Stern School of Business School Spotlight Session - Saturday, October 17 @11am

Stern School of Business School Spotlight Session - Saturday, October 17 @11am

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good morning good afternoon or good evening everyone depending on where you are in the world you may have just gotten a little pop-up that we are now being recorded it's just so that we can make sure that if there are students who can't join us they can watch afterwards my name is robert whitelaw and i'm the dean of the nyu stern school of business undergraduate college i want to thank you for joining us virtually today to hear more about nyu stern as you are looking into your potential college journeys we are truly so thrilled to be with you in this time and we hope to leave you with the answer to perhaps your burning question why stern so as i said my name is robert whitelaw and it is my absolute pleasure to be here on behalf of the new york university leonard and stern school of business to say welcome i've been at stern for 28 years during this time i've been on the finance faculty i've chaired the finance department and i've watched nyu transform from a regional university to a global powerhouse and stern has been a pioneer of business education we are always striving for the best for our students alums and faculty to say that i love this place is an understatement for those parents also watching today i've been in your shoes twice my son and daughter are both currently in college so while these are strange times to go through this process to some extent i have felt your angst your excitement your pride your joy and your nervousness we are also joined by a panel of incredible students who will speak to their experiences and take some of your questions i'll let them introduce themselves thank you dean whitelaw and hello everyone i'm anna i'm a junior at nyu stern earning my bs in business with a concentration in finance and a bfa in film and tv and i am originally from long island new york hey everyone my name is youssef and i am currently earning my bsn business with a concentration in finance and i'm a junior here at nyu stern and i'm from queens new york hi everyone my name is jessica i'm in the class of 2021 so a senior i'm earning my bs in business and political economy with a minor in public policy and management and i'm originally from the philadelphia pennsylvania area hey everyone like jess i am a senior and i'm studying a uh getting a bs in business with a concentration in finance and double majoring in computer science and i'm from canada hi everyone my name is nithia i use she her pronouns and i am a junior in the bsms accounting program originally from white house station new jersey thank you so that's us and we'd like to know a little about you let's see if we can get our polls to work okay poll number one please go ahead and respond we want to know where in the world you are joining us from today is it the united states elsewhere in north america africa asia australia europe or perhaps even south america awesome looks like we're getting some responses in we have some people in asia in europe i actually studied abroad in europe specifically in prague so really missing that right about now but i know one of my peers jess also studied abroad so remind me jess where did you go yeah absolutely so i was able to study abroad in both london and shanghai that's through the bpe program at stern um so it's definitely awesome to see everyone coming in from around the world there's a huge global community at stern um so it's great to see people tuning in from all over well let's take a look at those results uh plenty of you are from all over i guess not surprising the majority from the united states i do hope you are staying safe and well wherever you are next we want to know where you are in your college search process go ahead and answer with what best identifies you are you a junior in high school a senior in high school a high school freshman or sophomore a prospective transfer student a parent or guardian or do none of these categories fit you as i mentioned i'm a parent of two college students my daughter is actually a college senior and my son is a college sophomore right now so really special shout out to those of you who are parents i feel your joy and pain moving to the results amazing i see a lot of students who are juniors and seniors in particular uh looks like one person said other tell us a little bit more about that in the q a anyway whoever you are welcome to all we do hope this is a helpful session for you today let's go on to the primary reason we are here today a chance to share some information so some questions i wouldn't be surprised if you are asking yourself right now yes it's okay if you are that's why we're here first what is business education and is business education right for me how is studying business different different from other majors you might be considering or different from pursuing a liberal arts degree and what specifically is different about studying business at stern and finally what can you expect from your experience here at stern today we will cover all this information we'll go over what it means to get a business education here at nyu stern and what makes us unique then you'll hear from anna youssef jessica quran and nithya about their experiences and will it open up to q a and we'll wrap by telling you some more about your next steps i should also mention that you can grab this qr code by opening up your camera on your phone and holding it up to the screen it will take you to our to our website if you haven't yet explored it already where you'll be able to find facts and figures about everything we will discuss today we won't be able to get to all of your questions here on camera but we are joined off camera by many of our nyu stern undergraduate college staff representing academic advising professional development and career education student engagement the office of diversity and inclusion communications and more some of our nyu stern street team student ambassadors are off camera as well so that they can also help answer questions about their experiences and you will also see representatives from nyu admissions answering your application and admissions related questions so please do use that q a feature to start at the beginning what is business education there are three key points i'd like to make first business is the preeminent social institution of our age it impacts every segment of society from governments to non-profits non-profits to privately-owned companies what's more business is global it crosses international borders peacefully every day so we need the best and brightest minds of this generation to understand the role of business in deep and thoughtful ways second business skills are relevant and applicable in almost any field of endeavor business plays a critical role in shaping and influencing the global landscape so understanding business is critical to finding success in today's complex world that's why we are working to develop socially engaged intellectually vibrant global leaders and thinkers third business education is inherently intellectual it is indeed grounded in the liberal arts undergraduate business education isn't narrow or vocational students explore a wide range of disciplines that impact business from psychology and economics to sociology writing mathematics and computer science and business education is grounded in intellectual rigor and depth many of the best and brightest minds in the current college generation have a desire to study business our role is to make sure that we give our students a deeply intellectual experience in studying business as an institution and its impact on society as for the question of how studying business is different than some of the other majors you might be considering and how it is different here at nyu stern specifically well from my perspective you get the best of all worlds you get a liberal arts perspective and the flexible thinking that comes with it in addition you'll study business fundamentals that will provide you the foundation to apply what you learn over the next four years in the world beyond studying business is different than pursuing a degree in economics or more generally in liberal arts because it's inherently an applied discipline you are addressing real world questions we're training people to go out and work in businesses to succeed to have careers and hopefully to change the world as well the education of course is going to be top-notch we have three nobel laureates on our faculty and one of the largest faculties of any business school at more than 200 strong and of course you're going to build a lifelong community starting from day one but the experience we give you has to be relevant to the things you're going to do later on the questions you're going to have to ask and the problems you're going to have to solve we will deliver a global relevant rigorous broad education that will prepare you for not just your first internship and your first job but a successful lifelong career in whatever field you choose and we will prepare you to adapt to the ever-changing business environment which i think is really important at any given time we know what the world looks like but the future is really hard to predict that's what makes business education and specifically here at stern so different and so special so how do we deliver on that promise let's start with some specifics a business education here at stern is built on these five pillars we think of these as the five themes that underlie everything we do here at nyu stern top-notch academics a social impact mindset a rich global perspective a unique opportunity for professional development and last but certainly not least a welcoming and vibrant community these themes run throughout your four years in various ways and the five students who are here today will tell you all about how but first being a professor of nearly 30 years let me start with the academic experience here at stern as an applicant to nyu stern you will apply to one of three academic degree programs the bachelor of science in business the bs in business and political economy or the bs in business technology and entrepreneurship no program is better than any other but they are all different the bs in business program is our first largest and oldest degree program founded in 1900 it is in some sense our flagship program from this program students can pick from 13 concentrations in more traditional areas like finance or marketing or from newer ones such as entrepreneurship or sustainable business you also now have the option to start and complete your first year of the bs and business degree in nyu london's campus located in the bloomsbury district in the heart of the city this program is something you might consider applying for if you're interested in pursuing a career in the uk continental europe or in international business more broadly the bs in business and political economy or bpe program sits at the intersection of business and global political economy which is the study of how politics affects economic outcomes in other words how a society makes collective policy decisions that affect everything from businesses sales and profits to households wealth and taxes our bs in business technology and entrepreneurship leverages nyu's excellence in data analytics computer science and technology here within stern and throughout nyu combined with business and entrepreneurial coursework and any international study opportunities you may opt to pursue this will enable you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset a top skill sort by employers and to learn business and technology tools to play a transformational role in the 21st century we also have two dual degree programs that current bs and business students can apply to once they're already in the program the bsn business msn accounting program grants you a bachelor's in business and a master's in accounting in just four years plus a summer and it will prepare you to sit for the cpa exam the bs in business bfa in film and television program joint with the world-renowned nyu school is for students with a commitment to both the creative and business side of film and television you do not apply to these directly but rather apply to the bsn business program and then later on apply to one of these dual degree programs in your first or second year at stem and all these degree programs will take you through a fantastic well-rounded curriculum first there is the liberal arts core and electives the core are courses that all students take science writing math but this part of the curriculum also includes space for electives they can be whatever you want student can students can use these courses for an additional concentration or even a double major alongside business such as computer science sociology or psychology or you can pursue a minor there are literally thousands of courses and a hundred plus minors across nyu to choose from moving over to the top left box on your screen of course you also have your fundamental business courses introduction to marketing financial accounting and others our expert faculty teach these courses and they are also teaching the courses in your business subject areas this is the most specialized business coursework in your chosen area of study for bs in business students there are the traditional and newer concentrations i mentioned earlier in our two other degree programs there are courses in political economy or entrepreneurship next is our social impact core this is our renowned four-course required sequence over four years where you explore the intersection of business and society your professional responsibility and the role of business as a positive force for good and finally there's the global business coursework this includes the international studies program course during your junior year when this program runs which unfortunately covet has gotten in the way of this year it enables all nyu stern students to have an international academic experience did you get all of that you will be tested on this later no that's really a joke uh you don't need to remember all of this it is all on our website so as you're studying all these things you're doing it inside the classroom and outside the classroom not only does studying business go beyond the classroom but so does living and learning in new york city as an nyu student you will soak in all the perspectives and experiences that the city has to offer it is as much a part of your educational experience as classes and clubs and we incorporate new york city into all facets of your education have no doubt too that even though our student body is all over the world at the moment with many joining class from their homes from an nyu global site in shanghai or paris or florence or buenos aires our student life and alumni network have not stopped connecting virtually club meetings student council and social activities continue to be abundant our continuing students and alums are as active and connected as ever in meeting and mentoring our incoming students our professional development and career education team continues to bring in firms and recruiters from across industries to meet our students to take that a step further 99 of our students had internships across nearly every industry you can think of tech accounting entertainment marketing international ngos finance and more so yes it's all right on the doorstep of your residence hall and classroom i could go on but i thought you'd most enjoy hearing from actual students themselves to get their perspectives so at this point i'd like to welcome back anna youssef jessica quran and nithia to share more about their experiences across our five pillars hello everyone thank you for the introduction dean whitelaw as i mentioned before my name is anna i use she her pronouns and i'm a junior at nyu stern earning a bachelor of science in business with a concentration in finance and i'm also earning a bachelor of fine arts in film and television through the sterntisch dual degree program so when i was 14 i decided that i wanted to be alec baldwin but no not the actual alec baldwin um but it was actually his character on 30 rock who opened me up to this new realm of business that i had really never thought about before that being the business of television you know having come from a family of doctors who had little to no understanding of the finance industry i was really intimidated to enter nyu stern for the first time but i applied to nyu stern because i knew it would really be the perfect place for me to combine my love of the creative arts with a career in finance and management by exploring the world of film and television and what better place to do that than one of the media capitals of the world the heart of new york city at a school with a program that was very uniquely tailored to my own interests my favorite academic experience thus far on my journey has been being able to take advantage of cross school minor courses in my case the business of entertainment media and technology elective courses one of my favorite classes was called television management with professor evan shapiro where i actually had the opportunity to pitch a web series and collaborate with a group of students not only from stern but from other schools like at nyu like tisch and gallatin it was also a big period of growth for me because i was able to relate with a professor who actually currently works in the entertainment industry and have the opportunity to build a one-on-one mentoring relationship so overall you know having the ability to specialize in my own unique interests with cross school minor courses and the dual degree program at nyu stern has really enabled me to come out of my shell and know that even though i didn't take a single business class in high school i still belonged here that's awesome anna so hi all a little reminder my name is yousef i use he him pronouns i am in the bs uh in business program with a concentration in finance and i would like to tell you all about one of nyu stern's pillars that truly resonated with me and was honestly one of the main reasons why i enrolled in our business program the social impacts corps and for me i've always been purpose-driven since high school i knew i had an interest in business and i wanted to explore how somehow i could use it to create real tangible positive impact in this world i mean this age we live in right now really highlights this desperate need for change and at nyu stern this passion to develop the world through business did not have to end it was then when i enrolled in professor matt saller's business and society course we spoke about the un's sustainable development goals and utilized the critical lens to highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the companies that play a role in our lives every single day it is this mindset that arms our students with their perspectives and lenses that prepares us to be future leaders to be future critical thinkers and it was really in this class where i felt inspired uh i attended all these plenary sessions and especially one about the environmental social government's investing where i saw how business business is really reshaping the world for the greater good we hear from cern's very own demotrin and galloway as well as leaders in all types of industries from banking to entrepreneurship on the very same topics that we study in class and it's such an amazing moment of synthesis where we can kind of see the companies we research and analyze come to speak to us as we get to pick the brains of their actual executives for an hour at a time and with all this in mind i became a social impact fellow where i attended a real un summit discussing the very same topics we debated in the classroom however this time at the uni and professor matt stadler inspired me to even continue my deep dive on sustainability even further as i enrolled in the social impact uh consulting class where i was able to work with the un on a youth strategy and you know stern social impact curriculum allows me to take the concepts from class within the nyu stern walls and employ it outside of them to create real change so much youssef um hi everyone again my name is jessica i use she her pronouns and i'm a senior at cern studying business and political economy or bpe and i'm going to speak a bit about my global experiences here at stern so i studied abroad my sophomore year for a semester in london in a semester in shanghai through the bpe program now they say that study abroad changes you and as cliche as that sounds it ended up proving true for me through living in two entirely new continents in the span of a year my entire world view was flipped upside down and i realized that there was so much more to discover than what i had already known so the moment that this realization struck me was when i was on a trip to brussels belgium this was a trip paid for by stern that all bpe students got to go on during our time in london to be honest the only thing i knew about belgium before the trip was that they're known for chocolate and waffles what i didn't know was that brussels is essentially the capital of europe because it's where the governing bodies of the european union are located and at that time in 2018 the eu was constantly in the news because of brexit and yet i had no clue about this city's significance while we were in brussels we were able to visit the european commission which is the executive branch of the eu and we got to sit in the very same seats that reps from each european country sit in when they come together to propose laws at the eu as i was sitting there with the plaque for greece in front of me listening to the ins and outs of the largest supernational institution in the world it dawned on me that i had been living in an american bubble my entire life why did i assume that u.s politics were dominant around the world why hadn't i learned about these international laws and institutions why did i grow up conforming to one way of life rather than embracing different cultures and ways of thinking all these questions and more popped into my head throughout my time abroad both in europe and in asia and as i reckoned with this newfound awareness i realized that this transformative experience was really unique to nyu stern at no other college what i have had so many global experiences integrated seamlessly into my business education i mean the global pillar is so core to nyu stern that nearly a hundred percent of students have an experience abroad during their four years here and in such a globalized world and economy this is such crucial experience for future business leaders like ourselves and i know that i'll remember my time abroad for the rest of my life thanks jess i'm always uh jealous of your study abroad experiences so hey everyone my name is karan my pronouns are he and him and just as a quick reminder i'm a senior at stern studying finance and computer science and i'm also a proud canadian so today i'd like to tell you guys about the professional pillar and to start off um you keep hearing you know oh my gosh you're in new york city it must be amazing it's so cool and and guess what it truly is but i think the moment it all clicked for me it was in my sophomore year um when i was getting ready for work i took the elevator down from my dorm i walked seven minutes to the office you know did what i had to do and then walked five minutes to class attended class and then i walked back home all by the way within a 15-minute radius of our campus and i repeated this for the rest of the semester and this is just one of the tons and tons of experiences that students have here i've been fortunate enough to have a few different professional experiences spanning finance to investing to consulting and each one of them has taught me so much every everyone thinks that what you learn in the classroom um stays there but that's not true at all in fact in my marketing class we actually did a case study on a telecom company and literally the next day at work i was on a call with the heads of that same company we studied in class and you know i get it unfortunately with the current situation some of you may or may not physically be in new york city but i don't think that changes anything i spent my last summer actually this summer right now working remotely from home and still got an extremely valuable experience at the end of the day everyone realizes that you're a student and they try to give you the best experience possible so what i what i'm really trying to say is whatever industry you're interested in literally pick any one of them stern and new york city give you tons of opportunities to develop professionally you pick where you see yourself going and make that a reality because at stern anything is possible amazing thank you so much karan so hi again everyone just to reintroduce myself my name is nithya palola i use she her pronouns and i'm a junior in the bsms accounting program also studying finance and the business of entertainment media and technology and today i'm here to talk to you all about the community pillar here at nyu stern which is actually one of my favorite things to talk about why community at stern is truly important to me i need to take you back to fall 2018 when i was a first year student as an incoming student i knew next to nothing about business or what it meant to be a student at a really great business school which i'm sure is something that many of you can relate to i thought that students wore suits to class and i felt like everyone else had it together except for me i now know this feeling to be imposter syndrome feeling like i didn't belong in a room i worked so hard to get to but now two years later i can safely say that i no longer feel this way and that can largely be attributed to the community and the people here at stern the people i've met here are some of the kindest most empathetic friendly and passionate people i know and i'm so proud to call them actually my best friends they're interested in music production bollywood fusion dance and graphic design and they're truly well-rounded people not at all like the stereotypical business student that you might have in mind from your first week on campus cern will make an effort to immerse you in a community through our orientation and through our cohort leadership program which i've been involved with both as a first-year student and now later as an orientation leader and a cohort leadership program guide and one of my fondest memories from my orientation was when we completed the cohort city challenge in central park which essentially was just a huge scavenger hunt in central park led by our orientation leaders that day in particular as i'm sure some of my peers remember was really really hot but what i remember most actually is that none of us cared we were just so excited to get to know each other and that day i actually solidified friendships with some of my best friends to this day since then i've developed a sense of community through student council setting away in prague and through the orientation leader program i'm confident that this community here at cern is truly unique and second to none and that makes me so proud to be a student here thank you so much and now i'm going to pass it back to being white law thank you so much all of you uh i know we've been getting lots of questions that are being answered in the q a but we want to touch upon some of the most asked questions here so first many people want to know what clubs and student organizations you're part of do we want to do a quick round robin starting with you anna yeah absolutely so i'm a part of the sterntisch entertainment business association i'm on the street team and this semester i am also participating in the stern program for undergraduate research sure so i'll go next i am on the street team as well that's why i'm here um i am currently in the islamic finance group i was a social impact fellow and i also did the uh the undergraduate research just like so i'm also on the street team i'm involved with the undergraduate stern women in business um and i was also an orientation leader for incoming stern first years this summer um along with nipia yeah so i'm part of the quantitative fund and society's portfolio team i help run the finance societies mentorship program and like everyone else here i'm also part of the street team and then over the past few years i've been on student council the inter club council and i've also done spur awesome so like all of my peers here i'm on street team i'm also a part of stern student council and i was an orientation leader and a cohort leadership guide and on a broader nyu level i've also been involved with an acapella team and i've done work with the theater group here on campus well that is really uh an amazing variety of activities you guys are so involved and so busy and it just i think gives you an idea of all the opportunities that are available here at nyu stern uh so moving on we always get questions on studying away i know many of you have studied abroad but jessica how about you take these can you share what extracurricular opportunities were available to pursue while abroad and folks also want to know when they can study away if you can touch upon that too that would be great yeah absolutely that's a great question um there are tons of opportunities for extracurriculars and staying involved while you're abroad so one way that i stayed involved was by joining some local student organizations which are available wherever you study away so for example at nyu london we could join clubs at the university college london or ucl and i joined the 180 degrees consulting chapter there and it was awesome i got to work on a project with local students for a non-profit that was based in london and there are also opportunities to join local student government bodies and other clubs at each nyu stern study at any every nyu study waste type site not stern study waste site um and then another way that i was able to stay involved was by taking up a study abroad liaison position at an nyu stern club so many of the stern clubs here um have this position available so that you can stay connected to the new york community while you're away and i was personally a study abroad liaison for the undergraduate student women in business in both london and shanghai um and while these are just a few of the different options available i will definitely say that it's not necessary to be involved in clubs while you're abroad you can take that time to enjoy your travels and focus on your classes and that's absolutely fine and then in terms of when you can study away you can go abroad as soon as sophomore fall or you could choose to spend your whole freshman year in london which is a new option for nyu stern students i would say that most students study away sometime during their junior or sophomore year but this definitely depends on your academic schedule and your personal preference thanks so much jessica um we also see a lot of interest in internships and professional development at stern so what programs have you taken advantage of that have helped you as you sought internship and professional development experience uh perhaps quran and jessica would you like to speak to this yeah of course um just i'll go i guess i'll go first um so to answer the question yeah there's tons and tons of ways for you to develop professionally outside of just plain old internships and working at stern many of our clubs hold workshops and speaker series across a variety of different industries so whether you're interested in finance or tech or marketing or fashion or like anna entertainment there's always someone somewhere for you to learn from we also have our wasserman center which is nyu's career center that's always a resource for you when it comes to anything professional related and then i guess you know not only that stern as a whole has tons of opportunities for you to learn from some of the best alumni and industry leaders around the world people who've actually been there done that um about once a month we have fireside chats where prominent industry professionals come in and answer questions so over the last few years we've had mark cuban janet yellen indra nui even ruth bader ginsburg who are all friends and colleagues of our world famous faculty come in and answer questions from students in fact actually mark cuban came in to be a judge for one of our entrepreneurship challenges the 300k uh challenge if you guys are interested look it up um and i got to ask him a question which was just super cool so to sum it all up there's tons of resources that stern offers for you to develop professionally just pick and choose which ones work for you yeah and just to add on a bit to what karan said in terms of professional development i definitely think that the largest asset is the vast network at stern so i was personally able to tap into both the bpe network and the wider stern network of upperclassmen and alumni to help me prepare for my recruiting process and my internships and in general i really found that everyone is so willing to talk share their experiences and help you succeed which is something that i really love about the culture of this school i was also able to use a resource called stern talks which are a series of alumni led ted talk style presentations that are required for first years but also open to the entire nyu stern student body and they allowed me to explore different areas of business such as consulting marketing finance tech etc it helped open my eyes to different career options and i used those talks to decide which industry i wanted to go into myself and the last resource that i would touch upon is the pre-professional clubs at nyu stern so there are 27 clubs ranging every industry and every identity group and they have incredible partnerships with firms and they hold weekly meetings and have professional professional development initiatives to help you succeed so these are just a few of the great opportunities and resources that you can take advantage of here at nyu stern and i can definitely say that you'll be supported in your job search and your professional development here at stern great thanks so much for those insights um moving on there are often questions on social impact opportunities how do students pursue social impact outside of the classroom so yusuf i know that this is something you're really involved in so would you like to touch upon that absolutely absolutely so i guess one of the things i would like to address as i said before is the plenary sessions that we had so we had we had a bunch of speakers come in and you know talk to us about the very topics that we had in class and were able to pick their brains honestly i think you dean was you were also a speaker once which is pretty cool um in terms of that we also have clubs a lot of social impact oriented clubs which is actually which is uh which allows you to kind of engage with similar minded individuals and actually bring in more speakers to speak to you and network with and to understand from you know these are experts from the industry so it's always great to hear from them they always have awesome advice um and on top of that the social impact fellowship as well i'd like to reiterate how awesome of an experience it was personally for me because i was able to get involved with the social impact month which was a speaker series where we had professors and uh individuals from the un and from private and public sectors awesome experience able to speak to them about so many different i guess elements of social impact and it really is such a big big space and it it could be a little overwhelming to understand at times but again all of these experience all of these experiences really kind of add up and and yeah so clubs the social impact fellowship really allowed me to um explore this pillar at nyu stern even beyond the academics themselves thank you so much yousef yeah and i think i think it's really important just to reiterate that you know social impact is really a critical and important part of what we do here at stern it really is uh something that we take uh incredibly seriously now um in terms of academics uh folks often want to know more about majors concentrations and minors so quran you're doing a finance concentration within the business major and a second major in computer science when and why did you decide to pursue your second major in computer science yeah of course um so i think i'd take everyone back a few years back to my freshman year which was all the way in 2017 when i took one of our required courses which was the texan ideas course um and i came i'm going to be honest i came into the program with a very narrow mind thinking i was just going to study business just do my finance concentration um but i loved that course like with the bottom of my heart i learned i should probably try to explore a few more courses and just learn what offering stern has and what offerings nyu has so with the rest of my time i started exploring a few different courses and i took a computer science course and you know i think the rest is history from there on um but i think you know what to answer the second part what i've learned from that is that business is really broad and that you can learn about just more than one thing um especially since the stern degree or the the stern degree um allows you to explore your options it allows you to learn more um and gives you the freedom to do so so over the four years my motto became just to learn as much as you can to make most of my college experience and i like to think i've done that thanks so much and i i let me reiterate that one of the great parts of stern being part of such a fabulous university at nyu is that there are these opportunities to explore these areas outside of business whether it's computer science on the one hand or something like say sociology or psychology or uh you know major in italian whatever your passion there is the uh the opportunity to do that uh here at nyu and from within the stone school so uh here's a question perhaps from you for you uh nithya and yusuf how has nyu stern further developed your leadership skills sure that's that's actually a really really great question so um as i previously touched on i'm involved with student council and i've also been an orientation leader and i think through these programs there have been an abundance of formal leadership trainings but what i think really makes stern unique is that the school is full of amazing leaders no matter where you look so actually i think some of the most meaningful leadership potential that i've had was actually from observing the leadership qualities of the leaders around me so just as a quick example when i was a first year the student council president was a huge mentor for me and actually such an inspiration in terms of leadership and she taught me so much about bringing people together and having everyone's voices heard so i really think that there are those formal leadership opportunities but there's there's a lot more when you look for it there's so many amazing mentors and people here at cern yeah i have to agree um so i'd like to also kind of divide it up with formal and informal mentorship and leadership so formally uh when i was a freshman i walked into nyu stern very overwhelmed uh i drew an interest to the islamic finance group and the president pretty much just took me under her wing was able to kind of show me the ropes of what it is to be not only a student in college but a student at nyu especially at nyu stern and it was that experience and that culture of of just just looking out for one another and that goes even back to when we were talking about community here right um that that that it's very tangible in the air the second you walk in and i truly do believe that and even in within the informal i guess element of mentorship and leadership uh we always try to help each other out i mean you know uh whether it might be through a difficult course or through just what in the world am i doing in 2020 i'm an adult now kind of how do we help each other out navigate this rite of passage um yeah so you know in all honesty i think that we really do have not only just future business leaders but just future leaders within amongst ourselves so i you know we have this culture of paying it forward and when you guys all walk through these doors pay it forward oh thanks so much for those uh for those positive comments um a question that i'm sure all of you could speak to but i'm curious to hear from anna and quran why did you personally choose nyu stern yeah absolutely that's an excellent question i mean ultimately for me the main reasons why i chose stern were location and opportunity and i mentioned some of this before because i knew that i wanted to work in entertainment being in new york city would be the perfect place for me to do that and so when i was researching schools nyu stern was the only school or with a program that i found that i could actually specialize in my interests and honestly that's what's so special about stern is how many different and unique programs we have whether it's the dual degree program like the one i'm in or you want to do business and political economy or business and technology and entrepreneurship there's always something that can tailor to your individual interest yeah and so i'd just like to echo anna here a couple different reasons but one of the biggest ones is that i wanted to be in the city and stearns allowed me to do just that everyone tries to explain what being in the city really means i tried it a little earlier but words just don't do it justice being in the city and at stern has allowed me to experience and learn so much without compromising on being a student you can pick and choose the college experience that you want to have and i think it's that freedom and that flexibility to define your own path which is what really sold me because stern really is a one-stop shop we're given an opportunity to be or we're given an opportunity that really most adults don't have the chance to get um and you know i want to believe that i've taken full advantage of that so i'm just really glad i picked stern thank you let me just sort of reiterate that about location right that it's you know i personally think new york city is the greatest city in the world and uh attracts a lot of our students but also our faculty that i you know i don't regret a single day of the almost 30 years i've uh spent in new york so new york city is a really big part of of who we are and what we do and the opportunities that we offer both to students and to faculty as well uh okay let's go on to a question that i really love what advice would you have for future stern students in the class of 2025. so nithya and jessica i know you just came off orientation as orientation leaders would you like to share on this topic sure absolutely so this is actually one of my favorite questions that first years can ask and to them i always say say yes be open to new opportunities be open to new experiences and really try to push yourself out of your comfort zone because you don't get these four years back um and kind of along the same vein don't come in and ever like label yourself as one thing so don't say oh like i'm a marketing person or oh like i'm a finance person that's it because here at cern you can really pursue everything and you can have everything that you want i completely agree with everything nathan said um just a few other pieces of advice i would give to incoming first years would be one just be kind to yourself and really enjoy your time in college because it goes by so quickly i'm a senior now and these past three four years flew by um in no time and then the second piece of advice i would give is don't be afraid to reach out to professors and upperclassmen and your peers because everyone here truly wants to help you succeed um i know that i was a bit afraid to reach out to older students while i uh was a freshman here at stern but now that i am a senior i realize that i want to help everyone as much as possible and that's the entire culture here at st well uh nicky and jessica thanks for that great advice uh and last question this one for everyone so what one word would you use to sum up your nyu stern experience so far uh yeah i would say encouraging i would say impactful i would say diverse for me it's unforgettable lastly i would say connection fabulous so that's about all we have time for right now thank you all for your questions and thank you to the five of you for sharing your experiences i could not have said it any better myself so really thank you so much so it's clear right i hope that these themes do indeed span your four years in significant ways now as you're thinking about applying to nyu stern and what really excites you about these opportunities and our approach to business education i invite you to both lean into that which excites you and embrace something you haven't yet thought much about because all of these pillars will play a huge role in your next four years if you choose to spend them here with us so we do recognize that nyu is a significant investment so i want to tell you about the roi the return on that investment the return on the investment in your degree our graduates have a stellar price placement rate after graduation with 98 going on to work or to attend graduate school within six months of graduation with an average starting compensation of more than 75 000 where do people go to work everywhere from small startups to fortune 500 companies and everything in between spanning almost every imaginable industry and as i said your stern education experiences and network won't just help you in your first job it will serve you for all that lies ahead in your future what's next i would like to invite you to learn even more you may not be able to visit campus right now but you can absolutely still take advantage of opportunities to connect with us and get to know nyu and stern even better nyu admissions is hosting events throughout this fall there are sessions on nyu's global network where you can hear even more about study away opportunities at nyu the first globally networked university you can learn about how to navigate your college application which includes financial aid information there are regional virtual events nyu for parents and the trailblazer lecture series which includes ted talk style sessions from nyu faculty including our very own professor matt stattler who heads up stern's social impact program programming and much much more you can also connect with a current nyu stern student anna youssef jessica kram nithya or any member of the nyu stern street team are happy to answer your questions via email students from nyu stern street team are also regularly host virtual info sessions on the nyu stern student experience the next one is in early november you can just search for nyu stern street team and you'll be able to register and finally i will plug some social media accounts stern uc and meet nyu where you can explore tours student takeovers campus events and much much more so with that i'd like to thank you for being with us today it has truly been our pleasure to host you and we wish you all the best in this exciting time take care and be well goodbye for now until next time you

2020-12-20 01:24

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