Reviewing Twitter Requests (August 9, 2021)

Reviewing Twitter Requests (August 9, 2021)

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hey guys if you like this content i would  greatly appreciate it if you guys liked the   video and subscribed to my channel it helps  make these videos worth it going forward hey   guys Altcoin Sherpa here with a crypto market  review i'll be doing some altcoin requests that   i had on twitter as always this is not financial  advice i'm not an expert do your own research   okay so i'll just briefly go into bitcoin really  quick i'm just going to really uh run through   bitcoin just because i do bitcoin every single  day uh i still believe that like 50k is like the   area to watch eventually uh for a lot of reasons  and you look at my other videos just to like see   um sr flip high vp uh volume profile area um  yeah this is like the area that i'm viewing   is 50k now i don't know what's going to happen  after 50 000 but i still strongly feel that uh   50k is like the area of interest and i believe  that all usd pairs as a whole should do well up   until that point after that like again i have  no idea like price could like blitz up and then   break down to like you know 40k or even like  lower it could uh like go even higher like past   like 60k and then like break down up near  this like supply zone like there's just a   lot of different scenarios that can happen after  50 but for me i'm just playing level the level   and like i'd be pretty surprised the price  just like reversed and broke all-time highs   from here i think a more likely scenario  is just that price hits like a lower high   almost certainly around like fifty thousand  or fifty five thousand or sixty thousand   uh and then like prices continues to chop  around for a while um like we'll see this   for the next few months so that's kind of my  overall macro midterm uh thoughts on bitcoin and   uh like 50k is like the area to break and all  usd pairs should do pretty well in my opinion   okay so let's look briefly at ethereum ethereum  looks pretty good as uh most alt or i'm sorry   most usd pairs will be pretty good during this  time it's gonna fill out this inefficient move and   there are there is going to be like a sell zone  all throughout uh 3300 and 3500. if bitcoin goes   to 50k then i believe that 3500 or so will be the  area to look for i feel pretty strongly about that   again similar to bitcoin i believe  that eth will hit some sort of like   like a lower high something like this like  you know pull back and then you know it   could go all the way up to 4k i think it's maybe  unlikely to just have this like kind of huge run   but regardless like 4300 should be like a pretty  good area to start selling uh for a lot of reasons   but the main is that there's just like a lot  of time spent in between each peak and usually   when that happens like these initial first taps of  like a support or resistance area is like a good   initial uh entry so but again it's really going to  depend on how price gets there for me i'm bullish   up until like 3 500. and the the thoughts  are very similar to bitcoin going to 50 000.   i think that it also looks pretty good um in that  regard don't quite know what's going to happen   after like 3500 but like you know that's kind  of like my overall target for uh ethereum usd   uh let's look briefly at some i'll go to eth  btc too eat btc actually is still in a bullish   uh market structure in my opinion on the higher  time frame charts like the weekly uh this to me   seems like still undeniably bullish like you know  we're seeing uh higher highs higher lows and like   i think what we're seeing right here is just like  a higher low form as i always say in like the   previous videos it takes a long time for lows to  form and you can see back in all throughout this   the last few months like this low has been forming  but that's not really very uncommon like you know   if you look at each usd in the past you'll see  that these lows take like many weeks to form and this is no different after like such huge  run for btc back in starting in march uh we're   seeing this low kind of consolidate here and  uh form like with that said i'm not saying that   like this bottom is necessarily  completely in we could certainly see   something like oh five five tapped again like  if bitcoin goes really strongly up to like 60   000 i'm pretty sure that  0.5 will get tapped um but but regardless i do believe like the overall kind  of midterm lows are in like 0.5 it shouldn't go   lower than 0.55 in my opinion um still think this  looks pretty good on high timeframe charts like   you know it spent like a few almost like years in  accumulation and then now it's it's starting to go   08 is like the next area up after it  can break like this is kind of like   a non-level um i'm not sure why i marked  at the 07 level but yeah this is kind of   like my overall thoughts on each btc it  still looks pretty good in my opinion so   and when eat btc does pretty well it usually means  that uh alt btc like the good pairs are pretty   decent and i think you're seeing that across  many uh i'm sorry not many alt btc pairs but   but the [ __ ] there's a lot of [ __ ] bt  all btc pairs as well like they just look   terrible so anyways i will start going  through many different altcoin charts   now and these are some all coin charts that  you guys requested uh let's go with matic usd   matic this doesn't look very  good um i mean it looks fine it reclaimed this kind of accumulation kind of  zone but as a whole it just doesn't really look   great it wouldn't surprise me to see this chop  around a little bit more we like you could maybe   argue this is like looking like a v-shaped bottom  but i don't really necessarily think this is   quite it like this right here is a v-shaped  bottom like right here uh like the reversal   after the dump in may this is a the definition of  a v-shaped bottom and then after it hit like kind   of this double top price just like pulled back  a lot so like matic is still a good project but   i don't really see this being a strong mover in  the short term i think this is still just going   to keep chopping around and consolidating  like this isn't really a good act of trade   in other words uh what you can see too is like  the 200-day ema was like a pretty solid buy uh of   course like you know easy to say that in hindsight  and it's funny because i actually i remember   trading this when i bought around 75 cents and  thinking that the 2008 ema would be a great buy   because it hadn't been touched in quite some time  but you know i actually got stopped out and it's   stupid because i've done so many of these types of  trades and gotten whipped out or stopped out just   because there's like a lot of liquidity underneath  uh and people like me you know who will just like   just puke puke sell my [ __ ] um in these  situations uh and then price just rebounded   so yeah that was like a bad decision on my part  but um to me this is like not an active trade   uh dot usd t to me this just looks like  it's consolidating this 200-day ema   is this red line here we're  seeing this act as resistance   and this is pretty common uh when you see a  large gap in price and this ema as you can see   uh there was like a large gap up until recently  and now this is like acting as resistance   uh it would be interesting to me to see this  flip as support so like i would want to see   kind of like this to keep grinding up and  then you'll see a lot of times price flipping   back and forth this 200-day ema when uh  when it's going from resistance and support   uh look at the 2019 btc chart for more of this  example you'll see it flipping and flopping back   and forth as resistance resistance and support and  this kind of reminds me a little bit of link to   link was trying to break its 200-day ema  resistance area but to me like i still am   expecting this to consolidate within this  overall range of 28 dollars and 17 dollars i think it'll consolidate for quite some  time and then maybe maybe move up later link so this is like again we just  discussed it with dot excuse me okay so we are looking at link and as you can see  this 200-day ema is acting as resistance this red   line but we and we saw a dump but we're seeing  price consolidate with it so usually as i said   before you'll see this starting to flip around  back and forth i mean to me like with the way that   the market is looking i think this is actually  pretty bullish and i think it's actually going   to go to like 34 that's like the next area of  interest for me this is like a very high volume   uh area as you can see with volume profile there's  a lot of trading activity between 24 and 34.  

so in terms of active trades it's a  little bit confusing to me in terms of   overall profit targets but i think it's  pretty likely that price goes and grinds   up through this area and just consolidates i  think that's pretty likely for uh link usdt uh ada cardano uh what we're  seeing here is we are seeing we're seeing resistance around 150 get tapped over  and over again i think this is actually going to   break eventually like pretty soon so what we saw  here was another test of this back in early july   uh i thought there was two scenarios either one it  breaks up to one past 150 up to 180 or it breaks   down and it actually decided to break down and  it did not break or did not find any support at   120 like i was thinking it broke down even further  to a dollar so right now what you're looking for   uh if you are bullish on ada is just for this  price to continue grinding up in this area   but i mean when it is grinding up against  resistance in this context it looks pretty bullish   especially given the market environment and  it's also important to understand too that   this is a 200-day ema is actually a support  it's not resistance like it is for link and dot   so uh like if you know if you're if you're fishing  for an entry again i would look for like 126 but   um it price continues to grind up around here you  can probably expect 180 but i wouldn't necessarily   recommend buying here because it is resistant  still luna this is a trade that i am currently   just got out of actually and that reasoning for  that is that i think that btc looks bullish and   therefore all usd pairs will look bullish as  well i closed out the majority of my trade   around actually 1340. and again the reason  was just because i thought that a this was a   support level around you know this kind of  13 area and i also more importantly felt that   btc usd looked bullish to me on the daily and  therefore i think that all usd pairs will look   bullish as well so i closed out the majority of  my short around 1340 and then i also closed it out   this morning like the low 14s and i have uh asks  all the way up like around 15 and 16. i i don't   think it's going to break 17 personally like i  would be pretty surprised if a brick 17 on this go   um i have asks all throughout like 15 and 16 and  17. so like this is like the area that i'm looking   i'm still looking to short luna to be clear  uh and i'm looking for like the 11's or so but   um i think that this will short term move  up so yeah i'm just i'm still looking to   i still think this is going  to head lower and cool off um with that said like you know we might see  something like this or grind up and then maybe   like form some sort of higher low and then uh  continue that would be a scenario that i'm viewing   but for now i definitely think  this is like kind of cool so like   i'm just looking to short up at like 16 or  so that's kind of my overall plan for luna   xs like similar to luna i'm actually looking to  i'm not looking to short this but i do think this   is heading lower like i think this looks like  distribution myself um like when you see crazy   wicks in both directions and price just like  consolidating this is usually not a bullish   um type of market structure uh on lower time  frame charts and it's not really it doesn't   look good too when like candles are closing like  this you see like big wicks up and uh not much   follow through certainly possible that this like  scam pumps up even higher but i think it's very   likely this just heads lower like 30 is like my  overall kind of um kind of area to to to look for   um high cell volume coming in yeah this is like  to me looks looks bad and i'm guessing that once   this cools off big then we will see stuff like  alice and other nft coins kind of go lower as well ach this coin had insane amount of  pumping my friend actually got in   like really low and then like did really  excellent on it to me it looks okay i mean   usually after huge runs like this though you'll  need to see like lots and lots of consolidation   theta is a good example if you want to look at  charts of theta where like it'll do stuff like   moon and then it'll like consolidate for like  months and weeks and then it'll have another leg   up but to me this just like looks like it'll it  looks like it's going to consolidate for a while um yeah i'm guessing this consolidates a bit i  don't think it's going to make an another leg up   uh anytime soon in fact like you might just want  to consider buying at uh 0.085 like kind of like  

what i expect to be like the range bottom but  i'm expecting more consolidation on this one i   don't necessarily think it's going to go and break  higher myself anytime soon dgb really good moves   lately 200-day ema should act as resistance  uh this chart isn't super clear to me to be   frank and honest with you um i i do think that  this 078 area will be resistance i think that   this is probably going to be like a high  volume area yep so expecting this to continue   chopping within this kind of range here don't really think it's an active trade myself cava this was pretty good lately um did hit the supply zone  around 650 and wicked up   crazy volume that came in so like this was  like kind of like the short-term bottom   in my opinion i think it's likely that this  like continues like you have another test   up near there and then you can consider  selling for sure up near this area but i would be careful with your profit targets for  shorting this thing because there's like kind of a   crazy amount of volume that came through  so maybe it'll just keep going and like   i think the btc pair also looks pretty  good on this one if i recall correctly   uh so expecting more resistance from  650 to 750 but um let's just kind of see tomo this was the one coin that i was  thinking about like longing during like   mid july because the market looked really [ __  ] back then and like this is the one all coin   that looked pretty good i do believe that this um  this was a sell zone around three dollars to 350   and price did pull back from there  but we're still seeing this kind of   grinding price action where price is just  like chopping up and slowly grinding up i don't know if it's going to continue but  i mean this could be a good example of like   stairs up elevator down like where we see continue  grinding up and then boom like elevator down but   i think as long as bitcoin looks good then  we'll see this continue to go higher actually   so this is also an impressive coin too because  it actually got up to levels before the big dump   like you know all the all coins dumped  in may this is actually one good example   that all coins can reclaim kind of like those  old highs um for me personally i thought that   a lot of them would require a lot more ranging  and consolidation but we're actually seeing   coins like tomo go back to some of their old highs ocean looks okay rounded bottom this looks good on  higher time from charts in my opinion you'll see   just kind of this continued uh rounded bottom   this looks like rsr where you'll see something  like this like up and then down and like   you'll see in my opinion i think you'll see  like a cup and handle something like this that's that's my guess as to what happens  so like looking at the 77 area or 08 is the   level that i would i would view i'm guessing this  continues to chop up until that point though so ksm looks okay for right now kind of like a double bottom  on low time frame charts i'm using these fibs as sr levels like for an  active trade you'd want to look for 250 as a break   in my opinion something like this until  that's just going to be resistance so   expecting still more like chop overall  but like if you're looking for an active   trade look for a break of 250 and then go  from there like probably target like 300   uh and if the market overall looks pretty healthy  then you target even higher like 370 or so   ren similar chart as ocean and rsr and  all those others so just go ahead and   assume rounded bottom and then uh probably  resistance at like 64 or something like that crv this coin looks pretty bad not an active trade um resistance all throughout like the two dollar area this is a really choppy chart it's confusing to  me like i wouldn't buy it personally like if the   entire environment is just bullish like you know  you'll see a break of this and then i would target   um 270. this wouldn't surprise me at all but again  it's it's going to be more because all usd looks   good and not because like crv is like good if  that makes sense mitx don't know what this is um would view 64.064 as like an area of interest yeah that's like kind of  an area that's coming up so   should be i don't know if there's features  offered on this but i would uh short that area   it is formed a good base though it's something to  uh acknowledge is that this base has been formed   even earlier than the other coins that dumped  before so like you know other coins were really   pumping like beforehand and this pumped and then  just dumps a card but this dumped even this was   dumping before like the big big dump uh in may  so it's interesting to note that this has been   accumulating longer so therefore it might actually  have like a pretty strong run once it breaks 0.65  

because it has been accumulating even longer  than the other coins you know we saw many other   coins like accumulate recently but they've been  accumulating uh less time so this could actually   pump pretty strongly but similar to other  coins i would wait for a break of 065-ish file the file coin this is a [ __ ] coin as  they all are it looks good like in terms of the   volume coming in um i wouldn't necessarily buy i  don't think but it's interesting to see that this   65 cents area or so has been flipped  to support and price is uh able to   hold above it so we're seeing right now  we're seeing like you know all the support   all throughout this range in may and we see price  dump below and then it's resistance actually   uh right here in here so we're seeing resistance  uh and then now it's flipped to support uh don't really think this is i don't really know if this  is an active buy or not   i would definitely take some off at 88 cents  myself and then there's a psychological number   of i'm sorry 88 and then there's a psychological  number like 100 this will be kind of areas to view ramp uh looks like i did a chart of  this and thought it might have been   like a double bottom and i was horrifically wrong optimistically bullish back then didn't think  that price would dump as bad as it did of course   um this looks better than it did before because  i mean well there was a lot of volume that came   there but there was no follow-up here there  was actually some okay amount of volume but   to me this doesn't look really like uh bi um  to me it just still looks like it's ranging   good moves now but there is some  resistance uh for sure around 26 cents uh i wouldn't necessarily buy myself  though adam was in a consolidation range   broke down and then it entered a new  range here's the range that you're viewing it looks okay i mean not good or bad i'd probably wait for a break of [ __ ] 14  or so and then the test and range highs so   something like this and then test 17 and then  after 17 you'll see this area up next around 20.   but to me it's it's pretty likely that this  will hit the range high especially given   the environment so like you know 17 bucks  should be like the next resistance area up fct i reviewed this coin before this  actually looks pretty good um i think   this is actually one of the safer all coins  you can buy over the next few years because of   the backers and because this is just likely to  stay around for a few years like that's more than   like nearly every other all coin can say like who  knows what the [ __ ] ax a x axs is going to look   like in a few years given like all the new games  and nfts like you know it's really going to be   very interesting um to me this looks like kind of  the next area up though like this 50 to 53 area   um this is an area that i would definitely start  taking profit at but you know if if price starts   to dump if you are looking for a long time bag uh  ftt is probably one as i said in twitter i'm not a   sam worshipper like many other people are but like  i do think that they will be around for a while so   this is an area of i would view though it was  like 55 or so it looks good though i mean like   had pretty good recovery band i was observing  this structure on the four hours a very   weird one it's like kind of like higher highs and  higher lows and just like totally broke down but   i mean that's like a good example of like why you  should look at higher timeframe charts anyways um   like the the overall market structure on  this thing is just really bearish overall   uh it still to me is bearish like unless you  want to count this like as a high then it   created a higher high like recently but i don't  necessarily know if this is like a valid high   if it is then actually it looks pretty  good because what you're looking for at   this point now is like um you're you just  saw a potential breaking market structure   on the daily so like you see a  low and then you take a higher low and then you like if you don't if  you denote this as a high then you   you see a higher high but to me a better way of  visualizing this is just um i think it's just   like in a large consolidation honestly like this  entire thing is just like a big big range and i think it's just still like kind of an  accumulation mode from like four dollars to   nine i know that's like a pretty big price range  in general but um to me this is like a better   this is like how i'd rather view it myself  it's just like that price is in a range i do think similar to um adam though this is going to go to like  nine dollars i think that the range high is   pretty likely and you can see that this range  too like you know the sr this eq equilibrium   of the range is pretty like set as a good sr  level you can see this support support support   breakdown resistance resistance and now it  flips to support so something like this would   make sense to me like go up and then go back  down hdr this coin actually looks really good   once it flips 65 cents i think that the next  area of interest would be like this 90 cents area   uh there's a lot of confluence with that area more  like a dollar actually but this looks strong to me   if you're looking for an active trade i would  wait for a break of 65 and then go from there roon is a coin that i'm in uh i thought it was  going to go more like 10 but you know price   actually broke down like i still think that 10  is like pretty likely and i'm pretty happy that i   was able to buy some all throughout the fours and  fives um is this the overall bottom for roon i'm   not sure i mean the volume is absolutely insane  which is usually what you want to see for a bottom   um but for me i'm just playing at level level  i think that like 10 seems pretty good and   kind of possible for sure i did buy some at 640  actually i got very lucky very lucky to get filled   but i do have some lower  orders that didn't get filled   so i do think that ten dollars is the next  area up for roone anyways i hopefully you   guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for the  support and thanks for uh commenting on twitter

2021-08-11 07:45

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