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all right, Brett Garamella here. Today i'm going to  show you how to start and grow your drone business   and this is part of a three-part series  so today i'm going to show you how to land   your first client tomorrow i'm going to show  you how to scale your business and then on   friday i'm going to show you some secrets  little tips and things i've learned   that i wish i knew years ago when i first started  my business so this is going to be super valuable   for anyone looking to start a drone business  i assume that's you because you're here   and let's dive right into it all right first i'm  going to check because i'm doing a live stream   i'm going to check to see who's online all  right so looks like we just started so no   one's online yet alrighty but they'll be joining  me soon so just want to make sure we're good   we're good all right sometimes people are a  little slow to reply so we're gonna start with the slides okay so let me just make this full screen  all right so how to land your first drone client   this part one like i said i'm a three-part video  series and i i put the word job here because i   couldn't fit the word client but i like using the  word client because we're not trying to just do a   job all right we're trying to form a relationship  and we're trying to get paid much more than   just for a job okay so we're not going to want to  be just a drone pilot or just a camera guy we want   to create a business okay that's  intention so we create drone clients okay   so step number one i'm going to give you 10 steps  in this video step number one uh is you're gonna   have to master your mavic okay so when i say  master your mavic that means mastering your drone   okay i like dji i think they got the best drones  out right now or at least the best lineup anyway   so you're going to have to master the  technical skills first of all and so you   feel confident you can fly safe you always want to  be confident and safe when you get your first job   when you start working obviously the first job  you might be you know you might be a little   nervous that's natural but you still want to  have the confidence in your technical skills   to the point that you can only focus on the  creative so i say focus on creative if you   have to worry about okay what's the aperture here  what what do i use uh let me look through the menu   where do i press to get this that's gonna take too  long and that's gonna that's gonna take away from   the creative side of the job so once you master  the technical that's one side of the brain the   other side of the brain focuses on the creative so  you really only want to use one side of your brain   when you're actually working or at least the  majority of your brain is working on the creative   and the technical is more subconscious you just  do it without thinking and part of that is to   spend time working on those skills developing  those skills getting that knowledge okay i have   a course called dji drone pro where you can  learn all those skills to master your mavic   but i'll get that i'll get to that  later okay so that's step number one   all right step number two i just want to check  the live stream to make sure we're good so i   apologize for people watches watching this on  the replay but i just want to make sure we are   good tony good to see you all right let me just  say hi to some of the people on the live stream   tony always here always showing support steph  good to see you man all right so tony and steph   and everyone else watching hope you're looking to  start a drone business because today i'm going to   give not going to hold back i i kind of went  all out this week today tomorrow and friday so um all right so step number two find the right  niche so or niche or however you want to pronounce   it so step number two once you master those skills  you want to try a bunch of different things out   so uh maybe you like shooting weddings making  maybe you like shooting real estate maybe you   like doing commercials maybe maybe you like doing  documentaries maybe you maybe you like doing   action sports um there's there's so many different  things that you can do okay maybe you like just   doing construction sites okay so you want to  experiment with all different niches however there's there is a better way to do it  i'm going to get to that in the next slide   but as you can see you try all these different  things out and then you know eventually you find   a bullseye the bullseye is something that you like  and where you can make money okay so what's the   best choice here it's something that you enjoy  doing that you're passionate about but also has   a need in the market and you can get paid for  it and i talk about that in my full course but   today we're we're gonna i'm gonna show you one way  to do that so find the right niche so step number   two you're gonna find the right niche now like  i said you're trying all these different things   but you don't want to waste time all right  to start a business it's really about speed   because things change rapidly especially with  technology the way the world is especially the   situation people are moving one state to another  state so ev everything is changing very fast so   one thing to help you is the internet so google  helps us a lot because there's a site called now there's other sites that  do this but they're paid sites now this one is   free so that's why i recommend it because it's  very good and it won't cost you anything and you   can go there and you can type um  whatever niche you're interested in so let's say  

i started out i was doing mostly real estate and  weddings so i would type those in and when i type   those in it'll you can look up united states or  whatever country you're in right here and then you   could pick the time frame i usually pick the past  12 months okay you could do the past five years 12   10 years uh last three months whatever you want to  do but i usually say a one year period is pretty   good all categories and we'll do a web search okay  you can search youtube etc if that's where you're   going to do your marketing but i assume it's  just going to be on the web with your website   uh or just just to get an idea so as we can see we  see real estate is much more popular than weddings   and so real estate might be a good thing to do but  weddings is very lucrative as well you only need a   few jobs okay so don't let this fool you the fact  that a lot of people are searching real estate   just weddings just don't happen very often but  you know people buy and sell houses all the time   but okay so we can see right here where the  different niches are popular so once you find   your niche you're like oh you can click on this  this isn't i just took a screenshot so i can't   click on this but it would tell you the city and  then it would give you a number on the percentage   of how popular it is from zero to a hundred so we  can see right here that you know in the northeast   and down in texas california may denver colorado  the chicago these are all real estate areas and i   you can also separate it by i just pick big cities  so here i click cities but you could also pick   metro areas you can pick smaller towns so  if you're a smaller town you could pick that   so you could break it down however you want right  here you could also include low search volumes so   i just included the big search volumes if i  click that box there you would see docs all   over the united states or wherever country  you're living in and it would show you all   right what people are searching so i notice  people are searching let's say i'm interested   in commercial real estate i see that's pretty  popular so maybe i want to separate myself   even more specific so it's always better  to go specific when starting your business   because it's easier to get jobs if you shoot one  particular thing and that client you go after does   that one particular thing so once those match  it's easier to get that job because very few   people are gonna do be a commercial real estate  drone pilot okay that's a very specific niche   or commercial real estate drone or filmmaker okay  so that's very specific so once you met with that   client it'd be a perfect fit okay or right here  if i look at weddings i can see oh there's a lot   of beach weddings number three so maybe i want to  photograph all right um if i live near the beach   let's say i live down here in florida charleston  miami um jacksonville okay if i did photo weddings   near the beach i can see that's pretty popular  okay or even up here in the northeast or even here   um wherever i am i can see that's very popular  now if i don't live near a bit a beach and uh   i'm trying to get clients that's not going to make  sense okay so just want to make sure stop for a   second make sure we're looking good here on the  live stream everything good everything good okay   you see samuel parra hello from southern  california i live in southern iowa rural   community do you have any suggestions on anything  i can do to make money in this area yes i do uh so   although i said go into a specific niche  you might have to you might have to a do   more than just a niche okay so you might have to  do a little bit of everything because you live   in such a small community there might not if you  go just for commercial real estate there may not   be enough work or you know weddings there may not  be enough weddings there for you to earn enough a   big enough income so you might have to do a little  bit of everything and then also i'm gonna show you   later in this video you're gonna have to uh use an  online presence okay you're gonna have to funnel   traffic or people who are searching online to get  them to your website to get them to hire you now   i'm going to show you exactly how to do that so  hang tight maureen tears the s from southern iowa   i'm going to show you exactly how to do that okay  so just give me a second i just want to make sure   that this is looking good yep we're looking good  okay all right so ask me that question if i didn't   answer that by the end of this video okay just ask  me that again and i'll i'll um i'll i'll do some   follow up some more specifics okay so commercial  but i am going to get to that uh commercial   license so the next thing you're going to need is  a commercial license so once you have your niche   let me get a drink of water guys doing a lot of  talking today so this this video is going to be   is it's not going to be short it's going to be  at least you know 25 30 minutes because i'm going   to give you a ton of value i'm going to give  you all the steps with all the specifics today pretty much all right so commercial license so you're gonna need a commercial license okay to  make money with your drone you're gonna need it   at least here in the u.s and a lot of a lot of uh  countries places in the world you're gonna need a   commercial license so make sure you take care of  that i have a course called uh part 107 pro that   helps you do that at the end of this video by  the way guys i'm gonna pitch my uh if it's all   right with you i'm gonna i'm gonna show you my  drone pilot pro course which is basically all   these courses i'm showing you in one okay and i'm  gonna give you a special deal for watching today   so um just to let you know that i'm doing that  but you can still get work and highly paid work   with all the information i'm going to give  you today okay although if you want to take   it a step further and work with me you can  join my course at the end okay so portfolio   to profit so once you get your niche or your  commercial license next thing up is you're gonna   i say portfolio you don't need a big portfolio  all right i use the word portfolio if you can   create a portfolio this is this is one of my  portfolios for uh a real estate that i have okay   all you really need is three to five photos or  one to two videos okay you don't need a ton of of   videos and i'm gonna show you how to do it even  if you don't have any work but i i suggest you   get some work and as part of mastering your mavic  you're gonna have to do some shoots and if you   don't if you haven't gotten any jobs yet i suggest  doing one free job or one personal job okay so a   personal project or personal job in the in the  niche you want so if it's commercial real estate   you know um go go to that uh owner and set up a  job to work for free for the first job only just   so you could have something to show for future  jobs and i'm gonna show you how to get those jobs   okay so in your specific niche you're gonna  get three to five photos or one to two videos   and make sure your work is cohesive meaning  if you look at all these photos they look like   the same person took it as myself but you know  you don't want one to be very moody the other   you know if you're shooting during midday you  don't want others near sunrise or sunset okay   you want all to be similar lighting similar style  etc okay so even inside you want to use similar   lenses might help as well okay so it's got to  be cohesive and only your best work so if you   if you have you know if you have like 25 30 photos  but really only three to five photos are you know   your best at your best only show three to five  all right you don't want to show anything that's   nothing but your absolute best better show fewer  than more okay that's my recommendation and   because you you want to make money you want to  build your reputation and the way to do that is   only showing your best work and that it's cohesive  okay so the reason you want it cohesive is because   the person hiring you wants to know hey when  i hire brett i know i'm gonna get an image   that looks like this if they all look different  the person hiring me doesn't know what they're   gonna get all right so you might you wanna  make sure that it's very cohesive all together   and then you're gonna wanna if you don't have  a portfolio yet just do one free job or do a   personal project you know you could ask a  friend ask a relative uh or you could um   you know just call up uh call up some  businesses and do a search um talk to them and   just do one free job so you have something at  least a few photos and you can have one video   okay now that video could be kind of a highlight  video of your best work or of or a property real   estate one property that you shot perhaps okay now  next you're gonna do a google search this is step   five okay so if i wanted to do real estate really  for real estate doing normal real estate you have   to do large volume really to make it to make a  full-time living so to make money i found i only   like doing luxury real estate because that you  know i can get paid several thousand dollars per   per shoot okay but i'm doing mo or per video i  should say but i'm doing multiple videos for them   so it's really not worth my time to do less than  that right so me personally now there you could do   normal real estate but that's another video  anyhow so we're doing a google search okay so   i type in luxury real estate and i lived  in raleigh north carolina wherever you live   and then you get all these listings that pop up so  all these listings pop up and then all you got to   do is go through this list research them okay and  put them on a spreadsheet so you want to put them   on a google spreadsheet okay or any type of sheet  that you use i use google sheets because it's free   all the software i'm giving you today is uh  inexpensive or free so you can use them to   create a list if you want to write it down or  use something else a word doc that's fine but   found google spreadsheets is very good very  helpful so you can organize it and especially   you want to create a business you got to stay  organized so you can do luxury real estate or if   you just want to get started and work with someone  earn what you learn this is how i i did when i   first started i just typed in video production and  then in the city i was living in and then i just   called all these places and we had a conversation  i started working for them now i'm going to show   you exactly what i did is it's not exactly that  easy okay what do i say etc uh but i would do some   some research so click on each one and i'm gonna  you're gonna put their website the person you want   to contact usually the person you want to contact  uh well i'm gonna i get into that in my course and   i don't think i wanna get too much into that but  you wanna contact the person who's gonna hire you   okay so you wanna contact the person who's gonna  hire you so once you have your google search and   your list okay you put all all those contacts  onto a spreadsheet then you're gonna start to   you could call them on the phone like i said you  could send them an email now i used to call them   on the phone but they don't know who i am so  it's kind of you know sometimes it's kind of   weird it's a little awkward uh and they they don't  know my expertise etc so what i do now is i do a   video critique of their website so all these  sites i would go to i would click on it   and then i would use this software called loom  loom software and i'll put a link below this   video after i get done finish this live stream  and this software you can start out it's free   you can do up to 25 videos i believe with a free  the free trial and then if you i recommend you   do the paid version it's only like 10 a month but  it's so worth it um because basically the software   what it does it's it's amazing it creates a video  you can see my face down there in the lower left   and then it does a screen a screen um screen  record of the video and then it creates that video   with a link when i'm done and then i can just copy  that link and put it into an email and send it to   the person and then the person can click on that  link and watch the video okay so in other words   i'm talking about the person's website in a video  i can just that video is created in a link so i   don't need to store it it does the loom software  does it all for me creates that link for me i can   just paste it into the email and the software  also lets me know when that person watches it   so when they watch that video i know they watched  it and usually they'll contact me after that now   the reason this is so effective is because  no one else is doing this i would say no one   else but very few people are doing this all right  this is kind of like one of my secret strategies   uh because people just send a  random emails i usually delete   someone says the email says hey i can help  your business grow blah blah blah blah blah   you know i can help you with marketing social  media cetera i'm going to delete that email   but if i see wait a minute i see this person's  face so i can see their real person not like   some random thing some random bot or whatever  and they actually have looked at my website okay   and they're critiquing and they're giving me some  good advice here and wow this is really helpful so   it's totally different than what everyone else  is doing so i suggest you do that download that   software uh loom the loom software and then when  you talk about their website like this was just   one uh this was a it was a remodeling company so  they were doing like home repair roofing windows   doors remodeling and i contacted them okay and  i critique their website and in the full course   i i show you exactly what i say exactly what i do  how to do all that how to use the software but it   i don't really have time today to do that but uh  i'll tell you what you do so you pitch yourself as   a drone and media marketing expert and strategist  okay so that's what i did when i made this video   and i went through the video and i critiqued  their video and i really pitched them four types   of videos you can pitch up to four types of videos  okay to bring money to their business okay so the   key is to bring money to their business because  you're not going to get paid a lot of money   unless you can make the person money so this  is where a lot of drone pilots filmmakers fail   is they just want to shoot videos for clients and  they're more interested in you're more interested   in making it look good but you really have to  focus on the marketing and the business side and   that's what i'm going to teach you today so you're  really bridging the gap between being a drone   pilot a filmmaker and a marketing expert okay  so you you're kind of all those in one with the   steps i'm going to give you right now so there's  four types of videos so the videos you want to   pitch are niche specific videos so if i'm doing  luxury real estate i can say hey look you you got   some videos of of these um you got some photos of  these um houses they're nice but how about i make   a video for you or or the photos aren't very good  how about i give you some great drone shots here's   my some work i've done you know you could do that  or you could pitch a brand video a brand video   it's just a promotional video it's informational  video and i'm gonna show you how this all works   in a second okay so it may seem just kind  of random but i'm gonna show you how it all   fits together and makes sense for the client in  order for them to hire you okay so a brand video   is a promotional video or an informational video  okay so you're just conveying info it's telling   you what the company is about okay so their luxury  real estate you know you meet the ceo the team   what they do okay where they're located what  kind of clients they have just information   okay the niche pacific video is just making  you know whatever that is action sports real   estate weddings etc then you're going to need  some testimonial videos the testimonial videos   you know is getting someone that has worked with  that client you're just doing a video and getting   them to say great things about the client kind  of like think of it like amazon with five star   reviews you want to get five-star reviews for  the client because that will seal the deal and   make money for them and the last thing you want  is social media or advertising videos which is   a combination of all three of these videos so  the first three could be you could take bits   and pieces of the first three videos and turn  them into social media and advertising videos   okay so all that fits basically into a sales  funnel and you can explain this to the client okay so a person if you're going to get new clients at  first they they just need to find out about you   all right they don't know about you then they  become more interested then they sort of make a   decision should i should i you know work with this  person should i go with them and then they take   action they hire you they um spend their money  okay so that's basically a sales funnel right   there and the video we're talking about video  here video photography in terms of drones this   is how it goes so the person lands on the client's  website all right they get to the we're going to   talk about luxury real estate because that's  what i've been working talking about so real   estate they get to the they're looking for a new  home right so they get to that person's website um   but they're how do they get to the website  well they're not they may do a google search   okay that helps but they may not do google search  they may just be searching through social media   or an ad may pop up so those are the videos  you made you made some social media videos   or advertising videos when the person sees them  okay the whole point is to get them to the website   then the person goes to the website now they're  on the real estate website they can see learn   they don't know anything about this real estate  company this real estate agent so that's why they   have the promo or brand video and it informs and  builds trust the the video builds trust videos   like 10 to 12 times more likely for a person  to trust you through video than through photo   so that's why videos are so important and video  builds trust right here so the person's going   from scrolling on the internet to going to your  website okay they're learning about your company   and then these last two videos the niche specific  your drone videos um about the different listings   about the different homes oh they saw this amazing  video with this nice uh luxury home right here i   want to buy that okay so you made that video they  they make that makes the sale okay or they're like   i want to buy it but i'm not sure yet okay so then  they watch the testimonial videos oh there's other   people that are really happy buying so i don't  have to worry okay you want to make people's   worry go away that's another way you make the sale  so this is sort of the funnel you're getting the   people from being you know they're kind of  cold they're not sure they're still looking   to now they they land on the page they learn about  that that company that person and then oh now they   see wow this is really good i'm they seem good and  oh this is exactly what i want and other people   want that too and have had success so i know i'm  not gonna get ripped off okay because people you   know that's any type of um last minute resistance  you want to get rid of that okay so that's where   you get the testimonials okay all right any  questions so far any questions so far hopefully   i hope you guys are enjoying that i hope answering  some questions albert says excellent information   it says lol okay all right all  right any questions so far all right   all right we're going to keep going all right so  that's basically how you convert the person and   this is what you want to pitch and this is how you  can charge a lot more money because you are not   only a filmmaker but a drone pilot but you're  also a businessman and a marketing specialist   okay all right so you're gonna pitch  up to four different type of videos now   they may already have a brand video so you  could pitch these other three or they may have   some testimonial videos you could pitch these  three okay so or they have you know they have   all these different videos except the niche  videos then you can just pitch the niche videos   okay so you gotta look for what they already  have or don't have and you can pitch that   okay now i say video it could be photos too  photos with words over it uh with graphics etc   but you know video tends to perform better so  that's why i say video but you could do it with   photos as well so this could be niche specific  photos as well it doesn't have to be video all right so you're going to send the email with  the loom video link and the whole goal is to get   multiple videos i showed you how to do that now  the brand video is just one video okay but all   these other three you could do more than one  video the advertising social media you could   do more than one video and you could hire someone  else out to do that to edit it edit that for you   taking these three videos so it doesn't take much  time okay save time just hire someone else i would   do that then the niche specific and testimonials  those are gonna be more than one video multiple   videos okay then you're gonna wanna follow up  within 48 hours okay i've blown this before in   the past waited too long you don't want to bug  them but you you still want to follow up within   48 hours now if you use loom video link the great  thing about it you can see whether the person   watched your video or not they will tell you  when they watch their video so if it doesn't   tell you you know they haven't watched it yet so  you can just follow up with them or if you've seen   they've watched your video but haven't given you  a call or sent you an email then you can give them   a call or follow up with an email whatever you  feel more comfortable whether you're an extrovert   or introvert i'll leave that up to you then the  next thing you want to do is meet the person me   in person if possible video chat is better than  email so i would try to get it on the phone or in   person if possible okay i would say even a video  chat is better than talking on the phone because   at least you can see the person's face they can  see your face so that builds trust and rapport all right so i would try to do that all right so  next thing you want to do when you meet with them   whether it's a video chat or whatever i would  have this ready so if it's a video chat i   would have this presentation ready okay like  i said three to five videos one to two videos   in the specific niche like we talked  about it's cohesive your best work   now the key here is this last thing your work  must match your clients work all right if i showed   these photos to someone who's getting married or  some you know a bride this would not work okay   if i showed this for commercial real estate  uh even this might not work as well it's   more residential okay uh could work but you  know you want to be very specific all right all right next thing up and and last point  here is you know you just want to make the   client feel at ease hey if they don't if  they're just if they want to spend their   money they want to know that you can deliver okay  the worst thing it's a bad feeling even even now   i'm hiring people if they say they can do  something and then they don't do it you know   then it's time and money out of my pocket and  then i feel kind of like a bad taste in their   mouth so you don't want to leave a bad taste  you want to you want to help people you want   to you want to deliver what you say you're  going to deliver so that's why you know   the research and having the work that matches  and so is so important okay so next up is the   presentation i call this the presentation hack  okay so if you don't have any photos or videos   or you want to get into a new niche let's say  you had this but you also want to do weddings   um now or you want to switch up your niche  maybe you want to do more commercial stuff   just commercial buildings or commercial lots  okay you don't quite have that in your in your   portfolio but you know you could execute it you're  really confident in your work you can make a mood   board with work you find online i i really don't  like to do this this is kind of like you know   but i'll tell you how to do it because you know  you your reputation is always the most important   thing you don't you don't want to like you  know be shady or do do do something that's   really not good here that's going to hurt your  reputation that's going to get you blackballed   out and out of the um the niche and industry so  if you're going to take other people's work like   uh i got this from sotheby's international  realty they have a mood board site on their   website so i just said photos by sotheby's  international realty and i put their website here   and i i'll let the client know that hey this is  not my work but this is something that i think   we could do okay just to give us an idea so you  could you know it's kind of like pinterest you go   to pinterest there has has stuff as well and you  know this is if you don't exactly have the work   a better way i would probably do it just to feel  more secure is i would actually show it on my ipad   or you know on my computer my laptop and i would  show the website right there and the site say   look this is a site i found i think we could do  something like this okay so the client knows it's   not your work but it's the idea that you have  in mind okay so that's one way to pitch it if   you don't have a ton of work you're trying to get  your first few jobs that's one way to do it okay   and be be cool save your reputation there's  nothing wrong with that as long as you're   totally upfront that hey this is not my work  this is someone else's work but i think we could   do something similar this is just for motivation  we're not copying this we're just using this for   motivation and inspiration okay so the next thing  after you do that present make your presentation   you're going to give the client says cool yeah  brett i really like it i want to move forward   then you're going to have to give them an estimate  now the estimate i have that it's basically a   contract but you haven't signed it yet so i would  uh i have that in my full course i can't give you   estimates right now it's you know it can be quite  complicated but i have that in my full course   um now you're gonna i'm gonna you're present  the estimate and then you're gonna be quiet now   if you hand over the contract or the estimate and  you keep talking you know you might talk yourself   out of the deal okay so it's always better to say  less than more okay that shows you're confident   also shows you know you're secure you're  gonna execute the job if you feel like oh   i'm charging too much i you know i might have  to justify what i'm charging don't feel that way   okay set your price give it to the client then if  they want to negotiate you can negotiate however   when you're negotiating don't just lower your rate  and this is really crucial if you ever want to   really start if you if you don't want to go part  time you really want to go full time with this   don't reduce your rate so if you charge if  your day rate is um two thousand dollars   okay or fifteen hundred dollars let's say  let's say it's fifteen hundred dollars   if it's fifteen hundred dollars for your creative  rate you don't want to lower that you just want to   reduce the deliverables okay so maybe all right  i was going to charge you it's going to be 2 500   but i'm not going to do any retouching or editing  also uh i'm only going to be able to shoot   for half a day instead of full day you know  so don't reduce your rate just reduce what you   deliver to the client whether that be your  amount of time or the uh final deliverable   okay maybe less less time editing maybe i'm only  gonna give you one video instead of two videos   okay maybe i'm only gonna give you photos  and not videos okay you gotta work that out   and then the last thing is you gotta sign  the contract so step nine sign the contract   and i like to print them out okay some  people do that digitally but i like to print   physical copies have two copies i sign one copy  and i sign both copies and then the client signs   both copies and then i keep one the client keeps  one okay that's how i do it okay that way you're   secure and you'll never run into any problems  even if it's a friend or someone you know and   you're working with them always have a contract  okay just just take my advice on that all right   any questions on the live stream any questions  all right no questions on the live stream all right we're gonna keep going then  all right so next up is step number 10   is when you actually do the shoot edit the  videos photos make sure you over deliver   okay this is really important a lot of people  they're like oh i got i got i got paid um   you know i'm good i'm gonna i get i got this  job uh they kind of half-ass it or they you know   they do all right but they don't really go all in  go all in over deliver give more than is expected   okay that's the way you get repeat work it's  also the way you get referrals and more clients   okay and i would also say this is really important  but not mentioned often do it with a smile okay so   people like being around positive people all right  if you're doing the job and you're really not that   nice or you're in a bad mood you know keep that  we all don't have perfect days right or you wake   up on the wrong side of the bed so to speak just  keep that at home all right you can go home and um   you know talk to your friends about how you're not  feeling good or whatever but don't you know talk   to a client like that you know always be positive  professional um because hey they're spending their   money time they don't need to deal with that okay  all right so always over deliver all right lastly   i just want to let you guys know if you want to  continue enjoy the video i gave you today and   you want to go more in depth with all the  things i talked about all this is included   and much more in my drone pilot pro course  which i have a black friday sale so it's 60   off okay we got two days left basically for that  60 off sale okay so if you want to start and grow   a successful drone business like i talked about  today but go in way more detail okay plus you have   access to me and the private facebook group and  so much more okay so what's inside the course well   this is basically my premium course it's all my  courses in one okay so everything my entire dji   drone pro course everything from setting it up  learning the apps you know the basics of flying   to the advanced uh features and flying techniques  i show you all that okay so you're really going   to master your mavic with that course then the  part 107 step-by-step video course to help you   pass the part 107 exam which isn't super exciting  but i tried to make it exciting with these videos   lots of animations graphics so you don't fall  asleep and uh you pass that exam i know this   one isn't super exciting for a lot of people  so i did my best to make it a lot better than   other courses and material out there that you can  get okay especially from the faa it's really dry   so that course right there then once you  get your commercial license i show you how   to edit your videos 10 times faster um i just  discovered some new software too that i also   include in the course there that will help  you do that and that's in premiere pro okay   i'll show you how to do that then the next  thing i do is i show you how to uh run your   business scale your business so i showed you a  little bit today on how to start your business and tomorrow and friday i'll show you as well but  in the drone business pro course i go step by step   into much more detail okay everything you need to  know all the client contracts forms uh planning   setting your goals finding your niche all  that i go into much more detail and help   you out with that okay also if you ever need  help i'll look over that for you and as i said   we go much very deep that's about 22  videos in the drone business pro course   so all together this is it's over 125 videos  and then lastly i give you my color grading   uh my cut i show you how to color grade give you  my cinematic drone luts for premiere pro and final   cut pro x okay so you don't have to do anything  you just put those luts on your footage to make   it look great for yourself for clients for whoever  you're flying for and i include a ton of bonuses   in the course all right i'm adding them all the  time one of the best bonuses of the course is you   get 60 off adobe creative cloud adobe creative  suite so you get things like photoshop premiere   pro uh all those light rooms uh etc for 60 off  so that basically pays for the course itself okay   that alone for black friday it's kind of  ridiculous what i'm giving away basically but   i want to get people and i want to help people out  so i enjoy i enjoy that sort of thing as you can   see try to over deliver here's what some people  are saying so far that have joined some of my   courses okay uh as you can see they passed a part  107 exam they got the first drone job right here   uh they love the information definitely worth the  investment uh very easy simple well-structured   relevant always updated and when you sign up you  get all this material for life so as i add new   videos et cetera you get all that all right keep  it updated so you only have one-time fee and you   get everything for life all right so you don't  have to save you a ton of time and frustration   that's the point of this course all right so as  i was saying you get i've been working on this   course for over two years so it's all everything  i've learned in this course basically about   starting about drones and starting a business  and working as a filmmaker photographer okay   and you get access to all the future content okay  so it's never going to be this low this is the   biggest discount that'll ever be for this course  uh eventually it'll be 14.99 all right i have   it priced now at 7.99 um because i'm that's i'm  giving away a ton of value i think i think it's   definitely worth that i mean you'll  get that for sure within your first   your first uh the first client you get basically  and now i cut that i took 60 off about 60 off you   get 349 all right for black friday so that's next  two days if you want to take me up consider that   all right you have until friday at midnight to do  so and i will put a link below or you can just go   to i also have a free webinar  you can watch and learn more about that look i'll   give you show you my cinematic 10 cinematic drone  shots along with the five ways that i started my   business although i showed you some today some of  my secrets and tips today all right so if you want   to do that the offer is there all right hope you  enjoyed the video guys um let me just switch over   steph k says thank you brett glad you  enjoyed that stuff um let me switch over   all right all right guys so all  right so i hope you enjoyed that um   that presentation today on how to land your first  client okay and tune in tomorrow also at 1 p.m  

that will be thursday thanksgiving at 1 p.m  and also on friday black friday at 1 p.m okay   tomorrow thursday i'm gonna show you how to  scale your business so now that your first   clients how are we going to get even  more clients and higher paying jobs   okay and then friday i'm going to share with you  all the little tips and things the obstacles you   may be run into when you start your business so  you can not make the same mistakes that i've made   i made a lot so hopefully that was helpful hope  you enjoyed this if you did share it with a   friend and don't forget to give it a thumbs up.  I'm Brett Garamella, the drone pilot pro.

2021-11-28 16:36

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