perspective. You should watch Survive the Jive's video response.

Okay I don't want to make a comment about the video subject yet (or maybe at all - I'm no expert, and mainly watch because I like your presenting style) but at 13:20 (and 19:10) you insinuate that pewdiepie is an antisemite, why??

Bannon is a Zionist. The far right has been completely taken over by zionists.

I had to watch this 3 times to get the anti-fire joke


+Mariana Muñoz Now bear in mind i'm a n00b to this channel and was working under the proviso that "Philosophy Tube" meant a multifaceted analysis as apposed to Critical Theory. You must understand that as I live in the world of the Absurd and as we live in a Post-Ironic world that Poe's Law often rears it's misshapen 5 week old multicoloured potato head (i really need to remove those spuds from my cupboard) roots galore. The purple nobbly bits will give you diarrhea. The point being, satire and honest opinions can become conflated especially when one is listening to an analysis from a subgroup outside of your 'norm'. Also don't forget that self deprecation is a thing, I have many friends who are ex-leftists who talk in a similar way and who use the same language to lampoon their previously held beliefs. Between ambiguity, over thinking, and philosophical bias the point was missed which is likely my fault, but I suspect i'm not the only one which would indicate a semantic/semiotic break down. If his goal is to propagate his preferred ideology then he's missed the mark. I learned nothing other than how much I disagree with a thing I already disagreed with.

Uhhh, no he doesn't say he's unbiased, in fact the video starts with "the emergency exits are to your FAR LEFT". In this video Olly explains the parts where he thinks Bannon is right or wrong but never pretends neutrality. After all no human is truly neutral, specially in politics.

I know, he made me shake in my revolutionary boots.

+Xenophon Completely agreed.

+- Joseph Coming to a conclusion ("This changes the conception of indigenous britishness") doesn't prove that there was a conspiracy to reach that conclusion. These are two very different things. You can't just say, oh, the scientific researchers and show makers came to the conclusion that I suspected that they would, therefore it was all a conspiracy from the start. You have to actually show evidence of them conspiring to prove that.

Can't hear you over the sound of all this white genocide I'm supporting ;) +HAL 9000

We got you, mate. Keep it up!

I was not prepared for the sentence "Tenchi Muyo was red pill as fuuuuuck."

Jolly good show

"In case there is a fire, the exits are to the far left. Please remember there is no smoking allowed in the theatre" *Activates Cinema Mode*

"it's like reading the book of Revelations" Uhhhmmmmmm actually I believe the word you're looking for is "Revelation" Literally unwatchable

I honestly don't know how much of your pewdiepie jokes are just jokes and how much of it is you thinking pewdiepie is a genuine anti-semite. He's an idiot not an anti-semite.

Ah, "Satan's buttplug" Steve Bannon. This'l be good

Evola didn't say I'm a super Fascist, he said he was an Over-Fascist, meaning he had stepped over it (Nietzsche reference). This makes sense if you read him, he thought that Fascism was wrong exactly because of biological racism. You also failed to mention that he wasn't convicted because they found no evidence that he was a Fascist...I mean his book on it is literally called Fascism from the right - this was his criticism of Fascism from his right wing perspective. You should watch Survive the Jive's video response.

+joth small 45 minutes based on filtered 'knowledge', sleight of hands and typical left-meme humour. And of all people to make a video about, Bannon, really? No one cares about him. He is a Neo-con shill.

"This makes sense if you read him". Wikipedia - and perhaps Rational Wiki - was the extent of the reading involved here.

+Peter Prime Is there one (1) gamer who hasn't called someone else "nigger" or "kike" in the game chat?

Most likely because he paid people to hold a sign saying "death to all Jews", which people find to be anti-Semitic regardless of whether or not it's "just a joke", plus you have the fact that he later used the n-word as an insult after being killed in PUBG, and recommended a neo-nazi channel to cause people to cast doubt over his "just a joke" excuse.

+Vulpes Inculta This might blow your mind, but I copy pasted 85% of all of that.

+joujou264 Clearly you care, or you wouldn't have wasted so much time jotting down your interpretation of a discussion.

Survive the Jive's was a pretty good response video, showcasing that this channel is out of its depth when it comes to philosophy that isn't bite-sized. Once a concept has multiple stages or dimensions, it's big oof for Olly.

+Mac Mcskullface Steve Bannon favors a multiracial society. At the end of the day, the outcome of his ideals and those of the establishment are one and the same: not Socialism, not Capitalism, not Nationalism, not Internationalism, but Brazilification; a gradual increase in corruption and lethargy stemming from a mongrelization of the population.

i will. thank you.

+c x Survive the Jive, one of the guys quoted in this video. He made a great response video; check it out.

No he doesn't position himself as unbiased, he literally describes himself as "anti-fire" i.e. Antifa in the first 2 minutes.

+ChuckyWalkie Ah, now it makes sense.


+Vulpes Inculta No really, That's adjunto Hominen. Sargon of akkad level..

Okay so the problem I have with this video is that it's repetitive, the fireman character is too sexy, it's repetitive, Ollie's nomenclature is very clever, and it's too repetitively sexy and clever, and repetitive.

Hahaha hahaha oh my god that Angie speaks cameo!!! "He was a chad, he slayed mad puss on the reg"

jesus christ, not the furniture!!! :O

"In case of a fire, the exits, are to the far left..." Goddammit you're so clever.

Do all British youtubers live in a wood somewhere?

hmmm I dunno... like can we fight theatrical constructed narratives with theatrical constructed narratives? After being bombarded with all the stuff (cool stuff, cool music, all the lolz) I just feel -concerns rising- like??? Maybe I am just craving a stable narrative of truth (one that cannot be) or maybe we need to be more radical. A radicalness that just says no? I'm being taught a particular and stagnant criticalness - not learning HOW to be critical or strengthening a muscle - just absorbing a narrative once more.

Nice video. You should check out a response by Survive the Jive. He did a pretty good job of correcting you on areas where you were a bit off-the-mark

what are you wearing and what the fuck are you talking about. why do leftist always freak out when you want to preserve white history and white culture

Define white history and culture. What does preserving it mean?

Your Freddy Mercury cosplay that you wear for most of this video makes me feel just the slightest bit odd about watching this video at work

He was so "Chad" he shared a border with Cameroon

+Totally Not A Cylon As Valvar already said, it's already been done, just watch STJ's video.

STJ provides a comprehensive rebuttal in his response video. I don't see why I should waste my time doing the same thing without a platform. It wouldn't be difficult, only time-consuming.

+Valvar...There are citations for claims shown on the screen, and there is an extensive bibliography in the description. Also, he has talked about his education numerous times, and has always said that he started the channel to give away his degree for free when the british government increased tuition fees. Yet curiously, you have yet to point out any rebuttal to his argument, which shouldn't be so difficult if they're as shoddy as you claim.

+Totally Not A Cylon that's an assumption. You don't know what his background is. But I don't see how one could question that he is out of his depth when it comes to philosophy that he hasn't studied beyond reading halfway through some Wikipedia articles. Having a degree doesn't magically give your views and 'arguments' more substance, as is quite obvious in this case.

+Totally Not A Cylon not sure I would call a professor an idiot... for the same reason that you aren't calling a degree holder an idiot! ;)

+Vulpes Inculta The implication that someone who has a degree in philosophy is "out of his depth" about philosophy is pretty hilarious, particularly coming from a right-wing idiot who hasn't studied philosophy

The only reasonable thing for Olly to do at this stage is to just ignore the response. There's no recovering.

This was absolutely brilliant, so well made.

"Don't play with matches"

Are those the cosmonaut gloves?

We kind of already knew the thing about dark skin. Most of Europe was at least not what we would modernly consider "white." It was actually a tribe from modern-day Turkey that brought light skin genes to Europe. Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs, and Steel" talks about this.

Georg Rockall-Schmidt Can eat shit And live

So, the viewer is Biedermann. That's supremely clever.

I don't know how close this is to philosophy, Trump Citizen Kane, can we compare the two?

It looks to me like some altrighters pointed their audience to this video, based on the strangely high proportion of the most recent comments seem veeery knowledgeable about evola, and talk about "zionists" and "preserving white culture". I guess when a video gets this big that stuff is inevitable; the downside of the fact that ive noticed left twitter seems to have really taken up the arson metaphor, which is interesting and speaks to your influence. Anyway, the video is good.

​+Tori Ko So in regards in to the antisemitism, you seem to think that pewds doesn't hold any grudges against Jews, and I don't think he does either, but the thing is, it doesn't matter what people believe, it's their actions. And while it's inherently okay to make offensive jokes, I saw the video right before the controversy started and I actually found it funny but part of thing with offensive jokes is that if you fuck them up, you're not just not being funny, you're being a bigot, and to a lot of people, paying people in a developing country, who might not even understand what the words mean, to hold up a sign that says "Death to all Jews" was fucking it up. Plus you also have how he reacted to the criticisms, blatantly lying by claiming that the articles were calling him a nazi, which they weren't, their point was that the making offensive jokes helps to spread those ideas, ideas like Nazism, something which I strongly agree with and this was the criticism that a lot of people had with him, and if you like offensive jokes, you should want it to be talked about, as it helps you continue to make those jokes without accidentally creating nazis, but pewdiepie got really defensive and misled people to what the conversation was about. And in regards to the nazi channel, I have not watched either video (the Death Note video or Pewd's), so you should take this with a grain of salt but from my understanding the Death Note video contained the Nazi conspiracy that Heather Heyer's died from a heart attack, Heather Heyer was the woman who was killed in the Charlottesville Nazi terrorist attack, she did not die of a heart attack, the coronary report ruled her death as from being hit by the car and her killer has since been charged with her murder among other crimes. Plus I believe that the n-word was used in the video's description. Also when you're the most subscribed channel on Youtube, you kind of have a obligation to make sure you aren't recommending people to actual, literal neo-nazis. He has a *massive* reach and he needs to take this responsibility seriously, he didn't need to make that video, he should have put in the minimum effort to make sure he knew who he was recommending. And with his previous actions, you can't blame people for not believing him when he says he didn't know, he might not have recommended them because they were a nazi, but people have a reason to believe that he didn't care.

Peter Prime Peter Prime First of all let me just thank you for responding. It can be hard to have a civil debate/question in the Yt comments. The joke thing is odd, as while I agree some people can brand that as antisemetic, it doesn't necessarily mean it truly is. A good video on why I think jokes do not reflect character or create action is this video here [removed] . I'm not the best at explaining my views, the video does a good job while also referencing Wittgenstein, someone who's influences I think I agree with. N-word is not entirely irrelevant, but I want to stick to the anti Semite claim here. And I thought the NeoNazi channel thing got cleared up pretty well (I am open to being wrong). He recommended a channel which may or may not have been anti-Semitic, but recommended the channel because of a apolitical meme video (he was unaware of the alleged content) and the channels small sub count. Once again, thanks for replying :)

Peter Prime YouTube being YouTube. I'll c+p it and hopefully that helps.

+Tori Ko I got a notification on my phone for your response but every time I check, it's not there, I'm on a computer right now and it's still not there.

Peter Prime please respond if you have the time

Having the "rational" "centrist" Liberal make a molotov cocktail is some of the best visual storytelling I've seen.

That Vegetta joke should have said "Frieza" not "Kakorot." That's right. I'm the worst.

You should make a vid on Brexit

Philosophy Tube spectacular

I am! It's coming out soon!

Not a criticism but you look like Chopper played by Eric Bana after he cuts his ears off

Why is it my own culture has only ever faced erasure and hatred from people who claim they want to preserve white culture Africans let me speak my language and think my culture is cool Indians adapt to my traditions when they move to my country But YOU guys, despite being of the same "race", try to eliminate those things. Every time.

Notice everybody, how the fascist attempts to bait the reader by connecting cheddar man to Africans moving into europe, based on nothing but skin tone. He doesn't want you to think about the DNA of cheddar man, this is all just an excuse to say "Too many blacks".

+HAL 9000 holy shit you're actually copying and pasting the same comment hahahaha The NPC meme is projection, pass it on

+DeoMachina It's hard to believe, I appreciate that. After all, this Oliver chap. He oozes smug, insipid, cosmo soy.

+HAL 9000 Mate, he's made it clear which side he's on for years now. If you hate leftism...why did you subscribe at all? Wait, you really didn't notice before? Who cares what a fascist explicitly states? They're all liars, to a man.

+DeoMachina Lol, yeah people trying to protect their nations are the real traitors!!! Most leftists don't actually believe in nations so the idea you think you can cloak yourself in patriotism is risible.

+Xenophon People who undermine their own nation with far-right conspiracy theory are by definition, traitors What's not to get

+DeoMachina That doesn't even make any sense lol.

The irony here is that identitarians like yourself are all necessarily traitors

+Totally Not A Cylon If you were capable of reading and comprehending a sentence, you would have noticed that I was implying you were thus as an assumption. This assumption was based on my subjective experience regarding people like you. The fact that you were incapable of reading and comprehending not only the sentence, but the entirety of the post indicates to me that my assumption was correct, and that you are indeed a low IQ commoner who likes to dabble in things he knows nothing of. Stick to TV, straining a mind as restricted as yours is a waste of your time.

+theodore tait It's always super cool when randos on the internet say you said things when you didn't even say anything of the sort.

+Totally Not A Cylon So philosopher were philosophers because they studied philosophy at university? Are you thus also implying that education is synonymous with intellect, as opposed to being merely a supplement?

+DeoMachina and he also says that they are reporting specifically due to their political opinions against percieved ''Nazis''

+Quillo You're projecting. There are a range of probably complexions and they picked one. You think the fact they didn't pick the one you wanted is evidence of a conspiracy. This is because you are brainwashed. I did look into what Tom Booth wrote, by the way. On the NHM website he makes it clear that the most likely complexions were chosen.

+DeoMachina They chose to go with the darkest complexion possible, despite not knowing what the actual complexion was beyond darker than modern european complexions. This was reported as though the original inhabitants of the british isles were sub saharan africans, they were not. They did the same thing with the reconstruction of the neotlithic farmers, despite knowing that that was the population where light european skin came from. Tom Booth, a researcher on the cheddar man, and the neolithic farmers, openly admits the political reasons for doing so. If you want some sort of citation, read 'Response to 'Brexit, Archaeology and Heritage: Reflections and Agendas'' by Tom Booth et al. In that article they say they report things in such a way due to their political opinions. Good god, he even says they report it this way so as to not feed into the evil 'BREXIT' narratives

+Quillo You have said nothing that backs up your claim. "People with dark skin look like people with dark skin" is absolutely not supportive of your claim.

+DeoMachina except they are, take a look at a recent doc from Sweden, they have just given a black dude blue contact lenses. Might as well be someone wearing blackface. People pushing the multicultural agenda, by one of the profs own admission that worked on the cheddar man, they purposefully represent things in a way to push that agenda

+Quillo This isn't true though, nobody is trying to link cheddar man to modern day africans. Nobody has done that. You're lying, this has not happened. All that was said is that he had dark skin. This is wholly compatible with British white supremacy actually, but racists aren't running on logic or critical thinking, so they get mad anyway. Stop subscribing to those guys, btw.

+DeoMachina Not modern day Africans, with whom the cheddar man shares as little DNA with as modern day Europeans do. In the context of the out of Africa theory, sure, just like every other human on the planet, that all humans are descended from archaic homo sapiens in Africa isnt the issue, the issue is they are trying to form a link with modern day sub saharan Africans via the cheddar man, they are not connected. Europeans are not descended from Africans, Europeans and Africans are both descended from archaic Africans and have both diverged from that group genetically. Out of Africa was, taking the most recent estimate, 70k years ago. The cheddar man was around 10k years ago. Trying to tie the cheddar man closer to Africa is as dishonest as trying to tie him to China, it is for modern day politics, nothing more

Do you think Europeans aren't descended from africans or something

1:47 I'm crying so hard :')

i liked the bits of holst's mars in the background of the freedompostUK quotes ;)

What a fucking idiot. You know nothing of Evola

"I recall a fire back at London Saints....." That's the great fire of London in 1650 um

Nice video, comrade. Excellent raising of concerns.

im watching this for like... the 4th time. im so in love with this.

Reading these comments made me dumber.

Hah the exit is to the far left

+Philosophy Tube Hope you're not a Lexiter, but somehow i suspect you are.

He didn't consider it morally wrong though. Only not racist enough, because he was a spiritual racist, not just a biological racist.

+Xenophon Your kind won in Hungary and what happened? They made slavery legal soon after. Your kind won in the UK and what happened? The economy went straight into the abyss and companies are fleeing the place. Your kind won in the USA and what happened? Concentration camps and a surge in extremist violence. No patriot would look at those things and say "Hell yeah I want that for my people". The people you follow are traitors. These are acts of sabotage. These are all things we normally do to our enemies.

i can't stop staring at your chest hair

I wouldn't have called the cheda reconstruction black. it looked more like aboriginal islander? Like Japanese ainu if that makes sense to anyone

this is at least the fourth time I've watched this, and it's the first time I've noticed the smoke rolling in during the Fireman's opening monologue. God Damn, Olly. How do you even do this?

The song is so good lol

Small correction: there is no book in the Bible called "the Book of Revelations." One name of that book is "the Book of Revelation." The whole book is one revelation to one man.


I've subscribed just because of the use of Hadestown by Anais Mitchell. This album is a masterpiece, and you sir, have some good tastes. Oh and video's great, as always.

I subscribed.....but how do I get that Freddie Mercury singlet?

I know everyone has mentioned the brilliant arsonist character, but I was really struck by his seemingly "good natured" centerist viewpoints, and how any criticism his later, radical actions might draw will be met with his own confirmation bias. "See? This is exactly why I'm burning things leftists think everything is a threat!"

I didn't know Sam Hyde was British

17:47 posh Olly is my k!nk

_10.5ish minutes in:_ The bit with the newspaper was unsettlingly genius. I have experienced this kind of interaction many times; first and second hand. There's a mundane commonality to it, but underneath is a tangled web of hypocrisy and conflict. Does the paper/ its reporters speak the truth or don't they? Is truth objective or determined by a reliable source? For the latter, if the paper is unreliable, then _all_ of it is lies. If it can be relied on, all is truth but therefore the assessment of reporters is false. Or the former - truth is objective and outside the speaker. However, your sources of truth-discernment conflict with each other; your truth is still subjective. So many people do this as casually as they bat a fly. It disgusts and haunts me as much as it makes me ashamed of myself for being guilty of it before. It's covert but really corrosive to our concepts of evidential truth and objective reality. *Update 1:* Holy shit Hbomberguy! For half of that sentence read I was like, "oh lol that's a funny voice from this British guy-hey wait a m- that's a _different_ British guy. And I know of that one!" Nice cameo

Very nice production value. There are some reasonable critiques in there. However, there are misrepresentations - one quick example using only material within the video: Julius Evola is quoted to support a form of spiritual racism, but PT neglects to define that for the viewer. PT then conflates it with racism based on skin color. Evola did have a definition that contrasted to that, and even brought up members of numerous other genetic races that he believed showed that superiority he articulated, as well as examples of those of his own genetic race that he believed do not show that spiritual superiority. Further, some statements were presented as worthy of ridicule without providing any rationale why. This relies on the fact that viewers are expected to be sympathetic with PT's views already. That's fine to preach to the choir, but to reach out to "Bannonites" would certainly warrant providing justification for why they are. Though, to be fair, this is nearly as much stated in the beginning when PT states that he doesn't care what Bannon actually believes or why, instead will only focus on those things that PT believes impact society negatively. So, a fine in-group form of propaganda, but not useful for bridging the gap and convincing those who don't already accept your premises.

i feel like given enough money youd be a phenomenal filmmaker

Fuckin' swear t' non-existent god, 1:57 is SUCH a Big Mood! :((

Philosophy tube, prageru is good :(

"the exits are to the far left" omfg xD

Answering to the marxist wingnut; By asserting that metaphysical and religious ideas are just covers for political and economic ideas, a post-Marxist culture—one that kept Marx’s radical materialism and denial of religious transcendence,—tends naturally to be radically bourgeois. It's marxism itself which has been merged with the consumerism of our supercapitalist society, and who has paved the way for a society that views “everything as an object of trade” and “as an instrument” to be used in the pursuit of individualized “well-being.” Such bourgeois society can only be highly individualistic, because it could not recognize any cultural or religious “common good.” The left itself was doomed to become bourgeoisified by embracing a secular and individualistic notion of freedom, which is the bourgeois trait par excellence, more even now that it has lost its ties with the working classes and become focused mostly on causes broadly linked with sexuality.

dang olly ur bobblies

Was that a fucking DBZ abridged reference?

I know this is off topic but HOLY SHIT you are cute.

The exits are on the far left

Olly Thorn? Dan Olson? Basically no difference, as confirmed by future science. Identical right down to the Amy.

I love the dog whistle "so many shekels changing hands." Really beautiful writing, a piece of art even if you are right wing.

UGH fine.... *unzips pants and subscribes*

I'm beginning to think he makes these half-naked so we'll have to re-watch a few times because we keep getting distracted... Maybe I'm just thirsty lol. Production and drama are at an all time high with this one, and appropriate for the topic. Olly's so damn creative and brilliant!

Genuinely one of the best video essays out there. This is so clever and creative.

Holy shit this was a masterpiece. The acting, the editing, the soundtrack, it was just great on every level.

I'm really glad you made the "why we build the wall" cover for this, it fits so well thematically with the original song and it's place in Hadestown, and it got me listening to the Hadestown music which is really incredible


Funnily enough, I have been asked 'where are you from?' 'No, I mean, where are you from?' as a white guy, but only because I occasionally get mistaken as a Middle-eastern man.

The Golden One responded to you in a video. I mean, he didn't bother to watch this video of yours, but he has imagined what you might have said and came up with some pretty weighty projections...

I lost it with the "reconstruction" of Oliver as Folding Ideas and his cat

Damn, this video is good. Thank you for your service.

It's been a month since this video came out, and I've watched it quite a few times. Every single time, I notice another layer of detail. Not a single line or frame is wasted, everything brings something extra to the table

Over hamming the good looks much? _"It's like ContraPoints but a hot guy instead of an attractive witch lady!"_ said the minuscule Youtube space we've got left. Sorry, just can't get over the presentation of it all. Way too ContraPointzy. Distracting and derivative.

I forget about the super-fascist bit every single time, and every single time I lose me shit anew.

Recognized a few of your references from a course I took on propaganda and persuasion! I just found your channel so idk if you've already made a video on PragerU, but "Towards a Sociology of Expertness" by Gerver & Bensman has stuck out in my mind as having the potential to inform some good critiques. I'm just really glad I've had a good streak of finding youtubers who can make the academic accessible but also of use. Finally seeing the concept of public sociology at work, if interdisciplinary. (interdisciplinary approaches are infinitely better imo anyway)

Concerns have been raised that Folding Ideas slays mad puss on the reg.

If I ever see you in person, I will walk right up to you, stare straight into your eyes, and read you your horoscope.

Philosophy Tube Olly tbh you look quite sexy on a firefighter suit. Awesome video btw :D :D :D

Alright so is this Twilight Zone the Musical? Holy shit this is insanely well written and produced.

Alright, I'm like a minute in an already one solid gold line. "Please remember the exits are to the far left"

Came back to this just for the credits song.

Daddy af, amirite?

Awesome video!

"Racists don't adhere to any scientific understanding of genes or ethnicity when spewing their bile" isn't really news though, like..we all already assume this. Because it's not *really* about competing DNA strands, is it? That's not what racists are upset about.

Prager U is really just fox news for the under 30's

TLDL plus as a rule I don't read posts by fascists with an anime profile.

31:37 you’re welcome

This is your best work yet, Mr. Thorn. This goes beyond mere critique or dissection of a deeply problematic man's actions and bile spewing... this is a work of art. This should really be showcased at a film festival somewhere.

36:12 dem*ar*nd, you fraud

cheddar man was a cheeky chappy, I just know it

I really enjoy the refrence to The Arsonists by Max Frisch. I loved it ever since I read it for my german class. Although I never read it as a metaphor for rigth-wing politics or any kind of populism. Rather I thought it was about deception etc. in general. However the interpretation given in this video makes a lot of sense aswell. Thank you for this great portrail of one of my favourite plays, the new perspective and keep up making these amazing Videos!

God damn it, why is evil Oli so weirdly sexy.

lights by contrapoints

Are you aware that the French people Chantal Mouffe mentions as examples, in the article you quoted, are part of a continuum which includes as far as actual Nazis. For instance, Ruffin recently made a public hommage to Etienne Chouard. Chouard is objectively allied to neo-Nazis, such as Alain Soral, refusing to call them so, and claiming the EU are the actual Nazis. He also regularly shares far-right and conspiracy oriented content on social networks. Doesn't this prove her whole analysis of a left populism totally severed from far-right connections utterly wrong? (Not to mention the fact that she consistently fails to properly define what "the people" is supposed to be)

I didn't know that that play from Max Frisch was called "The Arsonists" in english. But damn you got the protagonist down perfectly.

The tone of "If you weren't such a screw up, your immortal soul would have had the good sense to be born a hu-White person!" cracks me up like twice a day

9:43 I think you should be talking about acid attacks there buddy


+DeoMachina - Not the point, as I'm not arguing about the accuracy or inaccuracy of Evola's notions. The point was that PT explicitly misrepresents them. Specifically, the line, paraphrased, where he says that "If they were spiritually better, they'd have been born with white skin," doesn't make sense as a critique of Evola's ideas. The man believed, for example in the superiority of a virile Arab over a slothful Irishman, and the superiority of a virile Irishman over a slothful Arab. IIRC, he argued also that there was an elan held in general by racial stock that ebbed and flowed not by genetic purity, but by spiritual vitality. If you disinclude the spiritual dimension (which Evola never would, but materialist critics certainly would), in many ways what he articulated was a form of superiority based on cultural merit. The spiritual dimension makes it more complicated than that, but interpreting it through a lens of genetic racism is incorrect both by omitting the spiritual dimension and also omitting the qualitative argument.

But firefighters love fires, especially after a few drinks.

"A fire always starts with fuel. That could be wood, paper, charcoal *Aside* The society in which we live...Anything really. *Aside* Everything potentially." I love the aethestic of your videos, Olliver. Both entertaining, with dynamic storytelling, and yet still so profoundly thought provoking. I like to think I'm a man of reason but you sir are also a man of charm. Kudos to you.

Do you get the explanation of what a blumonge is with british citizenship? (Along with the compulsory viewing of the entire monty python ouvre)

Kelly McQueen blancmange is a creamy jelly (jello) basically. Usually vanilla in flavour (at least the ones I’ve had anyway). Made with cream and gelatine.


45mins and I don't know anything more about Steve Bannon's philosophy than when I started except its "dangerous".

"I am a National Socialist located in Canada" Big oof

Well done, sir. The kernel of truth concept (starting off with something true to grab people and then continue on as you prefer) can be seen on a daily basis on Twitter. Dinesh D’Souza pushes the idea that the Democrats were the party of the KKK. Which is mostly correct (Republicans had their share as well). He takes this kernel and uses it in films and books to convince people “They never told you this in history class (Fun fact: they do)! They’re the real racists!” Despite repeated “dunkings” by historians, mostly notably Kevin Kruse, chock full of in depth analysis and considerate of the complicated social and political climates of the doesn’t matter. The initial true statement is all D’Souza needs to convince his audience.

Ooooh hadestown music

Wait, I thought "populists" were a thing on the left? We think Sanders is pretty populist over here and I know way more democrats are all about sticking it to the elites than the republicans are, seeing as those guys...are the elites.

Would you mind putting out the transcript of just the Arsonists parts? I would love to perform them as a villain monologue for my college acting course.

I’m ANTIFAH *eyebrows twitch suggestively*

why do i feel like im either gonna get dommed or told off for my appearance by mr arsonist?

Is he gay or is it just the outfit?

In Brazil, as most of people is black or mixed, Bannon developed a slightly different approach. He can't use "white" so he used "neutral" and "good christian family values" as the bastion of morality, then dehumanizing any left ideology as simple inhuman treachery to robber the poor, AND any mass media who challenge them as "false" or "bought", despite the validity of the evidence. Most of his supporters started to limit their information feed only to social media and group chat apps, and their fake news pumping pages, bots and accounts. Ironicaly, the Bolsonaro family is so hard covered in this "moral" coat of misinformation that they already started to slice, dice and divide Brazil among them, but people refuse to believe in any of it, since they relativize any criticism.

Also his second in command is a military officer, such as were the generals who installed the dictatorship in the 60s. I'd love to see some of that "rethoric" and "philosophy" further analysed here, but I understand the language gap and the knowledge required to such task. So I'd just love if you can give any insight on the matter in any Q&A or something. Loving your channel BTW.

Oh hey! It was Contrapoints.

You expect me to be able to properly process what you're saying when you've dressed like a sexy Freddy Mercury?

I'm trancendental, trancendentally woman, that's me


Quick question, who's the guy who's pic shows up at 27:09?

say . . . you wouldn't happen to have . . . a match?

When you say "Bannon sometimes gets things rights" your argument usually is "because I, and the people I read, think so". It gets *really* annoying after a while. Other than that, good video I guess.

Daddy what's your Grindr id?

+Katie Did how cool!

Kelly McQueen yeah French isn’t exactly the most intuitive language to spell if you aren’t French (which I’m not). It’s one of the few French words I do know how to spell. I blame it on my dad being a chef

+Katie Did you know what, thank you. I didn't even know how to spell that.

Then go somewhere else you can circlejerk with your other morons, Iron Nation. :) Big words not for you.

Populism has no left or right. It is a technique itself anybody can use.

Wow, the viking cosplayer responded? Gotta watch it.

I'm not a part of the nine-year-old army but I would like to point out that PewDiePie isn't anti-semite. He made a bad joke and it exploded on his face, but that doesn't make him an anti-semite

Cool. I didn't say he was.

it took me this long to realize that the zodiac bit symbolized that fascism aims to make you feel special and superior for the circumstances of your birth


Lost it at the photo of Dan Olson

i live in canada and i have had to live with the "no, where are you from?" my entire life, it is very infuriating!! one man corrected me when i replied canada very angrily, no india! im not eve south asian!!

That's probably the best use of "Manichaean" I've ever heard, and it should be used more often.

Remember, the best way to put out a fire is with the bodies of kulaks!

Hey... umm... have a question... Is there any chance we could get all the arsonist's sketches in a separate video? It would be very helpful for a lesson on propaganda I want to try out with my classes... but i can't play the rest of this video to get to those bits due to my school's policies on swearing, mentions of alcohol, and anything sexually suggestive in any way.



how do i like a video more than once

I rewatched this video because 1) the thematic resolution has stuck with me since upload and it's some tasty aesthetic meta pie, and 2) I needed to hear the lines "If you weren't such a screwup, your immortal soul would have had the good sense to have been born a whhhhITE person!" and "transcendentally male" again


Between youtube dot gov and infowars dot facebook I think we're covered

pls wear more sleeveles shirts. i mean, great video!

"Immigrants don't raise wages, bosses do." "Why not just take the money from the rich?" I swear Communism is the macroeconomic equivalent of the kid who asks why their parents don't just go to the ATM.

Fucking brilliant.

Even the closed captions are amazing and hilarious

Biedermann und die Brandstifter

Olly those suspenders are too much for me.

32:56 Best succinct synopsis of fascism. Evah.

Well, you obviously believe that pewdiepie is a Nazi which I don't agree with, but other than that I think you make some fantastic points and arguments. Fantastic video.

I have no idea how I got here, but don't you put on a suit and talk all flirty at me, you devilish fiend. It's not good for the heart to flutter like that! ...Just kidding. But nice Freddie cosplay, anyhow! No, I have no idea how I got to your channel, but my sidebar shows you have a number of videos on topics I find very interesting. I'm going to take this as a stroke of good fortune! Wowzers, my horoscope was right after all!

..Also, I hate how catchy that fucking song is. Dammit. >o< I'm going to be singing about building walls for days now.

A disturbing video for a disturbing reality. Just met your channel. I'm subscribing.


The constant dunking on Evola was the funniest thing, goddamn

This video is amazing. I just wanted to say that


Folding ideas Angie speaks and incel lingo. Bravo!

(HALP) Watched this video quite a few times & appreciate the heck out of it (as evident by the fact that I keep commenting on it) but now I've just been wondering : How do you folks (Olly included, for that matter) do self care about all this? Because the whole # climate apocalypse stuff gets me really fvcked up (on top of being super socially aware and trans). Like, I'd just like to live without being horrified of right wing demagogues, nay, the climate collapsing, nay transphobes and TERFs, nay, existing on this odd rock. Answers appreciated (on a post card or down here)

Okay that's it I'm hooked (and subscribed!)

37:35 is such a healing 'the world is not yet doomed if we keep pushing our leftist demands just that bit more unapologetic and insistently' prep talk which is very very much needed right now !

One thing I don't understand from commies is why are you so focused on taking other people's money that they made with their own hands. Let's have discussion about inhereting millions. Let's have discussion about the size of multinationial corporations. Sure. But Why maximum wage? If my work is worth this much, then why can I not make this money. This really sounds dystopic.

so basically he is mixing facts with fiction.

This is straight up the best video I've ever seen on leftube. Pure genius.

Kk super saiyan reference plus prince vegetas Music you got me well played

Did I just subscribe because of a sexy firefighter/philosopher. Yes, yes I did.

So relevant after the NZ shooting.

I've enjoyed right leaning YouTube for a while. I'm now really enjoying the emergence of a "high effort" left YouTube.

As someone who would be in Bannon's target demographic, you had me until you said "give health care to everyone, even non citizens." In the current economy that would bankrupt any nation that implemented it.

Except that isnt true. You're just stuck on the 'non citizen' part.

I had to come back to this again today. In light of the news coming out of New Zealand, and our President's choice to tweet a link to Breitbart news.... I just felt like I am in an ocean of petrol and I'm drowning. Being able to laugh at some of your lighter jokes helped me calm down. I'm terrified, the fire is spreading. :-(

Wonderfully made video! And quite a throught-provoking message.

The points linger like an old fart

I may not agree with you but you make my laugh and think

Julius Evola sounds like a pre-1978 Mormon, when black people were denied the Mormon priesthood. They were also considered by the doctrine to be "fence-sitters" in the pre-mortal existence, spirits who were lukewarm in their allegiances to god. They were placed under the curse of Ham, who was cursed to be the "servants of servants". And so the wheel turns. The justifications for slavery and oppression just puts on another mask and dances to the same old tune. And so the wheel turns again.

Damn, that chest! i will be working out just to get one like that

That, my friend, is why safe spaces exist. They aren't permanent bubbles to live in; they're brief respites from the constant barrage of negativity. I like r/traa.

Olly makes me question my sexuality. What is straight? What is gay? I'm so confused.

Now I wonder, who is the bigger con man? Trump or Bannon? Also, that wall song gives me dread over what might happen if things don't change in America...

The posh ex-lecturer was quite scary. "I like you." That one line is so loaded.

I never knew how badly I wanted to listen to a real firefighter talk about HOW VISCERALLY THEY HATE FIRE until this moment.

That was amazing. Well done, sir

you are the Adam Curtis of Youtube

+[ Redacted ] But Americans aren't flocking into Ukraine for an 80% discount. So doesn't that sorta prove its nothing to worry about?

Granted to the entire current population of the UK I could see an argument for that, but if they gave out free health care for everyone, those of other nations would flock to the UK for their free medical procedures. It's simply not feasable given the economic overheads of operating in any developed western nation when you consider that it certainly will be taken advantage of. Now if you wanted good, cheap medical care you can at the moment go to Ukraine and have almost any procedure done at about 20% of the cost in the US at the most, including air fares and accommodation.

To be fair, in my experience it is rather impossible to constantly exist within safe bubbles. Every time one is leaving one's house, it's a step into unsafe territory. My question was more about self care (and community care) I suppose.

Here's the part we disagree on: "money they made with their own hands". But by definition, that's not true, is it? My boss isn't a multi-millionaire because he does work worth millions, he pays hundreds of people to do that work for him. We made his money for him. And when it comes to payday, he splits the money up. He takes the most, and we get a tiny piece of it. Imagine you were stranded on an island with a hundred people, and you all worked day and night to grow food to feed everybody on. And some asshole takes 90% of the food for himself because the island belongs to him. Some of the people start to die because they don't have enough food. Is this fair, to you? Here's what's really dystopic: People are literally dying because of this. People are working hard and still not having enough to make rent with, they still rely on charities just to eat.

+Pesky Pixie I mean like with Bannon, I don't really care what he believes in his heart of what he's thought or not thought - I care about what he's done, and what he's done is enough to make it in poor taste to name a Jewish cultural studies centre after him and make him the most famous Swedish man to distribute antisemitic messages on YouTube!

+Philosophy Tube I dunno. At least that's how the message appears to me.

+Philosophy Tube it's just like what you said about Bannon at the start of the video about implication without outright saying it. I mean, it IS true that PewDiePie did inadvertently spread anti-Semitic messages through his poorly thought out attempts at humor, but the way you framed your message makes it sound like he ACTUALLY is an anti-semite, especially when you compared him to an ACTUAL anti-semite.

+Pesky Pixie What I said was that it would be in poor taste to name a Jewish Cultural Studies Centre after him and that he's the most famous Swedish man ever to use YouTube to distribute antisemitic messages, both of which are true. I don't really care what he believes in his heart.

+Philosophy Tube but... you implied it. Twice. 13:12 and 19:14. Unless, you meant something else regarding a Jewish foundation named after him and are referring to another Swedish Youtuber?

Wait, didn't we already know that Europe was originally colonized by black people?

at 38:00 subscribed. smartest thing i've seen anywhere in a while. really took me to school, especially in the good way, in which schooling makes one ask more questions and want to look deeper into newly revealed facets.

I had the hardest time figuring out why there's a frog at the beginning, but. . . is that a reference to an Inconvenient Truth? Like, with the frog in the pot as a metaphor for global warming? If so. . . that's some pretty cool imagery.

The skull was found along with several others wasn't it?

Came back because I can’t stop laughing at the SUPER FASCIST part fkfkdkjd

Man, I watch every BBC period drama I can get my hands on, and love them, so I guess that's why your impersonation of the posh londoner just turned on the waterworks... I mean *those* waterworks, ya know!

Attractive is attractive no matter the gender

+DeoMachina most don't know about it, and if they do they are suspect of the medical conditions or the stability of the nation.

same. the arsonists are feigning shock but not apologizing for their role in pouring fuel over people.

Bannon's points linger like an old fart

+nathan cha You don't have to constantly exist within safe bubbles, just go back there temporarily when you get overwhelmed.

New Zealand

Evola died of liver disease and was reincarnated as Davis Aurini!? THAT EXPLAINS WHY AIRUNINININI TAKES SUCH SMALL SIPS OF BOOZE!!!! HIS SOUL IS AFRAID TO DIE THAT WAY AGAIN.

Yeah this is... Correct. Entirely. Which is why I am glad I still do not read Breitbart.


One of your best. The Geordie Man bit had me laughing out loud.

40 seconds in and you lost me. Trying to appeal to a literal nazi and his audience for 45 minutes is stupid. There's no reasoning with white supremacists. We have to round them all up and gun them down.



I don't think I've ever seen or read a more theatrically, thematically perfect extended metaphor than this arson comparison.

SUPER FASCIST fucking cracked me up lol

I love that Angie speaks bit

Well my cigarette died when I washed my face Dropped some drops in an ashtray hit a wrong place Woman at my blinds to see spiders spinning lines Its a safe as milk it's a safe as milk I never heard it put quite that way The shape I'm in is a gone a way

26:30 did i hear contrapoints there

It's an old metaphor. That if you leave a frog in a pot of water, and slowly turn up the temperature steadily enough, it'll stay in there until it dies as it won't have noticed the temperature changing. It's actually completely untrue, and the study that showed it had to use heavily sedated frogs to achieve the result, but the concept still got out and entered the cultural lexicon. Now consider what bannon does, and how he speaks. To make it even more apt, those who like him most have a real thing for a cartoon frog in pepe. I hope this helps you understand it better.

The Orthodox Left in New Zealand certainly got a wake up call.

fire brings heat and heat brings a boil. The fight is coming, now all you can do is hold steadfast

+ike eki Echo echo echo

Honestly, while the entire thing is fantastic, and I want to like the arguements more (than the eyebrows), I can't get over the eyebrow raise at anti-fire.

Titties lookimg fantastic in that tank top Mr.Thorn

Natalie you fine ass bitch...

"you're not dealing with an ordinary facsist anymore Kakarot" I'm in actual pain from laughing so hard. well done.

Cheddar Man : "The 10,000-year-old bones of the ancient Briton were unearthed in Somerset in 1903, and have puzzled scientists ever since. A team of experts, including Professor Walsh, recently created a computer model that tries to predict a person's skin pigmentation, hair and eye colour, purely from their genes.The test focused on 36 points of comparison in 16 genes, which are all linked to skin colour. Dr Walsh and her colleagues analysed genetic data taken from more than 1,400 people.They were mainly from Europe and the US, but also included people from Africa and Papua New Guinea.Part of this data was used to train their model on how to recognise skin colour by looking at links with the 36 genetic markers. [ seems like a reasonable scientific method.]

Face it, Bannon was the only intellectual in the Trump campaign, now you are left with Steven Miller! I'd like to see Obama debate Bannon, I reckon that would be a heavyweight match.

Put on a shirt! As a homophobe I find your flaccid white body distracting and frankly disrespectful. You might at least have made a Fahrenheit 451 reference!

Olly's turned transphobes and racists around before. So has Nat. I'm not saying that most of us *shouldn't* be training in community defense, we ***absolutely*** SHOULD be.... however, if there are other ways to reach people and de-brainwash 'em so that we don't have to hurt *all* of them, then there's no reason not to try.

+TreeHairedGingerAle I absolutely love this reply, thank you so much !! It's very constructive and hands on, which I appreciate massively. I guess reclaiming the power from big corporations in capitalism while also strengthening local community is like, the ideal scenario. I'll try to get on that. Cheers !!

Taking action is a good way to redirect anxieties and ease dread. Fascism feeds on desperation, and the system of capitalism that is polluting the planet for profit counts on us remaining dependent on 'official' institutions; instead of coming together as communities and building our *own* institutions rooted in human need rather than corporate greed. Building your personal skills (such as self defense, first aid, de-escalation techniques, basic wilderness survival) can prepare you to join with like-minded people to resist whenever the time is right. Also, try seeking out local initiatives that address your community's needs (unions, community gardens, environmental protection and clean up, organizations like Food Not Bombs, Community Solidarity, or Earth Strike are good; or, if it's a local anti-fire group, even better!).

It's also morally bankrupt, and literal suicide for the human species. We now have a world where, with the automation and the technologies that humans have, the basic necessities of life are easy to create. We already *have* the resources. We could easily feed, house, clothe, educate, and provide health care and reasonable comforts for _every single person living on earth right now_; and we could do it for far *fewer* work hours than laborers are performing now. We're talking 10 - 12 hour work weeks for everyone. Why is it fair to insist that so many people be poor, that so many people be sick and suffer and die; never self actualizing, locked away from their true potential as human beings, just so that a very few can accumulate amounts of money that they and their families couldn't possibly even _use_ over the course of several lifetimes? Why do we exhaust workers with meaningless tasks? Why don't we allow them the time to spend with family and friends, time to dream and explore themselves, time to innovate and create...we could easily experience a worldwide renaissance, and an evolution of the human species, if workers could pursue their passions, experiment and collaborate with like-minded people to solve problems...Yet, we *waste* their energies and minds on bullshit jobs, so as to keep oppressive control and unnecessary levels of order over them instead...*why*?? Why do we continue to destroy the earth? Why overuse and irresponsibly extract resources, why pollute the air and water and soil just because it's 'cheaper', why allow the earth's biosystems to utterly *collapse*, for the sake of levels of wealth that serve as nothing more than a status symbol? It is *madness*. We can do better.

Wow, after knowing the ending it’s super obvious why this man keeps hearing about all those fires At places he use to work.

"If there is a fire in the theater, exits are to the far left"... ... My god that's so good in retrospect to the metaphor. XD

My girlfriend thinks the way you said anti-Semite should be classified as a hate crime. For the record, I disagree. I find your voice and your intonation charmingly stimulating.

Is that the same woods oft used by a one Harris Bomber Chap?

I'm confused, is Bannon's film repetitive?

Woah now! I was not ready to hear Mommy's voice, i gotta go towel off.

Never stop this !

+TreeHairedGingerAle There are no other ways to "de-brainwash" these people other than to splatter their brains and guts (what little they actually have) on the wall! We have to be pro-active about this rather than reactive. Offense is the best defense! How do we even know that these ppl have even changed their minds anyway?? They can just be pretending so that they don't suffer social consequences while still unironically believing that minorities are the world's problems! History will not remember the left kindly (if at all) if we let the right just shoot up minorities while we sit and call them nazis instead of doing what our ancestors did and KILL THE FUCKING NAZIS!!!

The imposter syndrome is real after watching Hbomberguy and Philosophy Tube for hours. Also is pewdiepie really as anti semetic as you imply here? Really?

how do you poison a dog? wrap it with bacon.

Why do I love the posh travelling salesman character so much?! He's reminiscent of a Fry and Laurie character somehow.

@ContraPoints clocked

This was the first Left tube video i saw and I'm glad it was, coming back i just think it's even more genius than i thought before

Killed me with JonTrons face on Cheddar man

This video had no right being this good. Bravo. Your research, your analysis, your communication, when you bring all three together - well, let me just say that I have a lot of binging to do.

24:31 It's Hughene Explosive-Person!

White skin color is a pretty late development. First humans in europe where black. Cro Magnon was black.

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall. Great vid, the directing choices in this were actually pretty chilling.

As a National Leftist I found myself disagreeing with many of your points yet the video kept me. engaged to watch right to the end. I particularly enjoyed the Arsonist character.

Was that Contrapoints reading Evola? Noice

I wasn't expecting you to adress Banon! So good and effective my friend!

you have an eagle on your chest xD

24:54 February has 28 days. 2019 has/had 365 days. 365/28 = 13.0357142857 . Typical leftist doesn't understand facts and logic.

These people believe in reptilians. That should be enough for society to collectively roll their eyes at then.

Unrelated to the actual message of the video, but thanks for introducing me to Hadestown through the credits song. It's quickly become my new theater obsession

Was that digimon music 24:41

Steve Bannon is just an alt-right Jim Cornette and Donald Trump is a WWE hall-of-famer.

I can´t get over how well this video works with set-up and pay-off in addition to it being amazing political commentary.

bohemian rhapsody was good i don't know what me friends are talkin about

Your Vegeta is actually pretty good

To be clear, Pewdiepie (Felix) was not called antisemitic. It was stated that he has spread antisemitic messages on his channel and that (as a result of this) he clearly doesn't know how to approach conversations around Judaism. The second claim follows from the first, and in the case of the first, on his channel Felix has: •paid people to hold up a sign saying "death to Jews." •dressed up in a full Nazi uniform and performed part of a speech given by Hitler. •promoted channels whose videos include far right conspiracy theories. Felix does not need to be antisemitic himself for these to be antisemitic messages that he has delivered on his channel. This is to say, Olly's direct claims in this video are substantiated. Whether you personally believe that spreading antisemitic messages on a platform to millions of people, mostly young teens, makes someone an antisemite is something only you can decide.

Thank you!

I love how The Right want us to be terrifying and insidious collaborators with a highly sophisticated network of operations....... and simultaneously terrible organisers who couldn't pull off a piss up in a brewery.

21:30 I heard you can hear Steve points much better this way

I, too, would think that "Geordie Man" is an alpha buck who slays mad puss on the reg.

it drives me crazy that the arsonist is wearing a silver watch, gold ring, and bronze glasses

I'm pretty sure "manichean" is pronounced "manikian", not "manitchian". =[

**Danse macabre plays softly as horrifying racist quotes are read and eye drops are inserted into my forcefully held open eyes** Ahhh! It's a sin! Using Saint-Saens like that! He did no harm to anyone, Camille just wrote music!

30:25 Who spilled this Hbomb and didn't clean it up?

I really have to wonder. Is there some secret YouTube leftist forum where people post “Hey, is anyone up for reading some quote by some far-right fuck-head for a video I’m working on?”, or do you just have to ask people individually until someone says yes?

So like where can I get this cover of this song

I think he is, but hey, some people wouldn't believe he is one even if he said 1488 and 'death to jews'. i mean, he did one of those things already, so...

Why do I love the posh travelling salesman character so much?! He's reminiscent of a Fry and Laurie character somehow. EDIT: Also, the coded allusions are subtle but brilliant, and I notice more and more of them with repeated viewings.

Olly's turned transphobes and racists around before. So has Nat. I'm not saying that most of us *shouldn't* be training in community defense, we ***absolutely*** SHOULD be, _immediately_.... however, if there are other ways to reach people and de-brainwash 'em so that we don't have to hurt *all* of them, then there's no reason not to try.

+Nova Sol *A C C E L A R A T E*

Firefighters of the world, assemble

Where can one get that song? that is awesome

This video is filled with far left dog whistles. Ironic really...

Steve Bannon is a fucking fascist

Sorry but are you seriously on the "Pewdiepie is an Antisemite" train or was that hyperbole?

+Angel Fox explain?

If you lie down with dogs, don't be surprised if you wake up with fleas.

smart brain: this is such an interesting and wonderfully constructed video about people who "fan the flames" and other topics im not smart enough to summarize in a sentence and- horny brain: hOT BRITISH GUY IN A SUIT :0

Uploaded on the channel right after this vid

Nationalism is inherently reactionary.

+Pixels Redman Only if you weren't predisposed to bigotry in the 1st place... Which is super rare since it's the default human state to blindly hate anything that isn't like yourself.

+C F if you can become a bigot then you can be stopped from becoming a bigot, yes?

+Pixels Redman You can both be made a bigot and born a bigot. And literally unescapable if both happen at the same time. The fact that you're saying that you "went a little way down the rabbit hole" already indicates to me that you're most likely acting in bad faith. I'm smart enough to know that I and 99.9% of the world are dumb enough to become bigots by going down said rabbit hole and have therefore avoided it completely since childhood.

+C F Are people born bigots or aren't they? You just said both are possible. If people can *become* bigots then there is a before. If they can't become bigots and so can't stop being bigots then you're saying that I, and anyone like me who went a little way down that rabbit-hole before changing my mind, are actually secretly bigots still? Or are you saying I was never really a bigot? Your argument is a bit all over the place.

+Pixels Redman There is no "before". You're either a bigotted piece of shit from the beginning, or you're not. Most people are just naturally bigots but many are subconsciously or consciously taught bigotry from an early age by those that surround them (parents, friends, etc). Also, don't be fooled by alot of ppl being for minorities, gay and trans right, etc. They're only like that on the surface. They're either just trying to cash in on "what's hip right now" in their view, trying to get into liberal circles just to trash it all from within slowly, or trying to get by while still believing that being white, male, cisgendered, etc but just keeping these views "in the closet" so to speak.

+C F No, *before* that point

+Pixels Redman Not realistic. If people are out looking for shit on the chans, listening to Peterson, Jones, Rogan, etc then they're already gone. Those people aren't being recommended videos like this let alone have the desire to see videos that don't already agree with their pre-existing world views. So Fuck them.

+C F How about intercepting people before they fall down that rabbit-hole though?

I can't believe you stole this video from Canada. What did Canada ever do to you?!?!

Not even mad about the JPB gag it was just too funny.

I died with "antifire"

I've showed this to the girl I'm dating and my mother at this point, and they both love this video. The way the arsonist is used to show how fascists can manipulate through familiarity is haunting.

Nice, Firebugs themed essay.

I didn't know Nazis enjoy knitted sweaters so much.

Let's talk about the real problem here. Christianity.

Restricting my right to smoke and harm others in a crowded room is the guberment using cultural Marxism to restrict my freedoms

Thank you Mr. Tube for this delightful expose of one of the most disturbing individuals alive today!


Prager U is where the REAL learning happens!

Prager U is an elite Ivy League University, duh.

I'm glad he didn't call Steve Bannon a racist.

are they really dogwhistles if it's just. blatantly 'and did i mention its the capitalism actually' and 'also here's a list of socialist policy proposals we could do'

+Hase NEVER having done anything antisemitic? Those antisemitic jokes and pranks count for nothing? I'm sorry, but even if it was 'just a joke' that is no excuse.

+Angel Fox So context doesn't matter to you? How is never having done anything Antisemitic no excuse, btw? That's ridiculous. What do you base your assessment on?

+Hase I'm sorry, but that is no excuse.

+Angel Fox Why? He never did anything Antisemitic. The only real instance WSJ ever came up with was the banner held by the Fiver guys. Which he just thought was an edgy joke, so overtly over the top that not even two indigenous islanders would do it. He even was devastated in the actual Video that they actually did that.

+Hase Yes, I am.

+Angel Fox so you are saying that Felix Kjellberg is a bad Person?

+Hase A good person does not associate with bad people.

Ordinary Americans, depending on their socio-economic status, are actually often upset. However, they have a whole bouquet of descriptions of what's wrong with the country, and what to do about it. Pretty much guaranteeing that we just argue instead of organizing. Besides that, we are sooooo steeped in individualism that we blame individuals for every damn thing and collectively give the system a free pass. Example: my cousin's mom died, she was afraid to go to the hospital because she was underinsured. I've had other Americans blame her entirely. They simply did not see that...Well, yeah, she chose wrong...But she would have NOT made that choice in a single payer system! So did she kill herself through foolishness or was it the system that caused her death? I'm inclined to mostly blame our system. Our system causes deaths by making care unaffordable, so people die for preventable reasons. But individualists...many Americans...would blame those people for not making the big bucks it takes over here to access the system.

Notice when the video cuts to the Arsonist. When Olly mentions something burning, we see him for the first time. After Olly says that Bannon's "ideas can be appealing", we cut to the Arsonist further trying to relate to the audience and appeal to them. When Olly says that Bannon is selling a story, we cut to the Arsonist telling us more, talking about how he was a former lecturer. When Olly notes that we may not be the first to smell the smoke, the Arsonist returns (also note how, unrelated, the Arsonist's philosophy about trans people is the same as Yer Dad's from the Transphobia video). And finally, when Olly says that Bannon will not overtly tell you fascism is the answer, we see the Arsonist for the final time, arguing to get rid of "firefighters", and finally trying to get you on his side once and for all. This video is great. I keep returning to it, it's so full of meaning and symbolism.

Might I say that the ending monologue to this one is just about perfect and yes, I do have a match.

Fantastic video mate. Keep it up

If you think all of those people you mentioned are "far right" then I can't imagine what you must think Franco was. Also wonder what you think about On The Jewish Question.

I just wish Christians acted like Jesus. I do think Christians are usually part of the problem. But not all, there are social justice Christians and eco-minded Christians. But isn't it weird that we date stuff from the birth of Jesus? Pretty arrogant of them. Just saying...

+w b Prager U is fucking Christian Creationist mind virus garbage.

I'm not going to argue about "real learning." But Praeger U is sponsored by billionaires. So you might view their content with the perspective that "This is what billionaires, who may or may not have my best interests at heart, want me to think, believe and act." I mean, why would billionaires sponsor content like that? It could be philanthropy. But philanthropy generally feeds the prestige and/or wealth and/or power "needs" of the philanthropist. So, what need is Praeger U filling for those billionaires who want to "educate" you? Since I don't watch the channel, I'm actually asking you to think about it and reply.

+C F Doesn't the fact there are ex-nazis doing deradicalisation work sort of prove you wrong Also: We're outnumbered so be careful when you call for violence Also also: You have zero data backing up your claims in regards to psychology and predisposition.

Bannon's really smart. He's really an international threat on many levels. Trump is not a brilliant planner like Bannon, nor really deeply politically driven. Trump just loves attention, power, and is a casual bigot. Trump has NPD and it hampers his effectiveness. Trump may be mentally deteriorating.

"Stunning leaps of absolute moon-logic"

31:32 Gotta save that for posterity.

lol, anti fire

@37:47 *Internationale starts playing*

+Angel Fox It was one joke and the joke was not in the antisemitism. The Idea was to find the *worst thing* to request of somebody to make sure they'd try to circumvent the execution. The point wasn't even just to say "Kill he Jews" from Pewdiepie's perspective. The Fiverr Guys where to shout in the Video "Subscribe to Keemstar" (they did), basically Pewdiepie called Keemstar out for being antisemitic. Which he actually is.

+Hase Context is actually the problem; in an environment like the one we have today, where antisemitism is on the rise, someone with as large an audience as Pewdiepie has a social responsibility to be aware of that, and consider that even "edgy memes" can contribute towards normalising and legitimising hate.

+concon09090 I guess it being a dog whistle explains their obsession with it.

The problem is that sometimes "reptilian" is a dog whistle for "Jewish person", so simply ignoring them is a little dangerous when they're potentially spewing rhetoric like that.

Pewdiepie is antisemitic?

wait,,,, why did contrapoints voice just appear halfway through the video

Just realised that even before the big reveal, The Travelling Salesman literally talks about burning books. Damm...

That's a beautiful song. Also kind of a strawman, but hey, that's what the rest of the video is for, I guess.

And so Chad he's directly adjacent to Cameroon!

That's why we build the wall, we build the wall to give us REEEEE--"

As always, a great video, and I’m really excited that Hadestown is getting more recognition!

I know the hair is basically made up, but man that Cheddar bloke has some pretty curls.

Wait a minute... You used that microscope footage in the Philosophy of Antifa video. Cheapskate. I expect original footage in all videos.

"What are the chances of that? One in twelve?" Fucking priceless.

Just another Brick in The Wall.


Hey, I was wondering if anyone could help me with de-radicalising my dad. He's been falling down a far-right rabbit hole for some time now, and it's gotten so bad that anytime anyone gay or black comes on screen, he HAS to comment on it, make some statement about 'virtue signalling' or some bullshit. I'm worried and i can't seem to convince him otherwise, he's like the most stubborn person ever.

Please don't take this the wrong way but I read in A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution 1891-1924 by Orlando Figes that in Russia the Populist movement was primarily a movement addressing the lack of peasant human rights who by the Tsarsist system had previously been accounted for has the property of other people, the peasants had been legally freed by this time, but provision had not been made for them such as education, their human rights were for the most part not written into law and they were given separate courts to appear in because they could not be and should not be taken as equals. Populism was an attempt to use public opinion, public representation and legislation to deal with the outcome of this which included a famine. The Tsar and his government blocked any such reform.

bannon HATES neo cons like bush. The fact that you don't know that shows a whole lot.

I presume the "Hotel Mill & Smith" is named after John Stuart Mill and Adam Smith?

mid-40s scholar tells you about steve bannon asmr roleplay

Ollie: You might call me anti-fire. *raises eyebrows* Me: Oh you!!!

1:49 - magnificent

+Hase dude, I understand your position and none of us (neither me nor you nor anyone in this comment section) can tell if Felix Kjelberg is actually racist or a homophobe or anything like that. We don't know what he thinks as an individual, but the criticism Oliver and the comment above is making is NOT on PewDiePie as an individual, but on his actions as a public and influential figure. His actions, regardless of the intention, were pretty harmful in nuanced ways that might take a lot of contextualization to understand. WSJ was harsh (and sincerely, dishonest) on him, but when you weight out the "harm", well... He touched on a subject way worse and more delicate than his individual person. Sorry for the long text, but don't jump to defend individuals you don't even know. His actions were pretty much indefensible, even himself has apologized for them. He, as a figure, became very dangerous due to that whole case, that's kind of what I understand of all this...

i actually did get asked "where are you FROM" recently, despite the fact we were standing about two miles from the hospital where i was born and my blood is whiter than tippex

"" I laughed out loud at that. Accurate or not, I ascribed my own social commentary to it.

Why is HBomb so goddamn good at doing an outrage voice?

I love how the left fail to notice the obvious similarities between themselves and people like Bannon. Smugness, self-righteousness and hectoring does not just fall out of the sky, I suppose. Btw Posh Ollie likes to advocate for violence. But he's not an extremist! How morally cretinous and echo-chambered can the left become before they become completely irrelevant?

first pt video ive clicked... is this the male contrapoints

you sub to Sargon of Akkad that shows not just a whole lot. That shows as much as the history of the world shows.

+Flavia Martins Yeah, he already knows about that from his 'right wing' youtubers, who are tryna make it about them, and about the left blaming the right for everything.

a recent video about a guy who was radicalized blew up, maybe show him that and then feed him some breadtube loaves.

The song is a cover of a song from a concept album/musical from 2010 called "Hadestown", interestingly.

Christians aren't the problem, they are victims. The concept of Christianity that drives good people to do bad things is the problem.

+Kuroboshi • 黒星 Thats just joke policing though. I don't have to defend anybody I merely despise this continued perpetuation of bullshit. The WSJ was not just dishonest, they flat out made shit up. I find that a lot more dangerous than telling two papua new-guineans to dance to a hateful sign telling the world that Keemstar is antisemitic or letting the n-word slip on stream. Plus the WSJ's editors who wrote the article posted worse flat out anti-semitic texts on their own Twitter. They are also public figures. Saying a human being has to be condemned for not existing in a bubble of purity in 2018 is utterly dishonest as well. Every one in this comment section has slipped racist slurs while singing along to a rap song or goes through the world with some form of Bias. It's about what this lone swede tells his audience on how to behave and about what he learned from it. Also there were worse consequences from the over-reaction to two slip ups on this platform, yet a guy who filmed a dead body gets promoted again and even got his YT Red show back. It's all lop-sided uninformed bs bashing and you are going along with it. I find it scary how this mob mentality works.

“tenchi muyo was redpilled as fuuuuck” foreshadowing?

Yep, I haven't gotten through a ton of your videos yet, but this one stands clearly above the ones I have seen. The posh centrist character is absolutely spectacular.

the character you created in this one has been my favorite.

you thicc

22:59 "So Chad he shared a border with Cameroon" XD

Why do we build the wall?

"I say, you wouldn't happen to have... a match?" - chills.

Hey now! Just because he's a baron and wears a monocle doesn't necessarily mean he's evil! It would just be plain RUDE to assume that sort of thing.

​+yang gang And you and your gang get to define what's what, who does what to whom and who is a 'legitimate target? You are a cretin, a fascist and if you don't know what's wrong with your point - no one can help you. May be you'll grow up and your balls will drop one day - we can only hope. Academics like Niall Ferguson and Jordan Peterson have to live with protection because of crackpots like you and your demand for unaccountable power. Ferguson's wife escaped the Taliban who wanted her dead. She comes to the west, only to find morons like you. I blame cretins like posh Ollie for encouraging your curious, bizarre and selfish macho fantasies. Total dick!

violence against people trying to enforce ethnic cleansing and genocide seems fair

It seems like a great deal of people I admire/used to admire are utter assholes, and I don't really want to believe that, so forgive my incredulousness

Baby Boomers 1980s: "We should give every kid a trophy no matter what, so that nobody feels left out." Baby Boomers 2000s+: "Oh great, here comes the 'everyone gets a trophy' generation to ruin America."

I started watching because I see your comments everywhere on all the channels that I like. I stayed because of Hadestown. Who knew you’d like my favorite musical!!

Awesome video! Thank you for your clearing of thought and insight.

So lets do everyone a favour and well you know....

YAY!! Foppington on BONESTRUCTURE!!

Moan your talking about Nazism and calling it fascist. As pre-Hitlerian I was disappointed that you don't understand what fascism is beyond the simple writings of outsiders.

The first europeans must have had a (way) darker skin. Since they came here from Africa where dark skin is necessary to protect yourself from the sun. Evolution then reduced melasomething levels because producing the melasomething recuires energy.

Isn't communism populist? The people are the workers and capitalists the elite?

My wife's son loved it too!

Ollie, your acing is really good.

you sure do seem to have a lot of fetish gear just lying around

his best video. point blank perioddd

The choice of "Why do we build the wall?" is so good. They build the wall to keep out an enemy, but later in the song it is revealed that the only difference between "us" and "the enemy" IS the wall.

+Kuroboshi • 黒星 >I didn't defend the WSJ, but their actions  >were harmful to one individual, Felix's were >harmful to a group.  I can't be sure they tried to cause the adpocalypse. But they aimed for something to happen to youtube. Whether they actually felt threatened, who knows. They at least caused tangible financial damage to a group of independent creators. Felix on the other hand was only pointing the finger at Keemstars Antisemitism, the WSJ only spun it into antisemitic hate-speech. >That's all I said. No you opened the argument that he needs to self-censor because of his popularity which I'd at least call debatable. >He is an influential individual, also, very  >privileged (although you might not like this  >word, judging by your reaction),  No I think he also came into his wealth ridiculously easy. >so I don't like how people are framing him  >as the innocent victim individual, his  >actions were harmful to a group much  >bigger and much more marginalized than  >him. They were not, they were not even targeted at them, h3 a jew himself said he understood the message. You clearly never watched the video in question. >Yes, I know the context of the joke and (...),  >but the effects of his actions don't care  >about his context, jokes like these,  >especially when his audience tries to  >defend them, trivialize the matter.  It's not a joke on the expense of the jewish people. That was never the joke. Even if it was, it's called dark humor and you should maybe calm down about it. >If he really is not a racist and his apologies  >are serious, people shouldn't be trying so  >hard to victimize him. (...) they're not being  >harmful to a group as he was,  He did apologize for the N Word... The first incident, you might have grasped by now there was nothing to apologize for. Frankly, I don't ned to defend him on the Nword incident, it's the Nword. Is it as a word hatespeech? not really. However it's a harmful slur and rightfully earned him shade. Still that wasn't the point in this video, to compare it all to what cameron did o the middle east... thats just ridiculous. >What I do agree is that the victimhood role  >he put on after that validates the myth that  >"The left is crazy, they attacked this poor  >guy that did nothing wrong", which is,  >inevitably, a political statement (...) The WSJ while left wing is a special interest group. Therefore the takeaway should be they acted unhonorably in their own interests and therefore can not be trusted. As for the "crazy libtard" trope. There are comedians like the Smuggly- and Trigglypuffs on the left that perpetuate that image through sheer stupidity. The right has their Alex Jones characters. I mean, you just should keep an open mind to both spectrums and not generalise everybody into some retard hodgepodge. >But this whole contextualization I just did  >took me quite some time to write and not  >everyone has that kind of patience, so  >people just summarize it in these shorter  >comments. No generalised statements are a good start. But what puts me off more is people arguing about this wholly uninformed, yet with a clear opinion. >That said, I'm not an expert nor am I  >representing the whole left position on the  >matter. (...) Nor should you, I was looking for Ollies position on this as it frankly made no sense to me.

+Hase you assumed a lot of my arguments, also, you're framing the question wrong. I didn't defend the WSJ, but their actions were harmful to one individual, Felix's were harmful to a group. That's all I said. He is an influential individual, also, very privileged (although you might not like this word, judging by your reaction), so I don't like how people are framing him as the innocent victim individual, his actions were harmful to a group much bigger and much more marginalized than him. Yes, I know the context of the joke and what he meant to say or do, but the effects of his actions don't care about his context, jokes like these, especially when his audience tries to defend them, trivialize the matter. If he really is not a racist and his apologies are serious, people shouldn't be trying so hard to victimize him. He is not Christ carrying his cross, he is just a guy who did an oopsie and people are condemning his actions. Even when people say "PewDiePie is literally a fascist" (something I wouldn't say myself), they're not being harmful to a group as he was, they just might be wrong. What I do agree is that the victimhood role he put on after that validates the myth that "The left is crazy, they attacked this poor guy that did nothing wrong", which is, inevitably, a political statement (a pretty right-wing one at that), which kinda makes his actions pretty harmful to a whole lot of movements and causes that fall under the "left-wing" category. But this whole contextualization I just did took me quite some time to write and not everyone has that kind of patience, so people just summarize it in these shorter comments. You might say it'd be better to just clarify everything but cut us some slack, not everyone has the time and patience to write a long text like this. That said, I'm not an expert nor am I representing the whole left position on the matter. Anyone can come and present a different point of view, I'm sharing my understanding of the situation. Major point is: don't just react to a piece of a statement used as a joke in Ollie's video, try to understand the whole contextualization behind it.

This video, ollie, (oliver? do you prefer oliver? I'll go with oliver for now) this video, oliver, is fantastic. Not only are the arguments presented well-reasoned ad supported, but the presentation itself is fucking GORGEOUS. I have watched this video over and over again who knows how many times, and is already threatening to surpass your video on transphobia as my most-shared video across the web. The moment at the end, in the credits... it brings me to fearful, impacted tears every single goddamn time, with shivers and goosebumps no matter what, without fail, EVERY TIME (much credit to Zoë for this as well), and for me, an oft-dissociated trans survivor of conversion therapy, that speaks VOLUMES. Sincerely, i cannot begin to state how much i value and cherish this video. ANd while i know you dont expect me to do so, once i can afford it, you can be sure that i'll be supporting you via patreon as well as through viewership. From the bnottom of my heart, truly, thank you for this, and may your work of dismantling the wall never finish (Well, unless we can just get rid of walls but you know what i mean).

"Isn't that kind of like opening the Pewdiepie Center for Jewish Cultural Studies?" Spit out my drink all over my laptop. Good show Oliver. Good show.

You have to admit that you're susceptible to the very faults you're accusing Bannon of—incompleteness and stacking the deck. I agree that it's almost impossible to give a balanced view of anything, but you seem to have given up entirely. Why is it that those on the left tend to dehumanise their opponents? Also, what do you think of oikophobia?

I wish I hadn’t heard of prageru

+Kuroboshi • 黒星 I did watch part of the video on Antifa, did not finish it yet. Thanks for the reminder. I think we are not gonna get anywhere else tough, however I acknowledge your position. I don't see any harm done, but you can. I think it's still ridiculous to put him in one line with the actors named in this very Video here, but I can acknowledge the idea that somebody was harmed, if not by the Jew line (that was again to the expense of someone else), then at the very least by the Nword. I think that opinion depends what you factor in as harm, very much in the same way as we might see privilege differently, and weigh the factors of it differently. Anyway thanks for reminding about the Antifa video, I have not been at that part and once used to consider myself belonging to that "collective" as I was an openly protesting Anarchist following the Ideas of Bakunin.

Hase  It's kind of weird to put what happened to PewDiePie as the start of the adpocalypse, it's already been discovered that it would happen no matter what. Yeah, journalists, corporations and stuff are scared of new media, they want to corporatize (if that word even exists) YouTube, and I do not defend the WSJ's actions or how they swiftly profited from the situation. They were shitty, but they didn't singlehandedly cause the adpocalypse. I don't think he needs to "self-censor", that's a loaded way to frame the question, he should be conscious of his influence and how shitty his "innocent" jokes can be to a group that's already marginalized. Also, you keep mistaking my use of "affected" with "targeted". His shitty joke (perhaps) wasn't targeted towards jewish people, he might not have said the N-word trying to imply that black people are worse, but the effects the jokes had in trivializing the matters and indirectly harming those groups happened regardless of PewDiePie's intention on the matter. With "privileged" I didn't only mean "easy money", I meant a white, cis male and all that SJW talk we're all sick of hearing. Not only that, he has a huge following that defended all his actions, so he was never truly harmed per se, arguably he kinda "won" against those journals like the WSJ, they tried to frame him as a nazi and he got out as some kind of martyr, so why are people victimizing him so much? "Even if it was, it's called dark humor and you should calm down about it", well, I am pretty calm about it, I didn't unsubscribe from PewDiePie, I didn't ask for him to die or get banned from YouTube, it's his fans that are so pissed that they think a joke in the middle of a video about Steve Bannon is enough to come to the comments asking for an opinion and becoming immediately defensive. All I said on the matter is that PewDiePie should have a little more social consciousness and perhaps recognize his jokes can get a little bit out of control, regardless of his intentions with said joke. The thing about politics is that it's kind of like a funnel, see... You can try to be entirely neutral and even apolitical, but even a little slip to one side or the other can actually lead into more extreme views. Right now, you're trying to tell people who thought Pewds' joke was harmful that they *should* calm down, defending one individual, while saying that people *shouldn't* frame him as racist or even harmful, because his intention was not that or something. Well, you are inevitably taking a side, not being neutral. So, if you wanna talk about WSJ and how they handled the situation pretty badly, I'll agree with you. Most people on the left kinda don't like corporations either lol. But framing PewDiePie as the poor dude who made a joke and got censored, that I can't agree. He did harm, intent or not. People's reaction to his harm was not uncalled for. That's what I believe, at least. Since you're here in Ollie's video, you could watch his video on the Philosophy of the Antifa and understand a little bit better how harmful some "jokes" can be. Also, there is a ContraPoints video talking about Fascist Rhetoric (not saying that PewDiePie is a fascist, but that fascist mindsets can benefit from how his joke was delivered and handled) and hbomberguy did a video specifically on PewDiePie as well. They'd explain waaaay better than I did lol

i think that part about Cheddar Man was so relevant, in this conversation surrounding identity and nationality - biology can be such a powerful tool in dismantling it. race is inextricably tied to nationality and so nationalism is intrinsically racially biased, discoveries like Cheddar Man having dark skin sort of bring us all back to reality, that demographics change and are a result of nature, that culture is a human construct, that humans have always had free movement and adapt to their environments in time and more than anything we must be careful when we claim 'roots' to a place or claim to be native

PewDiePie center for Jewish studies. I actually believe that wouldn't be so bad, I don't think he is a antisemite. Just like you he made edgy jokes

It's really funny watching the ending now. You get that barn-storming conclusion with the song, the antifa symbol appears, and an annotation for "The Philosophy of Anime" appears beside it.

Laughed so hard when I heard the line: "Slayed mad puss on the reg". Laughed even harder when I understood what it means via urban dictonary.

You go from "your ass is mine" to literally having your ass in the air in like 20 minutes

But what about the cool question?

There's a grain of truth in every lie... ... Unless you're Trump.

Is that Contrapoints i hear ??

When the picture of Dan came up, I died.

There is a hell of allot you can learn from history, but almost none of it is anything you want to bring into the modern age. History is a great big long list of don'ts and trying to use it as template to build a modern society is crazy. Solutions must be find from the now and tomorrow.

I think your veiwer count is stuck. Pretty sure I've watched it more than what's being shown

Olly in a hot firefighter tank top looking right at the camera and saying "your ass is mine" Now I need a new pair of pants, thanks.

I need to jump in here and say YAAAAAAASSS! Stop blaming us for shit you did to us as children, you crazy old bastards! I think that concept neatly encapsulates an intra-generational power struggle going on between the fascist-sympathising fuckwads (some people are born weak, shame them!) and the somewhat brain-addled hippie types (everybody is EQUALLY AWESOME, party all the time, wooo!). Personally I roll harder to the latter than the former - if you're going to be a dipshit, at least be a nice one, right?

I lost it at the Geordie Man bit.

And then he died... like a cuck. ^^

:3 Peak Switch behavior.

Olly: *wearing a tank top* "anti-fire" Me: Smitten

Geordie man is Dan Olsen with his cat, I'm dying

But is Bannon's film repetitive?

This is so artistically produced

“You’re not dealing with the average facist warrior anymore...”

"Socialism will win" that's a line I tell my girlfriend almost everyday... She's more right leaning and is very deep into the American rejection of even the word socialism; doing this has sparked some very interesting conversations, luckily it hasn't sparked any fire

Ha, I got that reference “Biedermann und die Brandstifter“ I'm not familiar with the name of the english translation. I really like your videos, keep up the good work!

Bannon fucking hates Baby Boomers? Okay, maybe I was wrong about him. Let's see what he has to say. If he hates the Boomers he can't be THAT bad.

A 1,000 year old skull? So Shaun's gonna be in this one somewhere? That's something to look forward towards.

Try not sounding so patronising

This video reminds me of Pink Floyd's The Wall.

What kind of idiot thinks that pewdiepie is a nazi

Predicting the GFC was easy, though. Market cycles average 8-12 year boom-bust dynamics since the 60s. Here's a prediction... there will be economic turmoil within the the ext few years. Either call me *genius* or simply highlight the fact that I'm just playing the odds...

tenchi muyo is redpill as fuck

Anybody interested in how tradition is an attractive thing and how tradition tend to reflect the times that they are observed rather than the time they supposedly came from should read The Invention of Tradition edited by Hobsbawm and Ranger.

Completely random comment too late but I like the use of "La Campanella" in the background

god damn mercury in retrograde! gets me very time!

oh isn't bannon the prettiest princess at the ball look at the brains on her must be at least a D-

"youtube dot gov" will never fail to send me into hysterics

I generally agree with your points, but as someone who has watch pretty much every video Pewdiepie has uploaded in the last few years, I don’t agree that he’s a right wing pipeline.

He was definitely part of the reason I fell down that path a while ago, he's definitely part of it, not a major or very important part but definitely still there.

I still need this version of the song on its own.

"In countries like the US and UK where for a long time only white people were allowed to be citizens, who gets seen as citizens now is still affected by that history. This is not about blame or guilt or victimhood" If it isn't about victimhood then what is it about? Isn't this the whole reasoning for racial equity policies? I am black therefore my family was mishandled by whites, therefore I deserve a boost today in favour of whites, because I would have been further along in the social hierarchy if my family had not been kept down by the white man. Whether 100% of US/UK citizens were white 100 years ago does not matter, when you say take pride in being a citizen and protect your citizenship that applies to all those who hold citizenship. Take Denmark for example, the Turks which were invited into Denmark back when we had labour shortages should value their citizenship as much as any other Danish citizen, it will cost them just as much to pay for the immigration of unskilled refugees as it will for the white people of Denmark. There simply isn't any reason to make this about race, once Sweden becomes a third world country I don't want unskilled white Swedes to immigrate to Denmark any sooner than unskilled Somalis.

Jesus Christ another Max Frisch work. I thought that guy only wrote that god-awful book "Andorra".

People aren't saying that he's literally a nazi but his joke and actions make antisemitism more normalized and this leads people down the path to pick up right wing ideologies like I did a few years back.

The "What can I say but yikes" bit is purely reaction gif bait, but I forgive Ollie because he's big sexy

Yo that intro had me fucked up. I was about to light a blunt and I literally waited to strike a match until the end of the video cause you said no smoking in the theater.

27:06 "oh, I'll get to you another day." and, joy of joys, the day has arrived.

Damn, that song saying "we build the wall to keep us free" really creeps me out, like some kind of cognitive dissonance...

'exits to the far left" ahhhhhhi get it

That song!

Thomas Lincoln How so? What of his content made you go down that path?


THis is totally brilliant and I just read "The Arsonists" JUST A FEW WEEKS BACK in German "Biedermann und die Brandstifter" [follow me on Goodreads PLEASE?]

I screamed "SLAY KWEEN" the moment I heard Contra's voice.

Fuck, this is *not* the video for this day. :(

Just like to say there is a close caption option, where his speech is printed on the bottom of the screen.

You know what hould help the wages, unions, and those evil socialists, they could better the conditions for workers, if only someone told poor steve that : O The best way to stop fires is a functional good immigration and a good security net. And to regulate capitalism a bit.

Send him videos of Destiny debating his favorite alt-right YouTubers. A lot of former alt-right people were snapped out of it by Destiny.

I see where you are going with this video and while remaining neutral here, there are two bits of information that you got wrong: From an economics point of view, the financial crisis did start with the 93 Clinton passing rules to force/greatly-encourage banks to lend mortgages to minorities. If you see the movie 'the big short', there is a part of the movie where two slick mortgage salesmen where selling NINJA loans to newly arrived immigrants. Those stand for No Income No Job. After those bills were passed, banks had a new source of the population to sell mortgages to. Risk was taken on by the government (which is always a terrible idea) and the fact that the asset in question was bricks and mortar and not some fiat, help reduce risk as well. Now, I hear you say, banks are greedy! and you will be right. But they always have been greedy. In fact, if I invest in some place and it doesn't give me back some money on my investment, I will take my money out. But bare in mind, not all banks offered these sub-prime mortgage deals - BB&T didn't, but it was very tempting for banks to get into it or they will lose money. Lastly, when Bannon said "real people know", he means that it effects their day to day lives. While we live in the cities and can pretend to not notice certain realities, because we are 'enlightened', regular people outside the cities who were effected financially by the recession (people inside cities were effected also), have a different take on what is good for the country (in the context of financial justice and immigration). This is not fake. They are there. You can talk to them in pubs or in affordable housing areas. They will tell you the same story Bannon is.

Are you in North America or did you just think no one watching would notice all the bird sounds when you bury your head in the ground are from the eastern half of North America?

I came back to rewatch this bc the writing and the acting is so fucking good it kills me, and just registered the Jordan Peterson reference

male tears Even while she was reading such horrendous things, I couldn’t deny the warm, motherly embrace of my biologically female queen.

Lucas Rodillo It’s very fitting, isn’t it?

+Kyle He is welcoming to white nationalists and also uses their jokes and talking points, wether he believes them or not. If he doesn't, he is playing with matches to still be famous, and has no sense of how dangerous it is. If he does, he is a simpathizer of the same people who have been comitting crimes against humanity for quite long... So the point is, he *is* expanding the influence sphere of the "Alt-Right".

You've been drinking water from the alt-right well for too long, and now you have lead poisoning. I recomend a healthy dose of facts and to sanitize your watching habits. Thank you for your time.

Your soundmixing is awful. Please turn the volume up.

1:04 damnit I was loading a bowl right when you said that

"To be born female you have to be transcendentally just a piece of shit, just the worst" -- Oliver Thorn, 2019, in a video praising Steve Bannon's video production skills, also featuring noted racist "The Golden One"

this is cinematic beauty, you had me on the edge of my seat there

Maximum wage! Yes!

Revisiting this one as I'm gearing up to write a thesis on Chantal Mouffe's For a Left Populism. I must say I only now noticed just how well and nuanced you manage to explain her case to a general audience /while/ putting it in action.

olly i love you and thats why i have to tell you that pronouncing anti semite like that makes it sound like you think steve bannon hates jizz

Julius Evolva fucking a cuck

Big fan, just found your YouTube channel and I love it, however, you are very wrong when it comes to Pewdiepie. I know it's something of a broken record, but he is not an antisemite. He's a guy who made several immature mistakes for the sake of comedy, if you're going to bash someone, get the facts straight. He made some Indian guys on Fiverr hold up signs with something antisemitic to prove that people on that website will do anything for a paycheck. Other Fiverr members that were involved were aware that it was a meme and was done entirely for humor. You might be surprised to hear it, but jokes that are intentionally controversial are all the rage with edgy people, who he turned into due to the adpocolypse, he was doing anything for views. He also slipped up and said the N word, something that is unmistakably bad and he recognized. He is not a perfect person, but by god, he is not an antisemite.

He never called him an antisemite, he's an idiot whose idiocy is leading people down the hole, knowingly or unknowingly.

I didn't say he was; I said it would be in poor taste to name a Jewish Cultural Studies Centre after him and that he's the most famous Swedish man to use YouTube to distribute anti-Semitic messages, both of which are true. I don't really care what he believes personally.

Wow this is an incredible work of art. The writing, the message, everything. It's insane. I hope Bannon see's this one day.

"What? You're in prison and you say you're innocent, yet you eat the prison food and sleep on the prison bed? You must be a hypocrite." --Everyone like Tuck V.

Holy shit those suggestions at the end. You're just a full blown communist and Marxist. This channel is just Marxism masquerading as "philosophy". Wow, I knew you were full of shit but didn't realize you would be that upfront about how insane you actually are.

Philosophy Tube I guess while I have your attention I’ll just say a few things. Surely you have to see how it’s self contradictory to be both for abolishing the military and pro-levying a 100% tax on the wealthy (who would enforce the tax)? This tax would also inevitably lead to Soviet gulags all over again when people resist it... Also, how would any society afford giving healthcare to non-citizens who haven’t paid into the system? That is bankruptcy waiting to happen. Finally, don’t you hold *any* value in traditional societies, or the values your ancestors fought hard to build and uphold? I’m a Christian myself, I just don’t see how one could turn their back on the West’s long and illustrious history in such a way.

I mean regardless of your assessment of it, Marxism is philosophy...

How do you expect anyone who's not far left to take this video seriously when you already, *in the first three minutes*, call Breitbart a "misinformation website". It is not. Its reporting is accurate and based on fact, though you may disagree with their politics and opinions on facts. You simply come off as a propagandist, and for that reason your claims are easily dismissible.

It's provably a misinformation website, they've been caught blatantly lying multiple times. To pretend otherwise would be dishonest of me!

This whole video is giving me flashbacks to reading "Biedermann und die Brandstifter" ("The Arsonists"/"The Fire Raisers" in English) in German class. It was really not a good time, German literature generally sucks. And that thing was simultaneously the shortest and most confusing book I've ever had the displeasure of reading in school. This video was awesome though. this channel deserves so much more subscribers.

I've lost count on how many times I've watched this video

So SPOOOOOOOkyyy! haha that was great X^D

Why do you keep calling pewdiepie a anti semite? Im aware of the whole fiverr debacle, but i feel like you missed a lot of context for you to call him that.

13:38 is armored sceptic music intended?

I've watched this about half a dozen times and I always have to pause the video when I break down in laughter at that goddamned eyebrow wiggle after "anti-fia".

What play are you parodying?

As the last notes of the music fade, I hear sirens scream as a fire engine rushes past outside my window. Odd, how art bleeds into life..

I'd love for the skit/sketch parts to be uploaded as one video somewhere!

Mark Lawton Way to completely misinterpret Jesus’ words. He was warning of the inevitable destruction of the Temple by the Romans, which indeed came to pass within a century after Jesus’ death. I don’t necessarily conflate Christianity with Westernism, but when formerly Christian countries start splintering into many different religions or no religion, losing millions of souls to Hell in the process, that’s a huge problem.

+HT T "Do you see all these great buildings?" replied Jesus. "Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down." Mark 13:2. You're protecting things men have built, not things that are necessarily ordained. If your God willed it (if, indeed, he exists), he would pull down every edifice, every institution you claim as Christian in a second, and I think your God would laugh at your pride for conflating Christianity with Westernism. Christianity is doing very well indeed in South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia without you to "protect" it.

Doesn't it say somewhere that a play named 'the arsonist' was taken as inspiration for this video?

(One time) Distributer of anti semetic messages, not anti semite. Not the same.

your chest hair looks like a bird.

lies, lies, lies, you are the real fascist, living proof of the ideal feminine man self-hating European. all you do is take people's words and invent meanings. it is disingenuous. no one asked you where your from because you LOOK BRITISH, you twat. ITS A CONSPIRACY!!

Thank you so much for the obvious amount of effort and toil you put into this. I remember what a pain in the arse filming my now long deceased hamsters was. I really enjoyed watching this.

Maximum wage? You're speaking my language!

This is one of my first videos after being recommended this channel and his “far left” and “anti-fire” jokes in the first two minutes are destroying me, I’m sold

This video gave me chills. So well done!

I disagree with so much that you say. and hilarious, can't...stop... watching.

One of your best work!

Only five minutes in and some half-truths have been told. Yes, Bush did enact the bank bail-outs, but it's worth noting Obama agreed to this. Robert Reed writes "Even before taking office in January 2009, Obama had signed on to the previous Bush administration's drastic, but politically unpopular, plan to directly infuse up to $700 billion in taxpayer-backed loans into the U.S. banking industry." According to Forbes, the bail-outs weren't just the initial $700 million given to banks. Rather, it was a much more comprehensive, on-going payment by the government. "The Special Inspector General for TARP summary of the bailout says that the total commitment of government is $16.8 trillion dollars with the $4.6 trillion already paid out." This ballooning from millions to trillions not only occured during the Obama administration, but also with it's full endorsement. In fact, Obama would go on to also bail out the automotive industry among other expansive government actions. So, as far as I'm concerned, Obama deserves as much, if not more, of the blame Bush receives for the bank bail-outs and I think it's mincing for specifics to claim it was really all Bush's doing.

Amazing video good work

36:25 "I was young and brave too, once." Once. Heh.

"AN HEROIC" ? its A HEROIC. an comes before words beginning with vowels. minor quibble.

fitting enough for a video confronting populism, this entire thing had such a good tone to it? especially the arson cutaways. even though I could tell from the outset what the end point would be, the final few minutes left me with a sick sense of horror that dystopian cautionary tales WISH they could provide.

We are only as good as the generations who raised us.

Whoa this video was so well done. I am heading over and making a pledge.

The original habitants of Europe were indeed black when they migrated from Africa in the great diaspora lol

Show us 1 bigoted thing Steven Bannon ever said. I'm not even say I like the guy but I looked and couldn't find anything.

29:23 that one got me laughing

I had to watch that ending twice. Holy shit.

That smirk you made after the “anti-fire” joke singlehandedly ended my depression.

I'm sure he would agree, as Olly here is not a liberal.

"The Fire Raisers" by Max Frisch (also known as 'The Arsonists', 'The Fire Bugs')

Or, should I say, particularly relate to.

HT T I don't think you're going to save many sinners from unending torture by telling them they're full of shit or calling them batshit crazy. Yes, we know that Jesus has retrospectively been claimed (or invented) as the seer of the fall of the temple, but that particular bit of your fairytale of choice does point to a wider truth about the longer term vulnerability of the apparently invincible that even batshit crazy Marxists can relate to.

+Liam Boyd it's easily said but "Muslim" is not a race. That's not just semantics. Many people on the right were calling for protection of Christian people who are persecuted in Muslim lands. Same race different beliefs. Look around the world and tell me what you see.

+Kevin NYC and the reaction is racist. U might not see it but those policies are a racist reaction to real problems.

+Liam Boyd I understand you don't like those politicies and I understand why. I would ask that you take a wider view for a moment. If Congress actually did it's job and controlled immigration as they do in every other nation on Earth there would be no nationalist movement, no "build the wall". If Congress did something to protect workers in the face of global corporate finance, same thing. Trump and Bannon are a reaction to problems long ignored. And still ignored by the media I might add.

+Liam Boyd I'm in favor of a more nationalist policy. I don't see why that needs to be demonized. Look around the world and see what is going on.

+Kevin NYC I mean he helped make the policy for the Muslim ban and the caging of children at the border (with Steven miller's help of course) not to mention the whole video that u just commented on outlining his worldview. I think, and I could very well be wrong, that at thus point u just don't want to see it.

"Julian Evola, tweeting this to you unsolicited from an alt-account after his main got banned." Gotta love the details.

Re-watching this video and i just got the "Exits are on the far left" joke/word-play.

Really enjoyed this video. As a writer I feel the execution is at a level of brilliance that I aspire to.

Literally everything you said was so disingenuous and shit. You are wrong on literally everything. The left can't debate or argue, and can only perceived as even being remotely right if you dwell within an echo chamber. Leftist "philosophers" and philosophy as a whole are nothing more than a massive undulating mound of shit smelling self gratifying smugness, with no substance other than a smug "fuck you bigot. I'm right you're wrong nanny boo boo."

+Angel Fox I mean, I feel like since this is being presented as an in-depth analysis of Steven Bannon, it's pretty disingenuous to say the bail-outs where a Bush-era policy when the Obama administration essentially doubled (or, more aptly, if you allow the bad pun, trillioned) down on them. I found the video (up to where I have watched it) to be mainly like this. A pretty superficial take on why Bannon thinks the way he does that doesn't go very deep into the nuance of the ideology or even the basic history. It took me all of five minutes of skimming to find the evidence to back up my point because it seemed overly dismissive to me to say the bail-outs were a Bush phenomenon. Doesn't really bode too well for the overall robustness of the research if so early on it seemed like questionable strikes against Bannon were just tossed off into the air without further examination or critical inquiry, now does it?

+Jaclyn Fairhead Can remember a time when tv journo's couldn't say a sentence that didn't include the phrase "copper fasten"

No it aint. it crept into tv journo speak about 5 or 6 years ago. and all of a sudden everybody is at it. would you say "an horse" or "an camel". any takers for "a elephant".

It's the proper British way of speaking.

"Fascism is about the ingroup vs the outgroup" I have talked with communists about how them only focusing on the strict division between proletariat and bourgeoisie is dated and horrifying. Whenever I tell them : what about small businesses where they don't enjoy all the workers rights and end up suffering more than standard employees because they can't compete in the market as well even with the longer hours? And they tell me that their position is closer to a capitalist than to a worker. What about worker owned and managed cooperatives? Same thing. I don't get it, why not promote Labor itself, what's wrong with owning something and putting your work into it, wasn't the whole problem started by the surplus going to someone else rather than the workers, if it goes to the workers it's not a surplus anymore, it's just them owning fully the product of their Labor, what should be fought is ownership as exploitation, what should be fought are the underlying silent acceptances that give capital power over Labor and not the other way around. I tell them we should fight for a democratic workplace and a rearrangement of the wealth not according to the market but to the people who produce the wealth, everyone in a firm owning it collectively and being actively interested in its success, giving the surplus to themselves and not to someone else by virtue of a contract. And they say that this doesn't change the structure of society and the market as a whole will fail anyway. But again when it does is it better to have workers used to a top down hierarchy, or to a democratic organization, when someone takes power in that situation what kind of structure will they reproduce if they didn't change the structure of businesses in the micro view, and I tell them that they're bound to reproduce the same mistakes of Lenin and end up with a state capitalism they can't get out of if they're not willing to change society first. For fucks sake communism was even theorized originally without a state so why all this thirst for power, bring democracy to the economy without the state by bringing democracy in the production process, then we'll see what kind of role the state will need to fill. Much like right now the state fills the role of taping over leaks in the system until it can't, maybe there will be other problems a socialist society can't deal without a state, and maybe even those will fail eventually and produce a new system that will emerge from the eventual critics of a socialist society. If they're so hellbent on saying that communism is the next system capitalism will turn into, they shouldn't treat it like the final system but just another step in the evolution of society and thus take part in those processes that transform society from the structure into a new one, rather than try to impose it in the superstructure. But I guess while they love to critique the system, self critique isn't seen as a productive way of thinking...

Amazing cover

>Geordie Man: A ten-thousand-year-old skeleton found in the radioactive wasteland that was once the North of England. PHILOSOPHY TUBE IS A POSADIST CONFIRMED

Brecht , outa nowhere! 26:58

995 people don't have a sense of humor...

I'm re-watching this and I've just got to the "bury my head in the woods" section. I remember seeing it before, but I'd completely forgotten it was part of this video. At the start of the Chedar man section I was thinking "oh he's talking about Chedar man again, like in that other video where he buried his head in the woods"

That arsonist character makes this the best video.

Freedom Post February 24, 2018 · Recent scientific revelations that the ancient Briton known as Cheddar Man was ‘black’ have turned out to be wishful thinking by politically-motivated news media and academics to justify multiculturalism and immigration – who would have guessed? A few weeks ago, mainstream media outlets fell over themselves to sensationally reveal fake news that the original Brits had ‘dark to black’ skin. The usual Leftwing line up including The Washington Post, the Guardian and The Independent all salivated over the idea and reported it as fact to unfortunate and gullible readers. But the findings have been cast into doubt by the geneticists who actually carried out the study. One of the geneticists has now stated that the conclusion is uncertain with others going further still by confirming that ‘we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human’. Cheddar Man, the remains of whose skeleton were discovered in 1903 in a cave in south-east England, had lain there for 10,000 years. Until a few weeks ago, his artist’s impression bust had been depicted with pale skin and blue eyes – which makes sense given that people living in northern latitudes tend to have such features – but was given the ‘blackface’ treatment by over zealous, politicised museum curators. In an attempt to determine Cheddar Man’s skin colour, researchers at Indiana University and Purdue University Indianapolis analysed his DNA. One of the geneticists, Susan Walsh, had assisted in developing a model that tries to predict eye, hair and skin pigmentation solely from their DNA, and the team applied this model to Cheddar Man. The model had previously used modern DNA to correctly identify who had ‘light’ skin or ‘dark-black’ skin, with a small margin of error. When Walsh and her colleagues applied the model to Cheddar Man, they concluded his skin colour fell between ‘dark’ and ‘dark to black’. However, by Walsh’s admission, DNA analysis in ascertaining pigmentation is by no means certain, especially when testing DNA which has degraded over 10,000 years. Brenna Henn at Stony Brook University, New York, added that we are not ready to predict the skin colour of prehistoric people just from their genes. That’s because the genetics of skin pigmentation turn out to be more complex than thought. Currently, researchers have worked with around 15 genes which they believe dictate skin pigmentation, but this “isn’t correct” according to Henn. Having carried out research on the variations of skin tone among the diverse peoples and tribes of southern Africa, Henn concluded that given we are still learning about the link between genes and skin pigmentation in living populations, we’re a long way off from more accurately predicting the skin colour of prehistoric people. But since when have Leftists allowed facts to get in the way of them pushing racial-politics and their destructive agenda? ‘Black’ Cheddar Man appears to be a mainstream media fabrication to rewrite history and claim that the original inhabitants of Europe were black in an effort to ‘justify’ multiculturalism and immigration. Curiously, their ‘sensational’ story also broke during ‘Black History Month’. You’ll have to rely on alternative media for the facts because you can guarantee that the fake MSM (mainstream media) will, like Cheddar Man, be keeping you in the dark about the facts.

Having watched this a few times, there's something I've overlooked in the video before, but I actually really like, around 17:18. Notice when Mr. Arsonist talks about the climate of fear surrounding the arson attacks, he doesn't mention the actual arson at all. What he criticises are the people who are calling others arsonists, people who are overzealous, to be sure, but not actually hurting anyone. Unlike the arsonist himself. I think the parallels speak for themselves. Love it.

THE GOLDEN ONE! Marcus Flowland.? I Found a BDSM PornHub video with THE GOLDEN ONE ..yeah, it was in German, and I no longer have a link, but THE GOLDEN NAZI also made Several Rubber BDSM Fetish videos, on a German Replica of YouTube. I tried to send a Link to ContraPoints when she had her story about him, but she did not acknowledge it. He was Hilarious in Fetish Black Rubber with all kinds of Sexy Women as his "Little Slave Pets."

That Yellow Shakespearian Book tricked me! It looked like my Bettr Crocker's Cook Book in 1958! Ain't that a Gass? Old Senile woman 70 Years old looking at a BOOK and ignoring that Pretty Boy who is So Entertaining! Oh well, he's too scruffy with them Chin Whiskers! He looks like a Billy Goat! Wonder what he smells like? Anybody else grew up on a Farm sniffing Billy Goats, Girls! Let's SHOUT OUT! He Smells like a Yum Yum Billy Bertrand Russell in his lectures (I studied Western Philosophy under Lord Bertrand Russell, a Marvellous Gentleman, DTK..or IDK..shit. He was a Billy Goat when he was 89 Years Old...HeeHe He..SHUT OP Joanna.) Excuse ME! I talk to myself and my AI Speech to Text just snitches on me...

I‘ve seen one or two adaptations of The Arsonists, but this is my favourite one.

It means "if you're going to base policies around citiczenship, you need to be aware of the history of how your country's citizenship used to work"

As a true concatenation of many one drops in the United States who has been a target the of ongoing rise of racist fascism for decades, I can testify to the fact that Huxley was right that it begins with people’s willingness to succumb to verbal booby traps of fascism. Booby traps that the are logically fallacious bigoted semantics infiltrated into the conversation typically by subordinated mainstream media granting platform to front groups and shill influencers. I witnessed it as a target of fascist “folk devil” group fear mongering via their eliminationist pogrom fomenting ongoing. The US is an illegal colony built upon transformative, repressive, expulsive, and genocidal/democidal eliminationism ongoing...that includes slavery and massive estado carcelero ...smh. Any content on the way fascist use semantic infiltration for their eliminationist rhetoric would always be interesting. As you pointed out the difference between labeling someone the fallacious semantic “illegal alien” as opposed to undocumented migrant is exponential and sadly the difference between life and death in many cases.

+HT T you are incorrect.

Steven Cleere Breitbart is no less “fact verified” than any mainstream leftist outlet.

Philosophy Tube All news outlets make mistakes from time to time, you’d have to prove they knew they were lying to insult them the way you do. Will you call the New York Times and Washington Post misinformation websites for their reporting on Covington Catholic, for example? “Trump supporters harass innocent Native American elder”? Hold everyone to the same standard or you yourself are a professional bullshit artist.

He called Brietbart a "misinformation website" because that's what it is. That's not a political position, it's just the truth. They repeatedly print stories without fact-checking them, cite questionable sources without corroboration, and spread misinformation. That's not a political position, it's the observable fact.

+johannes alke yes it says in the opening credits that the video was inspired by that play. Olly talks about it more in the livestream where he discusses this video

Oh like 15 at least for me.

He never, in fact called PewDiePie an anti-semite. It is worth noting however, that in order to demonstrate that people will do anything for money, the thing he chose for them to do was hold up a sign that said "DEATH TO ALL JEWS" he didn't have to have them write that. He could have chosen any number of ridiculous, tasteless, embarrassing or offensive things. But he chose "DEATH TO ALL JEWS." He chose.

fucking got him.

If you paid attention and kept listening after, he says what it's about.

No one in this video said Felix is a Nazi.

Are the likes of PragerU, Steve Bannon, and other similar characters and entities a blight on society and the progress of our species? Or are they a necessary function? Are they like... um... a representative or embodiment of the so called evil in our reality's eternal struggle between light and dark? Duality and all of that. Sometimes it really feels that way... like he's just pure evil. Not out of cosmic necessity, but because he sucks. Yeah, yeah, I know: "what is evil, though, really?" Well, I would say Steve Bannon is a good example. Preventing the progress of our species around the globe. Causing hatred towards immigrants. Pushing an agenda that, at the very least, isn't compatible with Jesus' teaching. So if you believe Jesus is the ultimate super being and projection of all things good and holy, Bannon is um... not that thing. He's the opposite. He's like Thanos (only less cool), or the Baron Harkonnen (I'm giving him too much credit), or Cersei Lannister (ok, now I'M the evil one). Everyone else is trying to save the day while the forces of Darkness are at our doorstep while he's dividing people, deceiving them, and rallying people around misguided, misinformed ideas and narratives- in the shadows, orchestrating some nefarious machinations and um... idk. Whatever. He's bad. Ok? He's just bad.... with a terrible haircut. He's utter poison. The antidote to Bannon? Philosophy Tube and Contrapoints. =)

alright ill admit it i want to fuck "ya dad" m8

That camera angle shift at 27:00...Nice touch.

+Steven Cleere a historic. sorry like your vid but an horse is not historic and never will be. an historic is sky news , bbc portentous. fuckin journo's ya don't hear them saying "copper fasten" anymore do you. "an historic" hasn't been around long , I should know , i'm 50. started hearing it maybe 6-8 years ago and it just grew legs. sorry but its the truth.

in British English diction, you treat "h" as a vowel for the purposes of a/an. Such as "an historic occasion"

How can you make jokes about the media, “concerns” etc then fall for the bullshit they speak about PewDiePie for example?

Olly, if you had studied a more useful degree like Engineering, do you think you would be more practical, pragmatic and less idealistically left wing?

This video has made me actually laugh out loud like 5 times and Im not even half through it!

You gigantic ham... I keep having flashbacks to middle school theatre classes in every one of your videos... it's awesome.

Better than Boring Stefan Molynuex zZzz

This 22:27

You had me with your research and analytically driven presentation. You kept me with the hilarious delivery. You got me to subscribe with that DBZ reference. Bravo, sir. Bra-fucking-vo.

Banon came to his conclusions before he pulled the research for hypothesis out of his ass. Banon is like Philip Hoffman's occultist snake oil character from that film The Master.

American Neocons are to blame for: 1. Globalist financial crash. 2. Mass immigration crisis. 16:16

Fireman Olly is smokin hot.

I love how a majority of these comments are full of thirst for Olly...mine is one of them.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to stop watching these videos when I'm lingering around subspace.

This video is a work of art. It's the reason I subbed and it gives me chills every time I rewatch it.

27:11 Interesting that here, the set light gives you a holy, angelic halo, but in the Peterson video, the narrator is Satan. Has someone fallen from grace?

Now that I'm more familiar with your videos, I rewatch this one and think... Jesus, Ollie, the sass is real today.

I especially enjoy the frog at the beginning! entrance is to the far left...;)

I award you all of the Internets for that song. it has overthrown Tim Minchin's spot on my list of songs to sing out loud at the supermarket. Sorry Tim The wall > Canvas Bags.

Steve Bannon is a tribal militarism. He loves the idea of a nation, of a separation between his in-group and the rest of humanity. He goes to other countries even to help them celebrate and strengthen their nation. He is actively fighting people who want to abolish borders and make humanity one. He needs to belong to a national category because otherwise you are with everyone but you also are all alone in the world. A united humanity is a not a nation, it is the absence of nationality. To those who take comfort in their nation, in their subservience to it which gives meaning to their lives, the disolution of the nation is unacceptable. This is similar to the abandonment of religion which many faced in the previous century which left so many with emptiness and dread, even nihilism. I personally think it is cowardice not to confront the nihilist reality of the universe

Amazing video xD

"The people: good, the elite, well.... concerns have been raised" lol

Impressive argument

+HT T Why would we need gulags just to tax the wealthy? Who's going to resist it? The wealthy? A few dozen pensioners? ...I don't think we need to use force to seize anything from them. Healthcare already manages to treat people who don't pay into the system, like children or unemployed people. Given that very few people are likely to trek the globe just to get an X-ray, I doubt the increase in cost will be significant. Regardless, if everybody adopts socialism, that won't be necessary anyway. As for my ancestors, it was 'Christians' who massacred them. As for tradition, humanity has spent more time living free than it has under the yoke of the wealthy. You're the heretic here, you're the one turning his back on his ancestors. Not me. (Also you probably know this, but Marx was actually a Western philosopher. Jesus was not)

These videos keep me going on some days.

there is no argument here. Just a statement of the obvious. Obvious to anyone outside a marxist echo chamber. The eco chamber of course being your rectum.

Literally everything you said was so disingenuous and shit. You are wrong on literally everything.  The right can't debate or argue, and can only perceived as even being remotely right if you dwell within an echo chamber. Right wing "philosophers" and philosophy as a whole are nothing more than a massive undulating mound of shit smelling self gratifying smugness, with no substance other than a smug "fuck you cuck. I'm right you're wrong nanny boo boo."

I choked on my soyburger at that "Super Fascist" scene

Fireman!Oliver is my new favorite. At least until the next iteration. Gaaaah these are so good

OK somehow this video has become like a warm frission-inducing ASMR session. Except...this sounds better. Every word of this, every bit, every character, it's just all so well done and it MAKES SENSE in a very intuitive way and in a place that so to speak doesn't really get much stimulation. Thanks so much for creating this inspired work.

+UrukEngineer Software engineering, but I wouldn't exactly call it theory-based.

+NotGivingMy Nam Ha! You must be a theory-based electronics engineer, not a grounded, realist, civil engineer.

As an engineer, I am a practical and pragmatic left-winger. Right-wing policies do not lead to stable and happy societies, which is inefficient.

Yes, the left side of the street is into on-coming traffic you retard. Maybe get in the "right" lane?

+Daniel Wallace I love when the left copypastas. They sound like children mocking everything you say. To understand the leftist, you must understand the psychology of an angry child, because thats all they are.

+A rather concerned white person Man driving on the wrong side of street complains about bad drivers

You could get a job at CNN or Fox.

20:05 oh ho ho. i see what you did there

+NotGivingMy Nam Ah but there's nothing quite like having muddy site boots to make one develop a keen sense of philosophical rectitude.

Is this chanel right or left wing?

+The Blackshrit BritHow come?

+WangleLine I knew he was speaking bull, cheersl

left wing!

Damn. Just... Damn

I need more soy in my life

oh shit wasn't expecting the hadestown bit

current like/dislike ratio: 27.9:1 i just like to let people know :)

I deeply apologize for my ignorance I often listen/watch your stuff as a podcast, and often times I don't listen to the outro. I just realized the hadestown stuff so thank you Olly!

+WangleLine h surprise

I keep rewatching this one. Your best video to date.


I absolutely love how multilayered your videos are becoming.

“Fucking died. Like a cuck.”

PT i need to know where you got your under shirt

Right? Even pewdiepie himself fell for the bullshit, that apology video of his, truly shocking! It must have been the damn feminists

Another engineer here, I've worked up to my shins in concrete, cowshit, mud, in all types of weather. I've worked for minimum wage and decently paid jobs, I've worked in factories and farms, for big companies and small companies. Nothing gave me more conviction in my beliefs like the world of work did. Watching others struggle while breaking their backs for fifty hours a week, being forced to pretend their injuries aren't that significant because they can't afford to live on sick pay, desperately yearning for something better but being unable to escape in an economic system where not having work leads to poverty or death. And for what? So that my bosses could earn yet another million? We shortened our lives, damaged our bodies, put ourselves at great personal risk so that another guy could hoard more wealth he wasn't even planning to spend? That's like watching somebody cook a huge banquet, only to eat a single plate and leaving the rest to rot. While others starve. Nothing about engineering makes this seem reasonable or moral. There is no pragmatic argument for "let people struggle to get by while others swim in wealth". It doesn't make sense, logically. But don't take my word for it, this year marks the 100 year anniversary of the Engineering Strikes. Why not look into it, and read what hardworking engineers of the time had to say about organised labour and the state of the economy? Because historically, they're all on our side.

The song at the end of the video gave me chills. Incredible.

The bullshit claims of Evola were made much more tolerable while being read by Natalie Wynn.

Don't listen to them, Mr. Brit, PhilosophyTube is _strongly_ right-wing. Oliver Thorn isn't just a fascist, he's a SUPER FASCIST.

Just as many people gave up religion as the driving definition in our lives, so too can we give up nationalism. People should define themselves by what they do and not to whom they born.

He's pretty sexy in this video, but my skivvies _fucking _*_dropped_* at the start of his video on Jordan Peterson. And I'm, uh, not straight.

never once in my life have i ever tried the deliciousness that pcp...

+J.J. Shank For the avoidance of doubt, this is not a serious treatise on the philosophical merits of different engineering disciplines. The kernel of truth is the personal experience and mental processes engaged by one's academic study and profession.

​+UrukEngineer You went from "engineers tend to be right-wing" to "forget what I said earlier, _civil_ engineers tend to be right-wing" to "okay, civil engineers _who regularly work on-site_ tend to be right-wing". Those are three different statements. Don't get me wrong, it's fine to share your beliefs. It's good to share how your working conditions led you to having those beliefs. But it's not fine to examine other people through the lens of your personal journey and then conclude there must be something wrong with them because they didn't end up the way you expected. If the responses here are anything to go by, it takes just one counterexample to make you redact your statements. In other words, generalizations only work when they're right. If you find evidence they're wrong, you need to let it go. And you might want to ask yourself why you formed that generalization in the first place.


Why is Freddie Mercury presenting this?

Can we get a supercut of the travelling salesman bits?

'Better keep on buying newspapers and sh*ting on trans people' this is a perfect description of The Daily Mail

+Thomas Lincoln Yeah, it's like they haven't even tried watching ANY of Oliver's videos. Once it's clear someone's on the left, they're automatically wrong, I guess?

+The Blackshrit Brit fucking hell, you needed to check if he was left or right wing before calling it lies, you're a joke.

the fuck are you wearing

Your videos are absolutely amazing, great message, editing, script etc

Hey. Nice Hadestown reference.

Fuck you I'm smoking a blunt in the theater, stop me ;)


both obama and bush did bailouts sir

nice hadestown reference mad respect love that show

honestly this video is still so so good i can't get over it. i get chills every time the arsonist is on screen

unintended but welcome consequence of watching this: I know how to make a molotov cocktail now! :) Watch out Mr. Bezos

Damn that ‘Geordie Man’ impression reveal of dan was hilarious

Hadestown is so good

I think Steve would rather die in a fire than go to the far left.

tenchi reference was hella dank

Going off my other comment, I don’t think Steve Bannon “actually believes” anything. All conspiratorial thinkers have this deficiency that they simply cannot complete their thoughts, and they share all their half completed ideas. Bannon might entertain the existence wild leftist academic conspiracies, oscillating between merely thinking their neat ideas and having a firm conviction that they’re substantial, all the while never fully committing enough in any one idea that he can shallowly deny ever believing them. Seen it before. I think it’s genuinely how his mind work, rather than tactical crypto-behavior to hide his true beliefs.

“He often gets the first thing right.” This is a classic trait of conspiracy theorists, I’ve always wondered if it’s deliberate or just a trait inherent to conspiratorial thinking. Alex Jones, in particular, does this so masterfully it’s tough to believe it’s not deliberate (I wouldn’t even consider it possible, except that Joe Rogan is apparently friends with him and says his beliefs are very genuine) All of Alex Jones’ work is really illustrative of this. I still remember the first clip I watched, he was reporting on some (typical) posturing by Putin, who was angry that the United States had moved anti-missile systems into Eastern Europe (I don’t recall specifically where). So, in a meeting with Eastern European leaders, he did his typical fuming and posturing, saying that “political science and international relations were well understood” and “the United States knows that we are forced to retaliate to this aggression,” closing with the claim that “the US is inching us closer and closer to global war” and asking other leaders to strengthen their ties with Russia, leave the US behind. So, Russia is trying to carrot and stick Eastern Europe away from the west. Big surprise. But Alex Jones picks up the “US is inching us towards Global war” line, plays it, amplifies it, and then does what he always does - veers completely away from anything remotely true without drawing any distinction. “We have to ask questions when other world leaders are telling us our government is leading us to global war! When they tell us they’re putting poison in our water! When they tell us they use mind control technology!...” Of course, Putin only said the first thing, but Alex frames it like he said the whole thing. He also amplifies non-events magnificently. Half his features are nothing interesting happening at all, and Alex saying “we believe they’re performing human sacrifices” over the boring footage (I find this line in his Bohemian Grove video to be particularly funny). In his Bilderberg Group video, when a fire alarm goes off in the Hotel, Alex calls in to another radio show and amplifies, amplifies, amplifies: “Something’s going on here, they’re trying to get us out of the building, they might be trying to kill us! Something’s going down, they know we know what they’re up to, and they’re coming to get us! They don’t want us spreading the truth! I’m serious!” The next day, he literally just films traffic behind his car for a few minutes, saying “I think we’re being followed” over and over. Doesn’t surprise me that Bannon is the same way. (The Nazis were too - none of their thoughts ever made sense or got completed. They were and ideology without thought, only violence and feelings). I find it fascinating that these people do this while genuinely believing their incomplete thoughts are correct

Oliver, old pal, don't you know about the revitalizing effects of fire? Sometimes a forest has to burn down to renew itself. Such is the world of today. It all needs to burn down, and like the phoenix, a new, better world will rise out of the ashes. I see you're working hard to accelerate and speak to a lot of people. I'm doing, too. Greetings from the other side of the spectrum! Your video was very beautiful and polished.

I'm a white American in America, and I actually frequently get asked "where are you from" because I seem to have picked up a rather pronounced accent in my years in Germany. Just a fun little tangentially related tidbit.


Can't exactly tell whether you're in support, or against Pewdiepie, but enjoyed the lighthearted cracks. Amazing stuff as always - I need to take some time off to a chunk, or all of your content.

Honestly I feel like I don't entirely understand this video (nothing against the video I've just suddenly thrust myself in to lefttube and my brain doesn't know how to handle it) but honestly I absolutely love this video so much, I've watched it at least 3 times by now

To whomever adds Russian captions to Philosophy Tube and ContraPoints videos: Thank you!

Imagine the US finding they were once people of colour

20:11 bruh looks like jon tron

Hello future history students!

Does anyone else have a strong desire to fix his left shoulder strappy bits to overlap the same way and be symmetrical with the right ones? (His left and right.) O.o


Hi Hbomberguy @24:30

You said you were looking to reach Bannon's audience but start by explaining yourself who Bannon is and how he represents certain things. Why don't you just play something he says then debunk it to start? Then you say his views are similar to PragerU and scoff at it essentially. Sorry but you are exactly the people who have caused his audience to become his audience.

38:20 A maximum wage won't work. You see, they will just accept numerous gifts. A maximum wealth gives the most people the most access.

11:40 In linguistics, they call this fallacy hypostatization. I won't add that to the Google dictionary.

OH MY GOD! That vegeta reference is so perfect. Curated dragon ball, amazing.

I like the content. I hate the bigotry. Dislike

Holy shit. This is. This just is, and it is great.

"You might say I'm an antifire" - ☠️

See, I already loved the video and everything you had to say, and then you started playing a cover of Hadestown at the end and I was sold on the whole god damn channel

I keep watching this video. I honestly think that it's your finest to date; a perfect blend of smart, clever and well acted.

Maybe, but it’s not typically in a tree’s best interest to start a fire

"Exits are to the far left." heh...

You convinced me. Not of the far left. Or the left for that matter. But you convinced me to rethink Bannon. It´s a start, right?

That's awesome, I'm glad!

hadestown is so fucking good

You had me a tears, damn you are funny.

I love that you couldnt fi ish the Vegeta with a straight face

Favorite line ever "so Chad he shared a border with Cameroon" epic.

I am spanish, I hae always be spanish and I got ask: Where are you from? Really. Its because my accent, I don't hae so they think that I am a foreign who learn the language very well. And I kens what being the target of racism feels, I ken that you talk from an english perspective, but, outside of england other people hae different experiences.

Ah, mommy’s sweet voice

I see you're a man of sterdust, aswell.

Oh my god, the part about prehistoric man. It's SO HILARIOUS if you know your anthropology. All early modern humans were dark-skinned, they get lighter after populating Eurasia. They weren't "black" as of "black race" but they were dark-skinned. It's a well-known fact...But racists never cared about actual facts

14:35 - 14:49 there are random moments in my day to day where I have to stop myself from laughing just because my brain though of this bit of this video.

This is a very well made video, and I agree with your analysis of Bannon's thought and the fact that his actual political thought is garbage, but all this makes one thing very clear: the far right's tactics of fearmongering are incredibly efficient and simply superior to anything the left could ever bring itself to do. In Belgium, where I live, we just saw a 12% rise in votes for the far right partij Flemish Interest (they have an actual history of nazi collaboration). They have taken the discourse of conservative parties even more to the right and, through shock & outrage tactics, have gotten more media coverage than many leftist parties. They have truly dominated the campaign. Bannon's strategy is winning elections all over the world.

31:37 Super Fascist Super Fascist Grade 2 Super Fascist Grade 3 Super Fascist Grade 4 Super Fascist God Super Fascist God Super Fascist

"It's repetitive AND it's repetitive" actually laughed out loud at that point.

"Do you happen to have... a match?" Fucking chills, holy shit. The right wing has nothing on leftube and breadtube in production!

"The exits are to the far left" My favorite subtle statement in the entire video

You: "Your ass belongs to me" Me: Well now Im aroused.

33:26 Great insight

The traveling salesman character is chilling. This is some seriously great videocraft.

@21:24 That's how one of my coworkers got pregnant last year here in the U.S. I swear I can recognize that position from a pond away.

"Concerns have been raised"," the American people X", "the free world", "a majority of X people", "fighting for peace", "war on terror", "war on drugs", "collateral damage", "enhanced interrogation", climate change (instead of global warming), "quantitative easing" (instead of printing a shit load of money out of thin air) etc... NB: X is a variable expressing a falsehood created by the speakers/politicians.

29:10 I STAN


Appreciate the amount of hadestown in this video

did the ‘super facist’ part remind anyone of kat slater from eastenders when she was like, “I didn’t just become a slag, I became a TOTAL slag!” ???

should get a Tshirt saying "Spooky leftist Steve Bannon told you about"

Joe Schmoe if you try to individually debunk everything you won’t ever finish and they will just bring up another thing that you haven’t debunked. If you actually finish the video you will see that there is a more thematic discussion, which is ultimately more likely to get through, and is a more effective way to deal with stuff like this.

26:33 *beyonce? meme* **NATALIE????????**

Somebody has read his Frisch ;)

everybody is making great critiques and analysis and i'm here like "olly looks hot as a 'fireman' "

InKryption he payed poor Indian kids to say nazi slogans , linked nazi channels through YouTube , an has followed a lot of nazis on twitter

+GOOGLE ACOUNT Give me one example of where and when PewDiePie has directly been an anti-semite.

He implied he's The largest anti Semite in Sweden but so I'd think he's against pewdiepie

that Evola guy literally looks like a caricature of an evil 19th century supervillain

Evola: “I’m not a fascist, I’m a SUPER FASCIST” The Nuremberg-ish tribunal where he should have been tried- “Okay, we’re gonna ‘super’ hang you then.”

this entire “left-tube” artistic video essay trend is basically just lots of shitty versions of orson welles’s f for fake

The roof, the roof is on fire.

Top content.

Is the salesman a reference to camus the fall , were he keeps monologuing througth the entire book addressing us ?

welcome to the resistance bob

Because being critical of longstanding themes and patterns is way more effective than simply playing clip after clip and answering them as if you're being interrogated

Bloody brilliant. These fukn cunts are so deceptive because they are so delusional. May the gods invoke natural selection and bring an end to this obvious flaw in humanity!


This is just beautiful I love this content

Ah, Olly. Thou art what the knowledgeable people call "fine".

7:34 put this on my tombstone

I know you have a point to make when the creepy music comes on.

I ship you and contra

Not only is this extremely interesting, but it’s so cleverly delivered and well made! This was so much fun to watch!

Besides Socialism and fascism being the only ways out of this situation there is another exit you forgot to mention. End democracy, return to feudalism or create an entirely new system of governance. if you wanna be cool and hip, you could call it Neofeudalism or something.

Get in shape you gonna sit around with half your titties hanging out.

What bigotry?

+GOOGLE ACOUNT That doesn't answer my question at all. It's plainly fucking obvious that Nazis themselves are bad. But why would clicking a button on a page related to them, to receive notifications on their doings, be bad? Don't tell me something I already know, make an actual argument, defend your position, prove to me that you live in more than just an echo chamber.

InKryption because nazis are bad or not good unless you believe that the mass killing of everyone who is not cis straight am white is good

+GOOGLE ACOUNT Under what logic is it "not good"? Aside from your feelings.

InKryption ah yes but that's where you're wrong I was an avid pewdiepie fan even up until his defeat by T series so I have watched his videos and following people who call for white ethnostates on twitter is not good even if he was doing it for information

+GOOGLE ACOUNT He payed them to do so on a platform on which they could have easily refused the offer, but chose not to for the prospect of easy money; it was a demonstration of the absurd lengths Fiver providers would go to to make Five Dollars. He linked a channel that had an old history of anti-semitism unknowingly, because at current day, that clearly wasn't the topic or aim of the channel. I highly doubt what you call a "Nazi" has any weight, but if he did, that does not imply he supports them. I don't know if you've heard of this, but to be educated, it is important to analyze many different points of view - even the wrong, or disgusting ones (Plenty of people follow Trump, but not everyone that follows Trump supports Trump) -, with the objective of learning, and improving one's own positions. When you fail to do this, and actively block out information that disagrees with you, you are creating an "echo chamber". But then, given what you seem to think you know about an individual who's videos you likely have never watched, I'm not surprised you choose to live in one.

Pewds is NOT an anti-Semite please STOP

Rewatching, really liking the arsonist. Great performance.

I think the most terrifying line in the whole video is "would you put that one over there with the others?". The arsonist, no matter how much you try and stop him, *already has what he needs.* Even if you don't buy into his words, it doesn't matter. He already has the power, and he *will* use it. All that matters now is whether you support him, or start putting out fires.

Honestly, this video is a bit disappointing. I expected you to go more in-depth on a lot of issues here. The one thing that was not lacking, as your channel name implies, was philosophy and all that entails. However, a good portion of your video was about Bannon's life story and campaigns of his. This is where it starts to become problematic. For a lot of the comments you make here, while decently easy to justify, you do not leave actual citations. The problem there is that you leave the audience that would like to engage this video on a deeper level with two choices : Strawman the argument or argue about a random article they found on the internet that loosely has to do with the point you made. I understand you want to keep the parts where you say "X is wrong" simply because a lot of the time it's some sort of punchline. This would be fine if you added some sort of citation that would explain what you believe and the argument you're presenting deeper. It would have been great if you linked some sort of article on how it was the ideology of capitalism that lead to the crash instead of leadership. The one that I'm really frustrated about is when you called Breitbart a misinformation site, and didn't leave a link to an article. This could have been so easily proven to be true. This all seems trivial, and it may seem like I'm nitpicking, however it really does change the environment these videos create. There's little informed discussion in this comment section about specific rhetoric from Bannon, instead the few threads here I see actually arguing is the way too general points of "my political party is good, yours is bad." You certainly put in the effort and research, the best thing you can do moving forward is make that easily accessible for the audience.

Did you know it’s repetitive

the jab at pewds was a poor taste.

35:40 If you ever want to ask a question like that, don't ask "where are you from" but ask "where are your genes from? Gets you the same answer but in a more humouristic sense.

+ThatTotallyNonBoringCommentor have you seen f for fake? if you watch it then you'll see what i mean


This is excellent. Thank you for putting in the work. Just a (possibly annoying) note from a fan ˌmanəˈkēən

watching this after april 1 imbues it with a certain sense of foreshadowing

good show, well thought. fine dining for the late night brain.

I fucking gagged when the screen revealed The Golden One. I need some warning before you spring that guy on me.

The first time I watched this I didn't get it at all. That was three months ago. Now I understand that the centrist / liberal character is the one who doesn't see what all the antifa fuss is all about, and the firefighter is anti-fa, and bannon is the radical right. So you have the left, the right, and the centre, and you see how the centre plays into the radical right. I really did not appreciate this before, but this is some motherfuckin art

Slight issue, Jeans

Arsonist: Could I offer you a drink? Me: Yes. Arsonist: No? Very healthy of you. Me: Bitch, I didn't say that.

Dang PT, this is spectacular.. you've been holding back.

Reality isn't Leftist, leftists just prefer to deal with reality more than conservatives do.

The far left is not the exit it's the entry point, everybody welcome

@Liam Boyd it's easily said but "Muslim" is not a race. That's not just semantics. Many people on the right were calling for protection of Christian people who are persecuted in Muslim lands. Same race different beliefs. Look around the world and tell me what you see.

@Kevin NYC and the reaction is racist. U might not see it but those policies are a racist reaction to real problems.

@Liam Boyd I understand you don't like those politicies and I understand why. I would ask that you take a wider view for a moment. If Congress actually did it's job and controlled immigration as they do in every other nation on Earth there would be no nationalist movement, no "build the wall". If Congress did something to protect workers in the face of global corporate finance, same thing. Trump and Bannon are a reaction to problems long ignored. And still ignored by the media I might add.

@Liam Boyd I'm in favor of a more nationalist policy. I don't see why that needs to be demonized. Look around the world and see what is going on.

@Kevin NYC I mean he helped make the policy for the Muslim ban and the caging of children at the border (with Steven miller's help of course) not to mention the whole video that u just commented on outlining his worldview. I think, and I could very well be wrong, that at thus point u just don't want to see it.

@RobinBonhomme Well said. Thank you, I'm glad someone pointed that out. That's how I see all of my monthly donations to the people I support on Patreon, who all just strangely happen to be leftists somehow as a weird coincidence that just randomly happened totally by accident. ;-) I hate it when people rag on leftists for actually needing the money they need to survive in a capitalist society and asking for help from others to meet their basic needs, or even just in order to be able keep creating content that is arguably some of the most well-made content out there on a consistent basis. They put in a LOT of work and effort for their subscribers, so why not donate to someone who works so hard pretty much just for the benefit of others, and for you personally if you're a subscriber? What's so wrong about asking for help to keep doing the thing that you subscribe to their channel for? People tip their waitstaff at restaurants without batting an eye, but a leftist YouTuber asking for what basically amounts to the same thing, if not even less than, what people tip the waitstaff who serve them their meals on average total per month and people gotta be doofusses about it. Everyone has to eat, everyone needs somewhere to live, and being a leftist who has to survive and function under capitalism and needs money for those basic necessities isn't a personal fault or hypocrisy on the part of the leftist, it's capitalism that's to blame, not the content creator. It just pisses me off that some people think that if you're a leftist asking for help to survive under a system that's involuntarily imposed on you is somehow not ok just because you don't agree with said system. People don't get to opt-out of capitalism, and judging leftists that way is just....wrong.

@Xena Be I would never question olly's intelligence; or even that of his audience. I am positive he has two magnificent fedoras to go along with each M.A. However, unlike olly I doubt my conservative leaning would allow for such extravagance as dressing in anyone's bedsheets. Although I believe olly along with all his viewers should have the right to dress up however degeneratly they like; as long as it's far away from me.

@JohnTheAverage Olly has 2 M.A.s, btw. He shares them in the spirit of Frederick Douglass, every week. Oo. Did I just mention a name that makes you wanna dress up in your mom's bedsheets? :P

@JohnTheAverage Sure ~ Pedant > Nazi. I'm not your comrade, guy. Get back to your white supremacist circle jerking. We don't want your hate mongering over here. kthxbai

@Xena Be Yeah, I can tell from reading the comments that Olly must be a supremely enlightened gentleman since no ordinary man could hope to attain such an intelligent fan base. It's clear that atleast half of his audience watches Richard and Mortimer on a daily basis and the other half have transcend past this corporeal plane ascending to levels of euphoric enlightenment that we mere mortals can only dream of. I have not seen a single wrong opinion since I started reading this comment section. Each comment delicately crafted to make the writer look more virtuous, forgettable, and pedantic than the last. A true utopia comrade.

@JohnTheAverage LOL I just threw in the dead lift thing to let Golden Boy feel better about what Olly has over him for brains ;D

@Xena Be I'm not taking sides on who is right or wrong here but you'd have to be mentally handicapped to think this guy could "get a little more pumped" and beat the Golden One at a dead lifting competition. Seriously just look at them. I would wager the Golden One could lift double what ever this guy could.

@2manynegativewaves I belive it's kinda obvious that in a socialized system of production your limitations would be recognized and all your necessities would be taken care of...

@spinakker It means "keep it quiet" or " we know,right". Its hard to describe,sort of "we're in on a secret you and I" overall. Sorry,I bet you are more confused now lol

@spinakker that gesture is a little hard to explain, but as far as i understand it, it implies a secret or some kind of shared knowledge between the person doing the gesture and whoever they're speaking to. it's kind of like a wink, which olly does in the video as well. it can be a sign to keep what's being said confidential, as if to say "between you and me..." or, as in this case, that the person gesturing understands what the other person means, so they don't need to say anything more.

@Tuck V capitalism isn't just...having money.... also we can't simply decide to opt out of capitalism; we'll live or die under it until it finally undermines itself as a result of its fundamental contradictions. until then we all need to struggle to afford toast and tea and it is actually not capitalism at all to simply ask for it from your friends

@Maggie Mae Fish Can we see Toni Lahren interviewed by Dr. Angie in a Philosophy Tube video?

@William McDonald I dunno man. Think about it, Count Olaf is a lot like Steve Banon. Within the narrative, he's one of the very few people who _actually believe_ the Baudelaires (mostly because he's the one who's been trying to kill them). Count Olaf fundamentally understands what the problem is, it's just that his preferred solution is to just let him get what he wants. Olaf is likewise charming, crafty, very possibly psychopathic, and believes in obtaining power through any means necessary, up to and including murdering children, all the while pretending to be an upstanding and moral person. And of course, he's also an arsonist. Man, now I want to do a Marxist reading of The Series of Unfortunate Events.

@Tuck V until we destroy it, it remains. see Mr. Robot. for details.

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